Ua saunia faapitoa lenei Taiala mo i latou e iai mataaga mo maimoaga a malo mai fafo i soo se afioaga o .

O le sini o lenei Taiala ina ia fesoasoani ia te oe i aso taitasi e ala i ni manatu e faaleleia ai le:

• vaaia lelei o au malo, • faaleleia atili o outou mataaga,

• ausia o se tulaga manuia o lau pisinisi.

Ä make a success of your business your of success a make Ä

Ä improve the site, its facilities and the environment, and environment, the and facilities its site, the improve Ä

Ä look after your visitors, your after look Ä

It aims to assist in the day to day running of sites and provide ideas on how to: how on ideas provide and sites of running day to day the in assist to aims It

This manual is written especially for the Attraction Site Managers in Samoa. in Managers Site Attraction the for especially written is manual This



O lenei Taiala ua saunia mo i latou e iai Faapuupuuga O Upu ma a latou Uiga mataaga i totonu o le atunuu. EU European Union Saunia ma lomia e le NZAP Aid Programme Pulega o le Ofisa o Tagata Tafafao SAT$ Samoan Tala Maimoa Pusa Fale Meli 2272 SBEC Small Business Enterprise Centre , Samoa SPREP Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Novema 6, 2014 TRC Tourism Resource Consultants UNDP United Nations Development Lagolagoina ma Faatupeina e le Programme Malo o Niu Sila Polokalame mo le Atinae o le Pulega o VAGST Value Added Goods & Services Tax le Ofisa o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa

A fia maua se kopi o lenei lomiga ona faafesootai mai lea o le Ofisa o le Pulega o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa Fale o le Malo Fiame Mataafa Faumuina Mulinuu II, Apia, Samoa E mafai ona toe lolomi ma faaaoga

faamatalaga mai lenei lomiga ae ia Appleton Catherine

faailoa aloaia le lomiga. copyright: Illustrations

O ata na saunia ma o mea totino a given. is acknowledgement reproduced provided that appropriate appropriate that provided reproduced

Catherine Appleton. be can publication this from Material

Beach Road, Apia Road, Beach

PO Box 2272 Box PO

Tax The Samoa Tourism Authority Authority Tourism Samoa The

Services & Goods Added Value VAGST contact:

To obtain your copy of this publication publication this of copy your obtain To Programme

UNDP United Nations Development Development Nations United

November 6, 2014 6, November

TRC Tourism Resource Consultants Resource Tourism

Apia, Samoa Apia,

Environment Programme Environment

PO Box 2272 2272 Box PO SPREP Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Regional Pacific the of Secretariat

The Samoa Tourism Authority Authority Tourism Samoa The


Reproduced & Republished by Republished & Reproduced

SBEC Enterprise Business Small

European Union European EU Attraction Site in Samoa. in Site Attraction

This Manual has been produced for for produced been has Manual This Abbreviations and terms and Abbreviations



MATAUPU iv. Upu tomua

1. O le atia'e o tagata maimoa mai fafo

38. List of attraction sites attraction of List

Appendix 2 Appendix 3. Tulaga lelei mo mata'aga

37. List of useful contacts useful of List 1 Appendix Appendices Vaega Muamua O le tausiga o tagata maimoa 4

5. Aisea e afea ai lou mataaga ?

Closing note Closing 36.

6. O a manaoga o au malo?

Support organizations Support 34.

7. la e malamalama i uiga o tagata tafafao

Business planning Business 32.

8. O le faafeiloaia o malo

Training your staff your Training 31.

9. O le tuuina atu o faamatalaga e faatatau i lou mataaga

New ideas for extra income extra for ideas New 28.

Setting the price right price the Setting 26.

Vaega Lona Lua O le vaaia lelei o lou mataaga 11

Running your Business 24 Business your Running Part three Part 12. O mea e tatau ona iai i mataaga

15. O isi mea e tatau ona fai

Visitors’ safety Visitors’ 22.

17. O le faamatagofieina o lou mataaga

Environmental management Environmental 19.

20. O le saogalemu o au malo

Site beautification Site 18.

Additional facilities Additional 15.

Vaega Lona Tolu O le faatinoina o lau pisinisi 22

Basic facilities Basic 12.

24. O le faiga sa’o o tau

Managing your site & environment 11 environment & site your Managing Part two Part 25. Nisi galuega e maua ai seleni

29. Fuafuaga faapisinisi

Providing information about your site your about information Providing 9.

30. Faalapotopotoga e maua ai se fesoasoani

Meeting and greeting and Meeting 8.

33. Upu faaiu

Understanding your visitors’ behaviour visitors’ your Understanding 7.

What are your visitors’ needs? visitors’ your are What 6.

Faamatalaga Faaopoopo

Why have they come to your attraction? your to come they have Why 5.

34. Faamatalaga faaopoopo 1

Looking after your visitors 4 visitors your after Looking Part one Part Mo fuafuaga mo le mauaina o fesoasoni

35. Faamatalaga faaopoopo 2

Introduction 1 Introduction Lisi o mataaga

About the manual the About v.

Foreword iv.




UPU TOMUA O le sini o lenei Taiala o le fesoasoani lea ia te oe i nisi manatu fou e saga faaleleia ai au auaunaga mo tagata maimoa.

O le faaaogaina o lenei Taiala Ua fuafuaina lenei Taiala ina ia faigofie ona faaaoga ma malamalama ai tagata. Ua le gata ina tele ata ae ua faapena foi ona faaaoga faasino ala faapitoa e vave ai ona e maua itu taua. O nisi nei o mea e ao ina tausisi iai i le faaaogaina o le Taiala.

ÂÂ Faasolo faitau mataupu taitasi ÂÂ Talanoa ma lou aiga i nei mataupu ÂÂ Maitau se mataupu e te le malamalama ai ona fesili lea i le Ofisa o le Pulega o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa mo se tali ÂÂ E iai nisi faamatalaga e le talafeagai mo lou mataaga. Faailoga mataupu

e fetaui lelei mo oe.

O se faamatalaga i lenei Taiala site. particular your to relevant most is which information the mark

O mataupu o loo talanoaina i lenei Taiala ua filifili mai ia outou talosaga e pei ona and through go to need you so applicable be will mentioned points the all talanoaina i aoaoga e lua sa faia i lenei tausaga. not that find will You guide. general a only is Manual this that Remember

E le mafai i lenei lomiga ona aofia uma ai mataupu e tatau ona talanoaina i le

Samoa Tourism Authority. Tourism Samoa vaaia o mataaga ae ua na o se faasino ala i vaega e tatau ona iai muamua faatasi

ai ma nisi e maua mai ai se fesoasoani. more about so you could ask about it next time you visit the the visit you time next it about ask could you so about more

Make a note of anything you don’t understand or need to know know to need or understand don’t you anything of note a Make V

• O le Vaega Muamua e te maua mai ai ni auala ma vaega e tatau ona e V malamalama ai i au malo, ma o latou mana’oga. site.

• O le Vaega Lona Lua o lo’o fa’asino atu ai ni auala lelei e pulea ma vaai

V Go through them with your family and others who help at your your at help who others and family your with them through Go

ai lou mataaga, o le faamatagofieina ma auala e malu puipuia ai au malo V • O le Vaega Lona Tolu o loo iai ni fautuaga mo oe ina ia avea ai lou time. a at one topics

mataaga ma pisinisi lelei. Don’t try and read the whole Manual in one go, read through the the through read go, one in Manual whole the read and try Don’t V V

illustrations. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of the Manual. the of out most the get you help to tips few a are Here illustrations. text, you will find handy pointers, check-lists, and lots of new ideas and and ideas new of lots and check-lists, pointers, handy find will you text,

FAAAOGA NEI AVANOA... e overwhelming of Instead friendly. user be to designed is Manual This te mafaufau ai pe faapefea Manual this use to How ona faatino nei tulaga i lou


environment and make a success of your business. your of success a make and environment

ideas on how to look after your visitors, improve your site facilities & & facilities site your improve visitors, your after look to how on ideas

This Manual aims to assist in the day to day running of sites and provide provide and sites of running day to day the in assist to aims Manual This




O le a e iloa mai lenei faatomuga le taua o mataaga i totonu o Samoa. O le a faamanatu atu ai foi ia te oe nofoaga o iai mataaga i le atunuu ma itu taua o ia nofoaga.


a business. a

provides you with some basic tips about running your site as as site your running about tips basic some with you provides three Part

beautify and keep your site safe. site your keep and beautify

looks at how to manage and maintain your facilities as well as as well as facilities your maintain and manage to how at looks two Part

so that you can look after them whilst they are at your site. your at are they whilst them after look can you that so

is designed to help you understand your visitors and their needs needs their and visitors your understand you help to designed is Part one Part VAOMATUA MA VAEGA ALA SAVALI


pointed you in the direction of further help. further of direction the in you pointed

of managing your site, but we have made a start and in many cases cases many in and start a made have we but site, your managing of

Remember that in one volume it is not possible for us to cover all aspects aspects all cover to us for possible not is it volume one in that Remember

you with the basic information you need to make a success of your site. your of success a make to need you information basic the with you

meant as an introduction to Attraction Site Management, and provides provides and Management, Site Attraction to introduction an as meant

to us by some of the tour operators and tourists who visit your sites. It is is It sites. your visit who tourists and operators tour the of some by us to

at the two attraction workshops, as well as the comments and ideas given given ideas and comments the as well as workshops, attraction two the at

The topics covered in this Manual are based on the requests you made made you requests the on based are Manual this in covered topics The




O LE ATINA'E O TAGATA MAIMOA MAI FAFO Ua mafua ona iai lenei atinae ona o le femalaga’i o tagata ae tuua o latou aiga mo se vaitaimi pu’upu’u e tafafao ma maimoa i isi atunuu.

O se atinae fou lenei i Samoa ma o loo taumafai pea e atia’e nofoaga, mataaga atoa ai ma nisi mea e talafeagai ma manaoga o tagata tafafao maimoa mai fafo. E taua tele lea atinae aua e le gata ina maua mai ai ni seleni ae e faapea foi

ona maua ai galuega a tagata i vaega eseese

o le atunuu e pei o malae vaalele, faletalimalo, O ANA RESERVES

FOREST & WILDLIFE WILDLIFE & FOREST fale apitaga tu matafaga, ma faleaiga. TRAILS WALKING

O le a le taua o mataaga? E taua aua e faatosina mai ai tagata tafafao maimoa mai fafo e matamata iai ona e lei vaai muamua i ituaiga nofoaga faapea. E le gata i lea e avea ma maimoaga ma vaega e faaalu ai taimi ma tupe a tagata tafafao maimoa ao fai malologa i Samoa nei. O le lelei o mataaga o le umi foi lea ona fia nonofo tagata tafafao maimoa i totonu o se atunuu.

O a ituaiga mataaga o iai nei? O NOFOAGA O LE VAVAU

FRESH WATER POOLS WATER FRESH E tele ni nofoaga matagofie i Samoa e fia WATERFALLS matamata i ai tagata tafafao aemaise o nofoaga o le vavau. E tusa ma le 55 ni mataaga o iai nei i totonu o ma Savaii. O nisi e latalata i le sami a o nisi foi e tu i uta i le vaomatua. E 8 ituaiga maimoaga e maua i Samoa nei; 77 O afu, 77 Vaitaele, 77 Vaomatua ma nofoaga o faasao, 77 Ala savali, 77 O ana, 77 O le lava, 77 O nofoaga o le vavau, O NOFOAGA MAUPUEPUE

77 O nofoaga maululuga e matamata ai i MO MAIMOAGA

laufanua o le atunuu. located. are sites different the where and offer to has Samoa

visitor attractions in Samoa. You will be reminded of all the different attractions attractions different the all of reminded be will You Samoa. in attractions visitor

In this introductory section you are going to learn about the important role of of role important the about learn to going are you section introductory this In





sites so you can get new ideas about improving your own site. own your improving about ideas new get can you so sites E tofu lava nei vaega eseese ma aoga. O nisi nofoaga ua aoga mo se vaaiga

" after reading this manual you may like to visit other similar attraction attraction similar other visit to like may you manual this reading after " mamao i le laufanua o le atunuu a’o nisi e o iai tafaoga a tagata. O le afea soo o le

" visitors may ask you about the locations of other sites, and sites, other of locations the about you ask may visitors " mataaga e iloa ai iina le tulaga lelei o iai le vaaiga ma le pulea lelei o le mataaga.

about the different attraction sites around Samoa. This is because: is This Samoa. around sites attraction different the about As an Attraction Site Manager, there are several reasons why is useful to know know to useful is why reasons several are there Manager, Site Attraction an As O fea e iai nei mataaga? Afai e iai sou mataaga, e taua foi lou iloa o isi nofoaga e iai mataaga ona o

Where are the attractions in Samoa? in attractions the are Where mafuaaga nei:

of visitors that visit is very much dependent on how well you manage the site. the manage you well how on dependent much very is visit that visitors of

to attract and entertain visitors. The amount of time visitors spend and the number number the and spend visitors time of amount The visitors. entertain and attract to ♦♦ E ono fesili atu malo ia te oe pe ete iloa nofoaga e iai nisi mataaga,

. What they all have in common is their ability ability their is common in have all they What . ♦ swimming or looking at native at looking or swimming trees ♦ E te ono fia asia nisi o nei mataaga pe a maea ona e faitau i lenei Taiala Different sites have different roles. Some are just for seeing, others for hiking, hiking, for others seeing, for just are Some roles. different have sites Different ina ia e maua mai ai foi nisi lesona aoga e faaleleia ai ou mataaga.

♦♦ Vaai i le faafanua i le mea o iai ia mataaga.

historical &and legendary sites, and viewpoints. and sites, legendary &and historical *

lava formations, lava




walking trails, walking

* 1. 8. Palolo Deep 21. Pupu i Taga 32. Fale o le fee

forest & wildlife reserves, reserves, wildlife & forest

* 2. Fuipisia 9. Sataoa 22. Ana Pea Pea 33. Maota o

fresh water pools, water fresh

* 3. Sopoaga 10. Saanapu 23. Ana i Paia 34. Tulagavae o Moso


* 4. Togitogiga 11. Uafato 24. Saleaula 35. Liu ma I’a

These can be divided up into eight main types according to their characteristics:. their to according types main eight into up divided be can These 5. Papaseea 12. Tafua 25. Piula 36. Tia Seu

around Upolu and Savaii, some are near the sea and others others and sea the near are some Savaii, and Upolu around in the forest. forest. the in

are deep are

6. Afu Aau 13. 26. Mataolealelo 37. Fafa o Saualii approximately fifty sites of interest located in different areas different in located interest of sites fifty approximately There sites.

are alalaupapa Samoa is blessed with a large variety of beautiful natural and historic attraction attraction historic and natural beautiful of variety large a with blessed is Samoa Falealupo Vaomatua 7. Mu Pagoa 14. 27. Lualoto 38. Aga o Saualii

What type of attraction sites are there? are sites attraction of type What 15. Aopo-Mauga Silisili 28. Vaisafee visit but also for longer periods of time. time. of periods longer for also but visit Tufutafoe Auala 16. 29. Fusipotopoto

their money. Higher quality of attractions will not only ensure that more guests guests more that ensure only not will attractions of quality Higher money. their 17. Sasina 30. To Sua things for visitors to see and do, and importantly, opportunities for them to spend spend to them for opportunities importantly, and do, and see to visitors for things 18. Tiavea - ana o pe’a 31. Mauga

because they provide entertainment for the visitors while they are in Samoa, Samoa, in are they while visitors the for entertainment provide they because Satoalepai - faasao

homes to come and explore sites they haven’t seen before. They are important important are They before. seen haven’t they sites explore and come to homes 19. laumei

‘Visitor attractions’ get their name because they ‘attract’ people away from their their from away people ‘attract’ they because name their get attractions’ ‘Visitor 20. Vaea

Why are visitor attractions important? attractions visitor are Why

clubs and of course visitor attraction sites. attraction visitor course of and clubs

Samoa; airports, taxis & buses, hotels, beach fales & resorts, restaurants, bars & & bars restaurants, resorts, & fales beach hotels, buses, & taxis airports, Samoa;

because it provides both money and jobs for people in many different parts of of parts different many in people for jobs and money both provides it because

being developed to cater to the needs of tourists. It is already very important important very already is It tourists. of needs the to cater to developed being

Tourism is quite a new business in Samoa and activities and facilities are still still are facilities and activities and Samoa in business new a quite is Tourism


and facilities which cater to and entertain these people whilst they are away from from away are they whilst people these entertain and to cater which facilities and

period. The word tourism can be used to describe all the businesses, activities activities businesses, the all describe to used be can tourism word The period.

Tourism takes place when people decide to go away from their homes for a short short a for homes their from away go to decide people when place takes Tourism

tourism? is What




20. Vaea



Satoalepai - faasao faasao - Satoalepai

Mauga 31. pe’a o ana - Tiavea 18.

To Sua To 30. Sasina 17.


29. 16.


Tufutafoe Tufutafoe

28. Silisili Aopo-Mauga 15. Vaisafee


27. 14. Pagoa Mu 7. Aga o Saualii o Aga 38.

Falealupo Vaomatua Falealupo

Tufutafoe Tufutafoe


Mataolealelo 26. 13. 6. Fafa o Saualii o Fafa 37.

Afu Aau Afu

Falealupo Falealupo

25. 12. 5. Tia Seu Tia 36. Piula Tafua Papaseea

Saleaula 24. 11. 4. Liu ma I’a ma Liu 35. Uafato Togitogiga

23. Saanapu 10. Sopoaga 3. Tulagavae o Moso o Tulagavae 34. Ana i Paia i Ana

22. Sataoa 9. 2. Maota o Nafanua o Maota 33. Ana Pea Pea Pea Ana Fuipisia

21. 8. 1. 32. Pupu i Taga i Pupu Deep Palolo Falefa Fale o le fee le o Fale









attraction site. attraction

to make a success of your of success a make to

group .visitors if you are going going are you if .visitors group

activities you offer. you activities

needs of independent and and independent of needs VAEGA MUAMUA O LE TAUSIGA O TAGATA MAIMOA

you about all the facilities and and facilities the all about you You need to 'learn about the the about 'learn to need You

will need more information from from information more need will

As they are on their own, they they own, their on are they As O le a e iloa mai lenei vaega

money to spend on souvenirs on spend to money ni faamatalaga e uiga i au

drinks, and are likely to have more more have to likely are and drinks,

groups malo, o mea e mananao ai

backpackers, students or family family or students backpackers, and welcome welcome and ula

appreciate appreciate ma auala ete tali atu ai i ia

They may be young young be may They

their home country and will often often will and country home their manaoga.

a tour that was organised from from organised was that tour a

tour guide tour

The older groups may be with with be may groups older The Afai e te manao e sologa lelei taxi or in a hire car without a a without car hire a in or taxi

• lou mataaga e tatau ona e iloa They arrive either by local bus, bus, local by either arrive They

They visit with their own guide own their with visit They ni faamatalaga i tagata e ono

Scenic or Polynesian Xplorer Polynesian or Scenic

friends asia lou mataaga. O ai nei

the tour companies like Samoa Samoa like companies tour the

as a family, couple or group of of group or couple family, a as tagata? Aisea e fia o atu ai?

• • Those that arrive on their own own their on arrive that Those Those who arrive with one of of one with arrive who Those


E lua ituaiga malo e asia lou mataaga; o malo mai fafo ma malo mai totonu lava

of overseas visitors, independent tourists and group tourists. group and tourists independent visitors, overseas of o le atunuu.

Island Countries and may come at anytime during the week. There are two kinds kinds two are There week. the during anytime at come may and Countries Island

from New Zealand or Australia, Europe or the United States, or other Pacific Pacific other or States, United the or Europe Australia, or Zealand New from Malo mai fafo

the people you normally regard as the tourists. They may be on holiday holiday on be may They tourists. the as regard normally you people the are These These E asiasi mai nei tagata mai atunuu mamao e iai Niu Sila, Ausetalia, Europa poo Amerika atoa ai ma motu o le

Overseas visitors Overseas Pasefika. O nei malo o ni tagata taitoatasi poo tagata e o

two types of visitors; overseas visitors and local visitors. local and visitors overseas visitors; of types two There are There mai i malaga toatele.

