


(10) Number of publication for application, which has been examined (54) Title of the invention AD Andorra for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) NE Niger (11) Number of patent and kind of document (57) Abstract AE United Arab Emirates GD Grenada NG Nigeria (21) Serial number of application (60) Number of examined patent document granted by foreign patent office, date from which patent AF Afghanistan GG Guernsey NI Nicaragua (22) Date of filing of the application has effect and country code (62) Number of the earlier application and in case of divided application, date of filing an AG Antigua and Barbuda GH Ghana NL Netherlands (23) Date of exhibition or the date of the earlier filing and the number of application, if any application AI Anguilla GI Gibraltar NO Norway (24) Date from which patent may have effect (71) Name, surname and address of applicant (country code) AL Albania GT Guatemala NP Nepal (31) Number of priority application (72) Name, surname of inventor (country code) AM Armenia GW Guinea- Bissau NR Nauru (32) Date of filing of priority application (73) Name, surname and address of patent owner (country code) AN Netherlands Antilles GY Guyana NZ New Zealand (33) Code of the country or regional organization allotting priority application number (74) Name, surname of representative or patent attorney AO Angola HK The Hong Kong Special Administrative OA African Intellectual Property Organization (44) Date of publication of application not granted, but examined and number of bulletin (85) Date of commencement of the national phase of International Application AP African Regional Intellectual Region of the People’s Republic of China (OAPI) (45) Date of publication of registered document (86) Number and date of filing of international application Property Organization (ARIPO) HN Honduras OM Oman (51) International Patent Classification Index (87) Number and date of publication of international application AR Argentina HR Croatia PA Panama AT Austria HT Haiti PE Peru DESIGNS AU Australia HU Hungary PG Papua New Guinea AW Aruba IB International Bureau of the World PH Philippines (51) International Classification for designs (class and subclass of the Locarno (10) Number of publication for application AZ Azerbaijan Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) PK Pakistan (11) Nnumber of patent and kind of document or number of registration Classification) (54) Title of the invention BA Bosnia and Herzegovina ID Indonesia PL Poland (15) Date of registration/Date of patent renewal BB Barbados IE Ireland PT Portugal (18) Expected expir ation date of patent or registration (55) Reproduction of the design (57) Description of characteristic features of the design including indication of colors BD Bangladesh IL Israel PW Palau (21) Serial number of application BE Belgium IM Isle of Man PY Paraguay (22) Date of filing of the application (58) Date of recording of any kind of amendment in the Register (62) Number of the earlier application, registration and document number and if available the date BF Burkina Faso IN India QA Qatar (23) Date of exhibition or the date of the earlier filing and the number of application, if any of filing an application in case of divided application BG Bulgaria IQ Iraq QZ Community Plant Variety Office (24) Date from which patent may have effect (71) Name, surname and address of applicant (country code) BH Bahrain ID Indonesia (European Community) (CPVO) (28) Number of designs included in the application (72) Name, surname of creator (country code) BI Burundi IE Ireland RO Romania (30) Data relating to priority (number of application, date of filing of application, two-letter code (73) Name, surname and address of patent owner (country code) identifying the authority with whom the priority application was made) BJ Benin IL Israel RS Serbia (31) Number of priority application (74) Name, surname of representative or patent attorney BM Bermuda IM Isle of Man RU Russian Federation (81) Contracting states concerned (32) Date of filing of priority application BN Brunei Darussalam IN India RW Rwanda II designated contracting states according to the 1960 Act BO Bolivia IQ Iraq SA Saudi Arabia (33) Code of the country or regional organization allotting priority application number III designated contracting states according to the 1999 Act (34) Two-letter code according to WIPO St.3 identifying the authority with which the priority (85) Owner’s permanent address BR Brazil IR (Islamic Republic of) SB Solomon Islands application was made (86) Owner’s nationality BS Bahamas IS Iceland SC Seychelles Date of publication of design and number of bulletin (the first publication) (44) (87) Owner’s residence BT Bhutan IT Italy SD Sudan (45) Date of publication of design registered by WIPO and number of bulletin (88) State in which the owner has a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment BV Bouvet Island JE Jersey SG Singapore BW Botswana JM Jamaica SH Saint Helena TRADEMARKS BX Benelux Office for Intellectual JO Jordan SI Slovenia Property (BOIP) JP Japan SK Slovakia Description of figurative elements of Trade Marks according to the International (111) _ Number of registration (531) _ Belarus Kenya Sierra Leone Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks BY KE SL (151) _ Date of registration BZ Belize KG Kyrgyzstan SM San Marino (156) _ Date of the renewal (540) _ Reproduction of Trade Mark (550) _ Nature and kind of Trade Mark CA Canada KH Cambodia SN Senegal (181) _ Expected expiration date of registration CD Democratic Republic of the KI Kiribati SO Somalia (186) _ Reneval expiration date of registration (580) _ Date of recording of any kind changes in respect of applications or registrations (591) _ Information concerning colors claimed Congo KM Saint Kitts and Nevis SR Suriname (141) _ Data of cancel of duration of the mark CF Central African Republic KP Democratic People’s Republic of Korea ST Sao Tome and Principe (210) _ Serial number of application (731) _ Name and address of the applicant (732) _ Name and address of the holder of the registration CG Congo KR Republic of Korea SV El Salvador (220) _ Date of filing of the application CH Switzerland KW Kuwait SY Syrian Arab Republic (230) _ Data concerning exhibition (740) _ Name and address of the representative (750) _ Adrees for correspondence CI Cote d’lvoire KY Cayman Islands SZ Swaziland (260) _ Number of application, for which favorable decision of examination about registration has CK Cook Islands KZ Kazakhstan TC Turks and Caicos Islands been taken (publication number) (770) _ Name and address of the previous applicant or holder in case of change in ownership Chad Number of the first application CL Chile LA Lao People’s Democratic Republic TD (310) _ (771) _ Previous name and address of the applicant or holder in case of change in ownership Togo Date of filing of the first application CM Cameroon LB Lebanon TG (320) _ (791) _ Name and address of the licensee Thailand Code, identifying national or regional Office where the first application was made (793) _ Indication of conditions and/or restrictions under the license (Type of license, number of CN China LC Saint Lucia TH (330) _ Tajikistan (511) _ International Classification of Goods and Services for the purposes of registration of trade license agreement, data of license, data of validity of license) CO Colombia LI Liechtenstein TJ marks and/or list of goods and/or services classified according thereto (800) _ Certain data relating to the international registration of Trade Marks under the CR Costa Rica LK Sri Lanka TL Timor-Leste Protocol Relating to Madrid Agreement (International registration number CU Cuba LR Liberia TM Turkmenistan CV Cape Verde LS Lesotho TN Tunisia CY Cyprus LT Lithuania TO Tonga CODES FOR PUBLICATION IN BULLETIN CZ Czech Republic LU Luxembourg TR Turkey DE Germany LV Latvia SE Sweden (21) AP 0000 000000 _ serial number of application for invention DJ Djibouti LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya TT Trinidad and Tobago INTERNATIONAL PATENT CLASSIFICATION (10) AP 0000 0000 A _ number of published application for invention (first publication) DM Dominica MA Morocco TV Tuvalu FOR INVENTIONS AND UTILITY MODELS (11) P 0000 0000 B _ number of patent for invention (second publication) DO Dominican Republic MC Monaco TW Taiwan, Province of China DZ Algeria MD Republic of Moldova TZ United Republic of Tanzania (21) API 0000 000000 _ number of application for imported patent SECTION A _ HUMAN NECESSITIES EA Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) ME Montenegro UA Ukraine (11) PI 0000 0000 A _ number of imported patent (first publication) SECTION B _ PERFORMING OPERATIONS; TRANSPORTING EC Ecuador MG Madagascar UG Uganda SECTION C _ CHEMISTRY; METALLURGY Estonia The former Yugoslav Republic of United States of America (21) AU 0000 000000 _ serial number of application for utility model EE MK US SECTION D _ TEXTILES; PAPER Egypt Macedonia Uruguay (10) AU 0000 000 U _ number of published application for utility model (first publication)­ EG UY SECTION E _ FIXED CONSTRUCTIONS Western Sahara Mali Uzbekistan (11) U 0000 000 Y _ number of patent for utility model (second publication) EH ML UZ SECTION F _ MECHANICAL ENGINEERING; LIGHTING; HEATING; WEAPONS; EM Office for Harmonization in the Internal MM Myanmar VA Holy See BLASTING Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (21) AD 0000 000000 _ serial number of application for design SECTION G _ PHYSICS Market (Trademarks and Designs)(OHIM) MN Mongolia VC European Patent Office (EPO) Venezuela (10) AD 0000 000 S _ number of published application for design (first publica­tion) SECTION H _ ELECTRICITY EP MO Macao VE (11) D 0000 000 S _ number of patent for design (second publicatio) ER Eritrea MP Northern Mariana Islands VG Virgin Islands (British) ES Spain MR Mauritania VN Viet Nam ET Ethiopia MS Montserrat VU Vanuatu FI Finland MT Malta WO World Intellectual Property Organization FJ Fiji MU Mauritius (WIPO) FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) MV Maldives WS Samoa M _ Trade Mark FO Faroe Islands MW Malawi XN Nordic Patent Institute (NPI) (210) AM 0000 000000 _ Serial number of application; FR France MX Mexico YE Yemen (260) AAM 0000 00000 A _ Publication number of application; GA Gabon MY Malaysia ZA South Africa (111) M 0000 00000 R _ Number of registration; GB United Kingdom MZ Mozambique ZM Zambia (111) MMM0000 00000 Rn _ Number of renewals, in which n=1,2,3; GC Patent Office of the Cooperation Council NA Namibia ZW Zimbabwe (111) M 0000 00000 R(P) _ Number of registration under partial assignment of rights


AD Andorra for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) NE Niger AE United Arab Emirates GD Grenada NG Nigeria AF Afghanistan GG Guernsey NI Nicaragua AG Antigua and Barbuda GH Ghana NL Netherlands AI Anguilla GI Gibraltar NO Norway AL Albania GT Guatemala NP Nepal AM Armenia GW Guinea- Bissau NR Nauru AN Netherlands Antilles GY Guyana NZ New Zealand AO Angola HK The Hong Kong Special Administrative OA African Intellectual Property Organization AP African Regional Intellectual Region of the People’s Republic of China (OAPI) Property Organization (ARIPO) HN Honduras OM Oman AR Argentina HR Croatia PA Panama AT Austria HT Haiti PE Peru AU Australia HU Hungary PG Papua New Guinea AW Aruba IB International Bureau of the World PH Philippines AZ Azerbaijan Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) PK Pakistan BA Bosnia and Herzegovina ID Indonesia PL Poland BB Barbados IE Ireland PT Portugal BD Bangladesh IL Israel PW Palau BE Belgium IM Isle of Man PY Paraguay BF Burkina Faso IN India QA Qatar BG Bulgaria IQ Iraq QZ Community Plant Variety Office BH Bahrain ID Indonesia (European Community) (CPVO) BI Burundi IE Ireland RO Romania BJ Benin IL Israel RS Serbia BM Bermuda IM Isle of Man RU Russian Federation BN Brunei Darussalam IN India RW Rwanda BO Bolivia IQ Iraq SA Saudi Arabia BR Brazil IR Iran (Islamic Republic of) SB Solomon Islands BS Bahamas IS Iceland SC Seychelles BT Bhutan IT Italy SD Sudan BV Bouvet Island JE Jersey SG Singapore BW Botswana JM Jamaica SH Saint Helena BX Benelux Office for Intellectual JO Jordan SI Slovenia Property (BOIP) JP Japan SK Slovakia BY Belarus KE Kenya SL Sierra Leone BZ Belize KG Kyrgyzstan SM San Marino CA Canada KH Cambodia SN Senegal CD Democratic Republic of the KI Kiribati SO Somalia Congo KM Saint Kitts and Nevis SR Suriname CF Central African Republic KP Democratic People’s Republic of Korea ST Sao Tome and Principe CG Congo KR Republic of Korea SV El Salvador CH Switzerland KW Kuwait SY Syrian Arab Republic CI Cote d’lvoire KY Cayman Islands SZ Swaziland CK Cook Islands KZ Kazakhstan TC Turks and Caicos Islands CL Chile LA Lao People’s Democratic Republic TD Chad CM Cameroon LB Lebanon TG Togo CN China LC Saint Lucia TH Thailand CO Colombia LI Liechtenstein TJ Tajikistan CR Costa Rica LK Sri Lanka TL Timor-Leste CU Cuba LR Liberia TM Turkmenistan CV Cape Verde LS Lesotho TN Tunisia CY Cyprus LT Lithuania TO Tonga CZ Czech Republic LU Luxembourg TR Turkey DE Germany LV Latvia SE Sweden DJ Djibouti LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya TT Trinidad and Tobago DM Dominica MA Morocco TV Tuvalu DO Dominican Republic MC Monaco TW Taiwan, Province of China DZ Algeria MD Republic of Moldova TZ United Republic of Tanzania EA Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) ME Montenegro UA Ukraine EC Ecuador MG Madagascar UG Uganda EE Estonia MK The former Yugoslav Republic of US United States of America EG Egypt Macedonia UY Uruguay EH Western Sahara ML Mali UZ Uzbekistan EM Office for Harmonization in the Internal MM Myanmar VA Holy See Market (Trademarks and Designs)(OHIM) MN Mongolia VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines EP European Patent Office (EPO) MO Macao VE Venezuela ER Eritrea MP Northern Mariana Islands VG Virgin Islands (British) ES Spain MR Mauritania VN Viet Nam ET Ethiopia MS Montserrat VU Vanuatu FI Finland MT Malta WO World Intellectual Property Organization FJ Fiji MU Mauritius (WIPO) FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) MV Maldives WS Samoa FO Faroe Islands MW Malawi XN Nordic Patent Institute (NPI) FR France MX Mexico YE Yemen GA Gabon MY Malaysia ZA South Africa GB United Kingdom MZ Mozambique ZM Zambia GC Patent Office of the Cooperation Council NA Namibia ZW Zimbabwe








2019 07 10














. APPLICATION APPROVED FOR GRANTING PATENT: 14649; 14231; 14625; 13226; 13925









. APPLICATIONS FILED UNDER THE NATIONAL PROCEDURE APPROVED FOR REGISTRATION: 100407; 100416; 100418; 100433; 100447; 100465; 100586; 100595; 100597; 100602; 100672; 100674-100676; 100680; 100687; 100690, 100691; 100694, 100695; 100702; 100764; 100768; 100788; 100803, 100804; 100808, 100809; 100815; 100818; 100821; 100875; 100890; 99487; 99489-99491; 99493-99497; 99499, 99500; 99502- -99507; 99750



. INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARKS FOR WHICH A DECISION ON GRANTING PROTECTIONS IS TAKEN: 100100, 100101; 100122; 100124-100126; 100129; 100187, 100188; 100202; 100207-100210; 100212; 100216, 100217; 100230; 100232, 100233; 100235; 100237; 100239, 100240; 100252; 100342; 50046; 92436*; 96806*; 97157; 97347; 97529; 99202; 99240; 99243, 99244; 99249; 99253, 99254; 99256; 99260, 99261; 99264; 99266, 99267; 99270-99272; 99286, 99287; 99295; 99376; 99382, 99383; 99386-99389; 99392; 99394, 99395; 99399; 99401, 99402; 99404; 99416; 99421; 99424; 99544; 99546-99551; 99553; 99555-99561; 99563; 99565; 99571, 99572; 99574; 99576-99584; 99594-99597; 99600; 99603-99605; 99607-99609; 99614, 99615; 99617-99619; 99621-99623; 99706; 99708-99713; 99715, 99716; 99799; 99828, 99829; 99842, 99843; 99845; 99847; 99850; 99858

. INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARKS PROTECTED IN GEORGIA: 27602; 93013; 93023; 93381; 93383, 93384; 95025; 95389; 95496; 96385; 96742; 96804; 97129; 97506; 97634; 97642; 97644; 97649; 97651-97653; 97655-97657; 97677; 97715; 97725; 97749, 97750; 97752; 97821, 97822; 97837-97839; 97842; 97854, 97855; 97857; 97859-97861; 97863; 97926-97935; 97951; 98019; 98022; 98025, 98026; 98059-98062; 98064; 98066; 98068; 98079, 98080; 98084; 98086; 98090; 98112-98114; 98126; 98128; 98133, 98134; 98138; 98140, 98141; 98315; 98332; 98338-98340; 98342; 98363; 98475; 98484, 98485; 98488; 98490-98493; 98503; 98604-98610; 98612; 98641, 98642; 98740; 98744





The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address : №17, Samkhedro str., Mtskheta), within 1 month following the publication.

PART A Fig.: 8

A 43

(10) AP 2019 14649 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 43 B 7/08 A 43 B 7/12 (21) AP 2016 14649 (22) 2016 06 08 (31) 102015000023585 (32) 2015 06 15 (33) IT Fig. 1 (71) GEOX S.P.A. (IT) ______Via Feltrina Centro 16, I-31044 Montebelluna, Frazione Biadene (IT) A 61 (72) POLONI, Livio (IT); POLEGATO MORETTI, Mario (IT) (10) AP 2019 14231 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) (74) Aleksandre Gegechkori A 61 K 31/517 (85) 2017 12 13 A 61 K 31/5377 (86) PCT/EP2016/062984, 2016 06 08 A 61 P 35/00 (54) WATERPROOF AND VAPOR- (21) AP 2016 14231 (22) 2016 07 29 PERMEABLE SOLE FOR SHOES (31) 15.57412 (57) A waterproof and vapor-permeable sole (10) for (32) 2015 07 31 shoes, comprising: - a first contoured element (11) (33) FR that has at least one hollow lower portion (12) in the (71) Les Laboratoires Servier (FR) plantar region, delimited by a border (13) and 35, Rue De Verdun, 92284 Suresnes provided with at least one through opening (14) at Cedex (FR) right angles to the ground resting arrangement, which (72) BURBRIDGE, Michael (FR); in turn is delimited by a margin (15) that is internal to CATTAN, Valerie (FR); the border (13), - at least one second contoured and JAQUEL-BESCOND, Anne (FR) flat element (19), which is joined in a lower region (74) Tamaz Shilakadze with respect to the first element (11) with a (54) NEW ASSOCIATION BETWEEN perimetric margin (20) thereof to the margin (15) in 3-[(3-{[4-(4-MORPHOLINYLMETHYL)- the points of mutual contact and the upper surface of 1H-PYRROL-2-YL]METHYLENE}-2- which is provided with recesses and protrusions (21) OXO-2,3-DIHYDRO-1H-INDOL-5-YL) that define passages for air, vapor and liquids, - at METHYL]-1,3-THIAZOLIDINE-2,4- least one functional element (28) substantially in DIONE AND AN EGFR TYR KINASE sheet form, which is waterproof and vapor-permeable INHIBITOR and is joined in an upper region so as to provide a (57) Combination of 3-[(3-{[4-(4-morpholinylme- seal to the first element (11) along the margin (15). thyl)-1H-pyrrol-2-yl]methylene}-2-oxo-2,3-dihy-dro- The second element (19) has a shorter extension than 1H-indol-5-yl)methyl]-1,3-thiazolidine-2,4-dione of the respective hollow lower portion (12) so as to formula (I): define with the border (13) a slot (22) that surrounds it and define with the margin (15), in the regions of no contact, extensions for the passages toward the outside, connecting them to the slot (22). Claims: 1 independent 11 dependent

4 #13 2019 07 10


or Z or E isomers, and/or additive salts therewith (86) PCT/US2012/055604, 2012 09 14 pharmaceutically acceptable acid or bases and (54) HYR1-DERIVED COMPOSITIONS epidermal growth factor receptor human tyrosine AND METHODS OF TREATMENT kinase inhibitor (EGFR). USING SAME Claims: 8 independent (57) An invention relates to Hyr1 protein of 4 dependent immunogenic polypeptides, and vaccines Fig.: 1 containing them useable for human passive ______immunization for the treatment of infections caused by Candida and/or Acinetobacter. (10) AP 2019 14625 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) Claims: 7 independent A 61 K 31/695 5 dependent A 61 K 38/56 ______A 61 K 31/415 A 61 К 31/7048 (10) AP 2019 13925 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 61 К 33/30 A 61 P 17/00 A 61 К 36/28 A 61 K 36/71 A 61 К 36/48 A 61 K 36/258 A 61 К 36/81 A 61 K 36/886 A 61 К 36/886 (21) AP 2014 13925 (22) 2014 01 29 A 61 К 453/06 (31) 61/849,590 A 61 К 9/00 (32) 2013 01 30 A 61 К 31/14 (33) US A 61 К 31/164 (71) GORINSHTEYN, Boris (US) (21) AP 2015 14625 (22) 2015 04 17 3075 Fenwood Trail, Roswell, GA 30075 (US) (71) EURODRUG LABORATORIES B.V. (NL) (72) GORINSHTEYN, Boris (US) Regulusweg 11, 2516 AC The Hague (NL) (74) Liliana Darakhvelidze (72) ASSANDRI, Alessandro (CH) (85) 2015 08 31 (74) Aleksandre Gegechkori (86) PCT/US2014/013471, 2014 01 29 (85) 2017 11 15 (54) COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS (86) PCT/EP2015/058451, 2015 04 17 FOR TREATING SURFACE WOUNDS (54) COMBINATION OF AT LEAST ONE (57) Composition includes Hydrastis canadensis, PROTEASE INHIBITOR AND AT LEAST Panax guinguefolius, Aloe barabadensis L. extracts ONE ACTIVE PRINCIPLE FOR USE IN and water. THE PREVENTION AND/OR Claims: 3 independent TREATMENT OF SKIN LESIONS 17 dependent (57) Combination includes protease inhibitor ______received from the potato and dexpanthenolum. Claims: 4 independent 8 dependent ______

(10) AP 2019 13226 A (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 61 K 39/00 (21) AP 2012 13226 (22) 2012 09 14 (31) 61/534,734; 61/564,201 (32) 2011 09 14; 2011 11 28 (33) US; US (71) LOS ANGELES BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE AT HARBOR- UCLA MEDICAL CENTER (US) 1124 West Carson Street Torrance, CA 90502 (US) (72) IBRAHIM, Ashraf, S. (US); YEAMAN, Michael, R. (US); EDWARDS, John, E. Jr. (US); LUO, Guanpingsheng (US); FU, Yue (US) (74) Khatuna Imnadze (85) 2013 09 13

#13 2019 07 10 5



PART A CORSO, Gaia (IT); CAVARISCHIA, Claudia (IT); FURLOTTI, Guido (IT); A 61 IACOANGELI, Tommaso (IT) (74) Liliana Darakhvelidze (11) P 2019 6989 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) (54) ANTIBACTERIAL COMPOUNDS A 61 K 31/404 HAVING BROAD SPECTRUM OF A 61 K 31/138 ACTIVITY A 61 K 9/24 ______A 61 K 9/16 (10) AP 2019 14507 A (44) 5(513)/2019 (11) P 2019 6990 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) (21) AP 2015 14507 A 61 M 5/31 (22) 2015 11 04 B 23 P 17/04 (24) 2015 11 04 (10) AP 2019 14559 A (44) 3(511)/2019 (31) 1460654 (21) AP 2014 14559 (32) 2014 11 05 (22) 2014 06 20 (33) FR (24) 2014 06 20 (86) PCT/FR2015/052975, 2015 11 04 (62) AP 2014 014039 2014 06 20 (73) Les Laboratoires Servier (FR) (31) 61/881,214; 61/840,969; 61/837,421 35 rue de Verdun 92284 Suresnes (FR) (32) 2013 09 23; 2013 06 28; 2013 06 20 (72) FONKNECHTEN, Gilles (FR) (33) US; US; US (74) Tamaz Shilakadze (86) PCT/US2014/043517, 2014 06 20 (54) PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION (73) BAXALTA INCORPORATED (US) COMPRISING BISOPROLOL AND 1200 Lakeside Drive Bannockburn, Illinois PERINDORIL 60015 (US); ______BAXALTA GMBH (CH) Thurgauerstrasse 130 CH-8152 Glattpark (11) P 2019 6991 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) (Opfikon) (CH) A 61 K 31/395 (72) LOEW-BASELLI, Alexandra (AT); A 61 P 31/04 SPOTTS, Gerald Dickey (US); C 07 D 413/14 OH, MyungShin (US) C 07 D 471/04 (74) Shalva Gvaramadze C 07 D 491/04 (54) PROVIDING A PHARMACOKI- C 07 D 401/14 NETIC DRUG DOSING REGIME C 07 D 495/04 ______C 07 D 497/04 C 07 D 493/04 C 07 D 405/14 A 63 (10) AP 2019 14540 A (44) 3(511)/2019 (21) AP 2015 14540 (11) P 2019 6988 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) (22) 2015 12 14 A 63 F 03/00 (24) 2015 12 14 (10) AP 2019 14708 A (44) 5(513)/2019 (31) 14198414.6 (21) AP 2018 14708 (32) 2014 12 17 (22) 2018 02 22 (33) EP (24) 2018 02 22 (86) PCT/EP2015/079528, 2015 12 14 (73) Giorgi Ghambashidze (RU) (73) AZIENDE CHIMICHE RIUNITE Poselok Barvikha, 143084, Odintsovskiy R-n, ANGELINI FRANCESCO A.C.R.A.F. Moskovskaya Obl. (RU); S.P.A. (IT) Shalva Liparteliani (GE) Viale Amelia, 70 00181 Roma (IT) I. Chavchavadzis gamz. 49b, b. 111, (72) OMBRATO, Rosella (IT); Tbilisi (GE) GAROFALO, Barbara (IT); (72) Giorgi Ghambashidze (RU); MANGANO, Giorgina (IT); Shalva Liparteliani (GE) CAPEZZONE DE JOANNON, (74) Davit Dzamukashvili Alessandra (IT); (54) TRANSPORT LOTTERY SYSTEM ______

6 #13 2019 07 10


PART C (10) AP 2019 14142 A (44) 4(512)/2019 (21) AP 2016 14142

(22) 2016 05 11 C 12 (24) 2016 05 11 (73) LEPL – Pherdinand Tavadze Institute of (11) P 2019 6992 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) Metallurgy and Materials Science (GE) C 12 G 1/032 Mindelis q. 10, 0186, Tbilisi (GE) (10) AP 2019 14762 A (44) 5(513)/2019 (72) Elza Khutsishvili (GE); (21) AP 2016 14762 Nodar Kekelidze (GE); (22) 2016 11 10 Leonti Gabrichidze (GE); (24) 2016 11 10 Nana Kobulashvili (GE); (31) 102015000073366 Tengiz Kamushadze (GE) (32) 2015 11 17 (74) Elza Khutsishvili (33) IT (54) METHOD FOR OBTAINING (86) PCT/IB2016/056763, 2016 11 10 VOLUME CRYSTALS InAs-CaAs FROM (73) CASTLE COMMERCIAL HARD SOLUTIONS ENTERPRISES LIMITED (IE) ______Harcourt Centre, Block 3, Harcourt Road Dublin 2 (IE) (72) MARIN, Francesco (IT) (74) Shalva Gvaramadze (54) IMPROVED FERMENTER ______

C 22

(11) P 2019 6987 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 22 B 3/10 C 01 F 5/00 C 01 F 5/30 C 22 B 26/22 C 22 B 3/22 C 22 B 3/44 C 25 C 3/04 (10) AP 2019 14426 A (44) 4(512)/2019 (21) AP 2015 14426 (22) 2015 07 17 (24) 2015 07 17 (31) 62/026,105 (32) 2014 07 18 (33) US (86) PCT/CA2015/050670, 2015 07 17 (73) ALLIANCE MAGNÉSIUM (CA) Office 410 9160 Leduc Blvd., Quartier DIX30 Brossard, Québec J4Y 0E3 (CA) (72) FOURNIER, Joël (CA); GAUTHIER, Laury (CA) (74) Tamaz Shilakadze (54) HYDROMETALLURGICAL PROCESS TO PRODUCE PURE MAGNESIUM METAL AND VARIOUS BY-PRODUCTS ______

C 30

(11) P 2019 6986 B (51) Int. Cl. (2006) C 30 B 11/00 C 30 B 30/04

#13 2019 07 10 7



The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the Mtskheta District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address: №17, Samkhedro str., Mtskheta), within 1 month following the publication.


A 01

(10) AU 2019 14942 U (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 01 M 01/22 (21) AU 2018 14942 (22) 2018 11 27 (71) Akaki Gigineishvili (GE) Mukhiani IVa mkr., korp. 3, b. 28, Tbilisi (GE); David Dadiani (GE) Giorgi Brtsqinvales q. 13, (GE); Teimuraz Dadiani (GE) Tevdore Mghvdlis q. 49, b. 19, 0154, Tbilisi (GE); David Gzirishvili (GE) Laituris q. 68, Tbilisi (GE); Tengiz Kukava (GE) Demetre Tavdadebulis q. 22, b. 16, Tbilisi (GE); Iuri Sichinava (GE) Zhghentis q. 2a, b. 25, Tbilisi (GE) (72) Akaki Gigineishvili (GE); David Dadiani (GE); Teimuraz Dadiani (GE); David Gzirishvili (GE); Tengiz Kukava (GE); Iuri Sichinava (GE) (54) APPARATUS FOR DESTRUCTION OF MARBLE BUGS WITH ELECTRICITY (57) An apparatus includes located on the dielectric frame vertically and alternately the electrodes with polarity (+) and (-), a generator converting pulse voltage direct current of 3000-5000 volts, the DC battery of 12 volts, solar system, photo sensor, a switch and a means attracting marble bug, in particular, light source and pheromones. Claims: 1 independent Fig.: 4 ______

8 #13 2019 07 10



PART A (72) Giorgi Janashia (GE) (74) Aleksandre Gegechkori A 61 (54) GAME INTERACTIVE SYSTEM VIA I-NET AND TV (11) U 2019 2014 Y (51) Int. Cl. (2006) ______A 61 P 25/08 (10) AU 2019 14892 U (44) 5(513)/2019 (21) AU 2018 14892 (22) 2018 10 03 (24) 2018 10 03 (73) Sopio Kasradze (GE) I. Chavchavadzis gamz. 37d, b. 48, 0186, Tbilisi (GE); Marine Nikolaishvili (GE) Shevardenidzis q. 9, b. 13, 0164, Tbilisi (GE) (72) Sopio Kasradze (GE); Marine Nikolaishvili (GE) (54) THERAPEUTIC AGENT FROM EPILEPSY ______

A 62

(11) U 2019 2013 Y (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 62 D 1/00 (10) AU 2019 14765 U (44) 5(513)/2019 (21) AU 2018 14765 (22) 2018 04 24 (24) 2018 04 24 (73) Lali Gurchumelia (GE) Vashlijvris das., korp. 14b, b. 12, 0159, Tbilisi (GE) (72) Murman Tsarakhov (GE); Olgha Tvaradze (GE); Lali Gurchumelia (GE); Lasha Tkemaladze (GE); Salome Tkemaladze (GE); Olga Chudakova (GE); Felix Bezhanov (GE) (54) FIRE EXTINGUISHING POWDER ______

A 63

(11) U 2019 2015 Y (51) Int. Cl. (2006) A 63 F 13/00 (10) AU 2019 14806 U (44) 6 (514) 2019 (21) AU 2018 14806 (22) 2018 06 11 (24) 2018 06 11 (73) LTD "MULTISOFT" (GE) Oniashvilis q. 67, 0160, Tbilisi (GE)

#13 2019 07 10 9



The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the Mtskheta District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address: №17, Samkhedro str., Mtskheta), within 1 month following the publication.

(10) AD 2019 1075 S (51) 09-01 (21) AD 2019 1075 (22) 2019 02 10 (28) 3 (71) Giorgi Zautashvili (GE) D. Tavdadebulis q. 3, 4800, (GE) (72) Giorgi Zautashvili (GE) (74) Giorgi Kartvelishvili (GE) (54) 1.-3. BOTTLES (55)

1.1 1.2 1.3

1.4 1.5 1.6

10 #13 2019 07 10


1.7 1.8 1.9

1.10 1.11 1.12

2.1 3.1


#13 2019 07 10 11



(11) D 2019 812 S (51) 09-01 (10) AD 2019 1064 S (44) 2019 03 25 №6 (21) AD 2018 1064 (22) 2018 11 10 (24) 2018 11 10 (28) 14 (18) 2023 11 10 (73) Giorgi Zautashvili (GE) D. Tavdadebulis q. 3, 4800, Kvareli (GE) (72) Giorgi Zautashvili (GE) (74) Giorgi Kartvelishvili (GE) (54) 1.-14. BOTTLES ______

12 #13 2019 07 10



The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the Mtskheta District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address: №17, Samkhedro Str., Mtskheta), within 1 month following the publication.

(11) DM/103 391 (51) 10-02 (15) 2018 10 16 (44) 16/2019 (2019 04 19) (22) 2018 10 16 (28) 2 (73) OMEGA SA (OMEGA AG) (OMEGA LTD.) Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96 Biel/Bienne, CH-2502 (CH) (85) CH (86) CH (87) CH (88) CH (89) CH (81) II. BZ, MA III. UA, AM, AL, AZ, ME, MD, MC, SG, NO, MN, BA, OM, TR, GE, MK, LI, KG, GB, TN, EM, CH (72) Jean-Claude Monachon Rue Alice-de-Chambrier 1, 2022 Bevaix, Suisse (CH) (74) The Swatch Group AG (The Swatch Group SA) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) Faubourg Du Lac 6 Biel/Bienne, CH-2501 (CH) (54) 1. Watch, 2. Watch bracelet (55)

#13 2019 07 10 13


14 #13 2019 07 10



#13 2019 07 10 15


(11) DM/200 683 (51) 03-01 (15) 2019 01 24 (44) 18/2019 (2019 05 03) (22) 2019 01 24 (28) 1 (73) Jack Hamilton 15 Parnall House, Kingswood Estate, SE21 8PZ LONDON (GB) (85) GB (86) GB (87) GB (88) GB (89) GB (81) III. AM, IS, MD, TJ, MN, ST, TR, KH, TN, KR, CH, KP, UA, BN, AL, AZ, TM, ME, MC, BX, SG, OA, RS, NO, BA, CA, OM, GE, MK, US, LI, KG, EM, SY, RU, EG (72) Jack Hamilton 15 Parnall House, Kingswood Estate, SE21 8PZ LONDON (GB) (54) 1. Hat box [other than for packaging] (55)

16 #13 2019 07 10


#13 2019 07 10 17



18 #13 2019 07 10


(11) DM/200 700 (51) 10-02 (15) 2019 03 22 (44) 18/2019 (2019 05 03) (22) 2019 03 22 (28) 1 (73) MIDO AG (MIDO SA) (MIDO LTD.) 17, Chemin Des Tourelles, 2400 LE LOCLE (CH) (85) CH (86) CH (87) CH (88) CH (89) CH (81) II. MA III. UA, AM, AL, AZ, ME, BZ, MD, MC, SG, NO, MN, BA, MK, TR, OM, GE, LI, KG, GB, TN, EM, CH (72) Mariana Ponche Coteau De La Fiaz 3, 2400 Le Locle (CH) (74) The Swatch Group SA (The Swatch Group AG) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) Faubourg Du Lac 6, 2501 BIEL/BIENNE (CH) (54) 1. Watch (55)


#13 2019 07 10 19


(11) DM/200 695 (51) 11-01 (15) 2019 03 06 (44) 18/2019 (2019 05 03) (22) 2019 03 06 (28) 3 (73) HARRY WINSTON SA Chemin Du Tourbillon 8, 1228 Plan-Les-Ouates (CH) (85) CH (86) CH (87) CH (88) CH (89) CH (81) II. MA III. AM, UA, AL, AZ, ME, BZ, MD, MC, SG, NO, MN, BA, OM, GE, MK, TR, LI, KG, GB, TN, EM, CH (72) 3 Chaeree KWON C/o Harry Winston Inc. 718 Fifth Avenue, 10019 New York (US); 1-2 Rie YATSUGI-KANG C/o Harry Winston Inc. 718 Fifth Avenue, 10019 New York (US) (74) The Swatch Group AG (The Swatch Group SA) (The Swatch Group Ltd.) Faubourg Du Lac 6, 2501 BIEL/BIENNE (CH) (54) 1. Necklace, 2. Earring,3. Necklace (55)

20 #13 2019 07 10


#13 2019 07 10 21



22 #13 2019 07 10



The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the Mtskheta District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address: №17, Samkhedro St., Mtskheta), within 1 month following the publication.

(260) AM 2019 100407 A (731) INPHA LLP Representative Office in (210) AM 100407 Georgia (220) 2018 11 15 Besiki St. 4 Nearby, (plot 46/10), 0108, (731) LTD "GlAVSPIRTPROM" Tbilisi Georgia Lilo St. 51, 0198, Tbilisi, Georgia (540) (540) Оронорм ადამარი ორონორმი ADAMARI Oronorm АДАМАРИ (591) Black-white (591) Black-white (511) 5 (511) 33 ______(260) AM 2019 100447 A (260) AM 2019 100416 A (210) AM 100447 (210) AM 100416 (220) 2018 11 22 (220) 2018 11 16 (731) INPHA LLP Representative Office in (731) LTD "Georgian Lemonade" Georgia Aleksidze St. 1, Bl. 4, Ap. 25, Tbilisi, Besiki St. 4 Nearby, (plot 46/10), 0108, Georgia Tbilisi Georgia (540) (540) BATONO Миофор БАТОНО მიოფორი ბატონო Miofor

(591) Black-white (591) Black-white (511) 32 (511) 5 ______

(260) AM 2019 100418 A (260) AM 2019 100465 A (210) AM 100418 (210) AM 100465 (220) 2018 11 17 (220) 2019 04 23 (731) Ltd "N Plius" (731) GÜNSAN ELEKTRİK MALZEMELERİ Tamar Mepe St. 32, ap. 4, 6200, , SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Georgia Osmangazi Mah. Yıldırım Beyazıt Cad. No:29 (540) Sancaktepe İstanbul, Turkey (740) Liliana Darakhvelidze ზღვის მარგალიტი (540) (591) Black-white (511) 43 ______(591) Black, red (260) AM 2019 100433 A (531) 27.05.01; 27.05.22; 29.01.12 (210) AM 100433 (511) 9 (220) 2018 11 20 ______

#13 2019 07 10 23


(260) AM 2019 100586 A (260) AM 2019 100672 A (210) AM 100586 (210) AM 100672 (220) 2018 11 26 (220) 2018 12 03 (731) Vakhtang Yurievich Kasradze (731) LLC "LADY HEALTHCARE" Ul. Mayakovskogo Bl. 49, Ap. 19, Omsk, Yuri Gagarin St. 5, office 6, Tbilisi 644010, Russian Federation Georgia (740) Tamar Kochlamazashvili (740) Davit Chikhladze (540) (540)


(591) Black-white TIOXAN (531) 27.05.01 (511) 32, 35, 43 ТИОКСАН ______(591) Black-white (511) 5 (260) AM 2019 100595 A ______(210) AM 100595 (220) 2018 11 27 (260) AM 2019 100674 A (731) LLC "AGRONOM" (210) AM 100674 Gotua St. 12a, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia (220) 2018 12 03 (540) (731) LLC "LADY HEALTHCARE" BLACK GOLD Yuri Gagarin St. 5, office 6, Tbilisi Georgia ბლექ გოლდი (740) Davit Chikhladze БЛЕК ГОЛД (540) (511) 1 URICIT ______ურიციტი (260) AM 2019 100597 A (210) AM 100597 УРИЦИТ (220) 2018 11 27 (591) Black-white (731) LLC "Agronom" (511) 5 Gotua St. 12a, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia ______(540) (260) AM 2019 100675 A PENTOS (210) AM 100675 პენტოსი (220) 2018 12 03 (731) LLC "LADY HEALTHCARE" ПЕНТОС Yuri Gagarin St. 5, office 6, Tbilisi (511) 5 Georgia ______(740) Davit Chikhladze (540) (260) AM 2019 100602 A (210) AM 100602 ვეგასპანი (220) 2018 11 28 (731) Joseph Ghudushauri VEGASPAN St. 3, Ap. 1, 0180, Tbilisi, Georgia; ВЕГАСПАН Temur Kometiani (591) Black-white I. Jebashvili St. 16, 0177, Tbilisi Georgia (511) 5 (540) ______უნი კოლა (260) AM 2019 100676 A Uni Cola (210) AM 100676 (220) 2018 12 03 Уни Кола (731) LLC "LADY HEALTHCARE" (591) Black-white Yuri Gagarin St. 5, office 6, Tbilisi (511) 32 Georgia ______(740) Davit Chikhladze

24 #13 2019 07 10


(540) (540) ლებაქტამი MIDAS (591) Black-white LEBACTAM (511) 4, 12, 37

ЛЕБАКТАМ ______(591) Black-white (511) 5 (260) AM 2019 100691 A ______(210) AM 100691 (220) 2018 12 05 (260) AM 2019 100680 A (731) Midas International Corporation (210) AM 100680 a Delaware corporation (220) 2018 12 04 TBC Way, Palm Beach Gardens, (731) Nadim Khmaladze FL 33410, USA Revaz Japaridze St. 28/30, b. 3, 0179, (740) Tamaz Shilakadze Tbilisi Georgia (540) (740) Nugzar Kosovreli (540)

(591) Black, white, yellow, dark yellow (531) 24.09.02; 24.09.08; 25.01.10; 26.01.02; 26.01.04; 26.01.20; 27.05.04; 27.05.07; 29.01.13 (511) 4, 12, 37 (591) Black, golden ______(531) 05.05.19; 05.05.20; 26.04.01; 26.04.15;

27.05.01; 27.05.24; 29.01.12 (260) AM 2019 100694 A (511) 43 (210) AM 100694 ______(220) 2018 12 05

(731) LLC "LADY HEALTHCARE" (260) AM 2019 100687 A Yuri Gagarin St. 5, office 6, Tbilisi (210) AM 100687 Georgia (220) 2018 12 05 (740) Davit Chikhladze (731) Pfizer Inc. (540) 235 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017, USA MYOMEX (740) Shalva Gvaramadze (540) მიომექსი TALZENNA МИОМЕКС (511) 5 (591) Black-white ______(511) 5 ______(260) AM 2019 100690 A (210) AM 100690 (260) AM 2019 100695 A (220) 2018 12 05 (210) AM 100695 (731) Midas International Corporation (220) 2018 12 05 a Delaware corporation (731) LLC "LADY HEALTHCARE" TBC Way, Palm Beach Gardens, Yuri Gagarin St. 5, office 6, Tbilisi FL 33410, USA Georgia (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (740) Davit Chikhladze

#13 2019 07 10 25


(540) (540)

ALZIRON ალზირონი АЛЗИРОН (591) Black-white (511) 5 ______

(260) AM 2019 100702 A (210) AM 100702 (220) 2018 12 06 (731) LTD "BUTTERFLY" Bakhtrioni St. 28, b. 66, Vake-Saburtalo district, 0194, Tbilisi, Georgia (540)

(591) Bordeaux, blue, gray (531) 26.13.25; 29.01.13 (511) 35, 41, 44 ______

(260) AM 2019 100788 A (210) AM 100788 (220) 2018 12 14 (731) LLC "MARNISKARI" Apakidze St. 11, 0101, Tbilisi, Georgia (591) Red, yellow, dark red (540) (531) 03.13.01; 28.19; 29.01.12 (511) 16, 28, 35 ტავერნა ______ТАВЕРНА (260) AM 2019 100764 A (210) AM 100764 TAVERNA (591) Black-white (220) 2018 12 07 (511) 33 (731) Alibaba Group Holding Limited ______Fors Flor, Uan Kepital Pleis, P.o. Boqs 847,

Jorj Tauni, Grand Kaimani, Cayman Islands (260) AM 2019 100803 A (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (210) AM 100803 (540) (220) 2018 12 18 (731) Getz Pharma International FZ LLC Office No. 1307, 13th Floor, Al-Thuraya Tower 1, Dubai Media City, Dubai, United (591) Black-white Arab Emirates (511) 9, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42 (740) Merab Kvimsadze ______(540)

(260) AM 2019 100768 A (210) AM 100768

(220) 2018 12 08 (591) Black-white (731) ABBOTT LABORATORIES (531) 27.05.01 100 Abbott Park Road, Illinois, Abbott Park, (511) 5 60064, USA ______(740) Tamar Kotchlamazashvili

26 #13 2019 07 10


(260) AM 2019 100804 A (591) Black-white (210) AM 100804 (531) 25.01.25; 27.05.01 (220) 2018 12 18 (511) 7, 8, 11, 21 (731) The Procter & Gamble Company ______One Procter & Gamble Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, USA (260) AM 2019 100815 A (740) Merab Kvimsadze (210) AM 100815 (220) 2018 12 19 (540) (731) RMP NAGAMOCHI Technology Japan K.K. 1-6-26 ACE BUILDING 601 HIGASHIBENZAI, Asakashi, Saitama, 351-0022, Japan (591) Black-white (740) Khatuna Imnadze (531) 27.05.01 (540) (511) 5 ______

(260) AM 2019 100808 A (210) AM 100808

(220) 2018 12 18 (591) Black, white, red, grey (731) United States Polo Association (531) 26.04.22; 27.05.03; 29.01.13 1400 Centrepark Blvd., Suite 200, 33401, (511) 7, 12 West Palm Beach, FL, USA ______(740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540) (260) AM 2019 100818 A (210) AM 100818 (220) 2018 12 20 (731) Aleksandr Levakov N. Kipshidze St. 3b, Ap. 82, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia; LLC "Shalvino" G. Panaskerteli-Tsitsishvili St., Bl. 1, Ap. 10, Saburtalo district, Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Shalva Gvaramadze (540) NARINJI

(591) Black-white ნარინჯი (531) 02.01.08; 02.01.20 (591) Black-white (511) 35 (511) 33 ______

(260) AM 2019 100809 A (260) AM 2019 100821 A (210) AM 100809 (210) AM 100821 (220) 2018 12 18 (220) 2018 12 21 (731) KARACA ZUCCACIYE TICARET VE (731) LTD "Lyon Trans" SANAYI ANONIM SIRKETI N. Pirosmani 2 lane, Ap. 8, Zestaponi, YAKUPLU MERKEZ MAH. BIRLİK CAD. Georgia NO:24 BUYUKCEKMECE, ISTANBUL, (540) Turkey (740) Giorgi Kartvelishvili (540)

#13 2019 07 10 27


(591) Red, black, white (591) Black-white (531) 03.01.01; 03.01.16; 27.05.01; 29.01.13 (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 37, 40, 41, 42 (511) 1 ______

(260) AM 2019 100875 A (260) AM 2019 99489 A (210) AM 100875 (210) AM 99489 (220) 2018 12 25 (220) 2018 09 24 (731) LTD "Green System" (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Ilia Chavchavadze Av. 75, Bl. 10, Ap. 46, Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Vake district, Tbilisi, Georgia Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (740) Amza Kakauridze (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540) (540) გრინნეტი GREENNET

ГРИННЕТ (591) Black-white (591) Black-white (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 37, 42 (511) 2 ______

(260) AM 2019 100890 A (260) AM 2019 99490 A (210) AM 100890 (210) AM 99490 (220) 2018 12 27 (220) 2018 09 24 (731) Eter Kereselidze (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Gldani, VII mkr., Bl. 19, Ap. 44, Tbilisi, Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Georgia Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (540) (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540)

(591) Black-white (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 3 ______(591) Turquoise, blue, white (531) 26.01.04; 26.01.22; 27.05.24; 28.19; 29.01.12 (260) AM 2019 99491 A (511) 44 (210) AM 99491 ______(220) 2018 09 24 (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (260) AM 2019 99487 A Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, (210) AM 99487 Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (220) 2018 09 24 (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (540) Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540)

(591) Black-white (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 4 ______

28 #13 2019 07 10


(260) AM 2019 99493 A (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (210) AM 99493 Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, (220) 2018 09 24 Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (740) Tamaz Shilakadze Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, (540) Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540)

(591) Black-white (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 17 (591) Black-white ______(531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 7 (260) AM 2019 99497 A ______(210) AM 99497 (220) 2018 09 24 (260) AM 2019 99494 A (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (210) AM 99494 Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, (220) 2018 09 24 Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (740) Tamaz Shilakadze Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, (540) Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540)

(591) Black-white (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 19 (591) Black-white ______(531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 9 (260) AM 2019 99499 A ______(210) AM 99499 (220) 2018 09 24 (260) AM 2019 99495 A (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (210) AM 99495 Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, (220) 2018 09 24 Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (740) Tamaz Shilakadze Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, (540) Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540)

(591) Black-white (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 20 (591) Black-white ______(531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 11 (260) AM 2019 99500 A ______(210) AM 99500 (220) 2018 09 24 (260) AM 2019 99496 A (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (210) AM 99496 Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, (220) 2018 09 24 Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze

#13 2019 07 10 29


(540) (591) Black-white (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 24 ______

(260) AM 2019 99505 A (591) Black-white (210) AM 99505 (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (220) 2018 09 24 (511) 21 (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ______Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (260) AM 2019 99502 A (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (210) AM 99502 (540) (220) 2018 09 24 (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540) (591) Black-white (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 29 ______

(260) AM 2019 99506 A (591) Black-white (210) AM 99506 (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (220) 2018 09 24 (511) 22 (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ______Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (260) AM 2019 99503 A (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (210) AM 99503 (540) (220) 2018 09 24 (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540) (591) Black-white (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 30 ______

(260) AM 2019 99507 A (591) Black-white (210) AM 99507 (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (220) 2018 09 24 (511) 23 (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ______Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (260) AM 2019 99504 A (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (210) AM 99504 (540) (220) 2018 09 24 (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540) (591) Black-white (531) 27.01.07; 27.05.10; 27.05.14 (511) 31 ______

30 #13 2019 07 10


(260) AM 2019 99750 A (210) AM 99750 (220) 2018 10 05 (731) E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (740) Tamaz Shilakadze (540)

(591) Black-white (531) 26.01.22; 27.05.01 (511) 5 ______

#13 2019 07 10 31



(111) M 2019 31380 R (111) M 2019 31386 R (151) 2019 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (260) AM 2017 92366 A (260) AM 2018 97224 A (220) 2017 05 25 (220) 2018 04 12 (732) INPHA LLP Reprezentative office in Georgia (732) JSC "LAMARIA CAPITAL" Besiki St. 4 (nakveti 46/10), 0108, Tbilisi, Sh. Nutsubidzis Perdobi, IV Mkr., Bl. 14, Georgia Ap. 25, 0183, Tbilisi, Georgia ______

(111) M 2019 31381 R (111) M 2019 31387 R (151) 2019 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (260) AM 2018 96309 A (260) AM 2018 97225 A (220) 2018 02 12 (220) 2018 04 13 (732) IRAKLI PKHALADZE (732) WEICHAI POWER CO., LTD Iosebidze St. 24, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia 197, Section A, Fu Shu East Str., ______Hai Technology Integrated Development Zone, City Weifan, Sandhu Province, (111) M 2019 31382 R People's Republic of China (151) 2019 07 03 ______(181) 2029 07 03 (260) AM 2018 96310 A (111) M 2019 31388 R (220) 2018 02 12 (151) 2019 07 03 (732) IRAKLI PKHALADZE (181) 2029 07 03 Iosebidze St. 24, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia (260) AM 2018 97392 A ______(220) 2018 04 24

(732) "RK HONEY KOLKHURI" (111) M 2019 31383 R Sop. Didinedzi, 2115, , Georgia (151) 2019 07 03 ______(181) 2029 07 03

(260) AM 2018 96708 A (111) M 2019 31389 R (220) 2018 03 08 (151) 2019 07 03 (732) KUROSH ABDOLLAHZADEH (181) 2029 07 03 Mikheil Berdzenishvili St. 10 Ap. 9, 0179, (260) AM 2018 97393 A Tbilisi, Georgia (220) 2018 04 24 ______(732) "RK MOUNTAIN FRAGRANCE "

Sop. Dzveli, 0506, , Georgia (111) M 2019 31384 R (151) 2019 07 03 ______(181) 2029 07 03 (260) AM 2018 96904 A (111) M 2019 31390 R (220) 2018 03 20 (151) 2019 07 03 (732) RAFAL LESZEK (181) 2029 07 03 Spacerowas St. 3D/4, 83050 Kolbudy, (260) AM 2018 97407 A Poland (220) 2018 04 26 ______(732) LLC "UNISET-M" Ul. Iskri, dom 31, 129344, Moskow, Russian (111) M 2019 31385 R Federation (151) 2019 07 03 ______(181) 2029 07 03 260) AM 2018 97185 A (111) M 2019 31391 R (220) 2018 04 04 (151) 2019 07 03 (732) I/E Olena Berezhna (181) 2029 07 03 S. Khimshiashvili St. 94a, Ap. 54, , (260) AM 2018 97462 A Georgia (220) 2018 05 04 ______

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(732) LTD "ROSTEVANI" (220) 2018 05 30 L. Sharashidzis St. 2/4, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia (732) LTD "MAGNUM GROUP" ______Kvartal 17, Plot 497, 2600, , Georgia ______(111) M 2019 31392 R (151) 2019 07 03 (111) M 2019 31398 R (181) 2029 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (260) AM 2018 97780 A (181) 2029 07 03 (220) 2018 05 22 (260) AM 2018 98004 A (732) MJN U.S. Holdings LLC (220) 2018 06 12 225 North Canal Street, 25th Floor, (732) DAVIT TARKHAN-MOURAVI Chicago, Illinois 60606, USA Rodeni St. 5, Tbilisi, Georgia; ______MALKHAZ AMASHUKELI Br. Zubalashvili St. 46, 0108, Tbilisi, Georgia (111) M 2019 31393 R ______(151) 2019 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (111) M 2019 31399 R (260) AM 2018 97781 A (151) 2019 07 03 (220) 2018 05 22 (181) 2029 07 03 (732) MJN U.S. Holdings LLC (260) AM 2018 98198 A 225 North Canal Street, 25th Floor, (220) 2018 06 22 Chicago, Illinois 60606, USA (732) LTD "BAISIK GROUP" ______Kojori St. 1, Ap. 12, Old Tbilisi District, Tbilisi, Georgia (111) M 2019 31394 R ______(151) 2019 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (111) M 2019 31400 R (260) AM 2018 97793 A (151) 2019 07 03 (220) 2018 05 23 (181) 2029 07 03 (732) Boris Samaryanov (260) AM 2018 98223 A Prospect Kutuzova 5/3, kv. 84, 121248, (220) 2018 06 27 Moskow, Russian Federation (732) Steigenberger Hotels AG ______Lyoner St. 25, Frankfurt, 60528, Germany ______(111) M 2019 31395 R (151) 2019 07 03 (111) M 2019 31401 R (181) 2029 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (260) AM 2018 97794 A (181) 2029 07 03 (220) 2018 05 23 (260) AM 2018 98224 A (732) Boris Samaryanov (220) 2018 06 27 Prospect Kutuzova 5/3, kv. 84, 121248, (732) Steigenberger Hotels AG Moskow, Russian Federation Lyoner St. 25, Frankfurt, 60528, Germany ______

(111) M 2019 31402 R (111) M 2019 31396 R (151) 2019 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (260) AM 2018 98225 A (260) AM 2018 97796 A (220) 2018 06 27 (220) 2018 05 23 (732) Steigenberger Hotels AG (732) Boris Samaryanov Lyoner St. 25, Frankfurt, 60528, Germany Prospect Kutuzova 5/3, kv. 84, 121248, ______Moskow, Russian Federation ______(111) M 2019 31403 R (151) 2019 07 03 (111) M 2019 31397 R (181) 2029 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (260) AM 2018 98226 A (181) 2029 07 03 (220) 2018 06 28 (260) AM 2018 97893 A (732) LTD "PATRONUS LEGAL CONSALTING"

#13 2019 07 10 33


Krtsanisis II Shes. 15, Bl. 3, Ap. 42, Dzveli (732) LTD "OKTINA" Tbilisis raioni, 0114, Tbilisi, Georgia The territory of the Agrarian University, ______Vake-Saburtalo District, Tbilisi, Georgia ______(111) M 2019 31404 R (151) 2019 07 03 (111) M 2019 31410 R (181) 2029 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (260) AM 2018 98228 A (181) 2029 07 03 (220) 2018 06 28 (260) AM 2018 98679 A (732) LTD "PATRONUS LEGAL QONSALTING" (220) 2018 07 24 Krtsanisis II Shes. 15, Bl. 3, Ap. 42, Dzveli (732) LTD "Globalpharm" Tbilisis raioni, 0114, Tbilisi, Georgia Almasyan St. 13a/Berbuti St. 8, 0171, ______Tbilisi, Georgia ______(111) M 2019 31405 R (151) 2019 07 03 (111) M 2019 31411 R (181) 2029 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (260) AM 2018 98229 A (181) 2029 07 03 (220) 2018 06 28 (260) AM 2018 98681 A (732) LTD "PATRONUS LEGAL QONSALTING" (220) 2018 07 24 Krtsanisis II Shes. 15, Bl. 3, Ap. 42, Dzveli (732) LTD "GLOBALPHARM" Tbilisis raioni, 0114, Tbilisi, Georgia Almasyan St. 13a/Berbuti St. 8, 0171, ______Tbilisi, Georgia ______(111) M 2019 31406 R (151) 2019 07 03 (111) M 2019 31412 R (181) 2029 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (260) AM 2018 98247 A (181) 2029 07 03 (220) 2018 07 02 (260) AM 2018 98687 A (732) VAKHTANG PKHAKADZE (220) 2018 07 25 I. Chavchavadze Av. 78, Bl. 1, Ap. 4, (732) LTD "G-M-P" 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia Village Ponitchala 65, 0165, Tbilisi, Georgia ______

(111) M 2019 31407 R (111) M 2019 31413 R (151) 2019 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (260) AM 2018 98248 A (260) AM 2018 98696 A (220) 2018 07 02 (220) 2018 07 27 (732) Vakhtang Pkhakadze (732) Oleksandr Ishuk I. Chavchavadze Av. 78, Bl. 1, Ap. 4, Nutsubidze St. 26a, Ap. 83, 0186, Tbilisi, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia Georgia ______

(111) M 2019 31408 R (111) M 2019 31414 R (151) 2019 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (260) AM 2018 98550 A (260) AM 2018 98771 A (220) 2018 07 17 (220) 2018 08 01 (732) INTERVET INTERNATIONAL AP. V. (732) UCB Biopharma SPRL Wim de Korverstraat 35, NL-5831, AN Allée de la Recherche 60, B-1070 Brussels, Boxmeer, Netherlands Belgium ______

(111) M 2019 31409 R (111) M 2019 31415 R (151) 2019 07 03 (151) 2019 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (260) AM 2018 98551 A (260) AM 2018 98971 A (220) 2018 07 17 (220) 2018 08 13

34 #13 2019 07 10


(732) Bank Of America Corporation 100 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28255, USA ______

(111) M 2019 31416 R (151) 2019 07 03 (181) 2029 07 03 (260) AM 2018 99070 A (220) 2018 08 23 (732) British American Tobacco (Brands) Inc. (a Delaware corporation) 251 Litl Folz Draiv, Suit 100 Delaveri, Wilmington, 19808-1674, USA ______

#13 2019 07 10 35



The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication .

(111) M 2019 31371 R (220) 2019 05 31 (151) 2019 06 24 (732) LTD "KARTVELI" (181) 2029 06 24 Janashia St. 21, Ap. 15, Tbilisi, Georgia (210) AM 103452 (540) (220) 2019 06 03 (732) LTD "ALFA GROUP". Al. Tsulukidze St. 31/11, Tbilisi, Georgia (540)

(591) Dark green, white (531) 27.05.01; 29.01.12 (511) 41 ______

(111) M 2019 31374 R (151) 2019 06 27 (181) 2029 06 27 (210) AM 103679 (220) 2019 06 19 (732) JSC "M2 REAL ESTATE" I. Chavchavadze Av. 29, floor 3, Tbilisi, Georgia (740) Nikoloz Jalaghania (540)

(591) White, green, red (531) 05.11.17; 25.01.01; 26.01.01; 26.01.20; 26.01.24; 27.05.01; 27.05.09; 27.05.10; 27.05.17; 29.01.14 (511) 32 ______

(591) Orange (111) M 2019 31372 R (531) 26.15.09; 27.05.21; 27.07.11; 27.07.12; (151) 2019 06 24 29.01.12 (181) 2029 06 24 (511) 35, 36, 37 (210) AM 103667 ______(220) 2019 06 18 (732) LTD "TORNADO HOOKAH" (111) M 2019 31375 R Zemo Vedzisi St. 77, 0160, Tbilisi, (151) 2019 06 27 Georgia (181) 2029 06 27 (540) (210) AM 103687 (220) 2019 06 20 ტორნადო ჰოოკაჰ (732) JSC "M2 REAL ESTATE" I. Chavchavadze Av. 29, floor 3, Tbilisi, Tornado Hookah Georgia (511) 34 (740) Nikoloz Jalaghania ______(540) ემკუბი (111) M 2019 31373 R (151) 2019 06 24 (591) Black-white (181) 2029 06 24 (511) 35, 36, 37 (210) AM 103427 ______

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(111) M 2019 31376 R (540) (151) 2019 07 01 (181) 2029 07 01 (210) AM 98396 (220) 2018 07 09 (732) The International Association of Lions Clubs 300 W. 22nd Street, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523, USA (740) Giorgi Taktakishvili (540)

(591) Orange, white (531) 18.05.01; 18.05.03; 26.04.16; 26.04.22; 26.04.24; 26.11.01; 26.11.13; 27.05.01; 27.05.09; 27.05.24; 29.01.12 (526) Georgia (511) 35, 39 (591) Black-white ______(531) 03.01.01; 03.01.16; 26.04.02; 26.04.06; 26.04.22; 26.04.24; 27.05.24 (111) M 2019 31379 R (511) 36 (151) 2019 07 03 ______(181) 2029 07 03 (210) AM 103428 (111) M 2019 31377 R (220) 2019 05 31 (151) 2019 07 03 (732) LTD "KARTVELI" (181) 2029 07 03 Janashia St. 21, Ap. 15, Tbilisi, Georgia (210) AM 103770 (540) (220) 2019 06 25 (732) BOAZ AVRAHAM Prins Willem-Alexanderlaan 25, 1171 LJ Badhoevedorp, Netherlands (740) Giorgi Taktakishvili (540) (591) Dark cornelial red, white (531) 27.05.01; 27.05.19; 29.01.12 (526) Kartli (511) 32, 33 ______

(111) M 2019 31417 R (151) 2019 07 04 (181) 2029 07 04 (210) AM 103789 (220) 2019 06 28 (732) LLC "FOOLPHARM" (591) Black-white Gazapkhuli St. 9, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia (531) 25.01.25; 27.05.01; 27.05.11; 27.05.22 (740) Nugzar Kosovreli (511) 18, 25, 35 (540) ______ლევმეკოლი (111) M 2019 31378 R (151) 2019 07 03 Левмеколь (181) 2029 07 03 (591) Black-white (210) AM 103659 (511) 5 (220) 2019 06 17 ______(732) LTD "I am Georgia" Meunargia St., Bl. 71, Ap. 23, Tbilisi, Georgia

#13 2019 07 10 37



The decision can be appealed at the Chamber of Appeal of Sakpatenti within 3 months from the publication or at the Mtskheta District Court Administrative Cases Board (Address: №17, Samkhedro str., Mtskheta), within 1 month following the publication.

(260) AM 2019 100100 A vice provider (ASP); hosting a website featuring me- (800) 1428409 dical information; electronic storage of medical re- (151) 2018 05 24 cords; computer programming in the medical field; (891) 2018 05 24 providing search engines for the internet; maintenan- (731) MEDIBLOC CO., LTD. ce of software used in the field of e-commerce; hos- N1104, 11Fl., 22, Seocho-daero 78-gil, ting of web sites for use in electronic commerce; co- Seocho-gu, Seoul 06621, Republic of Korea nstructing an internet platform for electronic com- (540) merce; computer programming for electronic com-

merce; temporary electronic storage of information and data; encryption, decryption and authentication of information, messages and data; design of infor-

(591) Black, white mation systems; computer software development; (531) 27.05.17 consultation and providing information in the fields (511) of pharmacology.

9 – Computer software for personal information ma- 44 – Provision of medical information from a web nagement; computer software relating to the hand- site; medical and health care services; medical infor- ling of financial transactions; computer software ap- mation; providing information in the field of medi- plications, downloadable; computer software to ena- cine; medical information services provided via the ble the searching of data; software for use in databa- Internet; provision of health information; provision se management; databases software applications; co- of genetic information for medical (treatment) pur- mputer software for authorising access to data bases; poses; analysis of human biodata for medical purpo- data processing software; application software for ses; medical analysis services; preparation of reports smart phone; medical software; computer software; relating to medical matters; consultancy and infor- computer application software; computer e-commer- mation services relating to medical products; provi- ce software; computer software platforms; downloa- ding health information (other than dentistry); arran- dable mobile gift certificates; downloadable mobile ging of medical treatment; providing news and infor- coupons; downloadable electronic gift certificates; mation in the field of medicine; provision of infor- downloadable coupon; electronic publications, dow- mation relating to medicine; providing health care nloadable; downloadable electronic documents. information via electronic means; providing medical 36 – Virtual currency brokerage; exchange trading information in the field of dermatology; providing brokerage of virtual currency; financial and moneta- information to patients in the field of administering ry transactions; financial trading; provision of infor- medications. mation in the field of financing; mobile and Internet ______payment services; integrated services of mobile elec- tronic wallet and mobile payment; mobile banking; (260) AM 2019 100101 A issuance of cyber money; financial brokerage servi- (800) 1428425 ces for charging cyber money; exchanging cyber (151) 2018 03 15 money; pre-paid electronic money services; establis- (891) 2018 03 15 hing funded accounts used to purchase goods and (731) IŞILDAR PLASTİK VE AYDINLATMA services on the Internet; funds transfer services; lec- ANONİM ŞİRKETİ tronic banking services; electronic processing of pa- İkitelli Organize Sanayi, Bölgesi İpkas Sanayi yments; electronic money payment transactions; el- Sitesi 3 .ETAP B, Blok No.3 Küçükçekmece, ectronic money managements; issuance of electronic ISTANBUL, Turkey money; rental of real estate. (540)

42 – Database design and development; data security services; technological services in the field of digital asset management; software as a service [SaaS]; pro- viding PaaS (platform as a service); application ser-

38 #13 2019 07 10


(591) Black, white lid, liquid or gas fuels or electricity, central heating (531) 27.05.10 boilers, boilers for heating installations, radiators (526) ® LIGHTING SYSTEM [heating], heat exchangers, not parts of machines, (511) stoves, kitchen stoves, solar thermal collectors [hea- 9 – Measurement apparatus and equipment including ting], steam, gas and fog generators, steam boilers, those for scientific, nautical, topographic, meteorolo- other than parts of machines, acetylene generators, gic, industrial and laboratory purposes, thermome- oxygen generators, nitrogen generators, installations ters, not for medical purposes, barometers, amme- for air-conditioning and ventilating, cooling installa- ters, voltmeters, hygrometers, testing apparatus not tions and freezers, electric and gas-powered devices, for medical purposes, telescopes, periscopes, direc- installations and apparatus for cooking, drying and tional compasses, speed indicators, laboratory appa- boiling: cookers, electric cooking pots, electric water ratus, microscopes, magnifying glasses, stills, bino- heaters, barbecues, electric laundry driers; hair dri- culars, ovens and furnaces for laboratory experi- ers; hand drying apparatus, sanitary installations, ments, apparatus for recording, transmission or rep- taps [faucets], shower installations, toilets [water- roduction of sound or images, cameras, photographic closets], shower and bath cubicles, bath tubs, toilet cameras, television apparatus, video recorders, CD seats, sinks, wash-hand basins [parts of sanitary ins- and DVD players and recorders, MP3 players, com- tallations], water softening apparatus; water purifica- puters, desktop computers, tablet computers, microp- tion apparatus; water purification installations; waste hones, loudspeakers, earphones, telecommunications water purification installations, electric bed warmers apparatus, apparatus for the reproduction of sound or and electric blankets, not for medical use; electric images, computer peripheral devices, cell phones, pillow warmers; electric or non-electric footwar- covers for cell phones, telephone apparatus, compu- mers; hot water bottles, filters for aquariums and ter printers, scanners [data processing equipment], aquarium filtration apparatus, industrial type insta- photocopiers, magnetic and optic data carriers and llations for cooking, drying and cooling purposes, computer software and programmes recorded there- pasteurizers and sterilizers. to, downloadable and recordable electronic publica- ______tions, encoded magnetic and optic cards, antennas, satellite antennas, amplifiers for antennas, parts of (260) AM 2019 100122 A the aforementioned goods, ticket dispensers, auto- (800) 1429022 matic teller machines (ATM), electronic components (151) 2018 08 02 used in ihc electronic parts of machines and appara- (891) 2018 08 02 tus, semi-conductors, electronic circuits, integrated (731) MERLION GROUP LIMITED circuits, chips [integrated circuits], diodes, transis- 118 Agias Fylaxeos Street, Christabel House, tors [electronic], magnetic heads for electronic appa- CY-3087 Limassol, Cyprus ratus, electronic locks, photocells, remote control ap- (540) paratus for opening and closing doors, optical sen- sors, counters and quantity indicators for measuring the quantity of consumption, automatic time switc- hes, clothing for protection against accidents, irra- (591) Black, white diation and fire, safety vests and life-saving appara- (511) tus and equipment, eyeglasses, sunglasses, optical 9 – Antennas; commutators; circuit closers; monito- lenses and cases, containers, parts and components ring apparatus, other than for medical purposes; thereof, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switches, electric; detectors; audio- and video-recei- transforming, accumulating or controlling electricity, vers; data processing apparatus; microphones; navi- electric plugs, junction boxes [electricity], electric gational instruments; observation instruments; com- switches, circuit breakers, fuses, lighting ballasts, puters; computer programs, recorded; electro-dyna- battery starter cables, electrical circuit boards, elec- mic apparatus for the remote control of signals; so- tric resistances, electric sockets, transformers [elec- und recording apparatus; sound reproduction appara- tricity], electrical adapters, battery chargers, electric tus; television apparatus; remote control apparatus; door bells, electric and electronic cables, batteries, temperature indicators; video recorders; computer electric accumulators, alarms and anti-theft alarms, keyboards; computer operating programs, recorded; other than for vehicles, electric bells, signalling ap- computer peripheral devices; computer software, re- paratus and instruments, luminous or mechanical corded; couplers [data processing equipment]; inter- signs for traffic use, fire extinguishing apparatus, fi- faces for computers; light dimmers [regulators], el- re engines, fire hose and fire hose nozzles, radar ap- ectric; monitors [computer hardware]; monitors [co- paratus, sonars, night vision apparatus and instru- mputer programs]; mouse [computer peripheral]; re- ments, decorative magnets, metronomes. aders [data processing equipment]; smoke detectors;

11 – Lighting installations, lights for vehicles and in- camcorders; integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; terior-exterior spaces, heating installations using so- notebook computers; video screens; computer prog-

#13 2019 07 10 39


rams [downloadable software]; navigation apparatus machines and apparatus for games other than those for vehicles [on-board computers]; mouse pads; per- adapted for use with an external display screen or sonal stereos; headphones; satellite navigational ap- monitor including coin-operated amusement machi- paratus; hands-free kits for telephones; Global Po- nes; toys for domestic pets; toys for children's parks sitioning System [GPS] apparatus; portable media and playgrounds. players; laptop computers; bags adapted for laptops; ______sleeves for laptops; digital photo frames; computer software applications, downloadable; electronic bo- (260) AM 2019 100125 A ok readers; smartphones; baby monitors; video baby (800) 1429142 monitors; tablet computers; 3D spectacles; computer (151) 2018 06 05 hardware; cellular phones; wearable activity trac- (891) 2018 06 05 kers; connected bracelets [measuring instruments]; (731) Pryvatne aktsionerne tovarystvo covers for smartphones; cases for smartphones; sel- "KHARKIVSKA BISKVITNA FABRYKA" fie sticks [hand-held monopods]; joysticks for use vul. Lozivska, 8, Kharkiv 61017, Ukraine with computers, other than for video games; smart- (540) glasses; smartwatches; infrared detectors; scales with body mass analysers; covers for tablet compu- ters; subwoofers; protective films adapted for smart- phones; virtual reality headsets; electronic interacti- (591) Black, white ve whiteboards; humanoid robots with artificial inte- (531) 28.05 lligence. (511) ______30 – Peanut confectionery; sponge cakes; cereal bars; high-protein cereal bars; pastries; buns; sand- (260) AM 2019 100124 A wiches; waffles; oat-based food; biscuits; cookies; (800) 1429126 cake frosting [icing]; custard; rice-based snack food; (151) 2018 07 05 cereal-based snack food; cereal preparations; marsh- (891) 2018 07 05 mallow; cocoa-based ingredients for confectionery (731) ADEL KALEMCİLİK TİCARET VE products; candy with cocoa; caramels [candy]; lo- SANAYİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ zenges [confectionery]; confectionery; sugar confec- Fatih Sultan Mahmet Mah. Balkan Cad. No:58 tionery; confectionery for decorating Christmas tre- Buyaka E Blok Tepeustu TR-41480 es; liquorice [confectionery]; candy; fruit jellies Umraniye Istanbul, Turkey [confectionery]; marzipan; macaroons [pastry]; al- (540) mond paste; almond confectionery; dessert mousses [confectionery]; chocolate mousses; mint for confec- tionery; peppermint sweets; stick liquorice [confec- tionery]; chips [cereal products]; pies; fondants [con- fectionery]; pralines; gingerbread; puddings; cake powder; rice cakes; malt biscuits; petit-beurre bis- cuits; cakes; petits fours [cakes]; cake batter; cake dough; pastry dough; crackers; tarts; fruit jellies [confectionery]; halvah; sweetmeats [candy]; choco- late. ______

(591) Black, white (260) AM 2019 100126 A (531) 26.04.05; 26.04.18; 26.04.24; 27.05.01; (800) 1429145 27.05.09; 27.05.10 (151) 2018 06 19 (511) (891) 2018 06 19 16 – Paper, cardboard and goods made from these (731) DESCENTE, LTD. materials, not included in other classes; packaging 11-3, Dogashiba 1-chome, Tennoji-ku, and wrapping materials made of plastic materials; Osaka-shi, Osaka 543-8921, Japan printing sets, portable [office requisites], binding (540) materials for books and papers; printed matter, prin- ted publications, printed calendars, printed photo- graph, printed tables, stickers [stationery], posters; stationery, office requisites (except furniture); ins- (591) Black, white tructional and teaching material [except apparatus]; (531) 27.05.17 office machines; paint rollers and paintbrushes. (511) 28 – Games and playthings including inflatable pool 25 – Clothing; school uniforms; clothing for child- and bath toys; games plays in game rooms; devices, ren; work clothing; jogging pants; sweat pants; suits;

40 #13 2019 07 10


skirts; ski jackets; ski pants; trousers; smocks; for- (731) GUANGDONG PINENG INDUSTRIAL CO., malwear; coats; overcoats; topcoats; raincoats; swe- LTD aters; cardigans; shirts; open-necked shirts; cuffs; No.6 Chuangye Road, Torch Development collars [clothing]; sport shirts; blouses; polo shirts; Zone, Zhongshan City, Guangdong, China shirts for suits; overalls; stuff jackets [clothing]; li- (540) veries; jackets [clothing]; shirt fronts; jumper dres- ses; skorts; pants (Am.); fishing vests; dresses; par- kas; breeches for wear; pinafore dresses; pullovers; (591) Black, white vests; ponchos; leggings [trousers]; nightwear; paja- (531) 27.05.01; 27.05.03; 28.03 mas; bath robes; undershirts; corsets [underclot- (511) hing]; combinations [clothing]; chemises; drawers 9 – Batteries, electric; chargers for electric batteries; [clothing]; shorts; briefs; brassieres; petticoats; swi- galvanic cells; accumulators, electric; solar batteries. mwear [bathing suits]; swimming caps [bathing ______caps]; girdles; sweat-absorbent underclothing; swe- at-absorbent underwear; corselets; underclothing; (260) AM 2019 100187 A underwear; bathing suits; swimsuits; bathing dra- (800) 1430513 wers; bathing caps; bathing trunks; underpants; slips (151) 2018 07 02 [underclothing]; teddies [underclothing]; dress shi- (891) 2018 07 02 elds; dressing gowns; babies' pants [underwear]; py- (731) CHINA VANKE CO., LTD. jamas; panties; boxer shorts; bodices [lingerie]; bo- Vanke Center, No. 33 Huanmei Road, dies [underclothing]; tee-shirts; beach clothes; knic- Dameisha, Yantian District, Shenzhen, kers; short-sleeve shirts; leotards; socks; gloves [clo- Guangdong Province, China thing]; neckties; thermal supporters [clothing]; muff- (540) lers [neck scarves]; ear muffs [clothing]; scarfs; leg warmers; headgear for wear; caps [headwear]; hats; suspenders; belts [clothing]; footwear; shoes; rain boots; leather shoes; sneakers; boots; women's sho- es; winter boots; infants' shoes and boots; heelpieces for boots and shoes; insoles for shoes and boots; tongue or pullstrap for shoes and boots; welts for shoes and boots; footwear uppers; tips for footwear; shoe soles for repair; ankle boots; heels; inner soles; boot uppers; half-boots; heelpieces for footwear; (591) Black, white welts for footwear; beach shoes; lace boots; slippers; (531) 27.01.02 masquerade costumes; special footwear for sports; (511) golf shoes; soccer shoes; ski boots; snowboarding 36 – Commercial housing sales services; rental of re- boots; gymnastic shoes; climbing boots; mountai- al estate; real estate agency services; housing agents; neering boots; bowling shoes; boxing shoes; field real estate brokers; real estate appraisal; real estate hockey shoes; baseball shoes; rugby shoes; footwear management; apartment house management; rental for track and field athletics; football shoes; studs for of apartments; accommodation bureau services [apa- football boots; windsurfing shoes; clothes for sports; rtments]; rental of offices [real estate]; rental of anoraks; sports overuniforms; Kendo outfits; ski farms; factoring; fiduciary; trusteeship; deposits of suits for competition; headbands [clothing]; wind- valuables. jackets; stockings; wristbands [clothing]; karate uni- forms; cyclists' clothing; motorists' clothing; judo 37 – Commercial housing construction; constructi- uniforms; ski gloves; clothes for water sports; wet- on; underwater construction; demolition of buil- suits for surfing; wet suits for water-skiing; knitwear dings; warehouse construction and repair; building [clothing]; waterproof clothing; sports jerseys; uni- sealing; factory construction; masonry; building of forms; tights; hosiery; footmuffs, not electrically fair stalls and shops; cleaning of buildings [interior]; heated; sweat-absorbent stockings; spats; esparto upholstery repair; chimney sweeping; painting or re- shoes or sandals; sandals; soles for footwear; sports pair of signs; window cleaning; upholstering; pain- shoes; non-slipping devices for footwear; boots for ting, interior and exterior; varnishing; cleaning of sports. buildings [exterior surface]; roofing services; street ______cleaning; elevator installation and repair; motor ve- hicle maintenance and repair; lubrication (vehicle -); (260) AM 2019 100129 A vehicle wash; polishing (vehicle -); anti-rust treat- (800) 1429186 ment for vehicles; service stations (vehicle -); vehic- (151) 2018 07 02 le maintenance; cleaning (vehicle -); electric appli- (891) 2018 07 02 ance installation and repair. ______

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(260) AM 2019 100188 A (511) (800) 1430570 7 – Processing machines for use in the food industry, (151) 2018 06 27 appliance, assembly lines and investment units for (891) 2018 06 27 engineering industry, energetics, ecology, chemical, (731) BEIJING JINGDONG 360 DU manufacturing services and pyrotechnic production, E-COMMERCE LTD. engines, aeronautical engines, spare parts of afore- Room 222, Floor 2, Building C, No.18 mentioned goods in this class; military infrastructure Kechuang 11 Street, Beijing Economic and building equipment. Technological, Development Zone, Beijing, 8 – Side arms. China (540) 9 – Apparatus and tools for measuring, electrotech- nical components, electrotechnical vibration meters, active and passive radiolocations, aircraft navigation and landing guidance systems, connecting and com- munication systems, equipment and components for

military and civil meteorology, spare parts of afo- (591) Black, white rementioned goods in this class, apparatus, installa- (531) 03.01.08; 03.01.24; 27.05.01 tions and information technology equipment in the (511) field of cybernetic security services in this class; si- 9 – Computer peripheral devices; computer prog- mulators; technology and firearm testing equipment. rams [downloadable software]; computer software, 11 – Airport lighting equipment, apparatus and insta- recorded; bags adapted for laptops; cell phone soft- llations, waste water treatment and water treatment ware applications, downloadable; network commu- plants, spare parts of aforementioned goods in this nication device; portable media players; cameras class; field water purification equipment. [photography]; theft prevention installations, elec- tric; battery chargers; animated cartoons. 12 – Civil and military aircraft, helicopters, unman- ned aerial vehicles (UAVs), parachutes, drag para- 35 – Advertising by mail order; direct mail adver- chutes for aircraft, land vehicles, wheeled vehicles, tising; on-line advertising on a computer network; tracked vehicles, bridge building and bridge laying presentation of goods on communication media, for machinery and equipment (terms considered too retail purposes; providing business information via a vague by the International Bureau – rule 13 (2) (b) web site; organizing fashion shows for advertise- of the Common Regulations), demining and mine ment and sales; provision of an on-line marketplace clearing vehicles and equipment (terms considered for buyers and sellers of goods and services; import- too vague by the International Bureau – rule 13 (2) export agency services; marketing; sales promotion (b) of the Common Regulations), armoured enginee- for others; auctioneering; procurement services for ring vehicles, driving motors for land vehicles, spare others [purchasing goods and services for other bu- parts of aforementioned goods in this class. sinesses]; compilation of information into computer databases; retail or wholesale services for pharma- 13 – Aerial cannons and machine guns, aerial ceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and bombs, training aerial bombs, surface to air missiles, medical supplies. air to air missiles, air to surfaces missiles, military ______weapons and munitions, ballistic weapons, firing platforms.

(260) AM 2019 100202 A 35 – Foreign trade with military material, business (800) 1430763 organization consultancy, business investigations, (151) 2017 12 22 business management assistance services, efficiency (891) 2017 12 22 experts, rental of advertising space, business rese- (731) OMNIPOL a.s. arch, product demonstration and product presenta- Nekázanka 880/11, CZ-110 00 Praha 1 Nové tion service. Město, Czech Republic (540) 36 – Customs brokerage services, leasing of real estate, automobile lease-purchase financing, hire purchase financing of medical equipment or insta- llments.

37 – Rental and leasing of engineering construction machinery and equipment, rental and hire of cons- truction machinery relating to food technology, technology for engineering production and building (591) Blue, white – pantone 654 and pantone 306 production, repair of aforementioned tools, machines (531) 26.01.19; 27.05.01; 29.01.04

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and equipment in classes 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13, ins- (540) tallation, maintenance and repair relating to the mo- dernization of the aforementioned tools, machines and equipment, mentioned above in classes 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13. ______

(260) AM 2019 100207 A (800) 1430845 (151) 2018 09 11 (891) 2018 09 11 (591) Red, black, blue and yellow (731) MBDA FRANCE (531) 26.01.03; 26.01.24; 26.03.01; 26.03.04; 1 avenue Réaumur, F-92350 LE PLESSIS- 26.03.05; 26.03.07; 26.03.24; 26.04.04; ROBINSON, France 26.04.05; 26.04.24; 26.07.25; 29.01.14 (540) (511) 9 – Downloadable computer game programs; virtual reality headsets; game programs for arcade video ga-

(591) Black, white me machines; simulators for the steering and control (511) of vehicles; sports training simulators; photographic 9 – Electronic control, observation, tracking and mo- machines and apparatus; cinematographic machines nitoring systems and apparatus, particularly for mis- and apparatus; optical machines and apparatus; mea- siles; radars; radar detectors; radars; on-board radars suring or testing machines and instruments; balan- and components thereof; radar installations; data ces; tape measures; planimeters; measuring rules; processing apparatus; sensors, electronic sensors; length measuring gauges; gauges; body scales; elec- electronic and optoelectronic apparatus for proces- tric measuring devices; dressmaker's measure; power sing, receiving and transferring data; electronic ap- distribution or control machines and apparatus; solar paratus for remote control of signals; telecommuni- batteries; batteries and cells; electric or magnetic cation apparatus; software; computer programs. meters and testers; electric wires and cables; cell- ______phone straps; parts and accessories for cell phones; telephone apparatus; broadcasting machines and (260) AM 2019 100208 A apparatus; audio frequency devices and apparatus; (800) 1430862 video frequency devices and apparatus; telecommu- (151) 2018 09 06 nication devices and apparatus; personal digital as- (891) 2018 09 06 sistants in the shape of a watch; smart phones; appli- (731) MBDA FRANCE cation software; computer software for networking 1 avenue Réaumur, F-92350 LE PLESSIS- application; computer software; electronic machines ROBINSON, France and apparatus and their parts; computers and their (540) peripherals; integrated circuit cards; IC chips; sung- lasses; eyeglasses; computer game software for per- sonal computers and home video game consoles; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with pro- grams for hand-held games with liquid crystal dis- (591) Black, white plays; metronomes; electronic circuits and CD- (511) ROMs recorded with automatic performance prog- 9 – Sensors, electronic sensors; electronic control rams for electronic musical instruments; electric and and monitoring apparatus and system for launching electronic effects units for musical instruments; missiles; electronic and optoelectronic apparatus for downloadable image, movie and music via commu- processing, receiving and transferring data; electro- nication network; phonograph records; downloadab- nic apparatus for remote control of signals; teleco- le music; downloadable image; pre-recorded video mmunication apparatus; software; computer prog- discs and cassettes; electronic publications. rams. ______25 – T-shirts; gloves and mittens (clothing); hoods (clothing); nightcaps; headgear for wear; hats; caps; (260) AM 2019 100209 A clothing; non-Japanese style outer clothing; coats; (800) 1430912 jackets; pants; trousers; vests; sweaters; shirts; nigh- (151) 2018 03 09 twear; underwear (underclothing); layettes; swim (891) 2018 03 09 wear (bathing suits); swimming caps (bathing caps); (731) ZOZO, INC. camisoles; jerseys; knitwear; skirts; parkas; Japanese 2-6-1, Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba traditional clothing, namely kimono; sleep masks; 261-7116, Japan aprons (clothing); socks and stockings; tights;

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shawls; scarves (scarfs); neckties; bandanas (necker- cies; arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; chiefs); mufflers (clothing); ear muffs (clothing); pa- shorthand; transcription; document reproduction; jamas; garters; sock suspenders; braces (suspenders); mediation and conclusion of commercial transac- waistbands; belts (clothing); footwear; shoes and tions for others; mediation and conclusion of com- boots; slippers; sandals; Japanese style wooden clogs mercial transactions by telecommunication or the (Geta); Japanese style sandals (Zori); masquerade electronic way for others; office functions, namely costumes; clothing for sports; clothes for sports (ot- filing, in particular documents or magnetic tape; data her than "clothes for water sports"); clothes for water search in computer files for others; compilation of sports; boots for sport; special footwear for sports information into computer databases; outsourcing (other than "horse-riding boots" and "windsurfing services [business assistance] in the field of the ope- shoes"); horse-riding boots; windsurfing shoes. ration of data processing apparatus namely, com- puters, typewriters, telex machines and other similar 35 – Marketing; providing information relating to office machines; agency services for telephone ans- marketing; promoting the goods and services of wering services and providing information relating others over the Internet; fashion shows for promotio- thereto; reception services for visitors in buildings; nal purposes (organization of -); Internet advertising; rental of advertising space on-line; rental or provi- advertising by electronic mail; providing informati- sion of advertising space; publicity material rental; on about advertising inserted in the paper and ma- rental of office equipment; rental of office machi- gazines for commercial purposes; production of pro- nery; rental of electronic desk calculating machines motion video for advertising purposes; providing [office equipment]; rental of accounting machines; information relating to production of promotion rental of typewriters, copying machines and word video for advertising purposes; advertising matter processing machines; providing employment infor- (dissemination of -); advertising and publicity servi- mation; magazines clipping services; books clipping ces; organization of exhibitions for commercial or services; news clipping services; rental of vending advertising purposes on the Internet; promoting the machines; retail services or wholesale services for a goods and services of others through the adminis- variety of goods in each field of clothing, foods and tration of sales and promotional incentive schemes beverages, and living ware, namely cups, saucers, by awarding purchase points; promoting the goods plates, dishes, mugs, tableware; retail services or and services of others through the administration of wholesale services for woven fabrics and beddings; sales and promotional incentive schemes involving retail services or wholesale services for clothing; re- trading stamps; procurement services for others [pur- tail services or wholesale services for footwear other chasing goods and services for other businesses]; than special footwear for sports; retail services or consulting services relating to procurement services wholesale services for bags and pouches; retail ser- for others [purchasing goods and services for other vices or wholesale services for personal articles, na- businesses]; commercial information agency servi- mely personal fans, towels of textile, handkerchiefs, ces for providing corporate information; business bands for wear, belts for wear, buttons, cuff links, management of sports facilities; business manage- umbrellas; retail services or wholesale services for ment of sports clubs; business administration and foods and beverages; retail services or wholesale management of a shopping center or a shopping services for two-wheeled motor vehicles; retail ser- mall; arranging of buying and selling contracts for vices or wholesale services for bicycles; retail ser- third parties on an on-line shopping mall; arranging vices or wholesale services for furniture; retail servi- and providing information of buying and selling ces or wholesale services for joinery fittings; retail contracts in digital commerce; business consultancy services or wholesale services for tatami mats; retail for providers of on-line retail store services on the services or wholesale services for electrical machi- Internet; agency services relating to contracts for the nery and apparatuses; retail services or wholesale buying and selling of goods; conducting business services for measuring machines, measuring instru- and market research surveys; marketing research for ments and measuring apparatus; retail services or consumer reputation; providing information relating wholesale services for bladed or pointed hand tools, to sales ranking or popularity ranking of goods or hand tools, hardware of metal; retail services or shops; providing information relating to commercial wholesale services for kitchen equipment, cleaning sales shops via communication networks; providing tools and washing utensils; retail or wholesale ser- information concerning commercial sales of fashion vices for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary goods; business management analysis and business preparations and medical supplies; retail services or consultancy; marketing research or analysis; provi- wholesale services for cosmetics, toiletries, dentifri- ding information concerning commercial sales; busi- ces, soaps and detergents; retail services or whole- ness management of hotels; drawing up of state- sale services for agricultural machines, implements ments of accounts; employment agencies for athle- and supplies; retail services or wholesale services for tes; employment agencies; auctioneering provided flowers [natural] and trees; retail services or whole- on the Internet; providing information relating to go- sale services for printed matter; retail services or ods at auctions; auctioneering; import-export agen-

44 #13 2019 07 10


wholesale services for paper and stationery; retail 7 – Water pressurization pumps for fire-fighting sys- services or wholesale services for sports goods; re- tems; hydraulic shut-off valves for liquids; hydrau- tail services or wholesale services for toys, dolls, lically operated butterfly valves; centrifugal pumps game machines and apparatus; retail services or for liquids; multistage screw pumps; hydraulic wholesale services for musical instruments and pumps; electric pumps; positive displacement records; retail services or wholesale services for pre- pumps; collectors for pumps; pumping units; starters recorded DVDs; retail services or wholesale services for operating pumps; electric compressors, filters for for clocks, watches and spectacles [eyeglasses and machines; base plates for hydraulic pumps; valves; goggles]; retail services or wholesale services for to- hydraulic valve actuators; pneumatic valve actua- baccos and smokers' articles; retail services or who- tors; pump control valves; control valves for regu- lesale services for dog chains, clothing for pets, bed lating the flow of gases and liquids; unloading check for pets, dog kennels, nesting boxes for small birds, valves for the outlets of air compressors; automatic feeding vessels for pets, brushes for pets, chewing inlet control valves for reciprocating air compres- goods for pet dogs, water tanks for live fish and their sors; valves of machines; pressure valves [parts of parts, bird cages, bird baths and toys for domestic machines]; valves [parts of machines]; valves [parts pets; retail services or wholesale services for pet of pumps]; valves being parts of machines; control food and food for aquarium fish; retail services or valves for regulating the flow of gases and liquids wholesale services for baby oils; retail services or [parts of machines]; water pumps for water filtering wholesale services for teething rings and feeding units; vertical turbine pumps; vacuum pumps [mac- bottles; retail services or wholesale services for baby hines]; sump pumps; reverse osmosis pumps; silt buggies; retail services or wholesale services for dia- pumps; sludge pumps; pumps [parts of machines, pers of paper for babies; retail services or wholesale engines or motors]; electric water pumps for swim- services for semi-wrought precious stones and their ming pools; water pumps for swimming pools; imitations. electric water pumps; pumps [machines]; pneumatic ______pumps; rotary pumps; submersible pumps; centrifu- gal pumps; suction pumps; ball valves; pressure re- (260) AM 2019 100210 A ducers for water and air. (800) 1430919 11 – Automatic air supply apparatus for autoclaves; (151) 2018 03 14 water controlling valves; liquids level controlling (891) 2018 03 14 valves; air valves for fluids; liquid level controlling (731) A.M.I.S. S.r.l. – APPARECCHI E valves in tanks; metallic autoclaves; expansion ves- MACCHINE IDRAULICHE SPECIALI sels for heating installations; electric kettles for wa- Via Borgomasino, n. 71/73, I-10149 TORINO ter; hot water accumulators for heating; safety valves (TO), Italy for water pipes; taps; water treatment filters; hyd- (540) rants; water spouts for hydrants; filtering baskets; filtering apparatus for water supply systems; auto- matic water softening apparatus; Ultra Violet sterili- zer apparatus for water; sewage purification plants for civil purposes; water collecting and purification plants; septic tanks; biological basins being water purification and treatment systems; sprinkler system for irrigation, desalination plants for water; level controlling valves in tanks; water purification tanks;

(591) Black, white pressure water tanks; hot water tanks; wastewater (531) 27.01.06 treatment tanks for household purposes. (511) ______6 – Check valves for civil and industrial plants (ot- her than parts of machines); metal sluice gates for (260) AM 2019 100212 A fluids; tanks of metal; couplings of metal for pipes; (800) 473400 metal fittings; metal flanges; metal junctions for pi- (151) 1982 12 07 pes; couplings of metal for fire hoses; water-pipe (891) 2018 07 13 valves of metal; valves of metal other than parts of (731) MAVALA SA machines; manually operated metal valves, other Rue Antoine Jolivet 2, CH-1211 Genève 26, than parts of machines; drain traps [valves] of metal; Switzerland (540) valves of metal, other than parts of of machines including those made from alloy steel and titanium; metal storage tanks and roofs therefor; liquids stora- ge tanks of metal; water storage tanks of metal; water tanks of metal for household purposes. (591) Black, white

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(531) 27.05.17 (260) AM 2019 100232 A (511) (800) 1431152 3 – Cosmetic products for nail care. (151) 2018 09 03 ______(891) 2018 09 03 (731) KMEW CO., LTD. (260) AM 2019 100216 A 2-27, Shiromi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, (800) 1088287 Osaka 540-6013, Japan (151) 2011 07 21 (540) (891) 2018 09 04 (731) Limited liability company "CONFECTIONERY COMPLEX "OZERSKY SOUVENIR" (591) Black, white room 3, lit. M, 13, Lenina street, Ozery, (531) 28.05 RU-140560 Moscow region, Russian (511) Federation 6 – Irons and steels; nonferrous metals and their (540) alloys; ores of metal; metal materials for building or construction; prefabricated building assembly kits of metal; loading and unloading pallets of metal; arti- ficial fish reefs of metal; prefabricated sectional po- ultry houses of metal; paint spraying booths of me- (591) Black, white tal; metal moulds for forming cement products; me- (531) 28.05 tal pulleys, springs and valves [not including machi- (511) ne elements]; metal junctions for pipes; metal flan- 30 – Pastries; Sweetmeats [candy]. ges; cotter pins of metal; railway points; road signs ______of metal [not luminous nor mechanical]; beacons of metal, non-luminous; reservoirs of metal; anchors; (260) AM 2019 100217 A containers of metal for transport; anvils; swage (800) 1183799 blocks; metal hardware; wire ropes; wire nets and (151) 2013 10 24 gauzes; industrial packaging containers of metal; (891) 2018 09 24 metal nameplates and door nameplates; transportable (731) RECORDATI RARE DISEASES INC. flagpoles of metal; stakes of metal for plants or tre- 100 Corporate Drive, Lebanon, New Jersey es; metal stepladders and ladders; letter boxes of me- 08833, USA tal; hat-hanging hooks of metal; water tanks of metal (540) for household purposes; tool boxes of metal; towel dispensers of metal; metal joinery fittings; safes; up- COSMEGEN right signboards of metal; man-made garden ponds (591) Black, white of metal [structures]; transportable greenhouses of (511) metal for household use; metal tombs and metal 5 – Medicinal preparations for use as an antineoplas- tomb plaques; shoe dowels of metal; shoe pegs of tic agent. metal; hobnails of metal; ferrules of metal for canes ______and walking-sticks; crampons [climbing irons]; rock

pitons; spurs; sculptures of metal. (260) AM 2019 100230 A (800) 1431108 19 – Tar and pitch; non-metallic minerals for buil- (151) 2018 07 20 ding or construction; ceramic building materials, (891) 2018 07 20 bricks and refractory products; building materials (731) Joint-Stock Company "VORONEZHSKAYA made of linoleum for fixing to existing walls or flo- CONDITERSKAYA FABRIKA" ors; plastic building materials; synthetic building ul. Koltsovskaya, d. 40, RU-394030 materials; asphalt, and asphalt building or construc- Voronezh, Russian Federation tion materials; rubber building or construction mate- (540) rials; plaster [for building purposes]; lime building or construction materials; building or construction materials of plaster; rockslide retention nets of texti- les [construction materials]; buildings, not of metal; (591) Black, white building elements of cement and/or concrete, namely (531) 28.05 mats of cement and/or concrete integrating plants (511) seeds for erosion control; plastic security windows 30 – Confectionery; sweetmeats [candy]; caramels allowing communication; road and field marking [candy]; waffles; cookies; pastilles [confectionery]. sheets and strips; cement and its products; building ______timber; building stone; building glass; artificial fish

46 #13 2019 07 10


reefs, not of metal; poultry houses, not of metal; (731) CHOICE HOTELS INTERNATIONAL, INC. paint spraying booths, not of metal; moulds for for- 1 Choice Hotels Circle, Rockville MD 20850, ming cement products, not of metal; water-pipe USA valves, not of metal or plastics; road signs, non-lu- (540) minous and non-mechanical, not of metal; beacons, not of metal, non-luminous; transportable flagpoles, not of metal; letter boxes of masonry; man-made garden ponds [structures, not of metal]; transportable greenhouses, not of metal, for household use; gra- vestones and tomb plaques [not of metal]; stone sculptures; concrete sculptures; marble sculptures; nonmetallic mineral materials [unworked or partly worked]. ______(591) Black, white (531) 27.01.12; 27.05.01; 27.05.21 (260) AM 2019 100233 A (511) (800) 1431169 43 – Hotel and motel services; hotel and motel reser- (151) 2018 09 21 vation services for others; online hotel and motel (891) 2018 09 21 reservation services for others. (731) EXMO Finance LLP ______49 Station Road, POLEGATE, East Sussex BN26 6EA, United Kingdom (260) AM 2019 100237 A (540) (800) 1431242

(151) 2018 02 22 (891) 2018 02 22 (731) MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB LIMITED

Sir Matt Busby Way, Old Trafford, (591) Black, white MANCHESTER M16 0RA, United Kingdom (531) 24.15.03; 27.05.01 (540) (511) 36 – Financial analysis; banking; stock brokerage services; stocks and bonds brokerage; real estate brokerage; securities brokerage; brokerage; issuance of travellers' cheques; issuance of credit cards; issu- ance of tokens of value; investment of funds; online banking; trusteeship; debt advisory services; electro- nic funds transfer; providing financial information via a web site; deposits of valuables; capital inves- tment; mortgage banking; real estate management; clearing, financial; stock exchange quotations; provi- ding rebates at participating establishments of others (591) Black, white through use of a membership card; loans [financing]; (531) 04.01.04; 24.11.07 instalment loans; bail-bonding; exchanging money; (511) processing of debit card payments; processing of 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for credit card payments; organization of collections; laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abra- rental of offices for co-working; lending against se- sive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, curity; credit bureau services; mutual funds; surety cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; fragrances; toilet services; debt collection agency services; savings waters; after-shave lotions; eau de cologne; flower bank services; provident fund services; factoring; oils and scented waters; flower perfumes; antipers- financial information; financial management; finan- pirants; deodorants for personal use; deodorant soaps cial management of reimbursement payments for for body and feet; incense; aromatherapy preparati- others; financial consultancy; financial sponsorship; ons; massage oils and lotions; shower and bath pre- financing services; hire-purchase financing. parations; bath oils; bath gels; bath powders; bath ______salts; bath foams; shower gels; non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; talcum powders; preparati- (260) AM 2019 100235 A ons for the care of the scalp and hair; shampoos; hair (800) 1431224 conditioners; cosmetic hair styling products; hair dy- (151) 2018 09 11 es and hair sprays; depilatory preparations; shaving (891) 2018 09 11 preparations; beauty care products and preparations;

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body care products and preparations; skin care pre- and cases for portable computers; laptop computers, parations; oils, creams, lotions, gels and powders for tablet computers and personal digital assistants and the skin; beauty masks; facial packs; make-up and parts and accessories therefor; covers and cases for make-up removing preparations; cosmetic kits; cos- laptop computers, tablet computers and personal di- metic dyes; cosmetic body paint; eyebrow cosmetics gital assistants; computer hardware and parts and fi- and preparations; lipsticks; nail polish and nail pre- ttings therefor; computer peripherals; mouse mats parations; cosmetic pencils; cotton wool for cosme- and wrist pads; computer mice; keyboard and screen tic purposes; decorative transfers for cosmetic pur- covers; customised computer disks and CD-ROMs; poses; sun tanning and sun protection preparations; computer software; computer programs; downloa- toothpaste; mouth washes; detergents; pot pourri; dable computer software; application software; app- boot cream; boot polish; creams for leather; car lication software for mobile communication devices; cleaning preparations; windscreen cleaning liquids. computer games programs; video games software; games for video game machines; pre-recorded ga- 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, ci- mes on CD, software and any other recording media; nematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signa- electronic storage media; memory cards; customised lling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teac- storage boxes for electronic storage media, CDs, hing apparatus and instruments; apparatus and ins- DVDs and disks; communications and telecommuni- truments for conducting, switching, transforming, cations apparatus and equipment; telephones and accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; telephone apparatus; mobile phones and smart pho- apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduc- nes and transmitters, receivers, covers, cases, straps, tion of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, re- fascia, holders, chargers, speakers, headsets, hands- cording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated appara- free-kits, software, sounds, graphics, data input devi- tus; cash registers, calculating machines, data proce- ces and media storage therefor; telephone answering ssing equipment; fire-extinguishing apparatus; appa- apparatus; smart cards; telephone cards; encrypted ratus for receiving, recording and downloading so- smart cards; encoded smart cards; encrypted telepho- unds and images; digital communications apparatus ne cards; encoded telephone cards; encrypted cards; and instruments; televisions; radios; electrical and encoded cards; magnetic identity cards; time recor- electronic apparatus for use in the reception of sate- ding apparatus; decorative magnets; batteries; batte- llite, terrestrial or cable broadcasts; signal decoders; ry chargers; magnifying glasses; measures and mea- apparatus for processing digital video signals; audio suring instruments; mechanical signs; illuminated and video recording and playing apparatus; tape re- signs; neon signs; electrical sockets; plugs and swit- corders; cassette players; record players; juke boxes; ches; ticket dispensers; vehicle breakdown warning CD players; CD-ROM players; DVD players; DVD apparatus; articles of protective clothing, footwear recorders; digital audio players; MP3 players and and headgear; protective helmets; sports helmets; MP3 readers; audio and/or video file recorders mouth protectors including gum shields; parts and and/or players; headphones; earphones; magnetic fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. tapes for recording and reproducing sound or vision; audio recordings; video recordings; audio and video 21 – Household or kitchen utensils and containers; recordings; recorded programmes for television and combs and sponges; brushes; articles for cleaning for radio; motion picture films; animated cartoons; purposes; glassware, porcelain, pottery and earthen- photographic transparencies and photographic and ware not included in other classes; domestic utensils; cinematographic films prepared for exhibition pur- domestic containers; chinaware; comb cases; drin- poses; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recor- king glasses; mugs; wine glasses; glass tumblers; ding media; CD ROMs; cassettes; video cassettes; brooms; money boxes; toothbrushes and toothbrush gramophone and phonographic records; downloa- holders; articles for cleaning purposes; baskets; beer dable audio and video recordings; downloadable ring mugs; heated insulated containers for beverages; tones, music, sound recordings, MP3s, graphics, ga- bins; bottle openers; ironing boards; bottles; drin- mes and video images; screen savers; downloadable king bottles; plastic sports bottles; bottle covers and electronic publications; publications in electronic coolers; bread and cutting boards; trays; boxes, pla- format; electronic books and electronic book rea- ques, ornaments, statues, statuettes, figurines, works ders; remote control apparatus; cameras and video of art, trophies and model stadia of porcelain, terra- cameras; covers and cases for cameras and video ca- cotta, glass, china or earthenware; dishes; fitted va- meras; covers and cases for photographic apparatus nity cases; soap boxes and holders; spice sets; squ- and instruments; video projectors, video screens; ex- eezers; glass stoppers; drinking straws; strainers; fit- posed camera film; digital photo frames; anti-dazzle ted picnic baskets; picnic ware; pie servers; non-me- shades, glasses and visors; binoculars; eye glasses, tal watering cans; piggy banks; polishing materials; spectacles and sunglasses and cases, chains, cords pots; powder compacts and puffs; rolling pins; sco- and frames therefor; containers for contact lenses; ops and siphons; drinking vessels and flasks; vacu- optical goods; holograms; compasses and barome- um flasks; dustbins; cocktail shakers; napkin holders ters; bells; computers; portable computers; covers and napkin rings; paper plates; toothpick holders and

48 #13 2019 07 10


toothpicks; tankards; goblets; tea caddies and tea tions, cosmetic pencils, cotton wool for cosmetic services; tea pots; egg cups; storage jars; spice jars; purposes, decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes, enamelled glass; flower pots; gloves for household sun tanning and sun protection preparations, toot- purposes; ice buckets and ice cube moulds; jugs and hpaste, mouth washes, detergents, pot pourri, boot kettles; menu card holders; name card holders; sha- cream, boot polish, creams for leather, car cleaning ving brushes; shaving brush stands and holders; shoe preparations, windscreen cleaning liquids, industrial horns; shoe brushes and shoe trees; vases; candy bo- oils and greases, lubricants, dust absorbing, wetting xes; ceramics for household purposes; chamois leat- and binding compositions, fuels (including motor her for cleaning; coasters; coffee services and coffee spirit) and illuminants, candles and wicks for ligh- pots; cooking pots and utensils; corkscrews; non- ting, pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, sa- electric coolers for food and drinks; crockery; plates; nitary preparations for medical purposes, dietetic commemorative plates; saucers; dishes; bowls; cups; substances adapted for medical use, food for babies, decanters; sign boards; perfume bottles; perfume plasters, materials for dressings, material for stop- sprayers and burners; salad bowls; salt cellars and ping teeth, dental wax, disinfectants, preparations for shakers; cookware; tableware; table utensils; toilet destroying vermin, fungicides, herbicides, vitamins, utensils; decorative objects made of glass, ceramic, food supplements, metal building materials, trans- china, earthenware or porcelain; buckets; mugs and portable buildings of metal, materials of metal for tankards of pewterware; butter dishes and covers; railway tracks, non-electric cables and wires of com- button hooks; candlesticks and candle extinguishers; mon metal, ironmongery, small items of metal hard- cages for household pets; cookery moulds; storage ware, pipes and tubes of metal, safes, ores, badges, boxes for household use. vehicle badges, signs, plaques, number plates, orna- ments, figurines, statues and statuettes, money bo- 35 – Advertising; business management; business xes, trophies, bronzes, keys, key blanks, key rings administration; office functions; advertising via the and key chains, locks, machine tools, motors and en- Internet; provision of advertising space; provision of gines, machine coupling and transmission compo- space on web sites for advertising goods and servi- nents, agricultural implements, incubators for eggs, ces; organisation, arrangement and conducting of ex- hand tools and implements, cutlery, side arms, ra- hibitions and events for commercial or advertising zors, razor blades, shavers, shaving cases, manicure purposes; organisation of private draws for promo- and pedicure implements and sets, scissors, penk- tional and advertising purposes; operation and super- nives, scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, vision of discount membership schemes or progra- cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, sig- mmes; promotional activities relating to loyalty nalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teac- award schemes, incentive award schemes and fre- hing apparatus and instruments, apparatus and ins- quent buyer programmes; organisation, operation truments for conducting, switching, transforming, and supervision of incentive and loyalty schemes accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, and frequent buyer programmes; data processing; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduc- provision of business information; business manage- tion of sound or images, magnetic data carriers, re- ment of footballers; retail services relating to bleac- cording discs, mechanisms for coin-operated appara- hing preparations and other substances for laundry tus, cash registers, calculating machines, data proce- use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive pre- ssing equipment, fire-extinguishing apparatus, appa- parations, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosme- ratus for receiving, recording and downloading so- tics, hair lotions, dentifrices, fragrances, toilet wa- unds and images, digital communications apparatus ters, after-shave lotions, eau de cologne, flower oils and instruments, televisions, radios, electrical and el- and scented waters, flower perfumes, antiperspirants, ectronic apparatus for use in the reception of sate- deodorants for personal use, deodorant soaps for bo- llite, terrestrial or cable broadcasts, signal decoders, dy and feet, incense, aromatherapy preparations, apparatus for processing digital video signals, audio massage oils and lotions, shower and bath prepara- and video recording and playing apparatus, tape re- tions, bath oils, bath gels, bath powders, bath salts, corders, cassette players, record players, juke boxes, bath foams, shower gels, non-medicated toilet prepa- CD players, CD-ROM players, DVD players, DVD rations, toiletries, talcum powders, preparations for recorders, digital audio players, MP3 players and the care of the scalp and hair, shampoos, hair condi- MP3 readers, audio and/or video file recorders tioners, hair styling products, hair dyes and hair and/or players, headphones, earphones, magnetic ta- sprays, depilatory preparations, shaving preparati- pes for recording and reproducing sound or vision, ons, beauty care products and preparations, body audio recordings, video recordings, audio and video care products and preparations, skin care prepara- recordings, recorded programmes for television and tions, oils, creams, lotions, gels and powders for the for radio, motion picture films, animated cartoons, skin, beauty masks, facial packs, make-up and make- photographic transparencies and photographic and up removing preparations, cosmetic kits, cosmetic cinematographic films prepared for exhibition pur- dyes, cosmetic body paint, eyebrow cosmetics and poses, compact discs, DVDs and other digital recor- preparations, lipsticks, nail polish and nail prepara-

#13 2019 07 10 49


ding media, CD ROMs, cassettes, video cassettes, ditioning, air freshening, air purifying, water puri- gramophone and phonographic records, downloa- fying, electric toasters and casseroles, lights, electric dable and streamable audio and video recordings, Christmas tree lights, light fittings, luminaires, downloadable and streamable ring tones, music, lamps, lampshades, lampshade holders, light diffu- sound recordings, MP3s, graphics, games and video sers, electric torches, pocket torches, torches for lig- images, screen savers, downloadable electronic pub- hting, electric kettles, electric coffee-making machi- lications, publications in electronic format, electro- nes, electric tea making machines, coffee roasting nic books and electronic book readers, remote cont- machines, cookers, electric pressure cookers, roas- rol apparatus, cameras and video cameras, covers ting apparatus, deep fryers, electric fryers, toasters, and cases for cameras and video cameras, covers and grills, ovens, microwave ovens, kitchen ranges, hair- cases for photographic apparatus and instruments, dryers, electric clothes dryers, refrigerators, freezers, video projectors, video screens, exposed camera electric cool boxes, ice machines, bathroom fixture film, digital photo frames, anti-dazzle shades, glas- and/or installations, bathroom ware, sanitary fixtures ses and visors, binoculars, eye glasses, spectacles and/or installations, sanitaryware, laundry dryers, and sunglasses and cases, chains, cords and frames tumble dryers, dehumidifiers, demisters, drinking therefor, containers for contact lenses, optical goods, fountains, drinking water filters, vehicles, apparatus holograms, compasses and barometers, bells, com- for locomotion by land, air or water, parts and fi- puters, portable computers, covers and cases for por- ttings for vehicles, land vehicles and motor land table computers, laptop computers, tablet computers vehicles and parts, components and fittings therefor, and personal digital assistants and parts and accesso- bicycles, cycles, tricycles and velocipedes and parts, ries therefor, covers and cases for laptop computers, components and fittings therefor, alarms for vehic- tablet computers and personal digital assistants, les, bells for bicycles, bells for cycles, bells for tri- computer hardware and parts and fittings therefor, cycles, bells for velocipedes, carriers for bicycles, computer peripherals, mouse mats and wrist pads, carriers for cycles, carriers for luggage, carriers for computer mice, keyboard and screen covers, custo- sailboards, carriers for surfboards, carriers for skis, mised computer disks and CD-ROMs, computer carriers for tricycles, carriers for velocipedes, buggi- software, computer programs, downloadable compu- es, canoes, golf bag trolleys, golf carts, oars, padd- ter software, application software, application soft- les, parachutes, parachuting apparatus, perambula- ware for mobile communication devices, computer tors, pushchairs, strollers, pumps for inflating tyres, games programs, video games software, games for roof bars, boxes, cases, linings, racks, all for vehic- video game machines, pre-recorded games on CD, les, seat covers and/or shaped covers for vehicle, software and any other recording media, electronic sledges, tyres, upholstery for vehicles, visors (strips) storage media, memory cards, customised storage for vehicle screens, wheelbarrows, wheelchairs, boxes for electronic storage media, CDs, DVDs and wheeled carriers, precious metals and their alloys, disks, communications and telecommunications ap- jewellery, precious stones, horological and chrono- paratus and equipment, telephones and telephone ap- metric instruments, watches and clocks, watch paratus, mobile phones and smart phones and trans- straps, costume jewellery, earrings, keys and key mitters, receivers, covers, cases, straps, fascia, hol- rings, key blanks and key chains, trinkets and fobs, ders, chargers, speakers, headsets, hands-free-kits, pins and pendants, jewellery charms, cases and bo- software, sounds, graphics, data input devices and xes, buckles, busts and statues, candle sticks and media storage therefor, telephone answering appara- candle extinguishers, cigar and cigarette holders, tus, smart cards, telephone cards, encrypted smart flasks and goblets, hat and shoe ornaments, match- cards, encoded smart cards, encrypted telephone boxes and match holders, works of art of metal, cards, encoded telephone cards, encrypted cards, en- stone, paper or cardboard, napkin holders and napkin coded cards, magnetic identity cards, time recording rings, tankards, urns and vases, nutcrackers, salt apparatus, decorative magnets, batteries, battery cellars and salt shakers, tie pins and clips, cuff links, chargers, magnifying glasses, measures and measu- coins and copper tokens, costume jewellery, silver ring instruments, mechanical signs, illuminated ornaments, medals, watch straps, musical instru- signs, neon signs, sockets, plugs and switches, ticket ments, paper, cardboard, printed matter, bookbin- dispensers, vehicle breakdown warning apparatus, ding material, photographs, stationery, adhesives for articles of protective clothing, footwear and head- stationery or household purposes, artists' materials, gear, protective helmets, sports helmets, mouth pro- paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites, ins- tectors including gum shields, surgical, medical, tructional and teaching material, plastic materials for dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, ar- packaging, printers' type, printing blocks, newspa- tificial limbs, eyes and teeth, orthopaedic articles, pers, magazines, periodical publications, books, pro- suture materials, apparatus for lighting, heating, ste- gramme binders, manuals, writing or drawing books am generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ven- and pads, playing cards, cards, birthday cards, gree- tilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, appa- ting cards, postcards, tickets, timetables, note pads ratus and equipment for cooling, sterilizing, air-con- and note books, photo engravings, albums, photo-

