
From the { 18 } { 4 } “Eliyahu HaNavi Came Yesterday!” Besuras HaGeulah with English translation

{ 6 } Liberation From Sadness From the Rebbe’s pen

0DVB%LQGG    $0 Features { 42 } { 18 } 42 Volumes Of Light “No one can take this zechus away from me” is what the Rebbe said about the publishing of the 42 volumes of the Tzemach Tzedek’s monumental HaTorah, which he personally paid for

{ 28 } Chassid Made In Argentina Reb Menachem Daniel Lapidus shares his fascinating story

{ 42 } Prison { 28 } In a special Pesach interview, we spoke to Rabbi Lior Rosenbaum, a shliach of the Rebbe and rabbi in the Israeli Corrections Authority, and heard about his unique shlichus and many touching stories about freedom rediscovered in jail

2 BEIS MOSHIACH ב"ה Columns In This Issue

{ 8 } Are We Makpid On “Yoshon”? { 10 } Rabbi Yehuda Leib By Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun Groner The life and times of the Rebbe's { 27 } No One Cares About Your Opinion! mazkir By Rabbi Boruch Merkur { 57 } Sold On It { 50 } When You Know You Don’t Know Short Story What You’re Talking About By Rabbi Zvi Homnick { 62 } Halachic Times And Daily Shiurim { 52 } The Redemptive Role Of Eliyahu HaNavi Rabbi Nissim Lagziel with a Moshiach thought on the Parsha

{ 60 } What Do You Have “Against” The Rebbe? By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon

Published by: World Center to Greet Moshiach 744 The next issue will be for , NY 11213 Shabbos Parshas Shemini, 28 BMoshiach.org Nissan (March 10) [email protected] With blessings for a kosher and 718.778.8000 freilichen Pesach BeisMoshiachMagazine.org [email protected]

Editor-In-Chief: Rabbi Boruch Merkur • Editor: Levi Liberow • Managing Editor: Shraga Crombie Director: Rabbi M.M. Hendel • Rabbinical Advisor: Rabbi Yaakov Chazan

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13 NISSAN5781 3 Besuras HaGeulah

The Rebbe on the imminence of the Redemption

“Eliyahu Ha’navi Came Yesterday!”

ג. תרגום משיחת יום ד' פ‘ ברכה, ז‘ תשרי תנש“א (1) 3. 7, 5751 – August 12, 1990 (1)

On this Wednesday before Yom Kippur, the Rebbe greeted the members of the Machne Israel Development Fund — philanthropists supporting Lubavitch institutions worldwide — for their twice-annual conference. Th e Rebbe addressed them publicly and then spoke to each privately. Aft er that, the Rebbe spoke to the Shluchim (Chabad emissaries) who accompanied them during the visit, speaking about the job and mission of the Shluchim. Th e fi nal few minutes of the address were dedicated to the “hot” topic of the day and to the Shluchim’s role in it:

ִו ִיהי ָרצוֹן ְוהוּא ָה ִﬠ ָקּר – ֶשׁ ָכּל ֶא ָחד ֵמ ִא ָתּנוּ ְיִה ֶיה Th e most important thing is – and may " ָשׁ ִל ַיח" ְל ַב ֵשּׂר ְל ַﬠ ְצמוֹ, ִל ְב ֵני ֵבּיתוֹ ְוּל ָכל ַה ְיּ ִהוּדים so be G-d’s Will – that each and every one of ִבּ ְס ִב ָיבתוֹ, ֶשׁ" ִה ֵנּה ֶזֹה ָבּא"us should become a shliach (an emissary) to ,1 inform himself, his family and all the around him that “Here he [Moshiach] comes,”1 Th e spiritual aspect of the redemption through Moshiach – and the cause of all its other aspects – is an unprecedented revelation of G-dliness within the world. So the recognition of Moshiach’s arrival is in essence a recognition that: " ִה ֵנּה ֱא ֵלקינוּ ֶזה גוֹ' ֶזה ה' ִקִוּינוּ לוֹ"Behold, this is our G-d... Th is is the L-rd 2“ for Whom we hoped2.” Th e Medrash teaches that at Krias Yam Suf (the splitting of the Sea), the Jewish people announced “Th is is My G-d!”, indicating that the presence of G-d was so strongly visible that every was able to so-called point their fi nger at it and say “this is Him!” (ב' ְפּ ָﬠ ִמים ֶזהNote that the word “this” is mentioned (3) twice in this verse.) – Th e word “this” twice indicates an even greater G-dly revelation than the one at the sea. As the Medrash continues to teach that “G-d told the people of Israel, ‘In this world you said “this” only once, but in the World to Come you will say the same thing twice!” ְו ִה ֵנּה ָדִוד ַמ ְל ָכּא ְמ ִשׁ ָיחא, And here is David the King Moshiach

4 BEIS MOSHIACH ְו ִכי ֵא ִל ָיהוּ ַה ָנּ ִביא ְכּ ָבר יוֹם ֹק ֶדם ָה ָיה ִבּ ְט ַבְר ָיאSince our message is that Moshiach is al- 4 ִוּב ֵשּׂר אוֹדוֹת ִבּ ַיאת ָמ ִשׁ ַיח ִצְד ֵקנוּ. ready here, we must also make all aware that Eliyahu HaNavi [the prophet Elijah] already appeared a day earlier in Teverya to announce the arrival of our righteous Moshiach. Th e sages have a tradition that when the Sanhedrin will be restored in the future, they will fi rst convene in Teverya (Tiberius, in the Galilee) and only then relocate to their natural seat in Jerusalem. How can we say that Moshiach can come at any given moment if Eliyahu has not arrived to announce it? Th e Rebbe explains: ְו ֵישׁ ַלוֹמר, ְדּ ֵכ ָיון ֶשׁ ָמּ ִשׁ ַיח ָיכוֹל ָלבוֹא ְבּ ָכל יוֹם, It may be suggested that since Moshiach " ֲא ַח ֶכּה לוֹ ְבּ ָכל יוֹם ֶשׁ ָיּבוֹא"can come on any given day − as the text of the ,5 principle of belief in Moshiach indicates: “I await his coming every day”5 − with no reser- vation or preconditions whatsoever specifi ed, ְו ֵא ִל ָיהוּ ַה ָנּ ִביא ָצִרי ְל ַב ֵשּׂר יוֹם ֹק ֶדם ַﬠל ִבּ ַיאת yet we know that Eliyahu HaNavi must fi rst ַה ָמּ ִשׁ ַיח appear to announce Moshiach’s arrival the day prior. Th e Rebbe off ers an innovative solution: – ַמ ִגּ ַיﬠ ֵא ִל ָיהוּ ַה ָנּ ִביא ִל ְט ַבְר ָיא ְבּ ֹפ ַﬠל ַמ ָמּשׁ ָכּל Eliyahu HaNavi actually comes every day יוֹם ְוּמ ַב ֵשּׂר ַﬠל ִבּ ַיאת ַה ָמּ ִשׁ ַיח to Teverya and announces the coming of Moshiach. ( ִבּ ְמ ֻי ָחד) ְל ֵאלּוּ ֶשׁ ְעוֹמִדים ְבּ ַמ ֲﬠ ָמד ַוּמ ָצּב ְדּ" ֲא ַח ֶכּה Th e announcement is directed particularly לוֹ ְבּ ָכל יוֹם ֶשׁ ָיּבוֹא" – to those who stand in anticipation of Moshiach on a daily basis, – ַגּם ְל ֵאלּוּ ֶשׁ ֵאין ְאוֹמִרים ֹזאת ְבּ ִדבּוּר ( ְכּ ִמ ְנ ָהג even if they do not verbally articulate this ַח ַבּ"ד)6, ֶא ָלּא ְחוֹשׁ ִבים ַﬠל ֶזה, belief, but only think about it (as is the Chabad custom)

Delving Deeper: The Subconscious Effect

One may ask an obvious question: an an- hear it cannot hear it due to their spiritual in- nouncement is something that is meant to sensitivity? be heard; what good is the announcement of Th e answer is that their souls do sense it, and Moshiach’s arrival that isn’t heard by anyone? the soul – being the main part of the person – subconsciously impacts the person’s conscious Th e previous Rebbe teaches in the name of self and that is why a person receives sudden, the in explanation of the Mishna unexpected thoughts of teshuva from time to (Avos 6:2) that “every day a heavenly voice emits time. from mount Chorev, announcing ‘woe onto the creatures from the shame of the .’” In a similar vein, the announcement that Moshiach is coming tomorrow made by Eliyahu Th e very same question rises here: what good every day is the drive of every Jew to become does the announcement do if those who need to more aware and prepared for Moshiach.

13 NISSAN 5781 5 Liberation From Sadness

The Rebbe writes to a woman who was suffering from anxiety and depression:

בנוגע למצב רוחה - הרי ניסן הוא חודש הגאולה מכל ענין המפריע לחירות ועבודת ה' בשמחה!

Concerning your mood: now is the month of Nissan, and Nissan is the “month of redemption” from all matters disturbing one from attaining freedom and serving Hashem with joy. Why Is This Korban Different from All Other Korbanos?

The following is the Rebbe’s handwritten addition on one copy of a “Michtav Klali-Proti” (an identical letter that was “personalized” and sent to several people) on Yud Alef Nissan 5711 published in Igros kodesh vol. 4, letter nu. 972:

חלוק הפסח משאר קרבנות שאכילת האדם עיקר בו פו“מ [=פועל ממש] ולפעול בגוף הגשמי בחייו הגשמיים. ועדמש"כ [=ועל דרך מה שכתבו] בהקדמת הקונ‘[טרס] לענין מצה מהמשך וככה הגדול. The Korban Pesach differs from all other sacrifices in that what is funda- mental is man’s partaking of it, [i.e., the most crucial aspect being] actual deed and to have an effect on one’s physical bodyand one’s physical life, as is stated in the preface to the kuntres regarding matza as quoted from the hemshech [series of entitled] VeChachah HaGadol [In a subsequent letter from 13 Nissan (nu. 985), the Rebbe reiterates the same point, with a slight addition: “Take note regarding the concepts that I cite in my introduction: that when eating matza on Pesach, the body derives nurture from food that strengthens faith in Hashem. Note also that the Korban Pesach is different from other sacrifices in that, from the outset, it is brought for the sake of being eaten, i.e., to be eaten by the owners rather than consumed by the [pyre of the] mizbeiach or eaten by the kohanim.] ASK The Rav

Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun

Are We Makpid on “Yoshon”?

A collection of Halachic essays related to Hilchos Pesach from AskTheRav.com and Halacha2go.com, by Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Mara D’asra and member of the Crown Heights Beis Din

From my understanding (also based the lenient view [some sources explain Q. on the Alter Rebbe’s ) this according to ]. Poskim state it seems that halachically chadash is a real that Gedolei Yisroel were not particular about issue that happened to not be kept stringent- this matter. To the best of our knowledge the ly for centuries. Nowadays it is much more Rebbe wasn’t particular either. In 5740, the practical, should one be makpid and to what Rebbe stated that it is difficult to find someone extent? Is there a specificminhag Chabad? in Brooklyn who is makpid on this. #9778 The Torah forbids the consumption A. of new grains (“chadash”) until after Kashering on Pesach the Minchas HaOmer was offered up in the Beis HaMikdash on the second day of Pesach, or Q. Can one l’chatchila kasher something in our times, the third day of Pesach in Eretz through libun on Chol Hamoed? Yisrael, and the fourth day in Chutz L’aretz. The Yes, if it is a libun gamur. grains become permissible after this time and are known as yoshon. However, it is recommended not to leave it until Pesach in case one will forget and use it One opinion maintains that chodosh applies without libun. #3517 only to grain grown in Eretz Yisrael. Another opinion asserts that chodosh applies only to Is Quinoa Kosher for Pesach? grain belonging to a Jew at the time of its har- vest. The majority of poskim disagree and hold Q. I am very confused about this. All the that chodosh applies even to grains grown out- years I’ve heard that most poskim maintain side Eretz Yisrael, and even to those belonging that quinoa is considered kitniyos. Now I to a non-Jew. am hearing that there is new information Nevertheless, the centuries-old on the topic and that has been agreed that it custom brought in poskim is to rely on is not kitniyos. May I use it on Pesach or not?

8 BEIS MOSHIACH A. The common consensus of most poskim on the sole factor of it being a new food. He on this topic is that it is considered kitniyos for explained elsewhere why corn remains forbid- all practical purposes. The few kashrus agencies den because it fits well with the general crite- that are authorizing it are pushing this product ria of kitniyos, unlike potatoes and peanuts. on the market—and even they maintain that Accordingly, in his opinion quinoa should be it needs a reliable proper hechsher as it might forbidden. As mentioned, this is also the po- have some grain mixed into it—but that does sition of his son, Reb Dovid.) not change the consensus within mainstream halacha. The classification of quinoa askitniyos ap- plies also to other areas in halacha. With regard Explanation: to the rules of kilayim for example, it is clear The key argument to permit quinoa is that that quinoa is considered kitniyos. There’s no this is considered a new type of food which reason to make any distinction when it comes wasn’t around when the decree against kitniy- to this very important , which many os was made and thus it is not included in the poskim, including the Tzemach Tzedek, state original prohibition against kitniyos. that it applies even during times of hunger. A proper understanding of the Alter Rebbe words This argument has been repeated many in Shulchan Aruch leads us to this conclusion times about different things. However,klal too. Yisrael has not accepted this argument. The custom is not to use peanuts, and more specif- To the best of my knowledge this is also the ically — corn, even though these foods were position of most Chabad Rabbanim the world not around then. over. The position that quinoa is unacceptable as kitniyos is shared by many many contem- In fact, the original poskim who mentioned porary poskim. To name just a few: Rabbi El- the prohibition against kitniyos do not list the various type of foods. The basic assumption is yashiv, Rabbi Neubort, Rabbi , that anything that has the properties of kitniy- Rabbi Usher Weiss, Rabbi Westheim — and os is included. Furthermore, from the extensive many other well-known kashrus agencies. (For discussion in poskim about why potatoes are a thorough treatment of this matter, see Kovetz permitted on Pesach it is clear that the fact Etz Chaim, vol. XXVIII). that this was a new food was not germane to The very fact that all those who permit the discussion. quinoa warn strongly to use it only if it goes Quinoa has all the properties of kitniyos and through a proper certification process because all the reasons mentioned in poskim apply just of the serious concern that it might have a mix- as much if not more to quinoa. Certainly, it has ture of other grains is telling. Indeed, one of the more similarity to grain than corn does. reasons for the original prohibition against kit- niyos is this very fact that it often mixes with It should be noted that even though Rabbi other grain. has ruled to permit peanuts, he agreed that corn remains forbidden. His In conclusion: there’s no reason to change son, Rabbi Dovid Feinstein, states clearly that our behavior this year than all previous years. the same applies to quinoa. (The arguments to The minhag to forbid kitniyos is an important distinguish between corn and quinoa based on one and should not be dropped for convenience its name and its high popularity are a reasons, without a consensus that a particular far stretch and inconsistent with the position food isn’t included. There are many other al- of Reb Moshe himself. It is obvious that Reb ternatives for healthy food on the market for Moshe’s position to allow peanuts is not based Pesach. #7463 ■

