' THE WATERFORD NEWS. SHIPPING IUNE , 1866 Irish Frieze Woollen Factory, MONEY. S£LES every Friday Evening at <M King sired STEAM COMMUNICATION SPECIAL NOTICE CABEICK-ON-BTJIB. Published STKAM from LIVERPOOL or QUUENSTOWN LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT THE .'AUCTION ROOM, [Opposite the Provincial HanV.l Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford, • ' . Canying Goods to LIMBRICK , TIPPEBABY, CLOKMF.L, ' SIX PER CENT. INTEREST. 101/ QUAY, is now fitted up for the reception TimF.r. P KSCK ; Y EARLY ( IN ADVANCE ; 13S . TO NEVir YORK. NICHOLAS KENNT, Proprictor. pledgea himBelf NO. p R(CE CAKRICK - OK -SUIB, K ILKENNY, and CAUSE, at Through that nomatorial ii 1 used in makinghis FRIEZE, of Furniture, &c.; for ' Sale. TAMTEP , 4(1.; Y I :AHLY, 17s. 4d. S TWICE A-WEEK. Bates. — GREAT BOON to tho Public has been TWEED, "DOUBLE DYE FLANNEL, .SERGE rpHE DIRECTORS of the Watcrford and Kilkenny Persons not wishing to have Property disposed of on _ 1 'HENew nnd Powerful Screw Stca- ' Railway are prepared to accept TENDERS their own Premises will find it their Interest to np uv Liverpool , New York , H | A achieved in the BLANKETS, &c, 4c, bni PTJREWOOL . J. for make use .Ljrf tfjHV* JL ^ JL mere " SALTEE," JonK CnAwponn, LOANS on MORTGAGE BONDS, at 5 per Cent; pay- of this Establishment, as tbe Room is both \ and Philadelphia Strain Ship fl^aJ^^S. t Somo donbts boing expressed in certain quarters as spacious and •/JjJW'l|r""^ \ Vy^f^-Commandcr. "TUSKAB,"STEPUEK AKDER. ablo upon cither One or Two Months' Notice lofty, and admirabl Company intend despatching thcii to tho GENUTNESS of those articleB, from tho low , to be y adapted for Furniture Sales. PRINTING ^^ry=j&...:i-.y^ ¦^UaS» BON , Commander, or other First-clnss Ves- DEDUCTION OF THE TEA DUTY ! always increased lo 0 Cent, OF niTTTiTfrir*i i*r WJnTPFnll iinivrrrfi Ctydc-Iitiilt Iron Scrcu and also as to whether per whenever and daring THOMAS WALSH , Proprietor. sels, arc intended to Sail as under (unless prevented by nny prices at whichthey are offered. the time the Irish Banks are allowing 4 per Steamships, carrying the United States Mails, " ht to tho FINISH here, thereb Cent, on unforeseen circumstance), with or without Pilots, and with enabling mo to quote my they could bo broug y Deposit Receipts. CITY OF WATERFOR D KVKl'.Y DKSCUU'TION From QUEENSTOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK lilwrty to Tow they be English-made Goods Vessels; and to render Assistance to Vessels insinuating that may They will also accept Tenders for liko Bonds, at 6 as follow : in Distress :— BEST TEA, for general purO sold as Irish, I feel called npon to state, that I S ELL FOR CITY OF DUBLIN Saturday, 17th June. FROM GLASGOW ,b> per Cent., . for Three, or Five Years, and for the AUCTION (Lanccfield Quay) to use •¦• ) ^ ' NO Goons nuT MI OWN HIKE, all made and finished EDINBURGH Thursday, 22nd „ Cork nnd Watcrford—Snltce 3rd Juuc pose , at .« Debenture Stock , bearing interest nt 0 per Ont. for f \PTHE TRUSTEES' INTEREST in tho LEASE , Saturday, , 12 neon in my FACTORY, at MILLVALE KANGAROO Monday, 211th „ —by Rail to Greenock 5.60 p.m. Three Tears, and 5 per Cent, in perpetuity afterwards. \J of tho HOUSE known as ItOCKLANDS, now I'uiii-ic nonius, , Tho Work in the DJE-HOUSE is carefully attended And every Thursday, aud alternate Monday.", and Wntcrford nnd Cork—Tusknr, Thursday, 8!h June, 12 noon VERY SUPERIOR TEA ... 