
Publishing House "ANALITIKA RODIS" ( [email protected] ) http://publishing-vak.ru/ Decembrist movement:between mythandhistory… Publishing House"ANALITIKA RODIS UDC 94(47)"1825.12.14" Abstract Decembrist movement:betweenmythandhistory(some features ofDecembriststudies atthesecondhalfof third one third plane. ethical into accents of shift the to led origin The individual of sources of criminal". The second one up set was definition a apprehension its of tempt at first the at that fact the to contributed circumstance given conservative. The represented collision of two ideological consecutions: revolutionary liberal and one first The movement. cembrist De the of presentation the influenced factors prime four that concludes author the results research the examined Having movement. Decembrist to devoted works in used history, Russian on courses training in account into taken tory; his opinion public on works generalizing realizing when used be can results research The orientation. view world and studies source of features the on ing depend contexts realization development, their up follow to period, stated the of conduct the in concepts Decembrist conceived the of features the define and century XIXth the of half second the of publications Decembrist analyzes article The thereby forming their own specific image of a Decembrist for extensive sweeps movement Decembrist the of history the in alcove an find to trends political XIXth century –thebeginningofXXthcentury) – the beginning of the XXth century. The work objective is to identify to is century.objective XXth work the The of beginning the – – the multiple-subject topic enabled representatives of various socio- various of representatives enabled topic multiple-subject the – Omsk instituteofinternationalmanagementandforeignlanguages, P.O. Box64400,Bulatovastr., No.99,Omsk,; – lack of source studies materials and predominance – initially the history of Decembrist studies Decembrist of history the initially – " Vasil'eva Elena Borisovna PhD (History),associateprofessor, e-mail: [email protected] – a Decembrist a – – "a hero or a or hero "a – 87 - - - - 88 "White Spots" of the Russian and World History. 5-6`2013

of people. The fourth one – all the factors listed above were ministerial to cre- ation of an ethical and romantic charisma around Decembrist studies, and it is ever so actual in ideological propaganda.

Keywords Decembrist movement, myth, Decembrist studies, source studies, historical studies.

Introduction One of the major research para- digms is considering the history as a Historical science has two levels. product of social and cultural mythmak- The first one can be described as accu- ing. mulative and descriptive. At this level the Throughout the long period of sources studies' material is collected and time the indicated trends were typical processed, narrative canvas is developed, mainly of the Western historiography, causal relationships are established, and but in the last two decades they became historical events are assessed. also relevant for the national historical Second one is reflexive and cog- science. nitive. It is a process of understanding Naturally, this could not touch the historical reality through the prism one of the most popular topics of nation- of social, political, cultural conjunc- al history – the history of the Decembrist ture, scientific paradigms, and author's movement. Reading Decembrist histori- personal and ideological features. Vari- ography, which saw the light of day for ability and subjectivity of these factors the past two decades, you inadvertently lead to a variation of its appraisal and catch yourself thinking that one of the meaningful side. Each generation tries most frequently used concept is a myth. to revise historical plots, give them their And there is a grain of truth. Since the own assessment, in line with their needs. uprising on December 14, 1825 up to the It gives many researchers and thinkers present time the history of movement grounds and we must say, not without has often been the "victim" of the social, reason, to cast doubt on the existence of cultural and political conditions that af- "objective" history. fected both its scientific study, and the

Vasil'eva Elena Borisovna Publishing House "ANALITIKA RODIS" 89 content of the Decembrist's image in the At the same time, "revaluation" mass historical consciousness. and, as a result, the desire "to replace the positive signs with the negative ones2" "Myth of Decembrists" and ways led to a revival of old and development to overcome it of new versions of the movement's his- tory, that are not always of strictly scien- There are attempts to overcome tific nature. the "mythology" of Decembrist history So, interpreting the Decembrists in frames of Russian Decembrists study as destroyers, regicides oath-breakers, for the time being. conductors of malicious non-Russian Two ways can be distinguished in spirit which nearly ruined the Russia was this process. again increasingly in demand3. However, The first one is to redefine the his- ["Sovremennoe dekabristovedenie na tory of the Decembrist movement, when postsovetskom prostranstve. Stanovlenie, the concept of "myth" is used mainly as a problematika, nauchnye tsentry i perspek- tivy razvitiya", Dekabristy: Aktual'nye metaphor. Within this framework, the re- problemy i novye podkhody], Moscow, pp. searchers focused on specific failures of 640-663; Fel'dman, D.M. (2008), "Decem- brist studies today: terminology, , the previous Decembrists study. Indeed, methodology", The Decembrists: current it can be stated that abandoning rigidly problems and new approaches ["Deka- bristovedenie segodnya: terminologiya, deterministic estimates allowed histori- ideologiya, metodologiya", Dekabristy: ans to expand researching spectrum and Aktual'nye problemy i novye podkhody], Moscow, pp. 663-713. greatly enrich the ideas of the Decem- 2 Kaz'mirchuk, G.D. (2008), "Modern brists. Decembrist studies in the former Soviet This aspect was highlighted in the Union. Formation, problems, research centers and prospects", The Decembrists: research literature many times, its ad- current problems and new approaches vantages and disadvantages were identi- ["Sovremennoe dekabristovedenie na postsovetskom prostranstve. Stanovlenie, fied, as well as its controversial moments problematika, nauchnye tsentry i perspek- were found, that were of methodological, tivy razvitiya", Dekabristy: Aktual'nye source study and terminological nature1. problemy i novye podkhody], Moscow, p. 643. 1 Kaz'mirchuk, G.D. (2008), "Modern 3 Smolin, M.V. (2000), "Janissaries" of Decembrist studies in the former Soviet night fraternity", Tol' S.D. Night brothers. Union. Formation, problems, research Masonic action ["Yanychary" nochnogo centers and prospects", The Decembrists: bratstva", Tol', S.D. Nochnye brat'ya. current problems and new approaches Masonskoe deistvo], Moscow, pp. 5-22;

