Subject Index
Subject Index An “f” following a page number indicates a figure on that page 60 Minutes (CBS), 354 300 (Warner Bros. Pictures), 108–9, 108f 666 Fifth Avenue complex (Kushner as owner of), 136 1619 Project, 270 1917 (DreamWorks Pictures), 38 1967 War, 215, 217f, 222 2020 Donald Trump Peace Plan, 217f, 220, 221f A Abbasid Empire/Caliph about, 4 destruction of, 76 education and, 18 health-care system and, 9 influence of, 12–13, 12f, 160 military of, 191 Spanish, 340 Abdelkader Education Project, 264–65 Abscam, 103–6 Academi, 346 Achaemenid Empire, 309 adab, 169–72, 290, 340 Al-Adhan, 288 Africa and the Blues (Kubik), 297 African descendants killing of by extremists, 249–50 racism and (See racism) religion and, 281–85 slavery of (See slavery/slaves, US in place index) Trump on, 252 Zionism and, 47–48 agriculture, 340 Air Force Academy, 132 Ajyad Fortress, 77f Aladdin (Disney), 354 alcohol, 19 algebra, 5, 339 algorithms, 5–6, 339 Alhambra Decree, 23–24, 196, 267, 293, 343 alimony, 299 almirante, 268f Almohad mosque, 268f Amazighs, 288 American Hustle (Columbia Pictures), 104–5 American Indians (Native Americans). See indigenous people American Revolution, 170, 269–70, 356 Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC), 308 Anglo-Saudi Protectorate Treaty (1915), 72 annulments, 158 Antichrist, 122, 136 anti-Semitism. See Jews/Judaism; Zionism apartheid, 218 APOC (Anglo-Persian Oil Company), 308 appearance, physical, 99f, 100, 100f Al-Aqsa Mosque, 81, 114, 119, 119f, 127, 152, 168, 187, 219. See also Dome of the Rock Arab Nation. See also Zionism Abdulaziz on, 65–68, 265 British promise of, 33–35, 40, 40f, 45–48, 69 Egypt and, 81 vassalage program and, 91 Arab Revolt, 35–38, 35f–37f, 99 Arab Spring uprising, 265–66, 358 Arabian Horse (Abdelkader), 264 Arabian horses, 160, 170–71, 171f.
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