VOSE & PORTER. Having every facility in Presses, Type and Materials :o which wc are constantly making additions, we are 2 I O Main Street. prepared to execute witli promptness and good alyls ■•very variety of .lob Printing, including Town Reports, Catalogues, By-Laws l’oaters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ grammes, Circulars, Bill Hoads, Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ to m ake the tifbl ation Klanks, Receipts, Bills ...... i advance. of Lading, Business, Ad­ No pap.-r will be discontinued until ALL Alt dress and Wedding GES are paid, unless at the option of the publish- Cards, Tags, t l t f Singh* copies live cents—for sale Labels, it tin* Bookstores. V O L U M E 3 0 . ROCKLAND, M AINE, THURSDAY AFTEROON, SEPTEMBER 23, 1875- N O . 42 A c., PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO Z POPE VOSE. ,1. B. PO U T E R . will receive prompt attention.

them past tin- lighthouse over the high with more “ strin to it ” than any other with them. But if thee w ill, and time's a statement is made that both girD were ad­ T kaxseekking t iie E x ek c ise.— A few FARM MISCELLANY. ctvii. hank into the ocean. kite that ever Hew ' headstrong hoy, thee must go unarmed. dicted to reading novels ami romances.^ nights since a prominent real estate dealer, /arm, feik n £ iaomc. It’s a tough (lav. a tough day. even for, “ ’Twon't reach! Il flies too high No Don’t thee dare to take that ride that thy Here. then, were twolittle girls, scarcely wlio dwells in a palatial hotel in a business •• \\ h ig h . M ea su r e a nd Cou nt E very­ t h in g . says the American Grocer—w hich the Ca|N-." said the light-keeper, when go! Let out! (live it string ! Hurrah Uncle Sam brought from Yiginia and that out of their pinafores, whose heads were part of the city, was much disturbed by rations, and results of experien I’ltlEF nrlieki is. by the way, a most useful and excellent they reached the lighthouse, “ and the the kite seeming to meet wind in anoth­ hangs up in the garret, with a horn full of so lull of love and romance that a little re­ the pedestrianism of the occupant of the rden or Household tuana^eim re iiivtied Iron journal, published in the interest of house­ have drifted, Johnny. For the life of mt er current begun to tlutter, turn, and actu­ powder and a pouch full of bullets and ligion and a petty disappointment led them room immediately upstairs. After stand­ e ad trs interested in such m atte I can't make out the Little Katie.’’ But ally did fall on the ice within reaching patches. I caution thee to let it alone.” to look upon suicide, not only without fear ing the infliction :xs long as possible, Mr. keepers. But the advice should not lie re- Johnny made her out without the slightest distance of the Little Katie’s erew. ‘ Certainly, father, just as thee says ” or any thought of its being wicked, hut R. E. D. determined to pay a visit to the Mrietcd to grocers, as it is especially valua­ diflicnltv. Of course he did! Does not Then such a shout as went up from the 'There were a dozen young men in the doubtless with the notion that it was a ro­ disturber of his rest. Hastily donning a WHEN TO TRANSPLANT ble to farmers as sellers and as consumers every < ’ape (’od hoy know his father’s boat CajM* Cod shore, for was there not a line settlement. staunch Whigs—some fisher­ mantic ami fascinating way of putting an few of his garments, he rushed up stiirs. TREES. if produce. Few farmers know exactly More than all, there hung the signal e fast from one of the ice-hound boats to tint men and all accustomed to the sea—who end to their fancied misery. It is scarcely and. in response to a gentle knock, was what they sell, and a platform scale is, we distress. The light.keeper saw it. and Firm old m ainland ami did it not mean 1 followed Ohed’s lead on all occasions. He worth while to attempt an analysis of their gruffly told, “ Come in.” If we may judge by the number of in­ • egret to say, a rare piece of barn furni­ Wild looked at it. and Johnny looked again, that bread at least mid he drawn across , suiitin: tied them quietly to meet him Wcd- motives op feelings, hut itis evident enough “ What’s the matter, my friend?” said R. quiries reueived at this oftice, the interest ture. A very important thing, and one and declared that. “ Come what would, the frozen sea to the famishing? nesdny ’ flit. secretly, at the bench: ami lint they lacked that sensible discipline E. D. “ You seem to he in trouble. An* in fruit-culture has never been more active which few farmers know exactly, is the he’d get out there, ami find out what tilt- The men on the Little Katie were pull- in tin m while lie secured a couple of which should make children healthy in you ill? ” than at the present time. Many persons quantity they feed to their stock, and how matter was.” ing in the kite, which looked a good deal tout boats with oars, ami hid them away body ami sound in mind ami n tim en l. “ No, stranger, I’m not ill, hut I'm havin’, are asking whether it is better to transplant much a bushel of grain, a ton of hay, a 'Then the glass was put away, ami they worn, hut still they gathered around it, in the place, ...... indicated. | Their imagination _ and feelin. o had been a peek of trouble.” in Fall or wait till Spring. This question jiiart of milk, a pound of butter, or a pound all went down, and the children, thorough­ ami read in .Johnny’s hoy-hand the words: On Wednesday afternoon near nightfall •dinmlated with love stories, and a few “ Will, what is it ? What can I do for has always been, ami seems likely to con­ •f pork costs them. A knowledge of these ly warmed shirted for home. ” If you get the kite, don't pull in the the cutter came in and anchored, hut no , weeks of idleness away from their families you ? ” tinue an unsettled one, even among the liing is necessary if the farmer would A little cloud over Cajie Cod hay grew string, for we'll put something to eat on it came ashore. They kept a good watch made them morbidly sentimental and rea- “ Nothing, stranger,” what can I do for most intelligent and experienced men. make his business protitable, and unless he and came nearer and spread more ami if you are hungry, and you can pull it over, j hut the night was very dark,’ ’ and • o their • ol i 1 dy for any foolishness. It only impresses a you ? ” \\ ith large fruits, including pears, apples weighs,, measures ami keeps account of more, ami at last began to drop dow n like Everybody’s well over here. Wild and i servation could not extend very far. Ohed lesson that cannot lie loo often repeated. “ Nothing, stranger,” replied the invol­ and peaches, much more depends upon the everything used upon or sold from the farm w hite snow on the sand. Johnny.” and his friends made their way through the Of the necessity of careful and judicious untary pedestrian, continuing his nervous condition and preparation of the ground he cannot tell whether lie is working at a “ Conn*! pitch into it as fast as you can Captain Rose read the words, and then ! swamp to the boats, and la\ there quietly training of children, who need the guidance walk and occasionally tearing his hair: than upon the season at which the trans­ profit or a loss. while we can see?’ said Johnny, seizing he ami hts erew tried to shout hack, hut all night. of wise and sensible parents, instead of “ nothing, but I have got to pay a note to­ planting takes place. At dift’erent, times, Ci Tu n g Co r n .—This month is die sea­ Wild’s hand and bowing to the wind. tin* w ind carried their voices across the , Next morning at daylight there was a being left to silly novels and their own morrow morning, .md I haven't got the and tinder difterent treatment, we have in­ son for corn cutting. The corn should be three-quarters home ami we'll hay. j whistle heard from lint cutter, and two wayward fancies for their ide:is of life and money, and don't know how to raise it.” stituted experiments, the results of which most ot tlie ears have com­ make it in no t one?’ Within the next twenty-four hours the lioats were let down, into which there turn dut v.— Bouton Gltdii:. ' Is that all? Why, that’s nothing. See we hoped, might serve as a guide, hut a* menced to glaze. Cut then, the grain will It was not dark and Johnny knew the cord had been doubled, and food in saiull hied it delight of the conceal* here, young man, go to bed and sleep; Vet nothing definite on this point lias been >e sweeter and heavier than if i>erraitted sand-marks well. Here a hunch of pov- packages went along the novel roadway Whig*, fourl n. armed with cutlasses Likefore cutting. erlv-grass ami there a forlorn clump of from hour to hour, until miles of seine ind muskets, with the muster's mate am, M AHIANNA FOXPORT. irulh to-morrow night. putting out lots of 2'Mi to dun pear tree*, Vs *oon as sullicicntly dry it should be re­ hayherry. w hose outlines lie knew just as twin- lay on the deck of the Little Katie, m idshi pm hi com maml ing in >e pa rale boat.-. With this benediction R. E. 1). took his h alf Would he planted ill the Fall and tli moved to the barn find husked. The core \ N I-Alll.l TIIIXAUY TALE. ollu-r half in the Spring. Twice there wa* SO WAGS Till! WOltl.n he knew the outlines of the boats and sails, and many loaves of bread, with small This would leave the boatswain, three men departure. The d(!spondetit debtor, it is 'lioiild not lie permitted to remain out served to guide him when the air was thick packages of “ salt meat,” sugar, tea and and a hoy on hoard. Ohed kept, watch, presumed, followed the advice given him. a very noticeable diftereiice in the growth >b-.irs longer than is necessary to cure the I married Marianna at last, and we hav< w ith snow. coftee, had been secured from the sea. the oilier* lying close down, and saw the ;ls no more pedestrianism was heard iu his of the trees for a year or two, hut in fodder. 'Fhc fodder when cured in good lived happily ever sim “ Dh! we’re lost!” said Wild, pulling Tlid next morning the wind blew again boats land. They all dis-embarked c in a lovely cottagi room for the rem ain d er o f tin* n ight. ably this difi'ereliee would disappear, so that condition is a very valuable article for feed­ c . i . 1 upon the Hudson back and trying 3o stop Johnny: hut tin- on Cape Cod. The inhabitants were on ing the boats in char .* of two men and not ’.. , , at the end of live years one could not p< ing to rows. It increases die flow of milk, They evidently in- 1 h"1 1 sturdy little fellow declared that they the watch for the kite, ami lo! it w ending them hack, O mitting M id d l e -m en.—A C alifornia itivelv distinguish between them. \Vith and if ent up and sprinkled with meal and m u.I die (Ik- d.-atli; l’o begin, then, a few years earlier tall and weak trees there i< serious objec­ - like a little fiber t wern’t lost jitall: didn’t he know all about rising in the air. On, on. it came. It tended to return in short while and m Sherift’, who had got tired of having con­ water, will lie eaten up cleanly. it? Hadn't lie “ fogged” ’t many a time to sailed over the heads of tin.* group on time wxs to he lost. So soon as the mail I Marianna and I were very much in lov science-stricken Nathan niurderers give tion to F.l, planting. The Winter and ear­ w ith each other. That is, I feel sure about Bi < k w in .\ t u| n)ii- low ground is easily the light and hack? Why, tinre, right it went right across the “ W rist” o» party had disnp|M*arcd behind the sand themselves up am, desire free trans- ly Spring winds will, unless the trees are it myself. Marianna it is true, used to injured by .frost. Rather than allow the ahead, was a pole that lie knew. Of course Cape Cod. It would have gone out iqion lulls, Ohed and Willetts, covering the tw |iortalioii to New York, there to expiate staked, sway l! ein backward and forward rop to lie injured, it is better to cut it ear­ it was. right ontopol home: ami there laugh am, protest that she didn't care for their crime on the gallows, addressed the to such an extent :ls to seriously di.*turh the ocean. hut for the Highland light vho were seated on the hows of tile ly, although sonic of the grain may be house, that eaught and held the great lint me: hut when I happened to be dead, she last candidate as follows : “ So your con­ and displace the r«» ts. i bis is especially was mother (‘ailing this minute, not fifty where they were drawn up on tin herself came near d\ ing with grief at the •11. In the stack it is safe, and the m- tering bird of man. . beach, tired. One of the men fell im»rtallv science ain't e:isy, eh? ” “ Ah,” replied the true of eln-rry and spindling apple trees. feet aw ay. loss of me. npe grain wilt mature by a few days e.v All of which statements were quite true: WiM and Jollity were the first to reach wounded, and the other dead. < Ihed ami murderer, “ I have the curse of Cain upon When this evil is guard* -I against, then But 1 anticipate. po*urc. In drawing home thecrop, spi -.ul and in live minutes they were safe in the thi! light ami cry out “ What news?” to Willetts flotindered through the mnr&li my brow: I wander, wander, hut find no Fall Ills some decided advantages ovei begin further hack. 1 cloth of some kind in die bottom of the cabin, and had told their news from the tlie keeper, w ho had just succeeded in re­ where the men lay, am,, without paying I To rest.” “ And you’re the man?” ** I am.” S p rin g planting. For in*t nice, in the Fall W hen w'e w ere children, I w as m uch vagon to catch what grain shells out. The icc-lMuind boats. covering the battered kite. any attention to the wounded man. quickly “ And you want to he hanged? ” “ I feel ilierc is less pressing work to tic done, an I • •Ider than Marianna. 'To he sure, that fi'ain should he thrashed as it is lira vn “ Nothing to eat. maybe, and cold, per­ mie ami sec with your young eyes,” stove holes in the bottom of the boats, that I shan't rest easy till I'm hanged. ' therefore more time can he given in lie- w:is not my fault; still she used to blame loin the tid d . TI10 seed should he cleaned haps. Not sick. I hope.” said Mrs. Wild: Wild ami Johnny found the words: ** We w hile the lest of the men lowed into sight. “ W ell, m y friend,” replied tin* Sherifi*. transplanting to details that arc iiupor: >ui im* severely for it. We w’ere sent to the ip at once, to prevent heating, and lie stored and then, in rather a dismal way, she set had nothing to cat for two days. Now One of their own boats took them on hoard thoughtfully, “ the country treasury ain't to the welfare of the trees. Again, the ; same K’liool. If not exactly at the feet of a in shallows bins. Look after it occasion il­ forth the little table for their evening w e'll weather the iee, (Jud willing, and get am, they made for the ••utter. well fixed at present, and I don’t want to ground is usually during Autumn iu better (Ttiii'o and * lift (hrs. Gamaliel, I occupied (big hoy though 1 ly and if it heats turn and stir it. The first m eal. ill right. We've supplied the Mary But the people on the cutter wen* ;* 1 take any risks in ease you’re not the man. order for a longer period, so that there is was) a permanent position at the feet of kwheat in the market, generally brings •• I should think you’d feel gladder about from our stores.” idle meanwhile. They disengaged a ear- and are just fishing for a free ride to New no necessity of hurrying forward the work, the ditferent ekisses into which I success­ the best prices. our getting home safe, mother,” said Wild. Ami there, right at the door, the lirst- ronade, ran it out of a port-hole ami pre- York. Besides those New York courts as is frequently the ea>c in the Spring. For \\ ILD ROSE OF C APE COD. ively dropped. Marianna w:is a bright “ for just see how it snow’s.” eomers, who had followed the kite, were! pared to tire. The boats, by previous un- can't he trusted to hang a man. On the these reasons we have on difterent occa­ C h u r n in g .—To avoid greasy lerter, scholar. I rather liked her, even in those “ lam ?1 said Mrs. Wild: “ hut I was Mrs. Rose and the friends of the men of: derstatiding, separated, one circling north whole, as you say you deserve to he killed, sions recommended Fall planting of ap­ hum witli presure instead of frietion. in > \ i:a ii j . i r i d h a r d . days, and used to make up faces at her be­ thinking of seme way to help your father.” the Mary. t and tin.* other south, ami the shot missed and want to he killed, and as it eant make ple*. pears, peaches, and grapes, nor do we I’he old dash churn is the best for h itter- “ Do you think there is a way?” asked “ Whose i«lca was the kite?” asked an both. Before another gun could he aimed, hind my slate. How* kindly she took it. much difference to you or society how you see any good reason to eh mge opinion in iking It brings the butter by p essare Nearly all the roses iti Mtissacliusetl thong,i! She would let me haul her home Wild. “ You know the boats can’t get old fisherman. the cutter was hoardcdal Ihiw and stern. are killed, so long as you are, I gin*** I'll thi* re*peet. There is no doubt, however, d not by friction, .as in the crank e,» irns. Iwru in June, Inti Wild, the little daughter I on my sled after school to make up for it. then*, ami the iee isn't safe.” “ Wild’*,” shouted Johnny. The noise of the tiring caused the main kill you myself?’ So saying, he drew hi* that, all thing* being equal, the Spring i* file butter shoiib! also he worked by pres­ of Joint Rose, was lioru in December, and She was very pretty ;is a child, with him* “ If I was God,” said Johnny, “ Pd fetch “ .Johnny made it though. I couldn’t party to retrace their step* and they came revolver, hut that eonseience-strieken initr decidedly the best season in which to do ure and not friction. The butter worker t hedrawn across the butter, hut Ab. what a struggle it is to live at all on least hit in the world. Her hair is darker small as lish-seales in no time.” i *ave Johnny, heard her for the wild air they found their boats unlit for use—not. • *ka with such fervor that people couldn't ground till the middle of April. Follow- pressed down into it. Cape Cod in December! Yon have only a now. 1 cannot remember when 1 did not “ Yes, and sink every boat in no time •about the light w:us ringing with the slioiit however, until tllcj had pushed them oft’ see the brand of Cain on his brow for dust ing this may he a spell of wet weather, I narrow strip of sand to cling to, ami the think her beautiful; and yet I never for a Flic profits of farming depend not upon ' suggested Wild, w ith scorn. o f “ I live Wild R o f C ape C o d !” •ml the water floured in on them. Willet- keeping the soil heavy and cold, and unlit Atlantic Ocean (even when it is not in a moment thought of becoming her lover. the number of acres cultivated, hut npon I “ Oh. dear!” said Johnny, “ I guess I ta, meanwhile, after the prisoners wer<* sc- to plant trees in. and thus the time he so great ragey clutches away with one single 'This w':is before I had saved h er lift.*. T oo'L oxg a F koguamme.— A story i* horteued that the job if done at all Ills to the yield of each acre, according to the wave of its watery hand an acre or two of was in too much of a Im.iry; hut some­ ( APTL KING Till: ( I TTEK. , cured, ran to the magazine, brought up current in Paris, as follows:—Vieompte d« work and d.atssiiig applied to it. A small ; some grajh! and canister, loaded the Long But I anticipate. he done in a hurry, in which event many saml, while the cold waters of (’ape Cod thing’s got to lie done? ” H-----was seventy years old, hut retained farm well cultivared, and rightly managed, 'Toni ami trailed it directly upon the party To go hack a little. important minor matters arc likely to he sweep right in on the other side, and with­ The wind had been blowing two hours At the time of which wc write then the freshness of youth mentally as well will yield more profit than a large one after dark, ami the snow and saml were in the water. The shot from that ami one Il seems t«» me as if I had begun life neglected. Better wait a whole year than in sight, too: the arm of saml is so thin an inlet on 'Tucker's beach. New Jersey , physically. This was the result of an odd wronglv managed. of the carronades did fearful execution and very young. Indeed, I think I almost ree- run the risk of planting the trees in wet and worn, ami w:isted away. IamiU on whirling about in a long, round dance, af­ called Brigantine inlet. In 1800. this was theory put into long practice. He lived al­ olleet when I was christem-d, ami the feel­ ground, under any circumstances. A eorresjiondent of The Poultry World your ma,» of the State of Massachusetts, ter the fashion of (’ape (’odsaml and snow, closed up and the sea formed another inlet, the few survivors that were uinvonnded, ways moderately, systematically reserving ran up the beach to the nearest h use, ing of mortification I experienced at being Before planting, see toil that tlie ground m v * he kept a lloek each of common fowls ami see if I am not right about it. when Wild called out of the darkness to which exists to this day. 'There was no proporlioaate share of entertainment for when.* they sheltered them selves am , ulti­ so small. Not that I tr t is >o very small, is in good order, thoroughly pulverized and of dark Brahmas “ same age, same W ell. on < ;.,«• Co-achiuay ” . . J . for t. perhaps one of the smal er vvessels, best bring the soil up to the standard of —twelve small tallow candles. “ Twelve! “ You know that big hank of net-twine York and the West India Island: lected, and he wjis in a state of high ex­ he saved and kept in boxes ol saml for " So, after eon*ultation, it w ed to cut to like him pretty well, though while wi quality. At tlie time of setting, soiih •lips,” Johnny said. " that made :is in ich of father’s? ” were grow Ing up W’e fought a good many citement on the night of his lirst vi.*it to upcr-phospiiuLc ofi planting.—Currant hush suckers should all the Revolution the place was a rendezvous ..... rir m ove the ma.*l* on| *ink Hie liiidy-ground bout light as the Highland itself.” Ami Johnny “ What of it?” with disappointment. for American privateers, am, ihese little Vt*s*ei iti'tle the Grarnl Opera House. He had a whole tic roots will !»«• of removed and the ground kept dose of .•epest hole in the harbor, to rounds, am, once 1 came oil* victor, it was lime to sprinkle around the root • •light to know, for the keeper of Capet o«l “ Don’t you believe 'iwould reach? sea-hornets annoyed the British shipping , • ■ ' box, and being an ardent lover of Meyer­ weeds— Raslierry hushes should have the suitable opfiortiinitv I his the day 1 got tin- bridge of my nose al­ service. As to the season, however, w< light is a great friend of Johnny’s and of­ “ Whose goin* to reach it. 1 should like *o much that an expedition was organized, tered. ’ beer’s music, he was enthusiastic in hi* ad­ old canes all cut out and top-dressed with was soon done, after taking the movable repeat that with a good soil !n good order ten in summer lets the lad go up with him to k n o w ? ” w ith the Zebra and other ships of w’ar, to miration of the entertainment. At tliecnd stable manure.— If corn is cut up just be­ firofierty ashore, previously tilling the bar­ Charley was about my own age. propitrlv mellowed, it will he safe to trans­ to see him “ light up.*’ “ When the wind blows right—” break up the “ deli.” There were several of the first act he fell from his chair fore frost comes and placed in a cool place rels of the Long Tom ami earroiiades with lie was my twin brother. plant .apples, pear*, peaches, or grapes, 'Phis Highland light stands out on the “ What, then. Wild Rose? Are you privateers lying there at the time; hut and instantly died. The undue agitation the green corn will keep good for a week, all the melted beeswax that could he had 1 ought to mention about my being dead. cith er in S p rin g o r F a ll.—A’.r«•//*<«//« . bleak e.-qx-, ami is oftentimes the lir-t talking in your sleep?” they were warned by an express from Gen­ had induced ail attack of heart-disease. In or ten days.