13 NISSAN5781 9 10 BEIS MOSHIACH 13 NISSAN 5781 11 Menachem Ziegelbaum • For more than forty he was there, in the inner sanc- Chicago for which he had chosen five fifteen- tum. “Mazkir” (secretary) was year-old bachurim. years, his official title. A broader title “We were the first talmidim-shluchim was “member of the mazkirus.” in the United States,” he later said in a rare In practice, he was the one who oversaw the interview with Beis Moshiach. “The day after comings and goings. The man who was always Yom Kippur, at seven in the evening, we had seen when the Rebbe was seen. yechidus and the Rebbe blessed us.” Rabbi Yehuda a’h’s parents were About half a year later, before Pesach, the Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Avrohom Yeshaya Rebbe Rayatz allowed the group of bachurim and Menucha Rochel. He was born on 7 to return home for Yom Tov with their families. 5691/1931. He was about eight when the Rebbe After Pesach he and his friends had yechidus Rayatz arrived in the United States and at that again before returning to Chicago. Memories point, a new chapter opened in the life of the of that yechidus stayed with him for decades: Chassidishe Groner family. When we went in, the Rebbe Rayatz asked us, His bar mitzva was on 7 Iyar 5704/1944 and “When are you going?” We said, “Today.” The it was attended by the (not yet) Rebbe who was Rebbe said (in Yiddish), “Your trip to Chicago the middle son-in-law of the Rebbe Rayatz as has two aspects: You are going for yourselves a rare gesture to the father of the bar mitzva and to show what is a talmid of Tomchei boy. The Rebbe spoke for an hour and twenty Tmimim. A talmid in needs minutes and then he asked the bar mitzva boy, to behave according to Chassidus, not only “Leibel, did you understand what was said?” according to Torah. I had a bit of nachas ruach The bar mitzva boy was silent and the Rebbe from you but more is needed. I heard that you said in a conciliatory way, “Don’t be embar- review maamarim; I had nachas from that. rassed. Many of the people standing on the side did not understand ...” “Truly, you need to review but that is not enough. You have to work. If you review a FIRST YECHIDUS maamar which deals with matters of avoda, In his youth he began learning in you need to work on avoda. You need to learn Tomchei Tmimim that opened upon the arrival and be devoted to learning and to work on of the Rebbe Rayatz to America. His gifts and learning. I am not talking about other times; talents quickly came to the fore in his studies. when it is time to rest, you rest, but you need As a student in , he became better ac- to work on learning b’poel mamash. You need quainted with the Rebbe from up close, in the to want to learn and to be able to learn.” context of his work in the organizations that He then added, “You are not going with your the Rebbe Rayatz founded. own kochos; you are being endowed with ko- The first time that he had yechidus with chos.” At the end he said, “I want to make you the Rebbe Rayatz was in Tishrei 5706/1945 aware and to bless you, the talmidim of your when he was fifteen. The Rebbe asked him to yeshiva and the youth of Chicago – succeed start a branch of Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in in your shlichus; go in peace and be healthy, materially and spiritually.”

12 BEIS MOSHIACH THANKS TO MY WORK ALONGSIDE THE REBBE months and we will see whether you are suited. Those three months were extended … By the age of eighteen he was already chosen In his involvement in this field, R’ Groner by the Rebbe to work with him as R’ Groner was close with the Rebbe and consulted with later related: him on many things having to do with hala- “By divine providence, I merited to be near cha and minhag. Thanks to this relationship, the Rebbe from the year 5709/1949. I was a ye- he merited various favors from the Rebbe like shiva student at the time and the Rebbe called the following: me and asked whether I would be interested “Since our family lived near 770, in Browns- in working for him in my free time.” ville, which is a half an hour’s walk from Beis R’ Groner said yes and began working, Chayeinu, we would go to the Rebbe Rayatz mainly in publishing sefarim for Kehot every time there was a . Over the years, the crowd grew and since the Rebbe which was run by the Rebbe. He prepared Rayatz held the in his home on sifrei Chassidus for print and was one of the the second floor of 770, it was too small for compilers of the Sefer HaMinhagim, the sefer everyone to fit. that became a foundational work for everything having to do with Chabad minhagim. “But I was often inside, thanks to my work- ing with the Rebbe. The morning of Simchas R’ Groner said that at first he told the Rebbe Torah 5710, I arrived at 770 and the Rebbe told that he did not know whether he was at all me to wait near his room and he would me suited to working on producing sefarim. The into the Rebbe Rayatz’s apartment. As we went Rebbe said to him: Start working for three up the wooden stairs, many Chassidim were

13 NISSAN5781 13 already waiting in the hopes of getting in. At a “The daughter stood near her father to urge certain point, the Rebbe stood near the door him to end the farbrengen. At first he did not and as he blocked the entrance with his arm notice her but after a while he said to her, he said, ‘Nobody can enter except for one,’ and ‘Chana’le, what can I do for you?’ She said, he let me go in. ‘Father said he would end after four hours …’ The Rebbe Rayatz replied, ‘It is hard to leave “After the davening, the Rebbe told me, ‘It a Chassidishe farbrengen. Nevertheless, I will will be hard to get you in again so don’t go try to be brief.’ downstairs. Stay here and I will be motzi you with kiddush and give you something for the “At the end of the farbrengen, the Rebbe said Yom Tov meal.’ to sing the ‘Dalet Bavos.’ Before they began to sing, he said, ‘Each person should sing as loudly “The farbrengen toward the end of Simchas as he can.’ The Rebbe Rayatz usually leaned Torah was extra special even though the doc- back in his chair but when they began to sing, tor had ordered the Rebbe Rayatz to limit the he leaned forward and tears ran from his eyes hours of the farbrengen and the Rebbe agreed. like a fountain of tears.” In actuality, things worked out differently. LIFE-CHANGING WORDS “The farbrengen began at five in the evening and the Rebbe continued to farbreng when it The Rebbe Rayatz passed away early Shabbos was nine o’clock. At this point, his older daugh- morning, parshas Bo, 10 5710. R’ Groner ter came in, wanting to give her father a watch was in shul in the neighborhood where he lived to hint that he should end the farbrengen be- when he heard the bitter news: cause of his faltering health. When the watch “When we heard the news, Rabbi Mentlick reached the Rebbe Rayatz, he put it into his didn’t believe it. He said, ‘It’s not possible. pocket and ignored the hint. Surely there is a mistake.’ Shocked, we walked

14 BEIS MOSHIACH quickly to 770, refusing to believe what we ,, From that point onward, heard. When we arrived and saw the faces of R’ Groner became the person the Chassidim, we began to grasp the situation.” who stood at the Rebbe’s side, Not many know, but in the midst of the stormy waves of that bitter day the Rebbe day and night, all seasons of MH”M said a few words to him that instant- the year, weekdays, Shabbos, ly changed the young bachur’s life. They were simple though significant words which accom- Yomim Tovim, completely panied R’ Groner all his life. surrendering his personal “Since I was already working with the Rebbe, life for the great task of the Rebbe told me to stand at his side so that if being the Rebbe’s secretary something needed to be done, I would be able to do it immediately.” The next day, Sunday, 11 Shevat, the funeral took place with thousands of Chassidim and Jews from the Jewish neighborhoods of . The day after the funeral, the Rebbe said continued wearing the black hat but with a to young Leibel, “From now on, you will have short jacket. It was an indication that he was a completely different job.” not thinking of accepting the leadership. From that point onward, R’ Groner became “Confused and shocked the bachurim the person who stood at the Rebbe’s side, day turned to Rabbi Shmuel Levitin and said ap- and night, all seasons of the year, weekdays, prehensively, ‘We thought the Rebbe would Shabbos, Yomim Tovim, completely surren- continue the chain but now …’ R’ Shmuel said dering his personal life for the great task of to them, ‘And a Rebbe in a short jacket is not being the Rebbe’s secretary, ready to carry out any request whether said explicitly or hinted possible?’ at, or even with a glance. “Throughout the year of mourning, the SIGNS OF LEADERSHIP Rebbe accepted Chassidim for yechidus and I also went in for yechidus for my . R’ Groner, gifted with the keen observation In this yechidus, the Rebbe wore a suit. When skills of a talmid chacham, closely observed R’ Mentlick, a distinguished Chassid, went in, the conduct of the Rebbe who refused at that the Rebbe said to him in surprise, ‘You come time to accept the nesius. He not only knew in for yechidus to a young man who wears a to be in the right place at the right time but suit?!’ R’ Mentlick immediately responded, ‘The also knew to open his eyes and ears in order clothing don’t matter. The main thing is what to experience Lubavitch history in the making is in the clothing.’ The Rebbe was quiet and as the baton was passed from the sixth to the accepted that. seventh generation. “However, one day in Elul, a regular day, I “During the sheloshim, the Rebbe wore his suddenly saw the Rebbe arriving at 770 wear- Shabbos sirtuk but the day after thesheloshim ing a sirtuk. I was very excited. I went over to we were surprised to see him arriving at 770 the secretary, Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Isaac in a short jacket. The Rebbe stopped wearing Chodakov to ask whether he knew the reason the gray hat he wore until the histalkus and for the change.

13 NISSAN5781 15 “He smiled and said, ‘If you can keep a se- Leibel wrote, “From a sicha of Kevod Kedushas cret, I will tell you.’ Admor shlita.” The Rebbe told him to delete the word “Admor” but left “Kevod Kedushas.” “This is what R’ Chodakov told me, ‘A few days ago, the Rebbe gave me a list of Litvishe A similar thing happened at a farbrengen rabbanim and asked me to call them and invite for 2 Iyar 5710, the birthday of the Rebbe them to a meeting with the Rebbe. I asked, ‘If Maharash. R’ Leibel along with R’ Yoel Kahan, they ask who is inviting them, what should I the chozer, put the farbrengen into writing and say?’ The Rebbe smiled and did not answer. then dared to ask the Rebbe to edit the sicha. When I called the first rav, the Rebbe was on “It was nearly midnight when we knocked the phone line and I said, ‘The Lubavitcher at the door of the Rebbe’s room. The Rebbe Rebbe asks that you come to a meeting …’ And opened the door and asked in surprise, ‘Two that is what I did with all of them. The Rebbe yungerleit at so late an hour? Did something heard and did not stop me. The meeting will happen?’ We said we had a reshima from the be tonight and that is why the Rebbe is wearing last farbrengen and we submitted it to the a sirtuk.’” Rebbe. And yet, more than once, the young bachur “The Rebbe took the pages and looked tried to “move things along” in all matters through them. When he got to the part where associated with establishing it as fact that he spoke about the change in the traditional Ramash was the new Nasi. For example, when wording of a pidyon nefesh, he asked, ‘You he submitted the first hanacha ( written notes) included that here too? They will think we of a farbrengen to the Rebbe, on the cover R’ want to change a custom that was practiced by Chassidim for many years.’ We got up the courage and said, ‘Since the Rebbe said so, it’s a siman that the Chassidim need to know this.’ The Rebbe smiled and said, ‘Good, good, it doesn’t matter.’” AT WORK ON HIS WEDDING DAY In Shevat 5714, after several meetings with his suggested match, Yehudis, daughter of Rabbi Tzemach Gurewitz, R’ Groner wanted to become engaged. He asked the Rebbe, since both sides were willing, should they get engaged? The Rebbe said a line that pertains to many, “As for the shidduch, I cannot help you, nor your father, your mother and not your intellect either; just your heart! If you feel a meshichas ha’lev (a pull of the heart) then it’s a shidduch, in a good and successful time.” During his engagement, R’ Leibel asked the Rebbe questions about conduct as a chassan. He later publicized these in-

16 BEIS MOSHIACH structions and they became accepted practice day after the wedding, the Rebbe asked him, among Chassidim. For example, the day after ‘What did you do regarding the maamar?’ R’ his engagement, he asked the Rebbe about Leibel said he reviewed the maamar that the meetings with his kalla. The Rebbe said, “The Rebbe Rayatz said with the Rebbe’s additions. less, the better. Meet no more than once a week “I saw that the Rebbe was pleased and he and speak on the phone no more than once a said, ‘A very proper thing, surely others will see week.” and will do the same. It is worth publicizing The Rebbe spoke in pain about the situation, this so that other chassanim will do likewise.” “There has developed a pritzus whereupon chassan and kalla are photographed together On the day of the wedding 15 Elul, R’ Groner before the wedding. This is a great breach of went to the Rebbe’s room as usual, as part of his modesty. Until after the chuppa, they should job. The Rebbe was surprised and asked him, not be photographed together and publicize “What are you doing here? It’s your wedding this to the other chassanim.” day!” R’ Groner said, “That is why; I want an- other zechus before my chuppa by serving the He asked the Rebbe which maamar to say at Rebbe today.” the wedding reception by way of inviting the Rebbeim from above to the chuppa. Instead The Rebbe told him to finish what he was of answering, that Shabbos the Rebbe said the working on “and then go and say Tehillim be- maamar “Lecha Dodi” which was said at his cause my father-in-law, the Rebbe, said to me own kabbolas panim in 5689 and the Rebbe on my wedding day that the chassan and kalla added things to it. need to use every minute on the day of their wedding to say Tehillim and it’s not just about At R’ Groner’s kabbolas panim he said the finishing Tehillim once but if time remains, to maamar of the Rebbe Rayatz, “Lecha Dodi” start it again. You will surely ask someone to of 5689 and in three places he repeated the tell this to the kalla too.” ■ additions that the Rebbe said on the previous Shabbos. When he went into the Rebbe the to be continued, G-d willing

13 NISSAN5781 17 18 BEIS MOSHIACH 1313 NISSAN 5781 199 Menachem Davidson • The series of sefarim of the Tzemach Tzedek, for- [the main thing is] that it is light, for the inyan ty-two volumes, adorns the of the Tzemach Tzedek is daas, and daas is light. bookcases of Chabad homes Ohr HaTorah “When all the volumes will be published, around the world. This se- G-d willing, all will be able to see the wealth ries of sefarim is full of Chassidic explanations it contains and with this they will be able to on the Torah, Neviim, and Kesuvim as well as be mekarev Jews, to show them the light of holidays but, to tell the truth, these sefarim are Torah. Even in many sifrei Nigleh I have not opened less than the Rebbe’s sifrei maamarim, found wealth like that which is found in Ohr for example, or Likutei Torah of the Alter Rebbe HaTorah.” or even Hemshech 5666 of the Rebbe Rashab. About a year later, on 25 Tishrei 5730, the It all depends on mazal, even a book in the Rebbe consoled Rashag (after the passing of his library. This can be said regardingOhr HaTorah mother Shaindel). They discussed the drushei of the Tzemach Tzedek which is not learned Admor Tzemech Tzedek and the quantity of much among Anash. Still, we chose to present maamarim that he said: an article on these sefarim since the Rebbe put in great effort to publish them. “It is accepted fact that the Tzemach Tzedek wrote a tremendous amount, twenty-four or OHR HA’TORAH CONTAINS RARE RICHES sixty thousand notebooks! At first I thought The Rebbe had a special fondness for Ohr this was an exaggeration but now we see the the HaTorah. We see this in one of the conver- tremendous quantity of the drushei Tzemach sations between the Rebbe and his brother- Tzedek, those that were already printed and in-law, Rashag, who asked the Rebbe why those – an even greater amount – that still need the hemsheichem of 5666 and 5672 were not to be printed, so it is not at all an exaggeration.” printed when they are the basis for the entire A GREAT “PITY” ON THE BACHURIM study Chassidus. The Rebbe said, “NowOhr HaTorah is being printed.” The subject of publishingOhr HaTorah came up indirectly a few years earlier in a conversa- The Rebbe’s fondness for Ohr HaTorah came tion that the Rebbe had with his brother-in-law to light even more so during a meal on the first during the second day meal on Pesach 5727. day of Succos 5726 when Rashag asked the Rebbe why Ohr HaTorah was being printed Rashag: The bachurim want Hemshech 5666 when people did not understand it. By way of to be printed. reply, the Rebbe greatly extolled Ohr HaTorah The Rebbe: It is a great pity on them that and said, “The spiritual wealth contained in they have nothing to learn! Some sefarim were Ohr HaTorah – even a little child can discern just published! and see it. It is a commentary on Chumash that incorporates and integrates Bavli, Yerushalmi, Rashag: Does the Rebbe refer to the volumes Sifri, Sifra, and Kabbala. Eitz Chaim, Pri Eitz of Ohr HaTorah? Chaim and Medrash. We see a revealed light The Rebbe: Yes, and there is depth there etc. therein, a baal darshan can extract drashos from there but that is not the main thing; rather Rashag: There is much in quantity and qual- ity.

