On the Ground No 2

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On the Ground No 2 The Milestone Society On the Ground Worcestershire group member Neville Billington’s delightful picture of his grandson studying one of the newly plated milestones on the A443 No. 2 September 2005 Single Edition Editor. Terry Keegan SINGLE EDITION EDITOR TERRY KEEGAN ON THE GROUND A REVIEW OF THE 12 MONTHS TO JUNE 2005 INTRODUCTION spreading the aims of the Society through around 450 members we can be proud media contact, talks to outside bodies, of what has been achieved . The road so This, the second issue of 'ON THE distribution of Society literature to librar- far has been a rocky one with plenty of GROUND', whilst continuing Mervyn ies, etc.; dead ends, especially in our efforts to Benford's original message in the first persuade many Highway Authorities issue to non-active members that ...'we d) progress towards the group making that the milestones are worth saving as want them to see that we put their sub- contact with it's own county members an important part of our national road- scriptions to good use, to fulfill as best through meetings, joint projects and a local side heritage. Reports have been com- we can our stated aims and objec- group newsletter. ing of changing attitudes towards the tives' ..,., this one has a slightly different By having an annual survey of the activi- preservation of the milestones. A recent slant to it. ties of each of the County groups we Advisory Leaflet sent out by the Dept. Its main purpose is to review the achieve- should be able to chart the progress of the of Transport to all Local Councils high- ments of the County Groups which have Society towards its ultimate aims of re- lights the importance of preserving im- been actively pursuing the Society's aims cording and conserving the surviving mile- portant items of roadside heritage- in- over the twelve months since the last stones which are such an important part of cluding milestones. Details of the Mile- issue of ON THE GROUND. It is also our roadside heritage. stone Society are given amongst other designed to highlight the problems which Also, by making this report of progress august bodies such as English Heritage, they faced ;- problems such as lack of co- towards our ultimate objectives available Campaign to Protect Rural England, operation from Highway officials, theft, to all involved in the protection of our Countryside Agency and others as a damage to stones by verge cutters and roadside heritage, it is hoped that it will source for farther contacts. Amongst the wayward traffic. open the eyes of those who have been list for 'further reading' is Mervyn Ben- Each County coordinator was sent a dragging their feet and finding excuses for ford's book, Milestones. request for information on progress made putting off their responsibilities—in par- Much of the credit for this change in over the past 12 months towards- ticular, some of the County Highway Au- attitude must be as a result of the great thorities. a) recording the county's milestones for efforts put into, not only the physical the Society's important national database; Not every County Coordinator has been in hard work of renovating milestones by a position to send in a report to this issue some members, but also the way many b) progress towards restoration, repaint so there will be some gaps in the informa- members have been spreading the case ing and replacing damaged or missing tion on what has been achieved over the for preservation through the media. milestones by? not only the group's mem past twelve months. Outstanding in this area was Jan bers, but also by other agencies such as Scrine's talk on Women's Hour - so THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT County Highways, Parish Councils, Civic good that it was repeated at a later date. Societies, and any other local groups or We have come a long way since forming The light at the end of the tunnel is get- individuals. the Milestone Society in 2001. With ting brighter all the time. c) how successful the group have been in BUILDING UP THE DATABASE RECORDS OF THE NATION'S SURVIVING MILESTONES One of the first tasks which Conservation Officers, keepers of this year 65% of the esti- the Milestone Society set itself of National Monument Re- mated 7000+ surviving Eng- was to list all the surviving cords and any other official lish milestones featured on the milestones on a database bodies seeking information on Master Database. which would be of use not the position and condition of The collection of information only to the Society's members, the nations milestones. has not been uniform over the but also to such organizations Anew addition to the database Most county groups were whole country, with only from Worcestershire as English Heritage, County quick off the mark sending in patchy details coming from Highways Authorities, County their records so, that by June most Scottish counties and Page 2 ON THE GROUND of hidden milestones. The Worcester DATABASE RECORDS (cont.) Group recently were able to locate a milestone deep in a hedge and which many of those in Wales. This problem prone in overgrown vegetation. was not marked on the OS map, after a arises from the lack of members within local pensioner remembered it from his Also in Devon, whilst reporting the loss of those parts of the Kingdom. In the childhood. a milestone outside Chudleigh, 9 miles whole of Scotland we only have six from Exeter, to the local Police, the 10 A few of those stones buried in response members and not many more residing mile marker was discovered deep in a to the Government directive to remove in Wales. hedge outside the Police Station. all milestones in 1940, are still being Even so, because we are able to use unearthed. The old county of Berkshire reported two information gathered by enthusiasts milestone stragglers turning up in people's Perhaps the most fertile source of lost other than Society members and infor- gardens. One was reported by a local con- milestones may turn out to be people's mation gathered by members holiday- tact and the other resulting from the pic- gardens. Many of these are stones re- ing in these areas ,a good deal of data is ture appearing in Homes & Gardens, placed by newer ones by the Turnpike available for inclusion on our database, Trusts a long time ago but a number turn A good example of this is the amount of In Essex, after persistent searching, Brian out to be from a known series of current information available on the milestones Barrow eventually located the 'LONDON stones. of Fife where 100% of the surviving 38' stone hidden in overgrown ivy. The In Norfolk a few have been tracked milestones have been recorded stone is set into a flint wall on the east side of the B1383 (former A11) just south of down in gardens and the Norfolk Group Those counties which have almost the junction with the B1052. feel that it is safer to leave them where achieved their target of 100% surveys they are and details of the Society given of known milestones include Berkshire, 'Never give up hope when searching for to the householders to let them know Buckinghamshire, Cambridge, Chesh- that elusive stone', writes John Nicholls, that they have something of historic ire, Derbyshire, Dorset, Oxfordshire, the Essex coordinator. A stone was located significance. Staffordshire, Surrey, Warwickshire in a dry ditch in Aveley Road, Corbets The Staffordshire Group are hoping to and, most impressive of all, Yorkshire Tey. Enquiries revealed that it had proved recover two milestones spotted by one which has recorded almost 1200 mile- too heavy to lift out so it was erected in the member of the Group in a garden in the stones on the Society's database. bottom of the ditch some years previously. town. One of these is a local mile post A number of counties have records of Dorset reported two new finds but unfor- but the other turned out to be a 'listed' most of their milestones but not in a tunately both badly damaged. However stone from Cornwall which disappeared form which can be transferred to the both have been added to the records. ten years ago during road works. The database. Over the next year or so it is In Shropshire a milepost from the A458 Group are on to the case. They have hoped that these records can be made Shrewsbury to Much Wenlock road has also recovered a milepost from a site compatible with the Society's own re- been recovered by the intervention of a selling architectural building material cords. combined Shropshire County Council, and very recently reported another mile- It is important that we keep the records Police and Milestone Society team follow- post up the driveway of local house. up to date especially as a number of ing its appearance on eBay. The milepost There is a problem persuading some- official bodies are beginning to use the disappeared 40 years ago and is to be times quite legitimate owners to part information which we have put on to re-erected by Shropshire Highways. with their treasures, but the Group are the database to locate the milestones becoming experts at this. within their areas. Somerset reports the finding of three It would be a good idea if the county milestones which had not been located in groups revised their records at least the past including one not on a known every two years. turnpike road which gives the distance to the G.
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