1. The Creation

2. The Fall and the Flood

3. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob with special attention to the Abrahamic covenant and its relationship to Israel .

4. Joseph, Egypt , and the Exodus.

$ . The Mosaic Law (including the tabernacle worship)

6. In Canaan and the Judges

7. The United and Di vided Kingdom to the fall of Jerusal em .

8 . The Babyloni~n.exil e and the prophets who ministered during t he_ex •ile and in the return.

9. The Period bet ween the Test ament s .

10 . The Life of ~hri st.

11. The Acts with special emphasis on Paul' s journeys.

12. Paul' s epistles.

13. Other N.T. writings . CHEATION

3 main periods in Bib hist. (1) Caeation to ~Ialachi. (2) Mal to X. (3) X to end of apostolic age. (1) is subdivided into (a) creation to Abraham (b) story of Hebrews. (3) divided into (a) X (b) Apos age.

I. Creation of all Things, Gen . 1:1-2:3. A. Agent, God , 1. B. Fact of Creation, vv 1,21, 26. Also Yetser elsewhere. C. Time of creation. No t stated. Time of earth can be much older than time of man bee of genealogies. D. Number of creations. 1. V. 1-2 general statement like topic sentence then detail in ff . and days are ages in this view likely. 2. V. 1-2 original creation spoiled somehow and then 3 ff recreation. Not gap so much as long period within v. 2 . But days likely to be 24 hr tho could be ages. Always 24 hr with numerical adj . Eve mornig E. Order of Creationi:3--Z:~. 1. Light , 3- 5 2. Expanse, 5-8 . 3. Dry land, sea, plant life, 9-13 ,. Lightbearers, 14-19. 5, Marine and aerial life, 20-23. 6. Land animals and man , 24- 31 7 • Rest , 2 : 1-3 •

II. Creation of Man, 2:!J- 25. A. The Nature of man, 7. Mat and immat. B. The Habitation of ~lan, 3- 14 C. The Responsibility of Man, 15- 20. 1. Dress garden. 2 . Not eat of 1 tree. 3 . Name animals. c. The Help for Man, 21- 25 . 1. Origin, 21. 2. Name, Mother of living, 23 3. Purpose. Help suitable.

,,...._.I /1z,,., f. CL /I' ,5 I (", 1 rl, I -tI -r-4..; ~ v>-.._ r ~ ✓ I f,( (..,,_ '-7, . C' t>i....,_,,_.,. , • I , ,.,_,,, . "-r +...... r 1 ./ wA~ c....,_ ,t, v;{.,,:. .,.. Y , , If: f ,; , /r-t .( /1 ,.;_ I I I,. 11 1 I' r1- l T'qE FALL AND T~IE FLOOD

I. The Fall, Gen. 3:1-24 A. The Tempter, 1 . B. The Temptation, lb-5 C. The Rationalization, 6- ....., 0 . The :onsequences, 7- 24 1. Broken fellowship, 8-13 2. Judgment on serpent,14- 15 3. Judgement on women, 16 4 . Judgment on Adam and men , 17-19 5 . Expulsion, 23-24.

II. From Adam to Noah , ~:1- 5:32 A. S~~~~ig~ true and false relgions, 4:1-15 . B. Beginning of city building, 4:16-17 8. Beainning of polygamy, 18-19 D. Beginning of arts and science, 20- 22 E. Beginning of philosophy , 23- 24 F . Renewal of spiritual seed, 25- 26--5:32. Note Enoch , 22; Adam 's age930.

III. The Flood , 6-9. A. Causes for the flood, 6 :1-13 1 . Special sin of v 2 and2seneral wickedness of v ~-6/ B. Preparation for the flood, 6 :14-7:10. 1 . Bu1lding the ark, lh-16. 3 decked, 150 yds x 25x15 . 437 ftx72x43. 13,960 tons , 95 , 700 sq ft deck area =20 basketball courts. Open space under eaves of r 2. Filling the ark 6 :17-7:9 , 1 pr unclean, 6 :19- 20 ; 7 pr clean 7:2-3; 8 people , 6 :17; 1 Pet 3 : 20. Food for all, 6 : 21- 22. 3 , Entering the ark, 7 : 9-10 C. Course of the flood , 7:11-8:12. Rain ho days, 110 more water rose. ~·la ter from above and beneath, 7:11 , Total time 1 yr 6 days tho Noah in ark 1 week before flood came. Depth 15 cubits over highest mt, 7 : 20 , Aarat 17,260 today. 1'/orldwide, 7: 19 •

./ o. Consummation ofthe Flood, 8:13- 9 :7. 1. Rehabilitation of earth G:i, 2. Reinstitution of animal sacrifice, 8:20 3. Promise of no more flood, 8 :21-22 4. Command to be fruitful, 9 :1 !;. i1an 1 s dominion over animals, 9:2-3, Fear. 6. Eating of meat approved, 9:3- 4 7 , Institution of human govt, 9:$- 7.

Con cl. Lk 17: 26- 30, Mt 24: 37.

Canaan 4th son of Ham , 10:6 . Curse bee Israel conquered ~anaan. Other sons neither blessed nor cursed.


/ 1. Abraham, 12:1-20:18 - 7/2 A. 'Iis Life. 1. Call inUr, Acts 7:2. 2. ~igr~tion to ~anaan ~nd call, Gen 12:1-3, 3 •.,anderihg, 12:4-13:17. Sichem,Bethel,Egypt ~sin here), south (13: 1), Bethel. ->1. ....,.1' ' 4. Residence at Hebron, 13:18, 18 s.,,i.,._h/ 26. 1 5 . tesidence in south country, Gerar;. Beersheba, 22: 19, Hebron, 23:2; Kadesh\ 24 &6 2. -"'7.>A.fll. e,.l./ 6. Death e,nd burial at Hebron, 25:8-10. B. His Importance. 1. Father of lsr~el, Acts 13:26 2. Father of priesthood, Heb 7:5. 3. Father of Christ, Matt. 1:1 4. Father of faithful, Gal. 3:16,29. 5. ~xample in salvation, tlom 4s3. 6. Friend of God, Jas 2:23 . C. His Covenant . 1. 12:1-3. Personal, national, universal. 2. 13:14-18. Land. 3 . 15:1-21. Solem•ization and boundaries of land. V 4, 17:4-8 • .::st. with seed. 5. 22:15-18. Reconfirmed 6. 26:1-5. To Isaac 7, 28:13-15. ro Jacob. -;<: 11 · 11. Isaac, 21:1- 35:29 1 . Birth, 21:1 By power of God, circu~cised,21:4 2. His election, 21:10, casting out Ishm~el. 3. His offering, 22 . 4 , His marrirge, 24. 40 yrs old . Note parental respon. 5, His children, 25:24. 6 . His lapse, 26:6. Like father like son. 7. His prosperity, 26:12- 23 8 . his death, 35:27- 29, 180 yrs 111. Jacob,25:21- 50:3 1 . Childhood and youtk , 25:21-28:5 in Canaan.r~ ~--}­ .._,i 2 . 1/itn Laban, 28:6- 31:55, 7,,_."fL.,..J.., 7 £.,..'-,.( 3 . In Canaan with his 11,. kids, 32- 38 If-i-,,..J- J,;.. :1-'/ 4 . In Egypt wj th Joseph, 42-50. :t. Lot 1. Righteous . 2 Pet 2:6 . 2 . Choi ce, 13:9-13 . 3 . Cost, 14 :19. Lost fellowship wit~ God ' s people, 13:14. Lost fellowship wit h God , 13:15 Lost testimony, 19:14 . Lost family a nd loved ones . Lost place in God~s hall off fame, Heb 11.

Significance ta of Abr, Is, Jae.

1. Selection, Rom. 9:7-13.

2. Security, Mk 12:26-7. Am God. If Abr, Is, Jae lost sal which they de served t o do, t he n God not God of t hem i n M't.-"')(J:6 JOSEPH

I. Joseph's Life, Genl 37:1-50:26. A. Background. 11th son of Jacob, eldest by Rachel, 30:24; 35:24; and favorite ~37:3. Coat of many colors in cf to single or long sleeved coat worn by rich. B. His dreams, 37:5-11. Only 17 so can't blame him for talking about these dreams. C. His slavery,12-36. Wanted to kill except Reuben.Sold to Ishmeelites,27 and pretneded he was killed. Reuben not there when sold bee he intended to save Jos. In Egypt sold to Potiphar, 36. D. Imprisonment, 39--41:13. Reason--Potiphar's wife revenge, v.12. Butler restored, baker hanged. Note 3 days, 40:19-20. Pharaoh dreamed and Jos called out of prison. 2 yrs later. E. Exaltation, 41:14-57. Bee interpreted deeam and bee presented sensible plan, 33-36. Made 2nd in command. Age 30 now,46. Manasseh a'rl Ephraim born before famine came F. 1st visit of brethren, 42. Simeon kept, money returned, demand that Benjamin be sent. G. 2nd visit, 43.44. Design to keep Benjamin by putting ....,;; cupt in his bag. H. Revelation to brethren, 45 I. Jacob to Egypt, 46-47. Lived 17 yrs there and died at 147. Made Jos promise to take bones back to Pal. J. Blessing of Jacob, 48 on Eph (1st) and Man, 49 on sons. K. Burial of Jacob. and death of Jos. 110 yrs. All of this from 1720-1570 B.C. Joseph a type of Christ. Scofield, p. 53. Type in Humiliation. r l. Birth by God's special intervention, 30:22; Lk 1: 35. 2. Special objects of father's love, 37:3;Mt 3:17. 3. Hated by brethren, 37:4; Jn 15:24-25. 4. Rejected by brethren37:8. ¥t.;it;,6,17,20 5. Delvered to place of death, 37:18,24; Mt 26:3-4;27:35. 6. Both servants, 39:1-2; Phil 2. /silver,innocent, Type in Exaltation. 1. delvd by pwer of God, 41:38 2. Took G~ntile bride during rejection, 41:45,Acts 15:14. 3. Recogm zed and recd by bret:iren, 4511-15, Rom 11: lff. 4. Exalted brethren to places of honor, 45:16; Isa65:17, I Psa 47:2-4 I • , .,,..,...c: I EXODUS AND SINAI

I. IN EGYPT, Exod. 1-12. A. The Oppression, 1. Harder work and kill sons. B. The Deliverer, 2-4. 1. Preparation, 2. Fleeing, marriage. 2. Call, 3-4. Place--Horeb=Sinai. Revelation of name, 14. Objections,4:1, 10. C. The Contest, 5-12. 1. Request, 5:1. Compromises, 8 :25; 8:28; 10:11; 10: 24. 2. Compromi.!e s. 3. Passover, 12. II. EG:PPT TO SINAI, 13-18. A. Red Sea Crossing, 13:1-15:21. B. Red Sea to Sinai, 15:22;18:27. Manna and Sabbath, 16:23. III. Sinai, Ex 19:1-Numb 10:10. A. Law Given, 19 :1-Lev 27. B. Preparations to leave Sinai, Numb 1:l-l0:10. 1. 10 Commandments, 20:1-17. Use, misuse, application. 2. Judgments, 20:22-24rl8. Many laws for social and religious life. 3. Plan of the Tabernalce, 25-31. Soofield note 101, nl. 4. Golden calf, 32-34. i •. Construction of tabernacle, 35-40. 6. Laws of sacrifice, Lev. 1-7. 7. Aaron and sons ordained to priesthood, 8- 9. 8 . Strange fire of Nadab and Abihu, 10 9 . Laws of cleanness, 11-16. Animals, 11. Childbirth, 12, Leprosy, 13-14,sex,15. Day of Atonement, 16. 10. Laws of holiness, 17-26. 11. Laws of vows and tithes, 27 Lev 27, Deut 12, Deut 14. WILDERNESS AND CANAAN

I. Wilderness. A. Preparation for depart~re from Sinai, Num 1:1-10: 10. Book named bee of 2 numberings--lst when lef~ (ch.l) and. 2nd when ate.edge of Pal, (ch 26). Ch 15-21 cover all that is said about 40 yer's ".Tandering. B. From Sinai to Kadesh-barnea, 10 : 11-14:45. 11 days' journey (Deut 1:2). Spies in, 13-14, and unbelief. Heb. 3-4. 14:2-4. Punishment v 29-3~. Unbelkf serious. C. Years of wandering, 15-21. Korah, 16 , Jude 11. Intrusion into priest office. Punishrnent,31-32. Only Aaron's family was priest. Other Levites assisted, ch 17. Red Heifer; 19, Moses' stn, 20 : 8. Smitten Ex t7:6. Speak here but Moses smote,11. Judgmt, v 12. Never erase history. Sarne with Edom, 20, cf. Mal 1: 3. Death of Aaron, 20:29. Serpent of brass, 21:9. Jn 3. D. Events in plans of Moab, 22-36. At close of yrs of wandering in transjordan. New numbering, 26. 1820 less than 603550 40 yrs before Joshua appt to succeed Moses, 27:15-23. Notw v 14. Reuben, Gad, Manasseh chose to stay east of Jordan,32. Cities of refuge, 35.

Book of Deut is resume of legislation already given in Ex, Lev, Num. In form it is closing addresses of Moses. Love is motive for obedience, 6:4. Law of central sanctuary ch 12. 4 discourses, 1:1-4:43 recalling past experiences. 4:44-26:19, rehearsing decalogue and laws. 27-30, blessings and curses. 31434, historical appendices. Joshua wrote acct of death /of M<>ses. II. Canaan (conquered and divided), Josh 1-24. 1400-1370BC A. Canaan conquered, 1-12. 1. Joshua's appt, 1:1-9. 2. Preparations to cross Jorda~, 1:10-2: 24. 3. Crossing of Jordan, 3-4. 3:15-17. tal thot self protected by Jordan so good military strategy. 4. Conquest of Jericho, 5-6. 5. Sin ofAchan, 7, 6. Other conquests, 8-11. 7. Summary, 12. B. Canaan Divided, 13-24 1 . Tribes in trans-Jordan, 13. 2. Tribes in Pal, 14-22. 3. Joshua's farewell address and death, 23-24.

Note on this lesson.

Snall things are- impt when matters of obed or disobed to God. -

1. Kadesh-barnea. Numb 14 2. Moses striking rock, Numb 20 3. Edomites refusing passage, ' Numb 20. 4. Aachan, Josh 7. cf vv.11 Israel, 21. 6. League with Gibeonites.Josh 9. vv 17-18. Created friction and aided in division of nation.

All of these sins are examples of sin of unbelief. r

PERIOD OF THE JUDGES Death of Joshua to Accession of Saul 1370-1040 B.C, Judges 1- l Sam 7

I. The Judges" Rule, Jud 1-16._ Summary of the period, 2:10-19. ~ steps. 1, Forsook Lord. 2. Anger of God and del to enemies. 3. Repentence, 4. Judges. 5. Corruption after judge died,

A. State of t~ings at death of Joshua, 1:1-2:10. 1. Imcomplete v~ctory of Judah, v.19. 2. Same for Benjamin, 25. 3, Manasseh,27. Ephraim,29, Zebulun,30, Asher,31, Naphtali, 33, Dan, 34, Joseph 35. 4. God's estimate, 2:2. disobedience. We make leagues today with world. B. Times of the Judges, 2:11-16:10. IntroCycle stated, 2:11~3:6. Judges called saviors, 3:9 Military delivers, not judicial arbiters. l. Othniel, 3: 7-11. Oppressor: Mesopotamia 2. Ehud, 3:12-30 3. Shamgar, 3:31. Philistines. 4. Deborah, 4:4.· Canaanites. and 5. Barak, 4:6. Battle fought by Kishon in Esdaaelon. Sisera defeated by 5:20-22. River overflowed and horses mired down so had to flee on foot, 4:15. 40yrs peace. 6. Gideon, 6- 8. Midianites. Note 6:1. Prophecy of release, 8. Unlikely choice, 6:15. Cut down altar of Baal, 27. Fleece, 37. 22000,7:3. 10000,300 true better than lots of compromiser&. Victory,7:18. As soon as Gideon died, 8 :33. 7. Tola, 10:1-2. Abimelech son of Gideon tried to make self king, 9. 8. Jair, 10: 3-5. 9 . Jephthat, 10:6-12:7. Amonites. Freed Eastern Israel. 10. Ibzan, 12:3-10. 11. Elon, 12:11-12. 12. Abdon, 12:13-15 13, Samson, 13-16. Wanted foreign wife, 14:1. Wife given to best man and he avenged self then Philistines burned wife and father. Became judge 15:20. Loved Deli lah. Prob not a Philistine bee of large bribe nee to be given her. 3 x she seduced him without suceess, but Samson did not flee, as Jos, Gen 30:12. Finally told her Nazarite,17. v 20 didn't know Lord departed. Hatt & repentance grew in prison and threw down pillars. II. The People's life during judges, Jud 17-Ruth 4.

1. Micah's idols, 17. v 4 yet had xtaga priest, 12. Thot could guarantee blessing. 2. Levite•s concubine, 19; Homosex,19:22, rape, 25 3. Benjamite ·war, 20-21. -Mass abdujction, 21:23. u. Ruth's redemption. /text for Josh, 21:25.

a. Declension thru unbelief, 1:1-5. b. Decision to seek place of lord, 1:6-22 Stay in Moab ·bec couldn't get husband in Israel. c. Provision of Lord, 2:t-23 Gleasing Lev 19:~. 3:1-4:02. Ruth going to threshing floor, 3:8 was way to saying she was willing he become redeemer. Deut 25:5-10, and Lev 25:48-9. marriage land. became connected by tradition Reward of simple trust in God,

Lesson: God loves faith and obedee~ce,_and hates even little compormise.

Illus in 1. failing to conquer Canaan._ 2. Declension after each judge. 3. 22000 who boiled do~n Jo Gideon's 300. 4. Samson's flirti ng with temptation. 5. Micah's apostasy. 6. Yet God's care for Ruth in every detail.

III. Samuel, i Sam 1-7. Closing events of period. 1. Birth and early life of Samuel, 1-2 2. Call of Samuel, 3. 3. Ark captured by Philistines and returned, 4-7. Sam is transition. Eli and Sam called judges;(4:18, 7:~) yet Eli wa s priest and Sam prophet ending period of judges. Introduction to S~, Kings, Chron. Sam and Kgs rise , gkawth, division, fall of monarchy. Sam-division of kgdom-histories of both, fall of Jer 586, Chronis somewhat parrallel beg after death of Saul. After division Chron traces only sourthern kgdom, Judah and ignores Is except when has contact with Judah. Chron more interested with rel life and Kg with political life.


I. Reign of Saul, 1 Sam 8-2 Sam 1 1. Inauguration o.f monarchy, 8-10. Reason, 8:5. Pepple wanted and yet prophesied, Deut. 17:14-20. God's law or prophet (1 Kg 2:-17-29) was always above king. Saul chosen, 9-10. By God, 9,Sanuel 10, people,11. 2. Campaigns against Canaanite nations, 11-14. 3. Intrusion into priests• office, ia: 8-10 and r ejection, v 13.Loss of dynastic succession, 4. Deafeat of Amalekites and failure, 15, God said destory but Saul didn't, cf v. 22. Lost kgdom, 28. 5. Rise of David and decline of Saul, 16-31. a. David anointed, 16 b. David slays Goliath, 17. c. Saul seek to kill David, David in exile, 18-27. d. Death of Saul, 28-31 •• 3 sons killed, 31:2, Saul commits suicide, v.4.

II. Rei gn of David, 2 Sam 1-2-Kg 2=1 Chron 1- 29. 1 . His character. King, ideal king. X called son of D. Warrior. Goliath, Philistines, 19amf! 19,Keilah,lS 23. He and his 400 men escapted Saul to refused to life sword ao3inst Saul. Poet, Psa lms. Reli gious or SJiritual leader. 2. His grief for Saul and Jonabban, 2 S l. 3. His reign over Judah, 7\ yrs, 2-4. a. Set up at Hebron as capital, 2:1-4. b. Civil war, 2:8-4:12. Ishobosheth, surviving son of Suul reigned over rest of Israel . Pup~et of Abner, hi general. Abner deserts to David, 3:8ff, Ishbosheth s.11,hin, 4. 4. His reign over all Israel, 33 yrs, 2 S 5-1 Kg 2=1 Chr / 11-29. a . Jerus made capital, 5:1-10. Went up unguarded gutter or watercourse. Centrally located, fortress, and suitable to both parties involved ·in the civil uar. b. League with Hiram, 11 - 12. c. Dispossessing the Philistines, 17-25. d . Ark to Jerus, 6 :1-19. Had been in Shilof durin5 judges, then in Philistines, 1S4, then in various Israelites ho:nes and now Jerus. This made Jerus the rel as well as political capital. e. Goa! covenant with David, 7. Kgdom, throne, seed. f. Expansion of the empire 8- 10. Kindness to }!ephibosheth, 9. g . Sin against Uriah, 11~1 -12:25 Psa 51. h . Troubles following sin, 12-20. Affair of Amnon and Tamar, 13. Absolom 1 s rebellion, 14-19. Sheba' s rebellion,20 3 yrs' famine, 21 . i. Song of prai se, 22. j. Last words, 23 : 1-7. k. Mi ghty men, 23 : 8- 39 1. Numbe ring people. 24 m. Preparations for temple, l Chron 22t29.

III. Solomon, 1 Kg t-11 """' 1. Nade ki ng , 1- 2.Adonijah was 4th son of David Other 3 dead so he in 1 i ne but David promised Bathsheba that Sol .would reign. 2. Treaty with Egypt, 3:1- 3, 3 . Prayer for wisdom, 3:4- 28 , 4:29- 34 4. Sol' s empi re, 4:1-28, 9 . 5. Sol ' s ternpte, 5-8, 2 Chron 3-8.Slave labor, 5:13. 6 . Queen of Sheba (S\J Arabia) visit, 10. Trade arrang,1ts. 7. Sol ' s harem and idolatry, 11 :1-13. Deut 17:17 and foreign wives to boot. 8 . Troubles twd end of reign, 11:14.. 43 , Death.

Good and bad recorded. Grace of God in covenant and forgiveness. Certainty of future for Is. stens from days of Davidic cov. DIVIDED KINGDON: REHOBOAM TO FALL OF JERUSALEM 931-586 B.C. 1 Kg 12-2 Kg 25; 2 Chron 10-36.

Monarchy- rise under Saul, established David, !)Owerful, Sol. Judah and Israel to falL of Sam,captivity Assy,-721 Judah to fall of Jerus, Babylonian cap, 586...... , Jere boam Israel Rehoboam Judah Things that led to split--Gibeonite treaty, Josh 9; wars in ~udges, division in early David, 2 Sam 2-4~ Sol's oppressive taxes, Kg 4,9; Rehoboam' s lack of sense. In Israel (N). About 210yrs, 19 kgs, 9 dynasties, no good king. About 2x large and populour as Judah. Fell 721. In Bludah (S). About 345 yrs, 19 kg, Davidic dynasty. Not so strong as Is. Fell 586.

1. Jeroboam, 22 yrs. Background, 1 Kg ll:26ff. Rebellion , 12:17. Judah and Benjamin and most of Levite~ War , 12:19. False wo rship, 12:2CJ. 13:33. 2. Rehoboam, J. War. Did evil , 17 yrs. 14:22. 3 . Asa 411) and Bas sha (I) B invaded Benjamin and took Ramah (15: 17) Asa got help Brom Benhadad who invaded at North. 2 Chron 16:9 rebuked for not seeking Lord's hel p 4 . Omri, 16:24 made Sam cap of I. 12 yrs. 5 . Ahab, 22 yrs. Narriage, 16 : 31 and not only took over her idols but rromoted them .• Elijah on Ht. Carmel, 18. Ahab' s taking laboth' s vineyard, 21 and prophecy of death, zi:x9 , repented and respite, 21:27. t. Jehosophat (J). Goood. Alligned with Ahab. Rebuked for it, 2 Ch 19 : 2. 7. Ahaziah succeeded Ahab. Unimportant. Jehoram then for 12 Here Elisha succeeded Elijah. 2 Kg 2. E. Jehu 28 yrs. Scrouge used by God to destroy Omri 's dynasty in N and baal worship. Killed Ahab' s 70 sons ; kg 10. Worshipped calves 10:29. 9 . Joash in S Judah, 2 Kg 11. 40 yrs. Promoted revival. as ~ong as Jehoiada his priest lived. But_Joaah slew J"s son, Zechariah, 2 Ch 24:20. 10. Uzziah. 52 yrs. J. Long and pro~pcro~s rei gn. In yr of aeath, Isa 6. 2 Kg 15. r

Last yrs of Israel. 40 yrs 5 kg.All but 1 violent death and succeeded by a iusurper. Threat of under Assurnasirpal (I,883- 859 and Shalmaneser III 858=824 at time of Ahab and Jehu. Now Tiglath Pileser III 746=728. Also called Pul . Assyria great. Library in Nineveh of 20000clay tab. Is11 s kgs were Shallum (1 month) , Henahem 10 yrs. 2 Kg 15. Pekabah, 2 yrs. Pekah 20 yrs. Besaea 9 yrs. 2 Kg 17. Early in Hoshea succeeded Tig1ath. Beseiged Samaria 3yss. Died and Sargon II captured city 721 . 27000 cpati ves. Most remained in Pal and intermarried with heathen=Samaritans. Assyria attacked bee Is defected to Egpyt 17:4. God allowed it bee of sfn' l7:9-24.

Last yrs of Judah. 1. Ahaz (and contem with last 40 yrs of [s) Evil. Asked for help from Assyria 16:5-7. 2. Hezekiah 29 yrs. Revival, 18: 4. Assy invasioIUJIV 13. Hex submits but when Jerus threatened Hez prays, 19:14; Isa encouraged and God destroyed 19:35. Sickness, 20 and extra 15 yrs: League with Bab}lon. 612 Neneveh desr oryed and 605 Assy empire no more . Now Babylonian. 3, Mahasseg 55 yrs. Most wicked. Killed Isa Heb ll:37. 4. Amon 2yrs. 5. Josiah 31 . yrs. Good. Revival , 22:3. Found lost book of Moses, Unfortunate death 23:28. Jeremiah prophesied in latter part of his reign.Habbakkuk and Zeph here also. Maybe Nahum 4 . Jehoahaz 3 months. Pharaoh Ne cho dethroned and made bro king. 5. Jehoiakim, 11 yrs. Jer prophesied. Went over to Neb. 24:1. 005 1st deportation to Babylon, 6 . Jehoiabhin, 3 months. 2nd deportation 10000 incld 7, Zeke£iiah, 11.Regent set up by Ne b. Revo lted and final capture of city 586. Jer witnessed and w:rote Lam. Reason for 70. yrs 2 Ch 36 ...... , Note: God- given privileges. Long patience of God. Repeated sin and repeated warnings from prophets. Infrequent revivals Proper worship, heed to la~.\ idols destroeyed. Note God ' s emphasis on faith in Him, not worldly all iances thruout peri od. BABXLONIAN CAPTIVITY

I. Events in Palestine during captivity, Jer 40-43 1. GedaliahI made gov. over- remaining Jews in land,40:7. 2. Rad ical anti- Babylonian faction killed Gedaliah and fled to Egypt, 41:2, 17. Warned not to go , _ 42:15ff. - "-11 3. Went to Egypt and· Jer t-oo , 43: 7.

II. Events in Babylon during capt'ivity 1. Captivity begun, Jer 52:27-30 2. Daniel 1-5. Training, Image, Furnace, I nsanity,Fea tt. 3. Ezek 1:3. He did much to keep rel pure in Babylon.

111 . The End of the Captivity, ban 5. 1. City fell in 539 to Persians. Attitude of empire was one of tolerance, so Jews permitted to return. ~rune Jew arises after exile and means inhabitants of Jedea.


I. Under Zerubbabel, Ezra 1-6, 538 B.C. 1. Decree, 2 Chron 36:22-23, Cyrus. Ezra 1. 50000 went. 2. List of those who returned, Ezra 2 3. Temple building begun, 3 4. Work hindered, 4,5. By Srunaritans who thot land was theirs now •• Zech and HAggai encourage.Hag 1:4. 5. Temple finsshed and dedicated, 516. 2nd temp&e (after Solfs).

Note on Persian kings of this period. Cyrus II the Great 559-530. Benevolent . Cambyses II, 530-522. cAhasuerus and Artaxerxes of Ezr 4. Conquered Egypt and insane, suicide. Darius I the Great (Hystaspis) 522-486. Not Dardl1ils Mede of Dan 5. =Zech 1:1, Hag 1:1. Xerxes 486-465. =Ahasuerus of Esther.Deaeated by Greeks. Artaxerxes I Longimanus 465-423. Ezra and Neh ret to Jer/

II. Under Ezra, Ezra 7- 10, 458 B.C. (80 yrs bet Ezra 6- 7). Priest and scribe. 1. Artaxerxes' decree, 7:11, esp. 18. 2. Arrival in Jerus, 8. 3. Prob of mixed marriages, 9:12; 10:19. r

III. Under Nehemiah, Neh 1-13, 445 B.C. Walls built. First people returned about 100 before Neh yet wall s still in ruins. Built in 52 days. · 1. Rebuilding walls, ·111-7:73 2. Revival of People, 3 :1-10;39. Law read and explained, 8:5, 8 , Law practiced, 8 :14. This is "secret" for revival. Sin confessed, 9 Dedication covenanted, 10. No mixed marriages, 10:30 Observe Sabbath, 10:31 Give, 10:32----39. 3. Dedication of walls, 11-13,

IV. Life among Jews in Persia, Esther. V. After Neh was Nalachi . FROM MALACHI TO CHRIST

I. The Books (literature) Historic L BOOKS (Maccabees), didactic (Eccls), religious romances (Judit¥), ·prophetic ( Baruch), additions to canonical books (to Esther, Dan).

II. The History of Period, A. Persian period, 432-322. Decline of power bee unsuccessful war with Greece. Pal ruled by corrupt high priests. B. Hellenistic period, 332-63 B.C. 1. Alex Gt , 332-323. Spared Jerus 332 bee priest showe·d him Dan 8:5,21. Carried Grk lang. Built Alexandria. 2. Successors, 323-165. Ptolemy got Egypt and Seleucids got Syria. Pal between so whenver these fought Jews lost. Pal under Ptolemys, 332-204. Pal under Seleucids, 204-165. Antiochus IV Epiphanes 11 175-164 ':'iilllustrious • Jews heard he was killed in Egypt and celebrated. He wasn't so killed 40000 and sold= slavery. Killed sow an altar of burnt and made broth of flesh and sprinkled on Holy. Ended all tem~le worship for 3 yrs. Heb 11:36- 7, Dan 11:31. Maccabees, 165-63. Family name meaning hammer. Applied to all who joined cause. Mattathias was father. Judas son, occupied Jerus after death of Antio. On 25th of Chislev, 165, 3 yrs after desecration, temple redidacted. New altar, and lamps of candlestick lighted. Hanukkah. Regained most of Pal. for about 100 yrs. Jonathan, Simon, John Hyrcanus succeeded and power lost. Phar and Sad arising now.

C. Roman period, 63 B.C.- 325 A. D. Pmmpey, Julius Caesar, Mark Anthony in Rome, and rival factions of Nace in Pal. Caesar Aggustus was emperor at time of birth of X. III. Relttion of Period. Bee of Alex, division bet Judaism and Hellenism and gave rise to sects. A. Pharisees, Separatist. Loyal to truth. n. ~adducees. From Zadok. Denied trailtition and held only to Law, Acts 23:8. Cooperated with Hellenism. Controlled priesthood, Phar controlled synagogues. c. Essenes, Ascetic reaction from externalism of Phar and worldliness of ~dd, Qumran is Essene. I, . Scrib-e-s, Phar. not a sect but a profession. L. IIerodians. Cooperate with ~omans, 1 Lessons from period.

1. Prophecy is fulfilled, Dan 8. God ' s pur~sses are being carried out ,- even in darkest days. 2. Some are always faithful to Hi~. Maccabees outstanding examples. 3 . Host corrupt true religion. Sects show that. 4. Everyth i ng he in ., 1s."d to prepare fulness of times. Alex, Roman contributions, time for law to show inadequacy. t:}74'1 ,,I


I. Supernatural Birth. Matt 1:16. II. Childhood. }~tt 13:55-6, Lk 2:52 III. Preparation for Ninistry. 1. By John Baptist, Mt 3:1-12 2. By baptism, 3:15 Identifiation a. By temptation, Nt S. Impeccable.

IV. Early Galilean and Judean ministries. John 2-4 V. 2nd Galilean ministry. dk 1-5, Hatt 4- 13 Wear of populatrjt y VI. Year of Opposition, Galilee, Tyre and Sidon,, Caeserea Philippi, J?~ntXXXXX Mk 6-9, Matt 13-17. VII. Judea dnd Perea, Luke 10-16 • VIII. Last journey to Jerus and Passion week. Natt 19-28, .Mk 10-16; Lk 17-24, Jn 12- 21 Sunday, Triumphal entry. Monday , Cursing fig tree, cleansing temple. Tues, Re jection and i:-Jk 13, Hatt 24-25 Welii, Si 1 ence Thurs, Supper, Jn 17, Garden Fri. Trials, Crucifixion Sat. Tomb Sun, Res,

Meaning of His life. 1. Fulfillment ojppropecy 2. Teachings. 3. Proof of s inlessness. 4. God in flesh, revelation 5. Death.

I r


Date Event Ref in Acts 30 Death and res of X 1 30 Pentecost 2 35 Conversion of Paul 9 35-37 Paul in Damascus, Arapia, Damascus 9 37-43 Paul in Tarsus 9 46-48 1st missionary journey 13-14 45- 49 Writing of James 49 Jerusalem Council 15 50-54 2nd missionary journey 16-18 52-53 1, 2 Thess from Corinth 54-58 3rd missionary journey 18- 21 56 Gal fro~ Ephesus 56 1 Cor from Ephesus 57 2 Cor from Ephesus 58 Rom from Cor 581~0 Journey to and arrest in Jerusalem 21-23 58-60 Paul in prison in Caesarea 24-26 60-63 Puul in Rome for 2 yrs Acts finished r 2 -::!)h, ~htt Col, Phi le and Phi 1 from ~ome ...... 64-65 1 Tim and Tit from Macedonia 64-65 1 Peter from Babylon 66 2nd i~prisonment in ~ome 66 2 Ti~ from prison 66 Death of P 66-67 2 Peter 55-69 Wrl ti ni.:, of Hebrews Later than 2 Pet was Jude "5-90 John oo 1,2,3, Jn Q5-6 Rev. r

Read Deut 1:20-46 Intro. Setting of Noses about to die trying to remind and forewarn new generation of Xns. All have t endency to forget lessons of past of thi nl< we ' re immune to temptations. One great sin at Kadesh-­ didn't beli eve God , Same today , Heb 12:l. Xnty i s a groth process and faith most nee ingredient. In (1) crises experi ences--most of us develop faith quickly then and (2) routine exp. like home life, separation from world, standards of living in business activity in ch. Unbel at Kadesh prime obj lesson.

I • Psa 95 and Heb a make much of it. I . The Peril of Disbelieving God, lleb 3:7-12 A. Dec affects heart, largest concept. Used 720x, only 2x of organ. Seat of intellectual life, Natt 15:19 Seat of emotional life, W.< 12 Seat of will, hardened here Seat of spiritual life, 1 Pet 3:15;Eph 3:17; 2 Cor 1~ Heart affects everything. B. Bee it acts today. 5x. llda journey took 40 yrs. C. Dec against living God, Depart from source of life and strength,

II.~he Prognosis for Disbelieving God. No entering into the promises of God, 4:1 Rest of knowing you are in will of God. Cf Jas 4.

III. The Prescription for Unbelief, 4 :11-16 A. Know and banl< on Word of God, cf Deut 1: 25 Let it pierce to the depths. Let every reaction Be in light of Word. B. Fellowship with God. Not as Jews, Deut 1: 33 bu t directly thru High Priest. C. Rcsolbe to bel , v 11. Deut 1:45.

Concl. Faith is cul~ivated and grown by these means, 3an¢k illus. Don ' t take 40 yrs to do what you should do in less than 2 weeks. r The 10 Commandments

I. The Place of thelO commdmts. 10 words, Deut 4 : 13; 10:6., '-lri tten on stone back and front, Ex 32:15. 1st 10 of 613, Governed all aspects of Is's life. II. The Purpose of 10 commdmts. A. Sign of covenant relationship, Deut 5:6. B, Indication of pri~ilege of this people, 4:8. lfo privilege to live lawlessly, that' s s lavery. Rom 6 C. Regulate the fellowship of the theocracy.

III. The Principl es of the commdmts 1. v 7. Prolibition of worship of any other gods.Meaning of worship. 2 . v 8-10 . Prohibition of use of images in worship. Deut 4:15-16. Beauty not forbidden, Cf tabernacle, Ex 25 : l8!J133. Purpose--exclusive worship of jealous God , Soon as make image, then worship it. Aid becomes object of worship. Punishment--father• s sins affect 4bb generation. Uni ty of race. 3. v 11. ~ieaning. ]ame stands for person. Forbids all trifling with name . Interpretation, Rabbis applied only to actual name. X to u·orks of God, Hatt 5 : 34. Relatn to oaths. OK, Deut 6 :13, Josh 9:19. Rom 9:1 . Col 4: 6, 6. , v 12-15. Command, 12-13. Purpose- a.Humane for servants, 14, and b.remembrance of redemption from Egypt, 5. v 16. Parents are representatives of God , Promise. Limitation in Eph 6 :1 in the Lord. 6. v 17. '.leaning of kill. A. V. rende rs 10 diff words by kill. This one about 50x in OT of killer, murderer. Deut 4 : 41- 42. Rom 13 shows power of govt. No object here so perhaps suicide included. 7, v 18. :-lo adultery. Takes 2 and both guilty, Lev 20:10.

0 '. latt 5:23 shows where it starts and where it lies (hear~ 8. v 19. Theft in all forms. Sho~,s right of ;:,ersonal ownership. Eph 4 : 28 , 9. v 20. Against false evidence, In court and personally. 10. v 21 . No coveteousness. Host searching bee inner. Jas 4. IV. The Purpose of Law today. 1 Tim 1:9;Gal 3:24. 2 Cor 3:7 Yet standard of God ' s requirements, Live this and more.


