Sarerlvite, a New Hydroxyl.Bearing Ferrous

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Sarerlvite, a New Hydroxyl.Bearing Ferrous Canadian Minerulogist Vol. 16, pp.4tt-4t3 (1978) SARERLVITE,A NEW HYDROXYL.BEARINGFERROUS PHOSPHATE FROMTHE BIG FISH RIVERAREA, VUKON TERRITORY J. A. MANDARINO eNp B. D. STURMAN Depaftment of Mineralogy and Geology, Royal Ontario Mweum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario MSS 2C6 M. I. CORLETT Departrnenl of Geological Sciences,Qaeen's (Jniversity, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 Ansrnecr INTT.oDUcTIoN Satterlyite occum as yellow to brown grains (up Satterlyite is a new niineral found in nodules to 1XlX40 m-) fo nodule.sin shalesalong the in shales along the Big Fish River in the north- Big Fish River in northeastern Yukon Territory. east corner of the Yukon Territory, just west of It has a hardnessof 4r/z to 5, no cleavage,a vitre- the Yukon-Northwest Territories boundary (Lat. ous g/cms lustre and a density of 3.68 (meas.) 68"30,}{ and Long. 136o3,0'W).These nodules and 3.60 g,/cm'3(calc.).The mineral is uniaxial mea$ure up to 10 cm in diameter. Some are negative, n, 1.721, n" t.719, dichroic in thick grains with ru pale yellow, e brownish yelloq ab- megascopically monomineralic, consisting only sorption_€ ) o,. Satterlyite is hexagonal, Space of satterlyite; others show satterlyite in diregt groropP51m, P37m or Pll2; a ll.36l, c 5.0414, sontact with quartz, pyrite, wolfeite and mari- c:o = 0.4437,V : 563.5N, Z - 6. Strongestlines 6ite, a sodium iron phosphate described by in the X-ray powder diffraction -pattern arez 4.49 Sturman et al. (1977). (50)(1011 ), _ 3.s20(70) (zE,r), 2.s90(40)QrrL} The.mineral and name were approved by the 2.84A$0DQ24;O), 2.473(L00)Q2AD, 1.S86(40) Commission on New Minerals and Mineral (2242),r.Q4O(40X6G0), aad r.447(60) (s tB2,2frr, Names, I.M.A. Type material (grams) is pre- all in A, for CuKe. The chemical formula served in the collections of the Royal Ontario of satterlyiteis, idealln @e2+1.1rMgo.rsFe8+s.18H6.1sMuseum as specimen M34649. Nae.16Mns.6)1r.ofOo(OII).The mineral, a hexa- 'We are pleased to name this mineral in honor gonal polymorph of wolfeite, is named after Dr. Jack Satterly of the Royal Ontario Museum. of Dr. Jack Satterly who for lnany years was a geologist with the Ontario Department of Mines. Since 1971, Dr. Satterly has been resident in SotvrrvreRs the Royal Ontario Museum as a ResearchAsso- La sattorlyite s pr6sente en gtrains allant du ciate in the Department of Mineralogy and Geo- jaune au brun, de dimensionsmaxima lX1x40mm, logy. We are particularly happy to have this pa- que I'ou trouve en nodulesdans les shalesle long de per included in the issuehonoring Prof. J. D. H. la riviEro Big Fish, dans le Nord-Est du territoire du Donnay. Yukon. Les cristaux de ce min6ral, sans clivage, de dwet6 4Vz-5 et i 6clat vitreux, po.ssddentune densit6 de 3.68 (mes.), 3.60 (calc.). Optiquement AppeeneNcs AND PHysrcAL PRopERTIBS uniaxesn6gatifs, n, 1.72L (aune p6le), n" 1.719 (jaune brundtre), ils sont dichroiquesen Iame 6paisre Satterlyite is pale yellow to pale brown and avecabsorption € >y. La satterlyiteest hexagonalen has a pale yellow streak. It is transparent,has a de groupespatial P3lm, P31m ou PJl2; a 11.361, vitreous lustre and does not fluoresce under ul- c 5.0414,c/a = 0,4437,V - 561,54a,Z - 6, Les traviolet light. The mineral has a hardness of raies les plus intensesdu clich6 de poudre (radiation 4Vz to 5 and no cleavage. The density measured C\rKc) sont (en A): 4.4X50)(10T1), 9.520(70) with the Berman balance is 3.68(5) g/cm8. The (2@r), _2.eeo(40)(2Lit), 2.840(80)Q24q, 2.473 density calculated for tle empirical formula is (to0)Q24r), _ r.886(40)(2242), 1.640(40X6060)er 3,6O g/cm', The mineral occurs as grains up to 1,447(60)(5162,2U3). De formule id6alis6e(Fe,+- 1xlx40 mm elongate parallel to [0001] in 1.17Mg6.s5Fe8+6.16IIs.16Na6.16Mns.oJr2.o0PO4(OH), la satterlyite est une forrre polymorphique de la wolf6- radiating aggregates. ite. Elle est d6di6o au Dr Jack Satterly, du Royal Pale brown fragments from specimenM34649 Ontario Museum. gave the following optical data: uniaxial nega- (lraduit par la