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Prof.Dr. NAİME ARSLAN Prof.Dr. NAİME ARSLAN Kişisel Bilgiler WE-epbo:s that:t pnsa:/r/[email protected]/narslan EDoğkitoimra, BEsiklgişielheir iOsmangazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji (Dr), Türkiye 1993 - 1998 LYiüskasnesk, ALnisaadnosl,u E Üskniişveehrisri tOessmi, Fanenga-Ezdi Üebniiyvaetr sFiateksüil, tFeesin, BBiiyliomlolejir Pi Er.n, Tstüitrüksiyüe, B1i9y8o6lo -ji 1(9Y9l)0 (Tezli), Türkiye 1991 - 1993 Yİnagbiliazcnec, Bı 2D Oilrltea rÜstü Yaptığı Tezler ODsomktaonrgaa, zNi aÜidniidveares (itOelsigi, oFcehna eBtiali)m Slearkia Erynas tNitüehsüir, Bpoiytoalnooji f(aDurn)a, s1ın9ı9n8 taksonomik ve zoocoğrafik incelenmesi, Eskişehir EYnüsktsietüks Lüi,s Bainyso, lDojui r(gYul)n -(sTue zsliis)t,e 1m9l9e3ri Chironomidae (diptera) larvaları, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri AHirdaroşbtıiyromloaji , AÇelavrnel aBriyıolojisi, Hayvan Biyolojisi APrkoaf.Ddre.,m Esikkiş Uehnirv Oasnmlanrg /az Gi Üönriveevrlseitresi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, 2013 - Devam Ediyor YDrodç..DDorç., .DEsrk., iEşeshkişre Ohsirm Oasnmgaazni gÜanziiv Üenrsiviteerssii, tFeesin, FEedne bEidyeabt iFyaakt üFlateksüil, tBesiyi,o Bloiyjio Bloöjliü Bmöülü, m20ü0, 71 9- 9290 1- 32007 SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler I. ETOcoKlAoTgLicI aCl., rUigsukr alusosgelsus Am., eKnÖtS oEf E t.,o Cxiicce km Ae.,t aAlR cSoLnAtNa mN.i, nDaAtYioIOnĞ iLnU a H s.,i EgMniİfRicOaĞnLtU m Öi.ning basin in Turkey II. AENssVeIRssOmNeMnEtN oTfA tLh EeA pRoTtHe nStCiIaElNlyC EtoSx, cicil te.8l0e,m sae.n1,t 2c0o2n1t a(SmCiIn İantdieokns lienr iwnea Gteirre on fD Şeerhgir)iban Stream (Black Sea RToekgaiotlin C, .T, Muruktleuy E). , bAyR SuLsAinNg N s.tatistical and ecological indicators III. DWiastterri bEuntviioronn omfe tnhte R Pesoenatroch-C, 2a0sp21ia (nS CSIp Eexcpieasn dPeodn İtnodgeakmslemrianreu Gsi rreonb Duesrtogii)des (Sars, 1894) (Amphipoda) in the Inland Waters of Turkey AcRtSaL ZAoNo lNo.g, iÇcam Buurlg-Ealriipceak, cBil.t, .7M2E, RsaC.A4N, s sD.5.25-530, 2020 (SCI Expanded İndekslerine Giren Dergi) IV. wA onrelwd' ss plaercgieess to sfo Ednac hLyatkrea e(Tuus r(kEenyc, hEyatsrta eAindaateo, lOial)igochaeta) from the profundal of Lake Van, the ZAOROSLTANXA N, .c, iTlti.m43m8 2T,. ,s Ra.o2j,o s sV.3., 6V7iz-c3a8i0n,o 2 A0.1, S8c (hSmCeI lİzn Rde. Mks.lerine Giren Dergi) V. tThhee PNoonnto-i-nCdaisgpeinaonu Csl iatnedll aPtoa nStpoe-Cciaessp iina nt hGea Lstarkoepoda Fauna