Who are your visitors? your are Who TAGATA TAITOATASI AUMALAGA TOATELE

they are at your site? your at are they • E aofia ai ulugalii; • O Tagata nei a avatu e kamupani

and what do they need whilst whilst need they do what and latou te faia malaga toatele e pei are they? Why do they visit visit they do Why they? are • O ni aiga e o atu i ou mataaga i

o le Samoa Scenic Tours po o le about your customers. Who Who customers. your about pasi o le auala poo taavale la’u

Polynesian Explorer.

need to start by learning learning by start to need pasese of your visitor attraction you you attraction visitor your of • E iai lava le taitai malaga

• E talavou ma o le toatele e If you want to make a success success a make to want you If aooga • O malaga a tagata matutua e

fiafia lava ae faafeiloai i ni ‘ula ma look after them. after look E manaomia tele e nei tagata

• sina niu, ma e ono faatau ni mea

are and how you can best best can you how and are faamatalaga i ou mataaga. taulima mai lou mataaga

they visit, what their needs needs their what visit, they

learn about your visitors, why why visitors, your about learn • O malaga a tagata talavou e ono o In part one you are going to to going are you one part In tafaoga e alu ai le aso atoa Tagata tafafao mai Samoa

E toatele lava tagata Samoa poo papalagi e nonofo i Samoa e asiasi solo i


PART ONE PART mataaga mo tafaoga. O nei tafaoga o ni aiga ma ni uo, aoga toatele poo se au




AISEA E AFEA AI LOU MATAAGA E asiasi atu tagata ona o loo fia malolo mai galuega masani. E eseese foi mafuaaga e tafafao ai tagata.


I ituaiga tagata hotels. local in brochures also

Malo mai Fafo you and sign visible and clear

maimoa e ono asia

for them. for

E o mai nei tagata ona latou te fia iloa pe faape’i Samoa. lou mataaga a has guidebooks, the in

sure your site is on the map, map, the on is site your sure make special arrangements arrangements special make

visitors you will have to make make to have will you visitors be arriving then you could could you then arriving be

• you know when a group will will group a when know you


with the tour companies. If If companies. tour the with

friends or other travellers. other or friends

• E asia lou mataaga ona o • E asia lou mataaga ona o arrangements make to have your site from their hotel, hotel, their from site your

mafuaaga nei: mafuaaga nei: you tourists group attract To

• They may have heard about about heard have may They

• Sa faitau i lomiga faapitoa i • Ua avea le maimoaga i lou site and decided to have a look a have to decided and

lou mataaga ma ua fia asiasi mataaga ma se tasi o vaega o your at stops which tour day guidebook or touring map map touring or guidebook

atu ai le polokalame o le malaga a take to chosen have They have seen your site in the the in site your seen have

arranged tour itinerary tour arranged

• Na latou iloa mai lou mataaga • E avea lou mataaga e fai ma and car hire a with own their

• Your attraction is part of a pre- a of part is attraction Your • mai a latou uo pe sa faasino tafaoga i lena itu o le atunuu on exploring be may They

atu foi e faletalimalo i Apia o


A e manaomia ni malaga because:

loo nonofo ai •

Choose to come to your attraction attraction your to come to Choose tetele ona faafesootai lea o attraction your to come to Choose

• Ia mautinoa o lo o iai lou kamupani e gafa ma malaga

GROUP TOURISTS TOURISTS GROUP mataaga i luga o le faafanua toatele. Ina ia lelei ona e tali TOURISTS INDEPENDENT

ma tusi Taiala. Ia lava auala e mai i ia Malaga.

faalauiloa atu ai lou mataaga. offer to has Samoa what Your overseas guests have travelled a long way to see see to way long a travelled have guests overseas Your

Tagata tafafao o Samoa visitors Overseas

O nei tagata e o atu ma o latou aiga mo ni tafaoga ma maua ai se fiafiaga. E experiences. of types different

masani ona o atu ma fai ai se latou papakiu. Tausi lelei malo e te iloa e o atu soo. for looking be will visitors of types Different work.

a day out to relax or having a holiday from their normal normal their from holiday a having or relax to out day a

When visitors visit your attraction they are either having having either are they attraction your visit visitors When



that normally come come normally that

the type of visitors visitors of type the

village trip, normally at the weekend. the at normally trip, village


Ñ those who arrive in a bus as part of a large large a of part as bus a in arrive who those Ñ

overseas, and overseas,

family perhaps with visiting relatives from from relatives visiting with perhaps family

Ñ those who visit in small groups of friends or or friends of groups small in visit who those Ñ

There are again two types; two again are There

other nearby villages and the palagi that live in Samoa. Samoa. in live that palagi the and villages nearby other

These are the Samoan visitors who come from Apia or or Apia from come who visitors Samoan the are These

Local visitors Local



O A MANAOGA O AU MALO? O tagata Samoa e le manaomia tele sau fesoasoani sei vagana tagata mai fafo. O nisi nei o auaunaga e manaomia e tagata tafafo uma.

Ia faafeiloaia i latou

E taua le maua e le tagata tafao o le lagona

as well as well placed litter bins. bins. litter placed well as well as

to swim at your site. site. your at swim to o le tali leleia o ia aemaise pe a iai nisi e le

rooms, particularly if there is a place place a is there if particularly rooms,

park, signs to direct tourists to the site site the to tourists direct to signs park, o mautinoa lelei po o sa’o le mataaga ua alu Will also need toilets and changing changing and toilets need also Will

Need a good access road,a car car road,a access good a Need iai. ALL SITES... ALL SOME SITES... SOME

Ia lava faamatalaga e tuu atu i lou mataaga

E iai ni tulaga e fia maua ai e tagata tafafao

The facilities you need will depend on the type of attraction site you have you site attraction of type the on depend will need you facilities The ni faamatalaga: Prepare facilities Prepare * Poo fea tonu e tu ai le mataaga,

* Pe faapefea ona oo iai

site which you can give visitors when they pay their entrance fee. entrance their pay they when visitors give can you which site * O le a le tau o le ulufale You can provide this information verbally, with signs or in a brochure about your your about brochure a in or signs with verbally, information this provide can You * O a nisi auaunaga e maua ai

* O a taimi e tapunia ai

× rules

× * Pe saogalemu le mataaga mo tafaoga

what facilities you have and; have you facilities what ×

× * Pe mama le nofoaga o le mataaga.

× how much the entrance fee is, fee entrance the much how ×

× how to get to it, to get to how

× E mafai ona e faamatala gutu iai pe tusia foi i se laupapa (faailoilo) poo se lomiga

× where the main attraction is, attraction main the where

× faapitoa e mafai ona tufatufaina.


Your guests need to find out a few things about your attraction when they first first they when attraction your about things few a out find to need guests Your O le saunia o auaunaga

Provide information Provide O auaunaga e te ofoina atu e faalagolago i le ituaiga mataaga:

meet and greet your visitors. your greet and meet

choice. The following section looks at how to to how at looks section following The choice.

about whether they have made the right right the made have they whether about

independent visitors who may be unsure unsure be may who visitors independent Guests need to feel welcomed especially especially welcomed feel to need Guests

Meet and greet your visitors your greet and Meet SOO SE MATAAGA... NISI MATAAGA...

nearly all visitors would appreciate... would visitors all nearly ia lelei le auala, o se nofoaga e e tatau ona iai ni faleese ma ni

Here are some facilities and services that that services and facilities some are Here tutu ai taavale, ose faasinoala potu e sui ai tagata aemaise pe

visitors may need more help and advice. advice. and help more need may visitors ma ni kalone lapisi. a faapea e fai ai ni taelega.

be quite independent, whilst overseas overseas whilst independent, quite be

have different needs. Samoan visitors may may visitors Samoan needs. different have

You will find that different types of visitors visitors of types different that find will You





Faamatagofie lou mataaga E manaomia le matagofie o le siosiomaga o lou mataaga. E le tau faia ni togalaau tetele ma vali papa’e maa ae ia lava ni laau paolo e fiafia manulele e ofaga iai.

Fai ni galuega e mafai ona faatau atu A e manao e faaalu tupe a tagata tafafao i lou mataaga, ona fai lea o ni galuega e

faatau atu ai ni oloa e pei o galuega taulima poo ni meaai ma vai inu. holiday. on are they when dress like a Samoan Samoan a like dress

tourists find it hard to to hard it find tourists

Ia saogalemu tagata i lou mataaga one. have overseas, so will the the will so overseas,

your visitors and lend them a lavalava if they do not not do they if lavalava a them lend and visitors your

O lau matafaioi o le saogalemu o lou mataaga ina ia leai ni faalavelave e tutupu go you when palagi

they dress at your site, you will need to explain this to to this explain to need will you site, your at dress they

mai. O ni faafitauli e iai ni tofe, aega maualuluga, taifau taaloa ma ni gaoiga. a like dress to difficult

If your village feels strongly about tourists and how how and tourists about strongly feels village your If Just as you might find it it find might you as Just

example bikinis. They may not even have a lavalava. lavalava. a have even not may They bikinis. example

IA E MALAMALAMA I UIGA O TAGATA TAFAFAO for body, their reveal that clothes swimming usual their E iai nisi aga a papalagi ete le masani ai ma e ono le fiafia ai e pei o: wear usually women palagi that is reason other The

* Lavalava,

* Faiga o tala, clothes. long wear to hot too it find and Samoa in

* Manatu i le faaaogaina o tupe. climate the to used not are they that is this for reason

dress in a way that might seem rude in Samoa. One One Samoa. in rude seem might that way a in dress

O lavalava even they sometimes and Samoans than clothes less

O le toatele o tagata tafafao e le tele ni ofu e fai ona o le vevela o le tau ma e ono wear to tend visitors overseas that notice will You faasese ina ai manatu o tagata Samoa, pe ua le faaaloalo. O le tele o tamaitai e Dress

fai ofu vae pupuu ma mitiafu lima mumutu pe ways of thinking about money. about thinking of ways


faaaoga ofu taele e aliali ai itu tino. Afai e le U

U ways of talking, and talking, of ways

talia ia tulaga i totonu o le nuu ona faamatala U


ways of dressing, of ways

lelei lea i tagata tafafao. U

three areas of noticable differences; noticable of areas three

O le tautala identified have we this, understand family your and you help To you. to strange

O le toatele o tagata tafafao e ese le tautala seem may that way a in act often will overseas, from those especially Visitors, i lau faalogo ma e fesili soo foi. E le fealofaia BEHAVIOUR VISITORS YOUR UNDERSTANDING

tala ma e tilotilo sao mai i ou mata. E ui ina le

faapea tagata Samoa e faaaloalo ia aga, ae site. your vandalise

o le ituaiga tautala lea e iloa ai e le papalagi o don’t visitors sure make to need also You visitors. other from hassle and theft

loo e tautala sao atu ia te ia. dogs, hazards, health slopes, cliffs, include dangers Possible accidents. any have

It is your responsibility to make sure your site is safe so that your visitors don’t don’t visitors your that so safe is site your sure make to responsibility your is It O tupe security and safety Ensure

E le o tagata tafafao uma mai fafo e tele ni

tupe. O le toatele o tagata e tafafao mai ua drink. and food handicrafts, like buy, and do to

leva ni tausaga o tau saili tupe e fai malologa them for things have to need you site your at money spend to visitors want you If ai. O le ala lena e foliga ai e le o ni tagata mata sell to things and activities Arrange

A faigata ona e laei i ofu o mau. Taumafai ete malamalama i le tulaga, o

papalagi pe a e malaga I fafo, le totogi o le tupe ua talafeagai ma tulaga o le birds. native attract will which trees shady tall of

e faapena foi ona faigata i auaunaga. E le fiafia tagata maimoa mai fafo lots with setting natural a have to better its stones, painted white and flowers with

papalagi ona oofu e pei o garden a mean to have not does This environment. attractive an need sites All

pe a iloa ua soona tu’u i luga lau tau ae e le tagata Samoa. site your Beautify

lelei au auaunaga ma le taliina o i latou.




clean and natural. and clean E fiafia tagata e oo atu i lou mataaga pea

to go to the expense of buying uniforms, just be be just uniforms, buying of expense the to go to faafeiloaia i latou ae maise pe afai o ni malo

and tidy when they greet visitors. There is no need need no is There visitors. greet they when tidy and taitoatasi. O nisi nei o mea ete sauni i ai mo

your site your

It is important that the welcome person is clean clean is person welcome the that important is It le faafeiloaia o au malo.

welcoming visitors to to visitors welcoming

Decide on a dress code dress a on Decide MAKE A PLAN... for for PLAN... A MAKE Ia iai se tagata e faafeiloaia malo

O le toatele o malo e faatusa

are on ‘welcoming duty’. ‘welcoming on are le lelei o auaunaga ma le tupe Faasolo tagata o lou aiga e faia lea tiute ma

make sure that everyone knows which day they they day which knows everyone that sure make faamamafa iai le taua o le laei mama ma aua

members of your family or village committee, but but committee, village or family your of members le soona faia nisi tifiga e le masani ai.

day. You can perhaps rotate this duty amongst amongst duty this rotate perhaps can You day.

meeting and greeting the visitors on any particular particular any on visitors the greeting and meeting Ia faatulafonoina lavalava o lau aufaigaluega

It is best if only one person is responsible for for responsible is person one only if best is It Ia mama foliga ma lavalava o le tagata e faafeiloaia malo ma e le taua le faia o

Organize a welcome duty roster duty welcome a Organize ni toniga taugata.

attraction. O le Aoao lau nanu at your your at vaaiga muamua Poo ai lava e tiute e faafeiloaia ia malo, e tatau lava

a se tagata maimoa i ou meeting and greeting visitors visitors greeting and meeting are about when you you when about ona iloa nanu aua o le toatele o papalagi e asia lou

laufanua e fai ai ma lana

independently. Here Here independently.

some things to think think to things some

are faaiuga pe afe pe alu i se mataaga e malamalama i le faaperetania.

at your attraction, particularly if they arrive arrive they if particularly attraction, your at isi mataaga

Visitors like to feel welcomed when they arrive arrive they when welcomed feel to like Visitors Ia tausaafia ou uiga MEETING AND GREETING AND MEETING Ia e manatua e taua lou faaaloalo i malo aua a lelei

uiga e faaalia o le a fai lena ma auala e talai atu ai feel they have wasted their money, just like you. like just money, their wasted have they feel i isi tagata lou mataaga ma saga fia o mai ai malo.

will be very unhappy if they are overcharged or or overcharged are they if unhappy very be will Aoina o le ulufale

what you are offering in terms of facilities. They They facilities. of terms in offering are you what O se tasi lea o tiute a le tagata na te faafeiloaia malo

that the price you charge is fair in comparison with with comparison in fair is charge you price the that o le aoina o le ulufale. Faafeiloai muamua tagata means that visitors will spend money if they feel feel they if money spend will visitors that means understand the concept of ‘value for money’. This This money’. for ‘value of concept the understand ona faamatala lelei lea iai o le tau o le ulufale. Ia

iai se laupapa e iloa ai e malo ia tulaga pe tuu iai with how they spend their money. You need to to need You money. their spend they how with

you will find that they tend to be rather cautious cautious rather be to tend they that find will you se pepa e faailoa ai le tau. Ma ia tuuina ai ni pepa

themselves in Samoa for a week or two. As a result result a As two. or week a for Samoa in themselves ulufale ma risiti pe a uma ona totogi le ulufale.

more detail in part three part in detail more

for several years in order to travel and enjoy enjoy and travel to order in years several for

Money is discussed in in discussed is Money Faafeiloai i se ula holiday-makers work hard and and hard work holiday-makers their money money their

save Afai ua leva ona faafesootai atu oe i le oo atu o au

lot of money, but this is not always the case. Many Many case. the always not is this but money, of lot malo, ia sauni ni ula e faafeiloai ai au malo. O se It may seem to you that all overseas visitors have a a have visitors overseas all that you to seem may It

price tag. price auala lea latou te maua ai se lagona o le faatāuaina Money

for money’ and worth the the worth and money’ for e oe o i latou. whether something is ‘value ‘value is something whether

Your visitor will weigh up up weigh will visitor Your

is regarded as honest. as regarded is O sau faaafe i le taunuu atu

to understand that to the palagi, this way of talking talking of way this palagi, the to that understand to O nisi o au malo e umi le taimi na malaga atu ai ma ua le lavāvā. Faaafe atu i le

Although this may be disrespectful in Samoa, try try Samoa, in disrespectful be may this Although fale ma ave iai se vai inu malulu e iai se niu poo se vai aisa malulu poo ni fualaau

often very direct and they look you in the eyes. eyes. the in you look they and direct very often taumafa mata. O se avanoa lelei lea e faataitai ai lau nanu.

way of talking and asking questions. They are are They questions. asking and talking of way

You will find that overseas visitors have a different different a have visitors overseas that find will You





MATAAGA by giving directions or taking visitors around the site yourself. site the around visitors taking or directions giving by ×

A maea ona faafeiloaia ma totogi le tau o le ulufale, o le toatele o malo e fia iloa × × with signposts, and signposts, with

ni faamatalaga e uiga i lou mataaga e pei o le; ×

♦♦ Auaunaga e maua ai, combination. a try two main ways of telling visitors about your facilities and it is best if you you if best is it and facilities your about visitors telling of ways main two are

♦♦ Fea tonu e tu ai le mataaga, There ♦♦ Taimi e tapunia ai ma ni tulafono e puipuia ai, SITE YOUR ABOUT INFORMATION PROVIDING

♦♦ Se tala o le vavau e faamatala ai le mataaga. E masani ona faia ia

× any special village rules you have, and have, you rules village special any

faamatalaga e le taitai malaga pe afai o se malaga toatele. ×

× what time you close, you time what ×

× where the main attraction site is, site attraction main the where

O le tuuina atu o faamatalaga ×

× what facilities you have, you facilities what

E lua ni auala e maua ai e malo faamatalaga: ×

♦♦ Faaaoga se faasinoala e faaaoga ai se laupapa, as: such site your about something know

♦♦ O lou alu e faasino tagata i vaega eseese o le mataaga to like would visitors independent most fee, entrance

After being met and welcomed and having paid the the paid having and welcomed and met being After O le faasinoina i malo o nofoaga eseese site your about information Providing

E le faigofie le faasinoala i tagata tafafao ma o le mea lea e tatau ai lava ia te oe

ona e alu tou te o ma tagata maimoa e faasino tonu iai fale ma maimoaga eseese. English. your practise to opportunity good a is This water.

a few minutes and bring them a welcome niu, or cold cold or niu, welcome a them bring and minutes few a

Tomai faataiala for fale a in sit to them Invite attraction. your to journey

E iai nisi malo e mananao e o ma le taiala the after hot feeling and tired very be often will Visitors aemaise pe afai e le lelei le auala i le mataaga pe faigata foi ona maua. Faaaoga drink Welcome

lea avanoa e;

■■ Tau atu ai i au malo se faamatalaga i le nofoaga, them. for arrangements special make can you so visiting are them

■■ Faasino ai nisi o le olaga faanatura, of many how and when advance in know you let to operators tour local Ask them.

