Moshiach Weekly Chof Zayin Adar 5774 a WORD from the EDITORS - Ad Mosai?!

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Moshiach Weekly Chof Zayin Adar 5774 a WORD from the EDITORS - Ad Mosai?! $2.00 . וההוספה בלימוד התורה בעניני משיח והגאולה היא ה"דרך שער הישרה" לפעול התגלות וביאת משיח והגאולה בפועל ממש )משיחת ש"פ תזו"מ ה'תנש"א( The Chossid Who Propagated Moshiach Reb Michoel Teitelbaum I Don't Let My דער רבי זאל זיין געזונט און שטארק! Chassidim Sleep The Story of a Most The World Is Waiting Unforgettable Winter יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד Index Chof Zayin Adar 5774 - Ad Mosai?! 3 A word from the Editors The Story of a Most Unforgettable Winter דער רבי זאל זיין געזונט און שטארק! 4 Ahavas Yisroel and Moshiach 13 Ksav Yad Kodesh 4 11 I Don't Let My Chassidim Sleep 14 The world is waiting Will they ever come?! 21 A Story רצוננו לראות את מלכנו 24 Ad Mosai Sunday he searches, Monday he searches זונטיג געזוכט, ָמאנטיג געזוכט 26 26 The Chossid Who Propagated Moshiach 32 Reb Michoel Teitelbaum ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! 38 Daloy Golus 24 32 2 | Moshiach Weekly Chof Zayin Adar 5774 A WORD FROM THE EDITORS - Ad Mosai?! It is with great pleasure that we pres- to live with their message and bring ent our readership with this Expanded them down into our daily lives. Edition of Moshiach Weekly, which is In the days leading up to Chof Zayin being released in time for 27 Adar, the Adar, the Rebbe stressed the fact that day when the great helem v'hester be- it's an 'iber yohr' and that there are two gan. months of Adar totaling a 60 day pe- As we approach this moment, and riod of Simcha. The Rebbe explained About Cover Picture: contemplate the fact that we find our- that such a kvius can nullify all nega- Picture of the Rebbe on selves in such a situation for already tive occurrences. the way back to his room 22 years, and it’s more than 20 years following Maariv, Leil 27 How much more so, is this relevant Adar I, 5752, in the Small since we have last seen our Rebbe, we to this 60-day Adar when we are in Zal. The demanding face immediately get filled with a sense of the biggest helem V'hester which has of the Rebbe demonstrates longing and we yearn to see our Rebbe ever occurred; it's been 20 years that the momentous historic once more. we haven't seen our father the Rebbe?! tkufah we live in and However, even though these feelings Nevertheless, the way to overpower is me'oirer within a Chossid of love and longing are a very impor- this great nisayon is through Simcha, the strong resolve not to הנה הנה tant part of our hiskashrus to the Reb- and the ultimate Simcha is that rest until we are poiel the !משיח בא be, nevertheless we know that hamase ultimate nachas ruach with Bias HaMoshiach. hu ha'ikar, that these feelings must be In this expanded edition, we there- brought into action and bring about a fore present our readership an array of serious change in our day to day life. articles, on the days leading up to the Fortunately, the Rebbe laid out a clear fateful day of Chof Zayin Adar, and The Moshiach Weekly plan of action for us to bring Moshiach how the Rebbe prepared us for such a is a weekly publication and be Zoche to his ultimate Hisgalus. situation. for Chabad communities One of the things the Rebbe stressed It is our fervent hope that this pub- covering topics related to time and time again after Yud Shevat lication will inspire its readers to do Moshiach and Geulah. 5710 was that in the last maamer that more in all Inyonim connected with the Friediker Rebbe gave out (and more To subscribe or dedi- 'the only Shlichus', being Mekabel Pnei in מכה בפטיש generally, in the Sichos of the last year Moshiach, may this be the דער רבי האט :cate an issue contact us at of the Friediker Rebbe’s life) " bringing the Geulah. May we be zoche אלץ באווארענט [email protected] ” “The Rebbe anticipated to see and hear our Rebbe, and he will everything and hinted everything” and lead us out of this hard, deep and bit- that “I search among the subjects ex- ter Golus, and we will celebrate with plained in these maamarim for the an- him amongst all the Chassidim, the נסדר והוכן לדפוס ע"י: .”swers to all the questions being asked אברהם משה בן עטא לאה, אייזיק גרשון complete and final Geulah with joy בן שיינא באשא, גבריאל אברהם בן רבקה Based on this, in order to know what and happiness, in the Beis Hamkidash זלטה, מנחם מענדל בן מלכה זיסעל, מנחם !is demanded of ourselves as Chassidim Hashlishi, may it be right now מענדל בן רבקה, מנחם מענדל בן שיינא at this time of helem v'hester, we must באשא, מנחם