aav double, remove them POETRY. before speaking cr.nfM.-utly. Dos’! bt too LBILD “John, where’s the “ It is in the corn houM.* •V “ No, It to not there; I looking there!* ’ “Well, I know it to; I sew ll there not half an hour ago.” “ If you saw it there, It moat be there, l*UOt Clinton mlc|icmlcnt. of course. But suppose you go and fetch M” 1 John goes to tbs oorn-houss, and pres­ ently returns with a small axa in hto hand. I'ttdmiutovtrd tte tell “ Ob, it was the axe I saw. But the AMteMteSriTaw uS* -te to »«i handle was sticking out from a half bushel measure.. I thought it was tha hammer.” 1 Itote Ite twwtol tow “ But you said positively that you did 4 Mb lwM Ite I BNli VOL. V.-NO. 18. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1871 WHOLE NO. 226. see it, not that you thought you saw it wliMtel>wlH •/• aii There to a great difference between the two K answers. Do not permit yourself to seeks ficwaljr tetertaf !« honor, the con E as easily accounted for os that apper­ Wisconsin three times! 1 am I tod I the Job. Wteu p»Meg*B : Or m tte A m trim hsKso well Of tot,at boa tte •leapcool, fwak*,break “ A face !'* the ghoat, induced her to summon up her water—always drank it at meals, and oar KIOW ABOUT btammeb - ”Wh wh-wh «dial na-a-s-ame did you A* hte Oral pair of boote u Yea, I could see only the free—except, courage, and bear on. Bhe did more. WHAT I many ora the struggles I have hod at hotel ■IBCELLANE0U8 ITEMS. Withk my Aralflr*l breathing uL tte asoratag air B IN©. tables to get a gloss of my favorite bever sna-a-y? ” Tte day te dmut*y, indeed a hand upon the bedpost) because When a little inured, she one night sprang Hs wrestled feorfWly with that first With fflbtenlng ropp«r rip«, • a To Rim who f a v« my boy; it peeped round the bedpewt from behind out of bad, rushed round the root of it, age. The grimaces I would moke at the B** m«rk.-d aa era to hte life Horn DnooRATioas. —Women. ■ *omaa tte ate tteagfct that—te to not Item I the curtain. The curtains are drawn down and out upon the landing. The stairs BT LUTB ▲. TATI/OR. uttering table girl, would cause fi half- word " what.” The contortions of kis Which nothing can scfipM. LAnranv Wrr —FUt-iron-ry. * suppressed laugh from some one sitting fees were frightful to Withered and Wteu at the deyto calm eloaa, to the foot of the bed." were still dim in the dawn; but she Tax success of Mr. Greeley in wriftng amusing to me. Mr. Withered did not get Behold hiIm •li-ntting to and fro Hi iu sots or the D et.—A lgerians. t>ra wa aaak rapoea, She stole a look at Mr. Gurney. He was was confident that she raw something a book on what he knows about farming, nsar, and draw on me the inquisitive, im­ Um sartor floor! r*» with hto mother, •*. rtuf ap our prayer, the school. I think he was resigned , I Tun Quietest Tiuxo im V eils.—Nuns W het'er 1 may te ••jhjT — rolling his head ; and there was s working moving there—passing down to the has emboldened me to write a newspaper pertinent gsse of others. 1 think that Hte csst-off>ff •hoaa tb 1 one* adj•diiil red any slight, infrequent departure* 1 hare don ’t think he wanted it very much after An «•! never mora. The Prettiest Thimo im Braids .— 1 am la eaMru arayiag about his mouth before he asked — halL As soon as aha could make article on what I know about stammering, we hod stopped talking to him, but I had Hair. For oar boyre eplrtt,et>i though -tel* not them “ What time did you sup that night ?" the servants attend her, she tnld them she I am confident that I am much better iu ever mode from the practice of totol a bad Tte crooking of thoae boots, to him, my revenge on him Tor taking me from la mnstc sweeter fir Nottteeaf Whara, then, tote? 4‘ Now,” she replied, “ you are not going believed somebody was in the house; and formed on my subject than Mr. Greeley uence, have been oainc to my difficulty A Woman ’s Beau Ideal —The marriage 03 Tte farm 1 ante to we in getting water when 1 wanted it my work. Than over cants from riolia, tic. . to any, I hope, that it was nightmare. all tha four women —two todies and two upon his, for he has entirely failed in his Bo much about stammering» now a few Ptano or golur. Wanhat tte rateaot that te need to a ear. Moat people would ; but I hoped that you maids —went, armed with pokers and efforts to alee dried apples from the seed Many amusing incidents occurred to me, A brass andiron to made of brass and The grave, that now doth pre»s words about how It may be cured. Perhaps tbs thosght-that most of all . Upoa tte can. -off dreea, knew me better than to suppose that 1 eat shovels, and examined the whole house. while I have never failed, when called only a few of which I will relate. In the winter of lwAt-4, a man came Ho puffh him op wi Jb prids- - Iron. la but hto wardrobe locked -te to not there! such suppers as would occasion night­ They found nothing, neither in the chim­ upon, to stammer to the satisfaction of Iu the spring of 1858, I was attending Is, that toward mauhoed be has mode The artist’s adieu to hto pictures—You through the town of Madrid, Bt Lawrence A great sod rapid si rids. We Uveal In all the pan mare, or that I should not know night­ neys nor under the beds, nor in shy closet private friends pr public assembHea. school in North Bridgewater, Mass. Re­ be hanged! mare from reality.” —nothing, from cellar to attic. And when Sometimes it has required extra exertion County. New York, where I was then liv ­ He Uvea; nor, to tte test. turning home from Abington on foot one ing, aud advertised to cure stammering. 1 What'si's happened to his fast, hs wants What Bute to round on both ends and Of savin" him at'aln will 1 despair; *• Hut, my dear Mis. Wharton, what else the maids had recovered a little, they for me to fill the measure of expectstion, afternoon, I met a man, who stopped me Thee nslghtiora alt to know, „ Jptefffte 1 eee him now ; can 1 say ? ” agreed what a tireaonic and wearying and give as great an arnouut of English, to Inquire the way to the town from which muled upon him and paid him $50 (sJ 1 the Ate so, with panto jinside hte boots, high in the middle ? . / i AM talto teal teow money l had), to cure me, and gave him Out collinghe must go. Paradoxical .—The best time to catch I aee It written, >7 Tth >« ehalt ere me there?** ____ 44 Perhaps you had better listen farther thing it was when todies took fancies. disjointed in a different manlier from that I hfi Just came. The fellow stammered ray note, (which has never been presented before you say anything." This was only their first ntoht of disturb ­ in which Webster or Worcester disjoints fearftuly. I began to tough at first then Ttey'ra jost ss flns s pair, te thinks, soft water is when it is raining hard. for payment), for $50 more. His remedy As say boy tea got, policy He nodded and smiled, as much as to ance. Mias Wharton called them up it, as was expected of me in s given time, divining his wish, started to give him the ▲nd wo# b# onto gp? one A issued by the Washington in eavm was purely mental. It consisted in simply JIISCKLLAXE u Uk say. tliat nas true. three times more; and then she gave the yet I liave never failed to meet a reason ­ desiredlnformaUon, and began to stammer Who Asms to say ttey 'ra not. 1861, for $10,000, in 1866 hod increased to “ I have scan the same appearance on matter up. The servants thought her able demand myself. telling me two words ; $11,15270. “ ffteprims” In after jraers bo's often pleased THU GHOST THAT APPPEAKKD TO three occasions since." strangely altered, and wished she might [N. B.— I will qualify that statement by “ C c confound you, don ’t you m m moc- The remedy is a certain one, and Witk fins and fancy -uitm . The Rule or A dditiom .—The man “ Indeed l” not lie going to be ilL admitting, that sometimes, at political mock me.” , But nothing also bo pease* him who will sigh for a woman is likely to mviotev. Thus matters went on for some years. meetings, when the Democrats called me although no! entirely successful in my like hte first pair of boot*. “ Yes, on three several eights, about the “I ain ’t m-moc mo-mock ing you. ” case, yet the fkult is probably my own, and have 1 to carry. same hour. And, since the tint appearance, The oddest thing was the periodicity of out in preference to other Republicans be­ The oath was repeated, and his brawny A good house-wife’s affairs are like a mo Whh my mother was a fdrl some ru­ my supper has been merely s little bread the visits. In winter they were rare, but cause they thought I would say less against I have realized much benefit from it For MANLY JACK STONE. mors began to a leal through the town fist was shook so-cloee to my eye* that I the soke of some who may read this and tion fo adjourn —“always in order. ” and butter, with a glass of water. I there was generally a short series in or them than anyone else, I have surprised could not see beyond it very well, and his where ahe lived, about something having " I be benefited by it, I will illustrate I’m Jack Stone, you know, that’s got a When s man's business is rapidly run ­ chose to exclude nightmare, as 1 would ex­ about Jauuaiy, after which they ceased till them by dropping the customary repeti- face fairly flamed with rage. He was • I full— r«»ne atuia* with old Mr*. Wharton; for u clude anything whatever that could possi­ the end of March, or the beginning of Uoiaof my pronunciation and mode all the grandpa and a dog Johnnie; but that ning down it is time for him to* think of Alia. Wharton was not known by all the horny handed delegate, a good deal larger | diwmmering person seer found any winding it up. bly cause an appearance so horrible. April. They went on through nearly the oouats against them possible in the time than I was, and 1 resorted to diplomacy in ­ % don ’t make me proud. townspeople she wa* known and respected “ What sort of a face is it? ” whole winter with one or two intervals of given me. In such cases, I hold that the difficulty in staging. The reason of this to, I want to be manly, because grandpa says , the census marshals by so many that it was really no trifle stead of war. I finally convinced him of that by observing the measure of the “Short and broeef—si’.’.y, and yet sly; about a fortnight The servants nevsr nature and tha history of the Democratic my integrity, and we sat down by the road ­ boys should be, and he ought to know, bo’s my, ha* 3,604 libraries, with an aggregate when she waa seen to hav« the contracted music—by keeping time—the organs of *hred so long. He sags boys never ought of 2,906,779 volumes. and the feature# gibber and work—Oh! suspected even the existence #f the mys­ party is sufficient excuse for my unex ­ side sad hod as oomfortobie a social time »ch are kept in such position thatenun ^ t brow, and the piucUad look about the nose leurMly !” tery. Their ladles never mentioned it; pected conduct; but with these excep- to cry, so when I run s splinter into my Ik your house is mortgaged, insure you? * that people have when they are in alarm, os Arteums Ward's mother and Betsey ion is easy. Apply the same rule to “ Do you liear it come and go? ” - and no article was ever displaced at night * lions, I have never failed to falfor before Jane's mother used to have boiling soap B finger, 1 don ’t cry when they try to get it life in the Mutual Life of for a “J i or living a life of doep 'anxiety. Nobod “No. When I wake—,and 1 never used The ladies become, in time, so accustomed the public ] reading or speech and the same result will out. oaildesailil nu-kenil L't* out.lUt whatU )iut wasVL'uw the(liu mailer,■ ■ together. I wrote up the incident lor the follow. Let the stammerer take a sentence, sufficient amount to cover the mortgage. to wake la the night)—it Is there, and it to the appearance, as to bear it almost riutrmm rtng is an art which but com- North Bridgewater UMctU; it was copied I bad s tooth out the other day. It was A m obituary notice of a Maine man says il ashed, shu said she was well. Her sons disappears —to say the truth—while my without uneasiness. It occurred to them, paragmy few people possess. I am the say this one “ Leander swam the Helles­ not pleosant, but 1 didn't cry. I* was man were und* rstood to be perfectly respecta­ into the humorous paper which Ossian E. pont, ” and pronounce it bv syllables, scan that “ he killed forty seven bears within eyes are covered ; for I cannot meet its sometimes, how odd it was to be living more surprised at this because it con be Dodge was then publishing in Boston ; ly. It hurt. The roan had a long iron in the limits of the town ” in which he lived ble, and sufficiently prosperous; ai d there eyes. I hear nothiug. When 1 venture a under the weight of such a mystery ; and acquired without interfering with any reg­ it, keeping time with his finger if necessa ­ hto hand, and told me to let him see the could be no doubt about the health, and this gave it currency, and since then, in ry, letting each syllable occupy the same and died. glance sometimes it is still there; some- they were silent when ghosts were talked ular buriness, and usually practice will various forms and located in various tooth. He said I mus; be quiet, and it the dutifulness, and the cheerfuluess, of tune, thus, Le—an —dcr —swam—the—Hel wouldn't hurt me. I told him I guessed it “ Tom ,” said a man to his friend, “ I time* ft is gone. about, and felt and looked very serious- make use perfsot- I hare known young places, it has floated through the humorous think it highly dangerous to keep the bills the unmarried, daughter who lived with “ Have you missed any property ?" when ghosts were toughed at: but their bore who were very strong stammere rs —lea—pool, and he will not stammer. would. I hod two out before. One a den ­ her. The old lady livid in a house which papers and lived the vagabond life which Let him pronounce slowly st first, then of small banks on hand now-a days. ” “No; nor found any trace whatever alarm had subsided. The Thing never indeed, and young men, who have been such paragraphs do. tist took out, aud the other 1 pulled w ith a washerowu property; and her income, faster, but still keeping the time; let him string. Dentists ought not to tell stories, “ Tim,” answered the other, “ I find it We have lost nothing, and there is really did them any harm; and they had now with me, by strict attention and using all I InJU the spring of 18.MI, while ooming more difficult than dangerous. ” •1 though not large, was enough for comfort. not a door or window that seems ever to got merely to open drowsy eyes to see if their .pan-time, heve uieiie very cr«xlitt-! fn>nl New York to Kt. P»ul, I (rune to take a paragraph, then a page, keeping because it's not right. What cmild it be fnat made her suddenly time with words instead of syllables, and Dr. Thomas comes to see me when I’m A Chicago hackmun made a stranger, have been touched, not an onening where it was there, and to drop asleep the mo­ Me progrrM, .ml in e few wcvk. com Dunleltii. then the mort northerly !»•« , heM will „be ran,™»snrprieed tow findunu tha!..... by very.... so silent and gra\e* Her daughter was any one could get in or out. ment it was there no longer. This may pelted me to check them lent they ehouhl y,e kLi»>tnlppi which could be nwched i . -p,w,|, without »t«m sick, lie don ’t tell the truth. He say* his from whom he had taken a seven dollar just the same as ever, except that she was “ And if there were, what could be the seem strange to those who have not (and H^ZtX^r ?r£lr£.rfnt*T; ' * "»• At ^ T27 ^ndin * 1 m.^Tnd ne^ly - ^ld!y « V^ medicine is really nice. It isn ’t. It tastes fan*, believe that a policeman who stood anxious about the change In her mother. object ? What does yo&r daughter say to also to those who have) seen ghosts; but like rusty nails, lie ought to go to Bun near was the “ boss,” and he would be It was observed by one or two that the It. .dvuntnge. ».y “ | >CT *»• thronged with passengers,,w»cnger*, ’; nr dlJrilv talkulk or twd.read. Thenthen practicepmctioe this mad if he heard about carrying jMusengera it?” we none of us know what we may come first, but they will be admitted when at and a little experience the pre vious iK-ason I jn readiQg M(j conversation until the dav School. minister had nothing to say when the sub­ “Oh!” said Mrs. Wharton, rising to; and those two ladies reached the point tention is directed to them. 1 love nails, but net to eat. They are so cheap. ject was Spoken of in bis hearing, lie had convinced me that if one wanted to habit is broken up. Perseverance ami at quickly, “she does not, and, indeed, must of turning their heads on their pillows, First, ft gives one prominence, singu­ sleep tote in the morning, and perhaps handy when you want to make a wagon. The deaths in New York tat year num ­ rolled and uodded his head, and he glanced not know s word of it. I ought to hare without much beating of the heart, under tention are all that is necessary to perform I like wagon* first rate. I mean toy wag bered 27,196, showing an increase over the at the ceiling, and then stuck his chin deep larity, notoriety, or whatever name you rest a little in the daytime, a bed in one of a perfect cure. said, at first, that what I am telling you is the gibbering of a hideous ghost choose to call it by, aad every one likes to the rooms was better adopted to his use on# that my dog Johnnie can draw. Horae previous year i»f 2,599, and over 1H66, lhe?L,»rt *i Ul* lh;n f* entirely in conOdenee.confidence. itIf 1 toklfold my One circumstance worth noting is, that I have given this information to many wagons do very well when the mortality waa very great, of 381. be prominent, separate and distinct from than a cot on the cabin floor. persona who have been greatly benefited Z!f *"•&.**"* “,1 ■few (laughter, it niu.t then to do further We the Thing once spake. After one of its his fellows. Who does not remember Horse* are manly. They don ’t cry w hen amn aoMag. \ ben io^uin>il of »l>.