—Commence potting tendei in tin* tieighhorliood and then storing them It \:is a mistake. file error was one of light that greets the sight of seamen when “ Send a kite over!” suggested Wild, eral Washington ami escafied before the his desk was found a carefully prepared plants which were bedded out during the in the hold. Then the prisoners w ere car­ identity, flic new’spaper killed me at An- approaching the coast of New England not heeding the interruption. British came. Washington sent a force programme of pleasure that would have summer, and also those which are to be ried o,V by their captors. liotain. ilost of them printed in largt TENT LI I E AT EAIRS. from over the Atlantic ocean. “ Whew!” exclaimed Johnny, sinking under Pulaski to meet the invaders; hut lasted until his eightieth year. It included used to propagate from.—Farmers who In three days a British force came, as type the t urn* o f ** ( ’hap laiu ------o f the------Even in si.miner the wind blow.- -•o hhard ird ^own *nto 'V:‘rtti bed again, they did not arrive until tin.* enemy had a tour of Anicriea, the reading of Dicken’s An important move in the right direction have swamps containing muck should throw had been exjteeled, am, they made things R egim ent I was made a prisoner, at the Highland that it blows the in-’ of He didn’t speak, and poor Wild thought done al, the mischief. Part of Pulaski’s s at once released, ami when the works, etc. has been made by the Maine State Agricul- out a good qnanity to use for composting *IU7| j|( he held her scheme in extreme derision; lively. ’They burned down a nuiuhet* of But I w. young turkexs over their heads, their picket guard was’suprised ami massa­ w irw asci led came home to marry Marian •-• tual Society this year, in providing for and various uses about the farm.—Milk . |,;u , j nevertheless, Johnny was thinking, even farmhouses, Lippiueolts, among the num­ winter it blows nol/odv knows h< cred by the enemy. 'The invader did not farmers a tent in which to do such cooking, cans should receive the best of attention. .. ?...»» I afte r his siste r w as sleeping. ber: hut the inhabitants, except those of na. 1 married her with as much calinne&s as W hy Som e P e o ple a k e Po o r. S ilv er I am q*ft« •••rtain you never have >»•••! escape without loss. In getting out the , , , . , , I COllld euinniand, and presented the couple as may he desired, during their attendance Butter packed in September is equal to 'Pile next day it snowed all day. There , | . . . . , i known loyal sentim ents, kept al a rc.-meeta spoons are used to scrape kettles. a home like Wild Rose's home. It i* hid Zebra grounded and her ow n people burned . , . • r , . 1 with soinetlnig in addition to the wedding with their stock or products at the fair, dune butter, and will keep as well. Shel- is no chance to hear one word from the * . . hie distance from harm. Every boat upoiUJXJIl Coflee, tea. jieper and spices are left to den away in the verv bottom of a big hoi her to prevent her capture by the Aiueri* fee. This cannot he too highly commended, and kin,ls of stoek froni tHecold, autuni- fishing llect. Johnny declared that he I the headi for miles the British destroyed. stand open and lose their strength. low in tin* sand, and it pro'cctcd on all I , --1 1 ,1 Her husband. Jack Foxport, an old army it is the paving of the way for further and »*‘l >*‘ins- Farfieularlyshoiild Iambs, sheep id from nmst go to the nearest neighbor * hoir In about a year s time Ohed, Willetts and Potatoes in the ccller grow, and the sides bv a high fence to keep the sam. ,,, . « . ,, . . . There was one privateer the enemy man- friend of mine, h:is prevailed on me to sprouts are not removed until the potatoes fuller tout life at fairs young cattle and eolts be sheltered.—It is j some of the rest, came hack, gut up a unprofitable to pasture mowing fields. This overirig it up. In tie* first place the house < ,I<’ ^ n'? v the w ay w ell enough, hut it was iged totakeasshe w’.ascoming in—the Saucy live with them till now, hut I soon shall are worthless. ’l’ln* State Fair holds four days, there i. - - • • • l-fter nine o clock before he set forth. erew, raised the cutter and found her in year there can he no excuse for doing so. lack. She was Baltimore built, very fast have, I hope, a house of inyown. Brooms are not hung ’up,’and soon rush, a crowd, and public homes and pri Presently lie returned with his friend. ' good order. The cannons were rusted be­ There is an abundance of hay and other sand, hut the fence was afterwards added , and armed with a long eighteen |»under. But ahoit saving my sister Mariann’s come spoiled. ite ones too are full to repletion and itn- P eter I . .md the two lads spent tie ,1,,. ;u|lnirai nia,jc Jier a len.hirto the fiag- , some on the outside, hut the beeswax had kinds of fodder.—To have early cabbages and outside of the fence was a barricade of life? Nice handled knives are’thrown into hot eoniforLihleness. It is crowd, push, jam. j sea weed. Over the stilts, fence, seaweed niornin^ with bailed door, in ( aptam . l‘l transplanted to cold frames.—A beheld, to her amazement, the skeleton of one dark, stormy night got oft* to sea with aboiil .i.l(.’i n iu g in this p artic u ln ’. T ,.„i I'dshel of ri|)o tomatoes brought into a A tlan tic coast, was a charity house, not a came a regular nusianee to the place, sail­ Clothes are left on the line to whip i Cun- a huge kite. her, having obtained letters of marque and t o r c i g n . life is Iiccoiiiino more and more in vo,rue will drive out a box of doctor’s pills, poor house where poor folks could go ami ing in every now and then, exploring the pieces in the wind. “ Oh. Johnny! are you going to try it?” rat. down to the West Indies, where they at the seaside, at the eamp meeliie' I’otatoes mashed line and mixed while hot live when they hadn't anywhere else to harbor, levying contributions of soft taek, i , z. , _ - A .Muiitdivgii' hspatch reports all the country 'l’uhs and barrels are left in the sun to she cried, running out to him. took am ple revenge* for the b u rn in g of the |,vtwevu S.i m i ..•rounds, and at our interior pleasure , ,7.. with an e.pial hulk (.f meal is the best of live, hut a rude room, inclosed by a rude vegetables and chickens and then sailing i douteuegro is iu full revolt, dry and fall apart. Al lirst, Johnny was vexed that she had imvu Middle-of-thc-Sliore. In fact, with the iniiv io,u..» .n- gviits have taken the field. The sort- Win not introduce it al our fairs, all ptiddino for fattemnjr chickens Cist.—Ap- outside, into which a | mm„’ shipwrecked The people would have liked to take Dried fruits are not Liken earc of in found out, hut in a minute or two he w’as h er; hut w hile the squadron was so n ear | I” ’zes took, the m aster :‘>‘d erew town ut t’e. ,••! ■ I I l’leolie have been burned more espcei.illv at our State F.iir* .' Let plying liquid manure is like feeding cooked mariner might crawl and possibly keep son and consequently become wormy. all over the pet, and was in high glee Ill,- place the heavy p riv ate arm ed vessels i s!,;irc' 1 'I'111' ' :l sl,,:,n fort,,l,u n t 1,10 eloso °* '“ ‘J ‘he Turk isucred. The Christian iuliabi- frit n I*, neighbors. !>.* are demoralized and the insurrec- ground near the fair grounds, carrying 1 ^le biggest sot 1 ot profit >3,000, from ; hug on all sides. Montenegro is pre- Pork spoils for want of salt, and beef charity house along the coast. across the hay, the kite was done and the from the beach by the name of Ephraim business, carrying shingles and pine hoards their food and bedding, live ea.*ily, cheaply, eh year? Set it with nudlierries •«i for ar and the wildest enthusiasm pre- because the brine wants scalding. Johnny Bose was two years younger than snow ceased to fall. It was too late to go Lippineott. lie had the reputation of he-j along the co:ist for many years.—77// ///- comfortably, and sensibly. Wbat could be and feed silk worms. to the Highland light to see the signal on (Icpoidcnt. jei.eral war is regarded as inevitable, Bits of meat, vegetables, bread and cold his only sister Wild : hut a ten-year-old lad ing a Tory in sympathy, principally he-i puddings are thrown away when they pleasant than this tent life of the tillers of on Cape Cod knows more of the sea and the Little Katie: it was too late to do any­ lifim cabiuet iu Spain broke up on the DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. cause his son Ohed, having engaged in one J 1 uniwrsal sullrage. A new ministry might he warmed, steamed and served :is the soil at Maine’s great harvest feast? ships ami fishing than the wisest grown-up thing with the kite, even had the wind been questK or two skirmishes with British foraging LOVE, NOVELS, RELIGION \ N D foriiied umler Jovellar—Gen. Jovellar, good as new. Here would be formed pleasant family ac­ Pickled lied Cabbage.—The purple red man in the world who lives inland. rig h t. parties, had been disowned and repriman­ quaintances and ties of friendship that President ol the Uounoil and .Minister ot war; cabbage is the finest. Slice them into a The little Katie was Capt. Rose’s fishing The next morning the wind blew' just ded fur violating the peace principels of the DEATH. Alcolu Galiauo, .Minister of Foreign Allairs; Cal­ A little hoy wanted to borrow his aunt’s would end only with life. Here amid do- sieve and silt each layer, remembering schooner, and the Little Katie was frozen Light, and almost at th(* break of day the Friends. When the British parties visited mestie peae(! and comfort, «juietness and deron Collaiees, Minister of Justice; Duran Y. dog for a moment, and asked her to let him that too much salt will spoil the color. last in the iee more than six weeks ago, hoys set forth, accompanied by five or six enjoyment could be found—half romantic, there they always met with a warm wel­ Stranger than any fiction are some o f tin Lyra, Minister of Marine; Salveria, Minister of have a piece of string sohe could lead him. Drain for three days; dry it, add some right in sight Irom the land up tlie hank men, for idlers are always to he found on come. But Ephraim w:eOM ESTIC E TOOL-Cl IESTS. it. Put 1 quart of milk and two heaping which have been fatal. At West Pascagoula, 100 two weeks, with a face on fire from the into the work with spirit, hut every at­ “ Well, father, I go with them occasion­ al, naming the minister who was to olliei- ^ ““t °* tln' •* ' spoonfuls of sugar in a tinpail and set in a tempt, that morning, failed. The kite fell / , • p • i i troops on the trontier, the bervian go\eminent miles from New Orleans, there have been 70 case: Every family ahould have one of these. friction of the wind lie came back with the ally as thee knows; they’re very honorable, ate and font o f then you n g friends w ho |ukJ u,.jerej qie mobilization of six frontier brig- kettle of ho i ng water. Now beat well short, or flew too high, or went oft* in the and 15 deaths during the past week. It would save much inconvenience and ex­ two eggs and stir into the gelatine; then good new’s, “ No signal up yet.” hardworking young men and good com­ w ere to act as bearers, tw o nam ed by each ag.rre,ratiu.r -q non men “ No signal up yet” meant that there wrong direction. pan y .” h, ing the sanie persons an d A’frightfnl acculent o c c u r,, on the Grand pense, for all small jobs about a house stir into the boiling milk with a pinch “ Run home, laddies, and get your din­ is stated that the Collector at Sitka, Alaska, could be done without sending for an ex­ was still something left to eat, and wood to “ I wouldn’t wonder if| thee knew and b eing six in a 11 Ih ey also left afteetionate , Trunk » ilrund Jn CaH;uIUi Tuegday moriling. A o** f : ialt, cook two miuutes stirring all the ner, and get warm clear through your recently reported to our government the discovery pensive medianic. The cost of the neces­ . .uv __ i . c ; x__ burn on the Little Katie, and hopes also of they knew that the Sea Wasp is coining messages to their parents, the widowed of a silver mine in Alaska, which is said to he tim e. T ak e it oft’, let it sLmd a few m inutes hones,” said one of the men to Johnny and cattle train was thrown from the track ami sever­ sary tools should prevent no one from pro­ getting free of the ice without sinking. hack next Wednesday,they’d try to capture mother of one living in a neighboring immensely valuable. Since that time several then flavor with vanilla, turn into blanc­ Peter, alxint eleYen of the clock, “ and we al employes on the train killed. The whole train viding them, as they would pay for them­ Now and then a neighbor came down in­ her. They’re wicked enough.” town, and the father and mother of tile oth­ Canadians have settled there, claiming it as mange moulds, set it on ice. To be eaten will see what can be done with the kite was wrecked and the cars took fire. Large uutu­ selves in a single year. To begin, there to the hollow and walked in without “ Shouldn’t wonder, father,” said Ohed, er being absent from home on a summer British territory, and entered upon the develop­ the next day plain. Very nice. bers of cattle were roasted alive. should be a chopping or wood axe, a hatchet knocking at the cabin door, to inquire how this afternoon.” sententiously. “ But I don’t see how they trip . ment of the mines. The State Department is in­ Corn Soup.—Take six ears of green corn When Johnny reached home he declared a saw, a elaw hammer, a mallet, several Mrs. Rose was getting oil. and to say yet could do it.” The cause of their r;ish act, or rather the* vestigating the matter. and cut through the centre ofeach row of ker­ that he wasn’t cold the least hit. nor hun­ Judge Tallman of the Bath Municipal Court, gimlets of diftierent sizes, two augers, say a«rain :—“ Cape Cod has seen harder times •‘I’ve noticed that the master of the ves­ lack of cause, furuishes a curious study in nels, then with the hack of the knife scrape gry the least atom, hut he sat in front of has rendered a lengthy opinion in the case of the a half inch and an inch, two screwdrivers, than this, Mrs. Rose. Keep up a stout sel always anchors right by the swamp, m orbid psychology. It, seem s th at they The syndicate of the Bank of California have it off the cob, leaving the hull. Boil the a blazing drift-wood tire and ate like a Fnjuors claimed by the City of Bath, which were one large enough to screw up bedsteads, heart, and we’ll have the jfleet safe into where the lieaeli shelves oft' suddenly and had spent their vacation together in the very nearly completed the work of investigating cobs a few minutes in a pint and a half of giant, and got tip to go to the coast again. seized some mouths since by the sherilf. The liq­ two or three chisels, a small plane, a pair Providence harbor before many days.” within a few yards of shore.” village rather gaily, attending dances the a,fail’s of the institution, and are now engaged water, take out and putin the corn, boil un­ Wild didn’t see why she couldn’t go, too. uors were purchased in Boston, and not of the more especially in measures of organization with of pincers, a pruning knife, a jack-knife, a And then Mrs. Rose would put on a bright “ So I perceive.” and associating freely with some hoys of til done; then add one quart of milk and State Agent; and Judge Tallman decided that Tw to resumption. On account of favorable p air o f shears, one o r tw o files» a carp et look and say, in a cheery voice, “ Oh, I It Wits her father just as much as Johnny’s, “ Now, if there were bloodthirsty and let it boil up, take oft’ and season with salt about their own age, hut latterly had the purchase was illegal, aud that the liquors a responses of the creditors giving such time for stretcher, a ball of twine, &e. There hope so,” hut in her heart she feared all and she cared as much about the Little wicked men, who had brains to keep their and blitter as you do oysters. This is a liecom e very m uch interested in the M e th -! forfeited, ami has ordered them to be destroyed the settlement of their claims as will enable the should also be an assortment of uails from things, for did she not know that every Katie as any of them did. And so Wild, had purposes and knew that she is coming most delicious dish. Try it. odist prayer meeting of the place, and , ------hank to realize 011 its assets cn favorable terms, it spikes down to small tacks, a few brass­ dwelling on Cape Cod had its widow soon­ bundled up until all resemblance to a on Wednesday afternoon and knew that asked to be baptized. N ettie B arrett, the I The Sunrise says that the Caribou people have twelve-year-old girl was lost, set forth, is quite probable the assets will be found sufficient headed nails and these should be kept in a How to Use Stale Bread.— Soak tw o er or later? they are going to Shroud’s and round about irl th a t died, left a letter to a boyish lover completed a contract with the River Du Loup to discharge the indeptedness and pay 20 per cent. toiling through the snow and sand to the box, something like carpenters carry, in quarts of stale bread in enough water to At last there came a day when Mrs. Rose to forage and would leave the schooner in w hich she declared how nm cll she loved j Railway Company for the building of a railroad $>‘1,000,01)0 to the stockholders. The outlook cover the bread; add five well whipped said that Wild might go to the light with coast. At a short distance in the rear, weak-handed.they might—they are just had him , gave him a rin g and prom ised to I fi’<»«‘ Tresque Isle to the village of Caribou. The ow very encouraging and st is believed that separate apartments. The tools should be hung up in places marked out for them on eggs, one cup of sugar, one cup of raisins, J o h n n y to l<»arn the new s. Mrs. Wild followed on. It seemed lo her, enough—they might leave a couple of stoii w atch o v er his future. In an o th er letter J Agreement is ihat the town is to give the right o f with the opening of the Bank of Nevada and ii hoard surface, where there should lie an one of currants, spices to suit the taste, a The two children set oft* in high glee. as she drew near the shore, that half the boats in among the reeds in the creek the to her mother she asked that another fin”- brra d u ’ b n d g e , a n d sleeper the road, and the the renewal of the Bank of California, local money outline of each made, so that when a too( lump of butter the size of an egg; make a The sky was clear, and the wind was blow-, inhabitants of the next village were gath­ night before.” be given to “ E d g ar,” w ith a m essage th a t w,n I’llt « « the rails, furnish the rolling atfiirs will be on an easier basis than for o lung is done with it can be returned to the ex­ nice paste and line a dish, cover with a ing from the west. The Highland light ered to see the flying of a kite. “ They might, father.” she did not love him and could never have stock and run it. They propose to begin work time previous. within ten days. act place belonging to it. You can always thin crust, and bake in a moderate oven; house was not more than a m ie away, and It was just ready to start on its overice been his wife. The other girl had written “ They might go down armed at the tell, too, when any tool is missing. There eat while warm. This is a nice desett for what could happen to the children? Nev­ journey when Wild came upon the scene. no love messages, hut said in a letter to George H. aged ten, son of Samuel Welch of same time, with enough to eat all day, and should be tool closet on the ground floor dinner. ertheless, Mrs. Rose gave them many com­ “ Don’t you see, there won’t he anything her parents that there were stories about The Chronicle says that the bears are making Bath, while playing on the deck of ship Astoria, a lie there and next morning, when the men of some part of the house, to contain a Soft Gingerbread.—Two cups of molasses, mands. They were to return as soon as to catch hold of ? ” she said to Johnny. her Avhich were not true. The only imine- sail havoc among the sheep in the vicinity of fell through the hatch into the hold Wednesday came ashore and got out of sight over the Phillips ami carrying terror to the hearts of many wide shelf, under which there should he a one of shorteir'ng (either butter or drip­ they found out what news from the Little “ Catch hold of?” repeated Johnnie, mediate provocation to suicide that is afternoon. He was taken home insesible and will sand-hills to Shroud’s, they might, if they a mother ami child. A few days since they des­ suitable drawer to contain all that mav be pings). one cup of boiling water, one table" Katie, and, if it should be snow’, they were who felt that he could not. in justice, des­ known is derived from the statement of probably die. were as resolute as they are bad, hike that troyed about a dozen sheep in a pasture near required as in the way of light material. spoonful of ginger, one of soda, and flour to go back or forward, whichever way pite W ild’s suggestions any more. Nettie that her uncle had been scolding vessel.” Phillips. The “ oldest inhabitants” never saw No house should be considered complete to thicken. should he the nearer, and, if near the “ I’ll show yon,” she said, “ if you’ll hold her for beingout evenings, and had told her The latest omcial advices from Herzegovina are on a minute. * 'I’ic some long strings, now “ They might, as thee says; and I have them so bold and ferocious. without such a closet and they should be Ginger Snaps.— coast, they were to go to the charity house that folks were talking about her, and the satisfactory. The insurgents now appear willing take 1 tablespoonful of a notion they’ll try.” to negotiate with the Consuls. There have been providing iu building a house. Once ac­ ginger, 1 even do. of saleratus, 1 of lard, on the bank, and wait there for rescue. and then, near the kite, that will hang fact that Frances, the other girl, had gone — The days are full of divine messages from the no offensive movements for several days. The customed to such a great convenience, no 1-2 pint of molasses, 1-2 teacnpful of wa­ The wind helped them on their way, and d o w n .” They may, Obed; but if they do, I hope to the Methodist meeting in violation of boundless love of our Father, and have a wealth latest encounter terminated in favor of the Turks without it. Therefore try it. ter. Knead soft, roll thin, and haka i a a to write the exact truth, blew so bard and The strings were tied on, half a dozen of they'll use peaceable means. If they do her father’s commands, and he was ex­ one would do of meaning deeper than any human soul has eysr The emigrating families are beginning to return. — Gen. Telegraph. quick oven. so fast, that it came very near blowing them, at intervals, and away went the kite, try, as thee thinks they will, don’t thee go pected home the next day. The father’s known or measured.—Duff. intelligent judgment upon it which our his own church. Rev. Mr. Matthews, (Baptist,) Last Friday night Mrs. Priscilla Cunning­ upon the same conditions of play as above. The The Road Commissioner is doing a good job on R E S IL T OF.... T HfIF E EtLl Ee c inoa. t io n —An Au- Monday A reform eveuiug. club was Rev. organized W. 9. Jones in Waterville is President hut ; -rile Rockland Gazette. jury system can furnish him, and that though a new comer, we learn has already taken play was as follows :— a position in the town as a man of ability, and ham, wife of Asa Cunningham, who has been West Main street, graveling the street from the usta despatch of Monday says: Crane Secretary, and F. P. Hanlaad those most likely to desire to be excused Torrent, No. 2, Hallowell, 192 ft., 1 in. much character. He is a fervent speaker and for a considerable time an inmate of the city corner of Wadsworth street to School street. —*------*1- - ' ------* ..i....»