Ischemic Optic Neuropathy in Ruptured Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm
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KISEP J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35 : 523-525, 2004 Case Report Ischemic Optic Neuropathy in Ruptured Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm Kyung - Suk Lee, M.D., Sung - Min Cho, M.D., Yong - Jun Cho, M.D., Seung - Koan Hong, M.D. Department of Neurosurgery, Chunchon Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Chuncheon, Korea A case of persistent monocular blindness probably resulting from the post-subarachnoid hemorrhage ischemic injury of the posterior optic nerve is reported. On admission, the patient was assessed as Hunt-Hess classification grade III, Fisher group IV. Uneventful surgery for clipping the neck of her small saccular anterior communicating artery aneurysm was performed on second hospital day via left pterional approach. She complained of total blindness of her left eye as she recovered from drowsy consciousness to be lethargic on first post-operative day; her left eye showed sluggish direct pupillary light reflex and normal optic fundoscopy. Her ensuing hospital course had been complicated by symptomatic vasospasm, bleeding tendency, subacute epidural hematoma, and hydrocephalus. She was independent on discharge. Ophthalmologic evaluation on 60th post-subarachnoid hemorrhage day showed total blindness and optic disc atrophy of her left eye. Probable ischemic optic neuropathy is another cause of the post-subarachnoid hemorrhage visual disturbance, especially after the rupture of anterior communicating artery aneurysms. KEY WORDS : Subarachnoid hemorrhage Anterior communicating artery aneurysm rupture Ischemic optic neuropathy. Introduction SAH and intrav- entricular hemorr- isual disturbances complicating aneurysmal subarachnoid hage as well as a V hemorrhage(SAH) are not uncommon, being caused small intracerebral mostly by various types of ocular hemorrhages(subhyaloid, hematoma in right preretinal, and vitreous hemorrhages). gyrus rectus (Fig. 1). The authors report a patient with monocular total blindness At that time cere- without any ocular hemorrhages following SAH due to a rup- bral angiography tured anterior communicating artery(ACoA) aneurysm, and was not available discuss on its pathogenesis. transiently in our hospital. So an em- Case Report ergency operation for the direct neck his 61-year old Korean woman had inadequately contro- clipping of the pro- T lled hypertension ; she had been healthy otherwise till bable AC-oA ane- Fig. 1. Initial brain computed tomography the day of admission when she suddenly complained of showing diffuse thick subarachnoid hem- urysm was perfor- severe headache and vomiting followed by deterioration of orrhage and intraventricular hemorrhage as med on the second consciousness. On admission, she was drowsy and showed well as a small intracerebral hematoma in hospital day. right gyrus rectus. high blood pressure(210/100) and neck stiffness. Her bilateral pupils were isocoric with prompt light reflex. Operation Her brain computed tomography(CT) revealed diffuse thick Under general anesthesia, a percutaneous lumbar cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) drain was installed. After left Received:October 23, 2003 Accepted:January 12, 2004 Address for reprints:Seung-Koan Hong, M.D., Department of pterional craniotomy and a curvilinear dural opening, ca 30cc Neurosurgery, Chunchon Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University of bloody CSF was drained through the lumbar drain to make College of Medicine,153 Kyodong, Chuncheon, 200-704 the tense brain ‘slack’. Usual left pterional approach was Korea Tel : 033) 252-9970, Fax : 033)242-9970 performed to the ACoA complex. Briefly, as a small volume E-mail : [email protected] of the posteromedial corner of left gyrus rectus was removed, VOLUME 35 May, 2004 523 Ischemic Optic Neuropathy ipsilateral distal A1, Heubner's artery, fronto-orbital branch obliterated ACoA and proximal A2 came into vision. Further careful dissection aneurysm without posterior to the ACoA complex disclosed three thin hypothalamic any residual neck branches and the contralateral proximal A2. Right Heubner's or any parent artery artery and hypoplastic A1, and the neck of the aneurysm were stenosis, poor vis- identified anterior to the ACoA complex. The dome of the ualization of right aneurysm was found to be embedded within the contralateral A1, good visualiza- gyrus rectus. A Sugita's fenestrated aneurysm clip with 6mm tion of the ophtha- straight blade was applied across the neck of the aneurysm lmic arteries, and a parallel to the ACoA ; ipsilateral A2 was preserved patent fetal type right po- within the fenestration. While the aneurysm was dissected sterior cerebral art- Fig. 3. Optic funduscopy on the 60th day and clipped, bilateral