50 #13 2019 07 10


graph albums, address books, cheque book holders, bottles, drinking bottles, plastic sports bottles, bottle almanacs, holders, cases and boxes for pens, blotters covers and coolers, bread and cutting boards, trays, and jotters, pens and pencils, pencil and pen holders, boxes, plaques, ornaments, statues, statuettes, figuri- wooden pen sets, erasers and erasing products, pen- nes, works of art, trophies and model stadia of por- cil sharpeners, rulers, booklets, book markers and celain, terracotta, glass, china or earthenware, dis- book ends, posters, letter trays, calendars, paper hes, vanity cases, soap boxes and holders, spice sets, weights and paper clips, gift bags and bags for pac- squeezers, glass stoppers, drinking straws, strainers, kaging, gift wrap, gift tags and packaging paper, en- picnic baskets, picnic ware, pie servers, non-metal velopes, folders, labels, seals, blackboards and scrap watering cans, piggy banks, polishing materials, books, height charts and charts, carrier bags and gar- pots, powder compacts and puffs, rolling pins, sco- bage bags, prints and pictures, ink and ink wells, pa- ops and siphons, drinking vessels and flasks, vacu- per knives, poster magazines, signs and advertise- um flasks, dustbins, cocktail shakers, napkin holders ment boards, tapes and dispensers diaries, hat boxes, and napkin rings, paper plates, toothpick holders and pads of paper, stickers and stencils, beer mats, coas- toothpicks, tankards, goblets, tea caddies and tea ters, catalogues, decalcomanias, confetti, transfers services, tea pots, egg cups, storage jars, spice jars, and diagrams, drawing instruments and materials, enamelled glass, flower pots, gloves for household paint boxes and brushes, patterns and embroidery purposes, ice buckets and ice cube moulds, jugs and design, engravings and etchings, paper towels and kettles, menu card holders, name card holders, sha- handkerchiefs, flags, toilet paper, maps, place mats, ving brushes, shaving brush stands and holders, shoe graphic prints, representations and reproductions, lit- horns, shoe brushes and shoe trees, vases, candy bo- hographs and lithographic works of art, portraits, xes, ceramics for household purposes, chamois leat- table cloths and napkins, prints, poster magazines, her for cleaning, coasters, coffee services and coffee leather and imitations of leather, animal skins, hides, pots, cooking pots and utensils, corkscrews, non-el- trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols and ectric coolers for food and drinks, crockery, plates, walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, suitca- commemorative plates, saucers, dishes, bowls, cups, ses, school bags and satchels, back packs and beach decanters, sign boards, perfume bottles, perfume bags, umbrella covers, duffel bags, boot bags, hol- sprayers and burners, salad bowls, salt cellars and dalls, wallets, bags, cases, key cases, purses, boxes, shakers, tableware, table utensils, toilet utensils, de- pouches, credit card holders, cheque book holders, corative objects made of glass, ceramic, china, earth- walking canes, attaché cases and brief cases, bands enware or porcelain, buckets, boxes, plaques, orna- and straps of leather, leather shoe and boot linings, ments, statues, statuettes, figurines, trophies, model collars and covers for animals, leather trimmings, stadia, works of art, mugs and tankards of pewterwa- laces, leads and leashes, furniture, mirrors, picture re, butter dishes and covers, button hooks, candles- frames, key rings, locks, plaques, mirrors, headbo- ticks and candle extinguishers, cages for household ards being furniture, works of art of wood, wax, pets, cookery moulds, storage boxes for household plaster or plastic, sleeping bags for camping, bas- use, ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, kets, bins, display stands and boards, sign boards, sails, sacks and bags, padding and stuffing materials, placards, decorative wall plaques, bottle caps and raw fibrous textile materials, bags for the storage of casings, bottle racks, corks for bottles, containers, tents, bivouac bags, canvas structures, clothes lines, casks, chests, cases and boxes, busts, chairs, tables, cords made of plastics materials and/or textile, co- closures for containers, clothes hooks, pegs and pins, vers for ponds, covers for swimming pools, eider- coat hangers, hat and coat stands, cots and cradles, down, fabric in the form of a canopy cover, fabric playpens, cupboards, curtain tie backs, pillows and roofed structures, feathers for bedding and/or stu- cushions, sofas and settees, deck chairs, decorations ffing upholstery, fillings for duvets, pillows, quilts, for foodstuffs, divans, dog kennels, mobiles, stools, upholstered pillows, flexible sack-like containers, fly trays, drinking straws, statues and figurines, fire sheets, garden nets, groundsheets, hammocks, mar- screens, knife handles, house numbers, jewellery quees, nets for leaves, nets for protective use in gar- cases and caskets, key boards for hanging keys, ma- dening, nets for shading, nets for windbreak purpo- gazine racks, name plates and number plates, plugs ses, netting made from acrylic, outdoor sun screens and stoppers, wickerwork, statuettes, model stadia, made of textile, padding made of non-woven fabrics, household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs padding materials made of fibrous material, retracta- and sponges, brushes, articles for cleaning purposes, ble covers, rope ladders, ropes, ropes for mountai- glassware, porcelain, pottery and earthenware, do- neering, ropes for tents, screens for protection aga- mestic utensils, domestic containers, chinaware, inst the wind, shelters made from canvas, plastic or comb cases, drinking glasses, mugs, wine glasses, nylon, emergency and standby shelters, twine, vehic- glass tumblers, brooms, money boxes, toothbrushes le covers, wadding materials, washing lines, water- and toothbrush holders, articles for cleaning purpo- proof coverings for camping, yarns and threads, for ses, baskets, beer mugs, heated insulated containers textile use, textiles and household textile goods, bed for beverages, bins, bottle openers, ironing boards, and table covers, curtains, towels, flannels, banners,

#13 2019 07 10 51


flags, pennants, beach towels, valances, sheets, du- con, preserved beans, dairy products, cocoa butter vet covers, bath and bed linen, table and household and peanut butter, fruit and vegetable chips and linen, bed blankets, cloths and covers, bed spreads, crisps, croquettes, crystallised fruits, preserved fru- bunting, coasters, covers for furniture, eiderdowns, its, edible bird's nests, fish and fish products, frosted handkerchiefs, labels, mats, mattress covers, fabrics, and frozen fruits, fruit jellies and fruit peel and fruit pillow cases and pillow shams, covers for cushions, products, game and game products, preserved and quilts, rugs, runners, napkins and serviettes, sleeping conserved jams and marmalades, jellies for food, bags, table cloths, textile wall hangings, clothing, fo- margarine, processed peanuts, piccalilli and pickles, otwear, headgear, articles of outer clothing, articles poultry and poultry products, raisins, fruit salads, of sports clothing, leisurewear, articles of underclot- sausages, tomato puree, vegetable juices and soups hing, lingerie, hosiery, footwear being articles of and preparations, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, ta- clothing, boots, shoes, fittings of metal for boots and pioca, sago, artificial coffee, flour and preparations shoes, underwear, coats, overalls, collar protectors made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, and collars, ear muffs, football boots and shoes, ices, honey, treacle, yeast baking-powder, salt mus- studs for football boots and shoes, shirts, shorts, T- tard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), spices, ice, chi- shirts, socks, sweaters, replica football kits, football cory, all spices, barley and bean products, chocolate, shirts, football shorts, football socks, caps, hats, cocoa-based and flavoured beverages, biscuits, bread scarves, jackets, dressing gowns, pyjamas, sandals, buns and cakes, edible candy, chewing gum, Chris- slippers, boxer shorts, beach clothes and shoes, baby tmas tree confectionery, cocoa and coffee products, boots, bibs, romper suits, baby pants and sleep suits, condiments, popcorn, breakfast cereals, ice cream dungarees, braces, belts, berets, wrist bands, track and ice cream products, custard, cake decorations suits, ties, cravats, aprons, bathrobes, bathing caps and edible ices, fondants, frozen yoghurt, gingerbre- and suits, bathing trunks, galoshes, garters, gloves ad, golden syrup, honey and honey products, ket- and mittens, headbands, jerseys, jumpers and knit- chup, liquorice and lozenges, macaroni and maca- wear, leggings, clothes linings, parkas, shawls, Sing- roons, mayonnaise, pies, muesli and mustard, panca- lets, skirts, uniforms, vests, visors, waistcoats, water- kes and pasta, pastries and pastry, pizzas, puddings, proof clothing, lace and embroidery, ribbons and ravioli, relish, vermicelli and rice, bread, rusks and braid, buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles, ar- sandwiches, tomato sauce and other fruit and vege- tificial flowers, badges, rosettes, patches, hairbands table sauces, semolina, sherbets and sorbets, spaghe- and slides, belt clasps, sewing baskets, clothing fas- tti, sugar products, tarts, waffles, grains, live ani- teners and shoe fasteners, needle and pin cushions, mals, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural hairgrips, hair and shoe ornaments, sewing thimbles, plants and flowers, foodstuffs for animals, malt be- hat ornaments, shoe laces, numerals or letters for ers, mineral and aerated waters and other non- marking linen, hairnets, brooches and buckles, ed- alcoholic drinks, fruit drinks and fruit juices, syrups ging for clothing, competitor numbers, cords, expan- and other preparations for making beverages, alco- ding bands for holding sleeves, fancy goods, frills holic beverages, spirits, wines, fortified wines, alco- and fringes, reins for guiding children, tassels, lany- pops, brandy, champagne, cider, cognac, digestifs, ards for wear, mini football kits, mini shorts, mini gin, liqueurs, perry, port, rum, sherry, tequila, ver- shirts, mini jerseys, carpets, rugs, mats and matting, mouth, vodka, aperitifs, cocktails, mixtures of wine linoleum and other materials for covering existing and fruit flavourings, punch, lighters, matches; in- floors, non-textile wall hangings wallpaper, games formation, advisory and consultancy services in rela- and playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles, de- tion to all of the aforesaid. corations for Christmas trees, toys, party novelty ______hats, shin guards, gloves for games, balloons, balls, playing balls, footballs, teddy bears, playing cards, (260) AM 2019 100239 A Christmas crackers, synthetic Christmas trees and (800) 1431274 stands, cups for dice, darts, dice, dolls and dolls' (151) 2018 05 03 clothes, dolls' beds, dolls' houses and rooms, tables (891) 2018 05 03 for indoor football, golf bags and gloves, jokes and (731) RIFENG ENTERPRISE GROUP CO., LTD. novelties, spinning tops, kites, knee guards and pro- Rifeng Building No.16, Zumiao Road, Foshan tective padding, marbles, marionettes and puppets, City, Guangdong Province, China skis, slides, surfboards, skateboards, snowboards, (540) skittles, sleighs, masks, mobiles, rattles, roller ska- tes, in-line skates, bodybuilding apparatus, exercise apparatus, meat, fish, poultry and game, meat ex- tracts, preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jellies, jams, compotes, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, prepared meals, (591) Black, white meat products, fruit sauces, products made from ba- (531) 27.05.01

52 #13 2019 07 10


(511) (260) AM 2019 100240 A 6 – Tubes of metal; water-pipes of metal; elbows of (800) 1431316 metal for pipes; junctions of metal for pipes; drain (151) 2018 07 26 pipes of metal; collars of metal for fastening pipes; (891) 2018 07 26 ducts of metal, for central heating installations; bran- (731) CHINA KWEICHOW MOUTAI ching pipes of metal; penstock pipes of metal; ducts DISTILLERY (GROUP) CO., LTD. of metal for ventilating and air conditioning insta- No.4 East Mountain Lane, East Road of llations; valves of metal, other than parts of machi- Outside Loop, Guiyang City, GUIZHOU nes; water-pipe valves of metal; drain traps [valves] PROVINCE, China of metal; clips of metal for cables and pipes; screws (540) of metal; ironmongery; hardware of metal, small; hooks [metal hardware]; reels of metal, non-mecha- nical, for flexible hoses; trays of metal; metal pipe joints for water heating installations.

11 – Taps [faucets]; heating installations; hot water heating installations; central heating radiators; water distribution installations; pressure water tanks; radiators [heating]; drains for the draining of water in sanitary installations; pipes [parts of sanitary ins- tallations]; watering installations, automatic; bath tubs; bath fittings; flushing tanks; toilets [water-clo- (591) Ginger (RGB: 185 148 50); yellow (RGB: 254 sets]; showers; sinks; clean chambers [sanitary ins- 243 0); black (RGB: 0 0 0) and red (RGB: 236 tallations]; heaters for baths; toilet water tanks; sho- 28 36) wer cubicles [enclosures]; water filtering apparatus; (531) 01.01.02; 05.07.02; 15.07.01; 24.03.07; filters for drinking water; water purifying apparatus 24.03.11; 24.03.14; 24.03.19; 29.01.14 and machines; bath installations; wash- hand basins (511) [parts of sanitary installations]; wash-hand bowls 33 – Fruit extracts, alcoholic; bitters; aperitifs; wine; [parts of sanitary installations]; sanitary apparatus digesters [liqueurs and spirits]; alcoholic beverages; and installations; toilet bowls; flushing apparatus; alcoholic liquid; alcoholic beverages [except beers]; urinals [sanitary fixtures]. cooking wine; edible alcohol. ______17 – Synthetic rubber; water-tight rings; joint pac- kings for pipes; synthetic resins [semi-finished pro- (260) AM 2019 100252 A ducts]; fittings, not of metal, for flexible pipes; fit- (800) 1431475 tings, not of metal, for rigid pipes; junctions, not of (151) 2018 10 02 metal, for pipes; plastic film, other than for wrap- (891) 2018 10 02 ping; flexible hoses, not of metal; insulating mate- (731) BAYER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT rials; waterproof packings. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee, 51373 Leverkusen,

19 – Lumber; plywood; wooden floor boards; buil- Germany ding stone; slate; plasterboard; cement; cement (540) slabs; roofing tiles, not of metal; tiles, not of metal, EVIDALIS for building; tiles, not of metal; fireproof cement (591) Black, white coatings; refractory construction materials, not of (511) metal; bitumen; non-metal water-resistant boards 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceuticals. and panels for construction; water-pipes, not of me- ______tal; drain pipes, not of metal; rigid plastic pipes for use in building; rigid aluminum-plastic composite (260) AM 2019 100342 A pipe; ducts, not of metal, for ventilating and air-con- (800) 1433051 ditioning installations; roof gutters, not of metal; (151) 2018 05 14 water-pipe valves, not of metal or plastic; windows, (891) 2018 05 14 not of metal; doors, not of metal; building materials, (731) Limited Liability Company "PROGRESS" not of metal; cladding, not of metal, for building; str. Antracytnaya, house 2, liter A, of. 303, rigid plastic board for construction; shutters, not of g. Volgograd, RU-400011 Volgograd region, metal; rigid plastic rod for construction; advertise- Russian Federation ment columns, not of metal; building glass; coatings (540) [building materials]; works of art of stone, concrete or marble; memorial plaques, not of metal; binding

agents for making stones. ______(591) Black, white

#13 2019 07 10 53


(531) 28.05 (891) 2018 02 05 (511) (731) PERFECT LICENSES SRL 30 – Hominy grits; groats for human food; noodles; Str. Lemnisorului nr. 13, Sector 3; 032348 muesli; cereal preparations; rice; spaghetti; pastries. Bucharest, Romania ______(540)

(260) AM 2019 50046 A Lady Anion (800) 435804 (591) Black, white (151) 1978 01 21 (511) (891) 2008 01 22 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for (731) Bühnenbau Schnakenberg GmbH & Co. KG laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and san- Rosenthalstraße 16, 42369 Wuppertal, ding preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, Germany cosmetics; dental care products.

(540) 5 – veterinary preparations; food for babies. ______NIVOFLEX (591) Black, white (260) AM 2019 97347 A (511) (800) 1397431 19 – Trestle platforms, expansion panels for trestle (151) 2017 12 14 platforms, platforms for stage houses forming po- (891) 2017 12 14 diums and stands. (731) Obshchestvo s orgranichennoy ______otvetstvennost'yu "NAUCHNO-

VNEDRENCHESKIY TSENTR (260) AM 2019 92436 A* AGROVETZASHCHITA" (800) 587632 Igarskiy proyezd dom 4, stroyeniye 2 (151) 1992 05 28 RU-129329 Moskva, Russian Federation (891) 2017 04 27 (540) (731) PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A. Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli, 25, I-20126 Milan, Italy

(540) (591) Black, white Karoo (531) 28.05 (511) (591) Black, white 5 – Acaricides; antibiotics; germicides; mineral food (511) supplements; insecticides; capsules for medicines; 12 – Motorcycle tires. candy, medicated; cultures of microorganisms for ______medical or veterinary use; adhesive plasters; medici-

nes for alleviating constipation; lotions for pharma- (260) AM 2019 96806 A* ceutical purposes; liniments; drugs for medical pur- (800) 1391194 poses; medicinal drinks; fly glue; medicinal infusi- (151) 2017 11 30 ons; antiparasitic collars for animals; compresses; (891) 2017 11 30 anti-uric preparations; bacterial preparations for me- (731) Obshchestvo s orgranichennoy dical and veterinary use; balsamic preparations for otvetstvennost'yu "NAUCHNO- medical purposes; bacteriological preparations for VNEDRENCHESKIY TSENTR medical and veterinary use; biological preparations AGROVETZASHCHITA" for medical purposes; albuminous preparations for Igarskiy proyezd dom 4, stroyeniye 2 medical purposes; veterinary preparations; vitamin RU-129329 Moskva, Russian Federation preparations; therapeutic preparations for the bath; (540) preparations for the treatment of burns; pharmaceu- tical preparations for treating sunburn; chemical pre- parations for medical purposes; chilblain preparati- (591) Black,white ons; chemico-pharmaceutical preparations; pharma- (531) 27.05.17 ceutical preparations for treating dandruff; prepa- (511) rations for destroying noxious animals; larvae exter- 44 – Veterinary assistance; animal grooming; minating preparations; fly destroying preparations; ______preparations for destroying mice; vermin destroying preparations; pharmaceutical preparations for skin (260) AM 2019 97157 A care; anticryptogamic preparations; preparations of (800) 1309787 trace elements for human and animal use; sulfona- (151) 2016 07 29

54 #13 2019 07 10


mides [medicines]; pharmaceutical preparations; en- scale collectors for machine boilers; food processors, zyme preparations for veterinary purposes; chemical electric; water heaters [parts of machines]. preparations for veterinary purposes; chemical pre- 9 – Applications software for wireless devices for re- parations for pharmaceutical purposes; vaginal was- mote control of electric appliances; applications soft- hes; insect repellents; repellents for dogs; tissues im- ware for mobile phones for remote control of electri- pregnated with pharmaceutical lotions; milking grea- cal appliances; downloadable computer applications se; greases for medical purposes; bath salts for medi- software for remote control of electrical appliances; cal purposes; anaesthetics; antiseptics; analgesic pre- computer application software for mobile phones for parations; styptic preparations; vermifuges; disinfec- remote control of electrical appliances; computer tants for hygiene purposes; parasiticides; mouthwas- software, capable to be recorded in a form of appli- hes for medical purposes; febrifuges; animal washes; cations for electronic apparatus and portable telep- cattle washes; dog washes; remedies for perspirati- hones (applications), in particular for the remote on; antiparasitic preparations; laxatives; tonics [me- control of electrical appliances; remote control ap- dicines]; digestives for pharmaceutical purposes; vu- paratus. lnerary sponges; sedatives; enzymes for veterinary purposes; elixirs [pharmaceutical preparations]; sy- 11 – Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam genera- rups for pharmaceutical purposes; fungicides. ting, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, wa- ______ter supply and sanitary purposes; boilers, other than parts of machines; water heaters; gas boilers; gas (260) AM 2019 97529 A condensers, other than parts of machines; showers; (800) 1398531 bathroom installations; air-conditioning installations; (151) 2017 12 22 heating boilers; steam boilers, other than parts of (891) 2017 12 22 machines; radiators [heating]; central heating radia- (731) KATSAN GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET tors; radiators, electric; regulating and safety acces- LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ sories for water apparatus; regulating and safety ac- Dereağzi Mah. İnönü Caddesi No:118, cessories for gas apparatus; coils [parts of distilling, Belylikdüzü, TR-34528 İstanbul, Turkey heating or cooling installations]; hot air bath fittings; (540) solar thermal collectors [heating]; ventilating fans; fans [air- conditioning]; fans [parts of air-conditio- ning installations]; chimney blowers; air reheaters; immersion heaters; heating apparatus; heating plates; (591) Black, white heat pumps. (531) 27.05.01 (511) 35 – Advertising and advertising agency services; 29 – Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preparation and publication of printed advertising preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vege- publications; preparation of audio, video, radio and tables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk television advertisements; sales promotion for ot- products; edible oils and fats. hers; on-line advertising on a computer network; or- ganization of exhibitions for commercial or adver- 30 – Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, ar- tising purposes; commercial information and advice tificial coffee; flour and preparations made from ce- for consumers [commercial advice in stores]; de- reals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, monstration of goods; presentation of goods on co- treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, mmunication media, for retail purposes; distribution sauces (condiments); spices; ice. of samples; dissemination of advertising matter; ______advertising; publicity; systemization of information

into computer databases. (260) AM 2019 99202 A (800) 1420129 37 – Installation of electrical appliances; installation (151) 2018 04 16 of apparatus for air-conditioning; installation of hea- (891) 2018 04 16 ting equipment; installation and repair of air-con- (731) TESY OOD ditioning apparatus; electric appliance installation Madara Boulevard 48, BG-9700 City of and repair; heating equipment installation and repair; Shumen, Bulgaria boiler cleaning and repair. (540) 38 – Rental of message sending apparatus, teleco- TESY mmunication equipment, telephones; transmission of (591) Black, white electronic directory information through local and (511) global information networks; telecommunication se- 7 – Boiler tubes [parts of machines]; air suction ma- rvices for accessing remote control appliances by means of the internet. chines; vacuum pumps [machines]; water separators;

#13 2019 07 10 55


42 – Design and development of computer hardware (540) and software; providing platforms for providing software for remote control of electrical appliances. Tetric PowerFlow ______(591) Black, white (511) (260) AM 2019 99240 A 5 – Materials for use in dentistry; materials and auxi- (800) 1420896 liary materials for the manufacture of dental impre- (151) 2018 06 15 ssions, models, crowns, bridges, inlays, prostheses, (891) 2018 06 15 artificial teeth; materials for the characterization of (731) APPLE INC. teeth; dental filling materials; materials for relining One Apple Park Way, Cupertino CA 95014, USA teeth; materials for root canal filling; core build-up (540) materials for use in dentistry; dental luting materials; materials for cosmetic restoration of damaged teeth; CHROMAVERB dental composites; dental cements; color stains for (591) Black, white use in dentistry; materials for repairing damaged (511) teeth; opaque materials for dental use. 9 – Computer software for creating and recording ______music; computer software for sound mixing and syn- thesizing; computer software for digital audio pro- (260) AM 2019 99249 A duction, processing, and editing; computer software (800) 1421065 for control and customization of audio effects. (151) 2018 01 25 (891) 2018 01 25 ______(731) EURO GAMES TECHNOLOGY LTD. "Maritsa" Str. 4, "Vranya-Lozen-Triugulnika", (260) AM 2019 99243 A BG-1151 Sofia, Bulgaria (800) 1420937 (540) (151) 2018 07 13 (891) 2018 07 13 (731) AVON PRODUCTS, INC. 601 Midland Avenue, Rye NY 10580, USA (540) AVON HERSTORY (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Non-medicated toilet preparations; toiletries; (591) White, yellow, blue, red, black, brown, light skin care preparations; skin moisturizers; body and blue and dark blue beauty care preparations; powders, cleansers, creams (531) 21.03.21; 24.15.01; 24.15.07; 26.01.16; and lotions, all for the face, hands and body; cosme- 26.01.17; 27.05.03; 29.01.15 tic suntan preparations; soaps; shower and bath pre- (511) parations; beauty masks; talcum powder; adhesives 9 – Apparatus for recording, transmission or repro- for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; eye cream; eye duction of sound or image; computer software, re- gels; eye lotions; eye make-up remover; eye shadow; corded; monitors [computer hardware]. eye liner; mascara; lipstick; lip liner; lip-gloss; ma- ke-up foundation; blusher; tissues impregnated with 28 – Games; coin and card operated gaming machi- cosmetic lotions; cotton sticks for cosmetic purpo- nes; gaming machines for gambling. ses; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; preparations ______for cleaning the teeth; shaving and aftershave pre- parations; perfumes; fragrances; toilet waters; colog- (260) AM 2019 99253 A ne; deodorants for human beings; anti-perspirants for (800) 1421187 personal use (toiletries); essential oils (cosmetic). (151) 2018 07 16 ______(891) 2018 07 16 (731) JOHNSON CONTROLS TECHNOLOGY (260) AM 2019 99244 A GMBH (800) 1420938 Victor von Bruns-Strasse 21 CH-8212 (151) 2018 06 18 Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Switzerland (891) 2018 06 18 (540) (731) IVOCLAR VIVADENT AG Bendererstrasse 2, FL-9494 Schaan, LUXAIRE Liechtenstein (591) Black, white

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(511) ter chips; chips [integrated circuits]; multiprocessor 11 – Heat pumps, air conditioners, air humidifiers chips; electronic memory integrated circuit chips. and dehumidifiers; evaporators of all types for air, 28 – Gaming machines for gambling; chips for gam- gas and liquid cooling in refrigeration service; ref- bling; mah-jong; automatic amusement machines; rigeration units; and air handlers. arcade games; playing cards; board games; LCD ______game machines; slot machines [gaming machines];

gaming equipment in the field of gambling. (260) AM 2019 99254 A (800) 1421209 41 – Providing amusement arcade services; rental of (151) 2018 01 31 slot machines with images of fruits; gambling (891) 2018 01 31 services. (731) EURO GAMES TECHNOLOGY LTD. ______"Maritsa" Str. 4, "Vranya-Lozen-Triugulnika", BG-1151 Sofia, Bulgaria (260) AM 2019 99256 A (540) (800) 1421253 (151) 2018 01 31 (891) 2018 01 31 (731) EURO GAMES TECHNOLOGY LTD. "Maritsa" Str. 4, "Vranya-Lozen-Triugulnika", BG-1151 Sofia, Bulgaria (540) (591) Red, brown, green, dark green, light green, yellow, black and white (531) 05.03.13; 05.03.15; 27.05.02; 27.05.10; 29.01.15 (591) Yellow, green, blue, light blue, dark blue, (511) brown, white and black 9 – Utility software; computer gaming software; (531) 07.05.06; 26.01.16; 27.05.03; 27.05.05; computer software packages; computer operating 29.01.15 system software; application software; computer (511) software; interfaces for computers; software drivers; 41 – Providing amusement arcade services; rental of interactive computer software; computer application slot machines with images of fruits; gambling ser- software; virtual reality software; computer software vices. for encryption; computer video game software; ga- ______mes software; software programs for video games; software programmable microprocessors; data com- (260) AM 2019 99260 A munications software; software for card readers; pro- (800) 1421372 grammed video games contained on cartridges [soft- (151) 2018 02 08 ware]; computer programs for network management; (891) 2018 02 08 computer software that permits games to be played; (731) Drustvo za uslugi CMX SOLUSNS DOOEL operating computer software for main frame compu- Skopje ters; video games on disc [computer software]; inte- ul. "Dame Gruev" br. 18-2/1-1, 1000 Skopje, ractive entertainment software for use with personal The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia computers; computer games programs recorded on (540) tapes [software]; computer software to enhance the audio-visual capabilities of multimedia applications; monitors [computer hardware]; computer hardware; computer networking hardware; communications

servers [computer hardware]; distance recording ap- paratus; apparatus for the transmission of images; (591) Dark green, turquoise and light green apparatus for recording images; power-line transmis- (531) 27.05.10; 27.05.19; 29.01.13 sion apparatus; voice transmitting apparatus; appara- (511) tus for transmission of communication in the field of 35 – Outsourcing services [business assistance], out- gambling; replicating apparatus; monitors [computer sourcing services in the field of business operations; programs]; recorded computer game programs; com- business management of telephone call centers; ma- puter joysticks; interactive multimedia computer ga- nagement of telephone call centers for others. me programs; video games [computer games] in the 38 – Telephone services; telephone communication form of computer programs recorded on data car- services in the form of call center; telephone com- riers; computer programmes for interactive televisi- munication services in the form of contact center; on and for interactive games and/or quizzes; compu-

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communication services by telephone; e-mail servi- dish]; isinglass for food; clams, not live; milk sha- ces; chatroom services; internet communication. kes; blood sausage; compotes; meat, canned; vege- tables, canned; fish, canned; fruits, canned; bouillon 45 – Online social networking services. concentrates; gherkins; shrimps, not live; prawns, ______not live; buttercream; croquettes; silkworm chrysalis

for human consumption; kumys [milk beverage]; (260) AM 2019 99261 A spiny lobsters, not live; lecithin for culinary purpo- (800) 1421419 ses; salmon, not live; onions, preserved; margarine; (151) 2018 06 01 marmalade; oils for food; peanut butter; cocoa butter (891) 2018 06 01 for food; coconut oil for food; coconut butter; corn (731) CARL ZEISS MEDITEC AG oil for food; sesame oil for food; linseed oil for food; Göschwitzer Straße 51-52, 07745 Jena, olive oil for food; palm oil for food; palm kernel oil Germany for food; sunflower oil for food; rape oil for food; (540) butter; shellfish, not live; almonds, ground; animal LUMERA marrow for food; mussels, not live; milk; protein (591) Black, white milk; condensed milk; soya milk; fish meal for hu- (511) man consumption; vegetable mousses; fish mousses; 9 – Optical apparatus and instruments; surgical mic- fruit pulp; meat; meat, preserved; milk beverages, roscopes and parts thereof. milk predominating; vegetables, preserved; vegetab- ______les, dried; vegetables, cooked; potato fritters; olives, preserved; lobsters, not live; coconut, desiccated; (260) AM 2019 99264 A nuts, prepared; tomato paste; liver pâté; pectin for (800) 1421518 culinary purposes; liver; pickles; jams; powdered (151) 2018 05 07 eggs; milk products; fish-based foodstuffs; pros- (891) 2018 05 07 tokvasha [soured milk]; poultry, not live; pollen (731) Limited Liability company "MPS "Agro- prepared as foodstuff; cranberry compote; tomato resurs" purée; apple purée; crayfish, not live; crustaceans, Dmitrovskoe highway, bld 1, d. 25, not live; fish, preserved; fish, not live; salted fish; RU-127434 Moscow, Russian Federation ryazhenka [fermented baked milk]; vegetable salads; (540) fruit salads; bacon; sardines, not live; pork; herrings, not live; seeds, prepared; sunflower seeds, prepared; cream [dairy products]; whipped cream; fat-contai- ning mixtures for bread slices; smetana [sour cre- am]; tomato juice for cooking; vegetable juices for cooking; salted meats; sausages; sausages in batter; preparations for making bouillon; preparations for making soup; tripe; soups; vegetable soup prepara- tions; whey; cheese; tahini [sesame seed paste]; tofu; sea-cucumbers, not live; truffles, preserved; tuna, (591) White, dark yellow, yellow, blue, dark blue, not live; oysters, not live; milk ferments for culinary dark green, green, black, gray, red, pink, purposes; rennet; fish fillets; dates; crystallized violet, brown, beige and orange fruits; frozen fruits; fruit, preserved; fruit preserved (531) 01.15.01; 04.05.01; 05.05.04; 06.19.09; in alcohol; fruit, stewed; potato flakes; fruit peel; 06.19.13; 07.01.03; 18.01.08; 18.07.09; preserved garlic; lentils, preserved; potato chips; 19.01.04; 29.01.15 low-fat potato chips; fruit chips; non-alcoholic eg- (511) gnog; seaweed extracts for food; meat extracts; snail 29 – Ajvar [preserved peppers]; aloe vera prepared eggs for consumption; eggs. for human consumption; alginates for culinary pur- poses; anchovy, not live; peanuts, prepared; albumen 30 – Flavorings [flavourings], other than essential for culinary purposes; white of eggs; beans, preser- oils, for cakes; flavourings, other than essential oils, ved; linseed for human consumption; soya beans, for beverages; coffee flavourings; vanilla flavou- preserved, for food; bouillon; ginger jam; ham; fatty rings for culinary purposes; food flavorings, other substances for the manufacture of edible fats; laver, than essential oils; star aniseed; piccalilli; cereal preserved; edible birds' nests; peas, preserved; mush- bars; high-protein cereal bars; pancakes; noodle- rooms, preserved; game, not live; gelatine; meat je- based prepared meals; buns; bread rolls; vanillin llies; jellies for food; fruit jellies; yolk of eggs; coco- [vanilla substitute]; waffles; vermicelli [noodles]; nut fat; bone oil for food; lard; suet for food; edible natural sweeteners; sausage binding materials; bin- fats; curd; fruit-based snack food; charcuterie; rai- ding agents for ice cream; sea water for cooking; se- sins; caviar; fish roe, prepared; yogurt; sauerkraut; aweed [condiment]; malt biscuits; cloves [spice]; ca- kephir [milk beverage]; kimchi [fermented vegetable ke frosting [icing]; glucose for culinary purposes;

58 #13 2019 07 10


mustard; gluten additives for culinary purposes; ye- extract for food; essences for foodstuffs, except ethe- ast; thickening agents for cooking foodstuffs; leaven; ric essences and essential oils; husked barley. rice-based snack food; cereal-based snack food; arti- ______ficial coffee; vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes; dressings for salad; fruit jellies [confec- (260) AM 2019 99266 A tionery]; confectionery for decorating Christmas tre- (800) 1421539 es; cakes; pastries; peanut confectionery; almond (151) 2018 04 13 confectionery; pasta; ginger [spice]; frozen yogurt (891) 2018 04 13 [confectionery ices]; cocoa; cream of tartar for culi- (731) The Heat Company Aktivwärme- und nary purposes; capers; caramels [candy]; curry [spi- Aktivkühlprodukte GmbH ce]; ketchup [sauce]; quiches; gluten prepared as Ennspark 20, A-5541 Altenmarkt im Pongau, foodstuff; sweetmeats [candy]; liquorice [confectio- Austria nery]; peppermint sweets; cinnamon [spice]; coffee; (540) unroasted coffee; starch for food; crackers; custard; hominy grits; semolina; oatmeal; crushed barley; groats for human food; corn, milled; corn, roasted; meat pies; turmeric; couscous [semolina]; noodles; ice for refreshment; ice, natural or artificial; edible ices; candy; rice cakes; mayonnaise; macaroons [pastry]; macaroni; maltose; hominy; marinades; marzipan; honey; royal jelly; ice cream; bean meal; tapioca flour; potato flour; corn flour; flour; wheat flour; soya flour; barley meal; dessert mousses [con- fectionery]; chocolate mousses; muesli; mint for (591) Red (pantone 485C), blue (pantone 7693C) confectionery; cocoa beverages with milk; coffee be- and white verages with milk; coffee-based beverages; cocoa- (531) 01.15.05; 26.01.13; 26.01.20; 29.01.13 based beverages; tea-based beverages; chocolate be- (511) verages with milk; chocolate-based beverages; infu- 10 – Heating pads for therapeutic purposes. sions, not medicinal; crushed oats; husked oats; nut- megs; stick liquorice [confectionery]; soya bean pas- 11 – Heating pads for warming other than for medi- te [condiment]; pastilles [confectionery]; molasses cal purposes. for food; pâtés en croûte; pepper; allspice; peppers 25 – Clothing; gloves [clothing]. [seasonings]; pesto [sauce]; cookies; petit-beurre ______biscuits; pies; pizzas; meat gravies; fondants [con- fectionery]; popcorn; powders for making ice cream; (260) AM 2019 99267 A baking powder; mustard meal; pralines; condiments; (800) 1421549 meat tenderizers for household purposes; cereal pre- (151) 2018 06 07 parations; oat-based food; propolis; gingerbread; spi- (891) 2018 06 07 ces; petits fours [cakes]; puddings; cake powder; (731) CHINA VANKE CO., LTD. fruit coulis [sauces]; ravioli; chewing gum; relish Vanke Center, No. 33 Huanmei Road, [condiment]; rice; wheat germ for human consump- Dameisha, Yantian District, Shenzhen, tion; spring rolls; sago; palm sugar; sugar; aniseed; Guangdong Province, China golden syrup; confectionery; baking soda [bicarbo- (540) nate of soda for cooking purposes]; malt for human consumption; salt for preserving foodstuffs; cooking salt; celery salt; sherbets [ices]; ham glaze; soya sau- ce; tomato sauce; sauces [condiments]; pasta sauce; spaghetti; seasonings; preparations for stiffening whipped cream; rusks; breadcrumbs; sushi; sandwic- hes; tabbouleh; tacos; tapioca; tarts; dough; pastry dough; almond paste; cake dough; tortillas; garden (591) Black, white herbs, preserved [seasonings]; vinegar; beer vinegar; (531) 28.03 ferments for pastes; halvah; bread; unleavened bre- (511) ad; chips [cereal products]; corn flakes; oat flakes; 36 – Commercial housing sales; rental of real estate; flowers or leaves for use as tea substitutes; chicory real estate agency services; real estate appraisal; real [coffee substitute]; tea; iced tea; chutneys [condi- estate management; apartment house management; ments]; cheeseburgers [sandwiches]; chow-chow rental of apartments; accommodation bureau servi- [condiment]; saffron [seasoning]; chocolate; malt ces [apartments]; rental of offices [real estate]; rental of farms; fiduciary; trusteeship; deposits of valuab-

#13 2019 07 10 59


les; insurance underwriting; capital investment; art (511) appraisal; lending against security; brokerage; chari- 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, ci- table fund raising. nematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signa- lling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teac- 37 – Commercial housing construction; constructi- hing apparatus and instruments; apparatus and ins- on; underwater construction; demolition of buil- truments for conducting, switching, transforming, dings; warehouse construction and repair; factory accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; construction; masonry; building of fair stalls and apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduc- shops; cleaning of buildings [interior]; upholstery tion of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, re- repair; chimney sweeping; vehicle washing; vehicle cording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digi- polishing; anti-rust treatment for vehicles; vehicle tal recording media; calculating machines, data pro- service stations [refuelling and maintenance]; vehic- cessing equipment; mobile phones; cell phones; le breakdown repair services; painting or repair of smart phones; cordless telephones; smart watches; signs; window cleaning; upholstering; painting, inte- wireless communication devices; computer appara- rior and exterior; cleaning of buildings [exterior sur- tus; tablet computers; laptop computers; computer face]; roofing services; street cleaning; elevator ins- work stations [hardware]; mobile workstations; tallation and repair; motor vehicle maintenance and computer modems; universal serial bus [USB] mo- repair; vehicle lubrication [greasing]; vehicle clea- dems; cable modems; computer servers; network ning; electric appliance installation and repair. routers; computer network hubs; external computer ______hard drives; electrical adapters; devices providing

access to internet gateways; data storage devices, (260) AM 2019 99270 A namely, flash drives, Secure Digital (SD) memory (800) 1421589 cards; keyboards [computers]; mouse [computers]; (151) 2018 01 25 docking stations computer; scanners [data proces- (891) 2018 01 25 sing equipment]; 3D scanners; headphones; devices (731) EURO GAMES TECHNOLOGY LTD. for streaming media content over local wireless "Maritsa" Str. 4, "Vranya-Lozen-Triugulnika", networks, namely, media streaming boxes and media BG-1151 Sofia, Bulgaria streaming sticks; speakerphones; headsets for telep- (540) hones; wireless headsets; mobile phone base stati- ons; docking stations for mobile phones; earbuds; virtual reality hardware; virtual reality headsets; vir- tual reality software; 3D spectacles; wearable fitness trackers; cases for smart phones; cases for compu- ters; covers for smart phones; covers for tablet com- puters; mobile phone display screen protectors in the nature of films; batteries, electric; battery chargers; (591) Blue, yellow, red and brown accumulators, power packs [batteries]; computer (531) 25.03.01; 27.05.03; 27.05.17; 27.07.03; operating software; computer software, recorded; 27.07.17; 29.01.14 computer software applications, downloadable; co- (511) mputer programs [downloadable software]; software 9 – Apparatus for recording, transmission or repro- and software applications for mobile devices; remote duction of sound or image, computer software/recor- control apparatus for opening and closing vehicle ded, monitors, computer hardware. doors; computerized vehicle engine analyzers; digi- 28 – Games, that are not included in other classes, tal video players for car; dashboard cameras; rear- gaming machines operating with coins, banknotes view cameras for vehicles; navigation apparatus for and cards; gaming machines for gambling. vehicles [on-board computers]; tire pressure gauges; ______automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tires; vehicle radios; hands- free kits for telephones; came- (260) AM 2019 99271 A ras [photography]; loudspeakers; portable electronic (800) 1421594 wireless speakers; wireless charging units for mobile (151) 2017 12 19 phones for use with wireless charging pads; wireless (891) 2017 12 19 charging pads; dashboard mounts for mobile phones; (731) MOTOROLA TRADEMARK HOLDINGS, MP3 players, MP4 players; digital video disc play- LLC ers, digital video players; digital video recorders; te- 222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza Suite 1800, levision apparatus; television decoders; video prjec- Chicago ILL 60654, USA tors; power adapters; charging appliances for rechar- (540) geable equipment; solar panels for the production of electricity; voltage surge protectors; power strips MOTO with movable sockets; electrical power extension (591) Black, white

60 #13 2019 07 10


cords; audio-video (AV) cords; cables, electric; con- data collection using a computer system [Super- nectors [electricity]; USB cables, HDMI cables; visory Control and Data Acquisition [SCADA]] in ethernet and audio cables and connectors; electronic the industrial field; instruction manuals in electronic adapters; wireless controllers for remotely monito- format. ring and controlling the function and status of other 14 – Watches; watch straps; watch bands; chronos- electrical, electronic, and mechanical devices or sys- copes; clocks; parts for clockworks, clocks, and ho- tems; control panels [electricity]; joysticks for use rological and chronometric instruments, namely with computers, other than for video games; baby clock faces, crowns, hands, straps, bezels, buckles; monitors; scales; pet monitors; electronic collars to cases for watches, clocks and horological and chro- train animals; wireless pet fencing system consisting nometric instruments; watch glasses. of a wireless transmitter and an electronic collar to train animals; monitoring apparatus, electric; slatted 37 – Installation, maintenance and repair of compu- blind controls [electric]; remote controllers for ter hardware, computer peripherals, consumer elec- controlling electronic products; remote controls for tronic devices, electric appliances, office machines window shades; measuring apparatus, namely, par- as well as mobile phones, telephonic and photograp- ticle counters, CO2 detectors and smoke detectors; hic equipment and apparatus; repair and maintenan- fire alarms; thermostats; barometers; hygrometers; ce of radio system, network and hardware; repair, temperature monitors and sensors; water leakage de- maintenance and replacement of two-way radios. tection alarms; digital weather stations; digital ther- 38 – Telecommunication; communication services, mometers, not for medical purposes; locks, electric; namely communications by telephone, communica- lighting control apparatus; light dimmers [regula- tions by fibre-optic networks, communications by tors], electric; doorbell cameras; door and window cellular phones, radio communications, communica- sensors; motion sensors; acoustic [sound] alarms; tions by computer terminals; computer aided trans- security alarms; satellite navigational apparatus; na- mission of messages and images; providing teleco- vigational instruments; directional compasses; GPS mmunications connections to a global computer net- navigation devices; GPS tracking and location devi- work; transmission of digital files; streaming of data; ces; beacons, luminous; digital binoculars; digital providing user access to global computer networks; photo frames; body worn cameras; body worn telecommunication services, namely, managed PTT camera accessories namely connecting cables, vest (push-to-talk) services to enable users to connect and mounts, camera straps, windshield mounts, micro- collaborate on their devices; rental of two-way radio usb chargers, cases for mobile phone accessories and and cellular communication equipment. for carrying mobile phones two-way radios, multi- unit chargers, batteries, battery charging trays, mo- 41 – Education services, providing of training, ins- unts for wireless portable bluetooth loudspeakers to truction and entertainment relating to computers, be fixed at visors, ear buds, only for the reception of computer software, multimedia products, interactive audio signals; microphones; two-way radio base products and online services, telecommunication ap- stations; two-way radio repeaters; two-way radio ac- paratus, mobile phones, handheld and mobile digital cessories namely wireless push-to- talk (PTT) bu- electronic devices; arranging and conducting works- ttons, headsets, rechargeable batteries, earbuds for hops, coaching [training], conferences and seminars the reception of audio signals; faceplates for cellular in the field of mobile phones, computers, computer phones, metal audio, video and computer wall and software, online services, information technology, ceiling mounts, stands adapted for computers, mobi- website design and consumer electronics; organiza- le telephone accessories, namely, belt clips, carrying tion of exhibitions for cultural or educational purpo- cases for cell phones and computers, microphones, ses; providing on-line electronic publications, not mains chargers to be mounted on the wall; acoustic downloadable; on-line publication of electronic bo- coupling devices to be connected to a Public Swit- oks and journals; arranging and conducting works- ched Telephone Network (PSTN) or Private Branch hops, coaching [training], conferences and seminars Exchange (PBX) telephone system; data encryption in the field of descriptive analytics training for go- apparatus and equipment; radio pagers; two-way vernment, public safety and enterprise solutions app- trunked radio devices and systems; apparatus for lications; arranging and conducting coaching [trai- transmitting radio signals for commercial or public ning] and seminars in the field of radio management safety use; wireless consoles for transmitting radio software and programs for provisioning, program- signals; Voice-over-IP (VOIP) telecommunication ming and maintaining radio systems. devices and systems consisting thereof; table radios 42 – Scientific and technological services and rese- and systems consisting thereof for use in public arch and design relating thereto; industrial analysis safety; portable LTE (Long Term Evolution) infrast- and research services; design and development of ructure devices and systems consisting thereof for computer hardware and software; telecommunicati- streaming videos; remote control apparatus for mo- ons technology consultancy; computer technology nitoring and controlling technical processes and for consultancy; technological consultancy; information

#13 2019 07 10 61


technology [IT] consultancy; computer security con- (891) 2018 06 05 sultancy; internet security consultancy; installation (731) Public Joint Stock Company "GAZ" of computer software, maintenance of computer sof- prospect Lenina, 88, RU-603004 Nizhny tware; computer software design; computer system Novgorod, Russian Federation design; computer system analysis; planning, desig- (540) ning, implementing and developing computer net- works for others; integration of computer systems and computer networks; technical consultancy ser- vices in the field of development software for server architectures; recovery of computer data; updating computer software; scientific and technological ser- vices in the fields of computer hardware, computer (591) Black, white software, computer peripherals, portable electronic (531) 27.05.02; 27.05.09; 27.05.17 devices, mobile phones, radiotelephony sets; hosting (511) online web facilities for others for conducting inter- 16 – Fountain pens; albums; scrapbooks; almanacs; active discussions; hosting online web facilities for posters; tickets; forms, printed; announcement cards others for sharing online content; design, develop- [stationery]; loose-leaf binders; pads [stationery]; ment, maintenance and management of application wristbands for the retention of writing instruments; software for mobile phones, computers and televi- pamphlets; booklets; wrapping paper; packing paper; sions; consulting services in the field of design, se- filter paper; newsletters; signboards of paper or card- lection, implementation and use for government, board; newspapers; document holders [stationery]; public safety and enterprise solutions software app- pencil holders; page holders; holders for checkbooks lications; software as a service (SAAS); online data [cheque books]; advertisement boards of paper or storage services; electronic data storage; monitoring cardboard; magazines [periodicals]; money clips; of network systems in the field of Land Mobile Ra- tags for index cards; pen clips; bookmarkers; printed dio (LMR) and government, public safety or emer- publications; graphic representations; calendars; tra- gency broadband networks. cing patterns; pencils; pencil lead holders; pictures; ______transfers [decalcomanias]; decalcomanias; paintings

[pictures], framed or unframed; cards; charts; trading (260) AM 2019 99272 A cards, other than for games; catalogues; paintbrus- (800) 1421626 hes; printing blocks; books; manifolds [stationery]; (151) 2018 05 22 comic books; envelopes [stationery]; boxes of paper (891) 2018 05 22 or cardboard; gummed tape [stationery]; adhesive (731) MEDU-SCIENTIFIC (D.G.) LTD. bands for stationery or household purposes; self- 76 San Lian Nan Road, Lu Wu Administration adhesive tapes for stationery or household purposes; District, Changping Town, Dongguan City, flyers; humidity control sheets of paper or plastic for 523587 Guangdong Province, China foodstuff packaging; viscose sheets for wrapping;

sheets of reclaimed cellulose for wrapping; plastic (540) bubble packs for wrapping or packaging; litho- graphs; postage stamps; graphic prints; teaching ma-

terials [except apparatus]; sealing compounds for (591) Black, white stationery purposes; packing [cushioning, stuffing] (531) 26.03.04; 26.04.18 materials of paper or cardboard; filtering materials (511) [paper]; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plas- 10 – Medical instruments, namely, orthopedic appa- tics, for packaging; stickers [stationery]; bottle enve- ratus and instruments; sex toys; pacifiers for babies; lopes of paper or cardboard; covers [stationery]; orthopedic supports; drainage tubes for medical pur- wrappers [stationery]; plastic cling film, extensible, poses; artificial limbs; organoleptic diagnostic tes- for palletization; greeting cards; etchings; conical ting apparatus for medical, dental or cosmetic use; paper bags; folders for papers; jackets for papers; dental apparatus; electrotherapy devices for provi- pen cases; boxes for pens; seals [stamps]; sealing ding transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, in- stamps; clipboards; plastic film for wrapping; desk frared heat and compression; heating cushions for mats; mats for beer glasses; stands for pens and pen- medical purposes [electrically or chemically-activa- cils; paperweights; writing cases [sets]; writing ma- ted]. terials; printed matter; prospectuses; rubber erasers; ______graphic reproductions; penholders; marking pens [stationery]; placards of paper or cardboard; writing (260) AM 2019 99286 A or drawing books; fabrics for bookbinding; trans- (800) 1421943 parencies [stationery]; stencil plates; bottle wrappers (151) 2018 06 05 of paper or cardboard; manuals [handbooks]; hand-

62 #13 2019 07 10


books [manuals]; flags of paper; photo-engravings; tenance of data in computer databases; updating and photographs [printed]; stencil cases; blueprints; maintenance of information in registries; commer- plans; stencils; shields [paper seals]. cial information agency services; commercial inter- mediation services; price comparison services; data 17 – Self-adhesive tapes, other than stationery and search in computer files for others; rental of adver- not for medical or household purposes. tising time on communication media; publication of 28 – Toy vehicles; jigsaw puzzles; toys; stuffed toys; publicity texts; on-line advertising on a computer mobiles [toys]; practical jokes [novelties]; parlor ga- network; systemization of information into computer mes; parlour games; board games; games; building databases; business management; business adminis- games; kaleidoscopes; playing cards; fairground ride tration; administration of consumer loyalty prog- apparatus; swings; toy models; scale model kits [to- rams; cost price analysis; web indexing for commer- ys]; scale model vehicles; ornaments for Christmas cial or advertising purposes; market studies; opinion trees, except illumination articles and confectionery; polling; business research; economic forecasting; apparatus for games; play balloons. business management of sports people; business ma- nagement of reimbursement programmes for others; 35 – Arranging subscriptions to telecommunication computerized file management; consultancy regar- services for others; rental of advertising space; book- ding advertising communications strategy; business keeping; accounting; demonstration of goods; orga- organization consultancy; marketing; marketing re- nization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising search; provision of commercial and business con- purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial tact information; provision of an on-line marketplace or advertising purposes; shop window dressing; de- for buyers and sellers of goods and services; writing sign of advertising materials; presentation of goods of publicity texts; scriptwriting for advertising pur- on communication media, for retail purposes; sales poses; updating of advertising material; web site tra- promotion for others; production of advertising ffic optimization; organization of exhibitions for co- films; rental of billboards [advertising boards]; bill- mmercial or advertising purposes; rental of adverti- posting; outdoor advertising; distribution of samples; sing space; business appraisals; business manage- dissemination of advertising matter; direct mail ad- ment and organization consultancy; business inter- vertising; advertising; publicity; on-line advertising mediary services relating to the matching of poten- on a computer network; television advertising; co- tial private investors with entrepreneurs needing fun- mmercial administration of the licensing of the go- ding; business efficiency expert services; outsour- ods and services of others; procurement services for cing services (business assistance); layout services others [purchasing goods and services for other for advertising purposes; news clipping services; businesses]. modelling for advertising or sales promotion; adver- 41 – Game services provided on-line from a compu- tising agency services; public relations; sponsorship ter network; film production, other than advertising search; search engine optimization for sales promo- films; on-line publication of electronic books and tion; presentation of goods on communication me- journals. dia, for retail purposes; publicity material rental; di- ______rect mail advertising; radio advertising; registration of written communications and data; pay per click (260) AM 2019 99287 A advertising; bill-posting; outdoor advertising; adver- (800) 1421959 tising by mail order; distribution of samples; disse- (151) 2018 03 23 mination of advertising matter; design of advertising (891) 2018 03 23 materials; business investigations; compiling indexes (731) ILICHEV ROMAN of information for commercial or advertising purpo- prospekt Nauky, 17/15, kv. 13, Kyiv 03028, ses; sales promotion for others; production of teles- Ukraine hopping programmes; production of advertising (540) films; television advertising; telemarketing services; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transacti- ons for third parties; professional business consul- tancy; promoting the goods and services of others (591) Light red, dark red, gray-blue, white and light through web sites featuring a wide range of products gray and services that allows customers to browse, order (531) 25.05.01; 26.04.17; 26.04.22; 29.01.13 and conveniently buy those goods and to order ser- (511) vices on web sites and also provide consumer 35 – Advertising; invoicing; business inquiries; pro- information therefor. viding business information via a web site; compila- tion of information into computer databases; compi- 41 – Entertainment; electronic desktop publishing; lation of statistics; business information; commercial providing on-line electronic publications, not down- information and advice for consumers (consumer loadable; entertainment information; writing of advice shop); word processing; updating and main- texts; organization of competitions (education or en-

#13 2019 07 10 63


tertainment); news reporters services; publication of (591) White, light gray, gray, dark gray, black, light texts, other than publicity texts; timing of sports green and green events; providing of training; sporting and cultural (531) 26.04.09; 26.04.24; 26.07.25; 27.05.10; activities; arranging and conducting of conferences; 27.05.24; 29.01.15 arranging and conducting of in-person educational (511) forums; arranging and conducting of workshops (tra- 9 – Interfaces for computers; monitors [computer ining); arranging and conducting of seminars; pro- programs]; computer software, recorded; computer viding on-line videos, not downloadable; providing software applications, downloadable; computer pro- on-line music, not downloadable; providing televi- grams, recorded; computer programs [downloadable sion programmes, not downloadable, via video-on- software]; computer operating programs, recorded; demand transmission services; providing films, not electronic publications, downloadable; data proces- downloadable, via video-on-demand transmission sing apparatus. services; providing sports facilities; recreation infor- 35 – Computerized file management; opinion po- mation; education information; scriptwriting, other lling; market studies; business information; business than for advertising purposes; organization of exhi- investigations; business research; marketing rese- bitions for cultural or educational purposes; organi- arch; word processing; updating and maintenance of zation of sports competitions; layout services, other data in computer databases; data search in computer than for advertising purposes; photographic repor- files for others; providing business information via a ting; practical training (demonstration); on-line pub- web site; compilation of information into computer lication of electronic books and journals; publication databases; compilation of statistics; systemization of of books; photography. information into computer databases; public rela- ______tions.