20 BEIS MOSHIACH The Rebbe: There is still double remaining from what was already published on Shemos and Vayikra. Rashag: Apparently, everything has its time and the maamarei Chassidus of the Tzemach Tzedek waited a hundred years until they started to appear in print, besides what was already published on Bereishis. “SO GESHMAK AND SO SUBTLE”

As is to be expected, the Rebbe did not suffice with his fondness for these sefarim but told the Chassidim to learn Ohr HaTorah as Rabbi Sholom Dovber Labkovsky related: In one of R’ Nissan Nemenov’s private audiences with the Rebbe, he heard that we need to learn Ohr HaTorah of the Tzemach Tzedek. In yechidus, there was a pile of vol- umes of Ohr HaTorah on the Rebbe’s desk and the Rebbe exclaimed with obvious השער מהוצאה הראשונה בשנת תרע“ג ,pleasure, “Ah, there are deep things here so geshmak and so subtle, like the ‘oilamishe’ say that you can split a hair in two.” After that, R’ Nissan began learning Ohr fondness but the Rebbe himself learned and HaTorah. His students say that every time he delved into these sefarim. would get to a part where the Tzemach Tzedek Over the years, the Rebbe often said amazing cites a source in the Medrash or Gemara, he things about these sefarim. For example, in would look up the source. 5725, the Rebbe held a farbrengen on Shabbos Rabbi Avrohom Boruch Pevsner: parshas Devarim, which was a Tisha B’Av Nidcheh. In the maamar Chassidus that he said, R’ Nissan said that when the Rebbe spoke to he quoted the question of the Tzemach Tzedek him in yechidus about learning Ohr HaTorah, in Ohr HaTorah Devarim and parenthetically the Rebbe said that these sefarim were just noted, “Note that another volume of Ohr published not because now there is more HaTorah was just published [5 Menachem Av money and more can be printed – since also – eve of 6 Menachem Av] on Sefer Devarim in earlier generations it was possible to print [Ekev-Savo] and this adds to the fulfillment of through mimeograph and the like. They didn’t the promise that these days will be transformed print it then because it was not yet the time into rejoicing.” for it. Only now has the time come for it and In 5745, the Rebbe said, “All this should be therefore we need to learn Ohr HaTorah now. connected with what is explained … in Ohr From these comments and from the fact HaTorah Shir HaShirim that was printed and that a pile of Ohr HaTorah was on the Rebbe’s just left the bindery before this Shabbos … desk, it appears that that this was not simple and over Shabbos they will at least be able to

13 NISSAN5781 21 including the first verse and the last (for which there is a natural fondness by those doing the learning).” THE MASSIVE PROJECT BEGINS The Tzemach Tzedek wrote thou- sands of handwritten pages, packed with chiddushei Torah. After his pass- ing on 13 Nissan 5626, he left his many writings behind. The work on publishing the series began more than fifty years after his passing, in 5673, by R’ Chaim Eliezer Bichovsky who published the first sefer in the series which contains discours- es on Sefer Bereishis and Chanuka. Preparing the sefer for publication was done by R’ Chaim Meir Hillman, author of Beis Rebbi. The editors and printers were Chabad- Chas- sidim. From where did they get these pre-

0DVB%LQGG    $0 cious manuscripts? The publishers themselves noted this in the opening look in them… From now on, may they also of the sefer: From “manuscripts given be studied, especially when there is a special by the Rebbeim, deceased and among the liv- fondness since they are new sefarim.” ing, and many others from the grandchildren Years later, the Rebbe mentioned learning of our Rebbe.” In the foreword to the sefer it Ohr HaTorah as an instruction for learning says that they received manuscripts that were in public. This was on Shabbos, parshas Lech by “C”K Admor of Kopust whose son gave it Lecha 5750 when the Rebbe encouraged gath- to us.” This is a reference to Maharil of Kopust ering people on Shabbos for public learning. and his son, the Admor Rabbi Shlomo Zalman. In one of the sichos, the Rebbe said to unite all In the introduction the publisher notes that locales by learning one thing: the Rebbe the Tzemach Tzedek “left behind tens “In order to unite communities in every lo- of thousands of pages in Nigleh and Nistar.” cale, it would be worthwhile that in addition Until then, the chiddushei Torah that were to the regular shiurim in Torah in every place published were only his writings in Nigleh. Then they started publishing his writings in … to learn the parsha of the week in every Chassidus. From this introduction it seems community … including also at least one com- that this was the plan to also publish the rest mentary … a commentary in Nigleh and one of the series but apparently they were unable in pnimiyus ha’Torah, and to spare the search to, maybe due to a lack of funding. there are already ready drushei Chassidus of the Tzemach Tzedek [printed in Ohr HaTorah] Chassidim of the previous generation were on many verses on every sedra in the Torah particular not to learn from sefarim that the

22 BEIS MOSHIACH aforementioned individual published because “The first sefer that I began working on was he was a Chassid of Kopust and did not align Ohr HaTorah on parshas Vayikra. When I first with Lubavitch in a number of areas. The began working on it, I didn’t know how to edit Rebbe himself said about this printing “that the sources for the sefer. I asked R’ Chodakov they [i.e. in Lubavitch] were not pleased that and a few days later he got back to me with the the publishing was done without permission answer: to cite sources the same way the Rebbe from the Rebbeim.” cites them in maamarim of the Rebbe Rayatz, i.e. pesukim and maamarei Chazal. THE REBBE EDITS THE FIRST VOLUME “The Rebbe decided the order of the work, After more than forty-five years in which which volume to publish first, and also guid- Lubavitcher Chassidim did not use the Ohr ed us at every step. For example, the Rebbe HaTorah that was printed, new editions of Ohr clarified whether certain maamarim were the HaTorah began to be published by Kehot. The Tzemach Tzedek’s or not and taught us how to identify them. It’s interesting that the Rebbe first volume of the Kehot edition was printed in participated in the editing of even later vol- the lifetime of the Rebbe Rayatz in Teves 5710, umes. He himself went over many parts of the less than a month before his passing. material, editing comments, etc. In 5715, Ohr HaTorah on Megillas Esther “Boruch Hashem, I received many answers was published, yet the sefarim were still not in writing but I usually asked orally. I would published in an organized way. In later years, the give R’ Groner the bichel of the manuscript, series was completed with forty-two volumes make a mark on the part where I had a ques- rich with chiddushim. Rabbi Aharon Chitrik tion, and he would ask. This system resulted was in charge of the publication. R’ Chitrik was from the fact that it is hard to summarize in privileged to receive extraordinary attention a brief note a question that would require de- from the Rebbe in this work. The ones who scribing the handwriting etc. The simple act helped him were R’ Leibel Groner, R’ Eliyahu of photocopying documents which is now the Matusof, R’ Alexander Ziskind Piekarski and norm was not a simple matter at that time.” R’ Gavriel Schapiro. Along with R’ Chitrik’s work on the Ohr The project began some time after R’ Chitrik HaTorah series he also worked on publishing married in 5722 when he was told by the Rebbe the series of Likutei Pirushim l’. When to work for Kehot. Some time later he was he began working on this series he received given more specific orders, to edit the series an amazing answer from the Rebbe about the greatness of his working on Ohr HaTorah: Ohr HaTorah. “Obviously … you need to continue until the R’ Chitrik related: end (in such a way that it does not diminish “It seems that the Rebbe planned, after the at all from publishing the maamarim of the printing of the first volume in 5715, to continue Tzemach Tzedek – whose completion must be publishing the entire series but time did not accomplished as soon as possible, and it is very allow for it. When I began working in publish- precious and lofty; the publication and the ear- ing, the Rebbe told me to continue preparing liness. And I did not assess at all the greatness volumes of Ohr HaTorah. The model that we of the matter and its value etc. And fortunate followed was the first sefer that the Rebbe him- is his lot that it is being done through him).” self edited. This is why in each of the dozens of As mentioned, the first volume that R’ volumes, that volume is mentioned. Chitrik began working on was Ohr HaTorah

13 NISSAN5781 23 on Vayikra. It was published in Tishrei 5725 the Rebbe, he decided to commit to undertake and after that, two or three volumes in the all of the publishing costs so that the Rebbe’s series were published every year. In those days, desire would come to fruition. photocopying machines were not as widely R’ Zalman paid for all the sefarim of the available as they are today and this made Rebbeim that were published aside from the the technical side of the job that much more Ohr HaTorah of the Tzemach Tzedek... Despite difficult. For example, when a large numbers the tremendous cost, the Rebbe refused to al- of manuscripts of the Tzemach Tzedek arrived, low him to pay for it but wanted to pay for it it was necessary to copy segments from them himself, saying, “I don’t want to give this away.” and incorporate them into the sefarim. On another occasion, when R’ Zalman had “I would sit and copy because we did not yechidus, the Rebbe expressed himself in a want to cut up sefarim,” said R’ Chitrik. “When more personal way, that he was displeased with it was necessary to photocopy something, I himself that he had not accomplished enough would go to a special place in Manhattan. I re- with Anash. The Rebbe suddenly pointed at member that one page cost more than a dollar. Ohr HaTorah on the shelf in his office and said, That was very expensive and a big bother too “But printing the Ohr HaTorah, that nobody because it took a long time. I never wanted to can take away from me.” leave the holy manuscript with them, not even for a short time. One time, I had to photocopy THE NAME “OHR HA’TORAH” an entire sefer and they looked at me in aston- ishment when I didn’t want to leave it with The source for the title Ohr“ HaTorah” is ap- them. I stood near the machine all day. When parently from the title given to the first volume it was necessary to finish the job I said I would in 5673 by R’ Bichovsky. One can presume that come back the next day. Go and explain to a the name was given based on the name “Torah non-Jew what a manuscript of the Tzemach Ohr” which the Tzemach Tzedek himself gave Tzedek is ...” to the maamarim of the Alter Rebbe. “NOBODY CAN TAKE THIS FROM ME” In a sicha of 5747, the Rebbe explained the name and said it was not by chance, and as Printing a book is expensive. Printing for- regards to the name Ohr HaTorah: ty-two books is that much more expensive. “ … Ohr HaTorah – emphasizing the quality Printing forty-two books in those days when of light which is the light of Torah which is in- the whole system of publishing was more com- comparable to other light: the light of a candle, plex and less accessible, was extraordinarily the light of a torch, the light of the moon, the expensive. light of the sun, the light of the seven days of Who paid to print them? Chassidim say that creation, and even the light of the Future Time the Rebbe always wanted to print as many sifrei to Come.” Chassidus as possible and often things were SPECIAL SPEED held up due to lack of money. Considering the Rebbe’s fondness for these At a yechidus that R’ Zalman Gurary had, sefarim, it is not surprising that he constantly the Rebbe said he wanted to print all the si- urged the publishing of Ohr HaTorah. frei Chassidus of our Rebbeim. The Rebbe ex- pressed himself then as though to say that if Said R’ Chitrik, “My mother had a heart at- he had the ability he would wish to do it. This tack and I asked the Rebbe for a bracha for her. was in 5735 or 5736. When he heard this from From what I said it could be understood that I

24 BEIS MOSHIACH THE TELEGRAM THE REBBE DICTATED TO URGE RABBI CHITRIK IN HIS WORK was considering going to visit her in Montreal. His son-in-law, Rabbi Nachum Gross, said The Rebbe said, without my asking explicitly, that when he married R’ Chitrik’s daughter, that by my being more involved in spreading his father-in-law said to him that considering the wellsprings, this would be the best refuah the amount of work he had to do and the short for her. I was in the final stages of one of the amount of time he had to do it in, he might not be able to attend the sheva brachos meals. volumes and only after publishing it, did I allow myself to go and visit her. As mentioned, this wasn’t a one-time event but work that went on for decades and all with “That was the usual pace. We had just fin- the same intensity. Once, while working on ished a volume and the Rebbe said to produce another sefer that the Rebbe had told him, another one. The Rebbe wanted a sefer to be some time before, to work on, he prepared published by nearly every holiday. The Rebbe a sample and submitted it to the Rebbe. This himself often said that each additional sefer was the winter of 5734. The Rebbe responded Chassidus that was printed was another im- that it would have to wait for another time as portant stage in spreading the wellsprings and the priority and urgency was on printing the maamarim of the Tzemach Tzedek. naturally, this needed to be done as quickly as possible. “THE AWESOME FORTUNE” “The Rebbe not only demanded of me, he As part of R’ Chitrik’s work he occasionally did himself. He responded quickly to whatever “got it over the head” from the Rebbe who did I asked, sometimes on the spot and sometimes not accept any excuse for not sticking to the the next day. If I am not mistaken it never hap- goals and schedules of the publishing. pened that I waited for an answer for more than In 5734, after printing twenty volumes, R’ twenty-four hours and it always said ‘express’ Chitrik was working to prepare maamarim on (mahir) on the note.” Neviim and Kesuvim and Shir HaShirim. The

13 NISSAN5781 25 work was delayed for some reason and before Another description of the prodigious ef- Shavuos, they called from the Rebbe’s office forts that the Rebbe invested in publishing to say that the Rebbe wanted to know what’s these sefarim can be found in a yoman/diary happening with the sefer. R’ Chitrik sent a letter from Erev Rosh Chodesh 5789: with various reasons, and on erev Shavuos the Rebbe sent out a very sharply worded response. Today the Rebbe shlita asked R’ YLG what is happening with Ohr HaTorah on Megillas On another occasion, R’ Chitrik received Esther, and he said, “In general, what kind of a sharp but sweet answer in which the Rebbe order is there when for every thing that needs wrote what a great pity it was on him that to get done I need to make a tumult and scream, he was swayed by excuses and expressed his and if not, it does not get done. Things have astonishment that after being “forced” from to get done either way without me having to “above” and even being paid for it, he still did scream every time.” not recognize “what Chassidus is and the awesome fortune (bli ayin hara) how people Clearly, the publication of this series received of our worth come to publish the hidden rare and unique attention from the Rebbe wisdom etc.” throughout all the years of its publication. In response to this sharp answer, R’ Chitrik HASTENING THE GEULA wrote a letter asking for a break from the work and to be granted a hiatus. He received this It would be fitting to conclude this overview answer: “Based on past experience at least, on of the series with the Rebbe’s own words on the the contrary – this consideration will serve as matter. It was at a farbrengen on the eve of 29 a justification to push off the entire publishing Elul 5743, when the Rebbe entered the farbren- for an indefinite amount of time.” gen with two new volumes that had just been THE REBBE DICTATED THE TELEGRAM printed, the newest volume of Ohr HaTorah and the newest volume of the Igros Kodesh At the beginning of Av 5735/1975, R’ Chitrik of the Rebbe Rayatz. During that farbrengen went on vacation to the Catskill Mountains. the Rebbe explained something from the new The Rebbe asked the secretariat to ask R’ sefer and said: Chitrik about the upcoming printing of Ohr Just recently, a sefer of the Torah of the HaTorah. Because he was away, they could not Rebbe Tzemach Tzedek was brought from reach him. The Rebbe asked again and again the bindery and a certain inyan was already what was happening with the printing but the publicized (as mentioned) in a manner of ha- secretaries could not reach R’ Chitrik. fatza such that in an instant it reached all of As a totally unusual step, the Rebbe instruct- the places where they are hearing the words ed to send him a telegram and the shliach spoken here. should wait until he got an answer. Just as the shliach arrived with telegram, R’ Chitrik wasn’t And since the matter of hafatzas ha’maaya- in the house and the shliach left it at the door. nos was effected in a manner of alacrity and When R’ Chitrik came home he discovered speed, this serves as a “close” preparation the surprise and was stunned. The telegram that the Future Redemption (which is effect- said, “When will the sefarim Ohr HaTorah ed through the general matter of hafatzas Shir HaShirim volume two be ready to learn ha’maayanos) should come in a manner of from as well as the next pamphlet of Likutei alacrity and speed, speedily in our days, ma- Biurim l’Tanya. Menachem .” mosh. ■

