Question for written answer E-010581/2014 to the Commission Rule 130 Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz (PPE)

Subject: Annexation of

In Sochi on 24 November 2014 ’s President and , the leader of unrecognised Abkhazia, concluded an alliance and strategic partnership agreement linking Abkhazia (which is not internationally recognised as a state) with the Russian Federation. The agreement is valid for ten years, and may be extended for periods of five years. Under the agreement, Abkhazia, which is an integral part of (a country that has signed an association agreement with the EU), is to be incorporated into Russia in the areas of defence, border controls, customs, social issues and public order. The agreement includes a clause requiring Abkhazia to bring its customs legislation into line with legal acts stemming from the , and, in areas not covered by those acts, with Russian law. For its part, Russia has promised to finance pay increases in Abkhazia for ‘high-level workers in state institutions’ in the areas of health protection, education, science and research, culture, sport and social care, bringing wages up to the same level as in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation. The same will apply for the pensions of residents of Abkhazia who have Russian citizenship. Under the terms of the agreement, the two countries will support each other militarily via the setting-up of a joint military group. The document states that in the three years following the entry into force of the agreement, Abkhazia’s armed forces will be modernised, with the costs being met by Russia.

How will the Commission react to this blatant annexation of a part of Georgia by the Russian Federation, and what action does the Commission intend to take?

1043589.EN PE 545.275