■■ Faamatala iai ni tala o le vavau e faasino i le mataaga. for ulas prepare to time the take to like might you attraction, your visiting group

On special occasions, or when you know in advance you have an important tour tour important an have you advance in know you when or occasions, special On A toatele se aumalaga taumafai e vaai lelei ula an Give

tagata uma nei leiloa se isi. Faapotopoto uma

atu a’o lei amataina sau faamatalaga i le taua money. for value has and affordable consistent, is price the that ensure to

o le; important also is It it. on written price the with ticket entrance an give or sign clear

• Nofoaga o iai le mataaga, a have to important therefore is It price. right the paying are they that know they

• Tali ni a latou fesili, as long as fee entrance the pay to agree normally Visitors fee. entrance the about

• O faaatasi ma au malo a’o matamata solo. them inform politely then and first visitors the greet you sure Make attraction. your

Another important job for the welcoming person is to collect the entrance fees at at fees entrance the collect to is person welcoming the for job important Another Faamatalaga i isi mea e mafai ona fai ma fees entrance Collecting

nisi auaunaga

A o faamatamata au malo faamatala iai nisi attraction. your

auaunaga e maua i lou mataaga ma ni oloa o visit to friends their tell or time another back come may they impression good a

to be polite and friendly to all your guests, if you make make you if guests, your all to friendly and polite be to remember

faatau ai. E mafai foi ona e faailoa atu nei vaega else all Above

e ala i se laupapa e tusia ai ia faamatalaga. attitude Welcoming

‘welcoming duty’ is able to speak basic English. basic speak to able is duty’ ‘welcoming on is

Most overseas guests understand English so it is important that the person who who person the that important is it so English understand guests overseas Most

Practise your English your Practise



about available tour guiding courses. guiding tour available about TAIALA MO MATAAGA 10

explains your site. Samoa Tourism Authority can also provide you with information information with you provide also can Authority Tourism Samoa site. your explains go along with some of the tour groups and listen to how a professional tour guide guide tour professional a how to listen and groups tour the of some with along go Faamatalaina o le tala

you want to improve your guiding skills further, it’s a good idea to ask if you can can you if ask to idea good a it’s further, skills guiding your improve to want you Soo se mataaga e iai lava se tala o le vavau e

Tell them why the site is important and what it has been used for in the past. If If past. the in for used been has it what and important is site the why them Tell mafua ai ma e tatau ona faailoa i malo. A lelei lau

this. this.

your site your nanu ona fesili lea i au malo pe fia faalogologo

you can ask visitors if they would like to hear about about hear to like would they if visitors ask can you

history and legends of of legends and history i le tala. Faamatala iai itu taua e fesootai ai le

folklore attached to it. If you have good English skills skills English good have you If it. to attached folklore

FIND OUT ABOUT the the ABOUT OUT FIND E mafai ona iai se tusi e tala ma le mataaga. Fesili pe mafai ona e alu i

Every attraction has some interesting history and and history interesting some has attraction Every ono iai o tagata na asia ou se malaga e o ai se taiala e iai lea tomai ina ia e

before they leave they before

Telling the story the Telling mataaga ina ia tuu ai ni a iloa ai faatino ia galuega i lou mataaga.

comment on your site site your on comment latou faamatalaga.

write their names in and in names their write

is not very good. very not is

visitors book for tourists to tourists for book visitors

if your are shy or uncomfitable speaking in English. English. in speaking uncomfitable or shy are your if

You might like to have a a have to like might You

provide. You can also do this with a sign or brochure brochure or sign a with this do also can You provide.

have for sale and any activities and services you can can you services and activities any and sale for have

opportunity to tell them about anything special you you special anything about them tell to opportunity

When you are showing visitors around, this is your your is this around, visitors showing are you When


Information about activities, products and and products activities, about Information

For more information on tour guiding also refer to tour guide manual guide tour to refer also guiding tour on information more For

stay with your visitors as they explore the site. the explore they as visitors your with stay × ×

answer any questions they might have, and have, might they questions any answer × ×

× explain the site, the explain ×

while you: while

wait until the entire group have arrived and then ask the visitors to “gather round” round” “gather to visitors the ask then and arrived have group entire the until wait

get lost and try to keep the group together. When you get to the site of interest interest of site the to get you When together. group the keep to try and lost get

If you have a big group make sure you keep an eye on everyone so they don’t don’t they so everyone on eye an keep you sure make group big a have you If

explain the folklore of your site. your of folklore the explain Ä Ä


animals and birds that you see along the way, way, the along see you that birds and animals

point out and name the different trees, flowers, flowers, trees, different the name and out point Ä Ä

Ä tell visitors what your site is all about, all is site your what visitors tell Ä


or it is dangerous in any way. Take this opportunity opportunity this Take way. any in dangerous is it or

especially if it is a little difficult to find the attraction attraction the find to difficult little a is it if especially

Some visitors may like to be guided around your site site your around guided be to like may visitors Some

Tour guiding skills guiding Tour

the washroom is over there under the banyan tree”. banyan the under there over is washroom the

you need do is to point and say, for example, “Look, “Look, example, for say, and point to is do need you

can clearly see the place they want to go, then all all then go, to want they place the see clearly can

best to accompany your visitor to a point where they they where point a to visitor your accompany to best

It is not always easy to give clear directions, so it is is it so directions, clear give to easy always not is It

Giving directions Giving




Waste and natural environment. natural and Waste

♦ ♦

VAEGA LONA LUA O LE VAAIA LELEI O LOU MATAAGA Environment and Resources Natural of Ministry

Toilets and other general hygiene matters. hygiene general other and Toilets

♦ ♦ Ministry of Health Health of Ministry

Building standards and especially toilets and showers. and toilets especially and standards Building

♦ ♦

O le a e iloa mai le Vaega Infrastructure and Transport Works, of Ministry

lona Lua auala e vaai lelei include: consult to agencies Main building. of aspects technical the of some about

ai lou mataaga aemaise o agencies relevant with consult to time good a is This state. natural its in enjoyed be

le saogalemu o au malo. can it so facilities from free this keep and important most is site your of part which Before you build, make sure you consider the long-term plan for the site. Decide Decide site. the for plan long-term the consider you sure make build, you Before

Good planning Good

the problem. the

matter to the village council where the high chiefs and matai will find a solution to to solution a find will matai and chiefs high the where council village the to matter

the site before you invest money into it. If necessary, you might need to take the the take to need might you necessary, If it. into money invest you before site the

landowners so you need to know who will be responsible for the management of of management the for responsible be will who know to need you so landowners

it, the ownership is clear. Many historical sites may be divided between several several between divided be may sites historical Many clear. is ownership the it,

Whatever type of site you have, it is essential that before you start developing developing start you before that essential is it have, you site of type Whatever Afai e te manao e sologa lelei le faia o lou mataaga e taua lou ownership Clear

iloa o auala uma e faatumau ai le tulaga lelei ma e 4 ni itu taua

e tatau ona e vaavaai i ai: maintenance. regular

• Ia manino o oe e ona, and design, natural

• Ia lelei ona fai ni fuafuaga ma le vaaiga, planning, good

• Ia taumafai e tausisi i le siosiomaga faanatura o loo i ownership, clear

ai le mataaga, site; your managing for considerations

• Ia tausia lelei i soo se taimi. key four are There standard. high a to site your

have to learn about how to manage and maintain maintain and manage to how about learn to have Ia manino, o oe e ona le mataaga you attraction your of success a make to want you If E taua ao lei galueina le atinae poo le mataaga le faamanino o tagata e ona tonu le mataaga. E tele nisi mataaga e le tasi se aiga e ana ma e tatau ona faamanino poo ai tonu o le a gafa ma le vaaia lelei o le mataaga. Afai e le manino ia tulaga ona saili lea ose fautuaga mai le puleaga a Alii ma Faipule o le tou nuu.

Ia lelei fuafuaga fai i le vaaia

Ao lei fausia ni fale, ia fai muamua se fuafuaga faata’atia mo le lumanai. E tatau

ona iloa poo le fea le vaega aupito taua o le mataaga e ono tatau ona fausia ai ni visitors. your for

fale. O le taimi lelei lea e te talanoa ai i nisi mo ni fautuaga i ituaiga fale e faatutu security and safety providing

i lou mataaga. O nei ofisa e aofia ai: as well as environment site

♦♦ Matagaluega o Galuega, Felauaiga ma Atinae Tetele i le vaega e pasia ai and facilities your planning

fale mo tulaga e tatau ona iai o fale-Apitaga ma le fausaga o fale-letaua. and managing about learn ♦♦ Matagaluega o le Soifua Maloloina mo le saogalemu o le fausaga o to going are you two part In faleese. ♦♦ Matagaluega o Punaoa Faalenatura ma le Siosiomaga mo auala e

faatamaia ai otaota.




TAIALA MO MATAAGA ∗ 12 ∗ Before beginning constructing or painting a sign, always write the the write always sign, a painting or constructing beginning Before


∗ Ia tausisi i le siosiomaga faale-natura ∗ it simple, neat and clear and include only essential essential only include and clear and neat simple, it Keep not vandalised. not Ia talafeagai ni fale e faatutu i lou mataaga ma lona siosiomaga faale-natura.

Taumafai e atolau fale e taeele ai ma faaaoga ato launiu ae le o ni kalone mo le will be located and who will look after the sign to make sure it is is it sure make to sign the after look will who and located be will

need to include. Think about who will be using the sign, where it it where sign, the using be will who about Think include. to need aoina o le lapisi. Aua le aveesea ni laau tetele o iai i le fanua sei vagana lava e

∗ faalavelave i ni ala savali. ∗ Before you start making the sign, plan out the information you you information the out plan sign, the making start you Before

Plan your signage your Plan Tausiga i aso fai soo

tips about signage: about tips some A lelei ona tausia i aso fai soo, o le a le taugata le vaaiga i le lumanai ma o le a

The size and type of sign you make will vary according to its use, but here are are here but use, its to according vary will make you sign of type and size The mautinoa ai foi le saogalemu o au malo. Ia faamama le lapisi ma fale-letaua i aso times and entrance prices. prices. entrance and times taitasi. Ia fai ni teu fou i aso uma ma ia faamama le vao aemaise i auala savali. Talanoa i ou tuaoi i le faamamaina o latou laufanua ona e latalata tele atu i lou

the attraction site. It is also useful to have an information board that gives opening opening gives that board information an have to useful also is It site. attraction the mataaga. will need other signs at your attraction to mark the mark to attraction your at signs other need will , toilets and the way to to way the and toilets , park car

in Apia and you may be able to apply for funding to help you get one made. You You made. one get you help to funding for apply to able be may you and Apia in

There are several companies that make signs signs make that companies several are There O MEA E TATAU ONA IAI I MATAAGA

professionally if possible and painted clearly. clearly. painted and possible if professionally E eseese lava mea e manaomia e mataaga taitasi, peitai e iai lava mea e tatau

direction to your site. This needs to be made made be to needs This site. your to direction ona iai i mataaga uma.

have on the main road indicating the the indicating road main the on have The most important sign is the one you you one the is sign important most The Faasino ala

E tatau lava ona iai se faasinoala i soo se mataaga ma e aoga e:

general information about the site. the about information general ÂÂ Tau atu ai i malo le mea o iai lou mataaga,

to point out all the facilities and provide provide and facilities the all out point to ÂÂ Faasino atu ai le auala ulufale

direct them to the entrance, and and entrance, the to them direct ÂÂ Tau atu ai faamatalaga i auaunaga e

inform visitors about your site, site, your about visitors inform maua i lou mataaga.

visitor attractions. They can be used to: used be can They attractions. visitor

Sign posts posts Sign absolutely essential at all all at essential absolutely are O le faasinoala aupito taua e tatau ona faatu i Sign posts Sign tafatafa o le auala e faasino atu ai le mea tonu

e iai le mataaga. E tele ni kamupani e mafai

facilities that are useful for nearly all sites. all nearly for useful are that facilities are some are there there ona saunia sau faasino ala ma e mafai ona e

Although the needs of specific sites vary according to their type and location, location, and type their to according vary sites specific of needs the Although talosagaina se fesoasoani tau tupe e faatino BASIC FACILITIES BASIC ai lea faailoilo. E tatau foi ona iai ni faasino ala i nofoaga e tutu ai taavale ma faleese. Ia iai

foi se laupapa e iai ni faamatalaga lautele e make an arrangement with your neighbours to clear up their nearby land. land. nearby their up clear to neighbours your with arrangement an make

and bush. bush. and pei o tau ma taimi e tatala ma tapunia ai le mataaga. , you may also want to to want also may you , Furthermore weeds from free are roads access

the garden areas and trails of any rubbish, make sure the the sure make rubbish, any of trails and areas garden the and and park car trails, not overflow or smell, clean the toilets and put fresh flowers out every day, clear clear day, every out flowers fresh put and toilets the clean smell, or overflow not O nisi nei o mea taua mo le saunia o se faasino ala. Fuafua lelei lau faasino ala

safe for visitors. This means that litter bins must be emptied daily so that they do do they that so daily emptied be must bins litter that means This visitors. for safe Fuafua muamua pe o a faamatalaga e te manao e tuu i luga o le faasino ala, Maintenance is a cheap and effective way of keeping your site looking good and and good looking site your keeping of way effective and cheap a is Maintenance • o fea e faatu ai, ae pe faapefea foi ona puipuia mai le faaleagaina e isi.

Regular maintenance Regular • Aua le papanu le faiga o le faasino ala ae ia manino lelei ma ia tuu ai na’o

faamatalaga tonu e tatau iai. it is absolutely necessary for access to the site the to access for necessary absolutely is it structures for your changing rooms. Refrain from removing trees or plants unless unless plants or trees removing from Refrain rooms. changing your for structures • Ae le’i amata fausia ma saunia le faasino ala, tusi muamua i se laupepa

faamatalaga e tatau ona iai. Ia vaai po o sa’o atoatoa faamatalaga aemaise use a thatched roof on your washrooms, use baskets for litter bins, traditional traditional bins, litter for baskets use washrooms, your on roof thatched a use

harmony with the natural environment and don’t stand out too much. Try to to Try much. too out stand don’t and environment natural the with harmony pe afai o tusi i le Gagana Peretania.

Try to keep your site as natural as possible so that all your facilities are in in are facilities your all that so possible as natural as site your keep to Try

Natural design Natural



O le fuafuaina o le saunia o le faasino ala • O faasino ala aupito anagata e vane ai faamatalaga i se laupapa malo

ona vali paepae lea. •

• E faalagolago le lapoa o le faasino ala i tagata e ono faitauina faapea minutes 5 than more stays who visitors for park car off-road An

latou o lo o feoai i taavale aemaise latou o loo savavali. time? one at have to likely •

• Aua nei faapipi’iina se faasino ala i se laau. Ia faatu malele lava ia. are you cars of number maximum The

• Ia lelei le laupapa e fai ai le faasino ala ia aua nei vave ona pala. about: think to

• Ia manaia i le vaai le faasino ala ma ia talafeagai ma le siosiomaga o things few a are here park, car your planning are

loo iai. you When stay. usually they long how and once at

depends on how many visitors you normally have have normally you visitors many how on depends Nofoaga e faatu ai park car your of size The view. the blocking not and

• Ia latalata i le nofoaga o loo faasino iai ma ia road the off and safe is that park car a need sites All le silia le mamao ese ma le 50 mita. park Car

• Faatu le faasino ala i se nofoaga e le vaoa

nei lē iloa atu ma ia aua foi le matilatila mai on. walk to people for verge grassy a provide le tu. and pass to cars two for safer it make to side either

• Ia lē silia i le 2-4 mita le mamao mai le auala on bush the back cutting by road the improve also o faasino ala e faatutu i tafatafa o auala. can You road. access improving in assist also

• E mafai ona tasi se pou ae tele ni faasino could Authority Transport Land the to letter formal

nofoaga eseese i totonu o le mataaga. a or road access the improve to village your from help get to need may You Access

Auala i le mataaga

E mafai ona e talanoa i le tou nuu mo se fesoasoani sign. village

facilities. This can be designed like your your like designed be can This facilities.

different the out pointing

i le faamamaina o le auala i le mataaga. Taumafai ia arrows

lautele le auala ina ia ofi ai ni taavale se lua. several with post one have to like might you site attraction your Inside

next to the road. the to next

Nofoaga e tutu ai taavale sign a place to Authority Transport Land the from approval need will you •

Road signs need to be placed 2-4m from the road-side. In some some In road-side. the from 2-4m placed be to need signs Road

Soo se mataaga lava e tatau a ona iai se nofoaga cases

saogalemu e tūtū ai taavale. O le tele o nei nofoaga sky. the

e faalagolago i le numera o tagata e asia lou mataaga atoa ai ma le umi e against silhouette a as out stand or view the block not does sign the that

bush will not grow to obscure them but be careful careful be but them obscure to grow not will bush where

nonofo ai. O nisi nei o mea e te mafaufau iai pe a fuafua le nofoaga e tūtū ai signs the Place

taavale: site. the from away 50m than more no •

• O le a se tele o ni taavale e faaaogaina lea nofoaga i se taimi e tasi? and indicating are they place the of view within placed be should Signs

• A silia i le 5 minute le umi e iai ni malo i lou mataaga e tatau ona iai se location Sign

nofoaga tau mamao mai le auala e paka ai taavale

∗ Try to make the sign attractive and fit in with the surrounding environment. surrounding the with in fit and attractive sign the make to Try

Ia toto ni laau paolo i ia nofoaga ma taumafai e aua le taina i lalo laau e ∗

• ∗ Ensure the wood you use for the sign is treated. is sign the for use you wood the Ensure

fai ai se nofoaga e paka ai taavale. ∗ ∗

Never attach a sign to a tree, always make a free-standing sign. free-standing a make always tree, a to sign a attach Never

• Vaai lelei le vaega o le fanua e fai ai le nofoaga mo taavale ina ia aua ∗

nei punitia ai ni vaaiga matagofie o lou mataaga. foot. on or ∗

The size of the sign depends on whether it is mostly for people in cars cars in people for mostly is it whether on depends sign the of size The

• Ia tu ese le nofoaga mo taavale mai le mataaga ma faaaoga se pa laau ∗

supported by two posts. two by supported they white; painted then

e pupuni ai. are ∗ ∗

• Aua le faatuina se nofoaga i se fanua vailoloa pe se nofoaga oneonea and them into cut letters with signs timber routed are signs strongest The aua e faigata ona o ai taavale. design Sign

• Ia iai se tagata e vaaia taavale pe afai e mamao le nofoaga mo taavale

mai le mataaga. use. you words of number the reduce to Try correct. ∗ message on paper. Check that it is accurate and that the English is is English the that and accurate is it that Check paper. on message ∗





bridges check ‘List of useful useful of ‘List check bridges O ala savali ma fasitepu

building, trails, steps, and and steps, trails, building,

dangerous dangerous Afai e tele ni savaliga e manaomia mo le maimoaina o lou mataaga e tatau ona For more information about about information more For

without expert advice as this can be very very be can this as advice expert without fausia lelei ni auala savali ina ia le solia ai le mutia. E le gata i lea, ae e aoga foi

Do not attempt to construct a bridge bridge a construct to attempt not Do ia ala savali pe afai e iai ni aega e ono asa ai tagata maimoa. or dangerous and check these regularly. these check and dangerous or

Provide strong handrails if the trail is steep steep is trail the if handrails strong Provide E faalagolago ituaiga ala savali e te fausia i le eleele atoa ai ma le numera o than twice as wide as they are high. are they as wide as twice than

Steps are usually 15-20cm high and more more and high 15-20cm usually are Steps

• tagata asiasi atu i aso taitasi.

crossing boggy areas. boggy crossing O nisi nei o mea ete mafaufau iai i le faiga o ala savali.

Wood can be used to place across trails trails across place to used be can Wood •

The normal width for a trail is 1-1.2m wide. 1-1.2m is trail a for width normal The

• Fuafua lelei ala Savali

them of concrete for safety reasons. safety for concrete of them ’’ A o lei fausia sitepu poo ala savali, ia muamua e asiasi i isi mataaga e

visitors you may want to consider making making consider to want may you visitors iai ia mea ma vaavaai i le faatinoina. lava-covered ground. lava-covered

slip. If you have a lot of steps and many many and steps of lot a have you If slip. ’ E tatau foi ona e iloilo lelei pe tatau ona iai ni ala savali pe leai. wooden pegs so that the ground doesn’t doesn’t ground the that so pegs wooden ’ make trails in rocky or or rocky in trails make

• ’ E le talafeagai le iai o ni ala savali i luga o laufanua gaoa poo le lava. into the ground and support them with with them support and ground the into It is probably not necessary to to necessary not probably is It ’

• trail. a needs site attraction

On steep slopes it is best to cut steps steps cut to best is it slopes steep On ’’ Mo fanua mapu’epu’e, tipi fasitepu i le eleele ona faamau lelei i ni pine

• keep the stones in place. in stones the keep

First decide on whether your your whether on decide First laau e taofi ai le solo. Mo le saogalemu o au malo e mafai ona faasima

some handy tips. handy some

fill in the trails and use wooden edging to to edging wooden use and trails the in fill ia sitepu pe a talafeagai ma le tulaga tau tupe.

have made them before to get get to before them made have

compacted small stones and gravel to to gravel and stones small compacted ’’ O le lautele o ia ala savali e tatau ona 1-1.5 mita.

day (more than twenty) you can use use can you twenty) than (more day

facilities or talk to people who who people to talk or facilities ’’ Mo fasi fanua e iai taufusi, faaaoga ni laupapa e savavali ai tagata. • For those areas with lots of visitors every every visitors of lots with areas those For

other sites which have these these have which sites other ’’ O sitepu e tatau ona 7-10 inisi le maualuluga (15-20cm) ae faaluaina le trees.

sure you take some time to visit visit to time some take you sure lautetele. you haven’t done it before, make make before, it done haven’t you just keep the trail clear of rocks and fallen fallen and rocks of clear trail the keep just

• ’ Afai e mati’e le auala savali ona fai lea o se pa e pipii iai tagata savavali. For dry trails with not too many visitors visitors many too not with trails dry For Before building steps or trails, if if trails, or steps building Before ’

Aua ete taumafai e fai se auala laupapa ae lei fesili mo se fautuaga mai Design your trails your Design Plan your trails your Plan ’’

i e e iai le tomai e faatinoina nei vaega.

about: O le fuafuaina o ala savali

surface and also the number of visitors you have. Here are a few things to think think to things few a are Here have. you visitors of number the also and surface • Mo ala savali e le tele ni tagata e faaaogaina,

natural landscape. The type of trail you make will depend on the kind of ground ground of kind the on depend will make you trail of type The landscape. natural ia faamama ese uma ni maamaa ma ni laau

way and back to the attraction & facilities without causing much damage to the the to damage much causing without facilities & attraction the to back and way pauu.

reason it is good to make proper walking trails so that everyone walks the same same the walks everyone that so trails walking proper make to good is it reason • Mo nofoaga e toatele tagata e asia, fai ni ala

may look less attractive, especially if you have a slope or steep ground. For this this For ground. steep or slope a have you if especially attractive, less look may e tanu ai iliili ma puipui lelei i ni laupapa

your site every day, you will notice that the grass and garden will be affected and and affected be will garden and grass the that notice will you day, every site your

If you have the type of site where walking is involved, and a lot of people cross cross people of lot a and involved, is walking where site of type the have you If

Trails and steps and Trails

reasons it is a good idea to have someone looking after the cars. the after looking someone have to idea good a is it reasons

• If your car park is located some distance from the site, for security security for site, the from distance some located is park car your If

visitors cars might get stuck. get might cars visitors

• Try to avoid making your car park on muddy or sandy ground as your your as ground sandy or muddy on park car your making avoid to Try

hedge, but remember to leave room for a trail. a for room leave to remember but hedge,

• Separate the car park from the attraction site with a natural barrier like a a like barrier natural a with site attraction the from park car the Separate

located near the road on any land that is not used for another purpose. another for used not is that land any on road the near located

• Make sure the car park does not block the view of the attraction; it is best best is it attraction; the of view the block not does park car the sure Make

down to make the car park, try to fit it around the existing environment. existing the around it fit to try park, car the make to down

Provide shade for the cars by planting trees like the Talie, do not cut trees trees cut not do Talie, the like trees planting by cars the for shade Provide



15 TAIALA MO MATAAGA build to decide do you site.If your at swim

stay more than an hour or have the chance to to chance the have or hour an than more stay

O le aoina o le lapisi regularly visitors if important really only are

Ia lava ni nofoaga e tia’i iai le lapisi ina ia aua Toilets designed. poorly if risk environmental

le faapaepae ina solo i le fanua. O nisi nei o itu and health significant a present and build to

expensive expensive are taua e te mafaufau iai. toilets that note to important is It

U Toilets and changing rooms changing and Toilets U Fuafuaina o tulaga mo kalone lapisi facilities... additional for suggestions some are Here

• Ia lelei ona fuafua ina ia fetaui ma le

siosiomaga o iai ma ia iloa gofie e tagata groups. tour especially visitors, of numbers larger attract to help also will it but

mo le faaaogaina. site, your at time longer a for visitors keep to you help this will only Not facilities.

