Breaking Open the Sexual Harassment Scandal
Nxxx,2017-10-06,A,018,Cs-4C,E1 , OCTOBER 6, 2017 FRIDAY NATIONAL K THE NEW YORK TIMES 2017 IMPACT AWARD C M Y N A18 Claims of Sexual Harassment Trail a Hollywood Mogul From Page A1 clined to comment on any of the settle- ments, including providing information about who paid them. But Mr. Weinstein said that in addressing employee con- cerns about workplace issues, “my motto is to keep the peace.” Ms. Bloom, who has been advising Mr. Weinstein over the last year on gender and power dynamics, called him “an old dinosaur learning new ways.” She said she had “explained to him that due to the power difference between a major studio head like him and most others in the in- dustry, whatever his motives, some of his words and behaviors can be perceived as Breaking Open the Sexual inappropriate, even intimidating.” Though Ms. O’Connor had been writ- ing only about a two-year period, her BY memo echoed other women’s com- plaints. Mr. Weinstein required her to have casting discussions with aspiring CHRISTOPHER actresses after they had private appoint- ments in his hotel room, she said, her de- scription matching those of other former PALMERI employees. She suspected that she and other female Weinstein employees, she wrote, were being used to facilitate li- Late Edition Harassment Scandal aisons with “vulnerable women who Today, clouds and sunshine, warm, hope he will get them work.” high 78. Tonight, mostly cloudy, The allegations piled up even as Mr. mild, low 66. Tomorrow, times of Weinstein helped define popular culture.
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