TERENO – Finding local solutions to global change Publisher Content TERENO FINDING LOCAL SOLUTIONS TO GLOBAL CHANGE . 4 www.tereno.net OBSERVATORIES OF THE TERENO PROJECT . 6 EIFEL/LOWER RHINE VALLEY ObservatorY . 8 Coordination Images and Illustrations Dr. Heye Bogena Bosse und Meinhard (Title, page 4, 6/7), HARZ/CENTRAL GERMAN LOWland ObservatorY . 12 Institute of Bio- and Geosciences Achim Brauer/GFZ (Title, 17, 19), Agrosphere (IBG-3) Manfred Denich/ZEF (30), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH DLR (Title (2x), 24, 26 r.), Northeastern GERMAN LOWland ObservatorY . 16 Germany fotolia.com (6) FZ Jülich (9, 26 l.), Tel.: +49 (0)24 61/61-67 52 Corinna Heer (8), Bavarian ALPS/PRE-ALPS ObservatorY . 20 Email:
[email protected] Gerd Helle (17b, 18), HMGU (23 l.), Editor istockphoto.com (28), TAKing to THE SKIES to GET to THE bottoM OF SOIL Moisture . 24 Christian Hohlfeld KIT/IMK-IFU (20, 22, 27), TRIO MedienService, Bonn/Germany André Künzelmann/UFZ (Title, 14 l.), www.trio-medien.de Ralf-Uwe Limbach/FZ Jülich (Title, 11), GOOD OPPORTUNITIES FOR JUNIOR RESEARCHERS . 25 Matthias Mauder/KIT/IMK-IFU (21), Authors NASA (25), Christian Hohlfeld, Katja Lüers, Bernd Müller, privat (12, 15 r.), THE WORLD’S largest LYSIMETER NETWORK . 26 Dr. Ursula Resch-Esser, Sven Titz Regionaler Klimaatlas Deutschland (7), Alexandra Schnurr (10/11), Translation UFZ (13, 15 l.), Close cooperation WITH CLIMATE RESEARCHERS . 27 Christina Harrison Markus Well/GFZ (16), Johannes Werhahn/KIT/IMK-IFU (23 r.), Layout and Design Steffen Zacharias/UFZ (14 r.) TERENO-MED: A FOCUS ON Water Resources IN THE MEDITERRANEAN . 28 Bosse und Meinhard Wissenschaftskommunikation, Bonn/Germany Adapting to CLIMate change .