Proclamations - Nixon (1)” of the William J
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The original documents are located in Box 34, folder “Proclamations - Nixon (1)” of the William J. Baroody Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 34 of the William J. Baroody Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ---·~------~------------------~ ----j-----------------·----·-------- --1 I i ~-1-- -11----- ·--- \ AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY 9650 ROCKVU•. LE PIKE BETHESDA, MARYLAND :20014 PHONE: 301 530-JSOO .February 12, 1974 1 . \ Miss ·McAuleisse c/o Mr. Baroody's Office The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D. C. Dear Miss McAuleisse: Enclosed are the names and addresses of the Past Presidents and the Board of Trustees of the American College of Cardiology that you re quested in order to send the Heart Month Proc lamation. Sincerely, ~-+ 9LA,;, (Mrs.) Beverly J. Sandlin Secretary I I I I. I I. AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY PAST PRESIDENTS * * * ) I l ..~ .Ashton Graybiel, M. D., F .A. C. C. U. S. Naval .Aerospace Medical Institute Pensacola, Florida 32512 Walter S. Priest, M.D., F.A.C.C. 13064 - lOOth Avenue .• Sun City, Arizona 85351 Simon Dack, ·M. D., F .A. C. C; illl Park Avenue New York, New York 10028 George R. Meneely, M.D., F.A.c.c. 510 East Stoner Avenue •'- Shreveport, Louisiana 71101 · Osler A. Abbott, M. D., F .A. C. C. 3037 West Pine Valley Road, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30305 Louis F. Bishop, M.D., F.A.C.C. 141 East 55th Street New York, New York 10022 E. Grey Dimond, M.D., F.A.c.c. 2220 Holmes Street Kansas City, Missouri 64108 John S. LaDue, M. D., F .A. C. C. 34 East 67th St1·eet New York, New York lOOZl GeorgeC. Griffith, M.D., F.A.c.c. P. O. Box 672 La Canada, California 91011 * Deceased J PAST PRESIDENTS (Continued) Dwight E. Harken, M. D., F .A. C. C. 67 Bay State Road Boston, Massachusetts 02215 VEli~, M.n.-;-r.A.c.c. "J ~.,.~~ 4751- Pountaih Avenue ~ ~v'" ~ Los Angeles, ~lifornia 90029 C. Walton Lillehei, M. D., F .A. C. C. Cornell University Medical College 1300 York Avenue New York, New York 10021 William Likoff, M. D., F .A. C. C. 320 Race Street, Second Floor Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 George E. Burch, M.D •• F.A.C.C. • 143 0 Tulane A.venue New Orleans. Louisiana 70112 B. L. Martz, M.D., F.A.c.c. 2220 Holmes' Street Kansas City, Missouri 64108 Wij.].iamA~o~an, M.D. Commissionb Foreign Medical Graduates 116 South Sev~nt Street, Suite 62.0 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 -( Forrest dams, M.D., F.A.c.c. of Pediatrics edical Center , California 90024 '( Samuel . jox, llI, M. D., F .A. C. C. Oeorge Jiington University School of ~'E icine 2150 Pennsylvc ia Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20037 . I • • I I - BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1973 • 74 NAME ADDRESS ~ Forrest H. Adams, M. D. Department 0£ Pediatrics U. C. L. A. Medical Center Los Angeles, California 900Z4 Arthur c. Beall, Jr., M. D. 1200 Moursund Avenue Houston, Texas 77025 . < Alberto Benchimol, M. D. Director. Institute fo·r CardiovaacuJ Diseases Good Samaritan Hospital Box 2989 Phoenix, Arizona 85036 Eugene Braunwald, M. D. Department of Medicine Peter Bent Brigham Hospital 721 Huntington A venue Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Directox, Na-t-i:emtJ:•Heart-& Lung-In --Natianatins:t:itme;g:.:et:-Hea=-lth---:. Betfie65;-M.ii-¥Jili1diQOl..[ James E. Crockett, M. D. 4320 Wornall Road Kansas City, Missouri 64111 ' John~-. ·curry, M.D. 9801 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Maryla:nd 20902 Leonard S. Dreifus, M. D. Hahnemann Medical College & Hoar 230 North Broad Street Philac1elphia, Pennsylvania 191 OZ Charles Fisch, M. D. Unive:r.sity of Indiana School of Med 1100 West Michigan Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 1g Meij, ~sittfrgton Univt!rrity <-5-C-J:rout-of-Medicine- Zi50""Perfntrylvanm-Avenue i Na-W. ·Room-460-- Wcrrfmiigtoii; rr;--c. 20037_ Richard Gor1in, M. D. Peter Bent Brigham Hospital (Vice President) 721 Huntington A venue Boston, Massachusetts OZ115 William J. Grace, M. D. St. Vincent's Hospital 153 West 11th Street New York, New York 10011 · Robert J. Hall, M.D. Medical Director Texas Heart Institute P. O. Box 20269 Houston, Texas 77025 Raymond Harris, M. D • St. Peter 1s Hospital .·':. (Assistant Secretary) 315 South Manning Boulevard .