Preface 1 the Protestant Nation
Notes PREFACE 1. Thomas Stoughton, A general treatise against poperie (Cambridge, 1598) pp.4-5. 2. Peter Clark, English Provincial Society from the Reformation to the Revolution (Hassocks, 1977) pp. 152-7. The Act Books of the Court of the Archdeacon of Canterbury, Cathedral Archives and Library Canter bury, are full of evidence of the cultural war of the 1570s between preachers and minstrels. A little of it is sampled in my The Religion of Protestants: the Church in English Society, 1559-1625 (Oxford, 1982) pp.206-7. 3. From Iconoclasm to Iconophobia: the Cultural Impact of the Second English Reformation (The Stenton Lecture, 1985) (Reading, 1986). 1 THE PROTESTANT NATION 1. C. A. Sneyd (ed.), A Relation of the Island of England About the Year 1500, O.S. XXXVII (Camden Society, 1847) pp. 20-1. John Major is quoted by Jenny Wormald in Journal of British Studies, XXIV (1985) 158. 2. Christopher Hill, 'The Protestant Nation', in Collected Essays II: Relig ion and Politics in 17th Century England (Brighton, 1986) pp. 28-9. 3. Michael McGiffert has drawn attention to the importance of this text for national self-consciousness in 'God's Controversy with Jacobean Eng land', in American Historical Review, LXXXVIII (1983) 1151-74; with further comments, critical of his original argument, in ibid., LXXXIX (1984) 1217-18. Calvin's exposition is in J. Owen (ed.), Commentaries on the Twelve Minor Prophets, I (Edinburgh, 1846). 4. George H. Williams et al. (eds), Thomas Hooker: Writings in England and Holland, 1626-1633, Harvard Theological Studies XXVIII (Cam bridge, Mass., 1975) pp.
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