• E mafai ona faaaoga ni ato launiu ua additional build to up saving start to like may you ten) than (more day every

lelei ona lalaga poo se kalone ua vali faamanaia ma iai se fata e faatu visitors of number good a receives and developed sufficiently is site your When ai. FACILITIES ADDITIONAL

• A faaaoga se kalone ona vili lea o se pu i le taele e faaalu ai le vai pe a

timu ina ia le to’a ma avea ai ma nofoaga e fofoa ai le namu provided. bins

• Tuu ni pepa lapisi i kalone e faigofie ona aveese mai ai le lapisi. litter the use to visitors asking sign a as such it prevent to steps take and

∗ If you are having problems with litter at your site, try to identify the source source the identify to try site, your at litter with problems having are you If

• Ia iai ni ‘au o kalone lapisi ma ia māmā ina ia mafai ona sii toatasi e le ∗

Visitors will keep your site tidy if you manage the site well. site the manage you if tidy site your keep will Visitors

∗ tagata e aoina le lapisi. ∗

Litter bins need to be regularly emptied; never let them overflow them let never emptied; regularly be to need bins Litter . ∗ ∗ O le tausia lelei Maintenance

• Ia aua nei tuua sei oso i fafo le kalone lapisi

• Toaga e faamama ina ia faatupulaia pea le matagofie o lou mataaga ground. the above

∗ If you have dogs you will need to place your litter bins on a small platform platform small a on bins litter your place to need will you dogs have you If

• Ia fai se faailoilo e faailoa atu ai i tagata e tatau ona galulue faatasi i le ∗

faamatagofieina o se mataaga. itself. attraction the at and have you washrooms any near

∗ Litter bins would be best located in the car park area, along the trails, trails, the along area, park car the in located best be would bins Litter ∗

Place bins near trees and rocks so that they don’t spoil your site. your spoil don’t they that so rocks and trees near bins Place ∗

O ISI MEA E TATAU ONA FAI ∗ A ua oo loa i se tulaga ua solo lelei le o atu o tagata maimoa ua tatau loa ona e Location

mafaufau poo a nisi auaunaga e mafai ona faatinoina ina ia saga faatosina ai pea

tagata asiasi atu i lou mataaga.O nisi nei o mea e tatau ona iai… them. lift

∗ Bins need to have handles and be light enough so that one person can can person one that so enough light be and handles have to need Bins ∗

It is best to line the bin with large trash bags to make disposal easier disposal make to bags trash large with bin the line to best is It . ∗

• Faleese ma fale taele ∗

E taugata le fausia o ni faleese lelei ae a le lelei foi le fuafuaina e ono mosquitos. for area breeding

iai ni faafitauli faalesoifua maloloina e tutupu mai ai. E taua le iai o ni a become may bin your otherwise water, rain of flow free the allow to

∗ If you are using large drums be sure to make a small hole in the bottom bottom the in hole small a make to sure be drums large using are you If

faleese pe afai e silia i le itula se taimi e nonofo ai malo i lou mataaga. ∗

painted to fit in with the environment. the with in fit to painted

You could use finely woven basket (atoato) or a metal drum on a stand stand a on drum metal a or (atoato) basket woven finely use could You ∗ ∗

natural environment and are easily noticed. easily are and environment natural

not stand out too much. They must fit in with the the with in fit must They much. too out stand not

∗ They need to be cleverly designed so they do do they so designed cleverly be to need They ∗


and maintaining your litter bins. litter your maintaining and

are some things to remember when designing, locating locating designing, when remember to things some are

site it is a good idea to provide several litter bins. Here Here bins. litter several provide to idea good a is it site

To prevent too much rubbish being thrown around your your around thrown being rubbish much too prevent To

Litter bins Litter




7 Changing rooms for swimming areas are best located close to the site site the to close located best are areas swimming for rooms Changing 7

away from swampy areas. swampy from away Talosaga mo se pemita

7 7

Toilets should be at least 100m from any stream, river or beach and and beach or river stream, any from 100m least at be should Toilets ○○ E tatau ona fai se pemita e fau ai faleese mai le Ofisa o Galuega,

the back of your site. your of back the Felauaiga ma Atinae Tetele ma e tatau ona muamua iai ni ata. 7 Toilets need to be located away from your main attraction, preferably at at preferably attraction, main your from away located be to need Toilets

7 ○○ Ia tuuina atu nei ata i le Soifua Maloloina ina ia iloilo ai le nofoaga e Choosing the right location for your toilet facility is very important. very is facility toilet your for location right the Choosing

7 7 faatūtū ai pe e le’o afaina ai alavai ma fale apitaga.

Location ○○ E iloiloina e le Matagaluega o Punaoa, Faalenatura ma le Siosiomaga ni aafiaga ole Siosiomaga

wash and dry their hands. their dry and wash ○○ O le faaiuga e faia e le Matagaluega o Punaoa Faalenatura ma le

× Outside the toilet you need to have somewhere for your guests to to guests your for somewhere have to need you toilet the Outside

× Siosiomaga.

pegs behind the door for clothes and bags. and clothes for door the behind pegs

paper holder, small shelf for flowers and several strong wooden wooden strong several and flowers for shelf small holder, paper O le Fuafuaga o ia Faleese

Your toilet needs to be equipped with a small rubbish bin, a toilet toilet a bin, rubbish small a with equipped be to needs toilet Your ×

× ○○ E fuafua le ituaiga faleese ete fausia i le tupe ete maua ma isi tulaga

bushes to make it stand out less. out stand it make to bushes faale-siosiomaga. E te ono filifili i se faleese eli, faleese toso, faleese

block fit in with the rest of your site environment and use trees and and trees use and environment site your of rest the with in fit block faapisikoa ma le faleese faa-Samoa. Ua tele ina faaaogaina faleese toso

When you are getting the drawings done try to make your toilet toilet your make to try done drawings the getting are you When × × ae e manaomia le tele o le suavai. E faaaoga faleese toso i nofoaga e

le lelei le suavai ae e tele ni faafitauli ona o le manogi leaga. O faleese

Samoa. e le faaaogaina le suavai ua faataitaiina nei e nisi vaega o le atunuu.

not use water. These are currently being trialed in several locations in in locations several in trialed being currently are These water. use not ○○ A’o saunia ata mo le faleese taumafai ina ia faafetaui ma le siosiomaga

at attraction sites. Composting toilets are a new type of toilet which does does which toilet of type new a are toilets Composting sites. attraction at faanatura ma faaaoga laau e pupuni ai.

are not not are and environment the to threat a pose latrines Pit recommended recommended ○○ O mea nei e tatau ona iai i totonu o le faleese; ato mo lapisi, o se mea e

tautau ai le pepa, o sina fata mo se teu fugalaau ma ni pine laau e tutu’i

of fresh water. water. fresh of i tua o le faitotoa e tautau ai lavalava ma ato.

the most popular design but be aware that this requires large amounts amounts large requires this that aware be but design popular most the ○○ Ia iai se pesini i fafo e fufulu ai lima ma ia iai se solo lima. pit and composting toilet. Currently the flushing toilet with septic tank is is tank septic with toilet flushing the Currently toilet. composting and pit

Your main choice is between a pit latrine, septic tank, sealed concrete concrete sealed tank, septic latrine, pit a between is choice main Your O nofoaga e faatūtū ai

environmental conditions such as drainage and the availability of water. water. of availability the and drainage as such conditions environmental • E taua le sa’o o le nofoaga e faatu ai faleese,

The type of toilet you decide to build will depend on your budget, and the the and budget, your on depend will build to decide you toilet of type The • Ia aua le latalata i le maimoaga o lou Design mataaga,

• Ia mamao ma se vaitafe poo le matafaga, pe Infrastructure. Infrastructure. a ma le 100 iata.

building permit is then given by the Ministry of Works, Transport and and Transport Works, of Ministry the by given then is permit building • Afai ae savalia le alatele e malo ina ia oo ai

environmental risks of your proposed location. The final decision and and decision final The location. proposed your of risks environmental i faleese ia mautinoa le saogalemu o tagata Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment will then check the the check then will Environment and Resources Natural of Ministry ma e tatau ona iai se kolosi ua faailogaina.

• Ia iai ni potu e sui ai tagata e latalata i le rivers. They will also advise you about the layout of the toilet. the of layout the about you advise also will They rivers. sami poo le vaitaele,

they will check the siting of the toilets with relation to living areas and any any and areas living to relation with toilets the of siting the check will they • Ia iai ni potu e sui ai tagata e latalata i le The drawings must then be submitted to the Ministry of Health where where Health of Ministry the to submitted be then must drawings The sami poo le vaitaele,

• Ia iai se faasino ala i le nofoaga o loo iai Infrastructure can help you here. you help can Infrastructure faleese,

to have a toilet layout drawing. Ministry of Works, Transport and and Transport Works, of Ministry drawing. layout toilet a have to • Tōtō ni laau i tafatafa o faleese.

of Works, Transport and Infrastructure. The first step in this procedure is is procedure this in step first The Infrastructure. and Transport Works, of O le tausiga

Before you build a toilet you need to apply for a permit from the Ministry Ministry the from permit a for apply to need you toilet a build you Before Poo le a lava le ituaiga faleese e te filifilia e fausia, e tatau lava ona e Applying for a permit a for Applying • vaavaai pe iai se aafiaga o le siosiomaga e aliali mai ai. Ia vaai tanevai

poo malu lelei ma fai iai se galuega pe a fai o iai se faaletonu. things to consider: to things toilets make sure to get expert advice before you start. Here are some some are Here start. you before advice expert get to sure make toilets • Ia fufulu mama ia fale i aso taitasi i se vailaau. Tuu iai se teu fugalaau

ma ia toaga e faamama lelei.




Fale malolo mo tafaoga area. picnic your in shade

# Consider planting Talie trees to provide provide to trees Talie planting Consider

• O nisi nei o mea ia e manatua pe a fausia #

se fale: below. shown as 76-90cm, be can

• Fau faa-Samoa ma ia fola laupapa ae lē width table The higher. 30cm tops table

o maa poo amu. E le tau folaina i ni fala. with high, 40-46cm about be to need Seats

Locate the picnic area in a shady place. place. shady a in area picnic the Locate facilities at your site your at facilities #

• Faatu i se nofoaga e savili ma latalata i le #

plans for additional additional for plans

maimoaga o le mataaga. guests. your for facilities BBQ

MAKE A LIST , of your your of , LIST A MAKE

# Near to your fales you might like to provide provide to like might you fales your to Near

• Ia mamao ese mai le nofoaga e paka ai #

taavale ma nofoaga o loo i ai faleese. area. cliff or slope

regularly, especially if they are are they if especially regularly, a a

• Ia faaaoga ni laau malolosi e fai ai pou near

aemaise pe afai e mati’e se mea e tu ai them check and fale your for posts

Make sure you use strong, thick support support thick strong, use you sure Make #

le fale. #

• Ia iai se mea fai papakiu e latalata i le fale. toilets. and park car the from away and site

• Ia paolo le nofoaga e tafafao ai tagata. E attraction main your of view within area

Locate your fale, if possible, in a breezy breezy a in possible, if fale, your Locate


tatau ona iai ni laulau ma ni nofoa ma e #

faaaoga fua aemaise meafale o loo on. sit to visitors

tuuina atu e faaaoga. for comfortable more it’s and mats provide

• Tōtō ni laau e iai talie e faapaolo ai i to need always don’t you means This floor.

nofoaga mo tafaoga. the on coral of instead base wooden a use

# Keep the design basically traditional, but but traditional, basically design the Keep #

Fale e faatau ai mea taulima pe inu ai le kofe fale: rest your building

Here Here some handy hints to remember when when remember to hints handy some

Afai ete manao e faatau atu ni galuega taulima i are au malo e tatau ona iai se fale e faatau ai. E mafai area picnic & fale Visit Day

foi ona faaaogaina e faatau atu ai ni meaai ma ni FAI SE LISI...

mea inu: O au fuafuaga i ni mea colours. light in painted them

• la faaaoga fausaga faa-Samoa. faaopoopo mo lou keep and regularly walls the Scrub Apia. in

• la iai tau i luga o soo se mea taulima e fia mataaga available now is tank, your or environment

faatau atu. Ia iai se lisi o tau o ni meaai ma your hurt won’t which cleaner, toilet

vai inu e faatauina. Biodegradable place. in flowers fresh and

• A mamao le fale mai le nofoaga tutotonu o paper toilet adequate is there ensure and

le mataaga ona iai lea o se faasino ala e brush a and fluid cleaning proper with day

Make sure you clean your toilet area every every area toilet your clean you sure Make


faaogaina. ×

they are needed. are they

O LE FAAMATAGOFIEINA O LOU as soon as person trained a by out carried

checked on an annual basis and repairs repairs and basis annual an on checked MATAAGA be must tanks Septic environment. O le tele o tagata maimoa e fia o atu e fia vaavaai

i le lanu meamata o le ola o laau e pei ona maua i surrounding the on effect its monitor or composting toilets you need to carefully carefully to need you toilets composting or

atunuu o le Pasefika. E lua vaega o le siosiomaga e tank septic latrine, pit a have you Whether ×

tatau ona vaavaai iai: × Maintenance


7 Try to grow plants around your toilet facilities to enhance the the enhance to facilities toilet your around plants grow to Try 7

1. appearance i ala savali ma togalaau are. toilets

Ia e iloa tausi ou laufanua

Make sure you have a clear sign indicating to your visitors where the the where visitors your to indicating sign clear a have you sure Make

7 7

2. TAFATAFA O MAIMOAGA environment.

itself and can just be temporary structures that fit in with the natural site site natural the with in fit that structures temporary be just can and itself 7

i laau ma ni vaaiga mai le mataaga 7




flowering plants and bushes with with bushes and plants flowering

If you have a garden-type site you site garden-type a have you If •

combine combine

can Maimoaga tutotonu

resistant to cyclones. to resistant E tatau ona faamatagofie i le vaai ae ia talafeagai ma le ituaiga mataaga o loo iai.

well as consuming less water and being more more being and water less consuming as well • Aua le soona tātāina laau aemaise autafa o ala savali. Tuu nofoaga mo

- these will attract birds and other wildlife as as wildlife other and birds attract will these - taavale i se vaega e le tele ni laau e aveesea ai.

only plant native rainforest species in the area area the in species rainforest native plant only • Afai o sou mataaga o le vaomatua, ia tōtō na o laau Samoa moni aua e

will travel to see your tall indigenous trees, so so trees, indigenous tall your see to travel will le gata ina malolosi ae e apoina foi le tele o le suavai o le eleele.

If your site is located in the rainforest, people people rainforest, the in located is site your If • Afai o se isi vaega o lou mataaga o togalaau ‘aina, aua le soona aveesea

do not have to remove trees. remove to have not do laau na muai ola ai. Taumafai e faatumau le vaaiga faanatura sa iai such as car parks and picnic areas so that you you that so areas picnic and parks car as such muamua.

tracks and access routes. Design other areas areas other Design routes. access and tracks • E le faaaogaina ni vailaau i lou mataaga

this is absolutely necessary, for example along along example for necessary, absolutely is this • E malu se nofoaga e tele ai ni laau ma o le mea lea e tatau ona tō laau

• Only clear trees and vegetation from your site if if site your from vegetation and trees clear Only ai nofoaga e fai ai tafaoga.

of attraction you have. Here are some tips: some are Here have. you attraction of • E taua le tausia lelei o ou laufanua ma faamama ni lapisi e iai i aso

time, it also needs to be in accordance with the type type the with accordance in be to needs also it time, taitasi. Faaoga palagā laau e toe faalelei ai le eleele.

made as attractive as possible, but at the same same the at but possible, as attractive as made

The immediate area around your site needs to be be to needs site your around area immediate The Autafa o maimoaga tutotonu

Immediate site Immediate • E tatau foi ona e vaavaai i fanua e tuaoi ma lou mataaga aua afai e le

both these areas. these both matagofie i le vaai e ono aafia ai foi le fia asia o lou mataaga. You need to think about how best to look after after look to best how about think to need You • Asiasi i vaega uma o lou mataaga ma vaavaai pe iai ni tulaga e le lelei i le vaai o iai e pei o faaputuga lapisi ma atigi taavale. • Talanoa i ou tuaoi pe afai o iai ni faafitauli i o latou fanua.

• Toto ni laau e pupuni ai ni fale e tau lalata atu.


the tall trees and views in the the in views and trees tall the O le vaaia lelei o le siosiomaga 2. SURROUNDING AREA AREA SURROUNDING E le na o le faamatagofieina o le laufanua, ae e taua foi le vaavaai i auala:

• e sefe ai le eletise ma le suavai,

paths and the garden the and paths faaitiitia ai le otaota,

1. • IMMEDIATE SITE SITE IMMEDIATE • faaitiitia ai le faaleagaina o le suavai mai gaoioiga o lou mataaga.

Faasaoina o le eletise expectations. There are two main parts to your site environment: site your to parts main two are There expectations. • O le faaaogaina o moli i lou fale taele e aupito tele le eletise e alu ai.

E le tau faamumuina se moli pe a lelei le fausaga, ia faamaulalo pa tropical beauty they will find. Try to make sure your attraction lives up to these these to up lives attraction your sure make to Try find. will they beauty tropical • Many visitors to your site come to Samoa with high expectations of the lush lush the of expectations high with Samoa to come site your to visitors Many puipui ina ia sao atu le malamalama i totonu.

Ia tape moli pe afai e le faaaogaina fale taele. SITE BEAUTIFICATION SITE •

Faasaoina o le suavai

where it is. it where E utiuti le suavai i le tele o nuu ma e tatau ona faasaoina e ala i le: •

If your craft fale is away from your main site, have a sign to show visitors visitors show to sign a have site, main your from away is fale craft your If • Faatali vai timu i ni tane vai.

have a price list for food and drink. and food for list price a have Faatau le ituaiga ipu o le faleese e laitiiti le suavai e faaaoga ai. • •

Make sure the prices are clearly marked on all handicrafts and that you you that and handicrafts all on marked clearly are prices the sure Make • A le lelei le suavai i le tou nuu ona vaavaai lea i le faaogaina o faleese e

chests where you can lock the goods away at night. at away goods the lock can you where chests leai se vai e faaaoga ai. •

Keep the design as traditional as possible and consider having some some having consider and possible as traditional as design the Keep • Ia toe faaleleia uma ni gutu paipa e mama ma ia tape lelei.

and cold drinks: cold and • Salu fola o fale ae le o le fufuluina i vai.

small stall or kiosk. You can also use this place to sell local food delicacies, fruits fruits delicacies, food local sell to place this use also can You kiosk. or stall small • Fui ou togalaau i le po ina ia le tele se suavai e liu asu i le vevela o le la If you want to sell crafts and other souvenirs to your visitors, it is useful to have a a have to useful is it visitors, your to souvenirs other and crafts sell to want you If pe a fui i le ao.

