
Jazzin' it up with the Crusade

Dr. John H. Duke founded the Middle Tennessee State University Ensemble in 1974. In the fall of 1979 they added the name "Blues Crusade." Under the creative direction of Duke, the group performs the best of big-band jazz literature. The arrange- ments they perform are from the libraries of , , Maynard Ferguson, and the -Mel Lewis Orchestra. The Blues Crusade also performs original compositions and ar- rangements composed by members. Over the years artists such as Kai Winding, Jamey Aeber- sold, Don Shelffield, Beegie Adair, George Roberts. Larrie Lodin, Nashville Jazz Machine, Jimmy Raney, Buddv DeFranco, Vince DiMartino and Denis DiB- lasio have performed with the group. MTSU enjoys the prestige of having Duke as its Blues Crusade director. George Peabody College for Teachers in Nash\ille granted Duke his B.S.,M.A., and Ph.D. degrees. He has formly directed the bands of Lewisburg and Cohn (Nashville) High Schools and Tennessee Tech University. Al Hirt, , Louis Armstrong, , Edgar Winter and Doc Severenson are names Duke is familiar with; he has recorded with them all. Duke has been a member of the American Feder- ation of Musicians for more than 38 years. Duke currentlv serves as state president of the National

Association of Jazz Educators, and is MTSU's profes- sor of Music.

f~J hi/ Jennifer Railci/ Frank Conley

Frank Conley Above top: Leading the music. Director

|olin Duke makes sure the Blurs Crusade is in proper time under his direction. Waitii ' for the band. Fans of the MTSU

Blues ( riis.ulr await the band s appearance in the theatre of the Boutwell Dramatic Arts Building

Blues Crusade 39