Serving South Brunswick since 1958

Vol, 41, No. 28 Thursday, July 10,1997 60 Cents

Publication Commission caiis for charter change By Ken Weingartner supervises departments and liire.s/ Staff Writer fires personnel. Committee members Picks council-manager as best form serve as liaisons, to tlie various ile- It is lime lor a ctiiingo in .Soiiih partmenls within the system. termine if a change is necessary.’ comment on , its proposal unlili that manager lorm would come to powei rtninswick. , Under tlie proposed council-man­ INSIbE At least ihat IS the (ipinion ol the In a three-page prehmmiiry re­ lime-. 111 .lanuary, 1999. ” ager form, the w’ouncil Imictions as Charier Sliitiy Gunimission. which oib port. the colnmission coiiChitleil that Ill November. Ihc eommission's Under the current township coni- the legislative liraneh ot tlie govern- Weclnesday recommeiKletl th:ii .South nnmerons llel leieocies, m the cm rent proposal will go belore township vo'l- niittee form, the Irve-meiiibei: body inenl. 'I'hemanager, who is appointed ■ Brunswick alianclou the. township lorm o f government were adequate ers. If the volers do not favor a acts as both tile exeeuiivc ;ind legisUir Time Off hy the cotinctl, serves as duel' exeeu- connniltee fonn of governnient in fa­ reasons to veeonimend the cliange. change, tlie township eommitice lorm live hranches (if.llie government. 'I he vor ol'coinicil-nianager. A lull report derailing the ration-; will remain III South Brunswick. mayor is selected tinnually hy mem­ live. According lo ini'ornuilion pro­ The five-member ptinel; empow­ ale lor recommending the eoimeil- ....If voters favor a change, iiuliyidu- bers o f the committee to serve as ered by voters last November, Inis manager lorm. will he released hy als seeking scats on the council will chairperson and has very lew speeitil vided by the Charier vStudy Commis-^ spent the last seven months review­ Aug; 4, according to commission run in June 1998 party priniiirjes. powers. Sion, the councif-manager lorm is' ing the Township Committee and al­ member l.ew Seliwarl/.. Mr. witli tlic winners then running for ;The committee appoints im. ad­ ternate for.ins of goyernnient to de- .Schwartz, said lli_e_ panel would not eleelion in November. The council- ministrator, who prepares llie luidgel. See CHARTER, Page 10A Carnival Nurses comes knock

Grin and Bear It: A mother- and-ciaughter team from to town HS plan Kendal! Park competes once again in a teddy bear com­ Rides, , petition in Lahaska, Pa. Sec Say 2 nurses Time Off. to benefit needed to meet PRINCETON Y building fund enrollment hike BUSINESS JOURNAL By Trudi Gilfillian By Trudi Gilfillian Tops In the draft Staff Writer Staff Writer ' - Mindy Lazar is exhausted; Some school nurses and commu- JAOicjLpmfessioual-spQrC: -accordmgJa-hciuiLLs_a_guodJaiid_u4- -T^^ymTCn^l5m■ral■^^BxprcT;l^I^g-dTs^•atITF- teams are trying to decide tired. laction with a reconimendation that Ms. Lazar, director of eommUmly who to draft, tliey often seek the new high school be staffed by’ development for the Soiilh BrunS- only one certified school;. help from Caliper, a human wick Family YMCA. has been busy .Several iiicmbcrs o f tin ad hoc assessment firm. See preparing for tlic A'MCA's iirst-cver eomniillec formed by Superintendent Princeton Business Journal. carnival, which was scheduled to Sam Stewart lo advise liim on health­ open Wcclnesdayviiglit and continues care issues facing the district said the through Sunday at .South Ifrunswick iiiajority ol the committee rcconi- NEWS High School on Ma)or Road. memled that the high school be staff­ “ Everything started arriving Sun­ ed by two certified nurses and one day and delivery finislied on Tiies- .secretary because of ;. increasing Contingency -dayC-she-saidcglEv.eiiy-ilimg-.'-iududeiL- school enrollment and growing work The school board w ill de­ ridcs, booths and food vendors, loads. The district’s nurses also ree- which w ill be open from I t ommeiidod that the liigh school liavc cide Monday whether the today (Thursday) and Friday and 4 to two certified sclioot nurses, citing the township’ s new high school II p.m.'on Saturday and Sunday. same concerns. w ill be ready for use in Sep-, With evcrytliing in place and; Dr, Stewart recommended last lembcr. Page 3 A: some cooperative weather, Ms, Laztir week that the high school be staffed . is hoping the carnival w ill be a huge temporarily by a certified scliool Windfall success. She reported that advance nurse., a clerical person and a regis­ ticket sales were suceesslul and most tered nurse. Unlike a certified school A legislative bill could grant locations sold out. nurse, a registered nurse would not South Brunswick an addi- Each ride at the carnival requires be certified lo teach health education -;i-diflerem-numher-oi-tickctS',-which- progrtims at tlie school. In addition,. Tionar$2T97iTniion irTschobl” can be purchased at tlie .lair. A sheet cerlilied school nurses must have at aid to be used to offset a tax ol'tickets IS available for .S 1,5. least a baclielor’ s degree tind have hike next year. Page-SA. “ There hasn't been ;i carnival in taken courses that focus on both town for two decades. We wanted to medical and educational issues — ' pul together an event that would wliieh is not tlie ease with registered SPORTS reach out to the community and olfer nurses. ------a sale, fun environment for tamihes,'' The high .school,''which has had she said. ; steadily increasing enrollment and is Coaching changes “ I'm so pleased and so proud of expected to house about 1,400 stu­ The girls basketball team the community, how they have han­ dentsnext year, has been operating ded together and ,olfe,'‘ed to help," witl'^ one nurse since 19ft(). A secre­ gets a new coach; while the Ms. Laztir added. “This is the finest tary joined the nursing office about varsity baseball club begins example of the true definition ol . 12 years ago. . - , ‘ . ■ ■ its search for its own new community." The Board of Education w ill vote Monday on: whether to accept Dr. leader. Pace L5A. The community vmII also reap bend Its after the ■ carnival because Stewart's reconimendation, proceeds Irom the event are ear­ : "What I decided is not to.make it marked* I'or the YMCA ouilding fund. decision now ;ind give (Susan Cohen, Ms. said the Y hopes to raise at the new high school nurse, and the least 520,000 alliie'difm'valT scliooFadministration) a . cliance to She said the YMCA has only an make a final recommendation.’^ Dr- administrative office at ilie. Mon­ Stewart said Wednesday. He said he mouth Junction First Aid Squad would give the new staffing program, building. Once space can be found, three months and then evaluate its ef­ Ms, Lazar said the organization plans fectiveness. .to expand its services; V Dr. Stewart said the three-person

See CARNIVAL, Page 10A See NURSE, Page 8A [Jayton woman shows she knows the score By Ken Weingartner Wrapping up Staff Writer “I just (did this on Injuries have created a Sara Ann Appelman luid nom- teiitiqns of marketing a new piod- . my spare time for rough road foi'S B A A ’ s net when she created Score Pads 12-year-oki all-star team. several years ago. ,. my family. 1 never Page 1 ,SA In fact, she didn't even lealize thought it would slie had created a new product. Tlie Dayton resident lust de­ go this far.” signed what would become patent­ ed this year as Score I’tids witli the Sara Ann Appelman intentions of lielping her paienis. Carmen and Emily AIcNsi ol Oak- INDEX met with representatives Irom Na­ liiirst, keep better seoie of ilieii tional Invention Services Ine. m card games. Cranlord. which is now haiulling "They were always looking for piiper.mid always having to ilraw the niarlvining of the product. "W e went m for an interview Classified IB up their own score sheets," said Community Ms. Appelman. wlio is employed ami tliey seemed to like it nglit as a eomputer analyst at Cosmair irom the start.’' Ms. Appelman Capsules,11A in'Daylon. "I ligmed I'd just make said."We’ ve been slowly pro­ sometliing lo helji them. gressing from one step lo the next. Editorial 6A . "1 let them play with tlie lorms 'Iliere was a lot of paperwork and Meetings 2A and iliey made suggestions. 1 kept lawyers involved." adding and taking away, and iliai’ s Ms. Appelman said .she .was • Obituaries 7A liow I came up willi.llie lorms. surprised that score sheets loi caul Tliey seem to like ilienii:i lot. it's • games, or board games such as ■ Religious ,seems to he helpful and they al­ . Scrabble, weren’t on the market. ways us them.". , "I tliuiighl with all the games News 12A Despite the eiidorsemeiil Irom out there'.' tlieie would lie some­ Senior lier parents, Ms. Appelman was re­ thing,” slie said.'“ l looked in all tlie luctant to pursue tlie marketing ol stores. 1 even went to wliere tliey, Calendar 11A -Staff photo by'John Kqating tlie score slieets. After some jimd- have special games and couldn't find anything. The only score pad Dayton resident Sara Ann Appelman with the score pads siio developed for card and board dmg Irom her luishand. l.otiis, she Sports 15A decided to give ii a try in 1,99.5. games. ■ - Tliai’s when Ms. .Appeii'iian See SCORE, Page 7A 2A - The Central Post Thursday, July 10, 1997

POLICE BLOTTER SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENT- ' l?arbiir;i J. David. 43,' M o n -■ Leon O. l..tburiiT2(). ol Oaktlale Pants contattimg a wallet w ith A ease eotiiaining 16 compact inouth .liiiiL'iion charged Avith, \dllage was chtirgetl with jiiissessioti $200 cash were stoleti from a Hen- tliscs was stoleti from a vehicle ■ mi : : Uiiless tilherwise speeifietl. all nieeiing.s are at the Muiiiei|iaf Build-' . driving whde iiitiixicatcd alter a mo- of mari juana with intent to distribute dersoti Road resideitce July 3. iwlice Robin Roail 111 Monnuniih Mobile lug. Ridge'Rmid. Monminilli Juneiion. jor vehicle stop /in , the Whi.spering after an itivestigalioii at hts residence said. . .. Home Park between July 3 am! iat- South Brmisvyick Cable Television bromlcasls meelmgs ul the Boaid . Woods , developincnl /It '9:47 p.hi., July .l , iiolicessaid. v ...... day. pohee said.There was no sign of of FTIucalioii. Township Committee. Plaiimiig BoanI ami /oiim g Boaid- dniy 3; police saiil. '' Patrolman .lohn Avalbne respoiul- forced , police said: , of AMjusimeni livc'on chtiniiel .‘iO. , ,, Pireamis and. ti cellular phone " ' An oll'-diitv Princeton Borough . ed to it dispute at the resideticc anti . •_:______------^-i------Avere-stoleiT Irom-an Oakdale- Village _aajXioca_ul3saiAa.J—tVl-s^Dav4d--ch'i \4 iig-- 4diiTRl“ rhe niariffiitna during a "jiaT^ T H U R S D A Y , . Ili r . Y 10 residence between 9 a.m. and 9:20 crratically on Route 27 north, police A 1996 l.lomla Accord on l•otll■ search, police saitl. Mr. Liburdwas p.-ni. .inly 2. police said, The stolen .said. The olTicer followed Ms. Dayuf haiii Court in High Gatewas broken C harter Study Commission. 7:30 p.m. . released froni the Middlese,N Comity gnus;which police said were .kept in to Whis|ieritig AVoods. where South into betweeij. 10 p.iii. July 3 and 9:30 Adult Cuntection Center on.S.s.OOl) a lockeil case,were a .380 automatic Zoning Board,of Adjustmeiil. 8 p.m. .'difnnswick Patrolman NVitrai. hail.' . . ■ ' a.m. Friday, police said,'The ignition Iviiviroiimeiital C'omniission. iegnlar iiieetiiig. 7:30 p.m, handgun. 9mm handgun. 30-06 rifle 'was dainaged in an aftempt to steal .Ir. coiulncted an investi'gatioti. , ami .44 Magnum handgun. . ' , , C’able Television Commi.ssion. 7:30 p.m. Ms. David was released on her the car. pvilice said. / A 1994 l IoiKhi; Accord valuetl at own recogtii/ance. police said. ■ MONDAY. ,IULY 14 , •! $12,000 was stoien from Sugar Ma­ (iasoline valued at $600 was sto­ ple Court in Royal Oaks between ’ The screen to a,.secoml-floor patio len froni a pump at Ploral Park Cem­ rloor of a .Sugar Maple Couit lesi- . Board of Kdiieation. work session, decision on opening ol new higli , Roheit T. Bennett. 36, / if Mon- Suntlay Nliiiukiy. police/saiil. A etery rm Rhode Hall Road aroutid 6 vlence in Royal Oaks was be­ school. 8 p.m. ' . 'mouth ,1 unction was charged with ,1997 idonda,- Accord ' valued, alt p. . .luty'd.-police said. 111 tween 8:30 ami 6:30 p.tii. July I . simple, iissault after a, disputv.'‘'at a .$17.000;was stolen froni Tvvin Oaks ji; jj; ■ Route I re.sulence ;it 2:39.p.m. Mon- Ctuirt tlnfitig the same time period. police said, i-ntiy to the residence TUESDAY,.Il)LY IS was not gained, police mided, day. police said'. . police said,.- / . ' Hiirty aluniinuni construction .. PatVcilmcn .leff Karpi.scak. .Scott •Jt -Jr signs valued at $4,000 were stolen Township t'ommittee. regnlaf meeting. 8 p.m. / .• . if froni Conte Hnterprises on Route 27 /.Williams and Richard Schwaiy re- .levvclry.'ii.VCR itiul compact disc M onm outh Junction and Kings-,, between June B.*! atid July 2,. police WEDNKSDAY,,IULY 16 . - ■i sponded' to- the incident^ police said. ton lirelighiers responded to a fire at player vvere stolen from a Providence .said.' Mr; liennett allegedlv' grabhcd anotli- Boulevard.resitlence in High Gate be-, ;|,.,yacani house at 11:43 p.m. Saiur-^ I’ianning Board, regular meeting. 8 p.m. .A;r:man by the throat and pushed him tween .Inly 2 aiiil 7'-49 Sunday. day. police said. No injuries were re­ inter, a tliior. Police .said cuts anti .|iolice .said. ■ Lniry was gained .by .A rock wa s thrown through the ported. bruises to the v ictim substanliatetl the breaking a rear dining room 'vindbw. sidewindow of a Debra Drive resi­ Also respomliiig were the Brook- T H U R S D A Y . . r U L Y 17 chiini. ' ; / Police said some of the stoien dence 111 W illow Hill Stiuare between view Fire Deparlment. the Moi> . Mr: ■ Beiiiiett was released tin his .propertv' was recoverevl in the woods S a.m, and 4 p.m. July 3. police said, mouth Junction F'irst Airf Siiiiad. the ■ Zoning Board of Adjiistiiu'iit, 8 [i.111. oWn recogni/ance..police said. . behind the residence. Daniaee was' estiiiiated at $300. i South Brunswick Police Departtiient C liarter Study C'ttmnii.ssion. 7:30 p.m. , i and the Fire Safety Bureau. Idhrary''Board of Tnistccs, 7:30 p.m.. South Brunswick Public brary. Kingston I,aiie. Momiiouth Junetion.

MONDAY, .Hll.Y 21 South Brunswick Family YMCA fj Foot Troubles? ^ Boiird of Ivdiication. legulai meeting. 8 p.m • PRESCHOOL CAMP lioard of Health, legulai meeting, 8 p m- Adventure, learning and fun for 3 to 5 year olds Warts? IIIURSDAY. .JULY 24 I led Pain? Can be reniov eil Vow. non .siiran.illy pennanenilv Swim lessons Certified counselors inv.isive proLVclures • Weekly themes Arts arid crafts Charter Study Commission, 7-30 p m iiwiilalilc Kn\ironm ent Commission, vvoik session, 7 30 p in ’ *• Kindergarten pprep Field trips Ingrow n _ • 7:30_____ am-6.00 ___ pm Half day option TUESDAY. .lU IA'29 Flat Feet? Toenails? Weekly sessions from June 30 to August 15 I tai lei’i can cau-c 'I'ovvnship Commfttec, work session. 8 p.m, serious prohicni'. a.- vour cliiKlivn erow Fun for a summer. Lessons for a Lifetime. , KicLs & Adults THURSDAY. .JULY 31 O f. R o b e rl L. F in k ^ South , The Brxiiiswick Foot & Ankle G roup Call today to register Brunswick CdiaiTer Study (Jonimission. 7:30 p.m. Ihnlialnc Mcchcinc & I'ool .'^iiinciT 908/329-1150 2 9 7 - 5 8 0 0

THI-: CFNI'R A L P O S T • , 397 Riduc Road ' ■ D E F I N I N' G Davton. N..1. ,08810 ■ , ^ . WE BUY-SELL- - .. 908-329-9214 . •, The Co Pitvi (1 MLS ''h7-fihHi IS piihhsiterl TRADE NEW & cverv 1 liiirsil.iV hv 1 he I’rineeion fMekcl Ine,. .VjU Wiilicrspi on .Street. Pin eeUMi. USED SPORTS IViioitic.ils postiige p.ihi .It I). uon..\J.0SSmatulai • S t y l e i n A m e r i c a V atidiUonal tiukilmg otlK'e i’

From American Country to Formal, Robert P. Fein, M .D. David A. Richards, M .D. Ethan Allen furnishings reflect the S A L E $1149 tnbeca sofa (ns shown) reg. $1299 ' ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE starting fabric: SALE $1049 reg. $.1199 extraordinary style, craftsmanship M arcus P. Porcelli, M .D. HAS JOINED THEM IN THE PRACTICE and value that have been out- OF MEDICAL ONCOLOGY signatures since 1932. AND HEMATOLOGY

