UK Data Archive Study Number 7705 - Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods: Localities Programme, 2009-2010 [Type text]

Cyfweliadau Rhanddeiliad WISERD

A fyddech cystal ag arwyddo isod i ddangos eich bod yn deall y datganiadau ac yn cytuno â hwy.

 Rwyf wedi darllen a deall Proforma WISERD.  Mae aelod o’r tîm ymchwil wedi cynnig ateb unrhyw gwestiynau a all fod gennyf am yr astudiaeth a sut caiff y wybodaeth a roddaf ei defnyddio.  Bydd y cyfweliad yn cymryd tua 90 munud a bydd yn cael ei recordio yn ddigidol.  Caiff eich data eu cadw mewn archif ddiogel.  Deallaf y gall fy ngeiriau gael eu dyfynnu mewn cyhoeddiadau, adroddiadau, gweddalennau, a deunyddiau ymchwil eraill ond ni chaiff fy enw ei ddefnyddio.  Deallaf bod cymryd rhan yn y cyfweliad hwn yn gyfan gwbl wirfoddol. Nid oes rhaid i mi ateb unrhyw un o’r cwestiynau nad wyf am eu hateb, ac os wyf am ddod â’r cyfweliad i ben gallaf wneud hynny ar unrhyw adeg. Nid oes rhaid i mi roi unrhyw reswm nac esboniad dros wneud hynny.  Rwyf wedi darllen a deall y wybodaeth hon ac yn cytuno i gymryd rhan yn y cyfweliad.


Arwyddwyd ______Dyddiad ______(Y person sy’n cael ei gyfweld)

Arwyddwyd ______Dyddiad ______(Ymchwilydd)

Os oes gennych unrhyw bryderon ynghylch yr astudiaeth hon, yna cysylltwch â Rheolwr y Ganolfan WISERD, Victoria Macfarlane ar 029 208 79338 neu anfonwch ebost i [email protected]. Medrwch hefyd ysgrifennu atom: WISERD, Ysgol Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Prifysgol Caerdydd, Adeilad Morgannwg, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WT.

UK Data Archive Study Number 7705 - Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods: Localities Programme, 2009-2010 [Type text]

WISERD Stakeholder Interviews

Please sign below to show that you understand the statements and agree to them.

 I have read and understood the WISERD Proforma.  A member of the research team has offered to answer any questions I might have about the study and how the information I provide will be used.  The interview will last for approximately 90 minutes and be digitally recorded.  Your data will be stored in a secure archive.  I understand that my words may be quoted in publications, reports, web pages, and other research outputs but my name will not be used.  I understand that other researchers may use my words in publications, reports, web pages, and other research outputs according to the terms I have specified in this form.  I understand that my participation in this interview is entirely voluntary, I do not have to answer any of the questions that I do not want to and if I wish to stop the interview, I may do so at any time. I do not need to give any reasons or explanations for doing so.  I have read and understand this information and I agree to take part in the interview.


Signed ______Date ______


Signed ______Date ______


If you have any concerns about this study, please contact the WISERD Centre Manager, Victoria Macfarlane on 029 208 79338 or via email to [email protected]. You can also write to us at: WISERD, University School of Social Sciences, Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WT.

UK Data Archive Study Number 7705 - Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods: Localities Programme, 2009-2010 [Type text]