>ut no, ke< p our .errant. a week, if -it Tired with my long journey, and unen ­ by H. I will relate but two instances, the Some one describing a boll said it was mocking nods, it said : “ I come to see you some stupid play fellow of his boyhood cumbered with heavy baggage, on the you drive nails in their feet to fasten their s vm assemblage of peopl« w ho had never his opinion of Mrs. Whartons looks and got out. And 4if 1 hho’iid want to let my whenever I please.” When Mr. Gurney first and the tat. shoes on. They don't soem to mind it. spirits, he shifted his weilight from one ft who stammered,'and who is remembered arrival of the train. I hurried direclW to In the autumn of 1855, while passing met before, ana who nevered cared to meet house I could uot geta tenant. The value was told this, be asked whether the lan ­ for that fact, and that alone. But for this to the waiting steamer. It was the North­ 1 shouldn't like to be s horse. They again, and that they talked and danced a I-to tke other, as he stood before the fire of the property would go down to nothing ; guage was English, and what sort of Eng­ through the town of Btockholm, in Bt. can ’t slide, or skate, or snowball. They with his hands behind him, and -aid, with he would have been nibbed out of your ern Belle, then truly the belle of the river, Isiwrcnce County, N. Y., I made an in- little, and then they went home cross and and, in justice to my daughter, I must con ­ lish it was. It must have been English, memory, os s sum Is rubbed off from the and John C. Cooper, now doing business have to work real hard ; sometime* cruel tired out. the sweet voice and winning manner that sider that; for it is to be hers hereafter. as the ladies did not observe anything re­ uiry of a boy about sixteen years of age. men beat them, and they have to *tond up charmed young >tud old, that, as far a* he blackboard; but now he sticks, as the on Main street. La Crosse, was in the ~e stammered very badly in reply. Hav ­ A m ice bridge was very ingeniously A nd we coukl never have a guest to stay markable. As to the dialect, it had made gashes in that board, cut by stony seams office. When 1 reached the office of the 8 and go to sleep, and have only hay and formed over one of the most rapid ports knew, Mrs. Wharton's external affairs with us. No one would sleep iu the no particular impression upon them, but ing an hour to spore, I asked bun if he oats to eat were all right, and as for peace of mind, in the chalk, stick. An uuregenerete lirile, but two persigis were ahead of me, would like to be cured. He was elated by of the Bt. Maurice, in Canada, by suspend house s single night. Indeed, you must when they came to remember aad consid ­ Democratic editor, heated by partisan and I planted myself before* the counter; I don ’t think hay i* half so good to eat as ing a rope from (tank to bank, attached to he knew of no one who more deserved it. not —” er, they thought it must have been the the thought 1 went into the house fold meat and pie. 1 found a noil in the mince- If the coarse of her life and the temper of prejudice, once said that stutterinff gave but before my turn came, there was s jam his parents what I proposed to do ; went which were a number of branches im­ “ Well, well ,• I will not mention it. Bat broad dialect of the district, which they me all the little notoriety and small con of impatient passengers around me intent pie yesterday. Mother aays it come out of her mind did not entitle her to peace with I don ’t see-----” were accustomed to hear in the kitchen, into the parlor with him; mode him a flour barrel. It almot>t broke my tooth. mersed in the water. in, he did not know who could hope for it. sequent influence which I possessed. I on the same object as myself. practice for about an hoar; went back to A mam , stopping his paper, wrote to tho He paused, and Airs. Wharton replied and in the streets and shops, every day re d cted upon the remark, and was sur- 1 was going to say a word about being Somebody whispered that it would be to his thought. This was all. Amid the multitude of “ Bt. Paul,” said I, passing in my ticket the room where his parenU were, and he manly, but I forgot it. editor; “I think folks otient to snend dreadful if a shocking disease should lie prised to see how truthful it was, consid ­ read the XIXth Psalm, without hesitating ther munny for payper, mi dadds diadant “ It is difficult to form conjectures —to nightly visitations, no explanation —no ering the unreliable source from which it “ Name,” raid Cooper. Borne bovs think it i* manly to smoke seizing upon her; whereupon he, Mr. say anythiug, iu such a case which does new evidence —occurred for several years. 1 I attempted to give my name, but it was on s word. Their surprise was only cigars and drink. I don't. I'm never and everybody sed he was the infolligenfos Gurney, observed that he thought he came. equaled by their gratitude, and enjoining in foe country and hod the smartest not appear too foolish to be uttered. But Mr. Gnmey was not fond of being puzzled. Second. Stammering excuses people from a perfect failure. I worked my lower Jaw, going to think so. should have known if any such thing was one muMt liave some thoughts; and per­ QL plan was to dismiss from bu mind * and gasped like a very Imbecile, but could on him to persist in the use of this remedy 1 Feter Cole is ui&r.ly. He helps blind family of boiz that ever dtigged tafora.” to be appn hr dcd. As far as a fit of in ­ many things. When 1 was a school boy i until the habit was broken, I went my way 1 haps—if one can talk of impossibilities— what puzzled him. He seldom inquired of- ' and became hopelessly lost in the oonjuga I not articulate a found. Cooper looked men fo cross the streets. Bometimes the “Bkintlimt —who “gives nothing to digestion went, he believed she suffered it is possible that this appearance may be ter the ghost, and when he did he always surprised at first, but disgusted immedi ­ In foe winter of lWl-’J I was a<*dn In that j boys tough at litm. lie don ’t ear*#, kht street beggais "—butumed hte fiuckcte o« occasionally ; but she uid not even herself tion of the Greek verb tupto, a severe ately, and a dozen hands were stretched county, and one evening was convertiug, meant for me alone ,- and therefore, if 1 can received the saute answer. contraction of the tone, a Judicious move foils them he knows he's right, and he's being appn*ached by a soldier and said : admit evuu that Dr. Robinson, who was conceal it from my daughter—till I am One mondug, after the lapse of years, out with money or ticket* in them, and in a hotel, with a gentleman about the going to do what’s right Isn ’t he manly ? “ My dear fellow, I never can repay the present, said that Mrs. Wharton's friend* convinced that it is meant for me alone —” if IknJm fort I dor * n voloe * w«wimpatiently dem andin g West, and tUmme rea consultrmbly After I like to read little story paper* very debt I owe vou —the debt we all owe you might be quite easy about her health. 28 he Mr. Gurneyarney called to ask the todies if they pualink: "Hik in the ffy*-v as if I kne t attention. It was no time for hesitation the conversation hadI) clo*. d, a young man “ 1 would soon tnr ;Lst” observed Mr. would like to Join a party to see a glass could uot tell, would (sum even the stern well. One ume Johnnie gut one and for your noble self sacrifice 1 Money cau t was not troubled with indignation, nor Gurney. Seeing Mrs. Wharton look “ Tom Jones, ” said I, and I was regia- j standing near approached me s uawed it all up. I didn't beat Johnnie do it I It is of no us*e trying!” with any other complaint People could house. The resident* of manufacturing old Professor to fo od on me a look of wistfully at him, he ooatinued. places cannot intrude in such places at sympathy and regret, and nod to the next tcred as Tom Jones * Mr. Taylor, what will vou give me to f wanted to, but he didn't know any better, A correspondekt who has read much only go on to ask one another, what could “ My advice is that you have your I found friends on the boat, who femil- ! cure you of stammering ?’ so I forgave him. It isn ’t ri^ht to beat be the matter. One or two agreed that their own pleasure, but (as is well kaownl to finish my exercise, so that without about women as “ethereal creatures,” daughter sleep with you, after hearing take their opportunity when an arrival knowing anything especially about my ioriy addressed me as “ Taylor,” or “ Lute.” I replied that I should not pay much, 1 people or dogs, w hen they don l know any wants somebody to throw s lively girl Mr. Gurney had made very skillful answers, your story. Try whether she cau see this The observant Cooper noticed this fact, for 1 was sometimes in that business my­ i better in which he was much’ assisted by his of stranger, or other such occasion, text hooka, i was always marked high on over his shoulder and attempt to elope fane. ’’ opens the doors of any manufactory. M r. examination days. This was a great ad ­ and the next day the following conversa ­ self. Johnnie saved my life once. I fell into with her. He adds ; “ You will think she curious cust omary gestures, but that he “ Yoa do not think she would ?" tion took place between us: “ Yes,” said he, “ you cured me.” the water, and he jumped in and bit my had never mid that lie did not know of Gurney was the first man in the town, in vantage to me, and gave me that leisure is made of pig iron. It would take at “ I think she would not. My dear friend, regard to doing the honors of K. All “ You gave me your name ss Tom lie was the boy of ’55 and the Psalm. clothes. He didn't bite me, bat 1 wouldn ’t least three men to elope with one girl, it any trouble being on Mrs. Wharton ’s for out door exercises which yoa students The years which had wrought bat little mind. if 1 were a medical man, I could tell you strangers were introduced to him: and tho so much need. In the autumn it also en ­ Jones r be living now if he hadn ’t bit my clothes. she was anything of a kickist.” facts which you are little aware of—anec ­ door of all show places flew open before abled me to moke great progress In the “ yet sir.” change in me, hod clothed hun with man That showed how' much he loved me. Hoon after this, alike mysterious change dotes of the strange tricks which our “ Your triends call you Lute Taylor?” hood. He renewed his hearty gratitude, We’ve been friends ever since, snd if A mam who had committed several cam<» over the daughter; but no disasters him. He was wont to iavite his iriends in study of Pomology in the many orrhards murders, and who appeared to be insane, nerves play with us—of delusions so like turn to accompany him and his party of in the country adjacent, and fellow stu­ “ Yes sir.” and expressed surprise that I should still Johnnie should go dead, 1 should cry. I could be discovered to have happened. reality—” “ What to your name ?” stammer, but I assured him that he wsuld should forget to be manly then, but 1 was put under the Influence of chloroform. No disease, no money losses, no family strangers to those show places; and he dents became fond of me and hived to fre­ As be began to revive, he answered qoes “ I)o you think I have not considered now invited the Wharton* to the gl quent my room. It is s noble thing to “ Lute Taylor.” find very many>ov as fair!lair creature ua, in Lis way, the st tv we h id mi time she sew the face, lie eye# winked Mr. Gurney wished to speak with him; would fill the whole bill Then there was will bear us all over to that other Life, “ What does a noise look like ?” who kept one of the tabllies, said he wanted inwrd rii \ n, i,rr teii iu hefs. horribly at her: the | * —and and the poar creature was summoned. Mr. D. H. Levlnga, now resident there. I where no stammering tongues are found, “ Bless me! I never saw one ; and, if it to buy what he feared was not for HMr'L P was g'me. The beating of her heart pre- He come grinning; and he grinned yet hare known hiss from boyhood, and have but where Language h Music, Life is looks ss bad as it sounds, I don ’t want to lock of her hair. To hto surprise and de ­ morning, Mtw Wbar vented her hearing anythin that time,* more when he was requested to show the no hesitation in vouching for him as a Thought, and Law to Love. —Mdmauko* either.” light she promptly cut off the coveted •oabse .t at breakfast, that her but onoa or twioa during the autumn she glasshouse to the geutleman. Mrs. Whar­ “star” stammerer. In con venation he Ssntind. “1 want to see it,” sakl Johnny ; “ snd curl, snd received the price offered —ten fended she heard a light aad swift foot­ tar foutnl all at tern fits at Con versa ton, with her veil down, hong on her works everything about hto free but his A craiors change of domestic relations I mean fo.” dollars. The happy purchaser was exhib­ to be iu vain do she quickly filled step in the passage, bhe always left her friend's arm; and they followed the Idiot, voice, and does everything but talk. Hs Then he took his drum into a closet, iting the trophy fo one of his friend*, who room door open,Tor the sake of the same occurred in the town of Orange, Alas* , thecoflte-pot, which her mother had for- who was remarkably light-footed (for a has a wonderful facility of distorting his five ox six years ago. Two young men, and dotted the door after him till the very suddenly d las ted his Joy by saying: •ort of feeling of security that most people wonder), to the place he was most fond of. ltoht could only creep through a crack. goiten to do, and in the middle of the with words, neighbors and friends (says the Boston “Bhe rather outflanked you, for. fo my forenoon ordered dinner whichalie found crave when they shut and bolt theirs. If He took them down to the anti'-allng at what the “ I’m just going to see where the noise certain knowledge, she only paid three this was a ghost, bolt* would not keep it TmoeOer), hod married two voung and % e her mother had also forgotten. They had chamber; and then he observed that It call a “ muggisl.” He amiable women, and each couple hail lived comes from, cause it wakss up the baby,” dollars for the whole wig.” out; and she could fly the more easily was “ a nice warm place o nigh!*.” Being Just such s breakfasting three times more stammering, but he to together happilv for a few years, each< hav said be. It to not the great matters, the supreme during Urn next fortnight Then, on Miss through the open door if her terror should asked how he knew that, he began point not. It Mr. Henry K. f affection Bo he went fo work. Presently some Joys, which fasten upon the human heart become too great to be eodured alone. For Ing ooe or two infant pledges of ^ , Wharton creasing the hall, she met her ing with his Angara to Mr*. "A 1. irton, and White competent and ______in the meantime ______vouchsafedHIHI to them.It At body colled, “ Johnny. Johnny 1” It was with fcuch force, but the small interests 3 ^Mlhar n - n ct and shawl about to go the first time, she now burned a night- peeping under her bon uot Being ad ­ steady stammerer. He put hto mother, who had begun to wonder pleasures—the unuoticeable vinlrt#* light in her chamber, aa the nights length the time spoken of—six years ago—one of out, so earfy as half past ulna The dr- vised to look him in the face, she raised tion into the business than the others, but these friends and his friend ’s wife took sick, what he was about; for, when Johnny from which the departure to so palnftiL cuinstancs would not have been remarked, ened, and not a dim, flickering rush candle, her veil; and he sniggled aad tfoel. d, he was more even and reltoole, and could was quiet so long, it was a sure sign of When some pitiless tote ho# groaned with bat a steady wax light She knew that and died within a week or two of each M: bat fot the mother’s conAised sod abashed and said he hod seen her many a time always be depended on to work very hard other. The friends, daring their lives, mischief. iron hand the fortune of a whole life, a way of accounting for going out. rthe her daughter wondered at the strange ex­ when she was asleep, and many a time in order to say a very little. These were “ I’m too busy to oome,” shouted John ­ heroic will stands ap in a man ’s breast, travagance ; but aha could not bear dark- K*rt Secured adjoining lots in the cemetery said she had s little call to make, and so whea she was swaks; and a not lier lady, ail men of high character (like myself), of the town, and, when the decease of the ny. “ I’m engaged.” and cries out in calm defiance: “Tsks it A"on. The call wa on Mr. Gurney. He nee*, or a very feeble light when the thing too, who was not there. He hid himself but the other one, Nil Hammer, was a “In the cloeet, Johnny 1” cried his then, 1 can live my life without it;” and might be behind the curtain. parties took place, they were buried in mother, ooming upon him “ lddenly, with +• had hardly done breakfast, when hs was down here when the other men went careless, lolly, Irrevere n t and unregensrate their ir»-sportive lots, bat in such wav that then a noble sslf-reepect overmasters the told that Mrs. Wharton wished to speak Throughout October the visits were al­ sway—R was so warm f and then he could youth. He was a plasterer by trade, and a monument could be erected between a fear for her tars of preserves and sweet pain of bereavement, and ws stand firmly with him atone. most nightly. In the first week in Novem ­ go when he pleased, sod see “ her there,” hto hfghaat ambition waa to make hto mor them. Whether this wm accidental or not, pickles. “ What are you doing there, and proudly among tha ruins of our hopes. tote - Whan he entered the study, Mrs Whar- ber they suddenly ceased ; and so many and theMU’ other,WIUUI| whenW siv A* theytut; wereWCI l. asleep.UUIUN-|)* tar stick as well>11 wmas htoM*m tongue.wnip^tra. Butout Nat, to not related. About five mouths after child? ” But when tote seises upon one great ex­ " Vm seemed to be at unready with her I • passed away without a return, that Mr . Gurney enticed him to whisper how withstood manyoany of the symptoms of a the double de cease, however, the surviving “ I’m only seeing what’s inside of my pectancy after another, take# one flower wordsns himself; and when he shook bands Mrs Whartoibarton began to be a lfctle alarmed he snaged it; and then, with au air of vagabond, devslveloped nobly afterwards, male and female repr* tentative* of both drum, ” said Johnny. after another from our lives, and te with her, hn observed that hsr baud was about bar owm rito —i Ah ash herself •illy running, hshe showed*h<»w.