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Thursday, July 10, 1997 The Central Post 3 A High school decision due Monday Board to set when students will take classes in new building^ Ayto By Trudi Gilfillian . "It's hard to .say how much is left been done in the auditorium anil mu­ In , May, Mr, l.aiirita ‘ said . the sic rooms,. ' bfiilding construction w;is on track. • Repair . Staff Writer to be done. That requires the exper­ tise o f our professionals.” Mr. Lauiita “That was ii decision made some­ He said the board rccogni/cd in Oc­ /\ii aniuninccfiiciil rci>;ircling llie said. "We arc relying on them to time ago because vve ilidn’l need tober I dd.'i' that it was necessary . to opening diitc of llic new high school make the decision based on thei; ex­ them at .the very beginning ol prepare for a delay in the new build­ EDISON GENERATOR In Dayton •is expected lo he made Monday niglil pertise a'nd knowledge. It would be school," he said. ■ ■ ing’s completion.'.Tbe board nici in AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES at.lhe Boaul ol Education meeting.^ foolish to make a decision without The . contingehey plan prepares October IdOb to discuss a : form;il “ We neetl a substantial portion of them." ■ I for three possible completion dales; ■ plan." A contingency commiltee was 2276 U:S. Highway 130 Dayton, NJ 08810 tlie academic aretis to be ready." said He said some of those |)rofession- Sept. 8. Oct. 7 iind Nov. 18. lormcd in December to develop one. (Across from Dayton Ford near Fresh Pond Rd.) hoard incsident Brian Lainitit. Mr. ;ils, including the architect, are ex­ The board plans to have sludenis Mr.,Laurita saiil that il the district Laurita said the hoard's priority was" pected to be present for Monday's attend the schools they w ould have is forced to rely On one of ihe contin­ (308) 329-6300 to have a hudding that is ready to announcement. attended if the new high scliool was gency plans, space in the schools will not being built. Eor instance, il the house the students in it safe environ­ Construction began in October. be “ at a premium. 0|)cning the building is not ready, grades nine ment. IW.*!. • school will mean a lot to us in terms through 12 would attend the existing Mr. I^aurila said'’hc and .tlie hoard “ We've had a very aggressive of'atidiliohal space." AIR CONDITIONING high school building on Major Road, liiivc heen updated on the building\s If . thC' high school < opens as timetiiblc andour construction people gratles seven and eight would attend prttgress by the project engineer, ar­ plaiined. students in grades nine have,been diligently working lo com­ the current’ Crossrotids building on chitect; and construction olTicials. through 12 will attend ,the new build­ SERVICE plete the high school o n lime.'’ he, Georges Rpiid and gnides kindergar­ “ We’re seeking, their opinions on ing on Ridge Road. . .Seventh- and sakl.. . , , ten through six would attend their re­ where the construction stands and eighth-grade students will'be housed Mr. Laurita said various sections, spective elementary schools. FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE where it w ill be .Sept. 8," he said. of the building arc at different stages .Schools would close the week be­ in the, Major Road building, which In May the board annoihiced a of construction. fore the new building opens to give w ill be renamed Crossroads. Eifth- AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS contingency plan to take effect if the “ It’s so complex. We’re not look- the district time to make the transi­ and sixth-graders will atientl the new­ WE MEET ALL NEW E.P.A. new high school building, now under i'ng for any one area that must be tion. Under the October contingency, ly forriied Upper Elementary School, construction on Ridge Road, will not completed. There arc so many com­ school would be closed from Oct, I with citisses taking place at the iild ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS be ready to open in September. Dis­ ponents to the building. We’ ve got to to Oct. 6 and're-open Oct. 7" under CroSsfoad.s building and iit the Major trict officials said'that whether or not have a safe, academic environment the November plan, school will close Rotid building. Kindergarten thnnigh' I MAKE SURE YOUR CAR 1$ | fourth-grade students will attend the building is completed, school will and that means of the building.’’ Nov. 12 to Nov.. 17 and re-open Nov. READY FOR SUMMER! KEEP HfflliljJ begin Sept. 8. The least amount of w o rk has -18' ■ ' neighborhood elementary schools. Township counting down to 200th By Ken Weingartner “ We’ re trying to imikc ii.s iiiiiiiy ol Staff Writer the evcm.s pay for themselves -with “We’re trying to make as many of the corporate sponsors.’ coriiributions'and Just 225 days to go. events pay for themselves with corporate minimal kindsof admission we mighi , The, One Stop Source for Major Appliances As the nation recovers from its. cliarge for some things.” Ms. 'I liorpe birthday bash last week, plans are be­ sponsors’ contributions and minimal kinds said.“ My goal .MS to mtike this siime-, MAJOR BRANDS • DISCOUNTED PRICES • SPECIAUST IN QUALITY BUILT-INS • URGE DISPUYS ing made in South Brunswick to cele­ thing that’s allordabic for everybody brate next year’s bicentennial anni­ of admission we might charge for some so "that . everybody can take part- arid;, versary of the township. . things. My goal is to make this something bc ptirt'iif th'c liisiory." , , . Kathy Thorpe. . the township : Ms. Thorpe said any prolils Irom clerk, has ■ spent the past .several that’s affordable for everybody so that ev­ the bicentennial .vyill,be used id finish months doubling as the chairwoman I erybody can take part and be part of the the WctlieriM,house and turn it into a of the Bicentennial Planning Com­ imiseiim. i r mittee. The township will celebrate ' history.’’ “ We have a. lot of bdxesof histor­ Special Combination Offer! its 2{)0ih anniversary beginning Feb, ical documenl.s and things like that 21. 1998. ' Kathy Thorpe donated- to. us,” Ms. . Thorpe said. ^ Create A Complete Cooking , “ Every time I send a memo out to “They’ re in boxes in the library and the volunteers 1 count down the days; nobody can.sec t.beni. some private facilities we could go to den lour in the summer of 1998.” .she ‘x’ number of days,to B-Day," Ms. . "O ur goal, is to be .able , to firiish Center-Withoiit. Remodeling!. it we really need them." said.“ If people are interested, they Thorpe said. “ It’s getting to m e . The house-Mind be able lo use 'a portiiin Speaking of birthdays, Ms. should start their gardens now. They GE Microwave Ovi .SpaccmakcrXI. I'lirniahlf "When 1 started, there was 400 and of ii as a mu.scum where, people can Thorpe said the first baby born to :i should let us know and we’ ll pul .Microwave Oven something. The closer it gets, tbe go,.to; look at kinds of things. township" couple alter midnight on them on the tour." OlVr-ne-Aaflffi more scared 1 get. But the volunteers That tics in-vvcil the bicentennial, the • Large4.3 cu. ft.-oven cavity, Feb. 20 w ill be iiiimed the Bicenten­ Ms. Thorpe said Ceil Leedom ; 900 watts. . . get excited.” ultimate coal.” ■ . nial Baby. However, inolhers giving from the South Brunswick Library • Interactive scrolling display:' Ms. Thorpe said there arc more birth by Caesarean section are not el­ was working on a calendtir. leaturing conveniently provides than 200 volunteers involved with the COMPLETE QUALITY step-by-step itistructions; ■ igible. ■ famous dates in South Brunswick project, although she hopes that num­ “ We already figured that one history and bicentennial event dates, CLEAN-UPS & • Full-view cooktop light, night ,i ber will continue to grow. .She said light and hi-capacity, 2-speetl out,” Ms. Thorpe said vvidi a laugh. for releaseghis September. She added RUBBISH REMOVAL Helen Davis is the volunteer coordi­ exhaust system. ,“We don’tw ant anybody scheduling that Janet Pclrone was still looking INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL nator for the committee. their C-section to be the first baby; for recipes tor the Bicentennial RESIDENTIAL T^iiivkt .lean ' 30" Range “ Helen finds out what events peo­ Cookbook, which should he ready in We’re working with some companies •Yards •Offices, with ,Sell-( .leaningOven ple would be most comfortable work- lo have a package of gifts for them. February. • A ttics . • C onstruction Sites 'ing on." Ms. Thorpe said. “ It’s been “ In addition, all babies born in The Bicentennial Committee also • Basements i • Tree • Upswept, recessed cooktop very time-consuming. .She’s also .• Garages-Demolition designed to contain spills. the bicentennial year w ill gel a certif­ is'seeking old photograph.s of South been going out to service clubs and ■ No charge For Estimates ♦ Fully Insured • Auto oven shut-off turns i|ie,, icate and hopefuily a small package," Brunswick. For instance. Ms. Thorpe condo associations to speak to them oven off.after12 hpursi she added. “ So, people can still plafi' said the committee has photos of the DELRO, INC. and to try to get volunteers from lo have a bicentennial baby. It w o n ’t Dtivton and Deans schools dating to (908) 297-3341 there." be the Bicentennial Baby, but-it will the'late 1890s. SERVING MIDDLESEX.MERCERAND SOMERSET, Special Combination Price! She added that the committee is be a bicentennial baby." “ We’ ve got a lot of inleresiing seeking volunteers to help w ith me­ Ms. Thorpe said Helen and Rich­ siLilf," she added, “ If tinybody has Further Details dia relations and marketing. , ard Ilnicki are working on plans for a any pictures, or scenes ol old South "We need "’someone to give us Bicentennial Garden, which will be Brunswick we’d love to have them at H&H Store some guidanee in marketing.” Ms. plantedai Wetherill; lor tr week or so. 'We’ ll have' them Thorpe said. “ Hopefully, we might “ They are looking at mainly copied and get them back to them. PHOBIAS N.0 charge,for delivery, removal of old-appliances, and simple reqdnnectlon to existing gas .have an industry out there with some­ We haven’ t lost them. We’re very and water lines. Arrangements available at a nominal charge for installation, electrical, and- planting herbs that were used 200 •plumbing work (required lor built-ins. dishwashers, and other appliances}. • , body who has marketing talents to years ago,” Ms. Thorpe said. careful.’’ 1-800-933-3579 -give us a hand. It's not a big time “ They’re minimal maintenance and Making, history fun, iind affordti- consuming thing. We just need some ble. w ill be keys for the Bicentennial- have a historic nature to them. HOURS: direction. : “They’ re iilso looking into a gar­ Committee. M H P ^ ' “ A ll things considered, we’re • MODLRN nOMH PROPI CT-S H&H Weekdays 8-5 doing well,” she added. "It’s not 80 NORTH MAIN ST: Ji^atient/lnpatienf services , WINDSOR, NJ T h u r s . 8 - 8 ■going as fast as 1 would like it to, but ['.XRTSlOK MOST.MAKI'.S \ND xMost ins. covers treatment ..MOHLI'v' iN-'CUX K: : S a t . 8 - 4 I have a wonderful group of core vol- I Our equality las’ts BkisLlNOl.DP.ART 609-426-1111 Amieers who really have been work- yer 80 years experience ling hard. We have a few committees /that have just about finished their a LIFETIME! /work, the planning aspect of it." ' FAX your CLASSIFIED ad to 609-924-6857 One event that is ready to go, Ms. . Looking "for .more: than a Daycare? Carrier ' 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, '.Thorpe said, is the classic car show Planning for your child's education?' FOUNDATION 365 days a year • that w ill be held June 28 at the , Seiectihga preschool for your child could, , A behavioral healthcare system 'Wetherill Historic Site on Georges be the most important decision you make. , Road; “ That’s a committee that got to­ Visit the Goddard School® gether and knew what they were 0 Offering quality programs for infants, doing,’’ Ms. Thorpe said. "It’s some­ 0 toddlers, preschool, and after-school enrichment. thing they’ ve wanted to do for some Unleash Your Potential time. They’re all set to go with it. P ✓ Degreed Teachers J, ✓ Full & Half Day Sessions .Other than ordering things and get­ ✓ Daily Reports ✓ Convenient Hrs: 7am-6pm With courses offered .Days, Nights— ^Even on Weekends ting things together, everything is, done." ^{G iK ldai’d Schopr f The-Bicentennial celebration will I ,\Hi V uiui nn Considering a career ehange, a return to the insight from exchanging thoughts witli lellow kick off Feb. 21 with a "First Night- work place or completing a cleg'ree':’ Have job classmates sharing similar interests. B Our style” birthday bash at various loca-' 399 Ridge Rd., DAYTON • (732) 274-9631 responsibilities and personal commitments pre­ faculty Eind staff, sensifive t() the needs ol the lions throughout the township. Ms. “ Ihe Goddord SchookiS)are Mependcnl FrarKhkejoi Calouiel Syslemt, liu. iind are Ptivdiely 0<*Tied ohd Operated. working adult, will help you develo|J a program Thoipe said. vented you from furthering yotir educational "You pay one fee and you can ambitions’;’ B Rider Univ'ersity's College ol to fit your particular needs. B It's no uonder come and go to different venues." Continuing Studies makes it easier lor you to that U.S. News & World Report, ranks Rider ... Ms. Thorpe said, “ Because it’s in complete or advance ytjur education with University in the top tier ol till colleges iti the February, we’ie looking into having programs in business, liberal studies and nortliern region! H Unleash your potential, busing astiilable. Right now, we’re elieniistry . . . offered days, evenings and even with a Rider degree! B Rider is located near going to use the new and old high throLigli our Weekend College! B Coiirses are Princeton in Lawrenceville. .New Jeisey. schools. But we haven’t finali/ed the fucLised on real-world issues. You'll gain new Call us at M)09-8W)-5033. events yet. so we ilon’i know what w'e neeil. "If you measure a nnwersity by “ Ciossioads and the Senior Cen­ 'W ith 96"(i of the faculty holding ■\iul ,l,s .III ;uJtk’i.l bolUl.s. wc ,lic Ph.D.s. Rider Lhiivcrsilv IS vour the success record of its giadiuitcs ter are standing bv.There also are ■ Rider IS a real winner.'! oHcring ,i FREE .nmmuik best shot .for success." ' pooldc.incr. 1 iK'.iiuciiiKuic, Michael K. Kowc '78 Wes I . Steiner 'SO >{! -! poolcie.mcrquialvglides I’rc.sidcnt . Nice I’lTsilleiil l iiiaiiee Cy ( 1 : .uouikI iIk' pool hoito.m Ncm .Icrsc.s Nets . luster \\ heeler „■. iiKiiciiig your pool vimuil- lMiei ” \ Intel national. Ine. Montessori Children's House ly maiiucn.ina'-lrcc. C' "Rider gave me a fantastic "A Lifetime Experience" tiom- hiiiula'ds of pool designs education, while expanding iny REGISTER NOW nr aisioiiii/e voiir pool |ii,s! lor "In a dog-eai dog world, you horizons. I often find myself need a eampetiUve edge. . \ : your-litesivie. Gilltudu)'! • Pre-School & Day Care drawing on those .experiences.'' Rider education gives yon'one!' • -ages 2 1/2-5 years ■ ■ INTRODUCING 100’,j FINANCING O.A.C. BS Naiie.v / Freeman ’7(i Dan Kaplan ’05 -2, 3 or 5-day programs our multhmedia presentation, NEW CATALOG FOR'97 ■ v ; . Call for an appoinlment. F .Xs.sbeiate- I’resideni -Full or half-day ■ Creative Director llertv F.cinipmenl Kenlpl C'orp. -Kindergarten Readiness Gres .\tlvertisinj’ • Full-Day Kindergarten Call for Your FREE Dream Catalog (Milltown Only) ■ or Visit One of Our Design Centers fiefay/; • School Hours 7:30am-6pm •GREEN BROOKyNJ,!,...... 20 Highway 22 West, Greenbrook eommons.'..i...... ,.....;...(732) 752-0880 •FAIRFIELD, ...... ::.420 R ou te 4 6 ...,....,...... (973)227-5350 • Summer Camp Available •FREEHOLD, NJ,...... „....,.,,.350 Highway 9 North ...... (732) 536-1010 (Dayton Only) PRINCETON, N J ...... Montgomery Shopping Center...:'...... ,(609) 921-7148 Full Curriculum ’ State-Licensed •Pool on Display,...:,...... OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Supply Centers located throughout New Jersey call your local Sales Office lor a list of locations. 47 N. Main St. 364 Georges Rd. . Visit us on the World Wide Web ■ htlp://www, ,123667 Milltown Dayton 846-0164 329-3577 4A The Central Post Thursday, July 10, 1997 District could see more aid Bill would comperisate for growing enrollment

By Ken Weingartner amount hy which a tiisiriet’s stntc aitl lax levy ra|uiremeiii.s for the increase Staff Writer mtty inerciise over llie prehiKlget in the hiltigel. But it's not going to til- ,, „ • , ,, tear, w ill he phaseil oirt hv low us to s|ieiul more.’" .South Bninswiek eoukl receive 'looii innn Michele Kramer, a s|iokeswoman S2.0 million in iidililional school aiil ‘ ’ muler a hill'tiwaiimi’ consideration in Uiuler the pio|ioseil legishilion. for the I4lh District legislators, said the liill woiikl be sent to educaliomil the Assemhiv and .slmaie. committees in both houses ol the leg­ If adopted and sitmed hv the aov- i's cnttilcmenl islature. tnul pmliahly to appropriti- ernor. the leuislalioii wotikl provide " ’c "com currieu nm au hasetl .SI7..^ milhomfin "core eiiiTienlmn on enrollment would he eligthle lor a lions contmillccs, before being voted upon. slandaids aid" to .T1 school districts supplemental appropriation, "How Fist it gels through tiepends experiencing accelerated' enrolhneni ' “This allecied many distriels in (in the legislative process." Ms. m ow lit. " the "stale, so miieh so that if the Male Kramer saitl. "It may,have to he cn- Tlie hill — introduced last inonllt remove that |irovision Imm actctl ictroiiclivcly. Unless anything by I4ili Disiriei legislatois .Sen. Peter the governor wtniki have tti changes, the bills w ill end tip being Inxerso, Assenihfywoman Barbiira liiHl mu'ther .SI24 millitm to give the mcrgetl ami won't have to make the Wright aiut Assemlilyniim Paul tlisiriel.s the core enrriculum stan- rounds 'ilirtiugh both liouses. That Kramer — ■ would lesitire .some of the diuos aid they were eiuillcd to hy lor- helps speed the pj'oeess a lot." ■ inoney that the district would have ttiitk'- Mr. Scott said. VVhal we \e M r.,Scott sail! he doesn't expeel a lost as a result of a "ceiling" now- done is olleretl a cnni|ironiise. vote until the I'alf. phteeil on increases in aid I'roni one Mr, Scott said Si'iiih Brunswick “ That w'oukl be too kite to liave yciir to the next. . • was llie hardest-hit disiriei in the any impaei on this year’s tax levy," “ Core cunieulum siandartfs aidjt. state because ol the aid limitations, Mr. Scott siiitl. "It could he given out is determined hy enrolhneni. 'But ’*1 he district has seen .its enrollment as reiroaclive aid for tlie 1998-99 some grow ing tiisirieis, siieh as Soittl'j'''’ increase by 60 pereeni in .six years. , Staff photo by Johir Keating school year iinil have an impact on Brunswick, are schediilei.l to"Jioh> 3>060 in. 1991-02 to a projected the liix levy at that lime." A HOT title , less ilian the full amount allowed for 6,3x1 for llte upcoming school yettr. The supplemental funds could under tlie enrollment foriimla, be­ Under the proposed legislation, Fifth-grader Donna Sandell of the Indian F^ields School HOTS program reads her book, “A Prin­ keep the tax rale'sltible next year, or cause til limits on yearly aiil increas­ the .S17.3 itiillion stipplenienial ap­ even bring ti slight reduelion, • Mr. cess Saves a Queen,” to first-graders Katie Anderson, Michael Bebernan, Baindu Kamra and es. propriation w'oiikl provide ttid 111 33 Scott said; . Jordan Fraser. Donna wrote her book in Barbara Whitman’s HOTS program, which teaches ba­ According to township Board ol' eligible districts so that their core ■'It's kiiul of early to talk tibotil sic skills, social confidenceand higher order thinking skills. Filuealion Business Atlniiuisfrator eiirrieulijm siandards afll would equal that, lunv because' we diin’l know .leffrey .Scott, Sotilh Brunswick was at least .10 percent ofyiheir entitle­ w'hat ouroihcr aid is going to be

Tinvii.ship t'irc ofTicials. arc still “It was jiist a strange lire." Mr. hay from /the trailer so '.the blaze ' searching for the of a, trailer. Whalen said Tuesday. "It Itnik a lot eoiiki. he tolallx .extinguished. Dam­ Sandhill residents look to the future ;bla/:e that ckised lloiite '27 near the ‘ of time and effort to-get it extin-, age was litliitetf to tlie'■hay tiiul trailer;. Kendalr Park Shopping Genter tor: ■gui.shed. It doesn't take long for a fire lie itdded. Firefighters were, able .to By Ken Weingartner between Route I and Rmiic 27. inonses w;ere for liti/artloiis tirivmg \ more than uvo hours Monday., ■ to spread w'hen hay is involveil; It prexeni daniiige ki the pickup Iriiek. Staff W riter Ikilrolnian Drosi said llie lown- wliile llie remainder were for, minor was a good Job by everybody iivvofv- • Deputy d-ire Marshal Michael 'bio injuries were rep'iirtetl. Bob Dinardo stiys resiilenis tilong sliip Departiiicnl o f Publie Work.s'lias ■ violnlitnis .such as illegal parking. cd to get things under control." Whalen saiil a trailer carrying 120 Stnulhill Rotid are prepared to work been euiltng bttek trees tilong ,San- ■ "W c'rc going to i.lcfiiiitcly con­ bales 111 hay that was heing towed hy Kendall Park firelighters re­ ,; Route 27 was elosctl in the viemi- over the long lianl to improve iiaffie ilhill Road to make existing signs tinue tlic directed ptilrols," Patrolman more visible. Mr. Dinardo added iie a Ford, pickup iruckr from Artisan sponded to the hhi/.e as well .iis the •iy o f the fire from 3:40- p.m.' untif' conditions on the local mtidway. Drost saiii. "You litivc to he sporadic would like to see more signs placed floine Improvement.s caught fire tit Kendall :Park Fir.sL'Aid Sqiiad'.fStnitli fi:l4 p.m.. Mr. Wllalen said. 'I'rtiffie 'Things won't get done 'over ■lorobvious reasons. .If you tell peo- night," said Mr. Dinttrdo. co-chair­ on the road aleriing drivers to tlie fact approximately 3:,i() p.m; Monday., Brunswick Police Department tind Wits diveried'ettsi on bJew' Road, then, plc wc'rc going to lie running radar the state .Department of Transporta- man of the Concerned Residents there are children at play in llie tin Sandiiill Road today, it defeats llie Mr. Nyiialen said the dn\ er of the ''siunh ■ on: Hastings Roail and West on. neighborhood. - ' tion.-' : Aroinul Sami Hill. 'AVc'rc looking at purpose. Wc want pcojilc to drive as truck. Richard Doren. told fire o ffi­ .MlStoii Road hack to Route 27. this-as a longricrm project. Wc’rc He iilso W'oiild like to ex|ilore: they iiom iallf would ilrive so we're cials he .was .not smoking cigarettes Mr. W httlen said the . DOT w as working on ihing.s in an organized having larger speed limit signs able to educate iheiri about doing the when the bl;i/c started: ■ ■ealled to the seehe to help remove the — Ken IVeiiigarliier fashion -SO that down the road, things erected. The speed limit ihrougli die speed limit." , residenlial seeiion ol .Stindliill Road wdl gel ilonc. : Mr. Dinarilo said tlie ilireeled pa­ is 21 mpli. “The I'dciis right now, is to think trols were a key measure to reduce “ Sonieiliing ih'tit grabs people's positive," he tiddcd. 'T think W'c’rc speedifigon .Sandhijl Roqd. going to he able to lielp ourselves and attention: to mtike llieni iliink.’' Mr. "People vvlio ride ih'al street are. im ikeoiir commimily a belter place Dinardo stiid abtuit llie signs, "How­ now going to iliiiik there's surveil­ to live/' ever. there arc always people w'lio lance iindlliey're going to be mindful ■ Organization was the focus o f a under any eiraimsianees will not ilo iiieeling at the Municipal Building on w liai tliey should. Tliai’s wliere the tliat they may be wtiiclietl."- Mr. Di- Tuesday night, wlien the Concerned police cnforeenient comes in." nardo said. "I tliink weTe erealurcs Residents Arouqd Stind Hill dis­ Police have increased enforce- til' habit to some degree. Where vve cussed a course oi' itetion w ith Lt. nicnl efforts on Stindliill Rotiil. From see there's nolliing,we go. Tlie po­ Mark Moiuagna and Ratrolman. Ken •lune 17 tlirough Tuesday, dierc were lice presence perimlieally’is very ini- Drosi ofilie police department. 10 directed patrols comiucied on the poriant." Among tile items di.scusscd were roadway, I’atmlmttn Drosi saitl. Tlie Concerned Residents Around the formation of a Neighborliood Tliose patrols resulted in 43 traf- ,Sand Hill plan to liold another meet­ Watch along Stindliill Road, improv­ lic .stops, witli 29 stimmonses and 14 ing Aug. 13 at 7;3() p.m. in the Mu- ing signage, contacting tlie slate De­ warnings issued. Patrolman Drosi iiieipaNBiiilding; The group is Imping partment of Transporliilion about said 14 summonses were for speed­ to liave representatives from DO'T weiglii limiialions for the road, and ing wliile nine were for nonliaz.ardou.s .. :and,.4he;.siale:'_s.J4Lh.UegislatiYcfDi.s-.. w riting trucking companies driving violaitons; siieli as broken Iricl, w'liich , includes' .South ,Bruns-, requesting iliey find aliernale routes windsliields or lietidlii’liis. Two sum- wick, amoim iliosc in attendance. PfiTIO WORLD FIREPLfiCE & HERRTH Patio Furniture* • Wicker* • Rattan* • Gas Logs • Fireplaces • Gas Grills • Accessories NOBODY SE LLS FOR LESS...W E GUARANTEE IT WITH A PR IC E PROTECTION POLICY! DON’T BE FOOLED BY TRICKY ADVERTISING CLAIMS, CHECK THE BOTTOM LINE, PATIO WORLD'S PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN THE AREA. WE GUARANTEE, IN WRITING, TO BE AT LEAST 10% LOWER THAN ANY COMPETITOR WITHIN A 30 MILE RADIUS. Just Bring In The Ad. f FAMOUS ' $ 5 6 9 BRANDS LIKE ' 5 Piece Caribe Sling •WOODARD'' ■■'' h,. <»— , r - — ; • LLOYD FLANDERS Dining/3roup Include: •:MALLIN;7S:|5?C,:;;s::,:;7.' 48” Round Tempered Glass •GROSFILLEX - Umbrella Dining Table and • HALCVON ' 4 White Frame Stackable • BROWN JORDAN Blue Sling Chairs. '• WINDSOR & BARLOW TYRIE TEAK w o o d : ' ns •TELESCOPE ‘-■■a-ife • MEADOWCRAFT, 5 Piece Ramsgate Sirap •VENTURE BY LANE Dining Group includes . - 48" Round TemporedGlass • LANE w eather master SAVE 50% Umbrella Dining Table And 4 Dining Chairs. •■'ALLIBERT'J'i. ON ALL SPECIAL ORDER • CAST CLASSICS LANE & LLOYD FLANDERS • FICKS REED INDOOR/OUTDOOR* WICKER • FINKEL ■' •FREIGHT EXTRA •FIREMAGiaGRILLS;;:: •WEBER GRILLS Weber"-', Genesis 2000 • DUCANE GAS GRILLS Series Gas Barbeque • DCS BUILT-IN GAS GRILLS •PAWLEY'S:iSLAND& : V HATTERAS HAMMOCKS G A S GRILLS ON SALE NOW FREE ASSEMBLY 35% TO 5 Piece Dining 60% * OFF $1079 Group Includes: MFG. LIST PRICE 48 Round Windsor Shorea Wood EVERYDAY Umbrella Dining Table Cannot Be Combined With Olhei Oilers And 4 Arm Chairs. M a llin ™ ■ Waae m me USA $ 7 5 9 , 5 Piece Pompano Sling Collection includes: Einstein A4)omjy 48“ Round Tempered • 5 Piece Synipfiony Cast Altxninufn • Giass' Umbrella Dining Collection Inciudt*.'; The Carpet Department Store^ Table and 4 High Back 46 Round Tempered ^ J L O * r 9 Sledbase Sling Chairs. iRetractable Awning Glass Umbrella Dinmy ^ ^ 2801 Brunswick Pike (Alt. Route 1), Lawrenceville, NJ (609) 883-0700 Table and 4 Aim Chairs Quaker Bridge ,', Open daily-10am to.8:30pm,, Saturday 10am to ■ ■ Mall PfiTIO WORLD NOBODY SELLS FOR LESS...THE Rl. 1 FIREPLfiCE & HEfiRTH AREA’S LARGEST SELECTION OF BZnal IMIAJtUlflll Patio Furniture • Wicker • Rattan ' PATIO FURNITURE, T Gas Logs • Fireplaces • Retractable Awnings GAS GRILLS, ] ' l\i!io Woilii WICKER & RATTAN. ^ nrcpLice Huurtli FAX your CLASSIFIED ad to 609-924-6857. llO nt.S ; ,\IO \, lIlTUUull I'HI- kl.llll Sdll S.M SI \ liH)il-4 (in ' 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, East Gate Square II 1119 Nixon Drive 3303-C Rt. 1 South Village of Newtown Shopping Ctr 365 days a year (Across from Home Depot) (Across from Quaker Bridge Mall) 2844 S. Eagle Rd. Moorestown, NJ (609) 866-1300 Lawrenceville, NJ (609) 951-8585 Newtown, PA (215)579-2022 Week of July 10, 1997 Packet Publications 5A


