The American Legion Magazine [Volume 49, No. 6 (December 1950)]
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31 THE AMERICAH HOW THE REDS INVADED RADIO By Louis F. Budenz The General Went Home Short Story by Marjorie Holmes Praised to the Skies No amount of "blue sky" claims can make a whiskey great. The only true test is — taste it. Then you'll know why Seagram's 7 Crown is always... praised to the skies! ^aa- Seagramsw/. Sure SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN. Blenrled Whiskey. 86.8 PROOF. 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. SEAGRAM-DISTILLERS CORP., CHRYSLER BLDG., N. Y, In some countries products are endorsed by the Our system of brand names and advertising is Crown, and bear the arms of the royal family. important to the American way of life for two That gives them prestige which stimulates sales. other basic reasons: But in democratic America our products are endorsed solely by the approval of the American 1. It develops broad markets for our goods, which in turn stimulate volume production. As a result, many people, and are identified by brand names and conveniences that woidd otherwise be luxuries can trademarks that have won esteem the hard way. be sold at prices almost everyone can afford. Here every product must stand on its own feet, and fight for survival in the intense competition 2. Brand competition spurs our manufacturers to of the market place. greater efforts to please us. And this results in con- Here there is no easy road to popularity or stant product improvement and the birth of many leadership—no suggestion from government as to new products to add to our comfort and happiness. what you shall buy or what you shall pay. Under our brand system, which is the very keystone in So as you read the advertisements of brand the structure of our free economy, people can manufacturers in this magazine, remember that separate the wheat from the chaff and make their your daily purchases of these brands are not only purchases solely on the basis of merit and appeal a guarantee of good values, but also a guarantee to their personal tastes and preferences. of continual progress in better living. INCORPORATED A NON PROFIT EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION • 37 WEST 57th ST., NEW YORK 19, N. Y. Have You All The Money You Want? VOL. 4S Nt. • EGION Walter Teason. this month's artist, had a Contents for Deeetnbci' 1950 difficult job in paint- START IN ing our Christmas cover. The glittering NEXT WEEK ornaments are hard THE GENERAL WENT HOME (fiction) to catch with paints BY MARJORIE EXTRA MONEY for you in just and even finding such HOLMES 11 TWO HOURS AN EVENING selling decorations these days His old friends didn't know what to expect from finest style - and - comfort shoes! presented a problem. this VIP Harry Williamson made $21.50 in a sincle day — Ch^iles Tuttle aver- The sparkling glass aged $80.00 a week! figures you see here Be Direct Factory man for this were brought to this HOW THE REDS INVADED RADIO NO-LACE styie — 164 other fast- country many years sellers for men, women. Big selec- ago from Germany BY LOUIS FRANCIS BUDENZ 14 tion — top grade leathers — fine workmanship — huge stock! and they're a warm A famous ex-commie takes you behind the headlines reminder that we We Show You HOW! want to wish you a Customers everywhere Merry Christmas! A ROOM THAT WILL GROW WITH YOUR CHILD eager to buv — experience not needed. Start by sell- BY ROBERT SCHARFF 16 ing a pair at home — or get POSTIVIASTER: Please A few changes will keep it from becoming datecJ a pair yourself. That will send copies returned prove quality, value, ex- under labels Form 3579 clusive features, UN- to Post Office Box EQUALLED comfort - FIT. THE LEGION'S NEW BOSS We show you easy, sure loss, Indianapolis 6« ways to cash in on big Indiana. BY ROBERT B. PITKIN 18 ^^^^^ demand! National Commander Erie Cocke is an exceptional Tlie Atnerican Legion person Mogazine is the official publication of The Ameri- \^*^^ Shoes TINY TOWN, PA 20 con Legion and is owned exclusively by The Ameri- It's like the miniature villages under many Xmass can Legion. Copyright trees, but more so Air-Cushioned 1950. Pubhdied monthly EXCLUSIVE at 1100 W. Broodway, Velvet-eez Air Louisville, Ky. Acceptance HE HELPS WITH Cushion insole cradles feet THEM SEE THEIR EARS on for moiling ot special rate a carpet of air bubbles. 5-second BY GLENN ANDERSON Demonstrator in outfit practical- of posloge provided for in 22 Section 1 ly Guarantees profitable sales. 103, Act of Oct. Bob Gunderson wants other blind people to enjoy life 3, 1917, authorized Jon. