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[Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Project Title] I NITIAL S TUDY/MITIGATED N EGATIVE D ECLARATION CSULB T ECHNOLOGY P ARK P HASE III S EPTEMBER 2017 C ITY OF L ONG B EACH, C ALIFORNIA APPENDIX C CULTURAL RESOURCES REPORTS P:\CLB1704\Draft ISMND\Draft ISMND.docx «09/05/17» CSULB T ECHNOLOGY P ARK P HASE III I NITIAL S TUDY/MITIGATED N EGATIVE D ECLARATION C ITY OF L ONG B EACH, C ALIFORNIA S EPTEMBER 2017 This page intentionally left blank P:\CLB1704\Draft ISMND\Draft ISMND.docx «09/05/17» HISTORIC RESOURCES ASSESSMENT CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH TECHNOLOGY PARK PHASE III PROJECT ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBERS 7402-021-020, 7402-021-021, 7402-021- 029, 7402-021-031, 7402-021-032, 7402-021-033, 7402-021-044, AND 7402-021-045 CITY OF LONG BEACH LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA August 2017 HISTORIC RESOURCES ASSESSMENT CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH TECHNOLOGY PARK PHASE III PROJECT ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBERS 7402-021-020, 7402-021-021, 7402-021- 029, 7402-021-031, 7402-021-032, 7402-021-033, 7402-021-044, AND 7402-021-045 CITY OF LONG BEACH LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Christopher Koontz, Advance Planning Officer Long Beach Development Services/Planning Bureau 333 West Ocean Boulevard, 5th Floor Long Beach, California 90802 Prepared by: Elisa Bechtel, MLitt LSA Associates, Inc. 1500 Iowa Avenue, Suite 200 Riverside, California 92507 (951) 781-9310 LSA Project No. CLB1704 August 2017 H ISTORIC R ESOURCES A SSESSMENT CSULB T ECHNOLOGY P ARK P HASE III P ROJECT A UGUST 2017 L ONG B EACH, C ALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT SUMMARY LSA Associates, Inc. (LSA) was retained by Long Beach Development Services to conduct a historic resources assessment of the California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) Technology Park Phase III Project (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers [APNs] 7402-021-020, 7402-021-021, 7402-021-029, 7402- 021-031, 7402-021-032, 7402-021-033, 7402-021-044, and 7402-021-045) located on the west side of the centerline of Cota Avenue between 20th Street and Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) in the City of Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California. The proposed project includes 205,300 square feet of warehousing land use, which includes approximately 20,000 square feet of office (including 10,000 square feet of proposed mezzanine office). There are two proposed alternatives for the project. Alternative 1 proposes to develop the building for occupation by a single tenant, with access to PCH provided via two driveways. Access will also be provided to Technology Place. Only egress will be permitted onto Cota Avenue. Alternative 2 proposes to develop the building for occupation by two tenants with equal square footage. Access to PCH will be provided via two driveways. Access will also be provided to Technology Place. Full access will be provided onto Cota Avenue. The City of Long Beach (City) as Lead Agency for the project required this study as part of the environmental review process to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of the study is to provide the City with the necessary information and analysis to determine whether the proposed project would cause substantial adverse changes to any historical resources that may exist in or around the project area, as mandated by CEQA. In 2013, LSA conducted a similar study for a different project that was to be located on the same site. As a result of that study, one historic-period (50 years of age or older) resource (the former gas meter building) was documented and evaluated for significance using the criteria for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources (California Register) and the City’s criteria for designation as a local Landmark (Title 2, Chapter 2.63 of the City’s Municipal Code). The former gas building was determined ineligible and not a historical resource pursuant to CEQA due to lack of integrity. As part of this study, LSA conducted additional archival research and a subsequent intensive-level field survey of the entire project area to identify any additional resources that now meet the age threshold of 50 years or older. As a result of these efforts, two office buildings and three covered carports were identified, documented, and evaluated as a part of this study. The buildings and structures have sustained alterations, retain a low level of architectural integrity, and do not meet either the California Register or the City’s Historic Landmark criteria. Therefore, the property is not a historical resource pursuant to CEQA and LSA recommends to the City a finding of No Impact regarding historic-period built environment resources. No further historic resources investigation is recommended for the project unless the development plans change to include areas not covered by this study. R:\CLB1704\Report revised August 2017.docx (8/25/2017) i H ISTORIC R ESOURCES A SSESSMENT CSULB T ECHNOLOGY P ARK P HASE III P ROJECT A UGUST 2017 L ONG B EACH, C ALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS MANAGEMENT SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... i TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................. ii FIGURES............................................................................................................................................ ii APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................ iii INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 1 HISTORICAL OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 4 METHODS ............................................................................................................................................... 7 ARCHIVAL RESEARCH ....................................................................................................................... 7 ARCHITECTURAL FIELD SURVEY ....................................................................................................... 7 RESULTS .................................................................................................................................................. 8 ARCHIVAL RESEARCH ....................................................................................................................... 8 World War II: Cabrillo Housing Project ..................................................................................... 8 FIELD SURVEY ................................................................................................................................. 11 SIGNIFICANCE EVALUATION ................................................................................................................. 17 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................... 17 California Register of Historical Resources .............................................................................. 17 City of Long Beach ................................................................................................................... 18 EVALUATION .................................................................................................................................. 19 Summary of History ................................................................................................................. 19 Significance Evaluation ............................................................................................................ 19 RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 22 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 23 FIGURES Figure 1: Regional and Project Location Map......................................................................................... 2 Figure 2: Project Aerial ........................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3: Project area in 1963. ............................................................................................................... 9 Figure 4: Project area in 1972. ............................................................................................................. 10 Figure 5: 1900 West 19th Street, eastern façade, view to the west (6/8/17). ...................................... 11 Figure 6: 1916 and 1908 West 19th Street, eastern façade, view to the west (6/8/17). ...................... 12 Figure 7: 1940 and 1948 West 19th Street, northern façade, view to the southwest (6/8/17). .......... 12 Figure 8: 1932 and 1940 West 19th Street, northern façade, view to the southeast (6/8/17). ........... 13 Figure 9: 1956 and 1948 West 19th Street, southern elevation, view to the northwest (6/8/17). ...... 13 Figure 10: Overview of property and fire damage, view to the east (6/8/17). .................................... 14 th Figure 11: Fire damage, western elevation of 1900 West 19 Street, view to the east (6/8/17). ...... 14 R:\CLB1704\Report revised August 2017.docx (8/25/2017) ii H ISTORIC R ESOURCES A SSESSMENT CSULB T ECHNOLOGY P ARK P HASE III P ROJECT A UGUST 2017 L ONG B EACH, C ALIFORNIA Figure
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