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Thursday July 10,1997; 6A

Helene Ragovin Managinci Editor Hank Kalet Richard Fisher Bonnie Mannino Ncios Editor , SportsEditor Social Eriuor SlafI: John Keating. John Sncci’iiti. Elizabetli Amon. Trucli Gilhllian. Ken Weingartner Suzanne Melillo D e c D a n s k y Advertising QH'ice M anager ' 3 9 7 R id g e R o a d P.O. Box 309 , Dayton. N.J, 08810 (908) 329-9214 • FAX: (908) 329-928^

© The Pnneeton i’aeket. Jne. 1997 All Rights Resi'n’eci.

Rirlmni Basslri. /)ir«Tlor (>l A»*ir Afrt/iri« MmvTjmlsi* Klljiorc Bcilman. /Jocirri C/inirmnn llu'odorr R. Dentzer-. /’rodurtenj /Jurctor Jiunrs B. KUjiort'. Prtfstdrm Jac k f:ratuMs. Director ol In/onnnlmn Srn.‘i<'os . MifhiK'I .Ii O Hara. Gcncrni ManotjcT Marlin Hilson. CkjuvTjf Sn/rs .Wanrufir . Richard WlUcvcr. £d(for- Rdward M. Kidlcv. Cirndnnon Dinvfor Jnnr L. \ otjcl. ( ontioIJrr

EDITORIAL Can’t get enough Tax bill would continue re(jistribution of wealth from poor to the rich

Following the vote on the ta.x bill two weeks ago. U.S. Rep. Mike Pappas fired o ff a fax extolling the virtues o f the legislation, the ftrst broad tax.cut package in more than l.'i years. ‘ staff photo by John.Keatmg ■ “ It's about time," crowed Mr. Pappas, a freshman Republi­ Wrap session can whose district includes South Brunswick. “ Every Ameri­ Michael Giacino, James Gillespie, Thomas Nagy and Matthew Giacino, all wrapped up after a dip, react as their friends dive into can is a winner today." the pool at the Willows Swim Club in Kendall Park. , I Hardly...

The bill's main provisions include a S.500 per child tax credit, for which an estimated 40 percent ol the country's pooi- est children don't qualify; reduction of the capital gains tax rate for individuals from 28 to 20 percent and for corporations Nothing to gain from new Route 92 from 35 percent to 30 percent; an increase in the exemption from the estate tax from S600.000 to SI m illion; and tax cred­ its and deductions for college costs, whiyff tend to favor the af­ Tlic onginaT Route 92 never had .South constructed. . Brunswick ineludeci in its plans. Thegnin in the fluent. The bilfalso is rife with tax brea(j:s;for a dizzying array Feb., 28. 1998 is the opening ol the Biceiilen- past was 10 relieve congestion in ihe areas adja­ COMMON SENSE of special interest groups. nial Celebration lor South Brunswick Townshi|i. cent to our township. The lirst alignment has For more than so years 1 have been involveil tong disappeared. The New 92 is a brainchild ot SPEAKS Interpretations about who stands to benefit most I'roni the with other citizens in working to Make a Good the '90Si Simply, a reedcr-Road leading to ihe South Brunswick Better. However, a stroke ot a tax cuts vary dramatically. Mr. Pappas, spouting the Republi­ business section of Plainsboro; . Ruth W. Spataro pen.-granling a permit lor the Feeiler Roail would can Party line, says more than three-quarters o f the tax relief The proposed location of this newTOadway i.s destroy the greatest gilt that nature has given us w ill go to those making less than S75.000 during the first five heiween Dev il's Brook aiul the wetlands; where unborn. We are all too aware ol the dangers in­ — beaulilul waler. . years. Longer-term projections, however, which measure the the entire underground is an aquifer: On this land volved. If this road is built it is |usl a case ol We could be looking lorward to a cheerlul full effect o f the capital gains and inheritance tax cuts, paint an are the lovvnship vvells. supplying vvaier to thou-, waiting lor the inevitable to happen. Theie is Bteeiiteimial vsith promises loi the lutuie. oi a entire!) dilTercnt picture. sands of residents in South Brunswick. Well No. noihing dial this "Feedei Road" has to oflei any­ somber Bieentennial il a blight is imposed upon II. Well No 12 (contaminated); Well No, 1.2; one — that IS worth the puce ol destioying our our land. 1 hope that the ERA puts people at the .The U.S. Treasury Department estimates that 68 percent of Well No. I.S and a proposed new,Well No. 17 to vv.iter souice loi eieinily' center and their hearts in the decision that is the benefits in the House bill and 65 percent in the Senate ver­ be built near New Route 92 on Miller Road. Dining the past .“)9 years 1 have attended all made. We the people other place to turn sion. passed Friday, w ill go to households whose income is in . .*\n. elevaicd road is planned lor the New 92. the Route 92 meetings I sav\ the Real 92 disap- than to the United States Eiiviioiimental Piotec- the top 20 percent — those earning more than about .S70,()00 a This IS an ideal arrangement lor the mixture ol peai and the new otlspring eineige But never did tion Agency. yeai. harmtui conlaininants to trickle down ihe sides I witness such undesirable attitudes and untiuths 1 am optimistic that the coiiceins of South and seep inlo ihe soil receplive sands ol the wet­ by suppoiters of 92 than I did on .lune It), 1997 at Biunswick v\ill be seriously consideied and the According to Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, both the lands. 2 here w ill be gasoline, oil, salt, rubber ma­ the West Windsor-Plamsboio High School. It qualitv ol hie we now have w ill continue terial Irom spills, and Iroin road repair and other veiv evident that the niajonty ul "92 NuVv" Senate and House versions would provide more benefits to the uiulesirable cancer-causing lo.vins. These toxins supporters W'ere there only for greed — they had Ihtth VV'. is a iiiciiihcr lif Coinmou Sense, top 1 percent of American income earners than to the bottom will evTnilually cn'ler the water in the aquil'er and, absolutely no tics to .South Brunswick. These are a iirciss-raais; non-parlisan ^roiip based in Soitib: 60 percent. ■ then to the bodies of the old; the young find the a group of individuals desperate to get this mad Eninswiek. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal re­ search institute, estimates that 40 million American families w o u ld actually end up losing money and that the richest 1 per­ cent— those with incomes of more than .S300.000 a year — would see their after-tax income increased by about .$27,000 a LETTERS ■ •year.',' Republicans set past May. Dr. Stewart is recommending this con- looking for the "most qualified individual" lor Overall, when recent cuts in government social programs ligiiration, along with the current medical secre­ the job. Our'qii.esliOn i.s still vyhy are we liol Kiok- are included, the proportion of net benefits going to the top 20 meeting agenda tary, for a temporary three-month duration at the tng to fill the second nurse positii'n at the new percent would reach 87 percent, according to the institute's To the editor: : f .. , : end of .which he w ill look for a report from Mrs. high .schoolwith the “ most qualified individiiai’.' analysis. . ■ . Cohen, on "how things are going." What can Is the ,health and .vvelfare of oui children .not' The South Brunswick Republican Orgaiiiza^ Mrs. Cohen possibly report after three months worth the salary o f a certified school nurse','’ We The Washington f\)st estimates that more than 50 percent lion will be holding its.nfxt monthly iiiceiing on that Mrs. Lee, the former high school nurse, can't can assure you, it's not $84.0001 Wg, are laiking' of the benefit would go to the richest 5 percent Of Americans Mynday, July 14. at 8 ,p,in., in the Kingston First, report right now after havtng worked in the high about the Icve! of professionalism that our chil­ — those in households w ith incomes 1)1 about $ 110.000 or Aid luid.Rescue .Squad.Buiiding. located a ijh e ■ school for the last LS years'.' dren deserve. If we can give them this level ol corner ol Route 27 and Rayiiioiul Road, in prote.ssionalism in-phe classroom and we can give more a year. As a mailer oi' fact, all nine of the district's kihgston.AlfRepublicaris.(nde|3eiidentsaiid:uii- it, to them on the- alhletic' fields; why can'f vve' certified school nurses, including Mrs; Cohen Thatgroup, it should be noted, includes the iwm-cau.riche'-... '■registered voters are vvelc.iiine U),the iiiecting.. give it to them in the Health Oil ice? As was prepared a thorough report for Assistant Superin- stated at Monday’s buard of eifiicaiiiin .nieet'ing.; Rep. Pappas and his Gongre.ssional colleagues, Mr. Pappas, We vvill be discussing, issues iliat- include, the tendenl Willa .Spicer and Dr. .Stewart iti Scpteiii- , Mrsi Gohen can only delegate.tasks to lierTsist- whose financial disclosure reports recently became available.- ,$outh Brunswick Towii.Jiip Chfirter Study Coin-, bei i)f 1996 which included what services and : earned .$20.161 last year from his family-owned insurance niissioii's ivvievv aiid recoimiieiidaiiiin ahout pii- curriculum the nurses currently deliver to the stu­ ants. .She etinnot delegate, her expertise, sh^cali.-. agency and another $19,000 as a Somerset County freeholder. teiitial changes in ihe foriii t)f ouranUnicipal gov- dents o f South Brunswick and vvhat additional not deiegate her knowledge and she eaniVot dele-’ When he.was sworn into Congress in January, it catapulted .eni'meiii', " ' , ■ personnel they felt w o u ld be needed in the gate her Judgment. With. l.5()()-plus sltident.s.’Uis ‘ 1997-98 school year in order to continue to deliv­ well as,, the etilire staff at the itigh .school |o Vrv- him into the lop lax bracket, with his income more than tri­ ,,-Vs,a'i)ai'ty..the South Brunswick Republican ■ er at least the same level of services and curricu­ lec, vve, feel Mrs. Gohen needs, the help o f the pling to $13.3;600. - ■ . 'Orgaiii/aiioii stands for, coiitli.illed resideiitial lum. The .iiur.seN recommendation called for one m ost qualified individual, for the Job iind that is grow til. greater liseal responsibility on the local certified sehot)I nurse in each building, except the another cerlified sehool nurse. ‘ . • His newfound affluence, coupled with a desire to keep level, and' 'niailitainiiig.our township to be -an af- high schoolwhere two certified school nurses wealthy campaign contributors, past and present, happy.may lordable. place to live and work. Should you Wish were recommended. Office su|)port was tilso rec- The next ivvii-IVoard of education ineetings'are have given him a new perspective — oke'in which more heed to contact nie. br if.y’oii have questions about the on Monday. July 14 and. .Monday, July 21., begin-' Republican .Parly, pleiise feel free, to call m e a t. omniended.for the schools with higher popula­ . is paid to unearned income— the capital gains tax and estate tions (high'school. Crossroads, Upper Elemen­ ning at.,8', ’iit the 'huinicipaf huilding. Both tax'in particular. Although Republicans argue that 60 percent 4224)442. or.Vice Chaiianan Arthur Roedel at . meetings vvilfhave liine for inibllc iiipui iiild at ',297-21)51.; . ' ,, ^ , tary. Brunswick Acres. Monmouth Junction and of the capital gains tax filings come from those with household Indian Fields.) The report also recimimended at the later meeting dale the board of educaijim will - incomes of under $50,000. more than three-quarters of the If vi'.u feel that, you can, make a difference in least part-time, professional nursing help for the vote on Dr. Stewart's' recon'imendaiion. We urge profits are .turned by the richest 5 percent of the population. ,, the w av ihai the u.iw iiship is rtlli. and if­ two other schools vyilli populations of oyer I .(KK) interested and, concerned parehts and residenis, |o lieve; that, political croiiyisiii and ptilroiiage have studeiits (C’lossroads.and the new Upper Eleliien-, Come dtil for these meetings aiul express .voiir .And under the existing estate tax exemption o f $6.00.000.: in muni.cip.til giivernment; then 1,hope to.' tary .School.) , . opinions. , vv’hich M r. Pappas- supports raising to ,$ rin illio n . tnils; 1.7 per­ ::see.)ou;ai.oui: Jul\ 14 nieetiiig. Thank y(Hi. ' ' We are liot. sure vvhicli aspect'of Dr. .Stew- , ; Easily, vve wouW like lo jhank Mrs.,,.Sylvia .• Doug Hoffnian cent o f estates are taxed at all. art’s recommendation is niore troubling. The fact I.'ee foj' her outstanding serv ice and caring of imr , , C'hairinan that there, st-’cnis lO be an inconsistency libw our, high school students ,for the hist fa years. .Mrs. Pulling in the .social safety net for the nation's neediest ' Sotiih Brunsw ick Repi|biicaii Organi,/aiion district goes about hiring , professional sltiff or ■fee asked for a transfer, to Gonsiable School n'ol, doesn’t seem to be enough for today's lawmakers. : Kendall Park that after getting together a 17-meinber advisory because she wanted to transfer but because her committee ti) look at how ip deliver nursing serv­ The Republicans, in particular, are unapologetic about the ret|ue.sis lor additional proiessional nursing help Another nurse needed ices at, the new high sehool, Dr. .Stewart has cho­ tax breaks they are intent on giving to the wealthy, arguing'that vvere gihng uniinsvvereil. All,site.evyr received in , at the high school sen to make his own recoimnen()ation. He cer­ response to, her requests for help vv ere ihreiils of the lop quintile pay.s a disproportionate share of the la.x'es and tainly has il right,to do that, however, doesn'l the privatization. .Mrs, fee has always had the vvel- T o ihe edi'lor: that tax relief for this group is long o\ erdue. ‘ public aiul the byardof education, vvhi) now has ;tare and best interests of cuir children at heart. fo> vote on'iliis reconmicndation...hav e the right,U) We wish her well iii her new position.tit Consta­ Rubbish. TJie afnuem have a hea\'ier lax burden because , We. aie liouhled h\ Supeiiiilendeiii of hear vyhai the adv isory cimimiiiee adv ised'.'' . ble School w here slie Vv ilf continue to serve our .Schools..,I )i . Saiii Siew ail's lecommeiid.iiion to they control a grossly disproportionate share of the wealth. ^ children with the highosi level iil pi'olessioiuil- place ,1 subsliiule iiui se'al thc iucw high.Achool 'lo. , ■ . When asked at liist Mondav.’s board iif e’duca- Ev en though that share has been growing for the past 20 years, isni. work, aloiig wiili 'Susan ('ohen. ilie Cerlified- tio'ii meeting vvhy we Inid to go outside the dis­ they want more. And unless taxpayers are roused from their school nurse who f)i:. .Slewart iraiisfefred from trict to hire an Athletic Director (lo the tune of stupor, Mr. Pappas, his colleagues on both sides of the aisle t'ai vlaiul.Mike rreiber C.'amliritlee Scliiiof to the 'new hieli. school this •$84.()()().); Dr. Siewari explained that .we .were M oim ioiiih Juneiioi) ■ and President Clinton w ill give it to them.-