— _ It has over a hundred members. from jury service are men engaged in large Tempest, No. 1, Richmond, 191 ft., 3 iu. ranks, we think, among the first clergymen of the alms-house, committed suicide by drowing her­ Alton Smalley, sou of Capt. George 0. Smalley, received at the Kennebec. Journo The illc tawExecutive uuve vommiueeCommittee orof tnethe shoreShore Line R.K. Thursday, September 23, 1875. The playing was finished at about 5 o’clock. State. Rev. Mr. Libby (Methodist) is also a new self in the mill pond, a short distance from a lad of about G or 7 years of age, fell oft’ a team business or employed in the management jomer hut has already a hold upon the respect of from all the towns and cities in tne o ta ie directory have decided to make a permanent lo- ! of affairs, and therefore naturally the most The Burpees repaired to the tent for supper, after the people. He is a fine scholar, clear reosoner, the alms-house. Mrs. Cunningham has been near the depot in this town ou Friday last, and except 31, give Connor for Governor o/,- cation of their road this fall. The locating party suffering from epileptic fits since she has been an 8.52; Roberts 53,077; Connor’s majority will meet at a designated point on the line Octo- Trial by Jury. intelligent and competent persons for ju which they left for Bath on the G o’clock train. ind ready speaker. The Episcopal clergyman is was badly bruised, so that he had to remain con­ 4,775. The places remaining to be heard her 1st. They left Bath at 8.30 on a special train for home, i man that at first impresses favorably and it inmate of the alms-house, being subject to the fined at home for a number of days. The recurrence o f a session of the Su- rors. True, if a panel is drawn under our seems evident will by acquaintance prove to be as from hist year, gave Dingley 77 majority. q W Littlefield of East Orringtou raised from arriving here at about 10.30. They were met or attacks very frequently. Of late she had several preme Judicial Couv* ;n our city this week ' present system, the most competent per- acceptable as the others in every respect. T h e Senate will stand 19 R epublicans, 11 one baen, known as the Hall bean, 79 pods con- times exhibited evidences of epileptic insanity makes this a timely occasion for us to call -'"ns on the panel should not he excused their arrival by the Chief and Assistant Engineer? Everything considered, Thomaston is a most Camden. Democrats, and no choice of one member taining 438 beans. ami the Steamer, Gen. Berry and Hook and Lad­ lesirable place to spend the heat of summer, for and beyond a doubt she made her way out of the in York county. The vacancy will he The ship Tam O’Shanter, 1700 tons, was suc- attention to what we consider a stumbling- for the asking. One man s business is as IjEctuie.—The lecture delivered by Mr. Cum­ der Companies, with representatives also of John here you are free from the turmoil of city life and house an I to the mill pond near by and drowned tilled by the Legislature, giving a Republi- cessfuiiy launched by E. C. Sewall &Co. of South important to him :is another’s ami all nearly all that makes the city so unpleasant dur­ mings, from the Baldwin Place Home for Little block in the path of justice—namely, our Bird, No. 5, and escorted to their hall. Here the herself in a fit of insauity. The deed was doubt­ can majority in the Senate of 9. The Freeport Saturday. should be treated alike; but die fault is ing this, the pleasantest part of the year, and at Wanderers of Boston, last Thursday evening, w present method of “ trial by jury.” ladies of the table committee of the 1st Me. Cav­ less committed shortly after midnight. House of Representatives is complete withj Qrand Jury of Cumberland county have that the whole system is defective. See the same time have the society and intelligent largely attended ami interesting, being inter­ the| exception of one district, Bridgton, founq an indictment for murder at Birch Island This system is entrenched in the usages alry Reception had removed the abundant viands advantages desired. Cummings. Mrs. Cuuuinghain occupied a room in which the rcults of i t : If they are not perjury, spersed with songs by four children, from the where there is a tie vote, showing 85 Re- against John Miller, ami Thomas B. Reed. Esq., and prejudices of many generations. There in excess of the demand upon them the prev were twro other beds, occupied by two old ladies Home. A good collection was taken at the close, publicans, G3 Democrats, and 2 Indepen- ( has been assigned by the Court to act as counsel, often, they are pretty near it. Three per­ is something semi-sacred at least to the av­ evening, and spread a bountiful repast for the About Town. about 77 years of age, uud in going out she also hut the exact amount received we have dents; Repnblican majority 19. Lastjeai , 'phe ship Alice D.Hooper,1400 tons, was launched erage American citizen in the sound of the sons out of four drawn as jurors would firemen, which was partaken of with excellent J3TThe Free Baptist Church iu this city re­ ht»or- is to he made iu the running of the steamer UB which proved to he the woman’s night-dress. ble noise aud some one was heard to ex < gether. In the neighborhood of Orleander Ta the Editor o f the Park, where there are many small farms was in long curls, combed back, looked almost as themselves iijxra the question without re- taut eases, and paying him only the wages ses, which will make only two trips a week afl Leighton then got a pole and drew the body in “ O for N. C. Fletcher for one hour to ma. when the body was laid out for interment. The cc is abou reaching and a number of stylish residences, the flection—would condemn any proposition to , <>f n day laborer, or less. The [pay of a the 2d of Oct. shore aud the party returned to the house and re­ this village.” water is reported six to nine feet in depth. grave-clothes were entirely gone with the excep­ ectly or nJirectly ported the discovery, after which Mr. Chandler tion of a silk neck-tie, which was in a perfect abolish trial by jury: lyit we fuel equally ought certainly to be equal to that of Simonton Brothers make an announce­ Criminal.—A Joyful young man stole last A similar story is told of the eastern end of state of preservation. ch jH-rson in our ty will ha ve a part and some of the male inmates of the house went to the island, which extends from Centre sure that any intelligent man familiar with , first-class skilled mechanic. If tile scr- ment in our advertising columns to-day, of their week $60.00 from a man employed oil the dredger. Rev. H. M. Heywood has acccptal a call to the observing the gra ary of ou nation’s the pond and took the body from the water and street at least one mile and a half. It is the workings of courts and juries and desir­ )f jurors are not worth that, they are grand opening of fall and winter dress good: A warrant was issue*I by Justice Perry, pastorate of the Baptist church in Searsmont. story. I have a i ) suggest o the citi- conveyed it to the house. fair to presume that the earnings of the en­ housekeeping goods, carpetings, etc., etc. Rea for his arrest, hut he was induced to pay hack the He may devote some of his time to the Baptist ing simply to obtain a strictly just decision, not worth having. time. Various an Mrs. Cunningham’s remains were subsequently tire year will be exhasted in repairing the cause in Appleton. us of Rockland ju the advertismeut aud then examine the stock for money and proceedings were stopped. in a cause in which he was interested If we are to continue the system of “ tri­ damages. Probably the vegetation is ut­ Mr. Hiram Campbell of Brunswick one day egmethods of mat event; exington, brought to the house of a relative at the South Remarkable.—There may he seen at our P. would prefer to submit that cause to tlx; de­ yourselves, which will he found full iu every de­ terly destroyed, but that the island is in­ last week dug up at the bluff at Maquoit a human al by jury," these reforms in it ought to be mcord, Bunker 11 ler places have had End. Overseer Wiggiu and Coroner Mallard vis­ 0. a peculiar picture frame. Ou one side is volved in wholesome ruin we do not ap­ cision of threc«*nin|H*tcnt judge? rather than secured. If the |>eople think so Jet them say partment. skull very large and very thick. The lower jaw ■eches, din ners, and ited the alms-house and inquired into all the cir­ shown a venerable smiling countenance, while the prehend. was of extraorninary size and both were well filled to leave it to the ballot o f a juiy of twelve so. ami see that the thing is done. If they ise. The nation is 25T Rev. S. S. Cummings of the “ Baldwin cumstances of the case and saw no reasou for other presents a variety of faces, iu panoramic At various other places moro or less with teeth. men, selected promiscuously and entirely have not thought about it, it is time for i nerat Philadelphia Place Home for Little Wanderers ” in Boston holding an inquest. Iu consequence, however, of succession, ixhih'ting every \ariety of human ex­ damage was done by the gale and floods, Most of the visitors to Bar Harbor have taken untrained in carefully weighing evidence them to begin. nations propose to was iu the city last Sunday and presented the some slight bruises on the face of the deceased, pression from the homely and ugly to the refined but at Indianola the ruin seems to have their departure. Their number has been larger claims of that institution at the Uuiversalist Sun- some of her friends where her remains were taken than at any preceeding season, probably exceed­ and arriving ata w ell-b a rre d judicial de­ effort in endowing aud beautiful. What is most remarkable is that been most terrible. A Galveston despatch ing 2600. Among them all it is said that there lay school session in the morning, at the Metho- conceived the notion that she had received foul cision upon its merits. 'fin; St a t e F a ir cqwncd at Portland on hat part s mil we as the faces from the opposite sides are looking of Tuesday says : has not been a single case of serious illness. list church in the afternoon aud at the Congrega­ J* or the public to expect an average jury Tuesday with a good prospect for a suc­ itv In attic gruu ids to re- play, ami for their satisfaction Coroner Mallard towards each other, rather than in an opposite “ The steamship Harlan came into port Mr. Dudley A. Sargent, a graduate of the last tional church in the evening. Good collections held an inquest ou Monday afternoon. The jury to render an absolutely just decision in a cessful exhibition, though the att laace local chi racter to direction. this morning with her colors at half mast. class of Bowdoin am I former Director of the Col­ were taken at each service. Mr. C. was accom­ consisted of (’. E. Littlefield, H. N. Keene, Sam­ lege Gymnasium, fell a few days since from a cause, every time, or three times out of was not large the first day oilhei t the Ido -o aid others in Spelling.—We spell Barquautiue as we here A large crowd gathered on the wharf to panied by a choir of four young girls from the uel Tibbetts, Wm. M. Monroe, R. II. Wilson and learn the fate of Indianola. The destruc­ horizontal bar, in his gymnasium at Belfast, and )f the 11 not atta in to pro- render it. Others spell it variously as “ Barken- atruck upon his head and shoulders, but received four, and rely upon such an expectation Park or tin* Hall. President Prim Home, who sang various sacred pieces at tliesi Asa Dill, ami after full investigation, all the jury tion there is almost complete. The people n ad- nitude. Why not tine,” “ Barquentine,” and “ Barkantine,” now uo very severe injuries. with any degree of confidence and certain­ Male Agricultural Society delivere meetings. except the last named, united in a verdict that de­ suffering for food and clothing. The t for the jenefit of which is right 7 beach for twenty miles is strewn with dead Rev. W. E. Morse of Nobleboro’ has resignal ty, is an absurdity. Jury trials an- pro­ dress at the Supreme Court Koon n the ed c ;me to her death by drowning herself in a vu city » What can A good number of ladies met at the resi­ Burglary.—In the matter of the burglary Ixxlies. The editor of the News received the pastorate of the Baptist church, and will close verbially uncertain, ami for a jury to ren­ evening, to the members of the se’ al so- his labors in connection with this people about the I see not ling more dence of Mrs. John S. Case, on Monday evening fit of insanity. We have heard the substance of case, in which about $300 worth of plated ware, the following note from Indianola, signed der a verdict which is directly against the cieties. In the published list L»f iddle of October. He will then enter upon his und for a for the purpose of consultation with rsspect to a the evidence in the case ami can see no possible etc., was stolen from Miller Bros’ store, on the by D. W. Crain, District Attorney:—“ We labors in connection with the Friendship, Cushing < •n.viet'ons of the court, the bar and o f ill | at the ball wc notice no names of exhibito more nea ed in our reason to suppose that Mrs. Cunningham suffered ire destitute. The town is gone. One and South W aldoboro’ church. centennial entertainment, and a considerable de­ night of the 9th inst., no arrests have yet been juarter of the people are gone. Dead who are trained to carefully sift testimony j from this county, but among the entries rom whiel old aud cree of interest in the project was manifested. A any violence at the hands of any person. She was made. Since this affair a few of our merchants The West Waterville Union is dead and the bodies are strewn for twenty miles along corpse is kicked by the Kennabcc Journal. and determine the truth in a mass of evi­ lior (mtitors, taking the 2d, 3d and 4th. heats J luly organized, and tin ole up Mr. Mero was a member of the hoard of Selectmen le upon the form er building.—Mr. L. F. Star- Broad daylight revealed a scene that cause. It is a question which may well be| in 2.14, 2,45 1-1 and 2.4-1 1-4. i follows:— ts. We liojn* the fair will he equal to that ol rett, of Warren, was’nt engaged as official reporter for 1873. He was a very JeeiJeil mau, who e x -I W:is terrible to beholil. The town could Godey's Lady's Book (or October is received. taken into thoughtful consideration by the ! Gilani? J urors.—John C. Cleveland any previous year. ! pressed himself in such a way that there was nev- for the present term of S. J. Court in this County , , . not be recognized as the Indianola of the It has taken a first rank always in the world of jmople whether it would not better serve The N. A. B u rp ee Engine ('<>. Ro-kl:i I. Harvey Ames, Camden; f i T Mrs. Dr. Elizabeth J. French, the electric . , .. er any doubt as to Ins meaning—public spirited day previous. Ruin, total ruin, every­ fashion add polite literature^ ami shows no sign a a lira'll > •y, South Thomaston; William Burg has been announced, hut reports for the \ ork . . yet of falling behind. The book stores have it. the cause of justice to leave the decision of physician, of Philadelphia is still at the Thorndike and in all respects a good citizen. where. People were seen walking and No. 4,” at Richmond. 'houiiLstou; WaUon V. Barton, Viualhaveu; Han- County term at Alfred, Chief Justice Appleton jumping over one gully after another. ou T. i'arver, North Haven; F. Eugene Gill- House, hut having various pressing professionil all trials at law to a judge, or a bench ofj We mentioned last week the departure of the N lillg— Ri.inuinlior the unusual treat in otorc N eighbor met neighbor and told their Tick's Floral Guide, publishal at Roohestor, hrist, Thomaston; Seldoii D. Hunt, Cushing; judges, trained iu the law and in dispas­ A. Burpee Engine ( ’ompany to take part iu tin calls elsewhere, will not he able to remain beyond for theatre goers in this city on the 15th, when North Haven. troubles and tribulations of the previous New York, No. 4 for 1875, is at hand, with all Holl’ses, Warren; Emery B Hart, St. the middle or last of next week. Dr. French lias night. uanner of diaections about autumn work in the sionately weighing evidence, rather than firemen’s muster at Richmond, last Thursday.! (jeurg(>* Josiah II. Hobbs, Hope; -lob W Ingra- ;ie Mitchell appears in her celebrated iuiper- Rev. Mr. Bixby, Jof Rockport, preached in nt-of-door and window-garden, liets of seals and to a jury of twelve men, selected promis­ They left by the 1.30 trainou Wednesday, attend- ham. Camden; Henry F. Keller, St. •rge; applied her electrical treatment to many cases ion of Function.—The Courier laments this Baptist Church here last Sunday, from the text, There is death and destruction all aroundluuuu i |)Ujby suitable for fall planting, aud lots of corn- • stay here, aud the office for treatment ns. Iloil: crushed to the grOlinil, lovtnble discourse concerning the well-being of cuously from the various walks of life. ed by the Warren Cornet Band, as before m Washington Light, Washington; Everson R Mil eek that it is more devoid of nonsense than usual, i “ Godliness is profitable in all things.” ler, Appleton; Isaac Morse, Friendship; C and other tyayetl round and leaned oyer. | one'who'i^the by her method will he continued after her i id by way of variety h:us produced (evidently at A Rockport barkantine, Capt. Shepherd, Scribner’s Monthly in a recent article on ! t I, and accompanied by Hon. X. A. llurpcc,] yY. Martin, Uniou: Union; Andrew Uluicr,Uluic Itockl Tlie wind dying down and the water dis­ *’ green things growing ” should fail to take this “ The Jury System ’’ pertinently says:— Assistant Engi leer D. N. Bird, Foreman Rankin Fiilst Traverse J ury.—John II. (’ounce, Fore­ great expense) an editorial in which its readers rival here a few days ago from LiverjHMil, with a appearing from the streets, those that coni little journal, which is only twenty-five cents a “ We should very much prefer to leave a case 1, Foreman Smith of “ Americus ” man, WWarren.—Lewis Arey, South Thomaston ; y y The session of the Knox x Lincoln Musi­ are told, among other things, th at“ the larva-like cargo of salt for Capt. Lewis McDonald, which she sallied out to learn the news. Bodies ofj of Steamer No. men women and children were found in all of ours with three men trained in the law, or to Hook and Lad< er Co., and Foreman Wall of Gen- ; Stephen S. Bartlett, Washington ; Oliver A. (.’lark, cal Association begins at Bath next Tueslay, sleep of business in the days of financial adversity, is now discharging. . r,M i Rockland; Stephen L. Calderwood, Vinalhaven; directions. Police and guards were organ one man accustomed to cone taring and measuring gu.i,.6 ul the company. They ,uhn „ . Asa A Uunbarj Wai/ der the direction of Carl Zerrahn, with T. 1*. so called, is but the gathering for greater de The free high school is progressing finely, un­ Peterson's Ladies' Magazine for October evidence, than to twelve men selected by lot from Berry, No. 3, ized, and search was rntulc for missing rela­ opens with a beautiful steel engraving of “ Psyche the realm of acknowledged inexperience and iu- made a very tine appearance id numbered 100 ren ; Ira B. Ellems, Rockland: E. W. Gould Cam- ler as pianist ami Mrs. H. E. II. Cartel- :ls j opment of the static potential energies that are to der the competent charge of Mr. Milliken. The tives and friends. How many have lost and Vase” and has the usual variety of fashion coinpeteney. After one lias picked out the three s‘rong, including the Band. Arriving in Bath, the den : Theodi lilclirist, St. George ; Lincoln Gil- |cipal soloist become in turn dynamic.” - Messrs. W. G. Moody town raised the sum of $200 for the support of their lives in this fearful storm it is impos­ plates, patterns ami work-table illustrations. The l)est men ou a jury, he has a better jury iu the . ( juaiueil two hours. They paradal j riirist, St. G ;e; Simon L. llandley Hope. and E. W. May have purchased the livery stable this school. The term is 12 weeks. sible to learn. Up to this time GO or 7C novelettes are good, the stories and poetry very three men than in the nine which are. left. A I " \ , The ladies ami those who love singinj readable and the housekeepers’ ami mothers’ de­ sum is not increased by piling ciphers upon it. ' through the streets and were entertained with a p orcu, » Traverse J ury.— Erast us Lermond of Mr. (). E. Blackington.—One of Mr. G. W. The widow of Dea. Norwood Beverage was bodies have been found and buried. Worn .Thomaston.—Joseph II. Kalloch, South birds will fiml extra attractions at J. P. Wise A partments contain valuable matter. Sold at the The simple truth is that the jury system is out- treat by the members of Long Beach steamer Co., j en were found, and men also, miles away in; Charles C. Morton, Thomaston; Amos Son’s hardware store in the fine collection of beau­ Case’s team horses fell off the bridge of White & thrown from a carriage last Sunday, by the sud­ bookstores. lived, and ought to he outlawed. It docs not help ' .j, ,lt thcir llouse_ Thc Ci,lcf Engineer of Bath it." ixi who had floated ofl’ on doors or anythin^ , Camden; William D. P tiful German canaries which they have! Case’s kiln, Monday afternoon, but strange to den cramping of the wheel, aud quite severely else they could get hold of. Some were be­ the cause of law and justice, ami ought to he members of the department expressed Warren Perry, Appleton; R. M. Pillsbury, Rock- say, received no serious injury.—The Knox & hurt, one of her wrists being dislocated by the kicked out of the way. it is oppressive to the id otlie They also keep cages of every description. neath the roofs, carried away to long dis­ Try one paper of Gold Medal Washing Crystal, | much n ret that tl.ev had not known that tin- " ,n,1l -’nnics Par-ons, Friendship; Samuel Quig- Lincoln Railroad is taking passengers to the State fall. tances. 'file escape of so many of our citi­ aud you will forever after be grateful to its inven­ juror, it is anomalous in our system of govern­ ...... glrs, Hilton; James Rctal, Thonuuton; Charles A. ment, it makes the uncertainty of the law still I Burpees rerc to-top in Bath, that they might .Syh e -ter, J r., Caui.leu; Alfred C Strout, Thom- The John Bird Engine Co. were out for Fair at Portland and return, this week, for one A concert is to be given at the Baptist Church, zens is almost miraculous. The search for tor. Price 5 cents a paper. bodies is still going on, but the number of more uncertain, it is exjieusive, and it is utterly t-e giv them a reception in keeping with their trial Monday night, but we believe did not meas­ fare.—Mr. J. P. Ingraham has in his garden a next Monday evening, by the church choir, under Passion.—The man who gets into a passica is : unnecessary. There is nothing sacred about it. i took supper at the Superni meraris.—Edward C. Shattuck, Wash- ure their stream. The company are about to pro human beings lost will never be known, as To lie tried by a man's peers is not half so good a hospitable wishes. The Burj»e a young pear tree laden with fruit and bearing the direction of Mr. J. T. Coombs, assisted by there were a large number of strangers in said to forget himself; but the fact is, he forgets and left for Richmond on f » ‘«k Thomas, Rockland; John Upham, cure a handsome new uniform. also a quantity of blossoms and buds coming into thing as to he tried by a man’s intellectual aud idahoc House ’ ” .... 1 j Union; Arther J. tug, Lushing; Levi Wooster Miss Walton, of Boston, and Rev. Mr. Bickum, town. We estimate the number of lives other people. The man or woman who buyp any moral superiors.” e 6.30 train. I yjorth Haven; Moses Watts, St. George. bloom.—Races are advertised at the Knox Trotting with Miss Lucy E. Coombs as organist. The pro- lost at 150, other Saleratus but Herrick Allen’s Gold. Medal, Mr. E. B. Haskell, late of Newton Theo­ uot only forgets other people and themsclyes, b u t. But if the people are not prepared to The Company were met at Brunswick by Fore- x |ie following jurors were excused; Lewis Arey, logical Institution, commenced his labors as pastor Park for next Thursday, and some of the best ceals are to be applied for the benefit of the Later information from the West says the town of Montagorda is swept away. runs the risk of scattering broadcast dyspepsia, . abolish the jury system—which has an ele­ au[Gardiiier of the “ Tempesto ” otgRichmond, South Thomaston; Oliver A. Clark, Rockland: I of the Cedar Street Baptist Church last Sunday. horses iu the State are expected to be present.