Crisis U W Upheld by Supreme Court Contracts Without
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,, * * ■.. ■ - ■■ ?v ^ ▲ T B U c a WJLY ammjuaiOK tor iU U m m 9i DiBitir» tMt L m VOL. LIIL. NO. 84. M PBf* !•.) ttAMCBSCTSa COim ;1rUBm AT, XAlHlAltY (TW ELVE PAGES) '''It' »>'* ' - ' - ..... CRISIS U W UPHELD Mayor Cook Buys First Ticket To Birthday Ball BORAHDEFENDS CONTRACTS ^ .. r >> -J) ■ NATIONALISM AS BY SUPREME COURT V ACIUUHRTIIE WITHOUT BIDS, ffifbett Tribimal yalidatM NAVY PREPARING i " WITNESS AT PROBE 9 Atlscki *8haiiri)liiig” PoGey Minoeaota Hortgafe Mor- ' V '' FOR LONG FUGHTI ef Spying Into Odur Peo- Asotber How Poatmasp atorinm Act — Opinian 1 WATERWAY YREAYY *pk^s Rumen— Gtn ter General Brows’i Cor* Hdd Victory for Rocot* Six Gint Swplanei to Cron WaiUBiteii, Jeffertea FACES OPFOSIYHN respesdesce W u Orde^ ary Program. Pacific Widi Honohda New York, Jan. 9.—Another "rev Outlook for Passage Qoomy ed Barsed Jolt Behre lie WMblnftOD, Jta. t.—(A F )— Ad* A i Their Goal olution’'—the revotntiOB of the In- temationallsts haa failed, and ths BlnlftrmtloD offleU li today hallod Id Seute; Houe Speeds Demoenta Took OlHca prlrately ai a oonititutlonal victory "fight against nationalism baa flan Diego, Calif., Jan. 9.— (AF) lost," Ssnator William E. Borah of for tbo National lUcovory lofltla- —Off for a bop to Ban Franclsoo Idaho said last night In advocating Up Recorery BOk. Washington, Jan. 9.--<AfT—T wh tloa a doM but dociilvo Supromo and then a non-stop mass flight to a fortlgn policy of political Isolation Court daeliion upboldlni th« valldl* for the United States. timony that Waltar F. fffown, paft- Honolulu, six giant Navy seaplanes master general in the Hoover ad- ty of th« Mlnaoiota mortftfB xnora* Speaking as the guest of honor of Washington, Jon. 9.— (A P )— Sure, torlum law. leave here today with tbe command- tbs Council on Foreign Relations at mlnlstratloa, awarded some 6,000 ^ a veto of S to 4 tbo talfh tri sr-ln-chlef of .the United States a dlimsr at ths Rlts-Carlton Hotel, of their strength. House Democrats miles of air mril contracts without bunal ruled In favor of tbo flrot fleet as a passenger. Senator Borah condemned the mode it a point today to tell Presl- competitive bidding and that quan omorfoney otatuto paoood oltbor la Admiral David F. Sellers will ac "shambling, equivocal foreign policy dent Roosevelt his program would tities of hie correiqxmdence were tbo otato or Nation, dofondlng In company tbe squadron only to Ban which found expressloa in a multi be dispatched there; but the outlook burned just before be left office were broad principle the rlfh t of a otato Francisco, aboard the plans of tude of reservations and all kinds of was not so sanguine in the Senate presented today to Senate investi to ouopond contracto In an omor* Lieut Commander Knsffler McGin explanations" and attacked that for luoh m atter! os the S t Law gators. fonc’/. nis, in charge of the fligh t "strange figure of diplomacy, the rence water treaty. The Senate’s Invostlgation of air Tbo Minnooota law, wblcb aloe Commander McGinnis said the "unoffiolal observer," as a kind of The Senate was in recess, while moll contracts under the lost ad provided tbo flrot major toot to bo 2,400 miles flight from San Francis international epy." the President worked on his mes ministration opened with James Ma Mayor Aaron Cqok, yesterday bought the flrst ticket W N aeoheeter's Birthday Ball for the Preeldeot Declaring that Internationalism, her, Post Office Deportment eteno- doddod by tbo blgb court, oxtendo co to Honolulu, the flrst by any air from Francis E. Bray, chairman of the ticket distribution OOAMtttoe. Mr. Cook himself a victim of infantile sages advocating ratification of the tbo time for redemption of fore* craft in winter and tbs longest hop if it “ means anything more thxn treaty and asking Federal guaran grapber, telling of burning Brown’s paralysis Is an enthualaatio supporter of the dance to be held here Januaty 80, Preistdent Roosevelt’s 62d birth tbe friendly oo-operatlon between correspondence, both penimial and olooixro proper^ until May 1, 1980. attempted by a seaplane squadron, day, and the proceeds of whlon wlU be usfd to flght the dread disease, m the picture ^>6ve are, left to right, tee r f prlndpol os well os Interest Xn tbo majority opinion handed down separate, dletinct, and wholly inde- of the form credit bonds. official, just before the Hoover ad may start *Thursday. Robert E. Hathaway, treasurer. Mayor Aarqn Cfook, Francis B. Bray, chalrmaI^ of ticket committee, and lendent nations, rests upon a false by Chief Justice Hughes, however, A t San Francisco, Ueut. E. W. Liquor regulation for the District ministration ended lost March. oundation,” be reiterated hie belief of Columbia was all the House May Summon Brown. the court went deep Into basic Stephens, Navy meteorologist, de in the foreign policy of Washington ptindpleo. clared that considering present ob proper hod ready to work on. Corn- He said he burned volumes of the and Jefferson and Lincoln, and correspondence under the peraanol Boelo Piindpleo servations, "tbe sooner they get off warned against Intemational politi mittees ground away at tax and ap "Emergency does not create pow the better.