I. Religious laws, 12:1-16:17 A. The Sanctuary, 12:1-28. Purpose--unity of worship of one God. Regulations--destroy all high places, 1-4. worship is central place, 5-14 concession for wilderness, 15 concn the Hood, 16 the second tithe brot to Jerus, 17-20 modification of this, 21-27 exhortation to obey, 28-32 B. Idolatry, 13:1-18 1. Against the prophet of other gods, 1-5 Note that miracle not c:iredential of prophet's truth here, v 2. It does happen but doesn't accredt cf. tribulation. Yet sometimes does accredit.Heb 2 , 2. Against Israelites who entice to strange gods,6-11 Punishment ls death, 9. 3. Against a city seduced to other gods, 12-18 Source, 13-arnong you, apostate Israeli~~s. Apostasy starts from within, 1 Jn 2:19 Punishment-destroy and burn. C. Food, 14:1-21 .1\,.,.,. r ;_;t.'l'n w, ,, -/)·. ✓-,~-1-,·1,. Foods proper and improper 'r J.,• • i d t.t ., • D. Title, 14:22-29. 1st tithe Lev~:30. This a second brot to Jerus or money instead. 3rd in v 28 for poor. 22% of income. E. Servants, 15: 1-23. Let go 7th yr and supply or perpetua: F. Feasts (annual) 16:1-17. 3 feasts at the sanctuary. Passover. April. with feast of unleavened bread. 1 Cor 5. Feast of Weeks. 7 wks after beginning of harvest. Lev 23. Pentecost. Featt of Tabernacles or booths. After exile Heh 8:16.

7~,,v-i;­ ~.._r ~ ... L .~ 2J ·. Ye -'-13 Deut 1


fitle. Second law. Suggested by 17:1~ in LXX. Time. Israel in plain of :--1oab just before eoing into land. c. 1450 B. C. Occasion. Abraham, Is, Jacob, Joseph sold into Egypt then whole nation got down to Egypt. Moses delvd. Acts 7. Kadesh Barnea and defected. ~ow about to go into land and :-roses reviewing for new generation what God had done. Key words. Rellll!Ullber the past and obey in tuture.

3 main divisions. ( ► 1. Israel's Past. 1-4. Historical 2. Israel's Principles or Precepts. Legislative.5-26 3. Israel's Prospect. Prophetical. 27-30 Concluding section on Moses' death, 31-34.

Detailed survey.

I. Past, 1-4. chapter 1- Horeh (Sinai) to Kadesh and rebellion at Kade sh. 2- Wanderings. 3-More wanderings and Joshua apptd to take into land,28. 4-0bey law

II. Precepts, 5-26 5-11 Sinai tic law reiterated, 12-26 special laws. 5-10 commandments Ex 19 6- Grcat Connnandment 7-Why God chose Is, 6- 8 q-Harnings 9-Remcmber rebellion at Sinai, 8ff. 10-11-Warning to love God wholeheartedly, 10:16. 12-beings special laws. 12-16 concn Religions life. 12-Law of central sanctuary, v 11. 13-concn false prophets and idolatry. 14-food laws, 1-21; tithe, 22- 29 ..._,, 15-Sabbitical year.of release. 16- Annual feasts 17-20 laws concn govern:nental life. 17-Judges, 16:18-17:7; priest,8-13; king, 14-20 in ch 17 18-privileges of Levites see 18:15 19-Cities of refuge, 19 20-Laws for time of war, 20. r 21-26 laws concn private and social life. 21-Slain, firstborn, hanging, v 23, Gal 3:13 22-Tests and protection for virginity 23wt--lisc. regulations 24-bivorce. Matt 19 regulations, v.3, v 4 1 Tim 5:18. 26-Firstfruit offering.

III. Prospe~t, 27-30 27~Instructions for- land 28-Blessing and dursing in land. 29-30-Palestinahn covenant. Re·storation to lancl,ch30

31-Moses' last counsels 32-Moses' praise 33-Moses' bles_sing 34-Moses' d_eath.


1. God chose bee He loved and loves people. 2. God is interested in everything in·the lives.1,f those people. · 3. God will restore them even after.defection. Deut 24:1-4


l • Marriage in O.T. Ji. No word for bachelor. Family in view in NT too. I• Monogamy. Adam and Eve not several wives tho plenty tof life-giving spirit leet, Mal 2:15. ~ C• Polygamy not forbidden but always trouble. Abr Gen 21; Gideon, Jud 8:29-9:57; David, 2 Sam 11,13; Solomon, 1 Kg 11; Kings warned, Deut 17:17. :c • Bethroal almost as binding as marriage, Deut 22:23-24, bethroed is cal le~i fe. Mat t 1: 19. E. Certain relationships forbidden to marry, Lev 18. F. Levirate law, Deut 25:5-10. Mk 12.

II. Divorce A. Existed, Lev 21:7,14 of priests, 22:13; Numb 30:9. E. Regulated here. Matt 19:8. Involved: Cause Uncleanness or lit, nakedness of a thing (in Deut 23:14 only). Not= adultery bee punished by death, not divorce, Lev 20:10; Deut 2l:13ff. Legal document which involved an official justifying the cause. Formal dismissal by husband. In this instance the law given to forbid remarriage of first partner. C. Abrogated in N.T. Shammai unfaithfulness only; Hillel to burning food. D. Is there a reason for divorce. 1. Some say fornication, Matt 5 and 19 but cf 1 Cor 7:10. cf Acts 15:20. Who is to blame? innocent 2. In mixed marriages there is justification if unbeliever does it. 1 Cor 7:15.

III. God's Intention A. A Union. Fits good. Master builder does it. Takes time to make and experience good marriage. B. An illustration, Eph 5. I. The Preceeding Promises concn the Land A. Gen 12:7 B. Gen.~ 15:18 C. Gen. 17 : 7-§__. t .... .,. , .... · ,_,_ •. 3 D. To Jacob, Gen 28:13 Distinctive II. The RxmasxmtS of this Covenant Deut 29:1 this cov stands outside the Mosaic. Curse of Mosaic won't be final and forever.

III. The Parorama of the Cov. A. In the Wilderness, 29:1-9 B. In the Land, 29:10-21 C. In Captivity, 29:22-29 D. In Land again, 30:1-10

IV. The Provisions of the Cov

A. Explusion from land for disobedience, 1 cf 28:63-68 B. A future r c. A XIISEAXak· of the Lord, 3 D. A restoration to the land, 5 ~ E. Spiritual conversion, 6. F. Judgment on enemies, 7. G. Blessing, 8.

Conditional element is the time, when they turn then God will bring to pass His program, 1-3.

Views as to fulfillment of this 1. "Accomplished by X in the NC" Not confined to ethnic Jews. 2. To be fulfilled by Jews and only time possible for literal ful in land is a millennium.

Confirmation. Rom 11: 26. I sa 2 • ll · 11 - • i Acts 3.

Lessons. God is faithful when we aren't Watch His program with Jewish people. (He does)

Ezra 1 \ Author-•lilBra ? 712818121 lat person. Sometimes 3rd,.· · Name of book comes from one of prlnctpal characters.' Means the balper. Was priest, 7:1; scribe, 716,21 •l"4'et of NT. Jurist. C0 pytst and authority ln law.Started Grea1 Synagogueasupreme tribunal cf Jews. Collected ar books but not an of them. Neb 8. Lived to old ege,dted on trl1 to Persle,burled at samarah on Ttgrts.Tradltlon. !!£!-•Written bet 456 (Ezra 10"17-44) and 444 when Neh arrived. Events In book cover 538-456. Aramlc•• 417-6:18; 7a12-26. Official lang of Babylon and Persia. Aram-Syrla so some v&rslons say Syriac. Hlsto9 lUngs Chpts Cyrus 538-530 Haggai 520 1-6 Darius I 52la486 zeal\ s20-1s . Cambyses 530-522 Smerdts 522 -- Xerxes(Ahasase)486-465 416-- Esther 476 Artaxerxes I 464-424 7a10; 4f7-23 Seetlon I••The Return under Zerubbabel, 1-6. Joslab.627 reforms. ler0 s call 626.Law found 621.Fall Nineveh 612 Josiah killed 608 Meglddo by Ph•Necho. J'ehoahaz.lmo.Tc Egypt. 608 Jeholaklm. 608-597.•Ellaktm.To Baby by Neb.Idclator. Jeholachln,597.lmo.To Baby.Evll.21.(g 2Ss27-freed.37yrlater, Zedeklah,597-86.Eyes out, 2l(g 2517. Reasons for cap, 2 Ch 26:14 and 21. 13 In Captivity-- Sennacherib 705 took 200000 to Assy,2Kg18:I 601 Dan. 597 Jeholcahln. Zed 586. Condition of people--Sub to scorn,Psa l~i,iE2a £jld trib­ ute.Isa 43:28 for lndlgnlttes. Yet not slaves but

as colonlsts.Htgh pcsltlons,Dan9 Neh. Did Jer 2915-7. Observed law, Bsth 2:8. Priests Jer 29:1. I. The Decree of Cyrus, 1:1-11 A. Tlme,1.lst yr of capture of Baby,539.Dan 5.Started SS9.lmpire from Aegean to India. a. Content. 1-4. 1.Re prop of Jer,1. Jer 25a12 made ln 912. See Isa 45113--200 yrs before.Cylinder dlsoovered ln 1800 9 s shove Cyrus reversed policy of Asay and Baby and allowed exiles to return.Not a bel,Isa 45t4. Still beld In Bel and Hobo but recog God fJf Is as lmpt. Daniel may have testified to him.showing him Isa (Joseph­ eue said he dld).Ful. porp apolog&tlo. 2. People, 2-4.God and commanded to rebuUd.4means tlibee Jews who were anywhere In empire (Including lOtri~s)~ were to be helped by Gentile neighbors. · / 1. Re people. 5-6 _ 2 · \ ltff:;!t::::!!i~:'rn!:::;J0:n1J:f~=grBJA~ ~!:)I• 2. le Cyruo, 1.11. Vessels restored. ·Taken In 605,Dan la2; 597 2 Ks 24113 end 586 2 Kg 2!h14-5.Rest t-estored by Dart,·us Ezra 615.rumlture of temple destroyed,21

~ but 5400 Included smaller not-Itemized vesseld9 v 11. llo The Census of the People, 211•70. A. The Le&ders,2a1•2.Note provlnoe,1.Not Ind nation. Joshua. Neb not same as one 80yrs later.Mordecalnot sama bee he remained In Parsla. B. The Pamllles, 213-19. Co The Cities, 2a20-35. see 21,29,33,34 for familiar places. b. The Priests, 2a36.39. 4289. t. Lavltes, 40-42. 74 Levites very msall no to help 4289 priests. Singers, plrters. Total 341.Portara-docrtleapers. Kept people entering Into areas where forbidden. Paa 84110-someone at tbresbold,paseerby or beglar• r. Nethlnlm,2:43-54. Deso of Glbaonltes,Josh 9).S nanta. G. Solomon•s servants,2155-58. Deso of solos prisoners of war.Ltke Nethlnlm.StUl loved Is after years of service. H. Unoertaln Genealogles.2:59-63. only prob with priests. 62. Wonder more gen not lost. Priests' cases decided later by HP using U and T. Ix 28130. I. Totals, 2164-70. 1.People, 42360. 2. Servanta,7337. 3.Slngers,200.Slngeri from tribes other than supplement Levld9a1 onei 4. Anlmals,66-67. 61000 drams sold ct $5.60/ 0$341,600. 5000 pounds silver@ $17/ a$ priests garmts. III. The Construotlon Begun, 311-13. 6 mo Journey. 530 direct miles, tho naaror 900 eotual. A. Saorlfloes begun, 3tl•6 1. Time, 1 and 6. Sept 25, t 536 (allows 2 yrs after Cyruso deoree). 2. Means, 2-3 • .Utar built. Patten from law,2. Motlvatloi and pm v 3-fear of nal1bbon. Offerlnss am 0 Ex 29 139.4~ Takes trials and fear to realise need of God l. Speolflos. Tnmpets (resatherlns) ,1st day 7-t:h mo. Atonement(oleanslns)IOtb day. Tabenaaoles is.21st days (mill blessings). only Tab noted. Mumb 29 12 38 1'ben ....~ular oycle of foast:s. Monllhly new; • nq uu-. did. It anyway. ; 1!_~B!:e": :: ~t base or on old base v6.0ffeztngs tbo not"':e fore captivity. sac reminds we need t n oundatlon.Mornlng and eve o commune With God both times. 03 a. Struoture BeBun (foundation), 317-13. 1. the Contraot:t11B. 7. Men, material (from tyre as Sol,2 Chr 2116,pald for 91th food),money (from Cyrus, 614). . 2. The celabntl!lon, a.tJ. a. Time, May.June 535.7mo slnoe v 1. 605-535•70 yrs capt. b~ Workers,s.9. · 341 Levites. Sol had 240001 Names •2140. · 3. The Celsbratlon, 10-13. a. the muelo,10.11. Psa 136. By oourSGtaantlphonaUy. 6. the Orylns,12-13. Sol temple destroyed 50-55 yrs before so could nmember. Rag 2a 3. Not so grand as Sol. Old too prono to look baok. IV. ~position, 4sl-24. A. The Compromise, 411-3.1. Adversaries, 1.Jad and Ben largest group of returnees. b 2 1(g 17a24 done ln 669 during reign of Esarbaddon (680-668). FulfU_led Isa 7:8 spoken ln 734. Foreigners Intermarried and thel descendants were the adversaries. seekatworshlg . 2. The Approach, 2.Sounded good, Let0 s,1eotlo achooslng best?from several systems of rel.2 Corll115; 6117. 3. The Anewer,3. Can°t accept pasans on oo B,,entuelly built otm temple In Gerlstm,Jn4. B. The Continuance of opp.4- .the Campaign. People of landaS8marltans. Troubled•brlbed,threatene (alternate readlns•terrlfled).Hlred PR men baok at court ln Sushan 535 Be.Dan dead and no one to help.

Cyrus 535-S30 0 Cambyses,530-522,Smerdis,522,Darius,521. Chronology reswnes Inv 24. ·c. The Cllmax,~23.Slmller opp under Xerxes 486-465 and Artax 464-423!•xerxes In 486,Acousatlon-Satan.soae wd This ace nowhere else mentloml • .2. Artaxerxes. Accusers-People In 7 Samaritans who hired 2 Per,1an officials of vs. Tabeel prob •Toblah,Net,2al Associates others who wre transplanted Into Samaria by Bsarhaddon,v2, and Ashurbanlpal•Aanapper,vlO. The letter,12-16.Profess eoncn for lClng. Progress on ·walls,12 exaggerated In light of v 13.Temple not mentnd In this letter beo completed In 515.Perhpas v 23 says they destroyed soma of wall that had been built and thl accounted for Neb's mournl13 In Neh 1:3•4. Decree of V 23 In 4460 ~BidRBBH&ylitdlb V 12-rebelllous under Jeholaklm,Zedaklah. v 14 Matntenanoe-llt,eat salt of the J.llace; le on kll'l8' s payroll. v 15 records as .In Bather 611. ihe Klns 0 s Answer and Deoree,17-23. v20-Davld.Sc1.Jehos 1-eslah,HeeGldah. v21•Klng left door open to change min<' cf Neh 218.Good thb111 for laws Mades change not. / 4 ' · v. The Construot:lon Renewed, 5i6sl2. A. Tt,e Preachlns,1~ \ -Stopp~ ln 530 under Cyrus.Now 15 yrs later resumed. Use Has 114 ,1411112-13 Zeeb ltl614:9 a. The Protest,3-17. Tatnal Paldan gov ff of Euphrates. Sheth.aide. v 3ewa11 of temple. v 4 Names of Jawlsh leadrs Letter of 4112.16 written 70 yrs later and walls of city lnco 'latnal challenglns but dldn't stop bee of v. 5. Would t:alce bout 1 yr to bear from Darius. v 11.13. Jews gave Tatnal ~ole hist of temple. Sol oompletad 960, Neb destroyed 586, Cyrus daoree 538. v 17 If Cyrus• decree found, Tatnal hoped . ~for reversal,l7b. :t. the Answer, 6a1•12. 1. 01scovery,61J.-a. Acbmet:ha ln Medi.a (Ecbatana). Wonder lt was found.Poss there beo not so hot and humid as Babylon and better for papyrus or leather scroll. 2. Details, 3a5. ?hls offlcla1 and more detailed record for acchlvas.Ezra 1 publlo and not so detailed. :~hls official memo. Height 60 oublts.So1° porch 120,2Chr314. Breadth 60.Bol•s only 20. Maybe these 1rere Umlts king aalowed and Zer dldnOt build to llmlt (to acct for Ha1213.)

3. the ·oecree0 6-12. Thie stunned Tatnal to bave added deca Aleo flnanolng uhlob mm cd Into Tatnal 9 s out,&. v ·10 cu~tom to Jaay for kg.Jar 29s7. Penalty0 11.lParlus Impaled 3000 when conquered Babylon•

...... VI• Tho Constructlon Completed, 6113•22. A. The Work,13-14. tat& hustled.Elders supervised.Youth built. Artaxerxes mentioned bee reigning at time of Bmrao, ~rltlng and 7120.

~-• The Com.pletlon0 15. 515• Mar 12. ,. The Dedlcatlon»16-13. S011 ¥a Bli'tffbied 20000 eaen and 120000 sheep. Sin off of-~S 1,ar.,1rests' courses 1 Chron 23e26. v 18 service same word as work ln 4124.

~- The Passover0 19.22. April 21,515.5 wlcs after ded. Priests purified selves.Leaders need to.then priests dld lt for flmllles instead of fatdler as ln Egypt. •.22-Kg of Asay.Darius wborulad former terr&tory of Asay.

iectlon II-the 1e•um under 1zra0 1.10. J. The Return, 711-8136. Ao the Leader, 711-10. vl.58 yrs later,516-458.ESther , and Mordecai 9 s lnf helped scftGn Artax twd .Jews. ·~ Abt,revlated geneaology.As Matt 1.seralah,2Ks 2·sa1s.21. illklah (during Jostah,21Ca 2214).Azariah priest In Solos temi I Chr 6110, ScrlbegblblLt;.tfCher,Jer 818.Ready•skllled. Journey-March 27 to0 lu[i,!i, 451. Nathlnlm,v7,Glbeonltes. 11 10-Sellk truth of law, dolt, teach be preceptand exam,le. i. the Letter, 7111-28. 1. Authority behind lt,14.Klng and his 7 supreme coutt.,lsth 1114. 2. Authorizations of lt. r :, ~ (l)Rec glfts.15-17. (2) Do W1iftever,maybe buUtl wa -- \ 18 (3) Take remaining vesales (J) Rec from treasun~ - w of Euphrates up to $200000,625 bushels wheat,580 gallons ulae and oil. tribute was taken from people In money and produce. (5) Do wlll of God, 23 so no wrath on Artax. (6) Exempt from taxes,24. (7) Teacb and punld't uninstructed Jaws,25-6. 3. thanltsglvlns for It, 27•8. tho Ezra Initiated this v.6. and was granted It bee of his favor wlth king, he ascrt bes Its dolns to God. c. The 3ourney, 811-36. 1. The Group, 1.14. Family namei so some of same appear In ch 2, but not same tadlvlduals. 1514 man plus vomen and kldam6-7000. Much smaller then under zar. <.lamor worn off. 2. The Problems, 15-30 •• lbl fl•No Levltes,15-20. Donet knGB were river Is but only 9 days from Baby11 Only 341 t.evlt:es vent with Zer. At Castphla must have been sattlement of Levites and Nethlnlm.40+220 respnded Pooblem 12,Protectlon.21•23 Evidently boasted to king

of po,~er of God,now ashamed to ask for escort. Fasted9 prayed. God lead but not with pUlar fire. Neh used eBCort,2:9. God leads In dlff ways. Problem f3.safeguazidind the money, 24-30. $3-5 mlllo Dlvlded among 24 9 v 24. Not all wuld bo caught by ro•~ then exhorted.28. Expected accountlng,29. 2 Cor 8116-21 3. The Arrival, 31-36. Some narrow escapes on way,31. Accounts s@ttlt!d end wrltten,34. Offered sac with Jo] for let time sean J'erue,35. Delvd ktngos orders tc satraps,36 and they responded.

II. The Reformation, Revtval 9 9:1-10♦44. A. The Condition, 911-4. some time passed 10s9-4montbs later. Prlnc~s (rulers) reported. l~The Rebellion. Broke Deut 711-6. All olasses esp leaders. 2. The rasu1t1 2.Menure and dilution of holy seed. Children would take rel of mother Who was heathen4 3. The Ileamtlon, 3-4. Rent sarment,plucked halr,sat aetonlshed,llke-mlnded gath

60 Public 2'8Cord, 18-44. 17 prlests0 10 Levltes0 · 86 of congregation = 113. 25% were rel leaders. Relatively small number but 1 Cor 516;Gal 519. As proof of repentance, gave right hand,Ezek 17118

and offered ram for trespass, Lev 5114-169 v 19. This was difficult to do ~lth kids tho sustenance allowance prob provided. Evil stayed but returned

under Neh 12 yrs later, 10a309 and 30 yrs later, 13123. .r GETTING THE MOST our OF LIFE (you only go around.U'-"•· once) .,, ' Intro. Commonly taken as pessemistic book of human wisdom. or libertine phil of life. No rev but insp recorded. But title,preacher or ecclesiastic. Sermon with text at beg and end, l12J1218.To lead disciples into wisdom.Thot wisdoma knowledge and could gain by bookwork (12112). Then could understand what ~d doing. But life under stm bears few , ) outward signs of rational moral God ordering events. So ~ know leads to despair;atrue wisdom leads to getting most out of life. Ch 3 key. Doct. of God. I. God is sovereign (Wise), 311-8 14 pairs. Time 2Sx. As sovereign He is over all and gives variety and oppor. of life. Eph tall but using various means. Means are ills. in these pairs o Ao Complete co?trol-life and death. B. Man and God cooperating, plant and harvest. c. Mostly man--speak and keep sllence. On dancing. David, 2 Sam 6114JSalome,Mk 6122J Israelites before calf,Ex 32119. Kind of whirling motion done solo ut or with same sexo Sometimes. used of kind of rel procession wher:e choirs marched in time with hymns they sang. v.1 season and specific t~e.God orders all things using · variety of means.School in His plan,eeeping,laugh,silence, speak,love,hate.When discouraged don't jwnp elsewhere.God ·~ is God of order. II. God is Good, 9-1S What profit is work? How can I be sure I'm in ttme with God's· seasons? " in its time but still can't discem,llbc Only see part of play, hear few bars of symphony.Beautifula good,vllo So how shall I react to circ of life? A. Do good, 12 Gal 6110 B. Enjoy, 13, 1 Tim 61170 Don't love, 1 Jn 2,1s Co Fear, 14. Reverential awe. LXX uses phobos, lPet l117J 2117. Can't add. or subtract from God's plan,14-1S,so ... .1t-.~ get ~J ,, 1~l12~~?,1~, .,~n ?1A¾~J Mal 31l6afear. 1 1 IIIo God is Just, 16-11,b, 16-170 t,_., ,,.,, \ 11 put eternity in heart. Gives a perspep&An•..Jt~d l ignore or use. If ignore no better than beasd. '2"'Cor s1Yot Lk 16, (what you spend)J 2 Cor 4116-18 (how you react)o "'-1) Concl. Tills is time for schooling. Do good, enjoy, keep one eye on eternal values. Isa. 1 Introduction I.Date. Before Baby.Exl1e0 Iaa prop.740-680BC. 2.?lmes. Uzzlah 9 791•740; 3oodg Jothan,750-7369good; hhaz 9 736•716 0 bedg Hemelclah 9 716-687,good. Tradition says martyr'3«2 under Manaseeh 0 696-642 es described In Heb.1la37•sawn asunder. Alls. klnss.same tlmeas Hosea snd Micah. Assyria took N. during this time. Uzzlaholsa 6s1;2 Ks 15:S•laper. Jothan,2 Kg 1St33.4. Ahaz, 2 Kg 16:2 Hezekiah, 2 Kg 18:2. Revlval 2 Chron 29:S,6,10;30a1;31al. 3. . Father 1:1. Wife, 8:3. Children, 71J; 8:3. "Remnant shall return" "Hastca to the spoUs.n liame means Jeh. ls silvatlon. 4. Book. Much prophecy. l•39aOT Judgmt. 40•66aNT grace. Actually 1-35 9 36-39 (hlstorloal lnterlude),40-66. 2 authors. Qumran scroll,2 c.a.c. no break, complete. JC quotes both parts, Matt 13:14; 12:17.

PART I Denunciation, 1•39. (ll•Consolatlon9 40•66) SectlonI••On Judah, ch. 1•12. l. Condemnation of Judah, 1•5. A. Complaint. lsl•23. 1. On ethical grounds, 1-9. Relatnshlp1 2•4; rottennass9 1i6; retlalletlon,7•8 (future), t 9 remnan o • Tnf!M moon•lst of montb 9 iiUmb 28111 2. on legal grounds, 10.20. relatn of 1aw and heart. 3. on moral grounds, 21•23. Unfaithful. Leaders lsto B. Cleansing through judgment, 24-310 1. Agent, 24. 3 names for God. 2. Activity, 25. Judgmt. 3. 0Utcoma 0 26•3A! Future restoration by

cleansing iBiiJ dross,25; of glv~ 26; of s1 n,27-89 of Idols» 29. c. Glory aftGr Purgh,g, 2al•4a6. 1. The Picture of the Future Kgdom, 2¥1•4. C2i~ic4:l•l• a. Tlmeo 2. b. Centar, 2. c.Characteristlcs,4. 2. The Purging necessary, 2a5-4a1. a. Of Oriental phUosophy,6. b. Of luxury,7. Co Of ldolatry,8090

d. Of prlde9 10-17. ttglory of Hls majesty"l01 19 0 2lo eo Of Idolatry, 18022. Rev. 6:16. Isa 2 '"'- f. Of society, 311-15. Pillars of society esp centered \ In Jerus. Qbout to be Judged.v.lmevery prop. (1) The People lnv~lved, 2-3. (2) The Punlshment 0 4-l5. Anarchy, 4-8. Retribution, 9•11. Judgmt, 12•15. Note elns of leaders~l4o vv 4,12 mey refer to Ahaz who was 20 ~hen ascended throne (2Ch 28a1)

g. Of the vomen, 3sl6•4s1."lt Is as If the prophet had gone Into boudoir of fashion & soolety leaders of Jerus and taken lnventory.21 articles mentioned and many are foreign (luxury Imports). vl8ocreacents around neck to ward off evil. (1) Their desorlptlon,16-23.

(2) Their desolation, 24G4:l. RottennGS9 9 rope (to lead captlve)tsackcloth,baldness (slave0 s hdr shaved),brandlngt No men. Ex 2h10. That day looks on to tribe

3. The Promt SC!f1 4: 2•6 Jn that daymM a. Messiah present~Jer 23s5;33:15;Zech 3Y8;6a12. Tsat{mech ln these vss. netzer ln Isa 11:l. b. Earth product! v~.!',. 2bo Co Poople saved, re Zech 13:8-9. "\trltten for Ufett mpredestlned to llfe. Acts 13:48. d. People SGoure, 5.6. Thru presence of God. Create ts bars Inv 5.

n __The _nn6 ,ard .... 5alaLIO.... cf. Matt 21:33-45 i-.• THti rnuiaaflon. Y:T•7. the Attention to the Vlneyd, 1.2. the Appeal to the People, 3-4. The Action of the Lord, 5-6. The .AppU.oatlon, 7 to Is, Cb~ Me. 2. the Indictment, S18•2S• (1) Woe,8G10. For maklns large estates In place of small landholdings. 10 acres should yield 500 bathi Homer yielded ephah•1/l0th homeroRuth got that ln 1 day, Ruth 2117. (2) ffoee11•17• Debauchery. Karly of Acts 2t15. Usa music to try to drotm out oonRlcmce. Results-• oeptivlty,13 (prophetic perf) and destruction of Jerus. Sheol seen as Insatiable monster. Land shall become common pasture land,17. (3) Woe 0 18•19. Hardened in sin. (4) Woe, 20. Confuslcn of moral dl etlnctlons. (5) Woe. 21.Self-sat.poUtlolans using exl)adlency. (6) woe.22.2s. Dlssoluce Judges (23). 3. The Invasion,, 26.30. lnemy unnamed.mnslgnmslgnal.

Hlss-oall. Perhaps Assyrians. Corns relentlessly9 27•28 (horses not shod bUt hoofs strong enuf to stand

rocky Pal), victoriously, 29 9 tilth accompanlng darkness =earthquake or ecllpse,30. II.Commission of Isaiah, 611°13. A. The Clrownstances, 611•4• Death of Uzmlah. ~hether had or about to. 2 Ch 26. Lofd, seraphim (only here for angels, of serpents bee means fiery one In NI.Im 2lt6). Holyness Is theme of vlalon. v 4-foundetlons of thnaholds shook. Smoke of Incense(?). B. The·confosalon, 615. Job 4216; Lk 518. Personal sln and group sin.Isa took no comfort that he was not any vorae then others. God le standard.

c. The Cleanslng 0 611•7• D. The Callo 8 11 •. The Commlsslon0 6:1-13. Lipa purlftad so now could conversa ul th God. QUes. I & us. No plural of majesty as qs dld not use at time. lt0 a By~entlne. IClng In council. Leaves room for Trinity.

Response9 8b. Ol'ders,9•10.Make people herd. Fruitless mission. Jan 12140, AOCs 28126. Harden heart and besmear eyes,10. Proppeot 0 11•13. How long, Dan 8113, Rev. 6110 •• itU.1 Judgmt and desolation come and yet remnant vUI always remain Ulce tereblnth (spreading tree less than 25 ft hlBh) 6s oak (24 kinds In Pol). Mt 24:340 III. Coming of Messiah, 711•1216. A. Tha Son of the Virgin, 7tl•9a7. l. The Settlng, 711-2. Reign of Jothan passed over. Menmhem (kg Is) paying tribute to Assyria, 2 Kg 15119. Rezln and Pekah trying to destroy Independence of Judah and set otber than Davldlc person on throne,6. B:phralmals (N.) 2. The Slsno 7al•lt& ht a. Assurance tln1Ba: 713•9. v3 sonaremnant shall return. Ahas prob seeing to water supply,3. 4a, Assurance-(1) word of pesoe,4 (2) smoking stumps9 not much power left;(3) direct prophecy,7; (4) heads of govt vea,a.9 (5) 65yre nothing leftt8• About 670 and then last lnhabtnt of Is carrted off. b. Assurance thru promlsa, 7110-16.

(l)Request from lsa0 10-G(2) response from Ahas,11. (3)Result,ll•l6. Almah 7x-Gen 24143;Bx 2a8;Ps 68125; Prov l0:19;Song Sol h3;6a8g here. Main Idea Is unmarried. Bathulah (3oe1 118 not strictly vlra·lnl). Near view of a woman virgin at time P90P•Slven but married end child later (court woman or Xsaos 2nd 91fe­ (couldn0t be 1st bee had son already, so not virgin). Ultimate fulmt l.n Mary,Mt 1123 who waa virgin vhen child bom. Not exoec~lmr vfpertn hi•►~ v,. •A~L some talce only far view. to Ahaa thls would mean survival of Davldlo dynasty over Syrian pretancter. But 16 looks Uke a near promise fulfilled 2 Q16a9;17a6.

3. the seque1 0 711709:7 a. Desolation on .Judah, 7117•25• Asay ln desteoylag

Syria and Sam will overflow11 ~\lft,B18. 4 Illus. (l)fUes atlfl beesaswarmlns leaf. (2) hired razor shaving for sGame. HlXW-2 Ki 1615•9.Ahas hired Tlglatho plleser. (l)oow and 2sGeepgreduotlon of agriculture. (4)briars and thoms,24. desolation• .: (l)The Prophecyl-8 b. Defeat of Damascus end Sam, 8:l•II. 2 Ch 28tS•8 had occurred so Isa uses moans to Impress prop. of defeat. (l)large scroll,l (2)wlb\essea,2 (3)ohlld0 s nememhsste to the spoil (4)prophaoy9 4. But before defeat of enamlea thay would overflow Judsh,5•8• Shlloahapool of Siloam, Jn 9 t 7. The rl ver, 7a£uphrates and symbol of Assyrl a. 62)The Preaching, 9.22. (e)to nations 9al0. QodOs purpose tdll stand regardless of what they do. (b)To J•s, 11-22. Truat God. Not confedareoy of 712 (v 12) but God 9 13-18. 14c:-He shall be a hallowed thl113 (sanctuary). Goes back to ch 6 and vlelon. 16elsa0 s prophecies and his sons assure people that they can trust God. Trust God• not tdsards, 19•22. Baals ls lav of God, 20. Wizards are oountafetta. 21•22 refer to superstitious orovd who trust wlsarcts. Shows their dlsappolntment. o. Deliverance by Prince of Peaoe 911•7 (1) Darkness to light, 911•2• ZeLutun and Naphtalla upper and lower Galilee and ware lstto be spoiled b~ Tlglath0 plleser,2 Ka 15a29•now promised light. See RV,vl1 v2°Mt 4115-16.Thls region sav light 1st thm X. Ramareth vas In Zebulon. (2) Sorrow to joy,3. No nnot" ln v 3. (3) Defea5..50 vlctory,4-7. nrru destruction of enemy. gay of Mldlen 0 Jud 8:24-27. Thru ~lft of Messiah. Chlld•son. Neme ls singular. Wonderful• counsellor (together).Ylsdom. Mighty God. Bl Is never used In ar other than deltyo lUohlm Is. Power. father of mtemltyo Everlasting govt. Prince of Peaoe. Tbru rule of Mesalah,7. Gift at 1st coming, rule at 2ndo Don°t bulld kgdom on let advent. Isa 5 B. The SOns of Isaiah, 918-10:34. 1. Maher•hasten to spoil. 9s8•10t4.Judgmt on Is certain.

Deserved 9 s.12 esp 9. Note end 121>-hend out In unrelenting Judgmt. sudden, 13-17 esp.14. Note 17b. Leadars,16. Cruel, 18•21 0 esp.20. 20b may mean lntemal division. Complete, l0al•4 eap. 4memdle or death only alternatlv

2. Shear-Jashub=ramnant mall return, 1015•34. a. Retribution on Assyria, 1015•19. Assyria was Godts instrument.5°60 _ Assy0 thlnks she la own master and vUl take Jerus1>1;.11. 6 cities already oonquer&I or under tribute. Idols dldnOt save them and won°t ssve .Jerus. Assy '1111 be punished bee prlde, 12-19. Reason••Prlde,12•15 Result••SUdda and drastic Judgmt 0 16•19. 17•a day. complete so e child could ffite survlvorsa». b. Return of Israel, 10120•34. Retum asaarad, 20.23, Paith asked, 24-27. Don°t panic In faoe of ASsyrla. 27mbec of fat:. Judah vlll grow and break yoke. Invasion predicted., 28•34. c. The Shoot from Stem of Jesse, 11s1c16. 1. The King, 11,1-s. Llnr11e.1. Matt 2123 1 Splrlt0 fl11lngo2 Jul! c6,3-4 Righteousnees,s.fal&B9s 2. The Klngdomt> lh&.16. a. Reversal of curse, 6-9. b. Regathering of Israel, 10-16. Who? 10•11.Js and Gentiles rally to x•s standard. What effact? 13.14. Blvalrles cease. How? 15•16. tongue• of sea mSUez. Rlvei-Euphrates. Raised embanked road.

D. The Song of Thanksglvlng 9 12tl•6• l. For salvation, 1°3. Penalty.,1; provlder,2; provl slons, 3.

2. For tha Lorcl 0 4a6. He deserves praise, i; proclamatlon,4; song,5; vorahlp bee great uorth,6. Isa 6 Pert X••Denunoiatlon, 1.39 'Section lmCondC!tDllatlon of Judaho 1•12 SGotlon Xl•CondGmRatlon of surrounding Nations, 13023

A. On Babylon 9 1311•14123.

1.(ISeat> of Judgmt 0 l•So God using humans-Medea (v.17) and In ultimate fulflllmt Hlmself9 1ev 17•18. 2. Character of Judgmt (future)1>6-l8. During day of Lord v.6; severe, 7-1; affecting nature, ,,1o;Just, 11; wldaepread 9 12; complete0 13-18. Both near and far vlw, near In 17ff. Far In 6ff. 3o Ccmtlmaance of Judgmt, Ila 19°22. Babylon not rebuilt onot nee to fulfill Rev 17•18. 4. Continuance of Xsrae1 9 14al•3o le td11 outlast conquerors of Babylon. Prop of ratum from Babylon. s. Condemnation of Kins of Babylon, 1414-11. ao His desoriptlon9 4-6. Oppreesor,4; furioue0 4g tdcked 0 5g unoeaslng smltter,6; ruled natlons9 6. b. His doom,7•11. Effect on earth, 7e8e Effect on hel1 99•10. Other kings in hell reJolce ln degradation to their level. Effect on self•ll,con:uptlon eats In. 6. Condemnation and oln of Satan, 14112-17. s. His name. LUolfer, bright, shlnlns ona. b. His po-ear. Weaken natlona,12; emrth tramble,16; shook kingdoms, 16•17. Rev 2013. c.H!s sln, 13•14. d. HI e doom, 15. 7. Condemnation on Kg of Babylon, 18-230

No honorable burlal. 9 18-19. Qdom utterly destroyed, 20-23.

Bo On Assyda0 li;24-27. 1. 0 Its cheracter, Sannachertb s daafeat on rots of Is0 2. Its certalnty,24,26-7. Co On Phlllstla, 14128-32. 1. Time, 727. 2. Warning, 29. Shalmaneser XV died 722 but Sargon of Assyria would ba gorse. Respite only temporary. May refer to death of Tlglath•pllessr In 727. ~ 3o AssuranoeD 30-320 Tho Phlllstla destroyed Judah protectedo v 32 prob refers to envoys sent by Phlllstlnes to try to get alliance with Judah. Isa 7 D. On Moab, l!hl•l6114. - · ,.'