— church. and many other evils naturally attending the hu- . i.l on arriving at the latter place, they were met B- vJk*nis, Rockland; Theodore Gillchrist, St. V. O. Only two houses remain standing. The man system. As you value health and good eat­ ment of Republicanism which gives it a The good congregation which assembled ii the af­ Mr. Ephraim Snow has temporarily removed his Cedar Lake is washed away and all the peo­ |,y the Tempests and pataded through the streets I G7.' »e Alfl ed C. Strout, of Thomaston. fruit and produce cominissiotu business to Tighe’s ing, never buy any other. Have the Gold Modal J very strong hold upon the American peo­ till about '.I, when they were escorted to t h e i r P° n u -‘J1 of .the ,||J *l<«ket, which numbered ternoon to listen to his first sermon is an evidence Yiual Haven. ple are lost or none. Most everybody sells it Depot 112 Lib-- I «>. o cases, actions were continued, 32 entered of the cordial welcome which his people intend furniture ware-house. erty Street, New Y’ork. ple—there are certain reforms in the sys­ Religious.—The Quarterly Meeting of the quarters. The officers and guests of the Company , neither, a. party, 34 trial. |15 defaulted giving him. His text was Eph. 4 •.‘^-Endeavoring D om estic. tem which are greatly needed, and which and thiw dismissed. Very few eases will he tried’ South Montville District (Free Baptist) was held were entcitained by the officers of the Richmond to keep Ihe unity of the S p irit in the bond of Thom aston. ought to he demanded and secured. this term and everything now points ton short iu the Union Church in this place on Friday and | The Rai Cloud commission will make two re- Business Notices•. fire department. peace. His discourse was eminently practical ami Mortuary.—Mr. West Tobey died at the resi­ I ports, one censuring aud the other exonerating First, we think it is wrong and an ol session. I he new entries for this term are uum Saturday last, the religious services extending Many imagine that there is no eure for Bright’s On Thursday morning the “ Torrents ” of Hall­ ally large, numbering 240. appropriate to the occasion. Mr. Haskell come? dence of Miss Maria Wyllie, iu this town, ou Sat­ ‘ Secretary Delano and Commissioner Smith. structionof justice to require that a verdict One divorce was decreed Tuesday, that of Mary over the Sabbath. Quite a large number disease of the kidneys^ also hladder and glandular owell and “ Pacifies” of Augusta arrived on the to us with au excellent reeord as a Christian man urday last. Mr. Tobey came home from Califor­ The gale last week caused serious inundations must be found by the unanimous concur­ G.50 train aud were met and escorted to quarters J. Cook r. William J. Cook, on account of extreme nia early last summer iu poor health, he being present from abroad. The services on the Sab­ on the Texas coast At Galveston more than a complaints. They are in error. Huntj Rem­ cruelty on the part of the husband. aud a scholar. He is a natural and easy speaker, bath were peculiarly impressive. On that day the hundred houses were destroyed and thirty lives rence of the panel. We think the law in bv the “ Tempests.” At 8.30, the “ Niagaras” well aware at that time that his disease was con­ edy promptly removes such ailments as well as Wednesday, Sept. 22d. and is already gaining the high esteem of those Rev. Mr. Mariner preached twice, at 4.30 P. M. lost. The water was two feet deep in the principal mental and physical debility, d:abetas, dropsy, this respect ought to be changed so far as of Brunswick, “ Torrents” of Lisbon, “ Lewis- sumption. Throughout his whole illness he bore streets. Many vessels lying in the harbor were JYathaniel T. Talbot als. vs. Charles Richards. who have made his acquaintance. We feel sure in the open air, and at 7.30 P. M., in the church to permit a verdict to be rendered by two- tons ” of Lewiston and “ Androscoggius ” of his sufferings with fortitude and resignation, driven ashore by the norther. gravel, maladies caused from imprudence, dissipa­ Aasumpsit ou account for groceries amounting he will prove a valuable accession to the ranks of on which last occasion the audience room was lit­ tion, errors or youth, female irregularities and thirds, or at most three-fourths of the Topsham arrived and were met by the “ Tem­ to $153.93, and interest amounting to $47.87. never was known to complain, and was evidently The Light House Board gives notice that on and the ministry of our city. The evening service erally packed, while many went away unable to complaints of the urino-genital organs, all of whole number of jurors. To require that pests ” ami all the companies previously arrived, Deft, claimed that by a special contract with one pleased to get home and die among his friends. after Nov. 1st, a light will be shown from the light of the plaintilfs, the goods were to be charged to was conducted by Rev. Mr. Rattray. A lar find room. Much interest was manifest throughout house recently erected ou the middle or highest which succumb to its genial influence. a guilty man remain unpunished, when after which the full line was formed aud the grand He was the son o f Nathaniel Tobey, of Uniou, and one Millay, who was to be compensated in work number of his former parishioners aud friends both discourses. We should like to heir him point of Egg Rock, coast of Maine. Frenchman’s parade of the day took place, lasting till 11.20, married in 1863, Eveline H. Wyllie, daughter of Bay. On and after Oct. 18th a light will be shown eleven out of twelve jurors are fully con­ rendered by Richards. Gould X Moore for plain- were present, who listened with deep interest to The Animal Body is made up entirely of sub­ when the companies marched to the tent where Lemuel Wyllie, of Warren. Mr. Tobey’s wife from the light house recently erectol at southerly vinced of his guilt, or that an innocent man till's. Rice and Barrett for the defendant. Ver­ appropriate discourse from him. We rejoice that stances p rim a rily derived from inorganic nature, an excellent ami ample collation had been provid­ dict for the plaintiff, for $206.80. Fire.—At about 7 o’clock ou Monday evening, of Avery’s rock, coast of Maine, Machias Bay. the rocks; the water, and the air. be held in durance, when eleven out of this church has such cheering prospects before it. died a few years since, of diphtheria, leaving a ed, aud broke ranks for dinner. Oliver D. Brown, et al., v. Alden U. Brown. daughter, who survives her father. Mr. Tobey an alarm of fire was sounded through the streets Iu the case of Westervelt, who is chargal with Natural forces, light, heat, electricity, and twelve are as fully decided as to his inno­ being one of the abductors o f Charlie Ross, the The parties to this suit] are brothers, and the S T T h e E. P. Walker Engine Co., of Vinal­ aud our little village was all astir in a trice. The time, in their process, of reduction, earry us After dinuer the Foremen of the several com­ was buried on Monday afternoon last, under Ma­ jury brought in a verdict of guilty on the first cence, or that a civil cause remain unde­ question in dispute is the title to certain property haven, has published iu the Boston Herald a through the grand procession of their changes, panies proceeded to the Town Hall and drew lots sonic honors, a large number of his brethren at­ boarding house of our esteemed fellow citizen, H three counts itt the indictment. from the inorganic to the organic state. cided when the jury stands in the same left by the father of the parties. The evidence challenge to the Eureka Engine Co., of Hudson to determine the order of playing in the contest was brief, and consisted entirely of written instru­ tending the funeral. He was a member of the H. Healey, was discovered to be in flames, but The miracle of vitality is sustained by the com­ way, does not seem to us reasonable or just. for two silver trumpets, provided by citizens of ments and admissions. As the whole question Mass., to play them for a purse of $1000 a side, lodge iu Santa Barbara,California,where he resid­ thanks to the alacrity and energetic action of the Foreign. pounding by nature (as above) of the tissues, There is certainly a great probability that turns on the construction of a single paper, the at Portland, on or about the 6th day of October E. P. Walker” and “ Ellsworth” engine < which are wasted in the ordinary nervous and Richmond. J he numbers were drawn in the or­ ed fur h num ber o f ye u ia ; and nlierocr kuowt Twelve inches of snow fell Saturday at Riviere case was not put to the jury, but is to go to the muscular operations of thinking and acting. there will almost always be at least one der given below, the Burpees being 5th. The among the fraternity he was ever found an hon­ panies, the tire wasconquered aud the house par­ du Loup in Canada. law court on report. Gould & Moore for plfts. 25/" The annual parade and review of the And iu proporation to the capacity of the ani­ “ odd” or “ crooked stick” in a jury—a ranks were then re-formed and the companies pro­ Pierce for deft. ored member of the order, as well as a just and tially saved. Loss from damages to furniture and Emperor William leaves Germany Oct. 1st to mal economy for restoring the waste, is the being Rockland Fire Department has been fixed for next preserved in health and strength. man lacking in sense, perception, honesty, ceeded to the place of trial, where the playing be_ No case is assigned for Thursday, and the Court upright citizen. building has been estimated at $1000. Insured visit the King of Italy. Bismarck will accompany Wednesday, the 29th inst., and promises to be an him. The ingredients wasted by thought or action,. or having a chronic disposition to lie on gan at about one o’clock. Each machine was al­ remarked that the time would lie devoted to the at Cochran’s Agency. hearing of motions, etc. oc :asiou of much interest to our firemen and their The patent round kiln of Fessenden Allen which Tremendous storms have prevailed all through are identical with those of which Fellows’ Hypo­ “ the contrary side.” Such a man on a lowed time for preparation, and as many plays as guests and to our citizens generally. As will be he built for Roland Jacobs, has just been burnt, Masonic.—The officers of “ Moses Webster New Mexico for the past ten days, and the town phosphites are composed; the ability of this pfiep-. aration to furnish the restoring capacity, and its. jury can always hinder a just verdict and could be made in the space of ten minutes. The seen by the programme, published iu another col- Lodge, No. 145, F. A. M.,” will be installed pub­ of Las Cruces was nearly destroyed by the burst­ and makes a (yield of 394 cables of lump lime ing of a water spout. Much damage is already power of sustaining and increasing vitality :n the playing was to be horizontally, tfirough two hun­ A Visitor’s Impressions of Thomas- licly on Tuesday evening next, the 28th inst, and often does; while if all the jury’ were , the line will be formed at half-past one mostly. The kiln works admirably, and but very done to wheat crops by continued wet weather. subject, enables him to combat and over, mn,^. dred feet of hose, the size of nozzle at the option toil. equally honest and intelligent it can scarce­ Mr. Editor :—In looking over your paper, I P. M., and will be reviewed by the City Govern­ little core was made. Success to Allen’s patent the D. D. G. M of this District, Dr. R. E. Pi disease, and so to lengthen his days. of the companies. The following is the play of the ly lie doubted that justice would be better I thought perhaps a word from a visitor in Thom­ ment, and after a parade through the principal kiln. of Camden, is expected to conduct it. The follow­ several engines : aston, your neighboring town, would be unascept- streets, a trial of eugiues will take place at Mav­ ing are the officers elect:— Maine Items. Mr. Bartlet has applied Gline’s Rubber Roof­ served if such a majority as wc have indi­ ahle. There is much about your paper interest­ George Fish and Sanford Copeland were se­ L. W. Smith, W. M.; J. F. Talbot, S. W.; T. C ing to the house of Mrs. Richard Robinson in cated were permitted to render a verdict. Niagara, No. 3, Brunswick, 182 ft., 5 in. ing, aud may its circulation increase, and it ever erick Square. After the trial, the department, verely bruised yesterday (Wednesday) in O’Brien’s A bear was killed in Sebec last week. Thomaston during the last week, and also to a Secondly, there ought to be some change Torrent, No. 2, Lisbon, 191 “ 4 “ remain an active and efficient organ for good. with their iuvited guests, will partake of a colla­ shipyard, by the sliding of a spar against their Creed, J. W.; C. J. Jay, Sec’y.; Chas. Green, Rev. Father Bates of Auburn is in very feeble roof for Mr. E. zYndrews of Warren. He has al­ Thomaston is one of the neatest and prettiest in the method of selection of jurors and Pacific, No. 4, Augusta, 187 “ 11 “ tion at the several engine houses. legs, which spar was being hoisted aboard the Treas’r.; A. A. Beaton, J. D.; D. L. Mullen, J health. so slate coatal a roof for J. F. Hall of this city. villages in the State, if it does not stand at the D.; R. K. Roberts, Tyler. Video. A base ball club has been organized in the Au­ See advertisement. some requirement of (jualifications for the Lewiston, No. 1, Lewiston, 191 “ 4 “ head of the list. I also think it ranks among the Invitations have been extended to a number of ship for rigging purposes. N. A. Burpee, No. 4, Rockland, 193 “ 9 “ fire companies out4of the city to be present aud burn jail. duties of a juror. The selection of men first in morals : for during a few weeks stay here All Sorts.—Capt. Ambrose Snow, of the firm James Maxwell, formerly of Topsham, agal G4, Established 1855. T. A. Wentworth, Whole­ iu the place, I have seen but little that would be R ockport. for jury service is not sufliciently careful Androscoggin, No. 2, Topsham, 205 “ 3 1-2 take part iu the parade. Gen. Berry, No. 3, has of Snow X Burgess, New York, has been passing hung himself in Lewiston on Friday. sale and Retail dealer in Hats, Caps, Furs, Boots, objectionable to the most fastidious. extended au invitation to Lewiston, No. 1, of Lew­ Shoes, Rubbers, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Um­ and discriminating. Every man is not a The first silver trumpet was accordingly award­ The Prison, though not among the institutions few days in this vicinity. He has recently Religious Meeting.—A young converts’ con­ The town hall in Waterville will be tinishal iu iston, and to the entire fire department of Bath, about a mouth. It will seat about 1500 persons. brellas, Canes, &c. 243 Main St. Rockland Me. suitable person for a juror any more than ed to the “ Amlroscoggins ” and the second to the desirable for any town, adds somewhat to the in­ erected a monument of elegant structure over the vention has been invital to meet at the Baptist A full line of all the latest styles constantly in Burpees. Of the above machines the Burpee and terests of the place as observed by visitors. The mbracing three steamers; Steamer City of Rock­ remains o f his son, who lies burial in our church in Rockport, Tuesday, Wednesday and Launched in Bath, the 18th, by C. B. Harring­ stock, and for sale as cheap as the cheapest. ever1 man can make a horse-shoe or preach ton, a fine schooner of 108 tons, not yet named; Pacific are Button tubs and all the others are Warden and his officers impress you at once with land No. 1, has invited Steamer Long Reach, No. Thursday of next week. All who have become in­ 11 a rmon. Many men never use their in­ their gentlemanly bearing and kindness. Aud I illage cemetery. owned by the builders and is for sale. Hunnemaus. doubt not but what they feel the force of the fact of Bath; Americus Hook & Ladder has invited Capt. R. B. Anderson, who is to command the terested in religion within the last three years are tellectual faculties in a way to render them At a meeting of the Boothbay Farmers’ and E co n o m ica l N ew F o o d .—25 cents w ill buy n pack Although the Burpees were second in the con­ that the State has not confined the convicts there Rescue, No. 1, Hook and Ladder Co., of Lewiston, new ship “ H. S. Gregory,” recently launched specially invited to be present. There will be Mechanics’ Club it was decided to hold the Fall age of Sea Moss Farine, made from pure Irish Moan at all competent for juridical functions simply to punish them, but more particularly to and N. A. Burpee, No. 4, has invited Eureka, No. which will make 50 kinds of dishes, such as cakes, pies, test for the prizes, they were pronounced first in from the yard of Samuel & Alfred Watts, arrived preaching and other religious exercises. Cattle Show aud Fair, October 5th, Gth and 7th. puddings, etc., or 16 quarts of custards, jellies, creams, and there are some provisions of law and protect society. The moral and religious interests 4, of Thomaston. John Bird, No. 5, has not yet The Methodist of Rockport are to hold a levee Miss Anna C. Holbrook formerly of Brewer,Jhas Phnrlotln »♦». Qr.1.1 BH D rr“- another respect, by another set of judges, and of the convicts are kept in view: an amount of home on Monday last from England. usage that go to discourage rather than been engagal as alto singer by the Barnabee Lly20 were made the recipients of a distinction which good reading being provided, and religious ser­ invited any guests, but holds a meeting this eve­ Work has already been commenced on Hyler at their vestry next Wednesday evening, the 29th. Opera Troupe of Boston. to promote intelligence in the juror. must have been even more gratifying to them vices being held every Sabbath at the chapel, ning. If all these invitations should be accepted , Street, and when completed it will make a very It’s a “ wee bit ” cold here for the time of the Rev. Lauriston Reynolds, a recent graduate of A Sure Medicine.—“ L. F.” Atwood’s Bitters Thirdly the compulsory feature is a seri­ than winning the prize in the trial. When their conducted by the clergymen of the place. These there would Ixj eleven companies in the line, mak­ pretty street. This street will then extend from year. A. services are of interest and ability; yet undoubted­ Bangor Theelogical Seminary, was ordained as an is a Potent Remedy, mild, harmless, but sure in ous objection to the jury system and tends ing a very fine parade. The trial of engines is to machine had been placed in position on the stand ly if a chaplain should he appointed, and he Knox St., to WiulsworthSt., and will furnish some Evaugelist iu Auburn Thursday. its operation, purifies the blood, restores the waat- a l energies, regulates all deranged functions, and to demoralize it. A man cannot be com­ ami just before they began their play, a lady should give his undivided attention to the position, be between our own companies and we do not un­ very fine house lots on which to build. yC ap t. Ini. Storer of Waldoboro, of The following patents have been issued to citi­ gives new life and vigor to the whole system. It it would be a step in the right direction. It is to derstand that it is expected that any of the visit­ zens of this state: Landing nets, Charles F. Nason, pelled to be an advocate, a judge, a legis­ stepped forward and presented to Foreman Bird a The Temperance lecturers announced last week ship Carrie Clark, recently rescued the is unrivalled as a Liver Invigorator, and highly lator or a general, and is only compelled beautiful bouquet, in behalf of the ladies of Rich­ be borne in mind that the greater part of these ing cetnpauies will bring their machines with did not put in tin appearance, and failal to send Auburn; animal shearing machines, George F. men are to go out and mingle again with others crew of a Nova Scotia vessel from a deso­ Evans, Poland. concentrated, is warranted to contain more Medi­ to be a soldier in time of public danger, mond, in token that they considered the Burpees them. any notice of their failure to Rev. C. E. Libby, cal propertirs in a 38 cent bottle than any other in active life. Iu this fact is seen the necessity of late island in the South Atlantic and land­ Teere was a heavy frost Monday morning, near­ the best drilled aud the liest behaved company reformatory measures instead of mere punishment. As the city provides no prizes for the trial, w with whom they made arrangements about the Invigorator ” or “ Sarsaparilla ” sold for a dol­ when volunteers are not numerous enough ed them at Pernambuco. The crew con­ ly all over the State. In some localities a fog lar. for the exigencies of public defense. Why, present There are five churches in town, all of which I suggest that a subscription be inode among our lectures in the first instance, although they noti­ melted i t The frost of Saturday night, Sept 11th, learn are in prosperous condition and well supplied sisted of eight men and the captain’s wife. Beware of Dangerous Imitations. See that it then, should he be compelled to l>e a juror? 'The contest for the trumpets was followed by a citizens for this pnrpose. We feel sure it would fied other parties about the failure at a late hour. killed corn on low laud in this country, but in the with ministers of character ami ability. Rev. The lady was nearly exhausted with expo­ Kennebec region vines were untouched until bears the trade mark “ L F,” in red ink, large trial between the “ Tempests ” of Richmond and be easily aud quickly raised if some one would co gueh disappointments are not productive of good It may l>e said that a person whose cause Mr. Mason D D. (Cong,) is a logical thinker, sure and hunger. Mouday morning. letters, or you will be grossly imposed upon. 28 is to be tried is entitled to have the most “ Torrents” of Hallowell, for a purse of $200, aud a strength to the connnuuity as well as to the work of canvassing for it. j tQ uDy one- / “ Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny.” [Shakespeare. ] Use DEATHS. P K O G K A V I M E Renne’sPain-Killing Magic 0 1 when traveling, SANFORD'S STEAMSHIP COMPANY! and you will escape all danger from change of CANARY BIRDS In this city, Sept. 18tli, Mrs. Susan M., wife of Sam­ climate or water. It promptly cures colic, cholera uel D ean, aged 36 y ears, 10 m onths, 28 days. Call and See the New For Boston t nd Lowell. morbus, chills, colds, sprains, bruises, and should In this city, Sept. 15th, Mrs. Ann P. Torrey, aged 53 ANNUAL JUST ARRIVED I be in every traveler’s portmanteau. Sold by all years. THE T H IR D LOT OF In this city. Sept. 16th, Mercj " ’•elict of the late and Second Hand fi-niiR-eineni f J'oi- o i- o f 1875. druggists and grocers. Capt. John Sleeper, aged 66 years, il months ard 14 days. P l y e ’h D ie t e t ic S a le r a t u h .—Universally ac­ fn this city. Sept. 18th, Priscilla, wife of Asa Cun­ Two Steamers on the Kniitc. Trips per Week. ningham, aged 41 years, 9 months and IS days. GLfflAN MALE M A EiES, knowledged the best in use. Each pound bears _thc In this city, Sept. 20th, Mr. Rufus Kelley, aged 63 C a r r i a g e s A L I. W A R R A N T E D TO 15E K 7 k . R E , O X nam e of J a m es P e y e . None genuine.w thout. Iy28 years and 9 days. L V $ 2 . O O . In thin city, Sept. 19t’i, M is- N ancy P. IJn d sey , aged rp w : Annual Review of the Fir? Department will 43 years. 