-d a little square when tha war broke out, and___ showedH that, . houses, somewhat to the surprise of neigh M I've made a big hole through it; and color after color fades out of the picture cold, ribesaidsbe was well, however Then whether, after all It teas not possible trap-door in the wall doss by tha door, like Jim Bhadeo, he had heroic qualities in bore, conclude to perpetuate the former there isn ’t anything in it at all T And, of our day, till at last it lies cnomt pause, daring which the good pastor this was a trick of the nei One night through which he said be passed. It friendship by a closer alliance,* in other sure enough, he had ‘pot hto foot through cold and gray—then a namele im was shifting from on** f —the utoMfi mpevnlfitofirafii The Cincinnati Enquirer tells an inci ­ sharing*. Mis. Wharton, m-ant no. after this interval, subdued at once. Bhe It so. For distant aa tha glasshouse of both boaeeeocmcluded a Joint arrange fhriher could be ooaxed out of the drum. school district, and I was dark. One day “ The music’s ail Jobs ,” said he, trying to dent in which the late Wesley fimead, the putting her veil up and down, an had borne, for half a year, herpestoriaeus- from her house, it ran back so tor, in the early autumn, when I was portico ment to drew their love for the deed, bv gloves on sod off At tat, with a pkrfoua of her digest in a and of her wis­ the cellar running beck oleo, that they met. hide hto tears. well known banker, snd another well- lariy busy m my offir#-,* rn # 'in, a splendid narbi* monument —the “ But now yon know, where it cams known and MMtite etliesn, whose eradit atmined and painful smlto, aha dom, and now she really wanted sympathy. No time was loot in sending round to the < W Withered < fineatTn the omsefory— on one of the she was really sshamed to say Hbefot him tell her damrht* r • ,.-t h>m ; and,bysconversation b l i..i«.»igb to me, and from.” said hto mother. did not stand vary high in tank _ ad to engage to the ecluA da toB« of which the nama, age, and virtues “Never mind, ” said Uncle Jock; “yon were actors. Mr. R. called on Mr. IMMMhA she most say ft; rather than tel! it herself, because ha muM the hdoor, it was ascertained that whea _ tha coming aria 1 did not like his of the dead husband were set forth, on the ■ hop* d that Mr. Goncy had makt> ilghi of It, and she could not) ; and *s stock of cools woe low, shall have another drum tha first of for s loan. “ Certain^, Mr. R.. I thaU she gladly agreed to let ftpprerence, and had no Idea of hiring him, other face thorn of the dm you wits pleasure. But, her long enough to be a that to, la summer, aad before a fresh sup­ ami to told him hs had better aaa ti* di ­ I shall want ft for a long time, i not snbMct to foolish fk sleep with her. For ply come la In mid winter, Middleton non id A nuBVD of mine, said Erakine, Oh, don ’t 1" cried the household. Mr.T ~ — — nothing by it. rector. HsHe asked mame to w Oh, do I” shouted Johnny “8c the tatter, Mr. R” * And I get in, and did gel in, almost every night but* I saenrad mjssself on account of my os suffering from a continual wakeful from it," he dropped. During the When he did net appear, It was only fo - “------to want $10,900 for km Couldn ’t urgent foisin-s* 1fo in his re tafettttr, Mr |L, » eyes mi her tone Her visits now tbs Imp-do* r qu#*st until I was to Jack ------and, la no iiffered moment her mother touched her; she rawd in the j tried to koapawake, tat she never sew he Toe Orui*. the toot, and aftar that fortni ght H dM

sarwssrilduet mb per sent for u feel no «*oirity In a Iprwttiv* Without “It took ofhfefeath rl£!rafc&0<1fet£ yoa know ills eg you sag. If you have u> get that through hto * Of. Fairchild kM Ml jrtMl m**m p C*M Vv ■^♦••-■w 'V wm MflnMMiHH *. te* UW* ll* Wli i, 1*1 .. HJ.&H0IH.

MIDICAL. 9lu Clinton JsdtyrttiUttt Pea Sketches bj Ik W»j-SM» HUOILLAMEODI. DRY GOODS AMD CLOTHING. AMD STOVES. KKN1TUII, •» veatis. & 1UA8. TURNER A 80N8, COMMIT « MMTMM, A c WHAT ro U THE NORTH AMERICAN. Mauulnetureri Copper Tt»p irvoir, Pips Cast liua |*ok Reservoir. JOHNS, MICE., FEB. l€, 1871. ^——— As4 Deafer* la an kl»4*«f 41-9 The llent In Use. miICBOr ro.D4T staff VVANOB or YBITKNIAV. Retain iWid la your Tkf AT. Y. iMyJimk, one of the moot Bsqiiseth immiU w Mied* show TO PHYSICIANS. fo*rle«s ad roc a tee of Demeorstic priu- Thet simulate* the del gtlU FURNITURE! uipUs in A meric a , in speaking of the Thai Sally hi Ufa aaMUm. SHALL Whs are selling Europtu trouble* mj§ f “ One ekort WquMlb MaoMM trumpliag peer ego Perie wee Frenee ; mud while Of **o*odlng hraaa ar tinkling eymbal ;** Ik^waik iu« not aa smptj asm*- - WOMAN'S RIGHTS. BETTER FURNITURE AT LOWER PRICES Perie kept Prussia et bsjr, we eve ie- c lined to the opieieo that, the! fa none |Nlv Y mjul , August J&th, MOM. Ba^aaath to w one fond, tro* beat, Sell Ctooda In felt. Johns, Mioh. cap i to I remained Frenee; bat how ie it To love mo with a Arm endeavor, me new ? Perie wee starring, end wee Which m alios with bar poiaoaod dart, r'«Kiishfi fVu uk Tikikh 11 1 j Shell from my being Walt to sever. Perfects* jaar Our stock consists, la part, of thereby brought to terms; but France, Mona or raaraeatiok .—Hue ha. ia raoeo, Beqaealh bo aao on# bird-note voice. Junior Bern.*, by luhilM form a lea Cait, Fltf ai4 seal Ckaln* outeide of Perie, it appears, was not «»n 4 'ub«'i>i« extracted by tent with To vbitptf love-tone# to mo sweetly, spir'f obtained fioui Jumper very liUl* starring, end repudiates the aettlement And hid my sad doited heart rajoloe, *u*sr i« u»«*i. and a auiall pi of spirit. Ex TSBSIOS, I>IS'*0 Alt liMBASr AST Taslss , That 1 am blaaaad, and hleeeed completely. It if more palatable thaa any eon In of the terrible war, upon terms which Beoha Is proper* by druggists. la td a dark ^First-Glass Cooking Stove. BsrstHii ----- ——wmm-te-dBtem —------safer. It la e plant that emits ih freer sans -the *118 7 0. Whsl Hots. Lawmges, • WAIT.»«»€ea leaving a Sark aaS Mutiny* SotVtSm. Z Ht111 JXhemd Willi tko Host. ItaadSf Prneeia end hie powerful adviser end After making the tour to the “Gold ­ iao ta the color of Ingredients- Tho Brnhaia iy prvnaraliou predominate* ; lha aniello*t quad | co BEDSTEADS, MATTRESSES, en Gate/1 the voyager own find enough ty of the other ingredient* are added, to pravaat Prime liinieter, Hiainerck. Ferre fa- Inaontalloa; upon ia*paction it will befonnd KuciiM d, Gahaiiiml Cast Iron Rrtt»rvoir. sored peace at almoet any terms, bat of interest in a tour of the great lakes, not to ha a tiaofeare, aa aadalM Spring Beds, Etc., Etc. noristtaiyrup- »r.,t Uien-toru oau ha used In VERY LOW PRICES Many Gonvewtonee*. Hew Fsatores end Improvements. Owe ef the Most Dustrehie Stoves le use. We have the excise!ve sale of Gembetie ignoiee the stipulations, end to oonamand his valuable time and at* cmmCMM ihortwhere rarerfever or InflmiuteaUoa exists. la Send M Descriptive tad Testlmoniei Peinpb eU Meeateetured from Leke Su|>< nor Cheieeel Iron by this, youroo herehurt- theth* knowledge of the ingredient* cod detone his envoy. That the French tent ion a little while longer. Forming and the mode of preparation.pr Hoping that you will farur il with trial, and THE DETHOIT HTO V E WOliKH. MONROE’S PAT. SPRING BED, nation support* France end repudiatee a circuit of 4,000 miles, and having an that upon iaapeetiua it will meet wilt your For Cash. probation The bast iu use. GaabcUa, ie now uiimietakablc; and area of 00,000 square miles of water, wid ahailai of profound to cur* tbe very worst case* of Niagara Falls, or as the aborigineae a COOK STOVE, Ttiind, Itching or Renting Piles. Those who are 0284 Gambetta to-day is for war, till King Dry Goods, Groceries, afflicted should Immediately call on th*-ir druggist LIFE INSURANCE C0MPANY} called it, the “Thunder of Waters,” is and net Weiner’s Pile Remedy. It ta expreeely foi William ia leas exacting; and a very FLUID EXTRACT th# Pile*, and ia not rscouuneaUed to cure any Clothing, other disease. It has cured many cases of over OF* NKW YORK. Urge portion of France is with Gam­ one of the grandeurs of the Western thirty years standing. Price One Dollar. For sale GENTS’ FURNI8HINU"GOOD8, by druggists everywhere. betta. But inasmuch as it is evideut world, which demand ft tha admiration Organised lftft*. that France and Paris arc antagonistic of th* pleasure-keeker before he roams handmade call at J. H. COR- DYSPEPSIA. to-day, and, that once beautiful capitol, abroad in search of wondeis. flo A hhrts otre : : : 82,000,000 00 BOOTS AND SHOES. If you contemplate buying* Sewing Machine, the heart and brain of the nation no that Vast sheet of water pour over a UCHU Warner ’s Dyspepsia Tonio I* prepswcl «x- A nnual Income ovek 1,500,000 00 The latest style puulf for Dysjwptic# and thoM- nuff-jing with longer, the great world may yet sec one precipice of 163 feet on the American habitual eoelivenem: It tea slightly atimulating DON’T FAILtopxamin« tonic and aaplciidid appetiser; it sUengthena tho D katu Claims paid , : 650,000 00 lists A Caps IT RK, Fancy Goods, stonia. b and rraU.rea I be or«..ii* to their tlis-sss- relplirated of the most sanguinary civil wars which side, and 154 on the Canada aide, tbe For ■ arfapiss from iodinerotios. 'Hie Mi­ healthy state Weak, nervous and dyspeptic per D ividkndh paid Policv MflcllluCM. the blood history of that people ever whole breadtb spanned by a gorgeoua puwan of Natsr* wbioh sr« aoeompuiiod Re., Re.. Re. sons should uae Warner ’s Dyatwtieia Tonic. For by n- iiuuiy alarm ioc oympiom*. amutig wbiab aaie by druggists. Price One Duller. Holdkhh to Jan . 1/69 will be found mdi*po*ili«xi to Rxertion, Lu** of BIT S and inspect 118,515 00 recorded. What King William will do bow, which composed of vapor, trem­ Orest reduction iu prices. All my goods ar£ We sell tbe Memory, Wakefulim*. Horror of l>i«*a*«. or in this oaso remaias to he seen ; but he bles in the light of the sun, is the ForwbMiiBa* o* Kvil ; is fact, UsiverasI Lassi­ bought for CASH and ers WARRANTED es tude, Prostration, sod inability to eater into tb* represented. Gail and examine stock and price*. Coutfli no More. Oxer 1800 .Members In Michigan. •-njoruient* of sooiotj. will not he paseive, and it may be that grandest sight presented on the eon St. Johns, Jen. M, 1B71. * m Lock or Shuttle Stitch and the ex-Etnperor Napoleon III. may yet tinent, or in the world. Two-and-a Warner's Cough Balaam i* healing, soften ­ OuifOOO HANGE OF BA8K. ing and expectorating. Tho extraordinary power It Elastic Stitch Machines, loom up again. Stranger things have half miles below the falls is Suspension poaaoaaua fn immediately relieving, and eventually Paid to Widows on Policies to Jaa. let, 1S7S. the best in market. curing, the moat obstinate react of rough*, coida, occurred. ” Bridge, the greatest artificial structure THE CONSTITUTION c Bore Throat, Bronchitis, Inflnenaa, Catarrh, bnarae- Jt various style* and prices, adapted to family ase. 1870. HEW STYLES. 1870. neaa, asthma and ootummption la almost Incredible HI. O. WAUUONEK. and for Milliners ’, Dress Maker*'. Tailors'. Uernes* * in the world. Its span is 822 feet; and Shoe Maker's ase. LAND UKABII. Ho prompt Is the relief and certain its effect, ia all Oen'l rinpt for Ohio, Mich, and Ind., TOLEDO, O height 250 feet. The height of the Splendid Slmck sf tho above oases, or any affection of the throat and Land grants are very jiopular with Innas, that thousands of physicians are daily pre­ DAVID IRI8H, Oen’l Agent, Letts. scribing It, and one and all aay that It is th* most anebor towers of this bridge is: Amer One« affecaffected with Organic Weuknee*. require* J. W. DONOVAN. Oen ’l Agent, Ditroit WE GUARANTEE EVERY MA0KHE the lobby of our national capitol. But tb* aid of medioin*B___ to^ strengthen sngthen andand inrigorsteinvi| NEW A SEASONABLE GOODS ' "2...... ican aide 88 feet aud Canada aide 78 th* *r*testem,ni, which fniMHCl.C-9R EXThAOT doee always aflordt n?!i«-f, and In most cases one TO PLEASE, OR HO SALE, the people demand of their repreeenta- ineariably If no treutmeut is *u><- bottle effects a cure. Bold by druggists. In large ARAM llEKHS^Agt feet, 60 feet of wbioh is above tbe floor HJS3Ito. Consumption or iasanily ensue*. bottles Pries One Dollar. It is tour own (suit it Mftdy ST. lOHRI, tivea that theee lands shall be kept for You can take one FllKD. KATHE, you still eough aad suffer. Tbe mlnn will cure. And our terms are so that aay on* of tbe railway. There are four wire chase and pay for a n SSLDC. their original purpose—homes for ac­ (Successor to Elster R Kethe.) RAILROADS. tual settlers, instead of bestowing them cables, each 10 inches in diameter, and WIISTE or LIFE. R. PLI MSTKAD, Agraf. HELM BOLDN Is now prepared, with a lie atork of CLOTHS npon wealthy monopolies and corpora­ each cable oomposed of 8,569 No. 9 to cut anti make to order ECEMBKR 5, 1870. The great Blood Puritter and deticioua drink, CEAS. COLLIES, SaU*mm. tions, who select the best—generally wires; tha total length of wirea is Warner’s Vixnun Vit»f or Wine of Life, D Cents ’ Clothing, la free from any poisonous drug* or Impurities, he- Detroit A .Milwaakee Rallrsnfl. N. B.—Boy your Machine of a permanent rseS- enough to pay for the construction of 4,000 miles. The Old World presents Ing prepared for those who require a stimulant It dent agent, who wilt make hi* guarantee* goad. home and try it, In the latest styles and In the best workmanlike ■SSfiSMhBMSM Until ftirther notice, trains wilt leave Ht. Johns • no soenery to grand as that of Hudson FLUID EXTRACT OF la a splendid apettser and Untie, and tbe finest thing under: their roads —and they, as in case of th« manner. ia the world for purifying---- ,. ------the blood, III* the most (H)IN(i WENT. River, which is fall of interest to the pleasant and deliidous article ever offered to the Mixed at 7.40 a.nu, for Grand Rapids only. Union Pacific, have the uae of tha gov- Parflct Fits Wsrrsutsd In Kvtry bHe.frtr superior to branoll»r, In quart bottles. 6LXXPINGCARH ON ALL NIGHT TRAIN* cific routs—and Congress will again be tending along tbe shore for a distance In affeotion* peeulisr to Penal**, i* unequaled Refreshment* at Detroit. Owo**o and Grand Ha by any other preparation, a* in ChlorosU. or Re­ ’ik.' PLJLWUfO ven, andup«»n Company '* Kerry hu smer on Detroit GROCERIES! aaked to donate millions of acres to of five miles, rising from fifty to two tention, Painfulneae, or nuppreMioo of customa Knimcna^ogfiio. tttvsr. Ceoifortable hotel above depot at Grand Kraenation*, rir. ratod or Sirrhu* State of the fUUI IN EVERY WAT TO T. JOHNS Haven. build this road, and also thousands of hundred feet vertically, and brilliantly tenM. and all eoaiplainu iueidentsi to the *ex. CONNECTIONS. At Detroit, with Great Wes­ Bor tho decline or change of life. AND LIKE IT 1ft THE O! tern and Grand Trunk Railway# for all peints East To be dlepeeed sflkr colored by bands of varied hues. Fin s Warner's Emmsoagoeun i* the only article dollars in bonds to keep the corpora­ Michigan Central and Michigan Souther* railroad*. OKIj IT, POSITIVE i vFiii.isra known to cur* the Whites, (It will cure In every At Milwaukee, with the Milwaukee A Bt. Paul, tion in spending money. How inter ­ gals Cave would be forgotten in tbe ease ) Where is the family la which this Important Milwaukee A Prairie Du Chien, and Milwaukee A CURE medic in* Is not wanted t Mother*, this teihe gnmt- Chicago Raiiroada, for all point* West and North­ CASH OR READY-PAY. esting to view the subscription books of rapture of a near view of Pictured MAM FA(TrRI\4i COMPANT, eet hi easing ever offered you, and you should Imme­ west. Passengers for O. W. Kail way, go on the YQ] DISUSES d MALARIOUS diately procure It. It is also a sure cure for Fe­ these companies and see the uames of Rocks. The battle-fields of tbe Revo­ HELMBOLD’8 male irregularities, and may be depended upon In Company's Kerry Steamer at D. A Mi R. R Dock every ease where tbe moulalr flow lisa been ob­ 7.40 a.m., 10:30 a m. and 0:44 p.m, lution, and the later battle-fields of the DAM. Offices, 1470. TIIOB. BXLL, -AT- Senators and Representatives, and iraUttent Fever, structed through cold or disease. Bold by drug­ IS Oewrral thiiwnntendent. 1 kill Fewer, Maaufbetarrrs sad dealers Is gists. Price One Dollar. Or sent by mall on re­ thus aee what influences ere brought Rebellion, are Meccas toward which ceipt of One Dollar and a quarter. to bear upon the people’s servants ta the liberty-loving citiaens of a grateful 619 State Street, CHICAGO. PRINTING. Farrnnd, HUeley Me Co«, ■often their hard aud stony hearts when Republic will hereafter make their pil­ FLUID [ITR1CI Of BUCKU D. C. HURD’S, long train of disorders LUMBER, Wholesale Agents, Detroit. Sold by all druggists they stand up and demand that these grimages. The orange groves of Flori­ fasn naslantftd. In St. Johns, and by Dr. C. C Deltenbaugh, West­ THE CLINTON INDEPENDENT. phalia. 