Decembrist movement: between myth and history… 90 "White Spots" of the Russian and World History. 5-6`2013 if such an interpretation is mainly pre- the authoritative historian S.O. Schmidt, sented in the publication of promonarhic those researchers do right who in their and religious nature, the idealization of works "... focus on the" moral aspect" movement's participants not as revolu- of the Decembrists' political action..."6. tionaries, but as reformers of the first Another modern scientist notes: "moral quarter of the XIX century, is typical of characteristics of the subject being stud- scientific literature as well4. ied add particular relevance to analysis Another trend of modern Decem- of the nature and place of Decembrist in brists study is closely connected with it social history of Russia"7. as well – highlighting the moral aspects The situation is complicated by of the movement's history5. According to the fact that these trends can be found Filin, M.A. (1993), "About Decembrists not only in the works of generalizable and Decembrism: some thoughts on the and historiosophical nature, but also in newly discovered text" ["O dekabristakh i dekabrizme: Nekotorye razmyshleniya studies on particular problems of the De- nad stranitsami novonaidennogo teksta"], Zvezda, No. 6, pp. 166-175; Shcherbakov, 170th anniversary of the Decembrist re- A.Yu. (2005), Decembrists. Conspiracy volt, December 14, 1995 ["Nravstvennye against Russia [Dekabristy. Zagovor pro- uroki dekabrizma", Zastupniki svobody. tiv Rossii], St. Peterburg-Moscow, 316 p. Pamyatnye chteniya, posvyashchennye 4 Bokova, V.M. (2001), "The patient is more 170-letiyu vosstaniya dekabristov, 14 alive than dead" (Notes on the national dekabrya 1995 goda], St. Petersburg, pp. Decembrist studies of 1990s), December 18-23; Ekshtut, S.A. (1989), "Decembrist 14, 1825. Sources, researches, bibliog- movement: the moral aspect of political raphy. Issue IV ["Bol'noi skoree zhiv, action" ["Dvizhenie dekabristov: moral'nyi chem mertv" (Zametki ob otechestven- aspekt politicheskogo deistviya"], Vestnik nom dekabristovedenii 1990-kh gg.), 14 moskovskogo universiteta, Series 7, No. 5, dekabrya 1825 g. Istochniki, issledovaniya pp. 65-75. istoriografiya, bibliografiya. Vyp. ],IV St. 6 Shmidt, S.O. (2002), "Decembrists in the Petersburg-Kishinev, pp. 497-561; Tsam- respect of people of XX and XXI centu- utali, A.N. (1997), "The Decembrists in ries", Public awareness of the Russian the liberation movement in Russia. Some noble class of XVII – first third of the XIX questions of historiography", December ["Dekabristy v predstavleniyakh lyudei 14, 1825. Sources of research, histori- rubezha XX i XXI stoletii", Obshchestven- ography, bibliography ["Dekabristy v noe samosoznanie rossiiskogo blagorod- osvoboditel'nom dvizhenii v Rossii. Neko- nogo sosloviya XVII – pervaya tret' XIX], torye voprosy istoriografii",14 dekabrya Moscow, p. 345. 1825 goda. Istochniki, issledovaniya, isto- 7 Kosov, G.V. (1999), Decembrist movement riografiya, bibliografiya], No. 1, pp. 91-94. in the social history of Russia: Author's 5 Narusova, L.B. (1996), "Decembrism thesis [Dekabrizm v sotsial'noi istorii moral lessons", Freedom advocates. Rossii: Avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk], St. Memorable readings dedicated to the Petersburg, p. 3.

