Blitz Magazine Issue 45
BLITZ MAGAZINE I LOWER JAMES STREET LONDONWIR3PN Tel: (01)734 8311 PUBLISHER Carey Labovitch EDITOR Simon Tesler FEATURES EDITOR Tim Hulse FASHION EDITOR Iain R. Webb DESIGNERJeremy Leslie ADVERTISING MANAGER Rhonda Hall GENERAL ASSISTANT Sarah Currie FASHION ASSISTANT Darryl Black CONTRIBUTORS Tony Barratt, Martine Baronti, Robin Barton, Mark Bayley, Malcolm Bennett, James Brady, Mark Brennan, Peter Brown , Gillian Campbell, Mark Cordery, Richard Croft, Simon Garfield, David Hiscock , Philip Hoare , Mark Honigsbaum , Aidan Hughes, Marc Issue, Dave Kendall, Paul Kix, Jeremy Lewis, Judy Lipsey, Elise Maiberger, Paul Mathur, Dave McCullough , Hugh Morley, Paul Morley, Peter Moss, Robert Ogilvie , Simon Potter, Tim Richmond, Martin Shaw, William Shaw,Jim Shelley, Julian Simmonds , Marcus Tomlinson , Johnny Waller, Jonh Wilde, Liam Woon, Russell Young . NEXT ISSUE OUT SEPTEMBER 26th ISSN 0263·2543 ADVERTISING BLITZ sales: (01) 734 8311 FRONT COVER George. photogrophed by Paul Gobel. Make-up by Paul Gobel. BLITZ MAGAZINE is published twelve t imes .. year by Jigsaw Publications Ltd. Reproduction of editori~1 and pictorial content in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without written permission of the publishers. Unsolicited ma.terial must be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope if it is to be returned. Jigsa.w Pub,:cations nonat ;;accept any responsibility for unsolicitflid material diimaged or lost in the post. All rights reserved 'r. 1986 Jigsaw Publiciltions Ltd. Printed in Great Britain by QB Ltd.• Colchester, Essex. Litho photographic reproduction by Saturn Reprographics. Stevenage. Herts. Phototypesetting by Countdown Graphics. London WI . Distributed by Quadrant PUblishing Services Ltd.. Quadrant House. The Quadrant, Sutton, SUr"f"ey. Te l: (01) 6436800.
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