26 BEIS MOSHIACH oopinionpinion


it correct to call Torah “opinion”? Iron- for not being more animated or engaged. I Is ically, this column bears that suspicious didn’t think my host wanted to debate what label despite extensive citation. Surely sources was really on my mind (which was my ongo- stand on their own authority and need no other ing distaste for the very old school approach credentials. of bachur shaming, rebuking them before the Pesach break the way a parent would warn a (Also, opinion is only opinion if there is secular teen before spring break). So I just said, difference to that opinion, another side of the “You don’t want me to farbreng.” story. I don’t think I ever had, over the period of a quarter century, anyone offer an alternate The response was not inquisitive; it was reading to anything I’ve quoted – including judgmental and conclusive: “Boruch, you gotta highly provocative, earth-shattering revelations get back in shape.” of the Rebbe, nasi ha’dor.) There was no prior conversation about my True, the itself is a symposium of shape – what I’ve been up to throughout the dialectics and interpretation. The spectrum of year, what I’ve been writing about, what focus opinion varies widely in contextualizing the I’m taking of late - just a blanket diagnosis. same sources. “These and these are the words Cancel culture is alive and well even at a of the living G-d.” But before a majority per- farbrengen, the place designed for raw and real! spective is determined, there is deliberation Now that is out of shape. and debate, communication and community. The problem is more serious in that it is not Today there are complaints of stonewalling even recognized as such. Just this week another those who dare take a stand on controversial Chassid told me, “The thing that sets us apart issues, such as how to contend with the pan- is how close we are in our community, how we demic - in terms of lockdowns and masks, daven together, etc.” I found this remark so odd treatments and of course vaccination. These (despite this person’s heightened spirituality people are shut down and cancelled, and their and aloofness) given that no one in our com- sources ignored. The only debate that ensues is munity seems to have any close friendships. ad hominem – who does this guy think he is?! And davening together? Theshul had been Divine providence had me sit once again closed for a year! at a Shabbos farbrengen. It had been closed to outsiders since the outbreak of Covid, to limit exposure. Before heading out, I was criticized cont. on p. 55

13 NISSAN5781 27 288 BEEISI MOSHIH ACA H 1313 NISSSAS N 575781 229 Avrohom Rainitz • Both the boys and are very good. Such precious to forbid his entry into the country. Having Jewish children, one cannot no choice, he continued his journey until he the girls find the likes of them. Dear arrived in Argentina. souls. The head counselor’s Before he left Russia, he had learned mila name is D. He is eighteen and I am utter- and when he arrived in Buenos Aires he was ly humbled before his sincerity, simplicity the only for many years. He circumcised and earnestness. (From a letter by R’ Berel an entire generation of Jews in Buenos Aires. Baumgarten to his friend, R’ Moshe Lazar, in the early years of his shlichus to Argentina). In those days, a large group of Jewish com- I first got to know R’ Menachem Daniel munists lived in Buenos Aires. They were so Lapidus twenty years ago when we moved to far from Yiddishkeit that they did not agree an apartment building on Lefferts Avenue in to circumcise their sons. As usual, the women Crown Heights. Actually, “got to know” is not were more traditional and they secretly asked accurate since R’ Daniel is one of the quietest my grandfather to come and circumcise their neighbors in the building and during the past babies when the fathers were not at home. My twenty years I barely heard a word from him. father told me that he would often go with my grandfather to these homes. My father would Over the years, I became somewhat ac- stand as a lookout at the door and my grand- quainted with his extended family and dis- father did the bris. covered superlative Chassidim with enormous knowledge of Nigleh and Chassidus, who de- Another group of Jews that my grandfather vote their lives to the Rebbe’s shlichus and the had to contend with were members of the Rebbe’s mosdos. I wondered what the secret Jewish white slave trade who emigrated from of the Lapidus couple was when they raised Europe and established a crime ring known as a magnificent family in a spiritual desert in Zvi Migdal. They would entice poor Jewish girls Argentina. in Europe, promising them suitable matches and jobs in Argentina. When the girls would For Pesach, a time when we are enjoined to arrive in Argentina, they would be sold into recount the story of the Jewish people to the providing the most debased services. When next generation, R’ Daniel agreed to sit with his my grandfather found out, he would go to the wife Toibe to tell me their fascinating life story. port every time he heard about a ship coming GRANDFATHER’S TANYA NOTEBOOK from Europe and try to extricate the Jewish girls from the hands of organized crime. He “I was born in Argentina, third-generation,” knew he was playing with fire but that didn’t R’ Daniel began in his heavy South American frighten him off. accent. My grandfather, Rabbi Yoel Dov Lapidus, who had to escape Russia when he My grandather was not a Lubavitcher was drafted during the Russo-Japanese war, Chassid. He davened Ashkenaz, said 115 years ago, planned on going to the United “Ba’meh Madlikin” on Friday nights and even States. Divine providence wanted otherwise put on on Chol HaMoed, but he had a and when he arrived at Ellis Island he had Chassidic soul. He looked out for others even an eye infection which was reason enough when it involved danger to himself.

30 BEIS MOSHIACH Rabbi Aharon Goldman Jewish farmers in the Argentinian settlements

At the same time, it is interesting to note times in their lives. My uncle explained that that after his passing we found among his when my grandfather left Europe, his father writings his notes on Tanya. My grandfather feared for his spiritual future and made his was a talmid chacham who learned a lot. In trip conditional on his son sending a picture my childhood memories the following picture of himself every year. This way, his father could is engraved: When we went to visit him on be reassured that he was keeping his beard and Succos, he was immersed in his learning, in wearing traditional dress. Indeed, for many the succa, of course. He would welcome us years, my grandfather was one of the few in graciously, ask how we were, and two minutes Buenos Aires who wore traditional dress and later he was back to his learning as though nobody was around. had a full beard. In the early years, he had no one to learn with My grandfather was friendly with people and his pen and notebook were his , from the old yishuv in Yerushalayim. He would “k’nei lecha chaver” (with the meaning of quill). raise money for them and sent nice donations When he finished learning, he would sit and of his own money too. He seems to have been review what he learned as he wrote down sum- zealous in his beliefs and when he heard of the maries in a notebook. It seems that at some view of the Rebbe Rayatz opposing , point he acquired a Tanya and he did the same he corresponded with him. I once saw an old thing, wrote notes. sefer in the shul in Argentina that was printed Among his writings were also dozens of by Chabad Chassidim in Europe and my photographs of him, from almost every year. grandfather is listed as one of the donors toward In those days, photography was expensive and the printing of the sefer. Since at that time most people were photographed only a few there was no Chabad presence in Argentina,

13 NISSAN5781 31 I assume that this donation was thanks to his Interestingly, when the first shluchim of connection with the Rebbe Rayatz. the Rebbe arrived in Argentina, they visited FIRST ASHKENAZI RABBI IN ARGENTINA Moiseville. At that time, the beautiful Jewish community had already disintegrated with My wife is also a third-generation Argen- some of them moving to Eretz Yisrael and tinian. Her great-grandfather, Rabbi Aharon some, unfortunately, assimilated. The shluchim Goldman (1854-1932), emigrated to Argentina visited the cemetery and were astonished to in 5640/1880 and founded the agricultural col- see familiar names on the gravestones such as ony called Moiseville for Moshe Rabbeinu. He Menachem Mendel and Yosef Yitzchok and served as rav and head of the beis din and was other classic Chabad names. basically the first Ashkenazi rabbi in Argenti- PRESIDENT OF THE na. He corresponded with many of the gedolei ha’dor and some of his were printed ASHKENAZIC COMMUNITY fifty years after his passing Divreiin Aharon. My father, R’ Sholom Lapidus, was born in A short while later, Baron Maurice de Hirsch Argentina. There were no yeshivos and he and founded the Jewish Colonization Association his brother learned Torah with my grandfather, that bought land for agricultural settlements. at home. In Argentina of those days, there was Moiseville was the first settlement that he aid- a draft and he had to go to the army. Miracu- ed. At its peak, thousands of Jews lived on the lously, he was able to obtain a weekly furlough settlement, there were seven shuls, and it was and was able to observe a life of Torah and called the “Jerusalem of Argentina.” All the jobs mitzvos. Every Sunday, when he returned to on the settlement including policemen, firemen the army, he would take kosher food with him and the judge were filled by Jews. so he would not have to eat the treif army food.

Rabbi Berel Baumgarten learning with boys in Argentina

32 BEIS MOSHIACH After he married, he got involved in commu- ,, In Argentina of those nal work along with a dear man by the name days, there was a draft and of R’ Isser Meisel. This Isser was childless and he devoted his life to work for the public good. he had to go to the army. Seventy years ago, he built the Agudas Yisrael Miraculously, he was able building in Buenos Aires with his own money where he founded the Heichal HaTorah ele- to obtain a weekly furlough mentary school, Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, and and was able to observe a a mikva. life of Torah and mitzvos. As president of the Agudas Yisrael kehilla, Meisel had developed excellent connections with General Juan Domingo Perón of the Argentinian army who was elected president of Argentina in 1946. Meisel was able to convince him to establish as law that students in yeshiva be exempt from army service. Argentina was the first country in the world that exempted yeshiva students from the draft! father said to me then: When you do a chessed The talmidim of the yeshiva had to obtain you don’t need to make calculations. a special document from the yeshiva and the authorized signatory by the government was It was many years later that the enormity my father who at first was Meisel’s assistant and of the favor he did for the entire Jewish nation after Meisel’s passing was appointed president became apparent, for he had saved the spiri- of the Agudas Yisrael kehilla. tual future of the bachur, Dr. Eli Schussheim, who is famous as the director of Efrat-CRIB, Since my father had been drafted and was an organization that saves thousands of Jewish well aware of the tremendous spiritual danger for young men, he had a particular sensitivity babies from being aborted. to this cause. WHY DON’T YOU MAKE MESIBOS SHABBOS? A young Jewish man who studied medicine In those days, there was a religious youth in university wanted to be exempt from army organization in Argentina called Ezra which service. He told the yeshiva administration held separate activities for boys and girls. I was that he was willing to learn half a half day in a member of the hanhala of the movement and yeshiva in order to be eligible for the exemption document. When the directors of the yeshiva director of activities. One day, as I was talking refused, his sister pleaded with my father to with the directors, an American bachur who give her brother the document that would save came to Argentina to study diamond polishing him from grave spiritual danger. “You were came over to us and asked: Why don’t you make in the army and you know precisely what I’m Mesibos Shabbos like Chabad? talking about,” she said to my father who could Until then, I hadn’t heard of Chabad and not resist her entreaties. we certainly hadn’t heard of Mesibos Shabbos. Although it was against the rules, he signed We asked him what this was and he told us on the document. When the other members about a wonderful program that took place of the hanhala found out, they were very upset every Shabbos which included divrei Torah, with him but he did not regret what he did. My stories, songs and refreshments.

13 NISSAN5781 33 We were excited by the idea and told all force and expansiveness of personality with a the boy and girl students that from now on big heart full of love for the Rebbe. Later on, we would have Mesibos Shabbos. It was a big when we began learning the Rebbe’s sichos success and although we had to walk long dis- and maamarim, I also discovered the amazing tances on Shabbos, everyone loved it. Once a breadth of knowledge and sharp intellectual year we had a central Mesibas Shabbos, which perception with which he was gifted. was the largest gathering of Jews all year. This R’ Berel was one of the first tmimim in the program, which was run by a non-Chabad United States and he had kiruvim from the youth movement went on for many years. Rebbe Rayatz. After the Rebbe Rayatz’s pass- THE FIRST SHLIACH ing, he cleaved heart and soul to the Rebbe even before the Rebbe formally accepted the Before our conversation, R’ Daniel told me nesius. He once told me that a short time after he prefers speaking in Yiddish because it is Yud Shevat he went over to the Rebbe with a easier for him to express himself in this rich question and the Rebbe referred him to his language. He tried speaking in Hebrew but brother-in-law, Rashag. R’ Berel said to the when he began talking about his becoming Rebbe: If the Rebbe refers me to Chaim Yukel close to the Rebbe, his emotional level went I’ll go to him because the Rebbe told me to go up and he switched to Yiddish to be able to to him. Now I will go to Rashag, only in order express his feelings about the Rebbe. When R’ to do what the Rebbe said to do! Daniel says the word “Rebbe,” with his unique On R’ Berel’s first visits to Argentina in 5716 throaty “reish” that is a combination of Yiddish I was a little boy. He was mekarev a young ba- and Argentinian pronunciations, you cannot chur by the name of Aharon Tawil whose fam- help but feel the intense love and hiskashrus ily had been saved from Syria following advice in that one word. and a bracha from the Rebbe Rayatz. R’ Berel When I asked him when Chabad came to wanted to send Aharon to learn in Tomchei Argentina and how he was niskarev to Chabad, Tmimim in New York and the entire family he had an interesting answer: saved up money so he could go. “The story of my hiskarvus to Chabad and When he arrived in New York, the Rebbe the story of Chabad in Argentina is one story. was mekarev him and once even told him to In the Argentina of my childhood, we knew sing “Ein Adir Ka’Hashem” at a farbrengen. almost nothing about Chabad. We knew of After R’ Aharon married in New York, he had the Baal HaTanya and the Shulchan Aruch yechidus and brought up the idea of sending who founded a movement called Chabad 200 R’ Berel as a shliach to Argentina. years earlier but we knew almost nothing about The life of the new shliach was not easy. Chabad of today. The only contemporary item R’ Berel had to work as the director of an of Chabad that we saw in those years was the orphanage for his parnassa. He used this record of . position to encourage the orphans and make The first to connect us with Chabad was R’ an impact on their spiritual world. Dozens Berel Baumgarten. He initially came under the of those orphans who connected to auspices of Merkos Shlichus and then came thanks to him are living religious lives today. permanently a few years later, becoming the Some of them are part of the spiritual backbone of Jewry in Argentina today. first shliach of the Rebbe in Argentina. When I first met R’ Berel, I encountered a unique R’ Berel was appointed rosh mesivta in personality who combined an unlimited Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim and with his charisma