Vasil'eva Elena Borisovna Publishing House "ANALITIKA RODIS" 91 cembrist movement history, with moral cal phenomenon or the author's figment and evaluative aspects being often dis- of imagination? It is therefore obvious placed by strictly scientific ones8. that the problem of identifying historical The second way is using the term contexts and precedents giving birth to "myth" in its direct meaning. In frame- different concepts of Decembrist history works of this concept researchers are try- is one of the most vital problems for the ing to answer the question why the story modern Decembrists study. of the Decembrist movement gained such widespread popularity in domestic History of Decembrists historical consciousness. movement – collision of According to this theory, its pop- ularity is due to the history of Decem- brist movement having been represent- Printing story of Decembrist was ed to readers from the very beginning born as history of worldviews collision. within the mythological constructs, in In 1855, the monograph by Baron other words as a life story of Gods and M.A. Korf "The accession of Emperor heroes, the declaration of movement's Nicholas I"9 saw the light of day. Writ- participants as saints. There are differ- ten by order of the Emperor, this Korf's ent potential roots of this phenomenon – work enjoyed great popularity10 and was from spontaneous social and cultural to first to introduce to a Russian reader the personal mythmaking. details of uprising at Senate Square and In this connection the question clearly established the image of the De- arises, what is the Decembrist: histori- cembrists as people who nearly destroyed 8 Edel'man, O.V. Bessmyslennyi, Kiyans- Russia. kaya, O.I., "Southern revolt: the rebellion of Chernigov infantry regiment" ["Yuzhnyi 9 Korf, M.A. (1857), The accession to the bunt: vosstanie Chernigovskogo pekhotno- throne of Emperor Nicholas I [Vosshestvie go polka], available at: http://www.strana- na prestol imperatora Nikolaya I], St. Pe- oz.ru; Erlikh, S.E., Edel'man O.V., Karat- tersburg, 236 p. suba I.V., Gotovtseva A.G., Kiyanskaya 10 Rudnitskaya, E.A., Tartakovskii, A.G. O.V. (2006), "So what he was, the Decem- (1994), Free Russian press and Baron Ko- brist Pavel Pestel? Four viewpoints on the rf's book", December 14, 1825 and its in- book of Kiyanskaya, O.I. "Pestel" ["Tak terpreters (Herzen and Ogarev against the kakim zhe on byl, dekabrist Pavel Pestel'? Baron Korf) ["Vol'naya russkaya pechat' Chetyre vzglyada na knigu O.I. Kiyanskoi i kniga barona Korfa", 14 dekabrya 1825 "Pestel"], Otechestvennaya istoriya, No. 6, goda i ego tolkovateli (Gertsen i Ogarev pp. 139-164. protiv barona Korfa)], Moscow, p. 48.

Decembrist movement: between myth and history… 92 "White Spots" of the Russian and World History. 5-6`2013

Journalism of A.I. Herzen and N.P. In particular, Ehrlich almost omitted the Ogarev became response to it. Written in fact that the main purpose of the Herzen's contrast to the official version, it created Decembrists works was a struggle with a series of bright images of Decembrists, the official version of the movement's with central place having been held by history, and many of his concept's provi- the image of the hero – martyr who sac- sions were built on this fact12. This idea rificed himself for the good of Russia. is proven by the fact that the valuation of the Decembrism history has been chang- Source study peculiarities ing along with the views, and hence with the political agitation objectives of A general accepted fact is recog- the "Freestyle Russian Publishing" edi- nition of Decembrists history idealization tors13. by the intellectual leaders of the national Whatever it was, it was Korf on democratic movement in the middle of the one hand, and Herzen and Ogarev on XIX century. the other hand to be not only pioneers of However, the most striking work Decembrist history for the general read- in this direction was the monograph of the modern historian S.E. Ehrlich direct- 12 Winterberg, B. "The Adventure of liberal liberalism in the country of securocrats ly stating that the history of the Decem- (Review of books about the historical brist in Herzen's statement is a complete roots of Russian liberalism.). Individual reserve" ["Priklyuchenie liberal'nogo lib- 11 myth , which includes ancient, pagan eralizma v strane silovikov (Obzor knig and Christian traditions. ob istoricheskikh kornyakh rossiiskogo liberalizma). Neprikosnovennyi zapas"], Although, absolutizating the available at: http://magazines.russ.ru/ mythological essence of Herzen's De- nlo/2006/79/vi46.html cembrist history, in our opinion, is some- 13 Vasil'eva, E.B. (2011), "Herzen and Ogarev about the Decembrists (based on the "Ko- what exaggerated. So, according to the lo-Kola" and "Polyarnaya zvezda"). Actual honest remark of B. Winterberg, in an ef- problems of historical research: a view of young scientists", Proceedings of the 1st fort to prove its mythological nature the All-Russia Youth Scientific Conference historian had ignored the ideological at- [Gertsen i Ogarev o dekabristakh (po mate- rialam "Kolo-kola" i "Polyarnoi zvezdy"). mosphere in the middle of XIX century. Aktual'nye problemy istoricheskikh issle- 11 Erlikh, S.E. (2006), The history of the myth dovanii: vzglyad molodykh uchenykh", (Herzen's "Decembrists legend") [Istoriya Sbornik materialov I Vserossiiskoi molode- mifa ("Dekabristskaya legenda" Gertse- zhnoi nauchnoi konferentsii], Novosibirsk, na)], St. Petersburg, 286 p. pp. 67-73.

