Mayor and City Council From: Denise Anderson-Warren, City Clerk, Records & Elections Services Department Date: June 25, 2019

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Mayor and City Council From: Denise Anderson-Warren, City Clerk, Records & Elections Services Department Date: June 25, 2019 13.A June 25, 2019 Council Meeting: June 25, 2019 Santa Monica, California CITY CLERK’S OFFICE - MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Denise Anderson-Warren, City Clerk, Records & Elections Services Department Date: June 25, 2019 13.A Annual Appointments to Boards and Commissions for terms ending June 30, 2019. Board/Commission No. of Appts. Term Ending Airport Commission 2 6/30/2023 Architectural Review Board 1 6/30/2023 Arts Commission 3 6/30/2023 Audit Subcommittee 1 6/30/2023 Commission for the Senior Community 1 6/30/2023 Commission for the Senior Community 1 6/30/2023 (Over the age of 60) Commission on the Status of Women 2 6/30/2023 Disabilities Commission 2 6/30/2023 Housing Commission 1 6/30/2021 (Section 8 Tenant Member, and 62 years old or older) Housing Commission 1 6/30/2021 (Section 8 Tenant Member) Personnel Board 1 6/30/2024 Planning Commission 3 6/30/2023 Recreation and Parks Commission 1 6/30/2023 Santa Monica Library Board 1 6/30/2023 Social Services Commission 3 6/30/2023 1 of 2 Urban Forest Task Force 7 6/30/2021 2 of 2 CITY OF SANTA MONICA NOTICE INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS TO CITY BOARDS & COMMISSIONS The Santa Monica City Council is now accepting applications for annual appointments of members to the following City Boards and Commissions: # of Term Board/Commission Vacancies Ending Requirements Airport Commission 2 6/30/2023 Santa Monica Resident Architectural Review Board 1 6/30/2023 ‐ Arts Commission 3 6/30/2023 Reside or work in Santa Monica Audit Subcommittee 1 6/30/2023 Santa Monica Resident Commission for the Senior Community 1 6/30/2023 Registered to Vote, Santa Monica Resident Commission for the Registered to Vote, Santa Monica Resident, Senior Community 1 6/30/2023 Over the age of 60 Commission on the Status of Women 2 6/30/2023 Santa Monica Resident Disabilities Commission 2 6/30/2023 Santa Monica Resident Santa Monica Resident, Section 8 Tenant Member, Housing Commission 1 6/30/2021 and 62 years old or older. Housing Commission 1 6/30/2021 Santa Monica Resident, Section 8 Tenant Member Personnel Board 1 6/30/2024 Santa Monica Resident Planning Commission 3 6/30/2023 Santa Monica Resident Recreation and Parks Commission 1 6/30/2023 Santa Monica Resident Santa Monica Library Board 1 6/30/2023 Santa Monica Resident Social Services Commission 3 6/30/2023 Santa Monica Resident Urban Forest Task Force 7 6/30/2021 ‐ Applications due by noon, Tuesday, June 18, 2019. Appointment to be made by City Council, Tuesday, June 25, 2019. No Santa Monica City Employee may serve as a member of any Board or Commission. The State Political Reform Act requires certain officeholders to disclose their interest and income that may be materially affected by their official action. The applicant appointed to serve in this position will be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) upon assuming office, and annually thereafter. Applications are available on-line at: All current applications on file will be considered. Disability related assistance and alternate formats of this document are available upon request by calling (310) 458-8211. Attendance Records # of Meetings During This Absences During This Reason/s for If appointed during this period, Board name Name Ethics Training Completed Period Period Absences add date of appointment. Airport Commission Andrew Wilder 4 0 Yes Airport Commission Chris Waller 4 0 Yes Airport Commission Joseph Schmitz 4 0 Yes Airport Commission Lael Rubin 4 0 Yes Airport Commission Peter Donald 4 0 Yes Architectural Review Board Barbara Coffman 9 2 sick, injury (but did attend meeting for 30 min) Yes Architectural Review Board Barbara Kaplan 9 0 Yes Architectural Review Board Craig Hamilton 9 7 sick (1), work (2), out of town caring for ill family member (4) No Architectural Review Board Joshua Rosen 9 1 sick Yes Architectural Review Board Kevin Daly 9 2 work travel, work conflict Yes Architectural Review Board Patrick Tighe 9 2 work commitment, international travel No Architectural Review Board Therese Kelly 9 2 sick, family vacation Yes Arts Commission Corin Kahn 4 0 No Arts Commission Edward Horowitz 4 0 No Arts Commission Iao Katagiri 4 2 to attend City event, sick No Arts Commission Janeen Jackson 4 1 work commitment Yes Arts Commission Jeff Swimmer 4 1 family commitment Yes Arts Commission Laurie Yehia 4 1 out of town Yes Arts Commission Mary‐Elizabeth Michaels 4 0 Yes Arts Commission Michael Baroff 4 0 Yes Arts Commission Michael Masucci 4 1 out of town Yes Arts Commission Michael Myers 4 1 attended mtg for 1/2 hr No Arts Commission Phil Brock 4 2 out of town, board mtg Yes Audit Subcommittee Elizabeth Van Denburgh 2 0 Yes Audit Subcommittee Natalya Zernitskaya 2 0 2/26/2019 Yes Building and Fire‐Life Safety Commission