of Lake Sapanca (Turkey), with Notes on ACRTSALA ZNO ONL., OAGkIkCaAn -BKUoLkGcuA RCI.,C MAE, sRsC.9A3N-9 D8.,, 2O0D1A7B (ASŞCII Dİn. dAe.kslerine Giren Dergi) VI. FSAirĞsItR R OeDcAoBrdA ŞoI fS .B, AraRnSLchAiNo bNd., eOlDlaA BkoAzŞaI rDo. vAi. Subchev, 1978 from European Part of Turkey VII. TAhCTeA u ZsOe OoLfO BGMICWA PB UaLnGdA ARISCPAT, ciinltd.6i8c,e ssa .f4o, rs se.5v9a7lu-5a9t8io, n20 o1f6 w (SaCteI rİn qduekasllietyri naec cGoirredni nDge rtgoi )macroinvertebrates iAnR KSLuAcNu kN M., SeAnLdUeRr eAs., KRaivlyeorn (cuT uHr.,k MeyE)RCAN D., Barisik B., ODABAŞI D. A. VIII. ABI ONLeOwG ISAp, eccilite.7s1 ,o sfa B.1i, tshsy.4n9i-a5 7(,G 2a0s1t6ro (pSCoId İan:d Bekitshleyrniniied Gaier)e nf rDoemrg ia)n Eutrophic Lake Uluabat (South MODaArmBAaŞrIa D R. Aeg. ,i oAnR)S,L NANo rNth.west of Turkey DTUerRgKi)ISH JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES, cilt.15, sa.2, ss.371-375, 2015 (SCI İndekslerine Giren IX. yTihldei rFiimrsit ( RGeacsotrrodp oofd Cah: aPertoosgoabsrtaenr clhimian)a ferio lmim Nnaoerit hBwaesrt 1 o8f2 T7u (rAkenynelida: Clitellata) on Pseudobithynia TSAUĞRIKRI SOHD JAOBUARŞNI ASL., OODFA FBISAHŞEI RDI. EAS. ,A ANRDS LAAQNU ANT.IC SCIENCES, cilt.15, sa.2, ss.367-369, 2015 (SCI İndekslerine Giren X. HDeragvi)y Metal Accumulations in Water, Sediment, and Some Cyprinid Species in Porsuk Stream (KTÖuSrEk Ee.,y Ç)İÇEK A., UYSAL K., TOKATLI C., EMİROĞLU Ö., ARSLAN N. XI. SWtaAtTiEstRi cEaNl VaIpRpOrNoMaEchNeTs R tEoS EeAvRalCuHa, tceil tt.h87e, asaq.u3,a stsic.1 9e5co-2s0y4s,t 2e0m1 5q u(SaCliIt İinedse okfs laer sinigen Giifriecna nDte mrgiin)ing area: Emet sTtOrKeAaTmL Ib Ca.s, ÇinİÇ (ETKu Ar.k, eEyM)İROĞLU Ö., ARSLAN N., KÖSE E., DAYIOĞLU H. XII. IEnNvVisIRibOlNeM FEaNceT AoLf EBAoRrToHn SPCoIEllNuCtiEoSn, ciinlt .7F1lu, svai.a5l, sEsc.2o1s8y5s-t2e1m9:7 T, 2h0e1 L4e (vSeClI iİnd tehkes lTerisinseu Gesir eonf DSerngtii)nel and NAresclatonn Nic. Organisms XIII. OAMligBoIOch, cailet.t4a2 (, sAan.6n, eslsi.d71a5) -o72f 3th, 2e0 p1r3o (fSuCnI dİnadl eokfs lLeariknee HGiarzeanr D (eTrguir)key), with description of Potamothrix aTlimatmus T h., aAzRaSrLiAcuNs N n., .R M., Martinsson S., Erseus C. XIV. EZOarOlTyA aXnAt, icoilxt.i3d7a1t6iv, esa d.2e, fsesn.1c4e4 -r1e5s6p, o2n0s1e3s ( iSnC It hİned eakqsuleartiince w Goirremn sD e(rLgiim)nodrilus sp.) in Porsuk Creek in EÖsZkTiEsTeİhKi rE .