Vasil'eva Elena Borisovna Publishing House "ANALITIKA RODIS" 93 er, but also developed the vector for per- the brother, father and friend participants ception and characteristics of the move- appealed to the moral concepts, which ment's history: Decembrist – a hero or a are close and clear to a wider audience. criminal. Taking into account that there was a lack Later the publication of the De- of information on uprising readers just cembrists became commonplace in the had to believe or not believe in the evi- Russian printing, their specifics needs to dence presented. be classified. Analyzing narrative of first pub- Conceptualization of Decem- lications on the history of the movement brists from the scientific point of view showed that it was the time when one of was in its infancy, the lack of serious the main stereotypes in understanding the studies was connected with the insuffi- Decembrist movement was established. cient source base, and mostly the lack of According to this idea Decembrists were official documentation. The only sources assessed not only in terms of political ac- providing relatively reliable information tion, but primarily as bearers of particu- became memories, diaries, letters of De- lar moral and ethical values. cembrists themselves, their friends, rela- Publication of the Decembrists' tives, people who had to do with the his- memories contributed to the consolida- tory of the Decembrist movement. The tion of this approach in public opinion. predominance of sources with personal Postreform Decembrists study attitude inevitably introduced an ethical did not establish a complete history of note in the description of the movement's the Decembrists' movement for various history. reasons. As a result, many questions re- At the beginning of the 1870s a mained without answer. number of heated debates hit the pages zapisok polkovnika gvardii Aleksandra of the Russian press between the rela- Gustavovicha"], Russkii arkhiv, No. 6, tives of those involved in the events of Clms. 1717-1728; Gebel', E. (1873), 14 "Col. Gebel' in 1825" ["Podpolkovnik December . Trying to prove the right of Gebel' v 1825 g."], Russkaya starina, No. 8, pp. 237-241; Yakushkin, E.I. 14 Murav'ev-Apostol, M. I. (1871), (1872), "The Congress of "the Union of Chernigov Regiment revolt ["Vosst- Welfare" members in Moscow in 1821 anie Chernigovskogo polka"], Russkii (response to Orlov, N.M.)" ["S"ezd chle- arkhiv, No. 1, Clms. 0229–0238; Gebel', nov "Soyuza Blagodenstviya" v Moskve A.G. (1871), "From the notes of guard v 1821 g. (otvet N.M. Orlovu)"], Russ- colonel Alexander Gustavovich" ["Iz kaya starina, No. 11, p. 598.

Decembrist movement: between myth and history… 94 "White Spots" of the Russian and World History. 5-6`2013

In contrast, the Decembrists' in the second half of XIX – early XX memoirs contained many specific facts centuries addressed mainly to the secret that often became the main reason for societies. Their history contained proofs their publication. of Decembrists' liberalism. Revolt on Quite a lot is written on the spe- December 14, 1825 at the Senate square cifics of the Decembrists memories in and in south of Russia were often ignored research literature, and we will not la- by them. But it was these events to raise bor the point. However, we note that by interest by radical movements' represen- exploring the memories of movement's tatives as they demonstrated real actions participants the reader perceived the and brutality of the regime. image of "Decembrist the hero" who is Apart of the political component, ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of i.e. activities of secret societies the his- the motherland. tory of Decembrists also provides the in- teresting "Siberian" story. Narrative variation as one of In 1895 a monograph of AI Dmi- the main factors to establish the triev-Mamonov "Decembrists in West- concept of Decembrists ern " saw the light of day. The book was written on the basis of archi- History of Decembrist consists of val materials and contained 48 biogra- several thematic layers: the history of se- phies of Decembrists. That was the first cret societies, the uprising on December time in Russian history the author used 14, 1825 at the Senate square, Chernigov the term "Decembrist" in the title of the Regiment Uprising, investigation, trial, monograph. In the image of Dmitriev- prison, exile etc. Each of these stories Mamonov Decembrists were ordinary is not just a part of the movement's his- people who lived their lives in the search tory but a separate event-marker with of daily piece of bread, setting up their special message. This circumstance gave homes. The author noted that the De- representatives of various historical and cembrists left "... hope for a better future political thought the possibility to find and sorrow for a link with a past life lost a niche in the history of the Decembrist forever"15. movement and establish one's own De- 15 Dmitriev-Mamonov, A.I. (1905), The cembrists' image in the general public. Decembrists in Western Siberia. Historical survey of official documents[ Dekabristy Thus, liberal historians and philosophers v Zapadnoi Sibiri. Istoricheskii ocherk po

Vasil'eva Elena Borisovna Publishing House "ANALITIKA RODIS" 95

The monograph went through fested primarily in their quest of self- several editions, thus one may conclude sacrifice for the sake of others, the "Rus- that Siberian period was not only tied to sian Journal" focused on humility and the "European one" in the minds of Rus- repentance. And in this case the theory sian audience, but the concept of "De- on social value of religion seemed to be cembrist" consisted among the political reflected, thanks to which the convicted meaning the other social and domestic Decembrists were able to return to pub- one as well. lic life. This theory was especially popu- It is noteworthy that the Siberian lar in conservative circles. history of Decembrism was adopted even by conservative movement, as evidenced Ideological preferences influenc- by the review of the A.P. Belyaev mem- ing upon understanding of De- oir published in the "Russian Journal". According to the reviewer, the majority cembrist's history presentation of the Decembrists in Siberia "achieved to the general reader spiritual enlightenment" and memories were compared by the author with the re- It was the Decembrist discourse ligious work "Journey to the holy places of the second half of XIX – early XX by monk Parthenius". centuries to meet the realities of the po- Very interesting in this case is litical discourse. By intellectual elite's the comparison with the A.I. Herzen's studying the movement's history such characterization of the movement's par- questions were actualized as "moral di- ticipants – ideological opponent of the mension of political action", "choosing "Russian Journal", who also used the a path of social struggle," "reforms and Bible metaphors by calling the Decem- Revolution," "political identity", etc. In brists, "holy fathers", "holy martyrs of the wake of social and political move- December 14", "heroes of holy phalanx" ment's development these questions were and liken their return from Siberia to the very relevant. "resurrection". But if for Herzen in line Moreover, one should take into with his ideological and political ideals account the fact that Decembrists'' the "holiness" of Decembrists was mani- movement has been remaining the only "available" topic in frames of the social ofitsial'nym dokumentam], St. Petersburg, p. 23. struggle history for a long time. There-