Charles Muttillo 0 0 Yes Building and Fire‐Life Safety Commission Charles Whitaker 0 0 Yes Building and Fire‐Life Safety Commission Daniel Jansenson 0 0 Yes Building and Fire‐Life Safety Commission David Gray 0 0 No Building and Fire‐Life Safety Commission Drew Smith 0 0 Yes Building and Fire‐Life Safety Commission James Bagnell 0 0 No Building and Fire‐Life Safety Commission Yu‐Ngok Lo 0 0 3/26/2019 Yes Clean Beaches & Ocean Parcel Tax Citizens Oversight Committee Debbie Dyner Harris 2 1 Work Yes Clean Beaches & Ocean Parcel Tax Citizens Oversight Committee Mary Marlow 2 1 Out of Town Yes Clean Beaches & Ocean Parcel Tax Citizens Oversight Committee Benjamin Kay 2 0 Yes Clean Beaches & Ocean Parcel Tax Citizens Oversight Committee Troy Harris 2 0 12/18/2018 No Clean Beaches & Ocean Parcel Tax Citizens Oversight Committee Vanessa Meier 2 1 Funeral No Commission for the Senior Community Barbara Browning 6 2 present, but failed to attend 2/3 of meeting; out of town Yes Commission for the Senior Community Barry Engelman 6 1 travel Yes Commission for the Senior Community Elliot Goldberg 6 1 schedule conflict Yes Commission for the Senior Community Kathryn Kietzman 6 3 death in family, travel, work Yes Commission for the Senior Community Leigh Brumberg 6 0 Yes Commission for the Senior Community Lynn Strother 6 1 travel Yes Commission for the Senior Community Meghan Kelley 6 3 work x2, confused dates Yes Commission for the Senior Community Paula Fern 6 1 illness in family Yes Commission for the Senior Community Willa Wells 6 1 illness Yes Commission on the Status of Women Diane Miller 6 1 Forgot there was a meeting Yes Commission on the Status of Women Ty‐Juana Taylor 6 2 travel, death in family Yes Commission on the Status of Women Elena Christopoulos 6 2 work conflict, travel Yes Commission on the Status of Women Jenny Vazquez‐Newsum 3 0 2/26/2019 No Commission on the Status of Women Joni Byun 6 0 Yes Commission on the Status of Women Kelsey O'Hara 5 0 12/18/2018 No Commission on the Status of Women Melissa Goodman 6 1 work conflict Yes Commission on the Status of Women Nancy Pierandozzi 6 0 Yes Commission on the Status of Women Sylvia Ghazarian 6 0 Yes Disabilities Commission Christy Hobart 6 1 Special meeting; not available No Disabilities Commission Delbert Whetter 6 1 Work commitment No Disabilities Commission Glenda Berg 6 Yes Disabilities Commission June Hagen 6 1 Sick Yes Disabilities Commission Kathryn Kosmeya‐Dodge 6 Yes Disabilities Commission Kelly Siegel 6 2 Sick No Disabilities Commission Marielle Kriesel 6 Yes Disabilities Commission Dee Cappelli 6 1 Sick Yes Disabilities Commission Lauri Ringer 6 1 Sick Yes Disabilities Commission Nanci Linke‐Ellis 6 Yes Disabilities Commission Thomas Hill 6 2 Work commitment; childcare Yes Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Barry Snell 5 1 Business Trip Out of Town Yes Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Bruria Finkel 5 1 Business Trip Out of Town Yes Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Eric Sedman 5 1 Business Trip Out of Town Yes Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Johannes Van Tilburg 5 1 Business Trip Out of Town Yes Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Joshua Gilman 5 1 Business Trip Out of Town No Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Juan Matute 5 0 Yes Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Julia Ladd 5 1 Death in the Family No Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Michele Aronson 5 1 Business Trip Out of Town No Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Patricia Hoffman 5 0 Yes Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Rob Rader 5 1 Business Trip Out of Town Yes Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Scott Schonfeld 5 0 No Downtown Santa Monica, Inc. Tara Barauskas 5 1 Business Trip Out of Town Yes Housing Commission Anjuli Katz 6 2 Work Conflict No Housing Commission Loren Bloch 6 0 Yes Housing Commission Michael Soloff 6 0 No Housing Commission Rene Buchanan 6 3 Injury, Observation of Maundy Thursday Yes Housing Commission Richard Gerwitz 6 4 Work Conflict No Housing Commission Richard Hilton 6 0 Yes Housing Commission Sue Keintz 6 2 Schedule conflict with work Yes Landmarks Commission Amy Green 6 1 Family emergency Yes Landmarks Commission Barry Rosenbaum 6 0 Yes Landmarks Commission Dolores Sloan 6 0 Yes Landmarks Commission Kenneth Breisch 6 1 Out of town Yes Landmarks Commission Roger Genser 6 0 Yes Landmarks Commission Richard Brand 6 1 Work related conflict Yes Landmarks Commission Ruth Shari 6 0 Yes Personnel Board Elliot Gordon 4 2 Out of town Yes Personnel Board Eve Brosnahan 4 1 Out of town Yes Personnel Board Homa Mojtabai 4 0 2/26/2019 Yes Personnel Board Joy Abbott 4 0 Yes Personnel Board Marcia Zimmer 4 0 Yes Planning Commission Amy Anderson 13 3 Business Yes Planning Commission Jason Parry 13 2 Illness Yes Planning Commission Leslie Lambert 13 2 Vacation / Illness Yes Planning Commission Mario Fonda‐Bonardi 13 0 Yes Planning Commission
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