(260) AM 2019 99295 A 38 – Providing access to databases; transmission of (800) 1410128 digital files; streaming of data. (151) 2018 02 14 42 – Updating of computer software; consultancy in (891) 2018 06 15 the design and development of computer hardware; (731) PHARMALYS LABORATORIES SA recovery of computer data; computer system analy- Siedereistrasse 9, CH-6280 Hochdorf, sis; copying of computer programs; conversion of Switzerland data or documents from physical to electronic me- (540) dia; creating and maintaining web sites for others; hosting computer sites [web sites]; computer soft- ware consultancy; installation of computer software; information technology [IT] consultancy; scientific research; software as a service [SaaS]; maintenance of computer software; providing search engines for (591) Red and blue the internet; computer system design; rental of com- (531) 05.03.13; 05.03.14; 26.15.01; 27.05.03; puter software; computer software design; computer 29.01.13 programming; cloud computing; electronic data sto- (511) rage; providing information on computer technology 5 – Plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants. and programming via a web site; outsource service ______providers in the field of information technology; computer technology consultancy. (260) AM 2019 99376 A ______(800) 1422249 (151) 2018 03 21 (260) AM 2019 99382 A (891) 2018 03 21 (800) 1422325 (731) PALITRUMLAB LIMITED LIABILITY (151) 2018 06 06 COMPANY (891) 2018 06 06 Nobelya 7, pom. 47, territory of, the Skolkovo (731) RENTBERRY, INC. Innovation Center, RU-143026 Moscow, 201 Spear Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco Russian Federation CA 94123, USA (540) (540)

(591) Black, white (531) 07.01.24; 27.05.01; 27.05.08

64 #13 2019 07 10


(511) downloadable software for use in providing real es- 35 – Operating on-line marketplaces featuring a ren- tate listings syndication and enabling the exchange tal price negotiation platform offering landlords abi- of information between other real estate portals and lity to conduct rental auctions for the properties and platforms via a website; providing non-downloadab- tenants customize offers during the rental applica- le software for use in providing tenant screening that tions process; operating on-line marketplaces featu- includes credit, eviction and criminal reports, as well ring a platform connecting tenants and landlords and as ratings of users and properties on the platform via where both parties can post ratings and provide feed- a website; providing non-downloadable software for back one another and tenants can provide ratings and use in providing rent collection and payments for feedback on properties and apartments; providing an rental services in different currencies, including interactive real estate website which promotes hou- cryptocurrencies via a website; providing non-down- sing and apartment properties through offering pros- loadable software for use in connecting tenants and pective tenants video walk throughs, property des- landlords through a search engine, transparent rental criptions, text, price, location, maps and other infor- application process and a price negotiation platform mation that would be influential to a prospective te- via a website; providing non-downloadable software nant in making a rental decision; real estate marke- for use in enabling automated rental tasks, including ting services. property search and open house scheduling, submis- sion of rental applications, custom offers, mainte- 36 – Providing information in the field of real estate; nance requests, credit, eviction and criminal reports, providing real estate listings via the internet; pro- as well as e-signing rental agreements, tenant scree- viding real estate listings and real estate information ning, and online rental payments via a website; pro- via the internet; real estate listing services for hou- viding non-downloadable software for use in allo- sing rentals and apartment rentals; real estate ser- wing users to add, promote and syndicate real estate vice, namely, rental property management; real esta- properties, as well as store, upload, download and te syndication; rent collection; rent payment servi- access signed rental agreements and documents via a ces; securities deposit services. website; providing non-downloadable software for 42 – Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring com- use in providing security deposit services for rental puter software platforms for providing real estate lis- properties that includes matching co-signers, tenants tings syndication and enabling the exchange of in- and landlords via a website; providing non-downloa- formation between other real estate portals and plat- dable software for use in property management via a forms; platform as a service (PAAS) featuring com- website; software as a service (SAAS) services fea- puter software platforms for providing tenant scree- turing software for providing real estate listings syn- ning that includes credit, eviction and criminal re- dication and enabling the exchange of information ports, as well as ratings of users and properties on between other real estate portals and platforms; soft- the platform; platform as a service (PAAS) featuring ware as a service (SAAS) services featuring softwa- computer software platforms for providing rent re for providing tenant screening that includes credit, collection and payments for rental services in diffe- eviction and criminal reports, as well as ratings of rent currencies, including cryptocurrencies; platform users and properties on the platform; software as a as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software service (SAAS) services featuring software for pro- platforms for connecting tenants and landlords thro- viding rent collection and payments for rental ser- ugh a search engine, transparent rental application vices in different currencies, including cryptocu- process and a price negotiation platform; platform as rrencies; software as a service (SAAS) services fea- a service (PAAS) featuring computer software plat- turing software for connecting tenants and landlords forms for enabling automated rental tasks, including through a search engine, transparent rental applica- property search and open house scheduling, submis- tion process and a price negotiation platform; soft- sion of rental applications, custom offers, mainte- ware as a service (SAAS) services featuring softwa- nance requests, credit, eviction and criminal reports, re for enabling automated rental tasks, including as well as e-signing rental agreements, tenant scree- property search and open house scheduling, submi- ning, and online rental payment; platform as a ser- ssion of rental applications, custom offers, mainte- vice (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms nance requests, credit, eviction and criminal reports, for allowing users to add, promote and syndicate real as well as e-signing rental agreements, tenant scree- estate properties, as well as store, upload, download ning, and online rental payments; software as a ser- and access signed rental agreements and documents; vice (SAAS) services featuring software for allo- platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer wing users to add, promote and syndicate real estate software platforms for providing security deposit properties, as well as store, upload, download and services for rental properties that includes matching access signed rental agreements and documents; sof- co-signers, tenants and landlords; platform as a ser- tware as a service (SAAS) services featuring soft- vice (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms ware for providing security deposit services for ren- for use in property management; providing non- tal properties that includes matching co-signers, te-

#13 2019 07 10 65


nants and landlords; software as a service (SAAS) providers in the field of information technology; services featuring software for use in property mana- computer technology consultancy. gement. ______(260) AM 2019 99386 A (260) AM 2019 99383 A (800) 1422421 (800) 1422382 (151) 2018 08 02 (151) 2018 03 21 (891) 2018 08 02 (891) 2018 03 21 (731) BONAITI SERRATURE S.p.A. (731) PalitrumLab Limited Liability Company Via Fratelli Bonacina, 20, I-23801 Nobelya 7, pom. 47, territory of the Skolkovo, Calolziocorte (LC), Italy Innovation Center, RU-143026 Moscow, (540) Russian Federation BONAITI (540) (591) Black, white (511) 6 – Metal handles; door handles of metal; door pulls of metal; door locks; locks of metal; spring locks; metal locksets; metal locks for doors; lock barrels of (591) Light gray, gray and dark pink metal; locking gate hasps of metal; metal bump keys (531) 26.04.01; 26.04.09; 26.04.24; 27.05.01; for locksmithing; metal keys for locks; hinges of me- 29.01.12 tal; keys of metal; split rings of common metal for (511) keys; metal gate latches; metal door bolts; window 9 – Interfaces for computers; monitors [computer casement bolts; metal knockers; letter boxes of programs]; computer software, recorded; computer metal; metal nameplates and door nameplates; metal software applications, downloadable; computer pro- name plates; doorplates of metal; metal security lock cylinders. grams, recorded; computer programs [downloadable software]; computer operating programs, recorded; 9 – Electronic locks; electric locks; locks [electric] electronic publications, downloadable; data proce- with alarms; card operated electronic locks; elec- ssing apparatus. tronic door locks; digital door locks; electronic lock assemblies; combination locks (non-metallic -) [el- 35 – Computerized file management; opinion po- ectric]; radio operated door lock controls; identifica- lling; market studies; business information; business tion strips [magnetic]; magnetic strip readers; mag- investigations; business research; marketing rese- netic coded card readers; mobile apps; downloadable arch; word processing; updating and maintenance of software applications. data in computer databases; data search in computer ______files for others; providing business information via a web site; compilation of information into computer (260) AM 2019 99387 A databases; compilation of statistics; systemization of (800) 1422464 information into computer databases; public rela- (151) 2018 04 09 tions. (891) 2018 04 09

38 – Providing access to databases; transmission of (731) FUJIAN NEW YIFA GROUP CO., Ltd digital files; streaming of data. Xinhan Industrial Area, Hanjiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province, China 42 – Updating of computer software; consultancy in (540) the design and development of computer hardware; recovery of computer data; computer system ana- lysis; copying of computer programs; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic me- dia; creating and maintaining web sites for others; (591) Black, white hosting computer sites [web sites]; computer soft- (531) 26.11.01; 26.11.12; 27.05.01 ware consultancy; installation of computer software; (511) information technology [IT] consultancy; scientific 5 – Food for babies; sanitary tampons; sanitary pads; research; software as a service [SaaS]; maintenance sanitary towels; absorbent wadding; babies' napkin- of computer software; providing search engines for pants; disinfectant wipes; diapers for incontinents; the internet; computer system design; rental of com- pants, absorbent, for incontinents; babies' napkins puter software; computer software design; computer [diapers]. programming; cloud computing; electronic data sto- rage; providing information on computer technology 16 – Paper; copying paper [stationery]; toilet paper; and programming via a web site; outsource service handkerchiefs of paper; tissues of paper for remo- ving make-up; table napkins of paper; face towels of

66 #13 2019 07 10


paper; towels of paper; paper sheets [stationery]; (731) JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA NV wrapping paper. Turnhoutseweg 30, B-2340 BEERSE, ______Belgium (540) (260) AM 2019 99388 A (800) 1422508 TULBRIMO (151) 2017 09 15 (591) Black, white (891) 2017 09 15 (511) (731) CERTIS EUROPE B.V. 5 – Human pharmaceutical preparations. Safariweg 55, NL-3605 MA Maarssen, ______Netherlands (260) AM 2019 99394 A (540) (800) 1422760 Eradicoat (151) 2018 03 13 (591) Black, white (891) 2018 03 13 (511) (731) ASPEL S.A. 1 – Chemical substances, chemical materials and os. H. Sienkiewicza 33, PL-32-080 Zabierzów, chemical preparations; fertilisers and chemicals for Poland use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. (540)

5 – Agricultural biopesticides; agricultural pestici- ASPEL des; algicides; algicides for agricultural use; aquatic (591) Black, white herbicides; biological fungicides; biocides; biologi- (511) cal herbicides; fungicides; fungicides for agricultural 10 – Electrocardiographs; diagnostic apparatus for use; fungicides for domestic use; fungicides for hor- medical purposes; furniture especially made for me- ticultural use; fungicides for killing vermin; vermin dical purposes; medical apparatus and instruments. destroying preparations; vermin repelling prepara- ______tions. ______(260) AM 2019 99395 A (800) 1422800 (151) 2018 05 11 (260) AM 2019 99389 A (891) 2018 05 11 (800) 1422543 (731) FERRERO S.P.A. (151) 2018 04 26 Piazzale Pietro Ferrero, 1, I-12051 ALBA, (891) 2018 04 26 CUNEO, Italy (731) Chanel SARL (540) Quai du Général-Guisan 24, CH-1204 Genève, Switzerland (540) LE VOLUME

REVOLUTION (591) Black, white (591) Brown, red-orange and black. (511) (531) 27.05.03; 27.05.09; 29.01.13 3 – Preparations for cosmetic use for skin, scalp, hair (511) or nail care; preparations for cosmetic use for app- 30 – Pastries; confectionery; biscuits; wafers; baked lication on the skin, scalp, hair or nails; soaps; per- products; sweets [candy]; cereal bars; cereal-based fumery products; perfumes; essential oils; cosmetics; snack food; cocoa; cocoa-based products; cocoa- toiletries for non-medical use; deodorants / antipers- based beverages; chocolate; chocolate products; ice pirants; artificial nails for cosmetic use; nail art cream. stickers; adhesives for affixing artificial nails; tem- ______porary tattoos for cosmetic use; perfumed sprays for indoor use; air fragrances; potpourris [fragrances]; (260) AM 2019 99399 A lipsticks; lip glosses; lip care products; make-up (800) 1422973 products; mascaras; cosmetic talcum powder. (151) 2018 08 21 ______(891) 2018 08 21 (731) SEATTLE GENETICS, INC. (260) AM 2019 99392 A 21823 30th Drive S.E., Bothell WA 98021, (800) 1422722 USA; (151) 2018 08 13 AGENSYS INC. (891) 2018 08 13

#13 2019 07 10 67


1800 Stewart Street, Santa Monica CA 90404, (540) USA (540) PADCEV (591) Black, white (511) 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for the treatment of cancer; pharmaceutical preparations and substances for use in oncology. ______(591) Black, white

(531) 01.15.15; 01.15.21; 27.05.07 (260) AM 2019 99401 A (511) (800) 1423021 32 – Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other (151) 2018 08 21 non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit ju- (891) 2018 08 21 ices; syrups and other preparations for making beve- (731) SEATTLE GENETICS, INC. rages; aperitifs, non-alcoholic; non-alcoholic bevera- 21823 30th Drive S.E., Bothell WA 98021, ges; non-alcoholic beverages flavored with coffee; USA; non-alcoholic beverages flavored with tea; non-alco- AGENSYS, INC. holic honey-based beverages; non-alcoholic fruit ex- 1800 Stewart Street, Santa Monica CA 90404, tracts; non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; grape USA must, unfermented; waters [beverages]; aerated wa- (540) ter; extracts of hops for making beer; essences for EVBRYTO making beverages; seltzer water; isotonic beverages; (591) Black, white ginger beer; kvass [non-alcoholic beverage]; cock- (511) tails, non-alcoholic; beer-based cocktails; lemona- 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for des; lithia water; mineral water [beverages]; aloe ve- the treatment of cancer; pharmaceutical preparations ra drinks, non- alcoholic; whey beverages; rice-ba- and substances for use in oncology. sed beverages, other than milk substitutes; soya-ba- ______sed beverages, other than milk substitutes; vegetable juices [beverages]; orgeat; beer wort; beer; powders (260) AM 2019 99402 A for effervescing beverages; sarsaparilla [non-alcoho- (800) 1423032 lic beverage]; syrups for beverages; syrups for le- (151) 2018 08 21 monade; preparations for making aerated water; pre- (891) 2018 08 21 parations for making liqueurs; essences for making (731) SEATTLE GENETICS, INC. flavoured mineral water; preparations for making be- 21823 30th Drive S.E., Bothell WA 98021, verages; smoothies; soda water; fruit juice; malt be- USA; er; malt wort; protein-enriched sports beverages; tab- AGENSYS, INC. le waters; must; pastilles for effervescing beverages; 1800 Stewart Street, Santa Monica CA 90404, tomato juice [beverage]; fruit nectars, non-alcoholic; sherbets [beverages]; cider, non-alcoholic. USA (540) 33 – Alcoholic beverages, except beer; alcoholic be- verages containing fruit; digesters [liqueurs and spi- SIVBEV rits]; aperitifs; arak [arrack]; baijiu [Chinese distilled (591) Black, white alcoholic beverage]; brandy; wine; whisky; anisette (511) [liqueur]; anise [liqueur]; vodka; kirsch; perry; gin; 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for cocktails; curacao; liqueurs; hydromel [mead]; pep- the treatment of cancer; pharmaceutical preparations permint liqueurs; pre-mixed alcoholic beverages, ot- and substances for use in oncology. her than beer-based; bitters; nira [sugarcane-based ______alcoholic beverage]; distilled beverages; piquette; ri- ce alcohol; rum; sake; cider; spirits [beverages]; al- (260) AM 2019 99404 A coholic extracts; alcoholic essences; fruit extracts, (800) 1423057 alcoholic. (151) 2018 03 15 ______(891) 2018 03 15 (731) LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "BRAND (260) AM 2019 99416 A CONSULTING GROUP" (800) 1423353 Vul. Dehtiarna, bud. 9, apt. 31, m. Kyiv (151) 2018 04 25 04071, Ukraine (891) 2018 04 25

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(731) HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. detaching devices and deactivators for use with in- Administration Building, Huawei Technolo- ventory control and anti-theft labels; deactivators gies Co., Ltd. Bantian, Longgang District, and detaching devices for labels, including hooks; Shenzhen, China detaching hooks; electronic and downloadable user (540) manuals sold together with all the aforesaid articles as a unit. ______

(260) AM 2019 99424 A (800) 1390184 (151) 2017 12 05 (591) Black, white (891) 2018 08 02 (531) 27.05.01; 27.05.21; 27.07.01; 27.07.11 (731) CHEN HONG (511) Room 305, #9 Qiangwei, Nanpu Street 9 – Smartphones; smartwatches; smartglasses; wea- Bridgehead, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City, rable activity trackers; protective films adapted for Zhejiang, China smartphones; cases for smartphones; covers for (540) smartphones; cabinets for loudspeakers; digital pho- to frames; network communication apparatus; selfie sticks (hand-held monopods); modems; micropho- nes; sleeves for laptops; electric batteries; tablet computers; battery chargers; mobile power source (591) Black, white (rechargeable batteries); laptop computers; headpho- (531) 26.04.09; 26.04.18; 27.05.22 nes; virtual reality headsets; loudspeakers; set-top (511) boxes; notebook computers; digital video recorders 7 – Bread cutting machines; meat choppers [machi- for cars; earphones; portable media players; huma- nes]; whisks, electric, for household purposes; food noid robots with artificial intelligence; computer processors, electric; fruit presses, electric, for hou- software applications, downloadable; sound transmi- sehold purposes; kitchen machines, electric. tting apparatus; computer programs, recorded; cam- corders; cameras (photography); smart rings; down- 8 – Scissors; beard clippers; curling tongs; hair cur- loadable graphics for mobile phones; wearable com- ling (hand implements for -); crimping irons; hair puters; personal digital assistants (PDAs); audio in- clippers for personal use, electric and non-electric; terfaces; security surveillance robots; selfie sticks nail clippers, electric or non-electric; razors, electric adapted for mobile phones; wearable video display or non-electric; depilation appliances, electric and monitors; selfie lenses; telecommunication apparatus non-electric; curlers (eyelash -). in the form of jewelry; USB cables. 11 – Kettles, electric; hair driers [dryers]; toasters; ______lighters; radiators, electric; pocket searchlights; ligh- ting apparatus and installations; steam facial appa- (260) AM 2019 99421 A ratus [saunas]; coffee machines, electric. (800) 1190441 ______(151) 2013 11 12 (891) 2018 07 19 (260) AM 2019 99544 A (731) TYCO FIRE & SECURITY GMBH (800) 1423688 Victor von Bruns-Strasse 21, CH-8212 (151) 2018 03 26 Neuhausen am Rheinfall, Switzerland (891) 2018 03 26 (540) (731) Limited Liability Company "POLAR BEAR" SENSORMATIC Leninogorskaya str., 11/10/8, RU-344012 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation (591) Black, white (540) (511) 9 – Anti-theft alarms, anti-theft alarm keypads and anti-theft alarm control panels; magnetic and elec- tromagnetic object detectors; transponders; antennas; encrypted microparticles, plastic labels and markers, electronic equipment and articles for detection, by means of radio-frequency identification (RFID), mi- crowave, electromagnetic, radio-frequency and aco- ustic-magnetic labels, electric labels, readers, sen- sors, transmitters, receivers and controllers; electro- nic apparatus for monitoring and tracking, namely

#13 2019 07 10 69


(591) Blue and white 7 – Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (531) 03.01.14; 03.01.24; 26.01.02; 26.01.05; (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and 26.01.15; 26.01.24; 29.01.12 transmission components (except for land vehicles); (511) agricultural implements other than hand-operated; 29 – Albumen for food; fatty substances for the ma- incubators for eggs; automatic vending machines. nufacture of edible fats; suet for food; edible fats; 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, ci- buttercream; margarine; oils for food; butter; milk; nematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signa- soya milk; milk products; prostokvasha [soured lling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teac- milk]; formed textured vegetable protein for use as a hing apparatus and instruments; apparatus and ins- meat substitute; whipped cream; fat-containing mix- truments for conducting, switching, transforming, tures for bread slices; cheese; tofu; rennet. accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; 35 – Demonstration of goods; promoting the goods apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduc- of above mentioned classes for others; procurement tion of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, re- services for others [purchasing goods and services cording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated appara- for other businesses]. tus; cash registers, calculating machines, data pro- ______cessing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. (260) AM 2019 99546 A 11 – Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam genera- (800) 1423723 ting, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, wa- (151) 2018 05 10 ter supply and sanitary purposes. (891) 2018 05 10 (731) ORIFLAME COSMETICS AG 19 – Building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic c/o Oriflame Global Management AG, rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; Bleicheplatz 3, CH-8200 Schaffhausen, non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments, Switzerland not of metal. (540) 28 – Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting ORIFLAME SKINPRO articles not included in other classes; decorations for (591) Black, white christmas trees. (511) ______21 – Skin cleansing brushes; sonic oscillating brus- hes for skincare. (260) AM 2019 99548 A ______(800) 1423765 (151) 2018 07 03 (260) AM 2019 99547 A (891) 2018 07 03 (800) 1423734 (731) Joint-Stock Company "NEFIS COSMETICS" (151) 2018 02 15 – Kazan Chemical Complex named after M. (891) 2018 02 15 Vahitov (soap and candle producing factory (731) HEINRICH WOLKING №1 of the former Krestovnikovs) Salbeiweg 1, 49377 Vechta, Germany ul. G. Tukaya, 152, g. Kazan, RU-420021 (540) Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation (540) NEFIS (591) Black, white (511) 3 – Abrasives; amber [perfume]; descaling prepara- tions for household purposes; antistatic preparations for household purposes; aromatics [essential oils]; (591) Blue (RAL 5013) and orange (RAL 2008) air fragrancing preparations; cake flavorings [essen- (531) 07.01.06; 07.01.14; 07.01.24; 24.17.02; tial oils]; flavorings for beverages [essential oils]; 27.05.08; 27.05.10; 29.01.12 food flavorings [essential oils]; breath freshening (511) sprays; canned pressurized air for cleaning and dus- 6 – Common metals and their alloys; metal building ting purposes; balms, other than for medical purpo- materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials ses; lip glosses; polishing stones; abrasive paper; of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and emery paper; polishing paper; petroleum jelly for wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items cosmetic purposes; shoe polish; cobblers' wax; cot- of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; ton wool for cosmetic purposes; sachets for perfu- goods of common metal not included in other cla- ming linen; drying agents for dishwashing machines; sses; ores. adhesives for cosmetic purposes; scented water; Ja-

70 #13 2019 07 10


velle water; lavender water; toilet water; wax for rations; nail care preparations; cleaning preparations; parquet floors; floor wax; non-slipping wax for flo- preparations for cleaning dentures; wallpaper clea- ors; depilatory wax; mustache wax; tailors' wax; cre- ning preparations; preparations for unblocking drain ams for leather; polish for furniture and flooring; pipes; collagen preparations for cosmetic purposes; shoemakers' wax; polishing wax; massage gels, ot- laundry preparations; aloe vera preparations for cos- her than for medical purposes; heliotropine; dental metic purposes; sunscreen preparations; color-brigh- bleaching gels; geraniol; make-up; deodorants for tening chemicals for household purposes [laundry]; pets; deodorants for human beings or for animals; shining preparations [polish]; make-up powder; dia- depilatory preparations; scented wood; perfumes; mantine [abrasive]; stain removers; nail varnish re- non-slipping liquids for floors; windshield cleaning movers; vaginal washes for personal sanitary or deo- liquids; greases for cosmetic purposes; volcanic ash dorant purposes; scouring solutions; false eyelashes; for cleaning; perfumery; decorative transfers for cos- tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; tissues metic purposes; ionone [perfumery]; shaving stones impregnated with make-up removing preparations; [astringents]; smoothing stones; eyebrow pencils; safrol; laundry blueing; turpentine for degreasing; cosmetic pencils; silicon carbide [abrasive]; carbides potpourris [fragrances]; bleaching soda; washing of metal [abrasives]; alum stones [astringents]; tri- soda, for cleaning; bath salts, not for medical purpo- poli stone for polishing; adhesives for affixing false ses; bleaching salts; fumigation preparations [perfu- eyelashes; adhesives for affixing false hair; hair con- mes]; preservatives for leather [polishes]; ammonia ditioners; quillaia bark for washing; corundum [ab- [volatile alkali] [detergent]; astringents for cosmetic rasive]; beard dyes; colorants for toilet purposes; co- purposes; eyebrow cosmetics; make-up preparations; smetic dyes; laundry starch; laundry glaze; shoe cre- sun-tanning preparations [cosmetics]; hair dyes; am; polishing creams; cosmetic creams; skin white- neutralizers for permanent waving; preparations to ning creams; polishing rouge; incense; hair spray; make the leaves of plants shiny; cosmetic preparati- nail polish; hair lotions; lotions for cosmetic purpo- ons for eyelashes; cosmetic preparations for skin ca- ses; after-shave lotions; beauty masks; oils for per- re; shoe wax; cosmetics; cosmetics for animals; mas- fumes and scents; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for cara; cleansers for intimate personal hygiene purpo- toilet purposes; essential oils; essential oils of cedar- ses, non medicated; detergents, other than for use in wood; essential oils of lemon; essential oils of cit- manufacturing operations and for medical purposes; ron; oils for cleaning purposes; bergamot oil; gaul- degreasers, other than for use in manufacturing pro- theria oil; jasmine oil; lavender oil; almond oil; rose cesses; bleaching preparations [decolorants] for cos- oil; oil of turpentine for degreasing; whiting; clea- metic purposes; antiperspirants [toiletries]; toiletry ning chalk; almond milk for cosmetic purposes; cle- preparations; phytocosmetic preparations; talcum ansing milk for toilet purposes; musk [perfumery]; powder, for toilet use; cotton sticks for cosmetic pur- deodorant soap; shaving soap; soap for brightening poses; terpenes [essential oils]; emery cloth; cloths textile; cakes of toilet soap; antiperspirant soap; soap impregnated with a detergent for cleaning; henna for foot perspiration; soap; almond soap; mint for [cosmetic dye]; shampoos for animals [non-medica- perfumery; cosmetic kits; emery; nail art stickers; ted grooming preparations]; shampoos for pets [non- false nails; eau de Cologne; bases for flower perfu- medicated grooming preparations]; dry shampoos; mes; joss sticks; pastes for razor strops; non-me- shampoos; sandpaper; soda lye; herbal extracts for dicated dentifrices; pumice stone; lipstick cases; cosmetic purposes; extracts of flowers [perfumes]; hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; breath fre- ethereal essences; badian essence; mint essence [es- shening strips; teeth whitening strips; abrasive cloth; sential oil]. glass cloth [abrasive cloth]; lipsticks; pomades for ______cosmetic purposes; shaving preparations; cosmetic preparations for baths; bath preparations, not for me- (260) AM 2019 99549 A dical purposes; hair straightening preparations; hair (800) 1423801 waving preparations; laundry soaking preparations; (151) 2018 01 23 grinding preparations; smoothing preparations [star- (891) 2018 01 23 ching]; color-removing preparations; leather blea- (731) EURO GAMES TECHNOLOGY LTD. ching preparations; polishing preparations; denture "Maritsa" Str. 4, "Vranya-Lozen-Triugulnika", polishes; mouthwashes, not for medical purposes; BG-1151 Sofia, Bulgaria cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; starch (540) glaze for laundry purposes; furbishing preparations; eye-washes, not for medical purposes; fabric softe- ners for laundry use; laundry bleach; dry-cleaning preparations; paint stripping preparations; lacquer- removing preparations; make-up removing prepara- tions; floor wax removers [scouring preparations]; (591) Brown, red, blue, green, yellow and black varnish-removing preparations; rust removing prepa- (531) 24.17.09; 27.05.02; 29.01.15

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(511) ning, brushes [parts of machines], sweepers [vehic- 9 – Apparatus for recording, transmission or repro- les], blower sweepers, road sweepers, street swee- duction of sound or image; computer software, re- pers, roadway sweepers [machines], roadway swee- corded; monitors, computer hardware. per accessories intended for vehicles, spreading and spraying devices [machines], spreading and spraying 28 – Games that are not included in other classes; apparatus [machines], spreading apparatus for winter gaming machines operating with coins, banknotes service vehicles and other spreading vehicles, appa- and cards; gaming machines for gambling. ratus and machines for sweeping and cleaning surfa- ______ces, suction and blowing machines, snowblowers,

winter service machines and equipment, de-icers (260) AM 2019 99550 A [machines], equipment and machinery for sweeping (800) 1423811 and cleaning airfields or roadways, vehicles, sprea- (151) 2018 02 21 ding vehicles, winter spreading vehicles, vehicle for (891) 2018 02 21 cleaning and evacuating snow, vehicles for sweeping (731) SOVIAR and cleaning airfields or roads, sprinklers [vehicles], 503 avenue de Marlioz, F-74190 PASSY, winter service vehicles, vehicles for de-icing surfa- France ces and objects, trailers [vehicles], transport trailers, (540) road trailers, trailers for sweeping and cleaning air- SNOW-KILL fields or roads; pavement stripping services; street (591) Black, white cleaning; road maintenance; rental of snow plows, (511) snow plow vehicles, snow plow blades, vehicle 7 – Snow plows; snowplow blades; rubber treads as snow clearing accessories [namely, snow plow parts of snowplow tracks; sprayers [machines]; clea- accessories for vehicles, snow blowing accessories ning machines; floor scrubbing machines; road cons- for vehicles, accessories for moving snow for vehic- truction machines; high-pressure washers; dust re- les], rubber treads as parts of snowplow tracks, spra- moving installations for cleaning purposes; brushes yers [machines], cleaning machines, floor scrubbing [parts of machines]; sweepers [vehicles]; snow blo- machines, road making machines, high pressure wers; road sweepers; street sweepers; roadway swee- washing machines, dust-removing installations for pers [machines]; spreading and spraying devices cleaning, brushes [parts of machines], sweepers [ve- (machines); spreading and spraying apparatus (ma- hicles], blower sweepers, road sweepers, street swe- chines); spreading equipment for winter service ve- epers, roadway sweepers [machines], pavement swe- hicles and other spreading vehicles; apparatus and eper accessories intended for vehicles, spreading and machines for sweeping and cleaning surfaces; suc- spraying devices [machines], spreading and spraying tion and blowing machines; snowblowers; de-icers apparatus [machines], spreading apparatus for winter (machines); apparatus and machines for sweeping service vehicles and other spreading vehicles, appa- and cleaning airfields or roadways. ratus and machines for sweeping and cleaning sur- 12 – Vehicles; spreading vehicles; winter spreading faces, suction and blowing machines, snowblowers, vehicles; vehicle to clean and evacuate snow; vehic- winter service machines and equipment, de-icers les for sweeping and cleaning airfields or roadways; [machines], equipment and machinery for sweeping sprinkling trucks; winter service vehicles; vehicles and cleaning airfields or roadways, spreading ve- for deicing surfaces and objects; trailers [vehicles]; hicles, winter spreading vehicles, vehicle for clea- transport trailers; road trailers; trailers for sweeping ning and evacuating snow, vehicles for sweeping and cleaning airfields or roadways; vehicles (snowp- and cleaning airfields or roads, sprinklers [vehicles], lows); snow clearing accessories for vehicles, name- vehicles for de-icing surfaces and objects. ly, snowplow accessories for vehicles, snow blowing 39 – Rental of vehicles, winter service vehicles, trai- accessories for vehicles, accessories for moving lers [vehicles], transport trailers, road trailers, trai- snow for vehicles; roadway sweeper accessories for lers for sweeping and cleaning airfields or roads. vehicles, namely, vehicle mechanical sweeper, ve- hicle vacuum cleaners, vacuum cleaners with high- 41 – Training; practical training [demonstration]; or- pressure water bar for vehicles. ganization of training seminars; production of edu- cational material distributed at professional semi- 37 – Maintenance and repair of snow plows, snow nars; driver training; staff training for cleaning and plows vehicles, snow plows blades, snow clearing snow-clearing of roadways; training services relating accessories for vehicles [namely, snow plow acces- to road safety. sories for vehicles, snow blowing accessories for ve- ______hicles, accessories for moving snow for vehicles], rubber treads as parts of snowplow tracks, sprayers (260) AM 2019 99551 A [machines], cleaning machines, floor scrubbing ma- (800) 1423812 chines, road making machines, high pressure was- (151) 2018 06 11 hing machines, dust-removing installations for clea-

72 #13 2019 07 10


(891) 2018 06 11 (591) Black, white (731) ERK PAZARLAMA VE GİYİM SANAYİ (531) 24.01.01; 24.01.23; 26.03.04; 26.03.06 TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ (511) Zafer Mahallesi, Çinar Sokak No:2 Kat:3, 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of Yenibosna Bahçelievler, Istanbul, Turkey infections; antibiotics. (540) ______

COLIN'S COIN'S (260) AM 2019 99556 A (591) Black, white (800) 1423995 (511) (151) 2018 08 02 18 – Unworked or semi-worked leather and animal (891) 2018 08 02 skins, imitations of leather, stout leather, leather (731) KIA MOTORS CORPORATION used for linings; goods made of leather, imitations of 12, Heolleung-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06797, leather or other materials, designed for carrying Republic of Korea; items, included in this class; bags, wallets, boxes and HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY trunks made of leather or stout leather; keycases, 12, Heolleung-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06797, trunks [luggage]; suitcases; umbrellas; parasols; sun Republic of Korea umbrellas; walking sticks; whips; harness; saddlery; (540) stirrups; straps of leather (saddlery). Smartstream 25 – Clothing, including underwear and outerclot- (591) Black, white hing, other than special purpose protective clothing; (511) socks, mufflers [clothing], shawls, bandanas, scar- 12 – Engines for land vehicles; gears for land vehic- ves, belts [clothing]; footwear, shoes, slippers, san- les; automatic gearboxes for land vehicles; gearbo- dals; headgear, hats, caps with visors, berets, caps xes for land vehicles; transmission for land vehicles; [headwear], skull caps. transmission mechanisms, for land vehicles; power 36 – Financial and monetary affairs. transmissions and gearings for land vehicles. ______

(260) AM 2019 99553 A (260) AM 2019 99557 A (800) 1423948 (800) 1424009 (151) 2018 07 30 (151) 2018 07 06 (891) 2018 07 30 (891) 2018 07 06 (731) AGRO SELECTIONS FRUITS (731) LABORATOIRES DE BIOLOGIE La Prade de Mousseillous, F-66200 ELNE, VEGETALE YVES ROCHER France La Croix des Archers, F-56200 LA (540) GACILLY, France RED BY REGAL'IN (540) (591) Black, white (511) 31 – Fresh fruit; non-processed fruits; peaches; raw peaches; nonprocessed peaches; nectarines; raw nec- tarines; non-processed nectarines. (591) Black, white ______(531) 26.01.18; 27.05.22

(511) (260) AM 2019 99555 A 3 – Soaps; deodorants for personal use; perfumes; (800) 1423981 perfumery products for cosmetic use; home perfu- (151) 2018 06 06 ming products excluding vaporizers; essential oils; (891) 2018 06 06 cosmetic products; cosmetic products in any galenic (731) PFIZER IRELAND PHARMACEUTICALS form not for medical use; cosmetic shaving and af- Operations Support Group, Ringaskiddy, Co. ter-shave products; cosmetic products for face and Cork, Ireland body care; cosmetic products for bathing and sho- (540) wering; cosmetic make-up and make-up removing products; sun care products for cosmetic use; pro- ducts for hair treatment, care and beautification for cosmetic use; cosmetic products for foot and hand care; cosmetic products for nail care and beautifi- cation. ______

#13 2019 07 10 73


(260) AM 2019 99558 A (511) (800) 1424053 9 – Computer software; calculating machines. (151) 2018 06 19 35 – Advertising; business management; office func- (891) 2018 06 19 tions. (731) Union des Associations Européennes de Football (UEFA) 37 – Installation, maintenance and repair of compu- Route de Genève 46, CH-1260 Nyon, ter hardware. Switzerland 38 – Communications by computer terminals. (540) 42 – Computer system design; computer software design; rental of computer software; computer ren- tal; providing information on computer technology and programming via a web site. ______

(260) AM 2019 99561 A (800) 1424122 (151) 2018 07 03 (891) 2018 07 03 (731) Joint-Stock Company "NEFIS COSMETICS" (591) Black, white – Kazan Chemical Complex named after, (531) 11.03.01; 26.11.25; 27.01.01 M. Vahitov (soap and candle producing, (511) factory №1 of the former Krestovnikovs) 29 – Meat; fish; poultry; game; meat extracts; can- ul. G. Tukaya, 152, RU-420021 g. Kazan, ned fish and meat; cooked fruits and vegetables; can- Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation ned fruits and vegetables; edible oils and fats; potato (540) chips; French fries; prepared nuts; jams; marmalades and jellies; milk; milk products (milk predomina- ting), dairy products; cheeses; soy milk (milk subs- (591) Black, white titute); consommés (soups); bouillons. (531) 28.05 ______(511)

3 – Abrasives; amber [perfume]; descaling preparati- (260) AM 2019 99559 A ons for household purposes; antistatic preparations (800) 1424060 for household purposes; aromatics [essential oils]; (151) 2017 12 29 air fragrancing preparations; cake flavorings [essen- (891) 2017 12 29 tial oils]; flavorings for beverages [essential oils]; (731) TOKEL TURİZM İNŞAAT PAZARLAMA food flavorings [essential oils]; breath freshening SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ sprays; canned pressurized air for cleaning and dus- 50. Yıl Mah. 2182 Sok. No: 15/1, Küçükköy ting purposes; balms, other than for medical purpo- Gaziosmanpaşa, İstanbul, Turkey ses; lip glosses; polishing stones; abrasive paper; (540) emery paper; polishing paper; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; shoe polish; cobblers' wax; cot-

ton wool for cosmetic purposes; sachets for perfu- (591) Black, white ming linen; drying agents for dishwashing machines; (531) 27.05.17 adhesives for cosmetic purposes; scented water; Ja- (511) velle water; lavender water; toilet water; wax for 34 – Tobacco, hookah tobacco, hookah, cigarette. parquet floors; floor wax; non-slipping wax for flo- ______ors; depilatory wax; mustache wax; tailors' wax; creams for leather; polish for furniture and flooring; (260) AM 2019 99560 A shoemakers' wax; polishing wax; massage gels, ot- (800) 1424061 her than for medical purposes; heliotropine; dental (151) 2018 05 22 bleaching gels; geraniol; make-up; deodorants for (891) 2018 05 22 pets; deodorants for human beings or for animals; (731) HASHCOINS OÜ depilatory preparations; scented wood; perfumes; Tartu mnt 43, Tallinn, EE-10128 Harjumaa non-slipping liquids for floors; windshield cleaning country, Estonia liquids; greases for cosmetic purposes; volcanic ash (540) for cleaning; perfumery; decorative transfers for cos- metic purposes; ionone [perfumery]; shaving stones HashFlare [astringents]; smoothing stones; eyebrow pencils; (591) Black, white

74 #13 2019 07 10


cosmetic pencils; silicon carbide [abrasive]; carbides degreasing; potpourris [fragrances]; bleaching soda; of metal [abrasives]; alum stones [astringents]; tripo- washing soda, for cleaning; bath salts, not for me- li stone for polishing; adhesives for affixing false dical purposes; bleaching salts; fumigation prepa- eyelashes; adhesives for affixing false hair; hair rations [perfumes]; preservatives for leather [polis- conditioners; quillaia bark for washing; corundum hes]; ammonia [volatile alkali] [detergent]; astrin- [abrasive]; beard dyes; colorants for toilet purposes; gents for cosmetic purposes; eyebrow cosmetics; cosmetic dyes; laundry starch; laundry glaze; shoe make-up preparations; sun-tanning preparations [co- cream; polishing creams; cosmetic creams; skin whi- smetics]; hair dyes; neutralizers for permanent wa- tening creams; polishing rouge; incense; hair spray; ving; preparations to make the leaves of plants shi- nail polish; hair lotions; lotions for cosmetic purpo- ny; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; cosmetic ses; after-shave lotions; beauty masks; oils for perfu- preparations for skin care; shoe wax; cosmetics; cos- mes and scents; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for metics for animals; mascara; cleansers for intimate toilet purposes; essential oils; essential oils of cedar- personal hygiene purposes, non medicated; deter- wood; essential oils of lemon; essential oils of cit- gents, other than for use in manufacturing operations ron; oils for cleaning purposes; bergamot oil; gault- and for medical purposes; degreasers, other than for heria oil; jasmine oil; lavender oil; almond oil; rose use in manufacturing processes; bleaching preparati- oil; oil of turpentine for degreasing; whiting; clea- ons [decolorants] for cosmetic purposes; antiperspi- ning chalk; almond milk for cosmetic purposes; cle- rants [toiletries]; toiletry preparations; phytocosme- ansing milk for toilet purposes; musk [perfumery]; tic preparations; talcum powder, for toilet use; cotton deodorant soap; shaving soap; soap for brightening sticks for cosmetic purposes; terpenes [essential textile; cakes of toilet soap; antiperspirant soap; soap oils]; emery cloth; cloths impregnated with a deter- for foot perspiration; soap; almond soap; mint for gent for cleaning; henna [cosmetic dye]; shampoos perfumery; cosmetic kits; emery; nail art stickers; for animals [non-medicated grooming preparations]; false nails; eau de Cologne; bases for flower perfu- shampoos for pets [non-medicated grooming prepa- mes; joss sticks; pastes for razor strops; non-me- rations]; dry shampoos; shampoos; sandpaper; soda dicated dentifrices; pumice stone; lipstick cases; lye; herbal extracts for cosmetic purposes; extracts hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; breath of flowers [perfumes]; ethereal essences; badian es- freshening strips; teeth whitening strips; abrasive sence; mint essence [essential oil]. cloth; glass cloth [abrasive cloth]; lipsticks; pomades ______for cosmetic purposes; shaving preparations; cosme- tic preparations for baths; bath preparations, not for (260) AM 2019 99563 A medical purposes; hair straightening preparations; (800) 1424135 hair waving preparations; laundry soaking prepara- (151) 2018 08 03 tions; grinding preparations; smoothing preparations (891) 2018 08 03 [starching]; color-removing preparations; leather (731) APPLE INC. bleaching preparations; polishing preparations; den- One Apple Park Way, Cupertino CA 95014, USA ture polishes; mouthwashes, not for medical purpo- (540) ses; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; starch glaze for laundry purposes; furbishing prepa- FoundationDB rations; eye-washes, not for medical purposes; fabric (591) Black, white softeners for laundry use; laundry bleach; dry-clea- (511) ning preparations; paint stripping preparations; lac- 9 – Computer software for database management quer-removing preparations; make-up removing pre- and development. parations; floor wax removers [scouring preparati- ______ons]; varnish-removing preparations; rust removing preparations; nail care preparations; cleaning prepa- (260) AM 2019 99565 A rations; preparations for cleaning dentures; wallpa- (800) 680483 per cleaning preparations; preparations for unbloc- (151) 1997 08 14 king drain pipes; collagen preparations for cosmetic (891) 2018 08 20 purposes; laundry preparations; aloe vera prepara- (731) THE SMILEY COMPANY (SPRL) tions for cosmetic purposes; sunscreen preparations; Avenue Louise 523, B-1050 Brussels, color-brightening chemicals for household purposes Belgium [laundry]; shining preparations [polish]; make-up (540) powder; diamantine [abrasive]; stain removers; nail varnish removers; vaginal washes for personal sani- tary or deodorant purposes; scouring solutions; false eyelashes; tissues impregnated with cosmetic loti- ons; tissues impregnated with make-up removing preparations; safrol; laundry blueing; turpentine for (591) Black, white (531) 04.05.21; 26.01.01

#13 2019 07 10 75


(511) cial or advertising purposes, office functions, secre- 25 – Clothing, footwear (excluding orthopedic foot- tarial services, arranging newspaper subscriptions wear), swimsuits, bath robes, bibs, not of paper, be- for others, compilation of statistics, rental of office rets, hosiery, boots, suspenders, boxer shorts, caps, machines, systemization of information into compu- belts (clothing), hats, sports shoes, masquerade cos- ter databases, telephone answering for unavailable tumes, babies' diaper pants, earmuffs (clothing), nec- subscribers, business management, business admi- kties, shoulder sashes, scarves, gloves (clothing), la- nistration and business consultancy, accounting, co- yettes, slippers, soles, underwear, aprons (clothing), mmercial consultancy services, personnel recruit- sportswear. ment, personnel placement, employment agencies, ______import-export agencies, temporary personnel place- ment services, auctioneering, the bringing together, (260) AM 2019 99571 A for the benefit of others, furniture, made of any kind (800) 1399841 of material, mattresses, pillows, air mattresses and (151) 2017 10 30 cushions, not for medical purposes, sleeping bags for (891) 2018 07 20 camping, water beds, not for medical purposes, mir- (731) YATAŞ YATAK VE YORGAN SANAYİ rors, beehives, artificial honeycombs and sections of TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ wood for honeycombs, bouncing chairs for babies, Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 18. Cadde, No:6 playpens for babies, cradles, infant walkers, display Melikgazi, Kayseri, Turkey boards, frames for pictures and paintings, identifica- (540) tion plates, identification tags, nameplates, identifi- cation labels made of wood or synthetic materials, packaging containers of wood or plastics, casks for use in transportation or storage, barrels, storage (591) Blue and black. drums, tanks, boxes, storage containers, transporta- (531) 24.17.25; 26.03.23; 29.01.12 tion containers, chests, loading pallets and closures (511) for the aforementioned goods, of wood or plastics, 20 – Furniture, made of any kind of material, mat- small hardware goods of wood or synthetic mate- tresses, pillows, air mattresses and cushions, not for rials, furniture fittings, of wood or synthetic mate- medical purposes, water beds, not for medical pur- rials, opening and closing mechanisms of wood or poses, mirrors, beehives, artificial honeycombs and synthetic materials, ornaments and decorative goods sections of wood for honeycombs, bouncing chairs of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, for babies, playpens for babies, cradles, infant wal- whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerscha- kers, display boards, frames for pictures and pain- um, beeswax, plastic or plaster, namely figurines, tings, identification plates, identification tags, name- holiday ornaments for walls and sculptures, baskets, plates, identification labels made of wood or synthe- fishing baskets, kennels, nesting boxes and beds for tic materials, packaging containers of wood or plas- household pets, portable ladders and mobile boar- tics, casks for use in transportation or storage, bar- ding stairs of wood or synthetic materials, bamboo rels, storage drums, tanks, boxes, storage containers, curtains, roller indoor blinds [for interiors], slatted transportation containers, chests, loading pallets and indoor blinds, strip curtains, bead curtains for deco- closures for the aforementioned goods, of wood or ration, curtain hooks, curtain rings, curtain tie-backs, plastics, small hardware goods of wood or synthetic curtain rods, non-metal wheel chocks, enabling cus- materials included in this class, furniture fittings, of tomers to conveniently view and purchase those wood or synthetic materials, opening and closing goods, such services may be provided by retail sto- mechanisms of wood or synthetic materials, orna- res, wholesale outlets, by means of electronic media ments and decorative goods of wood, cork, reed, ca- or through mail order catalogues. ne, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, am- ______ber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, beeswax, plastic or plaster, included in this class, namely figurines, (260) AM 2019 99572 A holiday ornaments for walls and sculptures, all made (800) 1404444 of wood, baskets, not of metal, fishing baskets, ken- (151) 2018 02 14 nels, nesting boxes and beds for household pets, por- (891) 2018 02 14 table ladders and mobile boarding stairs of wood or (731) Limited Liability Company "KAVZ" synthetic materials, bamboo curtains, roller indoor Avtozavodskaya St., 5, Kurgan, RU-640008 blinds [for interiors], slatted indoor blinds, strip Kurgan region, Russian Federation curtains, bead curtains for decoration, curtain hooks, (540) curtain rings, curtain tie-backs, curtain rods, non- metal wheel chocks. (591) Black, white 35 – Advertising, marketing and public relations, or- (531) 28.05 ganization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commer- (511)

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12 – Motor buses; motor coaches; automobile bodi- of rental applications, custom offers, maintenance es; bodies for vehicles. requests, credit, eviction and criminal reports, as ______well as e-signing rental agreements, tenant scree- ning, and online rental payment; platform as a ser- (260) AM 2019 99574 A vice (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms (800) 1424267 for allowing users to add, promote and syndicate real (151) 2018 06 06 estate properties, as well as store, upload, download (891) 2018 06 06 and access signed rental agreements and documents; (731) RENTBERRY, INC. platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer 201 Spear Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco software platforms for providing security deposit CA 94123, USA services for rental properties that includes matching (540) co-signers, tenants and landlords; platform as a ser- vice (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms RENTBERRY for use in property management; providing non- (591) Black, white downloadable software for use in providing real es- (511) tate listings syndication and enabling the exchange 35 – Operating on-line marketplaces featuring a ren- of information between other real estate portals and tal price negotiation platform offering landlords ab- platforms via a website; providing non-downloadab- ility to conduct rental auctions for the properties and le software for use in providing tenant screening that tenants customize offers during the rental applicati- includes credit, eviction and criminal reports, as well ons process; operating on-line marketplaces featu- as ratings of users and properties on the platform via ring a platform connecting tenants and landlords and a website; providing non-downloadable software for where both parties can post ratings and provide feed- use in providing rent collection and payments for back one another and tenants can provide ratings and rental services in different currencies, including feedback on properties and apartments; providing an cryptocurrencies via a website; providing non-down- interactive real estate website which promotes hou- loadable software for use in connecting tenants and sing and apartment properties through offering pros- landlords through a search engine, transparent rental pective tenants video walk throughs, property des- application process and a price negotiation platform criptions, text, price, location, maps and other infor- via a website; providing non-downloadable software mation that would be influential to a prospective te- for use in enabling automated rental tasks, including nant in making a rental decision; real estate mar- property search and open house scheduling, submi- keting services. ssion of rental applications, custom offers, mainte- 36 – Providing information in the field of real estate; nance requests, credit, eviction and criminal reports, providing real estate listings via the internet; provi- as well as e-signing rental agreements, tenant scree- ding real estate listings and real estate information ning, and online rental payments via a website; pro- via the internet; real estate listing services for hou- viding non-downloadable software for use in allo- sing rentals and apartment rentals; real estate servi- wing users to add, promote and syndicate real estate ce, namely, rental property management; real estate properties, as well as store, upload, download and syndication; rent collection; rent payment services; access signed rental agreements and documents via a securities deposit services. website; providing non-downloadable software for use in providing security deposit services for rental 42 – Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring compu- properties that includes matching co-signers, tenants ter software platforms for providing real estate lis- and landlords via a website; providing non-down- tings syndication and enabling the exchange of in- loadable software for use in property management formation between other real estate portals and plat- via a website; software as a service (SAAS) services forms; platform as a service (PAAS) featuring com- featuring software for providing real estate listings puter software platforms for providing tenant scre- syndication and enabling the exchange of informa- ening that includes credit, eviction and criminal tion between other real estate portals and platforms; reports, as well as ratings of users and properties on software as a service (SAAS) services featuring soft- the platform; platform as a service (PAAS) featuring ware for providing tenant screening that includes computer software platforms for providing rent co- credit, eviction and criminal reports, as well as ra- llection and payments for rental services in different tings of users and properties on the platform; soft- currencies, including cryptocurrencies; platform as a ware as a service (SAAS) services featuring soft- service (PAAS) featuring computer software plat- ware for providing rent collection and payments for forms for connecting tenants and landlords through a rental services in different currencies, including search engine, transparent rental application process cryptocurrencies; software as a service (SAAS) ser- and a price negotiation platform; platform as a ser- vices featuring software for connecting tenants and vice (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms landlords through a search engine, transparent rental for enabling automated rental tasks, including pro- application process and a price negotiation platform; perty search and open house scheduling, submission

#13 2019 07 10 77


software as a service (SAAS) services featuring soft- (591) Ocher P155, red P201, imitation gold P131, brown ware for enabling automated rental tasks, including P1685, metallic P8023, transparent, amber property search and open house scheduling, submi- (531) 04.02.01; 04.02.02; 05.03.17; 19.07.01; ssion of rental applications, custom offers, mainte- 19.07.09; 19.07.10; 27.05.01; 27.07.01; nance requests, credit, eviction and criminal reports, 29.01.12 as well as e-signing rental agreements, tenant scree- (511) ning, and online rental payments; software as a ser- 33 – Alcoholic beverages (except beers). vice (SAAS) services featuring software for allo- ______wing users to add, promote and syndicate real estate properties, as well as store, upload, download and (260) AM 2019 99578 A access signed rental agreements and documents; (800) 1424456 software as a service (SAAS) services featuring soft- (151) 2018 05 23 ware for providing security deposit services for ren- (891) 2018 05 23 tal properties that includes matching co-signers, te- (731) KABUSHIKI KAISHA TOSHIBA, nants and landlords; software as a service (SAAS) also trading as Toshiba Corporation services featuring software for use in property ma- 1-1, Shibaura 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo nagement. 105-8001, Japan (540) ______

(260) AM 2019 99576 A (800) 1424298 (591) Black, white (151) 2018 05 10 (531) 27.05; 27.05.17 (891) 2018 05 10 (511) (731) JHO Intellectual Property Holdings, LLC 9 – Telecommunication machines and apparatus; te- 1721 SW 131st Terrace, Attention: Office of levision receivers [TV sets]; accessories for televi- the General Counsel, Davie FL 33325, USA sion receivers [TV sets]; optical disc players; optical (540) disc recorders; accessories for optical disc players; accessories for optical disc recorders; digital video BANG REVOLUTION players; digital video recorders; DVD players; DVD (591) Black, white recorders; accessories for DVD players; accessories (511) for DVD recorders; visual display units; accessories 25 – Clothing, namely, bandanas, bathing suits, be- for visual display units; video screens; display mo- achwear, belts, bikinis, briefs, dresses, gloves, jeans, nitors; display screens; electronic notice boards; di- sleepwear, socks, sweaters, sweatshirts, swimwear, gital signs; accessories for digital signs; digital sig- ties, tights, underwear, unitards, headwear, baseball nage monitors; digital signage display panels; audio caps, caps, hats, jackets, leggings, pants, jeans, devices that connects to television sets, optical disc shorts, T-shirts, tank-tops, tights, tops, warm-up out- players, optical disc recorders, DVD players, DVD fits, yoga pants, yoga shirts; footwear, namely, sho- recorders, or hard disk drive recorders for the prima- es, flip flops, sandals, athletic footwear, boots, slip- ry purpose of amplifying audio signals; amplifiers; pers, sneakers; wristbands as clothings. hard disk drives; hard disk drive recorders; acces- ______sories for hard disk drive recorders; computer hard- ware; computer software; computer programs, recor- (260) AM 2019 99577 A ded; computer programs [downloadable software]; (800) 1424312 computer network hubs; computer hardware and sof- (151) 2018 07 09 tware for use in connecting, managing, controlling, (891) 2018 07 09 monitoring and enabling communication among IoT (731) E. REMY MARTIN & C° (Internet of Things) devices over a network; compu- 20 rue de la Société Vinicole, F-16100 ter hardware and software for use in controlling ho- COGNAC, France me automation; home automation remote control de- (540) vices for use with the IoT (Internet of Things) devi- ces for home security systems; computer hardware and software for providing personal assistant; elec- trical adapters; AC adaptors; battery chargers; batte- ries and cells; accumulators, electric; parts and acce- ssories for telecommunication machines and appara- tus; aerials; antennas; cabinets for telecommunicati- on apparatus; loudspeakers; stands and racks for telecommunication machines and apparatus; hangers of metal for television receivers [TV sets]; headpho-

78 #13 2019 07 10


nes; earphones; microphones; remote controls; re- and dried fruits as snacks; hazelnut spreads and pea- mote controls for televisions; remote controls for op- nut butter; tahini (sesame seed paste); eggs and pow- tical disc players; remote controls for optical disc re- dered eggs; potato chips. corders; remote controls for DVD players; remote 30 – Coffee, cocoa; coffee or cocoa based beverages, controls for DVD recorders; remote controls for hard chocolate based beverages; pasta, stuffed dumplings, disk drive recorders; 3D spectacles; 3D transmitters; noodles; pastries and bakery products based on flo- computer network adapters. ur; desserts based on flour and chocolate; bread, 35 – Compilation and systemization of information simit [Turkish ring-shaped bagel covered with sesa- into computer databases. me seeds], poğaça [Turkish bagel], pita, sandwiches, katmer [Turkish pastry], pies, cakes, baklava [Tur- 37 – Repair or maintenance of telecommunication kish dessert based on dough coated with syrup], ka- machines and apparatus; repair of television sets; dayıf [Turkish dessert based on dough]; desserts ba- repair of optical disc players; repair of optical disc sed on dough coated with syrup; puddings, custard, recorders; repair of DVD players; repair of DVD re- kazandibi (Turkish pudding], rice pudding; keşkül corders; repair of hard disk drive recorders; repair or [Turkish pudding]; honey, bee glue for human con- maintenance of electronic machines and apparatus; sumption, propolis for food purposes; condiments repair or maintenance of visual display units; repair for foodstuff, vanilla (flavoring), spices, sauces (co- or maintenance of digital signs; repair of computer ndiments), tomato sauce; yeast, baking powder; flo- hardware; repair of loudspeakers. ur, semolina, starch for food; sugar, cube sugar, po- 38 – Providing information about television broad- wdered sugar; tea; iced tea; confectionery, chocolate, casting and television programmes. biscuits, crackers, wafers; chewing gums; ice-cream, edible ices; salt; cereal-based snack food, popcorn, 42 – Providing search engines for the Internet; com- crushed oats, corn chips, breakfast cereals, processed puter software design, computer programming, or wheat for human consumption, crushed barley for maintenance of computer software; providing com- human consumption, processed oats for human con- puter programs on data networks; providing tempo- sumption, processed rye for human consumption, rary use of on-line non-downloadable software; clo- rice; molasses for food. ud computing. ______32 – Beers; preparations for making beer; mineral water, spring water, table water, soda water; fruit (260) AM 2019 99579 A and vegetable juices, fruit and vegetable concentra- (800) 1424459 tes and extracts for making beverages, non-alcoholic (151) 2018 07 15 soft drinks; energy drinks; protein-enriched sports (891) 2018 07 15 beverages. (731) YAYLA AGRO GIDA SANAYİ VE ______NAKLİYAT ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Saray Mah. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Blv., No:327 (260) AM 2019 99580 A Saray Kazan, Ankara, Turkey (800) 1424461 (540) (151) 2018 05 03 (891) 2018 05 03 (731) APPLE INC. One Apple Park Way, Cupertino CA 95014, USA (540)

(591) Red, white, gold (531) 26.01.05; 26.01.20; 26.01.24; 27.05.09; 27.05.10; 27.05.24; 29.01.14 (511) 29 – Meat; fish, poultry and game; processed meat products; dried pulses; soups, bouillon; processed (591) Blue and white olives, olive paste; milks of animal origin; milks of (531) 26.01.18; 26.11.12; 27.05.21; 29.01.12 herbal origin; milk products; butter; edible oils; dri- (511) ed, preserved, frozen, cooked, smoked or salted 9 – Software for video, image, audio, and music re- fruits and vegetables; tomato paste; prepared nuts cognition and identification; databases containing

#13 2019 07 10 79


downloadable recorded music files; downloadable (540) audio, video and multimedia content; application de- velopment software; computer game software featu- ring music quizzes; user interfaces for on-board mo- tor vehicle computers and electronic devices, namely electronic control panels, monitors, touchscreens, re- mote controls, docking stations, connectors, swit- ches, and voice activated controls; computer softwa- re enabling viewer of radio, television or streaming programs, films, or audio/visual entertainment or in- (591) The color(s) RED AND WHITE is/are formation content to access, online or via mobile claimed as a feature of the mark phone or computer, interactive audio and visual en- (531) 04.05.05; 26.04.02; 26.04.05; 26.04.12; tertainment or information content, offers or compe- 26.04.14; 26.04.16; 26.04.24; 26.11.12; titions or retail service providers; software for ac- 29.01.12 cessing information relating to music and audio and (511) visual content; software enabling discovery, interac- 3 – Toothpaste, mouthwash, cosmetic teeth white- tion with, and sharing of audio, video, printed, mul- ners. timedia or augmented reality content. 21 – Toothbrushes, interdental cleaners, dental floss. 38 – Messaging services; broadcasting and transmis- ______sion of voice data, images, music audio, video, mul- timedia, television and radio by means of telecom- (260) AM 2019 99582 A munications networks, computer networks, the inter- (800) 1424507 net, satellite, radio, wireless communications net- (151) 2018 05 31 works, television and cable; providing access to mat- (891) 2018 05 31 ching content, websites and portals for the transfer (731) Bakanova Elvira Vitalevna of music, audio, video, and multimedia by means of PKIZ DOBRYNYA, building 17, apartment telecommunications networks, computer networks, 35, Odinczovskiy rayon, RU-143020 the internet, satellite, radio, wireless communica- Moskovskaya oblast, Russian Federation tions networks, television and cable; providing ac- (540) cess to websites, databases, electronic bulletin bo- ards, on-line forums, directories, music and video and audio programs.

