Extensions of Remarks

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Extensions of Remarks 22986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 6, 1987 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS INTRODUCTION OF ALZHEI- counseling, education, and respite care-in- research breakthroughs relative to causes of MER'S "CARE" LEGISLATIVE eluding home health, day, and companion and treatment for Alzheimer's Disease and PACKAGE care; related disorders make it apparent that the Expands family support and service delivery research, treatment and management of these disorders have reached a point where HON. EDWARD R. ROYBAL research and demonstration projects; a coordinated effort, including the states, OF CALIFORNIA Expands Medicare and Medicaid research the federal government and private groups, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and demonstration projects on how to provide is warranted. better financial assistance to victims in the Responding to the overwhelming need to Thursday, August 6, 1987 form of community based and in home care, assist the victims of Alzheimer's disease and Mr. ROYBAL. Mr. Speaker, I, along with my alternative methods of health care delivery, related disorders, the CARE legislative esteemed colleagues, Mr. WAXMAN and Mr. and improved nursing home care; and package, developed in partnership with the STARK, are today introducing a major new Alz­ Expands training of health care profession­ Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorder heimer's legislative initiative, the CARE [Com­ als and paraprofessionals to improve the diag­ Association <ADRDA> and on behalf of its more than 120 Chapters nationwide, pro­ prehensive Alzheimer's Assistance, Research, nosis, treatment, and management of Alzhei­ poses the following initiatives: and Education Act] legislative package. mer's and related diseases. Provides $175 million to triple Alzheimer's As a major step toward overcoming the ter­ Alzheimer's disease and related disorders related biomedical research funding, includ­ rible tragedy faced by as many as 6 million are special diseases which deserve special ing funding for THA drug and genetic re­ victims of Alzheimer's disease and related dis­ handling. Even in these times of tight budgets, search. orders, I urgently call upon the American victims and their families and caregivers must Adds 5 new AD research centers and pro­ people to join me in a major new Alzheimer's be assured that they can count on the support vides full funding for all centers. initiative. Today I join with the Alzheimer's Dis­ of the entire Nation to combat the catastrophe Funds research on services to promote the ease and Related Disorders Association in of Alzheimer's disease and to help the nearly health and well-being of AD victims and their families by encouraging care in the pressing for a new Alzheimer's initiative-the 6 million Alzheimer's victims. home and reducing the stress on the fami­ CARE package, the Comprehensive Alzhei­ Finally, I want to extend my special appre­ lies. mer's Assistance, Research, and Education ciation to the Alzheimer's Disease and Relat­ Establishes a National Alzheimer's Educa­ Act. ed Disorders Association for its diligent and tion Program. Today, we also hail a potential step forward caring efforts on behalf of millions of Alzhei­ Creates state programs with education in the war against Alzheimer's and for the mil­ mer's disease victims and their families. I also and supportive services, including respite lions of Alzheimer's victims and their families. want to extend my deep appreciation to the care, for AD victims. Adds new funding of With the newly available National Institute on National Institute on Aging and the National up to $80 million/year. Modifies Medicare and Medicaid to better Aging research funds, which I and the Alzhei­ Institute on Mental Health for their dedication support AD victims and families. mer's Disease and Related Disorders Associa­ in leading the research war against this dread­ Funds Medicare and Medicaid research to tion helped shepherd through the Appropria­ ed disease. examine potential changes in eligibility, tions Committee, we will for the first time Mr. Speaker, I ask that a summary of the benefits and reimbursement. know whether or not the drug THA can benefit CARE bill be introduced into the RECORD. Increases training of health care providers millions of Alzheimer's victims. However, this SUMMARY OF H.R. 3130: COMPREHENSIVE ALz­ for AD victims and families. is at best a small first step. HEIMER'S ASSISTANCE, RESEARCH, AND EDU­ Modifies ADAMHA Block Grant to better No longer can we settle for tens of millions CATION AcT (CARE) support AD victims and families. of dollars for Alzheimer's research and sup­ PURPOSE PROVISIONS port when hundreds of millions of dollars are To provide improved care and assistance Biomedical research on Alzheimer's Disease needed to eliminate the ominous burden of for Alzheimer's and related disorders vic­ and related disorders and family support Alzheimer's from millions of Americans. With tims and their families. and service delivery research and demon­ as many as 6 million Alzheimer's victims at an SUMMARY stration projects annual economic cost of $48 billion and with Alzheimer's disease is one of a number of Requires that the Department of Health dramatic breakthroughs in genetic and drug degenerative neurological disorders that and Human Services develop a plan of AD research, we must move immediately to enact affect over 3 million middle age and elderly related research and implement it through a new and ambitious Alzheimer's initiative individuals. The symptoms of Alzheimer's the National Institutes of Health <including disease and these related disorders <AD> are the National Institute on Aging) and the such as the CARE legislative package. primarily psychological in nature. They in­ National Institute of Mental Health. The Comprehensive Alzheimer's Assist­ clude debilitating changes in personality, Expands NIH and NIMH biomedical re­ ance, Research, and Education Act, my CARE memory deterioration, disorientation, and search programs by funding basic research package of bills, will greatly expand Alzhei­ impaired impulse control and judgment. As related to AD at a combined level of $175 mer's research and demonstration projects the disease progresses, changes in intellectu­ million per year with increments for infla­ and will create new Alzheimer's supportive al functioning take place with even more tion. Of the total biomedical research fund­ services and education programs for victims severe changes. Victims may wander, devel­ ing, 80 percent goes to NIH, 10 percent goes and their families. This major Alzheimer's op erratic moods, become difficult to to NIMH, and 10 percent is to be distributed manage and become incontinent. The dis­ between NIH and NIMH according to prior­ CARE initiative, developed in close partner­ ease eventually renders its victims helpless. ities developed by the DHHS Secretary. ship with and strongly endorsed by the Alzhei­ Although Congress has directed much re­ Extends the current Centers program by mer's Disease and Related Disorders Associa­ search toward Alzheimer's Disease and re­ allowing for an increase in the number of tion, takes the following major steps: lated disorders, inadequate dissemination of Alzheimer's Centers to 15 and setting an ini­ Provides $175 million to triple Alzheimer's information to the medical community and tial funding level of $20 million per year related biomedical research funding, including the public has resulted in misdiagnosis and with increments for inflation. The Centers funding for THA drug and genetic research; lack of access to treatment management op­ are to be administered by the National In­ Adds five new federally financed Alzhei­ tions for many patients. In addition, the stitute on Aging in collaboration with nature of these disorders has left families NIMH, NINCDS and NIAID. Responsibil­ mer's Disease Research Centers; with an extreme psychological, physical and ities of the Centers include: Conducting re­ Adds $80 million to create new State Alz­ economic burden that warrants a systematic search into cause, prevention, diagnosis, heimer's programs with matching grants for di­ examination of models of care and reim­ treatment and management of AD; training agnosis, treatment, care management, legal bursement policies. Moreover, recent critical health care personnel; disseminating clinical e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. August 6, 1987 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22987 information; conducting community educa­ other policy changes that would improve ices and outreach for the elderly and for AD tion on AD; and coordinating with other the care of patients with AD. victims and their families. Centers and related public/private facilities. Disseminates information to victims, their Training of health professionals and Provides for coordination and dissemina­ families, health care providers, organiza­ research on manpower tion of research both within DHHS and to tions established for patients with AD and other relevant agencies. to the general public on services available to Increases training of health care profes­ Establishes research and demonstration AD victims as well as on rights of and sionals and paraprofessionals to improve programs to develop methods of service de­ sources of assistance for AD victims and the diagnosis, treatment and management livery that will promote the health and their
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