The P The Purple Patch A Literature & Arts Journal Volume 18 Co-Editors Lindsey McMillan Katanna Davis Dakota Cantwell 1 The Purple Patch The Purple Patch is an annual not-for-profit publication dedicated to readers, writers, and those who appreciate the arts. Expenses associated with its puBlications are underwritten By the Board of Trustees. The Purple Patch is puBlished annually By the Nu Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta located at Missouri Valley College in Marshall, Missouri. The Purple Patch is copyrighted, But all prior rights and all rights to new materials revert to the contributor after publication. Contributors who suBmit previously puBlished materials to The Purple Patch for consideration must oBtain and supply copyright permission from their former puBlishers. The Purple Patch disclaims any responsiBility from the contriButors’ errors, mistakes, and failures to acknowledge sources or copyright infringements. SuBmission, correspondence, and requests for guidelines should Be emailed to The Purple Patch at
[email protected]. Manuscripts and art suBmitted to The Purple Patch must Be original and suBmitted in doc, rtf, pdf, or jpeg format to Be considered for publication. NU EPSILON Copyright ©2018 by Missouri Valley College Marshall, Missouri 2 Letter from the Editors We are proud to present the 2018 edition of the Purple Patch, our school’s literary and artistic publication. The Purple Patch allows Missouri Valley College students to have their artistic and literary works published and shared with the school. Missouri Valley College has an incredibly diverse community, with students from many different communities, states, and countries. Giving these students an opportunity to share their life experiences and artistic expression is important for all of us.