34 BEIS MOSHIACH Rabbi Berel Baumgarten at a Chassidishe farbrengen he attracted many young people. In those days, know him. On these occasions, he would tell a special youth started in Heichal us a lot about the Rebbe and learn sichos and HaTorah and R’ Berel was the rav of the shul. maamarim with us. On holidays and Yomim Noraim he would be As a Chassid, he was very mehader with the chazan and although the nusach ha’tefilla was not Chabad, he himself davened nusach mitzvos and on Pesach he had unique customs. Chabad. For example, he would not drink tap water on Pesach. Since, in those days, there was no I remember that Succos when R’ Berel came bottled water with a hechsher, he would go to with a recording of a farbrengen of the Rebbe. a spring before Pesach and fill containers with For hours we sat in the succa and listened to water for the entire holiday! the Rebbe. We would farbreng with him of- ten and the conversation always got around In those years it was hard to obtain pas to the Rebbe and words of Chassidus would Yisrael and he came up with an idea. Since the pour forth from his mouth. We found it all rav of the community would bake machine very fascinating. , he would buy a large quantity before Pesach and would not eat them on Pesach but R’ Berel was neighbors with my parents and would leave them for the rest of the year. That that is how a special connection developed between us and him. Some of the closeness is how he had pas Yisrael. was thanks to the air conditioner … In those TWENTY-THREE MINUTES IN YECHIDUS days, an air conditioner was a rare and expen- sive commodity and during the hot summers After hearing so much about the Rebbe, R’ Berel would come to us to sit and learn in I traveled to New York and had yechidus. I an air conditioned room. That is how I got to looked like a Litvishe bachur and I did not

13 NISSAN5781 35 know all the Chassidic practices. When I en- My brothers grew up in a Chabad atmo- tered the room, the Rebbe told me to sit and I sphere, as tmimim, while I still looked like sat. The Rebbe spoke to me at length, wanting a Litvishe young man. One day, I traveled to to know details about Jewish life in Argentina. the Rebbe and decided to grow a beard and I I spent twenty-three long minutes in ye- bought a sirtuk. On Shabbos, when I put on the chidus in the course of which Rabbi Groner sirtuk, I was very emotional and quite pleased opened the door at least ten times to hint that with myself. I should leave. Each time he opened the door, During the Rebbe’s farbrengen, local chil- the Rebbe motioned to him to close it. Toward dren who came with their parents played out- the end of the yechidus, the Rebbe told me I side and during the breaks between sichos, should get married already. as the crowd sang, they would come in. I was The Shabbos after the yechidus, there was standing on the side when suddenly, a group of a farbrengen with the Rebbe. Rabbi Binyamin children came in and began pushing into the Klein called me to stand in the row with the crowd. Since I wasn’t ready for this, I fell on senior Chassidim near the Rebbe. I felt that the the floor in my new sirtuk. Boruch Hashem, I Rebbe was greatly mekarev me and in hindsight took the Chassidic “crushing” in good spirits... I believe that this kiruv was not only in my personal merit. When I look at the Chassidishe DESCENT FOR THE SAKE OF AN ASCENT family I was privileged to raise, with our chil- When R’ Berel Baumgarten was first starting dren on shlichus (in Eretz Yisrael, Argentina, out, nobody opposed what he did. As I said, in the United States and England), I think that Argentina of those days, they had not heard of these kiruvim were primarily in the merit of Chabad and therefore, nobody had heard of the my children who, boruch Hashem, grew to opposition to Chabad either. However, as the become faithful soldiers in the Rebbe’s army, years went by, young bachurim who went to Chassidim, yirei shomayim and lamdanim, yeshivos in New York came back with hatred who give the Rebbe tremendous nachas. for Chabad. Since the Rebbe said I should marry, I im- They began poisoning the heads of the com- mediately began working on this when I re- munity with lies against Chabad and slowly, turned to Argentina. Within a short time I was the heads of the community began to fear R’ engaged. Shortly after the l’chaim, my father had a sudden heart attack and died very young. Berel’s tremendous influence over the youth. It was a shock for the entire family. One small They knew that the youth are the future of the consolation was that since I had rushed to get community and if R’ Berel would continue his engaged, my father had seen me as a chassan. work, within a few years the community would become a Chabad community. I was the oldest and I took responsibility for the entire family, materially and spiritually. They took the opportunity when R’ Berel was I was very close to Chabad and I wanted my traveling away from Argentina to announce brothers to be connected with the Rebbe and that from then on, they were not allowing R’ absorb the teachings of Chassidus. Since my Berel to enter the Heichal HaTorah building father sent the older ones of my brothers to and all his followers were asked to leave with Chabad, upon the advice of R’ Baumgarten, I him. At first, we took this very badly but when saw to continue this and sent my young broth- R’ Berel returned he could already foresee the ers to learn in the Chabad yeshiva in Morris- future and reassured us that this descent was town, then on Ocean Parkway and then 770. for the sake of an ascent and it was worthwhile.

36 BEIS MOSHIACH R’ Daniel (left) receiving a dollar from the Rebbe

Indeed, as he foresaw, as long as we were part of R’ Berel, suggested that I run the new school. of another kehilla, we had to tread extremely I was a teacher and my parents were principals carefully so as not to rock the boat too much. so this was not unfamiliar ground to me but But once we were forced to leave, this com- I thought, as a young woman, I would not be pelled us to build a new community, a Chabad able to undertake this. Today, I see young girls community with Chabad mosdos. going on shlichus after they marry and they We were about thirty young men who left immediately open preschools and mosdos … Heichal HaTorah and began building a Chabad but then it wasn’t done and it seemed too much community. We had nothing and had to start for me. I said I had to think about it and was from the beginning. inclined to say no. PARTNERS IN BUILDING THE NEW The next day, R’ Berel met me and asked me directly to run the school. When I presented COMMUNITY him with my doubts, he confidently said it The ones who took a leading role in building would be fine because he had already written to the new Chabad community were the Lapidus the Rebbe and the Rebbe had given his bracha. couple. R’ Daniel, who did well in business, When I heard that the Rebbe had given his was able to financially support the fledgling bracha, this infused me with strength. All my community. Together with another two men, doubts vanished and I was sure I would be suc- R’ Hershel Sandhous and R’ Bernstein, they cessful. From where did I have this faith in the bought a building and renovated it for a shul. Rebbe? It was thanks to our counselor at the Mrs. Lapidus relates: Mesibos Shabbos, Mrs. Tzippy Sandhous. She “This was a few years after we married. We would tell us Chassidic tales as well as stories had twins and a month after the birth of our about the Rebbe. More than anything, we were third son, R’ Avrohom Polichenco, a mekurav influenced by what we saw with our own eyes.

13 NISSAN5781 37 Oholei Chinuch

She once had a leg injury as a result of which and was called Oholei Chinuch. We then got she began to limp. The doctors said she needed a big building from the Jewish Community an operation. Center (AMIA) and it was from there that ev- ery Chabad Chassid in Argentina of today was They asked the Rebbe and the answer was produced. Today, there are about 300 students. not to operate. The doctors were stunned to hear this and did not understand how a Rebbe The beginning wasn’t at all easy. Aside from in distant New York could decide against the the fight to get students, we had to do battle doctors without seeing the patient. It became with all sorts of social norms that were not in the talk of the day among the girls in the com- line with Chabad requirements. For example, munity. A short while later her leg miraculously in the Jewish schools it was customary to start healed without an operation. the day with secular studies and to have in the afternoon. In our school, as per Confident with the Rebbe’s bracha, I got to the Rebbe’s instructions, we started the day work. My husband renovated a few rooms in with Jewish studies. This change did not go the shul and turned them into classrooms and over easily. Many parents opposed us and we I began registering children. It wasn’t easy be- had to explain it again and again. cause even mekuravim who felt a part of the Chabad community did not see the importance Even obtaining learning materials was a of having their children learning in Chabad story onto itself. Usually, when I went to visit schools. my parents in Eretz Yisrael, I would go to Beis Chana where the principal opened her archives We opened the school with eleven children. of books and booklets and let me take material. Mrs. Naomi Polichenco and Mrs. Sarah Tawil were the teachers and I was the principal. Aside Throughout the early years, my husband, from running the school, I had to bring them to who did well in business, financially supported school every day. The school slowly developed the school. After his brothers married and they

38 BEIS MOSHIACH became business partners, they also joined in The Lapidus couple invested a lot into every happily giving tzedaka and they supported the detail of their children’s chinuch and ran their entire school. home with care and attention to every single At a later point, my brothers-in-law, R’ detail. During the years when it was not pos- Yosef and R’ Chaim Lapidus built a new school sible to obtain chalav Yisrael dairy products, building for the girls. They bought a five-story they bought milk from a Jewish dairyman and building and alongside the girls’ school they made dairy products at home. To prepare fish also built a shul and mikva. Aside from the for Shabbos, they had to go to the market on large expenditure of money, R’ Yosef really Wednesday where they chose the kosher fish put his mind to how to do things in the best and supervised as the fishmonger cut the fish possible way. with the kosher knife they brought along. The children were partners in all of these endeavors In even later years, when my husband’s and it left a deep impression on their hearts business ran into financial difficulties until and souls. we had to leave it all and move to New York, his brothers continued to donate nice amounts Mrs. Lapidus put thousands of hours into of money. Until today, R’ Chaim is the main conveying Jewish and Chassidishe messages supporter of Chabad mosdos in Argentina. through stories of Chazal and Chassidic tales. SPECIAL SUCCESS IN CHINUCH “I saw the enormous impact of Chassidishe stories on the children’s souls. Before bedtime, Along with the large financial donation I would always sit and read inspirational sto- that the Lapidus family made toward Chabad ries to them.” At that time, there wasn’t much schools in Argentina, R’ Daniel and his wife put and she made every effort to a lot into the chinuch of their children. It wasn’t obtain another book and another book. Book- easy to raise a Chassidishe family in Argentina. sellers already knew that when a storybook

R’ Daniel Lapidus’ sons

13 NISSAN 5781 39 arrived, it would be grabbed up. In hindsight, by and I stood on the side and introduced each her efforts paid off a thousand-fold! child, his name and where he learned. I myself passed by and received a dollar. After I began R’ Daniel put a lot into learning with his to leave the Rebbe called me back and added children and urged them to learn another ma- another bracha, “And be well!” sechta and another masechta and more sichos and maamarim. They learned together and his Another time, I went to New York on busi- greatest nachas was when his children finished ness and I asked the Rebbe for a bracha for my Shas before they married. return trip. In the evening, R’ Klein called me and said that the Rebbe gave his bracha for the When I asked the Lapidus’ for the secret trip and added that I should check the kesuba. to their success, they said: First, siyata dish- maya (heavenly assistance). We worked hard I flew back that night and when I arrived in on tznius, in clothing and speech; we put a lot Buenos Aires I had go straight from the airport into kashrus and to convey the importance of to my office where I became immersed in work. and acts of chessed. And of course, When I returned home, my wife asked what we worked hard to do all the Rebbe’s hora’os. happened with the Rebbe and I was reminded about the unique instruction. Since we had just Beyond all their efforts, they attribute their moved, most of our things were in boxes. We success in chinuch to siyata dishmaya and the started opening box after box, trying to locate Rebbe’s brachos. Mrs. Lapidus says that when the kesuba. We couldn’t find it. Thanks to the she had yechidus for the first time, with some of Rebbe’s instruction, we were saved from the her children, the Rebbe went over the names of prohibition of being together as man and wife the children with a pencil and gave his bracha without a kesuba and late at night we went to while noting that the brachos would apply to a rav who wrote up a new kesuba for us. all the children on the list and future children! THE REBBE’S PROMISE IT HAPPENED TO ME! The biggest miracle that R’ Daniel experi- Over the years, the Lapidus’ experienced enced happened during the days leading up several open miracles and saw the Rebbe’s ru- to Pesach in a year when Pesach fell out on ach ha’kodesh. R’ Daniel shared some of these Shabbos. A military government ruled Argen- stories: tina at the time and the leaders of the country One year, in the eighties, I went to the Rebbe were big anti-Semites. They tried to hide their with the whole family. It was when the Rebbe anti-Semitism in order not to undermine their no longer received people for yechidus but he relations with the United States but they used gave out dollars for tzedaka. We wanted to go all legal methods at their disposal to persecute by with everyone, our sons and daughters, and Jews. They mainly targeted Jewish businessmen R’ Binyamin Klein suggested that we stand on with all sorts of false accusations. the line for families. On the Monday before Pesach, a delegation As we waited, my wife said she wanted to of detectives and police came to R’ Daniel’s ask the Rebbe for a bracha for my health. I said office and after a search and confiscating doc- that I felt well and there was no reason to ask uments, they claimed that he withheld taxes for that but she insisted and said she would ask and they arrested him until the conclusion of the investigation. that I continue to be well. Then it was our turn and my wife went by first and did not end up Mrs. Lapidus called the Rebbe’s office and saying anything. The rest of the children passed asked that her husband be mentioned for a

40 BEIS MOSHIACH R’ Daniel Lapidus with some of his grandchildren bracha. The Rebbe’s response was they would the material and concluded that it was a false all sit together at the Seder. At that time, this charge and he was free to go! sounded completely unrealistic. Their joy wasn’t complete since the release After two days in jail, R’ Daniel was brought protocol was that after the judge signed the re- for a preliminary hearing before a judge. That lease form, the prisoner was taken to the police was on Wednesday, two days before erev station where he was detained until midnight Pesach. After presenting his version of events and only then were all prisoners with release to the judge, he tried to appeal to the judge’s documents free to go. That would mean that humanity and asked to be released for Pesach. he would leave after midnight the night of the The judge, a religious Christian, said he was Seder. aware of the Jewish holiday and would try to R’ Daniel explained the situation to the review the legal material as quickly as possible. judge and the judge decided to bend the rules In the meantime, R’ Daniel was taken to a small and freed him directly from the courthouse. jail in the courthouse. He was freed an hour before Pesach. His wife Despite what the judge said, the lawyer told was waiting outside the courthouse in antici- the family there was no way in the world that pation and strong faith in the fulfillment of the R’ Daniel would spend Pesach with his family. Rebbe’s bracha. Until the judge reviewed the material it would He first went to tell his mother of his release. be at least several weeks if not months and R’ Then he went home. The story made waves Daniel would have to be in jail during that time. in the Jewish community and the rav of the The family strengthened their faith and trust Chabad community, Rabbi Elisha Shochet went in the Rebbe’s bracha and the unbelievable hap- to visit him. The story made a great kiddush pened. On Friday, erev Pesach, R’ Daniel was Hashem when all witnessed the fulfillment of called to the judge who said he reviewed all the Rebbe’s bracha against all the odds! ■