1 take place on it tilI l & W in te r o In Thomaston, Sept. 18th, Mr. West Tobey, aged ...... AT ...... Extra Singers, i SPECIAL NOTICES about 45 years. In South Thomaston, Sept. 20tli, of diptlieria, Geo. Wednesday, Sept. 29,1875 Now i.i tho tim e to Select an H.. son of John Foster, Jr., aged 7 years. Tl.e line will be formed at IS o’clock, P. M., under In South Thomaston, Sept. 22d, Isabella, wife of the direction of the Chief Engineer of Fire Depart­ Jam es H u rd , aged 24 years. ment and his uids, and be reviewed by the City Gov­ J. F. HALL'S C a rria ie Slifliis H. C. LEVENSALER, M. D., In Melrose, Minn., Sept. 8th, Besde Belle, daughter ernment, after which a trial of Engines will take place DRESS GOODS Extra Fine Singer THOM AS TON, MAIN K. of S. S. and Lucinda Ulmer, aged 4 years and 26 days. in MAVERICK SQUARf, under the following Oil SPRING- St. As These Cunuries are Selling Rapidly. I »evotes his attention to the PRACTICE of MEDI­ ANd The Engines shall draft their own water from u tank CINE and SURGERY. CAMBRIDGE, Capt. J. I’. J«*iinson. u* Residence and Office, I-evenaaler Block Main or reservoir, and from the same height or level, and to KATAI1DIN, Capt. W. R. Roix. J". .1?. JtiJA T jL , R E A D T H I S ! play such water through two hundred feet of leading Will leave ROCKLAND for BOSTON, . very M OXDAl WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and SATUR- MARINE JOURNAL. hose (200) a horizontal stream, drops of solid water i f ! Y . a t ’j muting only. Paper, either brown or some dark col- W e will sell a BRASS Will leave BOSTON for ROCKLAND every MONDVY ...... the engines Carpetings. Spring Street. TUESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY ored wall paper shall be laid down ft DR. N. DOWNES. PORT OF HOCKLANi). play upon,upon, * .' v than ten *■—*feel *in...... width, and the dU Neariy opposite Thorndike Hotel. a t 5 1-2 o ’c lo k I’. M . CAGE and a Ger­ FARE FROM ROCKLAND TO BOSTON, . Office in Kiiuball Block. of drops of solid water of either engine upon said Rockland, Sept • . $2 00 A r r i v e d . paper from the nozzle used, shall be measured in “ “ “ TO I.OWKLL, . straight line, and the engine playing the longest dis­ man Male Ca­ $3 15 Resilience on Heecli Street. Ar 19th, sclts M Brewer, Leo, Boston; Lexington, State Room sseem-ei] «»f Agent at Rockland. McLain, do; Excel, Poland, do; America, Miller, do; tance, so measured, shall be declared the winner. Rockland, Aug. 12, 1875. 36 *C Carroll, Cudworili, Portsmouth; Addle L Perkins, J. W. CROCKER. | j U(llfeM Pew for Sa§e 1 nary, Extra N. B. No extra hazardous freight taken. All fn ht must be accompanied by Bill of Lading in duplicate Thompson, Penobscot; U S Rev Steamer Woodbury, JOHN LOVEJOY, | dudge - p iIE pew now occupied bv Geo. M. Brainerd, in the 31. W. FA R W ELL, A gent. Evans, Eastport; schs U E Smith, Jameson, Boston; GEO. GREGORY, Referee. S in g e r, A gent’s OJlice, No. 2 A tlantic Bloel 20th, H Coombs, Bishop, do; US Rev Steamer Dallas, upstairs). Residence corner Union and Pleasant Sta. F. C. FOOTE, After which a collation will be partaken of, at the ------FOR ------Rockland May 27, 1S75. Has just received another large Invoice of Chase, Portland; sells G W Glover, Perry, Boston; G. F. KAI.FR x C< Wm H Jewell. Wardwell, Bangor; 21st, II G Bird. different engine houses, by the companies and their in­ Blaekington, Boston; Silas McLoon, Spear, X V ; Ella vited gu« sts. HUMAN HAIlt! Pressey, Pressey, Boston; A Clement, I.ittlelleld, Pe­ A GRAND BALL will be given in the evening, at Have Just added the nobscot; 23d, Mary Langdon,Mullen, Boston; Calista, Farwell & Ames Hall. Whitten, do; Lake, Sleeper, Boston ; Utica, Thorndike, P e r O rder. POTTLE & KNIGHT, PRICES. Portland; K C Rankin, Hall, Boston; Alalanta, COM. ON FIRE DEP’T. finest stock of $6.00. $6.00 Work of all kinds dona to order. Please give huri Khuades, do; I L Hammond, ------, Hampden; S \\ Rockland, Sept. 23,1872. Iw42 call at her old number. 6 Brown, Maddocks, Boston. s x e o a s i o N J. P. WISE & SON, 259, Main St., Rockland. New Goods 40 212 & 214 Maiy Sjtrect. S a i l e d . FOR SALIC. T o f various deimrtmcnt, In llivlr i that T H E Y M ERCHANT TAI LORS Sid 19th, sehs R S Hodgdon, Morton, Boston; W C TWO STORY House with L, and < n V v E K V EU iI a II THE i’l.EASL’ltE OK EX- Hail, Howard, X Y; Pallas, Rhoades. Boston; Win South Benj. Williams, 2d, M. D., Thomaston road, one mile from Rocklund P. <■>., coin IIIBITIXO TO TI1EIII CUSTOMERS. niiinding a beautiful unobstructive view of the Bay Bird. Cages AM) DEALERS IN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Ulie Oakes, Pillsbury, do; Amazon, W arieii, Salem; p.ri ...... ' z . L . ' ’ " Rice, Pressey, X Y; Concordia, Robinson. II OFFICE IN IIEIIIIY BLOCK. tad carriage lion . a i » T ....., ___Empress,1____ , ______Kennedy,_ X Y ; Gertrude E Smith, W ill bi bargain, if applied for o f every size and pattern, from the large Breeding Cage I . - ■ i s A Jameson, Windsor, NS; U S Rev Steamer Dallas. III the Dress Goods department to tic cheapest kind. ' FURNISHING GOODS, Chase, cruising; 22d, sell Ariosto, Eiwell, Boston; Eastern Exp’t Of- Equid, Shaw, XY; G M Brainerd, Crock tt. Vinai- 42 Will l>e found speeial barfrains in liaven; Alleghanin, Bryant, XY; Billow, Bennett, do; !>oices from 50 cts. to $7.00 Ocean Wave, Smith, ----- : Win S Farwell, Island to ■?. 11. BOYNTON, M. 13., losd for XY; U S Rev Steamer Woodbury. Evans, ,256 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND. cruising; sell- Trader, Gross, Boston: Ida Hudson. SaiifurtTs Line of Steamer; HOMEOPATHIC Kenniston, do. A Full Lino of S ta r's Pat. Gravel Papsr Having engaged tile sorvicos of M il W. X. P r ie s t , of this city, we are now pre­ Physician and Surgeon, MEM GRAND 1. as they have just made a large pur­ pared io execute all ordei - with promptness. We would say to our friends anti pat­ At Camden, on Saturday, Messrs Bean x Coombs rons that they can h ive their girmoats cut by him or Mr. Knight (ifthey have any *287 M ain Street. launched the barkentine Edward Cushing, of 5«K) tons chase in NEW YORK, and leel owned entirely in Camden. She will be commanded c-hoice)and we shoidd be pb»a«-l to have you examine our goods before making a (ROCKLAND, ME. by Capt W II Biekmore* confident they can oiler as good purchases. ° bargains as can be found in any NOTICE TO MARINERS. FALL STYLES w I J<>( ( i«‘ Iviiiii’ht. ■ Wm, H, Kittredge & Co., Washington, Sept. 16—The Lighthouse Board gives of tile larger cities. Also a full as- Druggists & Apothecaries notice that on aa.l after Nov 1st. a light will be shown sortmentof Vigognes, t'amel’s Hair from the lighthouse recently erected on the middle or and Dealers in the highest pi int of Egg Rock, coast of Maine, French- Diagonals, Cashmeres, Merinos. PATENT MEDICINES. an's Bay. Australian Crapes, Poplins and NO. 3, SPEAR, BLOCK, On and'after Oct 15th, a light will be shown from the (L A I >5S. lighthouse recently erected at the southerly point of Empress Cloths in all the new ROCKLAND, ME. Avery's Rock, eoast of Maine, Machias Bay. T3< X >rUX . similes, Plaid Dress Fabrics in all DOMESTIC PORTS the .choicest designs and ipialities. BOSTON—Ar 17th, sell C W Lewis (of Thomaston) SHOES, Black Brilliantines, Alpacas and T . E . TIBBETTS, Hupper, Darien, Ga, Sept 5. Ar 19tli, schs St Lucar, Kellar, Camden; Susanna, Mohairs at very low prices. DENTIST. W eeks, Batii. Ar 20th, 20th, schs Estella, Foss, Sullivan : Rainbow, [Successor to Dr. S. T ib b e t t s , J r .,] Linncll, Bangor: Massachusetts, Kenniston, Rockland ; Would inform the people of Rockland and vicinity Odeon, Morton, Rockland; Cameo, Patterson, Belfast; We are the Importers’ Sole Agents that he will Continue the Dental practice at the same Adelaide, Smith, Jonesboro. for the CELEBR.VrED BEAYEK MO . dice corner M ain and W inter SU., and wouldjre- Sid 20th, ship Andrew Jackson, Bartlett, Charleston. VINEYARD HAVEN—Ar 17,li, sell Clara Rankin, ► pectfully solicit a share of nubile favor. HAIRS, which are warranted to retai.o Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless ex- Rogers, Elixabcthimrt for Salem. their color and lustre till worn out. trac tio n of teeth. All operations w arran ted Hntinfac- Ar 18th, schs Addle M Bird, Falcs, from Richmond, Va, for Boston; Sardinian, Holbrook, Port Johnson for Just Rec’d and for sale tory. Charges reasonable. bm is Carver’s Harbor; Frank, Randall, do for Rockport, Mass; Catawamteak, Kennedy, Perth Amboy for Bev­ erly; Joseph Farwell, Gregorv, Baltimore lbr Hallo­ well. DR. J. STEVENS NEW YORK—Ar 20tli. schs Carrie Walker, Chad­ VERY CHEAP by wick, from Thomaston; I) S Ingraham, Chase, Rock­ Has removed his House and land. SHAWLS. NEW HAVEN—A r 18th, sch Emerson Rokes, Mars­ Office ton, Baltimore. BOOTH BAY— \r 18th, sells Keene, Calderwood, T. A. W entworth, We wish to call very particular atten­ To Second House on Winter St., Rockland for Salem; Adrian, Maddocks; Gem, Thom- tion to onr stock of S|[A.\\ I,S, as it com­ K -iuingtou Sewing Machine Co.: to the right; the J. Spear house, so called, where he as; Trade Wind, Gray; Thomas Hix, Hall; J S Lind­ prises all tile Latest ami most Desirable .. I lio n , N . Y. sey, Dean, do for New York. 243 MAIN STREET, v ill be happy to see his old friends and patrons, PORTSMOUTH—Ar lOtli, sell Alfred Keen, Keating Patterns in CASHMERES. VELVET liE- I*; I1 C.,521 Seventh St., Sewing Machineii. as many new' ones as may choose to give him a ca Lingan, CB, R ockland. VERSIBI.ES , llY.MAl.AYAX, ami all the P.i., SIo <’be>tnut St., Sewing Machines* :O FFIC E||IIO U IW harles St., Sewing Machine*. N O R FO L K , V A —Ar 13tli, schs D T albot, A m esbury ickland. S ept, 23 1875. 42 lower grades of American Goods. and lrom 7 to 9, P. MJ R ockport. Market Si.. Sewing Afachinea. Positive, from l.STto 4 wing Machines. 32 BALTIMORE—Cbl lath, sell Cassie Jameson, J u ly 22.J1873. Jameson, Boston. , Sew ing Machine.-* NEW BEDFORD—Sid IStli, sch Alaska, Thorn Inside Line! Day Route ! 10w3U dihe, New York. Ar 21st, sell Fleetwing, Kenniston, Rockland, Sullivan to Portland and Boston 4 WOODSIDE, Wi. D., E D G A R T O W N —A r 17th, sell W alte r II T horndike, SA.M13 IJAY! ONE MILLION Cushman, New York for Vinalhaven. GREAT BARGAINS |Pliysician and Surgeon, Rockland, Mt. Desert and Sullivan FOREIGN. In B la k ets, CORRUGATED TENANTS HARBOR. ME. Ar at Cicnfucgos Sept 44, Adele McLoon, Munroe. Steamboat Company. N ew Y ork. pW Stovepipe Elbows Ar at Ri<» Janeiro 22d, barque Mary M Bird, Pack­ FAX.T. abkancement . Comfortors, JL. ZbA. JLTTSTITSr, ard, Marseilles. . , . ,, At Yohamn, Aug 24tli. barque II A Litchfield, USED BY THOSE DES1EXNG Spaulding, (from Kobe, arrived 17th,) for X <>rk, big. TWO TRIPS PER WEEK! A t Calcutta, Aug 10th, barque I’J Carlton, Kendrick T o w els, DENTIST. for New York. , Economy, lieaiuty, Cleanliness, and Sid fin Liverpool, 6tli, Joseph Fish, Stackpole, 1 ybee. -Steamer Ulysses, A rat Gravesend 7tli, Annie Fish, Hofl'ses, Rangoon. OFFICE OVEIt T. A. WENTWORTH'S STORE. Table Linens, Sid from St John 20th, barque Martha A McNeil, Capt. David Robinson, Jordan, for Liverpool, (having repaired). PERFECT IlKKIlV IH.OCK. Will leave RAILROAD WHARF, Rockland, every <9 O.-ntlKtrv In all Its branclie, prom plly .ttr m lisl t‘ Tui sdav and Saturday mornings, at 9 o’clock, com­ and o th e r S old Ev-ery-vvlioi-o. sit KEASON'AlIi-E I'ltlCES. mencing SATURDAY, October 2d. for North Haven, De«-r Isle, South W est n a rb o r, B ar H arbor, (Mt. ai-Twtlli extrttctec. without (iuin, by tint ns. o WALX UICI> ! M annfaclured by CORRUGATED ELBOW CO. of U. S., 52 Cliff Street, N. Y. Desert), Lamoine and Sullivan, connecting with Ells, 45 & 47 Rneo Street, Cincinnati. 215 «fc 217 Lake Street, Chicago. ^Nitrous Oxide Gas. w orth bv S*age, (9 miles) at Latnoine. P assengers for VIA STEAMEK WATCH ES R ockland, May 13, 1874. « Housekeeping Hancock Franklin and Gouldsboro will purchase AND tickets for Sullivan. Those for Trenton, to Latnoine. l e w i s ' Returning, will leave Sullivan, every Monday and G oods. r o : s r , CHAINS, Wednesday mornings, at 6 o’clock, commencing ( APT. CIIAS. DEERING, SPORTING GUNPOWDER WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29th, touching as above, ar- GOLD M O M resents riving in Rockland in season to connect with tht Special Bargains in Dailies’ ami Misses’ Which leaves Atlantic W harf evi ry We.lnes.lay ; GOLBMP ! New Music Store! No. 315. T his C ostum e w ins th e adm iral ion T|1RY Eureka Sporting and Mui-ket l’owder best 1 :30 P. M. train , arriv in g in P ortland at 6. I*. M. and Under Shirts and Drawers. Felt Skirts and Saiurday m orning, at 5 o'clock. .lust Iteceivod Smith's 11 Instant Dress Elevator.” of all. It isone of those styles that i LL those wishing to purchase anything in the line 1 quality made in the world, for sale by Boston at 10 I’. M., Lewiston and Augusta same even­ TICKETS lor tin-K‘>uml Trip to Smith West I please, especially as it is appropriate for any of music, will find it to their advantage to call and ing. Also connecting at Rockland with Steamers from Corsets. Large assortment of Kid Gloves, bor and return, $2.00, to Bar ilarborand return, $2 iwronjj Fide material, and requires less goods ti> make titan II. H. C R IE & Co., Agents W arren P ow der Mills, Boston Tuesdays and Saturdays, and for Boston Mon­ i New York anil Helling at LOWEST PRICES A examine our large stock of PIANOS, ORGANS, and tf Main Street, Rockland, Maine. Hosiery, Fringes, Loops, Ornaments and Tick, t- for k iIc on board steamer and by ____ wall tin- “E le­ atty other suit of equal beauty. It is one of tho J days and Wednesdays. v a to r” fixed la. You leading east times of our city. The stout lady l other M uiiicul In stru m e n ts, together with Buttons, all of which were seleeied to m e e t M. W . FA R W E L L . Agen STOOLS. HACKS, MUMC BOOKS, SHEET KJ~ Freights taken at Low Rates. Rockland, A ug. 12, 1875. 8w30 1 white paaslnv a tiiuil- will find ii possesses just the secret charm that ' tho demands of the coming season. improves her figure, while tho slight or perfect M USIC, and cv -rything usually kept in a first-class COBB, WIGHT X NORTON, Agenta. 1 .;t inode I, SBcts. >’ changed from One D ress to a n o th e r, jclothni- i No. k iit. 3721; p u te ii. w ith rC? Musical Instruments Price, 45 cents each. Stalled. 25« ts. Nu. i t tt:r c r-k irt, f . f BI. ELIZABETH J. at Boston and Portland prices , with cloth model,50cts. AND ELECTRICAL PHYSICIAN, Mai!'. I receipt « f j Copartnership Notice. 205 MAIN STREET, 16 BLOOD & HIX, O R th e P a t t e r ’** nn 1 Chilli >lod U ft the TIRE O f Philadelphia, and author of *' A New Path in Elec­ 7V13W OOO13S, WOOLEN YARNS S U I T w ill h • <;i YEN Fl LEE a s I .J i i 1 I » » r n , i trical Therapeutics,” ” A New Manual of Electro-The­ In all the desired mixtures, both in ball •4«SD M ain Street, w h o “c u d s $ 1 .1 4 ) i o u h . us one jcur'd subscripttcu rap e u tic s,” etc., has opened a BRANCH OFFICE in this the firm name and style of COLSON X RHOADES iI. II. (Ji i«‘ POW DER AND FUSE, , 1S75. 3w4t> Chiekering & Son’s, Bourne’s, Emerson’s MIXED AND WHITE Dr. F. A. Guptill, in charge FINE ARTS and POLITE Literature. (ONPOW and Haines’ Piano Fortes. If Single Copies 23 <’en<*. Muson & Ham lin have Ten New Styles of SHOT AND CAPS. S ubscription T rie.’. $3 a y • »r. pnxt-pabl. Including a W IG G IN ur CERTIFICA TES f r t!i:> amount Voix Celeste when played loud lias the ring of :i and Neck Chains, upon rm-.-itd • f - i - iT\Vi> DltE^S Druggists &, Clarion, when soft, the delicacy of an Eoliane Harp ELEVATORS * IN PLAC E ■ f o,.« The Seraphone is a delicate reed stop. The K tagerc 7 5 D o zen Gountsry Dollar's worth of PatUrns, If desired). £18 MAIA' ST R E E T , Cabinet Organ is an appropriate and useful combi II. H .i i d CO., 205 Milin St. The “ M O N TH LY AVOltl nation, very elegant. N ew S i.o and Co m b in a tio n ihoiizes, Ilia mo lids, R ooklnnd,M c. For Sale and to L et! St o p s '; Cases of new and attractive designs, Knit Stockings AND O JP JPJLJSITIO^V,” tlxe very finest,] J a n . 1,11675 SMALL Stock of Fancy Dry Goods, Worsteds, We have new and desirable styles of most beautiful, attractive :n gazine to tie Xc., Fixtures and F u rn itu re in S tore 259, Main ' [bund in this Country, and every person Siiiitlfs Illustrated Pattern Bazaar ASpofford Block. The store is situated on the west GE0KGE WOOD’S ORGANS! and Mittens v ilh iking it, will NE Hope For The Despondent. o f Main St., nearly opposite Tliorngike Hotel, and is Our experience in the business enables us to accept If you have been coughing all winter and begin to de- one of the most eligible locations in the city. Persons WELRY v h il s published. irth of Patterns given to each sub the important inventions and reject the unimportant, • apair of recovery, or if you have taken a recent cold, go indebted to me are requested to settle without further We have a large assortment of INSTRUMENTS or of 'everyfdescription, including prem ium . at once to the Drug store of W. H. K it t r e d g e & Co., invitation. Apply at tlie store. hand. We are selling the best nt the lowest prices for FOR SALE LOW. 1. get a bottle of D r . Mo r r is ' S y r u p o f T a r , W il d 16 O. A . W IGGIN. Cash or on Installments. Send for new catalogue and all kinds of C: • C h er r y a n d H o r e h o l n d . Take it and be well. No Roman Cold, Cora; and Stone other medicine acts so promptly and effectually in Instruments Warnntcd! Cameo Sets, Sand, Seal •Coughs, Colds, and all diseases of the throat, lungs and Rents payable in advance! on in GOLD C4)IN (Chest, leading to Consumption. Hundreds who once AT PANIC and Stone Rings, S i C ■ltd tis the largest uumb.-r .if si (thought they had that dread disease have been restored k R exchange for property nearer Main Street, the to i WOlLt.I) Or l'ASslION,” ‘ BAZAAK,” at S1.1O each, be- Vo health, by the use of this almost magic remedy. It ’ house of the subscriber, corner Broadway and Goods is Complete. B racelets, f h , b e fo r 1 8 7 6 . ch 1st, 1876. is also the best known specific for Croup, and never ice streets. Call on us and satisfy yourselves that ' CLOTHS II. IL CRIE .4)O i [fold Coin Largest Club ...... 4>3OO.4)4) in G o ld C oin 2d Largest Club ...... oGol-i Coin 2d Largest Club ...... 200.4)4) in Gold Coin J x o . W. P e r k in s & Co., Wholesale Agt’s. Rockland, Sept. 1, 1875. For Men’s and Boys’ wear. MORRIS k. HERITAGE, Philadelphia, 16 205 M&.IN STREET Also, a rich assortment ot 3«1 Largest Club. l G«»ld C o i’i 3d Largest Club ...... 1 5 0 .0 0 in Gold Coin ly44 P ro p rie to rs. •It h L a r g e s t C lu b .. i 4fo:d Coin -Itb Largest 4 lub ...... 125.4)0 in Gold Coin I V O T K D E I 5tli Largest Club.. i Gold Coin 51b Largest (.'lub ...... 1OO.OO in G old C oin Opera Glasses, 4>lh L a r g e s t < 'I u b .. i 4IohI Coin 4»th L a r g e s t C lu b ...... 75.00 in Gold Coin OTICE is hereby given that the Bodwell Granite i G Id Coin 7th Largest flub ...... 5 0 .0 0 in Gold Coin Company is not interested in the operations upon NEW ERA IN BAKING. i Gobi Cp-in 8th L a r g e s t C l u b ...... 25.00 in Gold Coin Nthe Wild Cat Granite Quarry, so called, in St. George. OUR ENTIRE STOCK Gold Headed Canes, PURE NATIVE WINES. C lo a k in g s Dili Largest Club.. i Gold Coin Dili Largest Club ...... 25.00 in Goal Coin Said Quarry is now operated by LEWIS E. BEALS and beautifulland useful goods too numerous to nten- lOtli Largest Chili.. i fold Coin loth Largest Club ...... 2 5 .0 0 in G >ld C o in ELDERBERRY, alone, and all bills contracted after this date will in- 1 Itli Largest Club. i Gobi Coin l l t l i Largest Club ...... 2 5 .0 0 in G o ld C o in CURRANT, paid by him. If you waut to make most DELICIOUS, LIGH T the 6 5 th Largest Club. aud so on to the L33d Largest Club. In all tne New Styles ef Plaid and Plain Materials. ist approved GRAPE, BODWELL GRANITE CO. WHITE, SWEET aud HEALTHY, MAItkEfi) IHHIA. YOU get a premium for EVERY subserib-r you semi us. And every subscriber gets a premium. BOTH o P O R T A N I) 28 LE W IS E . BE AL S. SPECTACLES, ustautly on • sight with liese Gold Coin Presents oilers will be found at full length in the Septem ber N um ber, besides the names BLACKBERRY. Jun e 1,1875, 28 BISCUIT, ml 1‘. <). Addresses of 102 persons to wli.nn we have,just paid $2,135,00 in Gold, according to our pre­ Manufactured and for sale by vious offers. You ean write to o n e or all of them, and t .ey will tell you that we do exactly us we prom­ ly !5 C. M. T IB B E T T S . ROLLS, Watch Repairing, Engraving, ise . FUNNELS To be Closed Out V T / A Y T I J way is send yotir own subscription to either of our Magazines, when you BUCKWHEAT CAKES all other work in our line and the best efior A v / 1J 5 L 45 O '-J 1. wil1 trel lll,‘,irst ;in't -vour Certificates of Premiums, which you cau le to satisfy our customers. show, and at once |begin getting subscribers, or send 25 cents for one copy. L. L. BUCKJLAiVI>, CARRIAGE CLOTH, In every Quality, Color, and Price. Send Stamp for Fashion Catalogue. g 4w39aig GRIDDLE CAKES, Immediateb! BLOOD & HIX, BURDETT SMITH, Civil and Consulting Engineer, Leather, Hair and WAFFLES, 8 289 Main Street, Rockland. P. O. Box 5055. 914 Broadway, New York City. Land Surveyor and Conveyancer. T rim m in g s , MUFFINS, City Engineers Office Pillsbury Bloek, opposite IC 8 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Thorndike Hotel, Rockland, Me. 19 AT VERY LOW PRICES. CORN BREAD, CARPETINGS! Warren Sporting Gunpowder. YRY-AYarren Sporting Gunpowder, purticukirb ANDREW EVANS, JOHNNY CAKE, OUR STOCK OK . uJnpftql to target shooting, for sale by J. P. C O W L ES, M. D., H. H. Crie & Co., $1,200 PROFITon $100 II. II.CRIEJvCt)., Agent.-. Warren Gunpowder Mill Physician & Surgeon, GRAHAM GEMS, BRUSSELS, Money must be bad ! "9 Main Street, Rockland Maine 16 205 MAIN STREET Invested in Stock Privileges in Wall St. Books and Herchniit Tailor CAMDEN, - - - MAINE. DUMPLINGS, I AVE just returned from Boston with a large and Circulars telling “ How ’tis done,” sent free- Address TAPESTRIES. well selected Stock of Clothing Xc.,and I am now B a x t e u & Co., Bankers, 17 Wall St., New York. PUDDINGS, prepared to offer the greatest bargains ever known in LOOK! luOOK! Fish tines, Hooks THREE PLYS, my line of goods. I have a Large Stock of A NEW BOOK BY I POUND CAKES, Do not throw money away for a poor lot of, Next to Berry’s Stable. Salt, Barrels, Trawl The surest,'quickest and most satisfactory way is to EXTRA SUPERS, Cents’ Furnishing Goods, B I It T H S. iswtlie As good as the best OIL CLOTHS, Whole Suits, MARK TWAIN. GORH ANO iEAL, Line, Gangings, Just______ready ____for Canvassers.____ Now then is the time to And the cheapest in town, Royal Baking Powder, get Territory. Don’t stop to experiment on other hooka. When yon can get good In this city, Sept. 15th, to the wife of Capt. John It is now used in the best families the country over- Coats, Pants, Vests, ___ know wilfsell. Prompt action will give The place to get your clothes Pillsbury, a daughter. (Jennie Gertrude). OIL CLOTHES, &c. BOOKINGS, T ake one you kt ...... m In this city, Sept. 10th, to the wife of Mr. John H. atid stands highest for strength and purity. You ean choice of field, and Golden Returns. Get on the Yellow Corn and Meal Made, black, blue or brown ; uot Tail it if properly used, even in poor flour. Hats, Caps, course at once and you will w in , Ontjit Costs nothing, Haines, a daughter. Housekeepers, Cooks, Restaurant Keepers and CRUMB CLOTHS, No matter what shade In Hope, Sept. 11th, to the wife of Mr. Augustus everything furnished. Send In your names and towns for about the same Price, at Bakers, willl find it invaluable in rendering light and you w ant — ' " ------* ------A a a ™ Carter, a daughter. H. H. CRIE & CO., palatable all form of cooking where Soda and Cream Boots, Shoes, etc. Yourjiancy^may take, in Union, Sept. 12th, to the wife of Mr. Charles HEMP CARPETINGS, nJ Tartar are ordinarily used—adding to the delicate I have all the nicest Stevens, a son. 305 IVInin Street. T h is is to certify th a t I whiteness and healthfulness o every preparation in The above Goods I am prepared to offer, regardless The manufacturers make. which It is used. STRAW MATTINGS, of cost and at prices that defy competition. I am com­ have been a great suf- ______- ferer from Catarrh For sale|W holesale and Retail by pelled to sell the Goods, let the prices be what they THE PROOF. SPEAK’S WHARF. All wool I will warrant, MARRIAGES RUGS and MATS may, for the money must- he had, and as hard times are for many years, I have tried nR remedies, and have upon us, it oilers a grand opportunity to buyers. Re­ been______treated by „ f jveral of the best physicians of New And good wearing colors, Sportsmen Attention. member this great sale is only at York and also at the liospi'al, but all of no avail; they CHAS. T. SPEAK, Prop’r, Cobh, Wight & Norton. said I could not be cured and must die. My head ached Will make a nice pair of pants was never as large as at present, and our » KOCKLAND. UK In this city, Sept. 18th, by Rev. B. Franklin Rattray, RY Continental “ Sporting Gunpowder,” for rillc Rockland, March 4, 1875. 