מענדל הכהן בן חיה שיינא מיכלא, יעקב יוסף בן רבקה, חיים מנחם look into the last Sichos which we were מענדל בן פריידעל חנה, שלמה בן רבקה zoche to hear from our Rebbe and try זלטה, שאול ישראל זאנוויל בן מרים, שלמה זלמן בן יהודית, שמואל בן אלנה. Graphics and design: M. Abadi [email protected] Adar 5774 | 3 The events of Adar I 5752 were truly a paradox. On the one hand we were Zoche to an abundance of the Rebbe’s Nesius, while on the other hand, the perplexing event of a Kiddush Hashem in the Schunah, followed by Chof-Zayin Adar. In this article, we will recount some of the many stir- ring events of that month, with an emphasis on the practical endeavors taken by Chassidim in accordance with the Rebbe’s Sichos and Horo’ohs "נזכרים ונעשים" • 4 | Moshiach Weekly Adar 5774 | 5 Crown Heights, Winter 5752: some nine months later, the Rebbe instructed that it be hastily printed and that the Sichos from 5752, which deal with Inyonei Moshiach was in the air! With the Sichos of the Moshiach, should be added. Rebbe highlighting the imminent coming of Moshiach and the signs of its materialization, Chassidei Chabad all over the world, In the Sichos of Thursday and Shabbos Parshas Mishpotim, and particularly in Crown Heights, were able to truly sense “the the Rebbe brought the Moshiach awareness campaign to a new footsteps of Moshiach”. The concept of “Living with Moshiach” level. He explained how the recent end of the Cold War between was not a mere aspiration or wish; it was a reality. the United States and the Soviet Union was the beginning of ."וכתתו חרבותם לאתים" ,the fulfillment of the Nevuah of Yeshayah As the months progressed, the ideas of Moshiach and Geu- In much detail, the Rebbe explained how the place where the lah became the central themes of every Sicha, with the Rebbe event transpired and even the date, point clearly to the fact that connecting everything in Yiddishkeit and world events to these the Nosi HaDor, is orchestrating these events as a prelude to fundamental ideas. In this article, his total revelation in the Geulah. we will primarily describe the This Sicha, which the Rebbe him- events that occurred in the weeks self edited, (and was subsequently leading up to the fateful day of printed in tens of thousands of cop- Chof-Zayin Adar I, showing ies world-wide) ends with an inno- clearly how the Rebbe prepared vation where the Rebbe pointed out the Chassidim for the situation of a new Roshei Teivos for the word Helem V’Hester and provided us one of the terms the Rebbe ,"מיד" with the tools and convictions for used quite often to emphasize the us to achieve its conclusion. immediacy of Moshiach’s arrival: ."משיח )מנחם שמו(, יוסף יצחק, דובער" :Gimmel Shevat 5752 The Rebbe surprised the small The next day, the Rebbe said a crowd present for Mincha when special Sicha after Maariv. In this he asked for a microphone and Sicha, the Rebbe spoke about the launched into a particularly un- possibility of there being only one Moshiach Banners decorate Crown Heights ordinary Sicha. The Rebbe spoke Adar that year, even though it had in heartfelt terms about the already been announced on Shab- speech impediment that the Frierdiker Rebbe had toward the bos Mevorchim that it was the first of two Adars. end of his life. Recalling a remark made by the doctor of the A unique fact in regard to this Sicha is the fact that it was pub- Frierdiker Rebbe, the Rebbe cried out, “How could it be that the lic knowledge that there was going to be a Sicha that night, un- speech of the Nosi HaDor, who communicates Dvar Hashem like most weekday Sichos, which were a complete surprise. That and Toras HaChassidus, should become impaired?!” The Rebbe Sunday, Rabbi Yosef Tennenbaum had passed by the Rebbe dur- followed by instructing the Chassidim that we have the Achra- ing Sunday dollars to ask the Rebbe for his Brocha in regard yus to fix this Chisoron; through learning and subsequently re- to his upcoming visit to South Africa. The Rebbe proceeded to laying an abundance of the Torah tell him that he should relay in South פיענוח הכי"ק: באם לא הו"ל עדיין, להוסיף עוד מכהנ"ל דשנה זו, ולהו"ל of Nosi Doreinu we are Mashlim Africa the contents of the Sicha that בתאריך המתאים )ר"ח שבט, יו"ד שבט(. מהיר this Chisoron and bring about its would be said that night after Maariv. ultimate Shleimus, with the com- ing of Moshiach. Translating this In retrospect, Chassidim saw in this Horo’oh into Ma’aseh Be’Po’el, a Sicha clear hints to the Matzav of week later, on the eve of Yud Shvat, post-Chof-Zayin Adar I.
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