Domestic Violence: Prevention And· Services
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at ~... .' ! DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: PREVENTION AND· SERVICES , ~>' '. f , ,r , ' HEARINGS , ' , BEFORE THE I " . " " I SUBCOMMITTEE ON SELECT EDUCATION "'HE'ARING,S OF THE j , , , 'dFOltE THE , : COlIMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR , '. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-SIXTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION HEARINGS HELD IX WASHIXG'l'OX, D.C" OX JULY 10, 11, 1979 Printed for the use of the Committee on Education and Labor I', ., ' APH 1 ., •. I , , '" :/ " .' " , . '. ' " "', 1 Ii, ~ , , 1 ~, j'l U.S. GOVERNMENT PRIN'.rING OFFICE 4!H114 WASHINGTON: 1979 , .'.' t, " /' ' --/1 .J4 , " ' j :,' 'I. • i;, 't j' }'or sale by the Superintendent or Docnments, U,S. (lovenllnent Printing OHlce Washington, D.C. 20402 \ , < '/ .\ , ' , I, , , I 1 1 , • • CONTENTS 1 HearingsJuly held10, 1979 in Washington, ________________________________________________ D.C. on: _ Page 1 1 July 11, 1979 _________________________ ~ ______________________ _ '" 147 Statement of- Allen, Clara L., Director, New Jer!'1ey Division on Women, Depart- 1 ment of Community Affairs, Trenton, N.J ______________________ _ 67 Allison,istration William ___________________________________________________ W., deputy director, Community Services Admin- _ 213 1 Barnes, Hon. Michael D., a R.epresentative in Congress from the COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR StateMoulton of ___________________________________________________Maryland; accompanied by Cynthia Anderson and Lise _ , 13 CARL D. PERKINS, KentuckY, Ohalrman Boggs,. ~on. Lindy, a Representative in Congress fl'om the State of JOHN M. ASHBROOK, Ohlo LOulslana __________________________________________________ _ [2 FRANK THOMPSON, Jn., New Jersey JOHN N. ERLENBORN, Dllnols . Brown, Sam, Director, ACTION: accompanied by Torrie Mattes, JOHN BRADlDMAS, Indiana JOHN H. BUCHANAN, JR., Alahama Office of Policy and Planning; Kathleen Fojtik, National Technical 1 AUGUSTUS F.
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