900: ly Published svery Thursday, by lands shall be kept intact for settlers’ da, tbe prairies of Texas, sod the pine HWEET grUVIFE Head of Clinton Avenue. solely from PeravUn OOHHIT At K8TEM, homes. All are not ao ; and ws hop# forests of Michigan, tbe bills of Maine, 1/uiniiu) tlwreforc la of Vt DOORS, SASH, WINDOW FRAMES MISCELLANEOUS. osoaus s. coasir. jahbi » .saves and valley of the Mississippi, all are and not n Mineral poison, buj the ST. JOHNS, MICH. That ar* hard to heat b the day will corns when such men who i- prornd to bo one of the 1871 . dear to tbe American hca$; and we the blood of all healthy pej BLINDS, BRACKETS, CORNICE, TERMS S1.50 A YEAR, Ilf ADVANCE. can freely yield themselves up to the nw kct xmrm IMPROVED ROSE WASH, Ojfleeover Corfu's H—rdtemro Store. lures of corruption, shall be banished protest that until tbey have been visit Sots an outlSete to. (as well PRICE OR QUALITY. •sr.) ______jr siUssuli stelTlig, Bxlistors, ftswels, Elc., JOII PRINTING from our legislative balls, aud men ed by the tourist and plsaaure-aaeker, lion of which by tb« lilt “snl Fcroru, etc. Tho St. Johns, Jan. 19. Of svery deecription provnpily and neatly acting for and working with the masse* he should never go abroad seeking Will radically exterminate from the system dis­ l mad for HT. JOHNH, MICH. out ed ,at oat 1 sfac t or j p rir es. ease* * rising from habit* of disWpMiou. a* little Ad vertlaemcnt* I nserted atreaaouabl rratee. GIVE HIM A CALL shall take their plaoe. rest, recreation or amusement among expense, litue or ao change in diet, no incoureai- iimT QrniiR eoee or exp>i*ure i completely . C. HURD. throughout the land occurred on Mon ­ Mouldings Hade to Order, sens** of security while the tootiLis constantly ba- day night of last week, on the line of ming that Michigan will hereafUr have is, Farr A ina destroyed. For thoroagbly^faiahie work, at St. Johns, Sept. H, HU. MS nine Representatives in Congrem in ­ HELMBOLD’ S SPECIAL prior* always conforming to the times, i^ye the Hudson River Railroad, at New IFW YORK., Harubo g, eight miles below Pough­ stead of six, as at present, it divides the IHE GREATK8T WONDER Htate^nto nine districts, on a basis of H. C Smith Oo., Agent*, Bt Johns. (ITS! Oa rsasouabte tsras. ■OSES BARTOW, keepsie, N. g. A freight train of I TTORNKY and Counsellor at Law and SoB- OF THE AGE. 181,690 to ths district, as follows : /l citorln Chancery. Also, Collecting Agent, at twenty-five cars started from Albany Westphalia, Cflnton County, Michigan._____ [n4S] fa the evening. .Almost at the end of FIRST DISTRICT. Cssisss Plauiug a Flssr Brssslsf Inducements Fluid Extract Baeho A. S, WIGGINS, the wooden bridge over Wappinger's Wayne and Macomb—Total popula­ HYSICIAN AND SURUKON. office over Creek, at New Hamburg, an axle of tion, 146,657. Don* on short notice at low prices. Offered to purchasers of Baker's dry goods sotore, west aid* Clinton PAvenue. All professional nails, night or day. the tenth ear in the train, an oil car, aacoan uistrict . WIG6N HD BUCKSMITI promptly attended to. Particular attention given broke, tippiug it sideways, and letting In all diseaee* of theee organs, whether existing OP. R. M. STEEL, President, to Chronic and Surgical rear* ______Ik if Monroe, Lenawee, Washtenaw and in mal* or female, from whatever cause origmat- J. L. PALDI, Secretary it down upon the ties. For a few Hiladals —Total population, 146,187. IfS aad ao matter of how leas standing U Is BOOTS A SHOES ANSTEY HOUSE, varda farther, to the entrance of the pleasant In taste and odor, "immediate" ia as- J. II. IA4AALL Sk. Johns, Mug IS. 4Mf >OTof Clinton Avu., Ht. John*. Mich. H W- district Wahon, Proprietor. This iaa New House, and bridge, it dragged—then, striking a tfiian . rflh" *■" Has started a biaeksmith and wagon shop at ths rbaa been fitted op with special reference to ths Jackwon, Branch, Calhoun, Eaton Tb’jse »ufT. ring from broken down or delicate oorwer of liighm and St. lamia. and instantly all tha cars behind it and Livingston —Total population, 143, MsNkMrmS be aware that, ho wersr Might assortment of vehicles of all kinds, which be will P. FLINT, may baHte attaeh as the above diseases, it Is sell cheap for cash. AT TUB THORNTON’S FINE ART GALLERT. were piled on it, a mass of wreck. Up­ 358. setiais to affect the bodily health aad m.-ntal W“ on thia chaos tha Pacific Exprem train toM. HOTOGRAPHS Urge aad small, and la feet FOURTH DISTRICT AllUte abors diseases require the aid of a diu- REPAIRING OP ALL KINDS P every variety of pic‘era made at the above Gal­ • * dashed with lightoing speed, bursting Ue , KXLHSOLS'I XXTRACT BOSKS is ths Promptly attended ta lery, either large or small. Particular attention Is 8t. Joseph, Kalamazoo, Cass, Ber­ great Diuretic. DRALXR IN called to enlarging and if desire.! coloved ia oil, T*jL rrumsi*n open the oil took end setting fire to the rien and Van Boren —Totei population, wmler colors or India Iak. Head of Oaten A venae, west side. (1) L. W. Tioairoi, Artist. passenger cam in the neighborhood. — 143, 866. Horse-shoeing Twenty five or thirty persons are be­ and ail kinds of Firm district . SPAULDING A CRANSON, HAIR REtTORATIVL lieved to have been killed, but op to JOBBING DONE PROMPTLY. Fine Watches TTORNRYS and Counsellors at law. and Soils! * very recent dots only eighteen bodies Allegan, Barry, Kent and OtUway Sold by Druggists sverywhere. Ot.« him . Nil (Mf. A tors in Chancery, St. Johns, Clinton Oo. Mich. A NEW PREPARATION. * —Total population, 181,360. o. t. artciMM.______J______i. u. caaftsoa have been recovered. And Jewelry, Boot k .Shoe Store. CEO. W. ESTES 4 SON, SIXTH DISTRICT. It ooHUixs no Lao Sulphur—No Sugar of A lbany , Feb. 11.—The Railroad Price $1.25 per Bottle, or $ Bot­ ___ FARK1KRH. All •• flic Lslesl as4 Office at rwdderten, on Spring Street, St. Jos.'m, M Load —No Lithargo—No Nitrate Committee of the Assembly will com- Ionia, Montcalm, Clinton, Gratiot, TREES! SILVER PLATED WARE, •m Mans. Beet Styles A il professional sails, night or day, porjMk’ at- meooe Tuesday, the Utk inst., at then 8biawaswa, I ogham and Isabella— tles for $4*5#. of 8ilvsr. faotion! Caitlon!! Caution!!! Oto. W. SSTUS. L R. BSTSS rooms, taking testimony in regard to Total population, 126,202. Gents 1 Guard si id Fob It has an VngrsdW-nt in It whteb has sever betevn m. DMrih.rart.Ml. the New fiamburg railroad disaster. SBVBSTH DfTTRIOT All persons ar* cautioned against ordering say Chains, H. D. McCABE. JOHN H. KIMBALL, been weed in the preparation ef Hair Rrsicr. ... Mad m Eve rgv—na or Forsat Truss until they have ^TTORNRYKY at Law aad Soiieifor in ft** 1 wbteh the patentee has lb* only light te nan. Rsnilao, Oakland, Lapeer, 8t. Clair ■■MHHip far Brte. Ws asS EEfflml Chaneery, Nnw Yoax, Feb. 11.—The 7Hfc*M rpHIRD YKAK. Maple Rapid*, Mich IFi.tf It |B wbelhr feee from ail peteenoas and health de- •ays : A startling fact has come to and Huron —Total population, 122,- TRRXB at Cfl l RATXB and mors of them •tn>>1ag (frags la Ha eompoaitien te an artiete ADUREHS. than anybody ds!in America. Bjrst Htfi Wrills* red light in time to avsrt tbc Issts for thgfr hoMME. THE INDEPENDENT, On the fsumfcwi WHIC H II BY FAB TMB BBST A 8P1CIALTT (MN* job pRnmiro dons lteeemher 1st, tm tit 1 A t TNtf Orfiow m as i" " fF^ wUTT" -WWX, '* WT V—’ t lW ASM I covavv scaeoL suraniNVMw 6Ustftt*jJndrprn(1tnt. Wk yotftfrhanda and feast upon this luxu­ »*TI»« Seat Sutajeet Usilsstd.** Ssvbsal communication* are otuiied COMMERCIAL. >*a !1 fit. Johm , Peh. lffth, ItTl. riant system which embodies more RMf ■*«*•}> kUdett—do»‘t 41monm this week for want of room. wealth ibau gold, and do not starve HBAT BARGAIN!) 8T. JOHNS, MIOIJ , FEB Id, 1871." Jfssms. BMere:—Shall we go for­ MWw MoUta Mo—tat** 1* ■T. JOHNS Now, laMao, F wMI |T»»ok to yoS under the free school law in moral and ins tnihiesi place in town is the G Corrected weekly, by P. L. VAUOONSAXT THJK Jw» a little aermou, about as inch ward or backward In our public legists intelleetwal poverty, as whole ages and To rtaS a fWfhlful mt Mtiltaio*. eow pen and walk in front of “Jamah’s UOHK M iTTKUN. (treeera »•ou will b« placed inn fright, Tour tool tbM •wine” m» tfsktJy piachm, 'WW: &1 Of the mauner in which the duty has Tub Maple Rapide Amateur Dra­ * -XX #« 06 • the Continental galleries I always saw f "l> uuc mppSa your tan will grow brood ou b sot a foot; bat foarteaa look—■ IPIHK been performed, I will not speak, as I th* ** hard |*an" of tarts! matic Club announce another play for BUOKWHKA1 FLOUR ft II per IN Ibe. AT STEPHENSON T. Snperir.w-. •>. . groups of people gathered about the Thou lbo rail for yonr salt will be tlk« Eiija’s both That’a why w# oft remark yoar gait, CORN MXAL-fl A per lag Ibe. '•Mi*rwa r. Town# wMI body aaS brllota— tar your goad act* Toa hare to carry each a weight. to-morrow (Friday) evening. - VI 7S per 100 peuode. Ml at lb* last an not sufficiently acquainted to apeak PKLXO. [doturee of women. It wae not pas­ Qo! bay a large Vwtortpoda- BRAN —Vie. per luo pouade. MOSMS BAKTOW. knowiugly. But of the principle. I Th#y,re Juet tbe thing to got ap epaed; CORN -le ***** pee Sa. ehelled. JTfc NlXOM, sion, the gazers were just aa likely to A SIGHT. A Social D a seme Pasty will be can speak from observation and ex­ But dco’t let pnd« lead yoa la mua CATS -SO to a «*u per be. WM SHKPARD. be women ae men : it because of Mrssrs . Editors Your humble given at Newton's Hall, on the evening Tbe Wb*l# 8Uck Mast be Ml I Pwirwik Coaaty titanlttai perience. To try to ran a ear again. BARLKY “SI II to |1 Si per ivt, •u, in servant, snugly seated in his ontter, BUTTER—IS to Si cent* po« lb. wondrous beauty of a woman's body. From llta'a true eourae I’ll ne’er oe ewllohed, of the 22d inst. A general invitation CHIKMK-IS cent# |Mr lb It is a wits plan which levys a tax Xor will I from my traek be pitch*) ; TOWN CAVCV1. Now staud with me at my offioe win ­ wrapped in comfortable robee and driv ­ is extended to tbe pnblio. LARD 13J| cent# per lb. and a wiser plan which guards the ex­ Your tongue may with your neighbor** war, Tba tartontflbt township of Ding ing that fast team which is his prids and --- -«msq ■— £OOS ~ IS to 2g cent# per doe. hMi vlllBtatl HICK8* HALL. *t. Jobre,on dow, and see a lady pam. There goes But neeee ean conduct a ear. penditure of that tax. A wise plan III.—We regret to learn that our PO'rATtlKS ggeente per bm.; MATUBOAT, KKB 16th, at 1 otataak P M, to one 1 now isn ’t that a pretty looking delight, saw, a little over a week ago, atari WIN datagalaa to Ita Oantv Convention. which provides for pnblie instruction, •hate eeaheit with tea *011 almoet green, friend and fellow-townsman, Henry TURN1PH - 26 owite per be. THIS IS NO CLOSINO 4. B. NIXON, object ? A big bump, three big lumps, while paasiug through State street, a And yet maintain* that 1 am mean ONIONS—-VSc per bo. j. 5. ofAViii, and a wiser plan which takes good oare Payne, is quite ill st bis brother’s in 1974 4. H CO KBIT. a wilderness of oriupe and frills, a bevy of elderly ladiee dressed in plain ­ Beeanee I eemetlmm emoka a WHITE BRANS-SDc togl go per be. OUT Town < ommtttsa. that the money be spent judioiously. Why, “oak" trail* uiaat Lava i Duplain. APPLES—40 to Me per be. hauling up of the dress here and there, est style. Some of them carried large ** —Dried, Sc per pound. Now, experience teaches that uni ­ ■ha rocommsnda a aoarsa of wealth, PORK -RI 60 to |? VI per leg, dreeeed. an eoormoue, hideous mam of false hair capaoious baskets; some earned huge But tails to practioe It bareeit Rsv. L. W. Earl , pastor of the M. REMOVAL! M —Per barrel, $n 00. formity in methods and books is an im­ umbrellas to ward off tbs storm, and If minding one's buelnee* le wealth, I am earn or bark piled on top of her bead, sur­ E. Cbnrob, anticipates a visit .to our BEKF #6 00 to VS 00 per 100 Oar Fro no at N«« Qn»rtrr«. That ehe should be pitied, for ehe'U lire and portant help in our public instruction, others had parasols to shield their fair HIDES—Green, 6 to So. Six Down Extra Heavy Winter mounted by a little flat, ornamsntsd die poor. 4. C. National Capitol soon. Query : Is be Sinoe oar Iasi mue we hare moved •specially when teachers are employed “ Dry. 10 to lie. with bits of Iscc, birds ’ tails, etc., etc. faces from tho genial rays of the noon­ after a poet offioe ? Ovcrceate, our office, consisting of type, press©*, in different districts sod towns. Te NebraikSt Callfernia.Kaaeaa. HALT-VI 00 per barrel. The shop windows tell us, all day long, day sun (?) Others had stieks over PELTS—Me to 1100 A) Uee then New York eoet The> meet nod Mtal devil, etc., from over J. H. Corbit'n Under the old system, every town *■4 tbe H. A H. It. Lande. Oss of tbe evideuoee of the fact that of the paddings, whalebones, sod steel their shoulders, on« which were bung The starting points of this Routsare CLOVER SEED.—VS 16 to 6 60 beeokt. hardware atore, Walker street west, to might have its own list of instruction bundles and pill boxes. You ean judge st Chicago and Peoria. The oentral a Spectacle Social was to take place spriugs, which occupy most of the space DETROIT MARKETS. BuilfM Coils Puts tMff Yests* the spacious, well lighted and pleasant books, and every time a new teacher of my astonishment whan coining nsar- eint is Hi’RLIN oton , ou the Mississippi, last eveuing, was the huge pair of specs within that outside rig. At yoar own pete# room over D. C. Hurd's new grocery was employed, it required about a •r to see that my old ladies were young ft traverses Illinois and the whole worn by “ Silver Gray” and mate about Lire Stack market. in the name of all the simple, sweet breadth of Southern lows. Near the store, which is the first briok store of month for teacher and scholars sod ladies, who were evidently bent on hav ­ town yesterday afternoon. The people Kieee Cattlb Ym, Feb. IS, 1S71. 12 Dozen W rappers & Drawers rteotiments which cluster about a home, Missouri, its trunk forks into three the kind at the head of Clinton Ave ­ books to become fmmiliar with each ing a good time. I am a bachelor, •aw tbe “ point ” if the “ hoeees’ could Tbe errlrala foot op thi* wet k t" heed of eetUe I would ask, how is a man to fall in branches, for it has three western termini. mod MS ibatp, At prio** that will **toatah yoa. nue, where we invite oar friends and other. not. A crowd was the result. lovs with inch a piece of compound, j grown old in years, yet, strange to •ay, Its northern terminus is Council There wee m alight improvement in the demeud MEN’S HEAVY WINTER CAPS patrons who desire a " pufi" (cigar) 10 Who, too, has not witnemed the for cattle to-dey, aa ibe Real hea worked off the doubled and twisted, touch-me-not 1 my heart jumped violently, aud to thsir Bluffs, where, crossing to Omaha, it call. In this, our new home, sod with i perfect farce enacted iu the ex- connects with the Union Pacific for all St. Y albntikb ’s D at ash the Post targe aurpiua it had on hand, and we hope the cat­ At ffO Cent* Each. artificially, as you see in that wiggling fond recognition 1 could only raise in tle trade will now eetUe down end price* be more inereaeed facilities, we ere better pre­ i smination of teachers, and the favori- my sleigh, bow and scrape as well a» places on the intra-continental and Pa­ Ornci Businssr .—Post Master Carter ■at lefeetory both for the buyer and aeiler. curiosity ? cific alopes. Over-land travel aud traffic Thera weeatalr number taken to ehip Eeat. 50 Pieces of Shirtings pared to execute work with neatness and I tiam which necemarily grows out of the informs us that on Tuesday laet, 8t. Secondly, with that wasp waist, possible, while my nags bore me on. choose this reliable route more and more. Helee wore n little more brlek, both for ahlppera’ dispatch than aver before, and as the i old town system. The useless method Valentine's day, he sold over 300 one end butcher* 1 oettta, at *ii *dv*nc* of abont twMity- AND OTHER FLANNELS tqueesing your luoga, stomach, liver, Their merry faces, their jovial laugh­ Its next terminus is Lincoln, the result of all this, lac prices must neoce- | of visiting schools, a worthless form, ter and the fun lurking in their pierce- Capitol of Nebraaka, fifty-five miles cent stamps. He adds that it was flv* ernta per hundred. Thera we* quit* *n im- Tuat must b* sold, ragardtaa* of oo*L and other vital organ*, into ono-half prorement in <4iieiity. earily follow. We trout all who feel , . , . , . . , .» except m name, west of the Minsouri at Plattamouth. •musing as well as tedious to wait upon theur natural sise, and with that long . ,, • • » ing eyes hauut me still. What their ••eve*. an interest in our behalf will give ua ’ , . . The niggardly economy which uses This is the ouly direct avenue to the the little urchins that crowded the office Hale* were m»d* at th* following rate* : errand and where bound I could not South Platte country, where the Hale* the asms kind and liberal support ss ,r* a dr »«,n « e° tb* hk°W ~ building, hardly fit for bum. .. whosl aud door-way, as they called out, la •ny man of sense who knows that life ° . . ' , . . , ., even conjecture, perhaps to visit an old of railroad land laet season, robe to B»EE5= iisiSflrfat Redactions heretofore, and in turn we nhall en ­ . ' . . . , houses, and then wondsnng that chil­ school-mate sod see how uewly married half a million. there any thiog for me ?” is made up of use, of service, of work, y . . . ------——— In the price of deavor to give you a good local paper; , / , . ’ . „ dren dislike to atteud school, l*ople keep house. Its third terniinos is at Hamburg, Th* demand for ah*ep waa good at |3 76 to 4 21 how can hs take such a partner r He . A , Rsjbctbd.—The poem entitled “The not better than everybody else, but ss . . , . . . , .. But let the Couoty Superintendent and Nebraska City. At Hamburg, it per hundred end #2 26 to 2 76 per bead. Bleached Muslin, must be desperate indeed to unite him- .... . , Since writiug the above I am told Woman iu Search of a Husband, ” from good ; and aa good job work for as l’tl- makes close connections twice a day, Stark Rnrkel. Sheetings, tolf for life with rach . fettered, h.,f. !«>«»<»•**-»rU.y th, pc,t.ou w.tb .u the youug mimes w»re in search of cold for St. Joseph, Leavenworth, Kansas an unknown source and author, is by tle money, ss can be found in any of .. . ■ office at the county site, with a salary meats aud potatoes, aud 1 ouly hope DRtaaep eooe. Stripes and Ticks, breathing ornament 1 1 J J City, and the whole South-west. far too persoual for our u*e. Wt* are To-day bat few lot* her* been ottered, which the towns in the interior of Michigan. sufficient to demand his sutire time, wer* mostly held *1 |S, but Uicra were no buyev* Prints, Thirdly, your bad drese and lack of, some yonng man, with little to do, hap­ In journeying then, from the East to alwaya glad to hear from our friends, It is our aim to labor for the whole , . _ ...... i and let him have power to order all pened along as they journeyed, home­ KaiiHas, vis. Burlingtou, you enjoy ad ­ At over 76. Th* only aal* reported waa a lot ot DeLaines, exercise lead to bad health, and men : ... and to do them any favor when it will I, moetly light, at V^ VS- people and their best interests. True, ,, . ne e—ary iiniprovements in and about ward, for if they had tbeir baskets and vantages you can secure on no other Poplins, wisely fear that instead of a helpmate f line. You both pas* over s read second not prove detrimental to ourselves and Grain Vlarket. v tis hard in publishing a newspaper to . ,, ...... school buildings, fix the list ot text pill boxes filled, the weight to carry Alpaccas, &c., fisc. they would get an invalid to take care , , , . , to no other in speed, safety, or any patrons We would again stats that Weear—On ’Change thla morning the demand exactly comply with the wants of all, was not a light one. Pstrr. of. Tbo b.d hetltb iu you. ju.« .. iu .