R6daction) tsve,n, L.72I(I), n" 1.7L9(2),h6-/t6 = - 0.002, 4tr 4LZ THE CANADIAN IVTINERALOGIST dichroic in thick gpains with al pale yellow, e TABLE2.'CHEI.IICAL NALYSES OF SATTERLYITE brownish yellow, absorption e)ro. Yellow grains 12 gg 4!. from anotler specimen gave slightly lower re' 5.2 5.2 5.2 {.2 5.2 n, L.7L8 to 1,720, n" t.7I6 to Hzo 5.2 fractive indices: 1.6 1.6 = -0.0023 measurement. Na20 1.5 1.9 1.2 t.7'18, n"-n' by direct 7.0 are t'lso 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 Some grains show undulatory extinction and 'l.z 1.3 llno 1,2 1.3 1.2 1.7 biaxiaf with 2V" = 10o to 20o. 43.1 Fe0 43.1 43.8 42,8 43.2 42.7 Fe203 7.5 7.6 7.4 7.5 7,4 7.5 0.2 v.a 0.2 Cnvster,r.ocnePnrc ANDX-Rev Dere si02 0.2 0.0 0.2 Pzos 35.1 34.6 35.3 34.1 34.8 34.8 No crystal faces were observed. Single-crystal TotaI 101.3 100.9 100.4 100.0 100.6 100.7 X-ray study shows that satterlyite is hexagonal and 6elongi to Laue class 3m. The possible space Nunberof ions basedon 5 o)oqen lons alid P3L2. \\e unit-cell groups are P3Im, P3tm H l.l5 l.t7 1.16 l.l8 t.l6 l.16 parameters the precession study 0'10 obtained from Na 0.lo 0.10 0.08 0.ll 0.10 O.M3O;V 562.491f. 0.36 ar:e:a 1.1.36,c 5.033A, c:a Mg 0.37 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 powder diffraction 0'04 - Those refined from the X-ray lln 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.0s 5.041A, 'l.20 I '21 data eiven in Table L arc a Ll.36t, c Fe2+ I .20 I .23 I .20 1.22 v 563.48Ls,Z = 6. The powder data 0'19 c:a 0i4q37. Fe3* 0.19 o.l9 0.19 0.19 0.i9 were obtained from Guinier films; intensities st 0.01 0.00 0.ol 0.01 0.01 0'01 0'99 were estimated from films exposed for different P 0.99 0.99 I .00. 0.98 0.99 The powder patterns of satter- lengths of time. 4.04 4.06 4.03 4.07 4.05 4'06 lyite from six different specimens are identical. Constituents Pr€sent in Rol'lfM34649 expr€ssed in weight %' Na20.Mso, l,lno, Si02, P205and total lmn by electmn Cnsltficer, CotrPosmoN iiiiiop"6o" (or. t''coitett, analvst). Fe2+/Fe3+by titratlon and H2oby Penfleld-rcthod-(Dr' Analytical data for satterlyite were obtained as E.,J.Brooker, X-ray AssayLaboratorles' Ltd., analyslr' follows: NaaO, MgO, MnO, SiOr, PzOr and total Fe were determined by electron microprobe anal- meth- ysis; HzO was determined by the Penfield energy-dispersive spectrometer. The operating odl a ferrous to ferric iron ratio of 6.42:1.0Owas condiiionJ were: accelerating voltage 15kV, determined by wet chemical .rneans.The electron 2 sample current ca. 1.5 nA, beam diameter-ca' microprobe data were obtained using an Applied Mg' MgO; 'P,u,m. Spectral standards: Na, NaCl; Research Laboratories AMX electron micro- Car-PrOr;Mn, Mn metal; Fe, FerSiO., and Si, probe equippedwith a Tracor-Northern N$-880 SiOr Analytical standards: Na, Mn, andTe, riebeckite; Mg, MgO; P, CazP:Oz;Si, SiOu.Fur- ther details are given by Corlett in Sturman et al' TABLE1. X.RAYPOI{DER DIFFRACTION DATA FOR SATTERLYITE (1,e77). HzO content were NK1. L The Fe'!+/Fet* ratio and the ! 4u. 4l* nK1, L I 4u. 4arc of carefully 'I _ determined on about 200 mg each 5 5.68 5.681'* 40'I .886 1.885 2242 hand-picked grains. The electron microprobe 20 4.93 4,920 2Ci=20 1.851 1.852 31T2 grains.-The 50 4.49 4.486 r0T1 20 1.7731.773 3361 analyiis were carried out on five 10 3.77 3,770 117r 1.759 I.760 4c62 analytical data for satterlyite are given in. Table 15 3.71I 3.719 2r30 30 1.744 1.746 4261 Fe2+/Fes+ ratio -^^ 1.692 325? 2 wiere it is assumedthat the 70 3.520 3.521 2Ci-21 c "l'out 3.280 3o3o l.G8o 0003 and the v/ater content are constant in all five 5 3.278 q 'I 40 2.990 2.993 2l3l 'l.668 1.668 JIOI grains. From the aYerage of the five sets of 80 2.840 2.840 22:40 40 .640 1.640 6060 q total of five oxygen ions, 30 2.520 2,521 0002 I.618 1.618 4370 iata, and based on a 100 2.473 2.475 z{41 I 1.5911.590 2d-23 the chemical formula of satterlyite is (Fe?5r t.b5l l.3cl 505"2 1 2.44? 2.442 l0l-2 I H Na Mn oor- l0 2.398 2.4003r4l 1 I.541 1.540 437'l Mgo.soFe 35e o.oo):r'ou,Po'neSi 5 2.304 2.304 1122 1.532 t.531 2r33 O.-oo(OH)'.oo or ideally, ({e-?1'IVIg.'r6Fe8la- 1.447 a toz 10 ?.242 2.?43 zazz 60 .l 't+/^^.
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