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Beis-Moshiach-1256.Pdf From the Rebbe { 18 } { 4 } “Eliyahu HaNavi Came Yesterday!” Besuras HaGeulah with English translation { 6 } Liberation From Sadness From the Rebbe’s pen 0DVB%LQGG $0 Features { 42 } { 18 } 42 Volumes Of Light “No one can take this zechus away from me” is what the Rebbe said about the publishing of the 42 volumes of the Tzemach Tzedek’s monumental Ohr HaTorah, which he personally paid for { 28 } Chassid Made In Argentina Reb Menachem Daniel Lapidus shares his fascinating story { 42 } Prison Rabbi { 28 } In a special Pesach interview, we spoke to Rabbi Lior Rosenbaum, a shliach of the Rebbe and rabbi in the Israeli Corrections Authority, and heard about his unique shlichus and many touching stories about freedom rediscovered in jail 2 BEIS MOSHIACH ב"ה Columns In This Issue { 8 } Are We Makpid On “Yoshon”? { 10 } Rabbi Yehuda Leib By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun Groner The life and times of the Rebbe's { 27 } No One Cares About Your Opinion! mazkir By Rabbi Boruch Merkur { 57 } Sold On It { 50 } When You Know You Don’t Know Short Story What You’re Talking About By Rabbi Zvi Homnick { 62 } Halachic Times And Daily Shiurim { 52 } The Redemptive Role Of Eliyahu HaNavi Rabbi Nissim Lagziel with a Moshiach thought on the Parsha { 60 } What Do You Have “Against” The Rebbe? By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon Published by: Chabad World Center to Greet Moshiach 744 Eastern Parkway The next issue will be for Brooklyn, NY 11213 Shabbos Parshas Shemini, 28 Nissan (March 10) [email protected] With blessings for a kosher and 718.778.8000 freilichen Pesach [email protected] Editor-In-Chief: Rabbi Boruch Merkur • Editor: Levi Liberow • Managing Editor: Shraga Crombie Director: Rabbi M.M. Hendel • Rabbinical Advisor: Rabbi Yaakov Chazan Beis Moshiach (USPS 542–012) ISSN 0272–1082 is published weekly, except Jewish holidays (only once in April and October) for $180.00 in Crown Heights. USA $217.00. All other places for $240.00 per year (45 issues), by Beis Moshiach, 744 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 3409–11213. Periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, NY and additional offices. Postmaster: send address changes to Beis Moshiach 744 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 3409–11213. Copyright 2020 by Beis Moshiach, Inc. 13 NISSAN5781 3 Besuras HaGeulah The Rebbe on the imminence of the Redemption “Eliyahu Ha’navi Came Yesterday!” ג. תרגום משיחת יום ד' פ‘ ברכה, ז‘ תשרי תנש“א (1) 3. Tishrei 7, 5751 – August 12, 1990 (1) On this Wednesday before Yom Kippur, the Rebbe greeted the members of the Machne Israel Development Fund — philanthropists supporting Lubavitch institutions worldwide — for their twice-annual conference. Th e Rebbe addressed them publicly and then spoke to each privately. Aft er that, the Rebbe spoke to the Shluchim (Chabad emissaries) who accompanied them during the visit, speaking about the job and mission of the Shluchim. Th e fi nal few minutes of the address were dedicated to the “hot” topic of the day and to the Shluchim’s role in it: ִו ִיהי ָרצוֹן ְוהוּא ָה ִﬠ ָקּר – ֶשׁ ָכּל ֶא ָחד ֵמ ִא ָתּנוּ ְיִה ֶיה Th e most important thing is – and may " ָשׁ ִל ַיח" ְל ַב ֵשּׂר ְל ַﬠ ְצמוֹ, ִל ְב ֵני ֵבּיתוֹ ְוּל ָכל ַה ְיּ ִהוּדים so be G-d’s Will – that each and every one of ִבּ ְס ִב ָיבתוֹ, ֶשׁ" ִה ֵנּה ֶזֹה ָבּא"us should become a shliach (an emissary) to ,1 inform himself, his family and all the Jews around him that “Here he [Moshiach] comes,”1 Th e spiritual aspect of the redemption through Moshiach – and the cause of all its other aspects – is an unprecedented revelation of G-dliness within the world. So the recognition of Moshiach’s arrival is in essence a recognition that: " ִה ֵנּה ֱא ֵלקינוּ ֶזה גוֹ' ֶזה ה' ִקִוּינוּ לוֹ"Behold, this is our G-d... Th is is the L-rd 2“ for Whom we hoped2.” Th e Medrash teaches that at Krias Yam Suf (the splitting of the Sea), the Jewish people announced “Th is is My G-d!”, indicating that the presence of G-d was so strongly visible that every Jew was able to so-called point their fi nger at it and say “this is Him!” (ב' ְפּ ָﬠ ִמים ֶזהNote that the word “this” is mentioned (3) twice in this verse.) – Th e word “this” twice indicates an even greater G-dly revelation than the one at the sea. As the Medrash continues to teach that “G-d told the people of Israel, ‘In this world you said “this” only once, but in the World to Come you will