* eh0° • ? I KOS* DftTlTT. Pullmtn luxury ot modern trnvelj »od j we *i|| not gi,c piece to eny eoramu- waa moderate, and raoatly of a speculative charac­ GOOD DRILL COR8ET8 bat we Nhall endeavor to do so as near while on your way, survey the garden ter. Trloc* w*n* 1* better on ail grade* except m.Ve* the mind » well » tb. ‘h* t«r* ’“‘U or’s real name. We do not deairs the opened el |1 61, and waa afterward* sold at 41 6ft. Splendid French Corsets has an item of news or information will . • , « and we should see sti improvcmeot m Brinkerhoff and Mias Ella Dills, of 400,000 acres of prairie in Soulh-wust- though not much could have burn placed at that no power, no magnetism II., „ . 4. /. . . era lows, now in market st low prices name for publication, but for our pro­ •end or bring it to us. . . . . , ,. schools well worth the tax incurred by this place, were married by the Kev. rate. For No. 1 white there were aereral buyer* at Only DO Cents Each. and long credit. $1 44. aad at th* elo** |1 46 waa asked. Hrgutar ---- —-—nree-we»re------r yon giggle freely, and use big1 tection. NT 4 \ (t Doaen Amenran Spool Cotton, all sneb an order of things. VV. W. Olds, at his residence in Wil­ waa quiet bht Arm at $1 IS. Have you seen Ssui Walker’s pony? adjectives, such as “spleudid, ’' “awful,' Keep it then before people westward •-F V W \W colors and numltars, only gO cash a Instead of going backward m our liamson. Coa»—Th* market i* a little flrmer, with a good Doaen. Coats’ and Clark '• Cotton only BO aeate a ------■—^ae-»- — ---- but then this don ’t deceive us ; we see to* 1**® going bound, “to take the Burlington Route/' K bad wbat the Detroit Free Press, Dosen. Mr. N. H. Winaus lias returned from •hipping demand for mixed at 62c, t* Read advertisement headed “Ex­ through it .11. You are .uporfici.1, LT.VV.1?":, .L "!.* the most reliable O ats —la good demand, with light offering*, and V illage O rdinance , N o . 31.—The paper published in •JiiMl U coo Ivik I, «t Hplon* celsior Oats,'' and then go and pur­ Superintendent who has no other busi­ a visit to Virginia, and reports the market higher. Male* 1 car white at 62c; 2 car* do affected, silly ; you have none of that Village Board at its last eemion, passed that city, says of us: “ The Clintou •t 521c; 2 can No. 1 mixed at 62c; 1 car do at 61e. «11<1 AMsortmont of chase some. ness to interfere, pay him well and de ­ country flue and the season far in ad ­ womanly strength and warmth which an ordinance authorising the punish ­ ImUpensUnt, a weekly paper, published — ♦ mand that he do bis dvty faithfully. vance of the North, as peopl^weru st St. Johns, is conducted with more Poplins Plain & Fancy Alpacas, O ld Paters for •ale at our uew are so assuring and attractive to mau. ment of all persona, male or female, SPECIAL NOTICES. and the cry against a Superintendent putting in oats wheu he left. Ho was AND OTHER office over Hurd ’s. Why, yon have become so childish and who shall be ioond drunk or disorder ­ than oidiuary ability. Its etlitorialH (Jims*. offered 600 aeres of good farming land Tut Riiit ri*AS«>*.--The lainy mouth* of each weak winded that you refuse to wear would die of shame. arc characterised by sound sense, its at the low price of $10 per acre. He ly, for vagraucy or known ss a com­ year are the Fever-breeding month*, and the expos­ Dear 8wow. —We understand that decent names even, and insist upon news is fresh, and oompriae everything ure to cold end VrL which ao many experience, FANCY DRESS 600DS Wacocsta , Feb. 13, 1871. alao atatea that the people there feci mon prostitute, within tbe incorporate lay* the foundation for Fever and Afur, Remittent •now has fallen to the depth of three of local intercut and of national impor­ Fever, Dumb A*tic, etc., Duriittf tlioee month*, we AT BANKRUPT PRICES. baby names, lustead of Helen, Mar­ Eds . Ikdkpsndsnt :—1 saw an arti­ limits, by a fine not cxoeodiug $6 or advtae all to ha uartlrutarlv careful In protecting the feet in ibe counties north of this. disposed to encourage Northern peo­ person hy a sufficiency of clothing; avoiding wet garet aud Elisabeth, you affect Nellie, tance. Ita selections are made with SkF*Clothing cat end made to order on tb* aberV cle in tbe Clinton Republican of Feb. 3d, ple to emigrate there. confinement in the county jail for a feet and cloth**, especially avoid getting chilled at Maggie and Lixsie. Wben your broth­ period uol exceeding thirty day., or K°..d t«te, iu contribution* ,Dd eorre eny time or any where, aud.above ail things, keep up aat notice and moet reasonable terms. It is expected that the now First from one N. I. Daniels, of this town ­ The Union School is again in run ­ the Vital Antidote Vigor of the body by smell oally ers were babies you called them Bobby, both, u the court may decida. Thi. ,PonJcnce »re 'P'eJ * nd de ‘l wi,h m“ • loses of Hweet quinine, which may be taken raorr ■ A Fall Line of TilJor*s TrlMMlagi National Bank building will be ready ship, and intimated that another shell ning order, Mias Edith Williams, Prin ­ Ing, noon and night. Sweet quinine la sold by all Dickey and Johnny, but when they lets of moment. Altogether it is a druggist. In both l’owder an<) Fluid, hteerna, Fair Constantly on hand. for use about the first of March. had bunted on account of over taxation, cipal and Mias Canr;e Fletcher, of is a step in the right direction, aud we A 0oT, Manufacturer*. New York. grow up to manhood, no more of that . . . r . . t truat our xillag. official, will do their IW? d “er™ weU of “*« P*°P> “ For Hale by Itlck* A Bro., 8t John*. 6 Y * «... and severed the string of s great bag of Riley, Afleiatant. G. W. STEPHENSON A 80N. The cask receipts st the donation ■illy trash, if you pleane. But I know of Ciiuton County. It is always ou the nonsense about our worthy Superinten ­ The steam grist and saw mill hat duty in carrying out thfa law, sod by A Card. rj^HE BEST. PLACE TO GET for the benefit of Rev. Chas. t lutz, a womau of 25 years, and she is as big alert to advanee the interests of its own A Clergyman, while residing in Booth America dent in his report, which is as foreign bean undergoing repairs, aud will com­ so doing keep our village free from tho was nearly |M. as both of my grandmothers put tu- neighborhood, and constantly docs so a* a rniaaionary discovered a seta am! simple remedy — •——as ♦ —— — from tbe subject of true iuv< sLigation mence busmens again next week. disreputable characters that have made for the care of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, BOOT8 & StlOE8 gether, who insists upon being called in a way to attract atleution from Disease* of the Urinary and Seminal Organa, and Tbs Episcopal so« ial held at the in showing up to the tax payers that Jame* K. Scott has purchased one- it their rcndcivous of late. Offioer* Kitty, and her real name is Catherine, abroad." the whole train of disorder* hiaught on by banefol reeidence of Mr. J. II. Corbit, on Wed ­ the old system is preferable to the new half interest in tho foundry. and subjects—look out. end vicious habits, (treat number* have bean cared WM. 11YAN and although her brain is big enough this by noble remeday. Prompted by a desire to nesday evening of last week, was large­ as it would be to make a reverse action Desires to Inform the public generally, that he now A donation for tbe benefit of Rev. Csubl SrosT.—On Monday last as Thb Tbottbrs .—The following is benefited the afflicted and and unl>rtanate, I will ly attended, and all seemed to enjoy to conduct affairs of State, she does located in of the earth’s surface. He then says Mr. Sawyer, (Universalitt,) wsa held the record of time made by onr fastest •end the recipe for preparing end using this modi, nothing but giggle, cover np her facs ws were coming up the Avenue our at­ themselves to the fullest extent. that the Superintendents bad no more at the Clintou House on Friday even ­ tiotting horses, together with s list of cine. In a sealed envelope, to any ooe who need* it, Heiff of iliatoa Avenir, West side, ------i ■ mm ----- with her fan, and exclaim once in four tention was attracted by a dog coming all that hare beaten 2:20 in hsrneas : Free of charge. to do with tbe»e changes that have oc­ ing, the 10th inst., which was well at­ Adreas JOSLPH T. INMAN, Where he is prepared to do every description of D onation .—There will be a dona ­ minutes, • “Don ’t, now, you are real around tbe corner of Walker Street Dexter, 2:17 14; Lady Thorne, 2:18- tion visit to the Rev. ft. 8. Chapin, at curred since his office existed than he tended, tho cash receipts being over Station D. Bible House. (.'Diatom Work. Keaslrlsf, Etc* mean. ” and the avenue, with a half dosen oys­ 1-4; American Girl, 2:19; George - Oa abort notice. his residence, on Tuesday evening, 21st (the Superintendent) did in bringing $75. R. E. Porter . Palmer, 2:19 1-4; Goldsmith Maid, How can a man propose a life part­ ter cans tied to his narative, and run ­ Heward N m nitary Aid Aaasrla- Give me e rail before ordering elsewhere, ae I about tbe good sleighing we now enjoy. 2:19 1-2; Flora Temple, *2:19 3-4; Use* aDetauL The public are cordially in ­ nership to such a silly goose. My dear Nyalerleu* Diaappfarnnca mi a ning at a reckless and break neck pace, warrant satisfaction In every instance. I think when a mao advocates such Vwuug Ran. Joe Elliott trotted in 2:18 1-2: and F**r the relief and cur* of the erring and unfor ­ vited to attend. girls, if you must, if you would get hollering something like “Ste-U, Ste 11” Pocahontas in 2:19 st the Prospect tunate, on principle* of Christian 1‘bitanlhr »py. Prices aa Lew aa ttac l.eweit. principles through the public prens it A mysterious and it is feared fatal as he went with the cans playing sec­ Park late last autumn. Essays on the Krrore of Youth, and tho WM RYAN Carrival I>arcs .—There will be s good husbands, and decent ones, dress disappearance took place from Kalarna- Follies of Ago, in relation to M%rriag« and Social Ht.Johne, May 4,1*69. tatr is high time that he labor with his own a $65,000 TROTTSE. in plain, neat, becoming garment.. ...d j ^ |uefc ^ W|u froa u btfo„ too College which has caused a great ond to his cries. Where he came from Kvii*. with sanitary ’ for the afflicted, tteut free, Carnival Dates at Westphalia Hall, It was stated recently by a gentle­ 17D4.. 1971. talk like sensible, earnest sreUia. deal of auxicty and search on the part or where he went, is more thao wt can in sealed envelope*. Address, HOWARD ASSO­ Mooday evening, 20th instant, where all he takes the mote from that of his man from the West, that the celebra­ CIATION. Box r. Philadelphia, Pa. 1*6:1) SfYeatj-seifM Vein of Filthfkl You say that the moet seuaible men of bis friends and tbe College authori­ tell; but the last we sew of him he who enjoy sliding into the giddy waits brother. Then, my friend make a des ­ ties. The * yonng man, Frank H. ted trotting horse Blackford, of Soott Service. are crasy after these butterfiics of fash­ made a dive under a pair of mules County, Ky., has been sold to a com­ are invited. perate effort and place your spec* square Atchison left the college last 8atardaj HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ion. I bag your pardoo, it is not ao. evening 4th, to go to Indian Fields, a hitched in front of Woodruff's store, pany of New Yorkers. The price said across your nose and view the great to have been paid is $65,000, more by 8ocial .—If there should be sleigh­ Occasionally a man of brilliant sue little hamlet three miles south of this which caused tbe loog-sared animals to Election Notice. ing next TueNday, the 21st, the social changes that have oocurred under the village. Since that time, no trace can fly back and break tbeir halters. This long odds than was ever given before resa may marry a silly, weak woman, for anything iu the shape of horseflesh. HIIXKIFK’H OFFICB. ( THE OLD INS. COMPLY of the Congr'gstional Church will be present system, then with a fair inves­ be found or heard of him. It waa dis ­ Hr. Jonas, February 16th. ltd. \ but to say, aa I have heard women say may be fun for some, but aa a result, is How fast Blackford can trot is not OF NORTH AMERICA, held at Mr. B.l?. Kneelaad, in Bengal. tigation yon and other opposers of this covered on Monday that he had not hatardoue to life and property. To the Ktartara of the County of Clinton : a hundred times, that tbe most sensible been at Indian Fields and at once known. He made one race in public ss You are hereby noli ford that at th* election, to or rHILAt»l.l’HIA, A good ride, an oyster supper and the office will yield and say tbe principles a three year old and scored 2:31. be held on the hrst Monday of April next. In the men choose women without sense, is search wu instituted over all tbe State of Michigan, the following officers are to be Still In the Held, with Gash Assets amounting to Livbrt .—Every town has its ad ­ well-known cordial hospitalities of the advocated through our Superintendent ground between the tadlege and the Some of the knowing ones think his elected, vix : A Justine of the Supreme Coart la •imply absurd. Nineteen times in vantages and disadvantages; its good trainers have since gotten him down to place of .lames V. Campbell, whose terra of office $$3,000,000. boat and hostess, present sufficient in ­ has opened the people's eyas to tbe ad ­ place he set out for, and his friends expire* December Slat, 1671. and two Regents of twenty sensible men choose sensible and poor institutions. Now, among Dexter's time. We shall see.—Ar. O. the University In place of James A. Rwaerey and All safely Invwted. Policies in this, THE OLD* ducements to all to go. vancement of education and brought have telegraphed in all directions where Cyrae M. Htockwcll, whose terms of office expire KMT stock company in the ,leaned hy women. I grant you that in company Picayune.. December Slat, 1671. Also, a County Huperintao- --- ■—MSS —— before them the neensity of building be would most likely have gone. He tbe good institutions of our town we d*nt of School. In place of Elisha M udgv, whose Tab Spectacle Social at the Gibbs they arc very likely to chat and toy is 18 years old, fair complexion*! light are pleased to note that of our superb tan a of office expire* April 30* b, 1671 ; and a Drain FRANS J. SMITH, Agent, large a capacious buildings for the CAUTION. Cominiss.oi.rr in place of John O. Palaier, whose House, last evening, was a success- with these overdressed and forward hair, dark eyes, weighs 150 lbs., is 5ft. friend, Chat. McDonald —a first class term of offioa expire* April SMb, 1*71. AT ST. J0HV8, HIGH. health and benefit of oar youths, sod 9 inches high. He wore a black frock O vid , Feb. 14th, 1871. 636 HENRY pTa DAMS. Sheriff. weather and times considered. The creatures, but they don't ask them to Clinton Connty, Michigan. brought forth a uniformity of books overcast and snuff colored suit, dark livery. This ioHtitution, situated on Farmers of Clinton and Gratiot Loan** promptly eefttad and paid at my offtaa. attendance was good, and Mr. Gibbs, go to the altar with them. 122* 6ra) throughout the county. Again, it has bell-crowned bat (considerably worn) a Higham Street, directly west of the counties look out for patent right lIRRlFrH BALE —State of Michigan, coon the genial proprietor of the house, was Fourthly, among the young men in S ty of Clliitoa, as. J. B. H. Bratahaw, jdain- EW ARRANGEMENT. bad its tendency to advance education dark brown striped flannel shirt,* and a St. Johns House, is not so much noted pump swindlers. They are going tho ilff, versus Ferdinand Ptalta and Antheny Plate, wide-awake in tbe cause for which the tbe matrimonial market, only a small paper collar. He had $15, in money, and admired for ita exterior and in ­ dejendant*. By virtoeof an cXccnlion is4b<->l oot N and put all men on an equal in tbe rounds now. A Farmer . of the Ctrcnit Court for th«» roust) oh* igp>n, Having latelv fitted and remoddled the uppeff entertainment van given. The grots number arc independently rich, and in and a silver watch ttunpended by a rib­ terior appearance, as for itf elegant the Htateof Mtchlgnn. le me directed, I did, nti thr part of ray bnlMii^ for an rxcfuirtvi scale of knowledge through thuir labors bon guard, sod a lecture ticket to Y. 24th da v of January, A. D. 1671, eels* and lery up­ receipts of the evening amounted to America such very rarely make good A lsiks Clover Seed For Sam — on the following described real estate belong­ llilllitrcl Room, in bringing about the events that have M. C. A. of this place. Hie friends and safe “turn-outs ” therein oontained. husbands. But the number of those ing to Anthony Iftatte, one of the defendants there •75. occurred through the free school sys­ greatly desire information respecting Mo's carriages, cotters, robes and hor­ I offer for sale a tew bushels of this just is named, to-wit: Commerclmr twenty-four and And added one new table to tha two nearly new, who are junt beginning in life, who are om* fourth (24k) rixl* west from the rvntb-ra.t |dayare will find It a very plcaaant and comfortable tem, and bunted np money that has his present whereabouts if alive or any ses are chosen with a view of comfort ly oelebrateil seed, grown upon the farm corner of rerthm right (6), In township erven (.7h ldacc of resort. The lower part formerly oeenptad G ood .—We are informed that the filled with a noble ambition, who have intelligence which shall clear np the north of range four (4) west. In Clinton county, by the tail la# has been put in shape, on the Bare* been idle for a number of years under and safety, and of L. G. Monroe, ooe mile from Si. Michigan; running thence weet thirteen (IS) rods, pean phut, where visitor* With their friends, ana donation at Maple Rapid* on tbe 9th a future, is very large. These are myatery of hia disappearance. Addreea, TV kw * Who hare driven hie hays thence aoatb thirteen and one-fourth lUg ) rods, enjoy a social glare of AH, of Wbntaot, without no* tbe old syntem which belongs to several Johns. This variety of clover has thence not thirteen (13) rode, thence north thirteen aoyanna. for the Rev. E. T. Branch, was afinan worth having. But such will not, Geow A. Atchison, Kalamazoo, Box Are ear* ta rail another day. and one-fourth (13%) rod* to the place of beginning, ----- — —a proven to be all that has been claimed (except land deeded to Willtaai Hade mac her aad OystoifSi Wn r* 4,l In ore, Ao.f districts that Mould have remained as 100. Exchangee will please give cir­ Frank Pact.) Notice, therefore, is hereby given.' ciel sad social success, the net receipts they dare not» aek you to join them, N arrow K scafb from D sath .