Annexure - I Details of Experience Director Operations (Other Units) As a member of Board of Directors of BEL (Navratna PSU, Schedule ‘A’ company), principal job involved heading the Eight operational units Pan . The primary responsibility as a director involved ensuring that BEL achieves operational excellence and is constantly moving towards fulfilling its short-term and long-term goals in line with the Vision and Mission of the Company and strategic directives laid down by the Board of Directors and the Ministry of Defence.

Responsibilities: To ensure efficient functioning of Eight Units of BEL (excluding Bangalore) and the Company by closely monitoring the operating/ financial results against MoU targets, Roll on Plans and Annual Budget. 1. To develop and implement operational strategies that reflects long term objectives and priorities established by the Board, in line with the strategic business plans of the Company. 3. To liaise with various regulatory authorities, Ministries, customers, etc., in order to strengthen business ties and open diverse and new business opportunities for the Company. 4. To provide greater thrust on indigenization through enhanced R&D efforts and strengthening collaborative partnerships with design partners like DRDO, LRDE, DRDL, etc. and as well with Private Vendors. 5. To manage market leads and explore the possibilities of diversification both in terms of market segments and products. 6. To promote self-reliance through ‘Make in India’ initiatives and indigenization.

Significant Contribution: 1. The OU (Other Units) achieved highest ever top line of INR 6300 Cr cumulative for the eight units under my span of control. Maintained a growth of 16%-18% YoY and maintained profitability at 19%. Three out of eight units crossed INR 1000 Cr sales which is a benchmark in a FY. 2. NCS SBU (one of the eight SBUs of the OU) was awarded Best Performing SBU of the Company. 3. Reduction in closing inventory by 8% and increase in fund collection by 16% over previous year. 4. Major products delivered to customers include Batch-1 of IACCS (Integrated Air Command and Control Systems) by NCS SBU, Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) for the first time by PK Unit, Hand Held Thermal Imaging systems (HHTI) by MC Unit, Electronic artillery Fuzes by Unit, Battle field Surveillance System (BSS) by DCCS SBU, LLTR (Low Level Transportable ) by Radar SBU. 5. Major orders earned under market competitions are Electronic Fuzes and Batteries by Pune Unit, Mod CMS for 23 ships by DCCS SBU, Jammer by PK Unit, SOTM by SCCS SBU totalling reaching an yearend closing order of INR 55,000 Cr for the organisation. 6. Completion of major infrastructural facility and commencement of operations of IACCS Software Lab in NCS SBU, Electronic Fuze complex in Pune Unit, EMI/EMC test facility in Chennai Unit, EVM manufacturing facility at Panchkula Unit and Composite manufacturing facility at Navi Mumbai Unit. 7. All units of OU have been rated excellent as per MOU parameters which are a manifestation of all round excellent financial and business results. 8. New major manufacturing facilities, viz., Electro Optics facility in Andhra Pradesh and explosive handling and integration facility in Nagpur, Maharashtra, Electronic Warfare Unit at Ibrahimpatnam, Telengana have been finalised, thereby creating scope for growth in business through diversification. 9. The OU has maintained an up time of >95% of all the systems supplied to defence forces. This high level of operational efficiency of equipments supplied has been appreciated by customers.


10. Navi Mumbai Plant was completely revamped, made a turnaround and is now a profit-making unit of the organisation. Technology Transfer (ToT) agreements with foreign companies have been signed for manufacture and export of Blast Doors, Blast Valves which will enhance the export potential of the unit.

General Manager (Human Resources) During my tenure as GM (HR) from 01.09.2012 to 30.06.2014 the Unit witnessed a huge transformation in the role of HR and the HR function has played a predominant role in determining and steering the contours of the Company’s Vision, Mission and Objectives. Being HR head of the biggest Unit in the Company, my aim was to set a bench mark in HR domain which will bring about a cultural and organisational change. In this direction, a host of innovative HR initiatives were planned, conceptualized, implemented, monitored and revised in order to ensure effective management of human resources and optimize business growth. The major initiatives under my leadership as Unit HR Head are as follows:

• Revitalize the Employee Relations in the Unit through persistent engagement with representatives, to enable an atmosphere of increased efficiency and smooth implementation of Company policies. • Strategize the augmentation of the available competencies of the workforce, keeping in view the potential business prospects of the company. To bridge the competency gap, an academy for excellence named BAE ( Academy for Excellence) was set up to train the work force and build competencies for both Technical and Professional. The Academy for Excellence grooms the best talent and focuses on extensive training in the areas of Quality, Technology & Leadership. • Explore the new HR initiatives to improve the productivity of the employees and enhance the satisfaction level of all stake holders. The career progression policies for executives and non- executives of the Company have been revamped to provide better focus on employees’ needs for growth and development. The Promotion Policy for executives and career plan for non- executives was revisited and modified suitably with an emphasis to recognize the talent and contributors. • Employee Engagement Initiatives: Regular communication and involvement of various employees including Trade Union Leaders in various business strategies facilitated information sharing and arriving at collaborative solutions and has improved employee engagement. Business Review workshops were introduced for trade union representatives to facilitate interactions with Management and promote a participative culture in the organization. • Foster a working environment where employees are inculcated with a keen sense of discipline and an awareness of the values that build the culture of the organization. • Anticipate and initiate the requirement and restructuring of manpower, which is crucial to meet prospective needs. • New-age Security Systems & Solutions: Introduction of bio-metric system of attendance for the first time in the Company at Bangalore Unit. Introduction of advanced technology based security gadgets such as CCTV Surveillance, Wireless communication, Access Control Systems, etc. Reinforced the security and stability of the Unit, through firm and resolute action and implementation of secure systems.

