VOL II, Issue 19, September 23, 2015 New Mexico’s second-largest newspaper How Lobbyists Funnel Untraceable Cash PAGE 5 Lobo Fans Poised To Turn on Davie PAGE 7 Our Pick for City Council District 6 PAGE 16 ABQ’s Winning Weather Person PAGE 18 Diner & Drive-in Icons PAGE 22 Film Digs at Roots of Country Music PAGE 23 Music: Calexico Crosses Borderlands of Genre PAGE 27 2 • September 23, 2015 • ABQ FREE PRESS ABQ FREE PRESS • September 23, 2015 • 3 NEWS www.freeabq.com [ A & E ] www.abqarts.com Editor:
[email protected] [ ART ] of the Carters’ allure was a reaffirmation of the ideals and Associate Editor, News:
[email protected] The 19 Pueblos of New ABQ Free Press Local Briefs values of country life. Ways of Associate Editor, Arts:
[email protected] 20 Mexico have endured COMPILED BY ABQ FREE PRESS STAFF three waves of occupation doing and being were shunted Advertising:
[email protected] aside in favor of steel, the Jazz since the 16th century – first Coverup alleged glaze of the tiles used by Barbara guilty in January and agreed Age and feverish “progress.” On Twitter: @FreeABQ by Spain, then Mexico, then Grygutis, the original artist. to testify against Sanchez. At – Captain America reviews country- The former records custodian for the U.S. – yet their right to sentencing in December, Keesing Western music documentary “The the Albuquerque Police Depart- self-govern has been, relatively Recall dropped faces up to five years in prison, Editor speaking, uniquely respected. Winding Stream.” ment alleges that top officials at payment of unpaid federal APD, including Chief Gorden Dan Vukelich – In “Matters of the Art,” Lisa The recall income taxes and repayment of Barrow considers “The Original Eden, ordered him to find ways to (505) 345-4080.