The Baltic Sea Region 2011/2012 Evening Moodinnyhavn/Copenhagen
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Baltic Sea Breezes Welcome to the Baltic Sea Region 2011/2012 Evening moodinNyhavn/Copenhagen ©Ireneusz Cyranek Baltic Sea Breezes 1 CONTENTS EDITORIAL Natural and Cultural Heritage – Promising Potentials Common Heritage – for Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region 2 Feature of Identification for the Baltic Sea Region – Common Tasks – Fascinating Cultural Heritage Brick Gothic 6 Common Objectives Sand Dunes – A Wonder of Nature to Visit and Experience 8 A central public place to meet, debate and Sustainable Nature Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region – exchange ideas – this A Plenty of Breathtaking Protected Areas 10 was the “Agora” around 500 BC in European Charter for Sustainable Tourism Greece. The project in Protected Areas 11 AGORA 2.0 repre- Protected Areas of the PARKS & BENEFITS project sents not just the go for the Charter in the Baltic Sea Region 11 ancient Greek term, but it also follows the Flagship Projects for Closer Cooperation main principle of in the Baltic Sea Region – Innovations Conducive to bringing different par- Tourism and Environment 12 ties closer together, to let them cooperate Enjoy South Baltic! – Fruitful Cooperation under and benefit from each other’s knowledge and work. the Umbrella of Baltic Sea Region Strategy 13 In this frame, 24 partners from 9 neighboring coun- Baltic Sea Region Records Upswing in Tourism – tries of the Baltic Sea act jointly following the imple- Interview with Thomas Mielke, Director BTC 14 mentation of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013. AGORA 2.0 was initiated by University Baltic Sea Tourism Forum – of Greifswald´s Institute of Geography and is an ap- Stimulating Sustainable Future Cross-border Activities 15 proved Baltic 21 Lighthouse project. The countries around the Baltic Sea do not only Journalists from India Visiting the Baltic Sea Region – share a long period in history, but also certain natu- Exploring a Melting-pot of Cultures 16 ral and cultural resources. However, the inhabitants´ perception about the common characteristics is not Cover Picture: View of the church in Mariefred, Sweden ©Freddie Bijkerk fully developed yet and the Baltic Sea Region is not well-known as one common region. For this reason, the project AGORA 2.0 aims at iden- 2 tifying peculiarities which might support the devel- opment of a common identity of people living in the Baltic Sea Region. It seems that appealing treasures 6 of natural and cultural heritage are very promising features in this regard. Based on those heritage assets, innovative tourism products should be developed. The promotion of these products will increase the visibility of the whole area as a tourist destination and as an inter- esting business environment. Various experts have already met at the “Agora”, in order to pursue the goals of the project. Of course, common heritage, tasks and objectives around the sea will also let the partners keep on cooperating in the future, in order to strengthen the visibility of the Baltic Sea Region. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Steingrube 12 Natural and Cultural Heritage Promising Potentials for Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region By Prof. Dr Wilhelm Steingrube, Institute of Geography and Geology, University of Greifswald Of course, there are countless natural and cultural sites, historical buildings and new astonishing directions in architectural style; very small and also big events; specific food and drinking customs; very old traditions and episodic cultural festivals; UNESCO world heritage labeled and hidden treasures – all these offers lure people to visit the region. So, the Baltic Sea Region is characterized by innumerable touristic attractions. ourism is a growing and future ori- tourism service and management to Another bottle neck of tourism develop- Tented market on the one hand, but develop the tourism potentials in an op- ment is the simple mechanism that the on the other hand it is a demand driven timal way. power of attraction of single sites and market, too, which means that it is ex- As a little support the Baltic Sea destinations correlates with the dis- tremely competitive. Heritage Tourism Information Service tance to source markets: Within and Many attractions are owned and man- ( has been im- close to the region the attractions are aged by public bodies. Often, they are plemented. It is a web-based database well known, but going further away they not very well equipped, financially – but that provides market research results of become more and more unknown. And they hope to generate additional bene- the neighboring countries of the Baltic even if the information is available fits from tourism. Furthermore, they Sea for everybody who is engaged in worldwide due to web-presentations, need staff that is well educated in heritage tourism in the area. tourists will not travel