1. Charscterlatlca of Judgmt 0 15al•9• o. SUdden, l••ln 1 nlghto Ar9 Daut 2t9o b. SOrrovful, 2.4. They try preylng 0 2.Locate3shas. o. Soatterlns, s.a. Zoar et SE comer of Dead See. Gen 19122. Brook of ull1cms0 7, prob Vmdl elAhsa which Is boundary of Moab and Sdom. d. Bloody, 9a. Dlmonml>lbon. e. Contlnulns,9b. Uona prob the Assyrians. -Cl this on Moabl te stone•Dlbon,Medoba9 Nabo0 Horonalm. 2. Appeal to Judah, 16a1•5• &dom (where Moab refugees were) under Influence of Judah so Moobltes send ambassadors to arrange protection. SelamPetra. Request, 1•4• leward,5. 3. AnSVCH'o 6-8. Appeal seems without basis In vlet!T of notorious pride of Moab, Jer 48a29. 4. Concern of Prophet, 9.11. S • Preyer of Moabl tas, lei .• · 6. Certainty of Judgmt, li•l4. 3 yrs end sudden like hired person quite lmmedletaly when tlme up. Not certain of fulfmt•maybe under Salmmeser or Sargn. I. On Damascus, 17alo14. and her ally, Israel. Contemporaneous vlth ch 7. Predicts downfall of Is and Dam ln relgn of Ahas/tlglath•plleser did It ln 732. 1. Extent~ 1•6• Syria, v.3 and 1s9 v 4. Stripped, 6. Sargon stripped Xs ln 722. 2. Sprltual result, 7ott.9. Turning to Lord. 3. Reason, 10.11. 4. Result, 12-14. Assyrian will come, 12. God will punlst: Asay, tlc-14. Assy driven out of Bsbylonla In 62 Nineveh fell In 609 and emplre ceased to amst. Lasted about 300 yrs. Babylon about 100. Persia 200. FoOOlltlltNi•• 18&1•7. Ethopla was seat of 25th dynasty In igypt,730•660. / so of 2 Kg 1714 w and encouraged ~shea to revolt agelnst Assyria. Hoseklah crushed at Eltakeh ln 701. so0 s nephew led new Kgyptlan effort and gas crushed by Ashurbanipal in 667. 1. the politics of ithopla, 1-2. Ambassadors. 2. The Proph0oy of the lord, lv6Doom of Armies. 3. The ttospect for Bthopls, 7. In future will worship.

G. On Egypt, 19al•20a6. lo The Plnish of &Jppt, 19sl•l0. Civil war, 2. (Note no help from medlums,3). Conquest by Assy

under Esarheddon ln 671 9 4. Drought, 5-9. DevastatlonplO. 2. The Foolishness of Egyptp 19:llmlS.Zoan-Tanls (near Slnal.Noph•Memphls. Hurr.en footlshness,11-13. God senr' foolish aolrtt.14. Unamotovmant~ 15. Isa 8 Far J. The Future of Egyot. 19:16-25. lncludesa

fear of God 9 16el7; worship of God, 18-22. Possibly under Ptolemy VX but foreshtadow of future; peace with neighbors, 23•25. AdsymXraq. 4. The Immediate Future of Egypt, 20:1-6. Tartanaohlef general of Sargon. Ashdod taken ln 711. Egypttoken latsr. H. On Babylon, 2lal•l0. 1. The Gxecutor of Judgmt, 2. Elam vss incorporated Into Persle~ Dan 811. 2. Tha EffQct of tho Vldon,3-4. on Xsa. l. Tho Eatln~. s. Dan 5. 4. The End~ 6-10. ~atchman cries. Psllen,9. Rev 18a2. Medes did It tst. Rev 18 ls last.Judgmt.

1. On Dumsh, 21:11•12. selr0 Gen 32al. Dummh ls play on vord Edom end means silence. Judgmt imminent so seek Lord.

J. on Arabla0 21113•17. Locata Dede:irn (In Arabian desert), Tema ssme place (little N.). Kcxlar ls area. 1. Tlme 0 16. Daad Sea scroll says 3 yrs as 16114. 2. Chamacter of Jddgmt, 17. Devastating.

3. Certalnty0 17. Lo~d aald. 4. FulflUmt. Undcar Assyr (Sennacherib) and Nsbonldus m made tema hls sedond capitol.

K. On Jerusalem, 22:1•2f.• Valley of vlslon,1,5 bee of Jeru~ 1. The Condition of Jarus,1•4. /geogra.:,hlcal location. 2. the Invasion, 5•7o Elam cf 21:2. Klr unknotmflt Isa3~ Some soy invasion under sanacherlb of Assy 705•6Bt. Others say Babylonian invasion 589-87. 21:2 supportslhl

J. The Defenses, 8-1&. Arms,8; walls,9; water0 ll; 4. The Debauchery, 12-14. Call to repent, 12;drlnklng,13- flts with Neb 0 s inveslons.

S. The Lemdershlp0 15-25. Shebna built gt tomb for self. Replaced by ICUQldm. 2 Kg 18118. This ls Assy tnvasloni Those uho tmce thl s as Babylonl on sea EU aklm as type of godly Who resisted debylon. HezeklQJiOs Prims Mi This le ref ln 22 bee Hsz of line cf David. Perhaps Ella!olm looks en to X md Hl s M rule. v 2S may refer 0 to Elisklm s being dapos0d from high office tla4no rem Lessons ln chpta God 0 s people wlll be punished (not exGmp1 Human effort no good If God removes flls care 8. 9 God exalts and puts down rulers. iSff. Isa 9

L. On Tyr& 0 23:1-18 1. History. Thru Jezebel 9 daught<0r of leg of Ty and Sldo,.. exerted bad Influence on SQlnarls and traded sleves,AmOa 1a9o Capltulot~d to Assyrl& In 664. To Neb thGn completely de:noil shed by Alexander. 2. The Destruction, t-7 Comp1ete-harbor»1~ all,7. Contagious (affects other parts of vorld bee Ty~e center of trade. Cyprus (Kltclm) 9 1; Tarshlsh9 Spebi; ll.; Shlhor,Egypt9 3. Sidon.

3. Th~ D~stroyer, B-li. Lord 0 9 0 and can,t escape lilm, 11•12. Thru habylonlans,13 (reed RV)o 4. The Revival~ 15-17. After 70 yrs of Babylonian rule tyre revived under Persia but same old harlot,l No spiritual chmnge tho dld contribute materials

for rebuilding of tempie9 Esra 317. 5. Tho Real Ravtual. 18. In distant day.

Sectloo XII-~Judsment and Klngdcm, 24-27. Xsa0 s AJk)ClfS( I. The TrlbulatlfJn, 24t1•2lo

A. The Extent, 1•13. Land of lsp 1. Whole 0Qrth 0 3. All clesses1) 2. All Joys,7-13. B. the Remnant, 14-16. Rev 7, 14. c. the Intensity, lio22. Helllsh,17. Ineacapeble, 18. ~· Sarthadestroylng, 19-20. Angels and kings Judged 9 21-22. D. The End, 24. Coming of X and His armies. '-it 24s29. II .the Millennium, 25:1•12• A. In relotn to nations, l•l• esp l. Rev 19al5. a. In relatn to social prob, 4-6. Planty. Isa 35sl.

c. In relatn to sorrow9 7-8. D. In relatn to Israel, 9•12. Exalted and enemies down.

In • The Song of the Ml 11. (vorahl p) 1 26, 1-21. A. For the sel of God, 1-2. For Jerus In M. r~. For the peace of God, 3. Peace,peaco, not 9'Urlous. c. For trustworthiness of God, 4. D. For faithfulness of God, 5-llo Ko For dellverQnce of God, 12-18. esp.IS.

Po For bodily res from God 9 19. G. For ,1Ud!Jtnent of God, 20-21. Fulfl Ued Rev 6-19. IVo Ti1e Glories of the 114. 27:l•ll. A. The Future glory of Is, t-6. ~. The Chastening

that must con,e lst0 7-11. c. 'r,e Restoratlon 0 12•13. Boundary In 12 Is nahal,wadl or hoook.ln GGn 15t18 naher for both Euphrates Qnd rl ver lgypt. Includes restoration of enemiGs,13 as ln 19:25. Isa 10 \ Section IV••Denunclatlon on Is and Judah. Woes and Blessings, 28-35. 1. Voe Against Ephraim, 2811-29 A. Plnlshment on Israel, 10 trlb•s~l-13. 1. Description, 19 3,7-8. Note emphasis on drink. 2. Destruction, 2 9 4. By Assyrians. 3. scoffing, 9•1lo By pro-Assyria party Mi Kins Ahas. lead ~lvtng. vll in l Cor 14:21. Isa too slmplo. B. Purpose for Judah, 14-29. 1. The people, 14. scoffing rulers of JGrus vho melle alliance tfl th Bgypt to try escape, Assyrian Invasion. 2. The problem, 15. Sold aslves to devil 3. The Solution, 16. x. 1 Pet 218.Teatced and precious. 4. the Punishment, 17-22. s. The Plea, 23-29. J!rable. Femmer plants to reap. God had Is to reap holy people. So need pruning end purdng II. Woe Against Judah, 29al•lls9.Arlel•hearth where fire A. For hypocrisy, 29:1•24 /of Judgmt 9111 bum 1. The Destruction of Jerue5.i24. By Assyr 701. 2. The Defeat of sannachertb0 s aMy who were destroyed on return from Rgyptmd 1851 000 troops fell In 1 night. How? v 6. Report held? v 9.12. 3. The Denunciation of JudQh, 13-16.o 4. ThoPuture blessing, 17-24. B. For Alliance vlth Egypt, 30:la3119 l. the Alliance, l•7m HezGtclah seeking olllsnoe against Senneoherlb. v 4aJ&Wlsh nobles negotiating In Egypt. 2. The Outcome. 8014.Wrlte prophecy so can9 t say you neve1 told us. They tell prophets to shut up, 10. 3. the R81a1 Solution, 15-26--trust tn Lord.

4. The Victory over Assyria, 27-33. God 9 not alliances. 5. Th0 Repeated Uamlng, 3la1•9• a. Contrast bGt God and Egyptians, ,.3, esp 3. b. Certainty of Lord's protection, 4-9. For Hf.a pe~pleo 4-7 and eselnat Assyr,8-9. Maybe foreshadOtflng of final Judgmts of trib snddefeat of Kg north supematurelly. c. Bleaelnsa, 32:1•35110. l. The Kins and His rule ln M, 3211-s. 2. The Sins of the women as spiritual barometer,9-14. 3. The Spirit and His benefits, 15-20.Plsnty,Justlce, peace. 4. The Destruction of Assyrlana,3311-24. Stated,1•12. LaSGon, 13-24.--learn to trust In God. v 22 _1 Isa 11- 5. Armededdon, 3411•17• 8 sstent of lt, 1-7. All natlons1 2. Heaven,4,aev &. b: Bffeots of lt, a.11. on earth, s-15--deaolatlon1 on 1srael••brlngs poaaesalon of land, 16•17• 6. the Mlllennlsl Klnsdom, 3511-10. a. a111 affect climate of Palestine, 1-2. ~ b. Wlll effect the condition of the people9 3.7 Sncouragement and healing. c. Will affect conversion of people, 8-10. section V••Condemnatlon of Assyrla (Sennacherib), 36-39. I. The Taunt from Aasyrla, 3611•22. Rabshakeh not name but tltle-chlef wtne pourer. Same place where Isa confronted Ahaz 23 r,rs before,lsa 7. vll.Aramalc vas dlplomstlc tang replacb,g Akkadlen. Content of threat-•1. Don't trust lgypt, 4•6• 2. Don•t trust God, 7. 3. Do trust Assyria, 16-17. II. The Truth from the Almighty, 37:t-7. vv6-7. 3 predictions I.rumor of enemy attack would llft eelgn. 2 would retum to Aaayr without renewing solge. J would be asa•sslnated. IILThe Threat from Assyria, 3718-35. A. Delivered to Hezekiah. 8•13. B. Dellvered to· God, 14-36. 1. Prayer, 14-29. 2. Promise, 30-35. Protection, 33.34 and plenty,30•32 on basis of God's honor and promise to David, 35. IV~ triumph over Assyria, 37136-38. A. over S()lllers, 36. B. over Sovereign, 37-38. Just es predicted. Remarkable. Trust God and don•t tell Him how to do it. v. Slcknesa of Hezekiah, 3811-22 A. Problem, 1 B. Prayer, 2-3 c. Promise, 4-6 D. Proof, 7-8 s. Praise, 9.22. Miracle of 7-8•• degrees hours, ha1f•houra or possibly\ hrs. 2Chron 39131 seems to say tha ambassadors had heard of the mlrac6i v. Stupidity cf Heseklah, 3911-8. A. Design of ttlng of Babylon, 1-2. B. Declaration of Isa. 3.s. Merodaohbaladan In 721 kg. To Hemeklllh ln 712 hoping to enllat Judah against Sargon of Asay. 709 Sargon captd Beby1 Hez glorifying salf, not God who loaned hlm tha treasures. Hez comfortoo that It wouldn't take place ln his llfetlmel Isa 12

Part II•••Consolmtlon9 40-66 (I was Desolation) Section l••The Comfort of God• 40-48. Cyrus the servant U•Redt'Dmptlon ·of ·aod, 49-57. ~eeslah the servant

IIl••Glory of God 9 58-66. lsrQel the servant Vl.ewpol nt Is of exl le already present and deHyfgance promls~ (Rabylonlsn exlle). 2 lsalsh9 s? lfocab some '-.-I dlff but so Is subj mattar. Prophecy of Cyrus 100 yrs before time Is no prob If accapt prophecy. No bra&k In Isa acroll.Jn 12:37-44 quotes Isa 53 end 6 es l outhr I. Comfort of God based on His greatness and power,40-48 A. In reletn to oaptlvlty.40sl•ll./Phya.changes 3518 l.Promlse9 2. 2. Prophecy0 3•8• (Janounoed,3•5; Assured by cf manes word and Godoa,6-8) 3. PrGaching, 9-ttl Bvangellae. 4. Person of comfort, 10-11. Care for vholo flock, 11. B. In relatn to Creation, 40112•26. lo Power of God, 12. 2. Wisdom of God, 13•14. 0 3. Greatness of God 0 15-17. v 15 not God s eatlmatlon of nations but comparison of them to Rim. 4. Uniqueness of God, 18•26. ln cf to ldols,18•20 ln cf to man,21-25. ln cf to creatlon,26. v 22 circle may show earth sphere. Slts above. c. In re1atn to circumstances, 40127-31. Complotnt 9 27. Anawer 28•31. a. Hls vosdom ls rights, 28. bo His powor la sufflclents, 29a31. v 31•exbhete D. In reletn to Idols, 41ala29. Having shewn omnlpotencft of God, He calls idolatrous nations to a lawsuit, v 1. 1. Can Idols control army of Cyrus? 4111-7. 2. Can Idols pntect Israel, 41:8-20.

3. can idols tell futui:80 41121•29• K. Groatneas and comfort of God IN His servant:, 4211•25• 1. the Sarvsnt0 4211•9. a. Fils chol ce0 1. God chose; Spirit attested. b. Hie oharaoter0 2•3• GGDtla, 3. Unobbruslve,2. o. Ille constancy, 4. d. Hl s comml sslon, S•O • Conflrrn cov to Is and light to GentlJas,6. v 7 cf 14117.

2. The Song 0 42110-12. 3. Tho SUmmons 0 42213-25. Victory asaurad0 l3•17,there• fore Israel avake,18•25. 21•2 ln Llvtng.tearn from past,251 23. Isa 13 \ r. Greatness of God In relatn to Israel, 4311•44128. 1. Hor restoration. 4311•7• Baals. 1,4. btcmt, 5-6.

2o Ber purpose 0 8•13. to witness to unlquenass of God, 10,

to S&vlor 9 11, t~ power. 12. J. Her deUverence, 14-21. From Babylon, 14 as from Egypt, 17, but nothlng Ulce future del, 1s.21 • .Pur9ose, 21. ~•• Har fo11Y» 22-28. No sense of nGedo 22; no obedience to 1QW. 23•24. Therefore, If forgiveness to coma, God must: snmlb&iten&anlgnly, 25. of God ~. 'Her-onolce,-4li:1-S. vv 3,5.&aaed on onmlsct purpose0 vs.

6. Her ldolatry 0 1-20.', The omniscience of God, 6-9 a. Folly of ldolerty~·--9.11. b. Xmpotenc:e of Ulci>s, 12•13 Jieautlful but can°t even moo

c. Illogic of idol&try0 14-20. Use to eat and warm and then think can uorshlp. Knox paraphrased re mess­ wlth psrt of flour you meke bread to eat; with reat you make god to fall down bafore. , •• Restoration of Is, 44126-28. 150 yra b0foro Cyrus permlttoo. 7. Her forgiveness, 44s21•23. Go In relatn to Cyrus, 45s1-2S. a. The LordOs selection of Cyrus, 1•6.Anolnted,vlmmesslsh, Tppe of X, only time applied to Gmtlle. Tjpe bee ~estores Jarus,conquer Is9 s enemies, glorifies God. ,.3.C)'rus s&1id to have trucen$6lOmUl from Croasua,Kg Lydia. a. Lord's Sovereignty In doing so, 7-13. He is creator, 7-1 Eon°t talk back MY more than vould a pot,clay,baby,9•10. o. The Lord 0 s salvation, 14-25. Is, 17a Uorld, 22. No seor9tp 19. H. Greatness In nlatn to Babylon, 46:1-47115. 1. Victory of Ia, 46:1-13. Announced, 1.2. BelmBaal QS ln Belshazzar. Nebo as tn Nebuchadnezzar. Accomplished, 3°13. By God, not Idols. God carries His peoplepJ.,4 In cf to Idol that has to be carried, 7. 2. Vanquishing of Babylon, 4711 .. u. Her slavery, 1.,. Bever lndependsnt after 539.Xerxae destroyed city 478; Temple of Bel there tl11 75 AD. Her wlckedness,8-15. Pleasure,8; prlde,81 ; lntelUgence,10; demon ,~rahlp 12; estrologyoll• !!. Greatness In relatn to Ifz 4811-220 ,l~ Bee His prophech ~ have been fulfilled, lal~.Gflb&~nit d@stroy Is1wlll keep Hls i,roralse, 9•11, esp.O. ·.J. Greet bee will deliver thru Cyrus, 12-16. (4) .Gnat bee He ls patl ent 17•22 In spite of their dlsobed,18. Fr&$dom from captivity sssured,20 Isa 14 \ Seotlon U•Rsdemptlon of God,49°57oMesslah the Servento Doot. of sal. I. Commission of servant, 49:1-26. A. Source 9 lm3 God from before birth. B. sucoess,4•li doing God's will tho seGJne fallure,4 But will Include Is,6 and Gentlleso6• Not ehomaga,7; r0turn1 11-12.stnllm maybe Por East, Rcav 16. c. surety, 13026. Is not forgotten, 14-15.Rebulldlng,17; enemies dafeated,18, 21-26. IX.Contrast of Servant vlth disobedient Is., 5091•11 A. The Sin, 1-3. 1sos lault, not God 0 s. He hadn't divorcee or sold them, 1. His power to sove not dlmlnlshed 9 2•.3•. B. The suffering, 4-9. 0rdera from Father, 4-5 to suffer, 6. Actually plucked out beard. soourgtng,s•lttlng. Yet knEnf God would brlng Him thru,7•9• c. The Salvation, 10-11. To those who trust,lO;o~hers have no hope. III.lnoouragement end Exhortation, 51:lm52z12 A. The Past (as ancouragement for future), 1-3. B. The Promise, 4o8. Thru personal presence Mess, 4-5. Sal 0 6 and destructn for enemles,7-8. C. ?he Prayer, 9-11. 0ffered,9•11LSJK ... t2,1_6. D. ?he Prediction re Jerua, 17-23.rdldtttdte,17-20; delivered, 21-23. called to awake, 5211-2. promised deliverance, 3.,, 12. v7-Rom10115 but doesnt quote all of tt. IV~ SUfferlng or ~tonemont of Servant, 52:13-53112. Talmud unclean on ld•ntlflcatlon. Older JGVs mode It Messianic; modern say It Is Is. Why canot ba Is? 1.Dletinguished from Is in 5318 os 42:6. 2. Innoc0nt vlctlm end Is very gt.Uty, 53:9. 3. Voluntary and submissive victim, 53sl2,7. 4. Individual spoken of. Called a man in v 3. Vbs sing In 7G8. Acts 8:34. A. Preeminence of servant, 52113-lS. 1.Ettaltatlon,13. 'fransflguretn before cross. 2. DlsflgurlQB,14• Not during life bac kids oema t0Hlm1 3.Astonlshmsnt of legs and nations, 15. Sprinkle as a prl0st ln order to purify. t-iord OQI\ mean startle B. Person of servant, 5311•3• 1. Unbelief of people, 1. Rom 10116. Armapowar of Lord as thru miracles In life. cf. Psa 813. 2. Lowliness of sarvsnt, 2. surroundings dry ground. Judaism withered, NQ&areth•s home poor.Personal appaerene unattractive. comellneseamajesty. RSV trans.Nothing In earthly appearance that would attract us to Rim. No praz hendsome, charlsmatlc leader. Isa 15

3.HumUlatton of Servant, 3. Yrong estimate of Him led to no worth. Sorrowsmpdn9 no sickness In Hie body but pain. Grlaf also tMtyslcal pain.Didn't esteemm dldn°t reoognlze true vorth. c. Passion of Servmt, 4-6. 1. ?he SUbstttutcs, 4. Mt 8117. Took ENay cause of sickness. or life sufferings. or healing was slsn of power of forgive slns as Mk 2. We thot He wae maff for own slns. 2. the Sin-bearer, s.6. ChastlSGmt for our peace. All•unlversallty•own wny•lndlvlduallty of sln. Laldacsuse to fall. o·. Parseveranoe of servant, 53: 7-10. l. Sllence,7.Not absolute silence but patience B;Dd gentleness. Spoke under oath,r lt1J 1ervent, 54-57 ..,. A. ThG Song of Salvetlon0 5411•17 o 1. Blessings of the Converted Nation, 5411•10.

Barren wife la restored to fellowahlp. s. Bnlarglng 0 lo3; . b. Reconciling. 4-6; o. regathering, 7-10. Permanent,10. · 2. Beauty of the restored Nation, 54sl1•17. ao Her cities, 11-12. b. b. Her cltlzens, 13. c. Her govt, 14. Her security, 15-17. B. The Invitation of Salvation, 55:1-13.

l. Need, 5511°2. Thlrst,poverty0 11ssatlsfactlon. 2. Results, J.s. Davtdlc cov est. Head of natlons,s. 3. Requlremcant,,call,foraake,retum. 4. Basta, 8Qll.God 9 s plan thru Word. So Effc:u,.. t'! 1'>-142 ua ~ • - / Isa. 16 \. Cci The gxtent of Sal, 56:1°8. (really M. \tesslnge) 1. to Is. la2. Do juetlce~rtnass,sabbath,no evil. 2. To Gentiles, 3.s. ForalgnersD 0unuchs rec. bleaslnJ Note reastablmt of sah))ath ln M. Sign of obed. D. Rebuke to those who refuse invltatlonD 56:9-57t21. 1. Leaders rebUked, 56a8•12. Blind, lgnomsnt, aaloeu,greedy,drunk. 2. People itebuked,57:1•13. Insettsltlve to death of rti ldolstere,J,5. Adulterers,7-8. Luxur•us living,9. no fear of Uod,llo J. Invitation extended again, .57114-21. ,:,='. Return prorni sGd, 14-190 WI eked warned, ·,a.21. ~·~ Section IIl•eGlory of God. Doct of lest thlngs,58-66. I. Sln and the l(lngdom, 58-59. l~c to repent,tnen Lord wUl oome. A. Announoement, 58:1. Tell lt llke lt ls. B. Activities of people, 5812-7. Going thru motions of sacdf. and faetlng n.>t so 1:npt as treating poor rt. ·c. Assurance to good, 38:8-i4. Blesslngo8oprayer,9 0 guidance 11 0 rebullslng0 12,dettght In Lord 0 14. D. Accusetlon, 5911•11. Read llvlng. s. Acknowledgment, 59:9•15. Derkness,9;deadneos9 11, slnfulnesa,12, wlckedness,23-15.

F. Advent of X9 59al6•21. l. Tho Person, l6a11!9. 2. The Place, 20.

3. The Promise, 21. 4. The Time Period0 ,Romllt26•7

II. Israel and the Klngdom, 6011-22 A. Lighted by relatnahlp to Lord, 1•3• Effect,3.

J. Itostoroo, 4.9. E. Affluent9 16. C. Rahullt, 10•12. Po At peace, 17•18. D. Glorious, 13•15. Go ltemally secure0 19°22 III. Messiah end tha 1U1111dom, 61:l•ll. Ao CharcctQr of His mlnletey, 1-3.A.nolnted. Lk 4. Both advents tn view. Wrath of to la,3. B. Consaquenccas of His mlnlstry, 4-11. Rebuildlng,4. SSGltatlon,5. Prlests,6. Joy,7. V~Maoe on enemlea,8. Aokn

renemecl 9 4 (God's delight & "-1arrled);a joy to Hlm1>5• Co the Protection of Jerus9 6•9• v8•9 neGd earthly M. D. The Papulatlon of Jena, 10•12e Iaa. 11\ \ V. VensJeQnee and the IClngdom 0 63t1•6 A. The AVGD.1JG1" 0 t. VhofLOrdo B. fhe Activity, 2•6• Why red garments? sec blood, Rev 14a20;19t13. Eaamles destroyed, tho offil people donOt help Hirn. VI. Prayer and tha Kingdom, 63, 7•6tla 16. A. The Asking, 63:7-64:12. 1. Concn the Past of Israel. 63:7-19. Isa type of godly remnant praying ln tribulation.

RemGcnbers lovillliklndnese,7-9;dGlUverance froio Egypt 0 10-14; past relationship, 15~19. 2. Concn. po,rar of Lord, 61:1-4. To Intervene ln trlb. 3. Cone. Penitence of people, 64:Sa7. Confident Lord t.J"ill h!lp,S, bee confession of sln,6-7. 4. Concn. pardon for people, 64r8-12~ They recognise tl1elr J>lacet8•9, their Jurtgmt, 10-11, their hope, 12. a. the An9'Jedng, 65:1-16.

xl. Repentanco neceasqry, 65:1•7. Por thots,2 0 idoletry,j demonl lm 9 4; hoU er•than•thou 1 5. 2. RestQratlon assured, 651&1.0. Bee of remnant. 3. Rejection inevitable, 65:tl-160 Troo!)mFortune; Numoer-Desttny. gods they were worshlpplng9 v.11. Re:nnant preserved but si,r>ststes rejected 0 l2•16. Anott~er name ln v 15 ,nay be Xns Acts 1h26.

VII. Joys ~f thG l(ingdom0 6Sal8•66.24. till. ltgdom is prelude to new heavens and earth, 16.

1. Bee. of Jerusalem0 65118-19. 2. Bee. of longevity, 20. Sin will be punishedoln M. 3. Boe. of securlty, 21aa3. 4. Bee. ,tens. prayer, 24.

5. Bee. ourao reversed, 25. Dust 9 not rn~n, shall be aerpents• fot>do l.e, tamed. 6. Sln and hy~osrlsy will be punished, 66:1G4. Ltvlngo 7. Bee. nQtton reborn, 7.9. Ro~ lls26o7. 8. B0c. Jerus. exalted, 10•14.Pros~~rous and '1ealthy. 9. Bee. stn mtl be judged, 15-17. v 17 will tev ~e in ~ffect ln trlb or M? 1O.Boc. Gentllea Included, 1s~21. Those who escape Armageddon will be missionaries to Tarshlsh (W.Med), Put and Lud (N.Afrtoa),Tubsl (SI ffatck Ses),Javen(Greece).

11. nee o etGmal secuttty 9 for Is. 22. 12. Bee. etamal worship of Lord, 23. 13. Bee. eternal eatlefactlon with Lord's plan even for wt eked, 24. r WHY JONAH DIDN'T WANT TO BE A MISSIONARY A PROPHET RESIGNS

Intro. People don't change. 8th c BC a leader of God's people was disinterested in missions. Reasons not distimilar to those people use today to excuse selves. And yet excuses are really symptoms of deeper causes. I • Degenerate parri oti sm. ~ ,,.,:.~,v Why did Jonah flll God's commission? 1. Some say he was fearful of Nineveh. Cruel people. But look at v 6, 12. Some are fearful of whab awaits them on field but not Jonah. 2. Exaggerated idea of his importance as a prophet. Knew that he nus t not stoop to be a missionary. Doobt that this would have led to such severe rebellio1 But some have this idea of selves and missionaries are 2nd class Xns. Takes the best of men and the best in a man. 3. Real reason was his patriotism. Looked at the internat•i situation and knew that Assyria arch-enemy of Israel. Hard to be missionary from nation which is underdog. Or to those who mistreat you. Field is world.

II. Defective~ theology, 1:9. Defective bee irrelevant. Knew God was possessor of heaven and earth, 9 but didn't apply this to-- 1. God's program for the unsaved. v 9--Hebrew. used when spe ■aing to foreigners. Abr 1st to be so called, Gen 14:13 so linked with cov privileges. Jonah could only think of what agd was doing for him and his people, and forgot that God had a purpose for unsaved too. Applic is to people who are so wrapped up in election that they forget God's purpose in the world. Why eat? Why go to mission field. 2. God's prerogative over His ppople, 14. Sailors expressed it tho Jonah didn't act like he knew. V 14 lit. as (Thou) willedst (Thou) didst. Lk 6:46. ~ Ol..-4.., ..... t /.:f'-. . .---,. III. Deficient Spirituality. ...,,,, 1. Disobeyed Word of God, 1-2. Gt Comm • 2. Neglected prayer to God, 6. No record he prayed even after asked. Capt. knew value of united prayer. Matt 10. ~. Hid his witness for God, 9 had to be asked. Asleep,5. If anxious to witness here will be interested in missns. r

But for all of this Jonah knew he was in God's hands and did submit to His purpose. e.g. didn't commit suicide. Eventually came to self and did will of God with unique results. Let•s not make Jonah's mistakes by remembering-­ citizens of heaven and ambassadors from that country, not from USA, that we bi!long to God who loves world and who has plan for whole world, that we need to heed Word, pray, and witness. Will be no lack of missionary interest, money or personnel if these things characterize our lives and our church. Canaanite religion 1. Basic dlff. Jehovah was God of people and therefore demands were ethical on people. Canaanite gods were gods of land; therefore concern was with fertility. Minimum was 3 gods--chief god (sky god), his wife (earth goddess), and their son.

2. Designations All male gods lumped under Baal which can be proper name or just mean lord or owner. Goddesses called Asbtoreth or Ashtaroth (Babylonian Ishtar or Greek Astarte). Asherah refers to sacred pole in Canaanite sanctuaries and ls consistently mlstranslted in AV grove,Jadges 2:11,13; 3:7.

3. Declension of Isl Step #1--admittlng Canaanite gods to place secondary to Jeh. Step #2--Considering Jeh as super-Baal Step #3--Canaanized Jeh. People prob not conscious they had forsaken Jeh, Jer 2:33. All this during pa:tod after death of Josh. Step #4--when kgdom divided, Canaanite influence increased in N. Hos 2:16 against Baalized Jeh worship. Prob included idea of Jeh•s wife, and prostitution at shrines tho not mentioned by prophets

Chesed. Hos 2:19;4:1;6:4,6; 10:12; 12:6. Also Joel 2:13 Jon 2:8; 4:2; Mic 6:8; 7:18,20; Zech 7:9. Loyal love (Ellison), duti{glmlove(Cheyne), leal(faithfu: love (G.A.Smlth). G0 d•s love fftos 2:19), man•s to God ( ) and man to man (4:1; 12:6). 250 x OT. •Charis. Means eager and ardent desire. In bad sense Jx in OT (Lev 20:17;Prov 14:34;25:tO). All others kindaess. Includes relationship bet those on whom kindness performed. 2 Sam 7:15 of cov. Also Ex 20:6;34:6-7. Communion, dellverance,enablement, enlightenment,gutdance, fagiveness,hope,pratse, preservation all based on chesed. CCR Hosea, 1 '"\

The Prophet. Bk only source.Contem with Isa,Mic (S), Hos (N). Cont Jonah ,Amos too. Prop 783-l1'aDcC• The Times. Began during' reign of Is1 s last kg,Jeroboam II. Reigned 40 yrs, propperlty. 2 Kg 14:25ff. 2 Kg 15-17 was when bulk of Hos•s minlstry.troublous. Jeroboam followed by Zecharlah,6mo.Asslslnated by Shallum, 1 mo. Murdered by Menahem and became vassal staae of Assy. Men•s son Pekahiah, 2yrs,assis by 1 of capt,Pekah who allltned self with Syrians in abortive attempt to rid Is of Assy. Syrian kg kllled,Pekah murdered, Hoshea reigned and assured Assy of loyalty. Precipitated rebellion and SamarlaJ{ fell 721. 3 decades from Jerob•s death to destruction.

I. THE PRODIGAL WIF£, 1-3 3 views re wife.(1) allegory of spiritual lesson of Is. (2) actually married a woman known to be a harlot. illthot her Ok when married but later learned of harlot 1:2 proleptlc. Separation 2:2 in words of divorce. Remarried 3:1. A. Her unfaithfulness, 1 :1-1/;4'• 11. 1. The marriage, 1:1-9. Connnanded, 2. for a purpose. Consummated, 3. Prob with great hopes even l f kaew she had adulterous tendencies. Fruitful, 4-9. (1) aezreel,4-5. aGod sows. Judgmt on house of Jehu. He slew all of Ahab, 2 Kg 10:11 to get to throne thru pride. Jerob of house of Jehu. Jezreel ls valley of Armageddon. Fulfilled 2 Kg 15:12.and by Assy captivity. (2) Lo-ruhamah (not pitied). 6-7. No more meccy for Is. but Judah would be saved by special intervention. When Sennacherib beseiged Jerus God sent angel,2 Kg 19:. 35. (3) Lo•Amml (not my people). 8-9. cf Ex 19:S. Temporary casting .off during captivity. 2. The Message (of hope), 1:10-11. Multip11catlon,10a, restoration, lOb. unlflcatlon, lla, magnlflcatlon,llb. Day of Jezreeladay when God sows them in land. So Jezreel has 2 meanlngs-v.4 (judgmt), v ll(blessing) B. Her chastisement, 2:1-13. -r, ~if~ Y}'j~fl.' ~

1. Its basis, 2:1,s. In spite of pleading, 1-2 by klds1 In spite of warnlng,3 (Ezek 16:38 for stripping harlot). In spite of dislnheritance,4. Because of adultery,5. 2. Its Description, 6-13. · (1) Disappointment, 6-7. With adultery and Canaanite rel (2) Depravat1o~~8-9~God xakes back what ~e gave. (3) Exposuri1°'lo.' .,,,,.~ \Cf.f'-'!orrow, 11. (5)Desoi;;ti~''i2 \~) .And all of l t deserved, 13. ' . • . - . Hosea 2 r C. Her Restoration, 2:14-23. 1. The Courting, 14. In wilderness where no distraction from Baal. 11comfortap!i 1it to her heart. 2. The Characteristics. 17Hope, joy, youthfulness Cf song in Ex 15), intimact of relatn, 16 (husband instead of master (baal)), purity, 17. 3. The Covenant, 18-20. Peace for world, 18 (animals and warfare incld). Grace for people, 19-20. Hesed in t~ 19 (lovingkindness). Includes e~ornal relatn,19; secure relatn, 19, intimate relatn, 20. (know me). 4. The Crop, 21-23. Hear means respond. On earth prospertty, 21-22. Por people prosperity, 23. Redemption D. Her ..traxnttu, 3:1-,. l. The Command, 1. Loved of friend•her paramour. Wine lit cakes of raisins involved in rites of Baal. 2. Tee Cost, 2. Price of slave 30 shekels of silvea, Ex 21:32. Hosea redeemed her half in money and half in grain. 3. The Chastisement, 3. Sectiiion for many days. Forgiveness may involve punishment and restriction.

E. Her Illustration, 3:4-5. 1. lsrael forsaken, 4. Without kg or prince (civil govt), without sac (place to do it), image, lit pillar used in pagan worship, ephod part of HP attire (Ex 28:6-14), witholt teraphim or household gods (Gen 31:19,34). No false objects to tempt them in captivity. 2. Blessed, 5. Return, revival, kingdom, in end of days.

II. THE PRODIGAL PEOPLE, 4-14 A. The Indictment~ 4:1•\t i t people 1-3. No truth, 1. The Charge, 1-o. a. one• ns , no kindness, no knowledge, 1. Sweaeing, lying, bloodshed. Result:~,drought. b. Against priests, 4-8. V4 difficult-prob "they that

rebel, 0 priest". Thy mother, 5 is Israel. Rejected knowledge and as priests increased, sin did,7. If VS means priests ate sin offering of people and grew fat. 2. The Chastisement, 9-10. On people and prlest(no exemption bee ~f position). 3. The Characteristics of sin, ll-19. • • No brains, 11. a. Divination (staff landed on ground certain ways). c. Worship idols, 13. d. Daughters and brides prostitutes, But no punishmt to them,14-rather to meQ. e. Stubborn,16 (not blckslidlng)-16b ls ~hetorlcal ?-Can the Lord ••• No . f. Idolatry,11- g. Harlotry,li. Result,18-sudden destructr Text diff v 17-18.Try RV r

. - - Hosea 3 B. The Verdict, 5:1-15 1. On priests and kings, 1-7. Reasons, 1-5. V 2 prob "the apostates have gone deep in corrupting and the pit of SHttim have they made deep11 (where shrine was). V4-thelr doings will not allow them to turn to God. Delusib~,l. Apestaslzing,2. Evil,3. Departure from God, 4. Prlde,5. Results, 6-7. God leaves them (when come with sacrifices they find it ls too late, 6). Judgmt comes in a month,7. 2. On people, 8pl5. Ephralm=Israel. a.Warning, 8. Blow trump~t. b.Those included,9-10. Ephraim (Is) and Judah. c.Reason or Basis, 10-11. Judah moved boundary marker, Deut 19:1.4; 27:17-lowest form of stealing. Ephraim,Idols. d. Resultsl2-15. Complete destruction, 12. Attempt to find help from Assy but without success, 13-14. Abandonment, 15 •• c. The Plea, 6:1-3. When judgmt comes Is will plead. l. Confesslon,l. Return acknowledges that they had left. 2. Confidence, 2. In a short time is all meant by 2,3 days 3. Commlttment, 3. D. The Response, 6:4-11. 1. I tried, 4-6. V 4 morhlg cloud which soon disappears and dew which soon evaporated. Their ggod efforts like these. Sent prophets. Desired hesed,6. 2. You refused, 7-11. By transgressing cov, 7. !yMan may be Adam in v 7. By gross sin as illus in Gilead and road to Shechem,8-9. By ldolatry,10;11. E. The Sins of Is 7:1-16. Samaria capital of Ephraim 1. Universal, 1. 2. COndoned, 2. Say not to heart-no pricks of conscience. 3. Rejoiced in,3. 4. Insatiable, 4. Illustrated, 5.6. V 6 sleepeth•burneth. Lust smolders and then breaks loose. 5. Unbrideled, 7. 3 kgs assasina•ed during Hos•s life. 6. Vain or weakeneing, 8-12. Sin saps strength,8-10 with result thau they sought help from allies, 11, but eventually will bring judgment of God, 12. 7. Against God, 13-16. All sin is this. F. The Judgment, 8:1-14. l. Announcement, 1. 2. Reaction, j. Basis, 3.. 14. Idol worship, 3-7. Alliances, 9-10. False worship,11-13. Reliance on fortified cities, 14. Hosea 4

G. The Exile Foretold, 9:1- ?I 17. 1. Characteristics, 1-5.a.No harvests, 1-2. vl-reward•harlot's hire. After harvest had festival to celebrate incld harlot ry. No more bee no more crops. b. No home, 3. Have to eat unclean food in ~J,ria. c. No sacrifices, 4,5. chxN~. 2. Conseuqnaces, 6. a. Some would go to Egypt, 2 Kg 25:26. b. Cities (pleasant places for silver-treasure cities) would grow up with thorns. 2. Certainty, 7-9. a. Announcement,7. b. Reaction,7-8 , v &watchman of Ephraim is Hosea prob. , 11t,~~itts,i/ 9. Judges 19-21 and led to almost complete dest of ::> Benjamin. Jud 20:46-48. < l i. Cause,Above. Corruption. Started in wilderness,10, Numb 25. Culminated at Gllgal, Hos 4:15;12:ll. Results in barrenness, 11-12 for individuals and barrenness of nation, 16- 17.

