Reporters Without Borders Recounted-16-04-2012,41718.Html
Reporters Without Borders recounted-16-04-2012,41718.html Middle East/North Africa - Iran Press freedom violations recounted in real time (from 1st January 2012) 27 November 2012 27.11.2012 - Poor prison conditions put lives of detained journalists at risk Reporters Without Borders continues to be concerned about the conditions in which detained journalists and netizens are being held in Iran. On 19 November, the journalist Ahmad Zeydabadi, in prison since 14 June 2009, was admitted to a Tehran hospital. He is suffering from several lung complaints caused by conditions in prison. On the same day, the owners of two suspended newspapers, former prime minister Mir Hossein Mousavi and former parliament speaker Mehdi Karoubi, were taken to hospital under close guard from agents of the intelligence ministry and the Revolutionary Guard. Mousavi, owner of the newspaper Kalameh Saba, and Karoubi, who owns Etemad Melli, had both been under house arrest since 24 February 2011, After undergoing medical examinations they were again placed under surveillance. Their families have expressed concern in recent days about their state of health and the worsening conditions of their detention. Although they remain in their own homes, they are denied prisoners’ rights. On 24 November, Karoubi’s family said his health had not improved and he needed immediate hospital treatment. “Despite the authorities’ consent to the transfer of the two journalists to a hospital chosen by their families, nothing has been done,” said Karoubi’s son, Mohammad Taghi Karoubi. Reporters Without Borders said: “We urge Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, to take action to ensure there is no danger to the lives of the many journalists and netizens held in detention despite failing health.
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