Decembrist movement: between myth and history… 96 "White Spots" of the Russian and World History. 5-6`2013 fore, rival ideological "interest groups" local authorities: " ... there was usually presented their ideological projects of no grounds for denunciation, because Decembrist by using symbolism and first of all the exiles were not in mood to rhetoric of Decembrists' motion to jus- indulge to some free-thinking, and sec- tify their versions of the past, the present ondly in those slums in which they often and the future of Russia. lived among the wild populations, there One of the distinctive features of was no basis for this, but every time the liberal's appreciating the Decembrists' investigation was initiated due to the history was an emphasis on reform inten- denunciations..."17. tions specific for secret societies' mem- One of the most pressing issues bers, their desire to cooperate with the in conservative circles was the question government and on government's unfair of the place and role of the nobility in decisions in respect of the Decembrists. the political and cultural life of reformed At the end of the XIX century, Russia. As you know, in this process the when the Liberals were virtually removed conservatives assigned nobility to the from the real political activity by the leading role, considering it to be the fo- government, these trends have become cus of "mental and moral forces of soci- even more relevant. So when you read a ety," which is able to engage not only the review of the abovementioned book by private interests, but also public affairs. D.A. Dmitriev-Mamonov "Decembrists Therefore, by publishing a review in the in Western Siberia", it seems that the re- "Russian Gazette", T.I. Tikhonov high- viewer tried mostly not to evaluate the lighted key points in a somewhat differ- monograph, but rather to make reader ent way. take it in a special manner. The main at- According to the author, in the tention is focused on poor circumstances exile Decembrists were able to find ade- of Decembrists. Having listed some sal- quate forms of implementing their youth- ary figures obtained from the Treasury, ful aspirations: "In the environment of the reviewer concluded that it was not the Decembrists in Western Siberia – the enough for a life worth living16. The author wrote, – intellectual and moral in- great attention in the review was also terests they were bound up in a happier paid to Decembrists' being oppressed by time in Russia were preserved, in tor- tures of exile in the settlement they were 16 "Literary review" ["Literaturnoe obozre- nie"], Vestnik Evropy, 1896, No. 2, p. 874. 17 Ibid.

Vasil'eva Elena Borisovna Publishing House "ANALITIKA RODIS" 97 even helpful for Siberian society being a their judges all the secrets of the action, distant and partly wild region". Develop- thought, even the most intimate ones; ing this idea the author noted that "the hasted to tell many names, because they public mind is not only preserved by the knew well that any punishment entails Decembrists, but continued to develop arrest and sometimes stopped at no end in the same direction, and after having to slander their comrades and repented, returned to Russia they were at the same repented without end"18. level with the society aspirations ... in While determining the place of sympathy with the new movement of the Decembrists in the history of the lib- subsequent reforms, they contributed eration movement the idea of Decem- and added their share to the latter". brists' passivity in the implementation of Beginning of XX century became their ideas came to the fore. The historian a new stage in the development of do- and public figure, populist N.P. Pavlov- mestic Decembrists study. Sylvansky was the one to express this Studying testimonies of Decem- opinion most succinctly. He noted that in brist's movement participants allowed 1825 many participants of the secret so- not only to enhance the research spec- cieties were not equal to the situation, as trum, but also to highlight a number of they were not able to switch from a short new issues, which resulted in rethinking inspiration to constant struggle. The his- and supplementing the already existing torian wrote: " In the subsequent time views. when "instant rush" was replaced by self- Primarily, this was due to the tes- denial, every revolutionary looked upon timonies of the Decembrists. The histo- himself as a doomed man"19, which was rian P.E. Shchegolev showed the most typical of the Democrats of the 1860s, typical response to familiarity with cases the people. of the movement's participants: they in- However, we cannot talk about troduced "... a bitter disappointment in the romantic interpretation of the De- the modern consciousness, full of rev- erent memory of the heroes of Decem- 18 Shchegolev, P.E. (1926), Decembrists [Dekabristy], Moscow, p. 138. ber 14. Conspirators being under the 19 Pavlov-Sil'vanskii, N.P. (1906), "Pestel investigation – from ensign to general – before the Supreme Court (for unpublished did not show any resistance and with sources)" ["Pestel' pered verkhovnym ugolovnym sudom (Po neizdannym istoch- amazing unrestrained hurry tried to tell nikam)"], Byloe, No. 2, p. 157.