General Manager (Missile Systems) As head of the largest SBU, in terms of revenue / turnover generated, my key responsibility was to acquire technology from DRDO and manufacture world class SAM (Surface to Air Missile) systems viz. Missile Systems. My assignments as SBU head besides manufacturing the Missile system included close interaction with Defense Forces (IAF and ARMY), DRDO, MSQAA and other major Vendor Partners. Major achievements include 2

successful conclusion of the firing trials, placing the SAM system as a world class system in the Short-Range Missile (SR) category. Commissioning of the AMS at user location has earned huge reputation to the company and the SBU. MS SBU achieved an all-time high turnover of INR 1,882 Cr during FY 2015-16 accounting for 27% of the corporate turnover. Backed by a good order book as a result of repeat requirement orders from IAF and Army, the SBU is poised to outperform in years to come. Akash Missile System, a world class weapon system in Short Range category is one of the prized possessions of the defense forces and is a deterrent to insurgency and terror attacks by neighboring countries.

My assignments also included developing new business by partnering with DRDO and other International manufacturers. MR SAM, QR SAM, Akash Upgrade, Akash Mk II, LR SAM etc. are an outcome of such initiatives. Successfully set up Infrastructure and built competency to acquire knowledge and ToT from DRDO for manufacturing “Seekers” for missiles.

Additional General Manager (Akash) / Military SBU I was the project coordinator of the prestigious order received by BEL- Akash Missile Systems for IAF. The project was of national importance and was being manufactured in the country for the first time. The project was in its conceptualization stage with DRDO as the design partners and several other organizations as its stakeholders. BEL was nominated as the manufacturing agency. My significant contributions in successful management of the project are:

• Managing the Scope & the Scope changes. • Vendor Development & Partnership building. • Regular monitoring of the progress, corrective actions & risk mitigation. • Communication to all the stakeholders on the updates. • Coordination with stakeholders IAF, DRDO, MSQAA, Vendor partners etc. • Interactions with User for Infrastructure works & Installation and Commissioning. • Managing the Human Resource issues of all stakeholders. This resulted in: • Timely realization of the Akash project through effective Stake Holder Management. There was no time and cost overrun. • Successfully Fielded the Akash Missile System for Firing trials at , Orissa. The firing trials were a huge success. • Further order received for 6 more Squadrons from IAF and 2 regiments from .

Sr. Deputy General Manager / Deputy General Manager - Corporate TORQUE • Having 18 yrs. of shop experience in Production Planning & Control of vital communication projects in BEL-Panchkula, I was selected and transferred to Corporate TORQUE (Total Organizational Quality Enhancement) in 2001 for coordinating various Quality functions in the organization. • BEL had embarked on the Six Sigma journey. I assumed charge as the corporate coordinator for implementation and handholding of green belts of Other Units in the six sigma projects being worked upon by them. I mentored about 300 officers who were carrying out projects in various units. • As lead auditor of QMS and EMS I was primarily responsible for auditing, coordinating, implementing system standards and up-gradation of certification. • Institutionalized the BE Excellence Award in the organization. • Introduced IEQMS Audit in the company and coordinated the Certification of AS 9100. • I am a member of International Project Management Association (IPMA) and have done three international assessments. • I was chosen by Asian Productivity Council, Japan / NPC, to represent the country for the Business Excellence Awards in Australia.


Corporate Social Responsibility

Period as Apex Committee Chairman: 1-05-2016 to 12-03-2018 The primary role of the Apex Committee is to ensure that the Company complies with Section 135 & Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 and various guidelines issued by the Government of India on CSR from time to time. Accordingly, the Corporate Apex Committee centrally evaluates the CSR Project proposals received from the Units and recommends those proposals that meet the guidelines for Management approval. Review of on-going projects is a continuous process.

During my tenure as Apex Committee Chairman, a budget of INR 64.84 Cr was allocated for 46 identified CSR Projects undertaken by the company in varied sectors. The major CSR initiatives in the areas of Health Care, Skill Development, Education, Rural Development, Environment Protection and Conservation of Resources were embarked upon keeping in view the needs of the community and the initiatives were aimed at earning the goodwill of the community, enhancing the brand image of BEL in line with our business interests. The Company participated in all the flagship programmes of the Govt. of India, namely ‘Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan’, ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ & ‘Skill India’ besides implementing innumerable standalone projects.