— for it in quality of bay and pasture and dross under tbs old system, but has culation to the fact of his disappearance in ths yield of seed, and is superior to that by virtue of said writ ami of the enkl levy, and Of t hr vary ehulraet brands, krpt in theiranaeno. amounting to §110. The people of while they see yon so idle, silly, and to and the description of his person. Not long since aa Mr. W. H Norris, In pure nance of tbe authority vested In me by the IT Than kit g my numerous fHenda and nairoa* turned out to be gold under the new ; any other for seed. Requiring only rtattite In earh care made *nd provided, 1 abaft ax- for their peel IttiaraT pntrmuim, 1 hope hy Xsepia# the Rapids* like those of Sbcpsrdsvillr, g<»rjj*M>udy attired. Let them see that of this towuship, a gentleman welt ad ­ pore for aate at public auction, ou Sntnrday, the let n good house, to merit n ronflnnanee m the same. three to four pouuds of sewd per acre day of Aorii, A. D. 1671, at two oY <>ek la tbe R. M. s III KI.I>8, Proprietor. but he seems to say that tbe great ob­ Real Estatb Teak *actions —Tbs are hard to beat iu point of liberality you are industrious, economical, with vanced in yeais, was returning from a it costs but a trifle more than common afternoon of that day, to the highest bidder, all Bt. John*. August 4i).. i v.w 4Xtff jection of all is that tbe Superinten ­ following is a list of tbs Real Estate right, tide end Internet ef the above named Aa- is this direotiou. Mr. Branch is again habits that assure health and strength, blacksmith shop in this vieioity with a seed. Price 85 cents per pound. ux«y Platte, ia said lands, at the outer door of ight , truth .rd .iurticb dent in so far away that he cannot ob­ transactions received at the office of the Clinton Covnly Circuit Court Room, in the placed under renewed obligations to that your life is earnest and real, that new cutter, his horse (a colt) became R. Plumstxad . village of 8t Johns, In said Vbunty of Clinton — R WRONG NO MAN, tain hie council or his aid wben tbe Register of Doedn. during tbe week St. Johns, Feb. 13, T871. Dated February lltb. 1671 and while nnanbotantiated reports and stabs fa tho the generous donors. vou would be willing to begin st tbe frightened hy a passing team and by a S26 I1SNKY P. ADAMS, Sheriff dark are designed to trample down boasnty nan teacher proves a failure. But I think ending February 14tb, 1871: lethmae legitimate transactions, 1 r.inttnue, ai beginning in live with tbe man you sudden jump of the animal, the outter heretofore, to do bualnere on a tree, safe aad now* A ersstbd .—The following would coneeot to marry, then mar­ if the gentleman would read tbe law iota R. Frtaa to 4*e E. Warner, • W X, See. 16 orehlf baste; therefore, the right minded pnbllceos wae over turned and Mr. Norris caught REMOVED. Sad at all tlaren at the were arrested by Sheriff Adams, on riage will become the rule, and not aa of 1169 and ate is wbat form the con­ OHv*. IMS' now, the exception. H. •• Ihwalar to4aa. X. Icon, Undivided H underneath, with his head in close EXCELSIOR OATS. 8«turdsy last, upon a charge of having tract should be drawn between the •flat MS, la Work SI, DeWItt, fLSOO- Center Meat Market, proximity to the excited animal ’s heels. The Boot end •tore of R. MARTIN has The aabacrlhrr has for sale a few boav ais of tbs robbed a man named Charles Smith, District Board and tbe Teacher, he Sarah T. Phetdea to Jae. Barden, Lot 6, Moot S, Sire Is lor Oats, of which he nils, d Sfty-twu bushels la tbe basement story of PlnaakaPi block, Thb Wrstfhali a , HcssAsneTo* Village of Or»d. fOM. In this position he was dragged a con­ to opposite Hunt's drag etora.— from eae last season. For sale at hi* reel de n se, hailing from Bath, in this sounty axe Noam sax R. R.—This road which would think that he bad brought forth Sarah A Baker to A. Brook Ha* Rtah, X 24 feet Thanking the e»tiatlases of it 4ohaa aad WetnKj foe near tbs Fair (iround, Ot Johns, at Vi rents per siderable distance, and had h not been llbnei MEATS OF ALL KINDS, John Camp, Cbas. M. Oransoo, Geo. a “ weak-kneed ” argument in favor of of W %, l/Ht tl aad tft. Mock IS, 8 t. John*, (prop L. O MUNIIO has generally been supposed to have mj known aa Hewtoa'* Hatty RAN. ef their favora. Our motto le: ' Qnicfc St. Johns, Feb. f. 1*71. liarved spin styles aad qnasiltl«% to aatt pan for tbe amietanee of tbe men with the chare re. MeCkmd and Wm. Crandall. They been a mere M railroad faroe,” is not, tbe old system, for tbe District Board Joseph H. IagaU to J***e Hangar, Load ea Lot KF ItatncWe passing team, he might bow be num ­ eppstate Mast’s drag store, la the stow of were takes before Justice Ms Far lan, •i. ‘i draw up a contract is each a t, fte euhdtrletoa of oat-let M B.” St Jotimm, fl67 M. B. R. Wl^IlWT IN WAR, not loo. judging from tbe spirit of tbe people Simon H. Unite* to WUItoai F. Moora, H R of bered with the dead. We congratulate SANFORD. Caatasa Work of att kind, P FIRHT IN PRACK, Bt. Johns, Mat ut. ita mat when they gave bail for their appear manner that for all gross immorality or with aaatarea aad dispatch by X R t st Hubberdston, a dead issue. Tbe lot L Bi Block t, St 4aha*. *M him on bis good fortune. FIRST IN TIIE HEARTS OF ^ J. GIBB8, ssoe to-day. Mr. Smith la tbe mac violation of suck contrast it wonld be­ Ho* au Stafford to Oeorge W. l.ngaa, H H of X Tbacking yoa agata tar tanasr taeoea, I I people of Westphalia, ae a majority, are g aad BN of • Wg.ffeo *, Rltay. «K> ^ yoore truly. HIS COUNTRYMEN." who sold s team in ibis village last come their duty to txpell him from ▲ G ood Exabplb .—M seers. W bed on II. MARTIN. anxious and willing to aid in tbe enter Kate Harrington to Ctao. W Knmoat, Utile Contractor & Builder. •ervioe. Tbe law advocates that the Block 2, Xmeanoaetlta, |>60. Bt ii Fab 14 1671. * WA week, for tbe sum of f41 prise, bat yet they have but little faith A Waite, druggists, in fitting up tbeir ' ... AH kinds of 4«wanr Work dnao ta th* m> boil ■ mem > — ----- Town Inspectors may expell him (the Mary X. Bajrdor to H H. Ortearold. port of Lot 4 CRADLE. WashingtoR Bill and aval modern style, oa abort Milos. In tbe idea of ever going to Hnbbard •a Block t, Lynd a AddlUoa. Ot Johm,$1*. new —old —store on tbe oorner of tbe Woodchuck D ay .—In sscord ■ton by rail. Matberton and Fewamo, Teacher). Hence, if the County 8u Wm, A. AM* to M. C. l>Ma*ga. I N off H B N Avenu^ and Walker street, they hart On or nheat th# 1st Inataat, el Ot. Loot*, Mich., BBEDH MALL, MAPLE RAPIDft, Window uid Ooor FruMS, Sign., El*, with tbs old saying and tims houored permteudent cx pells or an nulls hie otr- «fcRtak, mm dispensed with the wooden awning % (too L. Fatah, a eoa. we are informed, stand dormant in tbe Am Wo4k*eko* is Wm. Spoyd, H fr. H of H B Os the 11th instant, la this vtltaga, ta Dr. M. 4. rule, we as# to have six weeks morr .144*41, • soa. . Wedaerday Bve., Feb. 224. matter, while Dallas stands ready to tificate, or if the Teacher is ejected by * N.Om.t,Graookaeta|S^ wbieb has so long kept tbe beautiful —1 BILL 6166 H. IIXKD. Pvop'r. CharMita Motlentie. winter from tbe 2d day of February either of the above officers, hr shall not sunlight from within. Tbsst awnings, ALTAR. hail the eventful day with eatiafactiou. Fox fim oa to Rbst.—A house Shop earner of Waikar and tfpnae fltrnnta- instant. For it is mid if tbe ** wood be entitled to s sempaasataeu from sod or “ cow sheds/ aa they are more prop­ >t. Johan. Augoot Mhh, MS jfotf With this usuaited feeling and spirit a with one sere of good tillable ground, winn rfU1.Ltr»--InBl 4®hee, oa the t*h U9d. ebsefc” or “ ground-hog/’ ss they are after such ansulhsent or dtsmioml. Vy the Me*. L. trTMari, Fnanh Wreta I B. LAUDKR, dark aloud of despair must nsoessarily pleaeantly and conveniently situated on erly called, destroys the view and gen­ Phillips, both of Alma, aad nil of MtaM sometimes called, comes out from bis Now 1 would soy, while these old eral favorable appearance of our moot over spread tho prejesl It is aa easy Lansing street For full particulars BRINEKRUDOF DILI! Oa Ita M Ii 1 .port. kn. triuWMU, tiMMr M oselsded lodgings on that day and dggf li> pHkciples an at ffpenrrr’. Flo*< in W iMiamstoiL Iffghni WASHINGTON BALL matter to build railroads is the air, but principal street, and we trust others will - WMarW. W^nidfo Mr Odali Bnohnrhe his shadow, a, if th# son skiue*. he 1 am fo bases that our and tense OOquire of »>lds. - AT— it takm money to not be slew to * fallow suit” 4 Mien 1 A. IHIta, of Del ALES, WINES AND __ __ _ m E. K. Birxbtt , hoik Of CUaton i oraaty ‘Two anata with hate AMD FOB jjofok the great work tel 27 ______At R. Fhnataoad * atarr astes oh obscsifyioh at this the 2d day sf February was Lint. —Next W S Two heark O ffice.- Good fresh Lsrd, and » few riDHMBAY imnn, FEB M4, HI and of costs * Mr. befog Aab Wm KrMSMitRit the parties Si Rssd ’s Sffd pound# of choice roll Butter, TOMB. . „ „ Jmtk borrowed up season will thou begin and contlaue for ST Tbe pnbik are Invited ta iSql Nf. 1 ___ lew cords of dry bsosi 1*71, for mx forty days Ofll ILL, ft la 9. < OLAMAM. Frwp'r. The Party ef PahUe master. The rota la last fall proved M H. h and of d that it will be mack more likely u> ga the effort to attain Ik WALTHAM s man Is breve, you do —Rub two eunoes of ______sell to The tlHaoL Boee* ot Kepnnentetleee. Democratic than R» publican in 1872 JTO1# Th* good effects result No man cam tail the truth and deny that that he b utterly hotter with half a pound of tour, and four which pleats are growing, with nay kind on Saturday teat, voted, unanimously, to ounces of tugur and a fewfewdro;* drape of almond iac from the me of the Troches have brought AUUTMnKUMSmEIIV instruct the Senators of llliuol# and to ra- tha Democrats made great gains In the pemm rod Ufa—ready, for tmmpife to of flbroua material, b termed la bortu ul oui man worthies* lasiUttmii < ibtsiu on it WATCHES, meet the apitMoUtlm of the people of election* of the pest year. The same Jump off the roof of eh*>ose Into the flavoring, nu with the white of an egg, turd language 44 mulching." The remits “ Bf«Sfii.n)wu’sironokiali SwiMkUl TrocLS#11 MILLION* Boar ToHtoevts (heir the ■which led to daatriions from the or over s bridge, on any trifling produce and a ubimpoonfal of milk; work well sought are various, but Ussy are Wood#rial Carat! v# KlwSh llcan ranks still exist and are in ef- tiqpk If he were of this character he into paste two ounces of sweet almonds some one or all of the following with r**r»w 'mt* mm. WALAKIPB CAUfttBNIA _ lost mj mow plun well pounded; rub through a wire sieve; dertug < lo treasury for the beo- opeimliou. Ths right method far would be not a brave man, but only a mad ­ 1. To prevent a too rapid tea ^^“theliD^^sno r laC Amer* ~OT~Mtiug the results of the naxt Presi­ man. It b assumed that his bravery b lake up pieces the sixe of a half dollar, of moisture. stock of Notions, Fane j TTJetery end dential election is to estimate the nffaber reasonable —that b to say, that it will be hake a few minutes on buttered paper, 1 Keeping the soil about ths roots cool Gloves to Chicago. H iy broken* —two claaeee of pub- concluelons arrived at Moral or physical out, ana make another suds, and wash cuttings therefrom. £^aXJ£LrSS“i.*1wSSE .Fronds nt the Ballnt-Box* ical* totondod for tho yeaag hero been bora only ,___ . -______. ____ r------the! a conditions will naturally affect thejudg them through it Then boll and rinse. 6. To enrich the soil by tbe decay of to die, or to bo absorbed by their rival*. Merry loaf eipvtnwe See proved of runt wuetteul see. Unvtee Ths Radicals who charge Democratic ment in such a matter; a dram of rum or The clothes will be very white. the materials used as a mulch. htowelf has swallowed a half do sen of them. The bed the iWbasl et acertjr every invention ta watch-mak­ a* well ae the Democrat# la the Illinois raki, a rousing bolbtin, a fit of fanatical er la Bares# only Smee frauds upon the ballot-box, studious ­ 6. To prevent fruit from becoming dam ­ Museum Is published hy Be mere 1. fvusa „ ... JWliWL. - to the moel Hobbo of RepraacnUUive# had dodare i fervor, may produo a stele of mind which D rixd Eoos —The eggs must be beaten agminet any more public stealing, fell like ly ig*°re the fact that when the Con ­ to a uniform aged by being splashed with earth during tea. Tens# fa.10 s year, tpoctowa, Uheenta. ridUhi artiaan la ear worika, aad kmc eee « the part of gressional law was {MiMed, and s strict iu.tU. 4 light of danger and magnifies the heavy rains, as usual with strawberries * to be enamel lo a bombshell. There wee consternation importance of the object for which it has thin layers upon among f$uife|»veeoii flumtoy. The subsidy syteeui of challenge adopted In 1370, the are placed in that are cultivated in rows or hill# Wood 's Houoihold Maoazine to one ll« publican vote of 18fiA fell off #6 per to he feced. Low diet and a cold mood 7. To prevent the larger fruit# (for In ­ ► would broker jUEwhl^y-r>t>Kv iM income talk of rt’flectioa will operate the other way. paste rapidly dries, and must be packed to of the cheapest aad beet periodical* psblfebod. U eater*, and the whole woe of public cent., while the Democratic vote was re­ bermeticaly sealed case# When required stance, pear#) being bruised when blown contains a great variety of reading matter, aad all Tbeleveettrwsad see of e ... ______According to one definition, auragn la eoaetoaeCou, to prevent demege to tbe train by thebteek- VINEGAR BITTERS duced only 20 per cent. As the law was from Uni tree. Us artleles are of th* highest, moral toe*. It thieve*, were excited. Telegrams poured only a synonym for hopefolner . ana no for use, the dried egg can be dissolved In agasf melaeirlac* I* original with th* Amerteen Wswfa They are net a vile FANCY DRINK. leveled at’ Democrats alone, thousands of Mulching, upon the whole, b only a be re among lie contributor# some of the in upon the chief Radical politician* in doubt the .note sanguine a mi 1 U tbe cold water and beaten to a foam Ilka fresh Compeer, who, hertn* bed th* retool of all other ooo- Made of Poor Ram, Whiskey, Proof Hplrtts the House, notifying them that they had Democratic voters were driven from the egg# It b said that eggs can be preserved precautionary measure, and as such, the writers In the United Steles. Every number con- trtmaoe* aSof**d Foes'* paten t ptoton ee betas the beet it s last fall by the armed demonstration more courageous he will be—no i »ng, that aad Rofnse Lienor* doctored, spiced had sweet- “ put a foot In it," and arrayed the public for years In this way, and that they retain circumstance* under which it is to be ap­ tains a 6100 Prise Htory (complete). Tbe February eacd to please the taste, celled "Tonics," ** Appetla- this city, and the ruffianism of Admi n in, as hb sanguine, confident staU of mind number furu .bee much that fe excellent party in lllinoi* in an attitudeT)f hostility C endures, the oesetting danger of U is mood their agreeable flavor to the last.—Journal piled, is well as the results sought, should Hardened and tampered hairsprings, now aalrmaJly ere.** " Restorers." Se., that lead the tippler on to to the Federal Administration. “ Now, Utration hireling*. If there was fraud in of Applied Chemistry. be carcarefolly studied and understood before 44 Mother's Pet,” a prise etory, by Mis* Waterbary, admitted by Walsh makers to ta the beet, are rare ta all drunke nm m aod ruin, but nro a Du* McdActofoA** 4-0 196* or 1870 —and we do not say there being that it b apt to give Way suddenly 1* very well written. Indeed. 4* Little Judeoe pads* td Waltham Watch** then, stiphtt you ’ve gone and done far id utterly just in proportion to its previ ­ Houses which pull at their halters will it# adoption. Upon a naturally dry soil, from tbe Native RooU and Brrba of Callibrnla, tree was the general tenor of the dispatches was not —it is certain the Repub­ and In a hot, dry climate, mulch may be hie New Mamma,’4 contains many lee.one for have dost-pmnf rag# protecting from all Alcoholic Htlmnlaat*. They arv the ous enthusiasm But so long as the san ­ find the practice Inconvenient if the follow­ ifl Inmsuing tt* asmattty et that went down to the Radical representa ­ licans had their foil share of it. used more indiscriminately than where parents. • WHEAT I1LOOD mil HER aad A LIFE Just now Gov. Hoffman ia aaaailtd ana guine nest last# It b a powerful stimulant, ing system b pursued : Put a small rope m e m ■ tte toqiMBt rIssuing necessary ta otter watetas. Ol VINO PRINCIPLE, a perfect Itooovater aod tive* at Springfield from the party leaden*. under the horse's tail, bringing the ends the conditions are of an opposite char­ Oar new patent mem-wtodar, or tarfcaawaSBh to already ridiculed by Radical journals for pressing and may, if a quick dash will do it, achieve acter. Buggeatlona for the Senana. Invtgorator of tbe ttytiem, carrying off all polaonon* Thus H happened that on Monday, lead ­ great things.