H. Destruction foretold, 10:ltlS. 1. Of Baal worship, 10:1-8 a. The Attitude of the people, 1-5. (1) Make better idols, 1 when wea lth increa sed. (2) divi:hd allegiance, 2. Or heart smooth,slippery (3) UnNept promises, 4. (4) Concern for their idols' safety, 5. b. The Action of God, 6-8. (1) Deportation, 6. Idol given to king of Assy (2) Humiliation, 6. ~3) Extermination, 7. King killed and Is ended. (4) Devastation, 8. 2. Of the nation, 9-15 (1) The precursor, i, Jud 19.Is took vengence but seeds of the sin grew in Is. (2) The Predittion, 10,11. (3) the Plea, 12.Gr a ce still held out. (4) The Plot, 13-15. Plow•plot,13. Shalman may be Shalmaneser V, 727-22BC. I. The Love and Mercy of God~ 11:1-11 a. Past, 1-4. Birth, l; infancy,3; manhood,4. b. Present love, 5- 8 . Esp 8 . Cities of plain that were destroyed with Sodom and G. c . Future, 9-11. Mercy in judgmt,9. Return promised, 10-11. Roar to suunnon young. Hosea5 J. The Sins of the Prodigal People, 11:12-flif~.13:3 1. Lying, 12. Trans Judah is yet wayward with God, iad toward the Hd,y One who ls faithful. 2. Duplicity, 1-6. Judah played both ends ag middle,l. Judah will be punished in Baby cap. V 3, Gen 25:26. V 4, Gen 32:22. God who spoke •o Jacob at Bethel ls identified in v 5. Call to repentance, 6. 3. Cheating, 7-10. Wicked business practices. Judgment-9-llve in tents bee ditles will be destroyed. Can•t plead ignorance bee of prophets, 10. 4. Idolatry, 11. Jacob being brot back to Pal from serving Laban in Syria and Egyptian deliverance gives glimmer of hope tho doom announced in 14. 5.Bull-worship, 13:1-3. Formerly when Is spoke nations listened but power sapped by Baal worship, 1 Kg 19:18. Result, v 3-Is dispersed like morning cloud, 6:14.

K. Destruction of Is, 13:4-16. 1. In spite of past, 4-6. Deliverance, 4.Sustenance,5-6 2. As llon--devour,7. 3. As a leopard, 7--sudden springing on unprepared peopl, 4. As bear bereaved,8-ferocious, 2 Sam 17:8. 5. Defencelees, 9-11. v l0•where ls your king. 6. Just, 12-16. God offered fellowship and life,13 but Is like a baby that refuses to come out of womb (idolatry) into life (fellowship). 7. Irrevocable, 12-16. Esp 15-16. and end of 14.

L. Conversion and Pardon of the Prodigal, 14:1-9. 1. The Plea, 1-3. Still hope if return to Lord. v. 1 fallen•stumbled by sin. Involves confesslon,2. and realization of dependence on Lord, 3. 2. The Pardon, 4-8 a . Extent,4-healing b. Basls,4-freely. ~ggests grace. c. Accompanlmena; ~-flourishing,5-6. Desire of others to associate with Is, 7a. Renunciation of idolatry, 8 . 3. The Path, 9. Hosea 6 The Sins of Israel as seen in Hosea (D Religious syncretism. Fusion of views. Canaanite rel-­ a. Deities. Baal, male,owned land,controled fertility. Ashtoteth,consort of Baal. Goddess of fertility.Sex emphaszi Thss cycle and productivity of nature very impt. b. Prostitution. Spring came bee Baal and Ash intercourse; to encourage them, men and women should do this. Is•s year tied to agricultural year as Canaan's was; so very easy for Is to fuse Can rel into theirs. 1 Kg 12:28 Jerob put calves to worship in N kgdm.Soon people didn't distinguish bet Jer•s calves and Baal's bulls. c. Results of. l.Vain images,10:10;4:15;8:5;9:15;10:5. 2. Profaned centers. 4:13;8:1;10:1-2,8. 3, Ineffectual sacrifices. 4:13;5:6;6:6. 4. Sexull immorality.4:13-14. (V Political confusion. Self-reliance,5:5;7t~0;8:14;10:13- ,:_oeeign alliances. 8:9-10;12:1;7:ll. <31 Social immorality. 4:10;7:4. Drunkeness,4:11;7:3-7. Lawlessness,6:9-7:1 •• Materialism, 12:8w9. Oishonesty,5:10; 12:7. Complete iniquity, 10:13. Joel 1

I NTRODU CTION 1. Author. Joel son of Pethuel. Means Jeh is God. Lived in Judea, prob Jer. Belonged to Judah (S). 2. Date. Canonical order argues for early. Prob early in reign of J oash ~{gJ~~arz shortly aft er 836 B.C. i.e. about 830. Somi take later date, i.e. about 400 aft er exile, cf. 3:1,2,17. (may refer to same events described in Obad. Enemies are Phoenicia,Fhilistia Early date preferred. No arg for later that can't be ans. 3, Occasion. Land devastated by double plague of locusts and drought. Call to repeatance . I. DESOLATION, 1:1-2:17. A. The Character of t he Desolation, 1:2-12«. 1. Unique, 2-3. No one CDJld remember anything likeit. 2. Complete, 4-12. a. ~egetation, 4. 4 of the 80-90 species of locusts Shearer, swarmer, lapper, devourer. P.~ b, Vineyards, 5. Drunkards or upper classes mourn C""')J.l'f.1,f, 1,/ bee source of their wine cur off, ~~,), c. Trees, 6-7. Swarms of locusts like an army. L,.,- J. ~ . I/{ Barked or splintered fig tree. Ever~thing white r.:w,1t/ ),j bee. stripped. d . Offerings, 8- 9. Meal off depended upon ground and drink on vine. No raw material so no offerg. e . Everything ,10-12. 3 B. The Reaction to the Desolation, L: 13-14 ?-': 'f.~ (2.,... i"' <- l. By the priests, 13. They mourned,-'9 , but didn't repentoutrM~hs seemed onl y sorry. for"~ntGEaHPti on of or~inances and not concerned with reil repentnce 2. By the peopl e,14. Priests should call these. e..,,.~ ..;, '" ~ ...,. M-/ ~ .... f><-4.,:,,. • IJ>. ~~~ C. The Picture in the Desolation, 1:15-20. ~-l •~ . n,._ ,; Pla{ffle points ahead to Day of Lord. (tho literal then) 1:15;2:1; 2:11; 2:31; '3:14. 1. Picture of destruction, 15 in day of Lord when judgmt comes. 2. Picture of dejection, 16. No joy. 3. Picture of desol ation, 17-20. 0 -1. el!?'.:..,.....,~,'.._ a . Plant life, 17. b.\lAlal life, 18 , c. Human life, 19-20. 7),si.r t....:. k /4, rb C - )~ /-,.. f-. ...- Joel 2

D.. The P.rqhecy of the Desolation, 2:1-11.J..i..L.,.. EJ..., . 1...,.; 1. Its Destgnation, 1. .;. .. tt, , .• 1 a. Name, Day of the Lord. ,n-~,~ 7a.c ~ {h.{.f. b. Nearness. At hand. 1:15. Blwo trumpee to announce danger and tremble./ 2. Its Description, 2-10. a. Day of darkness, 2. As dawn spread upon mts means dawn color produced by sun on locusts' wings. b. Day unique, 2. Mt 24:21. Makes you think this may depict something about the trib. c. Day of conquest and destruction,3-9. (!)Nature of destruction,3. Complete. Eden before and barren after. (2) Means of destruction, 4-9. Locusts. Ag2arance,4, horses bee heads similar. Swiftness, 4. Noise, 5. Rev 9:9. Wounding, 6. Gather blackness=wax pale. Att:ack,7-9. Like well-ordered army, 7.8a Impervious to weapenn used against them 8b. Overrun a city, 9. d. Day of fear, 10. In earth and heavens.

3. Its Depiction, 11. This judgmt is sure and no one can stand. This locust plague depicts~ armies of north in trib times tho it is prophesying a literal locust plague of trib days, Rev 9 :1012, 5th trumpet and 1st woe. Rax Dan 11.

XllXll~llX E. The Exhortation, 2:12-17 1. To personal repentance, 12-14. a. Its character, 12-13. (1) Intelligent, 12, with all heart. Heb.heart not only seat of emotions but intellect, Hos 7:11. (2) Penitent, 12. External signs of it. (3) Genuine, 13. Not outward but inward. Deep bee garments rent only on occasions of special mis­ fortune. b. Its Consequence, 14. Possibility of (1) judgmt stayed and (2) land prospered so can have offerings. 2. To corporate repentance, 15-17. a. How? Solemn assembly. iJ. Who? Eyerybody. Kids and bridegroom who had 1 yr's exemption, Deut 24:5.Priests should lead,17. -£., N1--h 0~11... ,I,.._:;~~~ f-~ - . . ..e,~ ..... ~7 ~ ··~- ~ :· I:),_, 1J-, A

{).(,o'-j-~ '1- -II ,.u~.L­ -i. . "'-:,,._ , L,. I, $. ~ ,3 1. 5..,-f,r-

1. ~ru, 1 ~ • 1 v.,;k.,-< 0 . 0 """--- . ) 0

11. p I ~ .. A<- A , I/ b'1 ~ . Joel 3 II. DEilVERANCE, 2:18-3:21. A. The Promise of Pre~ent Del. 2:18-27. 1..,_;.;~ ~,- 1. The Condition for Del. What was _req in v 15-17. Tenses in 18 indicate they did call assembly. 2. The Characteristics of Del. 19-20. I am sending corn. a. Fruitfulness~ b. No~eproach. c.Rfpelling the locusts from the north. 3. The Consequences of Del. 21-27. a. Fearlessness, 21-22. ~ b. Fruitfulness, 23-26a.0Former rain, Sept-Oct. Latter rain, Mar-Apr. C.Praise, 26b-27. (£) Took locusts to bring them to /their senses. B. The Promise of Future Del. 2:28-3: 21. ~ ~ Afterward,28 when Day of Lord comes. 1. Its Initiation, 2:28-32. A. Sign of the HS, 28-29. Upon all. b. Sign of physical disturbances, 30-32. Mt 24:29 proves this at 2nd coming. Prob of Peter's use in Acts 2. i. f '-' . - ►

I. Jonah FLEEING, 1:1-17. A. The Reason for his Flight, 1:1-2. Disobedilnce to comma"d 1. Address, 1. Amlttai means truth of God. 2. Direction, 2. Nineveh. Not yet capital but included in city-state complex which was c~pital. 3. Details, 2. Cry-preach 3:2. ~ontent•repent. 4. Reason, 2. Accu11J.1llation of sin so great as to demand God's attention. Blasphemous, 2 Kg 18. Cruel-tore off lips and hands of vict•me. Built Gen 10:11.

B. The Route of his Flight, l:3. VG-n.> r -hi 1. The a~x attitude. Zealous Israelite asked to go to enemy capital and preach. Other prophets had stayed home when they prophesied against heathen.Can't blame him. 2. The ~ttemptx Action. Ship to Tarshlsh which is Tartessu~ .....,, in Spain. Nineveh 500 ml NE. Other 2000 mil at tw of Med. 3. The Assumption. Could escape presence of Lord.No local tribal Deity covering 2000 mi. Psa 139. 2 r The Results of his Blight, 1:4-17. Dislster to all. t: To Sailors, 4-1$# tt 11 a. casse, 4. Lord hurled a temptest. No ordinary storm. b. consequences. To Jonah, asleep. Sbows he no coward. Refused to go bee of patriotism, not cowardice. To mariners (v S•salts). Capt wanted united prayer,6. Wanted explanation,7-8. Lot, Prov 16:~3,Acts l:23f. Heb,9, is way addressed self to foreigners.God of heaver Jonah was trying to resign his commission as a prophet but couldn't change his heart twd God. V 11 lit. Sea was going and whirling. 2. To Jonah, 12-17. a. His reasoning, 12. No coward, still trusting God. Could have committed suicide long ago or then but wanted God behind the sailor's action. He was a perverted patriot, willing to die for glory of Israel in disobed to God. b. His reprive, 13-14. Tried to save Jonah tho had right to throw him overboard. Goodness of depravity. In paayer, 14 acknowledged Jonah's message re God,9. c. His rescue, 15-17. Supernatl ceasing of storm. Sailors offered sacrifice showing their conversion. God prepared great fish. Word for sacrifice is one which may mean blood but not word which excludes blodd. Made vow .ill!£ deliverance which shows change of heart. ~reat fish. Whale wrong trans in Matt 12:40. 3 days etc means parts of 3 days, not nee 72 hrs. 3. To heathen. of Nineveh--not reached as quickly with message and some died in meantime. But to heathen of ship it meant conversion. t,tysterious workings If God.Doesn't justify Jonah's dlsobed.

Note Jonah's downfall caused by-- 1. Disobeying Word, 1-2 2. Neglecting prayer, 6. No record he every prayed onshiJ 3. Hid his witness, 9, so had to be asked. II. Jonah PRAti'.NG, 2:1-10 A. The Situation, 1. Out of fish's belly. Heb. dahg-fish. Grk Mt 12:40,ketos•sea monster. Whale might not qualify bee mammal. Shark is flsh and prob ls what swallowed Jonah. Whale-shark, Rhlnodon, no teebh and 70 ft. Did Jonah dle~ ~i .. !i_~, "•u,l "'" I',,.! 11 · No. Not nee to type and hades ln v 2 doesn't rtt'f.U&re. 1'•"· cf Psa30:t3 yet don't lnslst that David dled. Joseph didn't die in plt yet type. To Lord-only hope. Word for pray 79x ln OT and apray habitually or Judge self.

B. the Characteristics, 2-9. 1. Emotion, 2. Crled. Prob written down later since past tenses. 2. Confesslon,3. By calling waves 11 thy" m breakers and long rolling waves he acknowledged that God was justly punishing hlm. 3. Falth or hope, 4. Expects to see literal temple ln Jerus ln spite of being cast out. 4. Sense of desparatlon, 5.6. Waters surrounded to point of endangering soul (life). Seaweed in belly of fish. To deptas of sea (6). Earth had barred hlm faem earth and imprisoned him in death. S. Penitence, 7-8. Jonah's own case ln 8. Forsook God's mercies for lies. ·.._,) 6. lxabqri. Promise, 9. To pay vow-bbey God. 7. Praise, 9. Sal ls of Lord. Shows his confidence in praisE 8. Scripture. Allusions to Psa and Lam thruout. c. The Answer, 10/ At God•s dlrectlon--He spoke. With concern--on dry land. Suppose ln waterl

v SmPsa 69:2. 8 (mercy)•Psa 144:2. v lOaPsa 3:8. r 4 III. Jonah PREACHING, 3:1-10 A. The C&nnnand to preach, 1-Ga. 1. Command given, 1-2. C.,,-r. Where? Joppa prob where spit out. When? No telling how much time elapsed Why? Bee Godis God of second chance, not in sal but in service. Who hasn't experienced this? What? v2- whet God says, and only that. 2. Command obeyed, 3- 4a. Jonah didn't move till God commanded a second time. Didn't assume that his repentance has automatically restored him to service. Great city, lit great to God. Why? bee of people init. This l s why command had to be obeyed. 3 days• journey around, 60 mi. 216 sq ml . 100 ft walls 3 chariots wide. Guarded by 1500 towers 200 ft high. sculptoring and library finest in city. This was a world capitol. B. The Content of preaching, 4b. S .fw"ords. Slmllari ty bet certain of these Heb words andAssy would cause many to understand, and others prob knew Heb. Word must have spread like wildfire. L1c,,:n, C. The Consequences of preaching, 5-10 1. A Mass Conversion, 5. a . Means of it-- faith in (lit) God. True God. b. Proof of l t --sorrow for their specific sins. Fast and sackcloth. ~ cA-....- 3".c.... -~ Yet not mass, bee conv ls individual. If 120000 kids (4:11), 6-700,000 adults. Largest revival in history. 2. Royal proclamation, 6-9. Adad-nlrari III (811-782) or Shalmaneser IV( 782-772) a. Reason for it, 6. He heard and beld. Rom 10. b. Content of it, 7-8. Inc ld animals bee Psa 36:6. Fast, sackcloth, change of life in re to specific sins--evil ways and VGolence and Assy knows for it, c. Hope ln it, 9. Didn't demand this of God and Jonah certainl y didn't offer it bee he mad when it happened. 3. Divine repentance, 10. From our viewpoint tho all of this was in plan of God. Cannot know His plan until discharge human responsibility. Numb 23:19 is~ from His standpoint of illllIJ.Jtability, but His plan unfolds. W-011-0 ~. ()""-'4l ~ ,.,,;r- ~ ~ / fS. ~ ~~ ~ ~cAw.. 4-.( 1/\J~~p. § F~•rw fL j,._ T~ "fr'(_ 8. P~,1 'i. ~ 1 '14- ..

, • D 6tf /), t tvl t: ~ ·., -s" i. r.Jll 1.,.1-. 4-b '1b .,-...'"'>" ,. ~fwd.:... "'":fvV(",ta (/(-~ 3-~'6'~ to~1&-"'~ j. ~ll't&A"') ;_, (,, <;,~ ) u. {fl J·o r li IV. Jonah LEARNING, 4:1-11 ~ A. The Complaint, 1-3 1. Its intensity, 1. Very angryahot. 2. Its integrity,2. Took complaint to God . Shows he was in fellowship even tho didn't want to go in 1st place. 3. Its intent, 3. Rather die than be reconciled to will of God. Obedient but not reconciled. Also suffering from emotional let down like Elijah l Kg 19 : 4. B. The Course or CUriculum, 4-8 1. Step Hl- gourd,4-6. v 5 means the 40 days not finsished yet. Prepared, 6, 1:17. Palmsriet. Grows fast naturally and God accelerated it. Glad bee of shade. 2. Step #2. Worm, 7. God interested in little things and can provide or remove. So pray about everything Passerby wouldn't have given 2nd glance at witherin1 gourd but God using this for His pruposes. 3. Step $3. Wind . LXX says scorcher. Before these steps Jonah had been angry at Nineveh and God; now angry at goovd. Direction changed. C. The Conclusion, 9-11. 1. The principle or proceedure, 9-10. Analogy or object lesson. J regretful over death of a plant which he had not in any way cultivated. Shouldn't /l,o.,..,,.., h, ...tC"""""" c:-,...;:.f~ ~ ,.,,.,.....,-#tt...( God regret death of 600000 of His creatures. "'-►"'-" 2. The point. 11. Above. Enemies (personal, social, racial) are our Nineveh. God even concnd abt cattl•

Lessons Jonah Learned. 1. A lesson about pride, 1-3. Even having done the will of God his fti~f8nflY~Hn't let him be reconciled to it. Pride of race,pr{vflege of God having chosen, office as prophet. Gal 6:14 in cf to bl Judaisers pride in natlity,spir priv. 2. A lesson about possessions or provisions, 4-8. a . God provides big and little things, Phil 4 :19. b. It ls proper to rejoice in things, 1 Tim 6:17. c. God also takes away, Job 1:21; 2:10. 3. A lesson about people, 9-11. They are God's 1st interest 4. A lesson about priorities, 9-11. This was Jonah's chief problem. Should have put God's interests before his own, Mt 6:33. Put pride, personal feelings, and eve his work before God's will as involves people. door of her mother's boudoir, and when empted for six months "for population the latter asked, " Who's there?" she lisped, reasons," Bevin said, " Oh, they will have " Lilybel, tk P'incess." time for that on the sid~."

■ 1929was the year that President Hoover ■ Biblical note for 1941 : Scientist Eugene said:" Any lack of confidence in t/ze economic Geiling, of Chicago, crawled through the .future of the U.S. is foolish." It was also gullet of a dead whale, to prove that Jonah the year that all auto-makers were con- could have done it, too. He emerged to centrating on speedier models, while Louis report: " It was a pretty slimy trip, but there \ Dublin, statistical sage of the was plenty of room." Metropolitan Life Insurance 1929 : Princess Elizabeth ______Amos 1 Jud Date. About 760BC. Uzziah (791-740) and Jeroboam (Is '93-'753). 2 Kg 14-15. May have known as a boy Elisha, Joel, Jonah. Contemporary with Hosea and Isa. Times. uzzlah defeated enemies of Jud and strengthened walls of Jerus. Conntry prosperlus. But under influence of Jeroboam who encouraged idolatry. Social life char by adultery, robbery, murde~1fealthy were unjust. Amos prop to northern kgdom but aroused antagonlmm and retd to Judah where wrote. ' ~ Propeht. Tekoa, 12 ms Jerus. Sycamore is wild Ill (7:15), Had direct call from God. Writing ls in fine literary style so no untutored rustle. Outline--prophecles,1-2; sermons, 3-6; visions 7-9.

,v,,,J..o-& II PROPHECIES, 1:1-2:16. ~wv...-...,,1.~ Introductioh, 1:1-2. Author, occupation, times, theme,2. Roar (like lion as leaps (shppherd background)). Too late to save. Haaltatlons of shepherds-pastures. top of Carmel=most fertile land. Everything affecte,. A. Against Damascus, 1:3-SJ 1. Reason for judgment, 3. a. Repeated rebellion C•transg), b. Hope removed (I will not intervene). c.Cruelty. 2. Results of judgment, 4-5. a. Burn Hazael•s palace. Predicted by Elisha 2 lCg 8:7f and ruled at time of Amos. b. Break defenses of city. Bar ls what locked gates. As far away as Aven (4 hrs from Damascus). c. Enslave people. Klr was original home Amos 9:7 and were exiled there eventually, 2 kg 16:9.

B. Against Phillstia, 1:6-8. 1. Reason, 6. Gaza lmpt trade route city. Slteof selling many Is into slavery in Edom. 2. Results, 7-8. Complete destruction (cltles,7; people,8).

C. Against Tyre, 1:9.10. 1. Reason, 9. Trade city Isa 23:1-3. Traffic ln slaves. Broke covenant, 1 Kg 5:12; 9:13 "Brother". 2. Result 10. Destruction. g. Against Edom, 1:11-12. 1. Reason. Continual enmlty ag Is. Gen 25:25;Num 20:17; 2 Chron 21:8-10; 2 Kg 8:20. 2. Result, 12. Fire to Teman-Edom (Jer 49:7). Bozrah,lmpt city. ti. Against Ammon, 1:13-15. Descendants of Lot,Gen 19:38. 1. Reason, 13. 2 Kg 8:12;10:32. 2. Result,14-5. cf Jer 49:1 r 2 J;: Against Moab, 2;1-3 l. Reason, 1. Moab son of Lot by elder dal@:herGen19:37 . Burned bones into fine powder. Maybe 2 Kg 3. 2. Result, 2-3. Kirioth ?capital of Moab,Isa 15:l•. J. Against Judah, 2:4-5. 1. REason, not kept law. Their lies-false dieties. 2. Result, 4. Same punlshement as nations around. No exemption or lightening bee Gdt:.'s people. Against Israel, 2:6-16. 1. leasons, 6-17. 8 ~-a. Sold into slavery for debts. Lev 25:39; 2 Kg 4:1. Shows oppression of rich to sell for debt•shoes. b. Oppress poor to dust,7. c. Immoral, 7. Maidatemple girl. This ls wrong and I ) that father-son do it shows bad relationship there. d. Hypocritical, 8. Hard-heartedness re poor is compensated by a little church-goingl 2. Reminders, 9-12. a • .Amorites destroyed. Mighty,Josh 24:18;Jud 6:10. b. Punishment and mercy of 40 years, 10. c. Chose Na~arites, Numb 6. Special privilege corrupted by glving them wine. d. Gave prophets. Corrupted by saying Shut up. 3. Results, 13-16. :a. Heavy judgment J3. I will press you as a cart presses that ls full. b. Universal judgment 14-16. Warriors,11, archers and runaers, 15, horsemen, courageous, 16.

II. SERMONS, 3:1-6:14. i A. Doom of Israel, 3:1-15. 1. Extent, 1. N &S bee all who came out of Esypt. 2. Righteousness of it, 2-$1 3. a. Special relatnship, 2.Known. b. Special privileges not taken. W'alk tog in an apptmt, 3. 3. ~earness of it, 1-6 God's peey in hand like lion roaring, 4. Trap is set, 5. Gin-engine of trap. Alarm has sounded, 6. 4 . Warning concn it, 7-8. Tbru prophets. 5. Spectators to it, 9 . Mts are Ebal and Gerizim. 6. Reasons for it, 10. Is lost moral distinctions. 7. Certainty of it, 11-15. Who ? 11-enemy•Kg of Assy. How thorough?l2-remnant will escape. Altars destroyed,14; winter and summer homes too, 15. 3 B. Depravity of Israel, 4:1-13 2nd sell!llon 1. Characteristics of depravity, 1-11 a. tunlaid:11.JXbh Animalistic, 1. Cows of Bashan. E of jordan. Herds were strong and well-nourished, cf. bulls of bashan,Ps 22:12. Women of Samaria lived an animal existence in their luxury. b. Insatiable, lj. Always want more, 1. Rob poor to get it, 1. Badger husbands to provide it, 1. God's judgment is sure, 2-3. With h9oks like animals C ~ "'t-- • • ~ ,1 ~ • • .., , • ,. LI " •vcrJy , J.. d h they were. ·~"o5.nnopks bee coo many women an no ot er hooks left: ·v ...1'c 'alt .),forth into Harm&nl:."t,iace of exile. e.. Religious, 4-5. Irony. Bethel and Gilgal 1e~\';t's of worship. Bring yearly sacrifice (1 Sam 1:3,7,~l)every day and 3rd yr tithe every 3 days (Oeut 14:28;25:12). Leavened cakes with thank offering, Lev 7:14. Free-will off, Deut 12:6. This liketh you•this pleases you. 4-. Calloused, 6-11. Of parnings of past judgments. (l)Famine,6. Cleanness of teebh=nothing to eat. (2)Drought,7-8.Note God sends and withholds tain. (3)Blasting and mildew,9. Blasting.effects of scorching. (4)Pentilence and sword,10. Epidemics. Like awful ones poured out on Egypt. (5)Earthquake,ll. ? Overthrow may mean this. Better to say calamity. Each of these remindars ends with same sad refrain--not returned to me .

2. Consequences of depravity, 12-13. Judgment a. The sentence, 12a, Judgment predicted but not descrivec b. The plea,12b. Prepare so won't be judged, Call to repentance and every warning of judgmt is_ tpi s _ r c. The Judge, 13. Yetzer mt;s and bHatf(ft~11 knows musing or meditatio1i"o't"tielrt, makes morning dark with storm clouds and walks on high placesmclouds. Jeh of hosts•1"-f~y.

C. Dirge over Israel, 5:1-6:14. 3rd sermon. Dirge,l. No t spontaneous but a composition, 1. The Ruin of Israel, 5:1-17 a. Present state of Is.2a. Virgin.unconquered so f ar. b. Future state,2b-3. Forsaken, 2. De cima t ed,3 by 9/lOtbs c. Escape for Is, 4-9. Seek Lord. Not f a lse worship at Bethel and Gilaa l,5. Otherwise fire in Is and none of idols of Bethel can put it out. Joseph stands for Is (N kgdm). As ancestor of Ephraim, most powerful tribe. God described in 9-10. Creator,9. Judge 10. 7 stars•Plel• ades. Causes morning to follow nlght,and night morning Brings r ain. lOetha t causeth devastation to f a lsh fort~ so that devastation comes on the fortress. • r

.f., -to L.,,;.,;c;., _ f...-.r 2.7 : 3 • - J 3

-}-. --F,,.. s "'-"-'.{ h>,.,( ,,.:. J-.. (t/'I 1-,..,J

() c.w,- I L: :> --1 Y 4

d. Indictment, 10-13. (l)Hate honest judges.Gate where elders sat,Ruth 4:1-2. (2) Rob poor.Exactions of wheat as tribute.Won't be able to enjoy ill-kotten wealth. (3) Sake bribes,12. Lit ransom for a life meaning that rich murderer mightg!t off. Poor doesn't get justice. Result: 13-Wise will keep silence since may get into trouble. At that time Amos describing, not future. e . Exhortation, 14-15. Seek,14 -be aIUlious about. Est. justice, 15. Prove your repentance. f. Judgment on Israel , 16-17. Walling everywhere and by everybody (husbandman and professional mourners Jer 9:17, usually women . Even in vineyards which were usually places of mirth,Isa 16:10.

2. The Rebuke of Religious people, 5:18-27 a . Their desire, 18. Day of Lord thinking it would bring dell verance. b. Their delusi on, 18- 20. Didn't understand that Day of L would bring judgmt. (l)Darkness-disater. (2) Peril,19.Flee from lion and meet bear. Go into house to escapt. and get bitten by snake. c . Their de~e~ion (of true worship),21-26. Deception. Not smell•take no delight in. Fat beasts•fatlings, 2Sam 6:13. Songs and music acompanying worship,8:10. From me,23•from upon me as if these hppocrises were a great rurden to God . What God wants is in 24. 25 is ques expecting negative answer. i.e. they did not offer sacrifices during 40 years and yet it was a period in which God showed His love and care, 2: 9. Punctilious following of law is not what is required but heart attitude and in 40 yrs their heart was toward false gods,26. d. Their doom, 27 . Capvivity.

3. The Reprimand Qf th~ Nation_,, 6:1- 14 a . S4M<>uncement, 1-.3 Reckless1y ac ease and unaware. esp rulers or upper class,2--men of mark of 1st of natns, Be warned,2. Cal neh uni dentified. Hamath 150mi n Dan. ~ ..;, Don't think iudgmeJlt far awav . d - Call a. sumnrarrot the reprrman. 5

b. Pl)F~\~Jars, 4-6. . (l)LWctrfY,'4. Divans lnlald with ivory in frames. Lambs of special delicacy (not usual word for lambs). (2) Idleness,5. Chant=lmprovise idly. "(~)Indulgent (3) Insatiable,6a. Bowls instead of cups.eotnt with oils of choicest klndmchlef bintments. (I) Ins,nsitive,6b. c. Punishment, 7-14 (1) Certalnty,7-8. Idle will go first and Lord sworn. (2) Consequences,9-11. 10 left ln 1 palace, yet 9 of them will die (vlO) from pentllence that follows, and when uncle comes to bury surviver will say,don•t mention Lord•s name last fresh judgment falls. He that burneth-Heb didn't ·usualy burn dead, may refer to spices burned,2Chron16:14 OJ cremation bee of pestilence, 1 Sam 31:12. Homes smashed, 11. (3) Consistency of judgmt,12-13. Natural laws tell you that horses don•t run on rocks or oxen plow sea and people don't oppressj others. Since you do, judgmt ls Inevitable and consistent since broke natl law. (4) Coverage of lt, 14. Assyrians will capture. Affllct•OPJ oppress from Hamath to wady of Arabah which Jeroboam II had conquered, 2 Kg 14:25. From Orontes valley to S boundary of Moab. III. VISIONS, 7:1-9:15 (except history in 7:10-17) A. The Locusts, 7:1-3. Same plague as 4:9-here withdrawn. 1. Prepared, la. Ltcustsalarva stage. 2. Timed, lb. After mowing of crops for klng to destroy f£1,;rt~S8 crops of people. 3. pJjif,2a. About to eat everything. Not all destroyed. 4 •. Purposeful, 2b. To get people to confess. 5. Ended, 3. Anthropopathlc. Trsa. relented.

B. The Fire, 7:4-6. 1. Object of it, 4. Contend•arralgned against Is. 2. severity Qf it, 4. Consumed the sources of water and was a pprt of the land. 3. End of it, 5-6. After repentance.

C. The Plultlb Llne t,7-9. 1. Place or vlslo~, 7. Beside (lit) wall. !. Point, 8. Not pass bymnot pardon again.Sure punishment. 3. Punishment, 9. High places.Isa 15:2; 16:12 where worshipc Isaacmisrael. SaacturleSahigh places. 6 ~ Historical parenthesis, 7:10-17.Ecclesiastical oppositn. 1. The Request, 10-13. a. To Jeroboam II, 10-11. By priest. Content-lies. Amos had not conspired, 10. Had not sllld J's deatt 11. Had prophesied lib. 5:5,27; 6:7. b. To Amos, 12-13. Jeroboam apparently took no notlcE So went directly to Amos. Go home and prophesy. Get out of capital. King's chapel like nat'l cathedral. 2. The Retort, 14-17. I am commissioned to prophesy. a. The Commission, 14-15. Not bee of family backgrnd but divine change of course of life. Sycamore-flg-mwl.bei ry. b. The Content, 16-17. In answer to your request not to prophesy ag Is, God says-consequences of 17.

~ The Basket of Ripe Fruit, 8:1-14. ! The Illustration of Judgment, 1-3. Summer fruit•fully ripe. Not passby•not defer judgmt. 2. The Indictment for Judgment, 1-7/Result,3-many slain. a. Rob poor,4. to fail•to cease by taking advantage. b. Cheat, 5. New moon at 1st of month was popular hollday,2 Kg 4:23 anti marked by rel services, Isa 1:1 13. Trade was suspended and made merchants impatient. .---- c. Slavery, 6. Lev 25:39. Refuse of wheatafalllngs, i.e. what fell thru sieve, thin, unfilled. Concl, 7. God ls indignant. l. The Intensity of Judgment, 8-14. a. In general, a. Conwlslve like swelling Nile. b. In heavens, 9. Day of Lord. c. 1ipf~IE81t io. d. In famfne, 11.1io hear words they had long ignored e. In physical famine, 13- f. In punishment, 14 for swearing by false gods.

E. The Judgment of the Lodd, 9:1-15 1. The Setting, 1. Altar of burnt-perhaps at shrine at Bethel. 2. The Smiting, t lb. Columns smitten so roof falls. 3. The Searching, 2-4. In sheol, ln heaven, at Carmel, bottom of ocean,ln exile. 4. The Judge, 5-6. Power,5. Hls palace,6. Power,6. S. The Supposed Exemption, 7-10. Some said that God wouldn't do thls bee chosen nation. 7-God has done thlngi for other nations. 8-Judgment not permanent. 9-not on faithful remanJltl. 10-but surely on those who think that belonging to chosen people will exempt them. 7

6. The Future Blessing, 11-15 a. Time, 11. That day. b. Promise, 11-2. Dynasty of David, tho humbled for a time will be reinstated. c. Extent, 12. Includes Israel's enemies...... d. Accompaniments, 13-14. Plenty,13. One harvest will be followed irrnnediately by pllnting. Prosperity, 14. e. Eternallty, 15. In the land given, Gen 15. Mal 1 EDOM: THE SIN OF HAUGHTINESS Intro. Pride of Satan, nations, individ. Takes glory fr Goe I . Jacob and Esau. c . 1980. Jacob schemer. Esau secular (Heb 12 :16), s ensual. Bi rthright impt bee double inheritance.Could be forfuited 1Chron5:l or barter ed. Esau mellowed, J acob schemed all life. Tog at father ' s funeral . Esau more noble. But love of God in choosing Jacob. a . Pre- birth,Gen 25 : 23. b. totally gracious . Rom 9 :16. ~ati=re)e~tn from chosen position. Why? bee he treated G~d r~inh~. ~Lrl-lb u,vi;- II. Israel and Edom Gen 36:43, 6- 8 . c . 1445-40 refused I s , Num 20 :14 . Kadesh barnea before thi~ and center during wanderings. Tried to go into Pal from s . ~Num 146~~d ie~n E ;hfU Ei8~47¥94 t~1~~5~tRYil1•sil =§ : 13 Strike #1 . David and~~ controiigd, c. 10~6. In area S of Dead ~ea to Aquaba. Petra. Superior to Is. No alliances nee. Controlled Aqaba ports and roads to Gaza a~Ji~~f111 · Middlemen. If OJ;>p..c;l .84i ).:_~n_. Edom indep after 9-W invasion of Jer by s~tl'h~ oT'°t;gypt . I f 586 then after Neb . Obad 11- 14 . Stood by,11; rejoiced,12; participated in sacking, 13, roadblocks, l L1. Ps 137 :7. Strike #2 . Idolatry, 2 Chron 25 : 14,14,20. Knew Yahweh . Strbke#3. Obad 15-18, 5- 10. After 586 settl~d ia s . Pal.eSh:rtly Nabataeans disloged them. Iduhl~~i. A~~oa Gt was one . During Macabean age had to conform to Jewish law. Des certain, Obad 1- 4, complete, 5-9, th~iy~~3~Bd harvesters us ually leave something, 5. Not so wicfi'Edom. In M I s will have land of Edom, v 19 . J;i.s~c~

III. God and nations , Mal 1 :5 magnified beyond border of Ia. Dan 4:17 . Acts 17:26-God allots period and geog location for all nations . Incl USA . e.-,,,:11 SoVt::

    Concl. All started with 1 person. Jas 1 :15. Mal 2 ISRAEL : THE SI N OF HYPOCRISY (appearance of rel) Intro play actor on stage . Stage is ch!