13 NISSAN5781 41 4242 BBEEISIS MOSHIIACH 133 NIISSAN 5781 43 Nosson Avraham • Over he was in and out of jail. moving, in my opinion, was that the man was sixty-five Throughout this time, he tried, never arrested again. I later heard that both he years, with the support of profession- and his son became baalei teshuva.” al help, friends and family, to This story, perhaps, sums up R’ Rosenbaum’s leave crime and start life anew, but in vain. work over the past decade in the prison ser- Every time he was released, he was arrested vices. “I am here on the basis of the eternally again a few months later and put back in jail. optimistic standard which does not give up on “A few years ago, he was arrested for the anyone,” he smiles but then sighs. That sigh thirteenth time and sent to the Oholei Kedar gives voice to the hard work that he and his Detention Center where I work as the rabbi,” fellow prison do to help inmates. They recalls R’ Lior Rosenbaum. work under R’ Yehuda Yekusiel Weisner, the “I run a special program called , Chief Chaplain of the Prison Services. which is for frum people and those who want As we celebrate the Zman Cheiruseinu – to become frum. This man wanted to join the Time of our Freedom, we wanted to hear from program. The professional staff expressed their R’ Rosenbaum about how shibud (enslavement) doubts but I insisted and he was approved. Be- and cheirus look from the perspective of a pris- fore I accepted him I told him the rules. He on chaplain. promised to abide by them, but on the very first day he failed and was expelled. A few weeks lat- SUDDEN LIFE CHANGE er he asked again and I, who believe you cannot give up on any Jew, agreed. He failed again.” R’ Rosenbaum grew up in a religious Zionist family in Petach Tikva and attended yeshiva. When he asked for a third chance a few He was known among his friends as a good months later, R’ Rosenbaum had to use all his boy, but someone who had his own views and charm and powers of persuasion with the ad- did not automatically go with the flow. Where ministration who finally gave their approval. he saw that something needed to be done, he “This time, I promise to change,” he said, and he took charge. “Taking a stand for justice burned was told the rules once again about getting up within me since I was a young child. I could on time, proper behavior, cooperation, etc. He not tolerate injustice and hypocrisy.” promised, although nobody believed he would succeed. The man worked hard and this time he After a difficult army service, he wanted succeeded. He obeyed the rules and changed. time off from the intensity of life and began working at a construction company. “My job “It was moving to see how a person that was to raise cinder blocks from the bottom nobody had faith in, changed before our eyes. floor to the fourth floor. I would show up for Before he was released from jail, there was an work in the morning, turn on music on my CD award ceremony attended by the warden in player, and listen while I worked. For about a charge of the facility, Mrs. Rena Harel, who year it was me, G-d, and the blocks.” gave him a certificate of excellence. When he received it, he burst into tears and said he had Lior left the construction business and be- never gotten a certificate of achievement be- gan studying to be a building engineer. When fore. That was moving but what was even more he finished, quite successfully, he was hired by

44 BEIS MOSHIACH Korem Construction where he was promoted ,, In my first stage of until he became assistant manager for projects. spiritual fortification, I “I had to manage large projects around the would listen to recordings country. I was no longer working with my hands and I had tremendous responsibility. of shiurim of various I was happy with my position as well as with rabbis of the fire and the salary. I had everything. I felt on top of the world. I had a nice car, a great job, and more. It brimstone persuasion.” was then, when I felt I had it all, with a dream Still, Lior always knew that job that anybody my age would have wanted, that I began to feel a tremendous emptiness. the go-to place for Judaism Then I began to feel that I missed yeshiva. is a . “In my first stage of spiritual fortification, I would listen to recordings of shiurim of various rabbis of the fire and brimstone persuasion.” Still, Lior always knew that the go-to place for Judaism is a Chabad House. When he moved to Rosh HaAyin he went to the Chabad House Later on he went to Yerushalayim and at- run by R’ Binyamin Akiva. tended the Chabad yeshiva at the Gutnick “I remember how R’ Akiva spoke matter of Center where he studied for semicha. He con- factly about the Rebbe being chai v’kayam and tinued learning in R’ Meir Aharon’s yeshiva in Moshiach. I found it strange but his saying it Rechovot. so matter-of-factly made me receptive to it. “At a certain point I became rabbi of a I started attending the shiurim given at the fledgling community about a year before I Chabad House. married. I used the new position to spread “From R’ Akiva I first heard about the depth Torah and Chassidus. My at the time in Chassidic teachings and the greatness of the was R’ Reuven Dunin a”h who urged me to Rebbe. I was astonished by this and drank it in.” complete my rabbinic studies while still doing my shlichus work. I thought spreading the After a while, Lior decided he wanted to wellsprings was more important, but he told know more. He wanted to study Chassidus in me I would give the Rebbe more nachas if I depth. “R’ Akiva said, ‘Lior, the time has come completed my semicha studies.” for you to go to yeshiva.’ He recommended the Chabad yeshiva in Tzfas.” He earned his semicha from Heichal Shlomo and even received certification to serve as a To the astonishment of his friends, Lior told city rabbi. his boss that he was leaving and he went to Tzfas. He was accepted in the yeshiva but it A PHONE CALL THAT CHANGED HIS LIFE wasn’t easy. “For the first six months I had to At this point, a significant change in his life move from room to room every week. I did occurred when he received a phone call from not have a bed assigned to me.” Despite this the Chief Chaplain of the Prison Services, R’ hardship, he stayed on. Yehuda Yekusiel Weisner, who invited him for He describes the yeshiva in Tzfas as a hot- a job interview. It seems R’ Weisner had found house, which set the foundation for all the a resume that Lior sent two years earlier to the blessed work he does now. prison chaplaincy. He took the job and in the

13 NISSAN5781 45 early years he worked at Eshel Prison. A while Do you keep tabs on inmates after they are later he moved to the Oholei Kedar facility, at released and monitor that the change that which time the Rosenbaum family moved to started with you continues? Beer Sheva. One of the most important things we do in The basic job description of a prison chap- the rehabilitation process is trust in the inmates lain is to take care of all religious services for and their ability to change. First we have to prisoners, like arranging shiurim, procuring sincerely believe and only then can we convey siddurim, Chumashim, providing a Torah that to them in words and actions. When you scroll, seeing to tefillos on a regular basis, ko- work effectively you see inmates changing from sher food, etc. But R’ Rosenbaum would not one extreme to another. You definitely do not stop with just that. always see success, but someone who has al- ready entered the program and succeeded in In his first year on the job he came up with it is very likely to succeed further. the Midrasha idea. He prepared a program and We had an inmate who was in for murder. ironclad rules. At a certain point he came to our Midrasha “Most people who arrive here are bewil- and made great progress. In the next stage he dered, adrift and confused. Their uncertainty was sent to a Torah based rehab center and did is tremendous. Their psychological mooring well. He was eventually released from jail after is undermined and I wanted to help with pre- they took off a third of his sentence for good cisely that. I was happy when the prison ad- behavior. He had been an infamous character ministration cooperated. We have room for in the world of crime and now he is completely ten people in the Midrasha. When people are different. I have many stories like this. physically together it unites them and makes We had an inmate who was sent to prison them a sort of community. again and again. One day he asked me if he “They get up early in the morning, daven could be in the shomer Shabbos cell block. He and learn, and at twelve they go to work in a promised that he wanted to change but told me tzitzis factory until 3:45 when they return to that he has a hard time getting up before ten in the morning. I agreed to work with him if he the facility for supper, tefillos, and shiurim. demonstrated his willingness to cooperate. I They don’t have downtime. It’s amazing. The agreed that he could show up later, but he had getting up in the morning and having what to to try to integrate into the program as much as do, having structure and meaning, is the basis possible. After two weeks I met with him and for a well lived life. told him, “You did fine thus far and now you “I learn Torah with them. I choose topics no longer have the privilege of coming late. You from which I can derive therapeutic lessons. need to show up at eight.” It was hard for him Whatever I teach must be practical and relevant but he did it. He changed a lot and left prison to them. The three books I wrote came about and hasn’t returned. from the shiurim I gave in prison, classes that What is your biggest challenge? start with deep, abstract ideas and end with practical tips. In the course of my work I become privy to the horrendous things people went through. In “I also saw that people have trouble con- many instances you see that people are victims trolling their angry feelings and I started giving of life circumstances, and if only one part of classes and workshops on this topic and later their puzzle would have been different, they published a book on it.” would have been in a completely different

46 BEIS MOSHIACH rabbi rosenbaum with his certificate from the rabbanut to serve as rabbi of a city place. Most of the inmates experienced troubles When I heard his story I felt compassion or violence in their childhood and chose the for him. No wonder the Alter Rebbe writes in wrong path. You cannot ignore the hardships Tanya that compassion leads to love. I began they went through, but the challenge is not to looking at him completely differently after that. give up on anyone and to try and help them That story shook me up. choose a different path. There were other stories that I heard, worse and more horrifying than these. There were There was an inmate who, I am sorry to say, stories that kept me up at night. The challenge I was somewhat revolted by. He was a violent, with these walking tragedies is enormous. Our aggressive young man and my natural inclina- job is to love, hug, and give a lot of warmth. tion was to keep my distance. One time, he was All this is the antidote to all the suffering of punished by me and he asked to speak to me. the inmates. He told me his life story and he cried. He said HANGING OUT WITH THOSE ON THE FRINGE how his father came home drunk every night and would beat him while he slept, and one R’ Rosenbaum speaks of a relatively smooth time his father even tried burying him alive. transition to this difficult demanding job, but This stopped when neighbors became aware of it turns out he already had experience in work it and reported his father to the social services. of this kind. The boy was then taken out of his father’s home “When I studied construction engineering and was put up for adoption. in Tel Aviv, gangs of criminal kids would hang

13 NISSAN5781 47 around near the school. They grew up in diffi- the year we had 150! We were even recognized cult circumstances and I would talk to them by the municipality and its leaders, and by the and listen to them. Also, when I learned in rabbis of the city. I was pleased when most of the in Ratzon Yehuda we reached out to the boys got hold of themselves and left crime; youth from a school whose population includ- some even established fine homes.” ed new immigrants. Due to the many acts of What is it like for someone incarcerated? violence, the Education Ministry planned on Unlike prison, a detention center is a place closing the school. We worked with those kids. they are sent to before trial. It’s the first stop, “I was always drawn to working with people which is why they are in shock. You have to down on their luck. Even when I served as rav understand that most of the people lived a nice of the shul in Rosh HaAyin, we started a spe- life and then did something illegal, whether cial shiur in a nearby neighborhood for kids. I accidentally or deliberately, and were arrested. soon realized that they weren’t regular kids but People in this situation can react in one of two were borderline criminals. We put a lot of work ways, either turn inward in their confused state into them. Before every shiur we would buy or be agitated. refreshments. We started the first shiur with My job as the facility chaplain is to help them two kids and at the party we held at the end of structure their day and learn a lot of Torah. The Baal Shem Tov states that a person thinks one thought at a time and it can be positive or negative. We work to expel the negative thoughts by engag- ing the mind with positive and spiritual thoughts. Have you ever met a prisoner who you felt could not be rehabilitated? I am a big believ- er in everyone being capable of change. I don’t just believe it; I know it for cer- tain for I have seen people in very bad situations who end- ed up leading good lives. I’ve met people who never worked in their lives, who stole, and here they under-

48 BEIS MOSHIACH went a rehabilitation program. They began an inmate asked me to write to the Rebbe for getting up early in the morning, they went to him about a complicated operation he had to work, cooperated, and behaved well. undergo. He opened to a blessing and he told me later that the operation was very successful. Real teshuva is not about changing external We had a religious guy who wrote to the Rebbe garments, getting rid of the ponytail and ear- about his spiritual descent. The Rebbe’s answer rings and putting on a hat and jacket. The real was addressed to someone who had committed change takes work, a change in habits, doing himself to many fasts and the Rebbe instructed the work yourself, changing patterns of behav- him to stop. ior. In the years I’ve worked in prisons, I’ve see many inmates, including those that nobody I asked him about fasts and he said he fasted believed in, and they didn’t believe in them- on Mondays and Thursdays, and being hungry selves either, and they made major changes in causes him to get angry and nervous and then themselves and their lives. he listens to his yetzer ha’ra. I told him what the BEING FREE EVEN IN JAIL Rebbe said. In general I spoke to him about the approach of Chassidus and he was willing to Can a person in prison, bound by the stop fasting. Since then, his spiritual state has rules and constrictions of jail, feel free on stabilized and he thanked me for it many times. Pesach? THE PLACE SUFFUSED WITH TEARS It says in the Chumash, “To Me are the Jew- After a two hour interview in his office, R’ ish people slaves.” In many shiurim that I give Lior Rosenbaum was rushing back to the long the inmates, I expand on this point, that there corridors where the clanging of bars and gates can be a prisoner behind bars, yet who is free, are the regular background music. by being faithful to the rehab program, cooper- ating and moving in a positive direction. And “This place where I sit,” he says pointing at there can be a person at home, seemingly free, his office, “is a sacred place.” but living a constrained life, a prisoner of his When I looked surprised he explained. bad habits. Being a slave or a free man depends on your inner state. “The famous rabbi of the prisoners, Rabbi Aryeh Levin z”l, once told his grandson, ‘Why Prison is a place of darkness. Does the do they come to me? Because I’m a tzaddik? light of the Geula manage to penetrate the There are bigger tzaddikim than me. Because prison walls and bars? I’m a chacham? There are bigger chachamim The entire world is heading toward the rev- than me. Because I’m clever? There are people elation of Moshiach. It is specifically in prison more clever than me. They come to me for one that we experience and see the greatest descent reason only; I listen to whoever turns to me and we know that it is all by way of preparation and I experience his pain.’ for the Geula. Evil is so apparent and in such “When I sit in my office every evening after an aggressive and defiant manner, which are endless appointments with inmates, I make its greatest powers, and we can only go to the a cheshbon ha’nefesh (spiritual accounting) Geula from here. I speak a lot to the inmates about whether I felt the heart of every person. and within the walls of prison there is great I think that the fact that the walls of my office belief in the coming of Moshiach. are suffused with tears, emotions, feelings, and Many of the inmates write to the Rebbe and the experiences of Jews, makes the place a holy see miracles in their personal lives. Just recently one.” ■

13 NISSAN5781 49 CChassidushassidus 101101


new young Rabbi nervously prepared mature adults. We also began to address why The for his first major speech before a we would have a mitzva to specifically remem- large audience. As the day of the huge com- ber Yetzias Mitzrayim even after the ultimate munity event drew closer, he called an older Geula. experienced colleague for advice who told him, There is another difference Chassidus fo- “The main thing is not to get so caught up in cuses on as the main difference between the what you have to say that you lose sight of the two redemption scenarios. Redemption is not audience, and not to get so caught up in the just extraction from miserable circumstances, audience that you lose sight of what you have it actually has a very specific purpose. Our re- to say.” demption from Egypt was for the purpose of The morning after the speech, the older rab- receiving the Torah, and similarly, the final and bi called him to ask how it went: ultimate Geula is for the purpose of the revela- “It was a complete disaster!” tion of “the secrets of its reasons and its hidden mysteries,” i.e. the Inner Dimension of Torah. “Why? What happened?” In Shaar HaYichud V’HaEmuna, the Alter “I got so caught up in whether or not I was Rebbe emphasizes repeatedly that creation as getting too caught up that I had no idea what we know it, and its recreation every second, is I was saying or who I was saying it to.” from the “ten utterances in the Torah.” Why BEGIN TO KNOW YOU DON’T BEGIN TO KNOW the emphasis on the fact that the “ten utter- ances” are “in the Torah”? The Rebbe explains So far we have cited three points of contrast that since the world was created “for the sake between the Exodus from Egypt and the Final of the Torah and for the sake of the Jewish Redemption: redemption from the “exile of People (who study and observe the Torah),” speech” versus redemption from the “exile of this is actually programmed into the physical thought”; exiting “in haste” and “running away” reality of the world. There is no such reality because the body was not yet on board versus as a world without Torah or a world without “not in haste” and “not in a run” because the Jews, it is only that G-d wanted us to be a part body will be a fully refined and cooperative of the creative process to reveal the truth of partner; being like little children versus like existence. In a world governed by time and

