Sipping on a cup of matcha green tea is more than just soothing; drinking it regularly can actually reduce body and lower cholesterol levels. Plus, it helps your body repair more quickly after high-intensity workouts like burst training. Due to its growing popularity, matcha powder or tea is available in most grocery stores. You may even find it on the menu at your local coffee shop!


A boost in collagen may help increase your metabolism by adding lean muscle mass to your frame and helping with the conversion of essential nutrients. Collagen is a particularly great way to get more conditional amino acids such as arginine, glutamine, glycine and proline. One of glycine’s most important roles is helping form muscle tissue by converting glucose into energy that feeds muscle cells. Retaining muscle mass is crucial as you age, since it helps support posture, bone health and burns more calories than fat. You can incorporate more collagen in your by following the Keto Collagen meal plan in Keto Diet and by supplementing with collagen protein powder, which is available online and in your local or health store. GINGER 3 There’s evidence that warming spices such as cinnamon, pepper and ginger aid in oxidation, which is the process of burning fat for energy — obviously highly desirable when weight loss is the goal. These antioxidant- packed spices also might help decrease appetite and slow the growth of fat cells. In fact, a 2017 review looked at 27 articles and found that ginger may be able to aid in weight loss by increasing fat breakdown, blocking fat absorption and suppressing appetite. Another study published in the European Journal of also found that hot tea consumption was associated with a lower waist circumference and decreased body mass index. To take advantage of these benefits, simply add ginger to your hot tea and enjoy.


When carbs are drastically restricted while fasting or following the keto diet, insulin levels are lowered, and the body starts to burn fat and produce ketone bodies instead. Ketones can help improve energy output, physical performance and recovery (once keto flu symptoms subside).

Exogenous ketones are ketones produced outside of the body and consumed through recommended, scientifically designed keto nutritional supplements. Ingesting ketones in supplement form can provide you with an immediate supply of usable ketone bodies, increasing your ability to burn fat whether or not you are in a state of nutritional ketosis. You can find exogenous ketones in supplement form online or in your local vitamin store. CINNAMON 5 Cinnamon is gaining a reputation for being a fat-burning and valuable tool for weight loss. With its ability to balance blood levels and sweeten the taste of without any added sugar, it’s very helpful for curbing a sweet tooth.

In fact, a study published in the journal Metabolism demonstrates how cinnamaldehyde, a chemical compound found in cinnamon oil, may potentially help fat cells to burn energy. The study specifically shows how cinnamaldehyde activates thermogenic and metabolic responses in both animal and human fat cells, which can be beneficial to weight loss and obesity prevention. Add cinnamon powder or oil to fruit, tea, oats, baked goods or smoothies to help slow the rate at which glucose is released into the blood and provide a metabolism boost.

6 ASHWAGANDHA High levels of cortisol, a major stress hormone in the body, has been shown to promote weight gain. Thanks to its adaptogenic properties, ashwagandha helps fight stress by lowering cortisol levels. As a result, ashwagandha has proven to be an excellent herb for reducing stress, aiding weight loss, increasing energy and boosting metabolism. It’s even been shown to decrease fasting blood sugar levels, which means it shows promise for fighting diabetes as well. Ashwagandha is readily available in supplement form. LONG 7 PEPPER

Long pepper, also known as pippali, is commonly used to help detoxify the body and is known to contain antidiabetic properties. Moreover, by promoting digestions and aiding in liver cleansing, long pepper has been shown to boost metabolism, resulting in healthy weight management for those who are struggling with a sluggish metabolism. Long pepper contains notes of notes of nutmeg, cinnamon and cardamom, and can be used in place of traditional black pepper.


This spicy seasoning is good for more than just increasing the heat in your foods. Cayenne pepper increases your body’s ability to burn fat and swap it for energy, just what you want when trying to shed extra pounds. It also increases your body’s metabolism, helping you lose fat faster. You can sprinkle cayenne pepper on top of your favorite foods for an extra kick of fat-burning food power. 9 MCT OIL “MCTs,” or medium-chain triglycerides, are a form of saturated fatty acids and come with many health benefits, including cognitive function support and healthy weight management. As part of a healthy diet, MCTs can help increase satiety and even raise the metabolic rate at which the body functions, making them great for the keto dieter. MCT oil is typically obtained from coconut oil but contains pure MCTs that go straight the liver (making it quick to digest) and provide instant energy, whereas coconut oil takes longer to digest. You can find MCT oil at your local vitamin or health store.

10 PROBIOTICS Probiotics have long been known to aid digestion, but recent data has shown that probiotics also support healthy weight management and metabolism. For example, a 2005 study showed that people who consumed three- to six-ounce servings of probiotic-rich yogurt each day for 12 weeks nearly doubled the amount of fat lost versus others in the study. The group that consumed the probiotic yogurt lost 22 percent more weight and 61 percent more body fat than those who didn’t consume the yogurt. The study also found there were markedly reduced waist circumference measurements in those who consumed the probiotic-rich yogurt. To reap the full benefits of probiotics, eat a diet full of probiotic-rich foods and consider supplementing as well. GREEN COFFEE 11 BEAN

Green coffee bean first gained popularity when some studies found that it has the ability to help induce weight loss. While it’s certainly not a quick-fix way to reach a healthier weight, research suggests that chlorogenic acid is highly absorbable once consumed and helps the body burn glucose and stored body fat for energy. It may also reduce inflammation (a root cause of diabetes and other metabolic problems), slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream and help regulate the release of insulin, which brings glucose into the cells. You can find a pure extract of green coffee bean online or at your local health food store.


Bone broth is one of the best healing foods available. It truly has the potential to transform your health in tangible ways and give a boost to your metabolism. Thanks to the abundance of amino acids in bone broth, this superfood prevents muscle breakdown, increases metabolism and helps detoxify the body. While our ancestors ate bone broth regularly, it’s no longer as common in our daily diet. You can reap the benefits of this ancient elixir by making your own bone broth or by visiting your local vitamin store to get it in supplement form.