The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printiu^ PUBLISHED EVERY TIILllSDAY AFTERNOON bY ESTABLISHMENT. VOSE & PORTER. Having every facility in Presses, Type and Materials :o which wc are constantly making additions, we are 2 I O Main Street. prepared to execute witli promptness and good alyls ■•very variety of .lob Printing, including Town Reports, Catalogues, By-Laws l’oaters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ grammes, Circulars, Bill Hoads, Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ to m ake the tifbl ation Klanks, Receipts, Bills ...........i advance. of Lading, Business, Ad­ No pap.-r will be discontinued until ALL Alt dress and Wedding GES are paid, unless at the option of the publish- Cards, Tags, t l t f Singh* copies live cents—for sale Labels, it tin* Bookstores. V O L U M E 3 0 . ROCKLAND, M AINE, THURSDAY AFTEROON, SEPTEMBER 23, 1875- N O . 42 A c., PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO Z POPE VOSE. ,1. B. PO U T E R . will receive prompt attention. them past tin- lighthouse over the high with more “ strin to it ” than any other with them. But if thee w ill, and time's a statement is made that both girD were ad­ T kaxseekking t iie E x ek c ise.— A few FARM MISCELLANY. ctvii. hank into the ocean. kite that ever Hew ' headstrong hoy, thee must go unarmed. dicted to reading novels ami romances.^ nights since a prominent real estate dealer, /arm, feik n £ iaomc. It’s a tough (lav. a tough day. even for, “ ’Twon't reach! Il flies too high No Don’t thee dare to take that ride that thy Here. then, were twolittle girls, scarcely wlio dwells in a palatial hotel in a business •• \\ h ig h . M ea su r e a nd Cou nt E very­ t h in g . says the American Grocer—w hich the Ca|N-." said the light-keeper, when go! Let out! (live it string ! Hurrah Uncle Sam brought from Yiginia and that out of their pinafores, whose heads were part of the city, was much disturbed by rations, and results of experien I’ltlEF nrlieki is. by the way, a most useful and excellent they reached the lighthouse, “ and the the kite seeming to meet wind in anoth­ hangs up in the garret, with a horn full of so lull of love and romance that a little re­ the pedestrianism of the occupant of the rden or Household tuana^eim re iiivtied Iron journal, published in the interest of house­ have drifted, Johnny. For the life of mt er current begun to tlutter, turn, and actu­ powder and a pouch full of bullets and ligion and a petty disappointment led them room immediately upstairs. After stand­ e ad trs interested in such m atte I can't make out the Little Katie.’’ But ally did fall on the ice within reaching patches. I caution thee to let it alone.” to look upon suicide, not only without fear ing the infliction :xs long as possible, Mr. keepers. But the advice should not lie re- Johnny made her out without the slightest distance of the Little Katie’s erew. ‘ Certainly, father, just as thee says ” or any thought of its being wicked, hut R. E. D. determined to pay a visit to the Mrietcd to grocers, as it is especially valua­ diflicnltv. Of course he did! Does not Then such a shout as went up from the 'There were a dozen young men in the doubtless with the notion that it was a ro­ disturber of his rest. Hastily donning a WHEN TO TRANSPLANT ble to farmers as sellers and as consumers every < ’ape (’od hoy know his father’s boat CajM* Cod shore, for was there not a line settlement. staunch Whigs—some fisher­ mantic ami fascinating way of putting an few of his garments, he rushed up stiirs. TREES. if produce. Few farmers know exactly More than all, there hung the signal e fast from one of the ice-hound boats to tint men and all accustomed to the sea—who end to their fancied misery. It is scarcely and. in response to a gentle knock, was what they sell, and a platform scale is, we distress. The light.keeper saw it. and Firm old m ainland ami did it not mean 1 followed Ohed’s lead on all occasions. He worth while to attempt an analysis of their gruffly told, “ Come in.” If we may judge by the number of in­ • egret to say, a rare piece of barn furni­ Wild looked at it. and Johnny looked again, that bread at least mid he drawn across , suiitin: tied them quietly to meet him Wcd- motives op feelings, hut itis evident enough “ What’s the matter, my friend?” said R. quiries reueived