Crafts cafe or fale or cafe Crafts • Ia faaeteete le soona faaalu o le suavai pe a taele.



FAAITIITIA MA TOE FAAAOGA O le faatamaia o otaota malo

O nisi nei o mea e te mafaufau iai:

•• Vaai poo a ituaiga otaota o loo aoina use. after off switched

U If you cannot avoid using artificial lighting, check to make sure this is is this sure make to check lighting, artificial using avoid cannot you If

mai i vaega eseese o le mataaga, U

poo fea e sau ai ae pe faapefea ona toilets. your on walls low or door short a having by this do can You

faaitiitia. enter. to sunlight much as for allows design the sure make you if areas


You can reduce or even avoid the need for lighting in your washroom washroom your in lighting for need the avoid even or reduce can You

•• Faaaoga ipu mata'eta'e e laulau ai U

meaai ina ia le faaaogaina ai ipu pepa consider: to things of couple a are Here

poo ipu uga. washrooms. your for lighting is have to likely are you costs electricity main The •• Faaaoga ni pesini e iai tapuni ina ia energy Conserving

faaitiitia ai le faaaogaina o pepa

reducing pollution caused by your site. your by caused pollution reducing

alamini ma pepa iila. *

managing solid wastes, and wastes, solid managing

•• Ia faaitiitia le faaaogaina o pusa ma *

conserving energy and water, and energy conserving taga pepa e teu ai oloa faatau. *

•• A faatau atu ni fualaau taumafa mata faaaoga ni mailo poo ni ato ae le includes: also it beautification, just

o pepa iila. than more involves environment site your Managing ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL

O le tia'iina o otaota

E tatau ona iai se faiga e faatamaia ai le otaota. Ia iai ni mea e lafo iai le lapisi site. your from development other and



ma e tatau foi ona e iloa pe faapefea ona faatamaia ia otaota ua aoina. houses hide to order in trees plant to Offer

a small fee. small a for area problem the clear



Tuu eseese lapisi e pala, o lapisi e mafai ona susunu ma lapisi e le mafai ona help to owners land other with negotiate to Try

susunuina ina ia faigofie ona fai le fuafuaga e faatamaia ai. lines. washing or cars old dumps, rubbish

 Otaota o laau, ma meaai e mafai ona faapalaina i tua pa o lou mataaga as such features unattractive or unnatural,

of the surrounding area where you you where area surrounding the of see

ona toe faaaoga lea mo togālaau. can

 la iai se kalone faapitoa mo meaai ua faavelaina e faatu i tafatafa o parts any identify and views and angles all



mea fai papakiu mo le fafaga ai o taifau. Aua le lafoaia i le eleele aua e from it at look site, own your of tour a Conduct

tele ai le isumu. following: the doing about

 think to want might You ugly. is it if experience visitor  E mafai ona faapalaina pepa pe a tatanu i se lua. A le o lena ona problem

even if this is not your own land, it will detract from the the from detract will it land, own your not is this if even

susunu lea i se nofoaga e le asugia ai fale o iai au malo. any down note and

 because site) your from seen be can that area land

 O otaota e le pala gofie e tatau ona toe fufulu ma faaaoga pe afai e SITE, YOUR TOUR

mafai. A le o lena ona nunumi faalaiti lea ma tatanu. (any site surrounding your consider to have also You  A tumu lena lua ona sui lea ise isi nofoaga site Surrounding

VAAI MA composting.

ILOILO... pe o a for waste garden any remove and of disposed properly is it sure make and

ituaiga otaota o morning every rubbish for site the check to need will You beauty. its maintain

Your immediate site environment will need regular care and attention to to attention and care regular need will environment site immediate Your

loo lafoaia i lou •

mataaga ma areas. picnic and paths the near trees shade plant so visitors, the

auala e faatamaia for comfortable and cool site a make to help really can trees that Remember

Avoid the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides at your site. your at herbicides and pesticides chemical of use the Avoid ai •

this balance right is Malololelei Scenic View near Apia). near View Scenic Malololelei is right balance this

form of the site, not in straight lines or along trails (a good example of getting getting of example good (a trails along or lines straight in not site, the of form

native species but try to keep the 'wild' feel of a site. Plant along the natural natural the along Plant site. a of feel 'wild' the keep to try but species native •



O le faaitiitia o le faaleagaina o nofoaga o lou mataaga E ono faaleagaina ou laufanua, o matafaga ma ogasami mai ni suavai leaga o faleletaua pe a lē lelei ona vaai. Ia manatua:

Saili ni fautuaga mai le Matagaluega Ofisa o together every morning. every together *

Galuega, Felauaiga ma Atinae a’e lei fausia ou

do with the rubbish when you have collected it all all it collected have you when rubbish the with do

ato, the traditional basket. traditional the ato, faleletaua. first step, but you also need to think about what to to what about think to need also you but step, first

bags, visitors will prefer the the prefer will visitors bags, Vaai lelei tane e alu iai otaota pe o mama. dealing with your wastes. Having litter bins are the the are bins litter Having wastes. your with dealing *

Reduce the use of plastic plastic of use the Reduce * Vaavaai i le faaaogaina o faleletaua e lē faaaoga ai le suavai.

making sure you have a good system in place for for place in system good a have you sure making * Afai ete iloa o loo aafia ou laufanua mai faleletaua o ou tuaoi, ona vave

An important part of looking after your site is is site your after looking of part important An faafesootai lea o se fofo. Disposing of solid wastes solid of Disposing

(baskets) rather than plastic bags. plastic than rather (baskets) O LE SAOGALEMU O AU MALO

If you are selling fruit, offer customers ato ato customers offer fruit, selling are you If O nisi o tulaga taatele e lepetia ai le saogalemu o au malo e aofia ai:

in your shop. your in * a’ega ma ni sitepu maseesee, poo ni tofē,

• au o le sami,

Reduce packaging on things that you sell sell you that things on packaging Reduce *

use of plastic film and aluminium foil. aluminium and film plastic of use * meaola taaloa ma namu,

Buy food containers with lids to avoid the the avoid to lids with containers food Buy * gāoia meatotino,

and food wrapping. food and

cutlery each time. each cutlery * nisi faasoesa.

wastes like tins, plastic plastic tins, like wastes

waste plastic and cardboard plates and and plates cardboard and plastic waste

managing your solid solid your managing

cutlery and cups so that you don’t have to to have don’t you that so cups and cutlery Vaai lelei mea nei.

The basic motto for for motto basic The O tofe ma vaega maualuluga your guests try to purchase proper plates, plates, proper purchase to try guests your

• Ia iai se pa e puipui ai au malo mai se tofe pe afai e faaaogaina lena If you are providing food or drinks for for drinks or food providing are you If


coming from and how it can be reduced. be can it how and from coming vaega mo ni maimoaga.

collecting in your rubbish bins, where is it it is where bins, rubbish your in collecting * E tatau ona iai se faailo e faaeteete ai tagata. REUSE REUSE

Investigate what kind of rubbish you are are you rubbish of kind what Investigate * Ia iai se pa i autafa e pipii iai au malo pe a aea ni sitepu.

management into practise at your attraction: your at practise into management


Here are some ideas about how to put waste waste put to how about ideas some are Here Au malolosi o le sami Managing solid wastes solid Managing * Lapatai i malo ina ia aua le puna ulu i vai papa’u. * Lapatai tagata i ogasami e le tatau ona taeele ai.

* Ia aua nei latalata faleletaua i ogasami e taeele ai.


U Ia aua nei iai ni manu e tataa i nofoaga e maua mai ai le suavai. Try to limit your showers to one bucket of water of bucket one to showers your limit to Try *

through evaporation. through

U O le siosiomaga U If you have to water your garden, do so at night to minimise water loss loss water minimise to night at so do garden, your water to have you If

U Toli i lalo ni popo mai niu aemaise i nofoaga e iai taavale ma tafafao ai Sweep outside areas rather than using a hose pipe to wash them down. them wash to pipe hose a using than rather areas outside Sweep U *

leakages and dripping pipes or taps. or pipes dripping and leakages tagata.

U Always check taps are turned off properly after use and quickly fix fix quickly and use after properly off turned are taps check Always U * Aveese uma ni laau mamago ua palalasi.

U Faamama uma ni vaega o loo lepa ai le suavai ina ia faaitiitia ai le Consider investing in composting toilets in areas which have little water little have which areas in toilets composting in investing Consider . U *

the amount of water used with each flush. each with used water of amount the namu.


If you are buying flush toilets, try to buy the ‘dual flush’ type which reduce reduce which type flush’ ‘dual the buy to try toilets, flush buying are you If U * Mautinoa ia matua leai ni taifau poo ni pusi i le mataaga aua o nisi nei o

mosquito infestation. mosquito vaaiga e faalefiafia iai malo asiasi ona e mafai ona fe’avea’i ai fa’amai.



Collect rain water from fale roofs and store in closed tanks to avoid avoid to tanks closed in store and roofs fale from water rain Collect FEAU TAUA

possible: E tele ni faalavelave e le tutupu pe afai e lelei ona fuafua lou mataaga. Faatonu

Water is also a scarce resource in some areas, and needs to be conserved where where conserved be to needs and areas, some in resource scarce a also is Water lau aufaigaluega ini matafaioi e ao ina fai pe afai e tulai mai se faalavelave Conserving water Conserving faafuasei. Afai ae tupu se faalavelave suesue lelei le mafuaaga ina ia e nofo uta

iai ina ia aua nei toe tupu i le lumanai.





Fa'afitauli: your damaging be may toilets neighbour’s your problem, the of source

• Afai e i ai se fa'afitauli tau gaoi i lou the find to try outside, from polluted being is site your suspect you If

IA SAVALIA LE MATAAGA mataaga, faailoa i tagata asiasi e vaai toilets. composting in investing Consider

Ma fai se lisi o mataupu: faalelei a latou ato ma mea totino ma loka leaking. not are tanks

faasaogalemu le mataaga lelei taavale na o atu ai. septic the that check and maintained regularly are toilets your sure Make

appropriate government ministries. government appropriate

• Mautinoa ua iai se faamalamalamaaga i

• tamaiti laiti o le nuu faapea ai le tupulaga the from toilets your building are you when advice expert Seek

E mafai fo’i ona E mafai fo'i ona ina ia taumamao i le fesiligia o turisi mo ni Remember.... fesoasoani atu atu le Ofisa o

lele MaloPulega mo oTagata le tupe faapea ai le sioa i malo. TafafaoOfisa Maimoao Tagata Mai Ia matuai vaaia lelei turisi tamaitai ma site. your at swimming is there if especially visitors, your of health the and

Tafafao Maimoa •

pe’a manaomia se pe a mana'omia se puipuia mo le saogalemu. site your for danger real very a presents This area. surrounding your in or site the

fesoasoani i lau mataaga. • Ia faatonu le aufaigaluega faapea tagata at toilets any from come usually will site attraction your at risk pollution main The

o le nuu o loo feoa’i ina ia taumamao mai pollution Reducing

le feavea'i o naifi ma fana a'o iai malo i le

mataaga. with deal to rubbish to make it easier easier it make to rubbish

Separate your your Separate

Malu puipuia o le mataaga elsewhere. located

E ui e taua le saogalemu o au malo ae matuā taua foi le puipuia mai o le be to pit new a and compacted, and soil with

• • the first pit is full it must be filled in filled be must it full is pit first the mataaga mai le faaleagaina. When

• E taua le matuai puipuia, e taua le iai o se isi i taimi uma e vaaia lelei le swampy. or wet too not is that area an mataaga. in site attraction your from away pit deep a in

• Ia faaogaina le pule mamalu a Alii ma Faipule mo le faamalosia o le nofo buried and possible as small as compressed

saogalemu. be can waste remaining The possible. where Please compost it! compost Please

A faapea o loo iai pea tulaga faaletonu i le mataaga ona fai lea o se pa again used and recycled be should waste paper paper

• • Plastic, glass, tin and other non-biodegrable non-biodegrable other and tin glass, Plastic,

laupapa poo se pa maa e sio ai le mataaga. and matter, vegetable

any visitors. any

• Ia puipui malu mea totino uma i le po. raw waste, human

your site at a time when you do not have have not do you when time a at site your • A tumau ai pea le le saogalemu i lou mataaga taumafai e faaitiitia le ITEMS BIODEGRADABLE

mafai ona soli vale atu o lou mataaga. Faaoga se pa maa poo se pa from away done be must Burning plastics. laupapa. any burn to not sure make but burnt, be can

A faapea o le ava malosi e tele ina tutupu ai nei faafitauli, ua alagatatau it possible not is this if - pit a in buried is it

• •

ona faaititia lona faaogaina. if composted be can cardboard and Paper rats.

don’t put it in your compost as it will attract attract will it as compost your in it put don’t

any waste cooked food to your animals but but animals your to food cooked waste any

Only’ Only’ picnic area. You can feed feed can You area. picnic near your near

• Provide a special bin labelled ‘Cooked Food Food ‘Cooked labelled bin special a Provide

ered properly with soil. with properly ered

- building or in rough bush and must be cov be must and bush rough in or building

a place away from your main site behind a a behind site main your from away place a

(biodegrable rubbish) can be composted in in composted be can rubbish) (biodegrable

• Garden wastes and raw vegetable matter matter vegetable raw and wastes Garden

will make your disposal process much easier. much process disposal your make will

plastics, glass and polystyrene. Try to separate these two types of rubbish as this this as rubbish of types two these separate to Try polystyrene. and glass plastics,

matter, cooked food and paper, as well as non-biodegrable rubbish such as tins, tins, as such rubbish non-biodegrable as well as paper, and food cooked matter,

You are likely to have both biodegrable rubbish such as garden waste, vegetable vegetable waste, garden as such rubbish biodegrable both have to likely are You




. there visitors have you when attraction the into knives

○ ○

their guns or bush bush or guns their carry

Ask your staff/helpers and other local visitors not to to not visitors local other and staff/helpers your Ask VAEGA LONA TOLU O LE FAATINOINA O LAU PISINISI

○ ○ Take care that your young female visitors are safe. are visitors female young your that care Take

visitors and do not ask them for money or come and stare at them. at stare and come or money for them ask not do and visitors

○ ○ Ensure that young people and children from your village understand about about understand village your from children and people young that Ensure

care with their belongings and lock their cars. their lock and belongings their with care

○ ○ If you have a problem with theft at your site, ask your visitors to take special special take to visitors your ask site, your at theft with problem a have you If


frighten guests and also risk spreading disease. spreading risk also and guests frighten

○ ○ Take special care to keep dogs and cats away from your site as they can can they as site your from away cats and dogs keep to care special Take

mosquito breeding areas. breeding mosquito

○ ○ Try to remove or reduce any standing water which could be potential potential be could which water standing any reduce or remove to Try

○ ○ Remove dead or fallen trees along the trails. the along trees fallen or dead Remove

become a danger. a become

○ ○ Remove coconuts from trees in public areas and car parks before they they before parks car and areas public in trees from coconuts Remove


○ ○ Keep animals away from rivers and pools. and rivers from away animals Keep

○ ○ away from swimming areas. areas. swimming from away

○ ○ Maintain your toilets well and locate them locate and well toilets your Maintain

from happening again. happening from

sign “Beware Dangerous Currents”. Dangerous “Beware sign

can try to prevent it it prevent to try can

○ ○ O le a iloa mai le Vaega lona tolu itu taua e sologa lelei ai lau pisinisi ma maua

Warn visitors of dangerous currents with a a with currents dangerous of visitors Warn

happened so that you you that so happened

Diving”. mai ai se tupe mama.

find out exactly what what exactly out find

with a sign “Check Water Depth Before Before Depth Water “Check sign a with

make sure that you you that sure make

○ Afai e te manao e tele ni tupe maua mai lou mataaga e tatau ona fai e pei o se Warn visitors not to dive into shallow pools pools shallow into dive to not visitors Warn accident does occur occur does accident

accident. If an an If accident. pisinisi. E tutusa lava ma le faia o se faleoloa aua e faalagolago le sologa lelei i ni Swimming hazards Swimming

the event of an an of event the auaunaga e te ofoina atu, o le lelei ona fai o tau, o le a'oa'oina o lau aufaigaluega,

about what to do in in do to what about

provide a strong hand rail. hand strong a provide o le maopoopo o faamaumauga atoa ai ma le sailia o ni malo e asia lou mataaga.

all your staff/helpers staff/helpers your all

○ ○ E te toe foi lava e te faatau i le faleoloa e tali leleia oe ae e te le fia tala’ia se If trails include steep slopes or steps try to to try steps or slopes steep include trails If

Make sure you inform inform you sure Make

Clear”. faleoloa e le lelei se auaunaga.

your site environment. environment. site your

you must put up a sign saying “Danger Keep Keep “Danger saying sign a up put must you

design and planning of of planning and design O le sailia o au malo any cliff or viewing area. If it is dangerous dangerous is it If area. viewing or cliff any

be avoided by careful careful by avoided be

○ ○ E ala ona fai lou mataaga ona ua e mautinoa e iai ni malo latou te asia ma o nisi Ensure you have a strong barrier in front of of front in barrier strong a have you Ensure

Many accidents can can accidents Many nei o itu taua e te mataituina: Cliffs and slopes and Cliffs

IMPORTANT NOTE IMPORTANT • E tatau ona saili ni tagata e asia lou mataaga,

Faamatala iai lou mataaga, Here is a check-list of things to consider... to things of check-list a is Here •

Faasino lelei iai auala e oo atu ai, other hassles. other * •

Tausi ma tali lelei aua e mautinoa lava le toe foi atu. theft, and theft, * •

mosquitos, dogs, mosquitos, * O nei tulaga ua taua o le sailia o maketi mo lau pisinisi. E tele ni auala e faalauiloa

swimming hazards, swimming * ai lou mataaga.

cliffs, slippery slopes and steep steps, steep and slopes slippery cliffs,

* O se faasino ala

annoyances include; annoyances E tatau ona iai se faasalalauga ua lelei ona tusia ma teuteuina i tala ane o le

to the local conditions, but common dangers and and dangers common but conditions, local the to auala, ma latalata i ou mataaga ina ia faigofie ona iloa e tagata feoa’i aemaise i The type of dangers at your site will vary according according vary will site your at dangers of type The VISITORS SAFETY VISITORS latou e feoai i taavale. A iai se tagata tusi ata e te iloa, ave iai na te tusia ia manaia

ma iloa gofie lau faailoilo. Ia vali lelei ma ia iloa mamao mai pe a ma le 50 futu.



O se faasino ala lelei e vaneina upu ise laau malo ona vali papae lea o mata'itusi. Pe taugata le faiga o lenei faasino ala ia mautinoa o se tupe faaalu aogā pe a sailia se tagata faapitoa na te saunia.

O Iomiga faapitoa E mafai foi ona saunia se Iomiga e maua uma ai Mo se faata'ita'iga lelei faamatalaga e uiga i lou mataaga ma e mafai ona o se faasino ala manino e tuuina i le Pulega o le Ofisa o Tagata Tafafao vaai le faasino ala a le Maimoa e faasalalau ai poo isi foi faletalimalo. Ia iai Global Travel i Saleufi i totonu o nei Iomiga le: • Le igoa o lau mataaga, • Mafuaaga e tatau ai ona asia lou mataaga, • Faamatalaga pe faapefea ona oo atu i lou mataaga, • Ia manino tulaga uma o au auaunaga ma tau. ASIASI I LE AFU i i Savaii E le tatau ona taugata tele ia lomiga. E mafai ona e talosagaina se fesoasoani tau tupe mo le faiga o lea Afai e te asiasi i lomiga ma e mafai ona outou galulue faatasi ma isi Samoa aua nei misi lou oo i le Afu Aau. mataaga e faia so outou lomiga tuu-faatasi.