,f, • Thursday, July 10, 1997 The Central Post 7A

OBITUARIES .South Mlimswick. Ituiial was at .St, ol the Pioneer (.irangc I o l Dayton, Walter F. Irwin Florence Rudman r’eter’ sCeiuclcry in New Brunswick. and was a lormer Steward; a mcmbei Walter F. Irwin: .50, died Mon­ Florence M. Riiclmiiii, died Contributions may be made to the ol the Mercer CuHinty Pomona day, July 8, at St. Peter’ s Medical Tuesday, July' I. at Robert Wood American Cancer Society of New Clrange 5, and a iiiciiibcrol the Odd­ Genicr. New Brunswick. Johnson University Mospilal, New Jersey, Middicse.x County Unit, 846 fellows Lodge ■ of Granhiiry, the He was biirn in Asbury Park and Brunswick. Main St., Fords, N..I. 08863, or to the Golden Age Neighbors of Cranbiiry, and had been a volunteer at the Mid­ lived in Old Bridge before moving to She was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., building fund o f St. Cecilia’s R.C. dlesex County f'air. ' Kendall Park in 1977. and moved to Monmouth Junction Church, 10 Kingston Lane, Mon­ He retired in 1987 from the Food .Me became a bu.s: driver in 1980., more than 73 yetirs ago. mouth Junction, N..I. 088.S2. .Science iJc|)artmcnt (>f Cook Col­ He laid been a member of the New She retired in 1946 at'ler 15 years lege. Rutgers University, after 24 Brunswick Police Department from as a cigar maker for the United Cigar Milton Underwood years of service.. , . i97l until 1974... :■ Co. in New Brunswick. Berore that, lie Air Force.iyeteran of Milton Voorhees Underwood, 74. . Surviving arc liis wife, D. f,or- she had worked for Mack Motors and rainc.Mershon Underwood, to whom the Viemarn War. He \vas a member died Saturday, July .S. tit home. Musical Strings, both in New Bnuis- he was married for 50 years; a daugh­ o f the American Legion Post 459 in Born in Jamesburg, Mr." Under- wick. ter. Donna L .Underwood of Daytoir, North Brunswick. , ' ‘ \yood was formerly a resident of Her husband. Stanley, died in a granddaughter. Rachel Tomaro ol Surviving arc his wil'e, Carol A. 1971. A daughter, Augusta“ Bunnie" Plainsboro and Kingston beforemov­ Dayton; his niother-in-law. Myrtle Russo Irwin; a son. Scott W, of Mon­ H. Hajek died this yetir. Three broth­ ing to Cranbiiry in 19.31, Mershon ol Dayton; and a sister. mouth Junction; two daughters, Deb­ ers, John Wolf, William W olf and He was a retired farmer, having .Services werC'held Tuesday, July orah A. of Highlands, and Denise C., Frederick Wolf, also died previously. farmed in Cranbury since 1951. As a 8. at the A..S. Cole, Funeral Home, at home; his stepfather, Jim Seymour She is survived by a daughter. young main he was very involvetl, f ’ranbury, with the Rev. John Maltby of- Lakewood; and three sisters, Su­ Agnes Norton of South Brunswick; with the 4H Club and was the previ­ of the Miller Memorial ■Presbytefian san Baschant ol Stuart, Ida., Stella two' sisters, Theresa' Davidson of ousowner of “ Elsie the Cow," lor the Church. Monmouth Junction, olfici- Mulligan ol Mississippi, and Sara Ei- Laurence Harbor and Agnes .hinkowy Borden Co. in 19.39. ating. Burial was m JJayloii Ceme­ del of Brick. , of Bridgewater; three grandchildren; Mr. Underwood was an Army Air tery. ' ’ Services will be held at 9 a.m. on five great-grandchildren; and several Corp veteran of World War II. hav­ Contributions may be made to the. Friday,'July 11. at the Gleason Fu­ nieces and nephews. ing .served in Africa. ■ ’ Dayton Presbyterian Church, 362. neral Home, 1360 Ilainilton St., Services were Siiturday. July .5,

R ecipient o f Landscape Azvard Restored STEINWAY Pianos From The Delaware Valiev's ONLY Steinway Factory Trained Facility fo r Superior Excellence [1919 Living Room Grancj in Mahogany...... saaTsoftoo $16,990 Nj Nursery &, Landscape Assoc. 0 . „ , 0 CLOSING COSTS 11960 Professional Vertical in Ebony...... „ 648:6«9:e(> $ 7,990 Certified Landscape Ardiitects & ■ ★ No Points ★ No Title (Charges ★ No. Becording Fees jl926 Music Room Grand in Mahogany...... $4*M6reo $20,990 ★ No Appfaisal Fee ★ No (Credit Report Fee.No Lenders JUNK FEES |l9 9 l Concert Grand in Ebony...... sr*;4.oo $51,990 Contractors NJ & PA 11909 Parlour Grand in Ebony.....:....,...... 63»:6(KM9 $26,990 4,.- EfUtlx)(} $23,990 jl926 Parlour Grand ip Walnut...... 643fOOttO0. $23,590 j Water Features‘ Decks |1994 Semi-Concert Grand, Rare Gem...... s«o.G«n«> $39,990 . Q ill I'or A Fn r Bivchuiv Just A Small Sample-Every Size & Finish Steinway Makes Is Available And All With Exclusive Jacobs Steinway Warranty Protection Princeton 609-896-3300 Moorestown 609-234^1114 Somerville 908-707-0909 Yardley 215-321-4163 Buy of the Year STEVEN J. DOERLER NJCLA ff AStniS2^ Kawai Grand Piano S t I ✓ Exclusive 15 Year Full Warranty South Brunswick Family YMCA e .: r .^u: 1 g .' r j t' s Final opporti^nity on this select grouping of Kawai grafnds that were used by the music department at Princetbn_ University for the just concluded academic year. Mechanically perfect' July 9J O & II • 6:00-1 1:00 pm with the entire 15 year B a t h Jacobs Music Group Full July . 12 & 13 • 4:00-1 1:00 pm Warranty along with the entire new 10 year manu­ facturers warranty. Don’t South Brunswick High School H 2 9 miss this opportunity to have a Major & Kingston Roads, Monmouth Junction genuine Japanese-built grand Cvire free nltiininunv piano at the price of a Korean. liowl wi.tli cast. iron. Low est Price O f The YearlR ight N ow . vj stein and Irase. Rides (P Games Food ONLY Chopin Piano Has New Steinway Pianos StoiL'. nr I 1001 N. Olden Ave. clcliw iA '' ll.) , Advance Ticket Locations V I j l j X| I I I Suburban Trenton Pina Delizia Monmouth Mobile Home Park Pierre's Deli Ridge Road, Mon. Jet. Route I, Monmouth Jet. Georges Road, Mon. Jet. ^9iano Companj> (609) 695-7456 South Brunswiek YMCA Prineeton YMCA West Windsor YMCA New Road, Mon Jet. . Rt. 206, Prineeton Meadow Rd„ Prineeton A Division of Jacobs f l i n ’ Music-Bnnging 3 State I i i i I SINCX Buying Power To N J. IXIX^ CMM) For informalion and direciions' Brunswick n' 0 .6 6 u u X te rio r6 6 Great Stores Serving 3 States 908/328-1150 • f a m IEy ^ w m c a W here P rin c e to n Get.s its G o o d L o o k s , Philadelphia' . Allentown F l.S 'Ii I'U R N irU K li Jt I N rii R 1 O R DliSIOS' Wilmington Cherry Hill Willow Grove ...... -....ggji^jajsssaii® - ...... The Central Post • Rutgers Fence Co. • Caldwell Schlou Realtors • Corcstaics Bank lb'2 Na.ssini Street, Princeton 92,1.-2561 ' Monmouth Mobile Home Park • David R Young, DMB • Neal R Gittleman, DDS • WMGQ-Radio-Magic 98.3 FM • South Bninswick Township Schools a : ■ F ' i K .- ;. Y Y ' t A R s ' O F l i X a K L L; L N C » ' " — ...... — ' ■ " " Thursday, July 10, 1997- 8A . The Central Post Nurse. suggested that the nurses only "do law requires one certified school Continued from Page 1A . ing to school with now. lt‘.s a big "There's just too intiny lor one luetukition of the eominit|ee." f^Is. Weiss said. "It has been recogni/ed what is mtuulated by law." nurse per .school district . load for one nurse to carry.” ' nurse. It's phy.sically impossible." "We have received some support its a standard to have certified nurses "Theie are a lot of things nurses siiilt wouki provitle c\tr;< Ms, Ta\'lor said that as the school Ms. Harley stiid. with additional clerictii sitill. but .i in each school. The school health do that aren't reiiuiied by Ituv but that support to the liigh school. population increases the niii'kes' du­ Ifoiird of Health Chairman .lohn nurse cannot delegate many ol .hei services arc m ore important thtin do benclit the students.’' Ms. Tieibet C'omniiuee iiicnihcrs wlio sup­ ties increase, especuilly once the .Saccenti .Sr., a inembef of the ad hoc duties such its adminisleimg fust committee.- stud the nursing issue ever. There aremore children with stiid. ported luiviiig two eertilied nurses ol- school popuhition grojvs beyond 4.s() Ms.Treiber satd that the nursing, aid." she said. "This litis dragged out shotild not be a budget matter.'. •speciiil needs. School has become a for a long time. The overw'helming i'ered some 'background on their rea­ students. The high school's popula­ staff has been asking lor additional tion for the I9b7-9S school \ear is “ When you take a look tit the si/e supjioit system. School luifses are majority of the committee lell there ■ sons to support tlieir position. .staff lor years so that sttidents could of the 'schooT budget, nurses are a calleiTon more. Now belore going to should be two cerlified nurses. Hie "M y teehng is th:it we sliould go expected to be about three tunes that. cotitinue to receive ailci|Utite caie. as small part ol the budget. '\'ou do not a doctor, with the rising costs of nurses also w'ani to see iw'o eeililied with wliat tile comniitiee suggesteii. Office help, she said, doe.s alkwi- well as health eclucation' progiams. compromise health and siileiy lor ti medical ciire. children see the school nurses at the. school." The reconimendittion was over­ ate some of the problems, but not all. The Idyb report coiuiuled by the lew thousand dollars." he said. "You nurse lust. 'The nurse is a resotirce m .Susan Gohen. the new high whelming lor two eertilied nurses." "1 love what 1 do. but it nuikes for nurses said the eertilied school nurse need (he background and training as the building." school nurse, said she is taking a stud committee member Pat Ttiylor. a long day." Ms. Taylor said. "We at the high school is the building's a eertilied school nurse. It's dilferenl Ms, Weiss added,."liveryone else wait-and-see approach lo the new. noting that, although no formal vote need an appropriate iiuii'iber of nuises principal health cducatioti lesouice tiitin beiiig-a tregistered nurse)." >• in the building is certilieil. It's not a siafling situation at the high school. was conducted, the members of the that allow's for a safe environineiu." good idea to have less than that'." person anil conducts clttssioom eilu- "It is reasonable at this point to He .added that historically in the committee were polled informally re- l.ynda liailey. ;i parent and regis­ Greenbrook School muse Caiyl cation on a per rei|uest/topic basis. try this new stalling pattern. Aliei district every school has had a ccitu ganling their opinions. tered nurse. said she supports having Treiber stiid she and her lellow That report eotichided that the high three or four months we'll see how fied school nurse. Ms: Taylor, who has served as a twii full-time-iiurses and one clerical nurses w'cre coneeined with Di. school's 199b-b7 school year health it's functioning and-lake it from "Tin not sure there's a, reason to school nurse at nrunswick Acres for person, f " , a Stewart's decision. office stalling did not permit loutine there,” Ms.-Cohen said. "I trust the 12 years, said the ;comniittce and the "1 think the fact that we need lw;o break that precedent," he said. "We tire very, disappointed."^ she classroom teaching by the nurse. administration is looking to do the nurses wanted lo sec appropriate cbv- lull-tune, nurses is evident. The point Committee inember Pam Weiss, said. “ W i;weie asked (in Septembei The report also said that West right thing for the district and the stu­ erage.'at all the district's.sehools.' , •was maile's'cry strongly.: we needed the' school nurse at Indian T'lelds Ibbb) as a group to put together a re­ Windsor-Plainsbofo High .School and dents.’’ "The higli school needs two two eertilied nurses. The safety id the .School, agreed. port ol w'hat w e do and what we rec­ East Hrunswick High School, both Ms. Cohen said that- although nurses for the number of stiKleiits anil ■ children is what comes first." she "Whiit was recommended by Di. ommend." w’lth populations in excess of 1.400 having two eertilied school nurses is types ol problems .students are com­ said. Stewart did not follow the recom- She stiid the nurses were asked by students, have two eertilied school “ the gold tstandard" for school dis­ the'district to find ways to reduce nurses. tricts, each community has to decide their buduets. Ms. Treiber said it w tis Aceording to Ms. Earley, stale what is best for that community.

600 LEGALS 600 LEGALS 600 LEGALS 600 LEGALS ORDINANCE NO. 32-97 ~ ORDINANCE NO. 24-97 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING From the ininko of the Seine o/u) I he NOTICE OF CONTRACT NOTICE OF CONTRACTS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAP­ AWARDED . AWARDED CHAPTER 67, MUNICIPAL ALU- TER 220 OF THE TOWNSHIP . Tho Township CommitlGO of The Township Commillco of ANCE COMM(TTEE/SUB- CODE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF bonlevardo of Pario comeo Baotille DoAf— . South Brunswick has awarded n -Soulfv Brunswick; has awarded STANCE ABUSE TASK FORCE SOUTH BRUNSWICK REGARD­ contract without cornpetitivc bid­ contracls without competitive bid­ TAKE NOTICE that this ordi­ ING RENT CONTROL ding as an extraordinary, on- ding as professional services nance was Introduced and ., TAKE NOTICE that this ordi­ Spocifiablo service pursuant to ■pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40Ai11- passed on firat reading at a reou- nance was introduced and;- to the Green at Palmer Stjuare. Am't'ehl cafe N:J:S.Ai 40A:ir*5(1KQ). This 5{lHa).- Thc contracts . and - the-■ iar: meeting, of tho Township passed on first reading at a regu­ ' contract, and the resolution au­ rbsolutios authorizing them are . ^Committee of tho Township of ■- P' ialar meeting of the Township thorizing' it are.available for public, available for public inspection in,, South Brunswick, Middlesex Cooimitteo of the Township of tableo andambrellao on the la\cn, miioie inspection in tho office of the Mu- thb office of the Municipal Clerk. , County. New Jersey held ori ■ South Brunswick,’ Middlesex , nicii)al Clerk. Awarded to French & Parrello June 3, 1997 and was-adopted , County. New Jersey hold on . - Awarded to H.I.P. Rutgers Associates, P.A.: for general con- on final reading at a regular - June 3, 1997, and was adopted , throuqhonl the evemnij, food anJ the (R.C.H.P.) HMO for health ser-. ■, suiting services for B' meeting.held on July 1, 1997 at on4inal reading a t ah regular, vices for employees frbra July 1. ■Road at a-cost;not to exceed . the Municipal - Building. ■ Mon­ meeting .hold on July 1, 1997 at- 1997 to Juno 30; 1998 at arl,ap­ S20.680. A ■ mouth Junction, NoW Jersw. the Municipal Building, Mon­ . T proximate cost of $14,858.00 per Awarded to Tectonic for wef- Kathleen A. Tnorpo. mouth Junction. New Jersey. - . popping of ehampaejne bottler, month. ' land mitigation services for Book-, 7 , . RMC/CMC/AAE , Kathleen A. Thorpe., . Kathleen A. Thorpe, man Road extension; at a cost ’ : Township Clerk RMC/CMC/AAE RMC/CMC/AAE . not to exceed $17,130. CP: 7-10-97 It • . Township Clerk come enjoy //v joie de, vivre Township Clerk Kathleen A. Thorpe.’ FEE: $6.02 CP: 7-10-97 11 CP: 7-10-97 1t : . RMC/CMC/AAE , FEE: $7.44 . FEE: $7.13 ■ -Township Clerk' of t hie French holiday: I'Z; •CP: 7-10-97-It . l e g a l NOTICE . FEE: $7.75 . ' . - 7 " TAKE NOTICE THAT at a reg­ ular meeting hold on 7/2/96, the South Brunswick Township P|an- -ning Board look the following ac- tion$: ADOPTED - resolulions for ,„.. SD • 11708-E - Deans Pond • Crossing and Land Use Regula­ tory RcTorm Act. APPROVED - File «96-057- -WAWA. Inc.. . Georges Road. Block 3 i. Lot 39, application for preliminary and final site plan approvals with vari­ ance (parking in front yard) and waivers to construct a.268 S-f. . building addition and ten- rfcw parking spaces on the 1,08 aero . site located in a C-1 Zone, AP­ Bastille Day PROVED - FiIo 'HSO 1082C -: Nanci Woods. Block 10. Lots 16 1801 '& 16.18l5i application ' for amended preliminary and final major subdivision lo remove conr, . ditions of approval affcclino fif- .. teen single-family residential lots on 10-46 acres in the R’3 Zone. The purpose of the application is to remove a restriction prohibiting Manufacturers basements on Lots 16.1804 • through 16.1809. Also requested / & Designers IS removal of the required off-site emergency access easement to Ronna Court. Robert G. Hall, Secretary ______. ' ■ . Planning Board CP; 7-10-97 It ; ; FEE: $11.47 , ■ ■ ; / Ordinance No 63-97 Friday, duly II • 4 p m - 8 pm LOWEST PRICES IN 10 YEARS AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING RECIPROCAL AGREEMENTS On the Green at Palmer Sc|uare WITH OTHER MUNICIPALITIES Area's Largest Selection Of FOR MUTUAL POLICE OR FIRE AID IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Featarinq the Spirit Band with Sleee Kramer & Chuck DeAnqelo This ordinance would autho­ Natuzzi Leather Sectionals & Sofas rize mutual emergency police assistance between South Brunswick and other munici­ Floor Sample SALE palities in Middlesex County Annual “W aiters’ Race” 5:30 p m Wo-60%,OFF and Franklin Township in Som­ erset County To register please call Dan at J.B.W inberie at 921.0700. The above ordinance was in^- We Will Beat Ang Price troduced and passed • on first reading at a regular meeting of On Comporoble the-Township Committee of the Township of South Brunswick (JuQlitg Mica FUrniture held on July 1. 1997 and will be ^ No admission lee. considered on second and final reading and final passage^ at a Special thank.! to Perrier-.Joaet Champaqne. Master Bedrooms from $1,999 regular meeting of the Township'. . Committee-of the Township ol Leather Sectionals from $1,999 South Brunswick'to be held at the Municipal Building,. . Mon­ Teen Bedrooms from $999 mouth Junction, Now Jersey, at 8:00 P.M. on Auoust 5. 1997, at ■ 3pc. Wall Units from $1,699 which lime and place any person, having an inlorest. therein will be • given an opportunity lo be heard. Kathleen A; Thorpe Township-Clerk N a s s a u I n n "NEW FOR'97 Copies of this entire ordinance may bo obtained without charge - A TEXTURE STONE in tho office of tho Municipal r* It 1 N (' i: r o n FINISH ----- Clerk during nornial business • . Towne Pointe Center hours. CP; 7-10-97 It 357 Rt. 9 South, Monolopan FEE: $12.09 ; . , . - . ^ Take notice that Brian Silver- smith has applied to the Zoping . D€iivjrl;& w Up! ■ 908-536-0740 Board of Adjustment of the . . Jownship of South Brunswick for. 10 EALAtER SQUARE • PRlNCIiTON N’J • 009.92 I .7500 ■ ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED . ■ - approval of a.'bulk .variance, to build a deck up to the property OPEN 7 DA'/S; Mon., Tues., Sot. 10-6; Wed., Tburs., Fn. 10-9; Sun. 12-5 . lino on one side, referred to as a side yard encroachment pursuant . to municipal ordinance - 175- 114.(A)(2)(b)(1), on property Block 96.18, Lot 70 on the South Brunswick Township current tax duplicate. Said prop­ erty IS also commonly known as 86 Kingsland Circle, Monmouth Junction. New Jersey. 08852. . A hearing on said application will be held by the Zoningmg ti Board of Adlustmontstmont on Augus■A 7/1997. at 8 PM^ »oin the MunicipalIBuildlng,' .540- . . .lidgoRii' ~Road, ‘Monmouth Junction. Now Jersey. 08852, at which lime any interested person . ' may be heard concerning said application, A copy of the maps and docu- ments for which. approval is-, sought IS on file in the office,of the above Board for, public in­ spection during regular business , hours (0:30.AM-4:30,PM) Mon-, day through Friday, except holi-.’ days. Dated: July 7 ,1997. . . : Signature:' Brian Silversmith - ■ 86 Kingsland Circle Monmouth Junction, NJ 00852 CP: 7-10-97 It . Fee: $12.09,

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LfCHTt.VC Cq)~^ S LIGHT 4 ’ HALOGEN TRAC STRIP* • White : ' • Includes 3.metal shades , : • Uses (3) 50 watt MR 16 halogen bulbs 67735iW (1-12780) ' , ,

\:(fv^NALlCHnWGCQ)2 42 " BRIDGETON CATALinA CEILING FAN ■WamHBiBiiffllBlIJMtrB with LIGHT KIT* • White with polished brass 5-LIGHT • 3-speed reversible motor (3576331 CHANDELIER with LIGHTING RIBBED GLASS* • Polished brass 6-LIGHT • 18"Wx14"H BEVELEDGLASS • Uses (5) 60 watt bulbs 834/5(826718) ; PENDANT* • 18''"Wx12"H • Fan design in glass ' ^ Uses (6) 40 watt bulbs R1002 (-Wiqas) ______CATALinA BEL AIR Lighting -.Fa.vX L/GHri.VGCQ.- 52 " PRINCETON'" CEILING FAN with LIGHT KIT* • Polished brass . i 8-LIGHT • 3-speed reversible motor ACRYLIC . (391022) ' ) CHANDELIER* .SLIGHT • 181/2"Wx26"H I POLISHED BRASS ..• Uses 8 candelabra bulb's. t PENDANT* 59684 16311191 25>;5?( , 300 WATT HALOGEN ______TORCHIERE LAMP BEL,AIR Lighting • Available in white or black with bright brass accents PRIME • Exceeds new U.L 153 standards $ • Variable dimmer control with manual reset,thermal protector ALUM INUM . • Heavy duty SPT 2 cord UP LIGHT* WALL LANTERN* • Includes extra . Available in white '• Choostflrom white, 300 watt halogen bulb blackorvSrde U R G E OVAL ■i.'-!'55S'74t601l- . Accent lighting shines up • 5.5'W x14’'H ' , BULKHEAD o n plants, walls, etc. • Die cast a!uminum'wi)l FIXTURE* not rust, lade or corrode • Available In ' . Uses 60 watt bulb • Uses too watt bulb black or white SH070WH (305723) :54005 ,561)377 5o03c5l ' Bulbs sold separately

l^'tCHARCEi V/SA Open Mon. - Sat. 6 a m - 1 0 p m • Sunday 8 a m ■ 6 p m **SGCAUCUS HOW OPEN ^^•iiCARDl 24 HOURS EVEKYdfWr Prices may vary after July 16, 1997 if there are market variations We reseri/'e the rigm to limit quantities to the airiount reasonable for homeowners and our regular contractor customers. It is our policy .to run, ■ CLIFTON*....:...... (201) 472-4600 SOUTH PLAINFIELD . ....(908) 752-5900 truttifui.'accurate advertising. In the event of an error, we will make ever^r ■■ DOVER/ROCKAWAY*...... (201)442-0101 TOMS RIVER**...... :(908) 244-3400 reaso/iabie effon to accommodate our customers. Details on any product ' ■ TOTOWA*...... (201) 812-8390 warranties available at store. Key .CreditTerms; For purchases made v'-ith EAST HANOVER* ...... (201) 887-4444 youi Home Depot Consumer Charge Card, the Annual Percentage Rate EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP**..... (609)407-9600 WEST LONG BRANCH ...(908) 935-0100 (APR) is 21°o (18%;ln lA) For single purchases of $2000 or greater that qualify HAZLET...... (908)264-1661 WEST WINDSOR** ... (609) 987-8686 for the Major Purchase Feature of your Home Depot Consumer Charge Card Account, the APR will be 1.5.48°/i. Minimum monthly finance charge is.SI.00 LAKEWOOD**...... V .:...... (908) 920-4200 ^ WOODBRIDGE...... (908) 750-9890 (718) 273-5069 (S.50 in.fA and Wl). Any minimum monthly payment shown is an estimate . ■ MILLTOWN...... •...,;.(908).432-0500' STATEN ISLAND, N Y *f***... : i based bn purchase price only..Does not include sales tax., insurance charges, or OLD BRIDGE/SAYREVILLE...... (908)727-4100 ‘ Open Mon.-Sat. 6 am - 1 1 pm , Sun. 7 am - 6 pm finance Cliaraes and may be higher if you have an existing balance or make . “ Open Mon.-Sat. 6 am - 1 0 pm , Sun. 8 am - 6 pm ..... additional^rchases on your account.; Offer subject to: credit approval by PARAMUS*** ...... L^L.,...... 3...... (^^ 262-3344 ***Paramus open Mon.-Sat. 7 am - 11pm , CLOSED SUN. Monogram Credit Card Bank of Georgia. Check store'for. addilionai details.: ROXBURY MALL* . ... ,(201) 927-7700 ■installation services available to New,Jersey.and Pennsylvania residents only.. . *****Staten Island Open Mon.-Sat. 6am -.12 MIDNIGHT, Sun. 8 am - 6 pm SECAUCUS**** .7...... (201) 271-1200 Installation provided by. independent, licensed plumbers .and electricians., license numbers availableiupon request. (15) . : ©1997, HOMERTLC,lnc.v ^ . #7412 15-7/10-7 15 10A The Central Post Thursday, July 10,1997 Carnival. Charter.

