' THE WATERFORD NEWS. SHIPPING IUNE , 1866 Irish Frieze Woollen Factory, MONEY. S£LES every Friday Evening at per Cent., . for Three, or Five Years, and for the AUCTION (Lanccfield Quay) to use •¦• ) ^ ' NO Goons nuT MI OWN HIKE, all made and finished EDINBURGH Thursday, 22nd „ Cork nnd Watcrford—Snltce 3rd Juuc pose , at .« Debenture Stock , bearing interest nt 0 per Ont. for f \PTHE TRUSTEES' INTEREST in tho LEASE , Saturday, , 12 neon in my FACTORY, at MILLVALE KANGAROO Monday, 211th „ —by Rail to Greenock 5.60 p.m. Three Tears, and 5 per Cent, in perpetuity afterwards. \J of tho HOUSE known as ItOCKLANDS, now I'uiii-ic nonius, , Tho Work in the DJE-HOUSE is carefully attended And every Thursday, aud alternate Monday.", and Wntcrford nnd Cork—Tusknr, Thursday, 8!h June, 12 noon VERY SUPERIOR TEA ... 2s. 8d. „ The Lino is worked by the Waterford and Limerick in the possession of Mr. W ILMAM C. D RAPER , to which to and nil colours done in Flannel, as well as LADIES' Sat unlays. —by Bail to Grceuock, 6.50 p.m. Company, and for tho year ending the 25th Maich, is _ attached SEVEN ACRES of as PBIKK LAND as any I'KIVATK INDIVIDUALS , in BCABLE* MAGENTA, EUBI, BLUE, Cabin l'assnsce by the Mail Steamers every Thursday , Cork and Watcrford—Saltce, Monday, 12th Juno, 12 noon GOOD USEFUL 2s. Oil. „ DRESSES, , 1804, the Traffic Eeccipts were £10,054 19a . Id., the within tho liberties, with larpo nnd suitable OUT Or- 15, 17, and 21 Guineas, according to tho accommodation. —by lUil to Greenock, 6.60 p.m. G REEN, BLACK , YEILOW, &C , &C . <. Working and other expenses being £0,390 5s. 10d., norm, HOUSEHOLD FnnNiTunE, q ,. rnilESE Fast and Well-appointed Stcam- , , 10s standing, 2J per Cent, per annum. By order of tho Cork to Watcrford Cabin 8s. Od. ; Deck Window Hangings ; Glass and Delph ; Fenders and X crs, carrying Her Majesty's Mails, Sail , , 4s Directors, TO CATnOLIC CLERGY, BOOKSKLLERS, &o. JJ^LJS^I^. Return Tickets available for One Month, not transferable: JAMES WALPOLE Irons ; the Fnrniture of 5 Bedrooms, including Ma- On Stile at The News Office <\VJ^^K K8^.D:uIy (Sudavs execpted), (ja20-tf.) JOHN QUAIN, Manager. hogany , FROM WxTKitFonn—From the Ailclphi Glasgow to Cork or Watcrford... Cabin, 25s. Od. that bo hat and Hardwood, French, Albert, and Children's ¦¦S^SaS Sfc . Wafrrford to Cork... Cabin to inform the Nobility, Gentry, nnd Inhabitants of Waterford and its Vicinity, Bedsteads and (With (lie Rccominpiulatinn of Hie nf Waterford and Wharf immediately after llin arrival of the Limerick Train , 12s. Od. ; Deck, Os. BEGS WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY Hangings, prime Feather Beds and )r. 1ST This is the Cheapest Route for Goods to Kilkenny, just received a Choice Selection of. Lismorr, the llijrlit Itcv. 1 0' Hal KK,) at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, reaching Milford Haven Bedding ; Mahogany Wardrobes and Neats of Drawers ; Killarncy, Tralce, New Ross, Cnrrick-on-Suir, Clonmcl, Toilet Tables Basin Stands A for tlie Instruction of Children, (wind and weather permitting) in time to enable Passengers BOHEMIAN GLASS VASES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS MONEY ON DEPOSIT. , , Commodes, Toilet Glasses Catechism , reach- Caber, Tipperary, Mallow, Fcrmoy, Cloghccn, and the South and Ware Carpets Fenders nv THE to proceed by the !1 5 a.m. Express Train lo Lomlon of Ireland generally. Suitable for the Season. Also, a Large Variety of WATERFORD and LIMERICK RAILWAY , , , Irona, &c, &c. Tho at C 0 p.m Third Class Passengers will TnE Kitchen Furnituro is very Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTLER , A rchbishop of ing Piuldiiifrton For Bates of Freight, &c, appply to tho Agents :— COMPANY good. MOST be forwarded by the Through 7 5 a-in. train to London.— DINNER , DESSERT , BREA KFAST , TEA , & TOILET SERVICES. arc open to receive, to a limited Caslid nml Kmly. BAILWAT OFFICE, Kilkenny ; COKK STEAMSHIP CO., Pen- extent Tho Salo will commence in tho Drawinc Room at Passengers nvriving at Milford Haven on Sunday mornings TOGETHER WITH , Money on temporary Deposit, for which the and in large clear Type. rose Quay, Cork ; G UAIIAM BKTMNEB Greenock HOMAS 12 o'Clock. Printed on good Pnpcr, per the 0 15 a.m. Train. , ; T ASSORTMENT OF CUT AND PRESSED TABLE GLASS. following Rates of Interest will, until further notice, will leave WIITTE 2 Oswald Street, Glasgow ; A BEAUTIFUL THOMAS RECOMMENDATION. from the Railway Pier D.iily, at , , be allowed on sums of £20 and upwards, viz:— WALSH, Auctioneer. From M ILPOBD H AVEN , MICHAEL DOWNEY, on hands which will bo disposed of at Moderate Prices Watcrford, Juno Oth , 1805. ' " I approve of this Edition of the Right F.cv. Dr. 71 "> p.m, Sundays execptrd, after the arrival of tho 9 15 a.m. R3y An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS , 4 per Cent, per Annum, subject to repayment [J9.2t.] it to tho " at 2R-3m] Custom House Quay, Watcrfor,] JiMK9 B UTLER'S Catechism, and rcrouiincnd Exprc Orders from any part of Paddington will also be conveyed by theso Steamers at Re- TRAHORE, COUNTY WATERFORD Printer ami Publisher Depositors. Travelling Vehicles, &o , &c, will take place and directed to C. R EDMOND, duced Hates. FAKKS. If aterford Xaes Office, 49 King-street, promptly at- 1st Class and 2nd Class NEW BOARDING HOUSE , JUNE FASHIONS; _ Further Information can be obtained from the under- ON MONDAY , 3RD OF JULY, 1865, signed, nnd also from tho following TE tended to. The Trade supplied on moderate terms. Cabin. and Suloon IN H OTEL SQUARE. Agents:—A. S - At Ma LAURENCE DOBBYN'S VETERINARY cTcry Catholic Bookseller in 00s. 40a. PHENS, Duncannon, County Wcxford ; THOMAS S. HAII- Establishment BeresforJ-slreet Walerford May be hail Retail from \Vatcrford to Paddingloa .. THE want of a respectable Establishment of the IIAZLETON , O'DONNELL & CO , , , ¦¦• GOs. 47s. VET, Littlo Gcorgo's-strcct, Waterford ; JOHN G RUBB, ORDER OF SALB : the Diocese. Limerick lo do. abovo description has long been felt at Tramorc. BIIYERB special ly lo LONDON during tho past week, for MANTLES, SHAWLS, ... 55s. 44s. HAVINO sent their Carrick-on-Suir ; P. It. BANFIELD, Clonmel ; S AMOEL Travelling Vehicles Kilkenny to do. At the solicitation of many Friondd SILKS STRAW H0.VNETS, RIBHONS, LACE, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, , Harness, Game Dogs, &c, a Junc 10th is tho LAST DAYfor TICKETS London, 24s. Cd. MILLINERY, , J ELLICO , Cahir; DAVID COLEMAN , Tippcmry ; DAVID UONDAY, , 3rd Class and Deck , Watcrford to IHK 19th inst., and following days show a LAKOE DiarLAi Vwelve o'Clock precisely. JIu. J1DRPHY, OF " WATERFOHD ARMS," HOSIERY and GLOVES, they will, on MONDAY, , FITZCERALD & Son, Limerick. (lly Urilcr), 1SC5. —ELEVENTH SEASON.—1S«5. KiiTurtN TICKETS— From Waterford to London, Ox- Hunters, Riding and Family Burses, at Ono o'Clock . has at length succeeded in procuring a HOUSE suit- OP T. AINSWORTI1, Secretary, ford , or Reading, 1st class and saloon, 75s. ; 2nd Class much under present Market Value ; Colts, Draught and Farm Horses immediately after. ART UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN* able for tho purpose. The Premises are Spacious, NEW MANTLES, in SILK and CLOTH, Board Room , Walerford Terminus, and cabin, 00s. ALSO BSg" Persons intending property for this Salo will b« FARES DT STUMER. KEirRX IICKETS. with a Large Garden at tho rcrc, and nituatc in one of 8th Oct., 1SG4. (n27-tf) required to have it entered at Mr. DOBBTH S ONE SHILLING PER SHARE. GLOVES, ' , or at Mr. Cabin, Deck , Cabin Deck. the most respectable parts of the Town, quito conve- nr \ CK present WELL SELECTED STOCK of ken at an hour's notice, and Auctions, in any part ot (inods will be considered as subject to a general lien, that ho has commenced BUSINESS on an extensive LAWL0R begs to inform tho Clergy, All SUPERFINE BLACK tho County, shall be conducted with care, fidelity, and THOMAS and held not onl for Freight of the same, but for all Arrears scalo in tho aliovo " Oi.n ESTAM.ISIIP.D not'sr., CLOTHS and DOE- Gentry, and Inhabitants of Watcrford, and tho y " where unwearied attention. of Freight , Storage, or other charges duo by the Importer, Vehicles of every descri SKINS, also the BLACK, BROWN, and surrounding Counties, that he has «uccocdcd his Father- ption may bo had on the A Spacious Mart, for the Sale of Propertyof every Owner, or Consignees lo the Company. shortest notice. late Mr. J OHN F I.AHAVAN ) in the above /Zf 4v-t£/tJ!~ GREY MELTONS, suited for tho description, is now attached to the Red House. in-liw (the BRISTOL. - Je&c&d. «»•< 7&? 2J?t3 &£t rt'<*t *Y -^y't /^^**- ' c*^~*>C * Funerals supplied with every requisite. WAT EH FORD AND The DEVON SHIRK being now fitted np, rcgardlcsB of ICP J. H. attends Enniscorthy every Fair and M»r- business. ids Qipsy direct. NEW STYLE OF FROCK COAT ! All Orders addressed ns above , promptly attended to. expense, in the most Modern Style, will bo found liy ket day ; and Mr. STEPHEN WHITE, Arthnrstown, re- From Wnterford to Bristol : From Bristol fo Watcrfnnl : Commercial Gentlemen and others who may June 2 ... IS Nnon , patroniie now Worn in the most Fasbionablo Prome- ceives Orders there. All letters to be addresndto Red Tnrwlay, Jure f>, ... 4 Altn 'n Friday, it , full y equal to their requirements. House, Wexford. Itt'CLEAN AND M'lNTOSH TiK'nlaVi " '3. ¦••"> Morn I'rMay, " '¦>. ... <• Aftn 'n nades of Paris, London, and Dublin. It is and GASFITTERS, 3, LITTLE Tuesday, " 211, ... I A fln'n Friday, " IK , ... 11 Morn Jlr. L YNCH has also to acquaint his Friends that he " I feel very great pleasure in bearing testimony to tho PLUMBERS ... 0 Aflu'n a form of Garment which ATERKOEP lieg leave Tuesday, " 27 , ...10 Mum Friday, " ?J, has lilted up one of U ARMS'S Ncwly.improved Billiard , , from its gentle- superior nnd highly creditable manner in which Mr. JOHIT CEORCJK'S-STREEKT, W , Morn Counties of Friday, " 30, ... to Tabl ea. manlike nppcaranco, will bo sure to prove Hinton, Auctioneer, conductedmy Sale at Ballynesker Lodge, lo inform the Noliility and Gentry of tbo liriton, c.illini at Tcnby and Carmarthen. have OPENED a Dungarvan, A pril l"th , 1805. (ni24-tf) and I am convinced that his tact, ability, paompt Kttle> Walerford and Kilkenny that they From Watcrford to Bristol , From Bristol to Watcrford , the Favonrito Coat of tho Season. ments, and faithful attention to clients, will command tho BR\.S"CH ESTABLISHMENT at No. 1, ROSE INN- calling ut Tcnby. callinzat Tcnby&C'armartlicu. large amount of deserved patronage which is 4 Morn COMMERCIAL HOTEL certain to await STHEET, KILKENNY. Fri'lny, June *J, ... Vi Noon Tucs-lav June 6 ... , MY SPBINQ TEOUSEEIITGS him. "J. IT. BEDDT." punctually attended lo. ira-lf Friday „ !i ... 7 Morn Tuevlajr , „ 1.1 ... K Mo«> SQUARE, DUNQARVAN. \ry All Orders Friday, ,. 10 _. 12 Noon Tuusdav , „ SO ... 3 Mom havo been very carefully Selected. I have, 27 ... Mum THE SCOTTISH PROVINCIALASSURANCE Friday, „ EI ... 1 Morn Tuesday, „ SJ HOTEL is situated in the very best part of ~o£~~ ~ /?tfz?i-iAn *J^wjfc <=*¦/£¦ I think, chosen onl those of which tho most THE WATEBFORD COACH FACTORY Friday, ., .11 ... 1] Morn THIS Truest/ acicC /na *C exC£&2? a^C¦ o//u-^, e/L y COMPANY. (It . LAW L 0 R'S ). Pembroke Dock to Waterford,Trom the South Wales Rail- the Town. The House is clean arid niroy, the fastidious will approve. charges very moderate, cud every attention paid to tho 0 " TT'STABLISHED in 1885.—CAPITAL, ONE MILLION. J! L has now on Show at his Establishment, way Tcriniiim, as soon after arrival from Bristol as possible. Steam- comforts of visitcM. A good waiter in attendance. l*i Incorporated by Act of Parliament. ATIIE'RINE STREET & MERESFORU-STREET , if tt'" On Early Morning Sailings, the Cabin of the P.S.—LADIES' EQUESTRIAN DRESS - ers will ho Opoti to receive Passengers arriving from Lomlon Excellent Livery Stables nro convenient to tho Head Office for Ireland—046 COLLBQE G BEBH , Dublin. C Watrrfnrd , the following New Work :— t& JACKETS or COATS, to Order only. BROUGHAMS ; Miniature by tin; Niirht Mail Train. Hotel (mSl-tf.) f uAcG^, Ti*c/lco&* Committee of Management—BALTH S. CUSACK, Eeq, Fuil-sittJ Circular-fronted 17s. Cd.; Servants and Children , 10s. fid. . [ml.24-ly] Cwt. Cabin Fare, J P, Bohomer, St Doulough's, Co Dublin, and No 3 Gar- ditto, only 8J Kctiirn do., 27s. ; or with liberty to return fro m Dublin MlLFOIiD HAVEN s-row Chairman. BROURHAM CAR, or Small 'BUS, NEW MILLINERY diner' , A New Design of Cork, or Wcxford, 31s. Cd., Steward's fee included ; Dick UAIK General Manager Hound Roof, to carry Seven JonN Q , Esq, , tho Union Bank with Circular Front and 7s. 0:1. Females attend the Ladies" Cabin. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, of Ireland, No 11, Westmoreland-street, Dublin, and l'crsnn* inside find Two out. WATER FOUD AND LIVERPOOL. SUMMER GOODS. Kingstown, Albert and Victoria ADJOINING tbc Terminus of the South Wales tvillv Ott&oc&tvtAAcr/itrtJrirC'f icc dLit'Ct vt-LEJit **3<2 4WCaSce, Z—MAf er 'cd i No C Vesoy place, Vice-Chairman. A 0AN0E BAROUCHE ; I'ark, , Camilla , Vesta, and Zephyr. LATEST PATTERNS do. Railway Company at New Milford , and the Land- THE and DESIGNS just Sir THOMAS DEANE, 26 Longford-terrace, Monkstown, PH.CTONS; Light Pony ritOM WATKKTGKII : XltOM LlVKRl'OOl.: received at. Misa WARD'S. Co Dublin. WAGGONETTES with Movcablc Roofs ; Friday, June 2, ... Morn Friday June 2, ... .1 Morn ing Stage of the Wa-ierford and Cork Royal Mail Packets. , 'J CLtJr/tUeZ/,t -fl&tZ CiU&A/* ^Cr Zti£ Morn Monday „ 5, ... H Morn The Public are respectfully informed that tho above BONNETS, , Killiney, PHJETONETTKS, n Morn Co Dublin, and No 40 Rutland-squaro West. or Wliilccliapol Carts ; UVds'ilay,, 7, ... 10 Morn Wcd'daj,,, 7, ... extensive Establishment is replete with every accommo- CARTS ; Market Friday, „ 'I , ... 12 Noon Fridav. ,, !». ... 11 Morn f RIBBONS, SAMUEL G EORGE WILHOT OUTSIDE ditto dation. Coffee, Commercial, and Sitting Rooms ; Bil rnf erf ' -yCesrf e&' tt^trrv iCce^riZc/f , ... 3 Afln'n Wed day „ 11, ... 1 Altn'n Hard and Smoking Booms. The Rooms are large, lofty, in great r Solicitor—R OBERT CASEI, Esq, 21 8t A number of Second-hand PII.ETOXS, WAG- Friday, „ \ > , ... .T Afln'n Friday, .. in, ... 2 Aftn'n and airy, beautifully decorated, elegantly furnished, and &C , &Cjf &C. Andrew-street. 19 ... 0 Morn Mouday, „ IS, ,M »'Morn •d //lit ** f n, z£cZYcQr&JVnr, f iOT^/Orij Bankers—Tho Union Bank of Ireland. GONETTES, Monday, ,, , arc otherwise fitted up with every regard to comfort and * N.H.—Particular attention has been paid in tho sc- OUTSIDE CARS, .Vc. W( ils'day ., 21 , ... 10 Morn VVc-|*day ,, 21 , ... 0 Morn LIFE DEPARTMENT. New and Second-hand Work hired out with option of 2.1 ... 12 Noon Frid.17. 23, ... 10 Morn convenience. lection of tho above. (al7-3m.) to bo Friday, „ , ,, Ig^" The special advantages derived from As- Purchase. Two Years' engagement "iven with all new Monday, ., 2H , ... 1 Afln'n Monday, „ 'JG, ... 12 Moon This Uotcl is situated on the banks of the far-famed " ' d'day ,, -JS, ... 1 Aftn"n 9 1 QUAY WATERFORD. suring in this Office are:— Very Moderate Rates Work. WnliMay „ :8, ... 2 Afln njWi Milford Haven, anil commands a most extensive view of of Pre - Fridjy ., .1(1, ... '1 AIln'nlKnday, ,, 3n, ... 2 Atln'n mium ; Large Bonuses ; Liberal Condition *. Repairs neatly executed, and in the cheapest her Majesty 's Dockyard, and of the romantic and piclu MILLINERY DRESS-MAKING, {CP Cabin Fare, 15s.; Servants nnd Children , 10s.; Dick , 7s , Intending Assurers aro hereby informed that the manner. (jy l-tO ' Cabin. rcsquc Scenery of the neighbourhood. Cd.; Children. 4s. Females attend thi! Ladies STEAW BONNET & FANCY WAREHOUSE Directors have never yf tf' ctputed paymentof a policy, Goods received at Clarence Dock. Visitors, Tourist s, Commercial Gentlemen, and Fa- by milies will find this Establishment, fur situation and BLACKPOOL, DUNOABVAN. a fact which cannot ui^kHbe appreciated a discrimi- CHOCOLAT-MENIER. WATKUFORD AND LONDON. " coriES or (MAXL 'FACTtRKU OX1.Y IS FKAXCE) comfort, combined with moderate charges, surpassed by nating public. CONSUMPTION EXCEEDS Aurora, Vela, Citizen, or othor eligible Vessels. , DAWSON in returning thnnks to her ANNUAL REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET, ANNUAL 4,(J0U,UX)lbs. i.oNnox : no other in the Princi pality. Night Porter meets the MISS FROM «.\Ti:nroBi> : I rnoji numerous friends and customers for the very along with Prospectuses, and Forms of Proposal, are June 2 ... 8 Aftn'n IWVdnoday Junt 7, ... s Morn Duals. Hot, Cold , and Shower Baths, Healthiest, Best , and most Delicious Aliment Fridav, ._ kind support she has received since opening busi- in courso of being distributed at HBAD Orriccs and THE Pri.lay ., '¦' ... - Afln 'n Wodncsdny „ H , S Morn All communications should be addressed to (jy25-tf] for Breakfast known since 1825 ; defies all honest 10 ... a Aftn 'n .Wednondav „ -M, ... S Morn ness, begs leave to announce to tho Ladies of Dungarvan ACENCIES throughout tho United Kingdom. Fridav „ C, ... 8 Morn E. WILLIAMS , Manacer. competition ; unadulterated , highly nutritious and pure. Friday ,, 23 ... - Aftn 'n UVedocsday „ 2 and its vicinity, that she has now added tho DRESS- Loans on Life Estate in btmnectionwith Life Assur- ' .» ... 2 Adn 'n in }-lb. Packets. Also especially manufactured Fridav .. DUBLIN. MAKING to the other branches of her business. Hav- ance. S'dd Cabin Faio, 2Hs.; Dirk , 10s. FIRE DEPARTMENT. for calm" as ordinary sweetmeats, or at dessert. foreign Steam ing engaged tho services of a First-class Dressmaker, Covcnt Lotnixo ISp.nTiis:—London—British nnd THE EUE0PEA2J HOTEL B0LT0N STEEET REDUCTION OF FIRE. INSURANCE DOTT. Wholesale, M ESJIEB , 2:1 Henrietta-street , and West Kent Wharf, sho feels confident tbat she will be able to give general Wharf, Lower East Smilbficl.l, satisfaction to thoso who may favour her with their The Directors beg to intimate tbat the Company are Soutbwark. Parcels received at 137 LcadcnlialUtrect, h.t, EUROPEAN is the largest, tho best situate , j :6 . / SSfiS WA RIT MAS& QCKII . WATEUF^ THE <6> Mfc / Orders. now issuing Policies giving full efftct to the REDUC - WATKUFOI 1D AND I'LYMOCTn and most comfortable Hotel in the City. All a* ^ The Paris and London Fashions arc received monthly. TION or Is. 6d PEE CSHT or Dun, from and after Dullin, Citistn, Jlanger, Aurora, or other eligible modern improvements have been recently introduced, GAME NOTICE Wedding and Mourning Orders attended to.on the 25'h June ImU, in terms of the Resolution of the Vessels. and the entire bouse papered , painted, and decorated. Shortest Notice. Chancellor of the Exchequer. rnoa WATunronn: FI:OM TLTMOUTII : Twenty suites of Apartments for Families. Drawing undermentioned Townlands in the BARONY Friday, June 2, ... 2 Aftn'n Thur-dny, June 1 ... H Aftn'n Straw Bonnets Clcanod, Dyed, and Altered to the Risks are undertaken at the usual rates. Claims THE H Afln'n Rooms from 2s. Gd. to !>3. Sitting Rooms OD the ground and COUNTY of KILKENNY, are Friday „ 0, ... 2 Altn'n I'huraday, „ », ... present Fashion. promptly settled. Losses arising from Explosionsof Gas of IDA Friday „ in. ... 2 Aftn'iLTIiurwIiiy, ,, 13, ... « Aftn 'n floor free of charge. » ' M. D.'s. Establishment will be found replete in all are paid by this, Company. Transfers from other offices preserved :— Friil.iv , „ -si, ... Afln'n ' rhundaj- , „ 2.', ... ° Altn n * SOUP, FISH , J OISTS, FOWL , and ENTREE, in UORTEENS. - Aftn 'n I CJ the leading Novalties of Mill incry. (at2C-tf.) effected without increasedexpense. RATH PATRICK , Friday, ., 3n, ... 2 Altn 'n Tlumday, „ J!> , ... Coffee-room and Restaurant, from Two to Seven o'clock 3£ .'abin Fare, 20s.; Deck, 10s. Taking floods for Falmouth ^2 *%?- ^^ "$" !>**** Secretary forInland— THOMAS MANLY. LDFKANY, and daily. Bed , includioB Servants, 2s. fid., 2s., and Is. OJ, O'NEILL'S BATHS ' Company is represented at the Union SPORTING on these Lunds will he Southampton, Portsinnutb , and places adjacent. . N.B.—This All persons (mSl-tf.) J- M0LONY, PROI METOR. ARE NO W OPEN FOR THE SEASON Bank in Dublin, and at all its'branches throughout prosecuted. (nnaci-lf WATERFORD AND BELFAST. Aurura, Nora, or other eligible Vessels. Ireland. AOENTB : ••VATEKFOnn: HIOM I1F.I.FAST : VISITORS 1"Q THE EXHIBITION to Triniltt Warm, Tepid, Hot and Cold Waterford— JOHN WALL, Esq.,'Solicitor. GAME FROM a?fV£t*^yCi. **m U t» Profinor 0/ Chemistry DOUCHE, BATHS Saturd.ij, June I, 2 Altn 'n 'Turtday June (!, ... 111 Morn a Dublin, Kojali Agricultural Carricl-On-Suir—M. C. HAEHAB, ... ' Collect, supplied at Private Houses on Shortest Notice. Esq., Villa of IDA Saturday, ,, 1", ... 2 Aftn'n T<.*sd.iy ,, \ \ ... lj Nor.n s) Society,ix. Malo and Fomalo attendants. Factory. followin" Townlande, in the BARONY 17, ... 2 Altn 'n Tuesday, „ v Ill Morn MOSS* (late Walshe' HOTEL, ICT* THE Saturday, „ AHM BWELL COUNTY of KILKENNY, arc strictl y PRE- 24, ... 2 Afln'n-Tuoday, „ 27, ... 12 Nwin 20 & 21 SOUTH ANNE STREET, DUBLIN. Clonmtl—J 8. N , Esq. Saturday, „ Fethard (Co. Tipperary)—William Lane Eaq., Ma- SERVED:— Old-Established Hotel, which is most cen- COUNTY OF THE CITY OF WATERFORD , Cabin F.ne, ... ISs. Derk , ... 7s. 0.1. Children, ... 4s THIS To be had from authorised Gnano and Seed Merchants in the principal Towns in Ireland; but nager The UXUSD Bank. PARKSTOWN, MELVILLE, trally and conveniently situated (between Grafton KAIIM.LAKEEN , FOR D AND NEW BOSS . where any may be sent direct to ADJOURNED ROAD SESSIONS. J>moy—William Sherifls. Esq., Royal Hotel. ATATEEMOUE, WATER Street and Dawson-street) IIBB licen put in thorough difliculty exists in procuring supplies, orders KICHO'.ASTOWN, BAI.LINA.MOKA HAN, F ROM WATi.r.Fonn—Daily, Sundays rici-ptci],.at l.'i r.31 . NOTICE in hereby Given, that the ADJOUBNED Litmore (Co. Waterford)—M. C. Harman, Esq. repair and newl y appointed, and will be found replete A1RM0UNT ! BALLYKILLAHOY , UP- Fuou Nf.w BOSS—Dail y, Sundays vsccptod, at 8..1U A.M MESSliS. TURD0N BROTHERS, 23, Bachelor's-walk, Dublin. ROAD SESSIONS, for the purpose or receiving Youghdl—Messrs.J. W. Pirn & Sons, Merchants. with every comfort and convonioncc for Visitors to tho , SUEVEUUE or PERANDLOWEK , W A T K B F O 1! D AND I) U N (.' ANNO N. Tondrs and entering into Contracts for tbe execution New Roil—Thomas Devine, Esq. 5I I LTOWN Exhibition. WLMURKY. ATKIIFOBD —Daily, Sundays exceptn], at 1.0 r.M. of the following Work«, will be hold at the Now City Dungarvan—Q.Fitxmaurice , Esq. . HAIIY , F ROM W Ternm moderate. Families will receive consi- Notwithstanding tho hi h money set upon the Phosplio Gnano by Dr. Arjoiw, BALLISCBEA, I UKOJIKSOV —Daily, Sundays csn-ptrd , at 8.15 A . M . ?-3r SIT g value Court House, on SATURDAY, the 24th JUNE 1865 F ROM D A Coffee Room for , , (AGENTS WANTED). WWHf) TISVANfOOS I, I BALLINCURKAUH , and every inlormution given by the Agents. deration according to nnmbere. the price still continues tho same, viz., £11 10s. per Ton in Dublin. A reduction made on larger at tho hour of ONE o'Clock BISHOP'S HALL Berths secured , p.m. .— CHARLESTOWN, ! , The General Steam Packet OHicc. Liverpool— Ladies. No. 1. breast NEWTOWN, Iirittol— quantities. —For building 12 perches of ALLIANCE BALLYMOUNTAIN , Watcriord Steam Ship Company, 23, Brunswick-street , [myl2-3mj JOHN T. MOSS, Proprietor. MOAKROE CA P PAII , wall, and 30 perches of a footpath and paved - Washington Buildinge. Inn/ton—ANTHONY, (i. ROBISSOS, channel to Dan- Life and Fire Assurance. Company, SALIYHOMUCIC, ' OAULSTOWN. , on the road from Waterford BARTHOLEHEW LANE, LONDON. ' 20 Mark Lane; British and Foreign Stcain Wharf , Lower BULL FOR SERVICE garvan, between Hennesiy's Road and Bar- BADSNAGEI.O(iE, East Sinithficld, and West Kent Wharf, South.vark ; Par- h AUo the in tho COUNTY of the reck-Btreet; expense of same not to exceed £20 0 0 ' followin" lands cels received at 137 Lcaibuhall Street, E.C. Plymouth- ' TlIKF.r; nt'lNBAS EACH COW HERD'S fEE INCLUDED. CAUTION p« A P11 A L—F1TB HiriLiCrtlS e&skLtt(Q. , No. 2.—For making four perches of a ¦ ¦ " CITY ol WATERtXMU) :- IXRT WARis(i tlieWharf, Milbay. Belfast—R.Hi:.i- 1 > ¦:) ¦ ¦. H J. , LORD CLYDE (18,210), Rich Roan,, the Property DEALERS IN MANURES \J . ,.rMMBW*Vv' i CHRISTENDOM UPPER NEWTOWN and DERSHS Donegal Quay ; [>2fM0 TO FARMERS AND paved channel, on the road from Waterford k Sons, of J AMES A N U EKSON, Esq., Grace Diou, Watcrford : 8AHUELGnirTEY, E«4< jjgir Hoeu MoHTmnoaB, Barb AND LOWER XKWT.ATH. An.laf the Company's Office, the MALL. WATKBKOKD to Dungarran, between Manor-street and , jjot by Welcomo Guest (15,497), y Rate of Assurance and every Infcmatiou may be ANNEMOUNT, s Henneuy's Bold ; expense of same not to ¦ ' v " y" The PHOSPnO GUANO COMPANY having ascertained that certain had of . . . . • • - : i : All persons trespassing on any of Uirxc lands after NEW WOltK nv TUB AUTHOR or " .MANIlqOD." dam Flora Hh by King William (10,37'J), [iS/ 7< \O \ , / ¦...' ...... arc which PHOSPIIO GUANO has acquired, exceed £7 10 • 0 MR, RICHARD HARBJ3,,,, Ihia Notice arc liable to legal prosecution. Just out, IHmo. Pocket XMHion , Poll >Vic, l'J Slanpi gd Flora 3rd by Petrarch (7,329), Ml /& )Q persons, induced by thosell high reputation No. 8.