** He said observations propriation bills, and looked ahead Instructions of Kenneth MoePher- cal comnutments of any kind. son, Brown’s secretary. There er," said the chief justice. "Emer* indicated favorable flying conditions FAUBR FDRGOnEN Davis Seea Altamativee to the other big Item by extending gooey does not increase granted for the next three da^. CLAIM THAT STAVISKY the Reconstruction Corporation were indications Brown will be call AmIsassador-at-Large Norman H. ed to testify. power or remove or diminish the re* Ships Along Route. Davis, who as vice prssident of the loaning authority for several years ■trletlons imposed upon power oouncll, presided at the dinner, de and p o ^ b ly od<flng a bilUon dollars A few minutes late, Paul Hender Six Navy vessels, spaced at 300- SAYS GRANGE HEAD son, who wee second asristant nost- granted or reserved. The Constitu mile Intervals have bera ordered to clared that the growing “wave of to the agency*! capital. DID NOT KILL HIMSELF Tax Sewaey master general under the (3ooUdM -Si tion was adopted In a period of intaaee nationalism that has been position along the route. Each admlnistratloB, and later o f f k ^ w grave emergency. plane will carry a food supply suffi ■weMptng the worid” was making *The ways and means oommittee, **Whlle emergency does not create ilalfl the altemativee the people of where all tax leglelation must orig several aMlnes testlfled that l i oeriBi cient for seve^ days and will be had set up more than f 6,000 o IMIm power, emergency may furnish the equipped with a collapsible rubber ToDes Declares Ne Methed he world face—"of either preparing inate, heard Representative Patman, occasion for the exerdse of power. Radical Freacli Papers Say to destroy each other by conflict or (D., *Tex.), condemn tax aeoteey as of air moil line ektenelone wlthMit' b M t REGISTER TRUCKS competitive bidding after Congtriai Dkewittiig Optnloa Aboard the planes for the long of endeavoring to save themselves “a bodge of fraud.” The bill tight Has Yet Been Feond te by co-operation." ening income tax laws Is expected hod spedfl^ly refused to give taixa Justices Brandels, Stooe, Cardoso hop will be six officers and 23 men. SwUler Was filled by that authoN^. and Roberts sided with the chief *The pilot-navigator is Lieut Com John W. Davis, who oom c^ted to be ready next week. IN OTHER STATES briifW OB Senator Borah’s admass, Advocates of tbe St Lawrence Otvee Out Detalla. Justice. Justice Sutherland present mander McfHnnis of Indianapolis, Reslere Ifis Boyisg Fewer In a steady voice, he detailed herif ed a bulky dtssontlng opinion, with Did. Other pilots are: Lieut F. A. Sleuths to Keep His ^ le a with the Senator In deploring treaty in the Senate profeas con ‘th lit poor and unworthy dtpknnatio fidence in their ability to get it rati the contracts were awarded under h which Justices Van Deventer, Mc- Davis, Norfouc, Va.; Lieut T. D. It* t provision of the law pennlttliig tifo Roynolds and Butler, known as Con Quiim, Atlanta, Ga.; Lieut J. Perry, subterfuge, the ‘unofficial ob fied, And foea are emphatic in de- Mouth Qosed. ^ Fees Charted in Con- Hartford, Jan. 9 —(A P)— State server,’ ^ and agreed that national nlaL Tbe Rooaevelt message going postmaster gtoeral to extehd servatives, agreed. Greenville, S. C.; liq u t J. K. Aver- conaoUdate asall lines, but ill, Buffalo, N. Y.; and Ltout H. J. Master LooH O, Tolies of Southing ism "has a great oontributlon to up tomorrov- ibould bring oa early The actual case brought to the make to the welfare of m ailed.” did not foresAe that the Supreme Court was one involving Roberts, S t lioula. ton in his adMreto this afternoon at foeUo. Paris, Jan. 9.— (A P )— Open neetkut Caste ef Cesdi- But he held that the effort men Representative Ooaaer o f Ohio would be longer la lome- John H. and Rosalia Blalsdell of The seaplanes are flying patrol the forty-ninth ^uel.jmaaicn at the hud made slnee tbe Weirld W ar to the original Uhcfo. og They sought boats with twin eaginss. *They charges that Serge Stavlsky, found and four othar ssemben at the C sf nMti|Si% i| U ^ 9 M at HotM reason taistead of foeoe aa the Houae Demooratio steering commit . EvM kn of ftns for the rfdemp- have a wing ippsad of XOO tost smd er of.jtbe fkUea R«yoaae-nuiiflef|.el j mittce Hon, Cessir Am , fic M eai<4.'*No'-onaiiBa yet brought ■xhtter of natioiia} tSOpatee," W is tee eompriahd the g r o n that Waited Uon of their property, ^^ch had a crulring Tacuus of 8,000 miles.