41 – Arranging, organizing, conducting and presen- ting concerts, live performances, entertainment spe- cial events, arts and cultural events, festivals, and sporting events; production, distribution, and presen- tation of radio programs, music, television programs, motion pictures and sound recordings; providing entertainment and musical entertainment services via a website; providing information, schedules, reviews (591) Blue, white, pink and light blue and personalized recommendations of entertainment, (531) 03.01.06; 03.01.16; 03.01.24; 27.05.10; motion pictures, concerts, live performances, com- 29.01.13 petitions, fairs, festivals, exhibitions, expositions and (511) sporting events; publication and presentation of re- 5 – Acaricides; aconitine; alkaloids for medical pur- views, surveys, and ratings, and providing the pos- poses; alginates for pharmaceutical purposes; algici- ting and sharing of reviews, survey and ratings rela- des; aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes; dental ting to entertainment, concerts, live performances, amalgams of gold; dental amalgams; amino acids for competitions, fairs, festivals, and exhibitions via in- veterinary purposes; amino acids for medical purpo- teractive websites and computer applications; pro- ses; analgesics; anaesthetics; antibiotics; antiseptics; viding online interactive information in the field of aluminium acetate for pharmaceutical purposes; ace- music, entertainment and films. tates for pharmaceutical purposes; germicides; balms ______for medical purposes; bandages for dressings; diag- nostic biomarker reagents for medical purposes; bio- (260) AM 2019 99581 A cides; bromine for pharmaceutical purposes; paper (800) 1424472 for mustard plasters; fly catching paper; reagent pa- (151) 2018 03 17 per for veterinary purposes; reagent paper for medi- (891) 2018 03 17 cal purposes; mothproofing paper; petroleum jelly (731) COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY for medical purposes; vaccines; oxygen baths; anti- 300 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022, USA septic cotton; aseptic cotton; absorbent cotton; wad-

80 #13 2019 07 10


ding for medical purposes; cotton for medical pur- veterinary use; curare; dental lacquer; liquorice for poses; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; pharmaceutical purposes; lactose for pharmaceutical radiological contrast substances for medical purpo- purposes; candy for medical purposes; adhesive pla- ses; nutritive substances for microorganisms; radio- sters; medicines for alleviating constipation; lecithin active substances for medical purposes; melissa wa- for medical purposes; lotions for veterinary purpo- ter for pharmaceutical purposes; sea water for medi- ses; medicated hair lotions; lotions for pharmaceuti- cinal bathing; mineral waters for medical purposes; cal purposes; medicated after-shave lotions; personal thermal water; dietary fiber; molding wax for den- sexual lubricants; lupulin for pharmaceutical purpo- tists; gases for medical purposes; guaiacol for phar- ses; magnesia for pharmaceutical purposes; lini- maceutical purposes; sexual stimulant gels; hemato- ments; ointments for pharmaceutical purposes; sun- gen; hemoglobin; hydrastine; hydrastinine; glycerine burn ointments; mercurial ointments; frostbite salve for medical purposes; glycerophosphates; glucose for pharmaceutical purposes; gauze for dressings; for medical purposes; gentian for pharmaceutical medicinal oils; mustard oil for medical purposes; purposes; hormones for medical purposes; mustard camphor oil for medical purposes; castor oil for me- for pharmaceutical purposes; mustard plasters; mud dical purposes; oil of turpentine for pharmaceutical for baths; medicinal mud; gamboge for medical pur- purposes; dill oil for medical purposes; dental mas- poses; gurjun balsam for medical purposes; deodo- tics; dental abrasives; dental impression materials; rants for clothing and textiles; diastase for medical teeth filling material; dressings, medical; surgical purposes; digitalin; vitamin supplement patches; mi- dressings; drugs for medical purposes; medicines for neral food supplements; nutritional supplements; veterinary purposes; serotherapeutic medicines; me- albumin dietary supplements; dietary supplements dicines for human purposes; medicines for dental for animals; yeast dietary supplements; alginate die- purposes; menthol; medicinal drinks; moleskin for tary supplements; glucose dietary supplements; case- medical purposes; almond milk for pharmaceutical in dietary supplements; lecithin dietary supplements; purposes; powdered milk for babies; royal jelly for linseed oil dietary supplements; propolis dietary sup- pharmaceutical purposes; milk ferments for pharma- plements; protein dietary supplements; protein supp- ceutical purposes; Irish moss for medical purposes; lements for animals; royal jelly dietary supplements; flour for pharmaceutical purposes; linseed meal for pollen dietary supplements; wheat germ dietary sup- pharmaceutical purposes; fish meal for pharmaceuti- plements; linseed dietary supplements; acai powder cal purposes; fly glue; antibacterial soap; disinfec- dietary supplements; dietary supplements with a cos- tant soap; medicated soap; freeze-dried meat adapted metic effect; enzyme dietary supplements; yeast for for medical purposes; mint for pharmaceutical pur- pharmaceutical purposes; gelatine for medical pur- poses; dietetic beverages adapted for medical purpo- poses; cod liver oil; isotopes for medical purposes; ses; malted milk beverages for medical purposes; immunostimulants; insecticides; iodine for pharma- narcotics; medicinal infusions; tincture of iodine; ceutical purposes; iodides for pharmaceutical purpo- eucalyptol for pharmaceutical purposes; tinctures for ses; alkaline iodides for pharmaceutical purposes; io- medical purposes; opium; opodeldoc; decoctions for doform; calomel [fungicide]; tartar for pharmaceuti- pharmaceutical purposes; antiparasitic collars for cal purposes; camphor for medical purposes; capsu- animals; stick liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes; les for medicines; cachets for pharmaceutical purpo- sulfur sticks [disinfectants]; medicated dentifrices; ses; hemostatic pencils; wart pencils; caustic pencils; pectin for pharmaceutical purposes; pepsins for carbolineum [parasiticide]; caustics for pharmaceuti- pharmaceutical purposes; peptones for pharmaceuti- cal purposes; cachou for pharmaceutical purposes; cal purposes; hydrogen peroxide for medical purpo- quassia for medical purposes; quebracho for medical ses; pesticides; food for babies; leeches for medical purposes; oxygen for medical purposes; gallic acid purposes; blood plasma; nicotine patches for use as for pharmaceutical purposes; acids for pharmaceu- aids to stop smoking; eyepatches for medical purpo- tical purposes; adhesives for dentures; surgical glu- ses; poultices; compresses; scapulars for surgical es; stem cells for veterinary purposes; stem cells for purposes; diapers for pets; diapers for incontinents; medical purposes; cocaine; collagen for medical pur- bunion pads; breast-nursing pads; pomades for medi- poses; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; corn cal purposes; powder of cantharides; pyrethrum rings for the feet; candy, medicated; barks for phar- powder; anti-uric preparations; bacterial preparations maceutical purposes; cedar wood for use as an insect for medical and veterinary use; bacteriological pre- repellent; croton bark; mangrove bark for pharma- parations for medical and veterinary use; balsamic ceutical purposes; myrobalan bark for pharmaceuti- preparations for medical purposes; albuminous pre- cal purposes; quinquina for medical purposes; medi- parations for medical purposes; biological prepara- cated animal feed; medicinal roots; rhubarb roots for tions for veterinary purposes; biological preparations pharmaceutical purposes; lint for medical purposes; for medical purposes; veterinary preparations; bis- starch for dietetic or pharmaceutical purposes; creo- muth preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; vita- sote for pharmaceutical purposes; blood for medical min preparations; diagnostic preparations for medi- purposes; cultures of microorganisms for medical or cal purposes; bath preparations for medical purpo-

#13 2019 07 10 81


ses; therapeutic preparations for the bath; hemorr- medicated massage candles; suppositories; linseed hoid preparations; preparations for callouses; lice for pharmaceutical purposes; tobacco-free cigarettes treatment preparations [pediculicides]; acne treat- for medical purposes; siccatives [drying agents] for ment preparations; preparations to facilitate teething; medical purposes; syrups for pharmaceutical purpo- preparations for the treatment of burns; fumigation ses; turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes; greases preparations for medical purposes; opotherapy pre- for veterinary purposes; greases for medical purpo- parations; air purifying preparations; bronchodilating ses; lacteal flour for babies; infant formula; sopori- preparations; preparations for reducing sexual activi- fics; bicarbonate of soda for pharmaceutical purpo- ty; sterilising preparations; soil-sterilising prepara- ses; bath salts for medical purposes; salts for mineral tions; corn remedies; pharmaceutical preparations water baths; salts for medical purposes; potassium for treating dandruff; preparations for destroying no- salts for medical purposes; sodium salts for medical xious animals; herbicides; preparations for destro- purposes; smelling salts; mineral water salts; malt ying dry rot fungus; larvae exterminating preparati- for pharmaceutical purposes; semen for artificial in- ons; fly destroying preparations; preparations for semination; alcohol for pharmaceutical purposes; destroying mice; slug exterminating preparations; medicinal alcohol; alloys of precious metals for den- vermin destroying preparations; pharmaceutical pre- tal purposes; ergot for pharmaceutical purposes; parations for skin care; contact lens cleaning prepa- cooling sprays for medical purposes; antibacterial rations; preparations of microorganisms for medical handwashes; adjuvants for medical purposes; astrin- or veterinary use; lime-based pharmaceutical prepa- gents for medical purposes; vermifuges; disinfec- rations; medicated eye-washes; medicinal hair tants; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; disinfec- growth preparations; nutraceutical preparations for tants for chemical toilets; douching preparations for therapeutic or medical purposes; opiates; anticrypto- medical purposes; appetite suppressants for medical gamic preparations; aloe vera preparations for phar- purposes; medical preparations for slimming purpo- maceutical purposes; preparations of trace elements ses; parasiticides; mouthwashes for medical purpo- for human and animal use; sulfonamides [medici- ses; febrifuges; depuratives; animal washes [insecti- nes]; pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical cides]; detergents for medical purposes; cattle was- preparations for treating sunburn; enzyme prepara- hes [insecticides]; dog washes [insecticides]; insecti- tions for veterinary purposes; enzyme preparations cidal veterinary washes; vesicants; purgatives; reme- for medical purposes; phytotherapy preparations for dies for perspiration; remedies for foot perspiration; medical purposes; chemico-pharmaceutical prepara- chemical contraceptives; antiparasitic preparations; tions; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; sedatives; laxatives; tonics [medicines]; medicated chemical preparations for the diagnosis of preg- toiletry preparations; digestives for pharmaceutical nancy; chemical preparations for medical purposes; purposes; nervines; media for bacteriological cultu- chemical preparations to treat wheat blight; vine di- res; steroids; strychnine; serums; tanning pills; appe- sease treating chemicals; chemical preparations to tite suppressant pills; slimming pills; jujube, medi- treat mildew; chemical preparations for treating cated; antioxidant pills; sanitary tampons; vulnerary phylloxera; chemical preparations for pharmaceuti- sponges; thymol for pharmaceutical purposes; biolo- cal purposes; chilblain preparations; mothproofing gical tissue cultures for veterinary purposes; biologi- preparations; collyrium; lead water; chemical con- cal tissue cultures for medical purposes; smoking ductors for electrocardiograph electrodes; albumi- herbs for medical purposes; medicinal herbs; surgi- nous foodstuffs for medical purposes; dietetic foods cal implants comprised of living tissues; pants, ab- adapted for medical purposes; by-products of the sorbent, for incontinents; sanitary panties; charcoal processing of cereals for dietetic or medical purpo- for pharmaceutical purposes; porcelain for dental ses; homogenized food adapted for medical purpo- prostheses; phenol for pharmaceutical purposes; en- ses; freeze-dried food adapted for medical purposes; zymes for veterinary purposes; enzymes for medical pharmaceuticals; sanitary towels; panty liners [sa- purposes; ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; nitary]; propolis for pharmaceutical purposes; pearl formic aldehyde for pharmaceutical purposes; phos- powder for medical purposes; radium for medical phates for pharmaceutical purposes; fungicides; qui- purposes; hydrated chloral for pharmaceutical pur- nine for medical purposes; chinoline for medical poses; solvents for removing adhesive plasters; vagi- purposes; diabetic bread adapted for medical use; nal washes for medical purposes; solutions for con- chloroform; flowers of sulfur for pharmaceutical tact lenses; chemical reagents for medical or veteri- purposes; cement for animal hooves; bone cement nary purposes; gum for medical purposes; rubber for for surgical and orthopaedic purposes; dental ce- dental purposes; chewing gum for medical purposes; ments; medicinal tea; herbal teas for medicinal pur- nicotine gum for use as an aid to stop smoking; in- poses; insecticidal animal shampoo; medicated sect repellents; insect repellent incense; repellents shampoos; medicated shampoos for pets; pedicu- for dogs; tissues impregnated with pharmaceutical licidal shampoos; medicated dry shampoos; pre-fi- lotions; sarsaparilla for medical purposes; sugar for lled syringes for medical purposes; eucalyptus for medical purposes; asthmatic tea; fumigating sticks; pharmaceutical purposes; herbal extracts for medical

82 #13 2019 07 10


purposes; plant extracts for pharmaceutical purpo- content management system software; games soft- ses; tobacco extracts [insecticides]; extracts of hops ware; computer operating systems; electronic black- for pharmaceutical purposes; elixirs [pharmaceutical boards; process controlling software; software for preparations]; ethers for pharmaceutical purposes; facilitating secure credit card transactions; education esters for pharmaceutical purposes; cellulose esters software; software applications for portable commu- for pharmaceutical purposes; cellulose ethers for nications apparatus; web-based applications down- pharmaceutical purposes; rat poison; poisons; bacte- loadable to a portable communications apparatus or rial poisons; jalap; bismuth subnitrate for pharma- a computer, computer software and applications for ceutical purposes; angostura bark for medical pur- portable communications apparatus and computers poses; adhesive tapes for medical purposes; cotton for creating, editing, publishing, viewing, searching sticks for medical purposes; pastilles for pharmaceu- and saving classified advertisements, in particular tical purposes; fennel for medical purposes; trans- for an online vehicle market for the purchase and plants [living tissues]; milking grease; styptic pen- sale of new and used vehicles, vehicle trailers, mo- cils; diagnostic preparations for veterinary purposes; torcycles, building and agricultural machines, con- disposable diapers of paper for babies; disposable tainers, boats and other water vehicles, and parts and babies' diapers; babies' diapers of paper; babies' dia- fittings for vehicles, motorcycles, building and ag- pers of textile; disposable diapers of cellulose for ricultural machines, boats and water vehicles; com- babies; babies' diapers. puter software and applications for portable commu- ______nications apparatus and computers for creating, edi- ting, publishing, viewing, searching and arranging of (260) AM 2019 99583 A automotive vehicle services and of repair services (800) 1424530 for vehicles, vehicle trailers, motorcycles, building (151) 2016 12 22 and agricultural machines, containers, boats and ot- (891) 2016 12 22 her water vehicles; computer software and applica- (731) MOBILE.DE GMBH tions for portable communications apparatus and for Marktplatz 1, 14532 Europarc Dreilinden, computers for publishing, providing, viewing of and Germany searching for news, information, images, videos, (540) surveys and blogs; computer software and applica- tions for portable communications apparatus and for CARFACTO computers for access to and publishing, creating, (591) Black, white editing and commenting of and searching for reports (511) in Internet forums; computer software and applica- 9 – Recorded content; databases (electronic); com- tions for portable communications apparatus and for puter database servers; computer databases; direc- computers for recording, processing, displaying of tories recorded on computer media; computer digital and the report on accidents, in particular traffic acci- maps; recorded media content [magnetic- and elec- dents; computer software and applications for por- tronically]; electronic publications recorded on com- table communications apparatus and for computers puter media; instruction manuals and training manu- for working on and evaluation of surveys and market als in electronic format; downloadable image files; studies; insurance comparison software; software for electronic publications, downloadable; audio visual comparing of funds, in particular loans; information recordings; computer software; computer programs; technology and audiovisual equipment; communica- computer software downloaded from the Internet; tions equipment; computer networking and data interfaces for computers; computer programs for ac- communications equipment; apparatus for the trans- cessing and using the Internet; computer progra- mission of data; point-to-point communications mmes for use in telecommunications; software for equipment; broadcasting equipment; antennas and document management, for data processing and for aerials as communications apparatus; data storage database management; computer e-commerce soft- devices; pre-recorded compact discs, DVDs, HD ware; computer software for accessing information DVDs, UHD discs and other optical data storage directories that may be downloaded from the global discs; USB flash drives; magnetic data media; repli- computer network; computer software for processing cating apparatus; photocopiers; image scanners; market information; computer software to enable the printers; data processing equipment and accessories searching of data; search engine software; computer (electrical and mechanical); electronic agendas; cal- software relating to the handling of financial transac- culators; ticket dispensers; payment terminals, mo- tions, computer programmes relating to financial ney dispensing and sorting devices; coin-operated matters and financial management software; com- mechanisms; peripherals adapted for use with com- puter software for creating searchable databases of puters; mouse pads; computers and computer hard- information and data; software for enterprise resour- ware; file servers; electronic mail servers; computer ce planning, inventory management and inventory components and parts; flash memory card; pocket monitoring; software for managing customer data; calculators; visual and photographic devices; radio

#13 2019 07 10 83


tuners; car radios; car audio apparatus; display de- printed; paper and cardboard; money holders; dis- vices, television receivers and film and video devi- posable paper products; flags of paper; paper pen- ces; image capturing and developing devices; signal nants; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, cables for IT, AV and telecommunication; magnets, included in this class. magnetizers and demagnetizers; cathodic anti-corro- 25 – Headgear; hats; clothing; motorists' clothing; sion apparatus, electrolysises, ionization apparatus gloves [clothing]; rainwear; scarfs; neck scarfs [mu- not for the treatment of air or water, ozonisers [ozo- fflers]; neckties; ascots; ear muffs [clothing]; Tee- nators]; apparatus, instruments and cables for elec- shirts; sports jerseys; footwear; parts and fittings for tricity; apparatus and instruments for accumulating all the aforesaid goods, included in the class. and storing electricity; batteries for lighting; appa- ratus and instruments for controlling electricity; pho- 28 – Sporting articles and equipment; sportballs; fri- tovoltaic cells and modules; electric and electronic sbee; festive decorations for Christmas trees and components; electric cables and wires, in particular artificial Christmas trees; fairground and playground starter cables for motors and jump leads; electrical apparatus; toys, games, playthings and party favors; circuits and circuit boards; antennas and aerials as racing car games; parlor games; dominoes; board ga- components; optical devices, enhancers and correc- mes; playing cards; chess games; puzzles; balls for tors; optical enhancers; lasers; optical goods; correc- games; radio-controlled toy vehicles; scale model tive eyewear, sunglasses; spectacle cases; safety, vehicles; toy model hobby craft kits; toy vehicles; security, protection and signalling devices; alarms toys adapted for educational purposes, in particular and warning equipment; automatic access control electronic games for the teaching of children; spools apparatus; signalling apparatus; vehicle breakdown for throwing, incorporating coiled string which un- warning triangles; head guards and eye protection winds and rewinds returning the spool to the hand; devices; fire extinguishers; fire drenchers; clothing kites; play balloons; plush toys; video game appara- for protection against accidents; alarm and warning tus, namely handheld computer games; hand held equipment, namely alarms and alarm systems; signa- units for playing video games; parts and fittings for lling apparatus, namely vehicle breakdown warning all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. triangles, warning lights for vehicles; protection and 35 – Advertising, marketing and promotional servi- safety equipment, namely fire blankets; diving equ- ces; updating of advertising information on a com- ipment; navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and puter data base; database marketing; preparing au- map making devices; navigation apparatus for vehic- dio-visual presentations for use in advertising; pro- les; measuring, detecting and monitoring instru- duction of video recordings for marketing and adver- ments, indicators and controllers; electric monitor tising purposes; production of corporate videos; ban- ring apparatus; sensors and detectors; testing and ner advertising; arranging and placing of adverti- quality control devices; counting, alignment and ca- sements for others; production of advertising mate- librating Instruments; computerized vehicle engine rial; advertising services provided via the Internet; analyzers; diagnostic apparatus, not for medical pur- classified advertising, also through portals and plat- poses; controllers (regulators); scientific research forms on the Internet, in particular for the purchase and laboratory apparatus, educational apparatus and and sale of new and used vehicles, vehicle trailers, simulators; vehicle drive training simulators; parts, motorcycles, building and agricultural machines, and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, included in containers, boats and other water vehicles and parts the class. and fittings for vehicles, motorcycles, building and 16 – Works of art and figurines of paper and card- agricultural machines, boats and water vehicles; cla- board, and architects' models; decoration and art ssified advertising, also through portals and plat- materials and media; arts, crafts and modelling equ- forms on the Internet, in particular for automotive ipment; filtering materials of paper; bags and articles vehicle services and for repair services for vehicles, for packaging, wrapping and storage of paper, vehicle trailers, motorcycles, building and agricultu- cardboard or plastics; stationery and educational ral machines, containers, boats and other water ve- supplies; office requisites, except furniture; writing hicles; search engine marketing services; web site and stamping implements; correcting and erasing traffic optimisation; search engine optimisation; pay implements; office machines [office requisites]; per click advertising; advertisements (placing of-); printing and bookbinding equipment [office requis- collecting and compilation of directories of goods, ites]; teaching materials [except apparatus]; photo services, addresses and branches of trade and the albums and collectors' albums; glue for stationery or information contained therein; advertising services household use; printed matter; transfers [decalcoma- relating to the sale and purchase of vehicles, vehicle nias]; tear-off calendars; advent calendars; stickers trailers, motorcycles, building and agricultural ma- [stationery], in particular vehicle bumper stickers; chines, containers, boats and other water vehicles newspapers; periodicals; photographs [printed]; and parts and fittings for vehicles, motorcycles, buil- books; booklets; brochures; guide books; guide ding and agricultural machines, boats and water books; computer software operating manuals; forms, vehicles; advertising services relating to automotive

84 #13 2019 07 10


vehicle services and repair services for vehicles, ve- leather goods, bags, printed matter, pictures, DVDs; hicle trailers, motorcycles, building and agricultural negotiation, conclusion and administrative handling machines, containers, boats and other water vehicles; of commercial transactions for third parties; provi- public relations services; product demonstration and sion of business information and relating news in the product display services; display services for mer- field of vehicles, the vehicle market, the automotive chandise; presentation of services and sales demons- sector and industry, in particular via Internet portals; tration [for others]; demonstration of goods and ser- business assistance, management and administrative vices by electronic means, also for the benefit of the services; preparation of audio and/or visual displays so-called teleshopping and homeshopping services; for businesses; market reporting services; help in the presentations of companies as well as goods and ser- management of business affairs or commercial func- vices on the Internet and other analog and digital tions of an industrial or commercial enterprise; acco- media [for others]; arranging and conducting trade untancy, book keeping and auditing; financial sta- shows; arranging and conducting of exhibitions for tement preparation and analysis for businesses; com- commercial or advertising purposes; conducting, ar- puterised accounting; computerised auditing; provi- ranging and organisation of events, exhibitions, fairs sion of reports relating to accounting information; and shows for commercial, promotional and adverti- drawing up of statements of accounts; preparation of sing purposes; loyalty, incentive and bonus program accounts; accounting; business accounts manage- services; provision of advertising space, advertising ment; administrative data processing; computerized time and advertising media, in particular for classi- file management; computerised business information fied advertising on global computer and wireless processing services; information services relating to networks; provision of computerised advertising ser- data processing; automated data processing; consul- vices; provision of space on web-sites for adverti- tancy relating to data processing; computerized file sing goods and services; distribution of advertising, management; computerized file management; data- marketing and promotional material; direct mail ad- base management, in particular computerized; data vertising; dissemination of advertisements and co- processing; data search in computer files for others; mmercial announcements, in particular for others via on-line data processing services; processing of busi- Internet and portable communications apparatus; ness survey results; human resources management advertising, marketing and promotional consultancy, and recruitment services; industrial management advisory and assistance services; press advertising consultation including cost/yield analyses; business consultancy; marketing assistance; commercial tra- advisory and information services; computerised bu- ding and consumer information services, namely siness management [for others]; computerised office mediation of trade business for third parties, media- management; preparation of documents relating to tion of agreements regarding the sale and purchase business; company record keeping [for others]; ope- of goods, bidding quotation, price comparison servi- ration of businesses [for others]; outsourcing servi- ces; consumer consultancy in relation to the selecti- ces [business assistance]; administration of business on of goods and services, in particular using test and affairs; clerical services; secretarial services; busi- researching results and ratings by third parties; auc- ness consultancy and advisory services, in particular tioneering services, in particular on the Internet; in relation to the automotive industry; advice rela- rental of vending machines; business contact servi- ting to business acquisitions; business management ces; arranging of contracts for the buying and selling consulting with relation to strategy, marketing, pro- of goods, for others; commercial evaluation services; duction, personnel and public relations; establishing competition arrangements for advertising and com- a network of business contacts (service to assist in - mercial purposes; distributorship services; import ); arranging of business introductions; professional and export services; ordering services; procurement business consulting; organisational project planning services for others; subscription services; business and organisational project management for adver- intermediary and advisory services in the field of se- tising and presentation of companies on the Internet, lling products and rendering services; advice and in- on portable communications apparatus and all other formation to consumers regarding after-sales service, kinds of electronic media; rental of office machines; user reviews, experience reports, tests, product de- addressing of envelopes; document copying servi- tails, product management and prices of websites for ces; preparation of documents relating to taxation, online shopping and online offers; advisory services financial statements, business surveys, expert eva- relating to the purchase of goods; advisory services luations and reports relating to business matters; in- relating to the purchase of goods on behalf of busi- voicing; business analysis, research and information ness; computerised data analysis, data processing, services; opinion polling; market information servi- user characteristics analysis, user behavior analysis ces relating to market statistics and sales of market for consultancy relating to the purchase of goods; statistics; provision of on-line business and commer- online and mail order retail services relating to new cial information; information and expert opinions and used land and water vehicles, vehicle trailers, relating to companies and business; provision of sta- motorcycles, vehicle and motorcycle parts, clothing, tistical information relating to business; analysis of

#13 2019 07 10 85


business statistics; benchmarking services for busi- vices; computerised financial advisory services; fi- ness management purposes; conducting of business nancial data base services; financial rating and credit appraisals; provision of business information via reports; financial appraisal services; fund raising and website; provision of trade-related and commercial sponsorship; valuation and financial appraisal servi- information and news in relation to products and ces; valuation of vehicles, trailers and motorcycles, services, in particular via an Internet portal; business building and agricultural machines, containers boats surveys; provision of computerised business statis- and other water vehicles; and rental, hire and leasing tics; provision of sales analyses; cost price analysis; in connection with the aforesaid, included in the provision of user statistics, in particular for adver- class; and advice, consultancy and information for tisements on the Internet; provision of analyses of the aforesaid, included in the class. relevance and consequences of advertising; market 37 – Building, construction and demolition; shipbu- research; price analysis services; collection and sys- ilding; rental of tools, plant and equipment for cons- tematization of business data; acquisition of business truction and demolition; extraction of natural resour- information relating to company activities; provision ces; installation, cleaning, repair and maintenance of business data; compilation and systematization of services relating to vehicles and means of transport, information into computer databases; data compila- in particular motor vehicles, motorcycles, air- and tion and data management for others; compilation of spacecraft and water vehicles as well as parts there- statistics; compilation of mailing lists; compilation of; advisory services relating to repair, cleaning, care of directories for publishing on global computer and maintenance of motor vehicles, motorcycles, air networks or the Internet; business information servi- and spacecraft and water vehicles as well as repair, ces provided on-line from a computer database or cleaning, care and maintenance of parts thereof; ad- the Internet; business statistical information services; visory services relating to vehicle maintenance; ve- economic analysis for business purposes; business hicle repair consultancy; providing information re- analysis services; consultancy services for data pro- lating to the repair, care or maintenance of motor cessing; and rental, hire and leasing in connection vehicles, motorcycles, air and space vehicles and with the aforesaid, included in the class; and advice, water vehicles; providing information relating to consultancy and information for the aforesaid, inclu- repair of bicycles; providing information relating to ded in the class. repair or maintenance of railway rolling stock; pro- 36 – Insurance services; consulting and information viding information relating to rental of car washing concerning insurance; brokerage advisory services apparatus; gasoline refuelling service for motor ve- relating to insurance; insurance premium rate com- hicles; natural gas refuelling service for motor ve- puting; computerised information services relating to hicles; service stations for the maintenance of vehic- insurance; computerised comparison of insurances, les; service stations for the repair of vehicles; service insurance cover and insurance premium rates; pro- stations (petrol stations); inspection of automobiles vision of insurance premium quotations; insurance and their parts prior to maintenance and repair; and insurance policy brokerage, especially via the installation of vehicle security devices; mobile ve- Internet or portable communication apparatus; insu- hicle tuning services; vehicle maintenance; roadside rance brokerage; insurance underwriting and apprai- repair of automobiles; arranging of vehicle repairs; sals and assessment for insurance purposes; warranty maintenance and repair of electric vehicles; repair of services; real estate services; rent collection; pawn trailers; repair services for fork lift trucks; repair of brokerage; issuance of prepaid cards and tokens of tailboard lifts; rental of vehicle maintenance equip- value; safe deposit services; financial and monetary ment; vehicle tuning; arranging for the repair of services, and banking; comparison of finance servi- motor land vehicles; arranging for the maintenance ces, in particular credits, hire-purchase contracts, of motor land vehicles; arranging for the replace- trade-ins and other finance and funding services; ment vehicle windscreens; providing information banking and financing services; trusteeship represen- relating to cleaning, care and maintenance of motor tatives; brokerage of finance services; arranging the vehicles, motorcycles, air and space vehicles, water provision of finance, credit and finance services; vehicles, and relating to repair, cleaning, care and currency trading and exchange services; securities maintenance of parts thereof; alarm, lock and safe and commodities trading services; loan and credit, installation, maintenance and repair; computer hard- and lease-finance services; lease-purchase financing; ware and telecommunication apparatus installation, financing and lease-purchase financing relating to maintenance and repair, heating, ventilation and air automobiles; debt recovery and factoring services; conditioning (HVAC) installation, maintenance and financial investment; fund investments; financial un- repair; tyre maintenance and repair; rental of clea- derwriting and securities issuance (investment ban- ning and washing machines and equipment; vehicle king); financial transfers and transactions, and pay- service, repair, maintenance and refuelling; glazing, ment services; cash, check (cheque) and money or- installation, maintenance and repair of glass, win- der services; tax and duty payment services; finan- dows and blinds; cleaning and care of fabric, textile, cial information, data, advice and consultancy ser- leather, fur and goods made thereof; extermination,

86 #13 2019 07 10


disinfection and pest control; and rental, hire and of computer programs via the Internet; Internet ba- leasing in connection with the aforesaid, included in sed telecommunication services; telecommunication the class; and advice, consultancy and information gateway services; information transmission services for the aforesaid, included in the class. via digital networks; transmission of information on- line; transmission of messages and images; strea- 38 – Telecommunication services, in particular com- ming of audio and video material on the Internet; puter communication and Internet access services; distribution of data or audio visual images via a telecommunication services via Internet portals; global computer network or the Internet; providing providing access to content, websites and Internet of access to telecommunication warehousing servi- portals for the purchase and sale of vehicles, vehicle ces; electronic mail services; message sending, re- trailers, motorcycles, building and agricultural ma- ceiving and forwarding; forwarding all types of chines, containers, boats and other water vehicles messages to Internet addresses [web messaging] and and parts and fittings for vehicles, motorcycles, to portable communications apparatus; transmission building and agricultural machines, boats and water of messages and images; transmission of information vehicles; providing access to portals for the purchase by data communications for assisting decision ma- and sale of vehicles, vehicle trailers, motorcycles, king; news agencies; transmission of database infor- building and agricultural machines, containers, boats mation via telecommunications networks; broadcas- and other water vehicles and parts and fittings for ting services; broadcasting of programmes via the vehicles, motorcycles, building and agricultural ma- Internet; telephone and smartphone services, namely chines, boats and water vehicles via portable com- text messaging services and transmission of informa- munications apparatus; providing access to informa- tion via smartphone; provision and rental of tele- tion on the Internet about the purchase and sale of communications facilities and equipment; providing vehicles, vehicle trailers, motorcycles, building and third party users with access to telecommunication agricultural machines, containers, boats and other infrastructure; rental of access time to a database ser- water vehicles and parts and fittings for vehicles, ver; and rental, hire and leasing in connection with motorcycles, building and agricultural machines, the aforesaid, included in this class; and advice, boats and water vehicles; providing access to con- consultancy and information for the aforesaid, inclu- tents, websites and Internet portals, in particular re- ded in this class. lating to automotive, motor vehicles, motor vehicle industry, car market, technology, sport and motori- 41 – Provision of electronic publishing and online sed means of transportation; provision of access to electronic publications, in particular relating to auto- an Internet platform for electronic commerce; provi- motive, vehicles, automotive industry, car market, ding user access to computer programmes in data technology, sport and motorized means of transpor- networks; providing access to databases on the Inter- tation; publication of material which can be accessed net via telecommunication, in particular providing from databases or from the Internet; providing pub- access to online databases for placing goods and lications from a global computer network or the In- services with interactive access and possibility of ternet which may be browsed; electronic desktop immediate ordering; audiovisual and digital commu- publishing; publication of electronic books and jour- nications services; providing access to databases and nals on-line; publication and edition of the editorial IT systems; electronic data exchange services; elec- content of websites accessible via a global computer tronic bulletin board services [telecommunications network; publication and edition of electronic pub- services]; worldwide computer network access ser- lishing products; education, entertainment and vices; providing access to database for the access via sports; sporting and cultural activities; providing a Internet or via portable communications apparatus; computer game that may be accessed by users in a providing telecommunications connections to a glo- global computer or telecommunication network bal computer network; providing telecommuni- and/or the Internet; electronic library services for the cations connections to databases; providing an el- supply of electronic information (including archive ectronic mailbox; providing Internet chat rooms and information) in the form of text, audio and/or video online forums; electronic communication by means information; audio-visual display presentation ser- of chatrooms, chat lines and Internet forums; pro- vices for entertainment purposes; provision of on- viding on-line chatrooms and electronic bulletin line entertainment; organization and provision of boards for transmission of messages amongst users; conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and providing online chatrooms for the transmission of competitions; organization of community meetings messages, comments and multimedia content among and cultural events; gambling; electronic game ser- users; communication by online blogs; providing vices provided by means of the Internet; photo- access to internet weblogs; computerised communi- graphic reporting and production of documentaries cation services and data transmission; providing for publication in the Internet; production of radio access to databases; arranging access to databases on and television programmes; audio and video pro- the internet; internet service provider services; elec- duction, and photography; sports and fitness; library tronic transmission of data; electronic transmission services; instruction; provision of online information

#13 2019 07 10 87


and news relating to vehicles, vehicle trailers, motor- and save classified advertising, in particular for a cycles building and agricultural machines, contai- vehicle online marketplace for the purchase and sale ners, boats and other water vehicles and parts and of new and used vehicles, vehicle trailers, motor- fittings for vehicles, motorcycles, building and ag- cycles, building and agricultural machines, contai- ricultural machines, boats and water vehicles for cul- ners, boats and other water vehicles and parts and tural educational and entertainment purposes; provi- fittings for vehicles, motorcycles, building and agri- sion of online information, news, blogs and reports cultural machines, boats and water vehicles; dra- relating to education or entertainment in the field of fting, development, design, and hosting of computer automotive, motor vehicles, motor vehicle industry, software and applications for portable communica- motor vehicle market, motor vehicle economy, tech- tions apparatus and for computer to publish, provide, nology, sport and motorised means of transportation; view and search for news, information, pictures, vi- providing newsletters relating to education and en- deos, surveys and blogs; drafting, development, de- tertainment in the field of automotive, motor-ve- sign, administration and hosting of computer soft- hicle, motor vehicle industry, motor vehicle market, ware and applications for portable communications motor vehicle economy, technology, sport and mo- apparatus and for computer to access, publish, cre- torised means of transportation via email; writing ate, edit, comment on and search for contributions in services for blogs; mobile and online library services Internet forums; drafting, development, design, ad- (including archive library services) with respect to ministration and hosting of computer software and information provided in text, audio and/or video applications for portable communications apparatus format, particularly regarding supply and demand and for computer to record, process, display and for goods and services; providing newsletters in the report on accidents, in particular car accidents; dra- field of automotive, motor-vehicle, motor vehicle in- fting, development, design, and hosting of computer dustry, motor vehicle market, motor vehicle econo- software and applications for portable communica- my, technology, sport and motorised means of trans- tions apparatus and for computer to conduct and portation via e-mail; providing on-line videos, not interpret surveys and marketing studies; drafting, downloadable; coaching; providing computer assis- development, design, administration and hosting of ted courses of instruction, computer education trai- computer software and applications for portable ning and further education and instructional training; communications apparatus and for computer to crea- driving instruction; driver safety training; translation te, edit, publish, view, search and arrange automoti- and interpretation; and rental, hire and leasing in ve services and repair services relating to vehicles, connection with the aforesaid, included in the class; vehicle trailers, motorcycles, building and agricul- and advice, consultancy and information for the afo- tural machines, containers, boats and other water ve- resaid, included in this class. hicles; computer hardware development; hosting services and software as a service and rental of soft- 42 – IT services, namely software development, pro- ware; cloud computing services and software as a gramming and implementation; programming of service relating to computer software for enterprise software for Internet portals, chatrooms, chat lines resource planning, inventory management and in- and Internet forums; providing temporary use of ventory monitoring; cloud computing services and non-downloadable computer software for use in the software as a service relating to computer software creation and publication of on-line journals and for managing customer data and relating to content blogs; creation and maintenance of software for management system software; hosting an Internet blogs; updating and adapting of computer programs platform for the purchase and sale of vehicles, vehic- according to user requirements; data mining; techni- le trailers, motorcycles, building and agricultural cal data analysis services; computer services for the machines, containers, boats and other water vehicles analysis of data, in particular relating to purchase in- and parts and fittings for vehicles, motorcycles, bu- tention and purchase decision of consumers and ilding and agricultural machines, boats and water companies; consultancy with regard to webpage vehicles; creation and provision of web pages to and design; advisory services relating to the use of com- for third parties; provision of search engines for the puter software; providing computer software from a Internet and portable communications apparatus and global computer network [non-downloadable]; pro- of online searchable and completable data bases, in vision of on-line support services for computer prog- particular for the search for and the placement of ram users; design, conception, creation, hosting, classified advertisements for the purchase and sale administration and maintenance of websites for ot- of vehicles, vehicle trailers, motorcycles, building hers; maintenance of data bases; design and deve- and agricultural machines, containers, boats and lopment of web applications for portable communi- other water vehicles and parts and fittings for vehic- cations apparatus included in this class; server les, motorcycles, building and agricultural machines, administration services; drafting, development, de- boats and water vehicles; provision of search engi- sign, and hosting of computer software and app- nes for the Internet and portable communications lications for portable communications apparatus and apparatus and of online searchable and completable for computer to create, edit, publish, view, search

88 #13 2019 07 10


data bases, in particular relating to the issues auto- services; licensing of computer software, computer motive, motor vehicle, motor vehicle industry, motor programs and applications for portable communica- vehicle market, motor vehicle economy, technology, tions apparatus; licensing industrial property rights; sport and motorised means of transportation; cloud licensing of technology; licensing of databases [legal computing; data warehousing; application service services]; registration of domain names [legal servi- provider [ASP], namely, hosting computer software ces]; information services relating to consumer applications of others; off-site data backup; hosting rights and other legal affairs; court reporting; legal of digital content on the Internet; server hosting; information and support services; and rental, hire providing back-up computer programs and facilities; and leasing in connection with the aforesaid, inclu- rental of computer hardware and facilities; rental of ded in the class; and advice, consultancy and infor- a database server (to third parties); IT consultancy, mation for the aforesaid, included in the class. advisory and information services; IT security servi- ______ces in the nature of protection and recovery of com- puter data; data recovery services; electronic data (260) AM 2019 99584 A backup; data conversion of computer program data (800) 1424549 or information [not physical conversion]; computer (151) 2018 05 23 code conversion for others; cross-platform conver- (891) 2018 05 23 sion of digital content into other forms of digital (731) HATKO DOKUMA TEKSTIL INSAAT content; computer analysis and diagnostics; IT ser- TAAHHUT VE TICARET LIMITED vices, namely research and development, and imple- SIRKETI mentation of computers and computer systems; com- Maresal Cakmak Cad. Park Apt. 57/A, puter project management services; data-mining No:1 Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey operations; digital watermarking; on-line computer (540) services, namely computer development, leasing, en- gineering, design, programming and rental services; technology services relation to computers; computer network services; updating of computer software for databases; data migration services; updating of web- sites, for others; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; scientific and technological services; implementation of and report on technical tests; pre- (591) Black and green paration of technological reports by experts; prepa- (531) 05.03.13; 05.11.11; 27.05.01; 27.05.08; ration of technological reports about of motor vehic- 29.01.12 les, in particular via an Internet portal; provision of (511) information about the design of motor vehicles, in 27 – Carpets, rugs, mats; prayer rugs; linoleum, arti- particular via an internet portal; testing, authentica- ficial turf, linoleum for covering floors; gymnasium tion and quality control; website usability testing mats; wallpaper, wall hangings not of textile. services; inspection of motor vehicles before trans- ______port [for roadworthiness]; inspection of motor vehic- les [for roadworthiness]; design services; design ser- (260) AM 2019 99594 A vices for display systems for promotional and pre- (800) 1424852 sentation purposes; art work design; advisory and (151) 2018 01 23 information services relating to design matters; and (891) 2018 01 23 rental, hire and leasing in connection with the afo- (731) EURO GAMES TECHNOLOGY LTD. resaid, included in the class; and advice, consultancy "Maritsa" Str. 4, "Vranya-Lozen-Triugulnika", and information for the aforesaid, included in the BG-1151 Sofia, Bulgaria class. (540)

45 – Safety, rescue, security and enforcement servi- ces; accident investigations; personal and social ser- vices, namely astrological and spiritual services; de- tective services; dating agency services; funerary services; conducting religious prayer services; rental of clothing; child protection services; house guar- ding services; private investigation services; indivi- (591) Red, yellow, green and brown dual shopping services; lost and found bureau servi- (531) 27.05.02; 27.05.03; 27.07.11; 29.01.14 ces; online social networking services; personal let- (511) ter writing; pet-sitting services; political lobbying 9 – Apparatus for recording, transmission or repro- services; escorting in society [chaperoning]; plan- duction of sound or image, computer software, re- ning and arranging of wedding ceremonies; legal corded, monitors, computer hardware.

#13 2019 07 10 89


28 – Games that are not included in other classes, (540) gaming machines operating with coins, banknotes and cards; gaming machines for gambling.

______(591) Black, white (260) AM 2019 99595 A (531) 11.03.08; 19.09.02; 27.03.15; 27.05.01; (800) 1424926 27.05.17 (151) 2018 04 05 (511) (891) 2018 04 05 29 – Milk and milk products; protein milk; conden- (731) Beijing TOJOY SHARE Investment sed milk; milk shakes; yoghurt; yogurt beverages; Management Co., Ltd. smetana (sour cream); curd; cheese; whipped cream; No.7, Xiuju Yuan, Bei Yuan Jia Yuan, cream (dairy products); kefir (milk beverage); pros- Chaoyang District, 100012 Beijing, China tokvasha [soured milk]; buttermilk; butter; milk be- (540) verages, milk predominating; milk-based beverages with chocolate; milk-based beverages with cocoa; whey; glazed sweet milk curd bars; rennet; milk fer- ments for culinary purposes; buttercream; jellies for

(591) Black, white food. (531) 28.03 30 – Confectionery; ice cream; edible ices; sherbets (511) (ices); sorbets (ices); dairy ice cream; flavored ice 16 – Toilet paper; paper; copying paper (stationery); cream; ice cream with fruits; frozen yoghurt (confec- signboards of paper or cardboard; note books; tags tionery ices); chocolate; sugar confectionery; coo- for index cards; periodicals; books; pictures; plastic kies; custard; cocoa beverages with milk; coffee be- film for wrapping food; bookbinding material; sta- verages with milk; dessert mousses (confectionery); tionery; ink; stamp pads; steel pens; adhesive bands puddings. for stationery or household purposes; drawing ins- ______truments; drawing materials; typewriters, electric or non-electric; teaching materials (except apparatus); (260) AM 2019 99597 A architects' models. (800) 1425026 (151) 2018 07 02 35 – Advertising; presentation of goods on commu- (891) 2018 07 02 nication media, for retail purposes; professional bu- (731) CROMA-PHARMA GESELLSCHAFT siness consultancy; personnel management consul- M.B.H tancy; organizing technology exhibitions for com- Industriezeile 6, A-2100 Leobendorf, Austria mercial or advertising purposes; sales promotion for (540) others; relocation services for businesses; word pro- cessing; accounting; sponsorship search; drug retail Saypha or wholesale services. (591) Black, white (511) 36 – Capital investment; art appraisal; insurance in- 5 – Injectable dermal filler. formation; real estate management; brokerage; sure- ______ty services; charitable fund raising; fiduciary; len- ding against security; issuance of tokens of value. (260) AM 2019 99600 A 41 – Instruction services; organizing fashion show (800) 1425112 for entertainment; mobile library services; publis- (151) 2018 06 19 hing of video tapes; ticket agency services (enterta- (891) 2018 06 19 inment); games equipment rental; production of (731) MODELO CONTINENTE radio and television programmes; health club servi- HIPERMERCADOS, S.A. ces (health and fitness training); animal training; RUA JOÃO MENDONÇA, Nº 505, modelling for artists. P-4464-503 SENHORA DA HORA, ______Portugal (540) (260) AM 2019 99596 A (800) 1424956 (151) 2018 06 04 (891) 2018 06 04 (731) AKCINĖ BENDROVĖ "PIENO ŽVAIGŽDĖS" Perkūnkiemio g. 3, LT-12127 Vilnius, Lithuania (591) Black, white

90 #13 2019 07 10


(531) 26.04.05; 26.04.13; 26.04.18; 26.04.24; tus; cash registers, calculating machines, data proce- 26.11.03; 26.11.13; 27.01.12; 27.05.10; ssing equipment; fire-extinguishing apparatus; appa- 27.05.24 ratus for receiving, recording and downloading so- (511) unds and images; digital communications apparatus 29 – Fish-based preserves; shellfish-based preserves; and instruments; televisions; radios; electrical and mollusc-based preserves. electronic apparatus for use in the reception of sa- ______tellite, terrestrial or cable broadcasts; signal deco- ders; apparatus for processing digital video signals; (260) AM 2019 99603 A audio and video recording and playing apparatus; (800) 1425196 tape recorders; cassette players; record players; juke (151) 2018 08 23 boxes; CD players; CD-ROM players; DVD players; (891) 2018 08 23 DVD recorders; digital audio players; MP3 players (731) JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA NV and MP3 readers; audio and/or video file recorders Turnhoutseweg 30, B-2340 Beerse, Belgium and/or players; headphones; earphones; magnetic (540) tapes for recording and reproducing sound or vision; audio recordings; video recordings; audio and video RYBREVANT recordings; recorded programmes for television and (591) Black, white for radio; motion picture films; animated cartoons; (511) photographic transparencies and photographic and 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for human purpo- cinematographic films prepared for exhibition pur- ses. poses; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recor- ______ding media; CD-ROMs; cassettes; video cassettes; gramophone and phonographic records; downloa- (260) AM 2019 99604 A dable and streamable audio and video recordings; (800) 1425205 downloadable and streamable ring tones, music, (151) 2018 08 23 sound recordings, MP3s, graphics, games and video (891) 2018 08 23 images; screen savers; downloadable electronic pub- (731) JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA NV lications; publications in electronic format; electro- Turnhoutseweg 30, B-2340 Beerse, Belgium nic books and electronic book readers; remote cont- (540) rol apparatus; cameras and video cameras; covers and cases for cameras and video cameras; covers and VEFELVI cases for photographic apparatus and instruments; (591) Black, white video projectors, video screens; exposed camera (511) film; digital photo frames; anti-dazzle shades, gla- 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for human purpo- sses and visors; binoculars; eye glasses, spectacles ses. and sunglasses and cases, chains, cords and frames ______therefor; containers for contact lenses; optical goods; holograms; compasses and barometers; bells; com- (260) AM 2019 99605 A puters; portable computers; covers and cases for (800) 1425218 portable computers; laptop computers, tablet com- (151) 2018 01 19 puters and personal digital assistants and parts and (891) 2018 01 19 accessories therefor; covers and cases for laptop (731) MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL computers, tablet computers and personal digital as- CLUB LIMITED sistants; computer hardware and parts and fittings Sir Matt Busby Way, Old Trafford, MAN- therefor; computer peripherals; mouse mats and CHESTER M16 0RA, United Kingdom wrist pads; computer mice; keyboard and screen co- (540) vers; customised computer disks and CD-ROMs; MAN UTD computer software; computer programs; downloa- (591) Black, white dable computer software; application software; app- (511) lication software for mobile communication devices; 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, ci- computer games programs; video games software; nematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signa- games for video game machines; pre-recorded ga- lling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teac- mes on CD, software and any other recording media; hing apparatus and instruments; apparatus and ins- electronic storage media; memory cards; customised truments for conducting, switching, transforming, storage boxes for electronic storage media, CDs, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; DVDs and disks; communications and telecommuni- apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduc- cations apparatus and equipment; telephones and tion of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, re- telephone apparatus; mobile phones and smart cording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated appara- phones and transmitters, receivers, covers, cases,

#13 2019 07 10 91


straps, fascia, holders, chargers, speakers, headsets, (591) Black, white and blue hands-free-kits, software, sounds, graphics, data (531) 14.07.09; 26.01.03; 26.01.16; 26.04.24; input devices and media storage therefor; telephone 29.01.13 answering apparatus; smart cards; telephone cards; (511) encrypted smart cards; encoded smart cards; encry- 35 – Advertising; business management; business pted telephone cards; encoded telephone cards; enc- administration; office functions; arranging subscrip- rypted cards; encoded cards; magnetic identity cards; tions to telecommunication services for others; im- time recording apparatus; decorative magnets; ba- port-export agency services; commercial information tteries; battery chargers; magnifying glasses; measu- agency services; advertising agency services; cost res and measuring instruments; mechanical signs; price analysis; rental of advertising space; business illuminated signs; neon signs; sockets; plugs and auditing; employment agency services; computeri- switches; ticket dispensers; vehicle breakdown war- zed file management; book-keeping; outsourced ad- ning apparatus; articles of protective clothing, foot- ministrative management for companies; invoicing; wear and headgear; protective helmets; sports hel- demonstration of goods; transcription of communi- mets; mouth protectors including gum shields; parts cations [office functions]; opinion polling; market and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. studies; business information; commercial informati- on and advice for consumers in the choice of pro- 14 – Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery; pre- ducts and services; business investigations; business cious stones; horological and chronometric instru- research; marketing research; personnel recruitment; ments; watches and clocks; watch straps; watch business management and organization consultancy; boxes; costume jewellery; imitation jewellery; semi- business organization consultancy; business manage- precious stones; rings; ear rings; bracelets; brooches; ment consultancy; personnel management consultan- necklaces; key rings and key chains and charms the- cy; professional business consultancy; layout servi- refor; key fobs; key holders [trinkets or fobs]; pins ces for advertising purposes; marketing; business and pendants; jewellery charms; lapel pins; tie pins; management of performing artists; business manage- tie clips; cuff links; jewellery cases; badges, key ment of sports people; writing of résumés for others; rings and key chains, cases, boxes, works of art, scriptwriting for advertising purposes; news clipping busts, statues and trophies, all being made wholly or services; updating and maintenance of data in com- principally of precious metal and their alloys or coa- puter databases; updating of advertising material; ted therewith; coins; copper tokens; silver ornaments word processing; organization of exhibitions for co- in the nature of jewellery; medals and medallions; mmercial or advertising purposes; arranging news- parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. paper subscriptions for others; organization of fas- 18 – Leather and imitations of leather; trunks and hion shows for promotional purposes; organization travelling bags; umbrellas, parasols and walking of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purpo- sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; articles of lug- ses; shop window dressing; design of advertising gage; travel cases; suitcases; garment bags for travel; materials; business appraisals; payroll preparation; bags; school bags and satchels; back packs; ruck- data search in computer files for others; sponsorship sacks; beach bags; sports bags; athletic bags; gym search; business management assistance; commer- bags; boot bags; duffel bags; holdalls; shopping cial or industrial management assistance; commer- bags; toilet bags; wash bags for carrying toiletries; cial intermediation services; providing business in- valises; attaché cases; brief cases; wallets; purses; formation via a web site; provision of commercial key cases; pouches; credit card cases and holders; and business contact information; provision of an umbrella covers; walking canes; shooting sticks; on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods bands and straps of leather; leather shoe and boot and services; web indexing for commercial or adver- linings; collars and covers for animals; clothing for tising purposes; presentation of goods on communi- animals; leather trimmings; leather laces, leads and cation media, for retail purposes; economic forecas- leashes; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid ting; auctioneering; wholesale services for pharma- goods. ceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and ______medical supplies; retail services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical (260) AM 2019 99607 A supplies; sales promotion for others; production of (800) 1425246 advertising films; office machines and equipment (151) 2018 06 06 rental; rental of advertising time on communication (891) 2018 06 06 media; publicity material rental; rental of vending (731) "MIGAS" Ltd machines; rental of sales stands; rental of photoco- ul. Smirnoskaya, d. 25, str. 12, RU-109052 pying machines; publication of publicity texts; radio Moscow, Russian Federation advertising; bill-posting; distribution of samples; (540) dissemination of advertising matter; direct mail ad- vertising; writing of publicity texts; on-line adverti-

92 #13 2019 07 10


sing on a computer network; advertising by mail ces; repair of security locks; umbrella repair; parasol order; television advertising; document reproducti- repair; motor vehicle maintenance and repair; burner on; compilation of information into computer data- maintenance and repair; film projector repair and bases; compilation of statistics; business inquiries; maintenance; airplane maintenance and repair; safe systemization of information into computer databa- maintenance and repair; clock and watch repair; re- ses; advisory services for business management; ne- pair of power lines; pump repair; upholstery repair; gotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions shoe repair; clothing repair; photographic apparatus for third parties; tax preparation; drawing up of repair; furniture restoration; restoration of musical statements of accounts; telemarketing services; psyc- instruments; restoration of works of art; vehicle gre- hological testing for the selection of personnel; bu- asing; demolition of buildings; warehouse construc- siness management of hotels; business management tion and repair; vehicle service stations [refuelling for freelance service providers; business project ma- and maintenance]; washing; washing of linen; pier nagement services for construction projects; com- breakwater building; pipeline construction and main- mercial administration of the licensing of the goods tenance; underwater construction; harbour construc- and services of others; business management of rei- tion; factory construction; building of fair stalls and mbursement programs for others; administration of shops; shipbuilding; cleaning of buildings [interior]; consumer loyalty programs; administration of fre- street cleaning; vermin exterminating, other than for quent flyer programs; administrative processing of agriculture; tire balancing; artificial snow-making purchase orders; public relations; modelling for ad- services; laundering; installation of doors and win- vertising or sales promotion; typing; appointment dows; irrigation devices installation and repair; ele- reminder services [office functions]; web site traffic vator installation and repair; heating equipment ins- optimization; relocation services for businesses; tax tallation and repair; burglar alarm installation and filing services; search engine optimization for sales repair; furnace installation and repair; telephone ins- promotion; appointment scheduling services [office tallation and repair; installation and repair of air- functions]; price comparison services; pay per click conditioning apparatus; fire alarm installation and advertising; secretarial services; procurement servi- repair; freezing equipment installation and repair; ces for others [purchasing goods and services for ot- electric appliance installation and repair; kitchen her businesses]; shorthand; outsourcing services [bu- equipment installation; installation, maintenance and siness assistance]; telephone answering for unavai- repair of computer hardware; machinery installation, lable subscribers; photocopying services; business maintenance and repair; office machines and equip- efficiency expert services. ment installation, maintenance and repair; interfe- rence suppression in electrical apparatus; swimming- 37 – Building construction; repair; installation servi- pool maintenance; furniture maintenance; chimney ces; asphalting; drilling of deep oil or gas wells; dri- sweeping; boiler cleaning and repair; cleaning of lling of wells; rebuilding engines that have been clothing; leather care, cleaning and repair; fur care, worn or partially destroyed; rebuilding machines that cleaning and repair; dry cleaning; vehicle cleaning; have been worn or partially destroyed; renovation of diaper cleaning. clothing; retreading of tires; vulcanization of tires ______[repair]; building sealing; linen ironing; pressing of clothing; disinfecting; rat exterminating; mining ex- (260) AM 2019 99608 A traction; refilling of toner cartridges; vehicle battery (800) 1425247 charging; knife sharpening; building insulating; re- (151) 2018 08 23 pair information; construction information; brick- (891) 2018 08 23 laying; riveting; construction consultancy; varnis- (731) JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA NV hing; re-tinning; scaffolding; road paving; window Turnhoutseweg 30, B-2340 Beerse, Belgium cleaning; vehicle washing; building construction su- (540) pervision; tuning of musical instruments; upholste- ring; rustproofing; anti-rust treatment for vehicles; KOPELFRA sanding; pumicing; strong-room maintenance and re- (591) Black, white pair; vehicle maintenance; paper hanging; painting (511) or repair of signs; cleaning of buildings [exterior su- 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for human purpo- rface]; vehicle polishing; vehicle breakdown repair ses. services; rental of bulldozers; rental of drainage ______pumps; rental of road sweeping machines; rental of cleaning machines; rental of cranes [construction (260) AM 2019 99609 A equipment]; rental of laundry washing machines; re- (800) 1425270 ntal of construction equipment; rental of excavators; (151) 2018 07 06 laying of cable; plumbing; masonry; roofing servi- (891) 2018 07 06 ces; painting, interior and exterior; carpentry servi- (731) Omega SA (Omega AG) (Omega Ltd.) ces; underwater repair; plastering; quarrying servi-

#13 2019 07 10 93


Jakob-Stämpfli-Strasse 96, CH-2502 (891) 2018 05 07 Biel/Bienne, Switzerland (731) FARMINA PET FOODS DOO INĐIJA (540) Save Kovačevića bb, 22320 Inđija, Serbia SPEEDMASTER (540) (591) Black, white (511) 9 – Smartwatches, smartwatches with payment fun- ctions; spectacles, sunglasses, magnifying glasses; cases for spectacles, sunglasses and magnifying gla- sses.