say the same thing twice!” ְו ִה ֵנּה ָדִוד ַמ ְל ָכּא ְמ ִשׁ ָיחא, And here is David the King Moshiach 4 BEIS MOSHIACH ְו ִכי ֵא ִל ָיהוּ ַה ָנּ ִביא ְכּ ָבר יוֹם ֹק ֶדם ָה ָיה ִבּ ְט ַבְר ָיאSince our message is that Moshiach is al- 4 ִוּב ֵשּׂר אוֹדוֹת ִבּ ַיאת ָמ ִשׁ ַיח ִצְד ֵקנוּ. ready here, we must also make all aware that Eliyahu HaNavi [the prophet Elijah] already appeared a day earlier in Teverya to announce the arrival of our righteous Moshiach. Th e sages have a tradition that when the Sanhedrin will be restored in the future, they will fi rst convene in Teverya (Tiberius, in the Galilee) and only then relocate to their natural seat in Jerusalem. How can we say that Moshiach can come at any given moment if Eliyahu has not arrived to announce it? Th e Rebbe explains: ְו ֵישׁ ַלוֹמר, ְדּ ֵכ ָיון ֶשׁ ָמּ ִשׁ ַיח ָיכוֹל ָלבוֹא ְבּ ָכל יוֹם, It may be suggested that since Moshiach " ֲא ַח ֶכּה לוֹ ְבּ ָכל יוֹם ֶשׁ ָיּבוֹא"can come on any given day − as the text of the ,5 principle of belief in Moshiach indicates: “I await his coming every day”5 − with no reser- vation or preconditions whatsoever specifi ed, ְו ֵא ִל ָיהוּ ַה ָנּ ִביא ָצִרי ְל ַב ֵשּׂר יוֹם ֹק ֶדם ַﬠל ִבּ ַיאת yet we know that Eliyahu HaNavi must fi rst ַה ָמּ ִשׁ ַיח appear to announce Moshiach’s arrival the day prior. Th e Rebbe off ers an innovative solution: – ַמ ִגּ ַיﬠ ֵא ִל ָיהוּ ַה ָנּ ִביא ִל ְט ַבְר ָיא ְבּ ֹפ ַﬠל ַמ ָמּשׁ ָכּל Eliyahu HaNavi actually comes every day יוֹם ְוּמ ַב ֵשּׂר ַﬠל ִבּ ַיאת ַה ָמּ ִשׁ ַיח to Teverya and announces the coming of Moshiach. ( ִבּ ְמ ֻי ָחד) ְל ֵאלּוּ ֶשׁ ְעוֹמִדים ְבּ ַמ ֲﬠ ָמד ַוּמ ָצּב ְדּ" ֲא ַח ֶכּה Th e announcement is directed particularly לוֹ ְבּ ָכל יוֹם ֶשׁ ָיּבוֹא" – to those who stand in anticipation of Moshiach on a daily basis, – ַגּם ְל ֵאלּוּ ֶשׁ ֵאין ְאוֹמִרים ֹזאת ְבּ ִדבּוּר ( ְכּ ִמ ְנ ָהג even if they do not verbally articulate this ַח ַבּ"ד)6, ֶא ָלּא ְחוֹשׁ ִבים ַﬠל ֶזה, belief, but only think about it (as is the Chabad custom) Delving Deeper: The Subconscious Effect One may ask an obvious question: an an- hear it cannot hear it due to their spiritual in- nouncement is something that is meant to sensitivity? be heard; what good is the announcement of Th e answer is that their souls do sense it, and Moshiach’s arrival that isn’t heard by anyone? the soul – being the main part of the person – subconsciously impacts the person’s conscious Th e previous Rebbe teaches in the name of self and that is why a person receives sudden, the Baal Shem Tov in explanation of the Mishna unexpected thoughts of teshuva from time to (Avos 6:2) that “every day a heavenly voice emits time. from mount Chorev, announcing ‘woe onto the creatures from the shame of the Torah.’” In a similar vein, the announcement that Moshiach is coming tomorrow made by Eliyahu Th e very same question rises here: what good every day is the drive of every Jew to become does the announcement do if those who need to more aware and prepared for Moshiach. 13 NISSAN 5781 5 Liberation From Sadness The Rebbe writes to a woman who was suffering from anxiety and depression: בנוגע למצב רוחה - הרי ניסן הוא חודש הגאולה מכל ענין המפריע לחירות ועבודת ה' בשמחה! Concerning your mood: now is the month of Nissan, and Nissan is the “month of redemption” from all matters disturbing one from attaining freedom and serving Hashem with joy. Why Is This Korban Different from All Other Korbanos? The following is the Rebbe’s handwritten addition on one copy of a “Michtav Klali-Proti” (an identical letter that was “personalized” and sent to several people) on Yud Alef Nissan 5711 published in Igros kodesh vol. 4, letter nu. 972: חלוק הפסח משאר קרבנות שאכילת האדם עיקר בו פו“מ [=פועל ממש] ולפעול בגוף הגשמי בחייו הגשמיים. ועדמש"כ [=ועל דרך מה שכתבו] בהקדמת הקונ‘[טרס] לענין מצה מהמשך וככה הגדול. The Korban Pesach differs from all other sacrifices in that what is funda- mental is man’s partaking of it, [i.e., the most crucial aspect being] actual deed and to have an effect on one’s physical bodyand one’s physical life, as is stated in the preface to the kuntres regarding matza as quoted from the hemshech [series of maamarim entitled] VeChachah HaGadol [In a subsequent letter from 13 Nissan (nu. 985), the Rebbe reiterates the same point, with a slight addition: “Take note regarding the concepts that I cite in my introduction: that when eating matza on Pesach, the body derives nurture from food that strengthens faith in Hashem.
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