    I . I srael's viewpoint, Mal 1 : 6- 8 A. Right relationship with God, 6 . 1. He was their father, Deut32 :18, Ex 4 :22 . Deserves honor. So wth human parents. 2. He was their master, 6 . I sa 1 :3 . ~ Should fear, r espect . Master concrols and provides. 3 . He was the imprint on them, Name stands for all He i s . We are so stamped in image of God . B, Right rituals (activity) for God , 7- 8 1 . Brought sacrifices=food (incl an;iubal , Lev 3 :11). 2 . But defiled (=Dan 1 :8, polluted), bee a . violated l aw with defective animal s , Lev . 22:22 (wen=running sore) and b. showed less respect for God than governor, 8 . Might have pled poverty after return from exil e !

    II, God's viewpoint, Mal. 1:10-14 A. Close the temple, 10. Smother fire on altar. Amos 5 : 5. B. Cut off Is' s opportunity and privilege, 11. Began wi th X, Jn 4:21- 24 . Contd in Acts 15:14 . All Gentiles in M. C. Cut off fell wws hip, 13- . Tiresome,pooh- pooh. O. Curse the cheaters, 14 . Offers a defective female animal , Lev 22 :18- 19 .

    Concl . Cause of this. Sel fishness=unyielde dness . Self, not God , f i rst . Self King , not God, v . 14.

    Cure f or this . v 9 . Pray for forgiveness. Note : t his affected all "us". Don ' t sin in vacuum.

    11- kJ.1k--~ '1/yt~"J~- ~( t"- ½vul q ~ Mal 3

    THE PRIESTS: EXAMPLES OF HETERODOXY "contrary dt diff from acknowldge standard Intro. Gift of teaching, but all teach. Matt 28:19;Col 3:16 Heb 5:12 ; lTim 3:2. What is a good teacher? Priests were primarily teachers,deot.33:1O.LevlO:9-ll. I• Teacher should be a model leader, 2 :1-4 ~eans obedience to law,2. listen, take to heart (warning of 1:6-11). Honor (glory =1:6) God's name (all He is). If not, then disgraced as leader. 1. Curse. Take away priests ' portions of offerings, etc. 2 . Corrupt seed. Priests had to till fields,Neb. 13:10. No seed for crops . 3. Iijnomious treatment,3. dung=contents of bowels of these R. many animal s they were offeri ng,Lev 4:11. ~ans continuing in Law, 4. be=continue .

    II , Teacher should be a faithful messenger, 2:5-7 A. Objective standard (content) of truth, 5. Covenant written, yet led to reverence for person. wri tten vs. living truth. B, Integrity of life, 6. equity=uprighteess of life. Purpose is to furni sh example to turn others from evil. C. Message from God, 7. keep=speak in accord with knowledge he has from God . messenger=angel. 2Cor4:2 • .I, III, Teacher should be a safe guide , 2:8- 9 A. Instead of safety, they caused people to stumble. by example and words . Heb 12:13. Example of leader must be ahead of those he leads . B, Parital, 9 . Micah 3 :11. Lit respect of persons . Deut 17:8-13; Jas 2. :oncl 1 Tim 5 :21- 23 v 21 part=inclination. Mal 4 THE HOME : THE SIN OF UNFAITHFULNESS Intro. Crisis in home life. 1920 1/7 marriages ended i n div. 72 /3. Now near 1/2. Xn indiff to this . I . Unfaithfulness toward God , 2:10- 12 Spir mixed marriages A. Reasons shy this is wrong . 1. Father of nation. Mixed marr goes outside family. 2. One God created. Unity of marriage should r eflect unity of God . Mixe d like saying God and idol creat ed . Eph . 5. 3 . Law prohibited, Deut 7 :3-4. God knows best. Marry me , marry my rel, v 11 Neh 13 :23- 28.

    B. Re sults of this wrong. 1 . Cut off posterity. Children affected,12 2 . Cut off person from f ellowship in offerings , 12 .

    II. Unfaithfulness toward wives , 13-17 A. God ' s atti t ude , v 16 . B. Reasons , 13-16 h.<,,.. ,.t,, 1. Bee of heart.break invol v~9.: , 13. Tears of divorced wi ves +-w~fd ·½~~"1n&1''ottTur '¥e'cburs e than God . 2. Be e. it violates covenant. 14. 3 . Bee . it def e ats God's purpose in marriage . Monogamous. Had plenty of Spi rit- creating power to make 2 wives for Ada . Purposed to have godly s eed . More difficult in mixed marriages and broken homes . ' 4 . Divorce mistreats wife . Cover garment for protection but in divorce be come s violence . In marriage cleave (unity), covenant (vow) , communicat e . Matt 5, 19, 1 Cor 7 . Remarriage, 1 Cor 7, Elder. 1 Tim 5 :14. Intercourse doe sn' t make a mariage, and can have a marriage without it (paraplegic) . Concl. v 17 Called iiba «xix Said God de lights in evil. Said God wouldn' t judge .

    ~ y!-t-- It. 4 ¥ /1,

    THE OFFERING : EXAMPLE OF ROBB ERY 3 :7-18 Intro. Titllie . Annual for maintenance of Levite s , Lev 27 :30; Num 18 :21. Second brot to Jer f orLord's feast, Deut 14 :22. Third every 3 yrs for poor, Deut 14 : 28 . Offerings, Lev 3; 7:11- 21, 28- 36 . I, The Problem. A. Long standing, 7 Pri ests not getting portion, Nehl3:8 B, = robbery, 8- 9 c. Whole nation, 9 II. Cure , 10 Storehouses. 2 Chro n 31:11 Hezeki ah. Lean-to's on temple 3 stories high. 716-687. So grain not l eft outside to spoil. III. Results, Promi ses A. Blessing of plent y, 2 Chron 31 :10.Should have known from history this would be so. B, Preservation from plagues. Devourer-locust or any incest that might destroy crops. 2 :3; Joel 1:4. Grapes miscarrying. Falling off before ripe. C. Prosperity and good reputation, 12. For Xn . 1 Cor 16 :2. Promi se of provi sion in 2 Cor . 9 :8 ; Matt. 6 :33 .

    I I . The Deeper Probl em, 13- 18 Arrogance, 13 stout=obstinat e , arrogant. Self- centered. A. Hrong perspective, 14. Thot vain to serve God , keep l aw , fast (Zech. 7 : 3,5;8:19). After ex ile . B, Hrong conclusion, 15. Think disobed is happier and will get away with it . C, Cure, 16-18. They talk as do ungodly (13) but f rom diff perspec. Revered Lord, encouraged others, Lord took note. Will be rewarded. What we give only a symptom of love for God. 1 Jn 3 :17. Carter 8,li. . Mondal e 0. 7% You? Obadiah

    Intro. Shrotest book in OT . =servant of the Lord. /;,....;~ 12 men called Obad in OT . Nothing known of author. Date. kx Jerus was taken. (1)1 Kg lh:25,2 Chr 12 by Shishak, kg of Egyp\1: (2) 2 Chr 21:16 by Philistines and Arabians in rei!Jn of Jehoram' l.fcsna·'date). (3) 2 Kg lh:8-14 01 2 Chr 25 :17- 2h- )'1;aziah's defeat by Jehoash & overthrow - 4- 0 f wall . (4) By ba~ylon 586 , 2 Kg 25. Scroggie, e~uslJ.fH..,. Vbs in 10-14 are i mperatives not futures as A.V. ~t...,; For early date is ord~! of books, similarity to Jer 49 similarity to Joe13\fho prop c . 330 making Obad. c. 34,. v, 13 looks forward to further saclcing of Jerus. Points to early date and makes Obad earliest of all. FulfiJ~\~f~~t of prophecy afte: ~Ial ,. ~ when Arabs of Nebaioth captured 3ela. Edom1tes migrated to sou/ thern Judah and set up new state of Idumae_a. e.;;~ ,,. 1P,,-,,. >-t--h,:,..~ D't§Criptio¥ ..;_~b A) . /,,,;·r '11..... ~f,1.,.,,. I . The J~eftt o Edom, 1-9. 4. Her Place , 2 . Insignificant tho·she thot of self as supe1·ior nation. ff./(f.d~ .... ~.f,,.,J- ..,-::J.. 1-,.1..k/wats, ... ,. :+1- l o B. qer Protection, 3- 5 . -~ ~ ~ 1 Proud bee of her dwelling place. Rock=sela, chief city of Edom at time of Obad . =Petra. 1 . Its Basis, 3 . Clefts of rock. Describe Petra. 12 men could defend entrance. 2 . Its presumed extent,3. No one could bring her down . J . J~s false security, 4 . God will destroy. Omnipresence. k':·Pttt"JotJ,5 , 'ffu,en judgment comes it will be almost somplete. Thieves take all they want but may leave something. C. Her P9litics, J-9. 1. Rdimiixiii'; 6. t F~H~ knnwn. 2 . IUIDX~~ Their ii&aH~ 7. Natio:ns at peace with ~dom will rise up against~ her. Tried to make alliances 3 . Their i~~Ux, 8- 9 . Based on great wisdom. But doomed . Tmman was gradnson of Easu , Gen 36 :11. =Edom. No mention of their false rel , tho originally worshipped Jeh. Great privilege. II. The Denunciation of Edom , 10-lh. A. Unbrotherliness, 10. Cut off forever. Gen.25:19;27;33. ~,t Refused to let pass under l\lo ses, Num 20 :14--17. \'/ar under Saul, 2 Sam 3 :13. Attacked Jerus 2 Chr 21:16 . B. Aloofness, 11-12. Did not aid Judah , Jud 5:23. Rejoiced in Judah's defeat , 12. C. Agressiveness, 13- 14. Entered to take spoils, 13. Blocked the exit of refugees and turned t hem over to enemy, 14. tferod Gt was Edomite , Lk 13:32 "that fox." Obadiah 2

    III. The Destruction of Edom , 15-21

    A. The Time of it, 15-tt. Day of the Lord. 1 . Designation. Day of the Lord. Isa 2:12;Joel 1,2. Zeph.1:7; Zech 14:1. 2. Extent of it. Affects all nations. 3, Nearness of it . Edom's judgmt was near and judmt of all waits future . Local used to teach future. B. The Character of it, 16 1 . Drinking wrath of God . 3dom had drunken orgies on Ht . Ziop and will have to drink wrath of God . Brought to nothing. 2. Stubble, 18. 3, Dispossessed, 19T20. Zarephath bet Tyre and Sidon 4. Defeated, 21 . By Saviours l i ke Zerrubab~ , Joshua, Judas Maccabaeus. ,. i,bf.....,,.h"J 'f- . Sepnarad is Sardis (A.Minor)

    Applications. 1. Pride. Satan, Esau, Edom . Dan 4:30, 2. Profane, Heb. 12:16. I would not have a god come in To shield me suddently from sin, And set my house of life to rights; Nor angels with bright burning wings Ordering my earthly thoughts and things' Rather my own frail guttering lights Windblown and nearly beaten out , Rather the terror of the nights And long sick groping a,ter doubt. Rather be lost t han let my soul Slip baguely from my own control-- Of my own spirit let me be In sole, though feeble, mastery. Sara Teasdale. FEG, p . 47, Malachi 1

    Intro. 1 . Writer . Hy messenger (angel) or poss. abbrev. for ~essenger of Jeh. (1) Proper name or (2) anonymous. 2. Date. Same time as Neh . bee same sins and temple has been rebuilt . Either just before Neb's reforms, or between Neb's 2 governorships (Neh 13:6-7), or just after Neh. 45p-4oo B. C. Return under Zerubbabel, Ezra 1-6, 53i B. C. 50,000 Jews Return under Ezra, Ezra 7-10. 458 B. C. Return of Nehemiah, Neh 1- 13, 445 B.C. \'/alls still ruin. Built in 52 days . Revival under Ezra and Neh 8-10. Neh in Jer 445-434 then back in Babylon 434-433 then back in Jerus 433- - . 3 . Attitude of people or spiri t of the age . Seen in 7 ques. 1:2; 1 :6; 1 : 7; 2:17; 3 : 7; 3:8; 3:13 ("dhat" same) OTPharisees. Or 2 Tim 3:5. Form only. Mechanical observance and can' t understand that God is dissatisfied. Priest had married an Honorite, Neb 13:23-9. Yet people didn' t understand and were surprised that God had comp l ~ Ill · f,..,;I; ;,1,1/~ 1' '"" ?Ao·;N,~ I. GOD" S ro:.JPASSION, 1: 1- 5. A. Declared, 2a. Everlasting (Jer 31:3),unchangeable B. Doubted, 2b. Wherein? / Rom 11:29. John 13 :1 Forgot bl essi ngs. Dur i ng 4o yrs God grieved with them but fed, protected, guided them. Looked at what didn' t have, not what had. c. Demonstrated, 2c- 5 . 1 . In choice of Jacob. Of grace, Rom 9 . ~tion 2. In condemnation of Esau. Just tetribution 3. In control of Edom (enemi es of IsO. 4- 5. Tho Edom says will arise , God controlled. 312 B.C. Nabateans had conquered and prob before. Preservation

    II. GOD" S COMPLAINT, 1 :6- 3: 15 (Can coneider I . as complaint #1) . (Ingratitude) A-1~c~a~R! iit1HicPMa.t£H&Mgir:6. G/v-;r-~ : :l, r.: rather--nonor. as er--rever~nce. Claimed the relatnshi p of the NAME of God but didn't take responsibtE b. Illegal , 7- 9 • Thought they could get away with blemished sacrifice. Shows thei r contempt for God ' s law. Cal led evil in v 8 . Offeri ng Hi m less than best. Note: they didn' t cease sacrficte. I t' s goi ng to ch and doing something but unyielded. Bringing to God what we don' t need or can get along without.

    Malachi 2

    c. Hypoctitical, 10-12. See RV on 10. God would rather have doors shut than receive polluted off. Acts 5. God substitutes pure and universal worship, v 11, thru Jews in dispers~~n, taking truth to world and to Gentil es. V 12 means priests complain about po~tion left mo them after t hey let people bri ng polluted offerings. d. \'/eari some, Tiresome , 13-lh- . 1. Its cause. ',·/hat preceeds. Unyieldedness , greed. 2 , Its characteristic. Short cuts. Do what's easy. Vow and mal e and offer a blemished female, 14 . 3 . Its consequences. Not accepted, 13, Cursed, 14. sniffed, puffed, pooh=pooh it or me . deceived=cheat. Female without blemish OK for < • oo vow offeri ng but male better and good for burnt. ~,c ~Unfaithfulness. Priests not doing their job,2:1-9, l. The Condition, 1-2. Not heed 1:6-13, by giving glory to God . 2 , The Consequences, 2calxk -6 a . Curse blessings, 2. Take away priests• portions of offerings, atonement money , etc. b , Corrupt seed~aNeh 13:10-priests had to till fields, God would destroy seed for crops. c . Ignominious treatment, 3 b. d . Remove original covenant with Levi , 4..,6. 3. The Cau~p or Characteristics of Unfaithfulness,J-8 a. Shatffd keep (observe) knowledge, 2 Tim 3:10. b . Sh.91.ifd teach others, 7b. Deut . 33:10--this was principal function of Levite above sacrificing. Priest is angel, or messenger of Lord. Not prophet at this point of timq. c, Caused many to stumble, 8 . Heb 12 :13, l . The Condemnation, 9. Instead of life and peace, condemnati on because partiality in administration of t he Law. Deut 17:3-13 ; M:att 23: Z; Jas 2. "i> · lt'Mi xed Marriages , 2:10-12. J.. Reasons for the prohibition of Ex 3h-:16 ,Deut 7:3, a. God is Father of Israel Ex 4 : 22 and mixed marr. goes outside family ,l0a. b. God is creator and has right to give laws, 10. c . Breaks His law, l0c. , • Violation of the prohi bition,11.Note that religion of the girl is impt. Neh 13:23-2J . ~, . Results of mixed marriages. 12. a . Cut off prosteri ty him that waketh and hi m tha t answereth proverbial expression for all living. b. Cut off offering , Have to live with t his sin, and afd!ects children. Mal achi 3

    E. Di vorce, 2:13-16 . f{ 1 ~ :,,c, God ' s attitude i s v 15 hate putti ng away , i.e . divorce. 1. Bee. heartbreak to divorced one, 13. These are tears of di vorced wivesl No other recourse than Gdd . 2. Bee. it i s i nfi delity, l h . These were long standi ng marriages b~oken up . 3 . Bee it is contrary t o origi nal purpose of God, 15. God made one raan and one ,1oman to be one . He had pl eanty of spi r i t - creati ng power left over to have made several women i f t hat had been hi s purpose. Purpose was oneness and a godl y seed. 4. Bee . it mistreats \'li fe , 16. Cover garment (wh i ch was intended to be protection) with viol ence.

    F. Impiety, 2: 17- 3 :6 . Speaking agai nst God . ,.i._f-"j1,_,.,__ A. The Characteri stics of impiety, 2 :17~. 1. Calling evil good. Rom 6 .r·; 17. 2 . Implyi ng t hat God delights in evil, 17. 3 . By taking advantage of longsuffering of God, 17. Thinking He ,1on ' t judge. B. The Cure for Impi ety, 3 : 1- 6 . The He s si ah and tUs work. 1 . Forerunner of Messiah , la. Matt 17:12. 2 . Name s of the Messiah lb. Lord. Jeh. Owner or lord of the temple. Me ssenger of cov. J . Judgment of Messiah, 2-5. a. Illus. 2- J . Fire, soap (with which beat clothes) Purifier , 3 . b. Purpose , 3c:4To purify offerer (not offering) so offerer i s rteous. Then offering will be acceptable. Ancienj days=of Moses . c . Specifi cs , 5 . All forbidden by the law. Sorcery (ex 22:18); adultery (Ex . 20:14); false swearing (Lev. 19:12); defrauding or withholding of wages(Lev. 19:13); oppressing widow & orphan ( Ex . 22 : 22024) ; injustice to stranger {Deut. 24:17) . 4. The Immutability of Messiah , 6. Be e of it, nation not consumed. ·:/ill be purg'ed tho . Same for Xns . G. Robbery, 3 : 7- 12. 1 . Its continuance, 7, From t he very first. 2, Its callousness, 7,..8How shall we return? How did we rob 3 . Its character, 8 , Are robbing. Titles. Lev 27:30 ; Numb 18: 21 to Levites for their maintenance. De ut thtt 111:22 for Lord' s feats brot to Jerus, For poor every 3rd year, Deut 26:12 . Offerings , Lev 3 , 7:11- 21; 23t 36. Malachi 4 Levi tes weren't getting their title, Neh. 13: Sff . 4. Its consequences, 9-12 . a . Curse. Explai ned i n v 11. Insects were devouring the crops. Frui t was miscarryi ng, droppi ng off vine before t i me . b. No productivity, 10. Stqrehouse. From time of Hezeki ah (2 Chr 31:11) t here were special storehouses to col lect titles. 8ort of l ean- to' s 3 stories high. Bl essing i s producti vity of land. cf 2 Chr 31:10. Jewish hi story told them God would provi de. They thot t aJy coul d cheat on God and have abundance too. c . No happi ness, 12 . Bl essed=happy. H. Arrogance, 3:13- 15. 1 . I t s . pronouncementstare wr ong-aagainsthGodt l~t !\It ,. -Jr It l.'S expressea wi h wo r as , 1~ • .l'·rom ear s ,.. 12 : 3-. • ~ . It i s uncouscious on part of /stout=obstinate . arrogant but obvi ous to God , 13. a. Its per spect i ve i s wr ong, lh. Looks at outward instead of heart. !l. Its phail osophy i s \'lrong , 15. Thi nk can get away with i t bee God i s l ongsuffering .

    III. GOD" 3 CONDEMNATION, 3: l ~ h: 6

    A. The Peopl e , 3 :16-13 . 1 . Not the godly. They al so converse as do ungodly,13. Encouraging one anot her in mi dst of ungodl y . Fear Lord, special possession, r t eous , serve 3im . Deeds in book of remembrance. Ezra 6:1,3 , 2 . Ungodly who do not serve, uf . v 13- 15. B. The Natur e of Judgmt ,~:lTBX Buring like a furnace . Arrogant , cf v 15. C. The Judge , h:2: 3sun of r t ness. Impersonal reference to di spl ay of rtness yet personal bee God as Sun (Ps ~4:11) and rtness (Jer 23:5) . For us=X 2Tim 4:3. qeal ing i n rays or beams . Rteous sai n t s have part , 3 , p. The Escape from Condemnat ion, 4: h. 5. The Ti me of Condemnation, 4:5- 6 . Day of Lord. Preceeded by Elijah , Mt 11:10. Note mention of r~ses and El ijah here (cf Mt Transfig) . Tur n hearts of fathers and ki ds.godl y ancest ors and ungodl y descendants ·reconciled I f no r evival to law of ancestors then curse. OT ends with curse and Jews t o avoi d t hi s r ead v 6 then v 5 i n synagogue Micah 1 r Author. Sho.:t for Micaya(hu) as in Jer 26:18.•Who ls like God.Name icielf challenge fo false deities. From small village of Moresheth in Gath.Spoke as small villag~r defending people from expoitation of city folks Lived and prop in S but condemned N and predicted fall. Coll of messages, not systematic. Date. 750-710. Reigns of Jothan 739-35,Ahaz 735-15, Hezekiah 715-687' "of Judah (er Jer 26:lSf) and Pekahiah, Pekah and Hoshea of Is. Revival of Hez result of Micah. Background. Ayys~ian kgs Tiglath-pileser III 745-727, Shalmanezer V 727-22, Sargon II 722-765, Sennercherib 705-68f. Senn beseiged Jerus bht""H~~eto/ 6~ptured. Neb did later. But harrassment was hard on villagers. Rulers of Judah oppressed people.

    I. MESSAGE OF DESTRUCTION, 1:1-16. Intro-Man, times, addience, means (saw-visions). A. Call concn message of destruction, 2. 1. Nature­ harken-point•sharpen ears. 2. Extent-all. 3.Content­ Lord witnesses from temple of holiness. B. Coming of Destroyer, 3-4. 1. Character, 3. Judgment. 2. Consequendes, 4. C. Causes of Destruction, 5. 1. Described, Transgressio1 •breaking away-apostasy. Sins-missing mark. 2. Center-capitals. e.g. Washington. D. Consequences of Destruction, 6-16. 1. To people? 6~'1!1~ife heap of dlty (Isa 21:1-3) Make ashes of idols. All her hires-wages pd to harlots. 2. To prophet, 8-10. Weepeing,8; justifting,9; Shame 10-don•t tell enemies. ~. Course of Destruction, 11-16. Esp addressed to females ln cities. Puns on names of cities. Shaphir,pun on word beauty. In judah. Zaanan on go out. Bethezel on foundation, Marath waits for good,gets evil. Lachiah=impregnable hill. Moresheth,Micah's home. Achzib,8mi N Moresheth. Mareshah. Will flee to Adullam whi ch was noted for caves. Sullllllary 16-shave heads bee such sorrwo will come on Is.

    I I. MESSAGE OF DOOM, 2: 1-3: 12. A. On the People, 2:1-13. 1. Conduct, 1-2. a.Devised at night,l. b. Unopposed,l c. Illegal, 2. 2. Condemnation,3-5. a. Nature,3-evil for evil. b. Extent,4-5. Ruin,4. Captivity, 5. Micah2 3. Complaint of people,6.Don•t say such.Get false prophet to tickle ears. 4. Complaint of God, 7-11. Doesn't want to do this,7. Still rebellious,8; oppressive,9; base, 11. 5. Compassion of God, 12-13. Will assemble them,12. Will lead them, 13. Breaker,13aHe who opens the breach to lead back, i.e. Messiah. B. On the princes, 3:1-4. 1. The Question, 1. Implies an affirmative ans. 2. The Accusation, 2-3. Treat poor as cannibals treat their victims. 3. The Conclusion, 4. God refuses to hear them. c. On the Prophets, 3:5-8. 1. Their Character, 5. 2. Their condemnation, 6-7.Ashamed,7mturn red.Cover lip; 3. Theft Contrast, a. Micah / bee nothlngt9ay Filled, faithful. -

    D. On Pr~minent People, 3:9-12. 1. Address, 9 2. Accusation, 10-11. Lead in sin, 10. Take bribes,11 Prophesy good, 11. 3. Cutcome, 12. City and temple destroyed.

    III. MESSAGE OF DELIVERANCE, 4:1-5:15. A. Religion in the Deliverance, 4:1-5. 1-3-Isa 2:2-4 1. Its Time, 1, last days. 2. Its Center, 1. 3. Its Character, 2-5 4. Its Coverage, 3-5. Tr v 5-All peoples do now wal in name of their god, but shal walk in ••• &. Remnant in the Deliverance, 4:6-7. 1. Their Condition, 6. 2. Their Restoration, 7. C. Jerusalem in the Deliverance, 8. Tower of flock•Jerss, tower from which shepherd watches over t l ock. D. Antecedents of the Deliverance, 9-5:1 1. No king 9 . 2. Suffering, 9-10. Cpptivity in Babylon. 3. Armageddon, 11-13. Jumps to this. r a . Who ? 11-12. Nations out to get Is•enemies of Goai b. Cutomce, 13. Is will conquer (God intervenes). 4. Immediate battles, 5:1 (4:14 in Heb Bible).Refers to battles i mmediately preceedlng captivity. micah 3 E. Leaderi in Deliverance, 5:2-15 1. His Birthplace, 2. Thousands=famllles-too small. 2. His eternallty, 2. 3. His work, 2-3. Ruler in Is to lead remaaat, 3. 4. His reign, 4-15. (},Feed, 4. kGuard, 5-6. Assy=all Is• s enemies or maybe Kg of N. ~-Bless world, 7. tMake~ Is strong, 8-9. e., Purge, 10-15. ,a-. Of Ratural weapons, 10-11 lb} Of false rel, 12-14 ~\ Of enemies, 15. IV. MESSAGE OF DENUNCIATION, 6:1-7:10. Form of lawsuit in which Micah ls presenting God's case as prosecutor. A. First Complaint of God, 6:1-5. 1. Call to order, 1. Hear. 2. Opening of court, 1. Contend. God calls Micah to do. 3. Opening statement, 2. God has case and will pleadm fully prove l t. 4. Formal mm charge, 3-5. In view of His faithfulness ln del from Egypt, giving leaders, del from Balak and Balaam,Numb 22-24, They should remember and turn,Sb. \wi,/ B. First Reply of Is, 6:6-8. 1. Stated, 6-7. We;ll make lt up to you by sacrifices. Ordinary ones, 6; many ones, 7; unusual ones,7 (lst­ bom to be sacrificed). 2. Reacted to,8. Won't do any good. God wants sac of heal /<.tove mercy-exhl bit steadfast loving kindness. l Walk humbly-right relatn to God. Do justly-live right with others. C. Second Complaint of God, 6:9-16. 1. Sins. a. Cheatlng,9. b. Stealing, 10-11. c. ExtortloJ 12; lying, 12. 2. Sulierlng, 13-16. a. Hunger, 14. Thy casting downm a sinking feeling ln stomach due to hunger. b. Bankruptcy, 14. c. Fallne, lf;. bee keep antlgod laws of Omrl and Aru Ahab, 1 Kg 16-22. Micah 4

    D. Second Reply of Is. 7:1-10 1. All are sinful, 1-6. a. Universal, 1. No good man like no good grapes after harvest, 1 b. Unrestrained, 2-3. to death,2. Use both hands, 3. c. All classes, 3. Wrap it upmtwlst justice. d. Perverse, 4. Like brlars and crooked. e. Unnatural, 5-6. 2. But God ls merciful, 7-10. a. He will save, 7. b. He will vindicate before enemies, a. c. He will punish, 9 (but even this 1s welcomed now showing Is• s repentance) d. He will subdue enemies, 10.

    EplJogue, 7:11-20. Is1 s Promised Blessing

    1. Restoration, 11-13. Fortress-Egypt. River-Euphrates. 2. Blessing, 14-15. 3. bx Exaltation, 16-17. 4. Forgiveness, 18-19. All these blessings are on basis of Abrahamlc cov, 20. \~ Need M to have this fulfilled or church does it or disobedience abrogated (but Micah doesn•t think sol). Or fulfilled in Sol's time (but Micah latedl). Nahum 1

    Author-- •consolation or counsellor. From Elkosh,1:1 don't know where but prophet to Judah. Date- -Subj is f a ll of Nineveh which occurred 612. 3:8 mentions capt. of No•Thebes,cap. Upper Egypt as history and happened in 663. So book betweeen. Subject--Is capt 721, now God punishing captors. About 100 yrs a fter great repentance tnder Jonah.

    I. THE MAJESTY OF GOD, 1:1-14. A. The Attributes of God, 1- 8. 1. Cimisclence, 1. Can give accurate poop of future. 2. Righteousness, 2. Jealous to maintain rt govt. 3. Longsuffering, 3a. But doesn't stem from lack of power-cf power over nature. 4. Omnipotence, 3b- 6. Cyclone, storms, clouds,waters, vegetation, mts, people (v6). 5 . Goodness, 7. He is good, a refuge, knows (•relatn of covenant). 6. Holiness, 8. Goodness never •softness.All night­ actually during drunkwn feast Tigris river swept away palace and Assy captd by Medes and Babylonians.

    B. The Anger of God, 9- 14 1. Its Intensity, 9- 12. a . Sudden, 9-• l blow. b. Successful, 10- 12. One came out-Sennacherib, 705-681 who captd Samaria rut not Jerus,2.Kg 19:3~ 2. Its Restraint, 12-b-13. End for Judah of being a vassal nation, 2 Kg 18:14. 3. Its Effects, t 4. a . End of dynasty of Sennacherib, 14. Gt gdson suicl b. End of idolatry, 14. Made s were enemies of idols,

    II. THE JUDGMENT OF GOD, ! : 15- 3:19. A. Proclai med, 1:15. 1. Content-• Fall of Assy in 612 relieved Judah. 2. Consequence-- keep solemn feasts and vows again~ Rom 10:5 applies to del thru X. B. Predicted, 2:1- 2. 1. Advice, Get prepared, 1. 2. Assurance, tho Is punished, will be r estored, 2. C. Pictured, 3-10. 1. Th• Enemy, 3. a . Dress-Mede s and Babylns fond of red, Ex 23:14). b. Cha riots flash with steel (lit) bee scythes were fastened at rt angels to axles. c . Spears, fir trees-cypress spears. r Nahum 2 2. The Battle,4-Sa.Assy try to defend with near-panic speed so chariots look like lightening flashing. Kg shouts for worthies-officers. 3. The Strategy, Sb-6. a. Of Assy,Sb-defend wall. b. Of enemies, 6-rains broke down walls so river gate, opened and palace destroyed. 4. The Restults,7- 10. a. God's will done. Huzzah-it id decreed (re city). Some take it as queen but none by this name. b. Flood that acutally hinders escape, 8. c. Looting, 9 . d. Fear, 10. D. Vindicated, 11-3:7. 1. Bee of cruel~y, 11- 13. a. Statement, 11- 12. b. Result, 13. No progeny, no remembrance. 2. Bee. of crimes, 3: 1~3. a. The city, 1. Murders, lying, plundering-prey dep rd: b. The Seiga,2. Urgent,2 ttka whips. Devastating,3- piles of corpses. SWift3wstumble over corpses bee no time to bury. 3. Bee of haroltry, 4- 7. a. Stated, 4-witchcraft and affected others. b. Judged, 5-7. (l)extent- all earth,5. (2)content,6- whow how really vile by covering with refuse. (3) reaction, 7-flee, no regrets. E. Forewarned, 8- 10. No•Thebes, conqd 51 yrs before by Assy 1. Her security, u- 9. a. Natural location on river-both sides Nile,lOOgates. b. Political sit- alliances with Eth,Egy,Put•Somaliland in Africa, Lubim•Lybia, N. Africa. 2. Her slavery, 10 or Sacking. F. Warned, 11-19. 1. Of intense judgmt, 11. Drunken- drink of God's wrath. 2. Of successful jdgmt, 12- 13. • • Over fortifications, 12. b. Over troops, 13 who will be weak as women. a. Over natural security,13. 3. Of sud~en judgmt, 14-15. In midst of preparatn,judgmt comes. 4. Of complete judgmt, 16- 18. a . Over financial leaders, 16. b. Over military leaders, 17 (paralyzed by cold) . c. Over political leaders, 18. 5. Of inevitable judgmt, 19. No escape and no one will be soory. Zephaniah 1 ~ Author mthe Lord hides or has hidden. Born during reign of Manasseh, 692-638, 2 Kg 21:16. Prob lssµmed prophetic office early part of Josiah's reign, 637-607. Prob lived in Jerus and from lmpt family bee of long genealogy ln l:l Date. 1st reforms of Josiah about 627. Wickedness for SO yrs before under Manasseh, Amon (638-7). Zepb warned people and prepared for Josiah's reforms 2 Ch 34:3. tho reforms, people practiced idolatry secretly. Height of reforms 621, 2 Ch 34:8, 2 Kg 22:3. Babyl cap 605. Jer prophesying at same time.

    I. JUDGMENT, 1:1-3:8 A. On Jerusalem, 1:1-2:3. 1. Statement of judgmt, 1:1-6. a. Channel, 1. Some think HizklaheKlng Hezekiah. b. Content, 2-3. (1) Certain--I will ,x. (2)Complete. c. Cause, 4-6. Idolatry. (1) People involved, 4. Remnant of Baalefolloweds. Chemarlmsmpriests, 2 l(g 23:S. (2) Acts involved, 5. Bow to sun. Combine worship of Jeh and Molech-Malcham (honored by sac of ktd children). (3) Attitude involved, 6. Apast•tes and atheists. 2. Symbolism of judgmt, 1:7. Picture of day of Lord. • Sacrifice ls Judah. Guests are her enemies who witness. 3 subjects of Judgmt, 1:8-13. a. Leaders, 8. Reason-show contempt by heathen clothes, b. Robeers, 9. Leap over threshold when robbing to avoid provoking gods who guarded house. c. Merchants, 10-11. Makteshmhollowmsectlon of Jerus. Merchants and laon sharks, cf. Jas 5:1. d. Indifferent ones, 12-13. (1) Their attitude, 12. Settle on leeJ(dregs from wlne)aself-satisfied and wrong concept of God. (2) their doom, 13. After Josiah, Jehoahaz (3 mo), Jehoiachlm (11 yr), ~eholachin, 3 Mo, Zedekiah and all deported to Babylon. 4. The Scene of Judgmt, 1:14-18. a. SWlft, 14. b. Horrible, 1S. c. OVerwhelmlngJ6 d. Inescapable, 17a. e. Murderous, 17b. f. complete,18 5. The Shelter in Judgmt, 2:1-3. a. Judah's condition, 1. Not desired-no shame. b. Zephaniah's call, 2-3. Repent while time. Indivldial sal but no promise of nat•l deliverance. Zeph 2

    B. On Nations, 2:4-3:7 1. Phlllstia, 2:4-7. a. Extent, 4-5. All cities. Cherethltes,S lived bn south coast of Phlllstia. b. Effect, 6-7. Permanent cities become pasture. j Small remnant left and wi 11 be restored. ·...,,,_; 2. Moab and Ammon, 2:8-11 (Gen 19:33-38) a. Reason,8. Abused Judah, Jer 48:27-31; Ezek 25:8.U b. Result, 9-11. Destroyed like Sodom,9. Hmillated,10. False gods exposed,11. 3. Ethopla, 12. Jer 42:2,9; Ezek 30:4-5; Amos 9:7. 4. Assyrians, 13-15. a. Character of jdmt, 13-14. Desolate.Vultures & owls b. Cause of jdmt, 15a. Self-suff and satisfactn. c. Consequence, 15b. People agaaht. ~ s. Judah and Jerus, 3:1-8. a. Ber corruption, 1-5. Total. Degenerate, 1. Disobedient to Go~, 2, despising of justice, 3 (judges like predatory beasts), defiling, 4 (Jer 23:ll,32), disregarding God's presente,5 b. Her Condition, 6-8, insensitive. Lesson of past, 6. Israel taken captive.Uruleeded. Lesson of present, 7. So punishment now. Lesson of future, 8. Judgmt will certainly come.

    II. BLESSING, 3:9-20 ~. Return, 9-13. 1. Character of it-to pure language used in pure worship of Jeh, 9. 2. Extent, 10. From far--all areas of captivity. 3. Result, 11. Unfeigned love, 11 Undlmlnlshed trust, 12 Unhindered peace, 13. B. Restoration, 14-20 •. 1. Of temple woraalp, 14--slnglng. 2. Of kingship of David (X), 15. 3. Of peace, 16-18. To be able to practice rel wlthut repc,oach of heathen. ·..._,; 4. Of people, 19. S. Of prominence, 20. !!!, their homeland. A FREE THINKER THINKS ABOUT EVIL Intro. Not how...lJluch man can get awav with hut how can Gd tolerate . Does t1ourish1ng evr1 botner you? Rab asKeauod 2 qu~~i Why does God allow wicked~ess to continue in l : Judan, and how can He usea more wicl{ed people to punisn ~1 I. The Sins of God ' s People, 1:2-4 Iniquity=moral evil; grievance(wickedness)=trouble, misery; spoiling and violence=violent mishandling of people; strife and contention=animonsity among members of communty Torah numbed,paralyzed; perverted justice. Jehoiakim 6O9 - 598 .Heb SO7 , Baal worshiped in gates of tern. Jer 22 :17; 36 :23,

    II , The Sins of All People A, Greedy usurers, 2 :6- 7 . Thick clay=pledges,security for loans. bite=creditors.Deut 23 : 20, B, Extortioners and grafters who think they are secure, 2:9 . C. Rulers who build at expense of others,2:12, D. LAcivious people who use alcohol as prelude to perversion, 2 :15-16. Be uncircumcized=be object of scorn. Shameful spueing=utter shame . E . Idolators who worship inanimate objects . 1\- - D ~ I--~ e. ~ ~

    III , The Believers' Reactions Tolerance? Pol ite blackmail-I allow your sins if you allow mine? Compromise? A, Be sensitive to sin, 1 : 2 . Jehoiachim only 2 yrs . On basis of God's revealed law, 4 .

    B, Be steadfast in service, 2 : 4 live=enjoy abundance and deliverance by faithfulness,moral steadfastness. Heb 10:38.

    C. Be sil ent, submissive to plan of God, in presence ofG. 2 : 20. Silence before rev of God in judgmt in ch 3 . After rev, 3:16 rest qui~tly when He comes against the people who will invade us . Tho devastation,17,exult in God,18 Habbakkuk 1

    , AUthor--Notblng known. athe Embracer. DatemmAfter 612 when Assyria fell. Before 605 when Baby took Judah captive.