—For lecping Water Closets of n d Lad Frances b Sultan Solitu (2 710) other Manures the samo title :. . : .. l«i Qaetn^ttrc ^irliUrard. Ballymountain, Nov. 7th, 180 1. fn Sailed AW*, *>, jrg y y , , JMI and endeavouring to under, in somo cases, , City Conrt-houie in repair for seven years, d Frances b Sir Francis (1 A^V'^fe. A88UBAHCB. >(,,v CURTIS'S MEDICAL GUIDE TO MAR- ggg y ,'113), \5»^Si^(g/ in others similar ones, likely to mislead tho consumer, expense of same not to exceed per annum £10 0 0 MABIHB ; DR. ggggd by Sultan (1, 185), to all bags Cargoes per'Sterner , and Sailing Vend U aqj GAME NOTICE. RIACjE: A PitAnricAU T KP.ATISH OX ITH Farmers and others aro requested observe that containing . ,. Specifications of tho above Works to be seen, and gggggd by Wollingtou (C38), X£&HP<£^ Irish,- Brfatal, andiEBgHjhCriijTri'firt,In- fpHE foUowinj?LANDS in the BARONY of IDA I'MVSICA L A.VD PKKSONAL DDI.IGATIONS, with instruc- Forms'of Tender to be had, on application to the 'City port in the Star (458). genuino PIIOSPHO GUANO aro atamped with tho Compan/a TBABE MABK, as TerrMOP«raT«Tiw;^,.;^^;'ff :^(y ):; 1 and COUNTY or KILKENNY strictly I'rc- tions for removing the special disqualifications nnd im- ggBS8B«l '>y Nor"' Cmnpinj'i Trade M«fc Secretary. inr«d on i , are a well-known ¦ .erved : BALLYNAMONA , BALLYKEOGHAN, pediments which destroy the happiness of wedded life. LOBD CLYDE is winner at Royal All b»s« branded Unu. above. ;,.; .,.,. HENRY, SARGENT, Dublin Society's Show, and nl»o the siro of several KILLASPY. A1K> tho LANDS of MOUNT S1ON , in By Dr. J. L. '-i-nTis, 15, Albcmarle-strccl , l'iccadily, f/\ *. .. i .- ." .; Secretaryto Grand Jury. winners Royal Shown. *V T»TTT»T\/\XT *nT)/"\rnTTTJT}C< /T^M^M/tji^Md l*.jH*iv\i} KILCDL"HEEN and COUNTY of Lomlon, W . This Work contains plain direction*) by at tbo PUED0N, BROTHERS, Contractorsfor Ireland, City Secretary's Office, Court HOUM, • • ' . .. WATERFORD.WATFnmnV which forfeited privileges can be restored, uud issiu- The Owner will nut be accountable for accidents to 8tl» June , -i - w , .,. SAMUEL T. CRUP.Ii. : . ,.1806. , 4 fj«9'«] J cowu, (ui2Q.4t) . 23. BACIIELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. * - ¦ :' ' ¦ ¦";¦ ' "" ¦¦ Killa«i>y House, August, 1861. [allMil ial luuctious btrcuKthcncd aud nroocrved. \'\ o f - 'V , i f.fr : - Ireland, j DpflLm\ST¦ QCK EXCHANGE- ¦ rYiniBwr THE AGRA AND MASIBBMAN'S BANK;;tiitm^, In the LAHDED ESTATESCOTOT, •¦'¦ : " • ¦ ' ' : »*'r->>A; .• > • ¦•. I -**!" ?0\:-: :7 :•. . PoV C«ah. Aect. To the Burgesses of the South Ward. . AHI>. TMJ>'i : i- .: ¦ THE MISSES FITZHENKTS ENGLISH JOINT STOCK* BANK, "'IiIMrrED, C0UNTIE8 OF WATERFOKD AND TIPPERART. , «^ii^g|Sl ii^ 8 p«rCentCon«oIi!.... 80H — " D , on Wtir 8 per Cent Stock 88} 89 regret that a Vacancy to reetiiiSaiiirirtioniJor ? ,; /In the -Matter of ,T m 0 B E • S O L ' * ¦/•; " • _ /¦S'ENTLEMEN—I deeply SECOND DISPLAY THIS SEASON ! JUNE FASHIONS! Art authoru<^ 'v of W«lh«r vsrj «nt for th« l^oirto» ewi«.^ j ;^ T i NationalB«nk\.. 80 - . — rcprcacntation of yonr •- , Uw EiUte'or -• S. TUESDAY, tho 4th d» ^ ^ ; " ' VJT Bhould bo creatod in tho or THE PHOSPHATE 0E LIME C0HPAKT, before the Hon. No ch»nge In thiprlCMotNATIVE QBAtfT.^M I?! Da Newf/it 6 premiom]... 26 02} — respected fel l ow-citizen, 1 CTtment .Willjatn Sadleir. JULY, 1865,' ^.V 1 25 Word, by the death of our (LiMiTB.p)yu / . : •. ' -¦; Jnag^Lo»o»izii>, at S ' ' ' ' i Bankot-JreTand 100 221id — J.P., which bis NEW GOODS IN ALL THEIR DEPARTMENTS : . ; _ ;^. v,4 V / ¦ .;. . Oteiurj: otablo J" FOBBIOW WHEAT.-IJtHodolri».-45'' ' N *$ - ^OMtfBank d _ the Into Alderman OWEN CAKROLL, ON SATURDAY, JUNE \llh, 1865, ' , • -Eiparte .. • landed-.'.StUtct' Court, Dnbhn, .\ '^- be Incorporated, nnifer " Tuc CimpanieV^bt ' 1 ¦ Worship tho Mayor is to fill. . 8ATDEDAY, 3ri J I'NE, and MONDAY, J UNE 5th. TO liability of each Share- Thomas Joseph Eyrs, in.BiaHT LOTS, th» following INDIAN CORK;-Stoir dsraiad | Talaa analUrad..^._ candidalo for tho honour of 1862," by whioh tho Premises, situate in NaKonaJ of Liver^i'irta^J" 10 W 17 I beg to offer myself aa a AND FOLLOAVING DAYS, Capital PttiUmur; Lindu and «aj». Dnion '" _ Council, in room ot his bolder is limited to the amount of bis Shares. Continued in the name of Uhe BARONY Or UPPER. FtOUK.-Sloir Bank (limited) 22 — representing you in tho Town their (AVith Mining Co. ESPECIALLY worthy of notice will bo found £300,000, in 12,000 Shares .of .£25 . oacu.; Winiim Sadleir bcir-st. THIRD/ mi : COUNTY OF . COLE & PBOSSOK. of Ireland 7 — — Worship. , in npplioa- . City of Dublin Steam Company 100 — I will endoavonr, to the utmost New Designs for GARIBALDI JACKETS •TXTE will SHOW a LAROB ASSORT- power to increase). £1 per Share payable on law of Mid Clement TVil- WATERFORD, and IFFA and PRICES CuRBEHT. - — Should you elect rue, accord- . .. .. >•- Royal Atlu. Steam HangatioD Co. 10 — — the interests of the borough a variety of Matorials. tion ; £4 ou allotment. Calls to bo mado in . liam Stdldr, deeetsed, OP?A._«nd COUNTY of TIP- of my ability, to promote Prosppctus, United General Go* 60 — — Boulh Ward in particular.—1 re- MENT of N E AV G O O D S in all our ance with tho terms of tho Ovmtr ; PERARY. Nrw. OLD. ' generally and of tho FRENCH MORNING DRESSES ! • Eiparte Lotl—TboTownland of Cool- IRISH. . . r-< • . . »Ult,WAT8. yonrs faithfully, DIRECTORS. GreatJB^nUiennihdWestern 100 86J main, Gentlemen, , LADIES' HOSIERY, HanVey Thomas Joseph Eyre, namuck East (part o(), in the — JAMES DOHERTY. Departments. JOHN ALEHS HANXEY, Esq., (late of Mcsirs. Wateford and Limerick^... 60 — — Fencbureh-strat. Vttitioner. County of Watorford, cootiining , per barrel of S301b«. a. d. «. r) i. d. •. d • Ij9.lt]. LADIES' UNDER-CLOTHING , A Co., Bankers), , WHEAT -• WaUrforf A lira; fi per ct. rd 60 M — June 7lh, 18G5. Esq., Director of tho English ' 176» Or lOp Statute Measnw — White - - - 23 « tn U 0» 0 to S3 6 1 THOMAS BRADSUAAV, of £180 M 0 Waierforf 4 KJlkenny 100 — — LADIES GLOVES, Stock Bank. ¦ held in fro simple, producing a nctt yearly rental — Red ' . - - 21 0 21 OK 3 '( Joint T 13s. lid. Tho Ordnance Valuation of tbis Lot is £148 10s. — 8blppirf(d«, - 17 0 n 0100 0 00 0 -s,Do; 8 per cent.red 100 — — PUBLIC NOTICE HORACE EDAA'ABI) CHAPMAN, E»q., (Messrs. Lane, Waterfordarid CHILDREN'S SEA-SIDE JACKETS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH FLOWERS, There is a large quantity of very valuable Timber on this BARLEY, per.bnrrel,or aillbf . . .. . Tramore 10 — — with an excellent Young Horse ^ Lot. — Grinding - - - to « 11 « 13- 0 13 « Elegant Phrcton, CRINOLINES , STAYS, &c. BpSlCEB CHURCHILL, M.P, 16, — Milting ' " • 0 00 0 00 0 AN LWlD^M^b Lot 2—Townland sub-de- - - 14 I It and silver-mounted Harness to suit, or £C0. A Embracing nil [tho Leading NovoIticB HtitlnDd-gatc. . of Carrickbeg (part of) with its OATS, per barrel oflOOHi s. The Largest Slock they have yet shown and tho , COOIOR- New Eight-day Clock, in carved Irish Oak Frame, by -COLONEL DOYEION, Director of. tbo Agra and nominations of Carriclbepr, Townpiarks, (part of), — Black , c . . 11 « 11 612 0 13 0 LIEUT. mnck Rnad, Carricibep; *• . . 9 13 0 cfie iMatevforti Jte\j)s Mr. Donegan, or £30. A Genlloman's Chronometer bcst valuo in BLACK SILKS. Mnstorman's Hank. ' North and South sides (part of), — White | : 0 12 613 suitable for- ihc present Season. , „ . Hill (part of), and Coolrmmnck Townparks (part of), in tbe — Grey - 11 4 II 800 0 00 0 Watch with massivo Gold Chain or £20. A Gold LACK for 3s. 8d. per Yard.) PBOFESSOK WAY , (talo Consulting Chemist of the Koysl , , (tJ3T A 21-inch B GLACiE . County of Watcrford, containing 212a 2r 30p, Statato FLOUR, per Sack, vl 28011* " BE JU8T, AND PEAR NOT." llopcater Watch, valuo £20. An elegant Cameo, set — Sunerfinei - . Jl 0 31 6100 0 00 0 The Misses FiT7.iiEN RY have this day received the SS*H Measure, held in fco simple, and producing a nett yoarljr in the purest Gold, and sent by His Holiness tho 1'opo ASiS" aud MASTERMAN'S BANK « — Inferiors - - . 51 I 21 0,00 0 Do 0 Completion of their recent Purchases, mado under Nicholas-lane London; ENGLISH JOINT STOCK rental of £307 10s. 3Jd. OATMEAL, per Sick - - 00 0 00 ono 0 00 0 for the occasion. A Minirituro of the Madonna, on , The probablo proportion of tbe Ordnance Valuation of FRIDAY EVENING-, JUNE 16 1865 S selection in London. GracechurcU-strcct, London ; ond its bronchos. BrtAN. perl,arrcl,,if 8411,s. .46 4 61 0 0 00 , of His Holiness with Miss FITZHENRY' personal MILLINERY. BANK, 00, Ivory, also sent by the Sacri3tan , BABDBR & DALLBV, 29, lhread- Carrickbeg, applicable to this Lot, would be about £380. J?roicrs-Messrs. ROBIHS, with SO.i other Prizes, varying in value from 5 B. to £15, 2, MALL , I VA'l 'ERl 'OJiD. nccdlo-stKct London. Lot 3—Further part of said Townland of Carrickbeg, FOIIE1GN. ¦ Free. A Choice Selection or MILLINKUY , its snbdenorninations of Riversido Rocks Hill , Friar, LATEST will be disposed of at the DRAAVING in the 11OTUN- Solicitors—Messrs. MEBCER & MBECZE, 0, Mincing-Ianc, , Upper NEWS. 1st June, 1SG5. Im2. I street (part of), and Coolnamuck Road, North side (part of), ¦ DO, in aid of thoNEW CHURCH , John-street, Dublin, London. 4> and THIJIilED STJIAW NONNETS, containing 27a lr 30)p Statnte Measure held in fee simple, ' ' on the 20th of JUNK. Tickets, Od. each. Temporary Offices—10, St. SwituinVIaniJ Lonaon, , WHEAT, per bnrrcl , of aeoiliii. >. rl. ». rl AMERICA. TEAS ! and producing; a nett yearly rental of £82 9s. 6d. — American, Sprin; and Winter - - f lZ 6 tu 22 0 Tickets to be had at tho Oilicc of this Taper, NEW TEAS ! NEW l'ROSl'EOXUS. N EW YORK , M AV 5CP after tho latest Parisian Fashions. AllllIDGED ' Tbe probablo proportion of tho Ordnance Valuation of Car* — Miinnnoplc • . . ¦ \n 9 22 9 31—Preaident Johnson has COFFEES, SVGAHS, SPJCES, .Jr., .Jc the purpose of purchnninp: and and at all Catholic Booksellers in town. This Com pany is formed for rickbeff, applicable to tbis Lot, would te about ±00. — Benliahskl - . . 00 0 00 0 issued a proclamation granting an amnesty and llic A Complimentary Free Ticket, entitling the seller or workiiiR the wcll-kuown deposits of I'Losphatc of Limo Lot 4—Further part of said Townland of Carrickbeg, with — Ghirka . . 'a 0 He restoration of the rights to cal l the attention of SILK AND CLOTH MANTLES, nnu ibrail ' ..on 0 no 0 of propcrtj , excepting slaves, purchaser of 20 Tickets to a chance of any of the 1IARTIGAN begs situated at the Islmid of Sombrero, in the AA'est Indies, its sub-denominations of Qnay.lane, Lower Friar-street (part - tho thus avoiding tho serious com- INDIAN CORN , Yullow.OdcusB . i GKlatz , IT 0 17 6 nnd except in coses where legal proceedings under Prizes, is presented in each Book. (dl3-tl) M s Families to his present New Supply of At Logrosan, in Estreinndiira ; of), and Upper Friar-street (part of), containing 3a Or lOSp, The NEWEST SHAPES in LADIES' HATS, nriso if tho two properties — Jhrnlin&Foxonion . . IT 3 17 3 the confiscation Jaws have been instituted undermentioned requisite*, which lie has carefully petition that would necessarily Statute Measure, bold in fco simple, and producing a nett — — American, . Oo 0 On 0 , to persons hnving antagonistic interests. engaged in the rcbollion L A W E ' S selected and purchased in tho best markets, the quality wcro in tho hands of parties yearly rental of £147 Oi. 3d. — — French and Amcricnn White "0 0 On 11 , conditionall y upon their of which at their respective prices, ho is confident but Including tho ESTHER HAT, iu WHIIK STRAW . SOJIHUERO ISLAND. The probablo proportion of tbo Ordnance Valuation of all — — r.rjyplinn, ....nil II OH 0 taking an oath to support tho Government , and all Patent Manure , — — Damngcd - on (T 00 0 Superphosphate or few can equal and none surpass :— This property is hclil on louse, granted by Her Majesty Canickbep, applicable to this Lot, would bo abont £125. laws nnJ proclamations issued during the rebellion FOK TURNir, MANfiEl., BAKI.KY, WHEAT, OATS, from tho 10th March , 18135 to tho with FI.OUR, American,per bnrrcl , of ISOIhi. . 