50 BEIS MOSHIACH Chassidus 101

space, this process plays out over time and has who are the ones to finish the job as the embod- to be spread to every place. iment of the Sefira of Malchus. Malchus being the lowest of all the Sefiros but rooted in the We started as spiritual “children” trapped in divine “self,” the Essence that is above all of the bodies only interested in the physical offerings Sefiros. The question remains, how does being of this world as a result of the “exile of speech” a midget lead to the ultimate maturity needed that conceals the true purpose behind the “ten to attain the ultimate “secret” knowledge of not utterances” of Creation, even as we were “be- only what and who is behind the “speech” of the lievers the son of believers.” We believed there “ten utterances” and the “ten commandments,” is a higher divine purpose and meaning to our but to actually “know” His very “self” and see existence but we lacked the Daas, the conscious “eye-to-eye” with Him? knowledge and awareness, which informs and shapes our experience of reality. The miracles So let’s go back to the power of speech as an and revelations of the Exodus served to make analogy for the Sefira of Malchus. We explained us consciously aware that we are part of a larger earlier that only speech has the power to enable reality and a higher purpose beyond anything the “self” to go outside of the finite limitations we knew to that point, bringing us face to face of intellect and emotions and communicate to with what we don’t know, which is an essential others. When is speech most effective? When it first step towards acquiring knowledge. is completely without any self-consciousness. If the speaker is busy focusing on the “knowl- The self-conscious awareness of the gap be- edge” of “am I doing a good job?” “what do the tween my beliefs and my intellect/emotions/ listeners think of me?” and the like, the message behaviors is what drives me to run away from is compromised. that way of life, to grow up and look past the “spoken word” of creation to the true purpose How does one get past this self-conscious- and meaning of existence. However, that is ness? When the power of speech “knows” and all driven by the soul which feels the inborn “feels” that the only thing that matters is getting connection between a child and its Father. In the message out; when I know and feel that order to actually fulfill that purpose and mean- I don’t truly know or feel what I am talking ing, I have to convince the body to accept the about, then it’s “not about me” but all about authority of the Speaker/Creator as King and the message. internalize the knowledge of what it does not When Hashem spoke to us at Mount Sinai, know, so it is also driven to seek out the knowl- He said “all of these things, leimor (to be repeat- edge it needs to grow up and leave the exile of ed).” The divine “power of speech” that spoke its limiting desires. the “ten utterances in the Torah” and that spoke For that, miracles alone are not enough. We the “ten commandments” was given over to us, have to get past the “exile of speech” by re- for us to recreate the world in such a manner vealing the “ten utterances” as they are “in the that we reveal the true nature of reality as it is Torah.” So the next step is Mount Sinai where “in the Torah.” Although the maturation and together we will receive the Torah. “You have growth process begins with the “knowledge” accepted My kingship, now accept My decrees.” of what I don’t know, and continues through the regret of “If I knew then what I know now” TO TRULY KNOW YOU DON’T KNOW and the pain of “The more I know, the more I We previously discussed the historical pro- realize how much I don’t know,” there comes a cess of “growing up,” and that our generation is one of “midgets on the shoulders of giants” cont. on p. 55

13 NISSAN5781 51 PARASHA Of The Future


BEGIN WITH A GRIN auspicious time when one should ask G-d for those things that are important to us; a moment The Kotzker Rebbe was known for his you don’t want to miss. sharpness. One year, he promised his followers that Eliyahu HaNavi would appear on Pesach Our acquaintance with Eliyahu begins during the first Beis HaMikdash with the in the Beis Medrash when they opened the drought that he brought upon the land (for door. Word of this got around and numerous three years!) in order to inspire them to teshuva, Chassidim went to for the occasion. the tension between him and the infamous king The night of the Seder, the Beis Medrash of Yisrael, Achav and his wicked wife Izevel, was packed and the air was electric. In a few the stand-off on Mount Carmel against four minutes Eliyahu would appear! hundred prophets of the Baal etc. until the last moment, with his disciple Elisha, when Eliyahu The Seder progressed and the cup for ascends in a storm-wind to heaven, leaving Eliyahu was filled. They said birkas ha’mazon, his disciple to cry out, “My father, my father, opened the door, and … nothing happened. chariot and horsemen of Israel!” The Chassidim were devastated. What hap- Unlike all creations from the time of creation pened? How did Satan change the plan? until now, Eliyahu did not return to dust but Unlike the Chassidim, the Rebbe sat smil- rose to heaven. He did not die. ing at the head of the table. “Fools!” he cen- In the halachic literature, there are a sured them. “You think Eliyahu HaNavi comes number of halachic implications of the fact through the door? Eliyahu comes through the that Eliyahu is alive which are discussed and heart!” debated, questions like is his wife allowed to WHY ELIYAHU OF ALL THE PROPHETS marry someone else, is he obligated in mitzvos when he comes back in a body, but one thing There is hardly any Jew unfamiliar with is clear to all: Eliyahu is alive, in the lives of this custom. At the end of the festive meal, the Jewish people. The ultimate role he plays “Shulchan Oreich,” before birkas ha’mazon, still hasn’t happened. This peak moment is one another cup is filled, for Eliyahu HaNavi. that we perpetually await, his announcement Then the door is opened, a fateful moment, an that Moshiach is arriving! The verse in Malachi

52 BEIS MOSHIACH (3:23) says, “Behold, I am sending Eliyahu the for these people, but along the way Rashi prophet to you before the great and fearsome straightens out our thinking on another topic. days of G-d.” This is the source and basis for Rashi mentions Eliyahu and gives him the title, Eliyahu being the herald of the redemption. “true, a faithful prophet.” Why? Moshe Rabeinu wasn’t true? Yechezkel? Tzfania? Why does the Why Eliyahu? Why is he the man who word “true” direct us straight to Eliyahu? appears at the End of Days to announce Moshiach’s coming? Why not Yeshaya or Truth, in Jewish and Chassidic terminol- Yechezkel or Yirmiya? ogy, is not merely “not falsehood.” Truth in Judaism is a category that is synonymous with In an amazing sicha, the Rebbe draws our eternity. Something true is something that is attention to an interesting verse in Tehillim never-ending. We speak a lot about the true with a surprising explanation of Rashi. In and complete Geula. What makes it true? It is Tehillim (43:3) it says, “Send Your light and true because unlike the previous redemptions, truth; they will guide me, will bring me to Your it will be forever! A Geula that will not and holy mountain and to Your dwellings.” Dovid cannot have a galus after it, G-d forbid. A Geula HaMelech asks Hashem to send him some light that encompasses all the details in the world, and truth, some positive attention with a little a Geula in which no Jew will be left behind. caring and love. Why not … sounds simple, right? In other words, Geula can be fantastic and joyous but can end at some point, so true it is It is surprising to discover the unique way not. This is precisely the “job description” of that Rashi interprets this verse. “Send Your Eliyahu HaNavi and precisely where he comes light and truth” - Melech HaMoshiach, who into the picture. is compared to light, as it says (ibid 132), “I arranged a light for My anointed one,” and The prophets of Israel were, obviously, all Eliyahu HaNavi who is true, a faithful prophet. utterly truthful. They never said anything on their own; it was all messages from G-d. But Rashi takes Dovid’s simple request and when we speak about a “faithful prophet” we makes it into a request for Moshiach and are not talking prophecy but about the proph- Eliyahu of whom there is no explicit mention et, the person. And when speaking about the in the verse. Why? person, Eliyahu is the only truly loyal one WHY ELIYAHU IS THE “TRUE” PROPHET since only he still continues to be here with us. Even Moshe Rabeinu, “the master of all the The explanation is surely rooted in a big way prophets,” finished his role in this world and in the end of the verse, “they will bring me to ascended; likewise, the other prophets. Only Your holy mountain and to Your dwellings.” Eliyahu continues to be part of our lives. Only The light and truth which Dovid seeks are those he represents the absolute, eternal truth, and that will bring him (and us) to the final, await- therefore, only he can announce the coming ed destination, Your mountain and dwellings. of the true and complete Geula because truth Who are the people appointed to bring the really and truly matters! Jewish people to the final destination, to Your holy mountain and to Your dwellings – the TO CONCLUDE WITH A STORY third Beis HaMikdash? Now, let’s talk about ourselves. What do we They are Eliyahu and Moshiach which is take from all this? How do we turn the opening why it is clear to Rashi that the light and the of the door, our moment with Eliyahu, into a truth mentioned in the verse are code names far more significant moment?

13 NISSAN5781 53 Let’s remember what the Rebbe Rashab said This answer of the butcher astounded the to his son (which the Rebbe brings at the be- rav. R’ Notte was known to be a simple man ginning of his explanation of the Haggada): whose lips constantly recited chapters of Tehillim which is why he was known as “R’ “Yosef Yitzchok, we need to think (when Nottele Who Says Tehillim.” Years later, he opening the door for Eliyahu during the Seder) became famous for his Olas Tamid and about ‘being a mentch’ and Hashem will help. it was said that he was one of the thirty-six Do not ask for material things. Ask for spiritual hidden tzaddikim of the generation, but at this things!” time, nobody knew about his greatness. This is why the rav did not understand what saying Tehillim had to do with supernatural powers. And we will end with a story about Eliyahu The rav went to R’ Notte and asked him, HaNavi, the coming of Moshiach and a little “What do you do in the market – are you a meat … merchant?” Before the tzaddik, R’ Shmelka Horowitz R’ Notte said, “In the market I meet Eliyahu became the rav in Nikolsburg, he was the rav HaNavi.” in Shinov. As in all Jewish communities, there The rav exclaimed, “What is Eliyahu doing were butchers, all of whom would buy animals in the market among the gentile merchants?” in the marketplace, bring them to be slaugh- tered and sell their meat. R’ Notte explained: When the gentiles de- Not all animals are kosher and sometimes, stroyed the Beis HaMikdash, they looted the the butchers had to sell the meat to non-Jews, lambs in the “chamber of the lambs.” Over the at a lower price, when the animals were found years, babies were born to those lambs and to be treif. However, one butcher never lost so on, through the generations, and they are money. The shochet never found a problem scattered around the world. Since, according to with his animals and his fellow butchers spread halacha, a Jew cannot benefit from the offspring rumors that he made a deal with the shochet of an animal that was dedicated to the Temple and the two of them seemed to be causing service, Eliyahu goes to all the gentile markets the townspeople to transgress with treife meat. and buys those animals that originate from those in the Beis HaMikdash so that they are The rumor reached R’ Shmelka and he called not purchased by Jews and cause them to sin. for the shochet. The shochet testified that he Eliyahu slaughters these animals and brings also found it wondrous but that is the way it them up as “daily offerings” in the heavenly was; he never found a problem with the animals Mikdash. of this butcher. The curious rav who believed the shochet, called for the butcher. When we merit the building of the Mikdash, for four days they will sacrifice animals from “How do you know how to always buy ko- Eliyahu’s heavenly storehouse. The halacha sher animals?” he asked. mandates that animals for sacrifices be exam- The butcher said that he regularly gave a ined for blemishes for four days and at that Jew by the name of R’ Notte meat for Shabbos time, only Eliyahu will have animals like that. every Friday. In exchange, R’ Notte went with May we merit to see this … ■ him to the cattle market and pointed with his Good Shabbos stick at the animals he should buy. and Chag Kosher V’Somayach!

54 BEIS MOSHIACH Boruch Merkur. from p. 27

This disconnect or denial is the cause for of “next year in Yerushalayim,” and there is the our inability to communicate and have a true bitter absence of the “Fifth Son,” who doesn’t sense of community. We must at least wake up even bother to attend). to the truth of widespread apathy and distance, Pesach is about “leaping” forward towards especially as the goal is the exact opposite: ear- genuine devotion to G-d. It is about recogniz- nest teshuva and genuine care for each other. ing how G-d Himself animates our teshuva. The Pesach seder is first and foremost about The first step towards that is knowing that open, genuine communication, especially by it is a fact. Learn the sources. Learn what the engaging the impressionable next generation, Rebbe says about the times we live in. Ask the children, “meshichoi.” It narrates the sto- yourself if you’re any closer to living with the ry of where we came from (emerging from goal and get in shape to do just that, wherever a culture of idolatry and anti-Semitism) and it’s lacking. where we are headed (to receive the Torah If your opinion matters, first listen to your- and become the treasured nation). It is honest self. Take your own advice first and maybe one about who attends and what motivates them day someone will listen to you and hear what (the Four Sons) and has us pause to note who you have to offer the world. Ultimately we will is absent (the Fifth Cup speaks for the unseen have community and everyone’s opinion will Eliyahu HaNavi and the longstanding promise matter. Ah kosher un freilichin Pesach! ,, Pesach is about “leaping” forward towards genuine devotion to G-d. It is about recognizing how G-d Himself animates our teshuva.

Rabbi Zvi Homnick. from p. 51 point when you have to put what you do know any self-consciousness. That is how I let go to the test of real life. of the last vestiges of my self-limiting “I” and True G-dly “knowledge” is the inner sense reveal the true inner “self” that is the Essence that whatever I knew before and whatever I of the Jew, which is one with the “self” and will ever know is not even a drop in the bucket Essence of G-d, and am ready to receive “the relative to how much I don’t know, and that secrets of its reasons and its hidden mysteries.” knowledge itself is only a window to the ulti- So when Moshiach comes, we will still want mate reality that is truly unknowable with the to remind our “inner child” of the good old tools I have or with any tools. When I have days when we first began to grow up, just as that, I am ready to be a full-fledged grown-up we do now at the Seder, “Our forefathers were and go beyond the limits of my knowledge. slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt, and Hashem took Then, I am ready to go beyond the “exile of us out from there...” ■ thought” and just tell it like it is “in the Torah” and “spread the wellsprings outward” without to be continued, G-d willing

13 NISSAN5781 55 56 BBEIS MOOSHIHIACACH “It is already after Pesach, Rebbetzin Chana writes in “I remember noticing how he tried to make her diary. “In the month it obvious to the Rav that he was doing some- 5710 (1950),” of Av it will be six years thing really special just for the Rav’s sake. But since my husband’s pass- he didn’t get the reception he expected. ing. I am always reminded of episodes of his “It was already late in the morning, but when life.” he jocularly announced “Good morning,” my - I - husband replied sternly and loudly, ‘Couldn’t you come any earlier? You see how late it is!’ “In order for him to carry out all necessary functions of an official Rav, the Jewish residents “Isakov seemed to lose himself. But he sat had to come to my husband [before Pesach] to down and responded to my husband’s ques- tions as dutifully as the young boys who had arrange the sale of their chametz. He always been sent by their parents on the same errand. insisted on carrying out all his endeavors in absolute, one hundred percent truth, with “On Chol Hamoed, Isakov and his wife paid profundity and nothing at all superficial. The us a visit. He related to my husband with the same applied in this case—his desire was for same deep respect as before, showing absolutely the chametz to be utterly nullified. no annoyance. “A certain category of Jews, influenced by “I often witnessed instances like this in secular culture, viewed the sale of chametz with which people sensed my husband’s profound a critical eye and participated only in order not sincerity in everything he did.” to affront the Rav’s religious sensibilities. - II - “I recall how, during the period of the war-refugees, Pavel Isakov Kahan [who was Rebbetzin Chana continues to describe the the principal of the Jewish secular college actual sale of the chametz, and the impression (“gymnasia”) in Vilna] and all departments one gets is that Erev Pesach was a day like Yom of his college were evacuated from Vilna to Kippur: Yekatrinoslav. The teachers’ seminary of his “Up until the time of the selling of the cha- college numbered more than a thousand stu- metz, it was still possible to speak with my hus- dents, with many lecturers well known in the band about all matters concerning the Erev world of Jewish scholarship. Pesach. But everything was permeated with “Pavel Isakov was a great Yiddish schol- concern that perhaps he had not done every- ar, but he wasn’t religious. Well aware of the thing necessary absolutely to nullify the cha- honored place he held in the world of secular metz.” education, he was of great importance in his “The process of drawing up the deed of sale own estimation. then started. The gentile to whom thecha- “Notwithstanding his prominent status, Isa- metz was sold arrived with a distinct air of kov had great respect for “Schneerson” and held self-importance—in a single day, he would become the proprietor of all the businesses in him in high regard, paying us frequent visits. town… Accordingly, he “lowered” himself — as he con- sidered it—and came on Erev Pesach to “reg- “So that the sale should not appear super- ister” his chametz, as it was popularly called. ficial, performed perforce just to fulfill the