13 continually, and the discharge from head was very For even six dollars ; Cant. Isaac A. Grant, and Miss Carrie N. Clark, both long range and double shot gun, for sale by prices will always be found as low as the profuse and offensive, the bones were corroded and of Rockland. And|all other|garnients equally low T H. H. CRIB & Co., Agents, Warren Powder Mills lowest. rotting away, my senses of smell and taste were entire­ Gtap Jolm’s ClottiiK Store ly gone, my hearing badly affected, and my eyesight so 9 Main Street, Rockland, Maine. An inspection of our Stock anil Prices much iinpared, as to require the use of glasses; I was CARDS, BILL I! EADS,TAGS And not a few people will well repay close buyers. 36-1- M A IN S T R E E T , unable to do anything, and was confined to my bed LET1ER 11EV11S, POSTERS, Have found that it’s so ; A few doors south of l.ynde Hotel, at the old stand GUNPOWDER of Cobb, Wight & Norton. Promptly printed at this office, 210 Main Street, ground But I want a few more Georgia E. Jones, ofgthis city. Wedding Invitations.—Latest Styles MANUFACTURED ATJ floor. Orders by Mail promptly filled. i To give me a call, In this city, Sept. 18th. by Rev. C. B. Beane, Mr. no headaelie, the senses of taste, smell and hearing en­ Thomas Di Rant to Miss Harrietilarrle^ RRider, jger J both y tli tof Rock- J. ISAACSON, Proprietor. tirely restored, have discarded the use of glasses, and I And I’ll warrant satisfaction t n otice AT THIS OF Warren Powder Mills, Warren, Me. SIMONTON R ockland, J u n e 3,1875. . 26 h, by fl£h®env5rff, K feel that I cannot repay you for what you have done for > LASTING, Mining and Sporting Powder, bes me. M rs. Ka t e U l c u s , 427 W . 32 St., N . Y. W ANTED TO EXCHANCE. To one and to e ll! > quality in the world. For sale by Wyman, of Waldoboro. H Pw rtl The above can be verified by ap- rousESOUSES in BOSTON and vicinity, for farms in: A. EVANW, II. H. CRIE & CO., Agents, 1 reG 1 rial plication to Mrs. Hughs. the vicinity of ROCKLAND. Enquire of In Ellsworth, Sept. 5th, Mr. Charles B. James and BROTHERS. H Mis* Cora L. Maddox. 205 Main St., R ockland, Me. O. II. PERKY. Rockland, ..r of A. RURRELL 322 Main St, Rockland Rockland, Sept. 24, 1875. 42 Curls at Giol'ray’s Bottles. 51 I>1. Street, South Boston, Muss. 8w39 i Uiixinesg Card*. Fact, Fun and Sentiment. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. oLltr flo r is t. Kudroad» A’ Sleaiubouts. — At what season did Eve eat the apple'!— I I 113 SAMUEL T. MUGR1DGE, Early iu the fall. tS A 1 .1 M AKER, KNOX & LINCOLN RAILROAD. — He that seeks nothing but the will of God VEGETINE S0LARGRAP11S. ? 'j rials ANO DEALER IN i t j i i To whom all communications for this department m shall always find what he seeks. WILL CLUE— be addressed, at this office. Contributions, ques­ COTTON D(J('K AND FLAGS, — The Bessemer steamer is an acknowledged SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, tions a n d suggestie Eofr on Cupl. G. W . Browu’» W liarf Takes e ffe c t June 14th, 1875. failure, and will be sold aud the company wound S C I F A F U L A GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. McLoon, Artist, ly H N and after MONDAY, dune 14th, a passenger up. train will leave Rockland at 9:20 A . M. for Haiti FLOWKKS FOK WINTER. OP ortland and Boston and a 1 nnint~ tl«. v< <• i>* — Legal Adviser—“ But what Wvre the pro­ espectfully calls tin- attention ot tin Public Leave Rockland ; It is only when plants are ^healthy ntnl prolihc Scrofulous Humor. to (Iu- fact that he lias settled in Rockland, and F. H. CROCKETT, Augusta, Portland 1 visions of the will 7 ” Rs still engaged in the Portrait business. 10 P. M. of )>erfect flowers, continually renewing, that thoy Ve g k t is f . will « • from the system every tail Mr. rianuigau—“ Provisions ’ is it 7 lliviln - Hum or. It has pi •rniaiieti Passenger trains arrive in Rockland at 10:15 A. M can fully satisfy the eye of the weary invalid or PHOTOGRAPHER, and 5 :.»o p . M. Ion amt vicinity who had lice SOLAR PORTRAITS MADE FROM LIFE. the storm-staid child. ’ Plants already exhausted bit o' prov is'ons was there at all! An’ that’s A mixed train will leave Rockland at 6 30 A. M • re- Life Size 13 X 15 inches, to l.ite Sizes 25 X30 255 Main St., Rockland. by sutnnter blooming can notj renew good bloom why we’re all starvin I!alh al 11 A- MG ‘hie in Rock'and inches, ami finished in INDIA INK, PASTEL and I.arge Views of Private and Public Buildings, made without many weeks of rest and a growth ul new CRAYON. — Happy is the ti n who has found out his ('sineer, Caucerous Humor. to o rd er. Trains will arrive ami depart from R. R. Wharf for sh K»ts from near the root of the main stems , Pictures of all kinds copied, such ns D a g u e r r e Stereoscopic Views of Rockland aud vicinity for all Steamer connections. Only new and healthy shoots can carry supplies i si n- b, for- lii»s'm< ha ■ tbuud him out. I' Y e g e t i.m : iu caso ot Cancel olyprit, A lubrof yp«-n. M einiuolype«. A.«•., ii. mile igcs the most profound 27 C. A. COOMBS, Supt. freely enough to swell either leaves of flowers or I and Cancerous Humor c tin* m ost e leg a n t style o f th e a rt, m aking them ot any — •* You look a s ti , hind girl! ” is tin. attention of the medien! faculty, many of whom are required size, from b to the size ot Lite. By this fruit fo lnrge size aud full beauty; and only prescribing Y eg e t ix k t i their patients. healthy roots cnu collect supplies, ami only ' e. tup] intent a miss of en d e r> i pan.1 her uioth- Gilchrest, White & Co., Maine Central Railroad. healthy clean leaves can digest them tor use. I .*i the other dav. Canker. Splendid Picturo can bo Obtained. Hoses (teas ami dailies) may be prepare. 1 m j — An Arkansas wotuan has found a boy who er failed to cure the most indexible Many persons are possess! d ot pictures of deceased August by cutting them back to well placed buds ; relatives, which, though they are valued highly, an Ship Stores&. Chandlery or ahoots low down. This, of course, arrests all | on seeing a portrait of Charley Boss exclaims, Arrangement of Trains. farther summer bloom, or if it does not entirely, “ Why, that's me! ” and she believes him. Mercurial Diseases. 36 SOUTH STREET, the bloom should be nipped off as soon as they be- ; — The diflerence just now between fishes aud N K W V O ItK . jSSENGER 'Trains leave Bath 12.15 P. M . a gin to appear. As soon as new growths set in, 1 . Jderful sue arrival of 'Train leaving Rockland 9.20, A. M., c girls is that the fishes are fin-backed and the g:rls class of disciisi Pictures Tastefully Framed- neetingal Brunswick' for Lewiston, Farnihigioii. Angus stimulate with top-dressing, or with a weekly use j ta, Skowhegan and Bangor, at Yarmouth with (J. T. R in highly finished heavy Black Walnut of diluted liquid manure. If any shoot threat *ns i are 11 pinned-backed. at Westbrook,...... with P. ....x R.. •••at «’•B. X M.dimction •riinctiuu with I’nill in Hu* H ours. Squaie Frames. Boston X Maine Road, and al Portland with to extend irregularly, its tips should bo nipped - They have a new method of measuring dis­ York Paterns. B. KIRKPATRICK & (JO. Eastern Rosal, arriving in Boston sit when it 1ms reached* a ]«oiut where a bifurcation P. M. .vill will be well placed. Blossoms buds will show on tances out West; a late journal there tells of Afternoon Train leaves Bath. 4.1;". P. M., (after arriv­ Tlui Crnlia! Balm i f Syricnm asi Sliippina and Commission Merchants, al of train lestvi.ig Rockland, l.:.o, P. M.,) eotuieeling the the tips before winter. something that happened “ two mules away.” at Brunswick for Lewiston and Augusta, and arriving Sail Rheum. Deulern in ShipJ'haH ’lh-ry, Ship Stores, *Vc eel; Heliotropes must be prepared similarly by close The true secret of living at peace with all in Portland 6.15 P. M. .vill pruning. The pots of these, as well as of roses, A. SliKiiu. Spenr Bloch. Alain Si 1-owerW ahr, P jCtQU, N, S . T r a in s ARttiVE.-Mor.iiBg Train leaves Portland the are best plunged in the soil in a sunny place, so ! t’,ethe world is to have an humble opinion of our- 6.15; arrives at Bath 7.53, connecting to Rockland. Agents lor Vale Coal, Iron and Manufacturing Co. I hrough I ram s leave Portland, 1.10 P, M . after sir- be that the leaves may have full light and the shoots i selves, rival of trains from Boston; arrive at Bat.-,:. o p. M. Erysipelas. ! keep constantly on hand a lull assortment ot Also for Messrs. Perkins & dob, N. Y. & Boston. connecting to Rockland. np- be well matured. But the heliotrope must be p.i CASKETS and COFFINS, in ’.eal — General Hawley’s name is mentioned at last - never failed to cure the most inveterate H ir Coal Charters always on band for U. S.. West Freight Traius each way daily, without change of in- taken in in September, before they feel the least aud imictioii ROSEWOOD and I’.I.ACK W AL­ Indies and South American Ports. Consignments ol n the 1'st of candidates for the Presidential nom­ NUT. THOS. McLOOM, Artist. hev touch of frost, and the roses befo *e it can pinch Rocklaud, duly 5. ts?2. .”0 vessels and merchandise solicited. * ly 13 , PAYSON TUCKER, Supt. them at all severely. Geianiums that have been ination. It is the best that has been proposed. Having been appointed CITY UNDER I AKER J it tie 21, lb i a. the Pimples anil Humors of the Fare. ami purdiase.l a NEW II EA USE p»t tin- most ap­ are kept rather dry should be reported early in Sep- proved pattern and construction, 11 am prepared to — The longest night m Norway lasts three ugh JOHN G. LOVEJOY’S »ulil temter. It is best to rinse all the old earth from a tte n d to AI I I .1 ,I< > > > 4 Buekliniil and Vinalliaveii Steam­ the roots aud shorten them pretty close, as well a> months, ami when a young man goes to see his FUNERAL UNDERTAKING, slve tlie tops, planting them again firmly in fresh good girl, her mother, before retiring, tells her not to ,r.l boat Line! furnishing prompt,ami careful attendance and eveiy- Insurance Agency, earth bcfo’c the root can dry any. Keep shaded ruin her health by sitting up more than two thing required. and not too wet for Ja week or so , and as soon as I hose Having occasion to procure anything in the SUSIM t It AURANOEMJ3NT. months. Tumors, fleers or Old Sores above line would do vv.-Il to call, before giving their CUSTOM HOUSE BLOCK, growth appears, water aud feed well. This will Tw o 'flips Kitcli D ay! soon result iu handsome and thrifty plants, which A re caused by an im pure Mate of tin- blood < 'leal Nervous Debility. orders, a t I — “ I would advise you to put your head iuto the blood thoroughly wi ll Y e g e t is c , and tln-sc <*«> Rockland, - - Maine. will bloom by Christmas, aud continue lor months. a dyetub, it’s rather red,” said a joker ton sandy- plain tk will disappear. Boynton’s Coffin Warehouse, Steamer Clara Clarita, To secuie copious bloom of bedding geraniums next summer it is essential to have fresh young j haired girl. “ 1 would advise you to put yours fatarrli. 31 Tighe's Building, 308 .Main St re o j. CAPT. WM. E. CEEED. plants, and to that end cut.mgs should be ! j into an oven, it is rather soft,” said Nancy. C. F. K ITTRLDG E, Will run until further notice as follows —I ,- lVe Car the F o r this com plaint the only substantial licm-lit can However obscure the causes may hi- which contribuh AGENT FOR THE taps immediately. I hey w:ll rojt ea-'ly in the i — The infinity of God is not mysterious, it is obtained through the blood. Y e g e t ix e is the gri to render m-rvotls debility, :i disease so prevalent, :if hav p, „u,Pi in th e m oisture an d tem perature of . u .„:l.,lt.nia;.k.. not conceited; but incouipre- blood purifier. feeling, as it docs, m-ariy one-half of our adult 1 op.ila- Hampton Tea Comp’y, of N. Y. 30 £>M-- covered with a pane or two ot shaded • ...... , , , 1 , hitiou. il is a m elancholy fact that day bv day, ami y. ai dry «da>‘‘11, Mass., was formerly a stage driver, and is G. A. tsAbFORD, Agent, Rockland. they will do well in a window where neither lie s i ! said now to be worth .SW,000,000. How do they filer I 0- G. MOFFITT, BENJ. LANE, Agent, Yiualliaven. fed nor much heat can reach them, ami they will be- ' jt -, sands to health who ha’ Rockland, July, 1875. 52 e at gin to bloom in April or May, ami continue all j Nervous Prostration. PHYSICIANS CORNERED. Life and Fire insurance Agent her summer in surjiassing beauty,* it well well wateied | — Some men use no other means to aeqtr *e r - i.xsiim c l i n k . aud fed.—Country Genilenian. ! sp ct than insisting on it, audit sometimes aus- I Dyspepsia. I suppose there is not in the whole of a physician's Represents Thirty-nine M illion Dollars. he ! wers their purpose, as it does a 1 ghwayman’s «u jf y experience anything in human suffering which call and :i ix e Is tak.-n regularly, according to fort Ii his sympathy and pity to such an extent as to wit Xf-tf* Losses adiusted at this office,' 1875. Slimmer Arrangement. 1675. , a certain and speedy cur.- will follow its n- ness the excruciating pains of a poor mortal sulferiug . regard to money.—SftenstoilC. No. 287 Union Block,I ENGLISH I\ V. It is nt* the highest impoi tauee, (lieu, that individuals ratisi Hei should he able Io judge for theinselve- by their own I opinion among 5 ROCKLAND, MAINE. ' — W here a woman, says Mrs. Partington, has Eainluessal iiie Sliimaeli. feelings, if and to what extent they are alia. I.. .1 bv this medical men, as to tin-true character of this disease; Three Trips Per Week. The use of Euglish it • the purpos - been m ariii.l a congealing heart, and one .GETtXE is not a stim ulating hitters which . insidious enemy to health, comfort, and even life some locating it iu the fibrous or muscular tissues of the ions appetitite, but a gentle ionic, w lii. has-i itself, it' left to run its course unchecked, by the early the system, and others viewing it as an acute nervous REAL ESTATE BROKER, Bangor to Portland, Boston orating living rooms is and prompt application of curative remedies. 3 5 , w disease, hut it is now generally admitted to he a dis- irm that l.« am >les|Mvmiing to her own, she will never to restore the stomach to a healthy a. ti m. and cannot be too highly commended. Being e arising from a poison circulating in the blood, and I»* t «llig-«M ioe O llio e Lawrence and Lowell. ’ nly very strong, they will Eve through any t reatmeiu : to etner the maritime state agaiu. further it is admitted that rheumatism can never be Female Weakness. thoroughly cured without exterminating such poison­ AND AITCTtONEEB, /ith but study the-r peculiarities aud tnanfsest w:Hing- A gentleman on horseback see:ng a erowd ous matters fiom tin- blood by a constitutional internal STEAMER CITY OF RICHMOND, Yen IS. S of II,CSC eoi ness Io gradifv them and they wi’l gi..w uiilr remedy. We feel confident that none will feel belter O. H. PERRY, < apliiin f. KHUy. n*e- ini 1 I re,ne'l UP :l" * ,-y l.ahued—“ What’s afoot here? ” is III.- Whole s\ NERVOUS DEBILITY satisfied and rejoice more than Pie conscientious physi­ Officer Perry’s Block, No. 3, Lime Rock St stint. Many houses are o.o hotf r th i id a ll.e s t'dla’i "wi "" ",e -'**-»■ AKK.1NGE- zith they are tor their owners. Neither plan!'. nor j I To w hich a wag replied—“ Twelve inches, the !, ll‘r :u' cian who has found out that a true cure for this stub­ /fj - Hoit'es and Farms for Sale. Stores and Office -ae.S r. U ltli < ..lnicctinB T rain, I ron, I-ort- 1 o '” I • * ’ I illation. born disease has been discovered. Tin- following its i of people should have the tetnpe ature over f.'i de­ a lter The gent leu |lan,l tu MOSD.yk, June timoiiv from a Portland gentleman cuunolfail to satisfy ~1, 1875, aa folio,,.: grees Falfenheu. Take eave not to enfeeble your ! all that the be o d e a General Heliilily. Is characterised by a LEAVING Bangor at « o’. lock tnd ivies by excessive water'tig or undue heat, ami I the vrbolc organism. • s “ Well . I always make it a rule to tell my wife In thii inplaint tin-good «tied- of tin HERBERT LOVEJOY, f - b b - i- a :in' 1 Rockland at II SO o-eiocE you w:l! see they w ’’I not seem tu mind wheiher j obstructing ami pr.-v.. — — A . M„ , i. rv ...... \v. do- • la.’ for arc realized imniedi; f : s . . the suns shines on them or not, or in w hat j«»si- everything that happens.” “ Oh, my dear fel­ as debility denote-.I.Tici. n.W -•! tile Idoo.l, and YlcE- HEALER IN TINE acts directly upon tin- blood. 4 w 41 anti connect, w ith a steam boat Expre. - 1 r *:.- tion or direction you train them. Indeed, , low, that’s mdhhig! ” replied his friend; “ I tell iderful Medical Discove Hats. Caps, Boots Shoes ami Rubbers, Boston \ Maine Railroad o n ly ; arriving in L.,-*.. |, much will they do themselves to render a room j my wile lots ..f filings that never happen at all! ” io o’clock P. M. T lii' ' charming, that we would rather have an unliuii- Vetreiiiie is Sold In Ail H eu^isls. Boh . Dee. 11, 1S74. FANCY COODS, &c., &c. conn- et with the Steamer, ml will wait foi tnd — Five tirn.zs are useless when they ate not \/pho„^ HiUer: of tin* boat in all weather. tek number o f them to draw upon than anything Sir: Unsolicited by y< Rrf A good line of Drugs and Druggists’ Ps*-~si-iigelf will be ith. iu nature or an. accompanied by thing else. Words without j tiie efficacy of tin* Diamond R arriving in Lowell at 9:4u Ulfercd greatly from that Yimdliavi-ii, M ch IU, 1875. fimH to Boston. Do you wish the ugly plant doors that shut <»!!* deeds: wealth without economy: learning without NEWAHVEK I ISI-M p \ i.. Durine, your tiny entry to be arched or curved, I k - those. I eoiniiioii ami agonizing atllietiou, Kheuinal R eturn in c , Pa.'.'i-ngers going East, shoulder was so all'e -J.-d that my left arm w ear.' at 6 o'clock P. M., over e ith er East iu the drawing-rooms of your richer neighbor manners; alms-giving without charity: and Hfe AGENTS .’IIItoMOS, mounted, siz. less aud I despaired of ever again having ' X Maine Railroad, arUving in Portland 10 ./. Io. k, iep- Buy a couple of brackets, such as lamps for the ' without health. for S I . 1OO f«»r ?-.■ . Largest varied in the that lim b. ■as induced, bv hearing o f tin* m an\ INCH. eoiiiu-etiiig w ith the Steamer, arriving in Ro klatid at burning of kerosene are placed in ami screw th e m | 4w.r.< N A T IO N . ( II H O M O < b .. P h i l. mat velloiis cures uccninplislicd by tin* agent while stav­ I o'clock in the morning, ami Bangor ai 10 :>t A . M. isu- — Wendell Phillips credits Horace Greeley ing ai tin* Preble I louse, to buy a I tot tie. Il is sufficient , 1 iMii at Rockland lor 1 m in the sides o f the door. Put in each a plant of I T*. A . OjSLKJEt. . tnl>- snut ami Profitable Employ 1 to >ay that without faith i'l the incdii inc of its results, Agent for First Class Stock Companies in joining towns,; als-o. Railroad ami — Sta;------eetions at English Iv t, the longer the teller : then .rain tin* with having said to a lecture committee who paid .. jf u l!" “ C h a rm in g ! " •• O h, hov by tiie taking of live small bodies I was entirely re­ Belfast and. Bucksport —...... t...... t- - interiorn.,. _ ..towns. .. and iainatious p Thomaston ami Vicinity. plants over .lie top, against the side- indeed, any 1 b in in Western 1. mk lclls, that if convenient he " " lial I- they Worth. X-'. Such are the • x lieved. Ami weeks have since elapsed, a id I am still ...... R:eliUIOIl.| w ill COtllieel (going W est) w ith low ot those w tin s tin- large, elegant llt-W ('ll ntnos pro- all right ami free from p:i‘ Business Promptly Attended to. the Portland Steam Packet Coiiipanv’.' ' way your fancy dictates. You need not buy the Would prefer to have a well execute 1 counterfeit dneed by tiie European ami American Cli Pub >rm of their manifestations, do not imlieal tore return, and the feeling of T h o m a sto n , A ug. 21, 1874. 38 ing Portland every day a* " ''' beautiful ( but costly ) pots the flower dealer will i o„ «„.»• Kartell, huuk. ,lW.lngC». j necessary ...... to he followed in tin- treatn bilte to tin- ii.-*- o f tin- I tiaiiioml Rheum atic ( 'lire. Ilav Boston aL 5 o ’cloi-k in the ...... ,s . 2 to advise; common glazed ones will answer every j l talking to sell the picl Speak for tliel any ease win if disease ha- its origin in phy sica* i tie* to pass my testim ony ami experiem- if v I i.-k. t ' sold mi board tin* R ichm ond, over the bed jnirpose. for by placing in each two or three , ■ 1 r .. . 1 are tin- dream s <•!' lie- rdlip- P * "’ ’...... ,,d ' - '- I - - i< he] j I n n c l o . - k i n t r C a p e E l iz a b e t h , N ov. 12,1874. NEW LIVERY & HACK SI ABLE )WS, The English ivy grow* ng over the walls of u n-eki-d uiariii<-r, who, in hir- .<«i iitnrlrs for -al.-iy, lii ' Inns, Steel, Spikes N. B.--Bear hi mind there is a .'lire connection over down cxhau.'ted for a hioineiil'.s d e ep upon tin- w teek / ’>•«/. Alphonse Uilhr: .\l.\i.\ S'lKEEl, KIICKEAND. Me cks, building, ius.ead of promoting dampness, as lias touched, a saint returns him thanks.—Jllad- A VA A B A n w A C ) the Bo.-ton x Maim* Railroad al Portland, to Boston ami most persous Would suppose, is said Jo be a reme­ upon which lie llo a ts with all .lie eicim-i ts of d estruc­ Dear Sir: --This is to certify that I have been u lor Low.-ll, arriving in Boston at 10 and Lowell at 9.40 are an,c Suvtchinc. , ( , I 1J « A UH. tion in mad commotion around him, when tin* first in­ tured sulfercr from inflanniiatorv Rheumatism for th o eio.-k sain.- ev.-ijing. Fare to Lowell same ms Boston son, dy for it. ami it is mentioned as a fact that in a stincts of his nature an-a longing for something solid past three years, ami during the last year my sutferiiigs CYRIS STl KtnVANT, Geti’t Agent, Portland. certain loom where damp had prevailed for a upon which In* may find a standing place. AMD CHAIMS, have heel, beyonddescr'ption. 1 have tried everytlrng im- — As the authorities at Washington are talking tM A N F F A t T I R E D BY T IIE F. F. KENDRICK, Agent, Bangor. length of time', the a fleet cl parts inside had l»e- In some cases of this disease- there are paroxysms I eoiild hear of bu, obtained no relief until 1 tlied tiie two of printing greenbacks uj>oii waterproof paper, or exacerbations, with extreme debility apparent in All kinds and > at very loiv prices, by ••Diamond Rheumatic Cure.” It ii truly a wonderful J. P. WISE, Agent, come dry when ivy had grown up to cover the remedy. Respectfully youn ban th. Boston Advert'ser asks if it would not be a j of 5,000 difl'en everything; often condition.' of hectics in all iis ?-tagc.': ( Hliee 212 and 214 Main Street. opposite exterior side. The close, overhanging, also all tin* general sym ptom s ctiunicraicd. w ith a local 1! Locomotivi R ockland, Ju n e 17, 1875. 26 two pendant leaves prevent the rain or moisture from good idea lor some of the private corporations of manifestation of it more frequently apparent bi the L H . C R i E & C O . , o o l s Durability and Economy iu the use of Fuel facial m-rvi-s though itjmay be in oth e r parts of tin-body, Any styte ol Single or Double Team furnished at penetrating to the wall. Beauty and utility in ib is c.uutrv to Uiotbif lor printing their e-rtili-; sati,fnM iougunrant.f.l.I:.f.rtu«^ina]lp-.n.nri's as the thorax, abdomen or limbs, wi'ii pahi'of a shoot- hurt iiptice and at reasonable rules. bors this case go hand in hand.—Journal uf Horti­ eatCS of Stock I 4"'31 Ota.’c 192 B ltO A D W A V . S .V . :-.t 1 1809. ing,'anciiiating eharactci. For this condition an ex 1 205 MAIN STREET, Best a ccoiiiniodations lbr Boarding Hon and Inside Line! Bay Route! ive. culture. planation is found in tin-fact >hai as tin- vitaiitv of a c ity transient Teams, in the city. — Dr. Johnson once dined with a Scottish lady • structure decreases by age, over exertion, or too fre­ Particular attention is given to furnishing team m a quent excitement at improper times, its nervous sensi­ and Coaches lor funerals. Mt. Desert to Portland and Boston and who had hotch-potch for dinner. After the doctor ■ bilities increases; and if dimiiiutiou •- die result of ir­ 1 in the treatment of tiiis ale ,-v.-rywh.-re. If it Rockland, Jan. 1,1875. 