at this oftice, the interest ture. A very important thing, and one and declared that. “ Come what would, the frozen sea to the famishing? nesdny ’ flit. secretly, at the bench: ami lint they lacked that sensible discipline E. D. “ You seem to he in trouble. An* in fruit-culture has never been more active which few farmers know exactly, is the he’d get out there, ami find out what tilt- The men on the Little Katie were pull- in tin m while lie secured a couple of which should make children healthy in you ill? ” than at the present time. Many persons quantity they feed to their stock, and how matter was.” ing in the kite, which looked a good deal tout boats with oars, ami hid them away body ami sound in mind ami n tim en l. “ No, stranger, I’m not ill, hut I'm havin’, are asking whether it is better to transplant much a bushel of grain, a ton of hay, a 'Then the glass was put away, ami they worn, hut still they gathered around it, in the ,place ............................ indicated. | Their imagination_ and feelin.o had been a peek of trouble.” in Fall or wait till Spring. This question jiiart of milk, a pound of butter, or a pound all went down, and the children, thorough­ ami read in .Johnny’s hoy-hand the words: On Wednesday afternoon near nightfall •dinmlated with love stories, and a few “ Will, what is it ? What can I do for has always been, ami seems likely to con­ •f pork costs them. A knowledge of these ly warmed shirted for home. ” If you get the kite, don't pull in the the cutter came in and anchored, hut no , weeks of idleness away from their families you ? ” tinue an unsettled one, even among the liing is necessary if the farmer would A little cloud over Cajie Cod hay grew string, for we'll put something to eat on it came ashore. They kept a good watch made them morbidly sentimental and rea- “ Nothing, stranger,” what can I do for most intelligent and experienced men. make his business protitable, and unless he and came nearer and spread more ami if you are hungry, and you can pull it over, j hut the night was very dark,’ ’ and• otheir • oli 1 dy for any foolishness. It only impresses a you ? ” \\ ith large fruits, including pears, apples weighs,, measures ami keeps account of more, ami at last began to drop dow n like Everybody’s well over here. Wild and i servation could not extend very far. Ohed lesson that cannot lie loo often repeated. “ Nothing, stranger,” replied the invol­ and peaches, much more depends upon the everything used upon or sold from the farm w hite snow on the sand. Johnny.” and his friends made their way through the Of the necessity of careful and judicious untary pedestrian, continuing his nervous condition and preparation of the ground he cannot tell whether lie is working at a “ Conn*! pitch into it as fast as you can Captain Rose read the words, and then ! swamp to the boats, and la\ there quietly training of children, who need the guidance walk and occasionally tearing his hair: than upon the season at which the trans­ profit or a loss. while we can see?’ said Johnny, seizing he ami hts erew tried to shout hack, hut all night. of wise and sensible parents, instead of “ nothing, but I have got to pay a note to­ planting takes place. At dift’erent, times, Ci Tu n g Co r n .—This month is die sea­ Wild’s hand and bowing to the wind. tin* w ind carried their voices across the , Next morning at daylight there was a being left to silly novels and their own morrow morning, .md I haven't got the and tinder difterent treatment, we have in­ son for corn cutting. The corn should be three-quarters home ami we'll hay. j whistle heard from lint cutter, and two wayward fancies for their ide:is of life and money, and don't know how to raise it.” stituted experiments, the results of which most ot tlie ears have com­ make it in no t one?’ Within the next twenty-four hours the lioats were let down, into which there turn dut v.— Bouton Gltdii:. ' Is that all? Why, that’s nothing. See we hoped, might serve as a guide, hut a* menced to glaze. Cut then, the grain will It was not dark and Johnny knew the cord had been doubled, and food in saiull hied it delight of the conceal* here, young man, go to bed and sleep; Vet nothing definite on this point lias been >e sweeter and heavier than if i>erraitted sand-marks well.
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