00 u 00 0 Finest. New Season's First Crop ... 3s. fid. per lb. for a term of 21 years, , Lot 6—Furtber.part of said Townland of Carrickbog. — French, per sack of 48IIIIn. 'nO 0 no 0 in reference to emancipation. Johnson GRASS, AND POTATOES. fixed rental of £1,000 per annum, its sub-denominations of Upper Friar-strect (part of), 1-owcr , - - has dis- Finest Moning Congou Its. Od. „ present proprietors, nt a INDIAN HEAL, American, per hrl. of l36lljs..00 0 I"' 0 charged all persons sentenced by military tribunals without royalties, in consideration of the largo expenditure, FrUr-strcet (part of), and Abbey Hill, containing la lr 30p, Home Manufacture ) ;.„ „ . Fine Family do. (recommended) ... ig Sd. „ DRESS DEPARTMENT. J , lJ c ,, 6 to imprisonment during the war. TWE N T Y-FIF T If S EASO N ! ^ incurred by tlicm in erecting buildings, machinery, and Statute Measure, - held in fee simple, aud producing a nctt ( per jack, of 2S0lhB. < " Good Family uo. do. (very strong briak for tiro dcvolopomcnt of tho under- yearly rental of £62 11s. 3d. RYE MEAL, - » " 00 V Oil 0 The Ordnance Depot Magazine has exp Spring of ISfij places IJ A WB'S M ANIIKK ' before other works thereon, loded at THE flavour^ 2s. Id. „ 151, A C K SILK S—AVc particularl y benefit thereby conferred upon tho Tlie probable proportion of the Ordnance Valuation of all Mobile; the cause is unknown. tho Pu'lilic for the Twenty-fifth Season ; the taking, and of tho great Eight blocks of Finest Mocha Coffee Is. 8d. „ Carrickbeg, applicable to this Lot, would be about £R5. increased demand is undoubtedly without any n&riculturnl interest. ,,, .. , . ,, ,. buildings and 8,000 bales of cotton were destroyed , greatly Ho. Jamaica do...... Is. Id. ,, recommend our S PITTA JyFIKI,DS Tlio Island has been worked for tho lust eight years by Lot 0—further part of said Townland of Oarrickbcir, with annals of tho Trade and provc3 the Imports and Exports for the Week ending Thursday, and 300 persons kilted, besides an immense number parallel in tho , Do. do Is. Od. „ the present proprietors, and upwards of 10,000 tons per its sub-denomiufttions of Coolnamuck Road, South sido (part favor with which I,AWR'S J'ATKST M ANCHF. is universal ly RLACK (IIJACIK Phospbnto have been sold in tho United of), Coolnamuck Townparkn (part of), Joy's-lanc, Motlicl the 15/A imt. who were injured and buried under the ruins. The Cocoas, Chocolates, lie.; lliscuits, Cheese, l'icklcs, , a.< giving general ntinum of tho IMPORTS. EXPORTS. n fertilizer for K OOT C RIH 'S and C KHF.AUS. and Inrgo quantities ot tho article, havo nlso loss caused by this cBtastrop he is estimated at 5 regarded as Sauces f ee., Ac in great variet y. Kingdom alone, Rond, east and west sides ; Carrickbeg Townparks (part of), Wheat - ajOO Quarters. Whoat - - Barret* ,000,- , , Continent and iu tbo United 000 dols. to 8,000, 1'rofessor A PJOIIN in concluding his Keport of this The Citizens' Tea Mart, Imperial .Bakery, Confec- satisfaction by its Durability. been disposed of ou the , Carrickbeg Hill (part of), and Waterford Road, north sido Indian Corn 5800 do. Oats - ¦ - 0123 do. 000 dols. Telegraphic communi- " Whin I consider the mo- (part of), containing 145a 3r 20p Statute Measure, held T)ari .... Season's Manure, stales:— tionery, and Refreshment House, (a/.tf.) ' — do. Barley - - - 16 do. cation between New York , Mobile, Orleans, nud " derate charge at which it is sold , I am not surprised Tim ovcrnijo profits on the sulcs for tho last three years in fco simple, nnd producing a nctt yearly rental of £103 Barley ,- . do. Indian Corn . 81 do. Memphis is restored. 27, rsARROXSTUAND-STREET, W ATER FOBD. GROS-GRAIN AND GROS-DE CHENE. OOO per annum, which may bo considerably flu. Id. ~~ Saoks. Flour ... J06 Sacks, " te hear of Ike large amount of it cannoned by per. have liccu il^U. Flournour J N EW YORK, J UNE 2.—General An APPRKNTICE Wanted. A person from the iocrensed by tbo application of additional Capita). Tlio probable proportion of tho Ordnanco Valuation of all j Barrels. Oalmoal - . do. Sherman has ar- sons engaged in almost every variety of funning Meal - - • SO Sacks. Indian meal • do. " preferred ; a Fee required. A great variety of NEW JIixruitKs in quality of this Phosphate is well known, ns contain- Citrickbrp, applicable to this Lot, would bo about £IV). rived in New York. In his farewell address to tlie operations? '1 Country Tho " ing from 75 to 80 per cent, of Bouo Phosphate, and its Lot 7—Tho Townland of Coolnamuck West (part of), anil army he recommends the men to return to peaceful Circulars containing Chomists' Reports, Analy- tgb " Pianoforte and Music Warehouse, ALPACA, MOUAllt, AND FANCY DRESSES quantity is estimated at upwards of a million tons. Windgap or Ardmore, in the County of Waterford, contain- Butter Maiket. pursuits, and not to seek new adventures abroad ses, I'ricc, and other particulars, post free on application The basincs^is fully organised, and in active operation ; ing 148a lr 21p Statute Measure, hold in fee simplo, and Number of f irkint weighed at the Public Butter Market which would onl ' 03 , QOAT, wj.TEnt*o iii>. for tht Week ending Friday (this day), the lfiM inst. y lead to death and disappointment. Agents in the County Wtitcrford :— and tlie benefit of existiug contracts for the delivery of nearly producing a nett yearly rental of £8312s. 2d. The Ordnance ' Various correspondents HOAVARD begs to call attention to the vory of I'liosnliato during tho next six months will Dofe. No. Firkint . Price. confirm the statement GEOUGE AVI11TK, AVatcrford ; AV II .UAM Cnnv , ET. 10,000 tons , Valuation of this Lot is £72 l(k, ou which there is a large No. of firkins on Saturday ... 135 94s. to large and superior Stock of PIANOFORTES nsferred with the leaso ot tho property to the Company ; quantity of very 0*9 that Davis was manacled. Some state that, in con- Duugarvan j J OHN IIuiniNs, Cupiiorjuiii ; J OHN Guuiiii , • be tra valuablo Timber. „ on Monday ... 35 01s. to ORa now in his AVarcrooms, all by First Class Makers, and RIBBON AND LACE DEPARTMENT and it is estimated that the profit upon these contract! will Lot 8—Tho Townland of Fiulash, situate in tho Barony of sequence of this treatment, he refused to take food. Carrick-on-Suir. ,, on Tuesday ... ii 04a. to 95s which he offers at prices that will enable the purchaser bo upwards of £15,000—thus giving a substantial gnarantco Iffa nnd OSa, and Count} of Tippcrary, containing 7r!3a lr „ on Wednesday ... 483 flr*. to lltts The manacles have since been removed, as the phy- fo r the New Itoss aml Arthurslotcn liitlriels : And to obtain a REAL GOOD PIANOFORTE for what is AVill be found to contain the LATEST for tlie payment of nn early dividend. Further contracts of 22p Statuto Measure, held, m fco simple, and prorluciug a ., r>n Thursday ... 265 ions, to )'>7.i sicians stated that he was not likely to live unless J AMV.S G AI .AVAN, it Co., Nov Jtoss ; I SHMH.K M .UI>, profitable naturo for delivery of upwards of „ on Frld>? „ 2 lOUs. to 107> * usuall y paid fot instruments of inferior class, that arc an equally nctt yearly rental of i'581 3s. 3d. Tbc Ordnance Valuation the irons were taken off. Arlhurstown. ' " during tho next six years, have been entered of tbis Lot is £558 7s. merely finished on tho exterior to catch the eye, want- COLORINGS in HIBDOXS. A csinplelo 30,000 tons, TOTAL 1368 Ai for Ireland :—22 K BKX Qr.tv, contracts will also bo transferred by tbo Mr Wendell Phillips has made a speech declar- General jcncy Office ing all the necessary qualities of good workmanship ioto, and these Dated tbis 3rd day of June, 18Gn. JAMES UUTHKltKOKD , iManagcr. present proprietors to the Company. HENRY- ROIiKRT (JREENE, Chief Cleik. ing that reconstruction without negro suffrage was a Dublin. »nd sound material in tho interior mechanism. range of Corrected this for the Waterford News. LOGROSAN (ESTREMADURA) PHOSPHATE. Dai/ surrender to the rebels and a fraud upon tbe North. SUPERPHOSPHATE. Old Instruments taken in Exchange. ALEXANDKE'S DESCRIPTIVE PARTICULARS. PROVISIONS. He urged that repudiation of the war debt should be LAWE»S Harmoniums in variety. FANCY LINEN SETS, This property is held on lease from the owner in fee, for lUcnx Pics, per cnt .„ We Od to 6ii 9.1 the term ol 0U years, from tho 16th April, 1803, nt moderate O D Lots 1, 2, and 7, nrc woods of very considerable value, Or ML do 46s od — iiis INt declared , and Baid , in conclusion , that every man AVEXFOUI) , is l!gy New Music, and every article connected with containing Timber suitable for all purposes .- JOHN I1JNTON , RKD IIOUSK, Koyaltics. It is situate about 24 miles from Villaneuva, on , both manufac. Fir.T do ... 13a Od — 12s .Id supporting the reconstruction Bchomc of President from whom all. par- the Music Trade, always in stock. (au2G-tf). FANCY AND Cll A ni f! 0 1, Ii A U S , turing and othi rwiso ; and these Lots A AGEXT for that District, tho railway from Badnjoz to Ciudad llcal, where u station , irrespective of tbeir HiAnn do 34 Od — 34s fid Johnson for North Carolina was a sycop hant of iiculars mav be obtained. [iniO-ll] 1ms recently been opened, and uninterrupted railway cotn- yearly value, which is considerable, are well worthy tbc T.JIM.0W do ...... 1ls Od — 4Is Od Starch Manufacture! s to H. It. II, the Princess of LABD (cbanrllcrs) m Xb Od — 40A Od Davis. Walts. IMITATION VALENCIENNES, inonication is thereby afforded to the port of Lisbon. Tho attention of parties in any way connected with tbo Timber ICHAKDSON , I?KOTIt KKS , & CO. vein of Phospbato runs for a length of two miles, and has Trade. TtUTCIIERS' MRAT. The Military Commission has sentenced Senator "O njd I V BAI., CHEMISTS AMI OIL ClttSHKUS , in some placcB to be 40 feet deep, and from 7 to 10 Tbe portion of the Ton-nland of Carriclbcg to he sold in Br.r.r, pcrNm.Nn,pr cwt 2.1s to 2.1s I SOI.K , ... Od to Od le of Alabama havo Price Lists, and reports on application. Tho deposit nt Logrosan contains from 80 to fiO per cent, vajuablo in tbo hands of nn enter- Analyses, tuted. fau3 tfl hate of Lime ; an nverago quality of Bo per cent, prising capitalist, and from their contignity to the town of IlEBniKns, pr brl 16s to lib I uent delegates to Washington , asking permission to A (i E K T s: of Phosp WOTHKRSPOON *¦ Co., Glascow and London. ROBERTSON & LEDLIE, can thcreforo be safely calculated upon. At tbe low price of Cnrrick-on-Suir, nrc rendered most denirable-ns an invest- FOWf, AND EGGS. call a convention to restore the State to the Union. AVatcrford. fj:i20.riin.) Od I J. P. GRAVES, s — 409 I C»RB0T3, ... 00 ,, OOs of Stylo and Finish, and of the best Material and practical value at prcseut known; there will , therefore, good limestone quarry exists ou the lands, aud with a little He mu9t be a white male citizen twenty-one years and OFFICES thereon, laic in occupation of GKonuK not be accountable for any Dobs incurred by his Crew, and AVorkmaushi p, at txcctdinijly Low l'rices, bo uo serious competition. attention tbo entire lot may be converted into a rich soil, of age. It excludes from free suffrage all over KNKOSB Esq. M. FARRELL & SON, Ship Brokers. LATES T MARKETS. K. P , Tho Quality and Finish of our First-Clnss Goods Organized arrangements already exist with leading firms easily cultivated , and equally jidapted for green crop culture, twenty-one who aided the rebellion. situate on Ncivtown Itoad in Hie ¦VVatcrford lGth June, 18G5. [It]. IiONDON COUN EXCHANGE—WEDSKSDAT . The Premises are , cannot bo surpassed. Excellent value in Children' , in tlic United Kingdom, oil tku Continent, and iu tho United and n proper rotation of crops, including Wbe.it, Clovor, and s Flax if desired. ArrlTals pf Kngliih wheat very moderate. Nearly the whole, The order has been rescinded requiring passports Doroujjh of AVatcrford, adjoining and commanding a Goods. States, for the sulo of tbo article. Tho Compony will tlius , came to hand in good condition. Both red and white Ucntiils and further particulars to bo however, of all persons entering America from abroad. Tbe beautiful view of the River Snir. AVo recommend our Goods for their PAWNBROKER'S ASSISTANT commence its operations with the advantage of an established had on application parccli in slow requeat; Monday 'i prieoa well maintained. Sterling AVorlh, to the Landed lv ot fofe.Rn wheat on isle. Tlic lianiic- [jii7-tfj a YOUHR JIan who understands the Messrs. DIRCHAM aud Co., 40 l' tiom in altqnalitica on e. limited scale, no mawriat alte ratlun COMMKUCl.VL. B AURON , Esq., the Receiver, •> {) lieresford-fclreet, WANTED, a new business. ailiaincnt-strcet , West- minster, London , S.W. ; in quotations* In floating cargoes of grain, a&lea projcreiseil N KW YOBK , J USE 3 (EVEKIXU).