885' Tuesday, November 28, 1876
8743 885' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1876. WHITEHALL, November 23, 187G. INDIA OFFICE, November 21, 1876. Queen has been pleased to direct Letters The Queen has been pleased to appoint Sir JL Patent to be passed under the Great Seal John Strachey, K.C.S.I., Lieutenant-Governor of of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the North-Western Provinces in the East Indies, Ireland, granting the dignity of a Baron of th to be an Ordinary Member of the Council of the said United Kingdom unto General Sir Richar Governor-General of India, in succession to Sir Airey, G.O.B., late Adjutant-General to He William Muir, K.C.S.I. Majesty's Forces, and the heirs male of his bodj The Queen has also been pleased to appoint lawfully begotten, by the name, style, and title o Major-General Sir Edwin Beaumont Johnson, Baron Airey, of Killiugworth, in the County o K.C.B., to be an Ordinary Member of the Council Northumberland. of the Governor-General of India, in succession to Major-General Sir Henry Wylie Norman, K.C.B. FOREIGN OFFICE, September 30, 1870. TENDERS FOE, VELLUM AND ACCOUNT BOOK BINDING, &c., The Queen has been graciously pleased to appoint the Honourable William John George FOR THE GOVERNMENT OFFICBS. Napier, now a Third Secretary, to be a Second Secretary in Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service. WantecJ by the Controller of II.M. Stationery Office, Tenders for Vellum and Account Book Binding, Ruling, &c., including Paper, &c. Samples of the Paper and Binding, &c., with relative particulars of Contract and descriptive Schedules, may be seen, and forms of Tender INDIA OFFICE, November 21, 1876.
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