SUGGESTED OUTLINE FOR BI BLE SURVEY 1. The Creation 2. The Fall and the Flood 3. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob with special attention to the Abrahamic covenant and its relationship to Israel . 4. Joseph, Egypt , and the Exodus. $ . The Mosaic Law (including the tabernacle worship) 6. In Canaan and the Judges 7. The United and Di vided Kingdom to the fall of Jerusal em . 8 . The Babyloni~n.exil e and the prophets who ministered during t he_ex •ile and in the return. 9. The Period bet ween the Test ament s . 10 . The Life of ~hri st. 11. The Acts with special emphasis on Paul' s journeys. 12. Paul' s epistles. 13. Other N.T. writings . CHEATION 3 main periods in Bib hist. (1) Caeation to ~Ialachi. (2) Mal to X. (3) X to end of apostolic age. (1) is subdivided into (a) creation to Abraham (b) story of Hebrews. (3) divided into (a) X (b) Apos age. I. Creation of all Things, Gen . 1:1-2:3. A. Agent, God , 1. B. Fact of Creation, vv 1,21, 26. Also Yetser elsewhere. C. Time of creation. No t stated. Time of earth can be much older than time of man bee of genealogies. D. Number of creations. 1. V. 1-2 general statement like topic sentence then detail in ff . and days are ages in this view likely. 2. V. 1-2 original creation spoiled somehow and then 3 ff recreation. Not gap so much as long period within v. 2 . But days likely to be 24 hr tho could be ages. Always 24 hr with numerical adj . Eve mornig E. Order of Creationi:3--Z:~. 1. Light , 3- 5 2. Expanse, 5-8 . 3. Dry land, sea, plant life, 9-13 ,. Lightbearers, 14-19. 5, Marine and aerial life, 20-23. 6. Land animals and man , 24- 31 7 • Rest , 2 : 1-3 • II. Creation of Man, 2:!J- 25. A. The Nature of man, 7. Mat and immat. B. The Habitation of ~lan, 3- 14 C. The Responsibility of Man, 15- 20. 1. Dress garden. 2 . Not eat of 1 tree. 3 . Name animals. c. The Help for Man, 21- 25 . 1. Origin, 21. 2. Name, Mother of living, 23 3. Purpose. Help suitable. ,,...._.I /1z,,., f. CL /I' ,5 I (", 1 rl, I -tI -r-4..; ~ v>-.._ r ~ ✓ I f,( (..,,_ '-7, . C' t>i....,_,,_.,. , • I , ,.,_,,, . "-r +.........r 1 ./ wA~ c....,_ ,t, v;{.,,:. .,.. Y , , If: f ,; , /r-t .( /1 ,.;_ I I I,. 11 1 I' r1- l T'qE FALL AND T~IE FLOOD I. The Fall, Gen. 3:1-24 A. The Tempter, 1 . B. The Temptation, lb-5 C. The Rationalization, 6- ....., 0 . The :onsequences, 7- 24 1. Broken fellowship, 8-13 2. Judgment on serpent,14- 15 3. Judgement on women, 16 4 . Judgment on Adam and men , 17-19 5 . Expulsion, 23-24. II. From Adam to Noah , ~:1- 5:32 A. S~~~~ig~ true and false relgions, 4:1-15 . B. Beginning of city building, 4:16-17 8. Beainning of polygamy, 18-19 D. Beginning of arts and science, 20- 22 E. Beginning of philosophy , 23- 24 F . Renewal of spiritual seed, 25- 26--5:32. Note Enoch , 22; Adam 's age930. III. The Flood , 6-9. A. Causes for the flood, 6 :1-13 1 . Special sin of v 2 and2seneral wickedness of v ~-6/ B. Preparation for the flood, 6 :14-7:10. 1 . Bu1lding the ark, lh-16. 3 decked, 150 yds x 25x15 . 437 ftx72x43. 13,960 tons , 95 , 700 sq ft deck area =20 basketball courts. Open space under eaves of r 2. Filling the ark 6 :17-7:9 , 1 pr unclean, 6 :19- 20 ; 7 pr clean 7:2-3; 8 people , 6 :17; 1 Pet 3 : 20. Food for all, 6 : 21- 22. 3 , Entering the ark, 7 : 9-10 C. Course of the flood , 7:11-8:12. Rain ho days, 110 more water rose. ~·la ter from above and beneath, 7:11 , Total time 1 yr 6 days tho Noah in ark 1 week before flood came. Depth 15 cubits over highest mt, 7 : 20 , Aarat 17,260 today. 1'/orldwide, 7: 19 • ./ o. Consummation ofthe Flood, 8:13- 9 :7. 1. Rehabilitation of earth G:i, 2. Reinstitution of animal sacrifice, 8:20 3. Promise of no more flood, 8 :21-22 4. Command to be fruitful, 9 :1 !;. i1an 1 s dominion over animals, 9:2-3, Fear. 6. Eating of meat approved, 9:3- 4 7 , Institution of human govt, 9:$- 7. Con cl. Lk 17: 26- 30, Mt 24: 37. Canaan 4th son of Ham , 10:6 . Curse bee Israel conquered ~anaan. Other sons neither blessed nor cursed. t I A.BRAH.AX, ISAAC, J,',C0B / 1. Abraham, 12:1-20:18 - 7/2 A. 