Decembrist movement: between myth and history… 98 "White Spots" of the Russian and World History. 5-6`2013 cembrist image's being fully "irrelevant" registry was attached at the end of the ar- for revolutionary propaganda . However, ticle which thoroughly regulated the rou- it was not absolute, and the authors ap- tine of the Decembrists in the fortress. proached the problem of assessing the This note could be considered even more Decembrist very flexible, depending on curious because commenting on the be- the social, cultural and political situa- havior of the Decembrists at the inquest tion. Shchegolev wrote in another article: "... Thus, according to P.E. Shchegolev, the investigative processes that make a the distinctive feature of the Decembrists dismal impression of completely unsys- was a love for the motherland. As the his- tematic testimonies, abundance of mes- torian wrote This feeling: "... penetrated sages, confessions, and repentances"22. and embraced the whole human psyche and was so powerfully real as the popu- Conclusion lists' love for the people, the love of sin- cerely religious person for God"20. Thus, to summarize, we can draw This image became even more the following conclusions. The process popular by describing the Decembrists of understanding the Decembrists' move- arrest into the Petropavlovsk fortress. ment history and its presentation to the In 1906 Shchegolev published the Russian reader was initially exposed to a article with a very notable title "Nicho- certain "mythologizing." las I – Decembrists' jailer". According Development of ideas about the to the author, the emperor himself regu- Decembrist was mostly influenced by lated the conclusion of the Decembrists the following factors: in order to obtain evidence from them, 1) From the beginning the history "so it did not look like the "punishment of the Decembrist movement was pre- prior "to the sentence, it was already ei- sented to the Russian reader as a clash ther punishment or a long torture"21. The of two ideological movements: a revo-

20 Shchegolev, P.E. (1907), "Peter G. Kak- Nikolai I – tyuremshchik dekabristov"], hovsky. Historical and psychological Byloe, No. 5, pp. 192-204. study" ["Petr Grigor'evich Kakhovskii. 22 Shchegolev, P.E. (1907), "Decem- Istoriko-psikhologicheskii etyud"], Byloe, brist Prince Shahovsky (Biographical No. 1, p. 139. Note)" ["Dekabrist knyaz' Shakhovskii 21 Shchegolev, P.E. (1906), "Emperor Nicho- (Biograficheskaya zametka)"],Byloe , las I – Decembrists jailer" ["Imperator No. 10, p. 282.

Vasil'eva Elena Borisovna Publishing House "ANALITIKA RODIS" 99 lutionary liberal one and a conservative their own image for the Decembrist in one, with the definition of "hero or a the general public; criminal" having been established; 4) Despite the familiarity with 2) lack of official sources for cases of movement's participants, he- studying the movement's history and roic halo of Decembrists was somewhat the predominance of personal-origin- shaken, but extensively used in political sources contributed mostly to subjective propaganda. factors' influencing the interpretation of And in conclusion we would like to the movement's history. As a result, the add that despite its "mythology", the story moral and ethical element became deci- of the Decembrist movement remains a sive in the estimates of the Decembrist part of scientific history and its study shall movement; be approached from the scientific stand- 3) multi-subjectness of the topic point, one should avoid the ideological allowed representatives of various social considerations' influencing its analysis, and political movements to find their and methodological studies' becoming part niche in the history of the Decembrists, of the historical material, otherwise we run the Decembrist movement and develop the risk of becoming myth-makers.


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Decembrist movement: between myth and history… 100 "White Spots" of the Russian and World History. 5-6`2013

4. Ekshtut, S.A. (1989), "Decembrist movement: the moral aspect of political ac- tion" ["Dvizhenie dekabristov: moral'nyi aspekt politicheskogo deistviya"], Vestnik moskovskogo universiteta, Series 7, No. 5, pp. 65-75. 5. Erlikh, S.E. (2006), The history of the myth (Herzen's "Decembrists legend") [Isto- riya mifa ("Dekabristskaya legenda" Gertsena)], St. Petersburg, 286 p. 6. Erlikh, S.E., Edel'man O.V., Karatsuba I.V., Gotovtseva A.G., Kiyanskaya O.V. (2006), "So what he was, the Decembrist Pavel Pestel? Four viewpoints on the book of Kiyanskaya, O.I. "Pestel" ["Tak kakim zhe on byl, dekabrist Pavel Pestel'? Chetyre vzglyada na knigu O.I. Kiyanskoi "Pestel"], Otechestvennaya istoriya, No. 6, pp. 139-164. 7. Fel'dman, D.M. (2008), "Decembrist studies today: terminology, ideology, method- ology", The Decembrists: current problems and new approaches ["Dekabristove- denie segodnya: terminologiya, ideologiya, metodologiya", Dekabristy: Aktual'nye problemy i novye podkhody], Moscow, pp. 663-713. 8. Filin, M.A. (1993), "About Decembrists and Decembrism: some thoughts on the newly discovered text" ["O dekabristakh i dekabrizme: Nekotorye razmyshleniya nad stranitsami novonaidennogo teksta"], Zvezda, No. 6, pp. 166-175. 9. Gebel', E. (1873), "Col. Gebel' in 1825" ["Podpolkovnik Gebel' v 1825 g."], Russ- kaya starina, No. 8, pp. 237-241. 10. Gebel', A.G. (1871), "From the notes of guard colonel Alexander Gustavovich" ["Iz zapisok polkovnika gvardii Aleksandra Gustavovicha"], Russkii arkhiv, No. 6, Clms. 1717-1728. 11. Kaz'mirchuk, G.D. (2008), "Modern Decembrist studies in the former . Formation, problems, research centers and prospects", The Decembrists: current problems and new approaches ["Sovremennoe dekabristovedenie na post- sovetskom prostranstve. Stanovlenie, problematika, nauchnye tsentry i perspek- tivy razvitiya", Dekabristy: Aktual'nye problemy i novye podkhody], Moscow, pp. 640-663. 12. Korf, M.A. (1857), The accession to the throne of Emperor Nicholas I [Vosshestvie na prestol imperatora Nikolaya I], St. Petersburg, 236 p. 13. Kosov, G.V. (1999), Decembrist movement in the social history of Russia: Author's thesis [Dekabrizm v sotsial'noi istorii Rossii: Avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk], St. Petersburg, 23 p.