· ·. Albany, New York 12208 Donald C. Harrison, M. D. Chief, Cardiology Division Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Edward W. Hawthorne, M.D. 10297 Wilde Lake Terrace (Assistant Treasurer) Columbia, Maryland 21043 . Samuel Kapl~n, M. D. Children's Hospital Elland and Bethesda A venues .. Cincinnati, Ohio 4522 9 John W. Kirklin, M. D. Department of Surgery (Vice President) University of Alabama Medical Cet 1919 7th Avenue, South Birmingham, Alabama 35233 Henry D. Mcintosh, M. D. The Methodist Hospital (President Elect) 6516 Bertner Boulevard Houston, Texas 770Z5 Dean T. Mason, M. D. University of California Davis School of Medicine Section of Cardiovascular Medicin Davia, California 95616 · Robert W. Oblath, M. D. 4911 Van Nuys Boulevard Sherman Oaks, California 91403 .\ • !. ii .5 .. Joseph K. Perloff, M. D. Professor of Medicine Chief, Section of Cardiology Hospital of the University of Penn- sylvania.· 3400 Spruce Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 William C. Roberts. M.D. Section of Patholqgy ·National Heart & Lung Institute National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Da.:Vid C. Sabiston, Jr., M. D. Duke University Center Department of Surge-ry .. Durham, North Carolina Z77'J6 . Leonard Scherlis, .·M.D. University of Maryland Medical Scho Baltimore,. Maryland 21201. · Bernard L·. Segal, M. D. 1320 Race Street, Second Floor Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 ~~ ·William A. Sodeman, M.D. 106 Meeshaway Trail Medford Lakes, New Jersey 08055 Borys Surawic.z, M. D~ University of Kentucky College. 0£ Medicine Lexington, Kentucky 40506 H. J. C •. Swan, M. D. • Ph.D. Cedars Sinai Medical Center 4833 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, California 9002.9 · Sylvan L. Weinberg, M. D. Suite 500, IBM Building 33 West First Street Dayton, Ohio 45402 Mailing address: 400 West Nottingh A venue, Dayton, Ohio 45405 Harry F. Zin.seer, M. D. Graduate Hospital . 19th and Lombar_d Streets · Philadelphia, Pennsylvania l 9146 - 3 - . ~,,.e -;t;· -fo$/7/ ~:J General Barksdale Hamlett, USA (Ret.) '7i~- ~'ISS"" lt.) National President Retired Officers Association 16Z5 "Eye" Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20006 Ray Soden National Commander-in-Chief jJuJ... S'l/3- ~ r;.3 9 (o) Veterans of Foreign War:> tf(, 200 Maryland Avenue; N. E. .c~,,.) ~31.J.- ,,,6 ~-;(> Washington, D. C. 20002. · 1 •. - Halsey Fink · : . ~ .#d . _ National Comxnander . f-ft. w.e.~. ~'3 (. _ oO CoO . {!>) Veterans of World War I of the USA . t! · 916 Prince Street . Alexandriai Virginia . 22314 I ·. .- . ·. ,l. I I· 1: I: I' ! .•.. t· . 1·!I I' "·: ·. 1 ... I r ·. ,. I' ..' • ,: :· ii • Neil G. Knowpes 1'3'l-CiC.OO ~) .Tames M. Mayer rt~S-- "-JSS- (c.) National Cornp.iander ~l!l) c:~t.-133~ (-i) National President Catholic "\Var\Veterans of USA National Assn. of Collegiate Veterans 2 MassachusEjtts Avenue, N. W. 1120 Conn. Ave•• N. 'V. - Suite 466 .. ',, Washington, b~ C. 20001 Washington, D. C. 20036 • G s~s-~~tb .John T. Soave "13'1-RC/3 'I Co) B rig. en. Orman G. Charles1 to"): .!f'National Commander~13)'1'U-S'~3~ l-i) National President USA (Ret.) . :: Disabled .Am.erican Veterans /2e,(J..U National Assn. for Uniformed Servicea .". 1221 Massachusetts Ave., N~ W. ~~,....... 956 North Monroe ~ '\Vashington, D. C. 20005 0 Arlington, Virginia. 2220 l Major Mor~is B. Brown 31f.'7•'?>'IOI (o) Maj. Gen. Henry W .. McMillan National Comm.ander National President aipJ-.O~IJI ' .) Disabled Officers Association National Guard A~sociation 1612 K Street, N. W. 1 Mass. Ave., N. W. Washington; D.. C. 2000 l '\Vashington, D. C. ·20006. · Marvin Silverman Captain Morton Leavitt, USNR (Ret.} National President National President "?.~~-\"\bC.. Fleet Reserve Association Naval Reserve Association 1303 N. H. Ave., N. ,V. 1913 "Eye" Street, N. w.· Washington, D. C. 20036 Washington, D. C. 20006 ;. - - --- . Ainslee Ferdie :t.G.S"-,2.iO (o) Ernest-A. Carrere, :.rr. National .Commander (30s) 3'14-~fJS(-l) National President .Jewish War Veterans of the U.S. · Navy League of the U.S. 1712 ·N. H. Ave., N. W. 818 18th Street, N. W. - Suite 300 '\Vashington, D. ·c.· . 20009 · Washington, D. C. · 20006 . s~~- n~., (p) .·. 0.. Duncan Gilbert E. G.ray (National Comm.cindant) Marine Corps League .. National President 933 N. Kenm.ore Street - Room 321 Non-Commissioned Officers Assn. Arlington, Virg~ia · 22201 . .• 1200 Nort1:t CoUrthouse Road .· ·Arlington,·. Virginia. 22201 - .John E. Binn!on · 'C.'7- ~1~'1 {ca) -.r . Frank R. DeGeorge · C.S":l.- '3/f'- ¥ (o) ' National Comniander tv'C{ National President{:>t:r-)s-~~- :{~9' {-I.) :. W.J.litary Order of the ·Purple Heart 1 1444 Rhode Island Ave., N. W. f1~Paraly:ed Ve:erans of A~eri~ai Inc. · 1 ( · 7315 \V1scons1n Ave., N. "\V. 1Vashington, _D. C. 20013 . ~ lV~shington, D. C. .20014 j I Lt. Col. Fred A. Kaps, A US (Ret.