E mafai foi ona tufa i malo ia lomiga i le taimi e o site. your on use its restrict to want may ◊ If you consider alcohol consumption as the cause of the problem you you problem the of cause the as consumption alcohol consider you If

ese ai. . appearance

Faalauiloa lou mataaga e ala i Taiala e faia Malaga visual improve to black painted is it sure make mesh, wire a use to have

(Fale fai pepa Malaga) do you If one. wire a of instead fence timber a use area, your in grow

E tatau ona e faatalitonuina tagata o loo Tepa i le momosi o vao not do hedges If fences. wire than rather walls stone and hedges of

matua lanu meamata o loo use the with means natural by this do to Try site. your to access reduce

faamaopoopoina Malaga ile alaga tatau ona oo atu ◊

faasusuina e le afu ma ona to need will you site your at problem security serious a have you If

Make sure that anything valuable is secured at night. at secured is valuable anything that sure Make

tagata maimoa i lou mataaga. taelega malu. O le a iai ◊ Taiala latou te faasino atu le court. to offenders take and enforcement law national contact

Asiasiga a le au fai faasalalauga afu ma e maua ai foi se aiga problems, in the absence of traditional village by-laws you may want to to want may you by-laws village traditional of absence the in problems,

o le aoauli ma niu taumafa ◊

E taua tele le lagolagoina soo se Malaga pue ata e ◊ malulu security persistent having are you If

fia oo atu i lou mataaga pe afai e faafesootai atu e le

E 25 minute le mamao mai vandals. deter Pulega o le Ofisa o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa. site your at security

Salelologa i le pasi o le auala ◊ Use traditional village law enforcement to to enforcement law village traditional Use

a le nuu o Palauli. the; about worried

Ia tali lelei nei tagata aua latou te faasalalau atu occurring. help you if’ you are are you if’ you help

after your site to prevent damages from from damages prevent to site your after

ni faamatalaga e faatatau i lou mataaga. Ia iai lou O loo iai se faailo i le auala. also can Authority

mataaga i le faafanua mo mataaga uma, o lomiga look to around is someone sure make

Tatala 7 taeao – 6 afiafi Tourism Samoa The ◊ faapitoa e saunia e le Pulega e pei o tusi mo le au always so solution, best the is Prevention $5 tagata


visitor safety issues safety visitor

E le totogia le nofoaga o theft. and vandalism graffiti, as such

taavale. of list a make and

Vaai poo sa’o lelei faamatalaga ua lomia e faatatau i problems from site your protecting consider to


lau mataaga. A leai fesili ina ia toe faasa’oina. Tatou feiloai i Afu Aau have also you visitors your of safety the as well As

Site security Site




visitors to your site. your to visitors Ofo se tau A o e mafaufau i se faiga faavae mo tau o au auaunaga, All this is all called marketing. There are several tools you can use to attract attract to use can you tools several are There marketing. called all is this All faapitoa e avatu ai e tatau ona e mafaufau poo a tau a isi mataaga o loo

ni Malaga tetele i faaaoga ae poo a foi auaunaga o loo ofoina atu. E ta- tell their friends to visit your site too. site your visit to friends their tell lou mataaga.

tau foi ona e iloa pe faapefea ona fua tau, pe fua aga’i i

giving them an excellent experience so that they return another time and and time another return they that so experience excellent an them giving

♦ taavale poo tagata ae pe iai ni eseesega mo malo mai

helping them find your site, and site, your find them helping ♦

♦ fafo ma tagata tafafao lava mai Samoa. O le a auiliili

telling them about your site, your about them telling

♦ atu i lalo ia tulaga.

going out and finding your customers, your finding and out going ♦

for people to come. It is about: is It come. to people for O a auaunaga o loo e saunia?

Running a visitor attraction is not about making a beautiful site and then waiting waiting then and site beautiful a making about not is attraction visitor a Running E eseese lava le tau o le ulufale e faaaoga e mataaga Finding your customers your Finding taitasi ae e tatau ona faaaoga tau o loo tuu atu i lalo e

avea ma taiala.

business side of things right. things of side business

money properly, getting your price right, training your staff/helpers and getting the the getting and staff/helpers your training right, price your getting properly, money Faasino ala mo tau i lou mataaga

site, but also about finding customers, keeping good records, managing your managing records, good keeping customers, finding about also but site, Afai e le'i faia ni suiga i lou mataaga ma e le'o iai foi ni auaunaga faapitoa mo au

In the same way, running a visitor attraction is not just about having a beautiful beautiful a having about just not is attraction visitor a running way, same the In malo

prices right, training your staff and dealing with all the other business matters. matters. business other the all with dealing and staff your training right, prices

about having good things to buy, but also about selling your goods, getting the the getting goods, your selling about also but buy, to things good having about Afai o lo o iai uma mea e pei ona talanoaina i le Vaega lona lua (auala, nofoaga a business. Think of it as a village shop - a successful village shop is not just just not is shop village successful a - shop village a as it of Think business. a mo taavale, ala savali, kalone mo lapisi ma faasino ala)

If you want to make money from your attraction site you have to try to run it like like it run to try to have you site attraction your from money make to want you If Afai e tele ni suiga ma ni auaunaga faapitoa ua e saunia atoa ai ma isi mea e pei

most effective manner in order to maximise your profit. profit. your maximise to order in manner effective most o fale e malōlō ai tafaoga, o fale e faatau ai galuega taulima ma faleese aemaise In part three of the Manual you will learn about how to run your business in the the in business your run to how about learn will you Manual the of three part In foi o le faafeiloaia o au malo.

la faatutusa tau mo tagata mai fafo ma tagata tafafao 1 tala po o le 2 tala mo le mai Samoa, ma ia faatoa fai se tau faapitoa pe afai ua tagata matua uma ona ioeina ma tagata e vaaia aumalaga tetele.

O a auaunaga o loo saunia e isi mataaga? 4 tala mole tagata matua Asiasi i isi mataaga ma maitau poo a tau o loo latou faaaogaina e faatusatusa iai latou auaunaga. O le a e iloa mai iina pe sii pe toe faapa'u tau o lau mataaga. Ia manatua le tāua o le faafetaui o tau ma le tulaga lelei 5 tala i le 10 tala tagata o le auaunaga. E fiafia tagata e totogi tupe pe afai e matua talafeagai ma le auaunaga o loo latou maua.

Fuafuaina o tau E tofu lava le mataaga ma le faiga e faavae ai ana tau. 3 tala i le 5 tala tamaiti O nisi e faavae le tau ulufale i le taavale, a o isi e fua i tagata. Faaaoga taiala mo tau e pei ona faasino atu i le itulau ua te’a. Fuafua lelei tau mo tagata ma ia iai se pa'u mo tamaiti.

Tuu lelei le laupapa mo tau e latalata i le auala ulufale o le mataaga ma fai se

PART THREE PART RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS YOUR RUNNING faasilasilaga fou pe afai ua fesuiai tau ae lē ole osiosi o tau tuai aua e mataga i

le vaai.



Ave i le tagata e toatasi se lisiti pe a maea ona totogi le ulufale. O iina e taofia ai le soona faamaualuluga A taugata tele tau o o tau. E maua tusi po o api lisiti mai faleoloa.

ulufale e leai ni malo e toe o atu, a pau Aoina o ulufale used. be can drawing

tele foi au tau e leai E masani ona lē malamalama malo poo ai e totogi i ai a and handwritten be produce. They can can They produce.

se tupe mama e te websites. respective their through

le ulufale pe a taunuu. Ia tasi lava se tagata e aoina to expensive be to

maua e tausi ai lou internet the on site your market and advertise also

tupe ma ia iai se faailo o ia e ana lea tiute e ala i sana need not do Brochures mataaga. can operators tour These services. and facilities

pine. Ia manatua, afai e soona faamaualuluga tau o

things visitors can do at your site, as well as available available as well as site, your at do can visitors things

le ulufale, o le a ono ave ni faitioga a tagata maimoa soon! you seeing

have a good product. Talk to them and explain all the the all explain and them to Talk product. good a have

i le Pulega i Apia. to forward look We

to your site you will need to convince them that you you that them convince to need will you site your to

If you want tour operators to bring groups of tourists tourists of groups bring to operators tour want you If


E le tele se tupe e maua mai le ulufale ae e tele lava operators

Monday toSaturday Monday Market your site through tour guides and tour tour and guides tour through site your Market nisi auala e te maua ai se seleni faaopoopo. E tele 6pm - 7am avanoa e faaalu ai tupe a le au tafafao i lou mataaga

e ala i le saunia o nisi oloa e faatau atu e pei o fee. entrance their pay visitors when site your at out a brochure together. You together. brochure a also give the brochures brochures the give also

galuega taulima, o meaai ma vai inu. can

TAU O LE ULUFALE make to area nearby the in sites other with together

Tagata matutua Meaai join to try could you up starting just are or site, 5 tala small a just have you If brochure. your translating in

O meaai e te faatau atu e faalagolago i mea e maua

i sau faatoaga poo ni mea e maua i se faleoloa e assistance get and cost the of part cover to grant

Tamaiti marketing a for apply to able be even may You


(2 – 12 tausaga) latalata ane. E tele sau tupe maua faaopoopo pe afai undertaking. expensive an be to have not does This 2 tala e saunia lava e oe ae le faatauina mai i se faleoloa. Aau Afu at experience

O se fantastic a on out miss don’t you may also include the entrance price. entrance the include also may you * Samoa to visit your faataitaiga; afai e saunia lava e oe ni fa’i falai On

Nofoaga taavale (chips) mai fua o lau faatoaga, o le a tele sau tupe

why visitors will enjoy visiting, and visiting, enjoy will visitors why *

Leai se totogi WATERFALL directions about how to find it, find to how about directions mama e maua nai loo le faatau atu o fa'i falai e aumai *

mai fafo. AAU AFU VISIT

the name of your site, your of name the *

UU Afai e tau mamao le mea e iai lou mataaga e ono include: should This Authority. Tourism Samoa Afai e iai uma the at as well as Apia, in area, your in operators tour and hotels to it distribute

faigata le saunia o ni meaai aemaise pe afai e leai auaunaga ma mea and brochure small a make to is site your about visitors tell to way Another

sau pusa aisa, faatau atu na o meaai e aumai i faapitoa mo lou Brochures mataaga ete ono lau faatoaga. E fiafia tele tagata maimoa i fualaau faaaogaina le lisi taumafa mata e pei o fala ai, fa'i pula, esi, kuava,

o tau e pei ona iai ma le mago. O nisi e fiafia foi i le popo. you. help to available grants marketing are i luga. there and professional a by made sign main your

UU A e latalata i se faleoloa e maua ai se falaoa ona fai get to investment good a is It lettering. clear with lea o ni aiga mo tagata maimoa. Faaaoga le falaoa wood treated using looking, natural are signs of

pa'epa'e poo le falaoa enaena e fai ai ni sanuisi kind best The painted. freshly kept and distance

ma se fuamoa, moa poo se salati. E mafai ona 50m least at from readable be to needs sign The

saunia nei taumafa i le taeao ona tuu lea i le pusa down. slow to time enough have cars in visitors aisa. Fua lelei le aofai o saunisi e fai ne'i maimau so attraction your to entrance the before well

ae lē toatele ni tagata e faaaogaina. Ia manatua e placed be to needs This attraction. visitor your

seasea fiafia tagata mai fafo i ni sanuisi e faia i le for tool marketing effective most and cheapest

supokeli poo le pisupo. the probably is sign road attractive clear, A Sign



UU Ia aua nei iai ni meaola e latalata atu i le nofoaga o

NB prices given are only a guide a only are given prices NB saunia ai vaiinu. 3 to 5 tala per child per tala 5 to 3

& greet, tour guiding, welcome drink) welcome guiding, tour greet, & O le lisi o tau o mea e faatau atu

cafe fale, or toilets as well as welcome services (meet (meet services welcome as well as toilets or fale, cafe Amata muamua ona sauni ni mea faigofie mo le faatau

additional facilities such as rest fale, picnic areas, craft/ areas, picnic fale, rest as such facilities additional atu. Ia iai se faasinoala i le nofoaga o loo faatau atu ai ia

5 to 10 tala per adult per tala 10 to 5

improvements to your site and are also providing providing also are and site your to improvements oloa atoa ai ma le saunia o le lisi o tau o ia oloa. Ia faatau

You can charge more if you have made significant significant made have you if more charge can You ia oloa i se fale lelei o lou mataaga.

car park, signs, trails, litter bins) litter trails, signs, park, car O nisi nei o mea ete tausisi iai i le saunia o meaai

3 or 4 tala per person per tala 4 or 3 mentioned in part two of this manual (access, (access, manual this of two part in mentioned VV Fufulu mama ou lima i se fasimoli ma solo mago

If you are providing all the essential facilities facilities essential the all providing are you If i se solo mama.

visitor services. services. visitor VV la vela lelei le aano o moa e fai ai sanuisi.

to your site and are not providing any special special any providing not are and site your to VV la fufulu mama fualaau aina i se vai vevela.

If you have made no significant improvements improvements significant no made have you If

• VV Aua nei latalata atu ni meaola i le nofoaga e fai Guide for entrance fees at visitor attractions visitor at fees entrance for Guide ai meaai.

VV la mama ma aua le pefua ulo ma ipu e faaaoga.

following as guidelines only: guidelines as following

There are different price ranges for entrance fees at visitor attractions, use the the use attractions, visitor at fees entrance for ranges price different are There O vai inu What are you providing? you are What E ono toatele ni malo e mananao e faatau ni vai inu mai ia

te oe ma ia iai ni vaiinu eseese ete saunia. Mai faataitaiga

local and overseas visitors. We will look at each of these aspects in turn... in aspects these of each at look will We visitors. overseas and local ua mavae, ua e iloa ai e sili atu ona tele le tupe mama e

per person, how you charge groups and whether you have a different charge for for charge different a have you whether and groups charge you how person, per maua pe a e saunia lava e oe au vai inu. O nisi nei o vai

important consideration is the pricing structure - whether you charge per car or or car per charge you whether - structure pricing the is consideration important inu e mafai ona fai:

are providing at the site and how much your competitors are charging. Another Another charging. are competitors your much how and site the at providing are VV Niu malulu —e iai nisi e fia maimoa i le mele’i ina

When you are deciding on your pricing policy you need to think about what you you what about think to need you policy pricing your on deciding are you When o le niu ma le ta’eina ina ia maua ai le aano ma SETTING THE PRICE RIGHT PRICE THE SETTING le sua. A iai sau pusa aisa ona faamalulu lea o

au niu ae aua nei moea.

will be no charge for making alterations if a review is being carried out. carried being is review a if alterations making for charge no be will VV Sua o fualaau taumafa mata —a iai ni esi ona

Promotions Division. These publications are not all regularly reviewed but there there but reviewed regularly all not are publications These Division. Promotions tatau faatasi lea ma le sua o le niu, tuu iai sina

about your site is incorrect, talk to the Samoa Tourism Authority Marketing and and Marketing Authority Tourism Samoa the to talk incorrect, is site your about tipolo ma faamalulu. Ia le silia i le aso e tasi o

information provided is correct. If your site is not mentioned or the information information the or mentioned not is site your If correct. is provided information tuu i le aisa. Make sure that your site is mentioned in these publications, and that the the that and publications, these in mentioned is site your that sure Make

VV Vai tipolo —Tatau le sua o le tipolo Samoa. Samoa. MEAAI MA VAI INU

ma faaputu seia o’o ina faaaogaina Tourism Authority brochures and guide books about about books guide and brochures Authority Tourism Meaai ona faatoa faasuka lea ma sui i se

use the ‘HEMA’ touring map of Samoa, the Samoa Samoa the Samoa, of map touring ‘HEMA’ the use Sanuisi fuamoa, sisi, moa, vai ua uma ona faapunaina. O se fua

guide-books. Most of your independent visitors will will visitors independent your of Most guide-books. puaa faaasu $5 tala talafeagai o le 1 le ipu sua tipolo i le 4 Get on the map and in the brochures and and brochures the in and map the on Get ipu vai, ma faamalulu.

Fai Falai $2 tala VV Koko Samoa —e iai nisi e fia tofo i le

about Samoa. about Fualaau Taumafa mata koko Samoa. turn they may mention you in their films and articles articles and films their in you mention may they turn Moli, mago $1 tala

You should take special care of these groups, and in in and groups, these of care special take should You Vaiinu

crews introduced by the Samoa Tourism Authority. Authority. Tourism Samoa the by introduced crews Niu $1 tala

It is a good idea to support visiting journalists or film film or journalists visiting support to idea good a is It Vai tipolo $1 tala (ipu)

Media visits Media Sua fualaau $1 tala (ipu)



I le saunia o vai inu e iai foi ni tulaga e tatau ona e tausisi iai: UU Fufulu mama ou lima i se fasimoli ma solo mago.

UU Fufulu mama uma ni ipu mata'eta'e e faaaoga e ligi

ai le vaiinu. only).

UU Afai e faaaoga ni fasi aisa ia saunia mai se vai ua guide a are (prices

faapunaina. above shown sign the

litter bins) might look like like look might bins) litter Tourism Authority to visit your site and advise you. advise and site your visit to Authority Tourism

(signposts, access, trails, trails, access, (signposts,

O galuega taulima Samoa the ask can you charge, to price what about

all the essential facilities facilities essential the all O se isi auala e maua ai nisi tupe faaopoopo o le faatauina sure not still are and section this read have you If

atu lea o ni galuega taulima. O itu nei e te vaavaai iai i le have you where site A

saunia o nei mea taulima: Authority. Tourism Samoa the

FREE park Car

²² Aua le faatauina mai Apia nei mea taulima mo le to complain and unhappy be may visitors site your


toe faatauina atu i lou mataaga. for over-charge you if that Remember arrival. upon

(2-12yrs) Children

²² Faamalamalama iai latou o loo saunia mea guests by identified easily be can they and money

$4 Adults

taulima e sili atu ona tāua le saunia o galuega collecting for responsible person is one only sure

taulima aupito sili ona lelei auā e tele le tupe e Make site. your to come they when pay to are they


maua mai ai. who know to visitors for difficult sometimes is It ²² Sauni ni oloa e le mamafa e ave gofie i vaalele. fees Collecting

²² O nisi e mananao tele i mea taulima moni a le

atunuu. Taumafai e faalaiti siapo ma ie toga ina shops. stationery

ia teu gofie. at book receipt and tickets of rolls buy can You overcharging. avoids this fee, ²² E manaomia foi mea taulima e aoga ma mafai entrance their pay they when receipts or ticket a visitors the give you if best is It

ona faaaoga e pei o ato, ili ma ufi laulau.

²² E mananao foi nisi e maimoa i le saunia o nei untidy. very

mea taulima. looks this as fee old the out cross not do so sign, new a make prices the change

know how much they have to pay. If you need to to need you If pay. to have they much how know Gaosia o galuega taulima visitors so entrance the near clearly sign this Place

E iai nisi o malo mai fafo e fia iloa lalaga fala poo ato e fa'aaoga iai le launiu, o le

laufala ma isi mea. E le gata i lea, o le faiga o le siapo poo le taina o tanoa. A iai children. for reductions with car) per

se isi o le tou nuu e poto i ia itu, ona faafesootai lea i ai o ni maimoaga a malo i (not person per charge and right’ price the ‘getting

ana galuega ae totogi. for guidelines above the use to try you suggest

Exactly how much you charge is up to you but we we but you to up is charge you much how Exactly

Some charge per car, and others charge per person. person. per charge others and car, per charge Some

will find that each site has a different pricing structure. structure. pricing different a has site each that find will

If you visit the different attractions in your area you you area your in attractions different the visit you If

Pricing structure Pricing

money, they want to get what they pay for. pay they what get to want they money,

to lower or raise your price to match this, but remember visitors want value for for value want visitors remember but this, match to price your raise or lower to

providing and find out how much they are charging their visitors. You may want want may You visitors. their charging are they much how out find and providing

Take some time to visit the other attractions in your area, look at what they are are they what at look area, your in attractions other the visit to time some Take

What are your competitors providing? competitors your are What

operator for their groups. groups. their for operator

in pricing and only make reductions if you have a special arrangement with a tour tour a with arrangement special a have you if reductions make only and pricing in

Try to keep the same price for locals and overseas visitors ensuring a consistency consistency a ensuring visitors overseas and locals for price same the keep to Try




Wash all salad and vegetables in clean boiled boiled clean in vegetables and salad all Wash ○ ○

cooked, not red near the bone. the near red not cooked, O le faatauina atu o mea taulima

○ Always check that any food is very well well very is food any that check Always

○ E tatau ona iai se fale faapitoa e faaali ai ma faatau ai au mea taulima ma ia iai

food. foi se faasino ala e iloa ai le mea o tu ai. Ia faapipii tau i luga o oloa ma ia manaia

dry them with a clean towel before preparing preparing before towel clean a with them dry le faaaliga o nei oloa.