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14. "Literary review" ["Literaturnoe obozrenie"], Vestnik Evropy, 1896, No. 2, pp. 872-876. 15. Murav'ev-Apostol, M. I. (1871), Chernigov Regiment revolt ["Vosstanie Chernigov- skogo polka"], Russkii arkhiv, No. 1, Clms. 0229–0238. 16. Narusova, L.B. (1996), "Decembrism moral lessons", Freedom advocates. Memo- rable readings dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the Decembrist revolt, Decem- ber 14, 1995 ["Nravstvennye uroki dekabrizma", Zastupniki svobody. Pamyatnye chteniya, posvyashchennye 170-letiyu vosstaniya dekabristov, 14 dekabrya 1995 goda], St. Petersburg, pp. 18-23. 17. Pavlov-Sil'vanskii, N.P. (1906), "Pestel before the Supreme Court (for unpublished sources)" ["Pestel' pered verkhovnym ugolovnym sudom (Po neizdannym istoch- nikam)"], Byloe, No. 2, pp. 124-157. 18. Rudnitskaya, E.A., Tartakovskii, A.G. (1994), Free Russian press and Baron Korf's book", December 14, 1825 and its interpreters (Herzen and Ogarev against the Bar- on Korf) ["Vol'naya russkaya pechat' i kniga barona Korfa", 14 dekabrya 1825 goda i ego tolkovateli (Gertsen i Ogarev protiv barona Korfa)], Moscow, pp. 5-64. 19. Shchegolev, P.E. (1906), "Emperor Nicholas I – Decembrists jailer" ["Imperator Nikolai I – tyuremshchik dekabristov"], Byloe, No. 5, pp. 192-204. 20. Shchegolev, P.E. (1907), "Decembrist Prince Shahovsky (Biographical Note)" ["Deka- brist knyaz' Shakhovskii (Biograficheskaya zametka)"],Byloe , No. 10, p. 282. 21. Shchegolev, P.E. (1926), Decembrists [Dekabristy], Moscow, 361 p. 22. Shchegolev, P.E. (1907), "Peter G. Kakhovsky. Historical and psychological study" ["Petr Grigor'evich Kakhovskii. Istoriko-psikhologicheskii etyud"], Byloe, No. 1, p. 139. 23. Shcherbakov, A.Yu. (2005), Decembrists. Conspiracy against Russia [Dekabristy. Zagovor protiv Rossii], St. Peterburg-Moscow, 316 p. 24. Shmidt, S.O. (2002), "Decembrists in the respect of people of XX and XXI centu- ries", Public awareness of the Russian noble class of XVII – first third of the XIX ["Dekabristy v predstavleniyakh lyudei rubezha XX i XXI stoletii", Obshchestven- noe samosoznanie rossiiskogo blagorod-nogo sosloviya XVII – pervaya tret' XIX], Moscow, pp. 329-349. 25. Smolin, M.V. (2000), "Janissaries" of night fraternity", Tol' S.D. Night brothers. Masonic action ["Yanychary" nochnogo bratstva", Tol', S.D. Nochnye brat'ya. Ma- sonskoe deistvo], Moscow, pp. 5-22.

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26. Tsamutali, A.N. (1997), "The Decembrists in the liberation movement in Russia. Some questions of historiography", December 14, 1825. Sources of research, histo- riography, bibliography ["Dekabristy v osvoboditel'nom dvizhenii v Rossii. Neko- torye voprosy istoriografii", 14 dekabrya 1825 goda. Istochniki, issledovaniya, is- toriografiya, bibliografiya], No. 1, pp. 91-94. 27. Vasil'eva, E.B. (2011), "Herzen and Ogarev about the Decembrists (based on the "Kolo-Kola" and "Polyarnaya zvezda"). Actual problems of historical research: a view of young scientists", Proceedings of the 1st All-Russia Youth Scientific Con- ference [Gertsen i Ogarev o dekabristakh (po materialam "Kolo-kola" i "Polyar- noi zvezdy"). Aktual'nye problemy istoricheskikh issledovanii: vzglyad molodykh uchenykh", Sbornik materialov I Vserossiiskoi molodezhnoi nauchnoi konferentsii], Novosibirsk, pp. 67-73. 28. Winterberg, B. "The Adventure of liberal liberalism in the country of securocrats (Review of books about the historical roots of Russian liberalism.). Individual re- serve" ["Priklyuchenie liberal'nogo liberalizma v strane silovikov (Obzor knig ob istoricheskikh kornyakh rossiiskogo liberalizma). Neprikosnovennyi zapas"], avail- able at: http://magazines.russ.ru/nlo/2006/79/vi46.html 29. Yakushkin, E.I. (1872), "The Congress of "the Union of Welfare" members in Mos- cow in 1821 (response to Orlov, N.M.)" ["S"ezd chlenov "Soyuza Blagodenstviya" v Moskve v 1821 g. (otvet N.M. Orlovu)"], Russkaya starina, No. 11, pp. 597-604.