    I. PROBLIMS, 1:1-2:20 A. Problem #1, 1:2-4. Why do You allow Wicked Practices 1. The Cry, 1-2 ln Judah? Its continuousness, its content (internal troubles and violence ln Judah),. 2. The Complaint, 3, God's apparent unconcern. 3. The Condition, 4. Law paralyzed, wicked outnumber rteous, no justice. B. Answer #1, 1:5-11. 1. Its Character, unbelievable, 5. Lxx quoted in Acts 2. Its Coming,5. In Hab•s lifetime /13:41 3. Its Content, 6. New force on world scene. 4. Its Characteristics, 1-11. a. Swift, 6b. b. Complete, 6b. c. Invincible, 7 d. Ravenous, Saevening wolved are those who hadn't killed all day and hungry.Eagle=vultare e. Unopppsed, 9.10. Eastwind melts one. Qqs can•t stop. f. Blamewo~thy, 11. Tho used by God to punish Judah, Babylon will have to answer for sins.

    C. Problem 12, 1:12-2:1. Why do You use Wicked People Against Judah? Some say these vss written after captivity begun. But why? Hab ~eld God and could see prophecy•-he eRVlsloned truth. 1. The Cry, 12. Impossible bee God ls from everlasting. 2. The Complaint, 13-17. a. Will God tolerate such sin of Babylon, 13? b. Will God allow Judah to be caught as fish, 14-16? c. Will God keep silent forever, 17. 3. The Contentment, 2:1. Hab doesn't rush to wrong concl. Walts on God. Watchtower-elevation or tower or fig s119ct D. Answer 12, 2:2-20. 1. Its Communication, 2:2-4. a. Means,2-thru prophet on tablets so others could read. b. Extent, 2-many read and publish it. c. Timing, 3. God's time. d. Point, 4-trust God, Rom l:17;Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38 2. Its Specifics, 2:5-19 a. Against agression, 5-8. Motlvatlon-wine,S. Insatia­ bility, 5-6. Retribution, 6-7. Effects, a. b. Against lust, 9-11. c. Against prominence, pride, 12-14. ~ ., HAbbukkuk 2 Purpose, 12. End, 13-14. Glory of Lord replaces glory of Babylon. d. Against inhumanity, 15-17. (1) Deeds, 15, 17. Made nations drunk to reel, then gloat over lt. Not individual drunk. Cut down forests of Leb and hunted beasts. (2) Judgmt, 16-17. Shame, terrified. e. Against idolatry, 18-19. Description of idols. Made, 18, lle,18, dumb, 18; beautiful, 19; helpless, 19; lifeless,19 ln cf to living God. f,. Its Source, 20. Lofd ln temple. Reaction-reverent silence.Strong lmpv=hush. II. PRAISE, 3:1-19 A. For Person of God, 1-3. Shlgionoth=type of music. 1. His ls awesome, 2. 2. He is merciful, 2 3. He ls glorious, 3. Teman~capltal of Edom. Paranawilderness near Sinai. B. For Power of God, 4-7. 1. It is bright (tho velled),4.HornS=rays of light. 2. It ls consuming, 5-6.If can do this to nature, think what can do to man. 3. It ls fearful, 7. CushanmEthopla or Mldianltes. c. For Purpose of God, 8-16. 1. Stated, 8-9a.Vlsltation wasn't bee displeased wit: nature but to save acc to cov promise,9a. 2. Accomplished, 9b-15. a. Terror of nature,9b-ll. b. Threshing of man, 12. c. Sal of remnant=anolnted,13, d. Crushing of enemy, llb-15. 3. Reacted to, 16. Astonishment and knowledge it would affect him. D. For Faith in God, 17-19. In spite of citcum can trust God. Rejoice, 18, joy, 18, find strength, 19. To chief singer--thls aaed by choirs. r

    On '.-iaggaii 2: 1- 4

    7th mont.:h and 21st day of ;11ont:1 ,ms l ast day of Feast of Tabernacl es. The return of this festal c~ l ebration esp after a harvest which had t urned out v very 11i serabl/, and shm••ed no si 3ns of the bl cssi ng of God, could not fai l to call up vivi dly beforcthe mi nd the di ffcrence between the for-;1cr ti..1es, '1-;"hen I s~ael was able to asse~• 1 in t'1e courts of the Lord ' s ~ouse , and so to rejoi ce i n the bl essings of llis Grace 1'1 L'1e ·niclst of abundant sc>cri f i cial mc.1ls, nd the resent tine in which there wns no prosryect of erctti,g a buildinG ~hat would in any degree nnswer to t'1e g l ory of the for.ncr tn::iolc . tzci 1 in Ca!ilh I'i bl e .

    Besi des the richness of the sculptures in the forrner Temple, cverythi n~ t.hic'1 admitted of it was overlaid wi th Jold, Sol o11on overl a i d the ,-,ho l e house vi th eold, unti l he had fini shed -i ll the house , the l7'1ole .,ltar ~y the oracle, the two cherubims, the floor of the ~ou~ the doors of the Holy of ::olies and the or"laments of it the cherut·ims thereon, and the ')O l m trees he covered with .::;old [i tted upo'1 the c;irved wor'.<; the al tar of gol d and the table of 601 ' , P',ereupon Lhe shewbreacl ~ms, the ten cald~estic~s of pure tol~, ,ith the 1 flowers n l'¾ ins and t.:he gon0 s of 1.,0ld, the bowls, the snuffers ,md the basons ond t:1e snoons and the censers of ,ure gol c, and hinges of porrc golcl for all the doors of the Tem'Jle. The ;,arch that ~ as i!1 the front of the house, twenty cubits broac! i'l"ld 120 cuhi ts hie;h, was overlriicl TJithin v i th pure gold; the house e;listene~ wi t~ preci ous sto'1cs; ~Mfl~ ~00 tqlents of gold (a'1out 120 ti 11) were c ·mloycd in ovcrlaJin;:, tic Holy of :Tolies. T11e up,>er chambers were n l so of solrl, th ucig!1t of the nni l s w.ns 50 she1ol or or Hill.

    III. CALL TO CLEAN:iESS, 2 :10- 19 . 2 months later. True worship i s mo re than the house . A. Its Basis, 10- 13. Priests were teachers of ~Deut Ques . 12. If c1;1r ryi ng sacrif i cial flesh and ~ 8- 9 . touched another object ,would i t be holy bee contact . Ans/ No . •1ues 2 . 13. If unclean bee contact dead body and gouch somethi ng , it is uncl ean. Ans . Yes . Princi ple: Moral cl eanness cannot be transmitted but uncleanness can. Aeat th can' t ; s i ckness can. B. Its Application, 14-19 . 1. People, 14. You . 2 . Practice , 14 . Of gs unacceptable bee unyielded ,vhen not building temple. Di so bed transmtt to off. External works of off. couldn' t transmt goodness. 3 . Punishment , 15- 17. k. Promise , 1 ~- 19. From thi s day blessing even to no evidence of it yet , 19.

    IV. A CALL TO CONFIDENCE or TO THE CHOSEN ONE , 2: 20-23. ,furd of personal encouragement to Zer , the civil leader. A. In the JPWer of God, 20- 22 . Persian eopire spread over 2 mill sq mi or more than half of Europe. Ye t God will go this whet her or not l er l ived to see it . Never lose confi dence in Hi s power whether ,-,e see it. 3 . In t he choice of God23 . Zer as representative of li~e of Dav i d inherits royal promises. Future glory a~d stability of Davi dic throne assured. Signet ring=mark of honor, authori ty, represented owner. Precious. }'cd1 ~-k4~ .

    . . ·. 1 e,,..e,, V1,_ .~ 1 r-1 /.' 11..-1 r . II.~ (>_~, 11. 7o 'P'°. ~~- - - 8 -~ P~,_ /3- ,s-. -

    - - - fl,..-- ~&A -y;L.. f/~~/' -'- /: It -/7_ II. h-i J;:... "' 1, 6. ~ ~rA j{,, - - - ~ L. {h_ ia.,,_.( I I/ / ZECHARIAH I lntro. Prophet. Father prob died when very young and 2.ech immed. succ. of Iddo, Neh 12:4. Ezra 5: 1; 6: 14. Jame used of 27 others in OT. Means Yahweh remembers. Cont of Haggai and Confuscious. fackground. Cyrus• decree 538, Ez 1:1-4. Predicted in Jer 25, 29. Policy was to try to win favor of captives oy allowing them to live and worshipwith some freedom. 42,360 men, 7337 slaves, 74 Levites, plus 392 helpers mnl 6 mo 900 mile journey.Altar, sacrifices, foundation laid4 Samatttans asked to ehlp. Jews Refused. Sam protested to Persians and 1 yr delay.Darius I, son of Hystaspes, 521- 486 .(Ez.4:5). With official permission now, Zech and Hag triElftio stir thepeople to finish. Did in 516. Ch 9-14 maybe later,489 or 480. Purpose. Encourage builders. Announce judgmt on Gentile nations. Predict blessings of M. Xtdogy. 3:8; 9:9, 16; 11:11-13; 12:10; 13:1,6 (1st ad) 2nd advent, 6:12; 14:1-21.Read in light of cross &crown.

    Intro: Call to Repentance, 1:1-6. A. Circ, 1. Dated ace to Gentile kg, Lk 21:24. B. Call to rep, 2-3. Very emphatic. (v.15 means little while). v 3 assures God will give favor if turn. c. Concern of Prophet, 1:4-6. Pay attention to Word that endures. Proof: it overtook them. Amos 2:4,6. 2Ch24:19 Learn lessons of past.Heed Word.

    Section I: Visions, 1;7-6:15. I. Horses and Man among Myrtles (evergreen,lO•high,scente 1:7-17. Rider on red horse=angel of Lofd. Other riders patrolled and found peace, 11. Ques: (v.12)Why still angr, with Jer after 70 yrs. ~ither 606-538 (Cyras) or 586-516 .Ans: 15-17. dealous fuu erus, angry with nations ~vant beyond what od wanted them to do in publshing 1sJ. t~~rciful to J.s.:eV1ple, propperity.exaltation of Jerus. artially fulfd but full awaits kgdom. ~zek 48:35; §ebuild!ng jerus,Jer.31:38\40; Prosperity, !sa.60•4-9. unnnary• Appearances are deceiving. Note plight of rs. yet promises. Note propperity of nations; yet judgmt.

    ~~~ ~~., /I. ~31,0, V.t; ~/..., ~~ ~ · 1 iwv,d 14 . ZECHARIAH 1 Intro. Author. Grandson of Iddo, Neb 12:4. Came from .Babylonian captivity wlth Zerubbabel. Pather,Berechlah, prob died young since not mentioned ln Neh and Zech men­ tioned as Immediate sucesaor, Eara 5:1;6:14. B!£!• Began 2nd yr of Darius Hystaspes, 520 BC, 2 months after Haggai. Prob young man then, 2:8. Chpt 9-14 later maybe until 489. or even after 480. Background. About S0,000 retumed under Cytua• decree ln S38, 2 Chron 36:22,Eara 1:1-4. Laid foundation of temple in 536,Es 3:11-13 but Samaritans opposed, Ea 4:5 and work stalled 14 years. Darius came to Persian throne 521, and confirmed original decree of Cyrus, but Jews tbot delays meant God not ln work. Haggai and Zct tried to atlr and temple completed in 516. INTRODUCTION: CALI. TO REPENTANCE, 1:1-6. Tho book ls one of consolation ahd hope, begins wlth call to repent so Is won•t have any false security. A. Circumstances, 1:1. 1. Date. Note-dated ace ~o Gentile king, Lk 21:24. 2. Author. Jehov~ Remembers • . B. Call, 1:2-3. Very emphatic, v 2--angry wlth great an,Jr (v 15 means little wblle). cf Neb 2:12•15. V 3 assures God wl 11 gl ve favor If they_ wl 11 twen. c. Concern of Prophet, 1:4-6. Pay attention to Word bee unlike fathers and prophets who perish, it abides. Proof It endures: Word overtook them and punished. e.g. Amos and . Learn lessons of pa~ ~ r- v,~,.°"'s , =-, - , ;/l., I. Vlsl~n of Horses and Riders, 1:7-17. lmong Myrtle trees A. Time. Feb. 720. S mo elapsed since building resumed. 3 months after 1:1-6 call. In meantime Hag 2:10-24 spoken. People had repented during these 3 months. B. Vlslon, 8. Man on red horse among myrtle trees beside rll15tt0ther horses, red,speckled,whlte with riders on. c. Explanation, 9-11. By rider on red horse who ls angel of Lord. Horsemen reconnoitered earth and found lt at peace. Actually not true of flrst of Darius. Why this report? Means D. Explanation and appllcatlon, 12-17. (l)Thl!'U ans to prver,12-13. (2) Questlon,11. Why not merciful when our 70 yrs of captlvlty has expired? Why stlll angry. 70 yrs is Babylonian cap tho some take l t to Zech• s time. Ca,-606-538. Zech•586-S16(when temple flnlshed). (3).Answer,13-17. Jealous for Jer,14, angry with natlons,15 merciful to Is,16,temple,16, prosperity, 17,exaltatlonof clty of Jerus,17. Partly fulfilled immedlately,but full awaits comlng of x. Temporary then, permanenc ln M. II. Vision of 4 horns and 4 workmen, 1:18-lt. Zech 2 ' A. the horns, 18-!0. Symbol of power,Jer 48:2S,Amos 6:3. Some say Gentile nations from 4 corners of world. Some, 4 powers of Dan 2. Prefer Assyria, Egypt, , Medo-Persia fflc19ave scattered,19. Whole nation, 19. B. ?he Smlths.•Ltt.workmen tn wood,stone,metal. Here latter Represent human agents who overthrew enemies of Is. Fray•cause to be panlc-stdcen. Example of Gen 12:3.

    ,It III. Vlslon of surveyor or Man with Measuring Llne,2:1-13. A. Act6rs. surveyor, lnterpretlng angel,3; another angel,3 B. Action, 1-4a. 1. Measuring, 1-2. MAn ls ~N138aBB&1 ln human form,1. To see If Jerus wUl be big enuf to hold everybody. 2. The Cessation of Measuring, 3-4a. Angel glves hlm a message and content of lt shows no need for measuring c. Assurances, 41>-13. 1. Population eXJiosion, 4. 2. Protection, 4-5. No walls needed bee Lord will be there, Ezek 11:23, Hab 2:14 (fuld ln M). 3. Punishment on Babylon, 6-9. Land of N-Bdrlon,Jer 1:U 6:22. Had been scattered; now lnvlted to return, 7. Punlsbmt on Babylon lmmlnent, 8-9. Happened ln Sth yr.of Darius (3 yrs later) when were 2 insurrections ln Babylon and clty twice taken. On stone of Behistun. 4. rr3:;1,rty, 10-13. a. In dwelling ln temple.10~artlal ful ln 2nd temple. b. In conversion of heathen, 11. c. Exaltation of Is, 12. d. Exaltation of Lord, 13. Rouses from silence and judges and blesses.

    IV. Vision of Joshua the Hlgb Priest, 3:1-10. A. The Condition of J. 1-3. 1. Circumstances, 1-2. Accused, 1. By Satan bee prlesthd polluted, Edt22:26. Defended, 2. By Lord. Plucked out of flre of-Babylonian capt. 2. Clothing, 3. Filthy before Ang of Lord. B. The Change ln Joshua, 4-5. Others there are lnferlor angels. New clothes npresents forgiveness and reinstate• ment of priesthood. Mitre ls turban on which plate with "Holiness to the Lord" by whlch sanctuary cleansed,Ex 28:38. c. the Charge to J, 6-7. If do duties, judge,honest courts, then access~angels of God to God. Communion wl th God. Zech 3

    o. The Certiflcation(Promise)to J, 8-10. 1. A Servant, 8. "wondered at11-men who are a sign. Branch, Isa 4:2; Jer 23:5. Servant, Isa 42:1;52:13, Acts 4:27. Humanity and humility. 2. A Stone, 9. Psa 118:22. Foundation of temple. 7 eyes are wulom of God, graving is beautiful finish. 3. A Savior, 9. 1 day-Day of Atonement when temple finished & Calvary. &? Isa 66:8. 4 . A Security, 10. or Sufficiency or Sustenance. In security of M. M•cah 4:4. V. Vl~n of Golden Lampstand, 4:1-14. A. The Vision, 1-3. Lampstand, Ex 25:31. Bowl on top (not so vith Tab lampstand)(for oil to feed it). 7 lamps, 7 pipes to each lampa49total. Pipes from bowl to each lamp. Abundant supply of oil. 2 olive trees on each side of bowl (1 on each side). 11-12 give details-trees bore fruit and oil emptied directly into bowl. Jue.. B. The Message~,4~9'. 1. Concn power to build, 4-6. Just as lamp fed without human resources so temple built by power of HS bee Jews were small and feeble (Neh. 4:2).0il•HS 2. Concn obstacles, 7. Mt-like obstacles become plain, Ezra 1:1; Hag 1:14. Zer would put on capstone. People would call down grace on it. 3. Concn completion, 8"!.9• Zer will do it. - --- , C. The Me~ning, lO~Do~despls~small beginni~ iJ.!g 2:3. Plumaet•plumblirtef7 lamps represent eyes of Lord that see everything. Man's eyes saw small Jews; God's saw temple completed. IP. Olive trees are anointed ones, lit, sons of oll. May be Zer and Joshua, rel and civil leaders. Or maybe angelic agencies HS uses to accomplish purposes. Pooh Zer and Joshua, anointed prince and priest. VI. Vision of the Flying Scroll, 5:1-4. A. The Vision, 1-2. Flying scroll 30xl5ft.Judgrot from heaven ard swift. B, The Verity, 3-4. Represents words of God's curse to individuals and nation. Judgmt before blessing. Stealing <2nd tfble) •nd false sweafigg by G9d•~ name { 1st tal> 1e} of aw. curse-Deut zt: Sn; z8: 15ft. BABYLON Gen 10. Ham (swarthy one) Cush (blackened one0 spirltual characteristics),Nimrod began to build Babel. Went to Shinar as far away from place God revealed self.1st organized anti-god rel. Wife of Nimrod was Semerimus and son Tammuz who she claimed was fulflllmt of Gen 3:15. Symbol was mother holding child in arms. Babylonian rel spread to Phonicia and nzmes changed to Ashteroth and Tammuz and worshipped sun and all under name Baal. Then to Pergamos (Rev. 2:13). Tehn Egypt where names Isis and Horus. In Cleece~ Aphrodite allf d Eros.Rome, Venus and Cupid.

    (J Boctrine. Mother was queen of heaven (Semerimus). Sal administered thru spcinkling and cleansings. Tammuz.supposedly went hunting and slain by wild boar. All temple virgins fasted for 40 days. Afterward on feast of Ishtar (-Semerimus=Abhteroth) Tammuz resurrected. Made annual feast and egg made sacred to Tammuz.Eggs exchanged. Evergreen tree symbol of life. Semmrimus worshiped by offering round cake marked by T or X. .r~ ,:rf Jer 44. Under Ahab Is returned to this worship.vvl6, 18,19,25. Ezek 8:13. for Tammuz. Caesars crowned emperors and Pontifex Maximus (high priest). Constantine said if victorious over Maxentius bee of vision of flag with cross and In this sign conquer. 312 Xnty declared rel of Roman empire and all mother-child worship now Xntized. Gog and Magog l.mRev 20. 2. Qinvaslon of Pal 1,y Neb in 600. But Exek prophesied 593-560. 3.Beg of M.Ezek 38:8,11-dwell safely. 4. Beg of trlb. Same reason. But results are so drastic. that couldn•t be #3 bee X ruling and at beg of trib Man of sin protecting Jerus. 5. At Armageddon. But nowhere else said. 6. Prelude to Arm. Zech 4 VII. Vis,n of the Woman in the Ephah, 5:5-11. A. The Ephah, 5-6. 22 litres. 4 gal,63/4 pints. "their resemblance"••their sin mentioned in sckroll above. V B. The Woman, 7-8. Talent of lead-circle of leads cover. Women in~ephah•wlckedness.of whole land. Put batk in and lid on. c. The Two women, 9-11. Take ephah and woman to Babylon. If these 2 angels, only place feminine. Gen 11:2 for 1st rebellion in Babylon ag. God. Too flace of captvty. Symbol of proml se of Zech 3:9. These ! 1loiifher • judmt nee among people but removal of sin supernatural. VIII. Vision of the 4 chariots, 6:1-8. A. The Picture, 1•3. 4 chariots bet 2 mts (prob Moriah or Zion and OlivetJi.e. in valley of Jehosaphat). Red, black, white, gray and strong (lit for bay). B. The Purpose, 4-8. 1. Stated, I, 8. Winds or spirits who do God's work in order to quiet His spirit (8)•His anger, by executing judgment. 2. Specified, 6-8. Black and white go north (to Babylon tho east from Pal had to go N to reach it). Gray to South (Egppt). Strong or supply red ones go to and fro. North mentioned again,8, bee 5th yr Darius Babylon revolted and was defeated and depopulated.

    IX. Climax-Crowning of Joshua, 6:9-15. A. Means of crowning, 9-11. Jews who remained in exile but who came to Jerus for a visit. Take gifts and make a crown. Called by other names in v14. Crowns (pl) means composite crown bee sing. vb in 14. B. Meaning of crowning, 12-13. Points to Messiah who unitE kingly flld priest ly offices. Called branch (lowliness, Isa. 53J, from native land (out of His place), build temple (M, Ezek 40), King-Priest after Mel,Psa 110:4), and perfect harmony bet 2 offices and/or in earth as Messiah reigns. c. Memorial, 14. Put in temple as memorial of piety of these exiles. D. The Measage, 15. Far off includes Gentiles who will come in M to build temple, Isa 60:10-11. Zech 5 Section II--Questions Concerning FASTS, 7:1-8:23 I. The Fast, 7:1-3. 1. Time, l. 4th yr, 518. Nov. 2. The Questioners, 2. Delegation from Bethel. 3. Purpose, 2.3. Seek blessing at temple in Jer and ask?. 4. Question, 3. Should keep Aug. fast which commemorated buning of Jerus by Neb, Jer 52:12-13. Not comaanded in Word, but instituted from good motives but still manmade

    II. The Failure, 7:4-14. 1. The Problem, 1-12. a. Self-righteousness, 4-6. Not doing it to God but to satisfy selves. 2 Kg 25:1, 34-89,23-25 for reasons for fast. If forsook sins wouldn't need fasts. b. Stubbornness, 7. Didn't listen to prophets when Is was proppering, Isa 58:3-7; so calamity of Ba~ylon. c. Sin, 8-10. Dishonesty, 9; unkindness,9; oppression, 10; plotting evil, 10. d. Stubbornness, 11-12. Offered a stubborn shoulder, •Neh 9:29. Put fingers in ears. Adam~nt stone•diamog mhard hearts. Note HS and prophets had part in giving message. 2. ThePunishment, 13-14. a. Wrath, 12b. b. God turned away, 13. ~. Scattering, 14. Maybe also looks to future disper­ sion among all nations as well as Baby and Assy. d. Land desolate, 14. 2 Kg 25.

    III. The f\lture, 8:1-23. A. For Jerusalem, 1-5. 1. Its new names, 3. 2. Its pro,perity, 4. 3. Its security, 4 -old people safe in it. 4. Its happiness, 5. Partly fulfilled in Macabbean age but not fully nor permanently. B. For Jews, 6-8. t. Their conditlon-6-small remnant. 2. Their regathering,7-8. cf. Amos 9:14-15. C. For immediate temple, 9-13. 1. Exhortation, 9. 2. Remembrance of past, 10, before decided to rebuild. Affliction•adversary, Ezra 4:4. 3. Present blessing, llel2. Material prosperity. Interlude,14-17.Certainty of promise & condition for fulfmt D. For the Fasts,18-19. Original?. Will bee feasts. E. For Foreigners, 20-23. Isa 2. God delights to bless, not to blast. v.23 cf Gen.12:3. ~ech.3 VIII. Vision of 4 ~hariots, 6:1-8 ~od•s judgmt on world powers. Near view on °abylon and ~gypt, and far on final 0 abylon as in 5:11. Judgment goes out from uod in behalf of Is. ix. Crowining of Joshua, 6:9-15 ~limax deview: Myrt le trees--restoration of land to is. 4 horns=-retribution on nations throughout ages. measuri ng line--future deliverance and restoratn of Jerus rt.~•clothed--is's future cleansing. ~andlestick and olive tree--witnessing in trib. r l ying roll--1 $•s judgmt before mill, Woman and ephah--wickedness traced to source in Ba~ylon 4 chariots--judgmt goes out from uod in behalf of ls. Now Josh, HP is crowned as type of A, rriest-king. rasts--fasting bee of punishment that had fallen, not bee of sorrow for having offended uod•s holiness .

    8;19--fast of 4th month commemorating Jerus opening gates ~o Neb, Jer 39:2_3 5th month commemorating burning of Jerus by Neb. Jer 52:12-13. 7th month-kept during captivity in memory of murder of uedaliah whom kg of 0 aby had made governor of land. 2 ~g 25:25- 6. 10th month-seige of Jerus by Neb began in that month, 2 ~g 2s:1. Pasting in NT __ Mt 4•4•'',,,' 6•16• 9 •14f· Lk 5•35·, , 18·12•'' acts 9;9; 13:2- 3; 1 Cor 7:5 ~not in KVJ. 2 ~or 6:s,11:27 .&ech 6 r section III--The Burdens of the Word of Lord concn the Future,-9:1-14:21. Written later but prophecy General subject of ch 9--the Comi~of the King. I. First Burden, 9:1-11:17. (2nd 12:1-14:21) A. Victories of Alexander Gt, 9:1-8. 1. In tt~F!R, l-2a. Burden ls a threatening predlctn. Hadrach,clty near Hamath on Orontes. Alex conquered all incld Darn. v211 Hamath which borders on it;l.e.Dam" In 333 BC 2. In Phoenicia2h-4. Alex used ruins of old Tyre to build causeway out to fortified island and took. He "ordered the houses to be set on fl re11 Sec. hi s1 3. In Philistla, 5-8. 4 of 5 maj or cities mentioned (Gath not). Ashdod would lose native pop. and have mixed one (Bastard), 6. Idolatrous sac and blood to stop (Ez 33:26,Lev 17:10,12) and Philistines would be lncorpprated into Judaism (Ekron-Philistines as a, Jebuslte who were merged into Is, Josh 15:63). Vs 8 is a promise that Alex would not conquer Jerus. and looks forward to M when forever safe. When Alex came to Jerus saw HP in garments, bowed,worshipped, spared Jews. Said had seen such an one in dream who urged him to take Persia. Was shown prophecies re Greeee

    B. Coming.of the King, 9,10 1. 1st in meekness in cf to Alex Gt. Mt 21:5. 2. 2nd in rteous rule. Ephraim•lO, Jerus-2. a. Put down war for Jews. b. Peace to nations. c. Worldwide rule. River-Euphrates.

    ic. Victories of Maccabees, 11-17. 1. Promis~ 11-12. On basis of cov at Sinai. a.To deliver from waterless pits-cisterns used or regular dungeons where water wlthheld,11 b. Double blessing, 12. 2. Pictures, 13-17. Macabean victories picture of final M victory of Messiah. (2nd c BC) a . Of v•ttory, 13-15. Enemy lsSQPe@ee (.antlochus Eph}? Supernatural aid, 14. Complete, 15. Corners of altar­ vast carnage. b. Of goodness, 16-17• Spiritual deliverance,16. Stones of crown-delight to Lord,16. Prosperity,17. Commitments Zech 7 Ch. 10- -the AMMKH8~ of the King. D. Blessings from Messiah, l0:1-12.· 1. Source of blessings, 1-4. a. Answered prayer for latter rain (March•Apr).Former in Autumn. Link with propperity in 9:17. Contrast--idols who only speak lies. Leaddrs of people who lead nation astray punished,3. b. Coming of Messiah, 4. out of him-Judah. Called Cornerstone, nail•peg, bow, and Victorious ruler. (no oppressor can stand against). 2. Substance of blessing, 5- II a. Victory, 5. b. Regathering, 6. c. Joy, 7. d. Multiplication, 8. hiss-whistle e , Scattering, 9. f. Regathering, 10.11. Every obstacle removed, 11. g. Under care of God in everything, 12. E. Rejectionof the Shepherd, 11:1-17. Ch 11--The Crucifixion of treKing. 1. The Call, 1-3. (to judgment). a. Means-an invasion from notth. Prob Roman. b. Extent. Lebanon,l. Bashan,2 tE of Sea Galilee) Jrodan valley, 3. c . Consequences. Destruction of land and leaders,3. 2. The condition, 4-11. (of people) a. due to leaders, 4-5. They got rich;people poor. b. due to God, 6-11. Not spared, 6. But offered them X first, 7. Beauty-Grace. Bands­ Unton. Don't know who 3 shepherds are,8. So borke staf,s after rejection. All of 1st advent of X. c . in remanat, 11. Knew what was happening and signlfce 3. The Consequences, 12- 17. a. To Shepherd, 12-13. Value of Good Shep,30 silver. Ex 21:32, Mt 27:3- 9. Cast to potter bee wanted to show how worthl~ss 30 pta:es were. b. To nation, 14: onion of nation broken. Fulfd 70 MJ ; False shepherd allowed to appear. Could refer to any of many false rulers of Is and culminates in antlx. Judged in 17 and that of beast in view too,Rev. 19:20. Zech 8

    Chapter 12-- The Care of the King. II. Second Burden, 12:1-14:21. A. Care for Jerusalem, 12:1-14. 1. Physically, 1-9. a. Speaker, 1. Allmighty Lord. b. Situation, 2-3. Peoples (note pl in 2,3,4,6) try to fight her. Final battles leading to Armageddon. c. Success, 4-9. over horses, 4. over enemy states, 6. To country areas before cities, 7 (so city can't boast). To people, 8 cf 2 Sam 17:8. over all who seek to destroy, 9. 2. Sphitiiully, 10-14. Sends repentance. Means,10- spirit of grace•HS eventually. Message,JO-realize they pierced X, Jn 19:37. Manifestation, 10-14. Mourning--likeonly son or firstborn, 10, like when Pharaoh Necho slew godly Judean king Josiah, (at Megiddo, 2 Ch 35:24-25). Universal, Kings (David and Nathan), Levi and son (Num 3:17). Individual bee hus•ands and wives separate.

    B. Cleansing of Jerusalem, 13:1-9. Chapter 13--The Cleansing bj the King. ~. Means, 1. Fountaln•Calvary, Rom 11:26. 2. Message, 2-7. a. Idolatry uprooted,2. b. False prophecy ceases (and spirit of Devil behind it),2-6. If one ehould claim to be a prophet his parents will put him to death,3. Should a false one be questioned, he will say he ls a farmer,5. Will 1le about scars whlchwere self-inflicted in performing office of prophet,l Jtg 18:28. Will say got marks somewhere else. No ref to X. 3. Manner, 7-9. a. Basis--oeath of X, 9. God putting to death Son. Sheep scatter but lambs (remnant)cared for. Shepherd is equal to Father. Deity of X. Mt 26:31. b. Proceedure, 8-9. At 2nd coming. 2/3 must be cut off as unbelievers. 1/3 purified then called MY people. These will enter M ln earthly bodies. C. Coming to Jenas. Chpt 14--The Coming of the King. 1. The Conflict, 1-3. a. Time. bgxBX Day of Lord. b. Participants, 2r All nations. c. Outcom•, 2. Devastated and looted. d. Defense,3. Lord~wlll undertake battle when looks darkest. Zech 9 7 a. Effect on Mt Olives 2. Coming of X, 4-8. Mt of Dlives split to make way of escape from Jerus. Azal prob a suburb on east outskirts of Jerus. No mention of earthquake in days of Uaziah except here and Amos 1:1. Must have been a good one. Saints-holy ones. 1 The 3:13. Angels. and saints included in word. b. Effect on ~••wxw heavens, fw. DaY darkened and cycle all upset.Rev 8 :12. c. Effect on nature,8. Water so land will propser.

    3. Kingdom of X, 8-21 a. Water. c. above, 8. b. World ruler, 9. c. Remade land, 10. Land a plain or plateau but Jerus elevated. Queen city. Geba, n border in Ben- jamin. ,Josh 21:7. Rimmon S, Josh 15:21. Benjamin's gate in N wall of cityCorner gate NW. Old gate, NE. Tower of Han-N, King's winepresses, S. d. Secure Jerus, 11. 15 e. Enemies judged. Thru plague, 12, thru battle, 13-14. Same plague on animals, 15 f. Worship of Lord est. 16-21. J~erus center. Feabt of Tabernacles or booths. In autum and thanksgiving for harvest. All come, if don•t then no rain and no cause for thanks next year. Everything belongs to Lord, even bells on horses, 20. and pots in temple, 21. No Canaanite, 21, means no ungodly practices in land. All will be holy. IS THE BIBLE INSPIRED?

    Impt of doctrine. Doc vs practice.

    I. RevHation. Def--unveiling. How has God disclosed self? 1. Bible. 2. JC 3. Oral rev before written 4. Ni r,:1ples, Jn 2: 11 5. Providence, Rom 8:28. Most impt are 1st two. Can't know X apart from Bible So how we got the Bible very impt.

    II. Inspiration. Def. God superintended human authors using their personalities (style, interests) His message was compoased and recorded without error in words of original autbgraphs. - -

    Allows for human author, Lk 1:1-4, cf Eph and Col. Doesn't mean dictation. ~ Other theories. 1. Natural 2. Mystical or dynamic (little above natural) 3. Partial 4. Concept 5. Dictation 6. Plenary 7. Verbal, plenary.

    Proof from Bible. 2 Tim 3:16, 2 Petl :21 (how) Words--Matt 5:18; Gal 3:16; Matt 22:32. All parts--! Tim 5:18; 2 Pet 3:16; Acts 28:25 Words, 1 Cor 2:13.

    III. Illumination. 1 Cor 2, Jn 16 IV. Interpretation. Ground rules. V. Subjugation. This is a book worth subjecting self to. IS THE CHURCH IMPORTANT?

    I. Meaning of fOf:d cgurch. A. Assembly, A~~i !~;32,39,41. B. Assem~ly of Israel, Acts 7:38 C. Assembly of prosessing Xns. 1 Cor 1:2. D. Assembly of body of X, tol. 1:18 Bexx~:fxis.rraixEJmxx

    -I I. The Universal Church .A. Namei Not invisible. B. Fact. Matt 16:18; Col 1:18; Eph 3:10, Heb 12:22 • . ,. C. Founding. Relatn of X. Relatn of Pentecost. Bapt of HS. D. End of church. Rev 3:10. 1 Th 1:10.

    · :III. The Local Church A. Usage. 7:1 B. Definition. Grmup pf prof bels in X who have been baptized and organized for purpose of doing God's will. C. Organization. Elaers. 1 imm3. Deacons, 1 Tim 3 Deaconnesses. -~ D. Ordinances. Outward rite prescribed by X to be performed by His chruch. Supper. Memorial Frequency Baptism. Impt. Hode. Infant. E. Gov~rnment. Epis, congre, presby most met types. WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD?

    I. Millennial views •. Chart pre, post, a. II. Rapture views. Chart pre, mid, post, amil, partial. III. Description of rapture, 1 Thess 4:13-18. IV~ Time of the rapture. Rev 3:10; 1 Thess 1:10, 2 Th~J V. 1The tribulation Rev 6~19

    1 Distinctiveness, Matt 24:21; Rev 6:15-17 Detail, 3 series of judgments. (Chart outline of Rev)

    VI. Mi llenniurn VII. Judgments. For believer, 1 Cor 3 For «Hexte1mx living at end of trib, Ezek20:37 and Matt 25:31 For unbelievers. After mill. Rev 20:11-15. OUR BIBLE ~""-- All-impt bee of authority. ~ionalism in aj.n~ mysticism i ~erience, Romanism in church, Prorfii Bible. God revealed self in nature but limited. Suff to condemn but insuff to save. In X but don't know of Him except thru Bible, so Bible all-impt rev of God .

    I. The Inspiration of the Bible God's superintending human authors so that using their own individual personalities they composed and recorded~ without error His revelation to man in the words of the original autographs. Superintended, not dictated; verbal inerrancy, human instrument. A. Means no dictation. N- 0 accuse us of this. B. Means more than concepts--words. Tenses. Original languages i mpt. c. Means evidence of different styles. D. Means extends to original documents, not mas. E. Means not everything in Bible true but truly recorded, ~ " ~ .;_ ;- - ~,-;,t--....-~- II. The Illumination of the Bible A. Must be illumined to sal, 1 Cor 2:14. B. Must be illumined to teachableness, Jn 16, 1 Cor z. Include human efforts and learning what others have said. Sinconfessed. Diligence applied. III. The Interpretation of the Bible A. Interpret grammatically. Eph. 2: 8-9, but don't have to know Grk to interpret gramm . Think in Eng. Matt. 24:14. Gal. 2:20. B. Interpret historically. To whom, why, relatn to us. Same as saying interpret ace to pregressive rev. God hasn't said everything at once. Int vs applicatn. Mt 10 vs Mt 28. Another way of saying int dispensatn, Economy. Illus of maid. Not period of time tho involve such. But economy and ecomomies have similar as well as diff things in them. IV. The Importance of the Bible. 2 Tim 3: 16-17. o-- }"'- / : z- 5-~ l

    II. His Incarnation A. Meaning. In flesh. B. Includes undiminished deity. Not always displayed but always there. Babe was creator. Omniscience,Jn 2:25. Lk 5:24 to forgive sins. Omnipotence Mt 26:64. Did not give up any attribute but voluntarily use of some at certain times. Phil 2. C. Means perfect humanity. If only divine not able to die, if only human death no good. Perfect human boy, Lk 2:41-52--behaved,subject to par­ ents,51, grew 4 ways, $2. Perfect man, tempted,Lk 4, prayed,Mk l:35;wept, Jn 11:35; anger, Jn 2:15. ~ D. Heb 4:1$ meaning.Means unable to sin,not able not to si B. United forever. Body changed at res but still body. Impt. to His sacrificial work, Rom 1:1. Impt to priesthood bee have to be relatd to God & man. Impt to judging bee Jn $:27 Impt to kingship bee Son of David on throne forever.

    III. His resurrection. What died was raised. Proved by appearances and Pentecost. IV. Present ministry. Sustaining as Mel priest. ;{. .,,-1. ,51-...:._• ..., V. Return and reign. VI. Importance of correct doctrine. Maintain deity bee no good Savior or priest or king if not Maintain humanity esp as fundamentalists bee no real example and no Saviour. kDKrtm Rom 1:1--no gospel to preach if not Divine-human. 1 Jn 2: 6--no example. (

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    I. The Commission, ~att 28 . 1 imperative, 3 means. Everybody fulfills the 1st bee we all have gone somewhere.

