Wednesday Volume 545 9 May 2012 No. 1 HOUSE OF COMMONS OFFICIAL REPORT PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (HANSARD) Wednesday 9 May 2012 £5·00 © Parliamentary Copyright House of Commons 2012 This publication may be reproduced under the terms of the Parliamentary Click-Use Licence, available online through The National Archives website at Enquiries to The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU; e-mail:
[email protected] Chronology of The Parliamentary Debates The Parliamentary History contains all that can be collected of the Legislative History of this country from the Conquest to the close of the XVIIIth Century (1803), 36 vols. The chief sources whence these Debates are derived are the Constitutional History, 24 vols.; Sir Simonds D’Ewes’ Journal; Debates of the Commons in 1620 and 1621; Chandler and Timberland’s Debates, 22 vols.; Grey’s Debates of the Commons, from 1667 to 1694, 10 vols.; Almons Debates, 24 vols.; Debrett’s Debates, 63 vols.; The Hardwicke Papers; Debates in Parliament by Dr. Johnson, &c. &c. THE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES commenced with the year 1803, and the contents are set forth in the following Chronological Table:— HISTORY (EIGHTH PARLIAMENT) CONQUEST TO 34 GEO. II.—1066 to 1760 Vol. 16 ..........................7 GEO. IV. ...........1826 Vol.1to15.1Will.Ito34Geo.II — 17 ..........................8 — ...........1827 1066-1760 — 18 & 19..................9 — ...........1828 REIGN OF GEO. III.—1760 to 1820 — 20—21 .................10 — ...........1829 Vol. 15 to 35. Geo. III to 40 Geo. III. — 22 to 25 ...............11 — ...........1830 1760—1800 Third Series PARLIAMENTS OF UNITED KINGDOM OF REIGN OF WILLIAM IV.