—London Saturday Booims. forward, crossing them on the hack, and a derided eoreem, and a great lmprovwuent on any »tem- matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. upon the Legislature the passage of a law wlading watch is Um Amarinra market, end by hr the ing members on the Republican side of If we could only foretell the weather, No person can take these Bit lava according te direc ­ to secur«3 a pure ballot The buying and tying them on the breast. Put the halter- regard the winter ee e season of tri­ etaapett watch of lie guatty now offered to tte poldlc. the Hoimii Spring field moved to recon ­ and know positively what it would be In tion! and remain long unwell, provided their hones selling of votes is notoriously onp of the Counsels for tho Yoang. strap through the ring and tie to the rope als: end th* truth Is, that If there is e week point To U*o#e living la portions of tte raised States where sider tie v»>tc by which the reeolutlon in front of tbe breast. When the horse each succeeding season, mistakes mightbe watchmaker* do not abound, watetas with the stave mem are not destroyed by mineral poteon or other mesa# against any more stealing from the public greatest elements of corruption, and the avoided ; but as fature conditions cannot tn the eystem, winter t* pretty Mrs to And It oat. and the vital organa wasted beyond (he point of re- Governor of the gtate very properly urges pulls, he will, of course, find himself in Honed improvement* which tend to Insure accuracy, treasury had been adopted. The vote of X Rvxa be cast down by trifles. If a be known, we must take our chance to ap­ Constitutional tendencies to disease are generally eleanttnee*, durability aad convenience, mail prove tt- pa»r. tlist challenders have the right to interro ­ spider breaks hb thread twenty times, rather an uncomfortable position, and the ReynkHcan fide of the House for a discontinue the effort to free himself. plying or withholding mulch. Neither aggravated by damp and 00M. (Kheomatlem veloable. They area flratla PargatHre a* well as a resolution Acninst stealing had. Raid Mr. gate a voter as to whether or not he has twenty times will he mend It again. Make will Tt do to adopt any general system of The trademarks of the various styles matt* by th* Tonic, poeecssing also, the peculiar merit of erth^f received money for his vote. And if he up your mind to do a thing and you will The following rules for the government sometime* lie* jwnrfv all the summer and flail, to Company srr ss fottows: aa a powerful ag< nt In relieving Congestion or ftiSem- Haines, of Lake, put the Republican side mulching all kinds of plant# grown in pounce upon Its victim* In the season of cold.) As of the Hgyro in a false position. It had has, he says, reject the ballot If he de ­ do it. Fear not, if trouble comes upon of children, which were first presented in any one locality or soil, for there are spe- A xbkkax Watch Co .. Waltham. Mam nation of the Liver, aad all the Visceral orgaus. nies it, snd the fart is afterwards proven ou; keep up your spirit, though the day oue of Mr. Jacob Abbott's books, have a means of fortifying the b> v against all tbe dis­ Ada- Watch Co ., Waltham. Mam. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether In placed fa© Republican member* of the Illi­ e CMS like the grape, which requires a ease* which prevail most ox. ^rively la winter, Auaei< ur Watch Co ., Crescent St.. Waltham, Mam. nois h use 4 In oppoeition to the Adminis ­ against him, indict him for perjury, and a dark one. been of great service to many successful warm, dry soil, while others, like the cur­ yoang or old, married or single, at the daw* of wo­ disfranchise him forever afterwards. Hostetler . Htotuach Bitter*cannot be too urgently Arrurrox, Tract A Cow WaKtam. Mam. manhood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have tration at Wa-Kington!" *• Trouhim Mirer stop forever; teachers: “When you consent, consent rant and gooseberry, demand a cool and recommended Thor* would be fewer case, of the AneattAa W* n h Go ., Adams ttL, Wei them. Mas# no equal. This is a sharp remedy, but it is a iuat one. Tbe darkest day will pare away.** Wa ,.ruah W ati -it Co^ Waltham. Mam. Mr. Haines' motion to reconsider was conliahy." “when you refuse, refuse moist one. Throughout the Middle pulmonary complaint* tending to consumption, if F*r Infant niatory aad Chronic ft brans- F. # Ba Btl*tt, Waltham. Mm*. supporUflUfa Mr. Phelps, Mr. Hayfleld, Wncn in 1853 the Democrats had control If the sun b going down, look up at the finally. 44 When you punbh, Steles, and in a large portion of the all feeble systems were Invigorated daring tbe lUa and Osal, Dyepepela or Indigraiion, of the Legislature, they passed, by concur ­ stars; If the earth b dark, keep your eyes punish good-naturedly.' 44 Commend Wm. Ellut . Waltham. Mam. Mr. Dixon, Mr. Senne, and all other le.id- Northern, it is positively necessary to suc­ season with a conree of this inestimable vegetable nova Watch Co .. Boston. Mam. Mllloaa, Remit tent nnd Intermittent Frverw, iuguicn of the Republican aide of the rent resolution, an amendment of the Con ­ on heaven. With God ’s presence and often.' 4 “Never scold." If parents and cess in currant and gooseberry culture, tonic and alterative. Constipation, Indigestion, the spelling of these names cerefhUy before Dleeaare of the Blond, Liver, Kidacya, and House. They had voted for n resolution stitution making the receipt of money or God's promises, a man or a child, may be teachers would bear these simple direc ­ especially in dry season# and even in a torpidity of tbe liver, and a general sluggish­ buying. Any vartacton,evsaof a stogie letter. Indicates a Bladder, these Hitter* bare been most snceraafU!. against plundering the public treasury to other corrupt inducement a ground of cheerful. tions iu miiul, children would be better wet one they are seldom iqjured thereby. ness of tbe esc retire organ# very generally pre­ eonemrML tench Disc*ere are censed by Vitiated Blood, enrich private monopolies, under a misap- challenge, l'he opposition (by whatever M Never deapalr when fog's In the air, and happier. Strawberries do not require a cool soil, vail at this period of tbe year. To all these ail­ For aalr by all lending jewelers. No wntrtaSI retailed by which is generally produced by deraLgemcut ut tho name then colled) defeated the provision A ennehluy morning comae without warning.” ments experience (the most trustworthy of all ttte Company. Digestive Organa. rehension. They now discover that in so Pumpkin Pie.—Peel and grate the but a large amount of moisture U required, An Ulastrated history of watch-making conWnlng much and prevented its reaching the people, who Mind wbat yon run after. Never be jientore) teaches us that the Bluer* I* a reliable DTtePEPtelA OR INDIGEteT|ON, Rad, Soiug they had voted again** the policy of pumpkin or squash and to one cup of the and we do not know of a more economi ­ useful Information to sraloh-wearer# sent to any a&lrem ache. Pain In the ShouTdera. Congiia, TiglttneM of the stood , ready to pats it. In 18< he»t,r., Dl/ziueas. iwwSour kiiK.MwvwEriM-tationa v.of theth bloitiach. their p4*g, which was in favor of stealing! vegetable thus prepared add one cup of cal method of furnishing a supply than on aonttcation. Bad taete In the Mouth, IUHrma Attack*, Palpltatfon They tfieMbf© supported the motion to Gov. Hoffman devoted the whole power of fire work th<*t ends in smoke and dark milk, one beaten ceg; sweeten and flavor by applying a liberal quantity of mulching. fenee against atmospheric oold and raolutore, but BOBBIN* Sc APPLET ON, of the Heart. Inflammation of the Lunga, Paiu in reconsider. his administration to call legislation back ness. Get that which you can keep, and to taste. Bake with an under crust like a Fruit-growers should observe the effects rigorous activity tn tbe vital organization which Geseral Agents far American Watch Co., regions of the Kidney# and a hundreu otter to its proper work, the framing of which is worth keeping: generate* heat and deliver* It to tbe surface, la a)*o symptom# are the offsprings of Dyapepaia. The Democratic side of the House of custard pie. All pies of lids cluss are of mulching upon each and every kind of IN Broadway, Hew Verb. Tbey Invigorate the Stemaeh and •timnlate the lor- course resisted the motion to reconsider, general laws for the benefit of 4> Mnmethtag storting, that will stay made more pleasing both to the eye and •oil where applied, and theu they will essential to health, aad this activity 1* secured pld liver aud Itowrl# which reuder them of oneqnallrd When gold and sliver Sy away." through th* operation of the Bitter*. Tbe skin 10.MMI AGKNTtt WANTED 1 edlracy In cleanalng the blood of all imperttlea. aud and employed a rood deal of parliamenta ­ the whole people. If this reform is palate by beating up the white of an eg/, know from practical experience whether vou'A»o rifJruuHTsa. r. — r imii ^i. Fight hard against a hasty temper. sympathize* with tbe stomach, and If digestion Is •».ha>imm >au4 MIW1 -Mr Ina «•». UgkMr Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. ry strategy to defeat it; but all unsuc ­ established, and followed up in the Federal adding two or three tabtespoonfaU of pul­ the benefits are sufficient to pay the cost *tll IM m mo A Ufgi Bimmi » t»- FOR SKIN DlteEA teLte, Eruption# Tetter, Salt Anger will come, but resist it stoutly. A regular and perfbet, the exterior circulation will be »l« Itfbtn ia! xnuml^iH- 1,1 Sr ♦ «'4 foi cessfully. The Republican# with two Administration, we shall hear little indeed verized sugar and a good pinch of cream Every experiment should be made in such kt H«)’> Tm «rtj1 tan m* to* torfal ut Ml*. Rheum, Blotches hpot# t'lmnlra, Puatnlea, Bolls, Car- of corruption at the poll# We have spark may set a house ou fire. A fit of brie# aad damp and cold may be encountered •AU M HWk I aa aOr* Attm. buncles. Bing- Worms. Feald-Head. bore By e*. Erysip­ solitary exceptions (Messrs. Sullivan and of tartar to make the frosting light and a manner that some practical information with cempariUve safety. W. G. KIRttflA# elas, Itch, Bcurtk, Discolorations of the bain, unmora Morrison, of Cook), were firmly resolved reached a point in this country long ago passion may give you cause to mourn all tender. After the pie b done, cover it with may be gained therefrom. For instance, Of LOOK, aod Disease* of the fckin, of whatever name vr nature, tho days of your filife. ere liter ally dug np end carried ont of the system In a to get off the records as in favor of a res­ reached in England, where elections are this icing and set it back in the oven to if a man has a field of raspberries that do John V. Farwei .i. A Co. have removed to Knox Co., m. short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In carried by money, and barked by the *• He that revenge* knows no reel; such rases wifi convince the most incredulous of their olution to stop public stealing, and thus to brown a trifle — Household. not succeed as well as the conditions their new store 106, 108, 110 sod '112 Wabash curative effect. put themselves on the records a* against powerful stimulants of money. It is Be* The mock pose ess s peaceful breast.” avenue, Chicago, end ere now opening the If you have an enemy, act kindly to How ro Get Rid of Rat * and Mice . seem to warrant, a portion should be Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon And its honest y «pd oconomy in the sdmiuistra- semer steel jobs, salt monopolies, cadet ­ —A gentleman of large experience, and mulched and the remainder carefully cul­ largest and most varied stock in the city. Impurities burning through the skin In Pimples, Erup­ ion of public affairs. And they suc­ ships, high tariffs, w hicl>h*end many men him, and make him yur friend. Y’ou may tivated during summer, and theu notice tion* or Sores, eleanae It wken yon find tt obetrr.eted not win him over at once, but try again. fully as humane as most of us. says he gets D oh’t Turn with a Cocoa. — Perhaps ia the and sluggish In the veins -, cleanse It when IID fool, and ceeded. to Congress. The corruption is simply the difference iu results. It is certainly a whole category of disease* to urhfleh bo man tty • your feeHnea will tell yoa when. Keep the blood par* If the ('hrl«tl«n nt the Republicans to change their votes from to elect a member of Congress, and ex­ particular locality, provided the seasons morw—but to those who have paid dearly for ex ­ Work. (Price of Mtrtiihly *.} r— U mil Werkl) ed aad removed. For fUU direction*, reae carefully plished. lick It, aud don ’t like tbe taste of it; it and fcw (loud Ward* I|uirc » miu rrr rmr > Krv. the circular around each bottle, printed In four lan ­ the rich of public virtue to the side of pects $100,000 In iron, steel, salt, cotton burns them somewhat, and the more they are not too variable. We have found perience, It Is the signal of attack for the most guages—English, Herman, French and fepauiah. or wool. Sometimes the Job is overdone — 44 Water falling day by day fearfol of all disease* —Consumption. A cough S rphen II. 1 :u. Jr.. I. It *r m ( Vef NOT UKiOX> public theft without any parliamentary see of it, the less they like it; so they mulching of inestimable value on a light INATIONAL. Semple copter frw Addmw J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD A CO., Wears the hardest rock away.” will lead to Coneumpt.on— if not checked—*0 sure II. itTa DAMS, T, ftrrkman HL. New York. filibustering; but in a matter of so much as where the woolen manufacturers resist loamy soil, particularly in the following Druggists aad Uen. Agents, San Francisco, Cat., and the duty of 120 per cent, as they claim, And so repeated kindness will soften a clear out almost as soon as the application a* the rivulet leads to tbe river, yet it Is an easy public imiK>rtauce, the duly of Democrats heart of stone. is made. To get rid of mice, the same instances : . enemy to thwart. If met by the proper remedy. a ar.d (I Commerce Street, New York. to the people and their treasury was a upon fine wools, and demand that ’fine person uses tartar-emetic, mingled with 1. Upon the soil, around the roots of all AUfh't Lung Unlearn Is ths great cough remedy prttOLD BY ALL PRC POINTS AND DIA1JI# wools be admitted free of duty, or else Whatever you do, do it willingly. A of the age, and tt ha* earned Its reputation by PATENT BUILDING FELT, higher one than that of generosity to the any favorite food; they take it, take sick, newly planted trees, applied as soon as merit alone. It can be procured at any Drug or for covering tt* outrtdr amt Inside of buildings. No ter / i L4 V T L* I? Hte Life aad TWw. A heanUlut boy that b whipped to school never learns 4 I 1j*v • 1^ L u volume* opposite party, in an effort to prove itself that, at least, they be placed on the same and take their leave .—American Agricul­ possible after they were set. Evergreens Medicine store. need. C. J. FAT < fwtmtrci Cemorn. N. J. 1 per-• the friend and protector of the subsidy footing as carpet manufacturers, who are hb lesson well A man that b compelled Krgrav nr*, mPrler gi.TS. Aeeot* WHirted.M. flflS a Btontt to work cares not how badly it is "per­ turist. are not exceptions, although we object to rOKN, TORN and MCTILATSD MON­ meoc. W. T. KEE:sei> KU, PubUabw, Chicago. Id. system of public plunder. The object of allowed to import their raw material at 15 the use of coarse barn yard manure for John V. Farwell A Co., having had un ­ U EY, We wool any quantity of muUiated l. b. the Democwts was clearly not to save a per cent ad valorem. formed. He that pulb off bis coat cheer­ Head -Cheese—Head-cheese is so precedented success with tbe Railroad brand Dots# nr fractional mrtmry, (enc counterfeit. ) ard will fully, strips up hb sleeves in earnest, and the tree# Alpacas, have again secured its entire produc ­ pay Its fcll talcs lo good hook# Sc. P net age stamps color of virtue for the Republican side of Give us a Congress which represents the named because the heads of hop are the 2. rirnall evergreens planted in rows, same aa cash; Krvrnur mainr* IS prr crri <>d thoughts, that bad picked out carefully, and the meat U cut nothin* had done oa my good. I .aid I wondered If yuar • 10 per day in th«D own localities. Full uvrilcn- bv no yielding of the Democrats, but by From the common talk about courage, lamtatiox XfKAD’N CATARRH Ct'RE. For Cara Lars and lustruetioas scat free by malL Thee* la thoughts may mid no room to enter. supply. P Itrrms would help ue any. Alter tome 1’1 Hat -Fbtk # and Gulls tt tte Hzaa . 1* eatofttj voluntary persistence, In disregard and fine with a meat-chopper, seasoned to suit talk wr ci>u< hadrd to try It. and meet again at the &«ed of portUAti nt. i>;c:iUblo work, »b< •* o U which their votes against the policy of external firm instances. There are not ure at the time the fruit is ripening, habit uf hudjr. Tbe rhangr waa marveiuua. It was tan bdory to the akin. Sent by mall lor giJ# public robbery had placed them. Demo out during the pressing —•W’wero Mural rarerd to report the fbrt* to you, at d I was at Mated *» only many degrees, but many kinds of How a Whole Family Became Blind. mulching should be liberally applied early make this outnmunhwttoo. You ran publish It if you trill* ’* ASTHMA HUE crats have no reason to be displeased with courage—Individual and corporate courage, Lead Poisoning .—A gentleman of this in the spring. Chouse, and refer ah tkepOoi Sir particular* to the course of their opponents in the House. city, whose pursuits require him to be on “ Tour, truly. Relieves most rioteat paroxysm* la rrvi the courage of stupidity and of intelli ­ Tiif.rk lives a family in Dorchester A 1th**ugh we are strongly disposed to ** ALBERT W. SHAW. LANDS! tS ct* a speedy core, ntoe by mad. They deliberately chose to stTSy them gence, of hope and despair. And not only County, every dark-eyed male member of the streets at late hours of the night, has favor the liberal use of mulch, still we are ** MS Downing SL, New Tort.' In Benth-Wcet Mlneenrl. THE JAI’AVESE HAIR 8TA15 selves on the side <91 the subsidy thieves, are there all these varieties of courage, but been in the habit of carrying a whalebrfcie w hich for the past fifty years has gone aware that there are two sides to this Tbe Atlantic k Pacific R« R. Co. Colors the whiskers aod hair a beaeOSal vucx or naowa and they have done so. At they have the same man may p*e>sess, or be possessed cane with a covered lead head. Some The greet house of John V. Farwell A Co., It onns:sta of only i*>* yrrparutum. Th cents by mail blind at the age of twenty to twenty-five question. Its constant use will cause the now opening their foreign importations, have made their bed, let them lie in it.