14 – Precious metals and their alloys and goods ma- de of these materials or coated therewith included in this class, namely figurines, trophies; jewelry, name- (591) Black, white ly rings, earrings, cuff links, bracelets, charms, bro- (531) 05.03.13; 05.03.14; 24.17.09; 27.05.22; oches, chains, necklaces, tie pins, tie clips, jewelry 27.05.24 caskets (cases), cases; precious stones; semi-preci- (511) ous stones; timepieces and chronometric instruments 31 – Pet food; processed animal food substances; namely chronometers, chronographs, clocks, watc- animal foodstuffs; pet food for weaning and passage hes, wristwatches, wall clocks, alarm clocks as well to solid food; pet food; balanced foodstuffs for pets; as parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods food preparations for animals; foodstuffs for dairy namely hands, anchors, pendulums, barrels, watch animals; pet food containing plant extracts; edible cases, watch straps, watch dials, clockworks, watch bones and sticks for pets; cereal-based food for chains, movements for timepieces, watch springs, animals; edible products for chewing for pets; watch glasses, presentation cases for timepieces, canned agricultural products for animal food; food in cases for timepieces. cans or in boxes for animals; cereal-based products ______for animal consumption. ______(260) AM 2019 99614 A (800) 1425418 (260) AM 2019 99617 A (151) 2018 01 23 (800) 1425475 (891) 2018 01 23 (151) 2018 01 23 (731) EURO GAMES TECHNOLOGY LTD. (891) 2018 01 23 "Maritsa" Str. 4, "Vranya-Lozen-Triugulnika", (731) EURO GAMES TECHNOLOGY LTD. BG-1151 Sofia, Bulgaria "Maritsa" Str. 4, "Vranya-Lozen-Triugulnika", (540) BG-1151 Sofia, Bulgaria (540)

(591) Red, green, brown and black. (531) 05.09.15; 27.03.11; 27.05.02; 29.01.14 (591) Black, green, yellow, red and brown (511) (531) 01.15.07; 23.03.10; 27.03.15; 27.05.03; 9 – Apparatus for recording, transmission or repro- 29.01.15 duction of sound or image; computer software, re- (511) corded; monitors, computer hardware. 9 – Apparatus for recording, transmission or rep- 28 – Games that are not included in other classes; roduction of sound or image; computer software, re- gaming machines operating with coins, banknotes corded; monitors, computer hardware. and cards; gaming machines for gambling. 28 – Games that are not included in other classes; ______gaming machines operating with coins, banknotes and cards; gaming machines for gambling. (260) AM 2019 99618 A ______(800) 1425486 (151) 2018 05 10 (260) AM 2019 99615 A (891) 2018 05 10 (800) 1425439 (731) DR. KORMAN LABORATORIES LTD. (151) 2018 05 07 Yosef Levi 23, Kiriyat Bialik, 2751123, Israel

94 #13 2019 07 10


(540) mond soap; mint for perfumery; cosmetic kits; eme- ry; nail art stickers; false nails; eau de Cologne; ba- ses for flower perfumes; joss sticks; pastes for razor strops; dentifrices; pumice stone; lipstick cases; hyd- rogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; breath fres- hening strips; teeth whitening strips; abrasive cloth; glass cloth [abrasive cloth]; lipsticks; pomades for (591) Blue, white, dark greenish-blue cosmetic purposes; shaving preparations; cosmetic (531) 27.05.10; 27.05.22; 29.01.12 preparations for baths; bath preparations, not for (526) Laboratories Ltd. medical purposes; hair straightening preparations; (511) 0 hair waving preparations; laundry soaking prepara- 3 – Abrasives; amber [perfume]; descaling prepara- tions; grinding preparations; smoothing preparations tions for household purposes; antistatic preparations [starching]; color-removing preparations; leather for household purposes; aromatics [essential oils]; bleaching preparations; polishing preparations; den- air fragrancing preparations; cake flavorings [essen- ture polishes; mouthwashes, not for medical purpo- tial oils]; flavorings for beverages [essential oils]; ses; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; food flavorings [essential oils]; breath freshening starch glaze for laundry purposes; furbishing prepa- sprays; canned pressurized air for cleaning and dus- rations; eye-washes, not for medical purposes; fabric ting purposes; balms, other than for medical pur- softeners for laundry use; laundry bleach; dry-clea- poses; lip glosses; polishing stones; abrasive paper; ning preparations; paint stripping preparations; lac- emery paper; polishing paper; petroleum jelly for quer-removing preparations; make-up removing pre- cosmetic purposes; shoe polish; cobblers' wax; co- parations; floor wax removers [scouring prepara- tton wool for cosmetic purposes; sachets for perfu- tions]; varnish-removing preparations; rust removing ming linen; drying agents for dishwashing machines; preparations; nail care preparations; cleaning prepa- adhesives for cosmetic purposes; scented water; Ja- rations; preparations for cleaning dentures; wallpa- velle water; lavender water; toilet water; wax for per cleaning preparations; preparations for unbloc- parquet floors; floor wax; non-slipping wax for flo- king drain pipes; chemical cleaning preparations for ors; depilatory wax; mustache wax; tailors' wax; household purposes; collagen preparations for cos- polish for furniture and flooring; shoemakers' wax; metic purposes; bleaching preparations [decolorants] polishing wax; massage gels, other than for medical for household purposes; laundry preparations; aloe purposes; heliotropine; dental bleaching gels; gerani- vera preparations for cosmetic purposes; sunscreen ol; make-up; deodorants for pets; depilatory prepa- preparations; color-brightening chemicals for house- rations; air fragrance reed diffusers; scented wood; hold purposes [laundry]; breath freshening prepara- perfumes; non-slipping liquids for floors; windshield tions for personal hygiene; shining preparations [po- cleaning liquids; greases for cosmetic purposes; vol- lish]; make-up powder; diamantine [abrasive]; stain canic ash for cleaning; perfumery; decorative trans- removers; nail varnish removers; vaginal washes for fers for cosmetic purposes; ionone [perfumery]; sha- personal sanitary or deodorant purposes; scouring ving stones [astringents]; smoothing stones; eyebrow solutions; false eyelashes; tissues impregnated with pencils; cosmetic pencils; silicon carbide [abrasive]; cosmetic lotions; tissues impregnated with make-up carbides of metal [abrasives]; alum stones [astrin- removing preparations; safrol; massage candles for gents]; tripoli stone for polishing; adhesives for affi- cosmetic purposes; laundry blueing; turpentine for xing false eyelashes; adhesives for affixing false ha- degreasing; potpourris [fragrances]; bleaching soda; ir; quillaia bark for washing; corundum [abrasive]; bath salts, not for medical purposes; bleaching salts; beard dyes; colorants for toilet purposes; cosmetic fumigation preparations [perfumes]; preservatives dyes; laundry starch; laundry glaze; shoe cream; cre- for leather [polishes]; ammonia [volatile alkali] [de- ams for leather; polishing creams; cosmetic creams; tergent]; astringents for cosmetic purposes; eyebrow skin whitening creams; polishing rouge; incense; cosmetics; make-up preparations; sun-tanning prepa- hair spray; nail polish; hair lotions; lotions for cos- rations [cosmetics]; hair dyes; neutralizers for per- metic purposes; after-shave lotions; beauty masks; manent waving; preparations to make the leaves of oils for perfumes and scents; oils for cosmetic pur- plants shiny; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; poses; oils for toilet purposes; essential oils; essen- cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetics; cos- tial oils of cedarwood; essential oils of lemon; essen- metics for children; cosmetics for animals; mascara; tial oils of citron; oils for cleaning purposes; berga- cleansers for intimate personal hygiene purposes, mot oil; gaultheria oil; jasmine oil; lavender oil; al- non medicated; douching preparations for personal mond oil; rose oil; oil of turpentine for degreasing; sanitary or deodorant purposes [toiletries]; deter- whiting; cleaning chalk; almond milk for cosmetic gents, other than for use in manufacturing operations purposes; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; musk and for medical purposes; degreasers, other than for [perfumery]; soap; deodorant soap; shaving soap; use in manufacturing processes; bleaching prepara- soap for brightening textile; cakes of toilet soap; tions [decolorants] for cosmetic purposes; toiletry antiperspirant soap; soap for foot perspiration; al-

#13 2019 07 10 95


Preparations; antiperspirants [toiletries]; phytocos- lements for animals; yeast dietary supplements; al- metic preparations; talcum powder, for toilet use; ginate dietary supplements; glucose dietary supple- cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; terpenes [essen- ments; casein dietary supplements; lecithin dietary tial oils]; emery cloth; cloths impregnated with a de- supplements; linseed oil dietary supplements; propo- tergent for cleaning; henna [cosmetic dye]; shampo- lis dietary supplements; protein dietary supplements; os; shampoos for animals [non-medicated grooming protein supplements for animals; royal jelly dietary preparations]; shampoos for pets [non-medicated supplements; pollen dietary supplements; wheat grooming preparations]; dry shampoos; sandpaper; germ dietary supplements; linseed dietary supple- soda lye; herbal extracts for cosmetic purposes; ex- ments; acai powder dietary supplements; dietary tracts of flowers [perfumes]; ethereal essences; badi- supplements with a cosmetic effect; enzyme dietary an essence; mint essence [essential oil]; washing so supplements; yeast for pharmaceutical purposes; ge- da, for cleaning; deodorants for human beings or for latine for medical purposes; cod liver oil; isotopes animals. for medical purposes; immunostimulants; insectici- des; iodine for pharmaceutical purposes; iodides for 5 – Gels based on hyaluronic acid for subdermal and pharmaceutical purposes; alkaline iodides for phar- intradermal injections; gels based on hyaluronic acid maceutical purposes; iodoform; calomel [fungicide]; used for correction of age and mimic wrinkles on the tartar for pharmaceutical purposes; camphor for me- face, as well as to give an extra volume to the lips dical purposes; capsules for medicines; cachets for and other areas of the body; preparations based on pharmaceutical purposes; hemostatic pencils; wart hyaluronic acid; preparations for biorevitalization pencils; caustic pencils; carbolineum [parasiticide]; and contouring products; acaricides; aconitine; alka- caustics for pharmaceutical purposes; cachou for loids for medical purposes; alginates for pharmaceu- pharmaceutical purposes; quassia for medical purpo- tical purposes; algicides; aldehydes for pharmaceuti- ses; quebracho for medical purposes; oxygen for me- cal purposes; dental amalgams of gold; dental amal- dical purposes; gallic acid for pharmaceutical purpo- gams; amino acids for veterinary purposes; amino ses; acids for pharmaceutical purposes; adhesives for acids for medical purposes; analgesics; anaesthetics; dentures; surgical glues; stem cells for veterinary antibiotics; antiseptics; medicine cases, portable, purposes; stem cells for medical purposes; cocaine; filled; first-aid boxes, filled; aluminium acetate for collagen for medical purposes; collodion for phar- pharmaceutical purposes; acetates for pharmaceuti- maceutical purposes; corn rings for the feet; candy, cal purposes; germicides; balms for medical purpo- medicated; barks for pharmaceutical purposes; cedar ses; bandages for dressings; diagnostic biomarker wood for use as an insect repellent; croton bark; reagents for medical purposes; biocides; bromine for mangrove bark for pharmaceutical purposes; myro- pharmaceutical purposes; paper for mustard plasters; balan bark for pharmaceutical purposes; quinquina fly catching paper; reagent paper for veterinary pur- for medical purposes; medicated animal feed; me- poses; reagent paper for medical purposes; moth- dicinal roots; rhubarb roots for pharmaceutical pur- proofing paper; petroleum jelly for medical purpo- poses; lint for medical purposes; starch for dietetic ses; vaccines; oxygen baths; antiseptic cotton; asep- or pharmaceutical purposes; creosote for pharma- tic cotton; absorbent cotton; wadding for medical ceutical purposes; blood for medical purposes; cultu- purposes; cotton for medical purposes; dietetic subs- res of microorganisms for medical or veterinary use; tances adapted for medical use; radiological contrast curare; dental lacquer; liquorice for pharmaceutical substances for medical purposes; nutritive substan- purposes; lactose for pharmaceutical purposes; can- ces for microorganisms; radioactive substances for dy for medical purposes; adhesive plasters; medici- medical purposes; melissa water for pharmaceutical nes for alleviating constipation; lecithin for medical purposes; sea water for medicinal bathing; mineral purposes; lotions for veterinary purposes; medicated waters for medical purposes; thermal water; dietary hair lotions; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; fiber; molding wax for dentists; gases for medical medicated after-shave lotions; personal sexual lubri- purposes; guaiacol for pharmaceutical purposes; se- cants; lupulin for pharmaceutical purposes; magne- xual stimulant gels; hematogen; hemoglobin; hyd- sia for pharmaceutical purposes; liniments; oint- rastine; hydrastinine; glycerine for medical purpo- ments for pharmaceutical purposes; sunburn oint- ses; glycerophosphates; glucose for medical purpo- ments; mercurial ointments; frostbite salve for phar- ses; gentian for pharmaceutical purposes; hormones maceutical purposes; gauze for dressings; medicinal for medical purposes; mustard for pharmaceutical oils; mustard oil for medical purposes; camphor oil purposes; mustard plasters; mud for baths; medicinal for medical purposes; castor oil for medical purpo- mud; gamboge for medical purposes; gurjun balsam ses; oil of turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes; for medical purposes; air deodorising preparations; dill oil for medical purposes; dental mastics; dental deodorants, other than for human beings or for ani- abrasives; dental impression materials; teeth filling mals; deodorants for clothing and textiles; diastase material; dressings, medical; surgical dressings; for medical purposes; digitalin; vitamin supplement drugs for medical purposes; medicines for veterinary patches; mineral food supplements; nutritional supp- purposes; serotherapeutic medicines; medicines for lements; albumin dietary supplements; dietary supp-

96 #13 2019 07 10


human purposes; medicines for dental purposes; growth preparations; nutraceutical preparations for menthol; medicinal drinks; moleskin for medical therapeutic or medical purposes; opiates; anticrypto- purposes; almond milk for pharmaceutical purposes; gamic preparations; aloe vera preparations for phar- powdered milk for babies; royal jelly for pharmaceu- maceutical purposes; preparations of trace elements tical purposes; milk ferments for pharmaceutical for human and animal use; sulfonamides [medici- purposes; Irish moss for medical purposes; flour for nes]; pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical pharmaceutical purposes; linseed meal for pharma- preparations for treating sunburn; enzyme prepara- ceutical purposes; fish meal for pharmaceutical pur- tions for veterinary purposes; enzyme preparations poses; fly glue; antibacterial soap; disinfectant soap; for medical purposes; phytotherapy preparations for medicated soap; freeze-dried meat adapted for medi- medical purposes; chemico-pharmaceutical prepara- cal purposes; mint for pharmaceutical purposes; die- tions; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; tetic beverages adapted for medical purposes; malted chemical preparations for the diagnosis of pregnan- milk beverages for medical purposes; narcotics; me- cy; chemical preparations for medical purposes; che- dicinal infusions; tincture of iodine; eucalyptol for mical preparations to treat wheat blight; vine disease pharmaceutical purposes; tinctures for medical pur- treating chemicals; chemical preparations to treat poses; opium; opodeldoc; decoctions for pharmaceu- mildew; chemical preparations for treating phylloxe- tical purposes; antiparasitic collars for animals; stick ra; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purpo- liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes; sulfur sticks ses; chilblain preparations; mothproofing preparati- [disinfectants]; medicated dentifrices; pectin for pha- ons; collyrium; lead water; chemical conductors for rmaceutical purposes; pepsins for pharmaceutical electrocardiograph electrodes; albuminous foods- purposes; peptones for pharmaceutical purposes; hy- tuffs for medical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for drogen peroxide for medical purposes; pesticides; medical purposes; by-products of the processing of food for babies; leeches for medical purposes; blood cereals for dietetic or medical purposes; homogeni- plasma; nicotine patches for use as aids to stop zed food adapted for medical purposes; freeze-dried smoking; eyepatches for medical purposes; poulti- food adapted for medical purposes; pharmaceuticals; ces; compresses; scapulars for surgical purposes; sanitary towels; panty liners [sanitary]; propolis for diapers for pets; diapers for incontinents; bunion pharmaceutical purposes; pearl powder for medical pads; breast-nursing pads; pomades for medical pur- purposes; radium for medical purposes; hydrated poses; powder of cantharides; pyrethrum powder; chloral for pharmaceutical purposes; solvents for re- anti-uric preparations; bacterial preparations for moving adhesive plasters; vaginal washes for medi- medical and veterinary use; bacteriological prepara- cal purposes; solutions for contact lenses; chemical tions for medical and veterinary use; balsamic prepa- reagents for medical or veterinary purposes; gum for rations for medical purposes; albuminous prepara- medical purposes; rubber for dental purposes; che- tions for medical purposes; biological preparations wing gum for medical purposes; nicotine gum for for veterinary purposes; biological preparations for use as an aid to stop smoking; insect repellents; in- medical purposes; veterinary preparations; bismuth sect repellent incense; repellents for dogs; tissues preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; vitamin impregnated with pharmaceutical lotions; sarsapa- preparations; diagnostic preparations for medical rilla for medical purposes; sugar for medical purpo- purposes; bath preparations for medical purposes; ses; asthmatic tea; fumigating sticks; medicated mas- therapeutic preparations for the bath; hemorrhoid sage candles; suppositories; linseed for pharmaceu- preparations; preparations for callouses; lice treat- tical purposes; tobacco-free cigarettes for medical ment preparations [pediculicides]; acne treatment purposes; siccatives [drying agents] for medical pur- preparations; preparations to facilitate teething; pre- poses; syrups for pharmaceutical purposes; turpen- parations for the treatment of burns; fumigation pre- tine for pharmaceutical purposes; greases for veteri- parations for medical purposes; opotherapy prepara- nary purposes; greases for medical purposes; lacteal tions; air purifying preparations; bronchodilating flour for babies; infant formula; soporifics; bicarbo- preparations; preparations for reducing sexual acti- nate of soda for pharmaceutical purposes; bath salts vity; sterilising preparations; soil-sterilising prepara- for medical purposes; salts for mineral water baths; tions; corn remedies; pharmaceutical preparations salts for medical purposes; potassium salts for medi- for treating dandruff; preparations for destroying no- cal purposes; sodium salts for medical purposes; xious animals; herbicides; preparations for destro- smelling salts; mineral water salts; malt for pharma- ying dry rot fungus; larvae exterminating prepara- ceutical purposes; semen for artificial insemination; tions; fly destroying preparations; preparations for alcohol for pharmaceutical purposes; medicinal al- destroying mice; slug exterminating preparations; cohol; alloys of precious metals for dental purposes; vermin destroying preparations; pharmaceutical pre- ergot for pharmaceutical purposes; cooling sprays parations for skin care; contact lens cleaning prepa- for medical purposes; antibacterial handwashes; ad- rations; preparations of microorganisms for medical juvants for medical purposes; astringents for medical or veterinary use; lime-based pharmaceutical prepa- purposes; vermifuges; disinfectants; disinfectants for rations; medicated eye-washes; medicinal hair hygiene purposes; disinfectants for chemical toilets;

#13 2019 07 10 97


douching preparations for medical purposes; appetite ratus and instruments; resuscitation apparatus; dental suppressants for medical purposes; medical prepa- apparatus, electric; physiotherapy apparatus; bed rations for slimming purposes; parasiticides; mouth- vibrators; hot air therapeutic apparatus; diagnostic washes for medical purposes; febrifuges; depurati- apparatus for medical purposes; traction apparatus ves; animal washes [insecticides]; detergents for me- for medical purposes; radiotherapy apparatus; mic- dical purposes; cattle washes [insecticides]; dog rodermabrasion apparatus; fumigation apparatus for washes [insecticides]; insecticidal veterinary washes; medical purposes; apparatus for the regeneration of vesicants; purgatives; remedies for perspiration; stem cells for medical purposes; apparatus for DNA remedies for foot perspiration; chemical contracepti- and RNA testing for medical purposes; apparatus ves; antiparasitic preparations; sedatives; laxatives; and installations for the production of X-rays, for tonics [medicines]; medicated toiletry preparations; medical purposes; magnetic resonance imaging digestives for pharmaceutical purposes; nervines; [MRI] apparatus for medical purposes; radiological media for bacteriological cultures; steroids; strychni- apparatus for medical purposes; X-ray apparatus for ne; serums; tanning pills; appetite suppressant pills; medical purposes; hearing aids; nasal aspirators; slimming pills; jujube, medicated; antioxidant pills; trusses; maternity belts; bandages, elastic; cupping sanitary tampons; vulnerary sponges; thymol for glasses; dental burs; bracelets for medical purposes; pharmaceutical purposes; biological tissue cultures anti-nausea wristbands; anti-rheumatism bracelets; for veterinary purposes; biological tissue cultures for feeding bottles; air cushions for medical purposes; medical purposes; smoking herbs for medical purpo- vaporizers for medical purposes; hot air vibrators for ses; medicinal herbs; surgical implants comprised of medical purposes; vibromassage apparatus; gastros- living tissues; pants, absorbent, for incontinents; copes; hemocytometers; lice combs; surgical spon- sanitary panties; charcoal for pharmaceutical purpo- ges; defibrillators; dialyzers; containers especially ses; porcelain for dental prostheses; phenol for phar- made for medical waste; clips, surgical; mirrors for maceutical purposes; enzymes for veterinary purpo- dentists; mirrors for surgeons; probes for medical ses; enzymes for medical purposes; ferments for purposes; urethral probes; artificial teeth; acupunctu- pharmaceutical purposes; formic aldehyde for phar- re needles; suture needles; needles for medical pur- maceutical purposes; phosphates for pharmaceutical poses; orthopedic articles; surgical implants compri- purposes; fungicides; quinine for medical purposes; sed of artificial materials; inhalers; hydrogen inha- chinoline for medical purposes; diabetic bread adap- lers; injectors for medical purposes; incubators for ted for medical use; chloroform; flowers of sulfur for medical purposes; incubators for babies; obstetric pharmaceutical purposes; cement for animal hooves; apparatus; obstetric apparatus for cattle; electric bone cement for surgical and orthopaedic purposes; acupuncture instruments; surgical cutlery; insuffla- dental cements; medicinal tea; herbal teas for medi- tors; endoscopy cameras for medical purposes; can- cinal purposes; insecticidal animal shampoo; medi- nulae; droppers for medical purposes; dropper bo- cated shampoos; medicated shampoos for pets; pe- ttles for medical purposes; heart pacemakers; heart diculicidal shampoos; medicated dry shampoos; pre- rate monitoring apparatus; catheters; catgut; draw- filled syringes for medical purposes; eucalyptus for sheets for sick beds; enema apparatus for medical pharmaceutical purposes; herbal extracts for medical purposes; artificial skin for surgical purposes; men- purposes; plant extracts for pharmaceutical purpo- strual cups; teething rings; anti-rheumatism rings; ses; tobacco extracts [insecticides]; extracts of hops compressors [surgical]; thermo-electric compresses for pharmaceutical purposes; elixirs [pharmaceutical [surgery]; abdominal corsets; corsets for medical preparations]; ethers for pharmaceutical purposes; purposes; crutches; dentists' armchairs; armchairs for esters for pharmaceutical purposes; cellulose esters medical or dental purposes; beds specially made for for pharmaceutical purposes; cellulose ethers for medical purposes; feeding bottle valves; love dolls pharmaceutical purposes; rat poison; poisons; bacte- [sex dolls]; lasers for medical purposes; lamps for rial poisons; jalap; bismuth subnitrate for pharma- medical purposes; quartz lamps for medical purpo- ceutical purposes; angostura bark for medical purpo- ses; ultraviolet ray lamps for medical purposes; lan- ses; condurango bark for medical purposes; adhesive cets; lenses [intraocular prostheses] for surgical imp- tapes for medical purposes; cotton sticks for medical lantation; spoons for administering medicine; masks purposes; pastilles for pharmaceutical purposes; ba- for use by medical personnel; respiratory masks for bies' diapers; diagnostic preparations for veterinary artificial respiration; anaesthetic masks; suture mate- purposes; transplants [living tissues]; disposable tra- rials; childbirth mattresses; air mattresses for medi- ining pants for infants; fennel for medical purposes. cal purposes; hydrostatic beds for medical purposes; furniture especially made for medical purposes; wa- 10 – Blood testing apparatus; anaesthetic apparatus; ter bags for medical purposes; douche bags; breast galvanic therapeutic appliances; apparatus for artifi- pumps; body fat monitors; body composition moni- cial respiration; apparatus for the treatment of dea- tors; urinals [vessels]; portable hand-held urinals; fness; physical exercise apparatus for medical purpo- teeth protectors for dental purposes; temperature ses; body rehabilitation apparatus for medical purpo- indicator labels for medical purposes; knee banda- ses; dental apparatus and instruments; surgical appa-

98 #13 2019 07 10


ges, orthopaedic; tips for crutches; finger guards for tongue depressors for medical purposes; syringes for medical purposes; medical guidewires; pumps for injections; syringes for medical purposes; hypoder- medical purposes; thread, surgical; knives for surgi- mic syringes; uterine syringes; urethral syringes; cal purposes; scissors for surgery; ambulance stret- pins for artificial teeth; forceps; castrating pincers; chers; stretchers, wheeled; boots for medical purpo- radiology screens for medical purposes; electrodes ses; orthopaedic footwear; clothing especially for for medical use; electrocardiographs; brain pacema- operating rooms; compression garments; blankets, kers; analysers for bacterial identification for medi- electric, for medical purposes; supports for flat feet; cal purposes; testing apparatus for medical purposes; ophthalmometers; ophthalmoscopes; cooling pads biodegradable bone fixation implants; surgical bou- for first aid purposes; slings [supporting bandages]; gies; thermal packs for first aid purposes. gloves for massage; gloves for medical purposes; 16 – Fountain pens; albums; almanacs; document la- pessaries; saws for surgical purposes; ear picks; minators for office use; mimeograph apparatus and cooling patches for medical purposes; spittoons for machines; atlases; banknotes; banners of paper; pa- medical purposes; plaster bandages for orthopaedic per bows, other than haberdashery or hair decora- purposes; supportive bandages; suspensory banda- tions; table linen of paper; tickets; forms, printed; ges; abdominal pads; cushions for medical purposes; announcement cards [stationery]; note books; pads pads for preventing pressure sores on patient bodies; [stationery]; drawing pads; loose-leaf binders; wrist- air pillows for medical purposes; soporific pillows bands for the retention of writing instruments; pam- for insomnia; heating cushions, electric, for medical phlets; booklets; paper; paper sheets [stationery]; purposes; abdominal belts; galvanic belts for medi- waxed paper; paper for medical examination tables; cal purposes; hypogastric belts; belts for medical paper for recording machines; paper for radiograms; purposes; orthopaedic belts; umbilical belts; belts, papers for painting and calligraphy; electrocardio- electric, for medical purposes; condoms; aerosol dis- graph paper; wood pulp paper; carbon paper; co- pensers for medical purposes; sphygmomanometers; pying paper [stationery]; parchment paper; writing pulse meters; esthetic massage apparatus; massage paper; rice paper; luminous paper; toilet paper; apparatus; veterinary apparatus and instruments; wrapping paper; filter paper; blotters; newsletters; medical apparatus and instruments; urological appa- rollers for typewriters; house painters' rollers; com- ratus and instruments; orthodontic appliances; nur- posing sticks; modelling wax, not for dental purpo- sing appliances; brushes for cleaning body cavities; ses; signboards of paper or cardboard; sewing pa- invalids' hoists; appliances for washing body caviti- tterns; bunting of paper; newspapers; electrotypes; es; corn knives; incontinence sheets; sterile sheets, hectographs; modelling clay; polymer modelling surgical; surgical drapes; hair prostheses; artificial clay; terrestrial globes; drawing sets; engravings; eyes; artificial breasts; dentures; artificial limbs; ar- slate pencils; pencil leads; document holders [statio- tificial jaws; ice bags for medical purposes; toe sepa- nery]; pencil holders; chalk holders; holders for che- rators for orthopaedic purposes; orthodontic rubber que books; holders for stamps [seals]; page holders; bands; X-ray photographs for medical purposes; name badge holders [office requisites]; diagrams; respirators for artificial respiration; surgical robots; table runners of paper; engraving plates; writing ear trumpets; strait jackets; sex toys; scalpels; tongue slates; blackboards; galley racks [printing]; drawing scrapers; babies' pacifiers [teats]; feeding bottle boards; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; teats; baby feeding dummies; receptacles for app- duplicators; punches [office requisites]; cream con- lying medicines; spirometers [medical apparatus]; tainers of paper; magazines [periodicals]; money vaginal syringes; implantable subcutaneous drug de- clips; clips for name badge holders [office requisi- livery devices; hearing protectors; contraceptives, tes]; tags for index cards; pen clips; bookmarkers; non-chemical; orthopaedic soles; stents; stethosco- etching needles; tracing needles for drawing purpo- pes; operating tables; commode chairs; basins for ses; periodicals; printed publications; paper shred- medical purposes; bed pans; instrument cases for use ders for office use; graphic representations; credit by doctors; arch supports for footwear; ear plugs [ear card imprinters, non-electric; graining combs; dra- protection devices]; thermometers for medical pur- wing instruments; calendars; tracing paper; tracing poses; tomographs for medical purposes; trocars; cloth; tracing patterns; gums [adhesives] for statio- walking sticks for medical purposes; drainage tubes nery or household purposes; lithographic stones; ink for medical purposes; X-ray tubes for medical pur- stones [ink reservoirs]; pencils; pencil lead holders; poses; radium tubes for medical purposes; balling charcoal pencils; pictures; transfers [decalcomanias]; guns; protection devices against X-rays, for medical paintings [pictures], framed or unframed; cardboard; purposes; apparatus for acne treatment; filters for wood pulp board [stationery]; hat boxes of cardbo- ultraviolet rays, for medical purposes; quad canes for ard; cards; index cards [stationery]; geographical medical purposes; wheeled walkers to aid mobility; maps; paper tapes and cards for the recordal of com- walking frames for disabled persons; cases fitted for puter programmes; trading cards, other than for ga- medical instruments; elastic stockings for surgical mes; perforated cards for Jacquard looms; catalo- purposes; stockings for varices; splints, surgical; gues; spools for inking ribbons; covers of paper for

#13 2019 07 10 99


flower pots; paintbrushes; painters' brushes; writing rators; pens [office requisites]; nibs of gold; nibs; brushes; typewriter keys; glue for stationery or steel pens; drawing pens; song books; seals household purposes; isinglass for stationery or [stamps]; sealing stamps; clipboards; address plates household purposes; gluten [glue] for stationery or for addressing machines; handkerchiefs of paper; household purposes; starch paste [adhesive] for plastic film for wrapping; trays for sorting and co- stationery or household purposes; printing blocks; unting money; coasters of paper; bookends; stamp books; manifolds [stationery]; comic books; drawing stands; mats for beer glasses; stands for pens and pins; cigar bands; envelopes [stationery]; boxes of pencils; photograph stands; obliterating stamps; in- paper or cardboard; cases for stamps [seals]; paint king pads; stamp pads; binding strips [bookbinding]; boxes [articles for use in school]; correcting fluids towels of paper; inking sheets for document repro- [office requisites]; printed coupons; stencils [statio- ducing machines; inking sheets for duplicators; bo- nery]; French curves; paper ribbons, other than okbinding cloth; gummed cloth for stationery purpo- haberdashery or hair decorations; typewriter ribbons; ses; printers' blankets, not of textile; portraits; paper- gummed tape [stationery]; adhesive bands for statio- weights; writing cases [sets]; inkstands; office requi- nery or household purposes; correcting tapes [office sites, except furniture; writing materials; writing ins- requisites]; inking ribbons; inking ribbons for com- truments; drawing materials; school supplies [sta- puter printers; adhesive tapes for stationery or hou- tionery]; adhesive tape dispensers [office requisites]; sehold purposes; self-adhesive tapes for stationery or hand labelling appliances; printed matter; lithog- household purposes; square rulers for drawing; dra- raphic works of art; prospectuses; printed timetables; wing rulers; flyers; absorbent sheets of paper or ledgers [books]; printers' reglets; indexes; paper cu- plastic for foodstuff packaging; humidity control tters [office requisites]; rubber erasers; elastic bands sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; for offices; T-squares for drawing; graphic reproduc- viscose sheets for wrapping; sheets of reclaimed tions; retractable reels for name badge holders [offi- cellulose for wrapping; plastic bubble packs for wra- ce requisites]; marking pens [stationery]; tissues of pping or packaging; steel letters; type [numerals and paper for removing make-up; dental tray covers of letters]; lithographs; paint trays; architects' models; paper; face towels of paper; place mats of paper; tab- postage stamps; plastics for modelling; graphic lemats of paper; tablecloths of paper; paper clasps; prints; modelling materials; teaching materials [ex- document files [stationery]; scrapers [erasers] for cept apparatus]; sealing compounds for stationery offices; paper-clips; staples for offices; erasing pro- purposes; adhesives [glues] for stationery or house- ducts; biological samples for use in microscopy [te- hold purposes; stuffing of paper or cardboard; book- aching materials]; histological sections for teaching binding material; packing [cushioning, stuffing] purposes; steatite [tailor's chalk]; writing board era- materials of paper or cardboard; packaging material sers; composing frames [printing]; sealing wax; ar- made of starches; filtering materials [paper]; addres- ithmetical tables; placards of paper or cardboard; sing machines; pencil sharpening machines, electric writing or drawing books; fabrics for bookbinding; or non-electric; bookbinding apparatus and machines stationery; pencil sharpeners, electric or non-electric; [office equipment]; typewriters, electric or non-elec- transparencies [stationery]; stencil plates; cardboard tric; paper creasers [office requisites]; franking ma- tubes; Indian inks; moisteners [office requisites]; chines for office use; chalk for lithography; writing moisteners for gummed surfaces [office requisites]; chalk; tailors' chalk; marking chalk; spray chalk; squares for drawing; chart pointers, non-electronic; bags [envelopes, pouches] of paper or plastics, for bottle wrappers of paper or cardboard; envelope sea- packaging; garbage bags of paper or of plastics; ling machines for offices; sealing machines for offic- plastic bags for pet waste disposal; painters' easels; es; vignetting apparatus; apparatus for mounting hand-rests for painters; printing sets, portable [office photographs; stapling presses [office requisites]; ma- requisites]; bibs of paper; bibs, sleeved, of paper; nuals [handbooks]; figurines [statuettes] of papier stickers [stationery]; finger-stalls [office requisites]; mâché; paper coffee filters; flags of paper; silver pa- writing cases [stationery]; cords for bookbinding; per; molds for modelling clays [artists' materials]; paper knives [letter openers]; printed sheet music; photo-engravings; photographs [printed]; stencil numbering apparatus; bottle envelopes of paper or cases; canvas for painting; chromolithographs [chro- cardboard; sealing wafers; covers [stationery]; pass- mos]; animation cels; compasses for drawing; num- port holders; plastic cling film, extensible, for palle- bers [type]; artists' watercolor saucers; ink; correc- tization; embroidery designs [patterns]; handwriting ting ink [heliography]; inkwells; blueprints; stencils; specimens for copying; oleographs; musical greeting erasing shields; balls for ball-point pens; cabinets for cards; greeting cards; postcards; etchings; conical stationery [office requisites]; printing type; address paper bags; paper bags for use in the sterilization of stamps; stamps [seals]; shields [paper seals]; prints medical instruments; bags for microwave cooking; [engravings]; labels of paper or cardboard; posters; palettes for painters; ink sticks; pantographs [dra- drawer liners of paper, perfumed or not. wing instruments]; papier mâché; pastels [crayons]; 35 – Arranging subscriptions to telecommunication modelling paste; pen cases; pen wipers; office perfo- services for others; import-export agency services;

100 #13 2019 07 10


commercial information agency services; advertising samples; dissemination of advertising matter; direct agency services; cost price analysis; rental of adver- mail advertising; registration of written communi- tising space; business auditing; financial auditing; cations and data; writing of publicity texts; adver- business intermediary services relating to the mat- tising services; on-line advertising on a computer ching of potential private investors with entreprene- network; advertising by mail order; television adver- urs needing funding; employment agency services; tising; document reproduction; compilation of statis- computerized file management; book-keeping; invo- tics; compilation of information into computer data- icing; demonstration of goods; transcription of com- bases; business inquiries; systemization of informa- munications [office functions]; opinion polling; mar- tion into computer databases; advisory services for ket studies; business information; commercial infor- business management; negotiation of business cont- mation and advice for consumers in the choice of racts for others; negotiation and conclusion of com- products and services; business investigations; busi- mercial transactions for third parties; compiling in- ness research; marketing research; personnel recruit- dexes of information for commercial or advertising ment; business management and organization con- purposes; tax preparation; drawing up of statements sultancy; business organization consultancy; busi- of accounts; telemarketing services; psychological ness management consultancy; personnel manage- testing for the selection of personnel; wholesale ser- ment consultancy; professional business consultan- vices for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary cy; consultancy regarding advertising communicati- preparations and medical supplies; retail services for on strategies; consultancy regarding public relations pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations communication strategies; layout services for adver- and medical supplies; interim business management; tising purposes; marketing; marketing in the frame- business management of hotels; business manage- work of software publishing; targeted marketing; ment for freelance service providers; business pro- business management of performing artists; business ject management services for construction projects; management of sports people; writing of résumés for commercial administration of the licensing of the others; scriptwriting for advertising purposes; news goods and services of others; business management clipping services; updating and maintenance of in- of reimbursement programs for others; administra- formation in registries; updating and maintenance of tion of consumer loyalty programs; administration of data in computer databases; updating of advertising frequent flyer programs; administrative processing material; word processing; online retail services for of purchase orders; public relations; competitive downloadable and pre-recorded music and movies; intelligence services; modelling for advertising or online retail services for downloadable ring tones; sales promotion; typing; market intelligence ser- online retail services for downloadable digital music; vices; appointment reminder services [office functi- organization of exhibitions for commercial or adver- ons]; relocation services for businesses; tax filing tising purposes; arranging newspaper subscriptions services; search engine optimization for sales pro- for others; organization of fashion shows for pro- motion; appointment scheduling services [office fun- motional purposes; organization of trade fairs for ctions]; gift registry services; price comparison ser- commercial or advertising purposes; shop window vices; pay per click advertising; secretarial services; dressing; design of advertising materials; business procurement services for others [purchasing goods appraisals; payroll preparation; data search in com- and services for other businesses]; shorthand; out- puter files for others; sponsorship search; adminis- sourcing services [business assistance]; telephone trative assistance in responding to calls for tenders; answering for unavailable subscribers; photocopying business management assistance; commercial or in- services; business efficiency expert services; presen- dustrial management assistance; commercial inter- tation of goods on communication media, for retail mediation services; providing business information purposes; rental of signs for advertising purposes; via a web site; provision of commercial and business outsourced administrative management for compa- contact information; provision of an on-line market- nies; web site traffic optimization. place for buyers and sellers of goods and services; 41 – Modelling for artists; academies [education]; web indexing for commercial or advertising purpo- rental of indoor aquaria; rental of artwork; rental of ses; retail services; economic forecasting; auctionee- sports grounds; rental of tennis courts; lending lib- ring; retail services for works of art provided by art rary services; booking of seats for shows; videota- galleries; sales promotion for others; promotion of ping; physical education; production of music; dis- goods and services through sponsorship of sports cotheque services; animal training; dubbing; gam- events; production of teleshopping programmes; bling services; publication of books; education infor- production of advertising films; office machines and mation; recreation information; entertainment infor- equipment rental; rental of advertising time on co- mation; movie studio services; nightclub services mmunication media; publicity material rental; rental [entertainment]; layout services, other than for ad- of vending machines; rental of sales stands; rental of vertising purposes; microfilming; videotape editing; photocopying machines; publication of publicity production of radio and television programmes; scre- texts; radio advertising; bill-posting; distribution of enplay writing; game services provided on-line from

#13 2019 07 10 101


a computer network; religious education; aikido ins- tising purposes; ticket agency services [entertain- truction; gymnastic instruction; correspondence co- ment]; coaching [training]; sport camp services; re- urses; practical training [demonstration]; training cording studio services; language interpreter servi- services provided via simulators; organization of ces; nursery schools; photography; photographic re- balls; providing recreation facilities; arranging and porting; timing of sports events; boarding school conducting of colloquiums; arranging and conduc- education; production of shows; health club services ting of congresses; arranging and conducting of con- [health and fitness training]; providing on-line elec- ferences; arranging and conducting of concerts; ar- tronic publications, not downloadable; organization ranging and conducting of workshops [training]; of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; arranging and conducting of seminars; arranging and arranging and conducting of in-person educational conducting of symposiums; organization of compe- forums. titions [education or entertainment]; arranging of 42 – Water analysis; computer system analysis; han- beauty contests; organization of cosplay entertain- dwriting analysis [graphology]; chemical analysis; ment events; organization of lotteries; organization energy auditing; recovery of computer data; indus- of fashion shows for entertainment purposes; organi- trial design; graphic arts design; computer virus pro- zation of shows [impresario services]; organization tection services; oil-field surveys; geological surve- of sports competitions; vocational guidance [educa- ys; engineering; installation of computer software; tion or training advice]; amusement park services; meteorological information; clinical trials; material sign language interpretation; television entertain- testing; textile testing; bacteriological research; bio- ment; mobile library services; vocational retraining; logical research; geological research; research in the providing on-line videos, not downloadable; provi- field of environmental protection; cosmetic research; ding on-line music, not downloadable; providing te- mechanical research; chemical research; research levision programs, not downloadable, via video-on- and development of new products for others; scien- demand services; providing films, not downloadable, tific research; analysis for oil-field exploitation; un- via video-on-demand services; providing golf faci- derwater exploration; technical research; calibration lities; providing sports facilities; providing amu- [measuring]; web site design consultancy; computer sement arcade services; cinema presentations; pre- security consultancy; information technology [IT] sentation of circus performances; presentation of consultancy; consultancy in the design and devlop- variety shows; presentation of live performances; ment of computer hardware; architectural consultan- theatre productions; conducting guided climbing to- cy; internet security consultancy; computer software urs; conducting fitness classes; educational examina- consultancy; data security consultancy; technologi- tion; film production, other than advertising films; cal consultancy; oil-well testing; quality control; ve- rental of audio equipment; rental of video cameras; hicle roadworthiness testing; land surveying; dress rental of video cassette recorders; rental of videota- designing; updating of computer software; monito- pes; rental of show scenery; rental of sound recor- ring of computer systems to detect breakdowns; dings; toy rental; rental of cinematographic appara- monitoring of computer systems for detecting unaut- tus; rental of motion pictures; games equipment horized access or data breach; monitoring of compu- rental; rental of stadium facilities; rental of lighting ter systems by remote access; software as a service apparatus for theatrical sets or television studios; [SaaS]; maintenance of computer software; authenti- rental of radio and television sets; rental of skin di- cating works of art; design of interior decor; quality ving equipment; rental of sports equipment, except evaluation of standing timber; quality evaluation of vehicles; rental of stage scenery; electronic desktop wool; digitization of documents [scanning]; conver- publishing; on-line publication of electronic books sion of data or documents from physical to electro- and journals; publication of texts, other than publici- nic media; urban planning; providing search engines ty texts; radio entertainment; entertainer services; for the internet; conversion of computer programs entertainment services; writing of texts; sado instruc- and data, other than physical conversion; conducting tion [tea ceremony instruction]; zoological garden technical project studies; computer system design; services; news reporters services; party planning [en- rental of web servers; computer rental; rental of tertainment]; music composition services; subtitling; computer software; unlocking of mobile phones; tutoring; holiday camp services [entertainment]; co- geological prospecting; oil prospecting; hosting nducting guided tours; disc jockey services; personal computer sites [web sites]; construction drafting; trainer services [fitness training]; providing casino computer software design; software development in facilities [gambling]; calligraphy services; karaoke the framework of software publishing; cloud see- services; club services [entertainment or education]; ding; server hosting; consultancy in the field of songwriting; cultural, educational or entertainment energy-saving; creating and designing website-based services provided by art galleries; providing museum indexes of information for others [information tec- facilities [presentation, exhibitions]; teaching; edu- hnology services]; creating and maintaining web cational services provided by schools; orchestra ser- sites for others; computer programming; technical vices; translation; scriptwriting, other than for adver- writing; copying of computer programs; cloud

102 #13 2019 07 10


computing; architectural services; chemistry servi- La Moraleja, E-28108 ALCOBENDAS ces; outsource service providers in the field of in- (Madrid), Spain formation technology; packaging design; off-site (540) data backup; computer technology consultancy; tele- communications technology consultancy; scientific laboratory services; weather forecasting; styling [in- (591) Black, white dustrial design]; cartography services; data encryp- (531) 27.05.17 tion services; physics [research]; electronic data sto- (511) rage; surveying; electronic monitoring of credit card 29 – Ham, slicing sausages, sausages, spiced sausa- activity to detect fraud via the internet; electronic ges, cervelas, blood sausages and cheeses. monitoring of personally identifying information to 30 – Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, ar- detect identity theft via the internet; interior design; tificial coffee; flours and preparations made from providing information on computer technology and cereals, bread, biscuits, cookies, cakes, pastry and programming via a web site; provision of scientific confectionery, edible ices; honey, treacle; yeast, ba- information, advice and consultancy in relation to king powder; salt, mustard; pepper, vinegar, sauces; carbon offsetting; platform as a service [PaaS]. spices and ice.

44 – Public bath services for hygiene purposes; Tur- 39 – Warehousing and distribution of food products. kish bath services; hospital services; depilatory wa- ______xing; reforestation services; landscape design; health center services; nursing home services; wreath ma- (260) AM 2019 99621 A king; hair implantation; medical advice for indivi- (800) 634407 duals with disabilities; pharmacy advice; aromat- (151) 1995 04 10 herapy services; manicuring; chiropractic; massage; (891) 2016 11 22 horticulture; artificial insemination services; palliati- (731) Public Joint-Stock Company "KRASNYJ ve care; hairdressing; body piercing; midwife servi- OCTYABR" ces; veterinary assistance; dentistry services; medi- ul. Malaya Krasnoselskaya, d. 7, str. 24, cal assistance; tree planting for carbon offsetting RU-107140 Moscow, Russian Federation purposes; preparation of prescriptions by pharma- (540) cists; medical equipment rental; rental of sanitation facilities; farming equipment rental; aerial and sur- face spreading of fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals; animal breeding; rehabilitation for subs- tance abuse patients; gardening; landscape garde- ning; beauty salon services; sanatorium services; blood bank services; health care; health counselling; flower arranging; tattooing; weed killing; health spa services; human tissue bank services; aquaculture services; visagists' services; convalescent home ser- vices; rest home services; medical clinic services; al- ternative medicine services; opticians' services; ort- hodontic services; plant nursery services; pest con- trol services for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry; speech therapy; in vitro fertilization services; services of a psychologist; sauna services; (591) Yellow, green, red, blue, brown and white solarium services; telemedicine services; therapy (531) 02.03.01; 02.03.12; 02.03.30; 05.13.01; services; nursing, medical; lawn care; animal groo- 25.01.15; 28.05; 29.01.15 ming; pet grooming; physical therapy; plastic surge- (511) ry; tree surgery; hospice services; vermin extermina- 30 – Sweets. ting for agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and ______forestry. ______(260) AM 2019 99622 A (800) 654873 (260) AM 2019 99619 A (151) 1996 03 15 (800) 500297 (891) 2018 09 10 (151) 1986 02 28 (731) CAMPOFRIO FOOD GROUP, S.A.U. (891) 2018 09 10 Avenida de Europa, 24 -, Parque Empresarial (731) CAMPOFRIO FOOD GROUP, S.A.U. La Moraleja, E-28108 ALCOBENDAS Avenida de Europa, 24 -, Parque Empresarial (Madrid), Spain

#13 2019 07 10 103


(540) (260) AM 2019 99706 A (800) 1426180 (151) 2018 04 27 (891) 2018 04 27 (731) EMMANOUIL PASPALAKIS NIKOLAOS MANOUSOS PASPALAKIS 15 Delimarkou, GR-712 02 Heraklion of Crete, Greece (540)

(591) Dark violet, violet, dark purple, purple, dark red, red, white, black, golden and red (531) 25.01.06; 25.01.15; 27.05.01; 29.01.15 (591) Red, white and blue (511) (531) 07.11.10; 27.05.10; 29.01.13 29 – Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; (511) preserved, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables; 39 – Car rental. green vegetables, preserved, dried and cooked meat ______and fish; jellies and jams; eggs, milk and other dairy products; edible oils and fats, dishes made from (260) AM 2019 99708 A meat, fish or green vegetables. (800) 1426184 (151) 2018 06 27 30 – Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, (891) 2018 06 27 artificial coffee; flours and cereal preparations, bre- (731) MLP SAĞLIK HİZMETLERİ ANONİM ad, pastry and confectionery; edible ices; honey, tre- ŞİRKETİ acle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard, pepper, vi- Otakçılar Caddesi Flat Ofis, İstanbul No:78 negar, sauces, spices and ice. Kat:3 D Blok No:103, Eyüp, İstanbul, Turkey (540) 39 – Transport, warehousing and distribution of go- ods. ______(591 Red

(531) 27.05.01; 29.01.01 (260) AM 2019 99623 A (511) (800) 961722 44 – Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic (151) 2008 03 03 and beauty care for human beings or animals; agri- (891) 2018 09 12 culture, horticulture and forestry services. (731) SANTINI S.R.L. LIMITED ______Unit 9A, 9/F. Hing Wah Commercial Buil- ding, 450-454 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, (260) AM 2019 99709 A Kowloon, Hong-Kong, China (800) 1426186 (540) (151) 2018 06 22 (891) 2018 06 22 (731) "ADRIATIC MARINAS" D.O.O. Obala bb, Tivat, 85320 Crna Gora, Montenegro (540)

(591) Black, white (531) 27.05.01 (511) (591) Black, white 36 – Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; (531) 27.05.01; 27.05.21 real estate affairs. (511) 18 – Leather and imitation leather, goods made of 39 – Transport; packaging and storage of goods; tra- vel arrangement. these materials not included in other classes; suitca- ses. 41 – Education; providing of training; entertainment;

sporting and cultural activities. 25 – Clothing, footwear. ______43 – Services for providing food and drink; tempo- rary accommodation.

104 #13 2019 07 10


44 – Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic (511) and beauty care for human beings or animals; agri- 9 – Optical apparatus and instruments; surgical mic- culture, horticulture and forestry services. roscopes and parts thereof. ______

(260) AM 2019 99710 A (260) AM 2019 99712 A (800) 1426187 (800) 1426195 (151) 2018 04 25 (151) 2018 09 04 (891) 2018 04 25 (891) 2018 09 04 (731) HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. (731) KONRAD HORNSCHUCH AG Administration Building, Huawei Technolo- Salinenstraße 1, 74679 Weißbach, Germany gies Co., Ltd., Bantian, Longgang District, (540) Shenzhen, China (540) WOODEC (591) Black, white (511) 17 – Foils of plastics (semi-finished products). ______

(260) AM 2019 99713 A

(591) Black, white (800) 1426196 (531) 27.05.21; 27.07.01; 27.07.11 (151) 2018 08 10 (511) (891) 2018 08 10 9 – Smartphones; smartwatches; smartglasses; wea- (731) MERZ PHARMA GMBH & CO. KgaA rable activity trackers; protective films adapted for Eckenheimer Landstr. 100, 60318 Frankfurt, smartphones; cases for smartphones; covers for Germany smartphones; cabinets for loudspeakers; digital pho- (540) to frames; network communication apparatus; selfie sticks (hand-held monopods); modems; micropho- Bellaflora (591) Black, white nes; sleeves for laptops; electric batteries; tablet co- (511) mputers; battery chargers; mobile power source (rec- 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations; food supplements; hargeable batteries); laptop computers; headphones; nutritional supplements. virtual reality headsets; loudspeakers; set-top boxes; ______notebook computers; digital video recorders for cars; earphones; portable media players; humanoid robots (260) AM 2019 99715 A with artificial intelligence; computer software appli- (800) 1426210 cations, downloadable; sound transmitting appara- (151) 2018 06 22 tus; computer programs, recorded; camcorders; ca- (891) 2018 06 22 meras (photography); smart rings; downloadable (731) "ADRIATIC MARINAS" D.O.O. graphics for mobile phones; wearable computers; Obala bb, Tivat, 85320 Crna Gora, personal digital assistants (PDAs); audio interfaces; Montenegro security surveillance robots; selfie sticks adapted for (540) mobile phones; wearable video display monitors; selfie lenses; telecommunication apparatus in the SYNCHRO form of jewelry; USB cables. (591) Black, white ______(531) 27.05.01 (511) (260) AM 2019 99711 A 36 – Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; (800) 1426191 real estate affairs. (151) 2018 08 29 (891) 2018 08 29 39 – Transport; packaging and storage of goods; tra- (731) CARL ZEISS MEDITEC AG vel arrangement.