(, ÇTİuÇrEkKe Ay)., ARSLAN N. XV. ETOffXeIcCtO oLfO SGiYlv AeNrD o InN ADqUuSTaRtiIcA LE cHoEsAyLsTteHm, csil to.2f9 E, msae.6t, Ssst.r5e4a1m-5 5B4a, s2i0n1, 3T u(SrCkIe İyndekslerine Giren Dergi) PTAOKIASTTLAIN C .J,O AURRSNLALN ONF., ZÇOİÇOELKO AG.Y, K, cÖilSt.E4 5E,. ,s EaM.2İ, RssO.5Ğ2L1U- 5Ö2., 9D, A2Y0I1O3Ğ (LSUC IH İ.ndekslerine Giren Dergi) XVI. Twelve New Records (Clitellata, Chironomidae and Gastropoda) from Lake Golbasi (Hatay-Turkey) TAURRSLKAISNH N JO., UKRarNaA DL. ,O OFD FAIBSHAEŞIR DIE. SA A.ND AQUATIC SCIENCES, cilt.13, ss.869-873, 2013 (SCI İndekslerine Giren XVII. LDeargdi )Accumulations in Biotic and Abiotic Components of Emet Stream, Uluabat Lake Basin, Turkey PTAokKaIStlTl AC.N, K JoOsUeR EN.,A ÇLİ ÇOEFK Z AO.,O ELMOİGRYO, ĞciLltU.4 Ö4,. , sAaR.6S, LsAs.N15 N8.7, D-1A5Y9I2O, Ğ2L0U1 2H (.SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi) XVIII. AKosse sEs.,m UeYnSAt Lo fK B., Toorkoant lii nC .,W ÇİaÇtEeKr, AS.,e EdMimİReOnĞt LaUn Öd. ,F AiRshSL TAiNss of Porsuk Stream, Turkey XIX. APA gKeInSTeAraNl JrOeUvRieNwAL o Of Fp ZaOraOsLiOtiGcY A, cninlt.e4l4id, saa .(5H, sirs.u1d4i4n6e-1a4) 4r9e, c2o0r1d2e (dS CfrI oİnmd edkisflfeerrineen tG ihraenb iDtaetrsg ia)nd hosts in TAuRrSkLeAyN N., Oktener A. XX. PTUreRfKaIcSeH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, cilt.36, sa.1, ss.141-145, 2012 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi) TAURRSLKAISNH N JO., UWReNtzAeLl MOF. J Z.OOLOGY, cilt.36, sa.1, 2012 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi) XXI. FDaycntaomrsics of Oligochaeta Fauna in Sazlidere Stream (Edirne, Turkey) with Relation to Environmental ATaCsT AM .Z, OKOIRLGOIGZI TC.A, A BRUSLLGAANR NIC.A, cilt.63, sa.2, ss.179-185, 2011 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi) XXII. gFiibrsetl iRo e(cBolrodc ho,f 1 P7a8r2a)s iitnic L Aanknee Ulilduaa-bHaitr u(Tduinrekae y()Piscicola geometra Linnaeus, 1761) on Carassius KAARFSLKAANS UNN., IEVMEİRRSOITĞELSUI ÖV.ETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, cilt.17, sa.1, ss.131-133, 2011 (SCI İndekslerine Giren XXIII. Deivregir)sity and Structure of Chironomidae (Diptera) Limnofauna of Lake Uluabat, a Ramsar Site of TAuRrSkLeAyN, Nan., dA YtIhKe Öir., RSaehlaint iYo.n to Environmental Variables DTUerRgKi)ISH JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES, cilt.10, sa.3, ss.315-322, 2010 (SCI İndekslerine Giren XXIV. NAnatailoynsaisl oPfa rBke notfh Ticu rMkaecyroinvertebrates in Relation to Environmental Variables of Lake Gala, a TCUamRKuIrS-EHl iJpOeUkR BN.,A ALR OSLFA FNIS NH.E, KRIRESG IAZN TD., ÖATQEURALTEICR SBC.,I EGNÜCHEESR, cHil.t, .