13 NISSAN 5781 57 obligation, my husband closeted himself with ,, But Mr. Gansburg the gentile in his study, and no one else was heard from my allowed to enter. He translated for him the en- tire deed of sale into Russian, a language my husband that Jewish husband knew well, without omitting a sin- law forbids deriving gle chametz item listed in the deed, including in any cargo carried on ships on the high seas any benefit from that were en-route to our city. ration cards dated for “The main item that interested the gentile the week of Pesach was all the sizeable vodka and wine business- es—with which he felt particularly close… “My husband’s seriousness so overawed the gentile that he would sit in dread and keep re- peating, ‘I’ll allow no one into the business- es until your last night after Pesach. Even if someone offers a large sum of money, I’m the owner! Yes, yes, Rabbi, I know it all.’ He would too, were at a level that my husband could en- perform all the formal acts required and leave gage them in lively discussion. with a most serious demeanor. “Late at night, when the Seder was over, my “Once, I remember, a grandson of R. Bere- husband closeted himself in his study to re- Volf visited us, as he often did. By then he was the director of a factory and had become cite Shir Hashirim. His loud weeping could be somewhat distant from the more observant heard from his study, the sort weeping of which Jewish community. On that occasion, he few are capable and which is most difficult to begged my husband to allow him to be present describe. in his study while he negotiated with the “I remember how two guests once listened to gentile. He remained sitting there for several his recitation of Shir Hashirim from outside his hours and, upon emerging, was very pale, with door. One told me he had never heard anything perspiration running down his brow—such was like it and would never forget the experience. the atmosphere pervading the room. The other remarked that even if my husband “After concluding the sale, my husband repeated this for two more nights, he wouldn’t would breathe more easily, as one does after tire of listening to him.” the most strenuous work.” - IV - - III - In another touching section of her memoirs, “Then preparations started for Yom Tov. My Rebbetzin Chana tells of a loyal friend of the husband invested so much ‘soul’ and passion into every detail relating to this that it perme- family who had outstanding mesirus nefesh for ated our entire home and was felt by everyone Pesach observance: present. “One of our loyal friends deserves to be sin- “Participating in our Seder was our family, gled out for particular mention. He was among along with guests. The Seder took a long time. those special individuals whose outstanding la- Our children were still at home, and the guests, tent qualities were revealed during that period.”

58 BEIS MOSHIACH Menachem Gansburg was an ordinary Jew. pickled tomatoes—one of the items distributed At times he had been quite wealthy, and at other on the food lines. times not so successful. My husband considered He worked very hard, taking care not to him to have a keen intellect, saying he was transgress the slightest iota even of Rabbinic one of the few who understood the Chassidic laws. Under the difficult circumstances of that discourses he delivered. Like everyone, he era, this required extremely intense effort. worked for the government, finding occupation in home industrial cooperatives, because in that line of work it was easier to keep Shabbos. On Erev Pesach, the Jews who didn’t eat cha- The members of his cooperative, realizing metz on Pesach would collect their bread ration his intelligence and honesty in all matters, al- ways designated him as their work leader—a cards for the whole week [of Pesach], and then, post he never sought because he preferred to after the holiday, they used them to obtain flour. avoid the responsibility, in order to make it But Mr. Gansburg heard from my husband easier for him to keep Shabbos. that Jewish law forbids deriving any benefit Outwardly, he looked like any other Soviet from ration cards dated for the week of Pesach. citizen. Secretly, however, he lived the life of a In our home, we used to tear them up before true, ardently G-d-fearing Jew. His children, on Pesach. the other hand, were members of the Komsomol Mr. Gansburg’s family consisted of seven [the Soviet youth movement]. people, some of whom [as noted] were of privi- At a time when everyone who had previ- leged status. This entitled them to receive white ously been close to our family maintained full bread instead of black bread. White bread was distance from me—I believe they were afraid so scarce that only the most privileged received even to think about me—Mr. Gansburg never it. They were also entitled to receive a double missed a single day to visit me, to hear what ration. Mr Gansburg’s children were physically was new and how we were. very weak, and he made great efforts to obtain better quality food for them. No one in his family was allowed to know about these visits. One of his family members Without regard for all this, he secretly took once came to ask if he had visited me. Although the ration-card book out of his home and tore he had visited me just the night before, at 1:00 up all that week’s ration cards. This was a highly o’clock in the morning so that no one would courageous act at such a time. He was the only notice him, I replied, of course, that I hadn’t one in his family to do this. But his children seen him for a very long time. held him in such high esteem that they forgave him. While fleeing, Mr. Gansburg would stay in contact by mail from various railroad sta- Besides his anguish on account of his chil- tions—where there were opportunities to do dren, he suffered greatly and ruined his health this—to inquire about our welfare. from agonizing over kashrus, always appre- hensive that perhaps some food was not at Back home, during the times when food was the highest level of kashrus. Often, though, very scarce, he would spend long hours waiting he couldn’t afford to buy anything better. As a in line to bring home food for his family. He result, he starved more than he ate. didn’t give them any non-kosher food, G-d for- bid, but he himself ate only black bread and Reprinted from A Mother In Israel

13 NISSAN5781 59 Between the Lines

Rabbi Gershon Avtzon What Do You Have "Against" the Rebbe?

Study along with the daily Rambam for Friday, 13 Nissan 5781 (March 26, 2021)

week we are learning Hilchos Rot- The Rebbe had been campaigning about This zeach u’Shmiras Nefesh — the laws the importance of each Jew having a personal of a murderer and protection of life” in the mashpia, and the Rebbe brought out a very Rambam and we are also approaching the strong point from this halacha: If a Jew has Yom Tov of Pesach, on which we celebrate the a personal “Rav,” then even if reaches a low redemption from exile. point in his service of Hashem requiring him to be “exiled,” his Rav will go along with him to At the beginning of perek 7, halacha 1, the keep educating him so that eventually he will Rambam writes that “when a talmid (a student be brought out of his personal exile. of Torah) is exiled to a city of refuge, his teach- er is exiled together with him. This is derived “The Rebbe is Bound to You with from the passuk (Devarim 19:5) which states: Shackles” ‘He shall flee to one of these cities, and he shall live.’ Implied, is that everything necessary for As we are coming from — the his life must be provided for him. Therefore, birthday of our beloved Rebbe, I would like a scholar must be provided with his teacher, to “farbreng” a little about this lesson from for the life of one who possesses knowledge the perspective of Hiskashrus of the Rebbe to without Torah study is considered to be death.” Chassidim. While it is very comforting to know that the Rebbe will be connected to his Chassid Torah is Our Life in every situation, each Chassid really needs to Besides the obvious lesson that the Rambam ask himself: Do I want to be the cause that the is teaching us — that to a Jew, Torah is life Rebbe should need to go to galus? itself and therefore we send the teacher into We are all familiar (Igros Kodesh vol. 3 exile with the student — the Rebbe (20 Teves p. 472, letter nu. 755) with the letter that the 5746) learns another important lesson: The Rebbe wrote to a Chassid that wanted to go to importance of Asei Lecha Rav — appointing college. The Rebbe wrote 3 reasons not to go, a mashpia. and then added this heartfelt fourth reason:

60 BEIS MOSHIACH “And this is of greatest consequence: What ,, Many are not aware of do you have against the Rebbe that you must the continuation of the drag him into the college? For the powers of the Rebbe are invested in you. When your conversation between the body goes to college, your G-dly soul which Chassid and the Rebbe. is confined in your body must also go. And, as a result, the powers of the Rebbe which The Chassid wrote that are enclothed in [your] G-dly soul — for, as it pains him to bring the above, they are part of the essence — [must also accompany you]. And so you are, as it were, Rebbe into college, so he dragging the Rebbe along with you.” will disconnect from the Many are not aware of the continuation of Rebbe... the conversation between the Chassid and the Rebbe. The Chassid wrote that it pains him to bring the Rebbe into college, so he will discon- nect from the Rebbe. The Rebbe responded (vol. 4 p. 52, letter nu. 809): “This is no longer possible. [To cite a parallel:] As is well known even in the realm of revealed Torah Law (Nigleh), once a person converts [to Judaism], he can never undo a Torah student is exiled to a city of refuge, his the conversion, Heaven forbid. Even if he teacher is exiled together with him.” sins afterwards, he is still a Jew because he converted once. Similar concepts apply in the When we awake from our slumber of exile, realm of holiness itself. When a person became and the time of Pesach is a most opportune a Chassid once, and when he became bonded time for that, we will not only redeem ourselves to a Rebbe — and as a result, ‘as water reflects from galus, but the Rebbe and the Shechina a face,’ the Rebbe became bonded with him — itself. As the famous saying of Rabbi Shimon it is no longer within his capacity to cease the Bar Yochai (Megillah 29a): connection. For that is also dependent on the Rebbe, and because of [the Rebbe’s] abundant “It is taught in a beraisa: Come and see how goodness and kindness, he is bound to him beloved the Jewish people are before HaKadosh with shackles.” Baruch Hu: As every place they were exiled, Hashem Is In Galus With Us the Shechina went with them. … When, in the future, they will be redeemed, the Shechina The above is also a very important lesson will be with them, as it is stated: “Then the for us in our special Avoda of getting ourselves L-rd your G-d will return with your captivity” and the world around us ready for Moshiach: (Deuteronomy 30:3). It does not state: He will A Jew must realize that every moment that bring back, i.e., He will cause the Jewish people we are in galus, the Shechina is in galus! The to return, but rather it says: “He will return,” Jewish people are the “students” of Hashem which teaches that HaKadosh Baruch Hu will — as the passuk (Yeshaya 54:13) says: “And return together with them from among the all your children shall be disciples of the L-rd, various exiles.” ■ and your children’s peace shall increase.” As the student of Hashem, the Rambam rules: “When A Kosher and Freilichen Pesach!

13 NISSAN5781 61 shabbos י“ד ניסן 03/27

Shabbat Candle lighting Latest shema Sunset Light candles after 6:56 9:54 7:15 7:56

ג' פרקים: הל' רוצח ושמירת הנפש פ' ח-י פרק אחד: הל' איסורי ביאה פ' ב. ספר המצוות: מ״ע קפא. מל״ת שט. רחצ. מ״ע קפד

Sunday Monday ט“ז ניסן 03/29 ט“ו ניסן 03/28

Light candles after Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Yom Tov Ends 7:58 10:55 7:16 6:43 9:52 7:59

ג' פרקים ...... הלכות מכירה פרקים א-ג ג' פרקים . . . . הלכות רוצח ושמירת הנפש פרקים יא-יג פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק ד פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק ג ספר המצוות ...... מ״ע רמה ספר המצוות ...... מל״ת רצט. מ״ע רב. רג. מל״ת ער

Tuesday Wednesday י“ח ניסן 03/31 י“ז ניסן 03/30

Sunrise Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Sunset 6:42 9:51 7:18 6:40 9:50 7:19

ג' פרקים ...... הלכות מכירה פרקים ז-ט ג' פרקים ...... הלכות מכירה פרקים ד-ו פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק ו פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק ה ספר המצוות...... מל״ת רנ ספר המצוות ...... מ״ע רמה

Thursday Friday כ‘ ניסן 04/02 י“ט ניסן 04/01

Sunrise Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Sunset 6:38 9:49 7:20 6:37 9:48 7:21

ג' פרקים ...... הלכות מכירה פרקים יג-טו ג' פרקים ...... הלכות מכירה פרקים י-יב פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק ח פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק ז ספר המצוות...... מל״ת רנא ספר המצוות ...... מל״ת רנ

The times on this page are for Brooklyn, NY shabbos כ“א ניסן 04/03

Shabbat Candle lighting Latest shema Sunset Light candles after 7:04 9:47 7:22 8:04

ג' פרקים: הלכות מכירה פרקים טז-יח פרק אחד: הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק ט. ספר המצוות: מל״ת רנא

Sunday Monday כ“ג ניסן 04/05 כ“ב ניסן 04/04

Sunrise Latest shema Yom Tov Ends Sunrise Latest shema Sunset 6:34 9:46 8:05 6:32 9:45 7:24

ג' פרקים ...... הלכות מכירה פרקים כב-כד ג' פרקים ...... הלכות מכירה פרקים יט-כא פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק יא פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק י ספר המצוות ...... מל״ת רנג ספר המצוות ...... מל״ת רנג

Tuesday Wednesday כ“ה ניסן 04/07 כ“ד ניסן 04/06

Sunrise Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Sunset 6:30 9:44 7:25 6:29 9:43 7:27

ג' פרקים ...... הלכות מכירה פרקים כח-ל ג' פרקים ...... הלכות מכירה פרקים כה-כז פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק יג פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק יב ספר המצוות...... מל״ת רנב ספר המצוות ...... מל״ת רנב

Thursday Friday כ“ז ניסן 04/09 כ“ו ניסן 04/08

Sunrise Latest shema Sunset Sunrise Latest shema Sunset 6:27 9:42 7:28 6:26 9:41 7:29

ג' פרקים ...... הלכות זכיה ומתנה פרקים ד-ו ג' פרקים ...... הלכות זכיה ומתנה פרקים א-ג פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק טו פרק אחד ...... הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק יד ספר המצוות...... מ״ע רמה ספר המצוות ...... מ״ע רמה

The times on this page are for Brooklyn, NY קופת רבינו Kupas Rabbeinu תחת נשיאות כ"ק אדמו"ר מלך המשיח Lubavitch Excerpt of a Sicho Kedoisho, which speaks for itself:

“The Jews will be redeemed solely through ... In particular, this applies with regard to the matter relevant at present, maos chittim, tzedakah given for Pesach that includes all of the needs of the holiday. Our involvement with this must be in a manner of ratzo and shov, i.e., one should not wait for the tzedakah collector, but instead, rush to give him maos chittim on his own initiative (ratzo) Moreover, even after he has already given maos chittim, he should go and give a second time (shov).... For one who has been blessed should increase his gifts according to the blessing he has been given, And whoever increases will be given additional reward, Indeed, there is no limit to this additional reward”. (From the sichos of Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei, 5750) This past year, with the coronavirus, many of Anash are in need of help for Pesach. Please increase your donation! May the donation be l'ilui nishmas the Rebbe's secretary, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Groner a'h, whose yahrzeit is on Shabbos 14 Nissan, erev Pesach, who devoted himself to Kupas Rabbeinu.

בברכת שבתא טבא וחג הפסח כשר ושמח בשם ועד קופת רבינו ר׳ שמואל מלמד משפחת גרונר ר' יוסף ברוך שפילמאן

www.KupasRabeinu.org PayPal and Zelle: [email protected] P. O. B. 288 Brooklyn, NY 11225