distal A1's were temporarily clipped after subarachnoid hemorrhage showing ery. For chemical twice(for 5 minutes respectively). optic disc atrophy in the upper half, deep angioplasty, 30cc After the brain retraction was removed, close observation excavation of disc and loss of the rim and of 0.3% papaverine lamina cribrosa of her left eye. confirmed that bilateral optic nerves and the optic chiasm were was injected slowly not compressed by any parts of the aneurysm clip. Throughout into the distal part of the left internal carotid artery. the operative procedure, the patient's medical conditions were On POD 14, small left frontotemporal epidural hematoma smooth and uneventful ; particularly her blood pressure was (EDH), scanty left frontal intracerebral hematoma and marked stable within normal range without any remarkable spontaneous bleeding tendency were detected. The EDH increased in size or induced hypotension. There were neither evident direct and she became stuporous on POD 15 when she was also surgical injury of the optic apparatus nor electrocoagulation affected by acute hospital acquired pneumonia at her right of any vessels concerned with the blood supply of the optic lower lung. Her EDH was removed surgically on the next nerves. day, and post-operatively her consciousness improved to be slightly drowsy. Post-operative course On post-SAH day 37, the third operation was performed to Immediate postoperative recovery was smooth. On first remove a left frontal liquefied subdural hematoma and to post-operative day(POD) her consciousness improved to be install a ventriculoperitoneal shunt ; 2 days later she could be somnolent, and she complained that her left eye was totally transferred to the general ward. blind. She had very mild left upper eyelid swelling ; she could She showed persistent blindness, sluggish direct light reflex, open her left eye widely, and showed no conjunctival edema. normal optic funduscopic finding of her left eye, but further Her left pupillary direct light reflex was sluggish. Her eyes ophthalmologic examination was hindered by her mental were normal on bedside optic funduscopy. Her ocular motility confusion and poor cooperation. She had mild mental confu- was normal. She was sion and Grade VI+ right leg weakness on discharge(post- alert around POD 7, SAH day 52). Ophthalmologic evaluation on post-SAH day but aggravated again 60 showed totally blind left eye(no light perception) and left to be lethargic aro- optic atrophy(Fig. 3). und POD 10 ; tran- sfemoral cerebral Discussion angiography(Fig. 2) revealed vasospa- isual disturbances in the patients with the aneurysmal sm at the right po- V SAH are caused in most occasions by post-SAH sterior communic- intraocular hemorrhages, by direct compression of the visual ating artery, left A1, pathway by the aneurysm sac, or due to the surgical trauma of and bilateral distal the optic apparatus during the operative clipping of the ane- Fig. 2. Transfemoral left internal carotid art- eriography on 10th postoperative day rev- anterior cerebral ar- urysmal neck. The authors believe those causes can be ruled ealing vasospasm at the anterior cerebral teries. out in this case. In reviewing literatures, the authors found artery as well as a well secured anterior co- mmunicating artery aneurysm without any The angiogram other unusual etiologies of the optic neuropathy following residual neck or any parent arterial stenosis. also showed a well aneurysmal SAH. Park & Shin(1987) reported a case of 524 J Korean Neurosurg Soc 35 KS Lee, et al. bilateral blindness subsequent to an ACoA aneurysm neck to prove vasospasm of those tiny arterial branches angiograg- clipping operation ; they speculated that binocular blindness in hically. their case resulted from the vascular insufficiency caused by It is clinically difficult to determine the etiology and pathog- induced hypotension and the compression of the eyeballs enesis of the monocular blindness of this case. Based on the during the operation5). Chung et al reported a case of combined neurologic and opthalmologic findings, such previously known ophthalmic artery occlusion, proptosis, compression optic causes as the surgical injury of the optic nerve, post-SAH oc- neuropathy, and palsy of the third nerve following an anterior ular hemorrhages, the optic nerve injury by an aneurysm itself, choroidal aneurysmal neck clipping operation; the authors or the orbital infarction syndrome can be ruled out. The authors suggested intra-operative saline in-flow into the orbit through think this case's monocular total blindness was most probably an iatrogenically made hole at the orbital roof as the pathologic caused by post-SAH ischemic posterior optic nerve injury. mechanism of the acute compartment syndrome of their case1). Zimmerman et al7), Kang3), and Noh et al4) reported cases of Conclusion the orbital infarction syndrome