23979. 2583

SUPPLEMENT TO The Gazette Of FRIDAY, the 23rd of MAY.

SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1873.

War Office, May 24, 1873. -General the Honourable Alexander Hamilton-Gordon, C.B. ri'lHB Queen has been graciously pleased, on Lieutenant-General John Fordyce. JL the occasion of the celebration of Her Lieutenant-General Philip Melmoth Nelson Guy, Majesty's Birthday, to give orders for the C.B. following promotions in, and appointments to, -General Lord Henry Hugh Manvers Percy, the Most Honourable . Major-General Charles Henry Ellice, C.B. To be Ordinary Members of the Military Major-General Richard Wilbraham, C.B. Division of the First Class, or Knights Grand Rear-Admiral Astley Cooper Key, C.B. Cross of the said Most Honourable Order; viz.:— Major-General James Duncan Macpherson, C.B. General Sir Henry George Andrew Taylor, Major-General Edmund Haythorne. K.C.B. Major-General Henry Drury Harness, C.B. General Sir Georjre Bowles, K.C.B. Rear-Admiral John Walter Tarleton, C.B. Admiral Sir Provo William Parry Wallis, K.C.B. Rear-Admiral Charles Frederick Alexander Admiral Sir William Fanshawe Martin, Bart., Shadwell, C.B. K.C.B. Major-General Henry Wylie Norman, C.B. General Sir Abraham Roberts, K.C B. Colonel John Miller Adye, C.B. General Sir James Charles Chatterton, Bart., Surgeon-General William Mure Muir, M.D., C.B. K.C.B. Admiral Thomas, Earl of Lauderdale, K.C.B. To be Ordinary Members of the Military Admiral Sir Lewis I ol'ias Joues, K.C.B. Division of the Third Class, or Companions of General Sir William Henry Elliott, K.C.B. the said Most Honourable Order; viz.:— Lieutenant-General Sir Sydney John Cotton, K.C.B. General Edward Armsirong, Madras Infantry. Lieutenant-General Sir John Bloomfield, K.C.B. Lieuteuant-General Maurice Barlow. Lieutenant-Gwral Sir Duncan Alexander Matthew Smith. Cameron, K.C.B. Lieutenant-General Henry Bates. Lieu tenant-General George Staunton. Lieu tenant-General James Travers, V.C., Bengal To be Ordinary Members of the Military Infantry. Division of the Second Class, or Knights Com- manders of the said Most Honourable Order; Major-General John Leslie Dennis. viz.:— Rear-Admiral Edwin Clayton Tennyson-D'Eyn-. court. Admiral Henry Smith, C.B. Major-General James Abbott, Royal (lateBengal) Admiral Sir Thomas Sabine Pasley, Bart. Artillery. Admiral Charles Eden C.B. Major-General John Stafford Paton, Bengal Staff Lieutenant-General Francis Warde. Corps. Vice-Admiral George St. Vincent King, C.B. Major-General Charles Elmhirst. Lieutenant-General Frederick William Hamilton, Major-General Sir James Edward Alexander. C.B. Rear-Admiral Robert Cooie. Vice-Admiral the Honourable James Robert Major-General Charles Arthur Barwell, Bengal Drummorid, C.B. Staff Corps. Lieutenant-General Arthur Mitf<>rd Becher, C.B. Rear-Admiral Arthur Mellersh. Lieutenant-Geni-ral ( hurles Trollope, C.B. Major-General William Henry March, retired Lieutenant-Geuerul Edward Cooper Hodge, C.B. full-pay, Royal Marines.