The Society for the Preservation of Hudson Valley Vernacular Architecture April – June 2013 Newsletter Vol.16, No.4-6 HVVA is a not-for-profit corporation formed to study and preserve the vernacular architecture and material culture of the Hudson Valley 368 Hooker Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY. Peter Sinclair Photo by Neil Larson. Founder, Trustee Emeritus West Hurley, Ulster County, NY Walter Wheeler – President Troy, Rensselaer County, NY
[email protected] Ken Walton – Vice President Gardiner, Ulster County, NY
[email protected] Robert Sweeney Corresponding Secretary & Treasurer Kingston, Ulster County, NY
[email protected] Michele VanHoesen What is vernacular architecture? Recording Secretary At the stuffing party preparing tal, cultural, technological, and historical Highland, Ulster County, NY the last issue of the newsletter for the context in which it exists. It has often
[email protected] mail, a conversation started over what been dismissed as crude and unrefined, but John Ham – Secretary “vernacular” actually meant. This is also has proponents who highlight its impor- Troy, Rensselaer County, NY not an unusual question in response tance in current design. It can be
[email protected] to the announcement that one studies contrasted against polite architecture John Stevens – Past President vernacular architecture or is the member which is characterized by stylistic elements Senior Architectural Historian of a group named Hudson Valley Vernacu- of design intentionally incorporated for Hurley, Ulster County, NY lar Architecture. But it is a aesthetic purposes which go beyond
[email protected] question that we should be able to answer a building's functional requirements.” and a term we needn’t waste time debating The Encyclopedia of Vernacular Archi- Neil Larson – Newsletter Editor Woodstock, Ulster County, NY its meaning.