BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE MANUSCRIPTS CONSULTED As a result of the indefatigable labours of the Reverend Henry Jenkyns and the Parker Society Editor of the Archbishop's writ­ ings, the Reverend John Edmund Cox, by far the vast majority of Thomas Cranmer's works are available in printed sources. Nevertheless, the following MSS have been consulted and can be said to shed a useful ray of extra light on the darker phases of Cranmer's eucharistie development. I. In The British Library Department of Manuscripts: MSS Royal, 7 B XI and XII: Colleetiones ex S. Scriptur. et Patribus 2. In the Library ofCorpus Christi College, Cambridge: MS 102, fols. 151-193: De re Sacramentaria 3. In the Library of Lambeth Palace: MS 1107: Cranmer's Collection ofCanon Law MS 1 108: A further Collection of Commonplaces, mostly from the Fathers PRINTED WORKS The majority of Thomas Cranmer's writings are readily avaiIable in print as: I. The Remains of Thomas Cran"",., D.D., Arehbishop oJ Canter­ bury, Edited in four volumes by Henry Jenkyns (Oxford, 1833) 173 174 Thomas Cranmer's Doctrine of the Eucharist 2. Writings and Disputations of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1556, Relative to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, Edited for the Parker Society by John Edmund Cox (Cambridge, 1844) [P.S., Cranmer I] 3. Miscellaneous Writings and Letters of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1556, Edited for the Parker Society by John Edmund Cox (Cambridge, 1846) [P.S., Cranmer II] 4. Archbishop Cranmer on the True and Catholic Doctrine and Use of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, Edited for the Protestant Reformation Society by Charles H. H. Wright, D.D. (London, 1907) [Defince (Ed. Wright)] The following abbreviated forms to be found in the footnotes are also extended here for the convenience of the reader: [Bekenntnisschriften] Die Bekenntnisschriften der Evangelische-Lutherischen Kirche herausgegeben vom Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchenaus­ schuss (Second edition, Göttingen, 1952) [Censura] Censura super libro sacrorum, seu ordinationis ecclesiae atque ministerii ecclesiastici in regno Angliae, ad petitionem R. Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis Thomae Cranmeri, 1551 (in Scripta Anglicana, Basel, 1577) [Cranmer, Catechism] Jonas, Justus, A Short Instruction into Christian Religion, being a Catechism set forth by Archbishop Cranmer in 1548, together with the same in Latin translation from the German by Justus Jonas in 1539, Edited by Edward Burton (Oxford 1829). A Catechism set forth by Thomas Cranmer From the Nurem­ burg Catechism translated into Latin by Justus Jonas. Bibliographical Note 175 Introduced and annotated by D. G. Selwyn (Abingdon, 1978). [Lloyd, Fonnularies] Fonnularies of the Faith put forth hy Authority in the Reign of Henry VIII, Edited by C. Lloyd (Oxford, 1825) [Foxe, A.& M.] Foxe, John, Acts and Monuments, Edited by Josiah Pratt in 8 vols. (London, 18n) [P.S., Latimer II] Latimer, Hugh, Sennons and Remains of Hugh Latimer, some­ time Bishop of Worcester, Martyr, 1555, Edited for the Parker Society by George Elwes Corrie (Cambridge, 1845) [P.S., Liturgies 01 Edward VI] The Two Liturgies, A.D. 1549, and A.D. 1552: with other Documents set forth hy Authority in the Reign of King Edward VI. .. , Edited for the Parker Society by Joseph Ketley (Cambridge, 1844) [P.S., Ridll!}'] Ridley, Nicholas, The Works of Nicholas Ridll!}', D.D., some­ time Lord Bishop of London, Martyr, 1555, Edited for the Parker Society by Henry Christmas (Cambridge, 1843) [P.S., Zürich Leiters III] Original Leiters relative to the English Refonnation, written during the Reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, and Queen Mary: Chiefl.y from the Archives of Zürich, Edited in 2 volumes for the Parker Society by Hastings Robinson (Cambridge, 1846-47) Other primary source material is fully set out in text and footnotes when first used. SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SECONDARY SOURCES Bouvier, A., Henri Bultinger riformateur et conseilter oecuminique le successeur de Zwingli (Neuchätel & Paris, 1940). Brightman, F.E., The English Rite, 2 vols. (London, 1915). Brilioth, Y., Eucharistie Faith and Practice, Evangelical and Catho- lic, trans. Hebert, A.G. (London, 1930). Bromiley, G.W., Thomas Cranmer Theologian (London, 1956). Brooks, Peter Newman, Cranmer in Context (Cambridge, 1989). Burnet, Gilbert (Ed. Pocock, N.), History of the Reformation, 7 vols. (Oxford, 1865). Clark, F., Eucharistie Sacrifice and the Reformation (London, 1960). Constant, G. (trans. Watkin, E.I.), The Reformation in England, 2 vols. (London, 1942). Dix, G., The Shape ofthe LiturlfY (London, 1945). Dixon, R.W., History of the Church of England from the Abolition ofthe Roman Jurisdiction, 6 vols. (London, 1878-1902). Dugmore, C.W., The Mass and the English Reformers (London, 1958). Fischer, R.H. (Ed.), Word and Sacrament III, Vol. 37 in the series Luther's Works, American edition, 55 vols. (8t Louis and Philadelphia, 1961). Gasquet, F.A., and Bishop, E., Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer (London, 1890). 