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING GUARANTY 5, 1925. Price single copy, 15 cents; yearly subscrip- LESS ROCKET, PLEASE! SEAL HELPS YOU CASH IN BIG! tion, $1.50. Entered as second class matter June BY W. F. MIKSCH 24 Everybody knows Good Housekeeping Seal 30, 1 948, at the Post on A rollicking account of a trip in a flying saucer Velvet-eez Shoes means satisfaction or money back. Office at Louisville, Ky., Helps CLINCH sales QUICK, builds customer con- under the Act of Marcfi fidence. 3, 1879. Non-member sub- MAIN STREET'S HEALTH scriptions should be sent MENTAL PROBLEM Sell MASOX to the Circulation Depart- BY MYRON STEARNS 26 ment of The American About a situation that concerns all of us directly Jackets • Legion Magazine, P. O, Coats! Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Increase your generous ad- Indiono. vance profits by taking easy orders for big selection of EXECUTIVE AND Warm. Sturdy, Handsome Jac- &ie ^atkiud^e^kmmm . ..29-36 kets and Coats! Tough Genu- ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES ine Horsehide. Soft Suede. Indianapolis Indiana Two-Tone Wool, popular Nylon 6, mixture Satin-Twill — nianv with quilted linings, warm fur EDITORIAL AND FeatMives collars, other features. In FREE ADVERTISING selling outfit, WRITE TODAY! PRODUCTS PARADE 4 MEMO TO THE LADIES.. 28 580 Fifth Avenue THE EDITORS' CORNER.. 6 NEWSLETTER 37 YOU DON'T INVEST A CENT! New York 19, N. Y. SOUND OFF! 8 VETS WITH IDEAS 47 PARTING SHOTS 64 EVERYTHING FURNISHED FREE WESTERN OFFICE Don't send 333 North Michigan Avenue Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not us a penny — now or ever — for this njoney-rnaking returned unless self-addressed, is included. opportunity! 46-year-old Leader Chicago I, Illinois be a stamped envelope the in field furnishes everything you need to begin &V^y'iW^lL^"stl,i'n"g''^ciu^*^,it%oX Please notify the John Stelle, McLeons- Earl L. Meyer, Alliance, Paul, Minn.; Harold A, ITMilLCy XFiH Deal. M 709. Chippewa Falls, Wis. Circulation Depart- boro, Illinois, Chairman Neb.; Charles E. Booth, Shindler, Newburgh, ment, Publications of the Legion Publico- Huntington, W. Va.; A. Ind.; Emmett Sofay, tions Commission; Dan C. Jackson, Lubbock, SELLING Division, P. O. Box Jacksonville, Flo.; Clo- W. Emmett, Ventura, Texos; Max Slepin, QUICK OUTFIT 1055, Indianapolis, vis Copelond, Little Colifornio and Lawrence Philadelphia, Pa.; Ro- Rock, Ark.; Poul B. Indiana, if you have W. Hager, Owensboro, land Baton Cocrehom, Dogue, Downington, MasonVhoe M(g,^^,, Dept. M-709 changed your ad- Kentucky, Vice-Choir- Rouge, La.; George D. Pa.; Josephus Daniels, Chippev/^F^JVtXWisctensin dress, using notice men. Members of the Boron, Bethany, Conn.; Jr., Raleigh, N. C; D. Rush big ^^£^^JIing form 22S which you Commission: J. Russell Long Armstrong, Spo- ^tfit.\how me how 1 con secure from Malta, Mon- kane, Earl Hitch- L. Sears, Toledo, Ohio; make quick TXTRA^t^^- >q spW time. Send big may Lorcombe, Wash.; tana; Dr. Charles R. cock, Glens Falls, N. Y.; George D. Levy, Sum- line of fast. selling\jip«!y and Sprments for men your Postmaster. Be Logan, Keokuk, lowc; Edgor Vaughon, St. ter, S. C. and women, including fSyKEi0\^ Slip On styles, sure to cut off the G. Velveleez Demonstrator,VotFS^.^!fles\ helps. Send address label on DirectOT of Publicatiom A dvisory Editor A dvertifing Director everything FREE and PREVID. o\n shoe size your Magazine and James F. O'Neil Alexander Gardiner Fred L. Maguire paste it in the space New York, N. Y. .\/.;n,/^in^; Editor provided. Always E.istern Adv. Mgr. Boyd B. Stuller WilliamM. DeVitalis give your 1950 James F. Barton A It Editor Western membership card Indianapolis, Ind. AlMorshol) Adv. Mgr. Fred E. Crawford, Jr. number and both A ss't to DiTCitor A fMH i.Ue Editors your new and Robert B. Pitkin Detroit A dr. Rep. Town State. your Frank Lisiecki old address. Editor JosephC. Keeley Irving Herschbein Charles 0. Hepler 2 • The American Legion Magazine • December, 1950 ^^Here's the home for family life at Army camps... / say Sgt. 1st Class Donald E. Fitzgerald and his pretty ivife, June, at an Army installation in the mid- ivest. They add. ''After dutyfrom coast to coast, we prefer the facilities of our trailer /jouie." The Bug Hunter Hoiv a rogue's gallery of insects Helped us win in the Pacific By FAIRFAX DOWNEY Before we invaded the Pacific Islands, a remarkable reconnais- sance had been made. It had taken place prior to 1918, for since then Jap-mandated territory had been closely guarded, and it concerned not garrisons and fortifications but bugs. Yet few scouts ever paid off better. Reports were filed on cards of the Department of Agriculture's index-catalogue of 100,000 animal parasites of the world. Our medics and services of supply rushed to consult it. From its information they began developing defenses "OUR PAYMENTS ARE CHEAPER THAN RENT," June tells us. "And when it's paid for furniture. against the insects and fungi we for, we have something to show our money ..