—Gold, 130}; radiance Messrs. Doimvx and TANPV I NN K . IIYAM'S PAAVNKHOKINO TltADE. Satisfactory The consumption of Superphosphate ami other Phospbatic AValerford, or by , Messrs. WILKINSON anil STEVENS ¦Uadiljr. and price*, ruled firm. Show of barley small. All on London, 150 ; on Paris, 3.75. Stocks dull. Cotton ISC..".. [If reference required. Manures iu tbo United Kingdom, is estimated.it from iCU,- , Nicholas-lane, kindi changed on f ormer terms Malt quiet at late ralci. in- Solicitors.—Anril , CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, Lombard-street, London, E.C. ; active ; midJIiuK upland, 45c Flour declining ; wont and A ly to R ICHARD CAS KT, Pawnbroker, 3:J , John. 000 to 300,000 tons Annually, and that quantity is probably Well suppliea With oatl, the enquiry for which ruled firm , at at), DAME-S'J 'JIEET, D Ulil.IN. pp Messrs. HALLOWES and HAMILTON 31 Westland- corn dull ; provisions declining ; coffee nnd yugnr steady. Street AVaterford. CjolO-tO not applied to onc-tcntli part of tlio land which would be , previous ijaotatlons. Limited auppliea of beans *ind demand COTTAGE TO LET , row, Dublin ; steady at tall prices.' Peal, the >lio\v nl which was small, met Molasses and petroleum dull ; crude, 35c. : rctiucd, (3c. benefited by its use. / . . - S I T O II S io DUULIN are rpspcclfully purcbiiBc-iconcy of tho two properties is £2oO,000, . RICHARD. O'DONNKLL, Esq., Solicitor for Receiver, t firm trsdo at fully lute rates. A moderate amount or bukincu LATER. BE LET, a NEAT COTTAGE, with Stabling, YI WAR DEPARTMENT CONTRACT The was tramscted In flour, on former terms. Seeds were dull, at TO invited to i.ril at the above nil J res?, anil inspect the which tho vendors agree to tnko as follows :—JS5,000 in 25 St. Andrew-street, Dublin, and Carrick-on-Soir: or to Tho moil steamer China Out Offices, and Pleasure Garden, at N EWTOUN, JAMKS BARJ1ON KKNXEDY previous currencies. , from Boston and Hali- immense Stotfc of First-class RKADV-MADE CLOTHING debentures, nnd £90,000 in paid-up shares of tfio Company, , Solicitor for Petitioner, OfllVAU THIS lVKt«. iax, arrived tin's morning in Quecnstotrn within Half a Mile of AVatcrford, lately occupied by which lias hcon specially prepared fof the present Season NOTICE TO BUILDERS. slnircs; for tliu purpoi.es of dividend, are to rank only having carriago of the order for Sale, 61 Mountjny-squnre, Wheat, llancjr. Malt On ts. Flour , afte r a , wbicb . . passage of 8) days. Dates to the the Hev. J . !i. Hriacr, deceased. .•uiJ which can uith coiiliilrjicc bo ricomiDcuJrJ to the OFPI CK or COMMAKDINO ROYA L K HOIHSKR IN I UKI.AM) to the extent of tlic culls from time tc time mado ou tbe Dublin. (jc 10 & .To) Enslibh and Scotch 21)0 — 800 nil 220 Oth . The tup- lrl=h — — — >:0 — pressed testimony given at the consp Apply to Mr. M AURICE FLVXM , 13, Mayor's-walk, attention of tlie public.uf The utmostof care has been bestowed Dublin Castle, 6th June, 18(!6. ordinary nharcs, until July 1, 18UH , after which dale, pro- iracy trial has on the ilcsi Kiiin^ every style (i.irmcut, and nothing can aro required from persons desirous of vided the Company sbnll declare a dividend of Ten per cent, AUCTION Forcisn 13260 3HS0 — l4itO 140 been published. Three witnesses Watcrford. (jolG-tf) TENDERS Ditto barrels ... — — — — — testified that they surpass tlic cullectivu display nliich is rendr for public entering into a CONTRACT (from tho l'Jtli on tbc Capital then paid up, these shares arc to bo entitled Of a Profit Rent of £20 10s. Id,, 'derivable out of had purposely feigned to act in comp licity with tho inflection. Attention is particularly invited tu the follow- for to participat e iu future dividends to tbc full extent of tbeir LONDON CATrLE MAHKrTT—YKSIERDAT. TO BE LET, JULY, 1805, to aist MARCH, 1807, inclusive), Two Most Desirable Dwelling /louses, and about Beasts 1 200 ; covr« 1) sheep, 13 1711 100 ; piss, Confederates la Canada, and had by that means ing arrangements into which IS. H VAM 'S EstAblishmcut is viiluc. The vendors take the remaining half of tbo , , , 20 . , ; calicJ, 1 , A I/KASE GIA'EN, n large DRAPERY tho pcrformunco of such Arliticcrs' AVork us may be nominal Jwo' Acres of Land, siluale al Lower Grange 370. Prices : —Beef, .is 4d to 5» 2d ; mutton. .1$ 10d to 3.i 10.1 : ascertained that Davis and other leaders AND laid out fur public areoinitiotlalicm :— purchase-money, in cash, by instalments, without interest , , were im- ESTABLISHMENT, iu the Main street , 1-is- ' required at tho undermentioned Station, viz.:— John's JliU, Waterford. vral, 33 W to 5s 4d; pork , at Od to 4s Sd; lambs, Os Od to I« lOd licated in tho assassination plot. No l CI.OTIIIXG FOB IMMEDIATE AVEAR. extending over :i period of twclvo months. cacb, IJeof same as on Monday ; mutton and Jambs a (fltfc p for a fortni ht to Mr. H KFFEIIKAN , more. Apply g No. 'J SELECT OKDKU DEPARTMENT. LIMERICK DISTRICT, (as per Schedule B), Iu order to meet tbeso iustulmcnts, and to provido funds HE SOLD HY AUCTION, on TUESDAY, 20th lower. Veal—Large market; prices commanded full rates. It is reported that Jeff Davis will not be tried till liallyrafter. (j!l-2t. No. :t JUVENILE ANn VOLTIIS" DEPA carrying out ol the objects of tbe TO RTMENT. WATERFORD BARRACKS. for tbe due and efficient, JUNE, 180",, on tho Premises, at O.NK o'Clock LONDON PRODUCE MAIlKEf— YE8TERDAV. September. Tho New York limes confirms tho No. i HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT. Company, calls will bo mado as follows :— FLOUR MILL TO LET ' The Contract to be determinat e at any period after precisely, au ANNUAL PROFIT KENT of £29 15s. lo-day beinu the grand day »t Ascot several leading buyers statement that he was mauaclcd for three days. The most experienced Cutters and work bauds arc engaged X5 per Share . being equal to 20 per cent., i-'l on appli- 4d. derivahlo out of two most ot colonial produce were adscnt from business, and there were The Federal debt amounted on the 1st iu tho Tailotin; Kraucbc the First Year, on either Party then {jiving to the allotment. comfortablo Dwelling only small private transactions but prices for srjgar coffee rice, June to , and tlie best and most Fashion- cation, and £i payable on If ouses, and about two Acres of Land , , , COUNTY KILKENNY. Able Fabrics anil true economy are gnarnutml. other Three Months' Notice in AVriting. £5 per Share, being equal to 20 per cent., payable 10th , situate, at Lower and saltpetre were unaltered. Ten firm ; then were man/ 2,635,000,000 dols. The annual interest thereon Persons desirous of Tendering may obtain every - lSI' Grange, John's Hill, Watcrford, held by Lease for buyer* for fino black and green. Jute—Fair demuDd ; prices, payable in coin to 04J millions, and the interest CJTKANO'iS MIL7 IIYAM'S UNIVERSAL COATS . October, .o. Ss to 7> da under last week. Hemp—Clean Rassiin wanted al to 22nd J UNE inclusive an Unexpircd Terra of 15 years at tho nominal head j ^ minus the AVatcrford, Kilkenny and Limerick information, up to TIIUESDAY , , , IS per Share, being equal to 20 por cent., payable lolh , £11 10) to £23; Manilln, a slotv sale. payable in currency to 60,000,000 dols. MKHOX CtOTiia ...... ]5->. nnd 2Us. lication at tho District Koyal Engineer's Office, February, 18G0. rent of JCU Js. 3d ; a portion of the Premises is let to a Hallways, by land and water, containing Seven Pairs on app BSIERDAY Gsneral Grant haa arrived at New York, and was Iin;j»:u Ui.orns ... JL'2 IDs. per Share, being equal to 10 per cent., payable most Bolvent Tenant LONDON TALLOW MAUKET-Y . of Stones, with two AValer Wheels, and n constant ... J os. nnd 2lls. Limerick, or to the Barrack Master ut Kilkenny ; and , at £15 per year. Tallow 'fair demand ; new P.Y.C., 40a 6J to 40» 9d on the received with great popular enthusiasm. He was ANCY ATERIALS 186U AVatcr at all Seasons of the Year. F M ...... lus. mid i!O<. printed Schedules of tho Prices, with the Terms of 10th June, Immediate possession can be had of tho remainder. tpoc. at s meeting of citizens in supply of It is not antici pated ibst any further Calls will bo required. present the Cooper Insti- IIYAM'S UNIVKKSAL TUOWSERS Contract and Letter of Tender, may bo obtained upon For further particulars apply to M. R. DELANMIE, ESTEIIDAT These Premises arc in excellent Working Order, and T> Subscribers will havo the option of paying tho above calls in LIVE11P00L COTTON MAUKET-Y . tute to signify their adherence to Mr Johnson 's ad- making a deposit of Ten Shillings for the same, which Solicitor, Watcrford ; or The market opens very quiet, Sales, probably, 20,000 bales. have all the rcquisito Machinery for Manufacturing advanco, or of paying tlio wliulo £25 in full,, and on such ministration. 1!MCK DOK ...... 10s. and 11s. deposit will be repaid whon the Schedules arc returned THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer. Second jteport—The market closes very steadyni a }<4. adv.ince Flour of tirst-rate quality, and are situated in the cen- payments 0 per ccut. interest per annum will bo allowed, for lone staples, Solas 30,000 bales on speculation, and export General Kirby Smith has surrendered on the satno FAKCV DOK ...... Ida. nnd Its. Waterford 18fi.r . tre of a Wheat-growing District, where a constant sup- uninjured. from time of payment. , Juno II, .. [It]. 12.0C0. J terms as Lee and Johnston, and all the cotton in tho FAHCV TWKI:I > ...... IO . and ll>. Tho Letters of Tender to be Scaled and transmitted lications for shares may be forwarded to tbo Banters ply can be ahraya obtained. The tide from tho River App LIVERPOOL PRODUCE jrAKKET—YESTEBDAT. trans-Miuiisippi Department belong "O HYAM'S UN1VKUSAL VESTS under cover to " Tho Director of Contracts, AVar of the Company, with tho deposit of £1 per share. If the Liberties of the City of Waterford ing to the Con- Suir flows up to tho Mill Yard, where Lighten! of the Sugar vory Sat. Rum. lice, and coffee onclunged iu cither federate government has been delivered Office, Pall Mali, London, S.W.," so as to be received number of shares allotted bo less tlmn the number applied tone or price. to tbe Fe- largest size can be loaded or unloaded within a few HE SOLD BY AUCTION, on MONDAY, the 1'iLACK (!l.0TH6 ...... I'll, to Wi. 111. the 27th June, 1SG5, nnd lo be for, tho deposit paid will , so far us necessary , be credited TO LIVERPOOL CATTLE MARKET—J UXK 12. deral government. The blockade runner Denbigh yards of the Mill door. on or before Tuesday, 2(ith WELV E AKCV ATEKIAI S (U. towards tho payment due on allotment. Should uo allotment JUNE, nt T o'Clock, on the Premises, has been burned. There arc an excellent Dwelling House and com- F M ...... IN. lo lUs. niarked on the outside " Tender for AVork at AVatcrford The supply of cattle was much less than on lint Monday. FAStV (JL'ILTISUS ...... Oi. lo lUi. tilt. be *nadc tho deposit will lie returned in full.. the LESSEE'S INTEREST in the Lands known as Thc nuuilier of sheep and lambs much larger. , 7d to Slocks slightly firmer. Cotton dull ; , lod per It). Supply—1,349 cattle nnd 81,039 sheep and Iambs at middliop;uplands , «c acres of Land, with a Porli r's Lodge sit the entrance B Kilkenny Junction Railway Company. spected at 'be Oflice of the Solicitors. foran une-vpired term of CO years, at the loir rent of Flour, wheat, nud corn dull. Provisions dcclintny. DAKK M KI .TOS CLOTHS ...... 15s. to .')" . market. Large, gale. There are also on On- premises four lar^c Lime * Prospectuses nnd forms of application for Bliiira may bo £12 18s. SiJ. pei annum. There is at present growing nuar.titics of cotton are arriving at Wilmington. FANCY M ULTON CLOTHS ... l'is. to atK MANCHESTER COUN MARKET—YBSTEBUAT. with an .iliund.-iiil .