Serving South Brunswick since 1958 Vol, 41, No. 28 Thursday, July 10,1997 60 Cents Publication Commission caiis for charter change By Ken Weingartner supervises departments and liire.s/ Staff Writer fires personnel. Committee members Picks council-manager as best form serve as liaisons, to tlie various ile- It is lime lor a ctiiingo in .Soiiih partmenls within the system. termine if a change is necessary.’ comment on , its proposal unlili that manager lorm would come to powei rtninswick. , Under tlie proposed council-man­ INSIbE At least ihat IS the (ipinion ol the In a three-page prehmmiiry re­ lime-. 111 .lanuary, 1999. ” ager form, the w’ouncil Imictions as Charier Sliitiy Gunimission. which oib port. the colnmission coiiChitleil that Ill November. Ihc eommission's Under the current township coni- the legislative liraneh ot tlie govern- Weclnesday recommeiKletl th:ii .South nnmerons llel leieocies, m the cm rent proposal will go belore township vo'l- niittee form, the Irve-meiiibei: body inenl. 'I'hemanager, who is appointed ■ Brunswick alianclou the. township lorm o f government were adequate ers. If the volers do not favor a acts as both tile exeeuiivc ;ind legisUir Time Off hy the cotinctl, serves as duel' exeeu- connniltee fonn of governnient in fa­ reasons to veeonimend the cliange. change, tlie township eommitice lorm live hranches (if.llie government. 'I he vor ol'coinicil-nianager. A lull report derailing the ration-; will remain III South Brunswick. mayor is selected tinnually hy mem­ live. According lo ini'ornuilion pro­ The five-member ptinel; empow­ ale lor recommending the eoimeil- ....If voters favor a change, iiuliyidu- bers o f the committee to serve as ered by voters last November, Inis manager lorm. will he released hy als seeking scats on the council will chairperson and has very lew speeitil vided by the Charier vStudy Commis-^ spent the last seven months review­ Aug; 4, according to commission run in June 1998 party priniiirjes. powers. Sion, the councif-manager lorm is' ing the Township Committee and al­ member l.ew Seliwarl/.. Mr. witli tlic winners then running for ;The committee appoints im. ad­ ternate for.ins of goyernnient to de- .Schwartz, said lli_e_ panel would not eleelion in November. The council- ministrator, who prepares llie luidgel. See CHARTER, Page 10A Carnival Nurses comes knock Grin and Bear It: A mother- and-ciaughter team from to town HS plan Kendal! Park competes once again in a teddy bear com­ Rides, games, petition in Lahaska, Pa. Sec Say 2 nurses Time Off. to benefit needed to meet PRINCETON Y building fund enrollment hike BUSINESS JOURNAL By Trudi Gilfillian By Trudi Gilfillian Tops In the draft Staff Writer Staff Writer ' - Mindy Lazar is exhausted; Some school nurses and commu- JAOicjLpmfessioual-spQrC: -accordmgJa-hciuiLLs_a_guodJaiid_u4- -T^^ymTCn^l5m■ral■^^BxprcT;l^I^g-dTs^•atITF- teams are trying to decide tired. laction with a reconimendation that Ms. Lazar, director of eommUmly who to draft, tliey often seek the new high school be staffed by’ development for the Soiilh BrunS- only one certified school iiur.se.;. help from Caliper, a human wick Family YMCA. has been busy .Several iiicmbcrs o f tin ad hoc assessment firm. See preparing for tlic A'MCA's iirst-cver eomniillec formed by Superintendent Princeton Business Journal. carnival, which was scheduled to Sam Stewart lo advise liim on health­ open Wcclnesdayviiglit and continues care issues facing the district said the through Sunday at .South Ifrunswick iiiajority ol the committee rcconi- NEWS High School on Ma)or Road. memled that the high school be staff­ “ Everything started arriving Sun­ ed by two certified nurses and one day and delivery finislied on Tiies- .secretary because of ;. increasing Contingency -dayC-she-saidcglEv.eiiy-ilimg-.'-iududeiL- school enrollment and growing work The school board w ill de­ ridcs, game booths and food vendors, loads. The district’s nurses also ree- which w ill be open from ft.to I t p.in. ommeiidod that the liigh school liavc cide Monday whether the today (Thursday) and Friday and 4 to two certified sclioot nurses, citing the township’ s new high school II p.m.'on Saturday and Sunday. same concerns. w ill be ready for use in Sep-, With evcrytliing in place and; Dr, Stewart recommended last lembcr. Page 3 A: some cooperative weather, Ms, Laztir week that the high school be staffed . is hoping the carnival w ill be a huge temporarily by a certified scliool Windfall success. She reported that advance nurse., a clerical person and a regis­ ticket sales were suceesslul and most tered nurse. Unlike a certified school A legislative bill could grant locations sold out. nurse, a registered nurse would not