    II. Preaching the Gospel so that baptized bel result. 25 words or less. Sin, substitmtion, faith. (receive) l . Watch additions, not baptism but confession or prayer and surrender, 2. Watch direction. God to sinner. Give heart 3, Watch motivation. Charm, challenge. Sins need forgiving. k. Watch dependence on HS to make clear, Jn 16 and to save, Tit 3.

    III. Teaching all t hings humiliated and risen X taught.

    A. Particulars 1. Sanctification. Faith or fight. Gal 2:20 in proper balance. 2 , Eschatology. Tomorrow. Remember P taught to Thess tho only there 1 month 3, Ch govt. Mission may dictate this but discovered bel want to know . 4. Ethics. Marriage and divorce. Law and grace.

    B. Preparation or prerequisite 1. Must know yourself. Have conviction without contrariness. Speaking truth in love. 2, Must not be afraid to communicate. Don't think %ml believers too juvenile. Hardest job is to make hard thing simple. Not story telling but doctrinal telling. 2, Mu st keep studying. 2 Tim 4:13 . About to die and studying. Barrells of sermons and studying More educated than people to whom ministered Seen Lord and had direct rev but studied men Missionary carrying library around. 'J0 c~ ,-,~•,. ./ /1-1 CL

    J ""f 4... "' j d,,,"1_ ~"' .J $,.,-f r1.,., ,( -/4 4 /> sl-'7 ,_j · d "'(_ ~ ,,_ $,,,.,/ , . .. ·- ,,.z.-w....,,.t;..i - OUR FUTURE I. The Dangers of Poophecy. A. Athenianism. All you' re interested in is distinguishing the beasts tho impt to do so. B. Gn¼y basis fo~~ellowship. Like circles. Have to decide if prophecy is one of those. C. Satisfy curiosity. II. The Excuses for not studying . A. Splits churches or fellowships . So does atonement. B. Too many quacks. Ought to want to be experts. C. Too difficult and many diff of opinions prove. Cf. Rev 6 and Jn 3: 16. Cf. Jn 16:13. D. Living for Lord today more impt than concn about future. But knowldege of future affects present always. Wahs day. Clock in game. Baby coming . III. The Schools of Views. Pre-post-amillism. Matter of hermeneutics. Pali n vs allegorical. Illus plain with Rev 8-9. If take plainly then a scheme is plain too. Among premills are pre and post tribs. Explain~ Plain inter makes me a pretrib and premill. J\ IV. What are we coming to? A. Translation, 1 Thess 4:13-18. B. Trib. Rev 6, 8-9, 16. C. Triumph, Rev 19 and 20. V. Why I am a pretrib. A. 2 Thess 2 Presence of the Spirit B • • lbar 1 Thess 1:10 Rev 6;17. Position of saint C. Rev 3:10. Promise of Saviour. VI . Sowhat? A. Certainty in days of confusion. Will Russia overrun the world? B. Comfort when sorrow comes, Jn 14:1-3. C. Conversion, Acts 3, 17 D\ Cleansing, 1 Jn 3:3 E. Consistency, 1 Cor 1$:58 . HOW DO WE KNOH GOD? I . Through ,'lature.~"""'- A. Cosmos Rom 1: 18- 20 B. Telos Psa 19, Acts 14 C. Anthropos Acts 17

    Biblical arguments- -none. Writers assume. --re -(L__ ~ -µ . Through His Attributes A. Definition. Intrinsic property B. Classification. Comm and lncomm ,c:.,. C. Incomm. Simplicity (unco1npounded) ~?=> Unity, Deut 6 :4 , • Infinity Eternity Immutability (unchanging) Omnipresence sovereignty - Corn:n. Omniscience - kJustice !1oliness Love Truth Freedom Omnipotence l¼r. Through His ·Names A. Jehovah. Self-existent and redeeming one .•. B. Elohim. Strong one. Plural. Allows for trinity C. Adonai. Lord. D. Lord=Jehovah. E Despot G. Compoundnames. El Shaddai , Gen 17, almighty El Elyon, Isa 14:13-14 Jeh J'dlreh, will provede, Gen 22:13-14 Jehovah Shalom, Jud 6:24 Jehovah Raah, Psa 23:1

    IV. Through Hfs"~ks. Know Fa the,:- thru di sci pli ne Know love Ro,9:1 5: 8 ,,,. 1 , 'I /t "> l!ebll V. Th~g~t~e Trinity. Christ, Jn 1:18 lIS shows truth, Jn 16. Summary: How know God? Thru inc. know.of Hord and thru Xn experience. r

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    Answer--1. A recognition of progress of revelation and 2. thus a method of interpretation and thus 3. a system of theology. Affects eccl eschat.

    What makes a dispensationalist? • 1. LSC 2. Not number 3. Not simply having them, cf. Berkhof • 4. (1) Distinction bet Is and ch (2) Consistent interpretation ) (3) Unifying principle of glory of God seen in various purposes. (angels, Is, creation,ch)

    A Definition. 1. SRB p. 5 • _. r,;u_. ty-t ;:,., __ . 2. Meaning of word in Script. Eph. 1:10; 3:2. Ot.i:U({I'~ Apply label to other disp even tho not mentionad· in Bi1:ie like use atonement, trinity, eternal sec. • 3. A distinguishable economy in outworking of God's purposes. ~ ·4. Illus in Lk 16. Respnssibility known (includes rev), qCcountability. Note disp may be changed.


    I • Number of di sp. 1. This age of ch vs law. 2. Kingdom. -3. Pre-law, and pre and post fall of Adam =5. qnly question is whether flood marks off 2 others ·Names are matter of choice.

    :Some misconceptions ·1. No grace in OT. No law in NT?? 2. Several ways·of sal. SRB p. 1115 (Jn 1) Diff content of faith bee of progress of rev. 3J qgurch only sav~d.,..people in heaven. Heb. 12:22-23. : :, .,(l~,--.,M)1{/..v.-/4, v~) i,,.;r-~ ~. :Ulttiadispensationalism and covenant theology. (explain) THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF CHRIST

    Impt to saving work, for if He is not what He claimed to be, He cannot save.

    1. Incarnation. A. Meaning. B. Relation to beginning to X. Mic 5:2.Isa 9:6. Jn 8158 C. Means. Virgin birth. Importance. D. ReasonsI for. 1. Reveal God to man, Jn 1:18 2. Body for sacrifice, Heb 10:1-10 3. Destroy works of devil, 1 Jn 3:8 4. Merciful High Priest, Heb 5: 1-2 S. Fulfill Davidic covenant, Lk 1:31-33 6. Example, 1 Pet 2:21 7. To be highly exalted, Phil 2(9

    5l1 ,,t,\\ I I. Person of Incarnate X. ,~.. , "" r"' · ~~-.111 A. Undiminished deity. Names, attributes, works, assoc. B. Perfect humanity. Human body, soul and spirit C. United in 1 person forever.

    III. Kenosi s. A. Meaning, Phtl. 2:7 B. Doctrine. Veiling of glory, consescension, voluntary non-use of some attributes on some occasions. Not giving up of att.

    IV. Impeccability. A. Meaning. B. Problem, Heb. 4:15

    V. Ministry. A. To die, Matt 20:28 B. To teach. Kingdom. Matt 5-7, 13, 24-25. Sin, Salvation. C. TO give an example, 1 Pet 2:21, 1 Jn 2:6. Of patient suffering and in everything. In His Steps. Teaching was occasional, unsystemativ,, ~lluatrated, with questions, authoritative. I. Evolution1ry theory ~. Definitio~s of co1cents. Evolutio'l in good sense but origin Also evolut:on has ~erneated every area of thot. Psycolo2y, soc, ~ol science, geo. All started with bbc 'L Life of n-,rr•in C. Boses oc cvol. 1. EJtb_rolo~/ . .Fins, tDil. But still human embyro ~. Carbon 1~. Gut only ?0,000 yrs and not agreed on ht 3. Fossi 1 s . Jut circular argument. ~ D. Problems in evol. /h. >f / 1. Theory. ~ 2. ;~o t enu f ti me 3. \ntigod. ~ace improving so doesn' t need Bod. ff1ei sti c evol. \ . Definition B. Teaching. Evol of snecies possible. Even nan as lonv as ~od started. C. Reason. Yieldtng to intcllecutalism of age. 0 III. Rcv~tational evidcnc~. A. ~ature of it. 1. lot pr· 'litive. 2. fot u'lscientific. 3. :Jetai led. 'iore than it al 1. B. Specifics of it. 1. J'•e1"\ day 'f 1 st~rts. 2. 1elations~i~ of vs 1 and became in v 2. 3. :~ind of days. 4 . Extended ~eriod rather than ga~ doesn' t dencnd on Satan' s falling. C, Confir,ationoc it. Ex 20 . latt 19. 1leb 4 Rom 5. I,,,,. ;..,__" I l#\ ,! F'."~G-4i 7 ;,,, .,_,_ ~ $""1/t I f'-df 'l: ~I 5~ 1-c:,.,,,_,.,

    ~ /vn 1-'i.,· 17 4..-.. ~ e,.,., (1 , )

    il,i;.,( z. 4.,f-,y• /0\.6 ~ J~Y·; 'L~~

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    lt4.;,..: -Cf.. 3 --r~-:. ..;.. fl.. S' ; /2, h~ 3/1-LJ.l k (Z.._ 3: ti .4, )(~ /L.7 4.f-., r.;r What: Doss the Holy Spirit Do for He?

    I. He Reveals.and inspires Jn 14:26. 1 Cor 2:13--note words. 2 Pet 1:21.

    II. He Convicts, Jn 16:8-11

    III. He Regenerates. Tit 3:5, Jn 3: 3-7

    IV .. He indwells Xns. Even sinning ones, 1 Cor 6: 19. 1

    V. He B~ptizes, 1 Cor 12:13. Scvl VI. He Seals, Eph 4:30. -- !f u kf.;. VII. He gives gifts, 1 Cor 12:11.. co VIII. He Teaches, Jn 16; 12-15 6) f!jJ IX. He Guides, Rom 8:14 @ ·-x. He Assures, Rom 8: 16 ;

    \.,i XI. He Prays, Rom 8:26. Eph 6:18 (f) I XII~ He Fi Us. (j]} A. Meaning, Eph 5:18 B. Means. Dedication--initial and continual Xeeping sin confessed, 1 Jn 1:7. Eph 4:30 Keeping dependent, Gal. 5:16. C. Results ar characteristics. Worship and praise not griping, Eph 5:18-20. Submissiveness_, Eph 5:21. Service, Jn 7:37-9, Xlikeness, Gal 5:22-23 Tongues not necessary to Xlikeness. r

    1 T-:-.·,.. i 1e _,~ca" 1 1· t•yo,. c ,1" 1s· -_x i s t ence. , •• L oo,,_ . c _ • 1 . • eac~1ng OL ~cr1pture. 7 OT books a~d every N. T. writer. 2 . Tcachin~ of'·•. ~o accoum1odation, '!att 1'1,11:39.

    1 B. :,ersonAlit: • I1tcJle.. ...,e'1cc,,, Cor ll:.,/ Emotion - , Rev 12 : 1 7 • ' Td, i l , I sn 1 l .

    II. :iis Career A. In heaven, Sz~l· ?.q u. Sin, Iso 14 c. G"1rdcn, Gen 3 D. T'·.r oughou t OT E. Gospel :,>eriod ..... Cross, Jn 12: 31. ,., I u. Present d1y, - 6 ,.. -·, n. Tri b. .VJ ·ne n,J end I. 1ound .:- nd loosed at end of :.1 final j d~ne.1t

    I I I. rii s 'Jn', A. I n relfltio:1 to ' Gen 3 :15; :!al:L l-:1-11; Jn 13: 27. B. I n relation to 1,tio,s. Rev 20:3, Rev 1'>:13. C. In rel ~i~'1 to ~nbelicvers. ? rro ':4; L~ 8:12. D. In relation to :~s. Lie, Acts ~:3; Slanders, Rev 12:10; llinders work, l Thess 2:1'1; uses h1101s to try to defeat, ~~h 6; sows tares, ~~tt 11. Incites persecut· ons, Re~ 2:1'1.

    IV . His nenfest .\. Work of ~. Jn 17:15 a. ~~ o, glare, 1 Pets: ~ C. IDakc a stand against, Jas 4:7 D. Hse the armor, Cph 6.

    If' ti ·11e mcmt 1 sl ck .ess. ; '.ay be demon poss or affli ctn, or j J ~s•nent of God (1Jan 4) , or sin, or ar.1oral pressures. r THE DEATH OF CHRIST

    I. Types of death of X. 1. Offering of Isaac, Gen 22 2. Passover, Ex 12 3. Levitical offerings, Lev 1-5. sweet and non ,4. Red Heifer, Numb 19 \sJ s. Day of atonement, Lev 16 ,6. Tabernacle. Access to God thru blood. Substitute and blood two outstanding ideas. I zI. D~_sfil~£_ion of death of X 1. R~~-~tt 20:28, 2 Pet 2:1. Price paid (never said to whom). For all.Note DEX price tag. 2. Proof(of God's love) Rom 5:8, Jn 15:13 :3. Reconciliation, savable, 2 Cor 5:18-19. All. 4. Propitiation, 1 Jn 2:2. Satisfied. Rom 3:25.

    C s:Redemption, pay price, 2 Pet 2:1; remove from ,market place, Gal 3:13, effect full release, Matt 20:28 :'• ~~ ,-

    I. What is included in salvation

    A. Acceptance, redeemed, Rom 3:24, Accepted, Eph 1:6; Justified, Rom 3:24, glorified, Rom 8:30.

    B. Position. Citizen of heaven, Phil 3:20; Prmesthood, 1 'Pet 2:5,9; family of God, Eph 2:19; adopted, Gal 4:5

    C. Inheritance. Every spiritual blessing, Eph 1:4; heaven, 1 Pet 1:4.

    D. Enablement, Rom 6:14; free from lau, 2 Cor 3; indwelt by all of G0 head.

    E. Security. Depends on what God has done. Jn 13:1; Jn 10:28-32; Jude 24; Heb 1:25; l Cor 12:13; Eph 4:30; Rom 8:23-39. Problem pa~sages, Heb 6; Jn 15. ~?,, I I • How are w·e Saved?

    ~ Faith over 200x. Aorist and present. False additions -z-,f.A'-i,·.? ~lf:f-'f 1. Surrender. Rom 10:9. Lord means Deity. 2. B~ptism. Acts 2:39; 22:16 M!.< 16:16 not genuine. 3. Repentance. Ualid if understood as gmuixtaanxx~xxxax. synonym for faith. 4. Confession. Result. Public conf nowhere required. Prayer may be hadpful. r . a f ""'"'_.. g S1~ /, tt~.~ ~ ~:· r~ 7. v~11t 'J )I · . -

    . ()'t,'t '.}t]; 2-f' . . &,1. tlu.. P,,,,_,,. j . . .· ~, ,f }l:S J /{, . 11. M S1 . ~~ f f A. :J""",n ~4 . : I-is... TEMPTED IN ALL RESPECTS Mt 4 : 1- 11 Intro. Heb 2 :18; 4 :15. Prove and solicit to evil . X' s both. God to prove sinless; Satan to solicit to evil. I . The Setting of the Temptation,4 :1- 2. Tempter,v3 A. Instigator, HS. B. Instrument, Diabolos .Satan, Mk 1:13. C. Intensity. 40 days temptations going on, Lk 4 :2 . Fasting to sensitize self ag.-attacks. 3 are at end of 40 days as eptimony of areas of tests, 1 Jn 2 :16. 1Pe5:8 II. The Specifics of the Temptati on, 4 :3- 10 A. To independence, 4 :3- 4 . 1st class cond. Since . no art . a son of God in highest messianic and divine sense =Jn 10 :36 . No doubt in Satan' s mi nd . Round stones to loaves X chose not to assert deity but teach dependence , 4 . Deut 8 :3 . Manna produced supernaturally to teach humility, dependence (Jesus supernatl sustained for 40 days) .Alone= independent or unrelated to Him . Food, Mt 6, money,Jas5, contacts, Acts 8, 9, 10 comes from Him .Tnst providence or desire prosperity? B. To Indulgence, 4 : 5- 7. Pinnacle=wing(=wings, Ps91 :4) .Roof or projection perhaps overlooking one of the valleys . 450- 600 ft to valley below. Satan quotes Scrip omitting " in all your ways. " (Note animals in Ps 91:13 cf rlk 1 :13) . Deut 6 :16 explains promise of Ps 91 . Don ' t expect signs to indulge lack of faith . At Massah, then if Jesus cast self off, at conversion, . unrac1es . throughout Xn 1ife. Rashness, needl ess risk, presumption never substitute for constancy of faith .

    C. To Idolatry, 4 :8- 10 · Lk 5 0 4 Jesus' mountain- top experiencefnD:ur ~~n(Moses), ' Ex 19 from mt ., so idolatry on mt (Deut 12, highplaces) . Kosmos given to Satan and he has marked all aspects . X will have some day Ps 2. Kand Satan knew script. Temptatn to get something temporary, vs eternal; now, vs in God ' s time ; without suffering vs cross. Greater the _prize;greater willingness to commit sin. Deut 6 :16 fear in Heb=worship here . serve is latreuo. Only is added. Deut 10: 20 also.

    III. Success over Temptation, 4 :11. A. Spiritual strength= fasting . B. Knowledge of Word (and use of it correctly) .Even Deut . C. Agressive attack ag Satan, v 10. r

    PRAYING T11E LORD• S tfAY Intro. Mention of J.cmt•a Pl'aJff evokes naotlon &Images l.Kn GOmm sold "Ndtber Jevleh nor Xn. Most any kind of theist could pway It• tho Xn with man comprehen811. tne ln sense of Jn 16124. 2. · Dlsp.8 You mean di aolples• pra.vGl"t. Not for this age. True In .rn 17 and 16124. 3. RlCUallst•Reolta It:. tsue. Lk lhl asked for form. DI daoha said they prl'G'Qd several s day. 4. Hlnolpal purpose patcem. took at pattern carefully maybe oven reel te. lut not llml ted t:o It. LeaJ'II from Ila Is ohlef fwiotlon. Like passing out old exam. tftlat leal'D? 1. PNpe• Address. 9-_ oir tteavonly Patbor A. Thia exaludes. AddtetJalng aatnta, ansels.rone. even sonera1· Idea of Cod. · · 1 a. ·tbl s requlns a· relatloasbl P• oat. 3126.Jn 1 s 12 c. fttst of all this brlnsa asmannce. that He lleal'S and viii give (Lk 11111•13). Gives the beat (HS) but beo heavenly father glvaa vi sost beo omni and lovng Addl'ess bdnss aasurance. • 11. ,-per aoknowlecflmtmts. tc-10 Affects attitude A. His holiness. Name stands for percon. Choqoter, oonduet (boV Re'll CflUmff). Aotmwledge that lie sh01lld bo held S40l'Od. "feats attitude toeerd asking.

    o. His sl017• Kgclom ooine. LGoke to earthly kgdom since tbat•a ubat Jevs enpeoted. tfbat mane·to pray tide! Tim of ,eaee, easE>• plenty. Yes. tut time mon .JC le stodfte4 '18 neve&- bdOl'e. Rev 11117; BeV !012. Dob)'lon cleatl'Oyeil" by eomlng of kgc!om. Moat Ina ·don't vant eltls .eo ·11appen.1ol'd•s eomlft8 lnterferea tdCh plans. ·

    c. ·UIS ,1111. · 0hat Re vlshos· dollG .In Gal'tll. end In petitions I ask. Dlese oskUvledgmmlla 11111 prodtloe a •carl:Gln attitude ln ~ of mtmlsslon before \.,I petition. . r \ I

    II.• ~ ASklns, 11•11~ A. Ask comm breade 11. Dally means needful (otheMse ·l'cpdlt:ous). · Basloo not:· luKl&rles. COntGlltmmt ls reached by moderatlns wncs. not 1111ltyplylq pOSStilS~ ·• Address ltdngs es~; eotmovlettsmt brings '--" att:lt:ude; aatdq bdngs _BV818D.1an. Blead _-makes · ua amn of our d8pendenoo for ltaaloa amt &21·1y. Note too oar t:hJNout Pl'QJSI". In Cha-.., P!'4'1!31 of It uo an fonsd to t:blllk of ot:hfas. Uhen asklq about dally needs Chink of. t:hose whO bsve moze needs than we do aboUt bl'0ad.

    a. As COD.OD fOl'Slvenoss1 12. Fall family fe11oudlblp. ue. lVJvo fOl'Slwm ol1len (au? then ask God to forigtvo us•. NrslaQb Matt. 51221 1a,21.22. MUst b8 In · felloeshlp ulth olbn In order to ea.,toy fellcmddp uli;ll God. mot ~ tut no. bletoness. · NmiUIPR -Lac:k of Mlowsldp. Is. a debtg to•ve ls the oni, va, to dleobal'ge- t:he debt.

    c. Mk concn temi,tadon.··. Jt1S.lt13. God _crmiltols '-,) . all situations Aft_ --,,f thlals a penllsdve t,upv. . Do not ~t us eo •· lmtt Into -.1:atn. eea11eo d- of' altuo1dons so Uk God· to control. Romt3tl4. Dellvw f~m G'Vll ono if p• Into altuotlon VMN test comas. EVll and evl l one both. ASklng should bdtll ~ of deP()Jldeue9 debts. t •-..,,_"1,,11,1,&ae~-. --

    Qpnot •. Asfflptlon of --· i3. Bnplanatlon or ~sis of Point mltb .u·fflcule-co appti,.. 14-15. Let this affece ,mar pmyer life. Is ftodte glor, and 9111 'top pdorlts,? Are J"GIII' petitions concerned vltb depeaden.oe• · relatn ultb otbelta, ualk deb 1.1,N In \llotor, _ovea- tests, RoUeVer_. . even se lmotf ell Ibis, ses,1111 1:e91lres dolas. Do ,au pmy? couples. togetber9 families. alomt. The Piety ParadJ4att. 6 The Practice of Piety I. In relation to others, 6:1-4. Good ,mrks A. The warning, 1. Rlghteousnesses, not only giving. Motive of man's admiration will cause loss of reward. "In this advertising age, ln which a man hardly needs t to sound hl s own trumpet, because there are so many uho ai ready to sound lt for him, the danger ls greatly lncreasd n, 1911,Plummer. 19 Xns have the sincerity of their benevolence marred by the llaetrledge that lt ls sure to be published." B. The Contrast of the Phar. 2. Trumpet may mean simply ostentation or chests for alms ln temple treasury callee trumpets from shape. Dropping coins Into them caused rlnglng sound. Hypoctiteuone who plays a part whose actions are not a true reflection of hls char. Reward ls now and on earth. They dld not give, they bought. c. The Guldellne, 3-4a. Proverbial exp for extremest secrecy. D. The Reward, 4. No v•openly" ln text. omni science of God ls encouragement here. Reward now and later. Prov.19:17; Acts 20:35. II. In relation to Gc,d. 6: s.1s. Prayer A. The Practice of hypocrites, s. private prayer In synagogue, not group worship, standing OK tho ostentatious ln private. Comers of open streets. B. The Prlnclples, 6:81.Secretand sllent prayer. X was 1st to enjoin this. 2. No empty words.repetitions that are mechanical and thus unlntelltglble. Repetition OK,Lk lJ:8. Heathen,ll(g 18:26. Emotion OK,Mt 26t44. Ca 3. Ace to pattem, 1-15./Tho God knows,8,expresslng /our needs shows falth&dependnce III. In relation to self, 16-18. Pasting A. The Lav, l fast day of AtonemtLev 23:27;16:29-34. Done also In tines of dlstress,Joel 1:14;2:lS; personal sorrow, 1 Sam 20:34. Lk 18:12,!-ton Thurs. V 16.. ,men,not lf. B. The Prlnclples,16-17. Not: gloomy (frC1D affected aust~ );not dtsftgurad (meorrupt,19) ..unwashed,untrlmmedhatr, ashes on both so men may see self.denial; look natural and be cheerful. Appllc:ba dlsclpllned lnwardly;don•t make a show of It. ~. NT fasting.Acts 10:30;13:2-3;14:23;1 Co 7:5;2 Co6:5; 11:27 Conc1.· Ques ls not should I be pious,but why am I plous? Ha tt 5:11-13 L r rl ' s Prayer a t til'!l(l of ut kfdom pos t poned; t- ill bP prayed during trib ~ith fervor.

    I. i ood,ll. 3rd seal, 6 :5-6 . 8-10 qtl wheat,24-30 barley. l wheat daily ratio~ f or soldier in Xe r xes' army. ~o feed self ,not famly Oil,w1ne basics too, Ueut 11:4. 4th seal, 6 18 famine. 8:7 1st trumpt. 1/3 trees, grass in same.1/3,.arei\.(9•4). 11 :6 no rain 2 ,dtnesses. Depend for basics, Our makes us think of others.Mt 25:35, IL ForgivenesE Mark 13:12, Dramati ze.Pres Mann on TV demanding to be worspd. Family around TV, Parents remember before rapture some friends or testimony or service. Eecide to follow X, Idealistic 20yr old for AntiX, More zealous as days pass, Turns parents in to be killed. ~lt 25136, Killed, Night before forgive son/daughter, In fellowshi p ,;ith cfiild. Don't aeree. ,ecognize that punishmmnt needed, but for give . Oily way to erase debt. 14=15, Not sal forgivens but family. 6:9-10 5th seal, In heaven, not purgatory. J ouls consciotll Know sequence of events on earth, \fant righting of t,rongs, Under despot,

    III. Temptation, 13. 1. to worship AntiX, Matt 24 :15 How overcome? Flee. 2, to receive mark so eat and do business, Rev 13:17-18, How overcome? l\ealize better to starve that serve. Compromise. Daily bread, 3, from evil one who will be loosed in mi ddle esp to persecute Jews. How overcome? 12 :11.

    Pray today? Yes to reali ze daily dependence. 1 o keep slate clear in forgiving, Do not permit us to be brot into temptn. heali ze danger oi situations and subleties of Satan. JJependence, debt s , daneers •

    I Matt 7:7-12

    I . Principles or Requirements i n Prayer, 7 : 7 Ask. Present need At home , infellowship Seek. Pursue need Strayed, confess Think wisely, Filling in blank check Knock. Persist . Don ' t lose Separated, dedicate heart, Lk 18 :1

    II. Promises or Reassurances in Prayer, 7 :8- 11 A. Stated by Lord, 8 . B. Illustrated, 9- 10. Nothing deceitful (counterfeit) Nothing damaging. C. Assured by fatherhood , 11. Of humans . Illus of my going away . No firecrackers , High heels for school. Of Heavenly Father. Good gi fts. Lk 11 :11 is best and given at Pentecsot. Diff answer, delays, def. no are good .

    answered III . Practicality or Ramification of prayer, 12 .

    Therefore . Since God answers prayer for us, we should be a part of answering prayers for others . Takes 3 to be involved in ans . prayer . One who prays, God who directs, people who are part of ans . Illus. birds in 6 : 26 . Aets THE LIADIR3 OP ms LORD lntro.Doot of and leading of Lord'.Get1~tatemts Aets 14:17;Mat:t 6t25ff. Gal 5118 for today.Leadllll seems to be reserved for superaalnt:s.Not so.For all not undarlm I. Prlnolple of God•s Guidance, Roma 8114. In context means He leads Into holiness.To be like Pat:ber, vis. Ps 23:3. Def1Imatllllng of Ideals and value Judgmta based on char. of God by rational Ullderstandllll of Word. Podtlve guldellnes ts basic form of guldance.l Jn2161 Co13tl-2; Gal 6:10.Rom 16t19.Vlthln these llmlU God guides ln unspecified ma~ars, not: In Blble. n. Prodeedures for God•s OUldanoe. A. Think. l.tfhat: ls dghe, Aota 5t29.J>on9 t have to pray except fo• wlll to do It. 2. Wbai is logical. 9124-5114161 271341 2813. 3. What you desire to do. 1613120tl6.1Cor l0127.Ps37:4 4. What ls ahead, 27t9•10.La111U88es now.No polloe ~

    B. Love. 1. 11:29-30. concern for poor.led t:o 1lvl111 •. ~ 2. 15136 .. Concern for brethren led to 101113. c. Consult. 1. Circumstances. ai,en door, l Cor 16:9 (Aot:s 20:1). Door in 2 Cor 2112 not so tmp1: aa fitua.Opport:uni ty may or map not be deolstve.

    2. Fri.ends. Someone who kl'lOVs you am whom you mow so won•t ba ovanhelmed or pre,udloed. Somettmes good advloe, 19138. Somcltliaes wrong, 21: 12 ofo20t22-3. 3. Godo Not: muob emphasis on prayer to know loading. 9:40 cf v 340 Saturate self with Ood•e Word. D. Walt:. 9131 and 11126. Bt29. 1616-8. Must have thot about 25110 before sald It. 111.Pnrequlsltes for Quldanoeo A. Total conseoreat:lon, 22110 Vbat. Rom 12,1.2 B. oompUaana. 9t6 c. Unreserved oommlt:tal el self to Wisdom of Cod when faced vlth adversl~. P tn prtson.x•s wbolellf• r Lk 18:9-14 THE ACID TEST OF vJHO~XALTED IN ONE'S LIFE In private (and to some extent in public) prayer is test. Paraule imaginary but slice of life. Purpose v 9-exglt sel • no coun .to=aga1nst. Elevated selves and thot other noffi1ng. espise =Herod's treatmt of X, 23:11. the rest=all others. ··How know Phar exalted self and not God? 11 l. Look at his stance (posture, emotion,intellectual att.) Completely self-centered. Good Phar. Phar=separatist. Kne,, Sc:-ip,Matt 23:2,fast,pray,tithe ,strict to foi>low int of la~, hypocritical. stood so p(IJ)le could see,cf v 13 maybe diff aor of histellli implies more conspicuous stance. Cf v 13-Phar prob had eyes open, face upward, maybe ha.nds. Standing common to Jews. Nany postures-kneelinr., faceground head bet lmecs,seated, bed, land, sea, air (thief). Can exalt self kneel,can be humbel standing, but kneel doe something.we've lost in public and often private. Stance reflected his inner self.

    2. Look at his self-image,11-12. Great by psychol standard. a. nee of what he did not do,11. s,dndler.Some .Phar wer1 lfllt!BJDl:.· SPub were too. Unjust, Lk 20 :47. Pub too .Adulters Pub too. b. Bee of ~hat he did do. Fast 2x. Atonement day before l'urim (Esther), 9th of Ab fall of Jerus. If extended fast ~ould do only on 1,TH till enuf days. Mt 6:11 18. Phar would have shown it in his uplifted face. Tithed. All acquired incl ll:42(not due). You can fast and tithe and sin. Mt 6 for fast. Jer 14:12. Amos 414-offer 3rd yr tithe every 3 days and sin.Exalted si~f q»oe peers.

    3. Look at his prayer, 11. Jewish prayers started with I thank thee. a. It was routine. b. It •..;as hypocritical=· not really taanking God for Himself and His blessings. c. It was insensitive to -bis need. Cormnon to say no Phar. could not be justfd and no pub could be justfd. show need so can recog ans when comes. d. Self-congratulatory. Pub opposite. Not routine addres~, not hypo, very sensiti &reelfstii!p, the sinner. 1 Tim 1 :15. Ezra 9 :6;Dan 918. ~ ·:4. Look at his God. God i,·as Phar's debtor. Can't put God: .-----\ ·our debt. OT God is dispenser of undeserved rtness,mercy. 1 God of merit or God of er ace. Man who can help save self o ~ utterly incapable. Prayer is acid test of whom ~e exalt.· Matt 23:11-12; 1 Pet 5:6. ~ ~- P~~ lh..r~ WBA't THE BX BLE SAYS ABOUT THI POOR Matt 26alloaa1ways wlb ueg so

    I. Let all work. Gen 3 Ex 20e "Prov 6:61 Rom 12111; Eph 4a28 Col 3122023. Work Is part of curse wt good bee 1. kaaps out of mlschlef Qen 3 2. enables you to glve to others Eph 4 3. can bs dom, unto the Lord Col 3

    Let all gt ve Mt 12 a43; 1 Tim 6; 1 J11 n. 3 1. Yho should glve. All lncld uldow 2. ffby? to show love of Qod 3. Bow much, sacrlflca11y even in poor0 2 Cor8a9. If rlohe liberally0 1 Tim 6

    IU. Let all be unlmpreseed with vealth. ~ Statue gained by money not most lmpt thing In world. 1. Unimpressed ln church, Jas 2. 2. Unimpressed in world9 Lk 12. ffhy? sec life doea0 t conlst In wealth and bee good progress of oh dpeends on splr gifts belngexerolsed lncld giving HR to oounter this status symbol with children?

    IV. Lat all be fair. 1. Employer, Jas S Pay ya~d man? 2. EmployeeD Coll. Revolting not In Bible.even for unfair treatment. ACTS--HS--2

    APOSTOLIC SPIRIT FILLING (Filling of HS i n Acts) r Intro. As would suspect one of most impt worlts of tis i n Acts is f illing. At l east 9 occasions to it. I . The Repetition of it. A. Proof, No . of references. B. Diatinction. Bapti sm not repeated. St ated onl y at Ponteaost and Cornelius but occurred anytit:le someone savod. Tho know this from Cor. not Acts. But not repeated on same group as filling was, cf. Z:4t and h:)2. c. Correlati on. same as taught in Eph. 5:18 with pres. impv. It i s commanded. To disobey is si n . I I. The Result s of it. A. It gives boldness for witnessing. l . Pentecost. So glorify tongues we f orget to i nquire as to what t he tongues spoke. 2:h filled and 2:11 to witness to wonderful vorks of God . Tongues that don' t not Pentctal. z. 1st persecution . By Sad. bee of res . August gothering, 4:;-6. 92 word message. Commanded not to spoalt in Jesus' name. Went back to own group. Acknowledged God' s r erson(despot, 24) , power (creatob) , plan, then asked not for delivorance nor wniom but boldness t o do what they had been told not to do. Prayer answeredtf . B. It qualifies f or leadership, 6 :J-S. Reason,1-2. Requirements, 3 (men, bel , reputable, spiritual, wioe}. nesult,~-8. C. It strengthens in times of stress. 1 . St ephen at end of Xn life , 7:SS . Bee he was filled with HS he could recognize X sustai ning him. W don' t see help God gives 8 bee . not filled. 2 . Paul at bog. of Xn life , 9:17. Resulted i n phyoical si ght and strengt h to testify. D. It gives disoornmont. 1 . Barnabas, ii:23-4. V 24 not reason for choosin! Bar but reason \lhy he rejoiced when oawt Gntthuua~mm people in Anti och truly saved. Discernment to see God had worked even tho apostles hadn' t done it themselv~s, cf 3:1 . 2. Paul with Blyma~ the sorcerer in Paphos, 13 •9• °'11ec1· dos blindness • . B. It causes joy in midst of trying. ct.rGWnStanoEul• . 1,,,2. A.ntlooh :l.n Plsidta.· 111. The Requil'ements for it. 1. Ne example of praying for·fi111Qg. oily pl'a,er was for boldness. 2.-Cel'tatnly no pleading for it. 3, No tul'Yino fof it. Tarrying was for fulfillment of Xfs p•omlse re baptism,laS l. Only requirement is yieldness,~:23.-!-J Means no ueonfessed sia !!!I. consoiou·s desire to do will of God.

    IV. The ·namta.oation of it. . -({~ 1 ii .. ,l "<-n-- ~/11··. In e.•erv instance souls were saved •. 1 z,i, ,,8,32; 'and s,ephen•s preaohlngg out oftStephen1 s death~ Paula Paul led many taold Paulus on c,pns; Bel'Dab3s saw._mmiy added; char~ at ~tiooh in Plsldia. Conci. Don•t tarry or seek some qnusual presoriptlor&., Just 7i,eld to ~rd and He will automatically fill. WORK OF HS IN Aars Inti-o. Often call Acts of HS. OQneot beo of 118. Aots of 'risen x·thn Bis nou. Wha' are these aots? S\f'er,tldng in book• _but speolf4oa11Y what is asoribed to BS'? And can we e_xpeot same things today? I. Be baptizes. ls5; 1~ a1S-1d. rcl½,. ....i U.,..... "~ A. Promise,. laS. ft.rat la book. B. Fal:lillment, 2 (aoa. to llclS-16), a. Bftdenoe. Sound like w&nd (no, wind that filled room, but sound), like f!re--cme on head of each. · Spllkea tongues. ' D. Aeoomtallshment. Have to go, to 1 aor. 12113. Aorist shows us happens oni, onoe tor eaoh believer. A:tfeots all who believe, Bap or associates us in body, It is work of BS whlOh foms the bod,-. DOes so today. II. He gives evidence (proof) of new birth. //.mv1.W:, 21381 51321 81151 101bh1 15181 Rom. 819. Gift ot HS ws proof of new birth • •&. How? Undoubtedly 1Jbn tongues. But tongues were to enable them to magtigy God and His \10rks in e•e~ language, 21111 10ah6. As.,so ever, other work of BS like leading, opening Saztiptures, eto. Toda,, hating sin, love of brethren as 1n Aots 21,3ff. III• Be fills. ~ -~ IV. Be Leads. ~~ V. Be Opens the Scriptures. ~,;_:_ · At beg. of book gave understanding to Peter of' Psa '9,25. Acts 111,. At end of book gave Paul understanding of Isa 4119.10. Will still do toda1 1 Jn 16:13.

    VI. Re Oovens the church A. By leading tndlviduals. B. 87 oomfortlng1 9131,poaklests, c. B:, giving wisdom• 15128. D. B:, ordaining leaders, 20128. /;r

    Concl. -WOl'ks same today. BaPtizes, 1 Oor 12113. · · Gives widence, Rom 8:16 l'tlls, Eph. ·518 Leads, Rom. 8:11 Opens Soript •. Jn 16=13 Governs1 1 Cor 12--oltts of BS Not only same BS l>Jlt same sorks today •. Power, program, prea~g same. Must be people Who are different. If have cold••• s~s drink 1ott, take asplria, if giYe ant:lblotd.o you•Sl take that and sktp water. Don•t skip power that God has.made available •• r Acts APOSTOLIC MISSIONS

    Xntn. OU mission is missions. So in apostollo oh. Bph 11112 involves quantity and quality and both iJrrolved in tull° oonoept .of missions. · l'n•a book about mlse histo17 of ea,ly ah would expect pW.naii,les. to be revealed~. Amt they an. .