long distances to Baltic Sea Breezes 3 ©Jens Mohr ©Toomas Volmer ©Toomas Cities full of tradition – Representative characteristics of the Baltic Sea Region? (Photo: View of St Catherine’s Passage in Tallinn’s Old Town) In this con- characterize the landscape in the North test, the most attractive and popular (archipelagos, single blocks & boulders treasures of the region are to be everywhere), the southern coastline is elected. marked by endless sandy beaches, shifting sand dunes and other soft Widespread Common Features coastal formations. View of Skokloster Castle/Sweden The other way to become visible in the Regarding cultural features, different world – promoting widespread common socio-economic systems, groups like features - has to be backed by several the Vikings or the Hanseatic League small single attractions. To lure guests peculiarities, which have to represent strongly influenced the entire region from outside the area the tourist desti- the whole region. around the Baltic Sea. Many castles nations of the Baltic Sea Region need Typical of the entire region - regarding and other historical buildings still docu- to cooperate and to enter the tourism the natural appearance - are the large ment these periods. market as a common destination. But areas of forests covering most parts of The red brick is the characteristic stone then it has to be decided which attrac- the region. It is also the coastline with in the Baltic Sea Region, which was tions to boost. two totally different faces: while stones used to construct numerous public and There are two different ways of becom- ing visible in the world tourism market: either by single unique selling proposi- tions or by common features, which cover and represent most parts of the ©Freddie Bijkerk region. Unique Selling Propositions of the Region What are the unique selling proposi- tions of our region? There are the big capitals of the countries and there are several UNESCO world heritage prop- erties. But do they represent character- istics of the Baltic Sea Region? Perhaps there are other sites, traditions or events, which are more typical of the entire region. To collect and identify the most promising natural and cultural Redbrick Gothic architecture: heritage assets of the region, there is a Church in Kamien Pomorski/Poland public online ranking available on 4 Baltic Sea Breezes ©Betina Meliss (3) View of the lighthouse in Swinoujscie/Poland also private buildings. The project Sea states: red brick gothic, castles & The Baltic Sea is easy to find in a map, AGORA 2.0-Heritage Tourism for museums, forests, shifting sand dunes but the region surrounding the sea is Increased Baltic Sea Region Identity, and stones (blocks & boulders). difficult to define – the definition de- tries to elaborate innovative tourism pends on the discipline and the pur- products and new solutions in heritage “Identity” – The New Key Word pose. So, the area of the Baltic Sea tourism in 5 transnational pilot groups. It is very important for the Baltic Sea Region varies between “simply neigh- Each pilot group focuses on a subject Region to be promoted as a unit by bouring countries” and the water catch- that is typical of at least three Baltic tourism marketing. ment area of the sea, sometimes addi- tionally involving Norway or even Island, due to political reasons. The EU defined an own programme area for this region. At least since that moment, politicians tend to regard the Forest in Zemaitija National Park/Lithuania Baltic Sea Region as a unit. There are the common sea and the natural ap- Baltic Sea Breezes 5 pearance, with its geological surface formed during the Ice Age, which give a sense of regional unity. The similar cli- mate supports the idea of a homoge- ©Juliane Hess (2) nous region. And of course, there is a common his- tory of co-operation and conflicts. In the region there have developed similar architectural styles, traditions, cuisine and also related art styles. The high lev- el of economy, education and security is also similar, compared with other parts in the world. Nevertheless, there is not really a com- mon feeling within the population; there ©Freddie Bijkerk ©Betina Meliss (2) Nature in the Baltic Sea Region appears in many fascinating ways. itage assets. The features offered for ferent target groups in tourism which evaluation cover all three dimensions of have to be addressed by different ad- sustainability: 9 elements of natural verts. Therefore, it is important to have characteristics, 10 cultural assets and 6 a pool of such “common (identity) fea- of economy and society. tures”. It is expected not to select just the “one The Baltic Sea Region has a lot of po- and only” feature, but a pool of charac- tential characteristics as well as numer- teristics. Such a set is more useful be- ous attractions, but it is necessary to cause it is necessary for marketing pur- select those, which cover most as- poses to know several features, which pects, fit to the target markets and are are backed by the population.