5 Steamboat Company. white wrigglers uutil we think we have tout 1 Giv |1 Pranrav.” y> said the lady, “ let me help you to some j ever th ere a re a great m any o th e t' on tin- list, *m-h as em- “ philosopher's stone,” this t me certainly scrofula, malaria, blood wasting diseases of all kinds, ! happens that your Druggist has not got it in stock, ask OnarryiiiBii's k Stone Cutter’s him to semi for it to the wholesale agents, SiU.M .M EIt A It It A N O K M E N T : erly fore putting fresh earth in the pots, place it in MAGIC fevers,sexual excesses and many forms of jn lvie ami all chrotiic di'eases, where there is great irritation ; this D. IM. BIRD & CO, aev- an old pan, set iu the oven, and bake enough tu | — It may be some for the people o f a being reflected i*i the spinal marrow, produce, a de­ Stock, Tools & Supplies .1. (V. PERKINS A CO.. PorlliHiil, ( Successors to G. IF. Brown t^Co.,) THREE TRIPS PER WEEK! 3 tO destroy all germs of weeds w h ic h th e so ] may w dispositiu ru that they may pression of th:o great nervous eenter, from win-nee U'M. E. MANN, Bangor, till contain; then, after the plant has made i'self at corresponding degree of nervous debility is distribute ! of all kinds, at tiie very lowest -Steamer Ulysses, home in the jar to which it has been transplanted. ; travel 10D,000 miles each year for forty years, Condition Pills. to all parts of the system: a weakened condition bil­ CEO. C. GOODWIN A Co., Boston, ible, and the chances still l»e n favor of their receiving lows, impending, XDITIOX BILLS w> r.- brought i-i fon-the Ameri- necessary to carry on the e-s,-mial duties, business or 28 Sand, Fire Brick and Cement. ,n public for th. first thin- by an advertisement in a pleasures of e istence. Thursday and Saturday at 10:15 A. M., or on arrival of potash, two ounces ; add to them • p in t | will want a rest...... i .sj„,,}4s p jfi> NO. 6, RANKIN BLOCK-E <>t tnorning trains from Portland, Lewi.'ton and Au has olved, j single newspaper published in this city. The medicine of Ixiihng w ater; w hen thoroughly is purely vegetable aud entirely harm!’ "s. but its magi­ $ 1 O t o $ 2 0 . R ockland, A pril 5, 1874. guatn, commencing TUESDAY, June 15th, for North itter cork tightly, aud put a teaspoouful of it iu evei — The popularity of the idea of woman's in­ SDSMainSt. Haven, Deer Isle, So. Wi-.'t Harbor, Bar Harbor, (Mt. cal power over all diseases to which flesh is la ir is truly Desert), Lamoitte and Sullivan, connecting w ith Ells­ unis three quarts of warm:sh water u.>ed for watering. feriority is never mote strongly marked than on wonderful, if they result from l»ad ldood. Biliousness, worth by s’age, (9 miles) at Latnoine. Passengers for .vitli A few drops of it added to the water in hycahith Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,Nervousm-". Head Hancock, Franklin and Gouldsboro will purchase street cars. When a man asks the conductor ache. Heaviness, Heartburn, all flee before ii. Talk is Thorndike Hotel, will glasses will stimulate the bulbs to much liner X >T1<’K HR. R. B. BAYNES tickets for Sullivan. Those for Trenton, to Latnoine. what time it is, the conductor answers : “ Niue cheap. Facts an- stubborn thini's, ami every day we K O C K L A N D , - M A IN E . Returning, will leave Sullivan every Monday, Wedn.-s •ther growth ami blossoms. This liquid seems to be are receiving voluntary testimonials, complimenting in Great English Remedy. R. \VM. II. HARRINGTON reiins from our Still continue' to make handsome sets of TEETH, day and Friday morning at 5 o’clock, toueuing as above tped the highest terms these Pills, ami giving accounts of Firm this dale. G. F. KALER x CO. of tin* best materials, Iron, $10 to $20, half .ets, well KALLOCII& AYIIITE, Proprietors. obnoxious to the white worms. If the earth has thirty-five;” but if a woman puts the question, M arriving iu Rockland iu season to connect with tin ty o f been well baked, a little line cut tobacco sprinkled most astonishing cures. Following are samples :— R ockland, A ug. 24, 1875. 3w38 jo in ted . 1:3D P. M. train, arriving in Portland at 6. P. M. and he answers iu the simplest form better adapted to S croi uloiis H tiiiiors '|Frcights taken at Low Rates. break; can make twenty a day ' We learn from the Country Gentleman that forty-seven as when only twenty. COBB, WIGHT A NORTON, Agents. tised in London. They are not of the crying k:ud, as Coughs, Colds, W hooping Cough, Bron­ Teeth lifted wit it pure gold from $1.50 to $3; com­ KNOX HOTEL, many use kerosene with good eflect, by pouring it o ffsto w n Lotlirop's Tonic 1’itls, R ockland, May 5, 1875. 22 G , X . H .. Dee. 2 4 .1S74. mon size c avities, with tin or amalgam, $1,50 per and are > • ised by railway travellers who by M n. T h om a s W . L a m : . — I purchased a pa.-kam- of on the soil, taking care that it does not come iu chitis, Asthma ami CONSUMPTION. cavity; in some cases less. Main Street, |: Tliomaston. bject contact with the stem of the plant. Another cor­ the'r u:. >tf persous who might otherwise I) r. Q l-a i.s ’s C o n d it io n P il l s o f y u about three months ago. and I concluded not to give my teftimouy The few compositions Teeth extracted without pain by a new Anesthetic, h of respondent in the same, mulches spairingly in until I had given them a fair trial. (>ver'twenty-live Medicines unrivaled for their wonderful properties thus dispensing with the danger of chloroform aud E- E. POST, Proprietor, try to obtain scats in the same compartment. By which have won the confit Fares Reduced! that wood ashes which benefit the plant and l '!l the years ago I had an attack of .Scrofulous Humor o’n the and remarkable cures of all nervous complaints. Their other similar agents. P. F. HANLEY. C l e r k . til's dodge the kuowing ones always have plenty trlamls of my neck : also, an ulcer on my nose, which deuce of mankind and he ) the insects.— The Household. efficacy is equally griat ill the treatment ami cure of All operations warranted to give satisfaction; con­ ^H IS House, which it sltuuted di charged daily for over a ye:m*. Sine, that time I have For Mt. Desert & Machias. of room when they travel. cancers, nodes, ulcers, pustules, pimples, letter, lever com e household w o rd s sistent with his .well-known reputatiou. the head of Knox street, well taken a great deal of medicine- ; hut still I was troubled sores, erysipelas, ringworm, sca’d head, barbel s' iteh, 1 /3 L -A T' among not only among one Pulients sufi'ering from any derangement ol health, next door to Post Office, Express •read — (hie of the greatest of Irishmen and a lead­ wiih Bronchitis in my throat . very time I took the lea t scurvy, s'alt rheutu, copper-colored blotches, glandular and Telegraph Offices, and within .•old : beside' I was very Bilious (had one Billions hut malty nation', must have' undergoing dcital operations, such as having Sets oi free Mrs. G. S. Jones, in -'Fruit HecordcrJ' :n sw elling worm s ami black spots in tin* flesh, discolora­ five minutes walk of the Depot, has Summer Arrangement. er of Irish Cathodes once said, “ We are Roman Fever) ; I also had Inlhtimnation in my hark and kid­ tions, ulcers in the throat, mouth ami nose, sore legs, Teeth inserted, will not be charged for lioimeopathic answers *•» a correspondent, gives the following extraordinary virtues. Per­ medicines prescribed in bis office, or for any cures in­ been thoroughly renovated, papered, painted and vhen neys a good deal of tin* time, besides habitual Co tive- ami sores ol every character, because these medicines furnished with entirely new furniture, including beds, Catholics, but not the servants of Rome,” aud Iiess, etc. 1 have taken over fifty boxes of various haps no one ever secured so stantaneous by magnetism. Chronic diseases ex­ )st of (Erections for carn g forSinilax,a plant coltivated are the very best bedding and carpets. Stages lor St. George aud kinds of l’ills, besides. everal hotties of medical Bitters wide a reputation, or main cepted. Office hours all day. TWO TRIPS PER WEEK. peri- by almost every lover of plan’s, and by few suc­ agaiu, “ As much theology as you please from Friendship, and the Augusta and Union Stages stop and Syrups, for the blood. Be. I am happy to state tained it so long as A y er ’s Corner of Main and Myrtle Streets, (upstairs). » the Rome, but no politics ” His name was Daniel that the Pills I pur. based of you have done wonders. STEAMElt LEWISTON. cessfully : C h erry P e c t o r a l . It ha ItOCKEAX I>, MAINE. 3n,3 d be 0 ’Conne11, and the Catholic church in America I am now 47 years of age, ami feel as young a - I did at with all the boats at Rockland. Hacks will be in “ Stnilax is a plant of easy culture, requiring 20. My throat has not troubled me in the least since I been known to the public readiness to convey passengers to aud from the , Ca p t . C h a r l e s D e e r in g , most only a rest during the summer, by placing in will do well to emulate his example. commenced taking Dr. Quain’s Condition Pills : neither about Ibrly years, by a long continued series of mar­ tra in s. Will leave Railroad Wharf, foot of State Street, Port­ am I .rouble.! with Biliousness ; the pain ami inflam­ BLOOD MEDICINE _ sexes, young and iilant shady situation out of doors, withholding water velous cures, that have won for it a confidence in its old, make more money at work for us, in their own lo­ A good Boarding and Livery Stable in connec- land, every Tuesday and Friday evenings at 10 o’clock, — “ Bub, did you ever stop to think,” said a mation in my Kidneys have left ; ami my Bowel.' are or on arrival of Express Tiain from Boston, arriving at 4 the ami cutting back all slmois until the last of Au- very regular. Indeed, I mu. t give all the"praise to Dr. virtues, never equaled by any other medicine. It still calities, during ilieir spare moments, or all the time, M;chigan avenue grocer yesterday, as he meas­ lhan at anything else. We oiler employment that will Roeklaml every Wednesday and Saturday morning rosU gus, when repot in fine light soil : keep moist and Quiiin’s Condition Pills, for they have done more for me about 4 o’clock; thence to Castine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Ever placed before the jieo|de,: ud are warrant* -1 he makes tin* most elleetual cures of Cotttjhx, Colds, Con- nay handsomely for every hour’s work. Full partial t the ured out half a peek of potatoes, “ that these po­ than all the medicine I ever used. Therefore, 1 take South West Harbor, Bar Harbor, (Mt.Desert,) ;Mill- bring into the sunshine. When the sprays are a pleasure in recommending Dr. Qmun’s Condition Pills Jhe most powerful alterative ever originated by man. sum ption, that can hit made by medical skill. Indeed lars, terms, &c.', sent free. Send us your address at with few inches in length, furnish the vine with a once. Don’t delay. Now is the time. Don’t look lor bridge, Jonesport, ami Maeliiasport. tatoes contain sugar, water, ami starch ? ” “ No, to all who may need them : also 1 thank you, Mr. Lane, the C herry P e c t o r a l ha' really robbed these danger CHAS. A. DAVIS, RETURNING—Will leave Maeliiasport everv Mon for their introduction. Ido not intend'to be without work or busieess elsewhere, until you have learned sired frame, planted firmly in the pot, and from this al­ I didn't,” repi:ed the boy, “ but I heard mother oils discuses of their terrors, to a great extent, ami w hat we idler. G. S l tNSON Si. Co., Portland, Maine day and Thursday morning at 5 o’clock, touching as them, if money will purchase them. Please semi me above, arriving at Rockland about 5 o’cl ck the same rheat low a number of slender pieces of wood, or another package. given a feeling of immiiiiity from their fatal effects, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. lengths of fine twine, to extend in the direction the say that you put peas and beans in your coffee, evening, and at Portland same night, usually connecting rilled Mks. THOM A8 U. JONES. that is well founded if the remedy he taken iu season. DVERTISING, Cheap, Good, Systematic wit.i the Pullman Train, a d early morning trains for branches are desired to extend. Give air each aud about a pint of water ;n about every quart of P. S.—Please direct to Amoskeag, X. H. Strength to the Body Every family should have it in their closet for the ready All persons who eontemplete making contra* s CUSTOM HOUSE BLOCK. Boston. Fare from Rockland to Portland, $1.00; to Deer Isle, rnit; day, if even indirectly, and when practicable milk you sold.” Neuralgia and Indigestion l’or nine years withV newspapers for the insertion of advertiremeu s, ROCKLAND, MAINE. place a pan of boiling water so that the steam may cured by eight of Dr. Quain’s Condition and prompt relief of its members. Sickness, suffering should send “ 5 ets, to Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 I ark $1.00; to South West Harbor, $2.00; to Bar Hurbor, vin- A Kansas City fisherman who recently had set Pills. Dyspepsia so bad that he could ami even life is saved by this timely protection. The Row New York .for their PA Mi’ll LET-BOOK (ninety- <250. permeate about through the foliage. This will M. W . FARWELL, Agent. Dis- not bear the sm ell of food, Changed to a and Vi^jor to prudent should not neglect it, ami the sn-eiitlt e«//7Zo»,containing lists ol over 2000 new spapers remedy the injiuy’ inneurred by a hot, dry atmos­ afloat several lines attached to bottles and bated and estimates showing the cost. Advertneineut>» taken ether r e l i s h . Keep it by you for the prole 1 it alfords by its time II. N . K E E N E , Agent’s Office, No, 2 Atlantic Block, corner of Main phere, to a certain degree, and prevent the ra’ with frogs and had followed them in a skill' for for leading papers iu many States at a tremendous re D E A L E R IN and Sen Streets, (Up stairs.) Residenc corner of en it ges of the Red Spider, Aphis, ami other insects. Mo n t p e l ie r , Y t ., J u ly 2C, 1874. ly use iu sudiletl attacks. dilution from publishers’ rates. G e t t h e Bo o k . Pleasant and Union streets. 15 done, several miles down the river without getting a Mr . T hom a s W . L a n e —D ea r S i r :—h'or nine years th e M in d . PREPARED BY BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, I have been troubled with Neuralgia and Indigestion, •n till Moccasins, Sole Leather, W ax Leather, French bite, was chagrined to discover that, owing to the and have taken every medicine that 1 could hear of for DR. J.C.AYER& CO., Lowell, Mass.; thick Old Kose Bushes. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. and A me Hern Calfskins, Machine Belting,) insufficient “ leadiug ” of the lines, the frogs had the relief of my complaints, to no permanent relief, Practical anil Analytical Cli«*mists. Linings and Shoe Findings, This until I received a package of your C o n d itio n P i i.s , Removing morbid sensibility, depression of spirit ■ “ The Leading American Newspaper.” C. L. BLACK, swum to the sutface and had been sitting on thu A subscriber sends the following on the ms for which I thank God and you, fot I feel as well as I 4f3*Sold by all Druggists ami Dealers in Medicine. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. jK od lan d . He. fu r ever did in my life, and have only taken eight of the agement of old rose bushes to the New York Ob­ bottles the whole distance. Pills. I could not even bear Ute xtnell o f out/ kind of dementia and melancholia. Daily. #10 a year. Semi-Weekly, #3. IULE T»OSTEK, server :—“ Never give up a choice but a decaying Johu Henry had a guest at dinner the other day fo o d .it would turn my stomach: but now 1 can eat W eekly, «S. ROCK1AND, ME. rose bush till you have tried watering it two or anything that anyone can eat, and it relishes. God bless and during a pause in the conversation the enfant NIG1I1 SCENES IN THE BIBLE, Postage Free to the Subscriber. Specimen A ll w ork \fcill be faithfully and Iprouiptly a tten d e d three times with soot ten. Take soot from the the inventor o f the Co n d it io n P il l s , ami tlu ir agents Copies ami Advertising Itates Free. Weekly, In clubs terrible spoke up : all over the world. S. J. WHEEELER. and a magnificent NEW B( H)K just from Press TRUE P. PIERCE, chimney or stove iu w hich W’ood is burned, and Address,.I. C. M cCurdy X Co., Plilla. Pa. 4w39 ofMlormore, oulyil, postage paid. Address THE #tj* Orders may be left or bundles tent to th —One T um uN K . n .v , R1>12 make a tea of it. When all is used, pour boiling “ I wish I was you.” Neuralgia and Bheuniatisin, Liver and Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Eastern Express Office. 31 » cup water a second time on. the snot. The shrub will “ Do you, my little boy, and why do you wish Kidney Com plaint for twenty-five years Has possession of all the best bo a ids in the city. litter, quickly seud out thrifty shoots, the leaves will be­ cured by Dr. Quain’s Condition Pills. For Sale by all Uruggists! . one you were m e?” Carriage Spokes, Wheels, L Men, women, boys and girls (Mice iu New Court House, come large and thick, and the blossoms will be D a n v e r s , Ma s s ., Ju ly 19, 1875. “ Cos yon don’t get your tars pinched when Address with stamp. P act. LUCK, New Bedford, Mass. llO CK LA N I>, : MAIM:. larger and richer than ever Itel'ore. Mil. L a n e —Dear Sir:—For the last twenty-live years Rims,Shafts, Hubs, , one you eat vittles with your knife.” I have suffered terribly with Neuralgia and itlicuuia- And will lie Sent by Express Io all tism, also Liver and Kidney Complaints, causing severe Seats, &e., )nfuls MANAGEMENT OF POT PLANTS. — The best tramp story as >et comes from pain iu the back ami hips,‘often unable for uiontbs to nl of stoop to pick up any small article from the floor. I parts of the Country, by addressim: The l>est directions for potting plants we have Brookfield. A tramp stopped at Widow H.’s a few have had several doctors, spent a great deal for medi­ T Wliolesal and Bet ail. at Teacher of Piano. Organ,IViolin and •ntus cine, which did no good, ami finally concluded I must LOWER THAN EVER AT Cook’s City D rugstore. ever seen published are found hi the Western days since ami asked for food. She replied she AR o ik lan d , N ov. II, 1874. * H arm ony. suffer the rest of my life. I happened one day to see I lie Proprietor, three R u r a l: had none. Mr. Tramp went across the road to a y o u r advertisem ent in the ConureyalionaUnt. I thought F.H.&G. W. GOCHRAN’S Amateurs are apt, in repotting plants, to make tin; medicine was just what I meded, and 1 sent to vou 205 Main St., > this the soil too rich, under the impression that, be­ neighbor’s and asked if they were aware the wo­ last April for s package of Pills. Before I had taken • cups eight I felt like a new person. Can sleep well nights, Cordage, Tar, Pitch, P. O. AddressBox, 56. cause roots are confined within a small compass, man living on the opposite side was starving. He eat well, and have no Neuralgia pain, can stoop as well I I , I I . Ac st it, from an excessive quantity of manure. What is pond a short distance off, fished for several hours, them, and would not be witbou: them. I think they Accident I x s m a\ ce rp iIE Committee on Account* and Claims of the City used should be the most thoroughly disgested com­ cat drug a good string, returned to the Widow IL, must prove a blessing to thousands who will be induced Switches at (aiofniy’s II. II. CBIE&CO., 1 of Rockland will be in session at the City T nasur. post. The successful florist understands that the to try them. Enclosed you will find $1.00. Please gency er’s Oflice. Masonic Block, on tiie last 3 LIDAA eve oiled and made her a present of them. send two packages. Yours respectfully, 143 Court Street, A . ning o f each m onth, from 7 1-2 Jill 9 o’c lock, for the them soil requires only to be in the normal state to in­ MRS. b. T. LANE. 205 MAIN STREET purpose of examining claims against the ci.y. sure perfect ami continuous growth : ami, there­ — When little Johnny Pearl, who lived in New T he sam e lady w rites again, J u ly 30th, 1875:—“ Y our CAPITAL REPRESENTED, OVER All bills must be approved by the party contracting llow- fore, instead of making the soil in the pots over Haven, was three years old, his father was fre­ Pills are doing wonders here. I am taking the second Braids at Giofray’s. them . itoes. package. My son wishes you to send him a package. BOSTON, MASS. II. G. BIRD, rich, he depends upon stimulating, when wanted, quently called from home on business. Oue eve­ Enclosed find fifty cents,” etc. Carriage Paints, Oils", K. C. IIA I.L. > Committee. •, and by means of liquid manure. 0^- A package sent by mail, postage paid, to any ad­ SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS LEANDER THOMAS. ) l)OOll- ning, while he was absent on one of these journeys, dress, on receipt of 5 0 C e n ts . A ddress, Who may be Consulted Free of 1*< XFjVSII. Losses Adjusted and Paid at this Agency. 21 Ixjfc it which took him to Natchez, Johnny’s mother « for Plants which are kept in the windows should THOS. W- LANE, Manchester, N. H. NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED. WARRANTED Varnishes, » r B loch . .Main Si. T r a in s A r r iv e .—Morning Train leaves Portland, are best plunged in the soil in a sunny place, so the world is to have an humble opinion of our- Street i Pictou, N, S. 6.15; arrives at Batii 7.53, eouneeting to Rockland. that the leaves may have full light ami the shoots Agents lor Yale Coal, Iron and Manufacturing Co. Through Trains leave Portland, 1.10 I’, M., after ar­ scl ves. rival of trains from Boston; arrive at B ate,;. u p. M., be well matured. But the heliotrope must be Erysipelas. ! keep constantly on hand a full assortment «»i Also for Messrs. Perkins & Job, N. Y. & Boston. — General Hawley's name is mentioned at last l*.t RIAL CASKETS and COI I1N>. in te al taken in in September, before they feel the least iNE lias never failed to cure the most inveterate aud imitation ROSEWOOD and BLACK WAL- Coal Charters always on hand for U. S.. We; touch of frost, and the roses befor it can pinch ii the l’st of candidates for the Presidential nom­ case of Erysipelas. N C T. THOS. MCLOON, Artist. Indies and Soutli American Ports. Consignments < R ockland. .Inly 5. 1S?2. T9 vessels and merchandise solicited. * lj 13 PAYSON TUCKER, Supt. them at all severely. Getauiurns that have been ination. It is the best that has been proposed. Having been appointed CITY UNDERTAKER Ju n e 21, 1875. kept rather dry should be tcpoilcd early in Sep­ Pimples and Humors of the Face. and purchased a N EW II EA USE ;of the most ap­ — The longest night >u Norway lasts three proved pattern aud construction. 11 am prepared to tember. It is best to rinse all the old earth from Reason should teach u- that blotchy, rough of a tte n d to JOHN G. LOVEJOY’S the roots ami shot ten them pretty close, as well a- months, and when a young man goes to sec his pimpled -kin ilepends entirely upon an internal cause, A1 I L L 1 O N S Roekbiuil mill VinaRiaven Steam­ ami ...... application can ever cure the defect. FUNERAL UNDERTAKING, the tops, planting them again firmly in fresh good girl, her mother, before retiring, tells her not to boat Line! Y eg e t in k is tin- great blood purifier. furnishing prompt,aud careful attendance and every­ Insurance Agency, earth before the root can dry any. Keep shaded ruin her health by siP'iig up more than two thing required. and not too wet lor Ja week or so, ami as soon as Tumors, fleers or Olil Sores I liose Having occasion to procure anything in the WV.MMt It AKItASlGEMJESIT. growth apjtears, water and feed well. This will months. above line would do well to call, before giving their CUSTOM HOUSE BLOCK, Nervous Debility. orders, a t soon result in handsome and thrifty plants, which — “ I would advise you to put your head into Are cau-ed by an impure -tale .if tin- blood <’icansv Two Teips Each Day! will bloom by Christmas, ami continue for months. tlie blood thoroughly wi ll Y e g e t in k , ami these com­ Rockland, - - Maine. a •lyctub, it's rather red,” said a joker to a sandy- plaints will disappear. To secuie copious bloom of betbling geraniums Boynton’s Coffin Warehouse, .Steamer Clara Clarita, next summer it is essential to have fresh young haired girl. “ I would advise you to put yours Catarrh. 34 Tighe’s Building, 308 Main Streej. a. CAPT. WM. E. CREED, plants, and to that end cut dugs should be sett ■ into an oven, it is rathe’’ soft,” said Nancy C. F. KITTRLDGE, Will run until further notice as follows:—Leave Car- now, immediately. I hey will root ea.