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USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES A quarterlg of the Sectton of the Social Sciences, Philosophy USSR Academg of Sciences. Founded in 1970. History Published in Moscow in English, Economics and also in French, Scicnccs Sociales; in German, Gesselschaftswissenschaften; Politics in Spanish, Ciencias Sociales; and in Portugucse, Ci6ncias Sociais Sociology Law Vol. XI, No. 3 I 980 The journal is published by agreement: Philology in Bengali, Samaj Bijnan (Bingsha Shatabdi Publishers, Psychology Calcutta, India); in Japanese, Ethnography Shakai Kagaku (Shakai Kagaku Co., Tokyo, Japan) Archaeology in Greek, Kinonihes epistemes (Planet Publishers, Athens, Greece); in Arabic, CONTENTS Al Ulum al-l jtima'iga (Dar al-Farabi Publishers, Beirut, Lebanon); in Portuguese, To the Reader ("Avantel" Publishers, Lisbon, put out the edition for circulation in Portugal). N. lnozemtsev The Scientific and Technological Revo- The Spanish edition is reprinted in Colombia lution and the Modern World by Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Sociales (CEIS) Publishers, Bogota. The 15th lnternational Congress of Historical Sciences E. Zhukov The Origins of the Second World War 18 Since 1976 the Editorial Board has been l. Kovalchenko, Progressive Social Thought in Bussia publishing the journal Obshchestvennie nauki G. Kucherenko and Western Europe in the 19th Century (Social Sciences) in Russian. It appears six times a year. (Problems of Mutual lnfluence) 35 A. Chubaryan The ldea of Just and Eternal Peace in Russian Social Thought of the 1gth-Early 20th Centuries 46 For subscriptions apply S. Tlkhvinsky The Correlation Between National and to national distributors dealing with Social Factors in the Xinhai Revolution in V/O "Mezhdunarodnaya I(niga" China 56 that are listed at the end of this issue.
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