Clinton County, by the Tail La# Has Been Put in Shape, on the Bare* Been Idle for a Number of Years Under and Safety, and of L
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aav double, remove them POETRY. before speaking cr.nfM.-utly. Dos’! bt too LBILD “John, where’s the “ It is in the corn houM.* •V “ No, It to not there; I looking there!* ’ “Well, I know it to; I sew ll there not half an hour ago.” “ If you saw it there, It moat be there, l*UOt Clinton mlc|icmlcnt. of course. But suppose you go and fetch M” 1 John goes to tbs oorn-houss, and pres ently returns with a small axa in hto hand. I'ttdmiutovtrd tte tell “ Ob, it was the axe I saw. But the AMteMteSriTaw uS* -te to »«i handle was sticking out from a half bushel measure.. I thought it was tha hammer.” 1 Itote Ite twwtol tow “ But you said positively that you did 4 Mb lwM Ite I BNli VOL. V.-NO. 18. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1871 WHOLE NO. 226. see it, not that you thought you saw it wliMtel>wlH •/• aii There to a great difference between the two K answers. Do not permit yourself to seeks ficwaljr tetertaf <ter -te to mm itere I She choked a little and atopped- blln tales extant may, if thquired into, Lost an arm, and been elected Governor of I introduced him, making fearftti work of a positive statement, even about small 6 Well r said Mr. Gumywhat did disAsly , but the thought of her mother's YOUTHS’ DEPARTMENT matters, unless you are quite sure; for if I canaot mate Mai date I long nulfcring withnh thisii>!« honor, the con E as easily accounted for os that apper Wisconsin three times! 1 am I tod I the Job. Wteu p»M<te ted. Toutear” shortened up my name )*v “ Mr. Ls-Ls-Levtaga, 1 let me ao-ac so you do, you will find the habit growing •o lon| wateted ovar with parental car*. • idrTStion of the1 serious consequences of taining to the good Mrs- Wharton, which THE FIRST PAIR OF BOOTS. For several years, the word “ water ” le! me ao-sequaint you with M!r. W Wi- upon you, and by and by you will begin ** I saw, at the bottom of the bed, a most declaring themselves ghost-seers in the has this advantige over all other ghost With with Mr. With With Witherel” hideou s a most detestable froe—gibber town, aaa of the disastrous effect upon stories j it is perfectly and literally true. was the moet difficult one in the tonvua«t Or all tte tXIagr s boy |«u fo make loose replies to questions of great Balora tte thought coma* that te to mot tteral for me to utter. I used a great deal ot Leviags looked a! him ; then locked at Thera's doimb ttelarar suite importance. Don ’t be too certain !” ing, and making mouths at me/' their property, and of the hannlessnese of me, andl>eg*B : Or m tte A m trim hsKso well Of tot,at boa tte •leapcool, fwak*,break “ A face !'* the ghoat, induced her to summon up her water—always drank it at meals, and oar KIOW ABOUT btammeb - ”Wh wh-wh «dial na-a-s-ame did you A* hte Oral pair of boote u Yea, I could see only the free—except, courage, and bear on. Bhe did more. WHAT I many ora the struggles I have hod at hotel ■IBCELLANE0U8 ITEMS. Withk my Aralflr*l breathing uL tte asoratag air B IN©. tables to get a gloss of my favorite bever sna-a-y? ” Tte day te dmut*<l tte shining pair Mj auul go* ttp. a 1th V>y, indeed a hand upon the bedpost) because When a little inured, she one night sprang Hs wrestled feorfWly with that first With fflbtenlng ropp«r rip«, • a To Rim who f a v« my boy; it peeped round the bedpewt from behind out of bad, rushed round the root of it, age. The grimaces I would moke at the B** m«rk.-d aa era to hte life Horn DnooRATioas. —Women. ■ *omaa tte ate tteagfct that—te to not Item I the curtain. The curtains are drawn down and out upon the landing. The stairs BT LUTB ▲. TATI/OR. uttering table girl, would cause fi half- word " what.” The contortions of kis Which nothing can scfipM. LAnranv Wrr —FUt-iron-ry. * suppressed laugh from some one sitting fees were frightful to Withered and Wteu at the deyto calm eloaa, to the foot of the bed." were still dim in the dawn; but she Tax success of Mr. Greeley in wriftng amusing to me. Mr. Withered did not get Behold hiIm •li-ntting to and fro Hi iu sots or the D et.