Dee Dee Ramone,Veronica Kofman,Legs McNeil | 256 pages | 28 Sep 2000 | Thunder's Mouth Press | 9781560252528 | English | New York, United States Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones

Also, he's a very good writer. Need to dig this out and read it again, if I've still got it. Dee Dee IS . I have to qualify that five star. I think I use it to yell at everybody. Apr 03, Ed Wagemann added it. But, I suppose there are other books dedicated to that. More Details I do wish the Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones had more specific details about , tours etc. Just listen to the songs and music and it will tell you everything you need Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones know. I found it to be interesting and well-written, as well as descriptive and smart. I have lived with a close family member's decades-long addictions, so I Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones very surprised to find myself feeling sympathy and compassion for . Dee Dee was the son of a US soldier stationed in Germany and married to a local lady whose name Dee Dee cannot even be bothered to divulge. I read this book back in high school because I needed a non-fiction contribution to my culminating English project and this was the only one within arms reach three days before the due date. I recently revisited this old favorite. And he'd started making music, having left the Ramones behind for good. The story in Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones about him uncovering a ring behind a brick in a wall is disturbingly fascinating. He died from a drug overdose in To my surprise this book was a requiem for a lost soul and a diary of the life of the man who was the black sheep among a not so very happy family. Lobotomy is worth reading just to hear the voice of one so filled with regret, self-hatred, insights, and finally determination to create a new and better life for himself. Because I do too. He hooked up with neighbours Johnny and Joey and they took advantage of the chaotic atmosphere of the mid 70's to create a band. And be prepared: This is punk rock, drug-driven beat writing, for all intents and purposes. Then I feel normal again. I said to myself, ' I hate Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones people, I'm not growing, I'm not learning anything. NOOK Book. Aug 14, Andrew F rated it Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones it. But to read him tell it, he spent half of his adult life being abused and Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones by the band and management, while spiraling into drug oblivion. It is entertaining, poignant and most likely highly unreliable account of the gilded age of New York rock scene. Hachette Books. I got a whole new impression of him with the remaining pages. But as usual, when I learn more about my damaged idols, whether Ian Curtis, Iggy Pop, or Gandhi I am always left trying to justify their repugnant actions. He hooked up Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones neighbours Johnny a Dee Dee was the son of a US soldier stationed in Germany and married to a local lady whose name Dee Dee cannot even be bothered to divulge. Highly recommended. This is a weirdly fascinating book. Jul 02, Kimmo Sinivuori rated it really liked it. Jan 23, Dierregi rated it did not like it Shelves: waste-of-timebiographiesrock. I've taken a lot of drugs in this hotel. This was really a very interesting, personal look into a life of not only a rock star in a band I adore, but into to the life of a private broken down man who couldn't seem to escape himself. The presentation feels completely honest, in part because it's so very, very unflattering to everyone involved. However, most of what Dee Dee narrates sounds slightly "off" and very paranoid. In the end, I still don't think that he was the greatest man but I do understand why people love him. Strange, isn't it? No one ever thought this one would survive Helpless child, gonna walk a drum beat behind Lock you in a dream, never let you go Never let you laugh or smile, not you. Then came the usual curse for bands that start to "make it" : Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones disputes, fuelled by drugs and alcohol. When I picked up this book a few months ago I didn't know what I was going to expect. Not to be insulting, but it's like, if this guy can kick, you should be able to kick! The first Ramones I ever got was "Acid Eaters". He wasn't "just the bass player" - he wrote many of their classic songs, and was really the glue and glue sniffer that held the group together, between Johnny's chopping downstrummed guitar and J Dee Dee Ramone is not a name high on a list of literate or intellectual rock stars, but you'd Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones surprised how amazingly entertaining this book is. He Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones the best songs for the Ramones, and kept writing for them even after his insufferable behaviour led to a parting of the ways. He tried to clean up his li Wow, not really sure what to say about this one. It also a beautiful meditation on what is truly screwed up in this world, and how to find solace amongst in the worst in life. I'm looking forward to read the other Dee Dee books now, recommended. I'm very glad to have read this! He tried to clean up his life and it's just so sad knowing that despite his efforts Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones still claimed his life. Above all, when he wrote about his band being able to write songs as well, I realized that my favorite songs from Ramones aren't even from him. Dee Dee Ramone. Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones book could actually be called fear, loathing and sadness in Lower Manhattan. He simply can't fathom even this degree of self-maintenance. In his autobiography, he took an honest approach to his life, outlining his upbringing as an army brat in Germany to his storied history of drug abuse, as well as conflicts with fellow band members. I might not fully understand the punk mindset I read this book back in high school because I needed a non-fiction contribution to my culminating Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones project and this was the only one within arms reach three days before the due date.