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Acharon Shel Pesach B”H THEWEEKLY MAGAZINE SHUL SPONSORED BY MR. & MRS. MARTIN (OBM) AND ETHEL SIROTKIN & DR. & MRS. SHMUEL AND EVELYN KATZ SHEVII - ACHARON SHEL PESACH NISSAN 20-22 APRIL 14 - 16 CANDLE LIGHTING 1ST NIGHT: 7:26 PM CANDLE LIGHTING 2ND NIGHT: AFTER 8:19 PM (FROM PRE-EXISTING FLAME) SHABBOS PARSHAS SHEMINI SHABBOS MEVARCHIM NISSAN 23-24 APRIL 17 - 18 CANDLE LIGHTING: 7:27 PM SHABBOS ENDS: 8:21 PM ROSH CHODESH IYAR FRIDAY- SHABBOS APRIL 24 - 25 Wednesday, April 22 10:58 (12 chalakim) PM The Shul - Chabad Lubavitch - An institution of The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem M. Schneerson (May his merit shield us) Over Thirty five Years of Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside 9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, Fl 33154 Tel: 305.868.1411 Fax: 305.861.2426 Email: THE SHUL WEEKLY MAGAZINE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK NACHAS AT A GLANCE CONTENTS Weekly Message: 3 THE SHUL PROVIDING MASKS TO THE POLICE STATIONS OF BAL Thoughts on the Parsha - Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar HARBOUR, BAY HARBOR, SURFSIDE AND INDIAN CREEK Celebrating Shabbos: 4 - 5 Schedules, classes, articles & more... Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience Community Happenings: 6 -7 Sharing with your Shul Family A Time to Pray: 8 Check out all the davening schedules and locations throughout the week Daily Study: 9 A complete guide to all classes and courses ofered at The Shul Inspiration, Insights & Ideas: 10 - 21 Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE French Connection 22 Reflexions sur la Paracha Latin Link 23 Reflexion Semanal In a Woman’s World 24 Issues of relevance to the Jewish woman Networking 25 Efective Advertising Numbers To Know 26 Contacts at The Shul Get The Picture 27 - 28 The full scoop on all the great events around town THE SALE OF CHOMETZ BEFORE PESACH QUOTABLE QUOTE I am asleep, but my heart is awake – Song of Songs 5:2 THOUGHTS ON THE PARSHA FROM RABBI SHOLOM LIPSKAR SHEVII - ACHARON SHEL PESACH - PARSHAS SHEMINI e are living today in a world mist and clouds of Fire” there were filled with turmoil and a significant part of the population chaos. We are suspended that wanted either (1) to go back to Win a space far from any sense of Egypt; (2) battle the Egyptians; (3) certainty or surety. The natural order commit a mass suicide (similar to has overrun its limited parameters Masada) or (4) pray. They were not and our limited comprehension yet totally free of their threatening and knowledge leaves us with a Egyptian slavemasters. sense of doubt. As we prepare to celebrate the last days of Passover G-d commanded them to move when we emphasize miracles and forward and when Nachshon son redemption, we must find some of Aminadav jumped in (with total language that gives us a sense of faith) the waters split with two confidence and strength and allows giant walls of water looming over a us to fill that space of doubt with dry road between them. resolution and joyfulness. Beyond all previous miracles We know that everything in it was a true test of faith and creation is synchronized so that any total submission to Hashem that deviation in the originally structured prevailed at the “Splitting of the order can cause chaos. Such are Sea”. When they came back on to the most serious maladies of the body. Strengthening dry land, they were no longer threatened by Egypt who the balance, order, structure and synchronization of our had perished in the raging sea. Being free from mortals lives by living according to our Maker’s directives gives us was necessary to be a servant to G-d. maximum completion and minimum chaos. The eighth day of Pesach we read the Haftorah from Isaiah As in all mundane occurrences there is Divinely Provident (10:32) describing the final Redemption, the advent of synchronization, how much more so in Spiritual Matters. Moshiach and the condition of the world at that time. “The lion and the lamb will lie together etc.” tells us, whether The fact that we celebrate Shevii Shel Pesach/the 7th of we interpreted this text actually or metaphorically, that Pesach, Acharon Shel Pesach/the last and eighth day of we will have a very nice, coordinated and good world. A Pesach, all within the Portion of Shemini (the eighth), and quantum leap from today. in close proximity to each other, surely gives us a message that is beyond the specific lessons we learn from each The term Shemini, the name of this week’s Torah of these three individually. The seventh of Pesach which portion refers to the day after Moses, acting as the High celebrates the “Splitting of the Sea” and the Jewish People Priest temporarily, finishes seven days of live practice, achieving the next level of freedom, and the Eighth of instruction and training “Shivas Yimei Hamiluim” with Pesach which concentrates and relates to the upcoming his brother Aaron and Family. Now the eighth day which final redemption with Moshiach, and the weekly portion of is the first day of Nissan, the formal dedication of the Shemini each have their particular