—Chicago by allot Hi. m at different momenta. It weeks since the cover wore off and the roots of plants to grow near the surface, Have for ask 1 J0S.0Q0 sere# of bmt quality, au tong credit, Address S. C. CTH AM. No. 7t1 Jayne 8L, Pn iedsiphla. Times. ______years. Those with blue eyes escaped the use of tho cane was still continued. Not the best and lowest priced stock in Chicago. cheap. Pa Circular* sent fere. Sold by ail Druggist*. was the surviving Zouaves who lought so terrible affliction. There b a tradition and, in such a position, be liable to injury TIkwc lands are >n»t brought Info market, hating hreo long after the gentleman discovered that till foe mmpfettoa of this Hoed. None PERFUMERYt W. H. TALL.If AN*tt desperately at Woith, who ran away so about this singular circumstance which we in time of drouth or extreme cold. Mulch­ Hen Mess Ferine tom pun* Irtah Moe# for Blanc Hints to the Investigating Committee, hb arm was becoming partial ly paralyzed. Mur,Unce, rtthUlI’n.ldlnifK. t ua tarda, drum# Ac , Ac. 1 he cheap of ttcer land* have gone tatq •peculator*' hands. Actual Flosida War*# stmneer and more (foilghtSd than disgracefully at Paris. In the same jour­ lay before our readers as we heard it: Borne ing, should, therefore, be used con M, healthiest, and most deltctouA food Ut th* world. •eutas are coming I# and to them only are aalre made. cologne; Ebtptiax Calls , for tlx Itaixikerrhtof; Tow- nal we read that the Mobiles with Gari­ Not suspecting the cause, he continued to tinuouslv, or every alternate season, and The brat climate, with abort, mild winter*, and !• >nz *um- -r» Mvra, L*»o X a .vo , new, very tine; CoLO*irn# We trust tax payers will not lose sight sixty years since, so goes the story, a beau­ carry the cane, and the difficulty Increased t, relieved by geographer*) rtrvaU<*i, foam gr>-*t Itcei, Saib Oil# Ra < urr# ftWAWW, Ct i rr PLAjrrana, Oooa- baldi iu the East of France are skulking tiful black-eyed girl of twenty, from some cultivation intermediate. Mulching also \VlSTID-»AL«HMM-»ia»jo Si.MS per healttfolnow mprrior to all crxwwupttve tendencies ure Extra *-ra. l(AMi>RanmtRr Rxtsaot # all kind# of the fact that ten thousand dollars has in ditches, scampering off across field**, or At length au article on lead poisoning at becomes the harbor of insects, ana they tv • vrtr and expenses Address, .tattng experience, Invite artaJm to this region. handsomely out up In tswattfol 5-bottie box**. Where not already ban appropriated as part payment cause or other, lost her eyesight Her tractea his attention, and he began to think H. CASTLE. Box 02. Chicago, Ill. Inclose two aUtuf* For pertteuiars, tn nemphto., apply to add. FamiliesFainllfea canran obobtain a supply‘ at ~wholruete prices bf Ifltoging theme* Ives on the ground in ab­ misfortune brought penury and want with will often become more abundant where AMOS TK kjLand Commlmloecr, >Ung for price list. Goods sunt by express. Labors - for the expenses of the witnesses sum ject terror, while other Mobiles at Brie that possibly his own ailment was the re­ us! d than elsewhere. Oar. Sixth and Walnut gw., h . Loot# Me TORT,RT. J a *esv ill# Wxaooirn*. moned before the Senate Investigating it Being reduced to beggary, she was sult of the contact of the lead headed cane and Champlgny, on the Marne*, are attack­ wont to go abroad asking alms. During The materials used for mulch may be TANTFD-AQE1 CommjttM; and, at the same time, remem­ ing the Germans with impetuous and per- and hb hand. He discontinued its use ber that this is probably only the first in ­ one of her journeys she vbited the neigh­ and bis arm immediately begau to recover divided into two classes: 1. Those which the up.Itt mazes tne sistent daring. Yet in both cases the Mo­ borhood in which resided the ancestors, of contaio a large amount of nutriment, and NOTHING GOOD Afl an both aid #> and U fultg stallment of the gwnd total which must biles were drawn from the same stock, and Its accustomed vigor.—Davenport (lotea) lt x ticenmtt. The best and e t^apeK man teW- those who are now sightless. Instead of will, upon their decay, add considerably to A DDBBMri O. L. RARHRIL Vrrrn A -. , lag Machine is thetamark a-_ t.------Address JOfiN-- finally be liquidated. We are not surprised if their positions had been exchanged Omeite. zm. in. for eed of tu- fanM'U* A ltos , Scrrnso Mai..* to learn, by our Washington telegrams, her helpless condition exciting, as it should tbe fertility of the soil. In this class we twet market melon rrt>w»** -a0r ox.. f#50 ». Loan rON, ct. ARE a CO., Boston. Mas#. F would doubtless have behaved in the same have done, a feeling of sympathy, she was Gas Lime a * a Fertilizer .—A writer place upland hay, straw, leaves, hair, pram AH-Snr — »c or. Ozx G hawt Ton *io —reriloaV— burgh. P# Chicago. 11L. or hL Lool# Mo that numerous loyal individuals in differ ­ way. Indeed, many of the very Mobiles in the Scottish Farmer says : 441 believe DR. WEAVER’S Saras liAwa Kin, hr nt. TmoHuv.Vc peck age. kva ent sections of the South, whose chronic treated with ridicule by some of tbe •weepings from woolen mill# waste hops *wcrr end A da *'* Ea ZLT CotH. 40c pare a scale of 44 outrages," varying in size ment be sufficient to leaven tbe whole nnirra wnm lairan mm * ha uniets that in sll cases the price be high enough ried forward, helpless, and unwilling, bv The great mass of the farmers of thb •oil# that the losses which almost annually may be regarded as th* nwet brilliant triumph yei adder tThr gottor •Wfffely Jtan. to emphasise the urgency of the demand, ly a fact that the male offspring of the occur from severe drouth would be entirely ed hr any medicine ever tntrrdneed to tbe Atmrioaa pah- the mere force of the surrounding enthusi ­ family referred to lose their sight as indi ­ country keep no accounts at all—not even Be. Why 1* thief Wmplv because they perform what and elicit a proper and prompt supply. obviated .—Rural New Yorker. may pmottts; aad nntwtftatandtng the mtrodactlm a4 asm, into some heroic exploit, so have cated. Hundreds of persons In Dorches­ a memorandum book in which they note A Newspaper el the Present For satisfactory evidence to prove that a brsvn men been similarly swept away in a down current expenses, etc. Tbe’idea of them new and wotvtrrrUwmaMMttrodnroferottltttottitt < onservative white man in the Southern ter County will verify it.—Cambridge Intended for People Now oa Earth. tide of panic. If the plain, unvarnished (Mass.) Herald. 44 keeping books has a terror about it, How to Make Hoyt Goad Farmer*. States has used opprobrious epithets to s histoiy of any war were written, not the which deter* most people whose success I naiad ing Farmers. Mechanics. Merchant*. Pro­ black-of either sex sod any age, set the fessional Men. Wet ker# Th taker# aad all M sa­ Agents! Read This! least stalling page would be that which A Contrast. in life does not absolutely hang upon their iNDrcn them to take an interest in the ner of Hosest Folk# aod tbe Wive*, Boa# aad premium, asy si one hundred dollars. For roc< rdcu the large and continued deser ­ keeping accurate accounts to have much assault and lottery, providing the assail farm, in the implements, in the stock; tell Daughters of all toe# tions wfiieh are always thinning an army Washington died (after an Incumbency to ao with them. The amount of money them all your plan# your succemes and mnirnteiinfi to soil oar new wderfni tnvecooa# Ad' ant is white and Conservative, say two in tlte*fleld. In the Crimea, numbers of which passes through the hands of a small ONLT ONM DOLLAR A TEAR I Srm*. M. WAlUIIKH«X),r hundred and fifty dollars ; for maiming, or of the Presidential office of eight yean), failures; give them a history of your own men used \o Break away from our own not worth so much as one year# salary of fanner in any part of the country b so life, and what yen did and how you lived ON* HUNDRED CO PI EM POE U# the infliction of permanent bodily injury, regiments, sometimes with their sergeants •mall, that hb recollections about money J. N. HARRIS & CO., five hundred doiiam ; for homicide, one the Presklent Madison and Monroe died when a boy ; but do not hare too much on Or ism than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a at their head. In all armies it is the same. terribly poor. Washington went into the tran sactions b usually pretty accurate, and the degenerate character of young men of IAS Club at every Poet Ottos. thousand dollars; for attempting to dit The truth is, that personal courage, in the the real necessity of spending the few Prwprletern, suade a negro from voting the Radical Revolutionary War comparatively rick, the present age; praise them when you can, ordinary sense of not being afraid, is by and came out of the government service of minutes a day necessary to keep tolerably and encourage them to do still better. Let LT HUN, tn A YEAR, . t, fifteen hundred dollars; for driving no means so common, nor, where it doe* acaurate accounts b not apparent to them, a negro away from the polls, provided he fifteen years comparatively impoverished. them dress up In the evening, instead of c meant An turn. of tt* sente else aad general character as exist, is it necessarily so noble and re­ Grant, in 1861, was not worth ten cents; and will not be until proved. sitting down in their dirty clothes in THE WEEKLT. bui with a greater variety ol is not a Conservative, two thousand dol spectable a quality as it Is usually reck­ law; for a small riot where Radicals are he will go out of hb 44 service " on ike 4th It Is not our object now to enter Into an dininz room. Provide plenty of light Fb* Sals wr all Mkwcal Psalms . mteeeHaaeons readme, aad famishing the news oned. Whether a man Is or is not afraid of March, 1873, with a fortune, it b be­ argument to convince any one of the de Thanks to keroeen# our country homes to Its ee Deer tbe rs with greeter toshum# not the aggressors, two thousand five at a particular moment may depend not it eemes twice e week instead of once only. hundred dollars * for a first class riot, ac- lieved, of millions of dollars, and with hb airableneas of keeping accounts, but to can be as brilliantly lightedugniea aass insthe gas-litgas-m "• ‘ira 'Ol&VSL'-IZZm 5ui.‘ at aH on hit permanent character, but on show how it may be done conveniently comps nfad by some murder and arson, “ family," lineal, collateral, and matrimo­ heuses in* the city, Encourage the neigh TH* DAILY SUN, M A YEAR. quite accidental and temporary circum­ nial, reddled upon the government .—N and easilv. The writer hat for some time bora to drop in evenings,nings. Talk agricul CEAVIKE HAVANA TOBACiS 8EEH. snd int erspersed with s few cheers for Jeff. stance# Dutch courage la genuine and A preeminent Tv readable m>w«paj>*r. with tn* Davis, five ihousrod^dollar# Such pro­ 7. Krpreee. ______used ths following system for keeping hb tore rather than politiesiti©* ; speak of the im lagaset eteeaietion in tt* world Free, lade- The leaf sella for fl.» a pound ; makes 1400 pounds to effective enough while it lasts, though arti­ family and farm accounts, which are kept portance of Urge crop# of good stock, of niiat, atorama in pora^. AH (fie sews tbe acre; labor the oa me ss for tw* of eorn. Packsre of posals as these, duly published in promi­ ficial in origin and of brief duration. A Fanny Beene. from everywhere. Two can a a copy » by mall, seed tuffleffat for on* acre, by matL 30 rails. Adgrrs* nent administration organa, will bring together, and it certainly b simple, con liberal feeding, and of the advantage of mak ft* seats a month, or ** a year. EASTERN SKEDCO., Crehre, Con# Perhaps the commonest kind of courage venient, and appears to be all that b re­ ing animals comfortable, rather than of the from that portion of our glorious Union is that of sheer stupidity —the blind man The Boston TrmoUor recounts the fol­ lying between the Potomac and the Rio quired. hard time# low price# high wages. A Vree TERMS TO CLTJB& on the edge of the pflpdpice trudging gaily lowing scene, which happened In one of The book b ruled with double all. encourage the boya to read good egri EVERY FARMER (i rands, and the Ohio and the Golf, a DOLLAR WEEKLY along under the impression that it is a the wholesale store# la that city, a few dol lar-and-cent column# In one of th cultural books. Papers arc wall erv rn* HUN. Bhonld wild OlJlfi for O'Hara's Pocket Giant Corn cloud af witn esses, who will swear more safe highway, and ignorant of the yawn ­ days since : Five eopm# one year, separateir afdreeete. Shrllrr. < ep«*itt »ix bosbefa prt hour: weigh* mdr fearfitoly, and much more to the point, columns the saepsnsss art set down; but an Intelligent noy wants *nni< thm? Poor Dollars. IS ounr. «. A gse* Agra* uaated la every ing gulf beside him. What ia called pres­ ft seems that two of the partners had in tbe other, the receipts. The book more. Get him some good agricultural PECTORAL Tea oopte# ora year. •«*-*• ratal r addressed (and esaatf. F*rasast —large. wn Tll.to tv than the army in Flanders ; and their tea- ence of mind is often no better than this, been Inwardly moved to bestow their af­ ee eatts copy te tta getter up of claa). saws ids, Addrem MKVM.K A VAN SD ELEN. iBshad too »h*r* by need not be larger than a common book to study. Read it with him, and give tl< We-t Fmirth *t OndtlVdl. O P O Rev ISA the though in its true form, including a full fections and sttestioas on one and tbe school copy-book, and three minutes a day him the benefit of your experience and Eight Dollar*. committee,! explained ■ V. \ X \ R. Tweety eeptea. e*e veer, eeporatelr aidrvmed MINS CAteEte OF *7 appreciation of the dangers of the situa same lady, each blissfully Ignorant of will serve to make all the entrie# If the criticism. When he has mastered this, buy (and aa extra eopy to tbe getter op of cinb). •***, and Hon, it b one of the high*** kinds of Flftmn Dollar*. by appropriate what tbe other was doing. But, as ill-luck farmer is c..1*1, and hb fingers are stiff, him another. In our own case, we owe our comment#, cannot bravery. It was a favorite boast of tbe would have it, the fact was suddenly re­ hb wife or one of hb daughters will glad love for farming principally to the fact COUGHS* CROUP, BRONCHITIS Fftty erates.so* year, tonne addrem tand tte fail to convince everyeven Northern Radical First Napoleon that he had the “2-o'clock- ■ wal Weekly one year to g*tter*p «»f meb). 7\// v/// s / s . that we mb only vealed to the parties, in their store, one ly take the pen. Oftcoer than oth that our father talked to us of everything COLDS ARETHA, INFLUENZA, Thirty*thrwe Dollar*, to-ths-mornlngoourage"—that unprepared, day, and, as a natural consequence, an ex­ enrlae, we think the wife, if not over that was doing on the farm • answering *11 lyoar. wpersmiy a a dr mead frag Out of i < «;nr «h* ^outh Hi tlroMmrtf) rrttcr no ofcteM, tr eament. P#IUL_ _ cWWRMnS impromptu courage which b never dis ­ plosion immediately took plaoa. Begin­ burdened with the cares of household and our question# and encouraging, rather Thirty-gvo Dollars. TOEUtR concerted by any startling event, hot main As we observe that______ning with high words, they soon came to children, would be the best one to keep than refasing, oar childlike desire of help­ SmSyumni ___ _ lwl^*b«*# erne yea# to one addrem tains a perfect capacity to decide what is hard blows, and a regular fisticuff fight the account# In a great many esses ing him to plow, to chop, to let off wader, suns Southern Conservatives art going to best to 1>* dons. With Napoleon this was hm been intndnre# He at!” ** —'N&sasx Washington at their own firpsros, hoping ensued between the rival# All this was dimes and half-dimes slip away for per­ rod Are the brush heap.—Ass. Agriculturist mmBtaoewed riaedseaj an established habit of mind, a second na ­ ridiculous enough; but It ue only the sonal indulgences (glasses of tmwaiwftn*. It is meSe d --y BL00XIH0T0V SVRSBBT, ILL. for an opportunity to tell the truth in te ■p of stub). ____ HlxtgHlxtr Dollar**DeUare. l*tt Year. SSS Acre# tSOnsantaare# ture, due ia a degree to hb faith in first art to the farce. the sale—en warm, or tobnooo), which, were it the good Last Sunday two gentlemen were stand regard to the alleged disturbances In their He backed his luck, as it were; believed, In the R Largest Assortment-tell at we*. Beet Hteek I region, the Senate committee ought to in ­ wile’s daily duty to make the record, tog on the drug store corner engaged in TH* HIXI.WKKLY RUN. law Price* > as a matter of course, that for letic young fellow would not be spent conversation, when one of them remarked WorSS yea know font When. How to Fteat Frelt form tlu m that the invt-ligation him, If not for other people, always erata# one year, separately *rigro>«ed, ised Ur convict rod for nothing dier, and had souse Then accounts ought to be balanced as to the other, “How plain one can bear the Eight Dollar*, way mg of every difficulty and danger, ,b. often ss once a month. It will be observ ­ ringing of the church;n bellsbe! to Mystic, this ea atlrn, — vetr. separetetr a^dmeed (aad that no evidence for the defence rod ••o gave fctmatofhimself timetin>< to thiakiriMI afighTiirtw* raashaoapf togemef *p«r riot >, ■ibis until after the verdict is n hbownbfood ed that thb book, if accurately kept, will morning, dkl you notice Uf “Ye#"wes ___ Hlaioott Dollar*. lotahs. Whateverfijff was stirred, end involuntarily he only show the transactions to the 441 have noticed of tote that ths sentence executed. By all mm be between Napoleon lit sad PEND YOUR MONEY the omfaftry at lam a dear un money, and hence should bn called the of the bells ©onId be heard hb uncle to andarity of conception, nobody esaswadv mnst all have, of the work to hand, and what It ia bf i distinctly Mnee the opening of the T. R.BAIR 4 CO., tSTBSTS* who has studied ths character and career lints to keep toed. You roe that It nee shorten ed tended to accomplish; so that of tbe former can doubt that he has none Is not always pnerible best to page! the distance between the two -village#* lw. of that presence of^mind which Is sasarttol and we make little dal ■give audits “That’s *o; I did not think of that till the fight, celling “Time, fa r -Foui. all the tiro# yea spok#" wee the reply, end they both TO THE SUFFERING tognd venture ; as wiasss hb utter collapse labor, or! walked on, mutually pleased with having on the first strokes of svQ fortune at pr. r1 r -r"H> there should be just as solved the difficult Worth snd WiMemhurg. n.pnml; ri< n Nxranro ; rre¥D a fe nunrr one and wrsthy A NT/TTOW White, however, there sro aU throe dlf with whom e*i varieties of courage, they Mill he b kept, them should be onTDM yy Ml on analysis to rest oa the M the work in ano ’her book, and A Major to the Peruvian army kronen- *d that basis b mental oonvicti etructwd n tnofiurnentai dock in Lfm# Great Snfag tt Cotsreers. of the whisk la roftd to he ae wonderful ro the »______can do an Iw New H recently, a dog wee CUT THIS DOT! ed on tfee now to a welL m skit iBontu in co. where it wee found drowned elooftode of • fox It had punned thither. ,D »e* I