Continued'from Page 1A. Brunswick I’ .ILA., the' (Concerned that will be held later m the year fora Continued from Page 1A illai'k I’aretits and C'lti/cus ol South 1997 P'ord Taurus. Tickets for the “The requests for more services have been Brunswick, (’'iti/ens lor Independent drawing can be purchased at the car­ used by 39 municipalities in New 'I'lic now uses, local overwhelming.The community has I.-iving and the South lliutisw'ick nival lor .S20...... Jersey, representing 11 percent of the scho(ils for its pi'Ogram.s,- , slate's population, Among those us­ Communily Pdlication Association: Sponsors of the carnival include; embraced the Y.” ing the form is neighboring Franklin "Wc want a I'aciluy wlicrc wo can The C'enlral Tost. I.ifestylcs l-itncss T he C'enlral I’ost. AIK" Taxi, the Township. run programs and we want to pat in ti of I'-ranklin Park, Monmouth Mobile Mindy Lazar Star-l'.edger. l.ifestyle.s of- The commission’ s preliminary le- pool." .she said. New! servicOS would, Home. Park, D a vid Young, DMD: P'rankliil Park and Robert D'.Anton. a poit rccommcnJls that the council be include child care, aquatics anil aero­ Neal Ciittlenian, DDS: Riilger.s' local developer.will all bc,|iieseni at made up of five member.S, including bic and athletic, activities. The YM- coinmunity will show its su|iport by wheels of chance. Poods available in­ l•■ellce. South Hrunsw'iek P.B.A., information booths during the live- a mayor, elected fo four-year terms. C’A's goal IS to open expanded I'acili- attending the carnival. She estimates clude ligyptian cuisine. pojKorn, wa­ South Brunswick Township, the day.evenl. There would be staggered council lies in 19.9S, . ,v' South-Brunswick Board of Pduca- that betwTcn 2,n00 and 2,.sOl) people termelon, Italian specialties, rotisse- terms and at-large partisan election's w ill attend each night. rie iind roast heel', Chinese lion, and Linda Schwar/./C-oldwcll “ The requests t or more serviees Ms. I,a/ar noted that a portion ol would be held every two years. - . food, shaved ice. and hamburgers anil Schlou. have been mcrw helming." Ms. l.a/ar all subscriptions to The C'enlral Post It also was recommended that the T he carnival. which",oflers■Troty; lipcoming YMC?A evenls incluile •said, “ The eominunitv has embraced , hot dogs. ... taken out during the I'lrnival will be mayor be directly elected rather than admis.sion, w ill I'eature six ailuli rides' a fall fuhd-rai.ser, a golf outing, a t h e ^ ...... ' . donated to the YMCA. selected by council members from • and six childreir.s rides. There w ill Comnninity group,s participating New' Years' five bash ;ind the second among themselvesi However, much Ms. La/.ar said she is hoping the- also be 11 caines ol'chance and three in the carnival include the South Another fund-raiser is a drawing annual Hallow'een Hullabaloo. like the Township Committee, the mayor has few special powers. Under the council-manager form, the council is responsible, for adop­ ting ordinances in addition to budget revision and approval. The council also appoints the municipal clerk and tax assessor and provides for the ap­ pointment ol the municipal attorney. The council may deal with municipal employees only through the manager. The manager serves at the plea­ sure of the council and can be ic- moved at any time without cause. The manager appoints personnel, proposes the budget and executes all laws anti ordinances. The manager may speak at council meetings, but does not vote. : Ernest F^eock, a Kendall Park res­ ident who IS prolessor emeritus lor Rutgers Center lor Government Serv­ ices and a. consultant to the Charter Study Commission, said appoint­ ments to boards and commissions would be provided for m the admin­ istrative code. The code would be adopted by the council within three months of us taking power. According to the commission’s , preliminary llndings the township committee form should be changed;, tor the lollowing reasons: n It provides for annual elec­ tions, which cause constant political activity and can paralyze the actiyi-f ties of the township government for , much of each year. B Annual selection ol the mayor, ' as under the current committee form, inhibits continuity in policies, recog- , -nition ol the mayor beyond the town- ' ship borders and long-term planning. , It denies the mayor a chance to gain lull knowledge of the job and an op­ portunity to implement plans. D Selection ol the mayor by the township committee prevents direct accountability to the voters. . B The combination of executive and legislative responsibilities vested in the township committee, creates a “ multi-headed” chief executive and leads to micro-management of de­ partments and iin excessive workload on elected officials. B Combined executive and legi.s- lative powers provide no clear line of authority. Thc diffusion of.authority and responsibility also diffuses ac­ countability. Citizens have dilficully nii,s foiir-picce woi'lcsuilioii pf{)\Klc.s siipcTb fiincUoiitility tuicl assessing who IS responsible, bauity. It incliiclcvs a Penin.siila with a sintile drawei' on n The possibility that the town­ ship administrator's position could be ; both steles, allowing either a lefi.or tight hand conligiiratjon, changed or eliminated by ordinance which inseils into the Open unit providtng plenty of without a vote of the people. work sjvace. It iilso includes a Monitor tuicl Keyhoard Cabinet ■ Lack of powers of Initiative and Referendum tor the voters o f the witli a Lateral I'tle tmd Pnnter Cabinet.' township. RetiulS.i.i7S - B The constant threat o f political ; patronage, with elected officials mak­ ing all appointments. SALE $1999 In addition to the township com­ . cotton fabnes luid premiuni down-like cuslijons make this mittee and council-manager, the sola the place to kick oil voiir .shoes tmd curl up! Charter Study Commission reviewed the mayor-council and mayor-coun- nv hand-tied coil construction with e.xpen hand-uuloiing Iw Maussner's contemporan’.leatlier sofa cil-administrator forms of govern­ J.Rovale. with Its oiemtufled back, intdded turns ment. Retail .S2790 tuicl extra cusluotied seats invite's you to Joining Mr. Schwartz, on the five- • ••• -1 ■ ' member commission were chairwom­ sit down. \ou may never want to get an Jane Snyder, Susan Lee, Gwen SAIT $1399 . uptuiain! Southgate and Sylvia Lee. Reuul$1885 WHERE SALE $899 TO WRITE 'Die matching loveseat tuid clitur tu'e 1 he names, addresses and tele­ ttlsoonstile! phone numbers of elected officials representing South Brunswick at the lederal and state levelfollow: U.S. Senate Sen. Robert Torricelli (D), I Riverfront Plaza, Newark , N.J. (,)tieeii Anne stvling is combined 07102, (973) 624-5.535 Washing­ with the design elenieiiLs ton office: 113 Dirksen Senate O f­ o f Rhode Isltuid cabinet maker fice Building, Washington, D.C. 20510,(202) 224-3224 loliii Cioddtu cL tis e.xeniiililied in Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D), :: the .swirling .shell iiiotils on the Gateway 1, Gateway Center, Suite , chturs tuicl . Hie set 1001, Newark, N.J. 07102, (973) includes the btuiciuet Uiblc, four 645-3030. Washington office: 506 Hart SenateOfiice Biiildmc, Wash­ side chiui's. two ann chtum ington, D.C. 20510,'' (202) tuicLthe china. 224-4744 Retail SIO.OSO U.S. House of Representatives, District 12 SAIT $4999 Mike Pappas (R), 3 Broad St., Suite 100, Freehold, N.J. 07728 (732) 462-8499; (800) 965-2597;/ Washington office: 1710 Long- worth House Office Building, Wa.shington, D.C. 20515,' (202) . ■225-5801. LWKENCEMIJT, M State Senate and Assembly, Dis­ i |95 Hmnsw ick Pike trict 14 111 the Liw rcncc Shopping ( enter Sen. Peter A. Inverso (R). Suite (C)09) 882-6000 6, 7 Centre Drive, Jamesburg, N.J. & 08831, (609) -395-8260, (908) Open: 521-56.56. FURNITURE 1(1 AM - U I ’M \I()ii(l;lv-l n(l;i\ 1(1 AM - S I'M .S;i(iir

COMMUNITY CAPSULES WEDDINGS Teen Center at (732) 329-4000, ext. 285. Registration open Members sought for reading program opened for summer SBRO to hold The Tecri Center, held ill South for VFW Sign-ups for, this year's Young BmnHwiek Comnuinity Center at family picnic The VFW 91I I of South Adult Summer Reading Progrant Woodlol Park, is a sure bet to cure The South Brunswick Republic Brunswick and the Women’s Auxil­ “Thrills and Chills at the Library” is llie Kumincr blahs. Teen Center will Organization w ill hold its lOth annu­ iary are now accepting eligible peo­ now underway at the South Bruns­ be openeil through Aug. 7 on Tues- al Family Day Picnic on Saturday, ple for membership. Call Scott at wick Library's Information Desk, (liiys anil Thursdays from 7 to 10 Aug, 23, from 1 to 6 p.m. at Reichler (732) 438-9822 or the Post Home at The program is open to students en­ p.m. All South Brunswiek teens are Park. (732) 297-9823 for more informa­ tering grades six through 12. Spon- invited to eoine hang out and join the Tickets arc S5 per person or ,SI0 tion. .sored by the Friends of (he l.ibrary, lun. .. for a family. Price includes food, mu­ the reading progiiun is scheduled to Lots ofaetiviiies will be available sic, games and activities for both run through Aug. 8 with a scavenger on a nightly basis; ineluding basket­ children and adults. For information Free concerts ; hunt and pizza party planned for that ball, movies. pool, tnusie, eooking, or ticket prices, call Joseph Calvancl- to be held date. volleyball, I’ ing-I^ing, arts and crafts li at (732) 297-9249 or Debbie Hack- All participants who read at least ' iind more. worth at (732) 297-2051. The South Brunswick Depart­ five hours during the summer will There will also be weekly theme ment of Recreation and Community have their names entered in the grand Itarties held on Thursdiiy nights. Cel­ Volunteers sought Affairs has announced that Summer- prize drawing of a portable CD play­ ebrate the '60s on Thursday, .(uly 17. fest, an outdoor performance series, er. Other prizes w ill be raffled oil at Por niore information, call (732) for Auxiliary Police will feature four free concerts. All (he end-of-the-prograrn. party on Aug. 329-4000, ext. 671. ' . •shows w ill begin on Fridays, at 7 '8. ■ ■ _ ■ The South Brunswick Police De­ conclude by 8:30 p.m. due To register and for further details, partment is currently inviting inter­ to light conditions. A ll concerts are stop by the InformiitimsDesk. i Township to sponsor ested residents to serve their commu­ held: at the outdoor amphitheater at nity as volunteer Auxiliary Police ■ Woodlot Park on West New Roatl'in Fishing Derby ‘ Officers. Auxiliary, officers donate School papers Kendall Park, The South Brunswick Township approximately 12 hours per month to On July 18, the Bla(venbcrg wanted for recycling Department of Recreation/ assist the police department with as­ Band, a turn-of-the-century, old-fash­ Community .Affairs w ill be sponsor­ signments such as crime prevention, South Brunswick Recycling en­ ioned, 35-piece group, will perform ing,the Annual Fishing Derby on Sat­ traffic details and patrol duties. „ courages students and parents to give patriotic songs, Sousa marches,. Dix­ urday, Aug. 2, from 10 a.m. to noon Applicants must undergo a com­ old school papers some new life by ieland styles jazz, and more. at Woodlot Park on New Road, rain petitive selection process to receive placing them at the curb in rectangu­ Oh July, 25, Squeaky Clean will or shine. Check-in lime is at 9:30 appointment. Newly appointed offi­ lar blue paper recycling buckets. . a.m. ' . cers attend the Middlesex County Po­ bring back the Sock Hop when they For those in multi-family devcl- The event is free to all resident lice Academy at night and on Satur­ entertain with favorite songs from the opmfcnts, paper should go in the children ages 6-14. Participants will days for three months, beginning in golden years of rock ‘n’ roll. dumpster marked “ paper recycling need to bring their own bait and fish­ September. The final concert on Aug. 1, will only,” Residents also have the option ing et|uipmem and must be able to Those interested should call (732) be G-Forcc, performing a variety of of boxing or brown paper bagging -fish witiiout assistance. The pond 329-4000, ext. 424 to receive addi­ rock n’ roll favorites from the ’70s, their mixed paper items and bringing will be stocked for the derby. tional information and application in­ '80s and today. The.concert will fea­ them to the recycling center which is^ Ann Marie Fekete and David M. Shemo j^Advanee registration is required structions. The application deadline ture lots ofaudience participation and located behind the Municipal Com­ by-^alliiig (732) 329-4000, ext. 671 is July 25. the Maccarena. . .. plex on the corner on Kingston Lane by Friday, Aug. I..- In the event of rain, the program and Route .522. Fekete — Shemo Raffle to benefit w ill be moved to the air-conditioned Hours for the recycling center are Senior Center in the Municipal Com­ 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Sat­ Ann Marie Fekete, daughter of attended .Middlesex County, Col­ Library to host Library Foundation plex on Ridge Road in Monmouth urday. Questions about recycling can be answered by calling the South Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fekete of lege and is currently studying me­ herb seminars The Friends of the South Bruns­ Junction. Bring lawn chairs, blankets Brunswick Public Works Department North Brunswick, was married chanical engineering ■ at Portland wick Library are now selling $2 raf­ for seating and a picnic. No alcohol The South Brunswick Public Li­ at (732) 329-40()0, ext. 260 or 274. Oct, 26. 1996, to David M. Shemo. State University. fle tickets, the proceeds of which will is permitted in the park. For concert brary will host “ The Herb .Works,” a The gr()om is the son of Mr. benefit the newly established South location due to inclement weather or Her husband graduated from groupof seminars that allows people and Mrs. Jo.seph Shemo of North to learn about their bodies and the Brunswick Library Foundation. heat emergencies, call (732) Grafters sought North Brun.swick, TownshipHigh , The prize, on display at the li­ 329-4000, ext. 686 after 5:30 p.m. on Brunswickt School and received a bachelor’s herbs that can help them stay healthy. for flea market The ceremony was performed ■fhe programs w ill be held on brary, is a basket filled with comput­ the day of the concert for a tape re­ degree in ceramic engineering St. Augustine ol Canterbury by MonsignOr Francis J. Crupi at Wednesdays, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at er hardware and software. Included corded message. from Rutgers College of Engi­ School, Kendall Park, will hold its ; St. Marv o f Mount Virgin Church. the library. Admission is free. The are a 12x CD-ROM, a 16-bit 3-D For further information, call neering. He also received his mas­ annual craft show/fieiii market on New Brunswick. ■ schedule is as follows: . Sound Card, two • 50 watt speakers .(732) 329-4000, ext. 678, weekdays, ter's degree and iloctorate m ce­ Nov. 8, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.'Craft- A reception , was held in the July 23 — “ Men and Herbs"; with amplifier and several CDs. The frpm 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Any business,, ramic science and engineering ers and general merch andisers who Pines Manor, Edison. Aug. . 20 — “ Women and Herbs” ; package, donated by Sistemas Cor­ corporation or individual interested from Rutgers University. He. is a reserve a space before Aug. 15 will Honor attendants were Nancy Aim. 2 7 ^ “ Preenanev and Herbs." poration, is worth more than ,$400. in becoming a Summerfest sponsor ■proces.s engineer ■. with Komatsu Raffle tickets arc available at the receive .$5 off. For ileti tils and table Shemo of Princeton, sister of the : ■ T:all (732) 329-9577 to register. ■ ,may contact Bonnie Bruccoleri at the Silicon America, Inc.. Hillsboro, library or through members of reservations, call (732) 821-6779 or groom; and Daniel Diana of Fidi- above phone number. Ore. : ...... Friends, Call (732) 329-6688 or The performance series is spon- (732) 821-5145. ,soh; Children get‘buggy’ . (732) 329-2342. , ; \ . .sored by the South Brunswick De­ The bride, a graduate o f North The couple made their home in with reading program partment of Recreation and Commu­ Group to host Brun.swick Township High School, Hillsboro, Ore. One thousand children have al­ Library to feature nity Affairs, New Member Tea ready signed up for the “ Go Buggy Film Festival The East Brun.swick Chapter of w ith Books" summer reading pro­ Notre Dame Hadassah is having its New Member chase o f an "Enlerlainment" book. terests. . gram at the South Brunswick Public Cartoons of folk tales from Tea in August. The group i.s looking Many features have been added and Library. Children from babies to around the world and well-loved pic­ to hold reunion for new members who would like to the discount for coupons, such-as . T o auditiori' for the 'event.' or to ■ those entering sixth grade arc eligible ture books are currently being fea­ The Notre Dame High School tured at the South Brunswick Public participate in the oldest women’s Z i­ Continental Airlines, has been in­ lend assistance, call chairpefson An- to register for the program and enjoy Class of 1962 is preparing for a 35th Library’s Summer Family Film Festi­ onist organization in the country. creased. : : ■drca.Met.sopulos at (732). 821-0867. , a summer of prizes, parlies and free reunion to be held Saturday, Oct. 25, val. The Film Festival w ill be held There activities to accommodate Books w ill be available on a first- books from Reading, is Fundamental at the Nottingham Ballroom on Mer­ each Saturday through Aug. . 16 from women 9 to 90. come first-served basis. For more in­ and the Friends of the Library. There cer Street in. Hamilton. Activities in­ Vendors sought 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in the meet­ The North and South Brunswick formation or to order the books, call is still time to sign up for this pro­ clude an informal dinner catered by Susan at (732) 329-6688 or Evelvn at gram. Just visit the library Of: book­ ing room at the library, located at 110 chapters'of Hadassah have been in­ for community day Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction. Mastoris and recorded music pro­ corporated with the East Brunswick ■(732)297-5062. mobile and pick up a reading log and vided by Bill Hulse of Happy Day guide to the program. chapter. , The South Brunswick Municipal DJ’s. For further information, call Shei­ As:aclive members of the reading Talent sought Alliiince Against Substance Abuse is Group to sponsor For reservations or information, la at (732) 238-1476. program, children are invited to tow Walk-A-Thon call Barbara Vannoz.zi Hart at (609) for birthday bash now planning , the 1997 Community summer reading parties. The first Unity Day. The eveni is to be held on 585-3255. Chris Pratico at ,(609) The & Arts Com­ party, on Saturday, July 19, w ill fea­ The Heavenly Bodies aerobics Entertainment books Saturday. Sept. 13, from I2;3() to 6 844-7901 or Courtney Rencgar at mittee for the South Brun.swick Bi­ ture “ buggy” magic of professional group based at Sand Hills Presbyteri­ p.m. at the Woodlot Park on New (609)844-7914. to be available centennial is currently-seeking local magician Jean Maljean. The second an CJhurch will .sponsor a Walk-A- Road in Kendall Park. reading party will take place on Sat- Thon oh Sund.ay, July 20, from 1 to 5 Orders for “ Entertainment ’98” people or groups with performing or di.scount books are now being taken visual arts talent. . urday. Aug. 23. Both parlies will be p.m. in Kendall Park, rain or shine. Grafters sought All groups, organizations and followed by Reading is Fundamental All proceeds benefit the Baby through the Friends of the South A Bicentennial Birthday Bash for annual fair vendors interested in selling up a ta­ book distributions where each child David Fund to help defray mounting Brunswick Library. Books ordered will take place Saturday. Feb. 21, ble lor the event should call Linda A. has the chance to pick out two free legal fees in the contested adoption The First Presbyterian Church at now will be in during the first week 1998 at both the old and new high Soden, chairman of the South Bruns­ paperback books. of a 3-ycar-old New Jersey child. In­ Dayton is looking for crafters to dis­ of September. The books are current­ sehool buildings beginning in the The summei' reading program is dividuals can walk, sponsor a walker play their designs at its annuaL Har­ ly on sale for only $30, the lowest afternoon through midnight. The wick Mi'micipal Alliance , Against ■ sponsored by the Friends of the Li­ or volunteer their time. Call Linda vest Fair to be held on Sept. 20, from price in five years. event is designed to appeal to a wide Substance Abuse, at (732) 274-2216 brary. For further information about Seneca at (732) 297-0474 for further 9 a.m. to 3 p:m. For table informa­ Individuals will receive a 30 min­ range of citizens and will be arranged for more details and an application ■ this retidjng program, call the library details. . . tion, call (732) 329-2218. ute AT&T phone card with the pur­ to accommodate manv tastes and in­ for ihe.'l997 Community Unity Day. SENIOR CALENDAR BIRTHS WEEKEND PICKS