2s. 8d. „ The Lino is worked by the Waterford and Limerick in the possession of Mr. W ILMAM C. D RAPER , to which to and nil colours done in Flannel, as well as LADIES' Sat unlays. —by Bail to Grceuock, 6.50 p.m. Company, and for tho year ending the 25th Maich, is _ attached SEVEN ACRES of as PBIKK LAND as any I'KIVATK INDIVIDUALS , in BCABLE* MAGENTA, EUBI, BLUE, Cabin l'assnsce by the Mail Steamers every Thursday , Cork and Watcrford—Saltce, Monday, 12th Juno, 12 noon GOOD USEFUL 2s. Oil. „ DRESSES, , 1804, the Traffic Eeccipts were £10,054 19a . Id., the within tho liberties, with larpo nnd suitable OUT Or- 15, 17, and 21 Guineas, according to tho accommodation. —by lUil to Greenock, 6.60 p.m. G REEN, BLACK , YEILOW, &C , &C . <. Working and other expenses being £0,390 5s. 10d., norm, HOUSEHOLD FnnNiTunE, <tc. MERCHANTS , AN'I) Cabin Passage by tbc Monday 's and Saturday's Steamers 18G4. (n27-tf Watcrford and Cork — Tuskar, Friday, 10th Juno, 12 noon Jlillvalo Mills, Carrick-on-Suir, leaving a Balance of £10,255 13s. ad., for Interest on TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on MONDAY, the 13 Guineas. —by Rnil to Greenock 1 , 5.60 p.m. W. MASON , Loans, after the payment of which there is a consider- 10th day of JUNE, at 12 o'Clock precisely, on the TRADERS IN EVERY WAR] Forward Passage includes n full supply of cooked Pro- Cork and Watcrford—Saltce, Tuesday, 20th June, 12 noon able surplu?, and the opening of the New Line from premisesknown FAMILY G ROCEB, ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTORY as ROCKLANDS, by direction of tho visions. —by Rail to Greenock, 6.50 p.m. TEA MEHcirAur AND FIUST-CIASS Kilkenny to Maryborough now constructing (a distance Trustees and tho United States, booked , , their Interest in the lease of this most desi- Passengers for Canada, Watcrford and Cork—Tnskar, Saturday, 2tth Juno, 12 noon made of best paper, of 10 Miles from Kilkenny VXECUTCD WITH very advantageous 40, MERCHANTS' QUAY, ACCOUNT BOOKS, of any size, to Abbcyleix being com. rable Residence, Large Gardon, and about Seven Acres through on terms. —by Rnil to Greenock, 6.50 p.m. with or without printed leted), will materially For further particulars apply in BoJ/iisao JOHX McKEE, Cork and Wnterford—Saltce and Ruled to any pnttcrn, p increase the Receipts. of primo Grass Land, all held by lease, of which 71 TASTE , , Wcdn'silay, 28th Jane, 12 noon AND NE. from 1 to at the Company's Oniccs,103 Victoria-street; in QticensloKn , —by Rail to Greenock, 6.50 p.m. headings, can now bo PAOED BT MACIU Applications to bo addressed to the undersigned at the yeara arc yet nncxpired, at tho low rent of £28 pet licate at THE ' HASTE. in 0. & W. D. SEYMOUR & Co. ; and in Liverpool to FROM CORK TO 6 ,- MAIL , -£3J 10,000, consecutively, alternately, or in dup , Company s Offices , 2 Bank Place, Mall. Waterford. annum. Tho House has recently boon built in the WILLIAM INMAN, 22, Watir-strcct .