'Iis Life. 1. Call inUr, Acts 7:2. 2. ~igr~tion to ~anaan ~nd call, Gen 12:1-3, 3 •.,anderihg, 12:4-13:17. Sichem,Bethel,Egypt ~sin here), south (13: 1), Bethel. ->1. ....,.1' ' 4. Residence at Hebron, 13:18, 18 s.,,i.,._h/ 26. 1 5 . tesidence in south country, Gerar;. Beersheba, 22: 19, Hebron, 23:2; Kadesh\ 24 &6 2. -"'7.>A.fll. e,.l./ 6. Death e,nd burial at Hebron, 25:8-10. B. His Importance. 1. Father of lsr~el, Acts 13:26 2. Father of priesthood, Heb 7:5. 3. Father of Christ, Matt. 1:1 4. Father of faithful, Gal. 3:16,29. 5. ~xample in salvation, tlom 4s3. 6. Friend of God, Jas 2:23 . C. His Covenant . 1. 12:1-3. Personal, national, universal. 2. 13:14-18. Land. 3 . 15:1-21. Solem•ization and boundaries of land. V 4, 17:4-8 • .::st. with seed. 5. 22:15-18. Reconfirmed 6. 26:1-5. To Isaac 7, 28:13-15. ro Jacob. -;<: 11 · 11. Isaac, 21:1- 35:29 1 . Birth, 21:1 By power of God, circu~cised,21:4 2. His election, 21:10, casting out Ishm~el. 3. His offering, 22 . 4 , His marrirge, 24. 40 yrs old . Note parental respon. 5, His children, 25:24. 6 . His lapse, 26:6. Like father like son. 7. His prosperity, 26:12- 23 8 . his death, 35:27- 29, 180 yrs 111. Jacob,25:21- 50:3 1 . Childhood and youtk , 25:21-28:5 in Canaan.r~ ~--}­ .._,i 2 . 1/itn Laban, 28:6- 31:55, 7,,_."fL.,..J.., 7 £.,..'-,.( 3 . In Canaan with his 11,. kids, 32- 38 If-i-,,..J- J,;.. :1-'/ 4 . In Egypt wj th Joseph, 42-50. :t. Lot 1. Righteous . 2 Pet 2:6 . 2 . Choi ce, 13:9-13 . 3 . Cost, 14 :19. Lost fellowship wit~ God ' s people, 13:14. Lost fellowship wit h God , 13:15 Lost testimony, 19:14 . Lost family a nd loved ones . Lost place in God~s hall off fame, Heb 11. Significance ta of Abr, Is, Jae. 1. Selection, Rom. 9:7-13. 2. Security, Mk 12:26-7. Am God. If Abr, Is, Jae lost sal which they de served t o do, t he n God not God of t hem i n M't.-"')(J:6 JOSEPH I. Joseph's Life, Genl 37:1-50:26. A. Background. 11th son of Jacob, eldest by Rachel, 30:24; 35:24; and favorite ~37:3. Coat of many colors in cf to single or long sleeved coat worn by rich. B. His dreams, 37:5-11. Only 17 so can't blame him for talking about these dreams. C. His slavery,12-36. Wanted to kill except Reuben.Sold to Ishmeelites,27 and pretneded he was killed. Reuben not there when sold bee he intended to save Jos. In Egypt sold to Potiphar, 36. D. Imprisonment, 39--41:13. Reason--Potiphar's wife revenge, v.12. Butler restored, baker hanged. Note 3 days, 40:19-20. Pharaoh dreamed and Jos called out of prison. 2 yrs later. E. Exaltation, 41:14-57. Bee interpreted deeam and bee presented sensible plan, 33-36. Made 2nd in command. Age 30 now,46. Manasseh a'rl Ephraim born before famine came F. 1st visit of brethren, 42. Simeon kept, money returned, demand that Benjamin be sent. G. 2nd visit, 43.44. Design to keep Benjamin by putting ....,;; cupt in his bag. H. Revelation to brethren, 45 I. Jacob to Egypt, 46-47. Lived 17 yrs there and died at 147. Made Jos promise to take bones back to Pal. J. Blessing of Jacob, 48 on Eph (1st) and Man, 49 on sons. K. Burial of Jacob. and death of Jos. 110 yrs. All of this from 1720-1570 B.C. Joseph a type of Christ. Scofield, p. 53. Type in Humiliation. r l. Birth by God's special intervention, 30:22; Lk 1: 35. 2. Special objects of father's love, 37:3;Mt 3:17. 3. Hated by brethren, 37:4; Jn 15:24-25. 4. Rejected by brethren37:8. ¥t.;it;,6,17,20 5. Delvered to place of death, 37:18,24; Mt 26:3-4;27:35. 6. Both servants, 39:1-2; Phil 2. /silver,innocent, Type in Exaltation. 1. delvd by pwer of God, 41:38 2. Took G~ntile bride during rejection, 41:45,Acts 15:14. 3. Recogm zed and recd by bret:iren, 4511-15, Rom 11: lff. 4. Exalted brethren to places of honor, 45:16; Isa65:17, I Psa 47:2-4 I • , .,,..,...c: I EXODUS AND SINAI I.
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