The Medical Center at South Brunswick July 24, at 1 p.m. George Slicko, Beach Boys and the Eagles, , back by popular demand, w ill per­ Princeton has announced; , Paris site Senior Center form. Watermelon and ice cream will A boy to John and Heather. is topic of talk In the event o f rain, the pro­ Kainer of Kendall Park, June 26. be served; event is free. There w ill be gram will be moved to the air-con­ A girl to Xiaoyang & Amy •‘Discovered in Paris .Ameri­ 7//C followiuii events will take a lunch at noon; reservations must be ditioned Senior Center in the Mu­ Lee of Monmouth Junction, June ca's Other Independence Site." place in the auditoriain o f the South made the day before. nicipal Complex on Ridge-Road in Hntnswick Senior Center, located at 21. will be the topic of a lecture given Monmouth Junction. Bring lawn the inimicipal complex on Kidge , by local historian Manual Laub on chairs, blankets for sealing and a, S;ilurday, ai 11 a.m. at (lie South Rood, h'or infornitition on any of South Brunswick James and Wanda Ferrara of picnic. No alcohol is permitted in Bnunswick Public Library,. .; ■. 1 these events or programs, contact Sn- AARP Ghapter Monmouth Junction are , proud the park. For concerjt location due ; san jri'llj at,( 732 } 32<2-4000, ext, 675. new parents of Dylan James Fer­ ./ Mr, Laub w ill , discuss how he. to inclement weather or heal emer- rara, born on Friday, June 13, at . I'i5iind the site where Ihe Treaty of giiricies.jcall (731) ,329-40()().:exi., The JoUowing events are. span-, 11;57: a,m. at St. Peter's Hospi­ Paris was. signed and explain the : 686 after;5:3(), p.m. on the. day of hackground of this historical event. the' concert for a tape recorded Cume out to-join the Walking sored by the South lirim.swick chap­ tal. . ■ To reuisler, call the Information message. ■ Club. Some of the group's destina­ ter o f the AARP. For more Informa­ He weighed in at 6 pounds 14 ounces. His length was 19 1/4 : Desk 'at (732) ■329-4()()0, ext. 286,, tions include the Princeton Canal, tion call (732) 297-I6S4. For further.(information, .call. Herrontown Woods and Pigeon inches. Grandmothers are Shir­ ley Dietz, of Kendall Park and Dylan James Ferrara . .(73,2)( 329-40l)(). ext. 678,'. week-' Swamp.The VValkmg Club meets ev­ , , ;.... just born .; Free concert days,:froni,9 a.m. to 4 p.m.( ery Wednesday , at 9:45 a.m.. at the Donna Ferrara of Haz.let.' featured at Woodlot Senior. Center. * The South Brunswick Chapter of AARP is sponsoring a bus trip on ( The South Brunswick Deparl- VFW hosts Wednesday, Aug. 20, to the Prome­ meni of Recreation and Communi­ flea market nade Theater in New York to see, a There will be a sing-a-long with ON CAMPUS ty Affairs will sponsor a free con­ matinee performance of “ The Bermu­ Ann Siraz/a today ('riuirsday) at cert on Friday, froin.,7 to 8;30 p.m. The.VF\\’ :Posi91.riandthe 12:45 p.m: Song sheets and refresh­ da Avenue Triangle." Monica C. Sdincider, daughter Michael Lee of Kendall Park at the, outdoor ■ amphitheater at Women’s. ’ . Auxiliary of South ments will be available. of Mr. and Mrs. Franz of graduated with a bachelor of science VVoodloi Park on West New Road Brunswick w ill a'flea nitirket This new coiiiedy stars Renee in Kendall Park, Kendall Park, has been named to the degree in biology from Tufts Univer­ oh Saturday, from. 8 a:jn( to I p.m.; Dean's List at Northwestern 'Univer­ Taylor, Joe; Bologna and Nanette Fa- sity at’ commencement exercises 'held , First Ckiss Act. will perform, ,. at . the. Post. Honie on ■ HeiKlersun bray. Reservations and deposit are sity for the winter and spring quarters imisic from the“ •,5()stthrough '7l)s,. Road. Tables are $!.(): each. For Enjoy lunch and listen jo the pi­ on May 18. , ' ;, ' . due by July 16. Call Sy Kramer at of the 1996-97 academic .school year. in a rock 'n' roll retipspeeiive. in­ more information, calf 1.732) ano and organ music of John Sheri-, The 1994. graduate of South (732) V j 7-.T562 or Pal at .(732) He was also named to the Dean's cluding, tunes fron), Elvis, .The 197-9823 after 1.p.m. , , dan and Stephanie Barbetii onThurs- Brunswick High School is a junior 297-4884 ip make re.servations or for List for the spring semester. (lay, July 17. at. 11:3() a.m. Lunch majoring in psychology with a minor reservations the day before are re­ further information. in statistics. ■ quired. Call (732) 329-6171 fur lunch In order to achieve Dean’s List or just stop by for (he music; with : ■ Total cost is $41. Bus departs status, students must earn a grade Kevin Michael Donnelly of DEADLINE POLICY brown ban lunch. from the South Brunswick Recycling point ayerage o f at least a 3.7 out of Kendall Park has been named to the Center at I I a.m. The chapter is in 4.0. . Dean's List tu Tufts Uni\ersiiy for We encouraee Submissions i6 l.etlers also max be: faxed TO (908) 329-92SO . x'l dehxered to our ots recess for the summer and will con­ the spring semester. : ^ . d Therer will he a Sunimer Party tinue Us regularmeeting schedule on For publication of your com- fice. .'9 7 Ridge Road. DayioivPro-, (fessiohaf Ceiue'r: Suite 4, Dayton. with live band music on Thursday, Sept. 12. nuinity , announcement, a typed press release nuist be rcceiied b\ Press,'releases shoiikf include our:office a .week before the ;i^i-, the .xxiit'er's ' name, and .'daytime SERVICE SALUTES nouncemeni is to appear. phone nuiiii'ier. : -; Children sought for concert Marine Pfe. Nicholas P, Veltrc, ■' He was promoted based on sus­ The release nuist . be receixed no later than noon Thursilav. son of Robert and Karen Veltrc of tained superior job performance and , Photos, suhiuii.ted to. The Post ■ The Not Ready Fur Broadway Rehearsals will begin on Tues­ Dayton, was recently promoted to his proficiency in his desigUaJed special­ : ,'fhe release, complete .\viih(|hc shiurlxl include a stumped, .self-ad­ Players Would like to encourage chil­ day, July 29, for a show date of Aug. present tank while serving with Ma­ ty. . time, dale, sponsuf and place ol the dressed envelope. Include with the dren in kmdergaiten to eighth grade 22 to be held at the North Brunswiek rine Aircraft Group 29, 2nd Marine event.: should' be sent to: Bonnie .photo a descripiioti.df the. photo's to iiarlicipate m their second annual Township H igh School. For further The 199(i graduate ot South Aircraft Wing, Marine Corps Air Sta­ Mannino. ,social'.eililor. Ihe Post,. c.onienlS'. Do not send irreplaceable summer eoneeil “ Ihe Envelope information, call Sandy Gurtov at Brunsw'ick .High Scjiool joined the tion New River, Jacksonville. N.C. Marine Corjis in Decenh'ier 1906. P.O.: Bo,< ,t()9, Davton. N.J, ()8810: photos. ( Please.” - ■ (732)297-6586, 12A The Central Post Thursday, July 10,1997 RELIGIOUS NEWS

tional programs, call (732) 329-6262. 297-3734. I'he congregation has been fel- Congregation low'shipping in South Brunswick for B’nai Tikvah a year and oilers a variety ol study, First Presbyterian The Six Mile Run Reformed prayer and lellow'ship groups. Chil­ Congregation B’nai Tikvali eon- Church at Dayton Church ol Franklin P a rkw ill join dren's Church IS available on Sun­ liniics enrolling students in its Reli­ some o f'the niemlieis of the IM ­ days loi ehildien ages 4 and up: The Fiist Pieslnteiian Chinch at gious School. The Religious School PACT congregations for an outdoor Youth Groiiii meets on Satuidays tor loi children in kindcrgaiien through Dayton. 362 Cicoigcs Road in Day- Slimmer worship senice and picnic ages 12 and up: Wednesdii) exening seventh grade pro\ides a tbundation ton. is now holding suminei woiship on Sunday, July 20. at 11 a.m. at the Bible Study begins at 7:30 p.m.: the in Hebrew language, prayer, .lewish services at S a m. and It) a.m. The 8 old Hageinan Faint on South Middle- Foundations class foi New Beliexeis history and the obseivance ot Jewish a.m. semce is ,i'casual senice and hush Road in Somerset. meets on l•lidays at 8 p m. and Inter- 1 ituals. customs and ceremonies. the 10 a.m seivice a traditional seiv- Some of the congregalion.s w'ill cessoiy''Piayer is ollcied on the Iasi Teachers use innovative teaching ice. he coming from Freehold, Niitley, l•rld;ly ol each month at 7‘30 p.m. methods, audio-% isual materials, Nuisoiy caie is punided .it the 10 .Annandale and New Biiinswiek Re- I'oi moie mlormation. oi loi lo­ hands-on activities and other teach­ a.m. sen ice. Vacation Bible .School lormed Chmehes. Bring a conifoit- cations of and iliiections lo .m> ol the ing aids. The curiiculum includes will be held July 28 thiough Aug. I iihle folding chair oi hlanket and a gioiips Ol classes, call the Rex. 0 //ie s|iecial programs, assemblies, holiday for children 3 years of age through box limeh Bexerage will be pro- and (’aiol Goii/.ile/ at (732) sixth gi.ide. Registration foims may celebiations anil projects and activi­ \ ided. 6.56-1577. ties for each grade level. Students be picked up at the chinch oflicc oi If It rains oi w'caiher is inclement, .:witli special needs are accommodat­ call (732) 329-2463. ■ the service ami hmeli will be at the Christ the King ed. Six. Mile Run Reformed Church in A high school program is avail­ Sand Hills Franklin Park. For further informa­ Lutheran Church able for and bat mit/vah Presbyterian tion, call ijie ehiireh office at (732) Christ the King Cluiryh is a mem­ teenagers. This four-year program 297-3734, Monday through Friday ber congregation of'the Mvangelieal ' consists o f a .serie.s, of cla.sses. semi­ Summer worship services at the from 9 a.m. ilnlil noon. Liitherah Glnireh in Ameriea. The nars and workshops with a culminat­ Communilv Presbvterian Church of ehiireh hnilding is loeaied on Route ing activity. such a.s a trip to Israel. the Sand Hills w ill be at 9:30 a.m. Kendall Park 27 in Kendall Park. Ibllowing graduation. with nursery care provided. Sunday Slimmer xvorship xvill he Sunday School is in recess lor the suminci. Baptist Church at 9:30 IJoly Coinnumion The church is located in.Keiulall Park Kendall Park Baptist Church is an celebrateti. Slmtiay School w ill be in For informalion about Congrega-. at .S7 Sand Hill Road between Route South Brunswick residents Thomas Lento and Joseph Chmie- independent Baptist ehiirch. .serving recess until Sept. 7. non B’ nai Tikvah. 1001 Finnegan’ s 1 and Route 27. lewski receive commendation frorh Maurice Wolfson of the the l .ord since 1962. Children are xveleome at worship Lane. North Brunswick, call the syn­ and child care is available for intli- Jewish War Veterans, on achieving Eagle Scout Awards at a agogue office at (732) 297-0696. . * . The churcit has an active congre­ Six Mile Run gation that enjoys Bible study, fel­ 1 vidiials xvho xvoultl like for their eliild recent ceremony. Reformed Church lowship and a variety of activities, to be supervised in the nursery during Miller Memorial . Classes for every tigc gioui>. from xx’orshii). Parents xvishmg lo spend SCOUT NEWS time xviili their child in the nursery The Six Mile Refonneil Church • niiiscry to adults, are available. Presbyterian Church may still hear the serviceover the w ill hold Sunday worship services at The chiirclv's AW ANA youth Tlioniit.s Lento and Jo.scpli South Briinsxvick Mayor Debra public address sysleifi'L'’ '' ,, -"J M iller Memorial Presbyterian 9 a.m. during the slimmer. Fellow­ ■ program is for young people fioni 3 Chmielcxvski, bolli of Kendall Johnson and Deputy ' Mayor Ed­ 1-or further iiiformalion, contact Church w’ill hold Sunday w orship ship hour w’ilh refreshments w ill fol­ to 12 years old. AW.ANA stands for Park, have eacli iceeived the Eagle mund Luciano. the church ofliep at (732) 297-1200. services at 10 a.m, during the sum-. low' the worshi|i services. The Rev. Approved Workmen are Not Asli- .Seuiit Axvard. the higliest rank in ■ Both Mr. Lento and Mr. ' mer.' A coffee hour w ill follow' at 11 David Risseeuw is pastor. amed. from 2 Timothy 2:1.5. the Boy Scouts of America, in a re­ Chmielexvski had to plan and carry a.m. These summer hours w ill be fol­ Adult study groups w ill meet on For informalion. call the Rev. South Brunswick cent double-axvard ceremony held out coninninily a public service lowed through July and August while Wednesdays at noon and 7 p.m. All Daniel Brow'ii at (732) 297-4644. Assembly of God at llie South Brunswick Senior project. Mr. Lento’s project in­ Sunday'Schobl is in recess. ' are welcome. ' Cenlei. _ volved collecting used eycglas.scs Miller Memorial is located at the The church is located at 3037 South Brunf'Xvick Assembly of Mr. Lento, a first-year student, for New Eyes for the Needy, a corner of Ridge Road and New Road, Route 27 in Franklin Park.“ For more Kingston God is a' Protestant felloxvship. The at Coincll University, and Mr. Nexv Jersey organization that tli.s- next to the Monmouth Junction Fire information, call the church office congregation meets at Biunsxviek Presbyterian Chmielcxvski, xvho just grouted tributes glas.scs to poor people House. For information about addi­ between 9 a.m. throuah noon at (732) Acres Scliool in Kendall Park. Sun-, Sunday w'orship is at 10 a.m. Re­ from Soutli Briinsxvick High around the xvorld. day Worship Service is at 10 a.m. in­ Seliool. xvere lionored by niorwc freshments will he sened on the He set up stations around toxvn cluding Children’s Chiireh, Teen ilian 100 fclloxv Troop 9() Scouts, ehiireh lawn follow'ing the .service. and organized a campaign that col­ class and Nursery Class. On Wednes­ leaders, parents and guests. The Hisiianic Fellowship meets for Siin- lected more than 600 pairs of day exening there is a Bible Siiiily/ pair also received letters of con- ikiy ehuieli scltool at it) a.m. and glasses. Prayer for Adults and_ Youth Croup gratiilalio'iis I'rom President Clinton, worship 11:30 a.m. The ehiireh is at . Mr. Chmielcwski planned^and D irectory o f (ages 12-16) at 7:30 p.m. .Once a and his xvife Hillary, Senators 456.5 Route 27. For further inforina-: carried out a landscaping project month there is intercessory prayer Frank Laiiienbcrg and Robert Tor­ lion, call (609)921-8895. for the Presbyterian Church of the and evangelism outreach. ricelli. U.S. Rep. Mike Pappas and R eligious Services For more information contael the House Speaker Nexvt Gingrich. Sand Hills in Kendall Park, the . St. Barnabas Rev. Larry Cochran at the South Assemblywoman Barbara sponsor o f Troop 90. Episcopal Church Hmnsxviek Asseinblv of Cod ehiireh Wright presented the nexv Eagles Both projcels involved platir a n d E v e n t s offieeal (609)466-2490. , xvith a Nexv Jersey Assembly proc­ ning., obtaining approvals and, St. Barnabas I.7piscopal Church - lamation honoring their sponsors and providing leadership will have Sunday services at -9 and St. Cecilia’s achievement. Other dignitaries on for the Troop 90 Scouts that partic­ 10:30 ti.m. ihmiigh Aug. 31. Tlie 9 liand to recognize the duo included ipated. ■i.iii. service will include a full ser­ R.C. Church mon. organ music and hymns and. UNITED 4315 US Route One ; St. Ceeilia-s R.C; Church, located child care W'ill be available. METHODIST •M onm oiitli ]cti, \'J.05S52 on Kingston Lane and Georges Road 609-520.-1094 .■ The 10:30 a.m. service, which in Monmouth Junction, holds a Sal-, CHURCH Swhijii . will last about 45 minutes, w'ill be de­ iirilay Mass at 5 p.m.; Sunday Masses George St. at Livingston Aye: •v' V, n.’Oh.Vfn- signed for families with children (all at 7:30 a.m.. 9 a.m.. 10:30 a.m. and at C/m.-tfi.D; L /iu ’d/h'tf . ages welcome) and will include an New; Brunswick y08-545-8975 ■/(ijunc-'i’ INors/fi;! rc ’/IMiH .j»t noon; and xxeekday Masses at 8 a.m. inlormal sermon and easy songs. Anyone xvho is unable to attend K.;v, Cni.e P-i-Cr Communion is the icgular Sun­ Mass but Wi^Lild like lo iceeive Com- 9:30 am Church School Glasses ■Rev.'ifiiyiilKvr^hivL-Miyu'.'i Wmk-h. 11:00 am Morning Worship . Dr AJl'iKk.-L.Diroti't (.iC.-'u-w-Img. day .service and will also be cele­ munron on Sundays should call Bar­ Kev‘|ofir.'ii!g.ttL.i!i‘ r.Hcrot.M i- brated on .Saluriiay. July 19. at 5:30 bara and Bill Stoliing at (732) M rs it MU p.iii. 329-6634 to arrange for a Fiiehurislic Crt/y' IVur.t - ^howiny Chri.!iip (.■..-I'lip- .Ai liw • . ' :rth .Hrimsvvich. N! I1S902. Howard Goldstein, of HIP in eighth grade tire welcome. ■ (924-0103) FOR DIRECTIONS TO 90S-2^^7 -liSt>7 " ’ • ■ MILLER CHAPEL. - D r N o rm an H .nipt, I'a.^'tor . Monmoiiih Junction, xvill begin liis Aeiivities include recreation,’ 9:45 am - Sunday School for all ages second year as president of tlic songs, crafts, Bible lime, outdoor Clnrenci’ B Ammons, liite.'im I’.i.'lof 11:00 am - Sunday Worship Scrx-ice American Diabetes Association, activities, sing-alongs and dramatic tisle Arm.slroili; 0 !-rn ..‘■.ss.x i.i 1l’ ['.istor. . ' Nexv Jersey Affiliate. Dr. Gold­ \u r~ c n i C m 'C liililra i i Prim.mi U iiinii ,’u a:hl:!c Build Your Islander One-Piece Seamless Fiberglass . skits. , li’'i. . Klwi Jolm fTimi-sohn, I'.vsUir ■ or visit our (aclory at 3303 Rt. #1 South, Lawrenceville,;NJ any day 10 to 8, or 10 lo ,4 I,auri Bagley and .lean Michie, i ’ O Box hj.Ul. (.‘inm 'h tlfh c f. vreekends. - . ■ Ball (if West Windsor and Diane kin'JdJrPdrk.N'IOS*':’' Dayton resident LouAiin Lalii- Young Uniman of North Bruns- mia. Monmouth Jiineliim, residents FOR FREE NO OBLIGATION POOL INSTALLATION SURVEY xx'iek. xvill serve as a |iroducer of - Diivid and Diane Bingham, ,|u- tlte shoxv, Tlie trio also teams up THE LIGHTHOUSE / CALL A/OIV/ Day-Night'^Sunday : niie Bruce, Erie Skell and Mike lor the Children's Qpry, a special If you would MeNerney, and Soutli Brunswick . "liriiiiiui^ llw pieseni-ikiy iviwwiil/ MERCER COUNTY AREA (6 0 9 ) 4 5 2 -1 7 6 6 ciHiniry music revue for cliildren residents Rich and Lori Boul- ivvh til to the lu’u)'l iij /h im ctihi ■' ■ (* presented earlier this year as part like to advertise NEW JERSEY & PA. 1 (800) 231-5678 X ware. ol' Atlantic City's Easter Parade Spint-led worship, The iirogram xvill be held at the ■ PP 7/11/97 lesiivities and Nexv IJrunsxx'ick's in this space, preaehing tiiiil prayer iniiiistry. . Mail To Factory ISLANDER POOLS church, lociited on Route 1 ' in Pood and Music F’estival. 3303 Rt. 1 South, Lawrenceville. NJ 08648' Monmouth Juiietion, from Aug. 4 please call Beginning July 20th, I l^) 8. Irom 9 a.m. to noon with a Admission is .S12.50 lor adults NAME. Sunday nights at 6:30 I program tmale im Aug. 8 at 7:30 and $11 for seniors and children (609) 924-3244 at 'I he Arts Cotineil ol Princetoii I PHONE, . WORK PHONE . p.m, Cliildren Irom eonipleleiJ kin­ under 12. i'or more mforination, dergarten through completed call (732)873-2710. Ext. 312 102 Witherspoon'Street.. I ADDRESS. For inlonivation call 921-8095 n lT Y ______: STATE _ ------/-ii- „ —.ZIP. ------j Thursday, July 10, 1997 The Central Post 13A