«ii (> |>l y of Lime .Sione ;it the TVTOTICE is HKHKIIY GIVEN , that a SPECIAL obtained of tlio Drokcis, Bankers, Solicitors, and at the Kilns, FANCY S V .M .MKR TWEEIM ... l'n. to .'li b. on the land 1 Acre of Potatoes, the remaining prtion There tvas an averago attendance al mnrlcet to-diij. ICnslish Quarries ailjoiimig. JJi GENERAL MEKTING of the Shareholders of Temporary Oflices of tbe Company. (1LJ THE SESSION twn extensive IIYAM'S SUMMKIl TWKKU SUITS Compauy 'a Office, 2 being in .Meadow aud Grass. wheat was in modemto supply, and beinj; held lor full prices, Immediate possession can lie given. T> this Company will be held at the Immediately after will be Sold the Interest in the sold only in limited quantities ; there w.is no change in foreign. Everything promises that the close of ihe parlia- Watcrford , on SATURDAY, the 1st BALLYRAFTER AND UURG.ESS ANCHOR, Klour wis taken slowly at previous prices. Oata ami oatmeal l-'or all purlicularsuppl y lu KnvKRT AV. CllEnnY , rlsri ., HANK-PLACE, Lease of the Field known as No. 52 , Gibbet's Hill, in mentary session and the dissolution will Loi NiiE S LITS ...... 12s. lo l!0i. , at THREE o'clock, for the purpose of LISMORE, CO. WATEHFOBD. dull and the turn lower. Items aud Indian enrn firm. happen William-strcet , AValerford , and PATRICK W AI.SU , in- day of JULY next the Corporation Books, held for .same terra, containing much sooner than even the highest Wl .MllLEPON SUITS ...... 1'Js. to CIJS. authorising the creation and issue of PREFERENCE GLASGOW CATTLE MARKET— YZSIEBDAT. authorities havo in tlicJ/ot'gr, "ill sliow the Premises. about 3J Acres, at £0 3s. -Id., per annum. This lot is There was j%bo ut the same, calculated. A contemporary, usuall sulin}; TnuKisTa' Slirs ...... 1'is. lo liilj. SHARKS to such nn amount, upon such' terms and number of cattle at market to-day y well-informed, AValerford , March 2t> , 1S«5 (niSl-'.f.) UNRESERVED AUCTION nil under Grass, fenced with a substantial wall , and well at on Thursday last, lor which mere was a fair demand, without T> HYAM'S YOU TII S ' SUITS. and such fixed , fluctuating, preferential , now ventures to announce that " the loth of July conditionB, with Of First-class Dairy Slock, Young Heifers, Pigs, supplied with water. Both lots aro within ten minutes' anv chango in value. The number of sheep was larger ; sales, or other dividend or interest as tho »aid Ge- slow, aocl prices Is t< 2s per head lower. Lamos b^ing scarce will probably be the day on which the session will TR AMORE. perpetual , Horses, Prime Old Hay, Wheat in Stacks, Crops walk of the Market Hou6e. Immediate Possession will OSBOHNI...... ,. l."n., 20<., Ms. determine. j£ sold freely nt an advance. Prices : Top tin, «7s Iper cut; be brought to an end ;" but thoso who are best ac- BE LET (Furnished), cither together or "~ neral Meeting may Manure Farming Implements Three ba given. secondary, C2s to 65; middling and inferior .JSEk fTV.) H AUKOW ...... I.V., iifc)., >t. (Hy order), in ground, , , , SSs to CO ; fmniton, quainted with the facts aro well aware that it would" BJHj _L in A partments, the LARGE HOUfE, No, lements for the Corn I-nmediately after v :il be sold 7 prime Young Dairy 7d to e|.d por lb ; Iambi, 13s to 32s each. UlLMOnAl...... l'H., -0«., "ijj. HENRY SARGENT, Secretary. Firsl 'Class Lighters, Imp be perfectly impossible to fix the day for tho final fiJTjKKN STREET;-, also Boveral COTTAGES (Fur- 1) Trade ; also, the Unsold Stock of Oals, Coals, Cows, 2 Heifers, and some Farm Implements. CORK MARKETS-YESTERDAT. -r> II Y A M ' S C It 11. UK N 'S S U I T S . Dated this 16th day of June, 1805. (It). ORP adjournmen t of either House, or the actual - nisiied), at DONKRAILE PLACE, PRIESTS' R CIAH . THOMAS WALSH , Auctioneer. C .—White wheat, 0s Od to 0s Od ; red, 0s Od to 0< Od ; diaeolu- Culm, .yc, £c. barley, Os fld to Os Oil ) black ojti. 7a Od to 7s lOd : white oats, tion. It is at present nothing but a A ppla to T HOMAS AV AI.SII , Duncrailc l'laco, Tramore, JUDO 10th , 18C5. (jlO-2t). matter of guess. < K UXSJSOTON ...... 1"»'., !•«'., 2'b. NEW ROSS UNION 3r.AR.SH "., "Hi. ' 87s ; fifths, 72s ; sUtba, 33s. Mild cured—Flrsts.lWs ; seconds, hasty glance at the state of public business. Ye*^ BOARD OF Esn (who is retiring from business aud letting his &ivti\$i f&smageg;, & 33£»tfi$ 107s ; thlrus, 101s. Numder In market, 1,600. terday disposed of that debate TO BE SOLD. Frock Coats , 2Si. to (KM. ; llress I'rowscrs, Mi. to .^H k mnE ic GUARDIANS on tho Tests' AbolJT^ INTEREST in a most desirabl e 0A1I5Y Dress * ^ Union land) to SELI, by UNRESERVED AUCTION, at DUBLIN CATTLE MARKET—YESTBBDAT. tion Bill, ii- i fTW'< • Dress Vest*, Us. to Ills. HJ. ; t- »iicy Tweed TruwKri rtSjSjjjRjjjjPSS -¦- °^ t' ^''ovo are de- II I It T II S. which may be considered tho last pu ty . containing 45 Acrrs, 1 Rooil , and "Is sirous of receiving BALLYRAFTKlt and BURGESS ANCHOR, US- Supply of cattle srnall, and chiefly craas fed ; prices fully as 'Blii'jf I FARM , and Vests (to match) UK t consumption. A large market of sheep, with some few details of other measures remain to bt Oit-ifhcef , within l.j minutes' walk of the to Contract for the following Articles, from the ]«t JULY—each day at Twrj i.VF.o 'Clock sharp, tho follow- June S, at tlic Vicarage , tonistiogc, the wife of tho Rev. James prices banlly so good. The satno may be said oflambs. Veal and pcod ind bc iulilul display «f P IECK 'JODUS, suitnblo for every of a daughter. disposed of; but, upon the whole, the heavier -' situate in G IIAN C. K , in the Kirouy 1805 lo the 1st November, lSGfi :— ing valuable l'ronerty, via. :— Lancaster, cnltes improved ill per lb owing to a small supply, Store cattle Ci'y o JAVatcrford, discriSn of fiENTLKMEN'Sm,.! .H'VKXJLE Ites, JULY, , On the Hth inat., at Tho ColUic«, lillckrock Road Cork the nnd more essential 10 First-clans Dairy Cows, heavy Milker s ; 8 very , , fewer, but there was a good many brought lorward. Prices — work is now fairly finUie^- oflAwlticr. anil tho fticca will l«fuuml cs the wifo of .lohn Singleton l>arlinj, desirous of getting Lauil 's 'u ud for^'HR order , , J!«iJy Mnilc, or mailc lo Onlcr. 1'I.OTIIINIS. Linen Thread,, per prime gs ; . . 7£d to 8jil t lamb*, 21s to 33a, extreme, 4Us each Tic °" •Scrvauls' Lircricf lb., ]>u., Manager of tho National Uaul* whole operation accomplished before the commence- » g°0'1 snjiply of FpriDg water, ond cnp:iblc of Oralj Thread 2 capital Working Horses, Carts, Cam, Tackling ; , , of twins, a son and At SinllbficlU Pic Maiket tlie supply was hardly quoUhlc, bavin" An Illnslrntfu Vnce List, and I'lnii for bclf-mciisurcinciit Linen, per yard, , per II,., daughter. pigs to-d*/ h'tinfc bjr h end, and 4^s not ohtainabto. Thsrc was ment of the harvest. 23 MilchiuK Cows. Dairy Utensils j a quantity of prime- Old Hay, Manure, The advantage of io doing keenin" will he sent !«"*' f«c, upon appliuilimi. Chambray, per yard, Tape, per doacn, (lo tlio S01l< April , at Dntn Duin, the wMow of Captain miss also a number of milch cons aud CDI TCB lollinir variously; imlication to ho made lo Mr. M AUIUCE F LYKN , 2 Slack* of Wheat, 20 Acres of Oats, 2J Acres of Tur- Hume. ROlh Kccimcnt , of a daughter. will bo as obvious to the election agent ai to the A SATUKPAYS the EstalilMimciit is Closril, until Bengal Stri jio Calico, per Buttons, per gross, DUBLIN PROVISION MARKETS.-YBSTEBDAT. s-walW. (j»13-0in ) On nips, Mangolds and Potatoe*, 11 Acres of Mcadowiug .Jituo 6, .nt Wexfon), Ihc wifo of Jaiuc.t Kennedy, Iv?j., man- agriculturist, and the dissolution may possibly Uke AUvor' Dask when llusiuos is resumed until 10 u'Cluck. yard, • Black Thread,, per lb., At SpittalGelds bacon market, yesterday tlio supply of pro- (tt Acres of which will be cut and ttold in Cocks) ; apcr of the National Hank , of a son. place before tho 10th July. LondonTtltgrap h of li . 11 Y A M , Cheek, per yard, Cordovan , per II,., -Juno 1:1. at Summer-hit!, Eooiscorlhy, tho wife of Goorge CJ. visions:«ai fair, without any absolute change in prices, except — ¦ ¦ A FARM TO BE LET Ploughs Harrows, Turnip Cutters, a largo aiuortmeut let middles and home-cured baron. Bucon—Flitch, 73s, 7U 10 yeztcrday, . ¦ ••' ¦[; < llATTHlt .yc (ialway Fliiiiuul , per yard, Butt Leather, per Hi., , Robcrti. V.S(\., ofa son. : , " . , ! TAILOR, CLUTJIIEJl . , , .Jr. of Corn Screens', Corn nnd Coal Shovels, Corn and Juno 111 , at Mount Trcncliard , county Limerick, ttio wifo of not; inidillck, 66s to 70s : American, 55> toOOt; cheeks, 42s to Mr B Osborne has addreued o *cbldingy Valedic- MR.TIIOMASCAHILL.ofCARRIGEENAGKIlA , (iroy Calico, per yunl, Curried Leather, per lb., ICdwsTil O'llrien Ks<|., , 44s ; shduldcrs, old, 3:> lu 4n«. Hams—Short hami, 55s to 53i ; 30 DAME STKEKT , DUISI.IN , Coal Harrowi, Corn Shoots, Filling IJoicn, Sacks, 7 , uf Cahlrmoylo nf a son unit heir. tory letter to hit constituents at Liikeard, a portion" Parish of KilroMCtity, Cocmty of Watcrfonl , Jlluc Prints, jwr yard, Ki)i Leather, per lb., At Hunshn Hou*.', tli o wife i>f 1). Caleman, J-^y]., nf 9 son, long fine, 7r}» to tU to OOs. BUtldered lard, COs to 63* per cwt. Jlcatus and .Scales and numerous weights, Corn 'i'ruckn, Juno t(J , at C'r;ian cu. Weifjrtl LJ10 wifu 0/ tho of whom had threatened to withdraw their bupport: will LET liis FARM of 01 Acres, Plantation Measure , MAGNUS'S Linscy Wolsey (striped), Calfskin Leather, per Hi ., , , Hit. Kichartl •.CLONMKL M AKKKIS—WsBSKaiMT. ' AVinliiiia, Desks, Copy iug Press, Water llarrcls, 2 Hot. (JoO'li.son. nf a Mil. h not « sufficientl , acre, Tor tho term of 1» years, aitu. prr yard, Shoemakers Findings, ' U UTT ex.—Supp ly prelly fair. Prices from KIOs to 101s per on tho groundHhat he y devoted rented for Jtl per Cabinet Stoves, Gill Stoves, bed Frames ; also Three First-class Lighters full On Sumlav, Illh in,l ., al tho <;.vi Works, C'lonnicl, tho wifo of , 1 Dalligan River , and in the bouml.t TTnamelled Slate Canvas, Tivilleil for betl- '.Shoes for -Men, AVomwi and , y cwt. Miscellan.-ous.— FNmr, superfincs, u$ per bog; seconds, follower qf Lord Pslmerilon. Mr B Osborne wfiT ilcd t<> the east of AVATKli < -1| ll. '!.\Si:S, JtEOISTEIl found j together with the Unsold portiou of Oats .Mr. Miuhacl Ki-.irncr, of a bon. . Carri gmourna. 11 is within six ill llOt lii:k« , per yard , Children, , 21s |>er sack ; thlrtlx, Ills tu 2tis ; f mi 1)15, lfi to SIN. Indian not wait for tbe diuojutioo, and has already rnad» of ItaUinavoguc and K1T01IKX Jt.AN CiES, will be luundtlu- Coals, und Culm in stock and li variety mcairre Hil to eipcr cut; oa'.meal, V3i W perdu, Uron, 4s4il STOVKS , and 's pair Clogs, lor ilo. , , of other va- MABIIIABHS. th'e Stewardshi of Diingarvan, seven of Kilmactiioxm», and four Itlsmkct , per , JuneO, alC'ork CcorceM'Uust/ per barrel ;' pollard U 6d per do. application for p of the Chiltctn Hun-'' mile* best cxtaut. luable property, all of which will be sold uithont . famlan, Ksq , Arnij Mrdica , ¦ ¦ ¦ Strand. He has drawn for the last Friejie, per yard, And iilso fnr Repairing SI all, Military Hospital, tjuecoitowa to Ijztio Mary , third dreds. ¦* ¦:•;• ; . 1 : ' ' of tlic lime and 'J IIB C AIIINKT STOVKS nrc suitnlilc for Drawing, reserve. , TIIUliLES IIUTTKR MARKET-TUESDAT. which period hc> has occupied the Irish Tweed, per yard. Roofj of Wurbliousc anil daughter of the luto John Fi Ujtrald, Kw|., M.D., Carrick-on- . Hcven years, during rooms, Libraiits, and other nparlmcntj ; are decant , N.It.—Aud on a day hereafter to be named, at tho , couiilyTi Small supply. Price—£3 per firkin , or Uos per cwt. of lime, and has his lime recei pts to Ma rrofjan, jinr yard, Fever Hojjiital lor 12 Suir iipurary. firm, 1 , U0 barrels and answer as well for Table in Hall , or Console and Stores ill Vougdal, Tlu'rCy-tivu .Sfjarcs iu tlio Schooner On dm 11I1 in-l., at .SI. a<-orce'« 6'liorcn, n/uoin-.l)i)r/, /xinjon, DtTNGABVAX UU'fl'EB MAKKBT— TUMDAT. CURRENT EVENTS ' [lt* Cord, per yard, Months. lihow day and date. j- Chiflionnicro in Drawing-room. SA'i'YIt j also Corn Screen!", Trucks, Sacks Timber,&c. John, eldest wm of P. J. Tiioina.s to r^ullnc , eldest daughter of Virus, X3 Ss cd per firkin ; seconds, 13 3s per do 1 iblros, X3 Scotch Caps, kc, , S.-tmoel N'ewsnn, both of Cork. per do. 2SU firsina in :naiket. Tilt (ilLL S TOVES arc the host Iron Stoves made. JO" liiiigcss Anchor is a mile from . ISallyruftcr. COUNTY OF WATEKFOilU delivered at the Ai orkliQusc , frre of carriage ^Juntc, at too Catholic Olnjicl , Gotilco . 