Göschwitzer Straße 51-52, 07745 Jena, 41 – Education; providing of training; entertainment; Germany sporting and cultural activities. (540) 43 – Services for providing food and drink; tempo- rary accommodation. LUMERA Laser (591) Black, white

#13 2019 07 10 105


44 – Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic (891) 2018 04 11 and beauty care for human beings or animals; agri- (731) S7 Group culture, horticulture and forestry services. kom.1, pom. XVII, etazh 2, d.7, ul. Petrovka, ______Moscow, RU-107031, Russian Federation (540) (260) AM 2019 99716 A (800) 1426213 (151) 2018 08 28 (891) 2018 08 28 (731) JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA NV (591) Green, white and gray Turnhoutseweg 30, B-2340 Beerse, Belgium (531) 26.01.17; 26.01.18; 27.05.01; 27.07.01; (540) 29.01.13 (526) Airlines RYDECTRO (511) (591) Black, white 39 – Air transport; motor coach rental; boat rental; (511) garage rental; rental of vehicle roof racks; aircraft 5 – Pharmaceutical preparations for human purpo- rental; parking place rental; rental of warehouses; ses. rental of tractors; booking of seats for travel; travel ______reservation; transport reservation; towing; vehicle breakdown towing services; bottling services; water (260) AM 2019 99799 A distribution; delivery of newspapers; message deli- (800) 1427051 very; parcel delivery; delivery of goods; delivery of (151) 2018 05 30 goods by mail order; flower delivery; launching of (891) 2018 05 30 satellites for others; traffic information; transportati- (731) LEVEL (FZE) on information; storage information; transportation Saif Desk Q1-07-120/A, P.O.Box 513873, logistics; rescue operations [transport]; arranging of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates cruises; organization of tours; armored-car transport; (540) hauling; carting; transport and storage of trash; transporting furniture; lighterage services; ferry-boat transport; removal services; transport of travellers; guarded transport of valuables; bus transport; car (591) Black, white transport; barge transport; boat transport; railway (531) 27.05.17 transport; marine transport; passenger transport; (511) river transport; ambulance transport; streetcar trans- 34 – Absorbent paper for tobacco pipes; flavourings, port; porterage; refloating of ships; cash replenis- other than essential oils, for use in electronic cigare- hment of automated teller machines; shipbrokerage; ttes/flavorings, other than essential oils, for use in transport brokerage; freight brokerage [forwarding electronic cigarettes; flavourings, other than essen- (Am.)]; providing driving directions for travel pur- tial oils, for tobacco/flavorings, other than essential poses; car rental; railway truck rental; rental of di- oils, for tobacco; tips of yellow amber for cigar and ving bells; rental of diving suits; rental of motor ra- cigarette holders; oral vaporizers for smokers; toba- cing cars; rental of aircraft engines; railway coach cco jars; gas containers for cigar lighters; chewing rental; rental of wheelchairs; rental of storage con- tobacco; lighters for smokers; pipe cleaners for toba- tainers; horse rental; rental of freezers; rental of na- cco pipes; tobacco pouches; pocket machines for vigational systems; refrigerator rental; vehicle rental; rolling cigarettes; books of cigarette papers; fires- rental of electric wine cellars; stevedoring; unloa- tones; tobacco pipes; cigar holders; cigarette holders; ding cargo; electricity distribution; distribution of cigarette tips; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; pipe energy; packaging of goods; collection of recyclable racks for tobacco pipes; spittoons for tobacco users; goods [transport]; ice-breaking; piloting; water supp- ashtrays for smokers; cigarette cases; liquid soluti- lying; escorting of travellers; transport by pipeline; ons for use in electronic cigarettes; cigarettes; elec- wrapping of goods; operating canal locks; car par- tronic cigarettes; cigarettes containing tobacco subs- king; chauffeur services; pleasure boat transport; car titutes, not for medical purposes; cigarette paper; ci- sharing services; courier services [messages or merc- garette filters; cigars; cigarillos; cigar cases; cigar handise]; salvaging; salvage of ships; wrapping and cutters; matches; matchboxes; match holders; snuff- packaging services; underwater salvage; taxi trans- boxes; herbs for smoking; tobacco; snuff; humidors. port; transport; transport services for sightseeing ______tours; franking of mail; freight [shipping of goods];

freighting; physical storage of electronically stored (260) AM 2019 99828 A data or documents; boat storage; storage of goods; (800) 1427921 storage; freight forwarding. (151) 2018 04 11 ______

106 #13 2019 07 10


(260) AM 2019 99829 A (511) (800) 1427992 3 – Bleaching preparations and other substances for (151) 2018 09 13 laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abra- (891) 2018 09 13 sive preparations; soap; perfumery, essential oils, (731) EPIC GAMES, INC. cosmetics, hair lotions; non-medicated dentifrices; 620 Crossroads Boulevard, Cary NC 27518, amber [perfume]; descaling preparations for house- USA hold purposes; antistatic preparations for household (540) purposes; breath freshening sprays; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; sachets for perfuming linen; FORTNITE scented water; Javelle water; lavender water; toilet (591) Black, white water; floor wax; mustache wax; tailors' wax; polish (511) for furniture and flooring; perfumes; windshield 41 – Entertainment services, namely, providing on- cleaning liquids; greases for cosmetic purposes; per- line computer games. fumery; eyebrow pencils; cosmetic pencils; colo- ______rants for toilet purposes; cosmetic dyes; cosmetic creams; skin whitening creams; nail polish; shaving (260) AM 2019 99842 A lotions; hair lotions; lotions for cosmetic purposes; (800) 1428220 beauty masks; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for (151) 2018 06 26 toilet purposes; essential oils; essential oils of cedar- (891) 2018 06 26 wood; essential oils of lemon; oils for cleaning pur- (731) FUJIAN NEW YIFA GROUP CO., Ltd. poses; bergamot oil; gaultheria oil; jasmine oil; la- Xinhan Industrial Area, Hanjiang District, vender oil; almond oil; rose oil; oil of turpentine for Putian City, Fujian Province, China degreasing; whiting; cleaning chalk; almond milk for (540) cosmetic purposes; musk [perfumery]; deodorant soap; shaving soap; soap for brightening textile; an- tiperspirant soap; soap for foot perspiration; almond soap; mint for perfumery; cosmetic kits; false nails; eau de Cologne; bases for flower perfumes; hydro- gen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; lipsticks; poma- (591) Black, white des for cosmetic purposes; shaving preparations; (531) 01.03.01; 01.03.02; 01.03.15; 27.05.17 cosmetic preparations for baths; hair waving prepa- (511) rations; laundry soaking preparations; leather bleac- 5 – Food for babies; sanitary tampons; sanitary pads; hing preparations; denture polishes; cosmetic prepa- sanitary towels; absorbent wadding; babies' napkin- rations for slimming purposes; starch glaze for laun- pants; disinfectant wipes; diapers for incontinents; dry purposes; fabric softeners for laundry use; laun- pants, absorbent, for incontinents; babies' napkins dry bleach; dry-cleaning preparations; paint strip- [diapers]. ping preparations; lacquer-removing preparations; 16 – Paper; copying paper [stationery]; toilet paper; rust removing preparations; nail care preparations; handkerchiefs of paper; tissues of paper for remo- cleaning preparations; preparations for cleaning ving make-up; table napkins of paper; face towels of dentures; wallpaper cleaning preparations; prepara- paper; towels of paper; paper sheets [stationery]; tions for unblocking drain pipes; color-brightening wrapping paper. chemicals for household purposes [laundry]; scou- ______ring solutions; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; turpentine for degreasing; potpourris [fragra- (260) AM 2019 99843 A nces]; bleaching soda; washing soda, for cleaning; (800) 1428240 bleaching salts; ammonia [volatile alkali] [deter- (151) 2018 06 22 gent]; astringents for cosmetic purposes; eyebrow (891) 2018 06 22 cosmetics; sun-tanning preparations [cosmetics]; ha- (731) Limited Liability Company "AVALON" ir dyes; neutralizers for permanent waving; cosmetic Frunze st., vlad. 9/14 Stupino, RU-142803 preparations for eyelashes; cosmetic preparations for Moskovskaya oblast, Russian Federation skin care; cosmetics; cosmetics for animals; masca- (540) ra; terpenes [essential oils]; shampoos; shampoos for pets; soda lye; ethereal essences; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; aromatics [essential oils]; laun- dry glaze; shoemakers' wax; deodorants and antiper- spirants for personal use; creams for leather; hair spray; aromatic oils; adhesives for cosmetic purpo- ses; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; cakes of toilet (591) Black, white soap; dentifrices; non-medicated toiletries; cosmetic (531) 28.05

#13 2019 07 10 107


preparations; smoothing preparations [starching]; hing apparatus and instruments; apparatus and ins- polishing preparations; mouthwashes, not for medi- truments for conducting, switching, transforming, cal purposes; make-up removing preparations; floor accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; wax removers [scouring preparations]; bath salts, not apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduc- for medical purposes; preservatives for leather [po- tion of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, re- lishes]; scouring preparations; depilatory preparati- cording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digi- ons; shoe cream; shoe polish; detergents, other than tal recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated for use in manufacturing operations and for medical apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data purposes; degreasers, other than for use in manufac- processing equipment, computers; computer softwa- turing processes; bleaching preparations [decolo- re; fire-extinguishing apparatus; 3D spectacles; rants] for cosmetic purposes; antiperspirants [toilet- DVD players; ticket dispensers; coin-operated musi- ries]; extracts of flowers [perfumes]. cal automata [juke boxes]; fire engines; answering ______machines; electrical adapters; accumulators, electric; accumulators, electric, for vehicles; accelerometers; (260) AM 2019 99845 A actinometers; alidades; altimeters; ammeters; ane- (800) 1428264 mometers; anodes; antennas; anticathodes; aperto- (151) 2018 07 18 meters [optics]; high-frequency apparatus; testing (891) 2018 07 18 apparatus not for medical purposes; electro-dynamic (731) TRICOBIOTOS S.p.A. apparatus for the remote control of railway points; Via di Spicciano, 11; I-59021 Vaiano (Prato), electro-dynamic apparatus for the remote control of Italy signals; remote control apparatus; monitoring appa- (540) ratus, electric; sound recording apparatus; Global Positioning System [GPS] apparatus; distillation ap- paratus for scientific purposes; diffraction apparatus [microscopy]; air analysis apparatus; apparatus to check franking; sound transmitting apparatus; appa- ratus for fermentation [laboratory apparatus]; breat- hing apparatus for underwater swimming; oxygen

(591) Black, white breathing apparatus, other than for artificial respira- (531) 27.05.01 tion; apparatus and installations for the production of (526) HAIR COLOR X-rays, not for medical purposes; electric apparatus (511) for commutation; intercommunication apparatus; 3 – Cosmetics; hair care preparations; hair creams; stills for laboratory experiments; projection appara- hair lotions; hair spray; hair wax; hair dyes; tints for tus; fire extinguishing apparatus; radiological appa- the hair; hair care lotions; hair waving preparations; ratus for industrial purposes; X-ray apparatus not for preparations for setting hair; hair straightening pre- medical purposes; blueprint apparatus; flashing parations; bleaching preparations for the hair; hair lights [luminous signals]; stereoscopic apparatus; sprays and hair gels; hair mousse; shampoo; non- telephone apparatus; facsimile machines; phototele- medicated soaps; non-medicated scalp cleansers. graphy apparatus; igniting apparatus, electric, for ______igniting at a distance; acid hydrometers; salinome- ters; acidimeters for batteries; aerometers; beacons, (260) AM 2019 99847 A luminous; battery jars; barometers; anode batteries; (800) 1428313 galvanic batteries; batteries for lighting; solar batte- (151) 2017 04 20 ries; solar panels for the production of electricity; (891) 2017 04 20 batteries, electric; balances [steelyards]; betatrons; (731) TACTILION LLP binoculars; electronic tags for goods; lens hoods; Office 4.01, Fetter Lane, LONDON EC4A magnetic tape units for computers; computer memo- 18R, United Kingdom, United Kingdom ry devices; fire hose nozzles; encoded identification (540) bracelets, magnetic; connected bracelets [measuring instruments]; safety tarpaulins; bullet-proof clothing; signalling buoys; life buoys; marking buoys; direc- tional compasses; vacuum gauges; electrolysers; va- riometers; verniers; scales; letter scales; weighbrid- (591) Dark blue, dark red. ges; precision balances; levelling staffs [surveying (531) 03.01.16; 29.01.12 instruments]; camcorders; video baby monitors; vi- (511) deo cassettes; video telephones; video screens; view- 9 – Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, ci- finders, photographic; sockets, plugs and other nematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signa- contacts [electric connections]; micrometer screws lling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teac- for optical instruments; viscosimeters; circuit clo-

108 #13 2019 07 10


sers; wavemeters; voltmeters; mechanical signs; traffic cones; branch boxes [electricity]; distribution signs, luminous; switchboxes [electricity]; current boxes [electricity]; junction boxes [electricity]; bat- rectifiers; gas testing instruments; gasometers [mea- tery boxes; cabinets for loudspeakers; diving suits; suring instruments]; galvanometers; hands-free kits galena crystals [detectors]; reflecting discs for wear, for telephones; heliographic apparatus; hygrometers; for the prevention of traffic accidents; covers for el- hydrometers; weights; peepholes [magnifying len- ectric outlets; logs [measuring instruments]; lasers, ses] for doors; holograms; plotters; sounding leads; not for medical purposes; lactodensimeters; lactome- plumb bobs; range finders; densimeters; densito- ters; vacuum tubes [radio]; darkroom lamps [photo- meters; optical goods; detectors; smoke detectors; graphy]; thermionic tubes; amplifying tubes; flash- counterfeit [false] coin detectors; joysticks for use lights [photography]; head cleaning tapes [recor- with computers, other than for video games; trans- ding]; magnetic tapes; videotapes; surveying chains; parencies [photography]; slide projectors; diaph- fire escapes; rulers [measuring instruments]; slide- ragms [photography]; dictating machines; dynamo- rules; contact lenses; correcting lenses [optics]; clo- meters; light-emitting diodes [LED]; floppy disks; se-up lenses; optical lenses; optical condensers; so- disks, magnetic; optical discs; circular slide rules; unding lines; electricity conduits; measuring spoons; disk drives for computers; juke boxes for computers; magnifying glasses [optics]; thread counters; mag- DNA chips; electronic notice boards; bullet-proof nets; decorative magnets; crash test dummies; resus- waistcoats; life jackets; reflective safety vests; iden- citation mannequins [teaching apparatus]; mouse tification threads for electric wires; nose clips for [computer peripheral]; pressure gauges; divers' divers and swimmers; locks, electric; bells [warning masks; solderers' helmets; protective masks; mate- devices]; alarm bells, electric; electric door bells; rials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; voting ma- signal bells; acoustic conduits; mirrors for inspecting chines; money counting and sorting machines; mate- work; road signs, luminous or mechanical; marine rial testing instruments and machines; furniture es- depth finders; probes for scientific purposes; buz- pecially made for laboratories; megaphones; portab- zers; needles for record players; measures; pressure le media players; diaphragms [acoustics]; diaph- measuring apparatus; simulators for the steering and ragms for scientific apparatus; metal detectors for in- control of vehicles; inverters [electricity]; pressure dustrial or military purposes; metronomes; rules indicators; temperature indicators; incubators for ba- [measuring instruments]; carpenters' rules; dress- cteria culture; measuring instruments; cosmographic makers' measures; mechanisms for counter-operated instruments; mathematical instruments; levelling ins- apparatus; coin-operated mechanisms for television truments; instruments containing eyepieces; surve- sets; shutter releases [photography]; micrometers; ying instruments; azimuth instruments; interfaces for microprocessors; microscopes; microtomes; micro- computers; ionization apparatus not for the treatment phones; lightning conductors [rods]; monitors [com- of air or water; spark-guards; coaxial cables; fibre puter hardware]; monitors [computer programs]; sel- optic cables; cables, electric; calipers; slide calipers; fie sticks [hand-held monopods]; terminals [electri- screw-tapping gauges; calorimeters; calculating ma- city]; junction sleeves for electric cables; teeth pro- chines; pocket calculators; decompression chambers; tectors; temperature indicator labels, not for medical cinematographic cameras; mouth guards for sports; purposes; knee-pads for workers; headphones; sur- life-saving capsules for natural disasters; electronic veyors' levels; sound recording carriers; optical data pens [visual display units]; holders for electric coils; media; computer software, recorded; sheaths for el- identity cards, magnetic; video game cartridges; to- ectric cables; identification sheaths for electric wi- ner cartridges, unfilled, for printers and photocopi- res; weighing machines; computer hardware; punc- ers; memory cards for video game machines; enco- hed card machines for offices; life saving apparatus ded magnetic cards; riding helmets; protective hel- and equipment; shoes for protection against acci- mets; carriers for dark plates [photography]; auto- dents, irradiation and fire; objectives [lenses] [op- mated teller machines [ATM]; cathodes; spools tics]; lenses for astrophotography; egg-candlers; fire [photography]; choking coils [impedance]; coils, el- extinguishers; electrified fences; limiters [electrici- ectric; electromagnetic coils; cinematographic film, ty]; clothing for protection against accidents, irradia- exposed; computer keyboards; solenoid valves [elec- tion and fire; clothing for protection against fire; as- tromagnetic switches]; wire connectors [electricity]; bestos clothing for protection against fire; clothing encoded key cards; electronic book readers; electro- especially made for laboratories; ozonisers [ozona- nic agendas; push buttons for bells; mouse pads; tors]; octants; eyepieces; ohmmeters; wrist rests for magnetic encoders; anti-glare visors; collectors, el- use with computers; eyeglass frames; oscillographs; ectric; calibrating rings; protective suits for aviators; plumb lines; mirrors [optics]; eyeglasses; sunglasses; commutators; compact discs [audio-video]; compact goggles for sports; electronic collars to train ani- discs [read-only memory]; comparators; marine co- mals; signalling panels, luminous or mechanical; ra- mpasses; laptop computers; tablet computers; note- dio pagers; pince-nez; electronic pocket translators; book computers; condensers [capacitors]; contacts, transmitters [telecommunication]; telephone trans- electric; wind socks for indicating wind direction; mitters; transmitters of electronic signals; switches,

#13 2019 07 10 109


electric; periscopes; gloves for divers; gloves for medical purposes; rheostats; respirators for filtering protection against accidents; gloves for protection air; retorts; refractometers; refractors; grids for ba- against X-rays for industrial purposes; asbestos tteries; speaking tubes; horns for loudspeakers; sac- gloves for protection against accidents; furnaces for charometers; optical fibers [fibres] [light conducting laboratory use; pipettes; pyrometers; planimeters; filaments]; traffic-light apparatus [signalling devi- plane tables [surveying instruments]; plates for ba- ces]; dog whistles; signalling whistles; sextants; in- tteries; wafers for integrated circuits; printed circuit ductors [electricity]; safety nets; nets for protection boards; compact disc players; cassette players; against accidents; fire alarms; signals, luminous or protective films adapted for computer screens; sound mechanical; sirens; scanners [data processing equip- recording strips; X-ray films, exposed; films, expo- ment]; integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; smart- sed; life-saving rafts; laboratory trays; digital signs; glasses; smartphones; smartwatches; connections for semi-conductors; polarimeters; fire pumps; measu- electric lines; couplings, electric; sonars; sound loca- ring glassware; life belts; fuses; circuit breakers; co- ting instruments; lighting ballasts; resistances, elec- nverters, electric; telerupters; food analysis appara- tric; spectrograph apparatus; spectroscopes; speed tus; diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; indicators; alcoholmeters; satellites for scientific distance recording apparatus; distance measuring purposes; protection devices for personal use against apparatus; speed measuring apparatus [photograp- accidents; audiovisual teaching apparatus; radiotele- hy]; appliances for measuring the thickness of leat- graphy sets; radiotelephony sets; spectacle lenses; her; apparatus for measuring the thickness of skins; anti-glare glasses; optical glass; personal stereos; speed checking apparatus for vehicles; teaching stereoscopes; stands for photographic apparatus; apparatus; time recording apparatus; apparatus and stroboscopes; fire boats; sulfitometers; bags adapted instruments for astronomy; navigational instruments; for laptops; drying racks [photography]; spherome- apparatus and instruments for physics; chemistry ters; integrated circuits; printed circuits; counters; apparatus and instruments; measuring apparatus; parking meters; kilometer recorders for vehicles; re- measuring devices, electric; boiler control instru- volution counters; abacuses; egg timers [sandglas- ments; meteorological instruments; naval signalling ses]; taximeters; ear plugs for divers; tachometers; apparatus; observation instruments; navigation appa- television apparatus; telegraphs [apparatus]; telesco- ratus for vehicles [on-board computers]; satellite pes; teleprompters; teleprinters; cellular phones; navigational apparatus; regulating apparatus, elec- cordless telephones; theodolites; thermometers, not tric; precision measuring apparatus; audio- and vi- for medical purposes; thermostats; thermostats for deo-receivers; prisms [optics]; computer software vehicles; crucibles [laboratory]; tone arms for record applications, downloadable; printers for use with co- players; totalizators; transistors [electronic]; trans- mputers; hemline markers; retorts' stands; apparatus ponders; protractors [measuring instruments]; trans- for changing record player needles; drainers for use formers [electricity]; step-up transformers; vehicle in photography; cleaning apparatus for sound recor- breakdown warning triangles; triodes; starter cables ding discs; fire beaters; telescopic sights for fire- for motors; discharge tubes, electric, other than for arms; telescopic sights for artillery; test tubes; pres- lighting; capillary tubes; neon signs; Pitot tubes; X- sure indicator plugs for valves; magnetic wires; tele- ray tubes not for medical purposes; telephone recei- graph wires; telephone wires; wires, electric; con- vers; gauges; quantity indicators; automatic indica- ductors, electric; copper wire, insulated; fuse wire; tors of low pressure in vehicle tires [tyres]; gasoline computer programmes [programs], recorded; com- gauges; water level indicators; electric loss indica- puter game software; computer programs [down- tors; light-emitting electronic pointers; slope indica- loadable software]; computer operating programs, tors; levels [instruments for determining the horizon- recorded; record players; processors [central proce- tal]; mercury levels; spirit levels; urinometers; amp- ssing units]; rods for water diviners; electronic pub- lifiers; particle accelerators; electric installations for lications, downloadable; distribution consoles [elec- the remote control of industrial operations; steering tricity]; control panels [electricity]; radar apparatus; apparatus, automatic, for vehicles; balancing appara- baby monitors; masts for wireless aerials; transmi- tus; video recorders; sound reproduction apparatus; tting sets [telecommunication]; radios; vehicle ra- invoicing machines; tape recorders; protection devi- dios; sprinkler systems for fire protection; frames for ces against X-rays, not for medical purposes; railway photographic transparencies; screens for photoengra- traffic safety appliances; data processing apparatus; ving; flowmeters; walkie-talkies; voltage surge pro- oxygen transvasing apparatus; theft prevention ins- tectors; voltage regulators for vehicles; stage lighting tallations, electric; film cutting apparatus; drying ap- regulators; light dimmers [regulators], electric; speed paratus for photographic prints; optical character regulators for record players; cell switches [electrici- readers; centering apparatus for photographic trans- ty]; washing trays [photography]; marking gauges parencies; dosage dispensers; battery chargers; char- [joinery]; time switches, automatic; relays, electric; gers for electric batteries; chargers for electronic ci- safety restraints, other than for vehicle seats and garettes; acoustic alarms; sounding apparatus and sports equipment; X-ray photographs, other than for machines; editing appliances for cinematographic

110 #13 2019 07 10


films; cathodic anti-corrosion apparatus; couplers purposes; marketing; business management of perfo- [data processing equipment]; wearable activity trac- rming artists; business management of sports people; kers; anti-theft warning apparatus; computer perip- writing of résumés for others; scriptwriting for ad- heral devices; anti-interference devices [electricity]; vertising purposes; news clipping services; updating demagnetizing apparatus for magnetic tapes; acou- and maintenance of data in computer databases; stic couplers; alarms; fog signals, non-explosive; updating of advertising material; word processing; whistle alarms; adding machines; readers [data organization of exhibitions for commercial or adver- processing equipment]; heat regulating apparatus; tising purposes; arranging newspaper subscriptions photocopiers [photographic, electrostatic, thermic]; for others; organization of fashion shows for promo- bar code readers; downloadable ring tones for mobi- tional purposes; organization of trade fairs for com- le phones; downloadable image files; downloadable mercial or advertising purposes; shop window dre- music files; animated cartoons; filters [photograp- ssing; design of advertising materials; business app- hy]; filters for respiratory masks; filters for ultravio- raisals; payroll preparation; data search in computer let rays, for photography; USB flash drives; magic files for others; sponsorship search; business mana- lanterns; optical lamps; signal lanterns; cameras gement assistance; commercial or industrial manage- [photography]; glazing apparatus for photographic ment assistance; commercial intermediation servi- prints; shutters [photography]; darkrooms [photo- ces; providing business information via a web site; graphy]; photometers; flash-bulbs [photography]; provision of commercial and business contact infor- digital photo frames; enlarging apparatus [photo- mation; provision of an on-line marketplace for buy- graphy]; photovoltaic cells; containers for contact ers and sellers of goods and services; web indexing lenses; eyeglass cases; containers for microscope sli- for commercial or advertising purposes; presentation des; cases for smartphones; cases especially made of goods on communication media, for retail purpo- for photographic apparatus and instruments; chroma- ses; economic forecasting; auctioneering; retail or tography apparatus for laboratory use; chronographs wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary [time recording apparatus]; laboratory centrifuges; and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; sales eyeglass chains; cyclotrons; compasses for measu- promotion for others; production of advertising ring; frequency meters; time clocks [time recording films; office machines and equipment rental; rental devices]; Petri dishes; sleeves for laptops; covers for of advertising time on communication media; pub- smartphones; fire blankets; chips [integrated cir- licity material rental; rental of billboards [advertising cuits]; jigs [measuring instruments]; pedometers; boards]; rental of vending machines; rental of sales meteorological balloons; electrified rails for moun- stands; rental of photocopying machines; publication ting spot lights; asbestos screens for firemen; fire of publicity texts; radio advertising; bill-posting; hose; protective helmets for sports; head guards for distribution of samples; dissemination of advertising sports; cell phone straps; eyeglass cords; tripods for matter; direct mail advertising; writing of publicity cameras; switchboards; distribution boards [electri- texts; on-line advertising on a computer network; city]; screens [photography]; workmen's protective advertising by mail order; television advertising; do- face-shields; projection screens; radiology screens cument reproduction; compilation of statistics; com- for industrial purposes; fluorescent screens; expo- pilation of information into computer databases; sure meters [light meters]; ducts [electricity]; galva- business inquiries; systemization of information into nic cells; epidiascopes; ergometers; armatures [elec- computer databases; advisory services for business tricity]. management; negotiation and conclusion of com- mercial transactions for third parties; tax prepara- 35 – Advertising; business management; business tion; drawing up of statements of accounts; tele- administration; office functions; arranging subscrip- marketing services; psychological testing for the se- tions to telecommunication services for others; im- lection of personnel; outsourced administrative ma- port-export agency services; commercial information nagement for companies; business management of agency services; advertising agency services; cost hotels; business project management services for price analysis; rental of advertising space; business construction projects; commercial administration of auditing; employment agency services; computeri- the licensing of the goods and services of others; zed file management; book-keeping; invoicing; de- business management of reimbursement programs monstration of goods; transcription of communica- for others; administration of consumer loyalty pro- tions [office functions]; opinion polling; market stu- grams; administration of frequent flyer programs; dies; business information; commercial information administrative processing of purchase orders; public and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; relations; modelling for advertising or sales promo- business investigations; business research; marketing tion; typing; appointment reminder services [office research; personnel recruitment; business manage- functions]; web site traffic optimization; relocation ment and organization consultancy; business organi- services for businesses; tax filing services; search zation consultancy; business management consultan- engine optimization for sales promotion; appoint- cy; personnel management consultancy; professional ment scheduling services [office functions]; price business consultancy; layout services for advertising

#13 2019 07 10 111


comparison services; pay per click advertising; physics [research]; electronic data storage; surve- secretarial services; procurement services for others ying. [purchasing goods and services for other busines- ______ses]; shorthand; outsourcing services [business assis- tance]; telephone answering for unavailable subscri- (260) AM 2019 99850 A bers; photocopying services; business efficiency ex- (800) 1428349 pert services. (151) 2017 12 25 (891) 2017 12 25 42 – Scientific and technological services and rese- (731) KEMAL BAŞARAN ENDÜSTRİ ANONİM arch and design relating thereto; industrial analysis ŞİRKETİ and research services; design and development of Blikesir Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 4, Cadde computer hardware and software; water analysis; No.15 Altieylül, Balikesir, Turkey computer system analysis; handwriting analysis (540) [graphology]; chemical analysis; energy auditing; recovery of computer data; interior design; industrial design; graphic arts design; computer virus protec- tion services; conducting technical project studies; oil-field surveys; geological surveys; geological pro- specting; engineering; installation of computer soft- ware; meteorological information; clinical trials; ma- terial testing; textile testing; bacteriological research; biological research; geological research; research in the field of environmental protection; cosmetic rese- arch; mechanical research; chemical research; rese- (591) Black, white arch and development of new products for others; (531) 27.05.01; 27.05.19 scientific research; analysis for oil-field exploitation; (511) underwater exploration; technical research; calibrati- 3 – Bleaching and cleaning preparations, detergents on [measuring]; web site design consultancy; com- other than for use in manufacturing operations and puter security consultancy; information technology for medical purposes, laundry bleach, fabric softe- [IT] consultancy; consultancy in the design and ners for laundry use, stain removers, dishwasher de- development of computer hardware; architectural tergents, perfumery; non-medicated cosmetics; frag- consultancy; computer software consultancy; tech- rances; deodorants for personal use and animals, nological consultancy; oil-well testing; quality cont- soaps, dental care preparations: dentifrices, denture rol; vehicle roadworthiness testing; land surveying; polishes, tooth whitening preparations, mouth was- dress designing; updating of computer software; mo- hes, not for medical purposes, abrasive preparations; nitoring of computer systems by remote access; software as a service [SaaS]; maintenance of compu- emery cloth; sandpaper; pumice stone; abrasive pas- ter software; authenticating works of art; design of tes, polishing preparations for leather, vinyl, metal interior decor; quality evaluation of standing timber; and wood, polishes and creams for leather, vinyl, metal and wood, wax for polishing. quality evaluation of wool; digitization of documents [scanning]; conversion of data or documents from 7 – Machines, machine tools and industrial robots physical to electronic media; urban planning; provi- for processing and shaping wood, metals, glass, plas- ding information on computer technology and prog- tics and minerals, 3D printers, construction machines ramming via a web site; provision of scientific infor- and robotic mechanisms (machines) for use in cons- mation, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon truction: bulldozers, diggers (machines), excavators, offsetting; providing search engines for the internet; road construction and road paving machines, drilling conversion of computer programs and data, other than physical conversion; computer system design; machines, rock drilling machines, road sweeping rental of web servers; computer rental; rental of co- machines, lifting, loading and transmission machines mputer software; oil prospecting; hosting computer and robotic mechanisms (machines) for lifting, loa- sites [web sites]; server hosting; construction dra- ding and transmission purposes: elevators, escalators fting; computer software design; cloud seeding; con- and cranes, machines and robotic mechanisms (ma- sultancy in the field of energy-saving; creating and chines) for use in agriculture and animal breeding, maintaining web sites for others; computer progra- machines and robotic mechanisms (machines) for mming; technical writing; copying of computer pro- processing cereals, fruits, vegetables and food; ma- grams; cloud computing; architectural services; che- chines for preparing and processing beverages, engi- mistry services; outsource service providers in the nes and motors, other than for land vehicles, parts field of information technology; packaging design; and fittings therefor: hydraulic and pneumatic con- off-site data backup; computer technology consul- trols for engines and motors, brakes other than for tancy; telecommunications technology consultancy; vehicles, brake linings for engines, crankshafts, ge- scientific laboratory services; weather forecasting; arboxes, other than for land vehicles, gearboxes, cy- styling [industrial design]; cartography services; linders for engines, pistons for engines, turbines, not

112 #13 2019 07 10


for land vehicles, filters for engines and motors, oil, ncies, import-export agencies; temporary personnel air and fuel filters for land vehicle engines, exhausts placement services, auctioneering; the bringing to- for land vehicle engines, exhaust manifolds for land gether, for the benefit of others, of bleaching and vehicle engines, engine cylinders for land vehicles, cleaning preparations, detergents other than for use engine cylinder heads for land vehicles, pistons for in manufacturing operations and for medical pur- land vehicle engines, carburetors for land vehicles, poses, laundry bleach, fabric softeners for laundry fuel conversion apparatus for land vehicle engines, use, stain removers, dishwasher detergents, perfume- injectors for land vehicle engines, fuel economisers ry, non-medicated cosmetics, fragrances, deodorants for land vehicle engines, pumps for land vehicle en- for personal use and animals, soaps, dental care gines, valves for land vehicle engines, starter motors preparations, dentifrices, denture polishes, tooth for land vehicles, dynamos for land vehicle engines, whitening preparations, mouth washes, not for me- sparking plugs for land vehicle engines, bearings dical purposes, abrasive preparations, emery cloth, (parts of machines), roller or ball bearings, machines sandpaper, pumice stone, abrasive pastes, polishing for mounting and detaching tires, alternators, current preparations for leather, vinyl, metal and wood, po- generators, electric generators, current generators lishes and creams for leather, vinyl, metal and wood, operated with solar energy, painting machines, au- wax for polishing machines, machine tools and tomatic spray guns for paint, electric, hydraulic and industrial robots for processing and shaping wood, pneumatic punching machines and guns, electric metals, glass, plastics and minerals, 3D printers, adhesive tape dispensers (machines), electric guns construction machines and robotic mechanisms (ma- for compressed gas or liquid spraying machines, el- chines) for use in construction, bulldozers, diggers ectric hand drills, electric hand saws, electric jigsaw (machines), excavators, road construction and road machines, spiral machines, compressed air machi- paving machines, drilling machines, rock drilling nes, compressors (machines), vehicle washing insta- machines, road sweeping machines, lifting, loading llations, robotic mechanisms (machines) with the and transmission machines and robotic mechanisms abovementioned functions, electric and gas-operated (machines) for lifting, loading and transmission pur- welding apparatus, electric arc welding apparatus, poses, elevators, escalators and cranes, machines and electric soldering apparatus, electric arc cutting ap- robotic mechanisms (machines) for use in agricultu- paratus, electrodes for welding machines, industrial re and animal breeding, machines and robotic me- robots (machines) with the abovementioned functi- chanisms (machines) for processing cereals, fruits, ons, printing machines, packaging machines, filling, vegetables and food, machines for preparing and plugging and scaling machines, labellers (machines), processing beverages, engines and motors, other sorting machines, industrial robots (machines) with than for land vehicles, parts and fittings therefor, the abovementioned functions, electric packing ma- hydraulic and pneumatic controls for engines and chines for plugging and sealing of plastics, machines motors, brakes other than for vehicles, brake linings for textile processing, sewing machines, industrial for engines, crankshafts, gearboxes, other than for robots (machines) with the abovementioned functi- land vehicles, gearboxes, cylinders for engines, pis- ons, electric pumps, fuel dispensing pumps for servi- tons for engines, turbines, not for land vehicles, ce stations, self-regulating fuel pumps, electric kitc- filters for engines and motors, oil, air and fuel filters hen machines for chopping, grinding, crushing, mi- for land vehicle engines, exhausts for land vehicle xing and mincing foodstuff, washing machines, la- engines, exhaust manifolds for land vehicle engines, undry washing machines, dishwashers, spin driers engine cylinders for land vehicles, engine cylinder (not heated), electric cleaning machines for cleaning heads for land vehicles, pistons for land vehicle en- floors, carpets or floorings, vacuum cleaners and gines, carburetors for land vehicles, fuel conversion parts thereof, automatic vending machines, galvani- apparatus for land vehicle engines, injectors for land zing and electroplating machines, electric door ope- vehicle engines, fuel economisers for land vehicle ners and closers, gaskets for engines and motors. engines, pumps for land vehicle engines, valves for land vehicle engines, starter motors for land vehic- 35 – Advertising, marketing and public relations; or- les, dynamos for land vehicle engines, sparking ganization of exhibitions and trade fairs for com- plugs for land vehicle engines, bearings (parts of mercial or advertising purposes; design for adver- machines), roller or ball bearings, machines for mo- tising; provision of an online marketplace for buyers unting and detaching tires, alternators, current gene- and sellers of goods and services, office functions; rators, electric generators, current generators opera- secretarial services; arranging newspaper subscrip- ted with solar energy, painting machines, automatic tions for others; compilation of statistics; rental of spray guns for paint, electric, hydraulic and pneu- office machines; systemization of information into matic punching machines and guns, electric adhesive computer databases; telephone answering for una- tape dispensers (machines), electric guns for comp- vailable subscribers, business management, business ressed gas or liquid spraying machines, electric hand administration and business consultancy; accoun- drills, electric hand saws, electric jigsaw machines, ting; commercial consultancy services; personnel spiral machines, compressed air machines, compre- recruitment, personnel placement, employment age-

#13 2019 07 10 113


ssors (machines), vehicle washing installations, ro- llets and closures for the aforementioned goods, of botic mechanisms (machines) with the abovemen- wood or plastics, small hardware goods of wood or tioned functions, electric and gas-operated welding synthetic materials included in this class, furniture apparatus, electric arc welding apparatus, electric fittings, of wood or synthetic materials, ornaments soldering apparatus, electric arc cutting apparatus, and decorative goods of wood, cork, reed, cane, electrodes for welding machines, industrial robots wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, (machines) with the abovementioned functions, prin- mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, beeswax, plastic or ting machines, packaging machines, filling, plugging plaster, included in this class, namely figurines, ho- and scaling machines, labellers (machines), sorting liday ornaments for walls and sculptures, baskets machines, industrial robots (machines) with the abo- made of wood, fishing baskets, kennels, nesting bo- vementioned functions, electric packing machines xes and beds for household pets, portable ladders for plugging and scaling of plastics, machines for and mobile boarding stairs of wood or synthetic textile processing, sewing machines, industrial ro- materials, bamboo curtains, roller indoor blinds [for bots (machines) with the abovementioned functions, interiors], slatted indoor blinds, strip curtains, bead pumps other than parts of machines or engines, fuel curtains for decoration, curtain hooks, curtain rings, dispensing pumps for service stations, self-regula- curtain tie-backs, curtain rods, non-metal wheel ting fuel pumps, electric kitchen machines for chop- chocks. ping, grinding, crushing, mixing and mincing food- 35 – Advertising, marketing and public relations, or- stuff, washing machines, laundry washing machines, ganisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for com- dishwashers, spin driers (not heated), electric clea- mercial or advertising purposes, office functions, ning machines for cleaning floors, carpets or floo- secretarial services, arranging newspaper subscrip- rings, vacuum cleaners and parts thereof, automatic tions for others, compilation of statistics, rental of vending machines, galvanizing and electroplating office machines, systemization of information into machines, electric door openers and closers, gaskets computer databases, telephone answering for unavai- for engines and motors enabling customers to con- lable subscribers, business management, business veniently view and purchase those goods, such ser- administration and business consultancy, accounting, vices may be provided by retail stores, wholesale commercial consultancy services, personnel recruit- outlets, by means of electronic media or through ma- ment, personnel placement, employment agencies, il order catalogues. import-export agencies, temporary personnel place- ______ment services, auctioneering, the bringing together,

for the benefit of others, furniture, made of any kind (260) AM 2019 99858 A of material, mattresses, pillows, air mattresses and (800) 1401297 cushions, not for medical purposes, sleeping bags for (151) 2017 10 30 camping, water beds, not for medical purposes, mir- (891) 2018 07 19 rors, beehives, artificial honeycombs and sections of (731) YATAŞ YATAK VE YORGAN SANAYİ wood for honeycombs, bouncing chairs for babies, TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ playpens for babies, cradles, infant walkers, display Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 18. Cadde, No:6 boards, frames for pictures and paintings, identifica- Melikgazi, Kayseri, Turkey tion plates, identification tags, nameplates, identifi- (540) cation labels made of wood or synthetic materials, packaging containers of wood or plastics, casks for use in transportation or storage, barrels, storage

(591) Blue and black drums, tanks, boxes, storage containers, transporta- (531) 26.03.23; 26.11.02; 26.11.25; 27.05.09; tion containers, chests, loading pallets and closures 29.01.12 for the aforementioned goods, of wood or plastics, (511) small hardware goods of wood or synthetic materials 20 – Furniture, made of any kind of material, matt- included in this class, furniture fittings, of wood or resses, pillows, air mattresses and cushions, not for synthetic materials, opening and closing mechanisms medical purposes, water beds, not for medical pur- of wood or synthetic materials, ornaments and de- poses, mirrors, beehives, artificial honeycombs and corative goods of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, sections of wood for honeycombs, bouncing chairs horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother- for babies, playpens for babies, cradles, infant wal- of-pearl, meerschaum, beeswax, plastic or plaster, kers, display boards, frames for pictures and pain- included in this class, namely figurines, holiday or- tings, identification plates, identification tags, name- naments for walls and sculptures, baskets, fishing plates, identification labels made of wood or synthe- baskets, kennels, nesting boxes and beds for house- tic materials, packaging containers of wood or plas- hold pets, portable ladders and mobile boarding tics, casks for use in transportation or storage, ba- stairs of wood or synthetic materials, bamboo cur- rrels, storage drums, tanks, boxes, storage contai- tains, roller indoor blinds [for interiors], slatted in- ners, transportation containers, chests, loading pa- door blinds, strip curtains, bead curtains for deco-

114 #13 2019 07 10


ration, curtain hooks, curtain rings, curtain tie-backs, curtain rods, non-metal wheel chocks, enabling cus- tomers to conveniently view and purchase those goods, such services may be provided by retail sto- res, wholesale outlets, by means of electronic media or through mail order catalogues. ______

#13 2019 07 10 115



(260) AM 2019 27602 A (181) 2026 02 20 (800) 800317 (891) 2017 10 27 (151) 2003 01 23 (511) 09 (181) 2013 01 23 ______(891) 2003 01 23 (511) 34 (260) AM 2019 95496 A ______(800) 1379244 (151) 2017 09 21 (260) AM 2019 93013 A (181) 2027 09 21 (800) 1351457 (891) 2017 09 21 (151) 2017 04 21 (511) 29 (181) 2027 04 21 ______(891) 2017 04 21 ______(260) AM 2019 96385 A (800) 1387353 (260) AM 2019 93023 A (151) 2017 10 03 (800) 1350931 (181) 2027 10 03 (151) 2017 01 10 (891) 2017 10 03 (181) 2027 01 10 (511) 44 (891) 2017 01 10 ______(511) 07 ______(260) AM 2019 96742 A (800) 1391098 (260) AM 2019 93381 A (151) 2017 10 05 (800) 1354956 (181) 2027 10 05 (151) 2017 04 20 (891) 2017 10 05 (181) 2027 04 20 (511) 03, 10 (891) 2017 04 20 ______(260) AM 2019 96804 A (260) AM 2019 93383 A (800) 1391192 (800) 1354957 (151) 2017 11 30 (151) 2017 04 21 (181) 2027 11 30 (181) 2027 04 21 (891) 2017 11 30 (891) 2017 04 21 (511) 31 ______

(260) AM 2019 93384 A (260) AM 2019 97129 A (800) 1355014 (800) 1395493 (151) 2017 04 20 (151) 2017 07 10 (181) 2027 04 20 (181) 2027 07 10 (891) 2017 04 20 (891) 2017 07 10 ______(511) 18, 24, 25 ______(260) AM 2019 95025 A (800) 1374547 (260) AM 2019 97506 A (151) 2017 07 03 (800) 1398117 (181) 2027 07 03 (151) 2017 11 29 (891) 2017 07 03 (181) 2027 11 29 (511) 09, 38, 41, 42, 45 (891) 2017 11 29 ______(511) 35, 43 ______(260) AM 2019 95389 A (800) 663019 (260) AM 2019 97634 A (151) 1996 02 20 (800) 1400448

116 #13 2019 07 10


(151) 2017 10 16 (891) 2018 01 12 (181) 2027 10 16 (511) 21, 41 (891) 2017 10 16 ______(511) 30 ______(260) AM 2019 97656 A (800) 1401261 (260) AM 2019 97642 A (151) 2017 10 23 (800) 1400758 (181) 2027 10 23 (151) 2017 09 22 (891) 2017 10 23 (181) 2027 09 22 (511) 07 (891) 2017 09 22 ______(511) 03, 05 ______(260) AM 2019 97657 A (800) 1401284 (260) AM 2019 97644 A (151) 2017 10 12 (800) 1400764 (181) 2027 10 12 (151) 2017 12 07 (891) 2017 10 12 (181) 2027 12 07 (511) 09 (891) 2017 12 07 ______(511) 35, 36 ______(260) AM 2019 97677 A (800) 1397449 (260) AM 2019 97649 A (151) 2017 12 05 (800) 1400992 (181) 2027 12 05 (151) 2017 10 09 (891) 2018 04 13 (181) 2027 10 09 (511) 09 (891) 2017 10 09 ______(511) 35 ______(260) AM 2019 97715 A (800) 1401579 (260) AM 2019 97651 A (151) 2017 12 05 (800) 1401080 (181) 2027 12 05 (151) 2018 01 30 (891) 2017 12 05 (181) 2028 01 30 (511) 20, 24 (891) 2018 01 30 ______(511) 30, 43 ______(260) AM 2019 97725 A (800) 1401913 (260) AM 2019 97652 A (151) 2018 01 24 (800) 1401089 (181) 2028 01 24 (151) 2018 01 19 (891) 2018 01 24 (181) 2028 01 19 (511) 03, 05, 44 (891) 2018 01 19 ______(511) 07, 16, 42 ______(260) AM 2019 97749 A (800) 1402675 (260) AM 2019 97653 A (151) 2018 01 05 (800) 1401132 (181) 2028 01 05 (151) 2017 12 01 (891) 2018 01 05 (181) 2027 12 01 (511) 20, 42 (891) 2017 12 01 ______(511) 09 ______(260) AM 2019 97750 A (800) 1017265 (260) AM 2019 97655 A (151) 2009 07 30 (800) 1401202 (181) 2019 07 30 (151) 2018 01 12 (891) 2017 11 17 (181) 2028 01 12 (511) 05, 29, 30, 35, 39, 43 ______

#13 2019 07 10 117


(260) AM 2019 97752 A (151) 2018 02 20 (800) 1241773 (181) 2028 02 20 (151) 2015 02 18 (891) 2018 02 20 (181) 2025 02 18 (511) 29, 30, 32 (891) 2018 04 05 ______(511) 29, 30, 31 (260) AM 2019 97855 A ______(800) 1403637 (151) 2018 02 15 (260) AM 2019 97821 A (181) 2028 02 15 (800) 1402712 (891) 2018 02 15 (151) 2018 02 22 (511) 30 (181) 2028 02 22 ______(891) 2018 02 22 (511) 29, 30, 41 (260) AM 2019 97857 A ______(800) 1403659 (151) 2018 03 13 (260) AM 2019 97822 A (181) 2028 03 13 (800) 1402713 (891) 2018 03 13 (151) 2018 02 22 (511) 09, 38, 42 (181) 2028 02 22 ______(891) 2018 02 22 (511) 29, 30, 41 (260) AM 2019 97859 A ______(800) 1403671 (151) 2018 03 13 (260) AM 2019 97837 A (181) 2028 03 13 (800) 1403208 (891) 2018 03 13 (151) 2017 09 25 (511) 19 (181) 2027 09 25 ______(891) 2017 09 25 (511) 35, 41, 42, 44 (260) AM 2019 97860 A ______(800) 1403691 (151) 2018 03 16 (260) AM 2019 97838 A (181) 2028 03 16 (800) 1403213 (891) 2018 03 16 (151) 2017 09 19 (511) 29, 30 (181) 2027 09 19 ______(891) 2017 09 19 (511) 39 (260) AM 2019 97861 A ______(800) 1403713 (151) 2018 04 09 (260) AM 2019 97839 A (181) 2028 04 09 (800) 1403220 (891) 2018 04 09 (151) 2017 12 22 (511) 05 (181) 2027 12 22 ______(891) 2017 12 22 (511) 41 (260) AM 2019 97863 A ______(800) 1403751 (151) 2018 04 02 (260) AM 2019 97842 A (181) 2028 04 02 (800) 1403337 (891) 2018 04 02 (151) 2017 12 11 (511) 25 (181) 2027 12 11 ______(891) 2017 12 11 (511) 09 (260) AM 2019 97926 A ______(800) 1404481 (151) 2017 12 21 (260) AM 2019 97854 A (181) 2027 12 21 (800) 1403635 (891) 2017 12 21

118 #13 2019 07 10


(511) 25 (260) AM 2019 97934 A ______(800) 1404683 (151) 2017 12 25 (260) AM 2019 97927 A (181) 2027 12 25 (800) 1404498 (891) 2017 12 25 (151) 2018 03 14 (511) 09, 11, 42 (181) 2028 03 14 ______(891) 2018 03 14 (511) 35, 37 (260) AM 2019 97935 A ______(800) 1404697 (151) 2018 01 25 (260) AM 2019 97928 A (181) 2028 01 25 (800) 1404509 (891) 2018 01 25 (151) 2017 09 20 (511) 12 (181) 2027 09 20 ______(891) 2017 09 20 (511) 06, 16, 18, 25, 35, 36, 41 (260) AM 2019 97951 A ______(800) 1210077 (151) 2014 06 02 (260) AM 2019 97929 A (181) 2024 06 02 (800) 1404585 (891) 2018 04 16 (151) 2017 12 07 (511) 01 (181) 2027 12 07 ______(891) 2017 12 07 (511) 05 (260) AM 2019 98019 A ______(800) 1405193 (151) 2018 03 23 (260) AM 2019 97930 A (181) 2028 03 23 (800) 1404586 (891) 2018 03 23 (151) 2017 12 07 (511) 07 (181) 2027 12 07 ______(891) 2017 12 07 (511) 05 (260) AM 2019 98022 A ______(800) 1405267 (151) 2018 05 09 (260) AM 2019 97931 A (181) 2028 05 09 (800) 1404588 (891) 2018 05 09 (151) 2017 11 30 (511) 17 (181) 2027 11 30 ______(891) 2017 11 30 (511) 05 (260) AM 2019 98025 A ______(800) 1405358 (151) 2017 08 17 (260) AM 2019 97932 A (181) 2027 08 17 (800) 1404652 (891) 2017 08 17 (151) 2017 06 30 (511) 09, 12, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45 (181) 2027 06 30 ______(891) 2017 06 30 (511) 09, 12, 17, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42 (260) AM 2019 98026 A ______(800) 1405450 (151) 2018 03 02 (260) AM 2019 97933 A (181) 2028 03 02 (800) 1404654 (891) 2018 03 02 (151) 2017 09 18 (511) 05 (181) 2027 09 18 ______(891) 2017 09 18 (511) 42 (260) AM 2019 98059 A ______(800) 1406165 (151) 2018 01 31

#13 2019 07 10 119


(181) 2028 01 31 (260) AM 2019 98080 A (891) 2018 01 31 (800) 1406453 (511) 29, 30, 32, 43 (151) 2017 12 22 ______(181) 2027 12 22 (891) 2017 12 22 (260) AM 2019 98060 A (511) 05 (800) 1406166 ______(151) 2018 01 31 (181) 2028 01 31 (260) AM 2019 98084 A (891) 2018 01 31 (800) 1406507 (511) 29, 30, 32, 43 (151) 2017 12 14 ______(181) 2027 12 14 (891) 2017 12 14 (260) AM 2019 98061 A (511) 09, 11, 34 (800) 1406181 ______(151) 2017 04 25 (181) 2027 04 25 (260) AM 2019 98086 A (891) 2017 04 25 (800) 1406582 (511) 01, 17, 19 (151) 2018 05 07 ______(181) 2028 05 07 (891) 2018 05 07 (260) AM 2019 98062 A (511) 21 (800) 1406253 ______(151) 2018 01 31 (181) 2028 01 31 (260) AM 2019 98090 A (891) 2018 01 31 (800) 1406687 (511) 12 (151) 2017 12 25 ______(181) 2027 12 25 (891) 2017 12 25 (260) AM 2019 98064 A (511) 37 (800) 1406291 ______(151) 2017 12 29 (181) 2027 12 29 (260) AM 2019 98112 A (891) 2017 12 29 (800) 1407004 (511) 29, 30 (151) 2018 01 15 ______(181) 2028 01 15 (891) 2018 01 15 (260) AM 2019 98066 A (511) 29, 30 (800) 1406335 ______(151) 2018 02 27 (181) 2028 02 27 (260) AM 2019 98113 A (891) 2018 02 27 (800) 1407006 (511) 29, 30 (151) 2017 12 12 ______(181) 2027 12 12 (891) 2017 12 12 (260) AM 2019 98068 A (511) 09 (800) 669994 ______(151) 1996 05 09 (181) 2026 05 09 (260) AM 2019 98114 A (891) 2018 04 26 (800) 1407018 (511) 08 (151) 2018 02 19 ______(181) 2028 02 19 (891) 2018 02 19 (260) AM 2019 98079 A (511) 05, 41 (800) 1406417 ______(151) 2018 05 06 (181) 2028 05 06 (260) AM 2019 98126 A (891) 2018 05 06 (800) 1407386 (511) 03 (151) 2017 09 19 ______

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(181) 2027 09 19 (260) AM 2019 98332 A (891) 2017 09 19 (800) 1409674 (511) 34 (151) 2017 12 27 ______(181) 2027 12 27 (891) 2017 12 27 (260) AM 2019 98128 A (511) 02 (800) 1407453 ______(151) 2017 12 13 (181) 2027 12 13 (260) AM 2019 98338 A (891) 2017 12 13 (800) 1409808 (511) 09, 12, 39, 42 (151) 2017 10 17 ______(181) 2027 10 17 (891) 2017 10 17 (260) AM 2019 98133 A (511) 25, 35 (800) 560693 ______(151) 1990 08 15 (181) 2020 08 15 (260) AM 2019 98339 A (891) 2018 05 24 (800) 1409818 (511) 03 (151) 2018 03 13 ______(181) 2028 03 13 (891) 2018 03 13 (260) AM 2019 98134 A (511) 07, 37 (800) 572118 ______(151) 1991 06 06 (181) 2021 06 06 (260) AM 2019 98340 A (891) 2017 08 30 (800) 1409835 (511) 01, 06, 17, 19, 37, 42 (151) 2018 04 26 ______(181) 2028 04 26 (891) 2018 04 26 (260) AM 2019 98138 A (511) 39 (800) 1125990 ______(151) 2012 07 13 (181) 2022 07 13 (260) AM 2019 98342 A (891) 2018 05 30 (800) 1409861 (511) 29, 30, 32 (151) 2017 10 05 ______(181) 2027 10 05 (891) 2017 10 05 (260) AM 2019 98140 A (511) 06, 09, 16, 35, 39, 40 (800) 1218897 ______(151) 2014 09 03 (181) 2024 09 03 (260) AM 2019 98363 A (891) 2018 05 14 (800) 1191890 (511) 32 (151) 2013 06 25 ______(181) 2023 06 25 (891) 2018 05 21 (260) AM 2019 98141 A (511) 01, 02, 04, 17, 40 (800) 1239589 ______(151) 2014 11 12 (181) 2024 11 12 (260) AM 2019 98475 A (891) 2018 05 16 (800) 1410809 (511) 29, 30 (151) 2018 05 04 ______(181) 2028 05 04 (891) 2018 05 04 (260) AM 2019 98315 A (511) 32 (800) 1408990 ______(151) 2017 11 23 (181) 2027 11 23 (260) AM 2019 98484 A (891) 2017 11 23 (800) 1411080 (511) 09 (151) 2018 04 20 ______

#13 2019 07 10 121


(181) 2028 04 20 (260) AM 2019 98604 A (891) 2018 04 20 (800) 1413088 (511) 39, 43 (151) 2018 02 28 ______(181) 2028 02 28 (891) 2018 02 28 (260) AM 2019 98485 A (511) 16, 38, 41 (800) 1411082 ______(151) 2018 03 20 (181) 2028 03 20 (260) AM 2019 98605 A (891) 2018 03 20 (800) 1413121 (511) 33 (151) 2018 01 29 ______(181) 2028 01 29 (891) 2018 01 29 (260) AM 2019 98488 A (511) 01, 05 (800) 1411273 ______(151) 2018 06 05 (181) 2028 06 05 (260) AM 2019 98606 A (891) 2018 06 05 (800) 1413124 (511) 05 (151) 2018 02 06 ______(181) 2028 02 06 (891) 2018 02 06 (260) AM 2019 98490 A (511) 03 (800) 1411395 ______(151) 2018 02 06 (181) 2028 02 06 (260) AM 2019 98607 A (891) 2018 02 06 (800) 1413149 (511) 03 (151) 2018 03 06 ______(181) 2028 03 06 (891) 2018 03 06 (260) AM 2019 98491 A (511) 03, 05 (800) 1411437 ______(151) 2017 11 27 (181) 2027 11 27 (260) AM 2019 98608 A (891) 2017 11 27 (800) 1413153 (511) 10, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 28, 35, 36, 39, 41, 43 (151) 2018 02 06 ______(181) 2028 02 06 (891) 2018 02 06 (260) AM 2019 98492 A (511) 03 (800) 348047 ______(151) 1968 09 13 (181) 2018 09 13 (260) AM 2019 98609 A (891) 2018 05 30 (800) 1413159 (511) 29, 30, 32 (151) 2018 02 26 ______(181) 2028 02 26 (891) 2018 02 26 (260) AM 2019 98493 A (511) 05 (800) 519874 ______(151) 1988 02 12 (181) 2028 02 12 (260) AM 2019 98610 A (891) 2018 06 18 (800) 1413176 (511) 19 (151) 2018 02 06 ______(181) 2028 02 06 (891) 2018 02 06 (260) AM 2019 98503 A (511) 03 (800) 1411470 ______(151) 2018 04 25 (181) 2028 04 25 (260) AM 2019 98612 A (891) 2018 04 25 (800) 1413190 (511) 01 (151) 2018 02 06 ______

122 #13 2019 07 10


(181) 2028 02 06 (891) 2018 02 06 (511) 03 ______

(260) AM 2019 98641 A (800) 1413880 (151) 2018 05 04 (181) 2028 05 04 (891) 2018 05 04 (511) 09 ______

(260) AM 2019 98642 A (800) 1413882 (151) 2018 05 03 (181) 2028 05 03 (891) 2018 05 03 (511) 37 ______

(260) AM 2019 98740 A (800) 1415173 (151) 2018 05 18 (181) 2028 05 18 (891) 2018 05 18 (511) 09 ______

(260) AM 2019 98744 A (800) 1415190 (151) 2018 05 03 (181) 2028 05 03 (891) 2018 05 03 (511) 42, 45 ______

#13 2019 07 10 123



(800) 1051 (511) (151) 2016 03 17 30 – Honey. (732) Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, ______Alimentari e Forestali Via XX Settembre 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy (800) 1066 (151) 2017 09 04 Consorzio tutela dei Vini DOC di Orvieto (732) Dates of south Borazjan Company Corso Cavour 36 – 05018 Orvieto, Italy Region of Dashtestan and Tangestan, IRAN (540) Dashti Cooling Company ORVIETO Region of Dashtestan and Tangestan, IRAN (511) (540) 33 – Wine. Khormay e Kabkab e ______Dashtestan va (800) 1063 Tangestan e Iran (151) 2017 02 22 (511) (732) Consorzio di Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba 31 – Date. Langhe e Dogliani ______Corso Enotria 2/c – Loc. Ampelion – 12051

Alba CN, Italy (800) 1067 (540) (151) 2017 09 04 LANGHE (732) Cooperative of Hormozgan golden tangerine (511) Production Region of Siyahoo, IRAN 33 – Wine (540) ______Narengi e Siyahoo e Iran (800) 1064 (511) (151) 2017 09 04 31 – Tangerine. (732) Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of ______barberry growers, gardeners and saffron growers of South of Khorasan (800) 1068 South of Khorassan Region, IRAN (151) 2017 09 04 (732) Farming cooperative of palm growers of Tarvand Saffron Ghaen Company Hajiabad Region of Hajiabad, IRAN South of Khorassan Region, IRAN (540) National association of Iranian dates – Hormozgan Province branch Region Zeaeshk e jonob e Khorsan of Hajiabad, IRAN e iran (540) (511) Khormay e Piarom e 31 – Barberry. ______Hajiabad e Iran (511) (800) 1065 31 – Date. (151) 2017 09 04 ______(732) Cooperatives Union for Beekeepers of Ardabil Province (800) 1069 Region of Ardabil, IRAN (151) 2017 09 04 (540) (732) Rural Cooperative Union of South Khorasan Province Region of South Khorasan, IRAN