Celebrating freedom


The Monmouth Junction Volunteer ' Fire Department sponsored its 52nd — and possibly last — Fourth of July parade last week, under bril­ liantly sunny skies. Clockwise from' top right, an antique pumper truck from the Rocky Hill fire department; crowds wave flags as the parade goes by; the color guard from South Brunswick High School; judges in­ spect a 1923 Cleveland 3-door se­ dan; fnembers of the Rocky Hill fire company; members of the Kapri- : korn Kids Middlesex County 4H Club; the Kaprikorn Kids float. Photos by Frank Wojciechowski 14A The Central Post Thursday, July 10, 1997


LIFESTYLE RTNESS ALFONSO'S PIZZA HOMEBREW UNLIMITED combined w/other offers. : Franklin Pai;k, NJ : - . 415 Rt. 206, Hillsborough AUTOtVIOTIVE 2663 Nottinghani Way, Hamilton, NJ $5 ■10% OFF any membership. •10% OFF total bill of $8 or more. CAPITOL CAR WASH OFF beginher setup. Incl. ingredients ,& Thorapoutic Maesago Cantor 1617 Princeton Ave., LawrenceVille, NJ equipment . ^ ■ 527 Chestnut Ave., Trenton, NJ LIVINGWELL LADY AUON'S PIZZA THE MERCANTILE 7 North Main St.. Lambertvilie, NJ, SI .50 OFF any car wash. ■ 609-392-0331 Lawrence Twp. & North Brunswick Windsor Plaza $1 OFF any one pound of coffee: H&R PARTY 6k VARIETY . $10 OFF first Visit (1 hr. 15 min. Purchase any membership - receive 1 64 Route 571, Princeton Jet. ' EDIS.ON GENERATOR TIRE 40 Rustic Mall, Manville, NJ session). Full body, deep muscle % mo. trial membership fora friend. 10% OFF any purchase. OLSSON'S FINE FOODS & AUTO, INC. 10P/o OFF all merchandise exc. massage. 2276 US Rt. 13, Dayton, NJ cigarettes and sale items. The Farmer’s Market , PLASTERPIECE PAINTING ANGELA'S DELI 10% OFF anything over $100 ■ UNIVERSAL ACHIEVERS, INC 75 S. Main St., AllentbWn, NJ , , ' 960 Spruce Street, 7 ’ ,. 61 MORE, INC. - Lawrenceville. NJ , ' 7 ' KRISTINA'S KEEPSAKES 609-448-6364, : ’ ... .’ , 7 10% OFF your lunch bill. 7 . Mountain'View PIaz, Belle Mead, NJ, 1.10°/o DISCpUNTon airpurchas’es.. . VESPIA’S TIRE 1276 Lawrence Rd.,' Lawrenceville,'NJ . ,, FREE consultation fhypnotherapy, Wticelon, Hamiilon Sq.-, Somerset. • ' 10% .OFF the'brig., price of any'viireath ’ , stress S motivation programs).plus Birthday child free w/party of,10 or THE BAGEL EXCHANGE E. Brunswjck, NJ " or floral arrangement.. 50% OFF from initial therapy session. . more Qhildren. $2 OFF any purchase; 217 Clarksville Rd., Lawrenceville, NJ PALMER’S ICE CR^AM , 1 ()% OFF tires & all automotive 6 FREE with purchase of dozen. 2 217 Clarksville Rd, services. OFF THE WALL WHEEL LIFE FREE with purchase of six. . : West Windsor. NJ : The Old Mill , 42 S. Main St. HOME ITEMS Mbtihtain View Plaza, Belle Mead, NJ' 10% OFF any purchase except fee , ■ Allentown, NJ BAY TILE COMPANY 10%,Off parts accessories & clothing i THE BAGEL HOLE . cream cakes. CAMERA/PHOTOS 10% OFF all art glass (perfume bottles. 2797 Brunswick Pike . Windsor Plaza, Princeton Hightstown , Tiffany lamps, paperweights, vases & Lawrenceville, NJ •Rd., Princeton Jet., NJ PASSAGE TO INDIA & VIDEO stained glass.) Exc. special orders & 10% OFF tile purchases excl. sale PETS, SUPPLIES. Buy 12 bagels, get 6 FREE. Lawrence Shopping Center. . , CPI PHOTO HNISH ' layaways, items. . ; ■ Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Princeton Market Fair, , , ■ / & SERVICES ^ BENNY’S PIZZA 10% OFF eat-in lunch & dinner checks. Route 1, West Windsor, NJ THE PERFUME GARDEN BED-TIME MATTRESS CENTER Cannot be cor-nbined w/other offers. . AMERICAN MOBILE PET GROOMING EVERYTHING YOGURT 50% OFF processing & printing.,20% . Princeton MarkefFair, Princeton, NJ, Michael's Plaza , SOUTH PHILLY STEAKS AND FLEA CONTROL OFFre'prints & eniargem'ents.: , , 1,0%-20% OFF already, discounted , Mercer St., Hightstown, NJ 7 . BANANAS SIAM CUISINE 609-095-7777 select items. 5%OFF. Can’t be combined, w/other MARKET MEATS Newtown, Buckingham, NATIONAL CAMERA ; offers. ' 10% OFF any grooming and'pest Princeton Market Fair , & Philadelphia,-PA 1020 Rt. 18, East Brunswick, NJ , . RAYMOND'S FABRIC SHOP control: , West Windsor, NJ •10% OFF'$40 or more:,One discount, :per.table/per cafd.Up to 6 people. ' 25% OFF carriera & video repairs, video Route 33, Mercerville ,’’’ CAPITOL LIGHTING FREE 16 oz. fountain soda w/any S3 or ; transfers, instant’ passport phorgs, ■ FREE pattern w/purchase of another 2851 Route 1, Lawrenceville,. NJ AQUARIUMS PLUS more purchase. SIMPLY RADISHING • pattern of equal or higher value. Cannot ,', 10% OFF all. purchases exc, sale or . . Lawrence, Shopping Ctr. . ’ Lawrene’e Shopping Ctr. be combined w/any other offer. discounted items. ’ ■ Lawrenceville, ,NJ CASALUPITA COMPUTERS ■Lawrenceville.NJ . 250 MercerMall, Lawrenceville, NJ PC CITY 10% OFF all merchandise, exc. dog & 10% OFF any purchase. .Not valid ■ MORROW'S TRADITIONS EXTENSION PATIO $1 OFF each entree for lunch,, ■’ McCaffrey's Shopping Ctr, ^685 Main: St., Lawrenceville, NJ ■ 1509 Princeton Ave.,’Trenton,,NJ .; cat food, tank set-ups,& livestock. w/any,otb’e r o f l e r s : ■ dinner or brunch; (Up to entrees.) Princeton Hightstown Rd. ■' lO'i'o OFF candles, cards & cookbooks. - FREE'lazy susan w/any dining or 8 West Windsor, NJ umbrella table purchase. BASICALLY BIRDS SOONG DYNASTY 25% Off ail'computer service.. , VILLAGE STITCHERY & GIFTS Mercer Mall, Lawrenceville, NJ CASBARCAFE '3495 Rt. 1 South .,: ' . 37,South Main St.. Allentown, NJ , ■ ISLANDER POOLS 10% OFF allseed & bird supplies. ' ' 702 Pine St., Trenton, NJ Princeton. NJ DRY CLEANING/ ,: I0°/o discount on all yarns, needlework , 3303 Route 1. Lawrenceville, NJ, Complimentary glass of wine with each.'' : 10% OFFdinner,check.' supplies & instruction books.' ' , ^ Additional 10% OFF' poo! toys,;. PAWS PET GROOMING entree. Present card when seated; , SWISS BAKERY 6k DELI ALTERATIONS ^ cherniials and pool’filters.. 1905 Rt. 33, Hamilton Sq.,’ NJ WISTERIA ' ’ - , I:. '...'. ' : 2791, Brunswick Pike,’ , ■ ALTERNATIVE DESIGN BY VAL $3 OFF any dog or cat complete .' , CRANBURY INN 28 S. Main Sf„ Allentown, NJ PATIO WORLD, FIREPLACE 6k HEARTH Lawrenceville.' ' L : ■ ;'7 ; ‘ 7 60 N. Main St., Cranbury, NJ - grooming (haircut, nails, ears, bgjh.& . '21 South Main St.,,Cranbury, :NJ ,, : '10% OFF all teas & cookies, , ' 3303-C Route 1, Lawrenceville, NJ -. ' FREE med. fountain soda w/sandwich, ,609-860-6680 V ,10% OFF our everyday low'discounted comb,out) Can't,be combiried w/pther - FREE glass of champagne w/lunch, .’ purchase. , / ,10%.Off totai service (alteration). $20 '.prices. : offers. ,'■ ’'.'■, ,,, I ’, ; ’ dinner, champagne brunch.- , min, service. . ' ' HEALTH & BEAUTY TASTE OF MEXICO ARLEEN'S HAIR STUDIO SAUM'S INTERIORS PRECIOUS, p e t s CROWN OF INDIA 301 N. Harrfsbn St., 7 ,154 Hightstown Rd,', 75 Princeton Ave, Hopewell,, NJ, Hightstown 609-448-8343 Plainsboro, NJ , ■ Princeton, NJ ENTERTAINMENT -10% OFF total purchase of $10 or 'i Princeton Junction,, NJ 10% OFF w/purchase of $50 or more In , Ewing 609^771-1448 , 15% OFF any dinner check. Cannot be ALTENPURG PIANO HOUSE , morel Can’1 be combined w/other . ,'$5 OFF Perms or Colors. 1st visit only. ^ paint department. : , . 10% OFF all merchandise exc? combined w/any other offer. Lawrenceville.NJ - ,. offers. dog & cat food, & tank setups. 5% OFF purchase of any piano or ANGELIC HANDS NAIL SALON LAWN & GARDEN organ. Exc. special sales. DUNKIN DONUTS TOMASELLO WINERY 8 Church St„ Allentown, NJ : Windsor Greenj Princeton. NJ ACE TOPSOIL 6k MULCH ROSEDALE MILLS 32 Bridge St, & Union St. ' ■ 10% OFF all services.. , 486 Keefe Rd., Lawrenceville, NJ , Buy get free. THE MAGIC OF ED SMOOT Route 31, Pennington, NJ 6 6 ■ Latrfbcrtviilo, NJ ’609-’895-1626 908-297-3351 ■ AVON REPRESENTATIVE 4 POUNDS FREE of “exclusive" dog , :io% OFF wine.& giftware. . Buy 5 cu. yds of top soil, get 6th FREE. FORSGATE COUNTRY CLUB i 0,%,OFF magic show for children's or . 609-695-9262 food with any $15 or more purchase. adBlts- birthday parties, banquets, etc. .. ,15% dfeF order of $10 Or more. Jamesburg THE TOMATO GRILL Buy 1 entree in The Dining Room or ’ Not va|io on clothing. Some restrictions LEISURE, HOBBIES, SOUTHFIELD PET CENTER 225 Hopewell-Pennington Rd: The Grille & get 50% off 2nd entree of Hopewell, NJ FASHIONS/CLOTHING apply. ' ;, ‘ I ' Southfield Shopping Ctr., SPORTS equal or’lesser value.,Mon.-Fri. Excl, , . 10% OFF lunch or dinner check-food CAPEZIO* DANCE-THEATRE SHOP Princeton Hightstown Rd. BEST OF HEALTH ECONOMY BICYCLE SHOP early bird specials. holidays & special, . only-nol to be combined w/other offers.- .Mercer, Mall, Lawrenceville, NJ; . 335 Princeton Hightstown Rd. 31 George Dye Rd. West Windsor, NJ events. . ■ exc. holidays. 10% OFF regular priced merchandise. West Windsor, NJ Hamilton Sq.. NJ 10% OFF all merchandise exc. dog & 20% OFF vitamins &’ sports nutrition. 10%,OFF parts, accessories & labor cat food and tank setups. GOLDEN EMPIRE CHINESE UPTOWN RESTAURANT S! DELI DRESS FOR LESS Can’t be combined w/other offers.’ charges. Not to be combined w/other , RESTAURANT 2 North Main.St;. 609-520-0337 by. appt. only, offers. ’,’ ' WILD BIRD HABITAT Lawrenceville.NJ .. Allentown, NJ $5 OFF any. purchase $50-399; $10 . BORDENTOWN HOUSTIC CENTER 1225 Rt. 206 N„ Princeton, NJ 15% OFF lunch, dinner or take out 1p% OFF any pizZa, Uptown Pdkket OFF anything over $99. and dinner entrees. 7' 319.Farnswprth.Ave., Bordenton, NJ ,,,. EVERSON’S KARATE INSTITUTE 10% OFF any purchase. Can’t be check. : - St: # 1075 Washington Blvd...: '20% OFF .first massage therapy ' . combined,w/pther offers. EDDIEBAUER session. Robbinsvillo. NJ VITO'S PIZZA Quakerbridge Mall, Lawrenceville, NJ ,1 10% OFF bur 12-week program : . 4 North Main St. 20% OFF Purchases of $100 or more. BOYD’S PHARMACY ' .Pennington, NJ 7 306 Broad St., Florence, NJ arid , ’ $1 OFF any large pizza , 7 .^ 7 . 7 HSCHER’S FOOTWEAR -1:18 Farnsworth Aver, Bordentown, NJ , &SHOE REPAIR ' i0% OFF all merchandise except ; ' Lawrence Shopping Center SCHOOLS prescriptions, tobacco & liquor. . Lawrenceville,'NJ '. ,. MONTESSORI SCHOOLHOUSE 1.0% OFF shoe or accessory purchase. , Titusville, Nj„- 609-737-9231 ' BRASS SCISSORS . 2118 Genesee,St:,Trenton,.NJ ■ $50 application fee waived-(per child.) , PAUL’S STEP BY STEP Buy one Paul Mitchell hair care product, LawrenceShoppIngGenler- THE BAG Bin get 2nd of equal :value or less-at 1/2 TRAVEL Lawrenceville.NJ; ' price. .' 10% OFF any purchase. Cannot be 28 South Main St. CRUISE PLANNERS, INC combined w/other offers,. :609f371-9700 ' ' ■ ' CHARLES LOUIS HAIR SALON Allentou/n, n j $50 OFF from final cruise price when , .■ : Pennytown Shpng., Village, 145 Rt.'31 ; , . o’,-;..., ■_ '. ''''-v-'’;'-'.-’.:’; i' ' booking one cabin;'double occupancy.. GALLERIES/FRAMES Pennington, NJ ' ' . '-s'') ''■’■‘I ALLENTOWN ART & FRAME FREE nail care kit w/any nail service. CRUISES INC. TheOld Mill . FREE botfle,of shampoo w/anyhair Our present offer Princeton, NJ/609-844-b500 . 42 S. Main-Si., Allentown, NJ . care service. Special $50 Discount C ouponw herF 10^0 OFF framed art (excl custom for cardholders is: - 'IS - .: /' booking.1 cabin (One coupon per framing) (cap’t be combined w/other ■ ELECTROLYSIS BY JUNE SWEENEY CPE cabin), .Cannot be combined w/other ■.’offers.)' . ' Princeton, NJ, 609-520-9632 coupons, otters, or promotions;. , $5 OFF any service bf’l5 min. or,more. PICTURE FRAMING PLUS TELECOMMUNICATIONS Village Shopper,. Rt, 2Cl6S.. GLAMOUR PLUS Montgomery Twp., NJ , ;.. 450 Amwell Rd., Belle Mead 10% O F F PRINCETON CELLULAR & PAGING , 15%.OFF any framed art'offthe walls; $5 OFF any hair service over Sf S. First 375 R l.13aSuite5 ' at time of purchase only. Cannot be:, visit only. Not vy/any other offers. ’ . all merchandise E. Windsor, NJ '. ; combined w/any Other offer. , 43 Princeton-HighlstowniRd. JOSEPH’S OF LAWRENCEVILLE Princeton Jc:.. NJ except sale Items & prior layaways 185 Franklin-Corner.Rd.: , FREE & accessory with nevii GIFTS FOR ALL Lawrenceville, NJ Anita Greenspan, owner : activation on select plans_^ ; THE BAG BIN $10 Off all .foil highlightings ' 28 South Main St., Allentown, NJ , . READERS: Check this listing weekly for new advertisers & any changes that may have been made to offers. These offers may 10% OFF ail merchandise, exc. sale LAWRENCEVILLE FAMILY nof be combined w/other offers or coupons. Packet Preferred cards are mailed to PAID subscribers ( allow 4-6 weeks for ■ items &.prior layaways., CHIROPRACTIC CENTER delivery). Call 609-924-5412, ext,.152 for a subscription or Information on the Packet Preferred card. y1719 Brunswick Pike, Lawrenceville. NJ ADVERTISERS: FOR PACKET PREFERRED ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL CAROL AXELROD, 609-924-3244, EXT. 159. . BALLOONS & BEARS . FREE Exam & consult. Also if needed,.- , 10 Schalks Crossing. Rd. 2 X-rays. ($160 value). THE GALAXY OF DANCE PROFESSIONAL GREAT AMERICAN COOKIE CO. Plainsboro. NJ Twin Rivers Shopping Ctr., E. Windsor ■ Quakerbridge Mall, Lawrenceville, NJ: MOST RECENT lO't'p OFF any purchase of $10 or more y MANE.STREET HAIRSTYLING and also'located at - ' '. - SERVICES 25% OFF large pan size & medium (exc. Beanie Babies). Not to be . : 9 South Main St,, Allentown, NJ . . 375 Rt. ,130 North, E. Windsor ABSOLUTE MAINTENANCE round cookie cake. Buy 12 cookies, get ADVERTISERS cprnbined w/any other offers.: : $1 OFF all hair care products, . 609-426-4000 . 4 free. ONE FFIEE dance class per person Easi Windsor, NJ -. ” 7 DRESS FOR LESS 609-448-1619 BELLE JEWELRY, CO. only. . MANVILLE CHIROPRACTIC CENTER $10 OFF garage door repair, $20 OFF H.l. RIB 6k CO. THE GALAXY OF DANCE Monmouth Junction. NJ .64 S. Main St,, Manville, NJ 145 Rt. 31'North, Pennington, NJ ' all home repairs oyer $200., HIGHTSTOWN DINER 10% OFF on 14K gold, diamonds, FREE consultation and computerized HOMEBREW UNUMITED Buy one lunch get 2nd lunch of equal or vvatches & repairs. Can't be combined ' muscle test (SEMG) electromyography.. 2663 Nottingham Way, Mercerville. NJ CHEM-DRY MOORE 6k MOORE lesser value at half price. Valid Mon.-Frl,. NANCY-PERSONAL FITNESS vy/other offers. ’ ($120 value.) ' FREE hops with beer kit purchase, . ‘til 4pm: Exc. holidays & wknds. CARBONATED CARPET CLEANERS TOMORROW'S TRADITIONS 609-371-1729 THE BEST LITTLE DOLLHOUSE IN NJ MARY KAY BEAUTY CONSULTANT JAZZERCISE OF CENTRAL NJ BASICALLY BIRDS 17% CiFF carpet & upholstery cleaning HIGHTSTOWN DINER .28 S’. Main St., Allentown, NJ 609-921-2097. 1-$00-300-6386 ■ , in Mercer & Middlesex counties. Mercer Street, ANGELA’S ITALIAN DELI 10% OFF any purchase-(exc. ' ' ^ .1.0% OFF any purchase. FREE skin $10 OFF full registration. Nevr . Hightstown, NJ . hahdcraflep Items, Bespaq & Museum ' facial. ■ ." participants only. 10% OFF. total check. Not valid w/other CAPITOL LIGHTING of Miniature Furniture: Can't be ■ f . ■ J&BBEAVER 609-426-8698 ' offers. GLAMOUR PLUS combined w/other. discounts. ; MATSON CHIROPRACTIC CENTER KANG’S MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY $150 OFF basement water control ,25 Rt. 31, Pennington, NJ 435 Amwell Rd., KRISTINA’S KEEPSAKES system for a complete basement of 100 LA GONDOLA RESTAURANT BLOOMERS SOTo OFF initial exam'& consultation. Belle Mead. N J', , 762 Roebling Ave„Trenton, NJ feet or more. ^- 7 . ' THE MERCANTILE ■ 21 S. Main St., Allentown, NJ , Excl.; X-rays, lab tests or other adv. 10% OFF yearly tuition. . 20% OFF total lunch or dinner-Mon: 10°,b OFF a|l purchases except live , ■ diagnostic procedures..’ : ■ OLSSON’S FINE FOODS WILDUFE REMOVAL thru Thurs; only, (exc: alcohol, tax & flowers. ,, KOPP'S CYCLE SHOP - gratuity) Not to be combined w/any 908-725-9896 THE TOMATO GRILL NANCY-PERSONAL RTNESS TRAINER Princeton. NJ 7 10% OFF any wildlife removal.. 7 bther offers. ELKE'S DREAM DOLLS & 609-936-1841 ■ , , ■ ,10% OFF any bicycle helmet-excl. Vi/ILDLIFE REMOVAL SPECIAL TREASURES FREE fitness evaluation and 10% off sales. 10%.OFF parts for bicycle turte- , H&R PARTY'N VARIETY WORD CENTER PRINTING MANHATTAN BAGEL Princeton,. NJ/908-B21-8840 ' ' 1st hour of personal . up.left for repair. Card must be Lawrence Shopping Center , ^ ^ ^ ^ 1905 Rt. 33, Hamilton Sg., NJ CAPITOL CARWASH. iO°-i'OFF non-sale purchases, presented at drop off, Rt. 1, Lawrenceville, NJ 10% OFF any printing or resume OFF YOUR ROCKER Buy 12 bagels get 6 free; Buy 6 get 3 ROSEDALE MILLS : Glehroc Shopping Center , , , LANG'S SKI AND SCUBA service. , . GARDEN PLEASURES 7 free BORDENTOWN HOLISTIC CTR. 28 S. Main St., Allentown, NJ . Scotch Road, Ewing, NJ , .' 1757 North Olden Ave., Ewing, NJ 10°'o OFF all live & silk plants. Excludes, 15% OFF vitamins, nutritional , FREE'.'Discover Scuba" class : , MANHATTAN BAGEL MONTESSORI SCHOOLHOUSE w/advance,registration, $25 value. ■; RESTAURANTS— wreaths &. special orders. supplements & medical equipment. , Nelson's Corner Shpng. Ctr, WORD PROCESSING CENTER FINE DINING, AND Hillsborough, NJ HANDCRAFTERS KORNER, INC. PRINCETON FITNESS CENTER LASER PARK Buy 12 bagels get 4 free. Not to be EVERSON'S KARATE INSTITUTE 736 Livingston Ave,, No. Brunswick,NJ Princeton Shpng Ctr., N. Harrison St,, West Windsor, NJ FAST FOOD combined w/any other offer. / ECONOMY BICYCLE SHOP . 10% OFF any purchase except sale Princeton,.NJ, , Two Games for $13,00. PAWS PET GROOMING items. ' 50% OFF initiation fee. Can't be The Central Post Sports Editor: Rich Fisher SportsFax: (908) 329-9286 Thursday Sports VoiceMail: (609) 924-3244, ext. 9702 July 10,1997 Sports 15A SPORTS Nicole Arendt enjoys her trip to Europe