176 Seleet Bibliography 01 Secondary Sources 177 Gilbert, W.S., The Savoy Operas, complete text of the G. & S. operas produced between 1875 and 1896 (London, 1952). Gilson, j.P. and Warner, G.F., Catalogue 0] Western MSS in the Old Royal and King's Collections, Vol. I [for Royal MSS, lAI 11 E XI] (Oxford, 1921). Gorharn, G.C., Gleanings 0] a Few Scattered Ears du ring the Period 0] the Reformation in England (London, 1857). Grasse, H., Die Abendmahlslehre bei Luther und Calvin (Güters• loh, 1954). Heinze, R.W., The Proclamations 0] the Tudor Kings (Cambridge, 1976). Hopf[Hope], C., Martin Bucer and the English Reformation (Ox­ ford, 1946). Hutehinson, F.E., Cranmer and the English Reformation (London, 195 1). jacobs, H.E., The Lutheran Movement in England (Philadelphia, 1891) . Koehler, W., Dogmengeschichte, 2 vols. (Zurich, 1951); Das Mar­ burger Religionsgespräch 1529: Versuch einer Rekonstruktion (Leipzig, 1929); Zwingli und Luther I: Ihr Streit uber das Abendmahl nach seinen politischen und religiösen Beziehungen (Leipzig, 1924); and Zwingli und Luther 11: Vom Beginn der Marburger Verhandlungen 1529, bis zum Abschluss der Witten­ berger Koncordie von 15fi (Gutersloh, 1953). Lang, A., Der Evangelienkommentar Martin Butzers und die Grundzuge seiner Theologie (Leipzig, 1900); and Zwingli und Calvin (Bielefeld und Leipzig, 1913). Le Bas, C.W., The Lift 0] Archbishop Cranmer, 2 vols. (London, 1833). 178 Thomas Cranmer's Doctrine of the Eucharist Lingard, John, A History of England from the first invasion by the Romans to the Revolution in 1688, 8 vols. (London, 1819-1830). Manschreck, C.L., Melanchthon: The Quiet Rejormer (New York, 1958). Mason, A.J., Thomas Cranmer (London, 1898). Maxwell, W.D., The Liturgical Portions of the Genevan Service Book (Edinburgh & London, 1931). Maynard, T., The Lift ofThomas Cranmer (London, 1956). McLelland, J.C., The Visible Word!- of God: An Exposition of the Sacramental Theology of Peter Martyr Vermigli A.D. 1500-1562 (Edinburgh & London, 1957). Muller, J.A., Stephen Gardiner and the Tudor Reaction (London, 1926). Os borne, R.R., Holy Communion in the Church of England (Lon­ don, 1949). Parker, T.M., The English Reformation to 1558 (Oxford, 1950). Pollard, A.F., Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation (London, 1926). Polman, P., L'Eliment historique dans La controverse religieuse du XVI, siecle (Gembloux, 1932). Ratcliff, E.C., The booke of common prayer of the Churche of England: its making and revisions M.D. xlix - M.D. clxi (1949). Redworth, G., In Dejence of the Church Catholic: The Lift of Stephen Gardiner (Oxford, 1990). Richardson, C.C., Zwingli and Cranmer on the Eucharist (Evan­ ston, 1949). Ridley, Gloucester, Lift of Dr. Nicholas Ridley (London, 1763). Ridley, Jasper G., Nicholas Ridley: A Biography (London, 1957); and Thomas Cranmer (Oxford, 1962). Seleet Bibliography of Seeondary Sourees 1 79 Sasse, H., This is my Body: Luther's Contention Jor the Real Presence in the Sacrament of the Altar (Minneapolis, 1959; revised edition Adelaide, 1977). Seeberg, Reinhold, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, 4th revised edition, 4 vols. (Basel, 1953-1954). Smyth, C., Cranmer and the Reformation untier Edward VI (Cambridge, 1926). Staehelin, E., Das theologische Lebenswerk Oekolampads (Leipzig, 1939)· Stone, Darwell, A History of the Doctrine of the Hoiy Eucharist, 2 vols. (London, 1909). Strype, john, Memorials of Thomas Cranmer, 3 vols. [Ed. for the Ecclesiastical History Society] (Oxford, 1848-1854). 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'The English Usage of Eucharistie Consecration, 1548- 1662, 1', in Theology, vol. Ix Oune 1957), pp. 233 f. Selwyn, D.G., 'A Neglected Edition of Cranmer's Catech­ ism', in journal of Theological Studies (New Series), vol. XV, Part I (1964), pp. 76-91. 'A New Version of a Mid-sixteenth-century Vernacular Tract on the Eucharist: A Document of the Early Edwar­ dian Reformation?' A 'Notes and Documents' communica­ tion in the journal of Ecclesiastical History, Vol. 39, NO.2 (April, 1988), pp. 217-229. Symonds, H.E., 'Cranmer and the Edwardine Prayer Books' in Theology, xlix (1946), pp.
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