THE BRITISH EMPIRE. the British Empire Consists of :- I
THE BRITISH EMPIRE. The British Empire consists of :- I. THE uNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. II. INDIA, THE CoLONIES, PRoTECTORATES, AND DEPENDENCIES. Reigning King and Emperor. Edward VII., born Nov. 9, 1841, son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha; married March 10, 1863, to Princess Alexandra, eldest daughter of King Christian IX. of Denmark; succeeded to the crown on the death of his mother, January 22, 1901. Children of tlte King. I. George Frederick, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall and York, Duke of Rothsay in Scotland, the heir-apparent, born June 3, 1865; married July 6, 1893, to Victoria Mary, daughter of the Duke of Teck. Offspring :-(1) Edward Albert, born June 23, 1894; (2) Albert Frederick, born December 14, 1895; (3) Victoria Alexandra, born April 25, 1897; (4) Henry William, born March 31, 1900; (5) George Edward, born December 20, 1902. II. Princess Louise, born February 20, 1867; married July 27, 1889, to the Duke of Fife. Offspring :-(1) Alexandra Victoria, born May 17, 1891; (2) Maud Alexandra, born April 3, 1893. III. Princess VictO'I'ia Alexandra, born July 6, 1868. IV. Princess Maud Charlotte, born November 26, 1869; married July 22, 1896, to Prince Karl of Denmark. Brother and Sisters of the King. Princess Victoria (Empress Frederick), born Nov. 21, 1840; married, Jan. 25, 1858, to Prince Friedrich Wilhelm (Friedrich I. of Germany), eldest son of '\Tilhelm 1., German Emperor and King of Prussia; widow, June 15, 1888; died August 5, 1901. Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, born August 6, 1844 ; became Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, August 22, 1893 ; married January 23, 1874, to the Grand Duchess :Marie of Russia, daughter of the Emperor Alexander II.; died Jtlly 30, 1900, His surviving children are: (1) Marie, born Ocf, B 2 4 'fHE BRITISH EMPIRE :-UNITED KINGDOM 29, 1875; married Jan.
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