/he South Brunswick lli^h South Brunswick native reaches Wimbledon doubles final before falling School Huddle Cliih nice(inj> Arendt said via e-ihail prior to Sunday's inalch. At the French,Open. Arendt and Bollgrai' en's doubles final after'electing not to play w ill be Mondiiy, July 21, in By Andy Kaye The Packet Group " I am 27 (years old) iind playing my besf tenhi.s reached the quarterfinals before losing to Zve­ mixed doubles \/!th ,Jeiiseii,To reach the, Wom­ room Dl().() at SUMS. The ihcet- soyfar. I have been working harder and smarter. reva and Fernande/..while Arendt recorded a en’s doubles final. Arendt iinii, Bollgraf. the ing starts at 7;30 p.m. and any­ Nicole Arendt will return to her Princeton Also. I- finally found the formula thiit works lor Ihird-rouiul singles win over Wimbledon lintil- .sixth-.seeds;'.had betiten the fourth-seeded team one interested is welcome to at­ home this week with many foiul memories ol nie to play iny best tennis. 1 iiiii getting better at ist Jana Novotna. of Lari.sii Neilaiul and .Fleleiui Sukova 6-2. 3-6,. tend, working on iny game and have slopped worry­ * *;*' her two-month“ business" trip tii Europe. At'W im bledon,'Arendt won two singles 6-1 in .Saturday's semifintds. ing about the results. South Brunswick Coininu- The 27-year-okl .South Brunswick native “ [•'or so long. 1 would be happy if 1 won and matches, including her first victory ever against ‘T: decided not to pkiy 'mixed' because,of nily Education Sports Camps and M ini School of Princeton graduate ca|iped iipsel'if I lost. Now 1 just pkiy my tennis and her friend Listi'Raymond of nearby Wayne, Pa. my shoulder;" Areiidl stiiil. “ It wtis feeling ti' will be run the following weeks: off the trip with Sunilay's appetirance with |ust try to execute as well as I can on ti given in the .second round. In the third round, she lost ]iwle tired from till the tennis 1 have played in Gymnastics camps are of­ playing partner Manon the women's day. f can' really .thank Charlton Eagle (my to eventual champiiin MarlinaMingis. the ,last two.'months. So I decided, hot to risk fered for all levels of experience doubles final at. Wimbledon'. coach) and Mtinon Bollgraf (my doubles part­ : Arendt had twice reached the ,seniifinal. play either, rec or travel soccer. : Registration is Sit) lor the year and includes a T-shirt. Interested parlies can sign iip ’ ai Sondek SBAA 12’s down to nine players Boehmer new head coach any Monday evening. Please wear proper soccer gear.- By Rich Fisher 8-year-okls of Vikings varsity girls hoops • ■ :k .rfc ds ' ■,. ■ Sports Editor ALL-STAR WRAP Ihe youngest all-stars did not go By Carolyn M. Hartko South Brunswick High wres- Prior to the little league alLsiar down without a light, but Imally suc­ cumbed to North Edison. 8-6, m the Sports Writer ' iling coach Joe Doughertv will tournament season. ; manager John I he 12 s (ipen the - Woodbndge direct the 16th Annual Old Shiraidi joked that if the Clemente championship game ol the East The next lew years, should Bridge Wrestling Gamp July Tourmimeiit Saturday against Clark, Brunswick rournament last week. triplets got hurt, his South Brunswick ;md also begin the Fords Tournament prdvc to be exciting and challeng­ ■ 14-18 at Jonas Salk Middle SBAA trailed 8-1 at one point and ing ones for South BrunsvvickMigh Athletic Associiition l2-yearrokl against an tipponent vet to be decid­ School. The commuter camp is team w'oiild be in trouble. 8-2 entering Ihe tiinil inning. Ihe lo­ School sports. Excitement has been ed. Anderson is expected back this lor wrestlers in 7lh-to-l2th Well, the Clementes are still cals rallied lor lour runs in the sixth generated lor all the programs bv grade: For lurlher information healthy, but the same can’t: be said weekend although Shir;ildi s status is the prospect ol moving into new call the Old Bridge Parks and lor the rest of the team. In the past -tmknivftal. See SBAA, Page 16A laeditiesm the tall. I he challenges Recreation Department at week, the I2's lost two players to will be there too. as the Vikings : 721-5600. ext. 4999 between 9 hetilth reasons, trimming the roster to move-tip to Group IV tor state lev­ . a.m. and 4 p.m. Or write to Okl the btire minimum okiiine. el competition. Bridge Parks and Recreation De­ “ We re playing^some g u v s out of One person looking lorwarti to partment. 1 Old Bridge. PJa/a, IHisition. bill voii c an t u s e tluit as an both aspects i)f the 1997-98 high Old Bridge, NJ 1)8857. Camp e x e t is e .' .Shirtildi stud. Maybe o u r school sports scene in South ’ brochures w ill be provided upon days ol pkiving with ;i smaller roster Brunswick is Jayinee Boehmer. the ■ request. IS c tiic h in g u p to us a little bit. - new head ol the Lady Vikings var- • .South Brunswick lost pitcher/ sity . basketball team. Boehmer. R e g I s t r a t I o 11 I o i third baseman Scott Anderson with ;i who has coached in the program 3rd-through-6th grade P.VE bruised elbow alter Anderson wtis hit since coming to SBHS lour years Flag Football League : and by a pitch, iiiid shdrtstop/catcher/third ago, takes over the reins from John - Suniiner Camp is still open. basemtui Chris Shirakh h;is been Coppola. This is Boehmer s sec- Forms are available at the libraiy Hooted bv a virus. iind head coaching position , at and rec center. The PAL is look- rite 12 s were eliminated in two SBHS. In the tall, she w ill begin . ing lor second-gradiiis who will games troin the Babe Ruth District her third sea.ssin at the hej^m of the . be in third -grade this coming It) 1 ournament. South Brunswick girls soccer prbgram. : September. Respond as soon as dropped a 12-5 decision to host Fle- ■‘1 m very excited. Boehmer ' possible. For lurther questions mmgton last Saiurdav. as Fleming- said oi-her new position. I ve al­ contact Joe Sal/ano at 329-2261) ton s No. 8 hitter smashed two home- ways vvanted to be a head basket­ alter 6 p.m. runs. , ball coach. I m really very excited 1. - V + JH ' • • ■• • . Ihat was pist a case ol getting about the vvhole thing. The Battle oi Momnoutli beat bv the better tetini: : Shlrtildi Boehmer and her lellow V i­ Photo by Bill Flartko ' Renegades, a 1986-87 girls’ king coaches recently got a tour of said. 1 never saw a team that could Jaymee Boehmer will now travel soccer team, is looking hit Wim one-to-nme like them. the new high school facilities, and for e.xperienccd players lor the Iwo davs later. Branchburg took according to Boehmer. basketball wear two hats as SBFIS upcoming tall season. Players a 12-6 victory as our pitching diiln t players have a.Jot to look toivvaid head varsity soccer coach born after July 31, 1986 are eli­ hold upagain. to in their new. home. ., and girls basketball coach. gible. 1 here was belter news in the East The new building ts pist beau- Ciiotip IV lor .\J.SIA.-V competition There is no residencv re­ Brunswick. Journament. as South tilul. the coach said. The gviii is w ill be tough on anv .South Btiins- quirement. Flome gaines aie iipened with wins over f-.dison (2-1 gorgeous. It s really the. same si/e 1 wick team that qualilies lor a state . played in Freehold. - and Last Brunswick (6-2) betore lall- as what we have, hut it s set up dil- tournament tins comine vcai. But For lurther inlormation, call ing in the loser s bracket wiih a loss lerently. The mam court is in the Lady Viking' baskctbajl w ill lace-, Mike Ci-/.ek at (908) 972-2675. to North Brunswick (9-41. South middle, and the bleachers open out ":4: .T ■ an additional challenge on the played Edison.Wednesdas night iiltei ol the walls on either side..There s cotintv level. Boehmer w ill have The .Jersey Knights Invita­ press tune: . more bleacher . space. T hev did tional Golf Classic, which is lor Anthony Allonso pftclied lotii such a nice job on It. the benelit of the Jersey Knights scoreless innings tigainsl Edison Ihe mo ve Irom Ciroiip HI to See BOEHMER, Page 16A ■ YouiJi Soccer Club, will be held while .-\nihonv .Amato and liistm Ma- at the Morns Countv (loll C lub kowski Imished up. South got an RBI McGrath named South Brunswick AD July 28. R«gisirattoii is at 10.30 grouiulotii bv Nick t.leniente and an am. and the cost includes giecus RBI single bv Shirakh lor its runs. The changes m .South Brunswick 1 lieh s iithlelic deitarlmeni have lee, cart, premium player k it,. Ill the F.ast Brunswick win. Ma- reached all the wav to the top. F.laine McGralli was receiUlv named ath­ locker and all gratuities, practice kowski and Atnalo each pitched three Staff ptioto by John Keating letic director at the high school, taking m er lor Frank Be'trillo.McCirath range, barbeque luncheon, shot­ innings, while Joev and Nick Clem­ was prev iously the athletic director at Highland Bark High School, while gun start at 12:30. a uicktail ente had two hits apiece. N. C lenir Kyle Cleffi waits for the pop up that ended last Wednesday’s 2-1 ■ Beirillo s role at SBFLS h'as been redelined. .Attempts to reach botli elite dim e 111 three runs and Johniu SBAA T 2-year-old victory over Edison in the East Brunswick Tour­ McGrath and Petrillo m recent weeks have been tinsuccesslul. See BRIEFS, Page 16A Zisch added a two-run siimle. nament.. .

t 16A The Central Post Thursday, July 10,1997 Benedetto heats up for the stretch drive

By iSkip J. Lockwood wiek' upset Iselin. w'hjeh entered the on second and third w’ilh one out in Sports Writer - AMERICAN LEGION game with a 12-1 record. South the bottom of the eigpih, but coiikln'l , PkiN’ini; \aisii\: .baseball as a Brunswick scoreil three runs in the push home a riin.- soplvotiioiv at Monme High,School, w ith 9-10 mark. Benedetto alsodrew sixth inning to rally Irom an 8-7 ilefj.T “ ll w'as a very disiippointmg. this past spring. Greg Benedetto led 11 walks and kept his slrik'eouf total Cil. The team followed up that victory game." Cosuniano saiil. “ I guess the Falcons with ;i .469 batting ;i\er- to six in over. 60 plate appetiranees; with a hearth-breaking 4-.L exlra-m- when >011 htive a three-run lead in the age.’ It was tio llnke. says his, current l.ast Wednesday-he-seoreil tw-'o runs ii ' ' to Mkldlesex on Moiukn. last inning >ou kind of expect to win. Amerietiii lyrgioti coach rt'oiiy Gosn- and knocketb in-one in the win over but '''ibronek contiibiited two hits But I'take the blame foi the loss. niano. . ' Penh Aiivboy. and two inns Mate Mai ini was pitching a one-hit­ ‘‘Me's beeiV playitig well for ns." C'osumano said he is , already "He was going between oui le.ini ter but ni\ gut instinct was to pull Cosiiiitano saitl. "Me stiirtciFolT real fiekling puesfions about. Benedetto and the Home News league but lately .him tind iml someb.ody else m to slow but how he's hitting the b;tl| ■from college, eotiches. Cosuniano he's played the hist five or six games pilch the kisi inning. But I left Marc vhartl attd .he's, got a iiiee lefiditnided sees a bright future , if Betiedetto is loi us." C'osumano said. "He's got 111. He got ;i little tned and they lietl it swing.", said CosnnKino;.who guides ■willing to work for iti some talent. We ga\e him .i chance up. the South Brunswick legion leant. "Greg ' -i.s .s^fool-It)-, and 150 to play and he's handled it. He's a “ The big win was the game "H e has a chance to dp something iio pounds, so hopefully b>' the litne he's pniet kid who comes to pla\. '\’ou against ksclm. It should have cat t ied the liitnre." a senior he |iul.s on weight." Go.suma- can see when he pkps he busi­ ovei to Monday, and it did until the ■ Benedetto helped South Bruns- ito .s'lid., " If he can put. On soiiie ness." , last inning." ' ■wiek w in ■b;iek-to-back games last weight and gel stronger he can pkp-' Mike Pi/a. who plays at the linn The loss left South Brunswick week, w ith .^-I'orG'i perrormances in iiveollege. It's going to be dedication Sehool. aiul Monioe's Stun Lawrence (1 i-6-1 overall) with a 10-6-1 iccotd eonseeutive vietones against Perth, on his part but he seems like the type have continued iheii hot hitting for in the Middlesex County League and A m boy (S-6 ) and Iselin ( I l-9i,t,' of kill willing to do it; He wants to he Post 401. ,-\ceoiding to Cosumano, in the middle of the 11 -team pack. i, A third baseman iti Jtigh sehool.. a ballplaxer.", • ,: , ' - , Pi/a seems to gel two or three hits The top five teams make the playol'ts. Benedetto has-played third base, .sec­ ..•\nolher young player.who has every game and has his average ond base. the outfield and as ;i catch­ ; impressed Cp.suiiianp, is Matt 'Vibro- above .600.,: ■ . ■ South Brunswick is on the bubble. er ifor the .Americatt -Legion team, ;iiek.. vx'lio caii pldy e\'ef_V.iiifield posi­ The win o\ei Iselin gave Soutlj Post 401 played Thursday at During the recent high schoof seaivon’. tion Hut has i.scttied ■ in iit third base' Brunswick .i huge confidence boost. home against Clara Barton, then BenecTetto collected 2.4 hits. ,20 runs while Benedetto plays till o\er the di­ But Monda.x's loss to Middlesex was wraps up the regular season ;it New and 17 RBI at .Monroe. His se\en amond. Vibrpnek played freshman dellating. Marc Marini took 'a .4-0 Biunswick Tuesday and at Sayreville doubles and four triples led the leahi ball during the S|iring tit South Bruns-; lead and a one-hiitei \into the seventh Wednesday. and he connected for two htiiile runs ’ wick High. inning, but Midtllesex lied the game “ If we win two of lhe-4as'i three for a Falcons club that stiuted six I.,ast week \-’ibronek hail ti’2-for-.f and scoied one in the lop of tlje games w'c should have a shot to get sophomores at Himes ami fiiiished game.with three RBI tis South Bruns- eighth. South Biunsw;ick pul itinners in the playoffs," Cosumano said. Busy summer continues for SB boys hoops

By Red Patrick This summer. Babich, alongwith “ We li.ixe close, to 20 giixl in- which qualified them foi natioiials.- Sports Writer , i assi.siani coaches Detin . Petrillo and xolxed 111 the program right noxv. so a lot ot kids aie getting a whole \ i f ot “ Tliey lo.xi in the .state final Irom Summertime -— a time' for rest Hayward Vereen are overseeing the expeiienee." said Babich, xvho will a team that had players irom St. An­ and relaxation; Vikings actiyiiies, which include two be enteiing hix second season as head thony and St. Patrick, and held their f- Photo by Frank Wojciechowski ^ : Not for South ,Brunswick High .suinmer leagues, various camps land coach. "W c'ie experimenting w-itli a own," .sjiTd a beaming Babich, xvhosc School box'.s basketball coach Marc A.ALl action, riitil doesn't Icaxe Manager Jake Rodriguez wears blinders when it comes to p u ^ lot of things and the kids are getting team plays in the .I.P. Stevens League ting his son Dan above any other player on the S.outh Bruns­ Babich and 20 of his Vikines. ■ huich time for'hansirng on the beach. on Mondays and Wednesdays and in beitei and better. Our theme this wick Junior Home News League team. summei is development and the kids the Middlesex County College haxe alieady come ti long way. League on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This time of year, just like in the "Ron Davenport's dad cotiches the pieseason. exeixonc is upbeat aiul team and that experience has given Father-son/player-Goach Ricchard’s o|iimiisiic about' then program. But the kids so much confidence.” Babich has legiiimate reason to feel As you can tell, the Vikings .Shtie.s lor the Di.scritiiinutint’ -A, - that w.iy allei watching his keain's strength will lie in the hackcourt. ,M- relationship going strong nucleus t|ualif> foi a 17->ear-iwdjia- though incumbents Gary Tier and tional A A L toiirntiment. which'takes Adam ScroiJ. a pair of 5-9 seniors, in the Rodriguez family SUMMER SALE place later this month in Floiida. '„ are back. Davenport and Waddell are Led by 5-foot-l 1 senior g'luird certain to make their marks as well. By Bill Sullivan . on Shoes and Sandals Ron Daxenport. 5-10 junior guard Dax'eiipori. the Vikes sixth man fast Sports Writer JUNIOR HN&T lell Waddell and 5-10 sophonioie year, is xastly improved, according to When Jake Rodrigue/,, the for Both M en and W om en guaid Ricky Tyiis. along with seniors Babich, xxhdc 'Waddell is a talented coach of ilic South Brunswick btill. he went two consecutive sea­ Dan Frusciano. Keith Piiiit tiiid Yne tiansfer from Cleveland. Throxv Tyus 2 0 - 5 0 % O f f Home News & Tribune Junior sons at the plate xvithout making an_ He, these Vikings teamed up with and sophomore Darius Lumpkin into Baseball League team, gels to talk­ out. 150 Na.ssau St., Princeton • 609-924-6785 phiyers Irom Noith Buinsxxick and the mix and Babich could-have a ing about the leading hitler on his And while he is the leading hit- ( >|X‘n;Mon.-k'ri., o.

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