○ Always wash your hands well with soap and and soap with well hands your wash Always ○

preparing food: preparing O nisi mea e fai

Here are some other things to remember when you are are you when remember to things other some are Here O nisi auala e maua mai ai nisi tupe o le saunia lea o nisi mea e mafai ona auai

and fresh. and tagata maimoa. E mafai ona e fesili ia i latou e faia malaga tetele pe faamata o a

any food! any

looking for a healthy snack, something that is clean clean is that something snack, healthy a for looking ni mea e fia auai tagata maimoa.

before touching touching before

corned beef or spaghetti sandwiches. They will be be will They sandwiches. spaghetti or beef corned

hands with soap with hands

remember that overseas guests do not usually like like usually not do guests overseas that remember Savaliga e maimoa i le nuu

Always wash your wash Always

site. Just make a few sandwiches every day and and day every sandwiches few a make Just site. E mafai ona ave au malo e faamatamata i le tou nuu. Ia lelei ona faamatala iai

this is expensive and can mean extra litter at your your at litter extra mean can and expensive is this mea tāua e iai le falesa, o fale e fai ai fono a le nuu ma isi tulaga faapena. IMPORTANT

during the day. Try to avoid using plastic wrap as as wrap plastic using avoid to Try day. the during

keep them in a plastic cooler box to keep fresh fresh keep to box cooler plastic a in them keep Asiasiga i ma’umaga

salad. You can prepare these in the morning and and morning the in these prepare can You salad. E iai foi nisi e fia asiasi i maumaga ina ia o latou iloa ai laau toto o Samoa. Ia

or white bread with egg, cheese, ham, chicken or or chicken ham, cheese, egg, with bread white or faasino iai laau ma faamatala o latou aoga. E mafai ona faai’u lena asiasiga i se

snack lunches for your visitors. Use sliced brown brown sliced Use visitors. your for lunches snack maimoaga a o saunia meaai Samoa e fa’aaoga ai fua o lau fa ato’aga.

and other goods you might like to try to make make to try to like might you goods other and

If you are close to shops where you can buy bread bread buy can you where shops to close are you If Fagotaga

your site. your E fiafia lava isi tagata e faamasani i le lafoina o upega fagota poo lefagotai

popo. You can make a small stall for selling fruit at at fruit selling for stall small a make can You popo. paopao ma fa’aaoga mata tao. E mafai ona faia lava e oe poo le faaaoga ai o se

Some visitors also like to eat mature coconut, the the coconut, mature eat to like also visitors Some isi e iloa fai faiva. Ia saogalemu vaa e fa’aaoga ma ia e mautinoa e iloa e au malo

banana, papaya, guava, passion fruit and mango. mango. and fruit passion guava, papaya, banana, fe’ausi. E tatau foi ona ave ni ofu faaola pe a o i se paopao poo se vaa fagota. A

a variety of fruits during the year like pineapple, pineapple, like year the during fruits of variety a leaga le tau, aua le fa’ataunu’uina ia tulaga aua e faamuamua lava le saogalemu

very popular with overseas visitors. Try to grow grow to Try visitors. overseas with popular very o malo.

from your plantation. Tropical fruits are normally normally are fruits Tropical plantation. your from

not have a refrigerator. In this case just sell fruit fruit sell just case this In refrigerator. a have not Tietiega solofanua

for you to provide fresh food, especially if you do do you if especially food, fresh provide to you for A iai sau solofanua e le ulavale, e mafai ona tietie ai malo mo se maimoaga i le

If you are in a very remote area it may be difficult difficult be may it area remote very a in are you If • maumaga ae totogi.

profit rather than reselling banana chips you bought at the market. the at bought you chips banana reselling than rather profit Faaaogaina o mea maulu ae totogi

chips from the bananas you can’t sell at the market, you will make much more more much make will you market, the at sell can’t you bananas the from chips Afai e iai ni au mea e fa’aaoga mo le tu’u maulu e mafai ona faaaogaina e malo i

rather than bought it ready-made. For example, if you make your own banana banana own your make you if example, For ready-made. it bought than rather se totogi talafeagai. Afai o lou mataaga e fai ai ni maimoaga i ana ona fai lea o ni

Remember that your profit will be much greater if you have made the food yourself yourself food the made have you if greater much be will profit your that Remember moli uila e faaaoga ae totogi.

to local shops. local to

The type of food you can provide will depend on your plantation and your access access your and plantation your on depend will provide can you food of type The Food MEA E FAI

Tietiega Solofanua $20 tala i le itula


of add-on products such as food, drinks, crafts and activities. Here are some some are Here activities. and crafts drinks, food, as such products add-on of Savaliga i le nuu $10 tala i le itula

providing more opportunities for your visitors to spend money; developing a range range a developing money; spend to visitors your for opportunities more providing

are lots of other ways to generate income from your site. You can do this by by this do can You site. your from income generate to ways other of lots are Totogi o le faaaoga o moli $5 tala ile itula

It will be difficult to make a lot of money from your entrance fees alone, but there there but alone, fees entrance your from money of lot a make to difficult be will It




A’oa’oina o lau aufaigaluega Poo lou aiga poo lau aufaigaluega, e tatau lava ona a’oa’oina i le faatinoina o

auaunaga a lou mataaga.

Keep animals away from the area. the from away animals Keep


la avea oe ma faataitaiga lelei U

. water boiled clean with made is ice that sure make ice, using are you If


la muamua ona faataitai le faiga lelei o tiute a’o vaavaai mai iai le aufaigaluega ma U Wash all glasses in clean boiled water. boiled clean in glasses all Wash


ia iai se lisi o tiute e tatau ona fai. U before preparing drinks. preparing before

U Always wash your hands well with soap and dry them with a clean towel towel clean a with them dry and soap with well hands your wash Always

O le aoina o ulufale U

Ia iloa e tagata e aoina le ulufale ona teu ma sao faamaumauga o ia tupe. drinks. preparing Just like with the food, there are a few things to remember when you are are you when remember to things few a are there food, the with like Just


Ina ia mafai ona faafeiloai au malo mai fafo aemaise foi o le talanoa ia i latou, e Cocoa. Samoa

- some guests may like to try try to like may guests some -

U Cocoa Samoa Samoa Cocoa U

tatau lava ona a’oa’o lau nanu. Mo i latou e le malamalama i le nanu poo le faa- only example an are add clean iced water. iced clean add

Samoa fai lelei ni au taga e mafai ona faitau mai e au malo. given (prices this like list might say and look look and say might list of water to juice). Cool the mixture and then then and mixture the Cool juice). to water of

Your sign and your price price your and sign Your

Faaaoga lenei Taiala amount the times 4 (use water boiling clean

Faitau faatasi ma lau aufaigaluega lenei Taiala ma faataitai auala e faatino ai and sugar add and lemons the Squeeze you can make lemon juice concentrate. concentrate. juice lemon make can you

$2 Tala $2

auaunaga e pei ona faasino atu. glass per - If you have some lemons lemons some have you If -

U Fresh Lemon Fresh U Fresh fruit juice fruit Fresh

fridge for no more than one day. one than more no for fridge

$1 Tala $1

Ia fai ni fonotaga a lau aufaigaluega glass per

Add a little bit of lemon juice and keep in the the in keep and juice lemon of bit little a Add

Taumafai e fai ni fonotaga tai vaiaso a lau aufaigaluega e talanoa ai le tulaga o lemon Fresh

aaa ls wt te uc fo te niu . the from juice the with flesh papaya

iai le pisinisi atoa ai ma ni faafitauli ma auala e foia ai. O se avanoa lelei foi lea e Tala $1 coconut Fresh you can make fresh juice by blending the the blending by juice fresh make can you

talanoa ai nisi auala e saga faaleleia ai auaunaga. Drinks - if you have some papaya papaya some have you if - U Fruit drinks Fruit U

two days. two

$0.50 Sene $0.50

Asiasi i isi fale apitaga

prepare more than you can use in one or or one in use can you than more prepare

E aoga lou asiasi i isi fale apitaga tu matafaga e te iloa mai ai foi nisi faiga lelei mangos and oranges fridge try to keep the coconuts cold, don’t don’t cold, coconuts the keep to try fridge

, , bananas

e ono faaleleia ai lou fale tali malo. E mafai foi ona e valaaulia isi tagata fai fale item) (each Fruit like to eat the flesh, (aano). If you have a a have you If (aano). flesh, the eat to like

chips $2 Tala $2 chips

apitaga tu matafaga e asiasi mai ia te oe ma faatalanoa nisi auala e faaleleia ai a Banana

how you open the coconut and may also also may and coconut the open you how

outou auaunaga. E mafai foi ona e asiasi i faletalimalo tetele ma vaavaai i faiga e salad with

- your overseas visitors will like to see see to like will visitors overseas your -

U Niu U

faafeiloaia ai malo. ham or cheese egg,

yourself: , , chicken Sandwich

Here are some ideas for drinks you can produce produce can you drinks for ideas some are Here

$4 Tala $4


O lenei fuafuaga e pei o se faafanua o le auala. E tatau ona e iloa poo fea o e iai Fanta. FRESH FOOD & DRINKS & FOOD FRESH

i le taimi nei ao fea foi e te fia oo iai, ae faapefea foi ona e oo i le mea o e fia alu and Coke like drinks processed selling from can

iai. E taua le faatinoina o lou mataaga o se pisinisi. you than yourself make you drink a on profit more

Remember the examples above - you can make make can you - above examples the Remember

Ia e iloa lelei tupe alu ma tupe maua selection. good a provide to Ia iai ni faamaumauga o tupe faaalu ma tupe maua. try so you from drinks buy to want may visitors Many ×× Ia ese ni tusi e faamau ai tupe o le ulufale, tupe o isi oloa na faatau atu

ma isi auaunaga. Drinks

×× dust. from free and are clean are Soo se taimi e iai ni malo, faamau tupe o le ulufale i lalo o tupe maua. plates the as

Make sure all your kitchen utensils as well well as utensils kitchen your all sure Make O le a avea lena ma auala lelei e faatusatusa ai le tupe na e aoina ma ○ ○

Keep animals away from the cooking area. cooking the from away animals Keep ○ faamaumauga. ○

water. ×× A oo i le iuga o le vaiaso ona faaopoopo uma lea o tupe maua ma fai ai ni ○

totogi o lau aufaigaluega. O se tupe e totoe e tatau ona teu mo le tausiga ○

ole mataaga. Ia fai eseese se teuga tupe a oe lava ia ma se teuga tupe Manual


×× a le mataaga.

×× Ia faamau i se isi tusi tupe alu e pei o loo

who frequently visit your site for some ideas. some for site your visit frequently who operators

visitors and tour tour and visitors totogi ai pili o moli, vai, penisini ma totogi

you can provide will vary depending on the circumstances of your site. Ask the the Ask site. your of circumstances the on depending vary will provide can you a le aufaigaluega.

the visitors to do in order to keep them longer at your site. The type of activities activities of type The site. your at longer them keep to order in do to visitors the

Another way to make extra money from your site is to provide more activities for for activities more provide to is site your from money extra make to way Another Fuafua mo le lumanai Activities E tatau lava ona iai ni suiga o lou mataaga mai

lea tausaga i lea tausaga. Ia lava sau teuga tupe

piece of card and tie it to each souvenir. each to it tie and card of piece e faatino ai nei suiga. I taimi e tele atu ai malo e

price on all the products you have for sale. You can write the price on a small small a on price the write can You sale. for have you products the all on price tatau lava ona lava le aufaigaluega e pei o le

Try to display your crafts in an attractive way and make sure that you write the the write you that sure make and way attractive an in crafts your display to Try Kerisimasi, ma isi aso faapitoa. A e fuafua mamao

small stall or kiosk for display and a sign to advertise your goods to your visitors. visitors. your to goods your advertise to sign a and display for kiosk or stall small mo nei vaitaimi pisi o le a e maua uma na avanoa

Similarly with food and drinks, if you you if drinks, and food with Similarly going to sell crafts you need to have a a have to need you crafts sell to going

are e faateleina ai ni tupe e te maua mai lau mataaga. Selling your crafts your Selling

O pisinisi ma le aganuu

at your site. your at E ono iai se fete’ena’iga i le va o lau pisinisi ma

Visitors are most likely interested to see a demonstration of craftmanship craftmanship of demonstration a see to interested likely most are Visitors le aganuu faa-Samoa. E ono iai taimi e mana’o

placemats for the table or an attractive and finely made fan. made finely and attractive an or table the for placemats mai ai ou aiga e avatu sou sao tele i ni faalavelave

Visitors like to buy something which is useful like a beautiful basket, basket, beautiful a like useful is which something buy to like Visitors faaleaiga. Afai e te manao e ola lau pisinisi e tatau

small ones for souvenirs. for ones small lava ona tuu eseese tupe o le pisinisi ma tupe a lou

make fine mats or kava bowls, try to make to try bowls, kava or mats fine make aiga. A le mafai ona faia lea tulaga, o le a le sologa

Some visitors prefer traditional crafts so if you you if so crafts traditional prefer visitors Some

• lelei lau pisinisi.

too big or too heavy. too or big too

souvenirs home with them so they cannot be be cannot they so them with home souvenirs Tulaga tau lafoga

Remember that visitors have to carry their their carry to have visitors that Remember E le fai lafoga uma tagata e fai mataaga sei vagana

quality souvenirs quality ua silia i le SAT8,000 le tupe mama e maua i le FESOASOANI TAU TUPE

fair price for them than to make cheap poor poor cheap make to than them for price fair handicrafts sell best. sell handicrafts tausaga. Afai e lei faia ia tulaga o lona uiga ua soli E mafai ona e maua seni

make very good quality crafts and charge a a charge and crafts quality good very make

the shop owner which which owner shop the tulafono lau pisinisi. vaega tupe e fai ai au

• and you can also ask ask also can you and galuega e aunoa ma le toe Encourage the craftsmen that it is better to to better is it that craftsmen the Encourage

that are being charged charged being are that totogi atu buy crafts in Apia to sell at your site. your at sell to Apia in crafts buy

shops. Check the prices prices the Check shops. your village or the nearby area. Do not try to to try not Do area. nearby the or village your

products in the souvenir souvenir the in products

• Only try to sell crafts and souvenirs made in in made souvenirs and crafts sell to try Only

look at some of the the of some at look

to sell to your overseas visitors: overseas your to sell to FAALAPOTOPOTOGA E MAUA AI SE FESOASOANI could go around and and around go could

some things to consider when you are making crafts crafts making are you when consider to things some E tele ni faalapotopotoga e mafai ona e tusi talosaga iai mo se fesoasoani e you are in Apia you you Apia in are you

locally produced handicrafts as souvenirs. Here are are Here souvenirs. as handicrafts produced locally

handicrafts, next time time next handicrafts, faaleleia atili ai lou mataaga. O tulaga e fuafua iai le taliaina o lau talosaga o le:

Another way to make extra money at your site is to sell sell to is site your at money extra make to way Another good 'ideas about about 'ideas good ÄÄ Tusia ma fuafua lelei le talosaga,

If you want to get some some get to want you If Crafts and souvenirs and Crafts ÄÄ Mautinoa tonu le faalapotopotoga e ono fesoasoani ia te oe, ÄÄ Ia lelei le talosaga ma maua uma isi vaega e ono moomia e avatu faatasi

ma le talosaga. which you actually have available, otherwise visitors may be disappointed. be may visitors otherwise available, have actually you which

doesn’t make your site look ugly. Also remember to put things on the price list list price the on things put to remember Also ugly. look site your make doesn’t

what you have and how much they costs. Be sure to make this a good fale that that fale good a this make to sure Be costs. they much how and have you what

make a small sign for your kiosk as well as a price list so that your visitors know know visitors your that so list price a as well as kiosk your for sign small a make

a few things, keep it simple and make sure you are committed. You will need to to need will You committed. are you sure make and simple it keep things, few a

If you have decided to sell food or drinks at your visitor attraction, start with just just with start attraction, visitor your at drinks or food sell to decided have you If

Making a price list price a Making



O le fausia o lau talosaga

E tofu lava le faalapotopotoga ma le lisi o galuega e only). (example

faamatuu iai a latou tupe. O ituaiga talosaga e ono clearly prices the list to forget don’t faatupeina e aofia ai: activities, provide to going are you If

ÄÄ Fautuaga i mataupu tau tagata maimoa ma with your own. your with

$5 Tala per hour per Tala $5 pisinisi laiti. still need to try to upgrade their skills along along skills their upgrade to try to need still

ÄÄ Aoaoga mo lau aufaigaluega rental Torch as family, friends, or committee members you you members committee or friends, family, as

$10 Tala per hour per Tala $10 ÄÄ Fausia o ni puipuiga mo le saogalemu o au Even if you do not think of them them of think not do you if Even “staff”, but but “staff”, as

malo tours Walking

$20 Tala per hour per Tala $20 ÄÄ Auala e unaia ai le maua o maketi. services. quality ÄÄ Faaleleia o auaunaga e iai faleese, fale ai tours Horse-riding

poo fale e faatau ai au oloa. high provide to how helpers / Staff attraction

TAGATA E IAI POTO your teach to need also you plantation, the


FAAPITOA: work to how children your teach you like Just A mautu loa lou mafaufau ile talosaga e fia fai, ona E mafai ona oulua galulue STAFF YOUR TRAINING e talanoa loa lea ise tagata faufautua i mataupu tau ma se tagata faufautua e

iai sona poto faapitoa i soo

you can rent the use of torches. of use the rent can you

tagata maimoa mo sana fesoasoani i le tuufaatasia o a have you If masks.

se vaega o le faatinoina o cave lau talosaga. E mafai foi ona asia lou mataaga e se or goggles of use the rent could you lagoon water fresh a have you if example,

lau pisinisi. tagata faapitoa i le faiga o mataaga pe a talosaga mo For equipment. them rent to is guests your provide can you service extra Another se fesoasoani i le Pulega i Apia. O le a mafai foi ona rental Equipment avatu ni fautuaga a le Pulega o le Ofisa mo Tagata

Mo se fesoasoani i le Tafafao Maimoa i ni faiga faapisinisi e faaleleia ai lou horseback. by plantation your

faiga o talosaga vaai mataaga. of tour a on visitors take to offer can you ride to safe are that horses have you If i le vaega o

O le fea le faalapotopotoga e te alu iai faamatalaga riding Horse

faaopoopo mo se

E iai faalapotopotoga i totonu o Apia e mafai ona e auiliiliga precautions. safety proper take to sure be

alu iai mo se fesoasoani tau tupe poo ni fautuaga. but harpoon, a using or canoe outrigger an paddling methods, fishing traditional

If you have a coastal site location then visitors may be interested to learn about about learn to interested be may visitors then location site coastal a have you If O le polokalame mo atinae laiti a Niu Sila – le PSSF e mafai ona talosagaina ai trip Fishing ni vaega tupe mo le atiinaeina o le pisinisi e ala i maketi poo fa’alauiloa. E mafai

ona fa'aui atu talosaga i le Matagaluega o Pisinisi, Alamanuia ma Leipa aua ua

iai le poto masani e fai ai nei talosaga mo polokalame tau le atiaeina o mataaga visitors. the for demonstration a

o nisi nei o faalapotopotoga e fautuaina le ave iai o talosaga: do to village the in someone with arrangement an

mats and siapo or tapa cloth. You could try to make make to try could You cloth. tapa or siapo and mats

Polokalame mo atina'e laiti a Niu Sila - PSSF fine like crafts, traditional the of some make you

E fesoasoani lenei polokalame e ala i: how see to chance the have to like may Visitors • Vaega Tupe e fesoasoani i le fa’alauiloaina o le pisinisi demonstration Craft O pepa e faatumu e mafai ona maua mai le Matagaluega o Pisinisi,

Alamanuia ma Leipa Telefoni 20441 Fax 20443 way. the along see plants and trees and what they are used for. Point out any animals or birds you you birds or animals any out Point for. used are they what and trees and plants

You could also give a tour of your plantation or forest, show visitors the different different the visitors show forest, or plantation your of tour a give also could You

Plantation tour Plantation

explain how the village is organized. is village the how explain

lage, show them the church and meeting fales and other sites of interest and and interest of sites other and fales meeting and church the them show lage,

- If your English is good you could offer to take visitors on a tour around your vil your around tour a on visitors take to offer could you good is English your If

Village tour Village



O le faiga o lau tusi talosaga

like a professional business. professional a like E eseese lava taiala a faalapotopotoga eseese e tausisia i le saunia o lau

money from your attraction you have to run it it run to have you attraction your from money talosaga. E faaaoga lau talosaga tusitusia latou te iloa ai pe tatau ona faatupe lau

beginning of this section, if you want to make make to want you if section, this of beginning talosaga pe leai.

work out how to get there. there. get to how out work we said at the the at said we As

where you want to get to before, you can can you before, to get to want you where Afai e iai ni pepa faapitoa e faatumu, e maua mai i le Ofisa e ao ona faatumuina,

You need to know where you are today and and today are you where know to need You o nisi nei o vaega e tatau ona mataituina i le saunia o lau talosaga:

Your business planning is like a road map. map. road a like is planning business Your • Ia fai ni kopi o ni pepa e faatumu nei sese le faatumuina muamua. BUSINESS PLANNING BUSINESS • Talanoa lelei ma lou aiga i le faiga o tali o fesili a’o lei tusia i lalo tali • Fesili mo se fautuaga mai le Pulega o le Ofisa o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa

a’ o lei faatumuina le pepa. to get ideas get to

visitor services are provided and visit some of the craft shops shops craft the of some visit and provided are services visitor different how the the how O lau mataaga o le a avea ma se mitamitaga o le tou nuu auā o le a maua ai ni

improve your own site. When you are in town visit some of the big hotels and see see and hotels big the of some visit town in are you When site. own your improve galuega ma ni seleni mo aiga ma o le a fesoasoani foi i le atina'e lautele o tagata

facilities and try out their services. This will give you an idea about how you can can you how about idea an you give will This services. their out try and facilities maimoa. Whenever you get the the get you Whenever to visit other attraction sites, go and look at their their at look and go sites, attraction other visit to chance

Visit your competitors your Visit

improvements or repairs that need to be made. be to need that repairs or improvements

how they can be addressed. You can also discuss discuss also can You addressed. be can they how

to raise any problems and talk about about talk and problems any raise to chance the is

an option. an in maintaining and improving the attraction site. This This site. attraction the improving and maintaining in

if spoken language isn't isn't language spoken if

attraction to meet together and talk about new ideas ideas new about talk and together meet to attraction

way of communicating communicating of way

Once a week try to get everyone who helps at your your at helps who everyone get to try week a Once

Body language is a a is language Body

Hold regular staff/helpers meetings staff/helpers regular Hold

improve your facilities. your improve

practise providing different services and plan how to to how plan and services different providing practise

staff/helpers. Go through each section with them, them, with section each through Go staff/helpers.

