Council Minutes 22/07/10 (307K)
97 THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY & COUNTY OF CARDIFF The County Council of the City & County of Cardiff met at City Hall, Cardiff on Thursday 22 July 2010 to transact the business set out in the Council Summons dated 16 July 2010. Present County Councillor Hyde, Lord Mayor (in the Chair); County Councillor Dianne Rees, Deputy Lord Mayor. County Councillors Ali, Aubrey, Aylwin, Berman, Bowden, Bowen, Bridges, Burfoot, Burley, Carter, Chaundy, Clark, Ralph Cook, Richard Cook; Cowan, Cox, Kirsty Davies, Tim Davies, Dixon, Finn, Foley, Ford, Furlong, Gasson, Goodway, Greening, Clarissa Holland, Martin Holland, Hooper, Howells, Hudson, Ireland, Jerrett, Brian Jones, Margaret Jones, Jones- Pritchard, Joyce, Kelloway, Lansdown, Lloyd, Macdonald, McEvoy, McKerlich, Derrick Morgan, Elgan Morgan, Linda Morgan, Page, Jacqueline Parry, Keith Parry, Patel, Pickard, Piper, David Rees, Robson, Rogers, Rowland-James, Salway, Singh, Smith, Stephens, Wakefield, Walker, Walsh, Williams and Woodman. Apologies: County Councillors Burns , Grant, Goddard, Griffiths, Islam, Montemaggi, David Morgan and Pearcy (Prayers were offered by the Reverend Gareth Evans) (Council on 23 September 2010 amended these minutes by the transfer of the names of Burns and Pearcy from the attendance list to the list of apologies) 42 : MINUTES 17 JUNE 2010 The minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2010 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Lord Mayor, subject to the following typographical corrections. County Council of the City & County of Cardiff 22 July 2010 98 (a) Corporate Questions, Page 49 Proposed by Councillor Ralph Cook The amendment of the third sentence of the Supplementary question from Councillor Ralph Cook to read as follows: Do you share my concern that the 22,000 properties that are currently void in this list here, at least a quarter of them on the basis of the St.
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