^ Phospho Guano
' THE WATERFORD NEWS. SHIPPING IUNE , 1866 Irish Frieze Woollen Factory, MONEY. S£LES every Friday Evening at <M King sired STEAM COMMUNICATION SPECIAL NOTICE CABEICK-ON-BTJIB. Published STKAM from LIVERPOOL or QUUENSTOWN LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT THE .'AUCTION ROOM, [Opposite the Provincial HanV.l Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford, • ' . Canying Goods to LIMBRICK , TIPPEBABY, CLOKMF.L, ' SIX PER CENT. INTEREST. 101/ QUAY, is now fitted up for the reception TimF.r. P KSCK ; Y EARLY ( IN ADVANCE ; 13S . TO NEVir YORK. NICHOLAS KENNT, Proprictor. pledgea himBelf NO. p R(CE CAKRICK - OK -SUIB, K ILKENNY, and CAUSE, at Through that nomatorial ii 1 used in makinghis FRIEZE, of Furniture, &c.; for ' Sale. TAMTEP , 4(1.; Y I :AHLY, 17s. 4d. S TWICE A-WEEK. Bates. — GREAT BOON to tho Public has been TWEED, "DOUBLE DYE FLANNEL, .SERGE rpHE DIRECTORS of the Watcrford and Kilkenny Persons not wishing to have Property disposed of on _ 1 'HENew nnd Powerful Screw Stca- ' Railway are prepared to accept TENDERS their own Premises will find it their Interest to np uv Liverpool , New York , H | A achieved in the BLANKETS, &c, 4c, bni PTJREWOOL . J. for make use .Ljrf tfjHV* JL ^ JL mere " SALTEE," JonK CnAwponn, LOANS on MORTGAGE BONDS, at 5 per Cent; pay- of this Establishment, as tbe Room is both \ and Philadelphia Strain Ship fl^aJ^^S. t Somo donbts boing expressed in certain quarters as spacious and •/JjJW'l|r""^ \ Vy^f^-Commandcr. "TUSKAB,"STEPUEK AKDER. ablo upon cither One or Two Months' Notice lofty, and admirabl Company intend despatching thcii to tho GENUTNESS of those articleB, from tho low , to be y adapted for Furniture Sales.
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