identity which carries Tabernacle takes place with Aaron and his sons taking a special message. The intersection of these three days their permanent/generational place as the Kohanim/ and concepts points to a commonality that they share. Priests and with the head of each of the twelve tribes performing the dedication rites on each of the next twelve The Splitting of the Sea was a pivotal event in the process days of Nissan. Why is it significant to refer to that day of our Exodus. Even as the “Children of Israel” were at the as the eighth when it had really no connection to the first seashore protected by G-d’s presence via His “clouds of seven practice/training days, and furthermore, this was 3 actually the first day of the formal dedication? that Jewish existence throughout history has been above and beyond the natural order. Though we live within Seven is the order of Nature as Hashem created the world the confines of our civilization and are affected by the in seven days – six days of work and one of rest. Eight multiple happenings around us nonetheless we are able represents the energy that is above and beyond Nature. to rise above the natural order. Chanukah is eight days celebrating a miracle that defied Nature. A Bris is on the eighth day performing an act that Yes, we do have painful consequences from the world that is beyond rationality etc. has at this point gone berserk, but we are imbued with absolute freedom, a practical and real view of a Messianic When the presence of Hashem comes to dwell in the reality and the knowledge and certainty that we are not Tabernacle on the First day of Nissan, it was an eighth subjected to the limits of nature. level experience. Hashem who is beyond time and space and beyond description or comprehension will now have So let us celebrate the last two days of Pesach with a physical manifestation in a literal “Dwelling Place” in the feeling of security, joyful fervor, optimism, faith in Hashem Tabernacle. and a recognition that as Hashem is, was and will be so too are we His children, an eternal essential part of G-d As we celebrate these concepts, they each proclaim Almighty Himself. that we can transcend our physical limits and truly comprehend and appreciate, in an experiential way, As we celebrate, let us keep in mind and pray for all freedom represented by the seventh day/Splitting of the those who need healing to be healed immediately and Sea, Moshiach represented by the eighth day/with the completely, for all those who need consolation to be Moshiach Haftorah and Seudah and Hashem represented comforted and consoled, and for the entire world to find by His coming to dwell in our earthly, physical world. They peace of mind and soul. all connect to the essence of our Souls which is fused to the essence of Hashem. With love and anticipating our being together with each other once again very soon with celebration, health and Let’s thank Hashem and rejoice for these extra ordinary, peace of mind and soul. beyond nature gifts. Have a great Yomtov and enjoyable Shabbat. The Torah states that each of us must perceive our emancipation from Egypt not only as the commemoration of an historical experience 3332 years ago but as our own personal exodus from our own limits, imprisonments, Rabbi S. Lipskar boundaries and infringements. We can do so even under these most challenging conditions. NISSAN LIGHT & POWER If we accept all that I have just shared with you not only Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah on a theoretical, aesthetic level but something that is real for the month of Nissan is Kindly Sponsored by and practical in our lives, then it can make a real difference in how we feel and live. Mr. Daniel Shapiro “In honor of my dear Father, All of the above factors 1) Emancipation which is Dov ben Yaacov” imbedded in our fundamental DNA beings, as Jews have proclaimed Freedom for Humanity since our Exodus from “Those who establish Synagogues for prayer and those who come there to Egypt; 2) a real belief in the coming of Moshiach who G-d pray, those who provide lights for illumination, wine and grape juice for kiddush has assured will come - and the Rebbe has emphasized and havdalah, food for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those that this is the generation when he will be revealed and who occupy themselves faithfully with communal affairs - may The Holy One, we actually celebrate his advent in our homes with our blessed be He, give them their reward, remove them from all sicknesses, heal families with a Feast for Moshiach / Seudas Moshiach their entire body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all established by the Baal ShemTov 250 years ago, drinking their endeavors, together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.” 4 cups of wine as we did on the Seder night and singing celebrating his imminent coming; and 3) the realization 4 CELEBRATING SHABBOS EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR AN “OVER THE TOP” SHABBOS EXPERIENCE KIDDUSH THIS WEEK: SHABBOS SCHEDULE Kiddush this week is available for sponsorship.
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