Asal e Sabalan e Iran Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of barberry growers, gardeners and saffron

124 #13 2019 07 10


growers of South Khorasan Region of South Region of Khorasan, IRAN

Khorasan, IRAN Rural Cooperatives Union of Khorasan (540) Province Region of Khorasan, IRAN

Annab e Birjand e Iran Rural Cooperative Union of South Khorasan (511) Province 31 – Jujube. Region of South Khorasan, IRAN

______Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of barberry growers, gardeners and saffron (800) 1070 growers of South Khorasan (151) 2017 09 04 Region of South Khorasan, IRAN (732) Rural Cooperatives Union of Sistan and Baluchestan Province Iran's National Saffron Council Region of Region of Sistan and Baluchestan, IRAN Khorasan, IRAN

Rural Cooperatives Union of Zahedan (540) County Zaferan e Khorasan e Iran Region of Sistan and Baluchestan, IRAN (511) (540) 30 – Saffron. Khormay e Rabbi e Sistan o ______

Baluchestan e Iran (800) 1074 (511) (151) 2017 09 25 31 – Date. (732) Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, ______Alimentari e Forestali Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy

(800) 1071 Consorzio tutela Barbera d'Asti e Vini del (151) 2017 09 04 Monferrato (732) Mehr Dashtestan Cooling Company Via Morelli 15 – 14100 Asti, Italy Region of Dashtestan, IRAN (540) Dates of south Borazjan Company Region of Dashtestan, IRAN FREISA D'ASTI (540) (511) 33 – Wine. Khorma e Zahedi e Talaei e ______

Dashtestan e Iran (800) 1075 (511) (151) 2017 09 25 31 – Date. (732) Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, ______Alimentari e Forestali Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy (800) 1072 (151) 2017 09 04 Istituto Marchigiano di tutela vini (732) Exporters Association of Nuts – Khuzestan Viale dell'Industria, 5 – 60035 Jesi (AN), Branch Italy Region of Khuzestan, IRAN (540)

National Association of Khuzestan dates LACRIMA DI Region of Khuzestan, IRAN (540) MORRO/LACRIMA DI Khormay e stamaran e MORRO D'ALBA (511) khuzestan e iran 33 – Wine. (511) ______31 – Date. ______(800) 1076 (151) 2017 09 25 (800) 1073 (732) Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, (151) 2018 01 31 Alimentari e Forestali (732) Provincial Union Institute of saffron sellers Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy guild of Khorasan Razavi

#13 2019 07 10 125


Consorzio tutela Barbera d'Asti e Vini del Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Monferrato Alimentari e Forestali Via Morelli 15 – 14100 Asti, Italy Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy (540) (540) MALVASIA DI CASTELNUOVO GRECO DI TUFO DON BOSCO (511) (511) 33 – Wine. 33 – Wine. ______(800) 1081 (800) 1077 (151) 2017 09 25 (151) 2017 09 25 (732) Producers or groups of producers entitled to use the appellation of origin Italy (732) Consorzio di Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Roero Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Corso Enotria 2/C, Alba (Cuneo), Italy Alimentari e Forestali

Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy Alimentari e Forestali (540) Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy GRIGNOLINO D'ASTI (540) (511) NEBBIOLO D'ALBA 33 – Wine. (511) ______33 – Wine. ______(800) 1082 (151) 2017 09 25 (800) 1078 (732) Producers or groups of producers entitled to use the appellation of origin Italy (151) 2017 09 25 (732) Consorzio tutela vini del Trentino Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Via del Suffragio, 33 – 8122 Trento, Italy Alimentari e Forestali

Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy Alimentari e Forestali (540) Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy GRIGNOLINO DEL (540) MONFERRATO CASALESE TEROLDEGO ROTALIANO (511) (511) 33 – Wine. 33 – Wine. ______(800) 1083 (800) 1079 (151) 2017 09 25 (151) 2017 09 25 (732) Consorzio tutela Barbera d'Asti e Vini del (732) Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari Monferrato e Forestali Via Morelli, 15 – 14100 Asti, Italy Via XX Settembre, 20-00187 Roma, Italy Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Consorzio di tutela e valorizzazione delle Alimentari e Forestali DOC Freisa di Chieri e Collina Torinese Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy Via Palazzo di Citta, n. 10-10023 Chieri (540) (TO), Italy (540) CORTESE DELL'ALTO FREISA DI CHIERI MONFERRATO (511) (511) 33 – Wine. 33 – Wine. ______

(800) 1080 (800) 1084 (151) 2017 09 25 (151) 2017 09 25 (732) Producers or groups of producers entitled to (732) Consorzio Primitivo di Manduria DOC use the appellation of origin Italy C. da Piscine S/N – 74020 Uggiano

126 #13 2019 07 10


Montefusco – Manduria (TA), Italy

Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, (800) 1088 Alimentari e Forestali (151) 2017 09 26 Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy (732) Consorzio tutela Gavi (540) P.za Martiri della Benedicta, 13 – 15066 Gavi (AL), Italy

PRIMITIVO DI MANDURIA Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, (511) Alimentari e Forestali 33 – Wine. Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy ______(540)

(800) 1085 GAVI / CORTESE DI GAVI (151) 2017 09 26 (511) (732) Consorzio Tutela Vini d'Acqui 33 – Wine. Piazza A. Levi 7 15011 Acqui Terme (AL), ______Italy (800) 1089 Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, (151) 2017 09 26 Alimentari e Forestali (732) Consorzio per la tutela e la valorizzazione del Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy vino Cesanese del Piglio (540) Via Adige 41 – FROSINONE, Italy

BRACHETTO D' Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali ACQUI / ACQUI Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy (511) (540) 33 – Wine. ______CESANESE DEL

(800) 1086 PIGLIO / PIGLIO (151) 2017 09 26 (511) (732) Consorzio del Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 33 – Wine. Piazza Grande, 7 – 53045 Montepulciano ______(Siena), Italy (800) 1090 Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, (151) 2017 09 26 Alimentari e Forestali (732) Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy Alimentari e Forestali (540) Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy

VINO NOBILE DI Sannio Consorzio Tutela Vini Via Mario Vetrone – 82100 BENEVENTO, MONTEPULCIANO Italy (511) (540) 33 – Wine. ______AGLIANICO DEL

(800) 1087 TABURNO (151) 2017 09 26 (511) (732) Consorzio della denominazione San 33 – Wine. Gimignano ______Via di Fugnano, 19 – 53037 San Gimignano (SI), Italy (800) 1091 (151) 2017 09 26 VERNACCIA DI SAN GIMIGNANO (732) Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy Alimentari e Forestali (540) Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy

VERNACCIA DI SAN Consorzio di Tutela Aglianico del Vulture GIMIGNANO Piazza XX Settembre (Palazzo Giustino (511) Fortunato) 33 – Wine. 18- 85028 Rionero in Vulture (PZ), Italy ______

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(540) (800) 1095 (151) 2017 09 26 AGLIANICO DEL (732) CONSORZIO DI TUTELA DEL VULTURE SUPERIORE VERMENTINO DI GALLURA DOCG (511) Piazza Regina Margherita 21–07026 33 – Wine. Olbia (OT) – Italy / Via S. Paolo 2 – 07020 Monti (OT), Italy

______Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali (800) 1092 Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy (151) 2017 09 26 (540) (732) Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali VERMENTINO DI Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy GALLURA CONSORZIO DI TUTELA VINI (511) D’IRPINIA 33 – Wine. C/O CCIAA AVELLINO PIAZZA DUOMO ______5 – 83100 AVELLINO, Italy (540) (800) 1096 (151) 2017 09 26 FIANO DI AVELLINO (732) Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, (511) Alimentari e Forestali 33 – Wine. Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy ______Consorzio Tutela Vini di Sardegna Largo Carlo Felice, 72 – Cagliari (Ca) – Italy (800) 1093 (registered office) / Viale Armando Diaz, (151) 2017 09 26 221 – Cagliari (Ca) – Italy (place of (732) Consorzio Vini Colli Bolognesi business), Italy Via Abbazia 30/c – 40050 Monteveglio (BO), (540) Italy

Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, VERMENTINO DI Alimentari e Forestali SARDEGNA Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy (511) (540) 33 – Wine. COLLI BOLOGNESI ______

CLASSICO PIGNOLETTO (800) 1097 (511) (151) 2017 09 26 33 – Wine. (732) Istituto Marchigiano di Tutela Vini ______Viale dell'Industria, 5 – 60035 JESI (AN), Italy

(800) 1094 Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, (151) 2017 09 26 Alimentari e Forestali (732) II. Producers or groups of producers entitled Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy to use the appellation of origin Italy (540) 1. Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali VERNACCIA DI Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy SERRAPETRONA (540) (511) ROSSESE DI DOLCEACQUA / 33 – Wine. ______DOLCEACQUA (511) (800) 1098 33 – Wine. (151) 2017 09 26 ______(732) Consorzio Tutela Vini Montefalco Piazza del Comune, 16 06036 Montefalco (PG), Italy

128 #13 2019 07 10


Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, (540) Alimentari e Forestali Via XX Settembre, 20 – 00187 Roma, Italy Khaviar e Iran (540) (511) 29 – Caviar. MONTEFALCO ______

SAGRANTINO (800) 1103 (511) (151) 2018 02 13 33 – Wine. (732) Producer or groups of producers benefiting ______from the appellation of origin concerned: Iran pistachio association. (800) 1099 Region of Rafsanjan County, IRAN (151) 2018 01 10 (540) (732) Consorzio Volontario per la Tutela dei Vini DOC "delle Venezie" Peste e Rafsanjan e Iran Calle Larga XXII Marzo San Marco 2032 (511) 30124 Venice, (via G. Mazzini 2 36053 31 – Pistachio. Gambellara (Vicenza), Italy ______(540) (800) 1104 delle Venezie (151) 2018 02 13 (511) (540) Peste e e Iran 33 – Wine. (732) I. Rural Cooperatives Union of Damghan II. ______Agricultural Cooperative of pistachio growers in Damghan III. Union of nuts, dried (800) 1100 fruits, dairy and Grocers of Damghan county. (151) 2018 02 02 Region of Damghan County, IRAN (732) Udruga pčelara neposrednih proizvođača (540) "MATICA" Mostar fra. Ambre Miletića 30, 88000 Mostar, Peste e Damghan e Iran Bosnia and Herzegovina (511) (540) 31 – Pistache ______HERCEGOVAČKI MED (511) 30 – Honey. (800) 1105 ______(151) 2018 02 13 (732) Kowsar Mining & Industrial Development (800) 1101 Investment Company (151) 2018 02 02 Region of Serishabad City, IRAN (732) "Udruženje pčelara Kesten Cazin" (540) Hasana Mujezinovića b.b., 77220 Cazin, Bosnia and Herzegovina Sang e marmr e Kordestan e (540) Iran CAZINSKI MED OD (511) 19 – Marbre. KESTENA ______(511) 30 – Honey. (800) 1106 ______(151) 2018 02 13 (732) Union of producers and exporters of mineral (800) 1102 products in (151) 2018 02 13 Region of Semnan county, IRAN (732) Producer or groups of producers benefiting (540) from the appellation of origin concerned: Agricultural Services Specialized Holding Gach e Semnan e Iran Company. (511) Golestan, Mazandaran and Gilan Provinces, 19 – Platre. IRAN ______

#13 2019 07 10 129










(21) AP 2010 12529 (11) P 2014 6168 B (73) TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY LIMITED

130 #13 2019 07 10



(21) AP 2013 13124 (11) P 2014 6204 B (73) Dodo Tavdidiashvili; Manana Pkhakadze; Tsira Khutsidze; Nino Minadze (54) DESSERT WITH BEE-FARMING PRODUCTS DATE OF CANCELLATION OF PATENT: 2019 06 20 PATENT RESTORATION IS AVAILABLE: 2020 06 20 ______



(21) AP 2007 11112 (11) P 2011 5166 B (73) Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco A.C.R.A.F. S.p.A. (54) 2-ARYLINDOLE DERIVATIVES AS mPGES-I INHIBITORS DATE OF CANCELLATION OF PATENT: 2018 06 14 THE TERM OF RESTORATION OF PATENT VALIDITY HAS EXPIRED: 2019 06 14 ______

(21) AP 2009 11318 (11) P 2012 5561 B (73) Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GmbH (54) METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A PLANT-BASED MEDICAMENT DATE OF CANCELLATION OF PATENT: 2018 06 18 THE TERM OF RESTORATION OF PATENT VALIDITY HAS EXPIRED: 2019 06 18 ______


(21) AP 2013 13119 (11) P 2014 6111 B (73) Avtandil Balanchivadze (54) CHARGRILL DRIVE DATE OF CANCELLATION OF PATENT: 2018 06 18 THE TERM OF RESTORATION OF PATENT VALIDITY HAS EXPIRED: 2019 06 18 ______

#13 2019 07 10 131



(21) AP 2010 12789 (11) P 2014 6124 B (54) NOVEL CCR2 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS AND USAGE THEREOF NEW NAME AND ADDRESSES: Centrexion Therapeutics Corporation (US) 200 tate Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109, USA LAST NAME AND ADDRESSES: Centrexion Therapeutics Corporation 509 South Exeter Street, Baltimore, Meryland 21202, USA DATE OF REGISTRY: 20 06 2019 ______

(21) AP 2010 12789 (11) P 2014 6124 B (54) NOVEL CCR2 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS AND USAGE THEREOF NEW NAME AND ADDRESSES: Centrexion Therapeutics Corporation (US) 509 South Exeter Street, Baltimore, Meryland 21202, (US) LAST NAME AND ADDRESSES: BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM INTERNATIONAL GMBH Binger Straße 173, 55216 Ingelheim am Rhein , Germany DATE OF REGISTRY 20 06 2019 ______

(21) AP 2012 13251 (11) P 2017 6640 B (54) USE OF GLYCOPYRROLATE FOR TREATING TACHYCARDIA NEW NAME AND ADDRESSES: SOSEI R&D LTD (GB) North West House 119 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5PU, England, GB, United Kingdom (GB) LAST NAME AND ADDRESSES: SOSEI R&D LTD 2 Royal College Street London NW1 0NH, United Kingdom DATE OF REGISTRY: 28 06 2019 ______

(21) AP 2012 13251 (11) P 2017 6640 B (54) USE OF GLYCOPYRROLATE FOR TREATING TACHYCARDIA NEW NAME AND ADDRESSES: Heptares Therapeutics Limited (GB) Granta Park, Great Abingdon, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB21 6DG, England, United Kingdom (GB) LAST NAME AND ADDRESSES: SOSEI R&D LTD (GB) North West House 119 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5PU, England, GB, United Kingdom (GB) DATE OF REGISTRY: 28 06 2019 ______

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(21) AU 2016 14183 (11) U 2017 1943 Y (73) Geronti Meskhi (54) STEEL PROTECTIVE CASING FOR PLASTIC DOOR FRAME BASE DATE OF CANCELLATION OF PATENT: 2019 06 17 DATE OF RESTORATION OF PATENT: 2019 07 10 ______


(21) AU 2016 14183 (11) U 2017 1943 Y (73) Geronti Meskhi (54) STEEL PROTECTIVE CASING FOR PLASTIC DOOR FRAME BASE DATE OF CANCELLATION OF PATENT: 2019 06 17 MODEL RESTORATION IS AVAILABLE: 2021 06 17 ______


(21) AU 2011 12260 (11) U 2013 1764 Y (73) Mikheil Gverdtsiteli; Giorgi Gurgenidze; Tengiz Sanadze; Karina Gverdtsiteli (54) DEVICE FOR VEHICLE SERVICE COST PAYMENT DATE OF CANCELLATION OF PATENT: 2018 06 10 THE TERM OF RESTORATION OF PATENT VALIDITY HAS EXPIRED: 2019 06 10 ______

(21) AU 2013 13116 (11) U 2014 1805 Y (73) Zurab Murghuli (54) SYSTEM FOR AUSCULTATION DATE OF CANCELLATION OF PATENT: 2018 06 11 THE TERM OF RESTORATION OF PATENT VALIDITY HAS EXPIRED: 2019 06 11 ______

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(11) D 2005 229 S (73) ORION Corporation (KR) 30-10 munbae-dongi, yongsan-ku, Seoul (KR) (54) PACKING BOX FOR CONFECTIONERY (28) 1 (24) 2004 07 02 (18) 2024 07 02 (58) 2019 06 25 ______

(11) D 2005 230 S (73) ORION Corporation (KR) 30-10 munbae-dongi, yongsan-ku, Seoul (KR) (54) PACKING BOX FOR CONFECTIONERY (28) 1 (24) 2004 07 02 (18) 2024 07 02 (58) 2019 06 27 ______

(11) D 2005 231 S (73) ORION Corporation (KR) 30-10 munbae-dongi, yongsan-ku, Seoul (KR) (54) PACKING BOX FOR CONFECTIONERY (28) 1 (24) 2004 07 02 (18) 2024 07 02 (58) 2019 06 27 ______

(11) D 2005 232 S (73) ORION Corporation (KR) 30-10 munbae-dongi, yongsan-ku, Seoul (KR) (54) PACKING BOX FOR CONFECTIONERY (28) 1 (24) 2004 07 02 (18) 2024 07 02 (58) 2019 06 27 ______


(11) D 2014 567 S (73) Nikoloz Gogatishvili (GE) Vazisubnis das., korp. 14, b. 87, 0152, Tbilisi, Georgia (GE) (54) BOTTLE OF WINE WITH COVERING, LABEL AND BOTTLENECK LABEL (18) 2018 12 19 (58) 2019 06 28 ______

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(111) M 1998 11229 R2 (111) M 1999 12619 R2 (156) 1998 12 09 (156) 1999 08 24 (186) 2028 12 09 (186) 2029 08 24 (732) Hipp & Co. (732) INTERNATIONAL FOODSTUFFS CO. Bruniegstrasse 141, CH-6072 Sachseln, Al-Wahda Street, Industrial Area N1, P.O. Switzerland BOX 4115, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates ______

(111) M 1999 12411 R2 (111) M 1999 12623 R2 (156) 1999 07 02 (156) 1999 08 24 (186) 2029 07 02 (186) 2029 08 24 (732) BR IP HOLDER LLC (732) E.I. DU PONT de NEMOURS and 130 Royall Street, Suite 300, P.O. Box 9141, COMPANY Canton, Massachusetts 02021, USA Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, ______Wilmington, DE 19805, USA ______(111) M 1999 12604 R2 (156) 1999 08 23 (111) M 1999 12715 R2 (186) 2029 08 23 (156) 1999 08 25 (732) INTERNATIONAL FOODSTUFFS CO. (186) 2029 08 25 Al-Wahda Street, Industrial Area N1, P.O. (732) E.I. DU PONT de NEMOURS and BOX 4115, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates COMPANY ______Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, Wilmington, DE 19805, USA (111) M 1999 12606 R2 ______(156) 1999 08 23 (186) 2029 08 23 (111) M 2009 19236 R1 (732) INTERNATIONAL FOODSTUFFS CO. (156) 2009 04 21 Al-Wahda Street, Industrial Area N1, P.O. (186) 2029 04 21 BOX 4115, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (732) LTD Chaimania ______Titsian Tabidzis St. 57, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia ______(111) M 1999 12335 R2 (156) 1999 06 15 (111) M 2008 18947 R1 (186) 2029 06 15 (156) 2008 11 28 (732) FORD MOTOR COMPANY (186) 2028 11 28 One American Road, Dearborn, Michigan (732) EX HACIENDA LOS CAMICHINES, S.A. 48126, USA DE C.V. ______Periferico Sur No. 8500, Tramo Morelia Chapala Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, C.P. 45609, (111) M 1999 12693 R2 Mexico (156) 1999 08 24 ______(186) 2029 08 24 (732) ELI LILLY AND COMPANY (111) M 2008 18948 R1 Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, (156) 2008 11 28 USA (186) 2028 11 28 ______(732) EX HACIENDA LOS CAMICHINES, S.A. DE C.V. (111) M 1999 12763 R2 Periferico Sur No. 8500, Tramo Morelia (156) 1999 09 23 Chapala Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, C.P. 45609, (186) 2029 09 23 Mexico (732) LEGO Juris A/S ______DK-7190 Billund, Denmark ______

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(111) M 2008 18949 R1 (732) VAKHTANG ZARIDZE (156) 2008 11 28 Lomonosov St. 6, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia (186) 2028 11 28 ______(732) EX HACIENDA LOS CAMICHINES, S.A. DE C.V. (111) M 2009 19575 R1 Periferico Sur N8500, Tramo Morelia (156) 2009 07 24 Chapala, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, C.P. 45601, (186) 2029 07 24 Mexico (732) Chevron Intellectual Property LLC ______6001 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, California 94583, USA (111) M 2008 18950 R1 ______(156) 2008 11 28 (186) 2028 11 28 (111) M 2009 19526 R1 (732) EX HACIENDA LOS CAMICHINES, S.A. (156) 2009 07 13 DE C.V. (186) 2029 07 13 Periferico Sur N8500, Tramo Morelia (732) LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University Chapala, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, C.P. 45601, Vazha-Pshavela Av. 33, 0186, Tbilisi, Mexico Georgia ______

(111) M 2008 18951 R1 (111) M 2009 19527 R1 (156) 2008 11 28 (156) 2009 07 13 (186) 2028 11 28 (186) 2029 07 13 (732) EX HACIENDA LOS CAMICHINES, S.A. (732) LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University DE C.V. Vazha-Pshavela Av. 33, 0186, Tbilisi, Periferico Sur N8500, Tramo Morelia Georgia Chapala, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, C.P. 45601, ______Mexico ______(111) M 2009 19528 R1 (156) 2009 07 13 (111) M 2008 18952 R1 (186) 2029 07 13 (156) 2008 11 28 (732) LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University (186) 2028 11 28 Vazha-Pshavela Av. 33, 0186, Tbilisi, (732) EX HACIENDA LOS CAMICHINES, S.A. Georgia DE C.V. ______Periferico Sur N8500, Tramo Morelia Chapala, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, C.P. 45601, (111) M 2009 19529 R1 Mexico (156) 2009 07 13 ______(186) 2029 07 13 (732) LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University (111) M 2009 19610 R1 Vazha-Pshavela Av. 33, 0186, Tbilisi, (156) 2009 07 31 Georgia (186) 2029 07 31 ______(732) UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 182, Shimobun, Kinsei-cho, Shikokuchuo-shi, (111) M 2009 19530 R1 Ehime-Ken 799-0111, Japan (156) 2009 07 13 ______(186) 2029 07 13 (732) LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University (111) M 2009 19422 R1 Vazha-Pshavela Av. 33, 0186, Tbilisi, (156) 2009 06 16 Georgia (186) 2029 06 16 ______(732) VESTEL DAYANIKLI TÜKETIM MALLARI PAZARLAMA A.Ş. Ambarli Petrol ofisi Dolum Tesisleri Yolu (111) M 2009 19602 R1 34840 AVCILAR, ISTANBUL, Turkey (156) 2009 07 24 ______(186) 2029 07 24 (732) LTD "G-M-P" (111) M 2009 19471 R1 Vill. Ponitchala 65, 0165, Tbilisi, Georgia (156) 2009 06 29 ______(186) 2029 06 29

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(111) M 2009 19603 R1 (111) M 2009 19859 R1 (156) 2009 07 24 (156) 2009 09 30 (186) 2029 07 24 (186) 2029 09 30 (732) LTD "G-M-P" (732) LTD "G-M-P" Vill. Ponitchala 65, 0165, Tbilisi, Georgia Vill. Ponitchala 65, 0165, Tbilisi, Georgia ______

(111) M 2009 19604 R1 (111) M 1999 12545 R2 (156) 2009 07 24 (156) 1999 07 12 (186) 2029 07 24 (186) 2029 07 12 (732) LTD "G-M-P" (732) NIKE INNOVATE C.V. Vill. Ponitchala 65, 0165, Tbilisi, Georgia One Bowerman Drive, Beaverton, Oregon ______97005-6453, USA ______(111) M 2009 19605 R1 (156) 2009 07 24 (111) M 1999 11983 R2 (186) 2029 07 24 (156) 1999 05 10 (732) LTD "G-M-P" (186) 2029 05 10 Vill. Ponitchala 65, 0165, Tbilisi, Georgia (732) BRACCO SUISSE S.A. ______Via Ponteggia 23-6814 CADEMPINO, Switzerland (111) M 2009 20076 R1 ______(156) 2009 12 15 (186) 2029 12 15 (111) M 1999 11984 R2 (732) LTD "G-M-P" (156) 1999 05 10 Vill. Ponitchala 65, 0165, Tbilisi, Georgia (186) 2029 05 10 ______(732) BRACCO SUISSE S.A. Via Ponteggia 23-6814 CADEMPINO, (111) M 2009 19609 R1 Switzerland (156) 2009 07 24 ______(186) 2029 07 24 (732) GOWAN COMPANY LLC 370 S. Main Street, Yuma, Arizona 85364, USA ______

(111) M 2009 19963 R1 (156) 2009 11 18 (186) 2029 11 18 (732) INTERNATIONAL FOODSTUFFS CO. Al-Wahda Street, Industrial Area N1, P.O. BOX 4115, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates ______

(111) M 2009 19964 R1 (156) 2009 11 18 (186) 2029 11 18 (732) INTERNATIONAL FOODSTUFFS CO. Al-Wahda Street, Industrial Area N1, P.O. BOX 4115, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates ______

(111) M 2009 19966 R1 (156) 2009 11 18 (186) 2029 11 18 (732) INTERNATIONAL FOODSTUFFS CO. Al-Wahda Street, Industrial Area N1, P.O. BOX 4115, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates ______

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(111) M 2019 30796 R (770) LEPL Io. Kutateladze Pharmacochemical (732) JSC "GEORGIAN BEER COMPANY" Institute Vill. Saguramo, 3311, Mckheta, Georgia P. Sarajishvili St. 36, 0159, Tbilisi, Georgia (770) BEKA BEGLARASHVILI (580) 30 05 2019 St. 6, 0153, Tbilisi Georgia ______(580) 07 06 2019 ______(111) M 2010 20459 R (732) Reckitt & Colman (Overseas) Health Limited (111) M 1998 10165 R 103-105 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, (732) RIKOLA GRUP AG SL1 3UH, United Kingdom Baselstrasse 31, CH-4242 Laifen, Switzerland (770) RECKITT & COLMAN (OVERSEAS) LIMITED (770) RICOLA AG. (RICOLA LTD.) Dansom Lane, Hull, HU8 7DS, United Baselstrasse 31, CH-4242 Laifen, Switzerland Kingdom (580) 29 05 2019 (580) 01 04 2019 ______

(111) M 2009 19526 R (111) M 2010 20679 R (732) LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University (732) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT GEORGIA" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 33, 0186, Tbilisi, Georgia Al. Kazbegi Av. 21, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia (770) SSIP IOVEL KUTATELADZIS (770) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT " FARMAKOQIMIIS INSTITUTI G. Lortkipanidze St. 4, 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia P. Sarajishvilis St. 36, 0159, Tbilisi, Georgia (580) 10 06 2019 (580) 30 05 2019 ______(111) M 2011 21617 R (111) M 2009 19527 R (732) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT GEORGIA" (732) LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University Al. Kazbegi Av. 21, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia Vazha-Pshavela Av. 33, 0186, Tbilisi, Georgia (770) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT CAUCASUS" (770) LEPL Io. Kutateladze Pharmacochemical G. Lortkipanidze St. 4, 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia Institute (580) 10 06 2019 P. Sarajishvili St. 36, 0159, Tbilisi, Georgia ______(580) 30 05 2019 ______(111) M 2014 24429 R (732) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT GEORGIA" (111) M 2009 19528 R Al. Kazbegi Av. 21, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia (732) LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University (770) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT CAUCASUS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 33, 0186, Tbilisi, Georgia G. Lortkipanidze St. 4, 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia (770) LEPL Io. Kutateladze Pharmacochemical (580) 10 06 2019 Institute ______P. Sarajishvili St. 36, 0159, Tbilisi, Georgia (580) 30 05 2019 (111) M 2014 24430 R ______(732) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT GEORGIA" Al. Kazbegi Av. 21, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia (111) M 2009 19529 R (770) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT CAUCASUS" (732) LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University G. Lortkipanidze St. 4, 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia Vazha-Pshavela Av. 33, 0186, Tbilisi, Georgia (580) 10 06 2019 (770) LEPL Io. Kutateladze Pharmacochemical ______Institute P. Sarajishvili St. 36, 0159, Tbilisi, Georgia (111) M 2015 25834 R (580) 30 05 2019 (732) LTD " International Rider" ______Tbilisi-Tsiteli Khidis gzatk., 21 km mimdebare teritoria, Rustavi, Georgia (111) M 2009 19530 R (770) LTD "SAGA IMPEX" (732) LEPL Tbilisi State Medical University Beliashvili St. 145, 0159, Tbilisi, Georgia Vazha-Pshavela Av. 33, 0186, Tbilisi, Georgia (580) 03 06 2019 ______

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(111) M 2014 24637 R (111) M 2015 25586 R (732) JSC "EVEX CLINICS" (732) JSC "EVEX CLINICS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia; Georgia; JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia Georgia (770) JSC "EVEQSIS HOSPITLEBI" (770) JSC "Medical Corporation EVEX" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia Georgia (580) 13 06 2019 (580) 13 06 2019 ______

(111) M 2014 24638 R (111) M 2015 25653 R (732) JSC "EVEX CLINICS" (732) JSC "EVEX CLINICS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia; Georgia; JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia Georgia (770) JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" (770) JSC "Medical Corporation EVEX" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia Georgia (580) 13 06 2019 (580) 13 06 2019 ______

(111) M 2014 25510 R (111) M 2015 26187 R (732) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT GEORGIA" (732) JSC "EVEX CLINICS" Al. Kazbegi Av. 21, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, (770) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT CAUCASUS" Georgia; G. Lortkipanidze St. 4, 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" (580) 10 06 2019 Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, ______Georgia (770) JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" (111) M 2015 25589 R Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, (732) JSC "EVEX CLINICS" Georgia Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, (580) 13 06 2019 Georgia; ______JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, (111) M 2015 26188 R Georgia (732) JSC "EVEX CLINICS" (770) JSC "Medical Corporation EVEX" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia; Georgia JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" (580) 13 06 2019 Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, ______Georgia (770) JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" (111) M 2015 25657 R Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, (732) JSC "EVEX CLINICS" Georgia Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, (580) 13 06 2019 Georgia; ______JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, (111) M 1997 5288 R Georgia (732) Reckitt & Colman (Overseas) Health Limited (770) JSC "Medical Corporation EVEX" 103-105 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, SL1 3UH, United Kingdom Georgia (770) RECKITT & COLMAN (OVERSEAS) (580) 25 06 2019 LIMITED ______

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Dansom Lane, Hull HU8 7DS, United (111) M 2019 30959 R Kingdom (732) LTD "Rustavi International Rider" (580) 01 04 2019 Tbilisi-Tsiteli Khidis gzatk., 21 km ______mimdebare teritoria, Rustavi, Georgia (770) LTD "SAGA IMPEX" (111) M 2016 27938 R Beliashvili St. 145, 0159, Tbilisi, Georgia (732) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT GEORGIA" (580) 03 06 2019 Al. Kazbegi Av. 21, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia ______(770) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT CAUCASUS" G. Lortkipanidze St. 4, 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia (111) M 1997 5401 R (580) 10 06 2019 (732) LTD "PHARMA CO." ______Nitochi Nishi-shinjuku Building 1F3, 6-10-1 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokio, Japan (111) M 2016 27803 R (770) ASTELLAS PHARMA INC. (732) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT GEORGIA" 5-1, Nihonbashi-Honcho, 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Al. Kazbegi Av. 21, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia Tokyo, Japan (770) LTD "HAIDELBERGCEMENT CAUCASUS" (580) 30 05 2019 G. Lortkipanidze St. 4, 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia ______(580) 10 06 2019 ______

(111) M 2018 29360 R (732) LTD "Rustavi International Rider" Tbilisi-Tsiteli Khidis gzatk., 21 km mimdebare teritoria, Rustavi, Georgia (770) LTD "SAGA IMPEX" Beliashvili St. 145, 0159, Tbilisi, Georgia (580) 03 06 2019 ______

(111) M 2017 28539 R (732) JSC "EVEX CLINICS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia; JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia (770) JSC "Medical Corporation EVEX" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia (580) 13 06 2019 ______

(111) M 2017 28540 R (732) JSC "EVEX CLINICS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia; JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia (770) JSC "Medical Corporation EVEX" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia (580) 13 06 2019 ______

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(111) M 1999 12335 R (770) BRACCO SUISSE S.A. (732) FORD MOTOR COMPANY Via Cantonale, Galleria 2, 6928 Manno, One American Road, Dearborn, Michigan Switzerland 48126, USA (580) 13 05 2019 (770) FORD MOTOR COMPANY ______The American Road, Dearborn, Michigan 48121, USA (111) M 1999 11984 R (580) 13 06 2019 (732) BRACCO SUISSE S.A ______Via Ponteggia 23-6814 CADEMPINO, Switzerland (111) M 1999 12715 R (770) BRACCO SUISSE S.A. (732) E.I. DU PONT de NEMOURS and Via Ponteggia 2386814 CADEMPINO, COMPANY Switzerland Chestnut Run Plaza, 974 Centre Road, (580) 13 05 2019 Wilmington, DE 19805, USA ______(770) E.I. DU PONT de NEMOURS and COMPANY (111) M 2014 24637 R 1007 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware (732) JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" 19898, USA Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, (580) 03 06 2019 Georgia ______(770) JSC "Medical Corporation EVEX" Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, (111) M 2009 19236 R Georgia (732) LTD "CHAIMANIA" (580) 10 05 2019 Titsian Tabidze St. 57, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia ______(770) LTD "GAMA+" Titsian Tabidzis St. 16, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia (111) M 2014 24638 R (580) 12 06 2019 (732) JSC "EVEX HOSPITALS" ______Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia (111) M 2009 19544 R (770) JSC "Medical Corporation EVEX" (732) BRACCO SUISSE S.A. Vazha-Pshavela Av. 40, 0177, Tbilisi, Via Ponteggia 23-6814 CADEMPINO, Georgia Switzerland (580) 10 05 2019 (770) BRACCO SUISSE S.A. ______Via Cantonale, Galleria 2, CH-6928 Manno, Switzerland (111) M 2019 30729 R (580) 14 05 2019 (732) SUBWAY IP LLC ______8400 NW 36th St., Ste 530, Dorali, Florida, 33166, USA (111) M 2009 19545 R (770) SUBWAY IP Inc. (732) BRACCO SUISSE S.A. Florida, 33166, Maiami Springs, Otakhi 500, Via Ponteggia 23-6814 CADEMPINO, Roial Poinsiana Bul. 700, USA Switzerland (580) 13 06 2019 (770) BRACCO SUISSE S.A. ______Via Cantonale, Galleria 2, CH-6928 Manno, Switzerland (111) M 2019 30730 R (580) 14 05 2019 (732) Subway IP LLC ______8400 NW 36th St., Ste 530, Dorali, Florida, 33166, USA (111) M 1999 11983 R (770) Subway IP Inc. (732) BRACCO SUISSE S.A. Florida, 33166, Maiami Springs, Otakhi 500, Via Ponteggia 23-6814 CADEMPINO, Roial Poinsiana Bul. 700, USA Switzerland (580) 13 06 2019 ______

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(111) M 1997 5401 R (732) ASTELLAS PHARMA INC. 5-1, Nihonbashi-Honcho, 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (770) ASTELLAS PHARMA INC. 3-11, Nihonbashi-Honcho, 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan (580) 30 05 2019 ______

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(111) M 1998 11292 R (111) M 1998 11333 R (151) 1998 12 14 (151) 1998 12 16 (732) EUROPEAN REFRESHMENTS (732) ISOLA AS Southgate, Dublin Road, Drogheda, A92 3945 Eidanger, Norway YK7W, Ireland ______(111) M 1998 11334 R (111) M 1998 11297 R (151) 1998 12 16 (151) 1998 12 14 (732) ISOLA AS (732) NOVO NORDISK A/S 3945 Eidanger, Norway Novo Alle, DK-2880 Bagsvaerd, Denmark ______(111) M 1998 11262 R (111) M 1998 11320 R (151) 1998 12 11 (151) 1998 12 16 (732) Aventis-Pharma Deutschland GmbH (732) MASTEY DE PARIS, INC. Brüningstrasse 50, 65926 Frankfurt am Main, 25413 Rye Canyon Road, Valencia, California Germany 91355, USA ______(111) M 1998 11263 R (111) M 1998 11251 R (151) 1998 12 11 (151) 1998 12 11 (732) Edgewell Personal Care Brands LLC (732) WYETH 6 Research Drive, Shelton, Connecticut Five Giralda Farms, Madison, New Jersey, 06484, USA 07940, USA ______(111) M 1998 11264 R (111) M 1998 11253 R (151) 1998 12 11 (151) 1998 12 11 (732) PRESTIGE BRANDS INTERNATIONAL, INC. (732) BARRY CALLEBAUT AG 90 North Broadway, Irvington, New York, Westpark, Pfingstweidstrasse 60, 8005 Zurih, 10533, USA Switzerland ______(111) M 1998 11266 R (111) M 1998 11331 R (151) 1998 12 11 (151) 1998 12 16 (732) Edgewell Personal Care Brands LLC (732) HANES IP EUROPE S.À.R.L. 6 Research Drive, Shelton, Connecticut Atrium Buisiness Park, 33 rue du Puits 06484, USA Romain, L-8070 Bertrange, Grand Duchy of, ______Luxembourg ______(111) M 1998 11267 R (151) 1998 12 11 (111) M 1998 11332 R (732) JOHNSON & JOHNSON (151) 1998 12 16 One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, New (732) HANES IP EUROPE S.À.R.L. Brunswick, New Jersey 08933-7001, USA Atrium Buisiness Park, 33 rue du Puits ______Romain, L-8070 Bertrange, Grand Duchy of, Luxembourg (111) M 1998 11315 R ______(151) 1998 12 16 (732) GODIVA BELGIUM B.V.B.A./S.P.R.L. (111) M 1998 11309 R Wapenstilstandstraat 5 (rue de L'Armistice 5) (151) 1998 12 16 B-1080 Brussels, Belgium (732) SOREMARTEC S.A. ______Findel Business Center, Complexe B, Rue de TREVEX, L-2632 Findel, Luxembourg ______

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(111) M 1998 11278 R (111) M 1998 11300 R (151) 1998 12 14 (151) 1998 12 16 (732) CHINOIN Gyóyszer-és Vegyészeti Termékek (732) LEPL INSTITUTE TECHINFORM Gyára Zártkörüen Müködö Rt., (Chinoin Zrt.); M. Kostava St. 47, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia CHINOIN Pharmaceutical and Chemical ______Works Private o., Ltd; CHINOIN avod farmacevticheskkh i (111) M 2008 18970 R Khimicheskikh izdelij Zakritoj A/O., (151) 2008 12 15 Chinoin ZA/O (732) LTD "Samgori Poultry Factory" H-1045 Budapest, Tó utca 1-5, Hungary Gamarjveba St. 1, 1307, , Georgia ______

(111) M 1998 11279 R (111) M 2008 18972 R (151) 1998 12 14 (151) 2008 12 15 (732) CHINOIN Gyóyszer-és Vegyészeti Termékek (732) JSC "MAUDI" Gyára Zártkörüen Müködö Rt., (Chinoin Zrt.); Akaki Tseretli Av. 140, 0119, Tbilisi, Georgia CHINOIN Pharmaceutical and Chemical ______Works Private o., Ltd; CHINOIN avod farmacevticheskkh i (111) M 2008 18973 R Khimicheskikh izdelij Zakritoj A/O., (151) 2008 12 15 Chinoin ZA/O (732) LTD "IRAO INVEST GROUP" H-1045 Budapest, Tó utca 1-5, Hungary St. 27, 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia ______

(111) M 1998 11283 R (111) M 2008 18975 R (151) 1998 12 14 (151) 2008 12 15 (732) American-Cigarette Company (Overseas) (732) LTD "LATE" Limited Paliashvili St. 55, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia Zählerweg 4, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland ______(111) M 2008 18976 R (111) M 1998 11288 R (151) 2008 12 15 (151) 1998 12 14 (732) Chichiko Goletiani (732) CHINOIN Gyóyszer-és Vegyészeti Termékek Davit Agmashenebeli Av. 71, 0102, Tbilisi, Gyára Zártkörüen Müködö Rt., (Chinoin Zrt.); Georgia CHINOIN Pharmaceutical and Chemical ______Works Private o., Ltd; CHINOIN avod farmacevticheskkh i (111) M 2008 18979 R Khimicheskikh izdelij Zakritoj A/O., (151) 2008 12 15 Chinoin ZA/O (732) AURORA Trading & Investment Associate, Inc. H-1045 Budapest, Tó utca 1-5, Hungary Two Greenville Grossing, Suite 300A, 4001 ______Kennet Pike, P.O. Box 4477, New Castle Country, Wilmington, Delaware (111) M 1998 11289 R 19807-0477, USA (151) 1998 12 14 ______(732) CHINOIN Gyóyszer-és Vegyészeti Termékek Gyára Zártkörüen Müködö Rt., (Chinoin Zrt.); (111) M 2008 18981 R CHINOIN Pharmaceutical and Chemical (151) 2008 12 15 Works Private o., Ltd; (732) JSC "LOMISI" CHINOIN avod farmacevticheskkh i Vill. Natakhtari, Mtskheta districti, 3308, Khimicheskikh izdelij Zakritoj A/O., Georgia Chinoin ZA/O ______H-1045 Budapest, Tó utca 1-5, Hungary ______(111) M 2008 18984 R (151) 2008 12 15 (732) LTD "REALTY GROUP-GEORGIA" Al. Kazbegi Av. 12b, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia ______

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(111) M 2008 18988 R (111) M 2008 19012 R (151) 2008 12 15 (151) 2008 12 15 (732) VLADIMER AVETISYAN (732) JSC "TSKALI MARGEBELI" Dolabauri St. 2, 0144, Tbilisi, Georgia Vill. Nabeghlavi, district, 4900, ______Georgia ______(111) M 2008 18991 R (151) 2008 12 15 (111) M 2011 21382 R (732) Wm. WRIGLEY Jr. Company (151) 2011 04 15 1132 West Blackhawk Street, Chicago, Illinois (732) LTD "SAGA IMPEX" 60642, USA Gamrekeli St. 19, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia ______

(111) M 2008 18992 R (111) M 2016 27407 R (151) 2008 12 15 (151) 2016 07 20 (732) CJSC "TEKHNONIKOL" (732) LTD "SAGA IMPEX" Krimskiy Val. 8, Moskow, 119049, Russian Gamrekeli St. 19, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia Federation ______(111) M 2017 28994 R (111) M 2008 18993 R (151) 2017 10 20 (151) 2008 12 15 (732) LTD "SAGA IMPEX" (732) CJSC "TEKHNONIKOL" Gamrekeli St. 19, 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia Krimskiy Val. 8, Moskow, 119049, Russian ______Federation ______

(111) M 2008 18995 R (151) 2008 12 15 (732) ZURAB SIKHARULIDZE O. Dgebuadze St. 1, Ap. 230, 0102, Tbilisi, Georgia ______

(111) M 2008 18996 R (151) 2008 12 15 (732) LTD "NEW VIEW" M. Laghidze St. 21, 0108, Tbilisi, Georgia ______

(111) M 2008 18997 R (151) 2008 12 15 (732) PHILIP MORRIS PRODUCTS S. A. Quai Jeanrenaud 3, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland ______

(111) M 2008 19000 R (151) 2008 12 15 (732) HAMID SHARIAT Roght Bank 2a, b. 53, 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia ______(111) M 2008 19001 R (151) 2008 12 15 (732) ECOPHARM PATENT MANAGEMENT AG Haldenstrasse 5, Baar, CH-6342, Switzerland ______

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NUMBER OF PUBLISHED INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEXES APPLICATION (51) (10) A 43 B 7/12; A 43 B 7/08 AP 2019 14649 A A 61 K 31/517; A 61 K 31/5377; A 61 P 35/00 AP 2019 14231 A A 61 K 31/695; A 61 K 38/56; A 61 K 31/415; A 61 К 31/7048; A 61 К 33/30; A 61 К 36/28; A 61 К 36/48; AP 2019 14625 A A 61 К 36/81; A 61 К 36/886; A 61 К 453/06; A 61 К 9/00; A 61 К 31/14; A 61 К 31/164 A 61 K 39/00 AP 2019 13226 A A 61 P 17/00; A 61 K 36/71; A 61 K 36/258; A 61 K 36/886 AP 2019 13925 A


NUMBER OF PUBLISHED INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEXES APPLICATION (51) (10) AP 2019 13226 A A 61 K 39/00 AP 2019 13925 A A 61 P 17/00; A 61 K 36/71; A 61 K 36/258; A 61 K 36/886 AP 2019 14231 A A 61 K 31/517; A 61 K 31/5377; A 61 P 35/00 A 61 K 31/695; A 61 K 38/56; A 61 K 31/415; A 61 К 31/7048; A 61 К 33/30; A 61 К 36/28; A 61 К 36/48; A 61 К 36/81; AP 2019 14625 A A 61 К 36/886; A 61 К 453/06; A 61 К 9/00; A 61 К 31/14; A 61 К 31/164 AP 2019 14649 A A 43 B 7/12; A 43 B 7/08


NUMBER NUMBER INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX OF PUBLISHED OF PATENT (51) APPLICATION (11) (10) A 61 K 31/404; A 61 K 31/138; A 61 K 9/24; P 2019 6989 B AP 2019 14507 A A 61 K 9/16 A 61 K 31/395; A 61 P 31/04; C 07 D 413/14; C 07 D 471/04; C 07 D 491/04; C 07 D 401/14; P 2019 6991 B AP 2019 14540 A C 07 D 495/04; C 07 D 497/04; C 07 D 493/04; C 07 D 405/14 A 61 M 5/31; B 23 P 17/04 P 2019 6990 B AP 2019 14559 A A 63 F 03/00 P 2019 6988 B AP 2019 14708 A C 12 G 1/032 P 2019 6992 B AP 2019 14762 A C 22 B 3/10; C 01 F 5/00; C 01 F 5/30; C 22 B 26/22; C 22 B 3/22; C 22 B 3/44; P 2019 6987 B AP 2019 14426 A C 25 C 3/04 C 30 B 11/00; C 30 B 30/04 P 2019 6986 B AP 2019 14142 A

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NUMBER NUMBER OF PUBLISHED INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX OF PATENT APPLICATION (51) (11) (10) P 2019 6986 B AP 2019 14142 A C 30 B 11/00; C 30 B 30/04 C 22 B 3/10; C 01 F 5/00; C 01 F 5/30; C 22 B P 2019 6987 B AP 2019 14426 A 26/22; C 22 B 3/22; C 22 B 3/44; C 25 C 3/04 P 2019 6988 B AP 2019 14708 A A 63 F 03/00 A 61 K 31/404; A 61 K 31/138; A 61 K 9/24; P 2019 6989 B AP 2019 14507 A A 61 K 9/16 P 2019 6990 B AP 2019 14559 A A 61 M 5/31; B 23 P 17/04 A 61 K 31/395; A 61 P 31/04; C 07 D 413/14; C 07 D 471/04; C 07 D 491/04; C 07 D 401/14; P 2019 6991 B AP 2019 14540 A C 07 D 495/04; C 07 D 497/04; C 07 D 493/04; C 07 D 405/14 P 2019 6992 B AP 2019 14762 A C 12 G 1/032


NUMBER NUMBER OF PUBLISHED NUMBER OF PATENT OF APPLICATION APPLICATION (11) (21) (10) AP 2016 14142 AP 2019 14142 A P 2019 6986 B AP 2015 14426 AP 2019 14426 A P 2019 6987 B AP 2015 14507 AP 2019 14507 A P 2019 6989 B AP 2015 14540 AP 2019 14540 A P 2019 6991 B AP 2014 14559 AP 2019 14559 A P 2019 6990 B AP 2018 14708 AP 2019 14708 A P 2019 6988 B AP 2016 14762 AP 2019 14762 A P 2019 6992 B






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NUMBER NUMBER INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INDEX OF PUBLISHED OF PATENT (51) APPLICATION (11) (10) A 61 P 25/08 U 2019 2014 Y AU 2019 14892 U A 62 D 1/00 U 2019 2013 Y AU 2019 14765 U A 63 F 13/00 U 2019 2015 Y AU 2019 14806 U


NUMBER NUMBER INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF PUBLISHED OF PATENT INDEX APPLICATION (11) (51) (10) U 2019 2013 Y AU 2019 14765 U A 62 D 1/00 U 2019 2014 Y AU 2019 14892 U A 61 P 25/08 U 2019 2015 Y AU 2019 14806 U A 63 F 13/00


NUMBER NUMBER OF PUBLISHED NUMBER OF PATENT OF APPLICATION APPLICATION (11) (21) (10) AU 2018 14765 AU 2019 14765 U U 2019 2013 Y AU 2018 14806 AU 2019 14806 U U 2019 2015 Y AU 2018 14892 AU 2019 14892 U U 2019 2014 Y






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NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF PUBLISHED NUMBER OF REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS (111) (210) APPLICATIONS BULLETIN (260) M 2019 31371 R AM 103452 - 13(521)2019 M 2019 31372 R AM 103667 - 13(521)2019 M 2019 31373 R AM 103427 - 13(521)2019 M 2019 31374 R AM 103679 - 13(521)2019 M 2019 31371 R AM 103687 - 13(521)2019 M 2019 31371 R AM 98396 - 13(521)2019 M 2019 31377 R AM 103770 - 13(521)2019 M 2019 31378 R AM 103659 - 13(521)2019 M 2019 31379 R AM 103428 - 13(521)2019 M 2019 31380 R AM 92366 AM 2019 92366 A 3(511)2019 M 2019 31381 R AM 96309 AM 2019 96309 A 4(512)2019 M 2019 31382 R AM 96310 AM 2019 96310 A 4(512)2019 M 2019 31383 R AM 96708 AM 2018 96708 A 20(504)2018 M 2019 31384 R AM 96904 AM 2019 96904 A 2(510)2019 M 2019 31385 R AM 97185 AM 2019 97185 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31386 R AM 97224 AM 2018 97224 A 23(507)2018 M 2019 31387 R AM 97225 AM 2019 97225 A 1(509)2019 M 2019 31388 R AM 97392 AM 2018 97392 A 23(507)2018 M 2019 31389 R AM 97393 AM 2018 97393 A 23(507)2018 M 2019 31390 R AM 97407 AM 2018 97407 A 24(508)2018 M 2019 31391 R AM 97462 AM 2018 97462 A 24(508)2018 M 2019 31392 R AM 97780 AM 2019 97780 A 1(509)2019 M 2019 31393 R AM 97781 AM 2019 97781 A 1(509)2019 M 2019 31394 R AM 97793 AM 2019 97793 A 1(509)2019 M 2019 31395 R AM 97794 AM 2019 97794 A 1(509)2019 M 2019 31396 R AM 97796 AM 2019 97796 A 1(509)2019 M 2019 31397 R AM 97893 AM 2019 97893 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31398 R AM 98004 AM 2019 98004 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31399 R AM 98198 AM 2019 98198 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31400 R AM 98223 AM 2019 98223 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31401 R AM 98224 AM 2019 98224 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31402 R AM 98225 AM 2019 98225 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31403 R AM 98226 AM 2019 98226 A 3(511)2019 M 2019 31404 R AM 98228 AM 2019 98228 A 3(511)2019 M 2019 31405 R AM 98229 AM 2019 98229 A 3(511)2019 M 2019 31406 R AM 98247 AM 2019 98247 A 4(512)2019 M 2019 31407 R AM 98248 AM 2019 98248 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31408 R AM 98550 AM 2019 98550 A 4(512)2019 M 2019 31409 R AM 98551 AM 2019 98551 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31410 R AM 98679 AM 2019 98679 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31411 R AM 98681 AM 2019 98681 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31412 R AM 98687 AM 2019 98687 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31413 R AM 98696 AM 2019 98696 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31414 R AM 98771 AM 2019 98771 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31415 R AM 98971 AM 2019 98971 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31416 R AM 99070 AM 2019 99070 A 5(513)2019 M 2019 31417 R AM 103789 - 13(521)2019

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1 2 NUMBER OF NUMBER OF AM 2019 100788 A AM 100788 PUBLISHED APPLICATION AM 2019 100803 A AM 100803 APPLICATION (210) (260) AM 2019 100804 A AM 100804 AM 2019 100808 A AM 100808 1 2 AM 2019 100809 A AM 100809 AM 2019 100407 A AM 100407 AM 2019 100815 A AM 100815 AM 2019 100416 A AM 100416 AM 2019 100818 A AM 100818 AM 2019 100418 A AM 100418 AM 2019 100821 A AM 100821 AM 2019 100433 A AM 100433 AM 2019 100875 A AM 100875 AM 2019 100447 A AM 100447 AM 2019 100890 A AM 100890 AM 2019 100465 A AM 100465 AM 2019 99487 A AM 99487 AM 2019 100586 A AM 100586 AM 2019 99489 A AM 99489 AM 2019 100595 A AM 100595 AM 2019 99490 A AM 99490 AM 2019 100597 A AM 100597 AM 2019 99491 A AM 99491 AM 2019 100602 A AM 100602 AM 2019 99493 A AM 99493 AM 2019 100672 A AM 100672 AM 2019 99494 A AM 99494 AM 2019 100674 A AM 100674 AM 2019 99495 A AM 99495 AM 2019 100675 A AM 100675 AM 2019 99496 A AM 99496 AM 2019 100676 A AM 100676 AM 2019 99497 A AM 99497 AM 2019 100680 A AM 100680 AM 2019 99499 A AM 99499 AM 2019 100687 A AM 100687 AM 2019 99500 A AM 99500 AM 2019 100690 A AM 100690 AM 2019 99502 A AM 99502 AM 2019 100691 A AM 100691 AM 2019 99503 A AM 99503 AM 2019 100694 A AM 100694 AM 2019 99504 A AM 99504 AM 2019 100695 A AM 100695 AM 2019 99505 A AM 99505 AM 2019 100702 A AM 100702 AM 2019 99506 A AM 99506 AM 2019 100764 A AM 100764 AM 2019 99507 A AM 99507 AM 2019 100768 A AM 100768 AM 2019 99750 A AM 99750


1 2 NUMBER OF INDEX OF GOODS 5 AM 2019 100687 A PUBLISHED AND/OR SERVICES 5 AM 2019 100694 A APPLICATIONS (511) 5 AM 2019 100695 A (26) 5 AM 2019 100803 A 1 2 5 AM 2019 100804 A 1 AM 2019 100595 A 5 AM 2019 99750 A 1 AM 2019 99487 A 7 AM 2019 100809 A 2 AM 2019 99489 A 7 AM 2019 100815 A 3 AM 2019 99490 A 7 AM 2019 99493 A 4 AM 2019 100690 A 8 AM 2019 100809 A 4 AM 2019 100691 A 9 AM 2019 100465 A 4 AM 2019 99491 A 9 AM 2019 100764 A 5 AM 2019 100433 A 9 AM 2019 99494 A 5 AM 2019 100447 A 11 AM 2019 100809 A 5 AM 2019 100597 A 11 AM 2019 99495 A 5 AM 2019 100672 A 12 AM 2019 100690 A 5 AM 2019 100674 A 12 AM 2019 100691 A 5 AM 2019 100675 A 12 AM 2019 100815 A 5 AM 2019 100676 A 16 AM 2019 100702 A

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1 2 1 2 17 AM 2019 99496 A 35 AM 2019 100768 A 19 AM 2019 99497 A 35 AM 2019 100808 A 20 AM 2019 99499 A 36 AM 2019 100764 A 21 AM 2019 100809 A 37 AM 2019 100690 A 21 AM 2019 99500 A 37 AM 2019 100691 A 22 AM 2019 99502 A 37 AM 2019 100821 A 23 AM 2019 99503 A 37 AM 2019 100875 A 24 AM 2019 99504 A 38 AM 2019 100764 A 28 AM 2019 100702 A 40 AM 2019 100821 A 29 AM 2019 99505 A 41 AM 2019 100764 A 30 AM 2019 99506 A 41 AM 2019 100768 A 31 AM 2019 99507 A 41 AM 2019 100821 A 32 AM 2019 100416 A 42 AM 2019 100764 A 32 AM 2019 100586 A 42 AM 2019 100821 A 32 AM 2019 100602 A 42 AM 2019 100875 A 33 AM 2019 100407 A 43 AM 2019 100418 A 33 AM 2019 100788 A 43 AM 2019 100586 A 33 AM 2019 100818 A 43 AM 2019 100680 A 35 AM 2019 100586 A 44 AM 2019 100768 A 35 AM 2019 100702 A 44 AM 2019 100890 A 35 AM 2019 100764 A


NUMBERS OF REGISTERED ACCORDING INDEX OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES TO THE ACCELERATED PROCEDURE (511) (111) 5 M 2019 31417 R 18 M 2019 31377 R 25 M 2019 31377 R 32 M 2019 31371 R 32 M 2019 31379 R 33 M 2019 31379 R 34 M 2019 31372 R 35 M 2019 31374 R 35 M 2019 31375 R 35 M 2019 31377 R 35 M 2019 31378 R 36 M 2019 31374 R 36 M 2019 31375 R 36 M 2019 31376 R 37 M 2019 31374 R 37 M 2019 31375 R 39 M 2019 31378 R 41 M 2019 31373 R

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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: N. Bebrishvili


PROOFREADER: A. Shikhashvili

COMPUTER LAYOUT: M. Ordenidze K. Svanidze

www.sakpatenti.gov.ge E-mail: [email protected]