• or to Wntcrford & G!asgow...Sa!tce, Tuesday, Cth June, 2 p.m. «5" No. NEWS Establishment, King-ctrect, Watcrford. By Order, most substantial manner, and contains 2 large Sitting fnllS-tf. l THOMAS HARVEY, Watcrford. ' AND Glasgow (direct) Tuskar, Tuesday, 13th „ 0 p.m. WATERFORD. [dlO] 1$^" Receipts numbered and perforated, if required, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary. Rooms, spacious Hall, 6 largo Bedrooms, Pantries, Wnterford & GlasgOw...Saltee, Thursday, 16th „ 7 p.m. at small additional expense. (tf.) Watcrford, Feb. 14, 1805. (jalO-tf.) Kitchen, &c. The Out-Offices are very WATERFORD AND M1XFOHD HAVEN Glasgow (direct) .Tuskar extensive, and PRICES ASTONISHINGLY LOW, , Wtd'day, 21st „ 2 p.m, capable of holding 40 head of cattle. Watcrford & Glasgr)ur...Siiltcv, Friday, 23rd „ i p.m. Union Bank of Ireland The House is the ITbrk Considered), ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS EXHIBITION, 1862 ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE, (limited). beautifully situated, commanding an extensive view of (The Quality of -L. Glasgow (direct) Tujtar. Wed'dsy, 28th „ 6 p.m. INTERNATIONAL Waterford & Glasgow...SaHce, Sntnrd jy, 1st July, 9 p.m 06, CUSTOII'SOUSE QVAT. TEMPORAKT5«F?ICE5i,:iws; -r— r jhfl, RWar nnd »nmiuid ^conn^e^3»rtjrrTWai ten AT DAILY COMMUNICATION G EOROE SAVER & Co.'s minutes' walk oP.flib Market House ' FROM WATERFORD TO HAVE now on Salo Messrs. 11, WESTMORELAND - STREET, DUBLIN. ; immediate pos- and Job Printing, fSiiinlai /.i Excepted,) Glasgow (direct) Saltee. Weds'day, 7th Juno 5 p.m I BRANDY, of the same quality as obtained tho DAWSON is now SUPPLIED with a LAKGK session will be given. Immediatoly after will bo Sold The News Book Exhibition 18G2 TJ EMITTANCES to QUEENSLAND.—Letters of the Furniture TH E SOUT H O F IR ELA ND, Cork nnd Glasgow Tuskar, Saturday, 10th „ 1 p.m PRIZE MEDAL nt tho International , , E ASSORTMENT of ROOM and HALL S\) Credit on tho Bank of , which is of a very good class, consist, MACHINE UULING , UKTWERN Glasgow (direct) Saltce Saturday, 17th • Qneonslnnd, limited, ing of SOUTH WALES AND ENGLAND , „ B p.m. and which I offer on Reasonable Terms. PAPERS, in Great Variety, which ho offers for SALE Brisbane, can be obtained on tho most favonrablo Balloon-backed Chairs in hair Cloth, Easy, do., I500K-U1NDING ESTABLISHMENT, Cork and Glasgow Tuskar, Monday, 10th „ 1 p.m, DAVID LECKIE, at LOW PRICES. and splendid Sideboard ; Dining Tables, Sido, do. ; a AND Kin Wntcrford and Milford Haven, in connection with Glasgow (direct) Saltee, Saturday, 21th „ 5 p.m, terms, at tho Branches of tho UNION BANK OF ggy HOUSE PAINTINO DECORATING and PAPER number of good Engravings ; 8 capital Chairs in Dam- Nas. 49 50 King Street, Walerford. Express 3'rains on the Croat Western, South Wales Cork and Glasgow Tuskar, Monday, 20th „ 1 p.m. Wine and Spirit Merchant, &c, Direct Importers of , IRELAND, viz., Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Bray, Char, rKf # ANOINO and' at Moderate ask, with Easy Chair nnd Lounger to match ; Card and Watcrford and Limerick, Wutcrford nnd Kilkcuny, Glasgow (direct) Saltce, Monday, 3rd July, G p.m, FRENCH BRANDY .
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