South Brunswick an addi- Each ride at the carnival requires be certified lo teach health education -;i-diflerem-numher-oi-tickctS',-which- progrtims at tlie school. In addition,. Tionar$2T97iTniion irTschobl” can be purchased at tlie .lair. A sheet cerlilied school nurses must have at aid to be used to offset a tax ol'tickets IS available for .S 1,5. least a baclielor’ s degree tind have hike next year. Page-SA. “ There hasn't been ;i carnival in taken courses that focus on both town for two decades. We wanted to medical and educational issues — ' pul together an event that would wliieh is not tlie ease with registered SPORTS reach out to the community and olfer nurses. ------- - a sale, fun environment for tamihes,'' The high .school,''which has had she said. ; steadily increasing enrollment and is Coaching changes “ I'm so pleased and so proud of expected to house about 1,400 stu­ The girls basketball team the community, how they have han­ dentsnext year, has been operating ded together and ,olfe,'‘ed to help," witl'^ one nurse since 19ft(). A secre­ gets a new coach; while the Ms. Laztir added. “This is the finest tary joined the nursing office about varsity baseball club begins example of the true definition ol . 12 years ago. - , ‘ . ■ ■ its search for its own new community." The Board of Education w ill vote Monday on: whether to accept Dr. leader. Pace L5A. The community vmII also reap bend Its after the ■ carnival because Stewart's reconimendation, proceeds Irom the event are ear­ : "What I decided is not to.make it marked* I'or the YMCA ouilding fund. decision now ;ind give (Susan Cohen, Ms. Laz.ar said the Y hopes to raise at the new high school nurse, and the least 520,000 alliie'difm'valT scliooFadministration) a . cliance to She said the YMCA has only an make a final recommendation.’^ Dr- administrative office at ilie. Mon­ Stewart said Wednesday. He said he mouth Junction First Aid Squad would give the new staffing program, building. Once space can be found, three months and then evaluate its ef­ Ms, Lazar said the organization plans fectiveness. .to expand its services; V Dr. Stewart said the three-person See CARNIVAL, Page 10A See NURSE, Page 8A [Jayton woman shows she knows the score By Ken Weingartner Wrapping up Staff Writer “I just (did this on Injuries have created a Sara Ann Appelman luid nom- teiitiqns of marketing a new piod- . my spare time for rough road foi'S B A A ’ s net when she created Score Pads 12-year-oki all-star team. several years ago. ,. my family. 1 never Page 1 ,SA In fact, she didn't even lealize thought it would slie had created a new product. Tlie Dayton resident lust de­ go this far.” signed what would become patent­ ed this year as Score I’tids witli the Sara Ann Appelman intentions of lielping her paienis. Carmen and Emily AIcNsi ol Oak- INDEX met with representatives Irom Na­ liiirst, keep better seoie of ilieii tional Invention Services Ine. m card games. Cranlord. which is now haiulling "They were always looking for piiper.mid always having to ilraw the niarlvining of the product. "W e went m for an interview Classified IB up their own score sheets," said Community Ms. Appelman. wlio is employed ami tliey seemed to like it nglit as a eomputer analyst at Cosmair irom the start.’' Ms. Appelman Capsules,11A in'Daylon. "I ligmed I'd just make said."We’ ve been slowly pro­ sometliing lo helji them. gressing from one step lo the next. Editorial 6A . "1 let them play with tlie lorms 'Iliere was a lot of paperwork and Meetings 2A and iliey made suggestions. 1 kept lawyers involved." adding and taking away, and iliai’ s Ms. Appelman said .she .was • Obituaries 7A liow I came up willi.llie lorms. surprised that score sheets loi caul Tliey seem to like ilienii:i lot. it's • games, or board games such as ■ Religious ,seems to he helpful and they al­ . Scrabble, weren’t on the market. ways us them.". , "I tliuiighl with all the games News 12A Despite the eiidorsemeiil Irom out there'.' tlieie would lie some­ Senior lier parents, Ms. Appelman was re­ thing,” slie said.'“ l looked in all tlie luctant to pursue tlie marketing ol stores. 1 even went to wliere tliey, Calendar 11A -Staff photo by'John Kqating tlie score slieets. After some jimd- have special games and couldn't find anything. The only score pad Dayton resident Sara Ann Appelman with the score pads siio developed for card and board dmg Irom her luishand. l.otiis, she Sports 15A decided to give ii a try in 1,99.5. games. ■ - Tliai’s when Ms. .Appeii'iian See SCORE, Page 7A 2A - The Central Post Thursday, July 10, 1997 POLICE BLOTTER SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENT- ' l?arbiir;i J.
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