1'atrick , third eon of The nelfaat Orangemen b»ro jugt had a victory^ AV ATKII C OII . CASKS arc elegantly decorated , To be , FETHARO I5UTTER MARKKT—TOBUDAT. THE HOT ; AVM. MARSH & SON , tuolito lMlullalljr, l:v| , JaiuoUunn, to Kiu M , cMot daugh- Pholaj, in nuch i|iiantitics and at such limes IR the Board of ter of tho lato John Clrary, 00. Tlpporarj. Atrnnrkci-JUU. Prices 103i to lOtls. Bnyors-Mesjrs. in the House of Commons. In committee on MoB»j{ and have Uronzcd or Gilt (j ratings to suit tliem for bo Auctioneers aud Valuators l-^vi., lUlhdufl, Fvran ahd Harney. ROAD SESSIONS, atid Guardians «wy ilirect, and nil ^'Ouds must delivered Jnoo 8, at the I*re>liyterian Church, llock Kerry, Jamei Egan , Mahuny, Scanlau, O'Sbaugbnessy, ' ADJOURNED Halls, Uiuiu^ Drawing, rooms. Cork , 13th .him', Mllu. fjlC-.'lt.j day night, on the Constabulary Force (Irclanj}] HEllEBY GIA'EX , that the Adjourned without the aid of the iniuali'K. Harbour , Esq.., iletfa*t, yuungciit Mn of tVillijru B-irUjilr, E&i., TIl'l'ERARY DUTTEP MARKET. -VfOTlCE IS Tin U ISISTKU STOVKS are umiuestloiiabln the mvH J.I*., tlildan from ols c4 to s8, Bill, Sir (loan AIRNS f«r the jmrpose of receiving TEN- Tcndcru, properly undoraed in which are to , near Lishurn , coooty Antrim , to Maria , tfeound MOSOAV. Juno, 11.-330 firkins. Prrees C , the representative frorhf J\ Boad Sessions, Elrgnnt and appropr uitc' manufactured. Each Ohiin- Scaled , daughterof William IMuio, Ivvi., Illgbficld I'.irk , noclc Ferry, from «2s u> Mi per firkin. At. , in Uorey, Nichola?, only mm of tlio late Mr. BDSESDAT. ing for (he absorption tiou of the Fire Irons. epciiully Juhll Hulgor to Mary Martha daughter CARRICK JlUrrER MARKET-W of the Iucol force in the eofr|jj will hchold oii the follow, Contract should ho lodged iu thu Tenderbox, at A It R I V 13 D . , Kilmuie, , uf Mr. John 's markoti prices from lois. to 1»5». »ln< several Special Session*, modation of purcliasrK of fliimncy-piccis, and are aold of the , Fludlt , Ijorcy. JM firkins at this day stabulary, which, in the faco of tho hereinafter nientinued , via. :¦-- the Entrance Hall of thoAVorkiinimu, before 11 o'Clock !tltU - Diligence , IUvis, CartlifF. coals. Market viry excited, aod quickly bought up. opposition of Sjij ing day1 ! al t''0 l'laecs at manufactory prices. Ajluat.l Millunl on WiMiNKS fAY 2bth JUNE, lSliii to lie consi- lllli- MalaUir (¦•), , . f c : Allaj (»), Itichcs, D K A T II S . itonEtiT PEEL, was carried by a vote of riirKHX'UIjLlHKliN, al MilcpoH, , TUB K ITI .HI'N KAN(;r.s are made biiitalilc for tlic on WKUXK KIJAY , , Sullnu , JUSA, HUI74! ; Keijulua Wallijt, ilcjuct , Liiiibur ; Urlundo CHANGES. 63 tg6l» «l" Hiwrd to )«• on that day. ^ , On Vriday ocnim:lnsl. nt VillaNota, no.irCork, r,,|nni'l llojle, MOON'S ihc l Uh June, ISfiS. enmllcst Cottage as well as for clubs and ln;UiHiniis. dered at u illi.ctiiig I)".' hi'ld l'otter, Swjn*c;\, }UMS. ciilm ; live U'Diuri. f rom aud talc)/ ... Jnno Otli ... 0.16 t.m. The meaning °f tbis bill is in pursuance Dan rcfirsd tlio lUlle Urifadfi, Bar/ack Af.i-tcr at Full Moon ... Friday, of; SI at Callaghane, im TnnitiiAY, tho have Hot Platos, Hath Boilers i'lulc Samjilcs to accompany each Tender whero practicable I-'tli—IL-inKcr (i), I'vatc*, ljumion, c ; and Mary' Btlliocolllg. »-28 ».m GAULT1EU , The larger ones , culm ; eight culliirn. ^ Last Qoarlor ... Friday, ... J"-" "^ - recommendation of the Special 1< obtained at the Boafil-rooin. Tliotnas, l.iduo) , On tho 2tth April, at Pum Duin , of fefer, oantraclcl while Commisiioa iSi " 15th June, Ir.55. It.icl », Rousting Chambers, linking Oven, and every Forms of Tender can be Ulli-Uitjor 1'arin (») , 1'iuin, Mliroril ' Moon ... Friday, ... Jnno 23rd ... 7.J2 a.m. . gc;. Asllea Sclmltr, •ertlog with his regiment iu llhootan , Cuptaia lili-ts Uumo New pointed to enquire into the Orange at Tramore on FnilMf The smallest ODD Parti es whose Tenders may he accepted will B , SOth riots in BamE MIUIILETHllM), , , the recent improvement. ivitli Oven an gjy Odcvia, ifLuat aod maizu ; Vcsia ( ), UTJoualJ, Li rorpooj, tt c ; Bt«iment. Bonds si b themsclvcB tour colUurD. that the " ICth June, 18C3. lioilcr, is sold at 35s. Uoth Oven , Boiler, and Hoi" he required to have their gned y At Ennls, coanty OUra, on the 9lh intt,, aged 84. Mary Anne MONETARY AN0 COMMKROIAL. local police force should be abolishei^K lith-Malokoir (e) , Ajlward , Miltord , g c; Mino,. Brine, —Tile Bank hsstbis day L'PPKKTIURD, at Carrickheg, on SATtiuiAV . the Plate, and securities within Ten Days from date of acceptauco rolict of Edmund Scully, Eai., lato of Illoomfield, county of LONDOS, THOBBDAT EVBSIJO. be substituted'h for^Oj. tiluuixslvr, suit; JubiJant , CAnc, OdcaM, u*tiea( ; tlircu cuUiom. Tipperaty, J.P.—R.1.1*. cent. y constabulary ; and as tlie «ow " 17th Jane, 18C5. mlL]C() SLATR wonKS of Tender. (Hy order), . JSth— llrlton (»), Uiistol , e c I Cily ot I'iuj (t), reduced its rale of discouut to 3 per 1'caro, Illllonl Junes, it tho residence of her aon-in-hw, Richard Ktans. and closed good at an adviuc). showed the partisan conduct of the OLEXAUKIKY, at Ballymacarbory, on MOSIIAT, 30, 40, and 41 , Upper Uelg'avo Place, Pimlico. GIl'FORD CARR, Cle»k of Union. E c , L'auiilla (»), Uolltj, Lilcipool, e c. Esq.. DajrulslowD, county Carlow Consuls firm all day, local force/i , Mm. Ann. Grace, leiicl of eipericiicod a general mlvauce of about i, and " . tho 10th June, 1805. Cuislugues sent free. (alM-tt) New Ross Union , 5th June, 18G5. (jU-.'it). SA.llifD. Ollt«r Gric«, of Oraccliold, Ballirltgan, count/ of DubliD CJP- Railways clear that by this ameudmsnt tho foundation of lOlh—Monlc SlJigloto, Valcicb, toln in tbe Royal Naty. ¦ stronger. Aracficans bnoynnt and comiderauly COSHMORE, &0; »t Lismorc, on Tt'EaiiAY, the CirdifT, ballast ; Tuskar (*) , doted new force will bo Orange,' onl • TURKISH DIVAN, Amlutsuu, Cuik and Glvgow , g c ; Lailjr Louisa, DUIID , tsnaoMia, At Limerick, In his 24lh jur, olwr o short UlneB, Mr.Wm. biguer. Foreign- stocks steady but neglected. Consols y that the/Jra " 20th Jnne, 1805. THE RAILAVAY TRAFFIC f , LOCAL oa » ; lyoulsa, L'barleaiotfn ItoberU, uats ; TahJ, Coganer, Bork«, son of tlio¦ lato Mr. Thomas Batke, of Nowport, county after official boors, 001 1° 1- MarVet Gnu, especially Turk- subject to Government instead ryECIES WITJHN , at Clashraoro, on WEnxEnnA r, TOBACCO, CIGAU, AND FISHING TACKLE CkiitilT, bjllajit; Ncaa, l'uitcr, l'orlsmoutlj, oalu. Tlpperuy. . of Town WAB For tho week endiug. Fridny, Juno ft, 1685. ish Caimcf. Metrppolitaju District poid up very good. ' • : •• the 21st June, 18G5. WAREHOUSE. Illli-Nil. Juno1 14, Mr.. Midlean.of. Moat Hill, no«r Kilkenny, mother ai,u Joint Stock Banks control. -?>J$V$ Wat' ilDrd Limerick Llnienok i2t]i-Cainitla (s) , Con«7, IJ»cri>ool,go; of the n«r. Joan Madinan. Discount Houses made a rwlue- AVITUOTJT nt Dungarvsn, onTiumsntT, O'SIIAUGHNESSY WAIIDELT,, Imror'er of Wilcrford MalakoO (o), Ajlward Unlud Suta>. cent, in their terms. „ i)nrhri\jiVSc. . . anil and anil null KliUuid , g c ¦ Itanger' (si , I'oarce, UtlUu, g a. tiou of I per A. matter of some local interest has b'^n'Jmt U)8 22nd Jun(i) 18C5> E • Forei gn nnd British Ci gars; Wills* Virginia Foynoa | Knnis * Limerick Kilkonny J3lb—Gip»j l«), liotoi, Ktl4lol, n c ; J.E. Furlong, Aiklour, A KOIAJ. FISH. ' ' same day. Bristol Bird's Eye G ragscut ; Forei gn, Flat, (31 ralloa (261 milos(2(j miles ballast ; C'llj-uf Paris (»), eaiD, Uilford, g o. — On Monday evening last somo cot LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE—THORSOAT. before the Hour^ of Commoni ity -M tiii&i CODNTY A'i" hAUOK , at Dongarvon, Retorss ; , (77 miles I' ~ ; 4 the AVork. to bo executed Cut Cavendish , and other Fancy Tobaccos. open) . open) open) Open) 1 Itli—Dublin is), Ua»i», Newnort, g o; Kalr, Itowlaad, Ha/le, fishermen, who were out for lalinon with m snnp net at OrsaiKe PUCKS—Consols Tor Money, &0i ; Coatoli For tome tiinif pasi, the Plans and Specifiea i(">«°f oats ; Maitha, Junes, Almwcb , lullut i Vnu lu, O'Donald oonitabuliup M* where also Form, of A choice selection of Meerschaumand Clay Pipes.; ~ , Mooucoin, iu tbe Suir, wcro astonished by a monster of tl'l fur AcconntjOOl J j New 3 per Cents, 89J. ' r can be seen at my Oflico here, X i. d. !¦ ». d. t i. d. JC S . d. Liverpool , go; XlaliUiult.s), Ajlnoid, Miltord , tt c. tbii . city hw .beea iu . tho LAMBKIN 'S Cork Snuff. deep, known as a sturgeon CLOSIKO Putoxa—Consols for Money, OOJj ; Consoli b^L^y ^0i _ ,,_. . * , which they succeededin killing. New per ' TcndiT can be had. , Celebrated Limerick p" " ''' «QG 8 0 ITO 7 10 79 16 » 82 10 0 far Account, 00^ ; 3 Cents, 80j| cul. tuot, frequentl 'Clock. if55" tfole Agentfor SriLUNBs c l1.Vc TSF. CBOVS.—Tho crops of all kind Jook remarkably Hriviutr landed tbu great fisli, they found him to be nine sntl y tnd b-tfffigB Uusiness to commence each day «|T«J«o 73-2 18 2 I21 0 6 41 lot g I OH""" BARTON, Stnotightren, ns used by the Kildare street Club. Ooodi 4 Cattle, 11J0 a half feet in length, and three nnd n boll cwl, weight. I fa able form tbsn heretofore ; udrrt^r|&pjj|i P7 NETORVILLE Fliesand Hooks. London Per- promising. Tbc potato is very luxuriant , as also whcat| was couyeycil print our office on sumo afternoon in search of » DiaUASB IX 1'ioa,—TLo distcispcr aotmgU pigs in iljo Jury ;S5- Real Limerick T0tal...._..!....n 13J9 6 11 3U1 17 3 Ili t C I»( 8 I * Secretary to Grdml U:I I K mul grsiby. Tho lurui crop i« feeling tlic waut uf Kilken ny is rcry bad iudecd . tbentibned -.on Monday: fuuicry, and Concertinas. rjorreospamltoK , p rnnrkrt in 1 hU city, und was purcbawd by Mr. Cr&wfunl, cotinly . Even UKM« • liilt "W&MWffi Stcrctnry' Office , 1)1 1 « US 13 6 187 lu rain. filb twle ipati . rt«ovtT arc mil) tp be all bul uwltx*ftfUr.il, . Coimiy " ,-„ ,,, Pj^ojYf-Oe QUAY, WATKUFOUD. [oll-lf week last jwr, 1212 0 1 * . ' .iVatorforu, Mav 31BI, 18C5. fj2-"J .

¦ " - - ' ¦ , ivLLc . ¦ ¦ the » TIPPERATIYMUSTICE •rr* l^»BB?ING. — ¦* " -TT-nf]- s, the inference is that lie is under CATHOLIC cnuncif THE DtJNGABVAN ELECTION r^HARB0nR:C0MMIB8I0NBR8 "7-i' ; %irii wjiii ¦M« IW>UU bj hiafctf^I mwa»aiMi^BtaiiWH^ttJ ^aa^^^ his remark WATBiafORD J»8WK\ ¦• , mpnlhly don't thiuk- worwant * loyed in extreme OnmXATiox.—At tlm cislit o'clock mass on Sunday (PROS! OUR OWN COKREgroNDENT.) 10 TltS EDITOR OS T1J.B .ThG-ifolIpwingvjmeinJiaH; attended jltae; • r»SdtDt i Mriae«rr» 5wo»p5ra %^?a>i5J»^n«i»; the pnlico in n Jiobcit Power, Nicholas Foriii, Pierce CofToy, imd Johu qucnt on a contested election, and a fiorco contCEt it oo. ' prph# : penon uflarocra i ^^'^ lifetime fallen into the hands of Esmoudc, Esq., of Greenville, County Kilkenny. lwhich White Jtcob the Msyor (Aia.Lawltr) J. Clibborn Clonmel ; . mm so , imprudently to B° too'otti tha "FOOT law C^^mmloiaaOfflH fDnbrlh' lSlhOrine' in a Walsh. Th» ! , i . . , 1885. from the Police Court to promises to bo. After the meeting bol d hero hat curicd in the weigh-ynrdat the last Tipperary races.. H. N. Nnins, Ald,P..Keily, Aid. P..C«.,Jame. Kent, P. ¦ r ' " 8IR—The oommuBiotiu*fo ratabnttscialt tb« laws for , drunken state , marched off OBPUS IIRISTI Aid. I)«ny-Will - C C .—'flic Feast of Corpus Christ! was patriotic and revered facts m you stato them arc quito correct, and, were it not B- Bafifleld; CIo6m"eIj'H; F; 8latteryVP. A.'Power, Aid. P. AM. Keib/•name the porson 'wbb rtlicf of the poor ia^beUiid ~ thein tha notorious vagabonds and celebrated on week, presided over by OIT ¦ brenght the boat np to the f-jMWtl^iibffo4« the gaol manacled to yesterday, in the Cathedral, by High Mass at that you seem to throw tho onus of the disreputable occur- K.lUM ir.O. SpOT&r 'atid B. iCUbbotn.' - '; •:¦ -"•¦••' the qajy-wbo hid influence euoagk -lewlatioD ptixdby. tbe Uarcfc^-^UMdit^/^'Wpf-ttttford twelve o'clock pastor, the Vory Bev. Dr. llally, the members of tho beyond contradiction. ! . <¦ . . ¦ * to Qt>«y (laughter)fi > . -,:. .; -M pecuniary circumstance did , nt which a large number of the clergy were rence on tlio management, aro quite • ' • Hi '_ !