You can use this Manual to help train your attraction attraction your train help to Manual this use can You

Use the manual the Use

your best to communicate using body language. body using communicate to best your

Samoan though, and in this case you will have to try try to have will you case this in and though, Samoan

basic English. Some visitors do not speak English or or English speak not do visitors Some English. basic

friendly smile it is also an advantage to learn some some learn to advantage an also is it smile friendly

In order to 'meet and greet' your visitor, as well as a a as well as visitor, your greet' and 'meet to order In


record the money received. money the record

Make sure all your staff/helpers know who collects entrance fees and how to to how and fees entrance collects who know staff/helpers your all sure Make

Collecting entrance fees entrance Collecting

checklist of things that need to be done each day. each done be to need that things of checklist

The best way to train your staff is to set a good example yourself and prepare a a prepare and yourself example good a set to is staff your train to way best The

Lead by example by Lead


ATTRACTION SITES ATTRACTION 32 33 TAIALA MO MATAAGA UPU FAAI'U O loo faamamafaina atu i soo se vaega o lenei Taiala le taua o lou mauaina

o faamanuiaga auptio sili ona lelei pe a lelei ona fai lou mataaga i se auala

faapisinisi, e ala lea i le faaleleia o fale ma auaunaga o loo ofoina atu, o le lelei year. per

ona fai faamaumauga o au tupe alu ma tupe maua, atoa ai ma le aoaoina lelei o SAT$8,000 than more is site) your from make you that earnings the (all profit net

lau aufaigaluega i tomai e manaomia mo le faatinoina o auaunaga. your if tax income pay to required only are you time, current the At tax. income

Most attraction sites, although they are run like businesses, will not have to pay pay to have not will businesses, like run are they although sites, attraction Most Talosia ia outou faaaogaina lenei Taiala i aso taitasi. A iai nisi manatu i lenei Responsibilities Tax

lomiga ona faafesootai mai lea o le Vaega o Fuafuaga ma Atinae o le Pulega o le

Ofisa o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa Pusa Falemeli 2272, Apia. Telefoni 63500, Fax site. your up-grade to left money any have

20886. won’t you site attraction your to belonging money

very careful about this because if you lend out out lend you if because this about careful very

operation fa’alavelave and other purposes. You need to be be to need You purposes. other and fa’alavelave

with your business your with

you may be under pressure to lend money for for money lend to pressure under be may you


Once your village attraction is seen to be successful successful be to seen is attraction village your Once

cultural cultural

Business and fa’a Samoa fa’a and Business Try not to mix mix to not Try

of these opportunities. these of

times will ensure you are ready to take advantage advantage take to ready are you ensure will times

guests than usual. Planning ahead for these busy busy these for ahead Planning usual. than guests

and during weekends you can always expect more more expect always can you weekends during and

Year, Mother's Day, White Sunday, Teuila Festival, Festival, Teuila Sunday, White Day, Mother's Year,

on hand at this time, example: Christmas, New New Christmas, example: time, this at hand on

Keep track of holiday periods and have more staff staff more have and periods holiday of track Keep

money to improve the site. site. the improve to money

before. Make sure you think ahead and save some some save and ahead think you sure Make before.

attractive and your visitor service better than it was was it than better service visitor your and attractive

Every year you should try to make your site more more site your make to try should you year Every

Plan ahead Plan

salary and petrol for your strimmer. your for petrol and salary

attractions as ‘money out’. This might include electricity bills, staff/ helpers helpers staff/ bills, electricity include might This out’. ‘money as attractions

Have another book where you write down all the expenses for the the for expenses the all down write you where book another Have U U

personal account. personal

account for your attraction but be sure to keep it separate from your own own your from separate it keep to sure be but attraction your for account

business expenses, like new signs and trails. It is best to have a bank bank a have to best is It trails. and signs new like expenses, business

and your staff/ helpers first and save the rest of the money to pay for the the for pay to money the of rest the save and first helpers staff/ your and

U At the end of the week add up the money you have earnt and pay yourself yourself pay and earnt have you money the up add week the of end the At U

evening that you have collected the right amount of money. of amount right the collected have you that evening

‘money-in’ book along with the date. This way you can easily check each each check easily can you way This date. the with along book ‘money-in’

U Each time you have a group of visitors write down the fee collected in your your in collected fee the down write visitors of group a have you time Each U

Have a separate book for entrance fees, food & drinks and activities. and drinks & food fees, entrance for book separate a Have U U

your business. your

Keep a careful record of all ‘money in’ and ‘money out’ as this will help you plan plan you help will this as out’ ‘money and in’ ‘money all of record careful a Keep

Keep track of your income & expenses & income your of track Keep



* Mo fuafuaga ma fautuaga mo le mauaina o fesoasoani -

need assistance in completing your application form. application your completing in assistance need - Pulega o le Ofisa o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa The Planning & Development division of STA are always available should you you should available always are STA of division Development & Planning The Pule Vaega o Fuafuaga ma Atina’e

Telefoni – 63505

Product Development such as water tanks. water as such Development Product


exhibitions, market research, business cards and the like. like. the and cards business research, market exhibitions, * Mo fuafuaga mo le Maketiina ma le Faalauiloa

Market Development/Market Extension in terms of promotional materials, materials, promotional of terms in Extension Development/Market Market


U - Pulega o le Ofisa o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa PSSF could assist your business through: business your assist could PSSF Vaega o Maketi ma Faalauiloa

Telefoni 63540

administered by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour. Labour. and Industry Commerce, of Ministry the by administered

Samoa. This is provided by the the by provided is This Samoa.

and is is and

Private Sector Support Facility (PSSF) Facility Support Sector Private * Mo fuafuaga mo le siosiomaga ma le lafoa'iina o lapisi ma otaota

support those proposals that are likely to have the strongest economic impact for for impact economic strongest the have to likely are that proposals those support - Matagaluega o Punaoa Faalenatura ma le Siosiomaga

the Development Partner support for the Private Sector which primarily aims to to aims primarily which Sector Private the for support Partner Development the Telefoni - 67200 / 23800

There is currently no funding available for tourism businesses. However there is is there However businesses. tourism for available funding no currently is There Financial assistance Financial * Mo fuafuaga faapitoa e faatatau i le tusiaina o faailoilo

- DEC Signs Manual

or any other business matters you are concerned about. concerned are you matters business other any or Matagaluega o Punaoa Faalenatura ma le Siosiomaga

project, where you can go for funding assistance as well as your pricing structure structure pricing your as well as assistance funding for go can you where project, Telefoni – 67200 / 23800

Development division. They can then advise you about the feasibility of the the of feasibility the about you advise then can They division. Development

and survey your site by applying to the Samoa Tourism Authority, Planning and and Planning Authority, Tourism Samoa the to applying by site your survey and * Mo fuafuaga faapitoa mo le tusiaina o ata o faleletaua

the design and application for funding. You can get a tourism advisor to come come to advisor tourism a get can You funding. for application and design the - Matagaluega o le Soifua Maloloina

a tourism or business advisor to come and discuss it with you, help you with with you help you, with it discuss and come to advisor business or tourism a Telefoni – 68100 Once you have a good idea about a project, the best thing to do is to ask for for ask to is do to thing best the project, a about idea good a have you Once - Matagaluega o Galuega, Felauaiga ma Atinae Tetele

Telefoni – 21611

craft shop or cafe, trails, steps or car parks car or steps trails, cafe, or shop craft

- Matagaluega o Punaoa Faalenatura ma le Siosiomaga

fale, rest rooms, changing and toilets as such facilities your improving

* Telefoni – 67200 / 23800

marketing projects such as signage and brochures, and brochures, and signage as such projects marketing *

adding safety features at your site such as railings and barriers, and railings as such site your at features safety adding

* * Mo fuafuaga faapitoa mo le tusiaina o ata o fale taele ma le fale apitaga

training for you or your staff/helpers, your or you for training

* - Matagaluega o Galuega, Felauaiga ma Atinae Tetele

free business or tourism advice, tourism or business free

* Telefoni – 21611

full or part-funding for include: for part-funding or full

need to check carefully before you apply. Projects which you might be able to get get to able be might you which Projects apply. you before carefully check to need * Mo fuafuaga faapitoa mo le saunia o fale apitaga i matafaga

Each funding agency has a list of the type of projects they prefer to support so you you so support to prefer they projects of type the of list a has agency funding Each - Pulega o le Ofisa o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa

Design your project your Design Ta’iala o Fale Apitaga tu Matafaga

We will look at each of these points in turn... in points these of each at look will We * Mo fuafuaga e faatatau i le malo o loo aumai ai fesoasoani

prepare a very good funding proposal. funding good very a prepare

* - Pulega o le Ofisa o Tagata Tafafao Maimoa

find out which funding agency is best for your project, and project, your for best is agency funding which out find

* Telefoni – 63500

design a good project, good a design


always easy to access this money. To be successful you have to: have you successful be To money. this access to easy always

funding to help you make improvements to your visitor attraction, but it is not not is it but attraction, visitor your to improvements make you help to funding

There are a number of different support organizations where you can apply for for apply can you where organizations support different of number a are There




NAME LOCATION Bahai Temple Vaoala Falefa Falls Falefa Fuipisia Falls Lake Lanoto’o Afiamalu EFKS Museum Leulumoega Fou, Malua Ma tree walk Togitogiga

Mt Vaea Scenic Reserve Mt Vaea

National Museum of Samoa Malifa visitors. overseas for opportunities tourism the O le Pupu Pu’e National Park Togitogiga improving by country whole the help also can It income. and jobs of provider good

Palolo Deep Marine Reserve Matautu Tai a as well as village your to pride of source great a be can attraction visitor Your

Papapapa-i-tai Falls Tiavi form. the submit you before this check

Papase’ea Sliding Rocks Se’ese’e to someone get you sure make English, in completed be to needs form the If

Piula Cave Pool Piula proceed. you before

Robert Louis Stevenson Grave Mt Vaea Authority Tourism Samoa the at someone with them

Robert Louis Stevenson Museum Vailima discuss and first form rough in answers the out

them with your family and village. It is best to write write to best is It village. and family your with them

Saanapu-Mangrove Conservation Saanapu discuss and times three or two through questions Safata-Marine Protected Area Safata the all read you sure make writing start you Before

Sataoa Mangrove Conservation Sataoa a new form. form. new a

Sauniatu Waterfall Sauniatu LDS Compound use always can you mistake a make you if that so Sopoaga Eco Tourism Site Salani, Falealili it of copies several make form application your get

Sopoaga Falls Lotofaga you When suitable. is project your why application,

To Sua Ocean Trench Lotofaga your through them, show to is do to have you What Togitogiga Waterfall Togitogiga complete. to need you that form

Uafata Fagaloa application standard a have Most apply. to how about out find and office the to Uafato Ifilele Conservation go finally and suitable most is which agency funding the select then plan, project

The first step in making a successful application for funding is to have a good good a have to is funding for application successful a making in step first The

How to prepare your application your prepare to How

) mcil.gov.ws

and Labour at ACC Building Matafele. (Phone: 20441, Fax: 20443, Email: Email: 20443, Fax: 20441, (Phone: Matafele. Building ACC at Labour and mpal@

Labour. Applications must be submitted to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry Industry Commerce, of Ministry the to submitted be must Applications Labour.

There are application forms available at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and and Industry Commerce, of Ministry the at available forms application are There

New Zealand Aid and UNDP – Private Sector Support Facility Support Sector Private – UNDP and Aid Zealand New



Lisi o Mataaga – SAVAII

NAME LOCATION Afu aau Falls Vailoa Palauli Alofaaga Blowholes Taga Cape Mulinu’u Tufutafoe Devil’s Haden Tufutafoe Dwarves Cave Paia Fafa o Sauali’i Tufutafoe Falealupo Canopy Walkway Falealupo Falealupo Rainforest Falealupo House of Rock Falealupo Lovers Leap Fagafau Mataolealelo Pool Mauga Crater Mauga Meeting Place Tufutafoe Moso’s Footprint Falealupo Mt Matavanu Mt Silisili Aopo Mu Pagoa Falls Papa Puleia

Paepae o Apaula Tufutafoe Phone 685 63505 685 Phone Pe’ape’a Cave Letui Aopo

Samoa Tourism Authority P 0 Box 2272, Apia 2272, Box 0 P Authority Tourism Samoa Pulemelei Ancient Mound Vailoa Palauli Manager of Planning and Development and Planning of Manager Direct your comments to: comments your Direct Saleaula Lava Field Saleaula

Spirits Meeting Ground Tufutafoe

Write to us or come and see us at the Samoa Tourism Authority. Tourism Samoa the at us see and come or us to Write

things you would like to add for the next edition we would like to hear from you. you. from hear to like would we edition next the for add to like would you things Swimming with Turtles Sato’alepai

to make a success of your attraction. If you have any comments on the Manual or or Manual the on comments any have you If attraction. your of success a make to Star Mountain Tufutafoe

We hope that if you use this Manual in your day-to-day work you will find it easier easier it find will you work day-to-day your in Manual this use you if that hope We Tafua Crater Tafua

helpers. Tia Seu Tufutafoe

and staff your training and expenses and income your of track keeping

Va’atausili’s Cave Tufutafoe

try to run it like a professional business, by planning for the future, future, the for planning by business, professional a like it run to try

* Vai Sua Toto (Blood Well) Tufutafoe upgrade and maintain your site and facilities, and facilities, and site your maintain and upgrade *

look after your visitors, your after look * Vaisafe’e Pool Safotu

attraction, you have to: have you attraction,

Throughout this Manual it has been stressed that to get the most benefit from your your from benefit most the get to that stressed been has it Manual this Throughout





Samoa Tourism Authority Tourism Samoa

For advice about which donor agency for you to choose contact contact choose to you for agency donor which about advice For *

Samoa Tourism Authority Authority Tourism Samoa

Samoa Beach Fale Manual Fale Beach Samoa

For advice about preparing overnight fales ask to look at at look to ask fales overnight preparing about advice For *

Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure and Transport Works, of Ministry

For technical advice about the design of facilities ask ask facilities of design the about advice technical For *

Phone 67200 / 23800 23800 / 67200 Phone

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, PUMA Division Division PUMA Environment, and Resources Natural of Ministry

Phone 21611 Phone

Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure Infrastructure and Transport Works, of Ministry

Phone 68100 Phone

Ministry of Health Health of Ministry Pe’ape’a Cave (Savaii)

For technical advice about the design of toilets contact the the contact toilets of design the about advice technical For *

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Resources Natural of Ministry

DEC Signs Manual Signs DEC

For technical advice about the design of signs ask to look at at look to ask signs of design the about advice technical For *

Phone 67200 / 23800 / 67200 Phone

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Environment and Resources Natural of Ministry

For advice about environment and waste disposal waste and environment about advice For *

Phone 63540 Phone

Samoa Tourism Authority Division of Marketing and Promotions Promotions and Marketing of Division Authority Tourism Samoa

advice marketing For *

Phone 63505 Phone

Samoa Tourism Authority Manager Planning & Development Development & Planning Manager Authority Tourism Samoa

For planning and funding advice and tourism advisory services advisory tourism and advice funding and planning For *

Appendix 1 List of useful contacts useful of List 1 Appendix APPENDICES

Afu Aau Fall (Savaii)




Uafato Ifilele Conservation Ifilele Uafato Natural Fagaloa Uafata

Togitogiga Waterfall Togitogiga Natural Togitogiga

Historical Lotofaga Trench Ocean Sua To

Natural Lotofaga Falls Sopoaga

Salani, Falealili Salani, Natural Site Tourism Eco Sopoaga

Sauniatu LDS Compound LDS Sauniatu Sauniatu Waterfall Sauniatu Natural

Sataoa Sataoa Mangrove Conservation Mangrove Sataoa Natural

Safata Safata-Marine Protected Area Protected Safata-Marine Natural

Saanapu Saanapu-Mangrove Conservation Saanapu-Mangrove Natural

Historical Vailima Museum Stevenson Louis Robert

Mt Vaea Mt Historical Robert Louis Stevenson Grave Stevenson Louis Robert



Piula Cave Pool Cave Piula Alofaaga blow holes (Savaii)

Se’ese’e Papase’ea Sliding Rocks Sliding Papase’ea Natural

Tiavi Falls Papapapa-i-tai Natural

Matautu Tai Matautu Palolo Deep Marine Reserve Marine Deep Palolo Natural

Togitogiga Park National Pu’e Pupu le O Natural

Malifa Historical National Museum of Samoa of Museum National

Mt Vaea Mt Mt Vaea Scenic Reserve Scenic Vaea Mt Natural

Togitogiga walk tree Ma Natural

Leulumoega Fou, Malua Fou, Leulumoega Historical EFKS Museum EFKS

Afiamalu Lake Lanoto’o Lake Natural

Lotofaga Falls Fuipisia Natural

Falefa Falls Falefa Natural

Vaoala Temple Bahai Religious


Attraction Sites – UPOLU – Sites Attraction

Appendix 2 List of attraction sites attraction of List 2 Appendix Ana o Vaatausili (Savaii)




Lake Lanotoo (Upolu) Lanotoo Lake

Historical Safotu Vaisafe’e Pool Vaisafe’e

Historical Tufutafoe Well) (Blood Toto Sua Vai

Historical Va’atausili’s Cave Va’atausili’s Tufutafoe

Historical Tia Seu Tia Tufutafoe

Tafua Crater Tafua Natural Tafua

Natural Tufutafoe Mountain Star

Sato’alepai Natural Turtles with Swimming

Historical Tufutafoe Ground Meeting Spirits

Saleaula Natural Field Lava Saleaula

Historical Pulemelei Ancient Mound Ancient Pulemelei Vailoa Palauli Vailoa

Historical Pe’ape’a Cave Pe’ape’a Letui Aopo Letui

Historical Tufutafoe Apaula o Paepae

Papa Puleia Papa Falls Pagoa Mu Natural

Aopo Silisili Mt Natural

Safotu Mt Matavanu Mt Natural

Lava Field (Savaii) Field Lava

Historical Falealupo Footprint Moso’s

Historical Tufutafoe Place Meeting

Mauga Mauga Crater Mauga Natural

Safune Historical Mataolealelo Pool Mataolealelo

Historical Fagafau Leap Lovers

Historical Falealupo Rock of House

Falealupo Falealupo Rainforest Falealupo Natural

Falealupo Falealupo Walkway Canopy Falealupo Natural

Historical Tufutafoe Sauali’i o Fafa

Historical Paia Cave Dwarves

Historical Tufutafoe Haden Devil’s

Historical Tufutafoe Mulinu’u Cape

Taga Blowholes Alofaaga Natural

Vailoa Palauli Vailoa Falls aau Afu Natural


Attraction Sites – SAVAII SAVAII – Sites Attraction