Движения декабристов: между мифом и историей (некоторые особенности декабристоведения второй половины XIX – начала XX вв.)

Васильева Елена Борисовна Кандидат исторических наук, доцент, Омский институт международного менеджмента и иностранных языков, 64400, Россия, Омск, ул. Булатова, 99; e-mail: elena_vasilyeva@bk

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Аннотация Статья посвящена выявлению особенностей формирования представлений об истории движения декабристов во второй половине XIX – начале XX вв. Автором рассмотрены причины обращения авторов к истории движения, охарактеризовано влияние источниковедческого материала, тематическо­ го и идеологического фактора на конструирование различных концепций истории движения. В заключение делается вывод, что обращение к истокам­ формирования декабристских концепций позволяет в определённой степени избежать их мифологизации на современном этапе изучения.

Ключевые слова Движение декабристов, миф, декабристоведение, источниковедение, исто­ рическая наука.


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7. Казьмирчук Г.Д. Современное декабристоведение на постсоветском про­ странстве. Становление, проблематика, научные центры и перспективы раз­ вития // Декабристы: Актуальные проблемы и новые подходы. – М., 2008. – С. 640-663. 8. Корф М.А. Восшествие на престол императора Николая I. – СПб., 1857. – 236 с. 9. Косов Г.В. Декабризм в социальной истории России: автореф. дис. … канд. ист. наук. – СПб., 1999. – 23 с. 10. Литературное обозрение // Вестник Европы. – 1896. – № 2. – С. 872-876. 11. Муравьёв-Апостол М. И. Восстание Черниговского полка // Русский архив. – 1871. – № 1. – Стлб. 0229-0238. 12. Нарусова Л.Б. Нравственные уроки декабризма // Заступники свободы. Па­ мятные чтения, посвящённые 170-летию восстания декабристов, 14 декабря 1995 года. – СПб., 1996. – С. 18-23. 13. Павлов-Сильванский Н.П. Пестель перед верховным уголовным судом (По неизданным источникам) // Былое. – 1906. – № 2. – C. 124-157. 14. Рудницкая Е.А., Тартаковский А.Г. Вольная русская печать и книга барона Корфа // 14 декабря 1825 года и его толкователи (Герцен и Огарёв против ба­ рона Корфа). – М., 1994. – С. 5-64. 15. Смолин М.В. «Янычары» ночного братства // Толь С.Д. Ночные братья. Ма­ сонское действо. – М., 2000. – С. 5-22. 16. Фельдман Д.М. Декабристоведение сегодня: терминология, идеология, мето­ дология // Декабристы: Актуальные проблемы и новые подходы. – М., 2008. – C. 663-713. 17. Филин M.А. О декабристах и декабризме: Некоторые размышления над стра­ ницами новонайденного текста // Звезда. – 1993. – № 6. – С. 166-175. 18. Цамутали А.Н. Декабристы в освободительном движении в России. Некото­ рые вопросы историографии // 14 декабря 1825 года. Источники, исследова­ ния, историография, библиография. – 1997. – Вып. I. – С. 91-94. 19. Щеголев П.Е. Император Николай I – тюремщик декабристов // Былое. – 1906. – № 5. – С. 192-204. 20. Щеголев П.Е. Декабрист князь Шаховский (Биографическая заметка) // Бы- лое. – 1907. – № 10. – С. 282

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21. Щеголев П.Е. Декабристы. – М., 1926. – 361с. 22. Щеголев П.Е. Петр Григорьевич Каховский. Историко-психологический этюд // Былое. – 1907. – № 1. – С. 139. 23. Щербаков А.Ю. Декабристы. Заговор против России. – СПб. – М., 2005. – 316 с. 24. Шмидт С.О. Декабристы в представлениях людей рубежа XX и XXI столе- тий / Шмидт С.О. Общественное самосознание российского благородного со- словия XVII – первая треть XIX. – М., 2002. – C. 329-349. 25. Эдельман О.В. Бессмысленный и … Киянская О.И. Южный бунт: восстание Черниговского пехотного полка. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.strana-oz.ru. 26. Якушкин Е.И. Съезд членов «Союза Благоденствия» в Москве в 1821 г. (ответ Н.М. Орлову) // Русская старина. – 1872. – № 11. – С. 597-604. 27. Экштут С.А. Движение декабристов: моральный аспект политического дей- ствия // Вестник московского университета. Серия 7. Философия. – 1989. – № 5. – С. 65-75. 28. Эрлих С.Е. История мифа («Декабристская легенда» Герцена). – СПб., 2006. – 286 с. 29. Эрлих С.Е., Эдельман О.В., Карацуба И.В., Готовцева А.Г., Киянская О.В. Так каким же он был, декабрист Павел Пестель? Четыре взгляда на книгу О.И. Киянской «Пестель» // Отечественная история. – 2006. – № 6. – С. 139-164.

Decembrist movement: between myth and history…