—A lgerians. t>ra wa aaak rapoea, She stole a look at Mr. Gurney. He was was confident that she raw something a book on what he knows about farming, nsar, and draw on me the inquisitive, im Um sartor floor! r*» with hto mother, •*. rtuf ap our prayer, the school. I think he was resigned , I Tun Quietest Tiuxo im V eils.—Nuns W het'er 1 may te ••jhjT — rolling his head ; and there was s working moving there—passing down to the has emboldened me to write a newspaper pertinent gsse of others. 1 think that Hte csst-off>ff •hoaa tb 1 one* adj•diiil red any slight, infrequent departure* 1 hare don ’t think he wanted it very much after An «•! never mora. The Prettiest Thimo im Braids .— 1 am la eaMru arayiag about his mouth before he asked — halL As soon as aha could make article on what I know about stammering, we hod stopped talking to him, but I had Hair. For oar boyre eplrtt,et>i though -tel* not them “ What time did you sup that night ?" the servants attend her, she tnld them she I am confident that I am much better iu ever mode from the practice of totol a bad Tte crooking of thoae boots, to him, my revenge on him Tor taking me from la mnstc sweeter fir Nottteeaf Whara, then, tote? 4‘ Now,” she replied, “ you are not going believed somebody was in the house; and formed on my subject than Mr. Greeley uence, have been oainc to my difficulty A Woman ’s Beau Ideal —The marriage 03 Tte farm 1 ante to we in getting water when 1 wanted it my work. Than over cants from riolia, tic. to any, I hope, that it was nightmare. all tha four women —two todies and two upon his, for he has entirely failed in his Bo much about stammering» now a few Ptano or golur. Wanhat tte rateaot that te need to a ear. Moat people would ; but I hoped that you maids —went, armed with pokers and efforts to alee dried apples from the seed Many amusing incidents occurred to me, A brass andiron to made of brass and The grave, that now doth pre»s words about how It may be cured. Perhaps tbs thosght-that most of all . Upoa tte can. -off dreea, knew me better than to suppose that 1 eat shovels, and examined the whole house. while I have never failed, when called only a few of which I will relate. In the winter of lwAt-4, a man came Ho puffh him op wi Jb prids- - Iron. la but hto wardrobe locked -te to not there! such suppers as would occasion night They found nothing, neither in the chim upon, to stammer to the satisfaction of Iu the spring of 1858, I was attending Is, that toward mauhoed be has mode The artist’s adieu to hto pictures—You through the town of Madrid, Bt Lawrence A great sod rapid si rids. We Uveal In all the pan mare, or that I should not know night neys nor under the beds, nor in shy closet private friends pr public assembHea. school in North Bridgewater, Mass. Re be hanged! mare from reality.” —nothing, from cellar to attic. And when Sometimes it has required extra exertion County. New York, where I was then liv He Uvea; nor, to tte test. turning home from Abington on foot one ing, aud advertised to cure stammering. 1 What'si's happened to his fast, hs wants What Bute to round on both ends and Of savin" him at'aln will 1 despair; *• Hut, my dear Mis. Wharton, what else the maids had recovered a little, they for me to fill the measure of expectstion, afternoon, I met a man, who stopped me Thee nslghtiora alt to know, „ Jptefffte 1 eee him now ; can 1 say ? ” agreed what a tireaonic and wearying and give as great an arnouut of English, to Inquire the way to the town from which muled upon him and paid him $50 (sJ 1 the Ate so, with panto jinside hte boots, high in the middle ? Ohio. / i AM talto teal teow money l had), to cure me, and gave him Out collinghe must go. Paradoxical .—The best time to catch I aee It written, >7 Tth >« ehalt ere me there?** ____ 44 Perhaps you had better listen farther thing it was when todies took fancies. disjointed in a different manlier from that I hfi Just came. The fellow stammered ray note, (which has never been presented before you say anything." This was only their first ntoht of disturb in which Webster or Worcester disjoints fearftuly. I began to tough at first then Ttey'ra jost ss flns s pair, te thinks, soft water is when it is raining hard.