-dy in the' — The infinity of God is not mysterious, it is For tills complaint the only substantial benefit can bi However obscure the causes may lie which contribute A g e n t f o r i ver’s Harbor for Rockland dailv (Sundays excepted ) open ground in the inoistwe ami temperature of , .... , , , ■, , , . . obtained through the blood. V e g e t in k is the great to r< Oder m rvods debility, a di-, a-.- so prevalent, af­ ’ ,-5.- •'f; :I1" 1 1 M- E. turning, leaves Rn« klan’d . ■■ i -.i . , i i i i only untathomuble; not conceited; but •ucouipte- blood purifier. fecting, as it dues, ii.-ariy one halt' of our adult | iip.tla- tor \ malhaven a t t0.30 A. M., and 4 30 P. M., touching August, it covered with a pane or two ot shaded . . . . . latioii. it is a nielaliclndy fact that day b\ day. and year Hampton Tea Comp’y, of N. Y. at Hurricane Island every trip. glass, to retain moist air and obstruct excess ot ■ heusible; it is a clear infinity, the darkness of the by y. ar. we witness a most frigiitful in.-rca- of m rvuits Best Oolong Teu, 37 1-2 to 40 ceutg.1 Constipation. ail'eetinns —fi.mi the slignte-t neuralgia to the most Fare, 75 cents each way. of heat. After roots have formed, as indicated by I pure unsearchable sea. |liest Japan, 50 to GO cents. grave aud extreme forms of Freight taken at fair rates. Seven o'clock boat from the appearance of young leaves, the cuttings must Y e g e t in k doesn< t act as a catliartie to debilitate the Whelesal and Retail. Samples at Store, — Congressman Chester W. ('hapin of Sptitig- bowels, hut’’ cleanse all tie- organs, enabling each to yinalhaven connects uith 9.20 train at Rockland for be potted, and then returned for a week to tlie;r perform the fuuctio i- devolving upon them. Opposite the Post Office, Rockland. ly50 Portland and Bo-ton. Through tickets for sale on shelter. During winter they must have light: licld, Mass., was formerly a stage driver, ami is they will do well in a window where neither frost said now to be worth .Si0,000,000. How do tiny Piles. G. A. SAFFORD, Agent, Rockland. nor much heat can ’-each them, and they will be­ 0 s B c . G. M OFFITT, BENJ. LANE, Agent, Vinailiaven. do it 7 tor- d thousands to health who have gin to bloom iu April or May, ami continue all Rockland, July, 1S75. 52 summer in surpassing beauty, if well well wateied — Some men use no other means to acqtf *e r - Nervous Prostration. PHYSICIANS CORNERED. Life and Fire Insurance Agent. and fed.— Country Gciiilcinan. sp ct than iusist’ug on it, and it sometimes ans­ Dyspepsia. I suppose there is not in tlie whole of a physician’s Represents Thirty-nine M illion Dollars. LINE. experience anything in human -ufiering which call wers their purpose, as it does a l ’ghwayuian’a »»i taken regularly, according I forth Iiis sympathy and pity to such an extent as to wit Losses adiusted at tills office,’ ness the c'xcruriating pains of a poor mortal suiferiug 1S75. Summer Arrangement. 1S75. re g a rd to money.— EN G LISH l \ V. Skciistuiic. from that fearful disease Rheumatism. Ilereb No. 287 Union Block,I tilere lias lieeti considerable diversity of opinion among 5 ROCKLAND, MAINE. — Where a woman, says Mrs. Partington, has Faintness at the Stomach. feelings, if and to wliat extent they al e attacked I medical men, as lo tin-true character of lids diseat Three Trips Per Week. The use of Euglish ivies for the purpose of • been married with a congealing heart, aud one insidious enemy to health, eo'mfort, and ev» some locating it in tlie fibrous or muscular ti-sues orating living rooms is more extensive e\ery year ' itself, if left to run its course unchecked, by the the system, and others viewing it a- an acute nervous REAL ESTATE BROKER, Bangor to Portland. Boston that beats desponding to her own, she will never j to restore the stomach to a healthy act and prompt application of curative remedies. disease: but it is now generally admitted to be a and cannot be loo highly commended. Being I i- arising from a poison circulating in tlie blood, ! » ' <>lli<*e* Lawrence and Lowell. very’ strong, they w ill I'vethrough any t re.itmem : want to emer the maritime state again. further it is adm itted that rheum atism Female Weakness. eli poiso but study the’r peculiaiities aud inanfsest willing­ — A gentleman on horseback see;ng a crowd thoroughly cured without exterminating AND AUCTtONKER, ness to gr.’tify them ami they wi’l glow without on- matters fioni tin- blood by a eonstituiii STEAMER CITY OF RICHMOND. l-einel up nod rxclahned—“ What’s afoot here?” rem edy. W’e feel confident th a t none will feel bei O. H. PERRY, C n p t u l n <7. K ! U > y . stint. Many houses are 5 no hotf r tli *n , as ind ed NERVOUS DEBILITY il rejoice more than Otlie<* P e r r y ’s B lo c k , N o . 3 , L im e R o e k St. " m I on •'■«’ »K»' ARRANGE- they are tor their owners. Neither plants nor To which a wag replied—“ Twelve inches, the eian who has found out that a I ,■ cure for tins stub- K& - Houses aud Farms fur Sale. Stores and Offices m ation. horn disease lias been discuverei Tin* following Hl-.- r, with < ol.iiectiIIBT n,iln from Port- people should have the temperature over (*.'» de­ same as it is everywhere else.” The gentleman LUiinol fail to s: |laiid to Boston, on MONDAY, .Ju n e tinioin from a Portland geiitleiu. 21, 1875, follows : grees Falfenheh. Take care not to enfeeble yuur rod. away. General Debility. all Iliat tin* ivies by excessive watering or undue ln-at, and LEAVING Bangor at « o’clock, “ Well , I always make it a rule to tell nty wile In tltii obstructing aud preventimr the ordinary functions HERBERT LOVEJOY, and Rockland at 11:30 o’clock, you wdl see they w ’l not seem to mind w hether re realized immedi: ely aft.-i — -A* every Monday, Wednefda^* the suns shines oti tnem or not, nr in what posi­ everything that happens.” “ Oh, my dear fel­ nature; hence, there is a disordered state of tin- secre­ 1 and Friday, arriving i debility denote- deficient tions; constipation, scanty and high colored urine, with tion or direction you train them. Indeed, so low, that's tiolhiug! ” replied his friend; “ I tell INE act- directly upon tin ...... md.... i •■t.with a Steam boat Expre.-s 1 ram , ovs-r tli an excess of earthy and limy -. dim.-nt, indicative of is a wonderful Medical Discovery. lints. Clips, Runts Sliues and Rubbers, Boston x Maine Railroad only; arriving in Bo-tun: much will they do themselves to render a room my wife lot- of thing-- that never happen at all! ” waste of brain and nerve substance, frequent palpita­ 10 o’clock i’. M. This Train is arranged expre—ly 1 charming, that we would rather have an unliitii- Vegeliue is Sold by All Druggists. tion o f tin- heart, Io.-- »>f m em ory, and m arked it reso­ P o r t l a n d , Dee. 11, 1874. FANCY GOODS, &c., &c. e.iiiti, . t w ith tlie Steam er, and will wait f..r tin- arriv: tek number of them to draw upon than anything — Fivetlrngs are useless when they ate not lution of purpo-e, and inability to carry into action / ’»•«/. All,house Hiller: o f tin- boat in all w eather. any well defined business enterprise, or to lix tin- mind Dear Sir: Fnsolieited by you, 1 wish to 1 tear test fid* A goo.l line ol' Drugs and Druggists' K a-l‘a--engei-will be ticketed tlirough to Low el accompanied by one thing else. Words without upon any one tiling for any length of time. Tin-re is inoiiy to tin- efficacy of tin- Diamond Rheumatic Cur arriving in Lowell at 9 :40 -ante evening. Fare -ante s great sensitiveness to im p n — ions, tliou.gli not retained Do you w ish the ugly plain tlm s h u t off deeds; wealth without economy: learning without NEWADVKItTlSh M r \ I. During tlie pa-t year 1 have suffered greatly from that Init a short time, with a flickering and fluttering euiidi- eommoii and agonizing utlliclioii, Rheumatism. Ms ItETLllMNG, Pa—eiigi-rs going F a -t, will take ti your tiny entry to be arched urved, 1 k- thu faeuitie-, rendering an individual iu the drawing-rooms of yo richer tn-ighlH.i manners; alms-giving without charity; aud Vfe shoulder was so all’e-ted that my left arm was power ears at 6 o’clock 1*. M., over e ith er E a - tc n or Ilo-tn A G ENTS I<» o n . Cl 11 Jo in ts, mounted, si/. 9x1 I vliat i tily called a wliillh- m inded or a tlekli less ami I despaired of ever again having tlie use o x Maine Railroad, arriving in Portland at ID ,,’cloel Buy a couple of brackets, si as lamps for t| without health. forJSl. 100 for >5. Largest varie.v in the world T iter ity I..- in each indivi.lual that limb. I was induced, bv hearing of tin* muni i STANCE. connecting, with the Steamer, arriving in Rockland : burning of kerosene are place 4w39 NATION. . < IIKO.MO Co., l’liii. Pa. different symptoms, his peculiar organiza- mat vclloii- cures accomplished by tin- agent while stav­ 1 o'clock in the morning, and Bangor atlu.3o.\ A -- Wendell Phillips credits Horace Greeley lion, habits, pursuits, and temperament, which all f ing ai till- Preble House, to buy a bottle. It is sufficient Stage conn. , tion at Rockland for Thoma-tmi and a. in the sides of the door. Put iu each :i plant of Pleasant and Prolilalile Employment. to shape tin- manner of tin- manifestatious of their T . 2X. O . id to a lecture committee who paid to -a y that w ithout faith »u tin- medi< ine o r it- re-uf Agent for First Class Stock Companies joining town-; also, Railroad and Stage connections : English Ivy, the longer the better ; tin i irain the | " :i1' ■' •• Beau ifttl! " “ Charming!’’ “ Oh, how lovely!’ volts disturbance-, eoiistitutiiig a dillereiiee a- marked by the taking of live small Iio.lles I was entirely Belfast and Bucksport lor interior towns. plants over Ihe top, against the side— anv ’ b n , in t bank lells, that if convenient he “ W liat are they worth, Xe. Such are the .-xclaiiiatinu- as are their physical peeuliaritie-- di-similar and pecu­ lieved. And week-liave -ihcc elapsed, a id I :*m-I Thomaston and Vicinity. steamer Richmond will connect (going wit •e the large, elegant new Chromo- pro liar to lilelil-elVi•-. T hese dili'el eliee-, ill till- m anlier V. the all right and free from pain, with no indications of Business Promptly Attended to. tin- Portland Steam Packet Companv’- Sham, r-, hat Would prefer to have a weU execute 1 counterfeit duced and form of their manife-tatioiis, do not indicate an\ return, and tlie feeling of new life I experience I all beautiful ( but costly ) pots the flower dealer will T h o m a sto n , Aug. 21, 1871. 38 ing Portland every day at 7 o’clock i». M. arriving i on some Eastern batik. lishing Co. Ev.-ry one i necessary dillereiiee lo be followed ill the treatm ent ol bllte to I be II-e of tlie 1 liutllolld Rlielllliatie < 'lire. II; Boston at .» o’clock in the morning. advise; common glazed ones will answer every I talking to sell tin- pictm -peak li*r the any case win re disease has its origin in physical injury, tlie kindness lo pass Old gelltlellieii i the same remedies being alike applicable to tin- weak Ila I icki I- sold oil hoard tin* Richm ond, over tli j Canvassers, agent-, and around for tlie benefit < 1 01 Hand x Rochester Itailroad, to Nu-lma, Worcestei pur,M)se, for by placing in each two or three - - ’fhe God of the Christian is the God of met- employment,...... will find this the as to tli. strong; to the sturdy a-to the -ieklx, varied sprays of Coliseum ivy, iu a month's time mi ves­ Yours truly, Providence. Norwich, Springfield, Aibanv, Ilartfor, ainorphoses. Yott throw grief into Ills hand aud to m ake mom-v. F or full p; : ..lily in degree of quantity aud duration in the use of G Y ltl'S IIANSC’D.M, Tempi.* S New Havo, and New York. Also all-tati'ons hetwee tige of the pot can be discerened through their . eoulideiitial cieitln Addrc - F. GLEASON ' them iu order toovereome tlie disease. Nervous debil- B2HKY BKOTHERS Portland ami \V0rce-1er. thick screen. hew .i! gin you back peace: y ou g tv e him des- 73S W ashington s-i ! ity, or what is generally regarded as such, is as protean Baggage checked through on the steamer to dcstiu: i typed in its peetiliari ies a- are tin- dreams of tin- -hip FURTHER PROOF. The English ivy grow*ng over the walls of a jia’r, he w;l| send back hope: it is a sinner be : ! wrecked mariner, win., in hi- sirmruies lor safety, lie- t'Ai*i: E l iz a b e t h , N ov. 12,187- NEW LIVERY & HACK SI ABLE P a t e n t I n i i !i-l< x - k i n g I r o n , S teel, S p ik e s •ction ov« building, iusiead of promoting dampness, as I has touched, a saint returns him thanks.—Mad­ down exhausted for a momeiit'.s sleep Upon tile Wieek I‘rof. Alphonse Hiller: MAIN Si REE I, ROCKLAND. M e . . -- —______jud :it 1 ’or!I:iu*l to 1 most persons would suppose, is said to be a reme­ : upon which lie floats, with all .lie elenieets of destrue Dear Sir This is to certify that 1 liave been a I ell, arriving in Boston _ ...... „„ ame Sivetchinc. i lion iu mad cumniotioti around him, when tlie tiist in­ tured sull'erer from mllammatory Rheumatism for «> dork -ame evening. Fare to Lowell -ame'as Bonhui dy for it, and it is men tinned as a fact that in a GRATE BARS, stincts of his nature are a longing for something solid past three years, and during tin- last year my sutlerings i ' yiils St i KOlVA.vr.Gcn’i Agent, Portland. certain loom where damp had prevailed for a — As the authorities at Washington are talking •MANI FACTl RED BY THE upon which lie may find a -lauding place. CHAINS, liave been beyond deser'ptioti. I liav F. F. KENDRICK, Agent, Bangor. length of time, the affected parts inside had be­ of jirinting greenbacks ttjion waterproof jiajier, i SALAMANDER GK.U’E BAIi CO I’ANY, I ii some eases of this disease there are paroxysms I colli I bear "of but obtained no relief until 1 tiled tlie ted ami approved in upw ard’ I or exacerbations, with extreme debility apparent in All kinds anti sizes at very low prices, by " Diamond Rlieuinatie Cure.” It i, truly a womleriul J . I’. W IS E , A gent, come dry when ivy had grown up to cover the everything; often condition- id' hectics in all its -tages; remedy. Respectfully yours the Boston Advert ser asks if it would not be a I of 5,0<>0 different Furnaces, in t Office 212 and 214 Main S treet. opposite exterior side. The close, overhanging, - .i • . | and Locomotives, and are superior to all other-in ; aiso all tin- general symptoms eiiumera.ed. with a local pendant leaves prevent the rain or moisture from guo.1 u™ I„r «.!».- ..f the pnvme corporate.™ o, D u ra b ility and Economy in the use of Fuel I m anifestation o f it m ore frequently apparent in tlie H. H. GRsE&CO., M -s. ( 'apt. Walden is witness R ockland, Ju n e 17, 1875. 26 penetrating to the wall. Beauty aud utility in I facial nerves though it’may be in other partsofthe body. Any styte ol Single or Double 'Team furnished at lllis eauulry Io use this lor pruning their c'rtlti- | Sali-la. li.,u euaraaf, .hl.-, fere,.,', siaall pari, of r.S. ; a- tlie thorax, abdomen or limbs, wi ii pain-of a shoot- short n„tice and at reasonable rates. this case go hand in hand.—Journal of Horti­ The di-i'oven r of this medicine walked tlie aisles id’ cates of stock. 14w3y Office 192 B R O A D W A Y , N .Y . P.O .B ox 1809. i ing,'aticiiiating eharaetet. For this condition an ex til 205 MAIN STREET, Best a ccoinmodations lor Boarding Horses and Inside Line! Day Route ! culture. J planation is found in tlie fact ,haj a- tlie vitaiitv of a tlie liospitals of London and Palis for tlie past twenty transient Teams, in tin; city. — Dr. Johnson once dined with a Scottish lady i structure deerea-cs by age, over exertion, or too Ire years, making rheumatism a specially, and tlie pre. Particular attention is given to furnishing team ! qiient excitement at improper time-, it- nervous sensi- -eriptimi from which this remedy is compounded is all and Coaches tor funerals. Mt. Desert to Portland and Boston who had hoteh-jiotch for dinner. Alter the doctor ; bilities increases; and if diminution >- ihe re-ult of ir- ’ ed in the treatment of this disease. Iiisiin- Also, Books kept at this office for the dillerent Stage SSA.Ml-3 I>A.y: WORMS IN FLOWEK POTS. ' citation, as by disease or local injury, tlu-rc is a general :ents. lyl'J -otuelinie-one or two doses suffice. In tlie had tasted it she asked him if it was good. “ It is nie ease it is sure to give way by tlie use ol nies, where all orders should he left. ! decrease of vita! stamina or power, .lie least sln.ek or FRED II. BERRY. We have puzzled ourselves over these little good lor hugs, m a'am,” eaid the doctor. “ Then . irritation may act as a secondary eait-e, .icing some out four or five bottles. Put ’.ip and prepared for tin* Mass. lloi'klaiul, Mt. Desert and Sullivan DR, QUAIN’S I Laboratory As-oei; I*. \V . C O N N E R CHAS. If. BERRY. ! or all of those already mentioned. In > aasation,liow- R ockland, .Jan. I, 1875. 5 white wigglers until we think we have found the pray,” said the lady, “ let me help you to some ’ ever there are a great many otliet - on tlie list, -ueli a-I Court Street. Be or sale everywhere. If Sleanilioat Company. “ philosojiher’s stone,” this time certainly. B<- i scrofula, malaria, blood wasting disease- of ail kind-. 1 happens thaty Druggist lias riot got it in stock, :e k tore putting fresh earth in the jx>ts, jilace it in MAGIC ■ fevers, sexual excesses and many f irm- of pelvic and i» tiie wholesale agents, SSU-M.MIOlt AUItAIS-tiEMETWa- ! an old j>au, set iu the oven, and hake enough to — It may be some comfort for the people of i all chrouic di-ea-cs, where there i- great irritation . this .1. tv. PERKINS X CO., Portland, D. N. BIRD Sl C O , ! being ndlected iu tlie spinal marrow, produces a de- Stock, Tools & Supplies (Successors lo C. It". Brown iJ l t’o.,) THREE TRIPJS PER WEEK! destroy all genus of weeds uldcll the sn l in.iy w.inj, ,,g die,x,sitioli Io learu that tie i piessiou of that great nervous center, from whence a contniu; then, alter the plant has made i .-elf at , ..." ,.,U1 . ! corresponding degree of nervous debility i- distributed IV.ll. E. MANX, Bangor, bo....i„ ll1eiartowl,icl. itl,,»lauted. ua" '1 ...... U1,1,,‘ e',c!‘ forty Condition Pills. : to all parts of the system; a weakened condition fol­ of all kinds, at the very lowest ' Steamer Ulysses, low-, impeiuling, obstructing and p iralyziug tlie func­ GEO. C. GOODWIN X Co., Boston, West India Goods and Groceries. water with the lollowing preparation : * »nd the chances still l»e n lavor of their receiving A littl. inure tliiiu a year ago D tt. '^ F A IN ’S \1 AGH ’ tional operation of every organ, mu-cuiar mental, | market prices, by Capt. David Robinson, “ Sulphate of ammonia, four ounces ; nitrate j no injury. By the expiration of that time theji CONDITION PILLS wen bruuglit before tin- Atneri- necessary to carry on the essential duties, business or W. W. WHIPPLE X Co., Portland. Will leave Railroad Wharf, Rockland, every Tuesdav, of potash, two ounces ; add to them one pint , w -jj w;n ,( a reti( • -.m public fur tlie tir-t time by an ailverti-enient in n pleasures o f c isle Thur-day and Saturday at 10:15 A. M.. or on arrival -inuie newspaper published in’tlii- city. Tin-niedicitie NO. 6, RANKIN BLOCK-E of boiling w ater; when thoroughly dissolved, -in g a- it is. ot morning trains from I’ortlami, I.ewi-ton and \n is purely vegetable and entirely harmless, but it- magi­ H.H. ci'iB&Ca., 20SMainSt. R ockland, A pril 5, 1874. gUBta, eom m ein ing T U E SD A Y, J u n e 15tli, for N orth cork tightly, and put a teaspoonful of it to every — The jiopti'arily of the idea of woman’s in­ cal power over all disease- to which flesh is heir is truly t o Haven, Deer Isle, So. West Harbor, Bar Harbor, (Mt. three quarts of warm’sh water used for watering. feriority is ne\er more strongly marke-l than on wonderful, if they result from bad idontl. Biliott-iiess, $ io $ 2 0 ; Desert), Liimoine ami Sullivan, connecting with Elis Dyspep-ia, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,Nervousness, Head wortii l»y s'age, (9 miles) at Lauioine. Passengers for A few drops of it added to the water in ltycaimh street ears. When a man asks the conductor ache, Heaviness, Heartburn, all flee before it. Talk is Thorndike Hotel, Hancock. Franklin and Gouldshoro will purchase glasses will stimulate the bulbs to much fitter cheap. Facts arc -lubborii tiling-, aud everyday we 7\< >T I<’K. HR. R. H. BAYNES tickets tor Sullivan. Those for Trenton, to Lamoine. what time it is, the conductor answers : “ Niue R O C K L A N D , - M A I N E . growth ami blossoms. This liquid sccnis t" he are receiving voluntary te-timoiiials, complimenting in Great English Remedy, R. W.M. II. H A R R IN G T O N rc.irc- fron Still continue' to make haud»oiu TEETH, Returning, will leave Sullivan every Monday. Wcdm-n thirty-five;” but if a woman puts the question, the highest term- these Pills, aud giving account-of Eirm tliis diit<. IA11VK. you eat vittles with your knife.” I have suffered Anil will lie Sent by Express lo all tism, also Liver and Kidney Complaints, causing severe Seats, &c., c tv o fk d t, MANAGEMENT OF POT l’LANTS. — The best tramp story as je t comes from pain in the back and liips, often unubk* for months to P < KTLVWII stoop to pick up any small article from the floor. I parts of tlie Country, by addressing The best directions for potting plants we have Brookfield. A tramp stopped at Widow H.’s a few have had several doctors, spent a great deal for medi­ cine, which did no good, and finally concluded I must LOWER THAN EVER AT Teacher of Piano. Organ,IViolin and ever seen published are found ;n fhe Western days since ami asked for food. She replied she suffer the rest of my life. I happened one day to see I lie Proprietor, R o ik lan d , N o v . II, 1874. H arm ony. R u r a l: had none. Mr. Tramp went across the road to a y o u r advertisem ent in tin- Conyregalionalist. I thought TERMS :—Organ aud Piano, $15 for 21 Lessons the medicine was just what I needed, and I sent to vott F.H.&G. W. GOCHRAN’S Amateurs are apt, in rcjxitting ptiints, to make 205 Main St., V iolin,$12 for 24 Lessons. neighbor's and asked if they were aware the wo- last April for s package of Bills. Before I lmd taken the soil too rich, under the impression that, be­ eight I felt like a new person. Can sleep well nights, P. O. AddressBox, 56. 32 cause roots are confined witiiiti a small compass, lan living on the opposi’e side was starving. He eat well, and have no Neuralgia pain, can stoop as well I I . IT . Committee. by means of liquid manure. A package sent by mail, postage paid, to any ad­ SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS LEANDER THOMAS. > ning, while lie was absent on one of these journeys, dress, on receipt of 5 0 C e n ts . A ddress, Who may be Consulted Free of P < Lonses Adjusted anil Paid at thia Agency. 21 which took him to Natchez, Johnny’s mother THOS. W- LANE, Manchester, N. H. ’ NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED. WARRANTED Varnishes, <&c., Plants which are kept in the windows should was hearing his prayers, “ Our Father who art ” Berry Block, Rockland. be turned every morning, or else the light striking ility can be m ade to the Charge, either personally or by j „Estjjual1Ty. & g g|[Aw & cq &c., when Johnny raised his head from its place . or the Cashiers or any of on one side only, will draw the plant to that side the banks of Manchester. Of the Very Best Quality at so that all ils branches and leaves will turn to­ uu his mother’s knee, aud looking up earnnestly P. S.—These Pills are not for sale at any drug store. letter. SHIPPING TAGS One person wUl be appointed as exclusive agent in each wards the windows. In cutting slips away choose into her face, said, “ Mamma, Johnny’s tired Wedding Invitations.—Latest Styles adapted to all ages at _____ x ____ , the youngest branches and cut off the slip at the bow n in the U nited States w ith less than 10,000 inhabi­ JtSr Send 25 cents and get a copy o f liis H S f e - saying *0ur Father who art in Heaven; ’ let’s tants. The first person applying, male or female, re- with or without monogram, and envelopes to H.H.CRIE& CO.’S. as If by magio, DiarrhCEa, Cramp, Cholic, Cholera Mor- to 'order at Shore junction of a joint or leaf, because the roots shoot nended by the postmaster o f tT mutch, iuruiahed ut short noticeAT thih of ’— — 1 the most violent pain. — more readily from such joints. say our father who art in Natchez.’* B o o k / ly81 tfc. riO K. 205 Main Street. i«