Ö10Z,K sAaN.2 ,N s.s.235-243, 2010 (SCI İndekslerine Giren XXV. BDoerrgoi)n Concentration in Water, Sediment and Different Organisms around Large Borate Deposits of TEmurirkoegylu Ö., ÇİÇEK A., ARSLAN N., Aksan S., Ruzgar M. İBnUdLeLkEslTeIrNin Oe FG EirNenV IDReOrNgMi)ENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY, cilt.84, sa.4, ss.427-431, 2010 (SCI XXVI. (AOclciugmocuhlaetitoan: Louf mhebarvicyi dmaet)als by earthworms in boron-contaminated area (Kirka-Eskisehir) ZAOROSLAONGY N I.N, Ç TİÇHEEK M AI.D, ADkLkEa nE ACS., TK, islisn.1c 1D1.,- 1A1ci5 E, 2.010 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi) XXVII. TMuertkael yContents in Water, Sediment, and Oligochaeta-Chironomidae of Lake Uluabat, a Ramsar Site of TAHRESLSCAINE NNT., IKFoICcW BO., RÇİLÇDEJKO UAR.NAL, cilt.10, ss.1269-1281, 2010 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi) XXVIII. MSEEANSDOENRAELS DCIRSETERKIB, UCATINOANK AKNALDE C, OTMURPKOESYITION OF BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATE COMMUNITIES IN Akbulut M., ÇELİK E. Ş. , ODABAŞI D. A. , Kaya H., SELVİ K., ARSLAN N., SAĞIR ODABAŞI S. XXIX. AFRpEpSliEcNaItUioSn E NoVf ImROuNltMivEaNriTaAteL BstUaLtLisEtTicINal, ctieltc.1h8n, isqsu.2e1s3 i6n-2 t1h4e5 a, 2s0se0s9s (mSCeIn İtn odef kssulerrfiancee G wiraente Dr eqrugia)lity in UFİlLuİaKb İaŞtÇ ELNak Ce.,, ETmuirrkoegylu Ö., İLHAN S., ARSLAN N., YILMAZ V., Ahiska S. XXX. AENqVuIaRtOicN OMlEigNoTcAhLa eMtOaN (IATnOnReINliGd aA)N oDf A BSaSlEiSkSdMamENi Tw, ceitltl.a1n4d4 , (sTs.u2r6k9e-2y7)6, ,w 2i0t0h8 d (eSsCcIr İinpdteioksnl eorfin tew Goir nene wD esrpgei)cies oAfr sPlahna Nllo., dTirmilmin aTe., Erseus C. XXXI. ZBoIOoLbOeGnItAh, ocislt .o6f2 ,l asak.e3 , Usslu.3a2b3a-3t,3 a4 , R2a0m07s a(SrC sI iİtned ienk sTleurrinke yG,i raennd D tehregiir) relationship with environmental vKaorkimabenle Ss., Arslan N., Filik C., YILMAZ V. XXXII. BCLeEnAthNi-cS OmILa cArIoRf WauAnTaE Rin, cTilut.3n5c,a s aR.3iv, essr. 2(6T6u-r2k7e4y, 2) 0a0n7d ( SthCeI iİrn dreeklsalteiroines hGiipresn w Diethrg ei)nvironmental variables ACaCmTAu rH-EYlDipReOkC BH.,I AMrIsClAan E NT .,H KYiDrgRizO TB.I, OOLteOrGleICr AB, .cilt.34, sa.4, ss.360-366, 2006 (SCI İndekslerine Giren Dergi) Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler I. SATSASETSISSTINICGA WL IANTDEIRC AQTUOARLSITY OF BOYALI DAM LAKE (SINOP, TURKEY) BY USING ECOLOGICAL AND AMCuTtlAu SEC.,I AENRSTLIAARNU NM., PTOLKOANTOLIR CU.M-FORMATIO CIRCUMIECTUS, cilt.20, sa.1, ss.77-85, 2021 (ESCI
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