¦•; .. : '- - '¦ - .: ' > ' ¦ ' ' ' J™' ' \j ^- union at their meeting oa., 7tlL init , to the thieve s because their present. A mast TfcE F0IUVW0RI8. ' AW. ^Kei ljr laid tbe but ' th* , ^ia r«fflrtne«of sermon, appropriate to the, occasion,was preached Town Commission who had called on him to convono As an cyo witness to tho entire, trnusaction, 1 certainly • was brought to drtdga within SO commissioners' letter of/tbe'8tb' ti^on ,j^sab]act tbo of paying the two or three shillings fine nfter His first to the manage- It nptfeaVaa frdm .'the minute« of'the'Ford com- [«•' «» tb« qnay oppoiito ' not admit Gospel, by the llcv. Mr. M'Donnoll, St. tho meeting, aud determinedly entered sny, that no blamo whatever can ho nttacbed t ' ' Mr. White s itoro. He admitted guardians inquiring.at a prerioiu peotinc «i to the rights John'^s College at once boldly njcnf. was them' to: bring the mittee. th4t;vrr.Cootlei'the'''eiBgirieerin'cliief of the the board hai not Mr. Stephens' then, ; and we have more than once felt the dis- , and at the conclusion of Mns«, procession of Nothing- left undone by 'd' ; > service* of any member of the board' to tnilje'ofia«l>Uit» to th« impose* the IiliKscd Sacrumcut around the church tank place, at into tho spirit of the resolutions, and proceeded.to meeting to n successful issue; and now that tbo riw» have ' For c6nfrlct, lit»a paid"thtrpbrki a vi»it ,on the 10th f Mwould bay her if tbe operation of the visiting committee, whom the board from what motive the enquiry was set on couuty Kilkenny, well known on tho Lcinstcr circuit tirno than it would take me ¦ them down. He said he did not know what to do; ono of matter camp ol Satlionay, just outsiilo tbo city of Lyons—the bene- curreuco took placo in a shorter she proved ' ' : guardians are to select aad appoint from their own bod but entirely unsuitcd to thnt Mr Esmondo was very equal to the required tests; v ' gentleman told him to go near, and another to go far array y, » j whether or not it bo a part of the littl e war diction of the clidpcl in which reposes quod mortalcfuit of as a promising barristor, to indite. Suffico it to say, under Article 69 of'tbo General Workhouse Regulations, Coun- roughl bandied acd -vere it not that tho Clork of tho Mr. Stephens, superintending engineer, reported from tbo quay. He (Mr. White) recommended him to and which afe r Marshal Castcllanc. In his will the, marshal wrote, "I represent tho historic borough of Dungarvan. y , committee may consist of as many members of which ha' " f° sonic litnc waged between built by Courso (Mr. John Cunningham) who stood in his front, op- he was engaged in making the roe&turements of the bring tbe matter before tbe next meeting of the board nod tbo board ' ' deiiro to be buried in the Chapel of St. iionifacc, sellor Johnstone proceeded at onco to canvass tlio ¦ ¦ ¦ represent tbat ba was 'd as may be deemed advisable. ; islra;(>s nn 'I" fulfilling the proverb, Mr. Edward Dobbyn, nnd others, nil activo members ol tho caused by allowing Hartltnd to take the directions of in- matter of courtesy, that iny allies will he deposited in that lovely country of took to canvass Dungarvan, accompanied by his agent, A letter from the Board of Works, similar to thnt dividual members every facility to do so may be exhnded evil I'otncth pom). " J. IOIH, irliicli is so (le.ii1 is most pleasing to me,<\ soldier management, very timely interfered, the chauces are, that of tbe board—be strove to pleaia every- to him at suitable hours by the " out of to ii:c, John Hunt and other gentlemen. addressed to tho Board of Guardians and to " the body. It cost somturbere master, so long as such nt heart." The whole of the work, desi^niug, building, and , Esq., solicitor, Mr. Esmonde would have been handled far worse. like £800 to repair tbe damage. penniision docs not interfere with tbe management The present parliament , now in the last singe of They had not procooded far from the hotel bow was it that tin Rev. Mr. Lawson, was read, in which it was stated; With respect to going witbia 30 feet ot bis stores, neither bo of tho decorating, has been done;by soldiers. Marshal Cnnrobcrt , howevor, Now, it will very naturally ho naked, workhouse, or aflb;d au opportunity for disturbing the existence , will have the satisfaction of dy ing in the when they wero sot on by a very determined crowd of stewnrds could not prevent such a disgraceful scono in tho that the M arquis of Wntcrford had informed the (Mr. White) nor, as far as he knew, bis brother had ever officers in the ¦ its and his staff were present r.t the ceremony. made any discharge of their duties. ' opponents, who, I rcgrot to Bay, had their pugnacious weigh-yard ? and, it even might, with fairness, he said, that board, through his agent, Mr. E. lloberts, that he ' request that the dredger should come near bii "Tbe guardians themselves middle of a genial atmosphere, under a warm sum- place. The board became alarmed aad it appointed »n seem to hare felt the incon- propensities aroused, and treated tho Tory election- such would not liavo occurred iu any other woigh-yard in wns about to carry out the works deemed necessary. , venienco arising from the interferenceof individual members in the midst however bo ensily dis- engineer, and ho ordered the dredter not to dredge nearer jner skv, instead of hastening to decay NEW MARBLE ALTAR VOR THE CATHEDRAL eering party iu a Very disgracoM manner. An oppos- Ireland, Hotb these chnrges enn, , if he was of tbe board, in tho workhouse, when tbey passed their We could never have anticipated the success which the owner of " Nancy Till" Mr. Nevins enquired of the secretary than 60 feet. resolution btc.il; November . So many members have ing faction, however coming to the rescue, a deter- posed of. It would appear tbnt Mr. of the 20th March, 1830, on this subject, and tbe of , entered his marc for " the Commercial Selliug Stakes," but aware whether nuy step had already been taken to Kent said he did not think any one who hnd listened commissioners has crowned the efforts of the ladies of our city for the mined fight ensued, in which there was some terriblo to tbe ditenssion thiuk tbat tbe board would do well to alrcmly " gone to the country, " with no prospect o' with no intcution whatever of parting with her. To carry carry out the works 1 to-day, whatever might have been his pre- discourage, the visits of guardians to the workhouso erection of tlic new altar in the Cathedral, in honor of skull-cracking, bleeding noses, cut heads-, and broken vious opinion, could now entertain tbe slightest donbt tbat who may " is easily effected now out his d«signs, there wcro at his heels a clnn of followers The Secretary said he was not aware that there not be on tbe visiting eornmUtre.—By order of the commis- " return, " that a " count-out glass, BUCII as has not been witnessed here for many whoso intention seemed to tuo uoartt would be bnt groping in tho dark without in «n- sioners their own St. Joseph, which will boa monument of the from his own locality (Fethnrd), had been. giuear. Mr. , " B. BAKKS, Chief Clerk." in the House, and ns the money required for the years. Mr. Johnstone and IUB friends, with the battlo he, that by a display of bruto force, they would prevent any Slattery said he knew no good reason why Mr. Capt. Power piety and leal of those excellent ladies. Persons to The board determined to wait awhile before they, Stephens should bo bad heard said the commissioners ought not voted , and the dreadfully against them, sought rcfugo in n house, gentleman from bidding at the after sale by auction in caso continued; ho (Mr. Kent) object to services of the country ha3 been whom application was made Tor subscriptions have most Fully hcut in carrying out would again bring tho subject before the Board of many good reaions. They bad beard that old and respected guardians visiting the house. where thoy remained until tho arrival of tho police, " Nancy" should he a winner. citizen (Mr. Jacob) Mr. Jacob decks are cleared of all necessary iu:nsurc.i, it will this programme, they congregated ia considerable numbers Works. mention good reasons—ho would not wished to have the house more gene- rcudi'y ami Rcncrously responded to the call. In fact , wbo escorted them back to the Devonshire Arms' hive said it unless he r y visited if in tho ring. nud the successful innnuer in which they carried PILOT MASTER' S REPORT. hni catered into a correct calculation, all possible. be hard to keep enough hands on hoard to man the feel that they could not give a refusal to the Hotel, and thus terminated their canvass. I regret to that Mr. Stephens had 000 dating bis all seem to out their design is nlrcndy known—the marc bciog bought " Dunmoro Pilot Station, June 10th, 1805. saved tbo board £1, Mr. Strange said we asked the commissioners have now stato that !a most inoffensive man, Jlr. M. Fosbcry, two years of office (hear). board also gave slu'p nfter the lOth of July, so the doctors fair applicants , who are engaged in so holy a mission. iu for the owner nt £20. liut tho people of Tippornry and "G ENTLEMEN— On tho 8th inst., I inspected tbo buoys The books of the ourselves for their in this encounter, good reason—they showed (bat they opinion ou the subject, and now its dissolu- It is <|

i-iyW3.''4>-'> -i andiooce. :; Dr. TJlbitborosaa ^a tittt* In front of dun?'faeint GARDENING OPERATIONS tbeaodienee and dott'ed In 'raihcsrMlctS; tf octvv EORGE . , THE aBASTDPRIZE OF PABIfcV -: On Thursday theCMostvBeMDr.Heory.JSdftrd . , ', Betrtal-blm. geleeteft PINERIES—FRUITING PLANTS.—Temperature, day, At the last meeting of this society, G • «« i*frobt of tbe aftar tawe tbtW; bWieWinjll PETTY SESSIONS—S ATUROAV . PABII , SOKDJLT NIOHT.—We hive now arrived at, and . M«nning, formerly of BmlUoljCollege, Oxford, Aren-. i Mn otters pening M RWARD Esq., in the chair, Dr. James F. Scott in two rows on either aide..- Wben the preacher 83 to 90 degs. ; night, 70 degs. Keep the ri , tain indeed passed over, the third anniversary of Le Grand Pnx Chictester/«narReotor offWoobiViTjgton.! •at bad con- MATER CHBISTIANORUM, OBA PRO NOBIS 1 paper, in continuation of a former On the bench—Henry A. Fitzgerald, chairman ; Cap for deacon of cluded, tha mass was proceeded with. ! The oostrwu elevated, fruit dry, but continue tbe supply of liquid manure read the following nnd Sir John N. Ilambie, de P«ris, > a prize institutedby Franc*' and her Emperor i^OTMeTertted;AwV' : In the hour ot grief and Borrow, importance :— William Fitzjsmes Barry, R.M., and worth little in the Church' of England/ mnS tbeWple were Wewed by Dr. UlKlriorMirwto, then and pure water to such as are swelling; admit one, on a subject of much Bart. the eaeoangomeaiof lotemitiosuUrmcin g, ceremony took'pMee; . Whoa my butt Is full ot an- if any lets than the . English Derby. In 1883 it was worth ! bishop of Westminster. Thf «e»W itBuelr before.tlio-altar, and Dr. UUDUIK urain abundance of air ; remove all suckers but such aa are INTEMPERANCE IN ITS SANITARY ASPECT. BREACH OF CONTRACT .—Laurence Sheridan, far- 'rMborfieids; kho>n as knelt befora hha. . This time tbe Seeking vainly hopa to borrow with a £6,240; in 1881, £8,263; and this present year, £8,610.] in the Church oE St. Mary. v archbishc*VcSS&»lored necessary to keep up stock. Close up early, In an essay lately read before the sooiety, I gave so mer, charged Richard Terry, lobourer, with leaving worthyof tb« giver, and! and it is'not surprisingthat a mitre, sparklingwitb. jewels and preciousstones ,!na placed From heaven's promises, or prajer— Tba it tralr in Imoftjil« £*,! * the pro-cathedral; cpojrfchj high degree of solar heat, and plenty of warm outline of some of the more salient principles, and con- his employment contrary to an agreement entered worthy of the best of tbe,bestEnglish and French; , singular . circumstances bMd, tbe silver crozMr was pnt into his fa«nd, noon 'Wbra around me roll the waters effort* 1 consecration under such- which lie vapour. ditions of sanitary reform. I omitted in it the consi- into to terra of three months from stable*, and yet it only ntheni six competitorsto-day, the now won the episcopal gloves. Tbos.dothod be Of affliction's stormv sea— him for a period drew together many of th» molt distinguished of walked down ' ' intemperance" in its relation to sanitary which is partly accounted for by the fart that Gladiateur the naive of the building between tha monls Marr, gtntle Queen of Mercy, S UCCESSION PLANTS.—Keep the successions in a deration of " 26tb May last. The defendant deposed that his gentry of the'country.* At ud biasua ged that subject had a sufficiently wide was in for it; and those -who bttiaved be would win wen not Catholio nobility and tbftn u b« p