    J. 1 The Pei-sonnel ol Missions 118--1,e. lndlviduals. A, Pentecost, Peter and 120 othei-s s. mezeseoution• 8tlf cf. 11~19.. c. Paul and Bunabas1 then Silas. D. 1812d. . . What kind of lndiriduals. Ozidinary people who lost!homes tn pers~e. Educated peopJe like Paul Wealthy like Banabas · IJ:; The Program of. MtsslOJUi - · . lleaoh "1le uueaohed. A. God assembled them at Penteoost1 z. B. God dispersed in persecution, a. c. God led out as 13. Reach the UllNaOhed A. At wo~k. 1812-, B. At sightseeing. 17122 a. Formal meetings, 10133 D. In ohuroh• 11,26 B. In prison. 26a 27 Tllis should be constant em, Rom 15a21 cautionsa Don•t neglect work at J:XJ:.'ltle hodu.ot of Missions home, in Jews Local, oJtganized eh Don•t be spasmodto, oi l81111lP1lO Pl'Ooeedure was not to noa•t lose interest In mmouaoe est of oh but past assooiat!ons.201.1,2 eflnaelize and then people saw need of 91'0\IP assoo and activity. But neYel' left a city whel'e a nwnber of xn.s without es, a oh• lb.1231 1919. 1ff epistles vouoh fol' validity and SIICCIGSS Of:this. r'

    IV. The Pl'Otseed~ c,f t-1t.sstons A. Itinen•l•• svstem&tio •. 111zi-26115a36 B. B1 I' svateglo oenJe•s•. Jens. Antioch, Kph,. Phi11 Athens •. Oot-,Ro:a c. 0l'a1 Principal method. · 1 In s:,aagogues, ~ouf:les0 el3, t,, river,16113 3at1.1d12J1 sti'eet mets •. 17:22; worlr,.1812 What o•e• alu·used must Jle1'el' be nbaU.tate fol' oral mln$.st17. , · D. Ltteratt;tfe~ Acta to;Th~ophilus. Epistles to eh. Personal & · You can do also in letters.home·anct·to frlenclS. ·E, Tl'ainino nat•1 wo~ers. Qroups of them• 1lt23; 19130 I''dividualat lisl; 18:zd. Do same in ss class• mission, at home. See,tt J'OU can· leave a reflection of. yourself somewhere this. summel'. Aots CONTRADICTORY LJW>lNG Blok of Aots is full of contradiot:lons. Here ue some. 1. Basic theme of book-witnessing, 1:8 but :..l~'

    ~'c z. Power of prayer, 12t12 of 121, ,. Preaohing x. 131 U and,c.t:, 2 t5 122.27 of 1 4115-17 4. Use of rights, 16122 of 22126

    l i ,. Length of time, 1712 of 18111 -. ( . ,. Knowing Lol'd•s wt.11 1 316 of 911"> 7. Unity 15125 c115139 a. Free Will and sov, 1,114 of Rev 3120 9. Fearlessness, 5218 of 13150 and 1116 10. Use of means, 81ho cf 25111 11 • .....,, l'1 • ..,"'1 17: '( {\>t. •J ~ 1 Y:J ~-t What does all this mean??? 1. Need fellowship so know what•s right When 2. Need reguluity. Variety diff from irregularity. Underlying all these ex. 1s regular praying, p~eaching1 fellowship.

    ,. Need chuit1. Beo. Ood may be leading diff people in di.ff wa,'S• Note that all these things were right. Not ques of right vs wrong but what 1 s right when. This requires utter dependence oil HS Phll 1 GOD DOESN'T NEED MY PROGRAM Intro. Day of programs and most man- made wlth veneer of God over them.Lord, bless my plans. What ls God's prog? 1:12-progress of Gospel, 1 Tim 4:15-prof1Jtk~~:4i~~n1~2 How can I allign self with His pro~ram? I. My AFFAIRS must be right; l:i2-1~ Things-affairs (12 A. P's plans. First, to go to Jerus with money, Rom 15: 28. Then reach Jews in Jerus for X, Acts 21:26. Good goal, good motive, good Scrip basis, godd r ecord of faithfulness previously. Not God's way of furthering. Or time. Why ? Don't know. Why Jonah delayed. Impt thing ls to do God's will in God's way in God's time. B. God's substitute plan. Captured, trials, 2 yrs Caesae < • House arrest in Rome. Trlals-sanhedrln, Felix,2 yrs, Festus, Agrippa, default in Rome (after Phil). Why ? Can't see all reasons but can see how P's affairs now advanced the gospel. 1. Why prlson--Eph,Ph,Col Phlle 2. Why noeu~reachlng-Reached people in palace and courts Soldier chained, Acts 28:16-as went back told. When Oneslmus converted was done in front of soldier.Eph6:20. Results? cf 4:22. 3. Why not clear-cut trial to vindicate gospel. Bee not vlddicated by govt but by changed lives. Result:these affairs (my-God's) advanced gospel. P's desires OK but God fulfilled them in diff ways. II. My ATTITUDES must be right, 1:14-1~ Twd other wor~ A. The Men, 14.Brethren. Confident brethren. lit. confid, ing in my bonds. Paradox-leaning on bonds. Saw P's conduct, steadfastness and case going by default. Result, X preached. Seems OK BUT B. The Motives, 15-17. Some-envy,strife,partlzanship, to add to P's affliction (to gall P). Prob Judaizers who thot P was getting what he deset:ved and preached so. God wasn't punishing P, was advancing gospel. Note motive, all wrong but Word was blessed. Blessing on Word doesn't nee guarantee God's approval of worker or method. Others-out of good will, loving loyalty to Lord and P. ~. The right Attitude, 18. Well, what of it? It matters only that gospel is preached. Tho pretence (for preachini ,,hile in reality they were motivated by prejudice). l rejoiced in that. lII. My AMBITION must be right, 1:20-30 ~agnify X in body. This was P's longing expectation. nagnlfy.glorlfy. Center-body bee only way we can serve. l€8po111oani111ent-boldness (of speech). Opaaness. Not 10 ~ 01undering. Bhil 2


    Intor-Def. Pride ism Over-self-evaluation,thinking more highly of self than ought to either (1) bee of wroBS attitude twd real superiority- or gifts or (2) bee of imagined superiority.Rom 12:3. Huperephanos,app~ar over Humility ls God-consciousness, thus proper attitude ls proper self-consciousness (not over=pride) in God's slight (then no self-deprecation or false humility). "Nothing for thee." Do something with measure of faith. I. CAUSiS of pride. (just in Phil) A. Pride of service, 1:15-16. Proud of what doing.That t::hey were instruments of God to punish P. Or thot OK bee were being blessed. Curse of today ls quantity for quality and forced results for real and program for power. B. Pride of attainment, 3:3. Family position, social position, spiritual position. Belonging to certain group. c. Pride of position, 4:2. Hostesses for churches. Leadership should be respected (Heb 13) but leaders shouldn't be proud. D. Philanthrophy, 1:14-17. Not so in Phil but can be source of pride. All biols down to SELF as causes of pride.Opposite-humil- ity ls God-oonsciousness instead of pride-self-cons. II. CHARACTERISTICS of pride, 2:~-4. Strife Faults not so evid in Phil ch but P warns against letting pride work. Basis is v I-comfort in X (or endouragemt), Solace of love (tender persuasion that comes fr Divine m: fellowship of HS, tenderheartedness, concern for p (v2) A. Factiousness, 2-3. Should be- 1,)ist• Likeminded,2 Lit think same th1ng All•. This v11H • Having same love is unity of local • Accordasoul together. assembly, or miss. Thinking same. work.If not,get out, 2.Factions. Party factions and word also includes individual self-promotion. •l:lu-. 3. Vain gloryaempty opinio9,prlde. B. Fruitlessness, 4. Bee conswit own interests.Only way to be interested in others is 3b-deem that others surpass self. When tired of giving-r emember this ls fruit. III. CURE for pride, 2:5-30. Service. A. Example of X, 5-8. r 1. What He was,6. Form of God-as real as form servant. \ Equal with God. Had rights, position, prlvlloges. 2. What He became,7. Emptied (no rep.) of manifestation or use of divine_ attrj..butes, hut- not- of poss~sslon. Form of servant lnv.olved genuine humanity (tho .perf). 3. Resullt,8.- Self-humbling ln view of mission. lbadm self-sacrifice. 1 4n 2 3. Pbed to wt· l of-G~. . . . , . B. _Paul, ~6•17~ 1.....,1 1. Meant labor ·to point of exhaµstlon,· 16. 2. · Meant sacrlflce, 1-7. Pourecl out as offerl·~. Perhaps outcome of trial ln mind,& poss.martyrdom. Same word ln 2· Tlm 4: 6 when facing sure _death.• _3. Meant contemm mel\t, 17. Rejoice ln will of God. C. Timothy, 19-23. 1. Concerned, 20 al Cor ll:25. 2. Serving, 22. ~,1wtttll~,1-,tHI From deo,blnd D. Epaphrodltus~ 25~30. 1. His character. 25~1aborer, soldier, servant . (il~lltatae,aoomml~sloned to bring mon?le&i1e1$&l!~- 2. Hls Conduct, 30. DldA•t spa_re self. . ' Concl. God doesn't need my pride. t need consclounesss of. Hlm. Result: service for lllm. No wl 11 of 9Wll. '~ r Phil 3 GOD DOESN'T MEED MY PEDIGREi Intro. Background of Judaisers. Racial superiority in a predominately Jewish ch. Religious superiority bee had Script and came from headquarters. P turns label dogs on them (v2) and parades own background only to slap them. No t to promote self or message. I. P's Pedigree, 5-6. 1. Circ 8th day. Born Jew, no prosetyte. 2. Race of Is. Chosen position by God . 3. Tribe. Distinguished. 1st king. Only tribe faithful to Judah in disruption. 4. Heb . No Hellenist. 5. Pharisee. Separatist,Kaew Sclpt. Titled, fasted, Real separatist, Acts 22:3; 26:S. Not all Phar hypocrite 6 . Persecutor of ch. Acts 22:3-4; Gal. 1:13-14. Concnd about what he beld tho wrong. 7. BlUteless. lit becoming blameless or turning out so. Proved self and entitled to have confidence in flesh if anybody could--esp ace to Phar standards. II. P's Profit (from his pedigree), 7-8 1. Its Nature, 7. None from stlf, all fr X. Rom 1:1 from Pharisaic separatist to separated to gospel . What were the things (v7)? Finantial stability,Acts 21:24; physical comfort, 2 Cor 11 (climate in Antioch), great reputation, family acclaim. 2. Its Determination,-8. a . Deciwive, Counted, pf. Decisive with cont. results. Suffered loss in 8 also aor. Don't minimlze-P calls things he might hava had a loss. Like pleasures of sin. b. Inclusive, 7- all that might promote himself. c. Continuous, 8 . Do count 2x in v 8 pres. Rom 8:13. III. P's Purpose in Life, 9-14 1. Realize his position, 9 . Xns need to know.Rom 3 2. Practice, 10a. Know. How? llyxkantquMlln Aor. Dedicat1 ii Power, lOb-11. By union in res, Rom 6. Involves p suff!ring and being (pres) conformed to death. a.r,iite8tion, 12. Never attain. But stretch forward. Can attain perfection at stages, note v 15.Mature for time. Proceedure in l Jn 1. Concl. God doesn't need pedigree but may use it. Used P's intellectual training and citizenship, but must sac to x 1st and not with aim of finding ways to let God use talents. Let Him decide what He wants to use and what not. Phil 4

    GOD DOESN't NEED MY PURSE Intro. Bible says a lot. Not carnal subject. Actually it is an horizontal test of a vertical relatnship. l Jn 3: l7.2Errors re money-rich means someone else. Xn worker thinks exempt bee giving life. lb, ot" I. Reasons for FUrse, 10-13 A. Sustenance or supply, 10-11, not B. Strength, 12-13. OR Provision not power. Thess had sent several gifts, then vlO and before,16. Tho gift did sustain P, not in need (11) bee learned self- sufficiency in all circ. How sustain? vlO- think then seek opportunity. Not succumb to pressure. B. P's strength came from (1) sfif-sufficiency vll; I ' (2)experlence, 12 in want ~ plenty; (3) dependence, 13. Summary, l Tim 6:6- godliness and self-suff. Know self (weaknesses,strengths), learn dlscipl~ae, and depend on power of God. v 12-know•inltiated vl2-in everpt hing and in all-in detail and aggregiate.

    \,<~ < rt' II. Reward of Purse 17,19 18 A. Fruitfulness, 17. Note P's delicate concern. Doesn't want to seem to be saying "·thanks for future favors" B. Fulness, 19. /Pleasing to God, 18 as fruit is. 1How be fruitful? Be a giver. Faith- will supply (fut). Extent-nedd of Phil and with further result of their being able to give again. temporal need in view. 2 Cor 9 : 8 also promise of temporal blessing to givers. Standard-His •tches. k,< .t III. Rules for Purse, A. Not tithing. Lev 27, Deut 12, Deut 14. B. Personal, 1 Cor 16:2. Leaders' gifts often made public for example, Numb 7, Acts 4:37, Acts S, Phil 4. Proportionate (includes at least annual examination with view to possible vatlatlon). Private deposit out of which give. Pledges OK,2 Cor 8:10- 11. Collections OK (l Cor 16:2) Regular- 1st day. More blessed to give. tHOllBAU. AND tHE MAN OP SIN 1. Henry David thoreau. Intro. QUlte lake ln N.g BuCJY U station In NY.What connectn'l thorej811at7-62 (May6) Undlstlnsutshed family, ~rvarcl. Influenced to write and to theol via by IWlmerson.Atao employed as gardener by Bmei Tho only 2 books pub durlng-llfetlm,1reat Inf of writings. Gandhi carried and dlstrlbtec his essay =ctvll Dis" Did 2-cont thlnssa(l) refused to g,ay poll taa beo sovt supported slavery ( 2)moved out to Walden Pond. from Jul~ 4,1845 to Sept-6,1847. Experiment In simple living, net tdthdrawal. Hts tbeology:humanlem ◄ (transcendentalism) No authorl ty ln rel mattei follow conscience. Mostly unitarian ministers ◄ Levleesnese proverblal.Ltvlng with l Bx,ectecl. 2 tlm.311-5. Against God,famtly,seli others, etc. 2 these 217 of the lavlassness Ill.Man of sin. All this will lead to him. ~ ltse and Fall of 3rd Relch.Unknovn fanatic disliked and dlstrusted.Xnte111gent,utvlltmact cultured paopla.Damooratlo govt. Lmflessness was Ingredient that brot Hitler to power. Penn Station. Htstory will repeat In future OJ larger acale. Maa of sln,Dan 7a24o3 natlona. J>an 9a27 covenant. Lawless Ona 2Tb 218,nct bee won 9 t restore order but bee ag lav of God. Myatary of lawlessness Is not Just q govt and society bat as God. Humanism of thcreau. :rv. inos Attitude. Be lawful In $Very realm. A. In civil realm. Nero 54-68.Bomana 13, l Pet 2 Tit 3al.No exceptions.Acts 5128 not elvU. Dan 3 ls• . &. In eccles realm. Leas in Nt. 1 Th Sa12-22. ~on•t look Just at others or youth or class. \__.I But at self. ehy does God give lwf Son w dl\OV and for our growth Into maturity. I lssay on Civil Dis srw out of refusal to pay poll tax July 1846 In V Concord.Constable offend, but.Jallad.Durln1 night aunt paid.To obay govt was nlatlvtsm1 to obey oonectence eas absolute standard of truth(humenlsm). 00 1ndlvlduales om innate sense of goodness." If 3 people have 3 dlfl views, not too bad; but If 3000 do. · Idealism+ humanism• anarchy. WIiden Pond. Not Isolation atnoe regularly· - went Into town In evenings to vlslt. Wanted simple llfa. Built cabln01row food •. 2 'Thees 3

    CORRECT CHRISTIAN CONDUCT Intro. Often see truth by seeing error. These These. not correct in conduct. Chief prob was laziness. So P corrects them and gives us t he multi-varied aspects of Xn conduct. Involvees r.1 Prayer, 1-2. A. Object in this caee--Paul. B. Content. 1. Gospel might have rapid and truimphant course . 2. P might be delivered from unbelievers. Reference is to Jews in Corinth, Ac t s 18:12 ff.

    II. Progress, 3-5. A. In stability. B. Incsanctification. Fromtevil one~ 1 Th 3:5. • .ln .love. lJ. Ins eaa.fas"tn"se. III . Penalitiee, 6 . A. The People, out of rank. Matter of leafing. B. The Penalty. Withdraw, 2 Cor 8:20 only. Used of furling sails or gathering tog. robe as sign of disgust. Upo plus vb in Gal 2:12. C. The Pattern. Traditions recd. IV: Pattern, 7-9• A. Hard work, 7-8aratis gospel, Rom 3:24 word used. B. Humble willingness, 9. Had rights but didn't -fuse with Thess. tho recd gift from Phil while in Thess. V. Precepts, 10. "If any will not work, neither let him eat. 11 Possibly Jewish saying taken over.

    VI. Pursuits, 11-12. A. Wrong pursuit. Busybodies trying to get others to stop work too bee of nearness of Lord's coming . B. Right pursuit~ Work with tranquillity instead of excited state. VII. Perseverance, 13. Don't lose heart about noble /things. VIII . Patience, 14-15. Try to win the erri ng ' by: :;;,_ vbb;. ~er Lov,·,,. 1 A. Noting him (doesn't say what this involves.) ? B. Having no familiar intercourse with him. C. Admonish him (put nim in mind)Qf truth). A. Greater than the prophets of old order. 111. Old was partial, ne~· complete; old thru institutns and humans, new thru Son.Great prophets, but X greatest L Heir.o2• Ps 2:8; 1,om 8117 (we with X). FuLin 1':. 2. C-reator,2,10-12. of a~es=periods of time and all that ~ is in them. 10-12-tmchangeable and abidinc. 3. i:.a

    Not-i angels serve us, 14 1 so i,;e can serve x. He is greatest.

    II. hhat )_ Does, 2 a 5-18 By becoming lower than ang9..lsAdtastin~ ~efth1ia9. 1. 13-cot nc~J relationship, ~t 8 22 s22 ~atf-i:3!corithren. 2. New 't'elease, 14-16. 'fhru death, not res. 3o Ne,\ r.esult~, 12-18. Merciful a&"ld faithful lt.P, xa. Hr· pres. tense showing perpetual priesthood m. Propitiation

    xcx Succor 0 4115-16. C O U • t·. l urP, t el

    I I. 1 r aininr i.Jy 01m r ehab A. ;-:'.atinp:, 12b, .:,olid food. Not junk, r-ooks, seminars, :,tick ~ith ,ord,G::,iners Fuel. . r. • 1nr r- • ...: xerc1se, 13 • . X <;olid food is not 6 11-2. It's del Shesthood n . Knot, inp ( watch video of s wimmers) and and doinr, 1000s meters,i:any sets, C • .Exrludinr, 13 ,discernin<>. ,~·ell.IE evil. •~xclune ooc:l,better for best, ~'xclu,➔ e leral and illeral. Choose r ood no•-. t hen easier n~ I II . "l eachers, "::pp .4 :11-14, Un ity, knm••ld!, ma t urity, stability (14), ~rrcrs1 God wants me to be happy. ~~lectivP ded, f s 37:4.

    I V. Thirst, l Pet 211-2, Li kr newborn desire pure (unadultera ted) spi:ritual (apptals to reason and spirit,~ome 12 :1), \PQUires rid. yourself of v 1, , ra·,e to know,do ·vord,

    1 oncl. Heb 4112-13, His ,ord, our 1,ord,reptJ PRIESTHOOD OF CHRIST Nowhere else in NI' is priest or HP applied to X except Heb. Idea in Jn 17 and Rev 1. Yet faoflgl~I vs includes 2117;411517124-S. I. Qualifications, 511-10 \.:.I 1. Human,1. 2. Compassionate, 2. 3. Chosen by God,4-6.In days when HP chosen for political reasons. Ps 2, 110 most quoted in Nr 4. Prepared, 7-8.Sufferings in life and death(9). Prayed to be del from death but knew not possible. Learned obedience. hupoakoe. But disqualified bee wrong tribe unless another order,10. II. Order A. Portrait of M. Not"!BeA8hany. Made like, not like,3. B. Particulars of M. priesthood 1. ropal. Aaronic only priests. Zech 6111 2. Independent. Did not rest on ancestry as laronic. 3. Eternal or timeless. 4. Inclusive of J and G. c. Preeminence of M priesthood. over Aaronic ~ 1. Bee Mel blessed Abraham, 7s7 2. Bee Levi pd titles to Mel in Abr, 719-10 III. Products of X's Priesthood A. A new basis for perfectionscomplete comm. with God. Not law but x.11-12 B. A new hope and access, 19. c. A new security, 25. r Jae intro l ~ I. Authentici·ty. A. External. Notn>nthout·some doubt, tho 1st mentio~ by Eusebius~:Omitted by Kuratorian. Origen includes and many others after him. · ~ ~oubt has arisen bee of omission ~Eu.a .:kJ Origen. However, allusions and tracesof it in that period. Traces in Clement Ep to Corin. 95 A.D. Hermas. Baranagas, iu.ycarp,155, Ignatius,115. Really not B • Int erna.1 1-.:JE!.ny weaknesses in exter evid. Very strong. Assume for mement the author was Jas bro.lTopics in book are those which might be referred to bishop of Jerus. 2. Evidence of OT saturation. Wisdom lit,doom of proud, poverty, etc. 3.Style is that of bishop of Jerus. Just says what he has to say etc.

    II.Authorship. A. James son of Zebedee, bro of Jn. Commonly dismissed as without authority. l.Supported by Styiac,Peshito version,5-8cen. has 2perscription Jas Apostle. 2.-·supported by suppositio~ that inconceivable that a son of thunder wouldn't write a book. 3. Supported by similarities in Jae to Jn Bapt teaching; so author must have been one who heard Jn Bap. Ex Bib has list,7. 4. Similarities to Sermon Mt supports idea apostle was writer. None of these really support. 2,3,4 very light. B. Jas son of Alphaeus. Some have made this Jae same as Jae bro of X. This supported by supposing that Clopas in Jn 19,25 is akin to Alphaeus. Possible but would same peeson be known by 2 names in same company of disciples? Supported by idea that Mary wife of Clopas same as Mary mother of Joses, ~: lilt 15147; 1611; Lk 24110, mother of Jae less,Mk: 15140 and these are called brethren of Lord, Mk 613 tho really cousins. This view supported by those who want to make brethren of X cousins. Make author Jae son of Alphaeus who is cousin of x. 8 f~!,Jn 19.:25 is prob Salume cf Jf 2ff?t'~' .4u. Also brethren of Lord ware \nbel,, ~ut if Jae AJ__phaeus 1 of disc he had to e ~-~4.-z 0 )> ;o 0 G'J ~ -0

    (f) -l > en 0 ~ L ,1;i ~ - f-- e_,~ ~ <( f ,,.,.,. .,, ~ v()J./ fJ-;,.-.-,..; 1p7.. . 0 z A. ~-~~- < 1- /. ~ - /)'Vr/3 : )1 ..... - 1~ (~} (f) [),., , 9r,- . ~ . ~ - -s~ ( ajf L ~) 1:i..YA.._ ~ ~ ~ ~ tr4-)

    ') n. . /'h · jJY J IJ,r,J-J: k,- L,,( 2- : 7 .,,c_ r- Y">- ''~$ --P--,,...... ,, . 'fifw-T"l> JC. , s 1, YA,..,. 2.. / /2...... '/: VJ. Ct n-:,r1 /J.A-J:6 .,,· / /: >"'/ ; /1. : 2-~ tr' . /C....t- I: )-. ~ X ~ y)>, °1,k_

    f'1>Y O yn?S (,,.-:, u 7:12; r:L/-Z. ; '7: JV (7 L_ ~ ) _ ., 67~ ~) :J,,J.-J<.J,J'l/; 3 :J,,1t;1J._'l:t J.h,,t_, I I : /7 1 ._Q, '- A-<. • ~- w1', ~ - (?~ ~ 1 H~ '/ ~ .

    e. \/1-, 1 {¼A~1~~~~ /. Jih.; ~ r tn..1 ~ ~ !?t-, _ '2- . (?~ '1 V'L ~ ~ . ... ~- P~n 'K~~-iv~J!}-<.~ i HL 4. I a. ~ co 0 c~ <( 0 z < 1- (f) r r rf~ U /J-vt ID-: ,Y,· ~ 'f: 3 j /{,,: ~ JI, 'v/. . ~c...r. /4.."~~ k...:...... r t...J7-,, .;_ /.A /Cl: I '2. ; 'l4 : / h :' Jrunes


    Intro. Confusicm about the Wor d. Ol d liberalism. Neo- ortho. Neo-lib. Conservatism and dictation. Impt. bee of question of authority. Look at apostle's opinion of Word. Remember he was a Jew reared in X's home . But unbel until after res, Jn 7:5. Also r emember he gave his lif e for this Wor d from pinnacle of templ e and then stoned. Godliness of ho 1e in Lk 1:46-55. 15 quotes f r om OT . Epi stle t o bel ieving Jews and bet 44.:50. Earl iest except Mar k.

    I. James ' use ot the 1lor d. Employment A. OT. 108 vs in J ames . Ref ers or alludes to 22 OT books. Aut horitative, cf 4 :5-6.

    B. 1 1 s teachings . Refl ects teaching of Jesus more than any NT book except gospels, of course. 18 allusions= to teachings of X. 15- 20 yrs after He died. Intermixed with OT , cf 4:10- 11. Eoual a~thority. II. Epi thets of t he Word

    A. 1-Jord of trut h, 1 :13. Conveys t ruth that makes men spiritually alive.= gospel . Impt if it conveys this message. And Jrunes was convinced as an adult.

    B. Scripture, 2:8, 23; 4:5-6 . In ti.rte of X Scriptures was a designation held for OT and withhel d f r om J ewish lit. Ter m i ncludes authority. To quote it is to end all a:cgwnent.4:5Q6 and not direct quote either-- just sense of OT .

    C. Perfect l aw of l i berty, 1:25; 2: 8. Includes OT , 2:8 and more than OT , 1:25. = OT brot to fruition in t e~chings of Christ. 0, J-, 2..t.. vi,..,_.( ,;..vt,.,l,; ~i-,,ifl r/ 7'..;,1. -J,-,, · r I II. Effects of t he ' d • A. MeAns of r egener ~tion, 1:18, 21. Bring forth,l~ i s f r om wor d pregnant. Gospel like l ogos which c:reated worl d. Then it' s i mpl anted and r r ows i nt o fulness of sal.

    B. Means of rr ovrth . 1:21, 2: 8. C. J1:eans of revealing defects, 1 : 23- 25. Consequently i t is t o be car efn7.., y e- azed at 1 : 25 and carried out with dilir.ence , ].: 22. Part icnl arly to men .

    D. Standard fo~ judv,ment , 2:12. cf Rom 2:/,.

    IVtA~t,:;,. . f~ ~ ~~ . ~- 1'~ ''1k.~;-r:.~--1it..'-'--1 1J ~ ~ ~i:..41. . ~ 1 -n...., ~ ,. w-. ~ ~ .

    ~ ~ J'b "T1-- .._,l1 ~ ~ ~ -k. "'il..c -1r...4 cr,,,__ ~ ~ )~ k.M ~ iL, ~ f-.M 1 ~ ,v..,,/4.. ~, y, .. ~ ~ --~ ,;;,,. ~ c-.... -~ w.:a. ~ ~ 11 1.;. ~ • 1--..r -,. ½ ~ ~ I~ Yk t.:.~ ~ 11k ~ 0#-~ '· J'7,

    rv--o . ~ ~ ~ ~ k.. rr~ J,.,.,,-- ~ ½ 1 Cn., .2...: / 3. /lvrI " 1 I <. . 11 ~ H) a C.. h_ ._. ,,~ ~ ~ ~ ,( 1 P)r( ?-"-7' ~--nc..· ~ ,, e,, ~r.;, ff-,..~ . Intro Jas,2

    C. Jas bro of X. Eusbeius speaks of him as author. Many others after. What is meaning of brethren of X. 1. Means natural sons of Joe and Mary after X born. View from 4th con. Not much before that. Natural inference from Mt 1:25. Against view is action of brethren in Mt 12:46; Jn 7:3-5 which makes i$ appear brethren older not younger. Against is question why Mary comitted to Jn son of Zebedee. Ans-bec he was believer. Other brethren prob not at cross. 2. Brethren were sons of Joe before marriage to ~ary. Ex Grk favors. Apocryphal gosples support, Camb Bib, 17. Favorite view in 2-4th centuries. Supported by fact that it does no violence to meaning of word brethren and yet preserves Mary!s position.

    3. Cousins. That is brethren were sons of wife of Clopas who is sister of Mary. This also equates Jas brother and author with Jasso~ of Aplhaeus. Stmi.ns brother. Inconceivable that imgp 12 was unbeliever which would be neo if Alphaeua and writer same. Ex Grk xii Views 1 and 2 most widely accepted.

    III.Addressees. 12 tribes scattered abroad. Most widely addressed letter in NT. 1 Peter nearest. ~as limited to Xns, 2:1,7; 5,7. 1. Limited to ch in Judea. Bee Jas evidently never left Jerus. 2. Limited to eastern dispersion, Syria and Baby lonia. 3. Includes all dispersion with scenes drawn from Jas' knowledge of churches at Jerus but warning all who had become Xns . Sent to centers of dispersion

    IV. Date. Arguments for early date. 1. No ref to controversy of circ. Thus before 50. 2. Syna~o~e in 2 :.l-. 3. Ref in 2:15-18 may be to Acts 11 (about 44) and th~s.p~ts book bet 44 and council in 50-51. 4. Pr1m1t1ve character of persecutions,2:6(such type as in this vs in Pal only b~76- J.,,,r~ - 4,,.,.,.,., .ii 11 . L • r Intor Jas 3 V. Life of james. A·. Childhood.In home with Jesus. Lots of things must have come back when converted. From Lk l see pious home. Knowledge of OT. Note Jae la5,3:15Jreverence for law, poor, poetical expression in epis. B. During X's ministry. Jeaus began to be separated from ~family earl~, Jn 2:12. Rejected in Nazareth, Lk 4•31. lJote completeness of it, Mk 3:32ff. Note J4k 614. Jn 7•2-10. Impf in v 5-presistent unbelief of family.

    c. Conversion. Xn in Aots 1114. X appeared to Jas, 1 Cor 1517. This evidently was time of conversion. Rote how quickly Jas recd by brethren esp in Jerus lo that immediately he becomes recognized head of oh. l:usebius says he was the 11 first to be entrusted with the thronon of the oh in Jerus." D. Work. Head of Jerus oh. Note Acts 12117; 15sl3T21. Gal 219; Acts 21118. E. Life. Eusebius says ascetio--no wine, no meat eater, no razor, no bath, etc. Nazarite from birth. Always in temple praying for sins of his people so knees became "-91hard like camel's.

    F. Death. Scribes and Phariesee took him to pinnacle of temple, flung Jas down when he refused to dissuade the people from following Jesus. High as horse on Magnolia Bldg.450•. Didn't die so stoned him. ,las prayed for their forgiveness. Then priest took a club and beat him to death.

    ~ Thruout notes I refer to Ex Grk and Ex Bible and really mean Camb Grk and Camb ~ib JAMES Introduction, 1:1 I. TRIALS, 1:2-18 A. The Prupose of trials, 2-4 1. A proper reaction, 2 2. A proper reason, 3 3. A proper result, 4 B. The Place of Trials, S-11 1. In ~elationto prayer life, S-8 a. statement of need, 5 b. supply of need, 6-8 2. In relation to position in life, 8-11 a. Let the poor see them as an exaltation (poor more subject to trials) b. Let tbe rich see transitory nature of riches (rich have more to lose in trials) c. The •••t11w■ a Trials, 12-t, Promise concm o. The Pedigree of Trials, 13-15 1. Not from God, 13 2. From within, lb.-15 a. The origin. b. the process. c. the end product. E. The Purpose of God, l'-18 1. Boons, 17 2. Begetting, 18 a. Proceedure, will,word b. Purpose, ftrstfruits

    II. WORD, ~:19-27 A. Re~tiK~imi!tsl9rg!21b(reoeive, v 21) 1l. Higat!ve re4ul~ements,19-2la a. Positive requirement, 21b z. Result, Zlc. B. Doing it,22-25 1. The prec4pt, 22. 2. The Parable, 23-24. 3 Promise,25 c. Living it, 26-27 1. Consideration,26. 2. Visitation, 27a. 3.Separat1on;7b, III. PARTIALITY, 2:1-13 A. The Command against Partiality, 1 B. The Conduct of Pariality, 2-3 c. The Consequences of Partiality, 4-13 1. Out of step with profession, b.. Hypocrisy 2. Out of step with God,$. 3. Out of step with men, 6-7. Honor unworthy ones. 4. Out ot step with law, 8. 5. Out of step with holiness, 9. 6. Out of step with commandments, 10-11. 7. Out of step with principles of judgment, 12-13. IV. FAITH AND WORKS, 2:14-26 A. The Interrogation, 14 B. The Illustration, 15-17 c. The Indoctrination, 18-26 1. The Precept or principle, 18 a. The Proofs, 19-26 a. Demons, 19-20. b. Abraham, 21-24. c. 11111 Rahab. d. Body, 26.

    V. WISOOM, 3;1-18 A. The Warning, 3:1 1. The persons, la. 2. The peril, lb. B. The Digeession, 2-12 1. The Bridling of the tongue, 2-4 a. Importance of it, 2. Perfection depends on. b. Illustrations of it, 3-4. Horses, ships. z. The Boasting of the tongue, 5-12 a. The danger, 5-6. Like fire b. The d•structiveness, 7-12. Like unruly evil. c. The True Wisdom, 13-18 1. Demonstrated, 13. z. Described, 14-18 a. Contrastingly, 14-16. b. Concretely, 17-18. VI. WORLDLINESS, 4:1-17 A. Cause of worldliness, 1-2a. 1. Innocent lust, 1. hedone 2. Illicit lust, 2. epithumia B. Consequences of worldliness, 2b-6 1. Arrid prayer life, 2b-3. 3. Adulterous personal life, 4-6. c. cure of worldliness, 7-10 1. Submission,7. 2. Siding, 8a. 3. Separat1on,8b. 4. Sobriety, 9. 5. Subjection, 10. D. Characteristics of worldliness, 11-17 1. A certain kind of talk, 11-12 2. A certain kind of trade, 13-17

    VII. Abuse of RICHES, 5:1-18 (and other advice)

    A. The Condemnation, 1-6 1. The people, 1. 2. Their practice, 2-6. 3. Their peril or punishment, 2-6. B. The Comfort, 7-11. 1. State'#, 7. 2. Applied, 8-9• 3. Illustrated, 10-11 Husbandman fv.7), prophets, Job. c. The Counsels or Cautions, 12-20 1. Concerning oaths, 12. 2. Concerning affliction, 13a. 3. Concerning excitement, 13b. 4. Concerning sickness, 14-16. 5. Concerning prayer, 17-18. 6. Concerning conversion, 19-20. AN APOSTLE•S OPINION OF THE BIBLE

    Jas•.s home. Lk 1:46-55. 15 quotes from OT. Yet unbel, Jn 7:5. In book of Jas (one of earliest of NT) 108 vs. Refers or alludes to 22 OT books and 18 allusions to teachings of X. 15 yrs after X died.

    \...I I. It is Authoritative. His use of it. Also 4:5-6. "In the NT, nscripture" and "scriptures" stand regularly for the or sacred books regarded as "i nspi l ed ••• n Orr ISBE. Quote ended all argument.·

    II. It conveys gospel which saves bee it is truth,1:18. Some say gen is appos, obj, poss. ~gospel.

    III.It sanctifies as perfect law of liberty, 1:25. Rec implanted Word,v 21 for fullness of sal exp.

    Must do as well as hear. Bible not merely a text book. 1. Do. 22-25. Only 6x·in NT, lXmpoet. lx P;4xJas,3 of 4 hel in this Paragraph. (Rom 2:13) a. The Precept,22. Hearermattendant at lecture in cf to disciple. Otherwise, beguile self (only other occ in Col 2:4). Lead self astray by false reasoning. B. The Picture, Man, usually in cf to woman. Looks at birthday face (ebirthday suit) in polished steel miroor. Observes (takes 1 look,24 aor). 25 peer into lit bending over to examine minutely, 1 Pet 1:12. Looks, remains, remembers, practices,25. then blessed. Law of lih=OT (2:8) and teachings of X. Rom8:2;Gal6:2/ 2. Bridle,26. Bridle tongue and bridle body,3:2 (onlyuses). Prov 15:1-4.Keeps from harsh (stmng), senseless, and uses soothing,v4NASB.Men particularly,3:2 and esp teachers. Lord saying in book,tapes age,Stop talking and listen to me. Then mature. 2. Care, 27. Visit=look after, 1 Pet 5:2TR,Heb 12:15. This is Xn Ser even if don1 t get credit for it.Latch on to a widow or youngster. Cut grass,Shop.Take out. 3. Separate, 27. 1 Pet 1:19. Be like X in this system headed by Satan that leaves God out. -

    Concl. Pastor•s word to us at beg of year. Be doers. Bible

    "The plain fact is that the level of truth varies greatly in different parts of the Bible" De Wolf, 48.

    "The authority of the Word of God resides precisely in those teachings through which God speaks now to the living faith of the reader." De Wolf 56.

    "It s farther to be noted ••• that, in the Bible, God's self-revelation is in relationship,"confrontation," comm­ union, rather than by the connnunication of facts ••• " CFD Moule, Rev., Int. Diet.

    "Because they responded as finite human beings, touched with sin, to the holy facts of God 9 s saving presence and mighty acts, the biblical record shows us the absolute truth, but not absolutely" Ferre,Where Do We Go From Here in Theology, 10-11.

    Inspiration. "I confess the infallibility and inerrancy of the Script in accomplishing God•s purpose for them-­ to give man the rev__ of God in His redemptive love thru JC 11 Summers, Bap StAnd, Feb 4, 1970

    ~ 11 This means thatbthe infallibility of Scripture extends to the smallest detail of revelabory matters •••• When the Bible teaches its authority, the emphasis is on what makes a man vise unto salvation." Fuller, Bulletin

    "Is it permissible, and even necessary, to distinguish between •biblical truth• and •scientific truth"? Do the Script tammselves claim to provide infallible information on "historical, geographical, and other secular matters" as well as to "make men wise unto salvation? t/ 1the majority of faculty at Concordia/ 1 s underlying argument "centers on the atgument that biblical statements have a different •truth function•thatn do scientific statements. 11 The Crisis in Missourtn David Lotz. UTS Journal, June 1914, p. 11.